Wooden veils: Browse overview for parquet toning and massive board. Tree simulator: Color range and secrets of application from professionals How to repeat the color of the veil on different products

The buildings 17.06.2019
The buildings

Before talking about how to choose the problem correctly, you need to know at least such. So, the simulator is a tinting fluid by which the color of wood, plywood, furniture, chipboard, dvp, MDF is carried out. Sometimes instead of the word "Morilka" you can hear the folk name "Beyz". Morlogs are divided into the place of use on the internal and external. Internal used indoors, and outdoor - for facade work. A distinctive feature Outdoor Morilok is the presence of a special pigment that protects the composition of ultraviolet rays and, as a result, burnout. Other differences, actually not observed. website

In addition to the inner / outdoor classification, it is possible to highlight versions that differ in composition. Thus, the simulators can be alcohol, on solvents, water-fed, nitro, on a wax or oil basis. Some simulators are applied with a brush, and some - the paintopult. These are different compositions. The simulators can be prepared at the factory, or to be produced in the form of a powder, which after contact with water turns into a tinting fluid.

Before choosing a verse, it is necessary to determine what it will be to be tinted. If, for example, you are going to handle a dining table or a crib, then the composition should be safe, that is, it must contain a minimum amount of volatile compounds. It is best if they are in the composition will not be at all. Such verse includes wax, oil and water-fastened varieties. From above these products, you can apply a layer of varnish, regardless of its composition. Also, you can use wax or oil with the addition of wax. The conflict of the layers does not occur.

Alcoholic simulators can be produced in a finished or powdered form. But in this case there are its own characteristics. Alcohol medilion is convenient for processing doors and furniture, but for stairs and parquet it is better not to use them. If the hand throws, an imparted spot is formed on the product. And you will have to re-sash and re-apply. In general, when applied, make sure that no one bothers you. Apply the alcohol composition is better using the collapse (sprayer), which will help to guarantee a more or less acceptable result. We would recommend to acquire the ready-made composition. Powder medilion should be diluted exclusively by 96 percent alcohol. But it is not a fact that the alcohol you will get for these purposes will be exactly 96 percent. Therefore, exclude the risk, and purchase the finished alcohol veil.

But oil and wax versions can be used anywhere, and you can use absolutely any tool for their application. Such verses can cost more, but their convenience is indisputable. They are excellent for tint and restoration, not leaving signs additional work. Another important feature is absolute environmental Safety such compositions.

The rules of wood tinting with the help of a veil.

Natural color parquet Board Or the wooden floor itself is quite attractive. But sometimes there is a need or a simple desire to create a new color solution For floor, furniture or parquet. You can do this with the help of special color veil.

Application of the veil should be preceded by wood preparation. First, the tree should not contain coatings. Optimally use the similet on the new board. If the coating is still present, it is completely removed by grinding. Remember that even new board It will be necessary to pre-deploy the skin No. 180-230, which will help to open all the wood pores remaining open for half an hour. It is in these 30 minutes that you have to make basic work on the use of veil. If you are late, the pores will close, and the composition will not be able to penetrate the tree deep enough. Grinding is carried out along wooden fibers.

The simulator can be both finished and water-based. If you got a powder option, the color solution must be made in strict accordance with the instructions. For Morlok you need to mix hot water And the powder, additionally mix in two minutes and use the similet on the surface. Before applying the simulation, we make a wooden surface with water using a napkin or a sponge for it, after which we again spend grinding. Just then we take over the brush. By the way, it is better to take a brush with a Chinese bristle. Make sure that the pile does not climb out of it, otherwise the hairs will remain on the surface.

So, we apply a brush with a brush. The composition does not regret, we apply abundantly, along the fibers. The layer must get smooth. In the event of irregularities, stains can form. Fortunately, pre-treated wood wood will greatly facilitate your task in this direction. When the first layer of the simulation will dry (2-3 hours), it can be applied to the second layer, as a result of which a systematic mixing will occur. The second layer can be applied with a different color to achieve a unique effect.

Morid of these firms has a magnificent composition, including the smallest pigments. This ensures the absence of spots when tinting. The simulator will easily go into all the fibers and channels of wood, ensuring that there is actually a natural aesthetics that do not carry a gram of artificiality. The color shade will look extremely natural.

Tinting wood with the help of rustic bayes.

We want to tell you about Rustic Moring, which is designed to meet modern designer features Arrangement and processing of wooden floors. Morilka or Beyz applies if necessary to create rustic aesthetics of wooden floors when using the most common materials. Rustic aesthetics implies the selection of a natural wood structure, which looks particularly impressive when processing oak floors. Rustic Bez allows you to give your wooden floor with various colors.

Rustic medilion is sold already ready for use, so you can use it immediately after purchased. Grind the wooden floor to open in the wood all the pores for 30 minutes. Shake the contents of the jars, open it and apply a bay with a brush with a natural pile, making sure that he does not "climb." The veil will pass on all the wood channels and the peres of the floor board. Beyz is a product of the highest quality, as a result of what you get a great result. The composition will fall on the wood as soon as possible, not leaving the stains. In addition to the direct tinting of the tree with rustic mourn, it is necessary to produce finishing processing. Additional processing will help ease further care Behind the wooden floor.

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The tree will always be popular, because it is beautiful and ecologically pure Material. However, like all natural elements Decor, boards are afraid of moisture, and are a favorite habitat of insects, fungi, mold and other microorganisms. To increase the service life of things made from wood breeds Various protective equipment and antiseptics are used. Today we will talk about such a wonderful substance as a verse, with its help you can not only solve some problems associated with premature defeat wooden materialsBut also give your products an unusual and noble appearance.

A tree is a durable and durable material that is affected by adverse factors. ambient, so to protect products from it from possible damage need to be processed special means. On the construction market you can find great amount Various antiseptics, varnishes and other impregnations, changing the color and some properties of wood, the most popular and inexpensive goods are Morid. Some people think that simulators are used only to change the color of the subject, but this wonderful drug has other properties.

The properties of the veneer can vary depending on their composition. However, even if you make such a tint with your own hands, it will still have some protective properties.

Properties of Morilok:

  1. If you want to change not only the color of the tree, but also to highlight it with the texture, then the veil - just what you need. It does not paint completely drawing, like paint, but gives all the product a nice shade.
  2. Woodwood will protect furniture from insects and rotting, while retaining the texture and drawing of wood.
  3. Morilka is protective equipmentwhich increases the duration of the service of wooden items and costs several times cheaper varnishes and paints. In addition, due to its water consistency, it penetrates deeper into the wood structure.
  4. With the help of the veil, it can be done so that even inexpensive pine, painted with colored beyce, will look like a noble and strong oak and an exotic red tree.
  5. Morilka toning can clarify wood. This technique is particularly often used before painting. wooden products.
  6. The impregnation of the verse will strengthen the structure of the tree and give it a light moisture protection property.

Not all verses have the above qualities. To understand what kind of verse you need, you need to read its composition, and see what the instructions for use says. By the way, you can handle Beans not only one-piece wooden boards, but also chipboard, subjects from plywood or parquet and other wooden crafts.

Water-based wood veil and alcoholic bents

Morlogs on a water basis are the most eco-friendly baisses. They don't have a sharp unpleasant odor And easy to use.

Such a means can be sold as dry, or already previous mix. Such dyes are most popular due to the low price and the possibility of their use, both internal and external work.

The main characteristics of the aquatic vehicle:

  1. Morleeons on water-based colors are very diverse. With their help, you can create a very interesting overflowing effect.
  2. You can use water beans without fear of your health. Even at the highest temperatures, such funds do not allocate harmful evaporation.
  3. If you decide to the experiment, and you wonder: "What kind of vehicle to choose that it can be laundered?" - That Water Beyz is what you need. Such a toning agent can be easily washed with water, so it is impossible to paint the floor.
  4. Tinting a wooden surface with this means, makes it a more noticeable texture. Unfortunately, the product becomes more sensitive to moisture, so it will need to be lacquered.

Tinnate such impregnating the smallest species of trees is extremely undesirable because they can catch ugly stains. For such products it is better to use alcohol impregnations.

How much does the alcohol impregnation dry? Almost a few seconds! This property is simultaneously an advantage and disadvantage. Thanks to it, you can cover with alcoholic beyca with a sports rifle, and to use it in a few minutes, but you can only starve the paintopult, otherwise the surface of the product will cover with unpleasant divorces and stains, even lacquer will not help correct the situation. Alcohol impregnation of alcohol and dyes.

Told treatment with such impregnation will make it more resistant to ultraviolet and high humidity. However, due to the unpleasant smell of such a means, working with it is possible only in the open space.

Benefits of simulators on oil base and wax and acrylic beans

Morid on an oil base has a large range of colors and shades. It costs more than aquatic beans, but also useful properties She has more. Such a drug can be used not only to change the color of the product, but also to underline its texture.

Processing wood with an oil-based material is easily and convenient, it is applied with a thin layer and does not raise the fibers of the product. Also, such a toning does not fade under the influence sun ray, gives a sustainability tree to temperature drops and protects it from moisture. You can remove the spots of the oil baker using a solvent White Spirita, it can also be a little brightened with a painted tree. It differs from similar in the properties of the compositions in that it does not need varnish for its fixing. For disadvantages of petrolers, oil belongs: long drying of tinting and its toxicity.

It is very important to find the versa of the responsible and conscientious manufacturer. Sudi, according to reviews, the most popular firms are Vartan, Latent, Novbythim and Herlack.

Acrylic and wax vertices are very simple in applying, they fall into a homogeneous layer and do not leave spots and divorces. However, due to fast drying Such beans, work with them very quickly.

Wax vehicle is used to protect the tree from moisture. It can handle parquet. Such Bez is unstable to mechanical damage, so to extend its service life, it is better to use varnish.

Acrylic, it is a rustic, the stool perfectly emphasizes the texture of the tree. With it, you can get a variety of shades, so this drug is so popular. The tree scratched with such Bez will still need to operate with several layers of varnish.

Colors of Morilok for Tree

Tree morons differ not only in composition, they are different colors And shades. The dark mixture is most often used, it gives products a more noble view. With the help of such verses, ordinary larch and maple can turn into an oak board.

Modern Beans can give the tree the most unusual shade. However, to this day, the most popular is the gamma of natural woody colors.

The most popular color gamut veils:

  • Pine;
  • Birch;
  • Bleached nut;
  • Plum; the Red tree;
  • Olive;
  • Rosewood;

There are a lot of such examples. It is noteworthy that the names of one shade in different firms can be very different. Choosing the color of Baits, first of all, pay attention not to the color palette, which is printed on the package, and samples applied to birch boilers.

It is also important to take into account that the intensity of the color of the veil depends on the tree of the tree to which it is applied. Give a dark shade of the product if the wood from which it is made light, it will be more difficult than to darken an oak object. The non-aqueous veil will not be able to cry enough pine boardIf it is not previously desalted, but the beans on a water basis are generally unsuitable for resinous tree species.

White Morishing for Tree

To give furniture white color, it is not necessary to paint it. For such a work, the clarifying veil is suitable, which will not only make the product lighter, but also emphasize its structure.

The wood simer is designed not only to give the product a lighter shade, but also to protect it from unfavorable conditions surrounding world. It is very important to take into account, considering different types of such a fund as what you will apply it. If there is a risk that moisture will be shedding on the surface of the elevated item, then it is best to use wax, oil and acrylic drugs, but if your handicraft is in a dry and ventilated place, the aqueous baker will fit.

With the help of white vehicle, it is possible to achieve a very interesting effect and make a compiled coating. It is first needed to paint the mourn white color On a water basis, after it dries, the item must be treated with a rigid brush. In the resulting pores on wood, the wax or oil bayes of dark color is rubbed.

Using a water mill, do not forget about protective layer. The scratched product needs to be treated with wax or oil.

Bright beans do not always have a bright expressed color. There is a colorless veil, which is applied solely to protect the tree from unfavorable natural factors.

How to make a sample with your own hands

It is not necessary to buy a ready-made veil. Mixing dyes, such as coffee, a few drops of iodine or chips of black cortex, and some chemical elements, it can be done at home. The homemade veil is not only effective, it is also natural.

  1. In the glasses of water, tapping a glass of larch bark. It is possible to cover products from birch to the resulting means, it will give them a beautiful reddish tint.
  2. Split dried shell walnut To powder and negotiate for ten minutes. The resulting decoction must be mixed with soda. Cover with a solution with light wood, and it will acquire a brown shade. If you want to change the color of the product, you can handle it with vinegar or potassium bichromate. In the first case, the shade will be gray, and in the second red.
  3. Custard tea or coffee can be treated with different shades. The intensity of colors depends on the fortress of welding.
  4. Magnantic solution you paint the product into a cherry color.
  5. Red shade can be achieved by showing for several days rusty nails in vinegar. The black simulator is obtained by adding oak leaves or walnut to acetic solution.

Self-simulators do quite often. They are turned on eco-friendly and harmless. Unfortunately, they all have a property to fade, so to save the color of the product, on top of the beats you need to apply a layer of varnish.

Tinting of the wood by Morilka: Step-by-step instructions

In order for the product to look neat and beautiful, it is necessary to cover it with a mourn. With poorly applying Baitsa, he can faded after a few weeks, also, without observing the technology of the sea, you risk getting the surface covered with divorces.

How to properly cover the vessels:

  1. First of all, you need to remove the layer from the surface old paint.. You can do this using sandpaper.
  2. Next, the surface is dengulated with alcohol, White with spirit or gasoline. If the product is made of resinous trees, it is despicable.
  3. The veil is heated and applied with a thin layer on the surface of the product. The top of the subject is processed first. The layers are applied from above, one to another until the desired shade is reached.

After the simulator dries, the product must be covered with several layers of varnish. Before applying a new layer, dried varnish is treated with fine-grained sandpaper.

Tree simulator (video)

Morilka is great wayTo replace one color of the tree to another. Such means are of different species, they can have different compositions and colors. Use the simplifier correctly, and your award will be a beautiful product.

If your understanding of a tree for wood is nothing like a kind of paint, then you are very and very mistaken and you should be more deeply and specifically familiar with this substance and ways to finish with it. As if, this substance gives the second life of the slobbish furniture and non-sustainable doors and window sills. Having a can of the jar of the veil, you can change the old interior to be unrecognizable, without mandatory for this replacement of windows and doors.

The wood storm, in contrast to the same paint, does not form an opaque layer on the surface, and penetrates the wood, impregnates it, giving the desired shade (from a light walnut to a dark "mahogany"). With a visual assessment of wood treated with a verse, it seems that there was no frilling process and in risen that it is natural, from nature, color.

Moreover, some types of vehicles possess the property to lift the fibers, outlining the structure of the tree.

Morons: Group distribution

Beans (the second name of the substance) are divided into two types: for internal and external work and are distributed in groups, according to their chemical composition.

Water - the most common impregnations for wood, made on a water basis and capable of painting wood in any color. Shades are used exclusively wood, therefore, under "any" color, light and dark brown are meant. A significant disadvantage is that the aqueous wood simulator is facilitated by the lifting of the fibers and exposes them to moisture. To limit the access of wet air or water inside the treated wood, do this: the surface of the wooden product moisten with water, stand for some time, skill and only after these manipulations cover Baitz.

Aliline dyes dissolved in denaturated in denatura. Manufacturers produce such a type of vehicle ready for use or powder. The main drawback is too fast drying. On the one hand, it is also difficult to call it a disadvantage, when after an hour and a half after treatment, it is already possible to touch the surface, but, on the other, the "lightning" drying provokes the appearance on the surface of spots, similar to splashes or dirt.

Oil is the most convenient in work, since you can apply them by any tool, from the brush to the sprayer, they smoothly fall, do not raise the wood fibers and the color spectrum of this type of vertices is richer and rich in the rest.

Acrylic and wax are new developments of toning material, manufactured taking into account all the shortcomings of previous generations of Beans. The newest wood veils give a wooden surface any color and do not force it to change the structure under its effect, and also serve its reliable protection. Try to drop a little water to the processed item: the veil will push it so powerfully that the liquid will split mini-droplets, but neither one of them will not be able to leak.

Another characteristic feature of a new type of verse - they give a tree any shade, including uncharacteristic and exotic, emphasizing the structure of the material (that is, the tree). Try to imagine your updated kitchen cabinet of transparent blue color with typical wood "pattern". Original, right?

The only thing that can not like the economy an an analogue of Baits on a water basis is its price. If the water veil can be bought for 50 rubles, then for the acrylic, please post all 300. Of course, the time of drying, and the quality of processing the first does not go to any comparison with new developments, but this is only your choice - or cheap, or convenient.

How to slander wood

Beautiful door, wardrobe, the floor depend on the quality of not only the tree, but also the simulators, which it is processed. It is very noticeable to the eye, what type of impregnating fluid was used: a saturated deep pleasant color, evenness of the smear is all signs and good material, and the professionalism of the master.

Morons for wood, wood colors of any type or other shades give an excellent effect only if they are properly applied. So that the locker looked not only decently, but also stylishly, it is necessary to study several simple woodworking nuances.

  1. When processing material from coniferous rocks, the tree must be predetermined, otherwise there will be no sense from the bore - the resin will not let the tinting fluid inside the wood.
  2. Apply a dye along wood fibers, because with longitudinal and cross penetration, the processing result is completely different.
  3. Tools for applying versions are used, based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe material being processed: small objects of furniture or doors are sealed with brushes, foamwalls, tissue tampons, if the processing area is extensive, it is advisable to use sprayers.
  4. Dissolve the powdered aqueous medulon only in soft water (distilled or boiled with the addition of soda).
  5. Before processing, the wooden surface should be deguted, clean from dust and dirt.
  6. It is necessary to work very accurately: the color of the tree color can give implications, from which it is very difficult to get rid of and which can significantly pour the appearance of the painted subject.
  7. The main secret of the verse: if it is heated before use, it will penetrate deeper into the structure of the tree, and will provide more reliable protection.
  8. The simulators can be added to varnishes and primers, the protective effect of the substance will be activated in the same way as with a direct application to the surface.

Colored simulators as a means of changing design

Not so long ago, aged wooden things were entered: grandmother's chests, kitchen cabinets, made back in the 60s of the last century, "Dopovetured" chairs and stools.

Morilki or Beans are called tinting compositions that are used to finish wood to give it a more expressive shade. Binding into the structure of the tree, the liquid cries the surface layer, while maintaining the natural texture and surface relief.

Morilka processing allows simply without extra cost Predit inexpressive wood species a more noble appearance. The ability to experiment with shades reveals ample opportunities when finishing projects.

The composition of Morilok does not affect the main characteristics of the material. A film, resistance to rotting, hardness and strength of wood remain unchanged (in the absence of special components) on the surface. The techniques of the application of Beans learn is completely simple.

Water, alcohol, oil and other substances can serve as the basis for the veneer. Each type of finishing composition has its own characteristics, knowing which is easy to choose the optimal type of finishes for a particular project.

Water veil and its specificity

The aqueous veil is available in the form of a liquid, ready for use, and in the form of a powder, which is independently divorced to the desired concentration. Baitsa on a water base are characterized by good adhesion, naturally emphasize wood texture and have a wide range of shades: from light tones Deep dark red flowers. The absence of toxic smells makes such compositions are indispensable when performing internal works.

When processing wood of resulant rocks, the aqueous veil can go spots due to uneven absorption into the material structure. In this case, the surface of the product is recommended to subjected to the reference procedure.

Another disadvantage when working with water beans is the problem of a raised pile. To eliminate this defect, the prepared surface is wetted with water and give it to dry. Then the product is opened with fine-grained paper and is opened with a finishing composition.

After the wood treatment with aqueous vehicle on its complete drying takes 12-14 hours.

In which cases are appropriate alcohol morons?

Alcohol vertices are a category of finishing compositions based on aniline dyes divorced in alcohol. Like aqueous beans, such a product is offered in powder and liquid form. A distinctive feature of the finish is the accelerated penetration of coloring pigments in the structure of wood and rapid drying.

The optimal method of applying alcohol verses is the use of collapse. The use of brush, roller and tampons when working with such compositions is inefficient, due to rapid drying. The use of manual methods is often ends with divorces, uneven tone, stains and other defects.

Such formulations are optimal when finishing surfaces large squares. Close on the characteristics to them are nitromorili - bass based on solvents.

Drying of the veil on alcohol basis happens in 20-30 minutes.

Oil morons and their features

The finishing composition is dyes dissolved in oil, as a rule, flax. The veil is easily and evenly applied to the wood, and, both manual methods and a paintopult. It does not form surface films, emphasizes the texture of the tree and provides air exchange.

A distinctive feature of the coloring pigments of such compositions is their stability before UV radiation, due to which the painted surfaces do not fade into the sun, keeping color saturation for years. For breeding oil compositions Used White Spirit

How much such a veil dries, depends on the degree of its concentration and a number of other factors. On average, it leaves 2 to 4 hours.

Wax and acrylic compositions

For all major characteristics, such vehicles are similar to oil counterparts. A distinctive feature of wax and acrylic beans are their moisture protection properties. The finish protects the surface of the tree from water well, but it is vulnerable to mechanical damage.

Wax and acrylic compositions are easily applied by manual methods, hold the same tone, do not leave divorces. They do not raise the pile and well emphasize the natural texture of the tree. This type of finishing is actively used when furniture restoration. Baitsa this type Offered in broad color palette.

How much such a veil dries, also depends on the complex of factors. On average, the process of complete drying of wax and acrylic veneers occupies 4-5 hours.

What tools are used to apply the veil?

Wooding of a tree at home can be made with a brush, foam or tissue tampon, painting roller, as well as paintopult. The choice of technology is determined primarily by the type of finishing composition.

The optimal ratio of materials and tools used:

  • alcohol and nitromorili - the paintopult;
  • aqueous veil - tampons, roller, brushes with synthetic bristles;
  • oil and acrylic veneers - wide brushes With genuine bristles, lounge tampons.

How to paint a verse tree: Methods for applying a finishing composition

There are two generally accepted method for processing wood by verse:

  1. Application with excess and subsequent removal of excess tampon.

Technique is relevant primarily for water composition. It allows you to align the color transitions, eliminate the flow and reach the lightest tones. The simulation is applied circular (tampon) or longitudinal (roller, brush) by movement, followed by wiping along the fibers. After drying the first layer - the second is applied. The procedure is repeated until the desired color saturation is achieved.

  1. Application with excess without subsequent wiping of surplus.

This technique is more appropriate when using wax, oil and acrylic veneers, when the task is to achieve deep shades of wood. Partial wiping of surplus is allowed, after the main part of the composition is absorbed into the structure of the tree. This allows you to align the tone and get rid of minor defects that may occur when applied.

  • to enhance the adhesion, the veil can be heated a bit, it will improve the speed and depth of the composition of the composition into the structure of the wood;
  • it is not recommended to soap the brush, tampon or roller in finishing part. The monkey controlled fence minimizes the risk of the formation of ilk and klex.
  • the ends of the boards are treated with a veneer more intense than the main surface, because They actively absorb composition.

How to prepare a surface for finishing?

Speaking about the advantages of the veil, we should not forget that it emphasizes not only the expressiveness of the texture of the tree, but also all defects on its surface. Therefore, the proper preparation of the product is paying special attention.

  1. The wooden surface is ecrawn medium and fine-grained paper. Old coating, if there is any, completely removed.
  2. The surface purified and aligned surface is dengulated with a sponge dipped in White-Spirit.
  3. Coniferous breeds are subjected to the desired procedure, for this they are treated with a special composition.
  4. When working with aqueous beans on a wooden surface, the raised pile is preliminarily eliminated (see paragraph 2).
  5. On the prepared surface make a color sample. Trial shore will allow you to understand how the composition interacts with a specific breed of wood and how many of its layers will need to be applied to achieve the desired color.

Compliance with this algorithm will help achieve a professional result when driving wood at home.

How to solve the problem of spotting?

The uneven tone of the finish when the veil is more stronger in one places, and in others weaker is a common problem that is associated with the features of some species of Tree. Spottedness may occur when processing resulant wood, as well as breeds with uneven density or plywood. In the first case, it is recommended to exonerate the surface, in the second - to pre-process the tree with special air conditioners, which will close the pores and ensure uniform absorption of the veil.

Painting of wooden products Morilka and varnish

To enhance the wear resistance and attractiveness of the surface of wooden products, painted by the veil, they are additionally opened with varnish. At this stage, many are faced with a problem when, when you apply a varnish lacquer, it starts to go blurry, which as a result is unrelated spoils the entire work done.

At the stage finish finish important to remember:

  • water veneers should be combined with non-aqueous varnishes;
  • alcohol verses - with unpirted paints.

The wood simulator is a unique composition for wood processing. Many mistakenly believe that with the help of the veil, you can give the material. But in fact, a woodwork on a tree, which is impressive with its diversity, allows you to complement any interior saturation and unique external species.

Characteristics of the composition

With the help of modern veneers, you can easily imitate the rocks of various wood. In the construction market, a variety of shades are presented to the selection. But not only in the creation of a perfect appearance, a verse is used. The tool is an indispensable antiseptic, due to which the product is from natural tree Saved much longer. The composition reliably protects against rotting, microorganisms, fungi and insects.

Morons exist different types:

  • Water. It enjoys great demand due to its composition. In a specialized store you can purchase finished solution Or the powder that when working is simply mixed with water. The color palette of the aqueous veil is impressive variety. It can easily be chosen by individual desires in accordance with the interior. The advantages of material for the processing of wooden surfaces are environmental purity and safety for people, the environment, simplicity of application, efficiency in consumption, acceptable cost and many shades.

The disadvantages of this type of composition are the interaction with the structure of the tree, due to which the path to penetrate moisture, and a long period Drying. Eliminate this unnecessary phenomenon is obtained if you treat the surface with a special varnish. Water vehicle art can be used on.

  • Alcoholwhich is applied using the paintopults. When working, the brush is almost impossible to achieve even application - this is its chief flaw. Moreover, alcohol Morilka not manufactured in a variety color gamma And when applied quickly dries.
  • Oil. This is the material that is produced in a different color palette. In an oil basis, almost any pigment can be dissolved. It does not affect the wood, simply applied and smoothly falls, quickly dries.
  • Wax acrylic which can be bought in any color. The composition evenly falls on the wooden surface, is a first-class protector of the material, perfectly highlights the structure of the tree. Such a veil apply if there is a need.

But it is worth remembering that any kind of composition is neither used after execution staining procedures It is necessary to handle a special varnish. It will help to give the work of the finished look, will become a reliable fixer of the substance and will allow him for many years to please their impeccable appearance. With the help of a unique composition, you can create a natural pattern, emphasize the advantages of wood.

Color selection rules

Most. best way Color definitions is naturally applying a simulator on a small plate. The fact is that on different wood The composition is manifested in its own way.

If there is no such possibility, then when choosing, experts are recommended to be guided:

  • tone name. It is worth remembering that the manufacturer must indicate the color in accordance with the international classification, but nevertheless on different wood the tone will have different species, saturation and depth;
  • type of woodwhich will be prepared by processing. Natural material after staining can acquire completely new shades, absorb the composition - it is worth remembered;
  • quality composition. The same simulators of different manufacturers can look like natural material. Therefore, it is not necessary to give preference to dubious companies offering a low cost of a substance;
  • makeup density. With a small density of the composition, the veil is very absorbed into the tree, especially soft rocks. As a result of processing it is impossible to get.

It is worth remembering that even with one tone of the simulation of different manufacturers may have completely different shades. If large scales are planned, professionals are recommended to acquire the compositions from one manufacturer. Morida on a tree, the price of which is acceptable, allows you to create the most refined design. In addition, this is a classic, which is beyond the time. And even after many years painted wooden surface It will have a beautiful and, most importantly, an actual look.

Methods for applying verses

Material of any tone can be applied using a brush, tampon or collapse. The method of applying the coloring composition depends on:

  • the values \u200b\u200bof the area that must be processed. In the event that a small surface is needed, you can safely use a tampon. For large areas, it is recommended to use the spray or brushes;
  • varieties of morilli. For example, alcohol mixtures are applied only with a sprayer. Other types of substances can be applied depending on the area.

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