Choose the color of the metal tile. Metal tile color chart Metal tile roof color scheme

garden equipment 26.06.2020
garden equipment

The choice of roofing material is one of the most important tasks facing the owners of country houses. After all, a properly selected profile will provide not only an attractive appearance, but also the strength of the roof of the structure. These parameters are fully consistent with such a coating as a metal tile.

The metal tile represents galvanized steel sheets which outwardly imitate a natural ceramic tile. This building material is one of the most popular on the market today, thanks to a wide range of prices, easy installation, a variety of shapes and colors.

Coating type: effects

Since the range of coatings is quite wide, then (for a better understanding of the nuances) they are divided into three categories:

  • economy coverage;
  • mid-level coverage;
  • luxury coverage.

The most common economy class coating is polyester. The thickness of such material is 25 microns. It has both a matte and smooth surface, resistant to corrosion and UV rays, the warranty period is from 1 to 10 years.

Polyurethane can be attributed to mid-level coatings.

Tiles with such a coating are produced by one of the most famous manufacturers:

  • "Armacor";
  • "Granite";
  • "Prism".

All of them have similar characteristics, differ only in the exporting country. The price range of such coatings is slightly higher than the economy class, but it has a better quality, a longer warranty (about 20-40 years). Roofs of houses with such a polymer are very resistant to severe climatic changes.

Produced by well-known metallurgical plants, such as:

  • Colorcoat (English development Prisma, supplier - MetallProfil);
  • Arcelor (Belgian coating Granite HDX, supplier - Grand Line);
  • Finnish manufacturer Pelti ja Rauta (Prelaq Nova coating, supplier - Mir Roof).

Plastisol is the thickest coating - 200 microns. Therefore, such material is the most resistant to external conditions. The composition of the polymer includes plasticizers and polyvinyl chloride. It has an interesting texture resembling leather. Well suited for areas with high levels of environmental pollution.

LDPE has a matte and glossy surface that can imitate metallic. It is more often used for finishing the facade than roofing. In the manufacture of such a coating, steel of the best quality with a high zinc content is used. It is very resistant to color fading and perfectly withstands any mechanical stress. It has hydrophobic properties, which helps it not absorb dirt, but the material remains plastic.

Materials for the manufacture of metal tiles

For the correct selection of tiles, it is important to familiarize yourself with the features of its manufacture. A number of base materials are used in standard productions.

  • Steel. Galvanized steel is most often used as the basis of metal tiles. As a rule, its thickness varies from 0.45 to 0.55 mm. To protect the metal from corrosion, it is additionally coated with zinc (about 200 grams per square meter). An aluzinc layer is also applied, which is considered more durable, but it is also more expensive in cost.
  • Aluminum. The advantages of this material are its lightness and resistance to corrosion, so it does not require an additional protective layer. The main disadvantages of the material are the scarcity of shades and the high price.
  • Copper sheet. An old-fashioned, very expensive and refined material that is used in the construction of architectural monuments and ancient houses. High-strength and durable, does not require additional protective coating.

Types of metal tile profiles

The modern building materials market offers the consumer a large selection of roofing products, they have an interesting design and excellent quality.

  • Monterrey. The classic type of metal tile, which is widely used in Russia. The country of origin is Finland. Monterrey has a rounded shape with symmetrical or asymmetrical edges. He gained his popularity due to the fact that the surface of the sheet has an incredible resemblance to natural tiles. Such a metal tile is very resistant to any weather conditions, easy to install, unpretentious in maintenance, durable, and toxic materials are not used in its manufacture.
  • Cascade. Due to its angular and rectangular profile, such a metal tile resembles a chocolate bar. It is good to use it not only when installing simple, but also when installing complex roof shapes. The roof of this type has strictly geometric proportions, which makes it neat and proportional. Also, the undoubted advantages include a decent price, a large color palette, high protection against moisture and high accuracy of joining sheets.
  • Andalusia. One of the newest types of metal tile, which is rapidly gaining popularity. For the production of this product, modern European equipment is used. This coating is fixed in a hidden way, thanks to special locks under the roofing sheet. This ensures a high tightness of the roof. The Andalusia tile has a long service life, is diverse in color and has a simple sheet fastening system, so even a non-professional can handle its installation and fastening.
  • Joker. Such a metal tile has a rounded ridge and sole part. It differs from the "Monterrey" tile in that it has six, not seven waves.
  • Banga. This type of roofing began to be produced quite recently, but has already managed to win the love of the consumer, thanks to its original geometric shape. This property gives the surface a three-dimensional visual effect. It is best to use this coating on tall buildings. Due to the small width of the sheet, difficulties may arise during installation work.
  • Shanghai. This type of coating comes from China, from there it has its name. This profile has existed for a long time, but in Russia it appeared only a couple of years ago. Such a metal profile has a symmetrical appearance. It should be noted that the equipment with which the Shanghai metal tile is made can be used for the production of corrugated board. This tile has a very refined appearance, easy to install and very durable.

Design visualization

In order for the house to look stylish, you need not only to use high-quality metal profiles from the best materials. It is also important to choose the right color scheme.

Tables: features

To select the desired shade, it is best to use a specially designed RAL color system. This complex designates each color with an unambiguous digital index and has several series: RAL Classic, RAL Design and RAL Effect.

  • RAL classic- the traditional color scheme, which consists of 213 colors, some of them have a metallic tint. The entire palette is described using four-digit codes. The first number indicates the color, and the remaining three indicate the shades.

  • RAL design- this grid has 1625 shades and seven-digit numbering. The first three codes are indicated by the letter H - hue, the next 2 are marked by the letter L - brightness and the last 2 characters are indicated by the letter C - saturation. This system helps in creating harmonious color combinations.
  • RAL effect- a modern collection of flowers, which appeared recently. Consists of 420 matte shades for waterborne paints and 70 glossy shades for metallic paints. Like RAL Classic, it has a four-digit designation, but with the addition of the letters X for matt colors and M for glossy colors.

Such a system greatly simplifies the task of choosing the right color elements, and also helps to find unusual combinations: from simple chocolate brown to extravagant mother-of-pearl.

Catalogue: color possibilities

World psychologists have long proven that color has a very strong influence on our subconscious and the psyche as a whole.

The right tone of the home will have a beneficial effect on emotions.

  • Blue, ultramarine, cobalt- the colors of inner harmony and wisdom. This coloring promotes relaxation. It is preferred by purposeful and selfless people. It looks especially good at night.
  • Cherry, red wine- luxurious shades that were loved by persons of "blue" blood. They convey the temperament, authority and strength of the owners. These colors are believed to develop self-confidence.
  • Red-brown and terracotta- the most common shades of roofs, as they are very reminiscent of natural tiles. These colors are ideally combined with beige, sand or pale yellow tones. These colors symbolize stability and prosperity, and also arouse interest in communication and action.
  • Green, emerald- multifaceted natural shades. These colors are associated with freshness, calmness and balance. The green palette relaxes emotionally and physically, calms the nervous system and brings harmony. People who prefer green are sociable and friendly, have a calm character.
  • Grey, graphite- colors symbolizing restraint, justice. The gray shade stimulates the work of the intellect and is versatile because of its ability to harmonize with almost any other shades.

To date, the most popular shades among consumers are chocolate (RAL 8017), red-brown (RAL 3009, RAL 3005) and dark green (RAL 6005).

In order to avoid unpleasant situations with color selection, experts recommend remembering a few rules:

  • too light tiles are prone to severe pollution and do not blend well with the dark walls of the house;
  • the dark coating quickly heats up in the sun, and spots may form on its surface;
  • bright colors quickly fade in the sun, losing saturation.

Roof Color Visualizer

To simplify the selection of colors, manufacturers have created a special application with which the buyer can transfer the color he likes to the layout. It was created by RAL specialists, the name of the program is iColors.

In the application, you choose the type of roof profile, color and shade, as well as the option of painting in a glossy or matte resolution. This helps to correctly imagine how the roof of the building will look like and immediately decide whether you like this option or not.

Methods for painting metal tiles

It is impossible not to consider situations in which skills in painting the roof may be needed. Such skills will come in handy if, as a result of transportation, the decorative layer of the building material was damaged or there were signs of corrosion on it. In order for the surface to regain its ideal appearance, you should use special tools and paints that will quietly eliminate these annoying flaws.

Tools and paints for coloring

In order to paint the house with your own hands without the help of specialists, you need to purchase a special set of equipment: rollers, brushes, spray gun, paint. Paints for such material are of different types.

  • Repair. Suitable for repairing small chips and cracks that have formed as a result of careless transportation and installation. You can buy such paint from any metal tile supplier. Usually sold in packs of 100 g and 1000 g.

  • Acrylic. They are used to restore a faded color that has lost its original brightness or to eliminate stains.
  • Restoration. Eliminate minor damage to the outer layer of tiles and are conveniently packaged in the form of pencil tubes.


The roof covering of the building should give it an attractive appearance, even after a long time has passed after installation. Metal tile is one of the popular types of roofing materials, so it is presented on the construction market in a large assortment. These products are produced by both foreign and domestic companies. After the roofing project has been developed, it is necessary to purchase building materials, among them is a metal tile - the colors of which are striking in their diversity (see photo). Which to choose ? It turns out that the choice of color solution depends on many factors and they must be taken into account.

The choice of metal tiles

When a metal tile is bought, color matching is one of the important parameters, among which there are also:

  • steel thickness - should be at least 0.6 mm;
  • zinc content (in percent);
  • manufacturer's warranty;
  • type of coverage;
  • profile.

Features of metal tiles

Such roofing material as a metal tile is distinguished:

  • according to the wave pattern;
  • by profile depth;
  • by the step of the wave;
  • by quality;
  • according to aesthetic characteristics.

As for quality, it largely depends on:

Aesthetic perception of metal roofing

The parameters of aesthetic perception are determined by:

  • the profile of the geometry of the sheet of roofing products, the height of its wave;
  • what colors the metal tile has, meaning the wealth of choice;
  • coating surface, which can be matte, glossy, textured, metallic, imitation of natural tiles.

Due to the fact that the choice of roofing products is huge, the buyer always has the opportunity to choose what he likes. For those who have decided that they need metal tiles - the color scheme of the material on the market will help to realize their plans. Thanks to the richness of tones and shades, many buildings look much more harmonious than a decade ago, when the roofs were mostly gray and featureless. For this reason, architects and designers often opt for metal roofing.


Without exception, all metal tile manufacturers provide a guarantee for their products, but its period may vary. The longest warranty (up to 15 years or more) has a roofing material with a polymer coating, which is based on polyurethane (pural) and plastisol. Metal tiles with polyester coating are guaranteed for no more than 10 years.

When buying this roofing material, consumers should be aware that, according to ISO certificates, the requirements for manufactured products are much higher than those prescribed in Russian GOSTs. For example, domestic standards relatively allow deviations in steel thickness up to 0.05 millimeters, and international standards - 0.01 millimeters.

This means that a metal tile made on the territory of the country can have a thickness of 0.65 mm at one end of the sheet, and 0.55 mm at the other. The danger of the difference lies in the fact that the roofing sheet may warp after installation. As a result of the difference in the thickness of the polymer coating, the color of the metal tile will change under the influence of atmospheric phenomena, but not evenly - spots will appear on the surface, some of which will be lighter, others darker.

Types of metal roofing

The most popular types of metal roofing are currently considered to be:

  • polyester regular;
  • polyester matte;
  • polyurethane;
  • plastisol.

Color selection features

Despite the use of innovative technologies and developments in the chemical industry, when a metal tile is manufactured, the color prism can change shades. For example, the same color number (RAL) is indicated on the sheets, but looking at them, a person even sees differences in color with the naked eye.

In order not to have such problems, experts advise buying products from one batch of goods from one supplier. Having different shades of metal tiles, it is impossible to create a harmonious style of the roof; as a result, the design solution of the building will be violated. Now there is just a huge selection of RAL colors - metal tiles, regardless of the manufacturer, have the corresponding number, which is indicated, for example, RAL 5017 or RAL 9017.

The selection of the color of the roofing for each customer is individual, as well as its shape, since some like a smaller wave, others - a large one, some - a gray metal tile, and others - blue.

In many ways, color preference depends on the following factors:

When preference is given to cheaper products, it is not necessary to expect that, for example, dark red metal tiles will not lose their color saturation. The roof will be covered with burnt spots, which will certainly affect the appearance of the building. In such a situation, you should contact the trading company that sold this product, since it has a warranty from the manufacturer.

Analysts of the domestic market of roofing materials note that today the colors are distributed in popularity as follows:

  • in the first place - dark red metal tile RAL 3005, 3009;
  • in second place - brown-chocolate tone RAL 8017 and RR32;
  • in third place - green RAL 6005.

Copper roofing has always been popular due to its noble appearance, so copper-look metal tiles are a good alternative to save money.

The process of production of metal tiles, look at the video:

When choosing a tone, many consumers believe that a roof that has a darker color heats up more, but this opinion is erroneous, since thermal conductivity depends on physical properties, and not on color. And since the production of the material is based on the same raw materials, the thermal conductivity that, for example, gray and black metal tiles has is absolutely the same.

It should also be noted that it is not always possible to create a roof that has a presentable appearance when buying high-quality roofing, which is expensive in cost. A bad result is obtained with unskilled and illiterate installation. Before proceeding with the arrangement of the roof, it is necessary to think carefully about everything, familiarize yourself with the information regarding this product, and only then make a final decision.

In most cases, private houses upset with their monotony, as the flight of architectural thought ends with a plain house. In general, the buildings have a similar appearance, and their color is about the same. However, what will happen if we move away from banality and create a private house with an original exterior design, color scheme of the roof and facade, which will attract, and not vice versa? This is what we will talk about, because you need to consider not only the possible options for color combinations, but also their relevance.

Sun resistance

By experimenting with the color of the facade, you can transform the house, make it more interesting and attractive in appearance. Using different colors, you can increase the aesthetic value of the house, bring your ideas and ideas to life, or give the house a semantic significance and load. The right choice of color can completely change the perception of the building, visually increase or decrease the house. Combining the color palette, you can make the house deeper, looking up, or vice versa, the main thing is to feel the measure.

The brighter the color, the shorter its lifespan, as it is more susceptible to the effects of sunlight on it. Black color is the worst option, as it attracts the most ultraviolet rays, which means that the period of its operation is minimal. The best option would be to use pastel and light colors that can last for many years. A pure white color looks elegant, but also cannot look beautiful for a long time, it will quickly begin to fade and turn yellow.

It is best to use gray and its shades - this color does not fade, it does not turn yellow, and dust on such a facade will not be noticeable. Even if the shade changes slightly over time, it will not be a problem.

External perception and form

Using light shades, you can make the house visually larger, so the use of white when decorating the facade of a private house is a classic option. Beige, cream, milky shades look boring and faded, they need to be combined correctly. It is best to use dark accents that will set off light colors.

In some countries, houses are painted in bright colors - red, orange, blue and others. Having considered the design of the house, it can be noted that they have elementary forms, small details in the design are completely absent. On the territory of the Russian Federation, few people will like such frank experiments, so it is better to abandon them so that the house does not look ridiculous in the end.

If the house has a complex architectural design, then the use of bright colors will be inappropriate. A building with many details will look better in bright colors. If bright colors find a place here, then only pointwise, acting as accents that emphasize individual elements of the house.

Using a light color palette, you can visually enlarge the house, dark tones, on the contrary, will make it more modest. Applying warm colors can visually bring the house closer, and move away with cold colors. In the first case, red is used; among the retreating options, pure blue is the leader. Blue can be a very interesting option, as with the right use of artificial light, a house can change its appearance and become green. In general, it should be noted that the more the characteristics of colors differ, the more difficult it is to combine them in the exterior of the house.

Color combination

You need to be aware that not all colors can be combined. For example, a green house with a red roof will look very ridiculous. Color compatibility is determined using various methods, in particular the Luscher method, which developed a special table of color combinations.

According to his technique, white color can be combined with absolutely anything. You will have to tinker with pink, salad and blue, as they do not harmonize with anything.

Most people in the construction and design of a private house use the natural color palette: brown, green, beige and yellow. Often they complement each other very well, harmoniously combine and create an attractive exterior. For example, a beige house with brown windows will look very cozy and pleasant, as natural colors and shades unite the house with the surrounding landscape, creating a single picture.

The classic combination

In general, the most profitable and correct option is a combination of dark and light tones. In the classic version, dark shades are used in the roof, and the facade receives a light finish. This option is the most popular and for good reason, because it creates the right contrast, a play of colors that creates a presentable appearance for a private house. If the basement or windows of the house receive bright accents, then the house will become completely unique, and its color performance will attract the attention of passers-by and neighbors.

Another classic option would be a house whose facade and roof are almost identical in color, which can only differ by one or two tones. Thus, the roof and facade create a single picture, the house has a monolithic look, but not everyone will like this option, as it may seem boring.

Light top, dark bottom. With this design, the walls will be dominant, and the roof will seem to dissolve. For proper external perception, windows and doors must match the color of the roof.

Material Compatibility

The way the house will be perceived depends on the materials that will be used in the decoration of the facade and the roof of the roof. For example, a wooden house is best combined with reeds or tiles. It is worth noting that all tile options, except for metal, can be used, because it will look out of place, and many architects will be furious with such a combination.

If the house is brick, then it is better to use natural brown or gray tiles for the roof. Copper and bituminous roofing is also suitable, and if the walls have a dark finish, then you can use seam roofing. If plaster was used when finishing the facade of the house, then there are no special requirements for the roof. In this case, the main thing is that the colors of the roof and facade are harmoniously combined.

The metal tile is galvanized steel sheets, various in color, shape and size. However, in order not to get confused in all the variety of the proposed roofing, it is necessary to understand the main types and parameters of metal tiles.

The main advantages of metal roofing

  • high strength
  • durability - manufacturers guarantee up to 15 years, however, proper installation of metal tiles completely doubles its service life
  • great look
  • the ability to choose the right size
  • flexible material - ideal for covering roofs of various configurations
  • simple installation
  • large selection of colors and textures
  • environmentally friendly material - does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere
  • wide price range - from budget to luxury

Choosing a metal tile

When choosing a metal tile, keep in mind that the main differences are:

  • in appearance:
    • profile dimensions,
    • decorative,
    • cover color,
  • and also in production parameters:
    • type of raw material (type of steel),
    • production equipment,
    • country of origin and supplier.

Types of metal tiles. A photo

Modern production of metal tiles is subdivided depending on the type of coatings used and their texture: ordinary polyester, matte polyester, pural, plastisol and PVD.

Varieties of the metal tile profile

The choice of one or another profile of a metal tile depends on:

  • heights, the so-called wave:
    • up to 50 mm (the most economical option)
    • from 50 mm and above - is considered a big wave. Prices are correspondingly higher as well.
    • symmetrical wave - a rare and expensive type of profile
    • asymmetric wave - the spectacular design of such a coating has a visual asymmetry, it is very common.
  • drawing
  • depths

The embossed profile is considered the most attractive, such as that of the Monterrey metal tile. The profile wavelength is 35 cm and has a large pitch. Monterrey coated roofing is the leader in preference in the west. The choice of profile does not affect the quality and performance characteristics at all. It's just a matter of taste.

Modular and Classical metal tile: which metal tile is better?

Differences between the two types of these coatings lies in the parameters of the upper and lower edges of the sheets of metal. For a classic metal tile, the width of the sheet on top is 10 cm, and for a modular one it is 2 cm. The lower edge differs by 4-5 cm.

It turns out that more economical option is a modular metal tile, because when overlapping sheets, savings of about 12 cm will be in favor of the modular one. This means that covering the entire roof with a modular metal tile will cost less. The difference in dimensions also provides a more convenient installation, and less risk of deformation.

Modular metal tile.

Classical metal tile.

The best option when choosing the color of the metal tile, it is the color that imitates the real ceramic tile. Pay attention to chocolate, red, green and graphite shades. If you live in a hot region, choose lighter colors of metal tiles - they fade less in the sun.

Very bright color schemes are ideal for sophisticated design projects, or as an addition to an existing architectural style. The multi-colored metal tile looks incredibly impressive - this is a real revelry for imagination, because the colors can repeat the individual color elements of the buildings on your site, creating a single ensemble.

This photo shows one of the RAL color charts for metal tiles.

Choosing the color of metal tiles, proceed from the characteristics of the profile coating - the better it is, the longer your roof will retain color and brightness.

Metal tile: reviews

The most favorable reviews of roofing directly depend on the correct installation. This is definitely not worth saving. When installing, be sure to use:

  • additional insulation
  • soundproofing
  • snow kept

Contact professional installers who will design restrictions on the angle of inclination of the rafters and a strict batten pitch. Proper installation of metal tiles, like any other roof - this is a guarantee of long-term operation.

Photo of houses with metal roofs

When choosing between metal tiles with the same parameters, but produced by a well-known and unknown company, keep in mind that a well-known brand is not only a high price, but also a guarantee of quality, high service life and excellent wear resistance. Require quality certificates from sellers to avoid counterfeiting.

The calculation of the required amount of material is based on:

  • roof dimensions and heights
  • information about the dimensions of cornices, pipes, gutters.
  • dimensions of the eaves.

Metal roofing: photo.

Peaks from a metal tile

The use of metal tiles also extends to elements such as canopies and awnings. A visor made of metal tiles will be a great addition to the same roof. When installing the visor, a metal frame is first made, on which the metal tile is then directly attached.

The visor made of metal tiles not only looks spectacular, but also serves as an excellent protection from bad weather and heat. The choice of metal tiles for canopies and canopies depends on your desires, available finances, as well as the above characteristics.

Photo of peaks (canopies) from a metal tile.

Roof pitched metal tile

Nowadays, a hipped roof is in high demand when designing houses. The design feature perfectly resists winds, has a rigid frame, and is little subject to deformation.

Hip roofs look even more elegant if metal tiles are chosen as the roofing material. The use of metal tiles on such roofs is possible with any type of four-pitched roofs (classical, hipped, Danish, semi-hip, broken). And this once again confirms the versatility of the metal tile.

Photo of hipped roofs made of metal tiles.

The design features of the metal tile allow you to "dress" any roof. Choose a metal tile depending on the climatic features of your region, or give preference to trusted manufacturers. A variety of coatings and colors will satisfy any of your requests, and proper installation will contribute to a long service life.

Among all types of roofing materials, metal tiles today occupies a leading position. It is easy to install, the truss system does not require special elements, it is very easy to manufacture the crate. In terms of cost and durability, metal tiles are rightfully considered the best option for most buildings. It is widely used both in private houses and in the construction of retail outlets, warehouses, gyms, sheds, etc.

The technical parameters of metal tiles are characterized by many parameters, they have a decisive influence on the durability of the roof and the tightness of the building coating. We will not dwell on them, we will only talk about the color schemes of the material. Color does not affect the physical indicators, it plays a big role only in the design decisions for the design of the facade of the house.

The main factor influencing the choice of the color of the metal tile is the preferences of the developer. This should always be remembered and the advice of professionals should be treated with a grain of salt. Of course, they know their subject very well, they have special knowledge, they have been studying for more than one year. But designers have the right only to advise, not to make a decision. The choice is always up to the owner of the house, if he likes a certain option, then this factor is the most important.

But in order for the developer himself to make more or less correct decisions from the point of view of professionals, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​​​important selection criteria. When choosing a coating color, consumers are advised to pay attention to the following parameters.

Factor nameShort description

If the house is built in the south of our country, then it is highly undesirable to use dark-colored metal tiles. The dark color absorbs the maximum amount of sunlight; in clear sunny weather, the roof can heat up to a temperature of more than one hundred degrees. Such high temperatures have a very negative effect on the life of roofing.

Matte shades are more resistant to UV rays. In their composition, they have mineral additives that do not let them through to the lower layers of the anti-corrosion coating.

Each polymer has its own physical characteristics and warranty period of use. The cheapest polyester can serve for about ten years, and this is subject to unconditional observance of all manufacturers' recommendations. More expensive plastisol or pural retain their original properties for about twenty years.

A very difficult question even for professionals. Well-known brands value their reputation and produce products of the highest quality. But most of them abuse their fame and the trust of buyers and inflate selling prices. Due to this behavior, the quality does not match the cost, professional roofers know this. Some new companies are trying to conquer their market segment and deliberately reduce the price of goods, while the quality is in no way inferior to well-known brands. Finding and buying their products is the best way to solve the problem with the roof. It will cost much less, and the term of use will meet expectations.

How colors are determined

Currently, two color tables are used: international and Finnish. The international one is made on the basis of the German one, which was developed in Germany back in 1927. The abbreviation RAL is the first letters of German words, the palette consists of 213 shades, each of which has its own designation. Finnish later, much less common.

What is the RAL catalog

Today, these are several tables that have become world standards for designating colors. This applies not only to metal tiles, but to all, without exception, materials that have different color schemes.

Table nameDescription of features

The table is the most popular among manufacturers and consumers. Digital marking is simplified as much as possible, each shade is assigned a four-digit number. In this case, the first digit always indicates the main color, and the rest - the characteristics of the shades. For example, yellow begins with one, in total it has thirty shades. Gray is indicated by a seven (the first digit), green starts with a six, red with a three, etc.

Designed in 1993, used only by professional designers, has 1625 shades of colors. They differ in saturation and brightness, only the most professional specialists can find differences between them. Users do not even suspect how much time designers spend on choosing shades. Consumers do not need to know about it, they physically cannot distinguish so many shades. Only designers do this, and it seems to us, only for their own pleasure and to increase “importance”, and not for the benefit of consumers. Hues are marked with a seven-digit code, the first three numbers indicate hue, the second two indicate brightness, and the third two indicate saturation.

The table was developed in 2007 and has 420 Semimatt matt colors and 70 Highgloss high gloss metallics. It is indicated by a five-digit code, if there is a letter M in the additional part of the numbering, then this means that the number characterizes the metallic shade.

We repeat once again that such a variety of color shades were invented by designers personally for themselves, simple developers without the need for this knowledge.

What is an RR directory

This catalog is a vivid example of the great influence that the most advanced global brands can have on the building materials market. The RR catalog was developed by the world-famous Finnish roofing manufacturer Ruukki.

Ruukki Finnera metal tile
Ruukki Adamante metal tile

Its products have become very famous and are very popular all over the world. This is a very high-quality, beautiful, high-tech roof, the warranty period of use reaches 50 years.

Given such high performance and the fame of Finnish tiles, many manufacturers are trying to increase their sales through the indirect use of the trade brand (hidden advertising). They do it very simply and in an original way - the colors of their metal tiles indicate RR. Inexperienced consumers have heard that a very prestigious company has such a designation, but they do not see the difference between manufacturers and buy a roof.

In the table, the colors are indicated by the letters RR and two numbers, there are 24 colors in total, including seven metallics. The Finns have made a very simple qualification, it is available to all users without exception. For example, a dark brown color has a simple designation RR 32. According to international qualification, this color has a RAL 8019 classification and denotes a gray-brown color. The classification of a Finnish manufacturer is much easier to remember than an international one.

An ordinary consumer does not need to understand all these subtleties, but he is advised to know the associations that cause the main colors of metal tiles.

Characteristics of the main colors of metal tiles

These descriptions are considered generally accepted, but everyone is entitled to have their own opinions and be guided only by them.

  1. Brown color. It is preferred by people of conservative views. Causes a feeling of stability, such a structure does not stand out against the general background. Brown color goes well with greenery, it is recommended to use for buildings located in forest areas.

  2. Burgundy red. If closer to red, the owner of such a structure feels confident in all life situations. Recommended for active developers. If closer to burgundy, the house is inhabited by older people with established views on all situations.

    Metal tile "Monterrey", wine red shade

  3. Terracotta. This color is called so because of the great resemblance to coverings made of natural piece tiles. Terracotta metal tile is considered a universal coating, suitable for all cottages and for all owners. Has excellent operational characteristics, pollution is imperceptible on a roof.

  4. Green. Quite an original color solution for roofing. It is rarely used on residential buildings, more often you can find such roofs on various outbuildings. Associated with nature, relaxes and soothes the nervous system. In ancient times, the nobles used green glasses, through which they viewed nature for a long time and in this way were distracted from everyday worries.

  5. Blue. Blue roofs look very nice in urban areas, but you need to be careful when choosing this color. The optimal solution is the building on a hill and the roof is located on the same level with the sky.

  6. Grey. As always, this color indicates the owners' attempts not to stand out from the crowd. One of the few universal shades used for roofing. Emphasizes stability and restraint, harmonizes well with the surrounding nature.

When choosing the color of the roof, it is necessary to take into account the appearance of the facade walls and the style of buildings, nearby buildings and other factors. Only in this way will it be possible to create a complete ensemble, only in this way will the house be organically integrated into the existing natural landscape.

What is a roof visualizer

Serious manufacturers have their own websites, which contain special services for the visualization of various types of coatings. Consumers have the ability to change their shades and external geometry of the roof with one click, use different architectural styles of buildings. The house can be located in the forest, on the banks of a river or sea, among city blocks or near country roads.

When creating a layout, the client is asked to fill out special forms and indicate the type of profile, color shade, glossy or matte version. You can see how a particular shade looks with different types of gutters, fences, spotlights, etc. Some consumers spend a lot of time visualizing, they manage to create several dozen different shade warrants. Such a large amount of useful information allows them to make an informed final decision. Professional roofers strongly recommend that you do not look through the roof shade options on your own, but involve family members, designers, and architects in this process.

If you manage to find the best option for everyone - excellent, the future home will become a real pride for the whole family.

Technologies are constantly being improved, today you can already download a special iColours program, developed by RAL specialists, to your smartphone. The program allows you to enter hundreds of different shades of metal tiles. After the program is downloaded, you should take a picture of your house. Now you can change your color options on its roof and you can immediately see how the building looks. And not some abstract, but concrete.

Important. The new program has a drawback - smartphones cannot distinguish all 2328 shades available in the RAL catalog. But this is not necessary, not a single construction company produces such a palette of colors.

How the physical characteristics of external coatings affect the shade

Most manufacturers use polyester or pural for painting the outer surfaces of metal tiles, polymers can be matte or glossy.

Approximately 25 color schemes of roofing are offered to consumers, while the range is constantly expanding. More recently, a new shade of metal tile RAL 9006 has appeared, imitating the appearance of steel.

Metal tile "Classic" RAL 9006

Such coatings are very popular lately and are used even in prestigious country cottages. And for retail outlets or small industrial premises, this is an effective option to attract potential buyers.

A separate niche is covered with matte coatings, in appearance they are more reminiscent of natural roofing. Their colors are not much different from glossy, differences in performance. Matte coatings are considered more resistant to the negative effects of climatic factors and ultraviolet rays.

Prices for metal tiles

First of all, you need to personally clarify for yourself what it is desirable to have in the end. If a building is to catch the eye and amaze with its exclusivity, then only color schemes of the roof are required. If there is a desire not to stand out and live in a standard house, then the roof should be as similar as possible to most of the nearby buildings. But in all cases, the roof must necessarily be in harmony with the architectural style of the building.

If the facade resembles an old building, then green, blue or blue metal tiles will look very strange on it. Colors that mimic natural pieced ceramic tiles are suitable for such styles.

There is a desire - you can use the services of graduates. But we have already mentioned that the final decision must be made on your own, not a single architect will live in your house. Accordingly, he will not be annoyed every day by an unsuccessfully chosen color of the roof, or vice versa, will please the right decisions. There are no universal tips for choosing the color of metal tiles, but there are some notes that you should pay attention to.

Never be in a hurry, all decisions must be balanced. It is very good to inspect finished buildings with various roofs, such information is considered the most useful.

Practical advice. Inspect not only new buildings, but also those that have been in operation for several years. The older they are, the better. Everything new is beautiful, and over time, a large list of problems is discovered.

If possible, talk to the owners of the buildings. Find out what problems they have, how difficult it is to take care of the roof, whether there are overheating attics, etc. It is very desirable to pay attention to the color of the metal tiles under overlaps and in open areas. You need to slightly bend the edge of the top sheet and compare its color with the bottom one, protected from the negative effects of UV rays and precipitation. If there is a noticeable difference, then it is better not to purchase such coatings.

The fact is that burnout also occurs on the slopes, the intensity depends on the position of the slopes in relation to the cardinal points. The northern side is irradiated less and retains its original color for a long period of time, while the southern side, on the contrary, perceives the maximum radiation intensity, and accordingly changes color much faster. If the polymer is of poor quality, then the difference in the burnout of various slopes is noticeable after 3-4 years of operation of the building.

Is it possible to paint metal tiles yourself?

It is possible, but not necessary. You will never be able to even come close to the factory standards in terms of the quality of painting. Most often, self-painting has the following results:

  • the surface of the metal tile with streaks of paint;
  • different areas will have a discrepancy in color shades;
  • paint will last no more than 3-5 years;
  • in case of serious violations of the recommended painting technologies, the roof will have to be completely changed.

  1. Prepare the base carefully. Metal sheets must be cleaned of sawdust, dirt, rust and grease stains. Particular attention should be paid to various bends, it is here that the most dirt is heated. Rust is cleaned with abrasive materials, this can be done manually (long, hard and difficult) or with electric tools.
  2. Carefully approach the choice of type of coverage. The paint must be a two-component polymer-based paint; ordinary paints are not suitable for metal. During the preparation and application of the coating, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the manufacturers.
  3. Always use special primers.

It is necessary to select paints of the same color as the old coating. If the colors are very different, then you will have to paint at least two layers, otherwise the old color will be noticeable in some places. Two coats of paint - a significant increase in the cost of repairs. By the way, the thickness of the layer does not have a positive effect on the duration of operation. The paint after manual application breaks away from the old coating over time, the speed of this process does not depend on the thickness of the coating.

For painting, you need to choose only dry weather, you can work only after the night dew has come off the metal roof. If there is a risk of rain, then it is strictly forbidden to start work. It is not advisable to paint residential buildings; such measures are recommended to be done on outbuildings and only in the event of visible metal corrosion.

Roof paint prices

Roofing paint

Video - The combination of the color of the roof and facade

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