Bottle with cereal. Decorative bottles do it yourself

The buildings 29.08.2019
The buildings

Decorative bottles with vegetables. Master class with step-by-step photo

Master class on needlework. Making decorative bottles with vegetables

Master class is designed for teachers additional education, Labor and production training, students studying by the profession "Cook", lovers to decorate the interior, engage in applied creativity. Decorative bottles made by the proposed master class can be used as a visual tutorial, for interior decoration of the educational office, houses, shop, cafe and will contribute to the creation have a good mood and unique comfort.
For several years, decorative bottles are out of fashion, which usually decorate the shelves in the kitchen. For their manufacture use glass floor original shape: Banks or bottles of transparent colorless glass so that their contents are clearly seen, which fill in something bright, beautiful. Carving on vegetables and fruits originated many years ago in the east, and for thousands of years has become there part of national traditions. Currently, carving in vegetables and fruit has become very popular throughout the world. In connection with the distribution of carving techniques at present, decorating bottles with its use is a new direction in decorative and applied creativity.
Purpose: Obtaining the skills of making decorative bottles using the Karvering technique elements.
Teach cut decorations from vegetables and fruits, lay them into bottles and preserve.
Necessary materials: Knife, chopping boards, bowls, plates, glassware, funnel for pouring marinade in bottles, clean napkins and towels. Vegetables (cucumber, leaf, cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, patisson, pepper), fruit (orange, lemon), greens (parsley, dill, mint) salt, sugar, vinegar, distilled water.
To the choice of materials it is necessary to approach very carefully. Decorative patterns on vegetables and fruits are cut with various devices. Main tool - Good little sharp knife. With its absence, you can use the usual stationery knife.


1. Preparation of dishes for decorating.
We choose dishes made of transparent thick glass of an interesting form. The glass processer and the covers must be carefully flushed and sterilized. Wash the glass floor is recommended by rams, brushes, use calcinated soda. Exist miscellaneous methods Sterilization: in the tank-sterilizer, in water, steam. The dishes should be boiled in water for about 5 minutes, sterilize over the ferry - 8 minutes.

2. Preparation of products.
Choosing combinations of products, you should give preference to contrasting colors - compositions will be more enchanting. Red, green, yellow - favorites. Vegetables and fruits need to be thoroughly flushed, remove the fruits, leaves, the remains of the tops are all superfluous.

Then prepared vegetables and fruits need to be beautifully cut. Here you do not need to have special skills, the main thing to show fantasy. All carved billets are stored in cold water.
Samples of food cutting.
Carrot ornaments.
You can grate carrots with special nozzles.


You can cut carrots with flowers. Purified carrots must be obscured. To do this, along the carrots cut through the grooves (5-6 pieces).
On the cut turns the flower.

Cutting a carbbed carrot cut into slices, here are such flowers.

Decorations from a lobe.
The bed has an elastic structure, so the decorations from it are not broken, they can be folded, twisted.

Land decorations can be loose in a narrow neck bottle.

Decorations in the form of leaves.
The leaves can be cut out of cucumber, zucchini, eggplant. Self beautiful leaves It turns out of colored peppers. Prepared pepper must be cut into four parts, remove the fruit with seeds, rinse. The obtained billet make the desired shape and size.

In the middle of the workpiece to make a slot.

From it to cut through the bodies. Symmetric on both sides at a distance from the slot cut oval holes.

Cut the stroke through the contour with a knife.

You can cut leaves and easier.

At the edges of the preparation of pepper cut small triangles.

Decorations in the shape of fish.
It is easiest to cut fish from orange or lemon peel.
Prepared orange or lemon cut into four parts (slices)
Gently separate the peel.

Using a knife, like a pencil, cut fish.

3. Cooking a preservative.
On 1 liter of water, 1.5 tablespoons of sugar, 3 tablespoons of salt, are added to a boil, filter, cooled, 2 teaspoons of acetic essence (if you add more sugar or salt, the solution will not be completely transparent).
4. Filling bottles.
Filling a decorative bottle, you should select interesting color combinations. Raw materials are stacked by trying to do it not only carefully, but also beautiful. You can distribute objects inside the bottle using knitting needles.

You can use rings onions, green pea And other products. The green parsley is very nice.

In the filled bottle, it is necessary to immediately pour a preservative. A centimeter from the level of fluid to the top edge of the glass container is quite permissible free space.

After that, the neck must be tightly close the plug (you can seal the neck with wax or surgown).

There are such decorative bottles.

The neck of the bottle can be additionally decorated, covered with a piece of burlap (decorative mesh) and wrapped with twine (decorative ribbon). At the top to attach artificial flowers and leaves, dried flowers, beads.

Bottles made according to this technology by my student.

And these are my work.

Very beautiful souvenir for the kitchen can be made of the simplest things. All that will need is a glass bottle non-standard formBright fresh vegetables, acetic acid and a little aesthetic taste.

For such a souvenir, I needed:
Bottle from under the juice,
Acetic acid 70% - 2 bottles,
Spicy pepper - 5 pods,
Garlic - handful,
Carrot large - 1 pc.,
Baking paper,

Bottle launder from labels and wipe dry outside. Vegetables are beautifully chopped and fall asleep in a bottle layers. It is important that the cutting is perfect - a piece to pieces. Carrot, for example, I crumbled this way. First cut off the rounded edges so that the rectangular parallelepiped turned out, and then cut it into the same cubes.

If there is no desire to cut, you can use whole vegetables: pods of acute red and green pepper, garlic teeth, corn, polka dot, capers. It all depends on your imagination and shape of the bottle. It is also necessary to take into account that only a small cutting and thin pods will pass into the bottle - a fairly volumetric vessel limits a narrow neck. Alternate contrasting colors so that the future souvenir has a solid appearance.

Bottle filled with vegetables poured through the funnel with acetic acid. Vegetables will absorb vinegar and its level can reduce over time. In order not to open the bottle again, I propose to immediately shake a complete bottle and slightly knock it on the table. Vegetables with vinegar will be slightly falling and can be addicted to acids.

Bottle tightly close the lid and decorate with food paper. The bottle is stored in the room, but it is advisable to keep it away from the stove, heating radiators and available for children. Most optimal option - Put on a high shelf. Over time, the vegetables in vinegar will change the color slightly, but still the bottle will look bright and decorate the kitchen.

For those who love to decorate their home with various accessories and pleasant trifles, or who wants to do original gift For relatives or friends, it may be interesting to use for these purposes of decorative bottles with fruits and vegetables. Let's try to create decorative bottles with your own hands!

Remember how many times you threw bottles from under various drinks or all sorts glass cans? Surely, far from one. But all this glass container, especially if it has an interesting and unusual form, can be used as an interior design element of an apartment or at home. Moreover, make a decorative bottle with your own hands simple enough and, moreover, work will not take much time.

Even one decorative bottle filled with bright and juicy vegetables or fruits can literally transform your kitchen, become an excellent decoration of the table or take a worthy place on the shelf or locker. Such an accessory is able to fit into any interior of the kitchen, if competently pick up the bottle shape and pay attention to its contents, which can consist of a variety of vegetables, fruits, colors, twigs, leaves, etc.

In almost any city you can find such a kitchen accessory in the store, it costs an average of 300-900 rubles. If you are not satisfied with the price or you want to decorate your home with an exclusive thing that exists only in a single copy, a decorative bottle with vegetables can be made literally for an hour, or even less.

How to make a decorative bottle with your own hands

First of all, you will need a bottle of light transparent glassso that its contents can be seen. Bottle must be carefully flushed hot water, wash off the available labels. Then sterilize it in boiling water 3-5 minutes.

You can use any parts of the plants to fill the bottle, but most often choose the fruits of vegetables and fruits. Given the fact that the neck of the bottle is quite narrow, the fruits must be small, or they must be cut into parts. To fill the decorative bottle, it is good for filling: small apples-diet, cherry, small carrots, asparagus, bitter pepper, radishes, beans pods, pea, citrus, etc. Citrus slices do not necessarily cut very finely, as they can easily be collapsed so that they go through a narrow throat of the bottle, and then to straighten.

So that the fruits are convenient to be laid in the bottle, use a knitting needle or, for example, wand-hasi for sushi.

Located fruits and vegetables must be pouring with a special fluid through a funnel. For these purposes, concentrated acetic acid, less likely - ethyl alcohol, strong hydrochloric solution, formalin. When working with formalin, it is necessary to observe fire safety, put on gloves and respirator.

A decorative bottle completed in accordance with your wishes and a manifested fantasy, you need to close the plug and pour with a seaside or wax.

Ready accessory can be additionally decorated with various decorative elements. For example, wrap the neck with twine or colored threads, close the cork with a piece of burlap, decorate beads, dried ducts or seashells and much more.

There is an even easier way to create decorative bottles.

A bottle, bank or other transparent container filled with a cereal, bean, pepper-peas or pasta and tightly closed with a lid. Inside the bottle, you can add layers of salt or pepper, multicolored sand; Place dried twigs various plants, Flowers, etc. It is recommended to add some rice grains to absorb moisture (if there is a small amount).

If you have little children, you need to remove decorative bottles on higher shelves and lockers to protect children from the temptation to try their contents, as decorative bottles look very bright, attractive and very appetizing.

Do you know that the usual glass bottle can be turned into an exclusive? For this, there will be no significant cash costs or congenital talents - make the original accessory Everyone may each. Let's see how you can.

For a stylish decouphage of bottles, anything can be approached: twine, ribbons, shells, leather, beads, salt, napkins, cereals and even shells from eggs - it all depends on your imagination and desire to create. You can do an AT decor of bottles in style, terra, rustic, or vintage.

Variants of decor bottles

  • Decoration bottles from the inside. For this you will need transparent bottles, preferably unusual shape, with a variety of recesses, recesses and tubercles. You can make decor bottles with flowers, waxing or.
  • Decoration of bottles outside. Many external methods decor It is suitable for registration of gift drinks - a bottle can be opened and removed its contents after the decoration is completed.

Decor of bottles do it yourself: staining from the inside

A simple way to add flavor to the corrugated bottle body. Fill into a vessel to the paint of the desired shade, shake the bottle, twist it at different angles, and then fix the bottom to the bottom. Surplus paints are flowing, and the first layer will dry up. Repeat the procedure so that there are no non-fragmented fragments.

Decor bottles Soluya

The decor of the bottle of salt is a fairly popular option, because it does not require large monetary and time costs, but it allows you to show your fantasy to the maximum.

Salt Decoration - Option number 1

We smell the salt into heat-resistant dishes, add acrylic paint and mix, the warm-up for a fork. We place the mixture into the oven (100 degrees), in an hour we will reach, re-smear the fork and sift through the sieve. It turns out something similar to colored sand. These "sands" make several species - different colors.

Tip! To get interesting shades, mix multiple colors of paint before adding it to salt, the warm-up with a fork received by Cashitz.

We take a funnel and fall asleep salt in a bottle, alternating colors. It is important that the bottle inside was absolutely dry. When the vessel is filled with home, close the bottle of cork and decorate it at will.

Salt decoration - Option number 2

Now we will decorate the bottle outside. We remove the labels and wind the gum width of at least 5 mm - in the form of a spiral or in an arbitrary order.

Uniformly cover the bottle whitey paint, and after its drying, we apply glue. On the scum on paper salt put a bottle, lubricated with glue, and gently rolling it. When the glue dry, remove the gum and get a bottle with patterns. You can dilute such a decor of bottles of sparkles and rhinestones. In this way, you can make decor bottles with semolina or other, more original things.

Decor of cereals and pasta

Bottle decor with croups - another interesting option Vessel decoration. The main stages of the work: We remove all the labels and degrease the glass with alcohol. We apply glue on a bottle and create several layers with a border in the form of a wavy line - downstairs glue the peas, above we use rice, lentil, buckwheat and any other cereals. Of figured pasta (bows, shells, leaves, etc.) Create an ornament or thematic pattern. Fix the pasta glue over the layers of cereals, also with pasta decorate the lid. Prayers got the resulting creation - it is better to use aerosol paint with a metallic effect.

Decor of bottles of napkins

Decor bottles napkins or decoupage on glass Does not require large cash investments, but to express yourself, choosing such an option, everyone can, as much as possible using its capabilities.

Napkin with pattern - option number 1

We need the flap of the fabric, the male handkerchief is suitable. We impregnate the melting with glue and wake on a pre-degreased bottle, giving arbitrary outlines. After the glue dries, cover the product with white acrylic paint. We take a napkin with a pattern, choose the fragment you like, cut out and separate upper layer (most often napkins with a pattern of multi-layered). We glue a piece of napkins on the bottle and apply the main layer of paint selected color. After drying, the paint is missing the folds created during the decoration of bottles with a cloth, acrylic pearl and coating the entire bottle of acrylic varnish.

Picture napkin - option number 2

Decor bottles pantyhose

For such an option, as a decor of bottles by kapron tights, not only napkins may be needed. This time, instead of the fabric, we use the Capron stocking. I soak it with glue and put on a bottle. We also create chaotic folds, while the cork can be covered with a chipboard, and you can reach the stocking only to the bottle neck - upon completion of all stages of work, the bottle is created in a kind of bag. We are glue, and again west. We stick a fragment of the napkins, let dry, paint the bottle in the main color.

Complete the decor with a ribbon, a bows, braid, sparkles. The decor of bottles by pantyhose is a great option not to throw out a spoiled thing, but to apply it in the new quality.

Toilet paper as decoration

Take a bottle of dark glass and white acrylic paint. Degrease the glass and apply an arbitrary drawing, waiting for drying. Small pieces of toilet paper are impregnated with glue and create bulk irregularities on fragments covered with paint.

After drying the paper, re-cover the paint pattern zone. Now you can add rhinestones and open all the product with varnish. Instead of toilet paper, bottle decoration can be used.

The decor of the bottle of the beeps

The decor of the bottle of the twine looks incredibly stylish and original. The main task with this version of the decoration is as soon as possible and gently wind it on the bottle. Already after the first attempts, there should be no problems with wounds. The glue must be applied on the throat of the bottle and spiral over the entire surface with a distance between the glue strips in a couple of centimeters. The twine is quickly sticking enough, so it is necessary to work quickly and gently. Extra decor can be easily.

Tip! To work as accurate as possible, use tweezers.

Decor bottles rope

The decor of the bottle of the rope is created approximately the same technology as the twine. The difference in the decor may be not only in other options for additional decoration and the use of accessories, but also in the use of multicolored ropes or ropes with different thickness and density. The tip of the rope must be glued to the bottom, the melted glue. Spiral spiral rope. Next, in the bottom of the bottom up, the rope is wound on the entire surface of the bottle, the neck must also be glued with the neck. additional elements Secure and close the edge.

Decorating bottles twine

Decorating bottles with twine also has general characteristics Works, like during the decor with the rope and the twine. On the bottle cleaned from the stickers, glue is applied. Wash the twine is best starting from the bottom of the bottle. Battle with glue bottle is completely inconvenient, it is better to make it gradually or apply glue glue with gaps for a comfortable hold of the vessel. You can add a decor with small circles that are also made of twine.

Decor bottles ribbons

In order to recreate the decor of bottles with ribbons, you will need ribbons, glue, additional decorations. From the thickness of the tape itself as a result will depend total length Source material. Ready product You can add beads, shells or use additional decor Bottles lace.

Decor bottles satin ribbons

The decor of bottles of satin ribbons is the ability to create a stylish decoration for, or: it all depends on color combinations And the desire to create a special design element in the room. In order for the work to be neat, you should not use a lot of glue, it is necessary to apply a ribbon closely, with strong tensioning. Each next layer needs to be corrected in length. When the tape is narrowing, you need to follow the edge to turn out to be smooth.

Decor bottles egg shell

The decor of the eggshell bottle is used to give the vessel of the cracking effect and visually helps to achieve the type of antiquity. You can still make decor bottles stained in paints. The shell must be washed and remove the film from it, dry and break into the pieces they need. On the finished bottle, decorated, for example, with a napkin, you need to apply slides with a minimum gap between them. When the glue dries, the shell must be painted according to the shades and common style Bottles. Then you need to paint the cracks between pieces for a more realistic type and to cover varnish.

Salted Bottle Decor

The decor of the bottles of salt test will be interesting for collaboration with the child. To do this, you will need a bottle, glue, napkins, salt dough. From salt dough you need to create necessary option Decor, for example, flowers or an image of an animal, apply glue on the surface and snugly press the finished and dried bottle with a decor from the napkins. After a complete drying, and it may be needed for 2-3 days, the salt dough can be painted and supplemented with beads, colored salt or any other elements. By the same principle, the decor of bottles of polymer clay is also carried out.

Memories O. summer holiday At sea, you can save for a long time, creating such a simple souvenir

Marine Bottle Decor

Decor bottles B. sea style combines the most different variants. It can be a bottle decorated with a twine, which beautifully placed seashells or such an accessory, as an anchor that can be made from polymer clay or salt dough. Also excellent solution A variant of the decoration of the bottle using salt, sand and shells can be.

Decor bottles for men

The decor of bottles for men depends on how to celebrate the gift will prepare or what interests in the gifted person. If a man is fond of fishing, then harmonious will be the choice in favor of the drawing on the topic of fishing. Add decoupage specifically for Jack Daniels lovers: do not rush to throw away the empty bottle, because you can make the original desktop lamp or soap container by adding a special dispenser

Decor bottles threads

The decor of the bottles is performed on the same principle as in the case of a rope or twine. The only difference will be that you can begin to wrap up with both the bottom and the throat of the bottle. The glue is better to use transparent, it will not get a thin thread and will not change its color. Thread can be used fine and wool, it all depends on the initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe decor.

Skin bottles decor

The decor of bottles can be attributed to one of the most time-consuming decoupage processes that requires the largest material costsAlthough if there are skin pieces in your arsenal, the option will be economical. You need a bottle, glue, scissors and leather for work. It is better to take the skin to take a thick, but soft, then it will be convenient to work with it, and the effect will be the most luxurious. Apply glue better directly on the skin and put a piece to the bottle. From leather, you can make patterns,

Bottles of the original form can be turned into a chic decor for the house using one of the techniques or combining them with each other.

If you do not rises your hand to throw out empty glass bottles, then give them the second life, turning into a beautiful and fashionable decoration. There are many available and inexpensive techniques with which it is easy to make a decor of bottles with your own hands. Finished crafts can be used in the interior of the house, for gifts and even for sale, ensuring a good additional income. Select your way of decorating, and even better - try several options!

Filling a bottle of multicolored salt

A simple decor of salt bottles is ideal for joint creativity with children and does not require special artistic talents and skills, so it should be considered in the first place. The principle of decoration is simple: transparent bottle beautiful form Well wash away from the label and dried. Then prepare different color salt - It is possible to paint it with chalk or gouache.

The gouache is added to the dry salt and mix well, and then dried. To speed up the process, a baking sheet with salt can be put into the oven for about an hour. In the case of chalk - small portions of the salt are poured on a sheet of thick paper and rub with colored shallow. This method is convenient for small batches. Salt is better to take large, you can marine or himalayan.

Next is the most responsible process - it is necessary to pour out a color salt in a container as careful using sheets of paper to direct the jet. You can not shake the dishes, otherwise the contours curves will turn out. To get beautiful divorces, you need to tilt the container in different sides. Newbies can be tried from parallel strips - let it be not so impressive, but neatly.

Decorative Canning - Kitchen Decoration

This method cannot be called simple, but the result is worth working. The decor of bottles canned vegetables is something similar to winter blanks, but the difference is that stronger substances are used for canning. Immediately consider that there are such canned foods - they are only suitable for decorative purposes.

You can canning red peppers, dwarf fruits of tomatoes and cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, capers. Acetic acid, glycerin or other embarrassing solutions is used as preservatives. We have already told more about this technique of decor of bottles with their own hands - if interested.

Decoration with croup and legumes

This method of decorative bottles filling with something similar to the salt decor, but the beans, peas, dried corn, colorful cereals, coffee, dry neglected spices are used as decorations. By type, such decorations resemble decorative canned food, but it is much easier to make them, since it is not necessary to fill, but you can store at any temperature without fear of "explosions".

Separately, it is worth mentioning the filling of the tanks of the cum - it is glued to the surface, creating elegant, similar to gentle lace patterns. To get the perfect drawing, use stencils that help with high accuracy Apply glue on dishes. Newbies can take advantage of bilateral adhesive bases.

Decoration with cloth and leather

For the decoration of bottles, the cloth will be suitable out of fashion dresses, shabby jeans, knitted things, jackets. The fabric is either glued, tightly tightening the container, or create beautiful reliefs from it. The second way is more popular, because it allows you to get original textures. In addition, it is not needed for him beautiful materials - Even old pillowcases are suitable.

A thin fabric is cut into strips, soaked in PVA glue, diluted in different proportions with water, then slightly pressed and glued to the glass container, giving the necessary relief. After the glue dries well, the surface is stained water-emulsion paint in the desired color.

For the style of Country, the burlap is ideal - the cooler material, which in the hands of the needlewoman becomes elegant and gentle. Burlap tight bottles, and then decorate the craft of lace, braid, flowers, which are also made of burlap. Read more about the possibilities of this material.

Budget decision - decor bottles by tights. From the tights cut off the lower part, wet her in the PVA and decorate the wet trap glass container, creating volume. First, the bottle is fed into the stock rug, and then create reliefs. You can additionally make knots, bows, flowers. The finished vase is painted and covered with varnish for strength.

The skin is a luxurious raw material, converting bottles in interior vases and solid gifts. For work, not only natural, but also artificial skinBut natural raw materials are more convenient in work. Bear things in the closet, most likely, there are unnecessary jackets and skirts, which are ideal for creating beautiful. Below are the links to step-by-step lessons.

Twine for reincarnation

It is quite simple to make the decor of bottles with twine, but it looks like such a soulful very effectively and is suitable for a gift not only to women, but also to men. This technique is perfectly combined with decorations made of coffee beans, so it is necessary to combine these two hobbies to strengthen the delight from the result. Instead of twine, linen threads or braid are used - this is the decor in ethnic style.

The easiest way is to wind the basis of the rope, wetting it in PVA glue. You can decorate the resulting vase, burlap, ribbons, as well as buttons, coffee grains, shells. For this technique, it is not necessary to carefully prepare the surface of the bottle, but it is better to remove the label.

Decoupage - new from the old

Staining for a new life

Lovers of drawing will like the decor of bottles in the painting technique, and beginner artists will have to taste the transformation of an unnecessary packaging in original vase. To begin with, the glass container is well wash, wipe and degrease with acetone, a liquid for removing varnish or alcohol. If not the entire surface is required, but to create a strip effect, then everything that should remain transparent is covered with painting scotch. The same principle is used for a multicolor pattern.

Further go acrylic paints Or springs - matte looks spectacularly, but for gloss lovers there are varnishes. You can decorate the painted surface with stencils, brushes, volumetric elements, brilliants. To get spectacular water drops, the bottle is wetted on the surface, covered with droplets, quickly apply aerosol paint.

The dishes with the textured surface are difficult to paint the brush, but there is one secret - relief containers need to be painted from the inside. Make it very easy - pour in the bottle of paint and get enough to shake it. Sew the product need a neck down. Most likely, you will need to repeat the procedure so that the second layer perfectly covered all the gaps.

Unusual Effect Egg Shell

The egg shell is the most valuable material, with which it is easy to get things in the aged style or imitation of snake skin. To decorate the bottle, its surface is first ground with PVA glue, and the shell is crushed into pieces of desired size, but it is not worth the flax. It is important to free the inner surface of the shell from the film.

The equipment of the eggshell decor of the egg shell is simple - glass is lubricated with PVA glue, apply a piece of shell and pressed. At the same time, the material is still cracking and, if desired, these elements can be pushed with a needle. After drying, the work inspects and too large gaps are filled with small parts.

The finished product is painted with acrylic interior dyes of the desired tone and covered with varnish. As a result, it turns out a very beautiful vase with a fashionable krakle effect. About other possibilities egg shell Read in on our website "Women's hobbies."

Macaroni and Buttons - Budget Luxury

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