Projects of multi-storey buildings in the style of minimalism. Video - aquapanel: sealing joints and applying a base reinforcing layer

Engineering systems 05.06.2019
Engineering systems

Every year the style of minimalism is becoming more and more popular. The reason for this is the wonderful appearance and simple simplicity.

Minimalism is nothing more than ordinary spacious rooms created for the purpose comfortable living their inhabitants. Typically, this design uses the most common and common materials used in construction.

The main characteristics of the style are distinguished by such concepts:

  • The choice of materials and forms that are simple in their qualities;
  • The originality of the objects used and their sizes;
  • Only natural materials are used to create the main part of the building. If artificial is used, then it must imitate natural material;
  • Lack of shine. In this style, it is important to use predominantly neutral colors;
  • Most use black, white, gray and other pastel colors;
  • The use of furniture in the right areas and levels in order to zone the space.

Giving the room more light and volume, this style is a great option for people with creative views.

Special qualities of frame houses in the style of minimalism

Among the variety of architectural and design styles, this style appeared much later. This style has a couple of main aspects; it is conciseness and precision.

During its fifty years of existence, minimalism has gained a considerable number of fans. This is facilitated by a design using simple lines and a small number of required items. Minimalism is the correct arrangement of a small number of things.

It is worth highlighting the main features of minimalism:

  • Light. Here, rooms with good lighting are used;
  • Simplicity, absolute harmony with a small number of details.

House projects

Houses designed and built in the style of minimalism surprise with their classic forms, simplicity and conciseness. Living in such houses is cozy and comfortable.
Stroitelst in the house has its own peculiarities. And if you learn them well, then, of course, you will be able to build a house using the minimalist style:

  • The main part of the house is a reinforced concrete frame. With its help, the house is given the necessary forms;
  • The main feature, which is an important part of not only external state structure, but also responsible for its strength, is the foundation. It must be monolithic, which guarantees its durability and combination with the general exterior of the building;
  • Foam concrete is quite strong and reliable material, so it is ideal for this type of building;
  • A good addition to general style at home, there will be a coating application with a reinforced concrete frame;
  • You can use siding, as well as materials that imitate real wood.

Project of a small one-story house

One-story looks quite interesting little house, built with minimalism. Mostly for construction similar houses apply gas concrete blocks. Their strength and ability to retain heat inside the building is an advantage among other building materials. General form the roof will complement the house, it is best if it is covered with flexible roofing materials or tiles.

Creating a project requires a clear account of all the elements, as well as the mandatory use of recommended materials.

At the beginning of construction, some features should be seriously planned:

  • Decide on the choice of building materials for the construction of the future home;
  • It is worth remembering the foundation. There are not so many materials for foundation work, and therefore there is no need to experiment here. The main function of the foundation is reliability;
  • View the types of facades and stop at a more suitable option, because the facade of the house is always in sight;
  • Pre-think over all the details of the roof, and should also stop at the right material which will be needed for the roof.

Projects of one-story buildings in the style of minimalism are the most common among the other options.

Two-storey house

The house data is very good o suitable for a large family. In addition to external beauty, two-story houses have an advantage in terms of comfort and functionality. The materials for the construction of a two-story building are the same as for the construction of a one-story house. To choose Construction Materials follows before construction begins.

But the following factors also require attention:

  1. The use of a solid foundation. Such a foundation is very reliable. In addition, it allows the use of volumetric facades for decoration and insulation.
  2. Only material suitable for pouring the foundation good quality.
  3. The roof must be completely tiled.

This house will have not only a nice appearance, but also warm and functional rooms.

Modern home and minimalism

Already under construction modern houses Emphasis is placed on reliability and advanced technology. Warming is definitely done, as well as good quality ventilation, which is also used when heating the house. Having thought through all the nuances well, you can get perfect place for living.

In addition to the basic building materials, you must also take into account a considerable amount of funds for insulation and decor. In order for the house to look chic and overnight, it is quite simple that the required materials should imitate natural ones as much as possible.

Projects by material type

Such houses give a lot of space for the use of their thoughts. A wide selection of materials for construction allows you to embody the most incredible projects and ideas.

Projects by size

Depending on the size of the future home, you should pay attention to the materials for future construction. For example, when pouring the foundation for a small one-story building, you can refuse to use means for strengthening.

The main factor that should be carefully considered is the demand for one-story houses, which are being built using natural-type building materials.

Functionality Project

Depending on the future plans of the owner, you should think about the functionality of the future structure. Today's technical capabilities suggest the installation of heating systems at the construction stage. These features allow you to save on heating the house, as well as plan it more cozy and comfortable.

Projects by number of floors

Separately, it is worth highlighting the number of storeys of houses. A distinctive feature of the house will be its foundation and decoration. external walls. The construction of these houses involves the use of a variety of materials. A special detail of a one-story building is flat roof and facades imitating wood. The next option is a two-story house. The construction of this structure requires more pouring of a voluminous and massive foundation. You can also use a variety of types of facade materials.

Advantages of frame houses

The house of frame construction, the construction of which requires modern building materials, is very reliable and durable. Buildings like this hold up very well. desired temperature, do not allow the appearance of moisture and can be used for a long time without repair.

Minimalism in architecture is gaining more and more popularity in recent years. Its main idea is functionality and conciseness, rejection of excesses, heaps of details, pretentiousness. To some, it seems too cold and uncomfortable, while others, on the contrary, appreciate it for its originality and simplicity. Houses in the style of minimalism do not require expensive finishes, but at the same time they always look spectacular and expressive, and also fit perfectly into the natural landscape.

Minimalism has a lot in common with styles such as hi-tech and loft:

  • the predominance of straight strict lines and regular shapes;
  • conciseness in decoration;
  • large glazing area;
  • restrained colors;
  • spacious interior layout.

Such houses are very different from traditional residential buildings in their appearance, and therefore they are chosen mainly by people who are creative, self-confident, not prone to hoarding and appreciating personal space. Despite the conciseness of the buildings, the development of projects requires an impeccable sense of style and high skill from the architect - without this, creating an attractive atmosphere in such a structure will not work.


AT architectural plan these houses are very different. There are structures in the form of large cubes, elongated parallelepipeds, complex structures of several modules. Buildings are characterized by different levels, the presence of niches and ledges, and asymmetry. Roofs are most often flat or gable without overhangs and also asymmetrical. The presence of open terraces is welcome, and it can be located on several sides of the house at once or encircle it with a narrow ribbon. The foundation is usually low, the plinth, if present, has a discreet monochromatic finish.


Traditionally, minimalism combines natural and artificial materials- wood, concrete, glass, stone, metal. For the construction of walls, brick, concrete blocks, frame steel structures, as well as aerated concrete and ceramic blocks. Finishing materials are also quite diverse: planken, composite panels, artificial and a natural stone, ceramic tile, corrugated board. In most projects, these materials are combined with white or light-colored plaster. For roofing, the most common option is PVC membranes and corrugated board.


The larger the glass area, the better. Many projects include panoramic windows, glass partitions and walls, there are options with glazed gables and roofs. If this simple windows, then they should be larger than standard ones, with a minimum number of jumpers, or even without them at all. The shape of the windows is only rectangular, no arches, round or figured openings. There are also no platbands, shutters, figured lattices, stained-glass windows and any other decor. The maximum that is allowed is tinted windows from the sun and the presence of roller shutters.

Color design

Minimalism is characterized by muted colors close to natural: warm woody, sandy, beige, dark green. But the basis of the palette is white and gray, which are present in almost every project. The colors are combined in various options, as a rule, 2-3 shades in one house, although monochrome finishes are also common. Bright colors and contrasting combinations are unacceptable here, even as an accent.

Varieties of minimalism

The ideas of minimalism gained popularity very quickly, but even many supporters of the style consider it too strict and cold. Thanks to attempts to make it more comfortable, two directions arose at once - soft minimalism and eco-minimalism.

Soft minimalism is characterized by softer lines, warm tones and pleasant textures. There are still the same restrained forms and lack of decor, but the house seems much more comfortable and attractive. The decoration is dominated by wood, stone and plaster in the most different combinations, as well as metal and plastic with imitation of natural textures. basis color palette are beige, sand and white colors, which are shaded in dark gray and dark brown.

Eco-minimalism involves the use of natural, environmentally friendly clean materials for the construction and decoration of houses. The basis is natural stone and wood of various species, and complement them with decorative plaster, ceramics, glass. On the roofs of such houses are often installed solar panels and create green lawns. Buildings in the style of eco-minimalism are in perfect harmony with the surrounding landscape, and the color scheme additionally includes delicate shades of emerald green, light green, and pale blue.

There are two more interesting varieties style - Scandinavian and Japanese minimalism. They fully comply with the general concept, but at the same time they have unique ethnic features. In Scandinavian minimalism, colorful elements and more contrasting combinations are allowed; wood of various textures predominates in the decoration. Because of this scandinavian houses seem more comfortable even in such an ascetic design.

Minimalism in Japanese is characterized by a very simple forms and monochrome trim. Residential buildings very compact, correct rectangular shape. Zoning is done with wood paneling, partitions made of glass, lath finishes made of metal. Colors: white, dark gray, all shades of wood. When arranging such buildings, an important role is given to lighting, which is mounted around the perimeter of openings, cornice overhangs, and the lower part of the walls.

Minimalist home decoration

For finishing in a minimalist style, you can use a wide variety of materials: planken, WPC panels, corrugated board, plaster, textured fiber concrete panels and others. The choice depends only on your financial capabilities and preferences. One of the most practical options is a combination of concrete surface and wood cladding.

An example of a combination of wood paneling with plastered surfaces

Most residences are made of brick or block, not concrete, so to get the right texture, you need to choose a finish that mimics concrete. Thanks to the diversity modern materials, it will not be difficult to do this. For example, consider the facade cladding with Knauf cement aquapanels and finishing plaster for concrete.

Cement slab "Aquapanel". Outdoor

Facade cement panels are already finished base for any finish. They are used in the arrangement of ventilated facades, they are distinguished by a perfectly flat surface, so that the walls do not need to be carefully leveled for painting or plastering. These panels are mesh-reinforced sheets with a core of Portland cement and light mineral filler.

Technical characteristics of aquapanels

Concrete-like stucco is very often used in minimalist, hi-tech and loft finishes. It is great for outdoor work, as it is resistant to moisture and high frost resistance. The most popular brands: Loft-Beton, Novacolor, Concret Art, Prof Decor.

Preparatory stage

The first step is to dismantle the gutters, cornices, platbands, facade decor, if any. After that, the walls are inspected for damage, the quality of the old coating is checked. If the house was plastered, and there are no visible defects on the surface, you need to lightly tap on the plaster with a hammer: a ringing sound - the coating is strong and reliable, deaf - everything needs to be cleaned off and plastered again. Masonry joints must be treated with a steel brush to identify possible voids.

Further, the detected defects are eliminated using cement mortar: embroider and close cracks, fill empty seams, recesses and chips on the surface. Small protrusions and tubercles are easy to remove with a grinder with a grinding nozzle. After the repair mortar has dried, the walls are cleaned of dust and applied primer composition. If the walls absorb too quickly, 2-3 coats of primer will be necessary to ensure quality protection from exposure to moisture.

Lathing installation

Aquapanels are attached to the crate, so there is no need to additionally level the walls with plaster. After the primer layer has dried, you can immediately begin to install the guides. Suitable for framing metal profiles, and wooden beam. When choosing the second option, make sure that the lumber does not have serious defects and is well dried.

Step 1. At the corner of the wall, mark a vertical line with a plumb line and mark on it the attachment points of the guides every 40 cm. The same marking is performed on the opposite corner of the wall.

Step 2 Holes are drilled according to the marking, dust is blown out, dowels are inserted. Next, the first timber is applied to the wall, baited with self-tapping screws, set vertically, if necessary, using wooden linings. After making sure that the beam is located correctly, fix it with self-tapping screws until it stops. The second corner beam is also mounted.

Step 3 A cord is pulled along the top and bottom edges between the corner guides to make it easier to align the remaining elements of the crate. The intermediate bars are fastened in increments of 50 cm. Having completed the installation of the crate, the verticality of the structure is checked again to avoid distortions of the skin.

Panel fixing

For the installation of aquapanels, you will need galvanized self-tapping screws, a level, a screwdriver, mounting spacers 3-5 mm thick. You can cut the material with a jigsaw, circular saw and even with a mounting knife, since the panels are cut quite easily.

Step 1. The first panel is applied in width to the crate from the corner, leveled along the bottom edge, then horizontally. They are screwed to the bars with screws in increments of 25 cm - first they are fixed in the center, then they move to the edges.

Step 2 When installing the second panel, be sure to leave a gap of 3 to 5 mm wide, for convenience, you can insert a piece wooden lath appropriate thickness. All subsequent panels are attached in the same way.

Installation of aquapanel sheets

Advice. If a last page it is necessary to cut it, it is laid on a flat surface, a cut line is marked with a pencil, a level or a flat rail is applied to it, and it is carried out with force with a knife edge. Having cut the reinforcing layer on the front side, the panel is broken along the formed edge and the mesh is cut on the reverse side.

Step 3 Begin the installation of the second row. The vertical seams in the covering must not match, so the first panel must be cut in half. Spacers are placed between the top and bottom panels so that the width of the seams over the entire area remains the same.

Step 4 Near the openings, the panels are fastened end-to-end with window frames and window sill. The material should fit snugly on the cuts, the presence of through gaps in the openings is unacceptable.

Step 5 Having completed the wall cladding, they begin to seal the joints with a plaster-adhesive mixture (for example, Bolars ARMIBOND, Osnovit Kaverpliks, KNAUF-Sevener). The dry composition is diluted in water, thoroughly mixed with a mixer and applied with a spatula along the seams. The solution is applied in a thick layer, pressing into the gaps between the panels, the excess is removed.

Step 6 They take a reinforcing fiberglass mesh with cells of 3.5x3.5 mm, cut it into strips 7-8 cm wide and put it on top of the solution so that the seam is located in the center of the strip. Then, the solution is again collected with a spatula, applied to the grid and distributed in an even layer, thoroughly rubbing over the surface. The recesses from the caps of the screws are also sealed with a small amount of glue.

Step 7 The corners of the facade, as well as door and window openings, are reinforced with a special corner with a mesh: a solution is applied to the corner on both sides, a corner is placed on top, leveled and pressed into the glue, and the mesh is pressed and smoothed with a spatula.

Step 8 Finally, the adhesive solution is applied in a continuous thin layer over the entire surface of the skin. Since the solution dries quickly, it is most convenient to process the wall in squares. The glue is applied, leveled, a reinforcing mesh is laid on top and smoothed with a spatula from the center to the edges, sinking the mesh into the solution by 1/3 of the layer thickness. Adjacent pieces of mesh must be overlapped by a few centimeters.

After the surface dries, the walls are treated with a grater with an emery cloth. This will eliminate small bumps, streaks, traces of the spatula. Then the dust is brushed away with a brush and the facade is covered with a primer.

Video - AQUAPANEL: sealing joints and applying a base reinforcing layer


This stage is the most creative, and therefore requires maximum diligence and accuracy. The finished surface should have a characteristic concrete texture, color and shallow relief. Imitation of roughly processed or aged concrete is inappropriate here, such a texture is more suitable for a loft style.

Step 1. Cooking plaster mixture: in the proportions indicated on the package, mix the dry ingredients with water, mix the mass with a mixer at low speed until smooth.

Step 2 Gather the composition on a spatula and distribute it on the wall in an even layer. The application thickness is equal to the thickness of the filler grain. The spatula is kept at the same angle to the surface all the time and the solution is distributed with the same force. Try not to leave traces of the tool and do not return to the sections already covered.

Step 3 When the base layer dries, knead a new portion of the solution and distribute it over the surface in the same way. As soon as the mass begins to set, take a plastic or metal grater and form a texture, rubbing the plaster with effort in a circular motion.

Step 4 After drying, the coating is treated with fine-grained sandpaper, cleaned of dust and covered with a special varnish for stone or water repellent.

As a result of this treatment, the walls will look like polished concrete, which is fully consistent with the minimalist style. For contrast, you can highlight the front area in white by painting the surface. If the house is large, there may be several such zones, the main thing is that the selected zones have a strict rectangular shape.

Video - Minimalist houses

Video - Facade cladding with cement panels

Minimalism as a style is gaining more and more popularity every year due to the fact that it looks just wonderful and at the same time quite simple.

Features of houses in the style of minimalism

Minimalism is one of the latest styles in architecture and design. The main feature of this style is conciseness and accuracy. This style has existed for about fifty years, but for this a short time found a lot of fans thanks to simple and concise lines and the very minimum in details. Minimalism implies the very minimum of everything, and most importantly, the correct distribution of this minimum.

Highlighting the main features of minimalism, we can say that there are only two of them:

  • Light, this style loves large bright rooms,
  • Simplicity, the minimum number of details that are in harmony with each other.

General characteristics of the style

Speaking about the style of minimalism, we are talking about simplicity and conciseness, light and spacious objects, the purpose of which is to create comfort for its inhabitants. Such a design is usually created using the simplest and most traditional building materials.

The main characteristics of this style can be distinguished by such concepts:

  • Ease of shapes and materials to use,
  • Non-standard items and sizes of these items,
  • The main part of the building should be created using natural materials, even if artificial ones are used, they must in any case imitate a natural product,
  • Use only neutral and pastel colors when creating this style, no glitter,
  • Of the colors, you can mainly use black, gray, white or other pastel colors,
  • Zoning a room by distributing furniture in different parts and different levels,

This style gives the room more volume and more light. This style is ideal for creative people.

Projects of houses in the style of minimalism

Projects of houses in the style of minimalism amaze with their simplicity, classic forms, but at the same time, simplicity and conciseness. Such houses are very comfortable and convenient for living.

Such a house has its own characteristics in the structure. The most important thing is to stick to them, then the house will be created in a minimalist style:

  • The main feature that is important not only for the appearance of the building itself, but also for its strength and reliability is monolithic foundation, which will serve for a long time and will become part of the overall exterior of the house,
  • Formation of a reinforced concrete frame, which will become the main part of the house itself and give it the necessary forms,
  • Using foam concrete for walls, this material is quite dense, reliable and ideal for this type of buildings,
  • One-piece pavement using a reinforced concrete frame, will be the perfect complement and extension of the overall theme and style of the house,
  • The use of siding and imitation of natural wood.

One-story house project

When using the minimalist style, a small one-story building looks very stylish. Often they are used for the construction of such houses, they are durable and reliable, and also retain heat well in the middle of the room. The roof of the house is preferably covered with shingles or flexible roofing - this will help the house to complement the overall appearance.

When creating a project for the house itself, it is worth considering all the elements, as well as using exactly those materials that are recommended.

Pay attention to such features that must be planned before the start of the construction of the house:

  • Be sure to consider all the materials that will be used for the building,
  • Separately review the possible options for facades and choose the most suitable option, because the facade of the house is the part that will most of all fall into everyone's eyes,
  • Don't forget about this important point as a foundation, the choice of materials for this part of the house is not very large and it is not worth experimenting. The main objective of the foundation is reliability and durability,
  • The roof must also be thought out in advance and worked out in detail, in addition, the material that will be used to cover the roof must be selected.

Of the majority options such a project is precisely one-story houses in the style of minimalism.

The project of a two-story house in a minimalist style: general data

For a large family, it will be very convenient in the style of minimalism. Such houses not only look very beautiful and stylish, they are also comfortable and functional. In such houses, several closed facades, but in this case one of the facades must be completely open, use a glass facade. Such a structure can allow you to create a wonderful play of shadows, which will be both on the street near the house and complement the interior.

During construction two-story house in the style of minimalism, the same materials should be used as for one floor. The selection of materials should be carried out before the start of construction, which will make sure that such a room is harmonious.

But you also need to pay attention to such factors:

  1. Good and high quality material for pouring the foundation,
  2. Use only monolithic foundation, this will give the house more reliability, and at the same time it will make it possible to use massive facades for decorating and insulating the room,
  3. The roof of this house without fail should be not just made of natural materials, but also elements, or be completely covered with tiles.

Such a house will be beautiful on the outside, as well as comfortable and warm inside.

Modern minimalist house

Modern houses already during construction are guided by reliability and the use of new technologies. Such a house must be insulated, during construction a reliable and quality system ventilation, which can help even with heating the house. Well-thought-out details, down to the smallest detail, make it possible to make the house ideal for living.

In addition to the basic materials that are used for construction, it is also worth considering a lot of decorative and insulating materials that imitate natural materials as closely as possible and help give the house a simple, but at the same time chic stylish look.

Projects of houses by type of materials

Depending on the material used in construction, you can create a wide variety of projects and implement the most daring ideas. Such houses can embody a wide variety of projects.

Projects of houses by size

Based on the size of the house, it is tedious to look at the materials that will be used in the construction of the house. So, for example, a small cottage can be built on a small foundation and without the use of reinforcing materials.

Pay attention to the factor that the most sought-after houses on this moment built on one floor and with maximum use of natural materials.

Projects of houses by number of floors

Houses on one and several floors stand out separately. For the construction of such houses, it is necessary to use a different amount of materials. The main distinguishing feature for such a house will be the foundation and processing of the facade of the house. Main Feature one-story house there is a flat roof, as well as natural facades that imitate wood. The second option is two floors. When building a two-story house, there should be a more voluminous and massive foundation. And the use of materials for the facade may also differ.

House designs by functionality

Depending on the plans of the owner, it is worth paying attention to the functionality of this house. New technologies make it possible, already during the construction of the building itself, to lay the foundation for heating systems. Such functional features help to save on heating, as well as make the house more comfortable.

The ventilation system can run along complex paths, for example, if the pipe runs through the basement, it will heat up.

What are the advantages of modern frame houses

The frame house made of modern materials is very dense and reliable. Such buildings keep the temperature well. They do not pass moisture and cold, they can last for a long time without the need for repair. The appearance of such a house does not differ from the use of natural materials, and the appearance is much better.

Every day country houses in the style of minimalism are in great demand. But the described style can be present not only in the interior of the house, but also in architecture and even in makeup. So minimalism is most likely a way of life in which there is lightness combined with comfort and practicality. There are numerous options for projects of houses in the style of minimalism, so let's dwell on each of them separately.

Project #1

This is a one-story house, which is made in modern style. It has a garage that can fit 2 cars. Its total area is 166 m2, and the living area is 111 m2. The roof is made at a slope of 3 degrees.

One-storey house in a minimalist style 166 m2

When constructing the structure, they used cellular concrete or ceramic blocks. Overlapping of monolithic type. For the arrangement of the roof, a PVC membrane is used. But what is the best way to cover the roof wooden house, and how to do it right, this will help to understand

Project #2

This home has a side garage. In general, the building retains the shape of a cube, which makes it more diverse. The living room has a non-linear perimeter, thanks to which it looks great from the side of landscape design. Since the house and the garage have a corner location, this will naturally connect the design of the terrace open type with nature. The project also provides for a garage from which you can immediately get into the house.

Size 126 m2 with garage

The total building area is 126 m2, and the living area is 102 m2. The roof is made at a slope of 3 degrees. For the construction of walls, cellular concrete or ceramic blocks are used. Overlapping of monolithic type. For the arrangement of the roof, a PVC membrane is used. But what the roof structure of the roofs of private houses looks like can be seen in this

Project #3

This project involves the construction of an elegant modern house in the style of minimalism, which is equipped with a pitched roof. The facade has original design, and due to panoramic glazing, the house is filled with daylight. At first glance, the house may seem too bulky. But this is far from being the case, since the building seems to “hover” over the site.

All necessary premises located on the first floor. There is a spacious daily area, which has access to an open terrace.

But the night zone includes 3 bedrooms, utility block. It is he who adjoins the garage room. There is also access to the garden, which is located in one of the bedrooms. The project has provided everything that is required for a comfortable stay of a large family.

With pitched roof

The total area of ​​the house is 167 m2, and the living area is 119 m2. The roof is made at an inclination of 15 degrees. When erecting walls, cellular aerated concrete and ceramic blocks are used. Overlapping of monolithic type. For the arrangement of the roof, ceramic tiles, metal tiles or cement-sand tiles are used.

Project №4

This house is built in a modern style. Equipped with a large garage and a terrace, which is located on the second floor. The total area of ​​the building is 191 m2, and the living area is 153 m2. The slope of the roof is 2 degrees.

Minimalist house with garage and terrace

When erecting walls, ceramic or silicate blocks are used, as well as cellular concrete. Overlapping of monolithic type. When arranging the roof, a PVC membrane is used. And here's what the house looks like hipped roof, and how to build it, this video will help you understand

It will also be interesting to look at how a house made of timber with an attic and a bay window looks like:

Project #5

This is a one-story practical design, which is made in the style of minimalism. modern design and with a flat roof. The house is designed from 2 blocks. For exterior finish two types of material are used - gray stone and milky white plaster. To balance the finishes are used wooden panels. Done, which will fit perfectly into the open landscape.

Two-storey house of 2 blocks in the style of minimalism 132 m-2

The project clearly defines the day, night and economic zones. The day room is visually combined with the terrace. There is also a kitchen with pantry and access to the dining room. There is a fireplace in the center of the dining room. On the left side there are 3 bedrooms and a bathroom. One of the bedrooms has a bathroom and a dressing room. On the left side of the hallway is an auxiliary room. One of the advantages of this project is the large windows. Thanks to them, it is possible to get an atmosphere of freedom in an open area and fill the house with an abundance of light.

The total building area is 167 m2, and the living area is 134 m2. The roof is made at an inclination of 7 degrees. When building walls, cellular concrete or ceramic blocks are used. Overlapping of monolithic type. When arranging the roof, a PVC membrane is used. But what projects of one-story houses with a bay window and a terrace exist can be seen in the photo

Project #6

This project involves the construction of a one-story house, made in the style of minimalism. It has a flat roof structure and an extensive glazing area. Through exclusive design solutions it is possible to combine blind frontal facades and panoramic glazing into one whole. Thus, the privacy of the house and garden is achieved.

With extensive glazing in a minimalist style 103 m-2

The interior of the house is represented by a common area. There is a living room and a forge, as well as 3 bedrooms. this layout allows you to give the owners real comfort and privacy. As an addition to the house there is outdoor terrace. She has quite large area, thanks to which the whole family and even guests can be accommodated in it. And the presence of a double fireplace will allow you to heat the entire building and get a delicious barbecue.

Project №7

This one-story house is made in the style of minimalism. It is perfect for both seasonal and year-round living. It contains everything you need for a comfortable existence. Its total area is 149 m2, and the living area is 120 m2. The roof is made at a slope of 3 degrees. When building the walls of the house, cellular aerated concrete or ceramic blocks are used. Overlapping of monolithic type. For the arrangement of the roof, a PVC membrane is used.

With a slope in the style of minimalism 149 m-2

Modern architecture is increasingly divided into consumer and creative. Mass buyer prefers standard projects, and custom-designed houses are rarely built. But everyone dreams of getting a unique home. Houses in the style of "minimalism" have become a kind of average standard and role model. They "look". They are desired. Dream about them. In this article, we have selected the most stylish "live" projects from different countries.


This house was designed specifically for a wealthy art collector. The house was built on a plot that evokes historical associations, including a Shinto shrine and man-made caves, which were once part of a complex of workshops for the manufacture of samurai swords. The house is only the first part of an architectural "triptych", which was later to include an art gallery and specialized storage. The main idea was to build a building that is in harmony with the surrounding nature. The house was built for a long time - from 1997 to 2004.

A series of parallel load-bearing walls defines the internal volume of all three buildings, and the functionality is given to it by internal light partitions, traditional for Japan. The house is literally crammed with works of art, and in order to shade them in the interior and place the necessary accents, a special lighting system was organized inside the house: fiber optic installations, dedicated spotlights, directional lights hidden in glass.

For the project, they even developed their own construction and Decoration Materials. So, bearing walls faced with a special restructured stone, and glass blocks in the walls are made from recycled television tubes, giving the light that passes through them a unique, subdued character. The floors are partially covered with antique Chinese tiles, and the pool is finished with glazed volcanic stone.

Wilton Pool House By Hariri & Hariri (USA)

The site on which the original "pullhouse" is located is located in the state of Connecticut, USA. This 111 sq. meters was designed as a kind of minimalist sculpture in the surrounding landscape.

The light building seems to hover over a small pool measuring 14x6 meters. In the northern part of the house there is a semi-open spa area with a shower room. In the southern covered veranda, acting as a dining area with a large opening in the wall, through which a magnificent view of the surrounding landscape opens.

Inside the house, almost the entire space is occupied by a single living / living area, a kitchen with a bar, and regular bathroom. A huge glass area with sliding patio doors allows you to fill the room with natural light and make your stay inside the house as comfortable as possible.

The decoration of the house is made in several color solutions: most cladding is natural wood- Brazilian walnut, giving the whole building warmth and natural harmony. And the wall adjacent to the shower room is lined with small mosaics, the light green shade of which serves as a kind of “bridge” between the house and the surrounding greenery.

Leedon Park house (Singapore)

Architect: Foster + Partners

This unusual house spread over a plot of 5000 sq.m. in Singapore, in the very south of the Malay Peninsula. The house is made in harmonious design maintaining a balance between privacy (closeness) and transparency. The tropical climate was taken into account when laying out the garden and in landscape design, while the large roof overhang provides excellent protection from the sun and precipitation during the monsoon season.

The location on a sloping terrain led to the two-story house, although most of the houses in the neighborhood were built in a one-story design. The front part of the house is made in the form of the letter "P": two parallel "wings" separate the family and guest parts, and the central area with the pool serves as a kind of meeting place and is great for parties and various events. The dining room is articulated as a glass pavilion jutting out into the garden. The premises of the house are arranged in strict accordance with the principles of feng shui, stimulating movement between zones and contributing to "slowing down the flow of energy through the house." Whatever that means.

Geometric "gulleys" in the floors and walls allow you to make the interior of the house more contrasting, placing accents on different natural materials used in decoration. The rough geometry of the walls is adjacent to the smooth floors, in some places segments of onyx are embedded in the walls, while in others narrow strips of stone are "sandwiched" between the glass surfaces. All this makes it possible to reveal the house as a sequence of certain personal experiences that change from room to room.

ESHER HOUSE (Great Britain)

Architect: Wilkinson King Architects

This house is built in a "linear" design, and is located in the middle of the site, thus separating the frontal park area from the rear. This arrangement allows residents to enjoy views of beautiful green areas all day long, stretching from the walls of the house to the boundaries of the site.

Thanks to the continuous glazing of the first floor, the house is perceived as if "hovering" above the ground. Its center is a small dining area located in a “double height” volume - in this place there is no floor between the first and second floors, and a “second light” is equipped in the roof. Thanks to this decision, the house seems more spacious than it actually is - all the "one-story" rooms are interconnected by a central "well". And the bedrooms on the second floor are arranged in such a way as to provide residents with the maximum beautiful view from the window and at the same time protect them as much as possible from the views of neighbors.

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