Sawmill drawings. How to make a simple band sawmill with your own hands - instructions, drawings and materials

Landscaping and planning 03.03.2020
Landscaping and planning

The mechanism is used for the primary processing of wooden building materials. It's no secret that the simplest models of a sawmill can be made by hand. To figure out how to do this, the instructions of specialists, the tricks of craftsmen, photos and examples of drawings will help.

This type of sawmill is most convenient for domestic use. It is easier to design it than mechanisms of a different principle of operation (tape or tire). On a circular sawmill, as a rule, large and medium-sized logs are cut into timber, boards, slats, veneer. Main functional elements tool:

  1. Power point. Most often - the electric motor. He must set the rotating mechanism to the required speed in order to process the tree.
  2. Cut node. Consists of one or two circular saws put on a shaft. On factory machines, they can be tilted towards each other to ensure a cut at a given angle.
  3. Sawmill control unit. Responsible for starting and stopping, changing the speed of rotation of the motor shaft.
  4. Feeder. Helps move the workpiece to the point of cut. In factory models, sawmills can be driving. In those designed with their own hands - static, needed for convenient fixing of the log on the surface.
sawing process

To make a sawmill at home, you do not need to refer to complex drawings and diagrams. To ensure one-time construction and installation needs of your home and land plot it is better to simplify the design as much as possible. The light version is safer. Experts advise to stay on the following scheme:

  • a solid working plane (it is also a convenient fixed supply line);
  • Circular Saw on a spindle or electric motor shaft;
  • reliable fixation of both elements in the same plane.

Preparing to assemble the disk mechanism. Mounting the work surface

In the work on the manufacture of a sawmill, you will need to draw up a drawing. Since the device itself is not complicated, you can take one of the typical ones. Assembly begins with the installation of the desktop. It must be stable, durable, withstand the weight of the log, so the wooden parts should be reinforced with metal.

To work on the base of the sawmill, you will need:

  • metal plates;
  • wooden boards;
  • nuts;
  • screws;
  • screws;
  • tool for fixing fasteners;
  • devices for processing metal and wood.

Special attention turn to the saw. It may have an electric or gasoline engine. The motor will perform the function of a rotating device with the help of a pulley that increases the speed of the shaft.

Attention! The diameter of the cutting disc of the sawmill must be at least 500 mm. The bigger, the better. The optimal thickness is 3 mm. Material - steel or duralumin. The disc should have 2 or 3 teeth.

Having decided on the size of the table, proceed to assemble it:

  1. Weld the frame, placing the supports crosswise for greater stability and reliability of the sawmill.
  2. Firmly fix a metal plate on it (less often they take a wooden one). Often, the supports are attached to a wooden cover, and already on top of it is placed heavy metal solid sheet or plates (fixed with bolts).
  3. Make a slot in the center, into which the circular saw will subsequently be deepened. The dimensions of the hole should provide a minimum gap between the plate itself and the cutting surface. The slot should be countersinked and then fastened with screws.

Advice. Calculate in advance and make holes in the plate to secure the engine.

Mounting the engine and the final stage of assembling the sawmill

Installing the engine is the most difficult part of making a home sawmill. It requires meticulous precision and reliability of connections. Loose elements will not be able to perform their tasks efficiently. In addition, they are quite dangerous to the health and life of the worker behind the machine.

The final stage of the design of the sawmill:

  1. Bearings and a pulley are attached to the underside of the plate, which is connected with a safety belt to the saw. This trick will protect the engine if the saw jams.
  2. The belts are well tensioned, not forgetting the mass and power of the engine itself.
  3. The saw is fixed strictly in the middle of the working surface.
  4. The main part of the work is completed by the installation of a thrust platform for a gasoline or electric motor. It must be movable relative to the shaft.

A good powered saw is a balanced mechanism with a correct blade angle that produces a clean cut and edges. The whole process of assembling even the elementary sawmill mechanism requires a serious approach. You can evaluate the subtleties and an example of installation in the video.

Before work stock up not only necessary materials but also patience. In this case, you will assemble an affordable analogue to expensive machines and make an alternative to low-quality factory lumber yourself.

Homemade sawmill: video

Most commuters are familiar with the need to use a variety of woodworking equipment, which is often used for domestic purposes on personal plot. Modern market manual and stationary construction tool is replete with various models of devices for wood processing, the most popular of which include a sawmill. At the same time, such equipment is divided into tire, disk, frame and tape type devices, depending on the method used for sawing wood.

What is a tire sawmill used for?

Humans have been using wood for a long time. different breeds for the manufacture of structures and items used in everyday life. At the same time, people constantly tried to improve woodworking equipment with their own hands. Hand saw, which not so long ago was considered the only mechanism for sawing wood at home, is slowly but surely losing ground, giving way to machines powered by electricity or liquid fuel which greatly simplifies human labor.

Not a single construction is complete without significant financial costs associated with wood processing: sawing boards, building roof structures or making furniture. Naturally, all these items can be purchased at any retail chain, but this is not always justified from a financial point of view. A person who is used to doing everything with his own hands will be able to assemble a tire sawmill- a machine, thanks to which you can make any gazebo, wooden shed or a garage box, a bathhouse or a log house and many other wood structures.

The main purpose of the sawmill with a self-made tire construction is high-quality sawing of logs in the longitudinal direction for the manufacture of unedged and edged boards, slats, gun carriages and other lumber used in construction. Homemade tire sawmills were developed for the production of small batches of wooden construction blanks. custom sizes and processing of different types of wood.

The installation of rail-mounted sawing equipment does not require much space, which allows it to be used on small area earth. Naturally, such a sawmill will not be able to fully replace the rounded machine or a cutter, but it is quite suitable for self-cutting timber and making boards. Today, there are stationary equipment powered by electricity and sawmills that can be moved using a gasoline engine, which is very convenient when harvesting lumber in the forest.

Designs and types of tire sawmills

Today, we can consider two types of tire sawmills that can actually be made by hand:

  • with the movement of the working unit relative to the processed wood;
  • with a longitudinal way of feeding wooden blanks.

At the same time, it is impossible to single out any model that will be the best, since both types of sawing equipment have both advantages and disadvantages. So, when moving the working unit along the log, a person has the opportunity, control the effort, thereby ensuring uniform running and sawing wood at high speeds.

When feeding a log towards the sawing mechanism, the control of sawing becomes much more complicated. It is enough to push the tree slightly harder and this will immediately lead to a sharp increase in the load on the tire and chain. This can cause the chain to jam or the motor to overheat. But in such a mechanism there are no additional wires that move behind the main unit. Naturally, the final choice of the design of a sawmill for making your own hands depends on the individual preferences of each person.

But regardless of the chosen design, you need to worry about the construction of a quality foundation, which will reduce vibration. Most often, metal channels or rails are used for the basis of a home-made tire-type sawmill. The lower part of the frame is equipped with wheels to ensure the free movement of the sawmill or the processed wooden workpiece.

Making a sawmill with your own hands

Before proceeding to the assembly process, you need to take care of the availability materials and tools from the following list:

To make a tire sawmill with your own hands, spare parts from a standard chainsaw are used. The working part consists of tires, electric motor and clutch system which are housed in a separate box.

Stages of assembly of the sawing mechanism

By assembling a tire-type sawmill on their own, a person will receive indispensable assistant to solve domestic problems. However, for her self assembly exists certain sequence of events.

Close attention when doing do-it-yourself work is necessary give the engine mount, which will vibrate strongly during operation. Therefore, care must be taken that the bed under it has sufficient rigidity.

Installation of the structure on the base

After assembling the working unit, it is necessary fasten on metal frame , the manufacture of which with your own hands consists of simple steps.

  1. Two blanks are welded from durable steel tubes, shaped like the letter "P". The upper parts of the obtained blanks are fixed to each other by means of electric welding or bolts.
  2. Four branch pipes placed vertically are welded in the center of the frame. On each element, several small recesses are made along the outer side at a distance of 20 mm relative to each other to a depth of up to half the diameter of the tube.
  3. Four tubes are also welded on the working unit, the inner section of which must correspond to the outer diameter of the pipes located on the base. The placement of the elements must be done in such a way that the nozzles on the working unit are put on the tubes of the carrier base.

This design is necessary to ensure free movement of the saw unit in a vertical position. Fixing the working node in the required vertical position is ensured by means of bolts.

Stationary design of the tire sawmill

Sometimes a homemade sawing device is placed on concrete base. Thanks to this, it is possible to ensure constant horizontalness, but at the same time the sawing process of logs is significantly slowed down. To increase the convenience and efficiency of the tire sawmill, you can additionally install an intermediate transmission mechanism - the clutch with your own hands.

This will require between the drive gear and the electric motor mount belt drive. Pulleys are mounted on the gear and the shaft of the electric motor, on which the belts will be pulled. Special rollers are used to press the belt product. To facilitate the work, you can borrow finished structure from a walk-behind tractor.

Having become acquainted with the design and principle of operation of the tire sawmill, everyone will be able to assemble such a woodworking machine with their own hands. Such a sawing device qualitatively dissolves logs into boards of any thickness with enough high precision. If a person plans to start harvesting lumber or just has to a large number of construction works associated with the tree, then independent sawmill manufacturing tire type will save a lot of time, effort and money when processing logs, boards and other wooden products.

Wooden products and blanks from different types of wood are considered the most popular goods for repair and construction. And if you calculate the cost of lumber, as well as the price of processing services and transportation to the destination, you can guess where and on what you can save.

And based on the fact that processing wood is quite simple, many people prefer home sawmills, which allow you to give the material any shape and appearance directly on the site. Guided by ready-made diagrams and drawings, you can create a truly productive device that will expand your capabilities and allow you to carry out various operations without resorting to professional workshops.

The expediency of the desire to make a band sawmill with your own hands becomes apparent after viewing the prices for factory equipment. Of course, such models are available in a wide variety, but their cost exceeds hundreds of thousands of rubles. And this is if we talk about representatives of the budget segment. More advanced and powerful are very expensive.

General characteristics

It is no secret that wood is one of the most popular materials in private construction. Despite the rapid expansion of the range of such products and the emergence of a cheap alternative, the tree is still in demand and has no analogues. And although the acquisition good material in a hypermarket is not considered a difficulty, because solutions in the form of boards, timber or battens are available in every mall building materials, the ability to make such products at home looks much more attractive.

This is not strange, because in this case you deprive yourself of many costs, and the only thing you need to buy is a business forest. And after all trim lumber is very expensive. Naturally, buying your own sawmill to touch up repairs or repair the roof is unwise. If you intend to build some structure on a clean site, then here sawmill can become very useful solution. And if you still try to make it yourself, this will make the costs minimal.

Today there are several key modifications similar equipment. However, if you intend to make a homemade sawmill, then most likely you will need to choose between two main types:

  1. option with fixed saw placement,
  2. option with a trolley where the workpiece is fixed.

It is she who moves along the rails in the process. Any other varieties are upgraded versions that greatly simplify the task and provide maximum quality of work. For example, you can take a mobile saw.

Construction dimensions depend on location. It's no secret that all areas (adjoining, country, etc.) have their own characteristic layout, so to choose optimal sizes machine must be handled with great care. Any drawings available on the network (relevant literature, Internet resources and other sources of information) serve as "landmarks" - in terms of a separate component, parameters and other properties. A homemade sawmill is made in such a way that it is convenient to work in a specific place under specific conditions. In most cases, these solutions are used for dissolving logs and trimming boards.

Important Features

A homemade band sawmill has many advantages. Among them is the possibility of constant improvement and refinement, which allows you to more accurately "adjust" its characteristics to the growing requirements of the owner. For example, if you originally planned to cut logs into boards, you may soon need to do own production timber.

Such a design is assembled by a block-modular method. If you do not have practical experience and skills in the construction complex mechanisms and nodes, start with simple drawings. The mechanically driven variant is easy to equip with additional automation parts. Among them:

  1. Cutting thickness regulator.
  2. Saw feed regulator.
  3. Programmer and many others.

Therefore, you need to understand the basic drawing and assembly instructions.

As mentioned above, today a large number of modifications to sawmills are used. When choosing the right solution, you should ask yourself in what plane the cutting is planned. It is this aspect that indicates the placement working structure. The next question is to choose the same type or universal type of sawmill. For example, if you have to cut logs into separate segments, and not just the basic dissolution of timber into boards, then it makes sense to stop at universal equipment. It is very good if the working frame supports reinstallation.

It is no secret that logs processed by a band sawmill are characterized by large dimensions and impressive weight. In addition, during processing, the bed is subject to intense loads, so you must pay special attention to the stability of the band saw equipment. In this case, you do not have to worry about the quality of the cut and the safety of workers.

Making a sawmill at home with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems initially. Many difficulties arise for people already at the next stage - preparation for operation. The most key trouble is wiring and sharpening the saw.

Location selection

If you have a special workshop or room where all processing activities are carried out, it is desirable provide at least 18 square meters working area . In such a territory it will be possible to dissolve even the largest logs.

In private workshops, an empty building, or at least one of its compartments, is often allocated for the installation of a sawmill. Sometimes woodworking activities held under open sky, however, it is unlikely that you live with such neighbors who will normally respond to a lot of sawdust and small chips flying with the wind. And not everyone will be happy to see how the area near his house is quickly clogged with various garbage.

In order not to become a victim of such a nuisance, it is enough to take the construction of a solid type fence responsibly. Perhaps you will like the option of polycarbonate sheets or durable plywood.

In addition, you need to prepare in advance place for storing finished lumber. As a result, a suitable piece of land should be selected for storing the final product.

These issues should be resolved before the start of the design of the structure.

Choice of materials and components

If you are seriously thinking about making a homemade band sawmill, be prepared to pay due attention to the selection of all parts and materials.

  1. The first thing to do is pick up engine. In most cases, they use gasoline or electric units with appropriate power ratings. If you look at the situation from a practical point of view, then asynchronous (electrical) models are the most optimal. This is due to the fact that they have no problems connecting to the house electrical network, and besides, their service life is quite long. And the stability of the revolutions ensures the maximum quality of cutting logs on the sawmill.
  2. materials. It is no secret that high-quality durable metal products should be used to process huge wood. For example, on the movable part of the "trolley" it is customary to install a workpiece from a profiled (thick-walled) pipe of square or rectangular section. But the support frame is made from a channel, which is associated with cumulative loads. Based on this, the rails are mounted from the overall corner (at least 45), although the channel is also effective here, but with smaller linear characteristics.

Equipment for work and assembly algorithm

It's no secret that when building a homemade sawmill, you can't do without good welding equipment. Bolted connections in this case are useless. It is better not to risk it, because after some time such a mount will lose its former strength, loosen up and make the structure dangerous to use. And tightening the bolts and monitoring their condition daily is not the best prospect.

As for the equipment assembly algorithm, it remains very simple and understandable. The main difficulty lies in sizing constituent parts.

First of all, you must install the support platform on which the lumber cart will move. In addition, a frame must be attached to the rails, where the working tool will be installed. Among key requirements- reliability and alignment in the horizontal plane. Where and how to mount it is up to you. It is possible to use a specially equipped foundation, for example, a columnar foundation, or a variant with racks that are dug into the ground.

The purpose of the mobile unit (trolley) has been repeatedly mentioned. To ensure reliable fixation of the log during sawing, the movable element is equipped with "clamp", which securely clamps the wood to the frame and prevents any risk of shifting. Also, the cart must have wheels that will provide mobility.

As for the frame for the saw, it must be equipped with good mechanism adjustments. Otherwise, it will be difficult to provide the ability to change the position of the cutting units.

A number of engineering solutions are currently being used, so which one to choose is up to you. Drive concrete examples without a preliminary study of existing modifications, it makes no sense.


Not everyone can afford to buy a finished sawmill, and even its payback very small, and then when it comes to commercial use and regular orders. Therefore, it is not advisable to purchase such expensive equipment without knowing whether it makes sense. Is it possible to make the design yourself? What difficulties may arise during the assembly process, and what to expect from the upcoming work for a novice do-it-yourselfer who decides to cut raw logs at home?

As mentioned above, the process of making a homemade sawmill can be quite simple and straightforward, provided that you are responsible for studying the instructions and drawings. The main difficulties may lie in the selection of suitable components, a wide range of turning and welding work , as well as the need to wire and sharpen the saw in a special way. True, if you follow all the subtleties of care and maintenance of the sawmill, it will be able to conscientiously work for its owner for many years, ensuring the maximum quality of work.

General features and the procedure for manufacturing a home-made sawmill are considered. Experts recommend to determine in advance the type of tasks that will be solved on the equipment. Only after that you can proceed to the installation and assembly of the structure. To simplify the upcoming work, you can download and study ready-made drawings that are freely available on the network. In this case, you can quickly and efficiently assemble the installation with different sizes considering scaling. You can also use ready-made guide, but apply your changes to change the configuration or expand the set functionality sawmills.

In any case, if you follow the basic principles, take into account the advice of professionals and avoid irreparable mistakes, deviating from the instructions, you can create a highly efficient device that will allow you to solve many woodworking tasks at home.

Any specialist who has to perform woodworking operations should have a special woodworking tool. It should be quite functional equipment, which is a band sawmill. You can, of course, look for alternative ways, for example, buy already processed blanks or purchase an industrial sawmill.

However, any of these solutions is quite costly. The most economical is the manufacture of a band sawmill with your own hands. Any master who has at least minimal experience with tools can handle this task. And in order for everything to work out, you just need to be very careful in the process.

Band sawmill at home

Wood is the most popular building material used by our ancestors. And, it should be noted that it still remains in demand. There are many who want to build houses from wood, not from concrete.

Even a non-specialist understands that the construction of such facilities takes a lot of time and is quite costly. It was in order to achieve savings on these operations that woodworking machines were invented.

Although today companies offer different kinds sawmills, each of them is designed to solve one problem - logging processing. But each does it in its own way.

If you have a band sawmill at your disposal, which you can make yourself, then you can not only process wood for personal purposes, but also extract from it additional income.

You can negotiate with interested parties on the production of the required volume of products and easily cope with this task. You will be able to fulfill any order regardless of what it will be - a gazebo or a bathhouse. All you need to do for this is to take the workpiece and process it, after which you can use it for its intended purpose.

This question is asked by many masters who have heard well about the popularity of band sawmills. Let us recall once again that today such devices are presented in large numbers, but it is no coincidence that the band sawmill is the most popular.

This situation can be explained by the fact that this equipment has many advantages that are relevant for the masters. First of all, a sawmill of this design can process workpieces from any type of wood, including deciduous and highly resinous.

Another feature of the band sawmill is that it can produce a fairly wide range of products:

  1. Edged and unedged boards.
  2. Bars.
  3. Veneer.
  4. Lafet and others.

If you wish, you can create blanks for subsequent use in the manufacture of furniture glued laminated timber, shields and other products. Having a band sawmill in your workshop will greatly simplify the process of wood processing.

A design of this type is appreciated by many, including the fact that it allows you to minimize the loss of logs for sawdust. Therefore, if you can make a band sawmill with your own hands in compliance with all the rules, you can be sure that after processing the workpieces, unpleasant waves or bristles will not appear on them.

Do-it-yourself band sawmill: drawings and design

Do not rush and immediately move on to the practical part of making a band sawmill with your own hands. First you need to study the design and draw up a simple drawing. This must also be done if you want to make a disk or tire sawmill.

The structural diagram of this equipment is sufficient understandable and simple. Therefore, you can easily add to it the components you need to perform additional operations that you will have in the process.

In other words, you have the opportunity to make the simplest version of the sawmill, which provides for the possibility of manually feeding the workpiece. Or you can opt for a more sophisticated version by custom-designing a high-performance device equipped with automation and special sensors, simplifying the work of processing blanks.

The main element of the sawmill, both disk and tire, is frame with guides. For its manufacture, welded soles are used, in which mobile rollers are placed. With any version of the band sawmill, the bed always turns out to be U-shaped, and it is made by welding two channels together.

In this case, the drive pulley is welded on one side of the frame in a stationary state, and the second is attached to the other end in a movable position. Installation of guides is carried out right in the center and they themselves are collapsible.

This should definitely be considered if you are going to transport equipment in the future. In general, making this tape structure with your own hands is a rather lengthy in time. However, if you manage to do everything right, then you will get a very useful assistant in your workshop.

Do-it-yourself tape mini-sawmill

Whatever version of the homemade sawmill you make, it will in any case have a unique design. This is due to the fact that, subject to the rules of its manufacture, this equipment will not allow damage to the frame in the event of a heavy workpiece falling.

This is possible due to the special design of the sawmill, in which guides suspended and are located independently of each other. With special care, you must approach the choice of cutting tools.

In the situation under consideration, it will be a band sawmill, which, however, is understandable if you remember what kind of equipment we are going to make with our own hands. A home-made band or disc sawmill may have width about 60 mm.

For tension, the design provides a special spring-screw mechanism. This is a fairly convenient solution, since the pulling procedure itself does not take much time. After installing the saw blade, it must be secured with two locks.

These locking mechanisms must be highly reliable. This should be remembered by everyone who is going to make a tape structure with their own hands. Do not try to save on locks and make them yourself. You will avoid many unpleasant situations if you just buy them in the store.

The principle of operation of the device

The work on the band sawmill can be described as the following sequential actions:

The essence of the work of the sawmill is as follows: first, the workpiece is fixed in a stationary state, after which movable belt is activated that cuts wood.

During operation, it moves strictly horizontally and is fixed on the driving and driven pulleys. To make a straight cut, you need to constantly control the tension of the belt. The log must be fixed between the guides by means of a special support.

This equipment may include electronic ruler or hydraulics, which helps to produce blanks of a certain thickness. During the processing of wood, the operator has to perform a small number of manual operations - laying the log, flipping and clamping it.

DIY do-it-yourself sawmill - video

The need for special woodworking equipment is experienced not only by furniture production, but also many home masters. Especially if they are going to process wood blanks in large quantities.

To perform the tasks facing them, a band sawmill is best suited. Although, if you wish, you can make a disk or tire sawmill with your own hands. Of course, it is best to make a sawmill of complex design, which will have the opportunity install additional elements making it more functional.

However, if this is your first time doing this work, then it is best to stop at simple version of the band sawmill. Then you will have a better chance that you will do everything right and your homemade sawmill will serve you for a long time and will effectively perform wood processing operations throughout the entire service life.

To make the basis of a band or disc sawmill with our own hands, we you will need two channels. However, they must have certain dimensional characteristics:

  • the length should be eight meters;
  • height - 14 cm.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find a channel of the required dimensions. If you find yourself in just such a situation, then you can do otherwise and use for these purposes rails or angles 50 x 100 mm. But pay attention to the fact that the base is even and has no bends.

Then, you can proceed to the next stage of preparing the channels. According to their length make a series of holes, following the given step. After the holes are ready, you can proceed to the stage of making the screed.

Pieces can be used as material for it. pipes with a diameter of 3/4 inch and about 25 cm long. The screed is fastened with studs or bolts 29–35 cm long.

After the base of the mini band sawmill is ready, it installed on special racks. In order for the assembly to be performed reliably, it is necessary to use bolts with a diameter of M 12. Pipes, angles or channels can serve as a material for it. Particular attention should be paid to the length of the device bed: the longer it is, the more racks you will need.

The sawmill is a machine designed for sawing logs of different types of wood. This is a rather complex tool that facilitates the work during construction. It is not necessary to buy this unit. It is quite possible to make it at home. During production, it is necessary to determine the type of sawmill and the amount of processed wood.

A big plus of the sawmill is that washed down is always carried out longitudinal. Since sawing wood along is very difficult. As a rule, a sawmill is used when working with wild logs. Large enterprises have tools for working with long logs.

What is the apparatus made of?

The sawing machine consists of the following parts:

  • I drank myself.
  • Electric drive.
  • Saw carriage.
  • Saw guide.
  • Log support.
  • frame for construction.

Principle of operation

The sawmill consists of two soles welded together. There are rollers on the soles. Due to them, the frame moves. The base of the apparatus has the shape of the letter "P". It consists of a pair of channels. The main wheel is stationary on one side of the frame, while the other is movable and moves along the frame.

Guides are also provided in the design. They are located at the base of the device and are attached using brackets (connecting devices). This element is collapsible, which is very convenient if you need to transport it. Drive rollers are located under the guides. Support posts are fixed on top. Sawmills move thanks to the chain mechanism located in the rails.

A band saw is used as a cutting device. Its width is about 60 millimeters. Tension occurs due to the hydraulic mechanism. Two locks are involved in the installation of the saw. They are attached to the base of the drive wheel. The control center is located on the operator's side. There is also a ruler for measurements. The device contains a container with lubricating fluid. It is necessary to avoid sticking chips to the saw. This solution is delivered to the cutting site.

The main types of sawmills

To date, sawmills are of several types. Each option has its pros and cons.

The mechanism is based on the block principle. The device can function with both cheap and expensive components. The sawmill consists of a frame, a mechanism for tensioning the saw, a motor, a clamp, a wheel, and a belt drive. Sawing logs occurs due to the band saw. And to ensure correct operation retaining rollers are provided. This is very handy device, but has its drawbacks.

  • A wave effect is possible when sawing logs.
  • Equipment skills required.
  • Before sawing, you need to adjust the device.

Disc angle sawmill

By far the most popular model. It is also used in timber processing enterprises. The design of the equipment is very simple. It consists of a support on which a shaft with a disk is located.

When sawing, the disc moves along the log. This allows you to achieve the accuracy of the result.

Tire frame saw

The equipment is easy to make yourself. The design consists of a carriage, trolley, support, saw, motor and tire. Suitable for sawing long logs. Has small dimensions. The device is easy to transport. Works from an electric network, or from the fuel generator. This equipment is not suitable for use with large quantity wood. Usually used by individuals.

Frame sawmill

The rarest type of device. During operation, the mechanism remains stationary. Capable of sawing large amounts of wood at once. The main disadvantages of the device:

  • A large amount of waste.
  • Oversized construction.
  • Large thickness of the cutting element.

Main advantages:

  • Ease of maintenance.
  • Reliable construction.
  • Durability.

Homemade band sawmill

Making a sawmill at home is quite an expensive undertaking. It is difficult to achieve the correct operation of all components. You will need the necessary parts, tools for work and drawings. The equipment can operate with a maximum weight of 300 kilograms. You also need to adjust the cut thickness of the logs. When working with such equipment, be sure to observe safety precautions. Before you get started, prepare your build platform. We will need wheels and a band saw. After that, you can proceed to the assembly of the base. First of all, we collect the rails.

Install the wheels exactly following the drawings. We fasten the corners on the rails parallel to each other. We make sleepers from a professional pipe. We install them between the corners. We weld fasteners for logs to the pipe. It should move freely over the entire surface. After you need to assemble the cart and attach the wheels to it. Lastly, the electric motor is assembled. This power-saw bench will perfectly work with the engine from the motor-block. With the help of a pulley, it will communicate with the overall design.

The design is very similar to a band sawmill. But in this case a chain saw is used as a cutting element. This device is much smaller and has a simpler mechanism. So, making it yourself is much easier. To begin with, we will find a flat surface and install the homemade product so that it is convenient to approach it. First we build the base metal profile. We drill several holes in the frame.

After we transgress to the assembly of the rack and place the frame on it. As a result, we have the base of the chain mechanism. It remains to mount the cart. But first we assemble the base and install an emphasis, clamps and an electric motor on it. We attach the trolley to a metal base, install an engine with a cutting element, and tighten the chain. The sawmill is ready.

If you need to cut logs tangentially, a corner sawmill will come to the rescue. This is a multi-functional machine that can handle a lot of work. It is better to design it yourself, since the finished device has a high price. First you need to prepare the drawings. Buy all the necessary parts.

The first step is to assemble the frame. It consists of metal pipes. We connect everything with a weld. Rails are best suited as a guide. After we design the carriage. Be sure to follow all dimensions shown in the diagram.

In this power-saw bench as "heart" the powerful fuel engine is used. Thanks to him, the process of working with wood is accelerated. The engine is mounted on the frame of the mechanism. In corner sawmills they mount chain drive, but there is a risk of motor overheating. When designing a sawmill, strictly follow the safety rules, since in the process you are dealing with cutting elements.

As a rule, for personal use, not sawmills are used, but miniature machines for sawing logs. You can also make them yourself. There are different mini - sawmills, they are all miniature and mobile. The main structural element is the finished chainsaw.

We will need the following materials:

  • Chainsaw.
  • Two channels.
  • Metal corners.
  • Rails.

First of all, we assemble the frame. Drilling a few holes. We fix the screeds for the pipe. We fasten all elements with bolts. When making a sawmill, accurately check all the angles between the parts. To strengthen the frame, stiffeners are made. After that, a trolley is constructed from a plate. Two corners are attached to the bottom of the plate. The next step is to put the plate on the rollers. Corners are also attached to the cart, they act as a mount for a chainsaw. At the very end, a mechanism for attaching logs is mounted.

We will need the following materials and tools:

  • Apparatus for welding, electrodes.
  • Cutting element, nails, screws.
  • Chainsaw or electric motor.
  • Tires with chains.
  • Metal corner.
  • Rollers.
  • Cord.
  • Roller bearing.

In the manufacture of this sawmill, the first step is to draw up drawings. Select material for components.

You need to make a frame. Suitable for this metal pipes. We connect the pipes and the corner by welding. The next step is to make the sled. Can they be made from wooden board. In this case, the surface on which the sled will ride must be covered with galvanizing or sheet metal. Slides can also be made from rails. The next step is to make a mechanism designed to regulate the thickness of the board. You can do it in two ways:

  1. In the sawmill, the log is lifted, while the cutting element remains stationary. Great for working with small logs. With this method of sawing, the back does not hurt, and the work goes faster. In this case, ordinary jacks are used, their lifting height should be maximum.
  2. In the sawmill, the log remains stationary, the saw is lowered and raised. After that, you need to attach a chainsaw to the structure. We remove the backlash, check the mechanism for strength. We check the work of the resulting homemade product. The product is ready.

The sawmill is a dangerous type of tool. It is considered a large device. Therefore, before designing, it is necessary to choose a place where this unit will be operated. Perfect for a garage, shed or utility room. This room should be spacious and bright. You can also work with a sawmill and on fresh air, but in this case it will be necessary to install a canopy.

In the presence of an electric motor, it is required to take responsibility for the installation of wiring and fastening of the necessary machines. It is also desirable to have a room where finished boards will be placed. When designing the device at home, it is necessary to take a responsible attitude to the cutting elements. When operating a sawmill, safety regulations must also be observed.

  • Monitor cable connections, monitor their serviceability.
  • Check the integrity of the ground cables.
  • If it is necessary to replace the saw or eliminate damage, it is necessary to cut down the sawmill from the mains.
  • At short circuit be sure to immediately turn off the sawmill.
  • The user of the device must not be near the sawdust ejection nozzles.
  • The sawmill must have a solid support.
  • When working with the machine, the log must always be fixed on the rails.

These rules must be strictly observed.

In the manufacture of the sawmill and when working with it, it is necessary to control all the nodes, connections and stability of the mechanism. After fulfilling these requirements, you can start the machine.

We looked at how to assemble a sawmill yourself. This unit is perfect for woodworking. Help with construction. And it's pretty easy to make your own. Must be familiar with tools. These devices are of several types. Before starting, it is necessary to prepare drawings for work and strictly observe all dimensions so that there are no errors during operation.

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