How to make an apartment cozy: Simple tips and inspirational ideas. Cozy apartment creation tips - original ways that usually makes a cozy room

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Often, extraordinary receptions of the decor of the room are becoming the main highlight of the entire interior. But it is important to take into account the stylistics and design of the room: futuristic objects - a very dubious decoration of the living room in an English style, wooden pallets with inscriptions in the rhythm of Provence will not suit the kitchen interior with high technologies, as well as aluminum signs are unlikely to fit into the elegant AR deco. In an effort to create exquisite eclectics, you can easily be mistaken. It is very important to think over everything in advance, namely the location and fastening of decorative elements.

We offer to consider the interesting solutions for the room, in addition to paintings, posters and photos. However, they will not forget about them too.

Window as a decorative interior element

The window mounted into the wall, which is a interior partition, is a fairly extraordinary reception of the separation of space. A similar solution will not only become the main decoration of two zones at the same time, but also allow you to skip more natural light from one room to another.

The window frame may be an extraordinary independent art object. Hang it on the wall or put on the console - this technique will drastically transform the situation, adds it lightness and elegant charm.

Very color looks a wooden aged frame with a large number of sections. This decorative thing is easy to make it easily with minimal cost.

The decorative window frame can serve not only the decoration of the room, but also be a functional interior item. So, it is quite interesting to look at the mirror in the plot of the type of window frame. A visual example is presented in the photo of the bedroom interior.

Door at the wall

In addition to windows, the unexpected decoration of the walls can be served by old doors. An exquisite idea is to hang something obvious about them in the traditional decoration of walls, for example, paintings, panels, photos.

Large-scale panels

Decoration of the room with a bulk panel - an excellent reason to show your creative fantasy. Here, try to experiment with textures, flowers, materials and other components.

The dimensions of the decorative panel must be correlated with the quadrature of the room and the loading of all other walls. A large panel in a small room will look ridiculous: after all, its texture and color sometimes absorb space. Consider panels and wallpapers are different things! The greater the panel, the brighter its role in the home interior, the more neutral there should be adjacent walls.

Take a new way to the usual material. An old metal sheet suspended on the chain will become the original and an extraordinary substrate for the poster or photographs.

Squares from the sections of a simple fiberboard, painted by verse and silver (by the way, you can safely use the painting and stencils), will be beautiful in the form of a panel. In this presentation, it will fit perfectly into the luxurious Loft industrial style.

You can also decorate one of the walls of the living room with your own hands. A composition from an impressive large-scale tile can be bodied by its originality and simplicity. Fantasy on this topic can be infinite.

Take a look, as your playful mood of cross-tag on an accent wall, unobtrusively spread all over the room.

Panel with 3D effect

Not so long ago, the fashion trend on multidimensional elements of the decor is rapidly gaining popularity. The 3D panels presented on the next photo literally attract the views of others. Acceptable prices allow many to acquire such panels for the decor, while the texture and drawing can be chosen to their taste. Design options Set: engraving, gypsum bas-reliefs, compositions from various multidimensional parts.

Do not forget about the fragility of such products. Mount and transporting them is very difficult, but the visual outcome is worth it.

Room decoration shelves

The shelves in the room can serve not only the functional object of the interior, but also also creative decor in the room. It is important that the shelves in color contrasted with the wall. Carefully think about how beautiful and harmoniously fill them - the semi-empty shelves create a feeling of some imperfection of the interior. Beautiful decorative content will be candles and lamps, hourglass, original holders for books, colorful ceramics.

An even greater decorative effect will create a cute compact shelves of non-standard shape (triangles, multifaceted cells, unnatural angles).

Posters and pictures

Room decoration by paintings, photographs and posters for today, perhaps, is the most common decor. In order for the outcome to justify the expectations, it looked decently and non-bank, it is necessary to carefully choose the elements of the visual art.

Show fantasy, choose a non-standard approach: place in the frame of the Herbarium of plants instead of painted still lifes, tin panels and posters in retro style instead of colors on the canvas drawn by pencil sketches of animals instead of waterfalls and beaches.

If nevertheless decided to purchase something unique, buy pictures at exhibitions, special sites or in overseas travel.

Photos can be issued at a completely non-standard way.

Unusual attributes

Giant letters in inscriptions, quotes in posters, deer horns - all these items are so often found in the interiors, that today it is unlikely that I would like to see them again. But even from these, it would seem, the usual details can be created in its own way the original combination. You only need to interpret them skillfully.

So, for example, a composition of five medallions with deer horns already looks unusual, and inscriptions made by non-standard fonts and placed on nonypical canvases (not in rectangular framework, but at least in a hexagon) - perceived absolutely differently.

More ideas for the decor of the room are presented in a bright selection in the photo.

Original decor of flowers and plants

Everyone wants to see her apartment comfortable, comfortable and stylish. It should be a real place to relax, which you want to return soon. I want the apartment to become the subject of the pride of the owner. I want her to surprise and amazed guests. It is important that the design of the apartment will respond to tastes and the desires of those who live here.

But not everyone can mask the repair. He takes a lot of time, strength and cash. To achieve comfort and change in the apartment, sometimes it is enough to complete the general cleaning, change the situation or make new details in the design. Let's find out how to make an apartment comfortable with your own hands without repair.

35 ways to make a house cozy

  1. The order and cleanliness in the house is the key to comfort, comfort and a healthy environment. Therefore, it is important to regularly make small and general cleaning. Look around, perhaps this is exactly what is missing now;
  2. For a small apartment, create comfort and expand the space will help modular and angular functional furniture. Modular today is not only the products consisting of modules that can be moved and assembled, as a designer, in different variations. Modular call any items that are easy to move, transfer and rearrange;
  3. For small apartments, choose bright and white tones of walls, ceiling. Such colors visually expand the space. In addition, use mirrors. They will create the effect of a spacious room and make a small one-room apartment stylish;
  4. In the large apartment you can install partitions that separate the room into several functional or aesthetic zones. In addition, for such rooms you can use a bright color of the walls to make the room with original and stylish. But bright walls are not recommended for the bedroom, as they can irritate and prevent sleeping;
  5. The comfort can be created using color. Cozy is considered white, beige and olive, lilac and blue, orange. This also includes warm yellow, light green and cream shade. The color of ivory and shape of champagne look original and cozy;
  6. Use the color of the walls dosed, but also do not leave the room dim. The focus is made using bright details and accessories, textiles, and so on. Alternatively, you can paint one wall in a bright color, as opposed to the rest, which are left in pastel colors;
  7. Combine opposite elements, shapes and colors, ornaments, textures and sizes. The game on the contrast is considered light and at the same time with an effective admission. Strong contrasts create a feeling of activity, and weak - calm. But use this method in moderation, otherwise the room will become insane;
  8. Save the balance between furniture and objects in the interior to create a calm and pacifying atmosphere, avoid visual skew. For example, if you have a large vase to the right of the TV, then the left you need to put something in counterweight, such as high ficus. But the main thing is that this is not exactly the same thing. Excessive symmetry looks tasteless and primitive;
  9. Furniture and interior items are better to choose from natural materials, including leather, wood, glass. They will make the room sophisticated, cozy and stylish. Plastic and other budget artificial materials look cheap, and sometimes tasteless;
  10. Textiles is an important accessory and the subject of the interior that diversifies and decorate the situation, give comfort and highlight. This includes curtains and curtains, bedspreads or covers for chairs and sofas. It is important to competently pick up the textile color gamut so that it corresponds to the uniform style;
  11. In a small living room or kitchen, it is not necessary to hang classic curtains, as they can visually reduce the space and reduce the amount of light. Here a suitable solution will be transparent tulle, which will make the room with air, light and light;
  12. If you prefer shutters, choose wooden products or. Plastic - office option, which will make the room uncomfortable, cold and official;
  13. Accessories - the best solution for creating comfort. These are various souvenirs and caskets, vases, knitted products and wicker baskets, magnets. But do not bend a stick and try not to soak space. Minimalism in the home interior looks better than an abundance of extra things;
  14. Due to numerous non-functional and diverse small details, the room will seem untidy and illuminated, non-accurate and unbrid. Among other things, various statuettes and other similar elements are strongly attracted dust. Therefore, limit into a small number of souvenirs;
  15. Do not store things in the corners of the room, under chairs or cabinets. It rushes into the eyes and makes the space with unbreakable, uncomfortable. The room should always remain free space and sensation of space;
  16. Use unnecessary things in the design. From the old suitcase, you can make a bedside table, beads or necklaces will decorate the curtains and so on. Show fantasy!
  17. Lighting is the main moment when placing an apartment. With the help of competent lighting, you can expand or reduce the space, make even a dark and uncomfortable corridor in the apartment light, spacious and warm;
  18. Today, designers recommend using multiple light and completely abandon top lighting. Place the perimeter of the scab, table lamps, floor lamps and other lamps that serve as side or bottom. Such products will make the room light. They will become additional stylish accessories and will help at the expense of less power, compared to the chandelier on the ceiling;
  19. If you want changes, but repair does not work, start with window sills and door jambs, side walls and panels of old racks, bedside tables or cabinets. Paint these elements in bright colors, but do not forget about the uniform style and harmony of the color scheme in the room;
  20. In the kitchen, arrange various jars with spices, sauces, jam and so on. Multicolored and signed jars, containers with stickers, ribbons and decorations look pretty. It is functionally and aesthetic;
  21. Glass jars for storing products are convenient to use, even if there is no headset in the kitchen. Capacities can be placed on an open shelf from a wide board. In addition, glass banks are practically used instead of a flower vase;
  22. Photos will add comfort and good emotions. They will not only be an interesting element of the design, but also give joyful memories. You can consider and organize a whole corner with photos, where also accommodate your own awards, gifts, souvenirs and other items that will tell about the owners of the apartment;
  23. You can use classic options and hang photos in a frame on the wall or put on the shelf. The original decision will be stationery clips bonded with each other. On such a tape, it is convenient to hang photos;
  24. Add pictures to the interior, but do not hang reproductions! Three are very popular tryptic. These are three modular patterns that make up a single composition. Triptych will greatly decorate the living room or spacious dining room. The bedroom is better to hang a calm landscape. Still life will suit the dining room and the kitchen. Hang pictures so that the web can be admired, sitting at the table, on the sofa or in the chair;
  25. Chapel or magnetic board for entries - a modern decor element. Here you can write and leave the messages to households, you can attach notes, photos, pictures. And the magnets on such a surface look aesthetically and original, in contrast to the already boning refrigerator.
  26. The coffee table is a functional and stylish piece of furniture. It balances the space in the room. In addition, on the table, practical to store magazines and books, work for a laptop or a cup of coffee, arrange some souvenirs. In addition, here you can put drinks or snacks when you have guests;
  27. If you want to make an apartment original, use unusual furniture or interior items. In the place of classic chairs and chairs, place the chairs and bags or hang hammock and so on;
  28. Stylish and original in the home interior looks a patchwork carpet. And the comfort will bring compact and cute little mats. Such a rug is convenient to put at the entrance door, in the bathroom or toilet, on the balcony;
  29. Create comfort at the entrance to the apartment. Put a soft and beautiful rug in the hallway, put the bedside table, the ottoman or shop. You can hang on the wall hooks for keys or organize space for storing various small details. Pay attention to the shelves for shoes and an umbrella site. By the way, you need half a color handle up, hiding or installing into a special stand;
  30. The original and functional solution will be boxes on the shelf, tray or table in the corridor. Where to practice gloves, newspapers and mail, keys, wallet, and so on. It looks aesthetic and organized;
  31. If the house lives pets, beds, brates, game houses and other products for animals turn into an original and stylish design element. And this applies not only to accessories for dogs and cats, but also a beautiful aquarium, aesthetic cell for a parrot and so on;
  32. Everyone knows that living room flowers add home comfort. Green plants can be positioned in any room and anywhere, including the windowsill, floor, table or shelves. Special racks, stands and shelves for flowers are organically and stylishly.
  33. To create a home coat, deciduous plants will be a suitable solution, for example, ficus. If you do not have time or desire to care for flowers, choose Cactus. And bright flowering plants are suitable for experienced flowerflowers, as they require increased attention and care;
  34. Classic flower pots. Replace on old tea cups, decorated or wrapped banks. Even from the old hats, you can make the original porridge. Stylish, elegantly and gracefully look like phytosnes and modules with plants. Such systems are already equipped with automatic irrigation, which simplifies care;
  35. Corner with flowers and plants can be diluted with room fountain. It looks exquisitely and elegant. The noise of water will help to relax, relax and tune in to a calm way. In addition, the fountain will provide comfortable.

How to make a cozy removable apartment

Today, many remove the apartment. Little master will allow making repairs to tastes and desires of tenants. Not lucky and those who live with neighbors, as in a communal apartment. But the removable or communal apartment can become home and cozy.

The easiest transformation method is textiles. These are curtains and curtains, bedspreads and blanks, covers for chairs and chairs, mats. In addition, such things are not hard to translate with them in case of moving.

Add additional light sources on the clips. Such lamps are easy to install and can be taken with you if necessary. If you shoot an apartment for several people, use aesthetic baskets for storing personal belongings. Baskets sign or distribute colors.

Interior openings and unsightly sites on the walls where the wallpapers or there are cracks and other defects, close by self-storey wallpaper. Fasten a piece of colored fabric on the wall using corn starch, pre-diluted in water. Similar patchwork hide unaesthetic places. And if necessary, the fabric is easy to remove without leaving traces.

Do not forget about the photos and pictures, room colors and plants. Often the walls in the removable apartment empty, faded and boring. In this case, use a big poster or poster that is easy to stick and remove without traces. They will save the situation, bring style and positive energy. The room will stop seemingly empty and cold.

To add style and comfort to the room, pick bright pillowcases or pillows to the poster. Use fashionable magnetic or styling boards today. It is practical to make a schedule of duty if several people live in the apartment. And the sleeping places in this case are divided by the screen or wooden partition. The screen is convenient to hide things if there is no closet in the room. It is useful for zoning space.

How to make a house stylish

  • Follow the Troika rule. Three items look aesthetic and balanced. You can put on a table with flowers, basket or organizer with books and clocks. Such a composition looks extremely cozy, gently and cute. But it is important not to overtake the room with similar decorative trifles;
  • Several layers of carpets will make the room stylish and cozy. But it is important to competently use a combination of such products. So, there is a neutral large palace at the bottom, and there are a small thick mat of the contrast color from above. It will become bright detail and diversified interior. In addition, with the help of this method zona space;
  • For storage of things in the bathroom do not necessarily use classic hooks. Today, the serve batteries are popular, where it is functionally drying things and towels. Establish or cheer in a plastic bath or wicker baskets, and on hooks hang compact boxes, which are then used to store towels or household chemicals;
  • Wicker or plastic baskets are used not only in the bathroom, but also apartments, they will be salvation if you need to remove and fold things in a short time. Among other things, it is practical to keep children's toys. Baskets must be made of one material or being one color, but the products can be of different shapes and sizes. It is important that they were somewhat united, and have not been scattered, otherwise chaos and madness will reign in the apartment;
  • White in the bathroom look exquisite, luxurious and stylish. White color gives a feeling of purity and freshness. And several towels in the bathroom will add casual hospitality. Do not forget to follow the cleanliness and appearance of products. Towels are aesthetically hanging out or placed in a neat stack;
  • Used transparent bottles - a suitable option that diversified the interior and will allow you to show fantasy. Use the product in the form of a vase for a single flower or vessel for storing liquid compositions. Be sure to pre-wash the bottle in warm soapy water and remove the labels;
  • Move furniture between rooms. As a rule, we make a permutation within one room. But, moving furniture from one room to another, we will get an updated atmosphere without repair and buying new things. In addition, the subject in another room can become functional and more useful, will begin to look more organically;
  • Serve and store water in a jug. It looks organically, stylish and cute. In a transparent jug, add lemon or cucumber slices. Put such a jug to a kitchen, dining or coffee table, on a bedside table. But make sure that the water is clean and shockless. By the way, this method will additionally moisturize air;
  • Keep some books on the coffee table, they will be added to the interior style and become entertainment for guests. It is desirable that books were different genres and authors. You can additionally put logs or photos. The coffee table is ideal for using the Troika rule or combine books with decorative objects;
  • Constantly keep napkins on the kitchen or dinner table. This creates the impression of purity and ordering in the house, adds color and pattern in the kitchen interior. Napkins can be any form and from any material, including plastic, rubber or paper. But the aesthetically look at monophonic paper products. The main thing is that they come in color scheme;
  • Arrange the candles with small groups in the apartment. Such compositions look exquisitely and elegant. At the same time, the grouped grouped candles look spectacular and give a lot of light. Choose traditional white products without prefabricated design and smell, as they are more suitable for grouping. And the strong specific smell will like not every household or guest;
  • A lightweight plaid on the sofa creates heat and comfort, adds texture and color to a neutral or flat room. It is better that he will be slightly carelessly moving through the back, and not complicated carefully;
  • Keep loose and liquid products, cookies and other food in the kitchen in containers or banks. This method of storage looks harmonious, aesthetic and organized. And in the kitchen will always be order. The main thing is that the containers are from one material or one color;
  • Set books with interesting original methods. You can alternate the shelves, and on one tolay paper editions in the stacks horizontally, and on the other - a classic vertical method. Put additional elements and interior items on the bookshelves. Choose a random order, give up hard and strict arrangement schemes;
  • The random order of the arrangement is also applicable for colors. Do not install plants in the center of the room, and set the corners and different places. How beautiful to put flowers in the apartment, read more.

How to make a small apartment cozy

You can also make a small apartment too beautiful and cozy, while not stamping housing and easily placing the necessary things in a small room. First of all, experts advise, to fully use floor space to ceiling. You can make a wall of shelves and shelving for storage of things.

A suitable solution will be the built-in furniture, made to order, taking into account the characteristics of the room. Do not forget about the windowsill. Here you can organize a cozy place to relax, work surface, bar rack and even a kitchen table. Many use the windowsill for storing things, but it is important to comply with the order and do not soar space!

The bed on the second tier is suitable for a small area and high ceilings. It will increase the useful place in the apartment of two times! At the same time, similar beds are used not only for children. And at the bottom it is not necessary to install the bed. It is easy to equip a spacious wardrobe or install a writing desk. And the stairs of the ladder can be turned into the shelves with drawers.

If you are not the second tier, the transforming bed will be suitable option. It includes a sleeping place, a wardrobe and a table, sofa and other furniture items. And if you have a separate sleeping place in a common room, hide a bed with a curtain.

Use wooden panels or partitions to zoning the room. And the comfort and the originality of the room will give two or three bright accents. These are colored pillows, a carpet of paintings, photos and so on.

Organize a functional and practical place to install the TV. This should not be a classic stand that takes a lot of space. It is better to hang plasma on the wall or mowing inside, install among shelves or racks.

Visually to expand the space and make a small room comfortable will help competently selected furniture. Here, designers advise to choose transparent items, such as glass or plastic shelves, a table and even chairs.

Decorative details - an integral attribute of any interior. Cute little things made by hand, keep the energy of their creator and serve as pride.

Made independently straws create a warm and cozy atmosphere in the room and raise the mood. Of course, you can buy a decor in the store, but much more pleasant to make it yourself.

The most important thing is all decorative elements should be combined with the style of the room as a whole. We should not forget about the color palette.

Tablecloth, decorative pillows, bedspreads are required to harmonize by tone with a palace, walls, porters. Otherwise everything will be too fast and tasteless.

A competently selected decor can radically change the atmosphere of the room.


Original details from textiles can be a highlight of your interior. In addition to tablecloths, napkins and curtains for decoration, you can use pillows decorated with lacy cloth or fur.

Different panels, paintings

This is the easiest way to decorate the room. After all, there is nothing easier than hanging on the walls of several paintings and frames with pictures or lay on the shelf favorite pictures.

Now in fashion pictures made of genuine leather, and volumetric wall compositions.

You can create an unusual panel with your own hands from the diverse interesting pictures depicting landscapes, still lifes or sculpture. Such a thing will certainly attract the attention of guests.

Frames for photographs and drawings can also be decorated. There are many ways: you can use beads, crystals, beads, stucco elements, decoupage.

Embroidered threads and beads

Today it is very popular to apply various embroidery when decorating the interior, made by your own or remaining grandmothers and great-grandmothers. They look especially wonderfully on ornamental pads, tablecloths and self-making napkins.

Beaded embroidery looks very effectively. Also beaded can decorate furniture, dishes, mirrors, window eaves.

Funny braid figures and bracelestics are obtained from beaded beads. Curtains can be decorated with threads of solubular beads.


The candle has long symbolized the hearth. Armed candles create warm home furnishings. A wide vase with dry plants, paper flowers, pebbles and a candle in the center will look charming.

Candlestick can perform different interesting containers, glasses. They can put sinks, pebbles, pour them with water, and the candle will be sighed from above.

Candle stands can be made from a piece of wood, it is enough to push the suitable holes in it.

Another original idea will set the candle in a glass filled with grain coffee.



And outdoor, and desktop vases will perfectly complement any atmosphere. You can do with one vase or use a few different form and sizes.

Bouquets of living or dried colors, branches, bamboo, different artificial decorative elements can stand in them.

Vases themselves can have a smooth or textured surface, be matte or shiny.

If you are not satisfied with the appearance of the porcelain product, it can be safely painted with special paints, decorated with beads and rhinestones. Having attached a little effort, you can create a real masterpiece.

Knitted things

Add heat room can be knitted in various techniques with pillows, carpets, bedspreads, napkins and tablecloths. Knitted things create atmosphere of home comfort.


You can pick up various unusual indoor flowers and plants to decorate the interior. Different flower compositions will have a pacifying effect.


Under potted plants, even a separate part of the room can be distinguished. A wonderful idea will use ampel flowers.

How to decorate a birthday room

Birthday is a special holiday and it requires a corresponding decor.

Themed vinyl stickers are perfectly suitable as decorative elements and of course, balloons. On the latter, we will stop more.

To decorate the bedroom room with balls has already become tradition. Balls are inserted into the situation of notes of fun and celebrations.

They can be sprinkled separately, groups, make garlands, fountains, funny figures and much more.


You can use both ordinary and helium balls to decorate the room.

An interesting idea will be a ball - a surprise, within which sweets or serpentine are located. Below are photos of different ideas, how beautiful to arrange a room for a birthday.

We hope that this article fully answered the question than you can decorate the room, and from all the data in it, you can choose something useful for yourself.

Photo how to decorate the room with your own hands

Who does not want to be comfortable at home? Especially in such a strip as our, where most of the year is cold. Despite the fact that the uest seems to be a subjective concept and depends on personal preferences, there are universal techniques that will make more comfortable and more attractive any room in the apartment. We collected them for you in this article.

1. How to make a room more comfortable with adding texture

The texture can be not only in fabrics on bedspreads, plaid and upholstered furniture. If you use the walls, making them not perfectly smooth, but as textured, then the room will see you comfortable. Try to take as the basis textured wallpaper or venetian plaster or cover the wall with panels and decorate their volumetric decor and engravings.

2. Soft and warm local light

Floors and table lamps, heating the atmosphere in the room with their soft yellow light, make the room at times more cozy. If they also look decorative - the effect will enhance. Even if you do not have the ability to replace the lamps themselves or add new ones, try to install a dimmer bulbs that will allow you to control the intensity of light.

3. Add drapery

Volumetric curtains on the windows, sections of the fabric on the walls and "skirts" on the bed and other upholstered furniture fill the space and instantly make it cozy. Soft and natural fabrics, such as flax and velveteen, are perceived particularly pleasant.

4. Tell me "yes" deep shades

Dark and deep paints of complex shades first frighten: we are accustomed to strive for the room to look lighter. However, if the light is actually a little, it is better to play out the situation: dark walls will make a room with a lining and enveloping.

5. Add accents from wood

Tree - natural material. He psychologically warms and bring us closer to nature. If you think about creating an accent wall, cover it with pieces of wood - this is a wonderful way to make the space visually warm and as if luminous from the inside. You can choose accents and smaller table, panel on the wall, dish or carved figure.

6. Heat Candack

Even the smallest candle will make the room instantly sue. If you put a few candles from the mirror, it will strengthen the atmosphere, and if they fill them with Falekintin, romantic and more cozy and do not come up with! Whatever room you have candles (even in the bathroom), make sure that they are located at a safe distance from flammable materials.

7. Carefully throw the plaid

Plaids and bedspreads are a quick and easy way to heat not only you, but also the surrounding space. There is even such a term - "visual heat", and these decor items are the leaders of the direction. And they are easy to transfer them from the room to the room if you really suddenly froze.

8. Put the carpet on the floor

Whatever you choose the carpet - one big with a short pile or a few fluffy mats laid by layers - you will definitely make the space more collected and cozy.

9. Furniture with upholstery - your friend

Starting from the sepal headboard and ending with soft puffs, the fabric on the furniture is a wonderful way to add not only comfort, but also colors and patterns. If you are looking for more ways to add upholstered furniture in the room, put the book with upholstery instead of the coffee table.

10. How to make a room more comfortable with pillows

The surest way: if you do not have enough comfort, add more pillows! Sofas and beds immediately become more attractive and air when their softness is enhanced by pillows. If you decide to go Wa-Bank, buy a couple of cushions with knitted covers or fluffy fur.


Want to know how to decorate a small room? Take advantage of our advice to help find inspiration for the arrangement of a beautiful and functional room of a small size.

The main principle that allows you to create a comfort in a small room - permanent maintenance of order. Nothing optically reduces and does not suppress the interior, as a room forced by unnecessary furniture, accessories, as well as randomly scattered things. In a small room, only those items and decorations that are especially like, correspond to the decor or are necessary to perform certain functions. From all the rest you need to get rid of. Want to know how to make a cozy little room with your own hands, first think about ordering the interior.

In a small room, the best solution will be multifunctional furniture, which serves to perform more than one goal, for example:

  • folding corner sofa with sleep function;
  • puffs where you can hide some things;
  • wardrobe with folding table.

The situation of a small room will hardly be able to put a large, heavy furniture. Furniture should choose light, low, it will make the room visually spacious. Space is further ordered if you choose the furniture of the same height.

A good solution is a furniture wall along one wall. The wall built up with light cabinets will make it easier for storing things, help maintain order.

An important condition - furniture fronts should be smooth, homogeneous in color, without pens. Well, if the furniture smoothly smooths with the style of the room.

If the room is very small - do not waste space on a large wardrobe. It is better to put a wardrobe in the corridor, with the right choice and reasonable filling, there will be a place for all clothes, accessories.

Colors and optical tricks

How to enlarge a small room visually? The tested method of arrangement of small interiors is the bright color of the walls and furniture. The living room with a white ceiling seems higher, light walls will further increase the space. If you want to use a bright color -Razmish it on one wall.

Discard dark tones! Dark walls will reduce the room optically.

The color is better to choose warm:

  • Light, warm, pastel colors positively affect the climate of the apartment. Thanks to them, the room seems joyful, sunny.
  • The palette of the shades of yellow, peach, they will make the interior cozy, warm.
  • Good solution - cream tones, combined with another favorite color.

With the intense color of the walls of the room seems modern, alive. Color combinations are interesting when two walls are painted in one color and two - others, for example:

  • orange with blue
  • lemon yellow color with a hint of ripe cherry,
  • green with red - for bold.

An interesting idea for a small room is mirrors. But it is important to use them to use them not to separate a small space. A large mirror will show itself in the living room, reflecting symmetric objects. Thus, the mirror will double the space.

Perhaps the room gets little sunlight. You need to try to open the windows. To do this, if possible, refuse massive curtains by choosing:

  • light curtains,
  • thin transparent tulle,
  • only rolls on the windows.

Using the appropriate staining techniques, you can visually change the form of the room.

For example:

  • the small room seems more if you paint the ceiling as the skin wall, the rest of the walls and doors can be painted with white paint;
  • if the room is too long, you can paint the walls in the intense, rich color, the floor is drawn up darker;
  • if the room is too small, you can paint the side walls into intense, saturated colors, and leave the front wall white.


When designing lighting, you need to remember that the whole room should get enough light - direct, indirect and mixed.

  • Light lighting is formed by directing the rays directly to the illuminated object. For example: Lamp suspended above work, study.
  • Indirect lighting is used in large rooms as decorative. The light ray is directed to the wall reflecting the light. This type of lighting is suitable for small rooms that do not require intensive light.
  • Lighting mixed is a combination of previous types. One light source simultaneously performs two functions: the lighting of the entire room and local, for example, a reading corner.

Special comfort create wall-mounted sheds, candles giving soft warm light.

To make a cozy little kitchen, you need to think about the correct distribution of sanitary and household appliances. Kitchen appliances need to be installed in accordance with the sequence of actions performed when cooking - a refrigerator, washing, a table, a stove.

The comfort will help create bright finishing materials, elements of wood, brick.

The combination of the kitchen with the living room is a fashionable solution that is often used. It is worth combining the rooms if:

  • the kitchen is too small, dark, there is no place for a large dining table;
  • the kitchen is adjacent to the living room, then we get a spacious interior, we can spend more time with family and guests;
  • the kitchen is located under a bevelled wall, there is no place for mounted cabinets;
  • there is no desire to wander with plates, saucepans, dirty dishes during family dinners, reception of friends in the living room.

Do not demolish the walls if:

  • we do it for the sake of fashion, but in fact feel bad if someone looks into the pan;
  • the apartment is so small that the kitchen is also a place of work, combining it with the living room, it is more difficult to focus;
  • there is no possibility to constantly maintain an exemplary order;
  • there is no possibility to purchase good furniture, equipment.

How to equip a small bedroom?

When choosing a bed, the appearance has a secondary value, the main thing is convenience. In order to sleep was comfortable, the bed should be 15 cm longer than a person.

  • The minimum size of the single bed is 90 cm (width), 200 cm (length).
  • The minimum size of a double bed - width 160 - 200 cm.

How to check whether bed is suitable? Lying on the bed, bend the elbows - they do not have to go beyond the bed, touching a person lying nearby.

To make a cozy room, you need to withstand a certain style:

  • in the interior of bedrooms, furnished with modern furniture, fit beds with metal parts;
  • the bed of valuable wood tree looks good in the colonial and classic bedroom,
  • for industrial room you can make a bed with your own hands from the pallets.

Before buying furniture, you need to think not only about your needs, but also about the size of the room. If the room is small, you can not buy a complete set of furniture:

  • from one bedside table, you can refuse if you put a bed to the wall;
  • the dressing table will replace the cabinet in the bathroom.

Do not put massive furniture, it is better to choose elegant small furniture items that do not overload interior.

Stylists advise choosing warm colors for the bedroom. To obtain a positive effect on the psyche worth considering pastel shades.

The cozy bedroom interior creates pastel accessories, provided that patterns and colors are selected in accordance with the nature of the interior. In the bedroom Provence or Romantic, for example, it looks great with a delicate floral pattern. Plush becomes more and more popular. Plush pillows will give a room a cozy view.

Comfort in a small living room

The most important piece of furniture in the living room is a sofa. If the living room is small, it is better to choose a folding sofa, guests can spend the night. Most comfortable large sofas, where you can completely stretch, immerse yourself in soft pillows. No less comfortable huge chairs - preferably with a high back, soft armrests. But they occupy a lot of space.

The living room also needs to find a place for TV, musical equipment. It is better to install them on a special table, shelf, if there is a little space - the TV can be hanging on the wall on a special bracket.

Bathroom decoration small size

If the family can do without swimming in the bath, it is better to install a shower cabin. It turns out not only saving area, but also for water bills. For a small bath you can choose a suspended sink. It is worth taking care of a convenient locker for storing bathaskets, bottles, cosmetics. The more objects will remain on the open shelves, the greater the feeling of litterness, disorder. On open shelves, you need to leave the most necessary trifles, accents of the decor. Furniture should choose a universal, such as a locker with a mirror. You can also read how to place a washing machine in a small bathroom.

To watch the bathroom stylishly, it is necessary to carefully select accessories: containers for liquid soap and napkins, a glass for toothbrushes, soaps - everything must be decorated with one series, from the same material.

Do not forget about room flowers and cute baubles, only they should not be a lot. These little things will give any room a cozy view. Collection of photos, photo frames, a couple of paintings or an interesting wall poster will create a special atmosphere and emphasize the nature of the owners.

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