Silk stucco is an exquisite brilliance of a modern interior. Silk decorative plaster Technology of applying plaster with silk effect

Encyclopedia of Plants 30.08.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Many people think that liquid wallpaper with imitation of a silk surface and decorative plaster"wet silk" is the same thing. This opinion is not only wrong, it is a deep delusion. Two perfect different material own consonant names, and that's it! They are not even analogues, as they consist of different components, each has its own consistency, endowed with different physical and technical characteristics. Although they perform one task - to create a silk effect in the interior. The application technology also varies, and it is possible to plaster, including the ceiling.

What are the two finishes?

To understand how finishing materials differ from one another, or what connects them, you need to get to know them in more detail. Find out what they consist of, how they look, how they are applied to the finished surface and where they are used.

Silk liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper with a silk effect makes the interior especially attractive and is initially a mixture of natural ingredients, such as:

  • cellulose, serves to bind all components;
  • natural fungicides, the consumption of which is adjusted depending on the total composition;
  • plasticizers and adhesives that improve the application of the mixture;
  • fibers of natural or artificial silk.

This is the main composition of silk wallpaper, which is made in the form of dry granules. To create any specific effect, various fillers are mixed into the mixture, giving the material the necessary color, color, texture, shine. The consumption of additives is optional. The technology for obtaining a working silk composition with your own hands is quite simple. The granules are mixed with water according to the consumption indicated on the package. According to technology, it is allowed to add a small amount of glue, but this is not necessary, since cellulose has the properties of a binder, it is enough. The resulting mass should be infused and acquire a uniform consistency so that it is evenly applied to the base.

Silk wallpaper is applied with your own hands on the wall in much the same way as ordinary putty. Work starts from the top corner, gradually moving to the side and down. The mixture must be applied with a stainless steel spatula, and it is most convenient to level it with a plastic trowel.

Surface preparation for liquid silk wallpaper is performed in the traditional way: leveling, applying putty, then primer. Some experts recommend applying the finished mixture not directly to the primer, but first to cover the wall with a colorless water-based paint. It will improve the adhesion of the liquid silk mass to the wall.

The application technology must be followed exactly. The substrate should be white or transparent so as not to distort the shade of the main finish. In the case when it is necessary to play on opposites, the preparation is made in a contrasting color.

Decorative wet silk plaster

Unlike liquid wallpaper, wet silk decorative plaster, most often, does not contain any silk thread. However, there are exceptions, natural silky fibers are sometimes added to expensive types of plasters in order to achieve the maximum silk effect. The plaster is based on acrylic water dispersion, additives, fine quartz sand, pigment with mother-of-pearl.

Applying a decorative solution gives a wet silk effect, thanks to various additives. These are the main textured components, the presence and quantity of which each manufacturer keeps secret. Therefore, textured silk plaster from various brands is strikingly different. Decorative plaster is produced in the form of a thick paste of five primary colors: silver, pearl, white, gold, garnet red.

Wet effect textured material is applied in very thin layers, so surface preparation must be done very carefully. The wall must be made with your own hands completely even and smooth by any available means, so that the application of the main coating is of high quality. Finishing work can only be done on dry walls, ceilings as follows:

  1. A primer is applied to the leveled plane of the wall, ceiling.
  2. V ready solution pigment is added to achieve the desired shade of silk effect imitation, mixing the paste manually or with a mixer, but at the lowest speed. Increasing the RPM can break the silk fibers if they are added to the paste.
  3. The application of the first layer is preferably carried out with a velor roller, so that it turns out to be very thin and uniform in thickness.
  4. The next layer of the wet mixture is applied to the wall with a spatula, moving the hand in different directions. Movements can repeat an arc, a circle, a figure eight, a wave, all kinds of curls. This will help create an interesting silk effect.
  5. The final smoothing of the plaster with your own hands is done with a trowel with continuous wires horizontally and vertically, from one corner of the room to another.

In the case of interior design with the help of decorative plaster with a wet effect, a lot depends on the composition of the mixture, but even more - on the imagination and skill of the performer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fundamental differences, liquid silk wallpaper and wet silk decorative plaster have qualities inherent in both finishes. They are applicable to interiors in any architectural and design styles, in perfect harmony with other options for facing materials. Moreover:

  • improve the heat-insulating and sound-proofing properties of walls;
  • have excellent adhesion to any substrate;
  • allow you to "hide" small defects of the finished surface;
  • create a silk, absolutely smooth surface without seams, joints;
  • have complete environmental cleanliness, resistance to static electricity; water will also not be terrible for the lining if it is coated with a special varnish;
  • suitable for application to straight sections of walls, to cover arches, niches, ledges; convenient for decorating rooms with a non-standard configuration;
  • do not change color under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

The advantages of liquid wallpaper also include excellent maintainability. In order to repair the damaged area, there is no need to purchase a fresh composition. It is enough to remove the material from the wall, grind it and shut it with water. After swelling, the silk mixture must be returned to its place, smoothed. Silk liquid finishes suitable for drawing various drawings with your own hands. Technology is next. The outlines of a pre-designed scheme of a pattern or pattern are applied to the base. Subsequently, separate sections are filled with multi-colored mixtures, compacting them, at the same time connecting the edges with the main coating. Smoothing is done with a plastic trowel.

With so many advantages, negative qualities can be ignored. Moreover, there are very few of them. So decorative plaster wet silk found only one thing - this is its high price. But a good thing cannot be cheap. Of the minuses inherent in liquid silk wallpaper, note their ability to absorb odors, moisture and poor wear resistance. Therefore, silk-screen printing with their help is not recommended on the ceiling, balcony, bathroom or kitchen.

Features of application to the surface

Liquid silk blends, as well as decorative textured plaster wet silk is quite easy to prepare for interior decoration. The first must be closed with water, allowed to turn into a homogeneous mass with periodic stirring. The second has a ready-made consistency, here the technology is even simpler: it should be mixed with dyes, sparkles, and other additives, if needed. The consumption of fillers should be moderate.

endure required thickness At the same time, it is more difficult to prevent excessive consumption of raw materials in one place, and a shortage in another. It has been established by practice that it is possible to control the thickness of the plaster application, taking into account its consumption for square meter trimmed area. It should be remembered that pastes with a fine texture are always used less than with large ones.

The main purpose wet wallpaper and decorative VGT plaster - to imitate the presence of natural silk or silk-screen printing in the interior. These materials successfully perform the task. Using various techniques possession of an ordinary trowel, you can apply such effects to the ceiling and walls as:

  • the visibility of wet silk is obtained by rubbing the finish layer with circular movements of the tool with very light pressure;
  • imitation of traditional smooth silk is made by freely smoothing the plaster in various directions;
  • the illusion of wrinkled fabric on the ceiling can be created with a regular sponge or brush, making the surface a little rough; half an hour after such a procedure, light smoothing down with a plastic trowel should be performed.

Due to the ability of textured plaster to absorb moisture, it is not recommended to use it for finishing the walls of a kitchen or bathroom. Although there is an excellent way out of this situation - to cover it with your own hands acrylic varnish. Thus, it is possible to increase not only moisture resistance, but also strength, to give the surface additional shine and gloss. The varnished surface is easy to care for - it can be washed by any means.

The composition and characteristics of silk plaster, the preparation of the mortar and methods of application to the wall, the positive aspects of using this decorative coating.

The content of the article:

Silk plaster is a picturesque finish on walls made of silk fibers and chemical components, imitating the fabric of the same name. A feature of the material is the presence of silk elements that give the room a chic look. The article provides useful information about the properties of the material and the method of applying silk plaster on its own.

Composition and components of silk plaster

Silk plaster stands out for its catchy look: after processing the wall, it seems that it is decorated with silk fabric. The effect is created by the main component in the plaster - artificial or natural silk fibers, as well as cotton and cellulose.

In the manufacture of the material, the following components are used:

  • Polyester. The basis of the material is responsible for the elastic and strength qualities. The higher the percentage of the substance, the stronger the coating.
  • Acrylic mixes or cellulose adhesive. Tie all the components together.
  • Special Ingredients. Prevent the appearance and development of fungus and mold on the wall.
  • Dyes. Are the most varied colors, because the natural color of the plaster is silver-white.
  • decorative elements. These are sparkles, mineral chips, mother-of-pearl. With such fillers, plaster looks different from different angles.
  • Additional components. Allows you to decorate the walls different styles, for example, in the form of wet silk, velvet surface, crinkled silk, etc. The addition of marble chips adds volume to the plastered partition.
  • . Changes properties if there are more impurities of the same type. For example, mineral additives reduce abrasion resistance, while acrylic and silicone additives increase it. Therefore, when buying, study the composition of the mixture, the possibility of using the material in different conditions depends on it.

Unlike the usual building plaster sand is not added to the decorative composition.

Silk plaster can be applied to many surfaces: concrete, brick, wooden walls, metal partitions, etc. Special additives allow you to decorate walls, even without removing the old coating, painted with oil and alkyd paints.

As a rule, the mixture is prepared from two components: the main one, consisting of an adhesive composition, and additional elements responsible for the decorative front part. The main component is sold in the form of dry small granules or cotton wool, it resembles children's ornamental material. Packaged in 1kg plastic bags.

Advantages and disadvantages of silk plaster

Silk plaster gives the wall good performance and decorative qualities. We can highlight the following positive aspects of the coverage:
  1. Plaster allows you to qualitatively process surfaces of any complexity, walls with ledges, openings, and numerous corners are easily covered.
  2. The technology for preparing the mixture is very simple, it is enough to dilute the workpiece with water.
  3. The coating does not lose its original appearance for a long time.
  4. Applying the mixture to the wall does not require experience with similar material everything can be done by yourself.
  5. On the wall covered with silk plaster, there are no seams and joints, it is not required to connect the patterns.
  6. Preparatory work do not require careful preliminary alignment base wall. The material is able to mask small wall defects. After finishing, a smooth surface is obtained.
  7. Silk plaster enhances soundproofing and thermal insulation characteristics grounds.
  8. During the application of plaster on the wall, you can create panels, contrasting elements, images.
  9. The properties of silk plaster make it possible to replace damaged areas.
  10. Silk plaster in the interior is considered a universal coating. Facing can decorate walls in any room - bedroom, living room, kitchen.
  11. Minor damage is quickly removed by moistening the area with water from a spray bottle and smoothing the area with a plastic spatula.
  12. Material - plastic, fits well on the wall.
  13. Silk plaster has a large color palette, you can choose a color for every taste.
Like all building materials, silk plaster has disadvantages. The coating absorbs moisture and odors well, which limits the scope. If stains and other contaminants remain on the base wall before coating, the silk plaster will draw them in and they will appear on the finished surface. The coating wears out quickly, so it is recommended not to use it in places where it will be subject to intense mechanical stress.

When choosing silk decorative plaster, use our recommendations:
  • Artificial and natural silk differ in color and price. The first option is more often used, because artificial silk is cheaper, and the color can be any
  • Silk plaster based on a natural component is expensive, but the interior turns out to be author's and luxurious.
  • Natural silk plaster does not change color for a long time, does not fade in the sun.
  • Silk coverings with the addition of cotton or cellulose are inferior in terms of appearance the previous option, they are less durable, but cheaper.
  • Plaster fibers can be of different sizes, their size is indicated on the packaging of the material.
  • Plaster with long silk fibers looks more impressive, but it is more convenient to apply fine-grained materials to the wall, because mechanical devices can be used for this.
  • Silk plaster looks luxurious, it can not be used in any room. It looks good in the office, living room and corridor.
  • In offices and workrooms, it is recommended to use textured dark-colored plaster. In residential areas, decorate the walls at your discretion.
  • In the kitchen, create a coating with care, after finishing work, protect the plaster with a special varnish, but in this case it is impossible to carry out a partial repair of the coating.
  • In the bathroom, use silk plaster with water-repellent properties. Before decorating the wall, carefully treat it with antifungal impregnation, and after finishing work, be sure to protect it with varnish.
  • wall with large quantity irregularities can be decorated with plaster under the "wet" silk. The special composition of this material smoothes and masks defects. This type of plaster can be used to decorate arches and walls with ledges.
  • During operation, the plaster should not touch the furniture.
  • To protect the silk plaster in the outer corners from damage, be sure to use special metal pads.

Do-it-yourself wall plastering technology

Wall decoration with silk plaster is carried out in several stages. Failure to follow the sequence of work will lead to various unaesthetic consequences.

Necessary tools for plastering walls

A high-quality wall covering with silk plaster cannot be obtained without special devices. Depending on the type of material for applying the mortar to the wall, various devices will be needed:
  1. Consistent silk plaster is applied with a spatula or trowel. It is recommended to use a transparent tool that allows you to adjust the thickness of the applied layer and the pattern of the coating.
  2. Silk plaster with a fine texture can be applied with a spray gun if there is a “MH” mark on the packaging of the material - machine application. Choose the spray attachment according to the characteristics of the material, which affect the diameter of the nozzle and the power of the blower, for example, the viscosity of the plaster solution. For mechanical application, you will need air blower or a compressor that creates a pressure of 0.5 MPa with a capacity of 400 l / min. The nozzle diameter of the compressor gun should be 5-10 mm. According to these data, it can be seen that the power of a household vacuum cleaner will not be enough.
  3. To obtain embossed patterns, stock up on a textured roller, a fine-bristled brush, a sponge and other accessories.

Preparing walls for applying silk plaster

Before applying plaster, remove old coating, paint, adhesive, etc. from the wall and inspect it for defects. Despite the ability of the material to mask defects, walls, cracks and dents larger than 3 mm should be puttied. If you ignore this operation, then stains will appear on the surface, peeling of the coating or discoloration of the finished wall is possible.

Silk plaster adheres well to any surface, but the walls must be properly prepared before work. Preparatory work depends on the material of the wall:

  • On concrete walls, you should carefully consider the presence of various stains. It will not be possible to disguise them with staining. In this case, the problem area should be puttied, then primed with a facade primer and painted to match the purchased silk plaster or White color. Fix crumbling surfaces with strengthening compounds.
  • If a sand-cement plaster is applied to the base surface, it is checked for delamination. Problem areas are cleaned, puttied and strengthened by special means. It is not allowed to leave stains and stains on even plastered surfaces. To prevent negative consequences problem areas should be painted over with oil or alkyd paint which is compatible with this silk plaster.
  • On plasterboard walls, pay attention to fasteners. Drown the heads of the self-tapping screws into the slab, no traces of rust should be visible, therefore it is recommended to completely putty the walls from the GKL. Especially carefully seal the gaps between the panels, they can appear on the finished wall. After pretreatment drywall sheets should be painted with a composition of white paint and PVA glue in a ratio of 3: 1.
  • Wooden surfaces made of chipboard, MDF, moisture-resistant plywood must be plastered with special mixtures and impregnated with a primer.
  • Metal surfaces require special preparation before applying silk plaster. The material fits well only on a painted surface, so the walls should be treated and painted accordingly.

Preparation of a mixture for wall plaster

Silk plaster is produced in two types - ready-made and dry compositions. In the first option, the material is sold ready for use. Before work, it is enough to dilute the mixture with water to the desired consistency.

Dry preparations go on sale in parts, from several components, packaged in bags, which are connected in a certain way. The solution is prepared according to the instructions supplied with the product. Depending on the contents of the plaster and its configuration for sale, the methods for preparing mortars can vary greatly.

Typical scheme preparation of the working mass - the following:

  • Mineral and decorative additives are added to the package with dry microgranules, their quantity is determined by the master. The more additives, the less areas of fragmental repair will be noticeable.
  • For the preparation of some types of solutions, it is necessary to make a color separately, and then pour it into the liquid mass. For such cases, a special container for dosing the coloring element is supplied with the plaster.
  • If you want to add glitter to the plaster, pour it into the water before mixing.
  • Shake the package with the workpiece thoroughly to evenly distribute the components.
  • Pour enough water into a plastic dish to dilute one packet of material. The amount of liquid is indicated on the package. The water temperature should not exceed 35 degrees, otherwise the granules will “brew” and turn into hard lumps.
  • The mixture is poured into water and mixed by hand, the contents are passed through the fingers. Not allowed to use mechanical means, after which the structure of silk plaster will be broken. After mixing, no lumps should remain in the solution; partial mixing of the powder is not allowed. This can lead to uneven wall color or poor adhesion of the plaster.
  • Several packages of the mixture are diluted in different containers and left to swell the adhesive mass.
  • The solution is prepared 12 hours before work, usually it is kneaded in the evening in order to start applying it to the wall in the morning.
  • Immediately before plastering, solutions from different containers are poured into one and mixed, leveling possible differences in shades. Water can be added if necessary to obtain the desired consistency.
The solution is prepared in an amount that is enough to finish one wall. If unused solution remains, it can be added to the next batch. You can also freeze some of the solution and use it in case of restoration of the coating. Low temperatures do not affect material properties.

How to apply mortar to walls

Before applying silk plaster, treat the wall with a special primer on acrylic base, despite the fact that the material has good viscosity. The solution is allowed to be applied to a completely dry wall.

The amount of material can be determined theoretically, based on the calculation of 1 kg - per 4-5 m 2 of the wall with a layer thickness of 1.5-2 mm, but adjustments should be made for the texture of the plaster. A large texture coating will require more material than a small one. In case of alteration, purchase one package of the mixture in reserve. Decorative glitter, which is often sold separately, is bought at the rate of 1 sachet per 1 pack of putty.

Wall decoration starts from the corner. The prepared solution with a plastic trowel is applied to the wall in random order with small strokes, at a small distance between them. The trowel should be held obliquely, at an angle of 10-15 degrees to the surface, the wedge is easily controlled visually.

The process is similar to spreading butter on bread. The thickness of the initial layer is up to 2 mm. It must be remembered that roughness appears on the surface of a thick layer, and the substrate is visible through a very thin layer. It is recommended to apply the solution from bright side to dark, so the bumps are more noticeable. To apply the mixture in the corners, buy an angled spatula. The corners are formed by moving the spatula outward.

The silk fibers are laid in the direction of the spatula movement. In this way, you can create background images. There are several ways to apply the solution:

  1. Technique "moon" - smears are applied with radial movements.
  2. The droppe technique involves the use of short strokes in various directions when applying silk plaster, resulting in patterns in the form of curls.
  3. The effect of "wet" fabric is obtained with a very thin layer of the mixture.
  4. The appearance of silk plaster is shown after applying numerous layers of mortar in the same style. When using special textured brushes, you can get the illusion of crinkled silk or a velvety surface.
2 hours after applying the plaster, it is recommended to moisten the wall and process it with a grater, controlling the work with side lighting. As a result, all irregularities and furrows will disappear, and a flat surface will be obtained.

Silk plaster dries within 48-72 hours, the process is affected by room humidity and air temperature. To speed up drying, you can periodically ventilate the room and turn on the heaters - silk plaster is not afraid of drafts.

If you do not like certain areas of the coating, you can redo the silk plaster with your own hands. To do this, it should be wetted with water and wait until it softens. Then it is removed with a spatula, a fresh layer of coating is applied on top and carefully processed to the level of neighboring areas.

After the plaster has dried, it is recommended to cover it with a colorless acrylic varnish. Upper layer protects the coating from moisture and odor absorption. The smooth surface protects the surface from dust and makes it easier to clean the walls. Dust can be collected with a vacuum cleaner, and small dirt can be removed with a damp cloth or stationery eraser. However, varnish deprives the coating of the ability to pass air. Also, varnished plaster is difficult to restore after damage.

Methods for decorating silk plaster

The wall, decorated with silk plaster, looks elegant in itself, the surface displays a variety of shades. If desired, the partition can be decorated with additional decoration:
  • On dry plaster, they are carried out with a trowel, creating patterns in the form of a herringbone, waves, etc., maintaining one direction of the lines. Instead of a trowel, you can use a medium-hard bristle brush or washcloth.
  • Also, a mixture is applied to separate sections of silk plaster, which differs in shade from the base. To do this, you need a tray where the mixture is poured. The sponge is dipped into the mortar, drawn over the rough surface to remove excess mortar, and then applied to the plaster.
  • Fragmented decorations can be created on the surface. On a section of the wall, a drawing is made with a pencil (for example, a flower) and the inside of the image is removed with a knife. The borders of the picture are protected with masking tape. The recess is filled with a solution of silk plaster.
  • The stacked layers can be tinted with a shaggy roller. Color is used as paint, which was added to the bulk of the plaster.
How to apply silk plaster - look at the video:

Wall decoration with silk plaster allows the owners to get a beautiful individual interior and surround themselves with affordable luxury. Despite the considerable cost, the demand for such surface cladding remains consistently high.

Among the fabrics, there is little that compares with the noble brilliance and tenderness of real natural silk. Likewise, among the finishes, silk attracts with a soft shimmering radiance and an unusual feeling of tenderness.

The composition of silk plaster refers to. However, according to its intended purpose, it is able to mask only the smallest cracks, and not so much with the texture of the surface as with a soft sheen.

In more detail about what silk plaster is, this video will tell:

Concept and features

Like every other modern finish, silk plaster has a heterogeneous complex composition.

  • astringent are acrylic copolymers. Other polymers, and even more so a mineral base, are not used.
  • Main fillers, those that provide the effect of silk, are special additives:
    • cotton or other cellulose fibers;
    • polyester fiber;
    • fibers of artificial - acetate, or natural silk.
    • in addition, mica and quartz sand may be included.
  • Dyes- a variety of coloring or even metallized pigments to give the coating an extra shine.
  • plasticizers, providing a long "working" period of plaster.

The last property is not very popular here. The silky shiny surface is attractive in itself, and to create the impression of wet or rumpled silk, the lightest relief is enough. Drawings and images are not honored here.

When choosing a composition, it is worth remembering that the larger fibers are used, the more unusual and interesting the texture on the wall looks, but the less smooth the surface will be.

Silk plaster in the interior (photo)

Advantages and disadvantages

Finishing benefits:

  • unusual and very beautiful appearance of surfaces. In addition, plaster is suitable for decorating both walls and ceilings:
  • the coating is antistatic - special additives are introduced into the mixture, therefore it does not attract dirt and dust;
  • insensitive to the action of fungi or mold;
  • has sufficient vapor permeability, which is highly demanded in living rooms Oh;
  • the coating is easily restored - it is enough to apply the same composition to the damaged area;
  • applying the finish is not difficult. This is where experience is really needed.

Silk plaster is as delicate as real silk. All its shortcomings are associated with a fine structure:

  • low wear resistance - the plaster lays down in a thin layer of 1-3 mm - it is not for nothing that it is sometimes called liquid wallpaper, and this layer is easily wiped even with constant contact with furniture;
  • plaster is not washable and is afraid of moisture. Neither for the bathroom nor for the kitchen, this option is not suitable;
  • the finish is not suitable for masking any major defects. On the contrary, gloss emphasizes cracks. Therefore, plaster is very demanding on the pre-treatment of walls;
  • the finish absorbs odors, so if, for example, one of the family smokes, it will not be possible to get rid of the smell of tobacco;
  • high price.

Role in the interior


The use of silk plaster is limited by its capabilities. So, in principle, the plaster has good adhesion, so that even metal walls in the garage can be finished with it, however, after pre-treatment, including notches and applying oil paint. However, given its high abrasion, this decision will be clearly unjustified.

Another limitation is moisture sensitivity. Due to vapor permeability, the finish absorbs moisture, it cannot be washed and rooms with high level dampness is not finished with such plaster. So its purpose is only living rooms.

Finishing zones

  • Walls- plaster gives the impression of real silk wallpaper. Moreover, with a very unusual texture, if large fibers or marble chips are introduced into the composition.
  • Ceiling- gets off no less often, since the shining ceiling surface looks no less elegant and also visually increases the height of the room.
  • Plaster can be distinguished architectural elements- columns, niches, or simply decorate the walls with wall panels. The material still looks very impressive.
  • For living room, bedroom, office plaster can be used without restrictions.
  • But for children it does not always fit, because it wears out and is not washed.

Color palette

Determined by adding tinting paste. As a rule, it comes in a separate package. The intensity of the selected shade depends on the amount of paste added.

The palette, compared to liquid wallpaper, may not be so extensive, but manufacturers are constantly expanding it.

Difference from textured finish

As a rule, this refers to the difference from the coarse material, which forms a relief due to the solid particles of the filler. Silk plaster belongs to that part relief plasters, which include a fine fraction - with a minimum grain diameter, or a soft filler - fibers.

This material is a thin-layer plaster. It is applied, as a rule, in two layers, however, the thickness of each layer is not more than 1-3 mm. There is no need to talk about a pronounced relief here: the charm of a silk coating is in the play of shine, and for this a very modest relief arising from the movement of a leveling spatula is enough.

Sometimes silk plaster is confused with decorative flock, but this is wrong.

Flock plaster in the interior (photo)

How to make a mortar for silk plaster

It is impossible to make silk plaster at home. Its basis can only be acrylic resin, but it is not commercially available.

The working solution, if necessary, is prepared as follows:

  • pour warm water into the container as much as required according to the instructions;
  • add sparkles to the water, if any - we are talking about mother-of-pearl particles;
  • the color scheme is diluted separately, and then mixed with the solution;
  • the powder is poured into water and mixed thoroughly: with a mixer nozzle or even by hand;
  • leave the mixture for 12 hours, mix again before use, you may have to add water.

It is important to prepare the solution in such an amount that it is enough for one surface: the coating of one wall, or ceiling, or fragment must be carried out continuously. If part of the unused mixture remains from the first portion, the material is added to the next batch.

Silk plaster is very economical in consumption per square meter - 1 kg per 4-5 square meters. m.

How to apply silk plaster, and how much it costs, we will tell further.

This video will tell you about the manufacture of a solution for applying silk plaster:

Application technique


  1. The first step is to prepare the walls. In case of noticeable cracks, irregularities, rusts, etc., it is necessary to level the surface with base plaster.
  2. Walls or ceilings are treated with a deep penetration primer. Acrylic is best suited, as it is not only closer in properties, but also protects the finishing layer from moisture. It is recommended to apply two coats of primer.
  3. The plaster is applied with a plastic trowel, in small portions: the composition is quite liquid. Leveled with a trowel.
  4. In normal cases, after 4–5 hours, the coating is rubbed with a trowel or grater.

decorative effects

Decorative effects are created when applying the second layer of silk plaster:

  • classic silk- the second layer can also be applied and leveled with a Venetian trowel, but with longer movements, creating a semblance of waves;
  • wet silk- after the second layer dries, it is leveled with a roller, making circular movements;
  • wrinkled silk- the second layer is applied with a sponge, with chaotic movements, and after 20-30 minutes the coating is leveled with a plastic trowel;
  • droppe- when applying the second layer with a trowel, strokes are made in different sides keeping the direction. Thus, a plexus of leaves is created;
  • velvet, velor and other more complex textures are obtained using a textured roller.

The next video tutorial will teach you how to apply do-it-yourself silk plaster:

Popular brands

The material appeared in Russia in the 90s of the last century and still remains an expensive finish. Mostly foreign manufacturers are known on the market.

  • SÉNIDÉKO is a French company offering silk plaster of excellent quality and a very wide range of colors - more than 150 shades. The cost of packaging - from 1320 rubles.
  • OIKOS is an Italian manufacturer offering finishes with a wide variety of additives. Consumption is very economical - 1 kg per 5-6 square meters. m. The cost of plaster - from 4650 p. for a 4 liter pack.
  • Bayramlar is a Turkish manufacturer of building materials. Almost all compositions include marble chips of various types, which adds originality to the material. The price for one package of dry mix is ​​1340 rubles.
  • Silk Plaster is a trademark of the Russian company Rodnik Art. Widely known for its exceptional ease of application. The price of silk decorative plaster Silk Plaster (Silk Plaster) is more democratic - from 459 to 1860 rubles.

How much does the job cost

Despite the relatively high cost of silk plaster, its use is beneficial, since the material is consumed very sparingly. Even in cases where two layers are required, the consumption is still less than when using a coarse material.

The cost of the works on silk plaster itself, without the cost of the material, depends on the method of application. Classic silk will cost 450-600 rubles. per sq. m. More complex visual effects - droppe, for example, cost from 800 r. per sq. m.

Decorative trim is milestone internal works for any repair. It is able to perform several functions at once (protecting the wall, giving sophistication to the setting). Any gray surface with the help of finishing turns into a real work of art. Decorative plaster "Wet Silk" is a popular option for wall treatment. The material imitates silk fabric, its mother-of-pearl surface looks great. The interior immediately takes on a rich and spectacular look.

Decorative plaster: what is it

With the appointment of usually plaster, everything is clear. Walls are covered with this material in order to level and decorate them. But decorative silk plaster is applied directly to the prepared surface, it has only a decorative function. The product is made on the basis of cellulose fibers, polyester, cotton, artificial and natural silk fibers. Present in the composition and binders acrylic additives. But it is the particles of silk that give the material such an eye-pleasing effect. And than silk fibers larger, the more luxurious the treated surface of the walls will look.

Liquid silk for walls has plasticity due to polyester threads in its composition. Acrylic copolymers as a binder enhance this characteristic. A small percentage of the mass is plasticizers that can eliminate fungus and mold. Dyes and other additives enhance the quality of the silk material. Some fillers can make the pattern on the wall translucent. It is from different angles and will look different. Thereby silk screen printing turns into real art.

Where is it appropriate to use the coating

Can be used in any space. Silk (plaster) of this plan is suitable for:

  • office space;
  • living rooms;
  • private houses;
  • corridors;
  • medical and educational institutions.

A wide range of colors and textures allows you to choose any decorative plaster for silk, so that it can harmoniously blend into your interior. So you can make any design ideas and by creating a unique and comfortable environment at home.

Advantages and disadvantages

Silk plaster has its negative and positive sides, like any other finishing material. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances in order to understand whether this type of material is suitable for your intended goals.

Of course, there are many benefits. According to its composition, the product unique, and in terms of its characteristics, it left behind many cheaper finishing materials. The benefits include:

  1. Ecological purity. This factor has recently received much attention. The plaster will not harm environment or people, because its main component is artificial or natural silk. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at this option if you care about the safety of your household, especially young children.
  2. Good antistatic. Such a surface will not be electrified, special components do not collect dust.
  3. No mold and mildew. It is achieved due to the presence of special additives in the composition. Many coatings are affected by the common problem of the occurrence of these microorganisms, which are bad for human health. Here you can not be afraid that mold will form on the wall.
  4. Increased elasticity. The material does not deform over time, does not tear or collapse, even if small cracks have formed in the wall itself. Plaster tends to stretch along with the walls.
  5. Versatility. Plaster "Wet Silk", the application technology of which is very simple, is suitable for any surface.
  6. Thermal insulation and sound insulation. The noise from outside will be more muffled, so you can relax indoors with maximum comfort. Due to the thermal insulation properties, the room will become warmer. And yet such material is able to "breathe", passing air through itself.
  7. Practicality. If necessary, the surface can be easily repaired and restored.

As you can see, there are a lot of positive aspects of the finishing material. But if, after reading them, you decide to run to the hardware store for a purchase, then do not rush. It also does not hurt to familiarize yourself with the shortcomings:

  1. Price. For one square meter, you will have to pay an average of about six hundred rubles. The price of other materials is from two hundred rubles.
  2. Absorbs various odors and moisture. Not suitable for decorating a kitchen or a room with high humidity. If you like to smoke in a room, then it is better to refuse such material - plaster absorbs tobacco best of all.
  3. It draws all kinds of pollution from the wall.
  4. Not particularly wear resistant. Corners with protruding surfaces are especially quickly abraded. You will have to additionally protect them with special overlays immediately after finishing, so that later you do not have to restore the surface.

Only after you weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of silk plaster, you can decide whether it suits you and whether you can then comfortably live in a room with such a finish. After all, if you are satisfied with the wallpaper that is familiar to many and you do not want to spend large sums on repairs, then there is no point in buying such material.

Plastering technique

If you have chosen this decorative item, then it remains only to calculate and acquire right amount and move on to the most interesting - to its application to the walls. There are usually instructions on the packaging of dry mix that will make it easier for you to use this mix.

But usually the instructions for preparing the mixture always remain unchanged:

  • prepare a convenient container, such as a bowl;
  • pour as much water into the container as indicated on the package;
  • pour the glitter that comes with the plaster, mix thoroughly;
  • now you can fill in the main mixture itself and mix it thoroughly.

The composition is ready to use and you can start applying it immediately. Your actions will look like this:

  1. Primer. First, prepare the base - this is necessary for better adhesion of the plaster to the work surface. Use an acrylic primer designed specifically for decorative formulations to increase adhesion. The primer is applied with a brush or roller, whichever is more convenient for you. The entire surface is covered with a uniform layer. Can be applied in multiple layers.
  2. First layer. Prepare a plastic trowel, it should be narrow or medium in size. Scoop some ready-made plaster with it, apply it carefully on the surface, the strokes should be chaotic, the gaps should be minimal. For the first layer, a thickness of 2 mm is sufficient.
  3. Second layer. You cannot make a silk effect with one layer. The second layer is required! The application technique will not differ in any way from the application of the first layer. To make it easier for yourself to create texture, use different rollers to apply composition.

You can use different application techniques to get an interesting texture of silk plaster. For example, the droppe technique involves applying short strokes that are directed in different directions. It will turn out an interesting plexus of leaves and curls. There is also a “moon” technique, here the mixture is applied with long strokes. And in order to achieve the maximum imitation of wet silk, you need to apply layers very thinly - no more than 1 mm. With special rollers, you can “draw” complex patterns and create folds on the applied “fabric”.

Despite the high cost of the material, it is very popular, because it is a great replacement for the usual wallpaper. With silk plaster, the interior immediately becomes more noble and majestic. And if you compare it with the usual canvases for walls made of paper or vinyl, then the plaster will last you much longer. It will not fade in the sun and will not begin to peel off the walls. Therefore, if there are opportunities and a desire to create unusual interior at home or in the office, you can safely buy this particular biologically clean finishing material.

Silk decorative plaster is increasingly used in interiors, it allows you to achieve the effect of a smooth, shimmering or crumpled rough fabric without significant effort and grouting. It is chosen when finishing interior spaces with a normal level of humidity, both when contacting professionals, and when doing work independently. Reviews about the material are mostly positive, such plaster is considered a good alternative to the Venetian and other expensive and time-consuming decor options. Processing costs are medium (from 180 rubles / m2 and above), primarily they depend on the brand and quality of the plaster mix.

To achieve the effect of silk fabric, compositions with different bases and fillers can be used.

1. Ready-to-apply plasters with polymeric binders with the addition of mother-of-pearl particles or metallized pigments. In fact, they are a subspecies of Venetian and fine-grained textured plasters, some of them are closer to paint, the main requirements for them include the presence of a perfectly flat surface and a two-layer overlay with a total thickness of not more than 1 mm.

2. Liquid wallpaper - dry adhesive compositions with silk fiber additives, diluted with a small amount of water and applied to the walls with a float or spatula. The optimal thickness of the coating in this case is 1-2 mm; to obtain the desired texture, a simple distribution of the material over the surface is sufficient. The percentage of silk varies from 10 to 100%; cotton, cellulose, natural plant fibers, pigments or glitter are used as related fillers.

The term "silk plaster" most often refers to the second variety, the fibers can be of both natural (processed cocoons) and artificial origin. These mixtures are characterized by high adhesiveness, elasticity, vapor permeability and have an antistatic effect. Recognized brands in this group: Russian plaster Silk Plaster brands and Turkish Silkcoat series.

Options for use in the interior

Silk plaster belongs to thin-layer varieties with high adhesive qualities; the working base can be anything, up to metal. Limitations depend on the composition and filler: dry wallpaper mixtures (Silk Plaster and its analogues) are not suitable for application on frequently abraded surfaces and in kitchens and showers. The latter is due to their ability to absorb odor and moisture. Plaster solutions for mineral basis, creating the effect of wet silk, have more broad scope applications, but in rooms with high humidity they also require protection (waxing or varnishing).

The maximum decorative effect is manifested when:

  • Coatings with such compositions smooth walls in the living room, bedrooms, study, decorative wet silk plaster in the interior of the hallway looks very original. In this case, the effect of stretched shiny or matte fabric with different textures is created, the colors can be any - from soft pastel tones to the brightest.
  • Decorating ceilings with it, brands with a smooth texture are recommended.
  • Emphasizing a certain area or element: a niche, a bay window, a mantelpiece or masonry, a column, a panel, part of a wall. The effect achieved in this case largely depends on the viewing angle and lighting, it is easy to increase it with the help of additional lamps.
  • Combination with others finishing materials- stone, cork, stucco, paints and plasters with a different texture, ordinary wallpaper.

Do-It-Yourself Instructions

The main requirement of the technology is to plaster only dry, clean and white walls. At the preparation stage, old wallpapers and nails are removed from them. Wood and metal cover oil paint, concrete, brick or other base is dedusted, puttied and primed (at least two layers, with alternating longitudinal and transverse strokes). Mixing and application of the solution are carried out in the following sequence:

  • Pure water at room temperature is poured into a plastic container, taking into account the dosage indicated in the instructions. Each package is bred separately.
  • A pack of silk plaster is shaken well, poured evenly and without residue into the water. At this stage, sparkles are introduced (if necessary).
  • The mixture is kneaded with fingers until a homogeneous state is reached.
  • The resulting solution is moved into a bag or closed from moisture evaporation and aged for 12 hours. When mixing several packages, before applying, the entire mass is combined in a common plastic container and mixed again.
  • Silk plaster is applied to the walls in one layer with a spatula or float, if necessary, it is rubbed with a damp sponge after 1-2 hours.
  • The room is dried for 1-2 days, airing is allowed.

Plaster on polymer base applied the same way, the difference lies in the use of finished composition, the number of layers and the efforts aimed at grouting. It allows you to get a different texture, imitation of crinkled silk in the interior is achieved using a velor roller and sponge, wet and smooth - by changing the pressure and amplitude of the Venetian trowel.

Material reviews

“For the renovation in the bedroom, we decided to choose Silk Plaster, choosing it primarily because of the simple application and fast drying, were satisfied decorative effect. It is not without flaws (small spots appeared in places, the color faded a little), but in general the coating holds up well. Despite the slightly loose structure, dust does not accumulate, any scratches and stains are easily removed with the left dry mixture.

Anna, Yekaterinburg.

"For finishing the walls in the hall and bedroom used silk textured plaster from VGT. The composition itself was expensive, but the result turned out to be excellent - the walls look beautiful and lively, the coloring has remained unchanged over the year. There were no problems during the installation process, as for me, this brand can be used to plaster any flat surfaces, I think its price is justified.

Igor, Moscow.

“When working with silk plaster Silk Plaster, I made a mistake by spreading the packages separately. As a result, it was not always possible to withstand the 12 hours recommended by the manufacturer, in some places the border between those mixed and applied in different time solutions. I advise you to calculate the right amount for one wall, mix everything in one container and only then plaster.

Sergey, Novosibirsk.

"Of all kinds decorative coatings silk plaster turned out to be the easiest to apply, it hides defects well and is easily leveled. I do not advise you to take expensive compositions with mother-of-pearl, to achieve the same result, it is enough to buy a package of sparkles and add it to the solution. What you should pay attention to is the cleanliness of the work surface - any stains of grease or old paint will definitely appear and it will not be possible to remove them. ”

Dmitry, St. Petersburg.

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