Rosemary Growing. Rosemary's growing subtleties and open ground Rosemary Growing and outdoor care

Gardening 20.06.2020

Rosemary cultivation in the open soil in the Moscow region has its own characteristics.

This shrub in wildlife is found in countries with a warm climate. It can be seen in the fields of Greece, Spain, Italy, in the south of France.

Rosemary is a very common plant, which has been applied in medicine and cooking.

It is not surprising that everyone who has its own land wants to grow this, not only useful, but also very beautiful culture.


In appearance, all the varieties are not much different from each other. Only a real professional will be able to distinguish them.

In our strip grow rosemary ordinary or medicinal. Rarely, but you can meet such varieties:

  • Dewdrop;
  • Tenderness;
  • Vishnyakovsky Semyko;
  • Rosmarinus Prostratus RepenS (bushes up to 15 cm high).

Beneficial features

Rosemary is a shrub that has evergreen leaves-needles, with a pleasant smell of pine, eucalyptus and light lemon notes. Many say that Rosemary "smells the sea."

Reaches two meters in height. Pretty splash. Flowers with small colors of purple color.

What useful rosemary:

  • strengthens immunity;
  • tones the body;
  • strengthens the heart and vessels;
  • improves brain work;
  • improves eyesight;

It's important to know:very often, Rosemary is recommended to apply in the treatment of neurosis and long insomnia.

  • removes inflammation;
  • removes headache;
  • lowers blood sugar levels.

How to grow a shrub in the suburbs

Do not forget that rosemary is from warm places. Therefore, with his landing in open ground, it is better not to rush.

It is necessary to wait for warm, sustainable weather. Freezing rosemary will not survive. The end of May is perfect, then your plant is good for your plant.

Note:choosing a place, pay attention to not there be drafts!

Place Choose the most light. This plant loves sunshine. The soil for rosemary is needed loose, light, preferably known.

If you decide to grow a shrub from seeds, you need to start their landing in February. Seeds are immersed in the soil literally for a couple of millimeters.

Try to maintain the temperature at 20 0 S. Do not let down below 12 0 C. Do not overdo it with watering! The soil must be wet, but not wet!

Tip:the easiest way to be in an open soil bought in advance potted plant. His accessibility is much better.

When shoots are formed, prepare them for future transplant and dissolve into a special pot. You can use ordinary plastic bottles.


  1. Making the wells in a depth of 30-40 cm. At a distance of 10-50 cm (depending on the height of the height, you plan to grow).
  2. It is useful to add a couple of tablespoons of the pounded chalk in the well. This plant loves lime soil.
  3. In the land that you will fall asleep the plant you can add a slightly neutralized peat. It will make the soil more loose.
  4. Carefully get the plant from the pot (without damaging the root system) and sit it in the hole.
  5. I fall asleep soil and slightly tamper with your hands.
  6. Abundantly water the plant with warm water.
  7. We cover with a five-day polyethylene film until complete rooting.

If the street got cold, then the film is better not to be removed before warming.


Rosemary refers to unpretentious plants. It is not susceptible to disease. Due to the specific smell, it is bypassing the pest side.

Shrub does not like a moistened soil. Therefore, an additional watering is organized only during drought period.

Gardening Council: If it is possible, try to plant bushes near open reservoir or in places of groundwater.

The plant needs to carry out soil loosenings in the first years of life. Watering the soil is necessary after conducting watering, soil crust will not be formed.

During looser, remove all weeds! Fertilize rosemary better organic fertilizers. Compost and reworked korovyan fit perfectly. Fertilizer is held in the summer period annually.

Rosemary - a perennial plant. To help him, to drench in the suburbs, it is necessary to dig it for the winter and put on the prepared PFC until next spring. So you definitely confident that the roots will not move.

Take note: For the workpiece of the plant for the winter it can not only be dried, but also freeze.

For therapeutic and culinary purposes, fresh and dried rosemary sprigs use. You can collect them at any time. This will not bring harm to the plant, but only help him even better grow out.

Methods of breeding

There are four methods of reproduction of rosemary:

  1. Seeds.
  2. Cuttings.
  3. Disposals.
  4. Decision bush.

How to propagate plants with seeds was described above. Let us dwell on the other ways.

In September or October, it is necessary to cut a cutlery with a length of 8-10 cm with 3-4 interstices. The lower part is cleaned from the leaves, dip in the root formation stimulator, plant in light well drainaged soil. Put better in warm, protected from direct sunlight location!

After the appearance of the leaves, the upper leaves should be placed for branching. The lowest escape of the plant is lowered as low as possible to the ground. Fix and slightly cheese, leaving the top on the surface.

Water removal more often than a bush. When notice that the plant gave roots, you can dig and transplant in a pot or other place. Most often used for reproduction of potted plants.

When transplanting the bush shares, process the places of cutting with the rotten coal and sear the pots. So do not be afraid and be sure to plant this wonderful shrub on my household plot!

How to multiply and grow rosemary, see the expert advice in the following video:

Rosemary cultivation in our conditions is a fascinating, but rather troublesome, because the natural growing environment of this plant is different - with a warmer and more humid climate. So, you need to make a little effort - in particular, learn how to cover Rosemary for the winter so that the next year the shrub continued to delight flowering and new sprouts.

Where is better to winter

Rosemary can live for many years - up to 20. But only with proper care. However, care for it cannot be called difficult, rather - troublesome: there are recommendations (few), which you need to strictly follow so as not to frozen rosemary bush.

With proper care, the bush from year to year increases in size, reaching as a result of up to 1 m in height. The stalks over time are treated, and the number of foliage increases - it is precisely it is valued in rosemary most of all. If during the cold season, the air temperature drops below -10 ° C, rosemary wintering in open locality is not desirable, as this can lead to the death of the plant.

Even if the winter bush is to cover, protecting against drafts and cold wind, the probability of saving it is small - the soil freezing will be enough to adversely affect the root system, and therefore on the entire plant. Optimal for rosemary shelter for the winter is a cool, but bright room. Room climate is not the best option. Better a plant to overreim on the veranda or in a greenhouse.

That is why many prefer to immediately grow rosemary in a barrel or a wide vase and with a spring to take it into an open ground without transplanting - simply supplied in the same capacity. Then the "journey" from the room on fresh air and back will be less traumatic for the plant, and the gardener is so easier.

The best soil for growing rosemary at home is loose and fertile, it is desirable to give preference to soils with humus. And the excessive wet soil rosemary does not like - leaves immediately starts to reset.

The creation of the right conditions leads to the fact that Rosemary is successfully winters and in the new season pleases with new, active shoots.

What else is important to know

Cold winter air is not the only barrier for full development. Thinking about how to prepare a plant to the cold, do not forget about how in the spring to stimulate its growth. Every two years, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with a compost or by humus at the rate of 200 kg of fertilizer per 1 accel.

Every 7-8 years ends the next cycle of the life of rosemary, and the plant begins to fade without visible reasons. This means that he needs pruning: all the stems are cut under the root to "give way to the road" with young shoots. An important rule: trimming should be carried out exclusively in the growing season when the plant is actively going into growth. And the cut branches can be used to prepare tinctures or put it in order to use them later.

Rosemary - a plant, well-known perfumes, culinary and folk healers of the whole world. Beautiful long-term evergreen shrub perfectly suggests haircut and molding.

It is used not only as spice, flavoring and medicine, but also in quality. Consider how to grow rosemary and care for it further.

In the wild, rosemary bush reaches a height of 1.5 meters. It is found in North Africa, Turkey, Greece.

Well passed on Italy, Spain, Portugal and in the south of France. In these countries, it has long been grown on an industrial scale as a spice and as raw materials for perfume products.

Shrub perfectly feels in the Crimea, where he was brought in 1813, as. Rosemary quickly adapted on the peninsula and tolerate soft Black Sea winter well. The inhabitants of the Crimea grown it for landscaping sites and making a variety of seasonings.

In the countries of the Mediterranean, which are considered the birthplace of the plant, a lot of legends are connected with Rosemary and believes. He is credited with magical properties and the ability to return youth, driving out unclean power and bring happiness to the house. Rosemary's twig was given newlyweds and put into the hands of dead people.

Young leaves of plants are used as seasonings. They have a bitter taste and a saturated fragrance with a coniferous tint. Rosemary is used in the confectionery and liquor-vodka industry.

Perfumes make perfume and toilet waters with the addition of rosemary oil. It gives the aroma depth and freshness. The smell of rosemary is able to reduce the bouts of the headache and wake the passion. The dry leaves of the shrub placed in cotton fabric, flavory bed linen.

As a medication, the plant is used for diseases:

  • nervous system
  • of cardio-vascular system
  • gallbladder
  • gastrointestinal tract
  • liver
  • upper respiratory tract

It has spasmolytic, antioxidant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory properties. Increases lactation and increases blood pressure. Contraindicated with hypertension.

Growing rosemary from seeds

On the territory of medium latitudes, rosemary ground like a uneline. To obtain spicy seasonings of this cycle, it is quite enough. If you wish, always have fragrant greens at hand, rosemary is grown in a container on the windowsill.

Rosemary's selection has long been engaged. A varieties with fluttering stems, no more than 0.5 meters high (rosemary creeping, lavender, Corsican) are displayed. They are designed for vertical landscaping in suspended vases or as soil.

For growing as a spice, early grades are designed with extensive stems of a height of 60 - 70 cm (tenderness). From the emergence of germs to the technical ripeness of this plant, only 80 - 90 days is passed.

To obtain seedlings, rosemary is seeded in the beginning of March in boxes or special containers filled with land. The plant badly tolerates the water. As a drainage on the bottom of the tank, clamzit or overwhelming sawdust (5 - 6 cm) are poured.

Rosemary is better to grow on limestone. When buying a finished soil, pay attention to the indicators of its acidity. They should be high (pH 6.5 - 7). With independent manufacture of the soil mixture, wood ash adds to it.

Containers with Earth are well spilled with warm water, slightly seal the upper layer of soil and seed seeds. From above evenly pour 0.5 - 1 cm sainted sand and slightly tamper it. Capacities are covered with transparent film or cellophane package and placed on the windowsill.

Containers are periodically opened for ventilation. Shoots appear in 20 - 30 days. From this point on, the plant is revealed and provide good lighting. If necessary, use daylight lamps.

Rosemary seedlings - while they are small - regularly watered, preventing the drying of the soil. When there will be 3 - 4 of the real leaves on the plants, they are divened (they need to be seated into separate containers of small size, where the place to each copy will be greater). Rosemary does not like the convergence, therefore, as the seedlings grow, the watering is reduced.

Seedlings are planted into the ground in May. Before that, they boost it during the week and shelted overnight until the time when the threat of frosts. The young, rapid plant dies with a decrease in temperature to 0 ° C. Adult bush more frostable. It is able to survive at minus temperature indicators up to 8 ° C.

An extremely important stage in rosemary cultivation is the preparation of seeds. Although at home the preparation is fairly easy to implement, but the process will take a lot of time. Seeds need to be bought into the moist fabric, maintaining the level of humidity. It is impossible to dry up the tissue, but it is not necessary to overdo it. Simply, try not to allow complete drying of the fabric. It is necessary to start such a procedure at the end of winter, as it takes time to 25-30 days. For the first time, try to lay several groups of seeds into a fabric, different in the degree of moisture. So it will be much easier to achieve success.

Soil mixture for further cultivation of seedlings, it is necessary to make a lightweight. It will take 10% of pure sand, 20% of the usual turf of the land, 20% of the deciduous land and 20% of good humus grounds.

Growing from seeds

After you get the extension of seeds in the apartment, you need to transplant in the prepared containers for seedlings. When the seed landing is made, you should be sprinkled with a centimeter layer of crushed land.

Naturally, it is best to create greenhouse conditions. It is very easy to do it, just tighten the film with seeds with a film. What is good, no need to adhere to the hard temperature mode. The range is wide enough, from 12 ° C to 22 ° C.

If you have excess soils and tanks for growing seedlings, put the non-fluxed seeds of 5-7 pieces per pot. Sustained seeds are desirable to plant in individual containers. To increase the chances of successful receipt of seeds, you should not exercise, watering the open way. Support a moderate moisture level in a mini-greenhouse using a spray gun. Periodically ventilate the improvised greenhouse. It is necessary to calculate the time of landing so that in the open soil no longer existed the threats of frosts.

Rosemary Care Rules

It should be taken care that it is enough to be sufficiently sunny. At least minimal protection against strong wind should be ensured. Culture tolerates the marine climate well and will not have problems on the coast. If you are going to grow a plant in decorative purposes, then the permissible distance is 10 cm. When you have the task of planting a culture for further harvesting, you should significantly increase the distance between the plants, to half a meter. It is very nice to plant rosemary nearby from those places where underwear is dry. The things dried next to this culture will have truly magic aroma.
For normal culture of culture, a sufficiently moderate watering mode is required. You should take care of regular weeds. If in the garden is a wet land from the past rains, watering should be excluded. The yellowed leaves signals the lack of moisture, and suddenly dropped rosemary leaves, serve as evidenced by excessive soil moisturizing. Periodically, the soil breaking is required, it will improve the well-being of the plant. As a feeding, you can use the organic, it is quite enough to make every month.

Care in winter for rosemary

If at home the plant will be comfortable in winter at + 15 ° C, then in nature it will be hard to create similar conditions. Long frosty periods starting from -10 ° C can quickly destroy the above-ground parts of the plant. If there is an opportunity, exercising growing, transfer to a cool place for the winter, then this is the best way out.

Wintering will pass painless, ranging from + 8 ° C. But how to grow a small rosemary plantation and save it in winter? To do this, you will have to work hard and harvest sufficient amounts of sawdust, small branches, needles and dried leaves. Such materials are suitable for careful shelter of this thermal-loving culture. Stroke the plant should be in advance, before the period of the first autumn frosts.

If they start in the region early October, followed two weeks before they began to take care of the winter coat for rosemary. If you ignore this approach, even the first light freezers will be able to cause significant damage to your plantation.

Of course, to optimally grow a culture in containers and to transfer to the upcoming wintering in comfortable conditions. Periodic trimming of shrub will be able to give an elegant plant form. For trouble-free growing in containers, it is best to use a dwarf grade that does not grow above the half-meter. Conventional varieties are able to grow over 2 meters in length.

Can't understand how connected, your section and the sea? Everything is simple. The fact is that Rosemary is translated as "maritime freshness". And this means that, putting it on his plot, you, figuratively speaking, cultivate the freshness of the sea. But today it will be not about the beach holiday, but about how to plant rosemary correctly, grow it and then use.

So, Rosemary is an evergreen long-term shrub with needle leaves similar to needles. In the open ground can grow up to 2 m in height. Grows in a wild form on the Mediterranean coast. Do you understand now, what sea freshness will be on your site?))

Rosemary sincecore is famous for the healing and aromatic properties. So, for example, this plant is included in the list of the famous chain of Provence. The aroma of rosemary is similar to the mixture, camphor, and. I do not even know if the maritime freshness can smell so ... but let's turn to the most important thing.

Landing Rosemary

Contrary to general opinion, this plant is not exotic for a long time, it can be raised on our sites with you. However, that the undertaking does not end up failure, it is important to know the following features:
  1. First, Rosemary is light-chapin and heat-seeking. For him are devastating. From here you can conclude: the time of landing in the soil must be determined independently. It is better to land later when there is no threat of frosts.
  2. Secondly, Rosemary loves lime, lungs and loose. Heavy, fat, acidic and too wet soils do not like. Here is such a pick-up. But this shrub is absolutely not subject to. Yes, and try to bypass it - apparently, too fragrant.

To plant rosemary can be 4 ways: Seeds, tanks, cuttings or bush divide. I think the option is optimal for us - growing from seeds Seedlings with a subsequent planting in the ground. Given everything outlined above, it is possible to sow seedlings in February-March. And a month later, the grown shoots can be searched in separate pots.

By the way, the seeds of rosemary look like:

Not so large, of course \u003d) here they are in full size:

Seeds are germinated at a temperature of +12 ° C ... + 22 ° C. By the way, no need to immerse them too deep into the soil, sufficient depth of 0.3-0.4 cm. And do not pour! The soil must be moderately wet.

Seedling grown, and frosts ended? Then landed your rosemary in open ground. Usually use a 50 x 50 cm diagram. But if you do not plan to grow a shrub, it will be enough and a distance of 10 cm.

If you have to to multiply rosemary stalks, do it like. At the end of June, young shoots are cut off with a bush. The length of the cuttings should be 8-10 cm. Then the lower ends of the cuttings in the ground at an angle of 45o are stuck. The depth of 5 cm will be enough. Between the cuttings should be at least 10 cm. The cuttings are fairly soon rooted and go into growth.

Now let's learn how to properly care for rosemary.

Rosemary care

No special rosemary care requires. It grows in a wild form, it means and we will grow. However...


Must be regular, but moderate. If you still remember, the wet soils rosemary does not like. Nothing should not be preserved. You will understand that the chip is not enough moisture if it starts to turn yellow leaves. And if you fill it with water, he can drop the leaves, giving you to understand: they say, enough, got drunk. In general, avoid extremes.

Loosening, weeding and feeding

Well, and definitely necessary. This is granted. But what? Some watered a cowber solution (in the ratio of 1: 5). Others use complex mineral and organic, containing and. Once a month is quite enough.

In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are watered - this is necessary for the formation. And in the fall, it is better phosphorus. Then the plant will feel comfortable and can decorate your plot for a long time.


With industrial cultivation of rosemary every 7-8 years of its bushes before the soil level. So to speak, rejuvenate - to go new shoots. If your rosemary bush is old, I think it makes sense to do it. In addition, bushes need to form if you want them to be beautiful. Typically, forming trimming is engaged in March-April.


As far as I know, in the south of Russia Rosemary is growing perfectly and so. For the first time, he was brought to the Crimea in the 19th century and, apparently, he liked there)). But in our cold climate it is better to be renewed and, if there is such an opportunity. Otherwise, can freeze.

Often do differently: cutting rosemary and transplanted for winter in a pot. For the middle strip, this is perhaps the most reliable option.

It seems that it is all concerning care. Let's talk about harvesting.


What yield can be collected from rosemary's busta? Naturally, his greens.

It is desirable to do this in sunny weather. We tear up young shoots, dry them and grind. That is ready for the aromatic seasoning to. Sometimes its root is used, but extremely rare.

Types and varieties of rosemary

As such, rosemary varieties are a bit. Rosemary he is rosemary. As for the species, they are about five, but I will not bring them Latin names - this is for scientists)) The species most common in our band species - rosemary ordinary , he is rosemary medicinal.

He has some varieties still there. True, according to the photos of their identifying, it is hardly possible: they do not differ in appearance)). Popular domestic varieties: Tenderness, Rosinka, Vishnyakovsky Sebo ...

Among foreign varieties of rosemary should be mentioned by low grade " Severn SEA."(its height is no more than 50 cm):

Grade " Prostratus."- This is rosemary with fluttering shoots. His bushes in a height of about 15 cm.

Grade " Roseus."Differs with pink flower, but" Albiflorus."- White ...

Our gardeners often plant rosemary not in culinary purposes, but just a beauty for the sake.

Have you tried to plant rosemary? And how do you? \u003d)

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