Manchur peach - dive. Preparation of landing place

Engineering systems 22.05.2019
Engineering systems

Peach is a very valuable, humid and high-yielding culture. In Ukraine, it can be grown not only in the southern regions, but also in areas with more complex climatic conditions. The main thing is to correctly care for plants and abide by agrotechnik, supporting their growth and development. Peach varietal trees consist of a platform (that is, escape or kidneys cultural plant One or another variety) and a stock (physiologically compatible with a lead, but a stronger plant adapted to various stress factors). The variety determines the grade, size and flavoring quality of the fruits, and the divestream significantly affects the yield, durability, nature of the growth and viability of the tree.

Lock: What should it be?

In modern gardening, two types of privileges are used to vaccine peach: generative (seedlings) and vegetative. Vegetatively multiphable stocks are obtained as a result of separation and rooting in the royaltics of parts of a certain plant, and generative - by germinating peach seeds, bitter almonds, Alyci, Zherdi, Peach Manchur.

Signs of high-quality stock:

1. Excellent compatibility of grades with comb. It should be manifested not only in the nursery, but also in the garden. If compatibility is good, throughout long period Grafted trees grow beautifully and fruit. This requirement is presented to both types of catching.

2. High reproduction coefficient. For seed imports, a good seed germination is important (90-95%), and for vegetative - the ability to easily root in the royaltics.

3. Satisfactory winter hardiness. In the conditions of Ukraine, where winter is often no misunderstood, root system Must withstand soil freezing at a depth of 20-30 cm at temperatures up -14 ° C.

4. The ability to adapt to the state of the soil, namely, its mechanical and chemical composition, acidity, moisture level, etc.

As practice shows, for the reproduction of cultural varieties of peach by vaccination, it is desirable to use generative laying, they are more powerful and resistant to adverse factors. ambient. True, with all obvious advantages Generative sets are possessing large disadvantage - genetically determined inhomogeneity. As a result of cross-fertilization, every seed gives a unique plant in its characteristics. Genetic inhomogeneity can be reduced if prevented overwhelming uterine plants. To do this, it is necessary to ensure that there are no trees of other varieties within a radius of 7.5 km from the royal machine.

I know by personal experienceThe Manchuri Peach maximizes all the necessary criteria for the cultural varieties of peach. This form was selected in Poland from a peach seedlings brought from China. The fruits of the Manchurian peach small, with mustard, unsuitable for use and processing, ripen in mid-September. The bone is small, oval-round. The seed in the bone agrees perfectly and has a high germination. Seedlings are distinguished by rapid growth, suitable for volatility in the first year of vegetation.

Manchurian peach is characterized by increased frost and winter hardiness, good drought resistance, high compatibility with all known peach varieties and increased resistance to bacterial cancer. Peach trees on this stock are distinguished by a weak growth force - from semi-classic to the average (the height of the tree depends on the growth force of the grafted period of peach). Their growth is reduced by 20% compared with trees, grafted on Gorky Almond. Specific gravity Fruit - 4.9 kg per 1 m 3 crowns. At the same time, the fruits of varietal peaches, obtained on such a break, are larger compared to those grown in other common combustion.

Technology of growing privacy

For seed breeding Manchuri peach bone acquire at colleagues from Poland, since in our country there are no uterine plantings of this culture. Before stratification, the seed must be released from a robust shell, which greatly complicates the germination. For this, I put a bone on a rib on a metal platform and carefully deal with a hammer. It is necessary to do it very carefully so as not to damage the seed. Seeds contain inhibitors - special substances that brare germination before the onset favorable conditions development. This is necessary for the survival of the plant. To bring inhibitors, soaking seeds two days in the water, replacing it several times a day. After repeated water replacement, seeds are ready for stratification. For disinfection, I put them on a day into a solution of fungicide (using Maxim at a concentration of 2 ml of fungicide per 1 liter of water). I wash the seeds with clean water, mixing with perlit in the proportion of 1: 3, moisturizing and put in the refrigerator, in the compartment for vegetables. It is necessary to ensure that the temperature in the refrigerator does not exceed 3 ° C.

Bookmark seeds for stratification I spend in winter (best on January 10-15). Every two weeks I check the condition of the seed, moisturizing and mixing the composition of the nutrient mixture in the container. In April, the seeds begin to germinate, but since this happens undesigned, sowing seedlings in open sad I spend in several techniques. In the cord, a chopper digging a small groove, pour it with water, then every 30 cm in the groove I put sprouted seeds and fall asleep their layer of land no more than 2 cm. After a week, friendly shoots appear in a week.

At first, after sowing (approximately until the end of June), until the shoots are fixed, apply drip irrigation. When the shoots reach 40 cm in height, watering stops to prevent the excess growth of seedlings. By August, they will be ready for an eyepiece. It is necessary to remove the lower shoots in each plative to 20-25 cm in the height so that they do not interfere with the eyepiece. By the time of vaccination, all the wounds on the site of remote shoots should heal. Ichulate at an altitude of 5-10 cm. Kidney closes the film for 1-1.5 months. The observerness of the shields, in my experience, is 100%.

For the winter, we fall asleep grafted seedlings with a 20-centimeter layer of sawdust for the prevention of the freezing of shields. In early spring Seedlings open, and I use sawdust as a mulch. I make a cut on the kidney in two receptions. The first - with the advent of 2-3 sheets, at a height of 20-30 cm, the second - when the shoot length reaches 10-15 cm. Slices for disinfection and good healing of wounds covering the smelting (using Funaben). I set the supports and fix the shoots near them.

Many gardeners prefer to use Gorky almonds as a cross for peach. From my point of view, they still use this dive simply by habit. I advise you to try to instill cultural varieties on the Manchur Persix, the result will please you. Since the gardening industry is constantly developing, new technologies and new opportunities that are worth using themselves are beneficial.

Vyacheslav Levenz,

the main agronomist of the fruent

In the wild state in the territory of the Russian Federation, peaches grow in holy places in the upper reaches of the rivers, Anon and Yeah. Local population Since ancient times, the fruits of wild plants dried and in the period of nomads used them in food in their deployment Sumy, Chingiz Khan was carried away as a large delicacy and mention of the homeland of dry fruits of the bone.

First mention about peaches Appeared in Chinese sources in the fourteenth century. So, peach, like Apricot, comes from North China, its winter hardiness is somewhat lower than the apricot and plums, in his homeland grows six kinds of peach.

The climatic conditions of Primorye greatly make it difficult to create local varieties of peach. The fruits of peach on beauty, taste and dietary qualities are considered one of the most first-class fruits - gifts of God. For a very long time, their fruits were intended only for the imperial yard. IN eastern medicine All parts of the plant are used as ingredients in Eastern drugs extending life.

Not in vain I.V. Michurin and P.N. Yakovlev, almost all his life devoted to the diligence of Peach, because the peach trees are short-lived and often frozen. For more than twenty years, I tried to suck the bones of various varieties of peach, vaccinate the cuttings of various varieties on the apricot Manchurian, the plum of Ussuri and Chinese, various forms of cherry felt, for example. Peach Kievsky Already in the first year, the vaccinations bloomed, gave one - three frods and an increase of up to one hundred eighty, see. But in the alternating four to five years, no misfortunes destroyed the landing. Again sowing bones, selection, vaccination for local forms gave a positive result, peach forms were obtained: early,

from rainy

AND late,

in the genome of which the hereditary material of local varieties of plums, apricot and a mixture of pollen of different varieties of peach, obtained in the southern regions of Primorye for devotees - breeders who dedicated their lives to bring new varieties of peach.

In our conditions, in the second half of summer, peach begins to grow intensively, forming numerous branching, and shoots do not have time to ripe.

It turned out that if in August to limit the growth of green escapes, lighten the crown, then the branch of the stamb is time to mature and lay large quantity Flower kidney.

Polyansky Vladimir - my student, already for three years successfully practices my forms of peach under Vladivostok. Peach - very rapidly growing and fast-fruiting culture. Vaccinations 2014. on manchu chinese plum In the soil, they gave rise to one and a half meters, on the forms of cherry felt to a meter twenty and on the forms of manchur apricot To the meter (probably it is because these seedlings are grown in containers, which limited their growth). Successful stans obtained after vaccination peach Schlichtwhich gave an amazing crop of red bump fruits 120-150 grams.

The most successful areas for the cultivation of peach The south of the Primorsky Territory, the Golden Valley of Partizansky, Khassansky and Lesozavodsky districts were found. Even in the middle of the twentieth century, K.A. Aadamchik with a group of gardeners from the garden-cities (the suburban zone of Vladivostok) experienced more than seventy varieties and forms of peach in observing and non-union culture. The result of their work was the most winter-hardy seedman who gave rise to sadogodsky variety. They were allocated several promising forms. They used the trimming of shoots in mid-September afternoon their length and regulated nitrogen powered by only early spring and autumn.

Successfully peach began to be grown in the southern part Khabarovsk Region, Sayanogorsk at the glands And his friends. Amazing results achieved the gardener Lyuban Lottenkov Yu.A. He received a huge crop of peaches this year. Maria Danilovna Schirut from Perevoy, Having Fivetwenty-five-year-oldpeach trees, in a half-form form, annually receives up to three dozen buckets of beautiful, large (up to one hundred twenty grams) bright red with purple fruit barrel.

These examples suggest that the peach culture in hard-working amateurs gardeners gave a positive result and widely stepped to the north.

The most acceptable for Primorye The most early and winter-hardy form of Peach Kiev Early and Dneprovsky and Autumn Late Living Road in three hundred grams.

Gardeners V.K. Kovalchuk in (Vladivostok) and N.I. Goldy (Nakhodka) from seeds of local seedlings received local peaches with a high result in winter hardiness and fruiting.

The seedman of Poltava (VK Kovalchuk) has been giving seventies for the third year, up to 30 kg, fruits with good taste qualities.

The developments of all originators have shown that only the seedlings of the Ussuri plum and the seedlings of the Ussuri plum and felt cherryhaving a resistant to recover a stack of stock. Satisfactory results gives vaccination to Manchur Abricot, because some peach varieties are poorly compatible.

Peach trees do not like to leave in winter in a very moistened soil, it will lead to extinction. Separate public catering is offered abundant irrigation in the precinct period, thereby render a bear service to gardeners. It is not worth using large doses of mineral fertilizers, which will lead to a rapid growth of the strain and not aging shoots. Under the root system should be a good drainage, it is desirable to land on the slopes from fifteen degrees, or bulk bumps up to forty see. It is surprising that our forms of peaches have already withstand the thirty-peach flooding and strong overvoltage of the soil. So I want to say - unspecified peaches!

When once again came to visit Maria Danilov, we could not approach the trees in boots, so the soil was so converged. In the furrow on the right and left there was water, the branches were bent to the ground under the weight of large bright fruits. It was one of the varieties of Pesika Shlicht, the cuttings of which the author presented her for more than twenty years ago.

In Primorye, there were several centers for the cultivation of various varieties of peach various shapes and colors. Robust steps of growing peach trees (fryed peaches) and nectarines are made.

Yuri Brodsky, Bioecoball, Dalnerechensk Primorsky Krai.

Peach is a very valuable, humid and high-yielding culture. In Ukraine, it can be grown not only in the southern regions, but also in areas with more complex climatic conditions. The main thing is to correctly care for plants and abide by agrotechnik, supporting their growth and development. The varietal peach trees consist of a lead (that is, escape or kidney of the cultural plant of one or another variety) and a stock (physiologically compatible with a lead, but a stronger plant adapted to various stress factors). The variety determines the grade, size and flavoring quality of the fruits, and the divestream significantly affects the yield, durability, nature of the growth and viability of the tree.

Lock: What should it be?

In modern gardening, two types of privileges are used to vaccine peach: generative (seedlings) and vegetative. Vegetatively multiphable stocks are obtained as a result of separation and rooting in the royaltics of parts of a certain plant, and generative - by germinating peach seeds, bitter almonds, Alyci, Zherdi, Peach Manchur.

Signs of high-quality stock:

  1. Excellent compatibility of grades with comb. It should be manifested not only in the nursery, but also in the garden. If the compatibility is good, for a long period, the grafted trees grow well and fruit. This requirement is presented to both types of catching.
  2. High reproduction coefficient. For seed imports, a good seed germination is important (90-95%), and for vegetative - the ability to easily root in the royaltics.
  3. Satisfactory winter hardiness. In Ukraine, where winter is often an empty, the root system must withstand the soil freezing at a depth of 20-30 cm at temperatures up -14 ° C.
  4. The ability to adapt to the state of the soil, namely, its mechanical and chemical composition, acidity, moisture level, etc.

As practice shows, for the reproduction of cultural varieties of peach by vaccination, it is advisable to use generative laying, they are more powerful and resistant to unfavorable environmental factors. True, with all the obvious advantages, the generative sets have a greater disadvantage - genetically determined inhomogeneity. As a result of cross-fertilization, every seed gives a unique plant in its characteristics. Genetic inhomogeneity can be reduced if prevented overwhelming uterine plants. To do this, it is necessary to ensure that there are no trees of other varieties within a radius of 7.5 km from the royal machine.

I know on personal experience that the Manchur Persix matches all the necessary stock criteria for cultural varieties of peach. This form was selected in Poland from a peach seedlings brought from China. The fruits of the Manchurian peach small, with mustard, unsuitable for use and processing, ripen in mid-September. The bone is small, ovalnoclauge. The seed in the bone agrees perfectly and has a high germination. Seedlings are distinguished by rapid growth, suitable for volatility in the first year of vegetation.

Manchurian peach is characterized by increased frost and winter hardiness, good drought resistance, high compatibility with all known peach varieties and increased resistance to bacterial cancer. Peach trees on this stock are distinguished by a weak growth force - from semi-classic to the average (the height of the tree depends on the growth force of the grafted period of peach). Their growth is reduced by 20% compared with trees, grafted on Gorky Almond. The proportion of fruiting - 4.9 kg per 1 m3 of the crown. At the same time, the fruits of varietal peaches, obtained on such a break, are larger compared to those grown in other common combustion.

Technology of growing privacy

For the seed reproduction of the Manchurian peach, bone acquire at colleagues from Poland, since in our country there are no uterine plantings of this culture. Before stratification, the seed must be released from a robust shell, which greatly complicates the germination. For this, I put a bone on a rib on a metal platform and carefully deal with a hammer. It is necessary to do it very carefully so as not to damage the seed. Seeds contain inhibitors - special substances that brare germination before the onset of favorable conditions of development. This is necessary for the survival of the plant. To bring inhibitors, soaking seeds two days in the water, replacing it several times a day. After repeated water replacement, seeds are ready for stratification. For disinfection, I put them on a day into a solution of fungicide (using Maxim at a concentration of 2 ml of fungicide per 1 liter of water). I wash the seeds with clean water, mixing with perlit in the proportion of 1: 3, moisturizing and put in the refrigerator, in the compartment for vegetables. It is necessary to ensure that the temperature in the refrigerator does not exceed 3 ° C.

Bookmark seeds for stratification I spend in winter (best on January 10-15). Every two weeks I check the condition of the seed, moisturizing and mixing the composition of the nutrient mixture in the container. In April, the seeds begin to germinate, but since it occurs at the same time, sowing seedlings to open ground I spend in several techniques. In the cord, a chopper digging a small groove, pour it with water, then every 30 cm in the groove I put sprouted seeds and fall asleep their layer of land no more than 2 cm. After a week, friendly shoots appear in a week.

At first, after sowing (approximately until the end of June), until the shoots are fixed, we use drip watering. When the shoots reach 40 cm in height, watering stops to prevent the excess growth of seedlings. By August, they will be ready for an eyepiece. It is necessary to remove the lower shoots in each plative to 20-25 cm in the height so that they do not interfere with the eyepiece. By the time of vaccination, all the wounds on the site of remote shoots should heal. Ichulate at an altitude of 5-10 cm. Kidney closes the film for 1-1.5 months. The observerness of the shields, in my experience, is 100%.

For the winter, we fall asleep grafted seedlings with a 20-centimeter layer of sawdust for the prevention of the freezing of shields. Early spring seedlings reveal, and I use sawdust as a mulch. I make a cut on the kidney in two receptions. The first - with the advent of 2-3 sheets, at a height of 20-30 cm, the second - when the shoot length reaches 10-15 cm. Slices for disinfection and good healing of wounds covering the smelting (using Funaben). I set the supports and fix the shoots near them.

Many gardeners prefer to use Gorky almonds as a cross for peach. From my point of view, they still use this dive simply by habit. I advise you to try to instill cultural varieties on the Manchur Persix, the result will please you. Since the gardening industry is constantly developing, new technologies and new opportunities that are worth using themselves are beneficial.

Manchur Peach - Dissop

Experienced gardeners, buying seedlings, primarily interested in winning. That's right, because part of the tree is hidden under the ground and predetermines its yield and durability, as well as the nature of the growth and viability of the plant.
Peach is very valuable, pouring and high - a yield culture. It shows good results not only in the southern regions, but also in others, more complex for their growth and fruiting climatic zones. The durability of the peach depends on the variety, stock and care.

The tree usually fruits for 15-30 years, in intensive plantations, peach yield reaches 40 t / ha. In this culture, the frequency periodicity is not traced. Fruit young trees are beginning for the second year from landing.


Now in horticulture for peach use two types of catching: generative and vegetative. Vegetatively multiphable stocks are obtained as a result of a partition and rooting in the royaltics of a certain plant with proper characteristics. Later, each such escape (vegetative part of the plant) is used as a seedling for seedlings, and then - wood.

Generative, or, differently, the dullness - seedlings are obtained by germinating peach seeds, bitter almonds, alchi, apricots and peach Manchur. As practice shows, today the dearities for peach are seedlings.

With all its obvious advantages, generative layouts have a large drawback - genetically determined inhomogeneity.

As part of a certain population in a variety polyculture or even in the seeds of one tree, significant differences are manifested as seedlings, because it is formed due to cross-pollination every seed gives one unique plant. Therefore, in the garden in seedling, there is a minor varietal inhomogeneity of trees on growth strength. A decrease in the influence of genetic inhomogeneity is the insulation of the uterine trees from transferaging within a radius of at least 7.5 km, and it was made in Poland during the bookmark of the Manychur Peach's royal trees.

What are the basic criteria for choosing peach batch for the garden grown in certain other climatic conditions?
1. Good compatibility varieties from stock. This is the main requirement that applies to both types of provers - and vegetative and generative. Compatibility should not only manifest itself in the nursery, but also to be deeply physiological, that is, to ensure the growth and fruiting of the grafted trees over a long period of operation of the garden.

2. A high reproduction coefficient of seed trials is ensured by high, at the level of 90-95%, the germination of seeds. For vegetative imports, this ability of the parent plant is well rooted in the royalnik.
3. Satisfactory winter hardiness. In the conditions where the winter is no bias, the root system of the flow can withstand the soil freezing to -10 ...- 14 ° C to a depth of 20-30 cm.

4. The possibility of a batch plant adapt to certain conditions, in particular moisture or dryness of the soil, or in the acidic reaction of the soil solution.

Manchur Peach.

All of the above-mentioned criteria for the choice of stock are most consistent with the Manchur Persix. Let us dwell on it. This form of plants was selected in Poland from a peach seedlings brought from Manchuria.
The growth of peach trees on this seedlings from semi-parlor to average, depending on the growth strength of the gravity variety. Compared to grafted on the bitter almond tree on the Manchurian peach, there are 20% less growth. This form is characterized by increased frost - and winter hardiness, good compatibility with all known varieties and increased resistance to bacterial cancer. Trees are well fixed in the soil and have good drought resistance. The volume of fruiting reaches 4.9 kg per 1 m 3 crowns. It is important that the grades put on these seedlings are not only devoid of leaning towards grinding, but also give large compared to other well-known flows, fruits.

We grow a dive

The fruits of the Manchur Peach small, bitter and not suitable for consumption and processing, ripen in mid-September. The bone is small, oval-round. Seeds well matches and has a high germination. Seedlings grow well and are suitable for the eyepiece already in the first year of vegetation.

Best bones to buy from Poland, because we have no uterine plantings of the Manchur Peach. Before stratification, seeds need to be released from the shell (shell). If this is not done, the germination of seedlings decreases several times, because the shell is very thick and durable, and through it the grains it is difficult to germinate.
To destroy the shell and release the grains, the bone (seed) is put on the iron platform and divide the hammer. This operation should be done very carefully in order not to damage the grains. Purified grains are collected and soaked in water for two days, periodically changing water several times a day.

Why so often change the water? Many plants have developed a mechanism that controls seed germination to the onset of favorable weather conditions - both favorable for germination itself and for the further growth of seedlings. This mechanism contributes to survival. Therefore, there are special substances in the grain shell - inhibitors that slow down their germination. Water replacement several times a day flies inhibitors of peel and seed becomes ready for stratification.
After two days of soaking in water, the seeds on a day are soaked in a fungicidal volator based on fluidioxonyl (the norm 2 mm 3 / l of water at a concentration of the active substance 2.5%). This sowing material is disinfected from mold and other fungal infections. After seeds (grains) are washed with clean water, mixed with perlite (1: 3), moisturized, fall asleep into the container and placed for stratification into the refrigerator with a temperature, not higher than + 3 ° C. The timing of the seeds for stratification -10-15, in the refrigerator seeds are maintained until April. During the entire seed storage time in the refrigerator, the substrate in which they are, every two weeks are ventilated, moisturized and stirred, and then put it in the refrigerator.
In April, the grains begin to germinate, and since this is not synchronous, they are transplanted into nurseries in several stages.

To plant seeds into the soil (nursery), the sap on the cord is paving a small groove and poured it with water. After that, in a groove every 30 cm plant sprouted seeds and fall asleep with a layer of soil with a thickness of 2 cm. After a week, the grains sprout together. At first, while the seedlings were not strengthened, drip irrigation in the nursery (about the end of June). When seedlings reach a height of 40 cm, watering stops - it is necessary to prevent the outrage. The seedlings of Manchurian Peach grow very well, and in August there comes the time of their eyepling.

We instill seedlings

The seedlings should be prepared in advance. Each plant at an altitude of 20-25 cm is withdrawn the lower shoots so that later all the wounds are delayed, and it was convenient to lay down inhibition.
They emphasize seedlings at an altitude of 5-10 cm from the root cervix. The kidney closes the film, a month later, it is removed. Shoe shields are almost 100%. For the winter to prevent the filming of the shields, the layers of sawdust with a thickness of 20 cm are floated. Early spring release flaps from sawdust, but depriving it in a row - it will serve mulch. I make a cut on the kidney in two receptions. The first - with the advent of 2-3 leaves, at a height of 20-30 cm, the second - when the sprout reaches a height of 10-15 cm. Then resistances are installed and the plant is fixed to it. Sections so that the wounds are well healing, and in order not to get infection, coated with two-component mastics based on tiram and carbendazim. So that the seedlings are not overwhelmed, watering does not apply to the graft seedlings.
Lord Gardeners, selection of a combination for a peach for you! We consider Manchurian Peach the best win, which gives the most beautiful and greatest fruits and provides the longest fruiting of the peach trees.

In mid-August 2006 in Minusinsk Krasnoyarsk TerritoryA scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the station was held at the Minusinsk Experimental Station of Gardening and Bakhchyevodstvo. Gardeners have gathered from all over Siberia, there were representatives from other regions. Among the delegates of this conference were also member of the peasant farm "Apricot".

Guests did not surprise either peaches or plums
There, at the conference, we have invited to visit our economy of the director of the Gardening of Siberia them. M. A. Lisavenko V. I. Usnko, head. Department of Kontasco Cultures A. I. Pushchina and other specialists. Showed guests a huge collection of fruit, decorative and flower cultures. First of all, we thought to surprise guests apricots and a plum. Our apricots were represented by Far Eastern apricots academician G. T. Kazhmin and K.S.-H.N. V. A. Marusich, as well as Moscow apricots, K. B.N. L. A. Kramren-Co., Irkutski - KB N. T. V. Eremeeva, Volga - People's Academician in V. Nemertnova, Voronezh - Academician A. N. Venyamynova, as well as the number forms of "I. A. Pushchina himself, and our locals, their selection, forms.
It should be noted that the crop of apricots has already moved, and only in some other fruits have been preserved, which could be tried and evaluated. But the drain of all species was chic, especially Ussuriyskaya. Everyone really liked the American grade Burbank.
Interested only Persik
They could not understand in any way: as in the center of Siberia can grow and perfectly fruit culture, which even in Voronezh cannot "give". And we have more than a dozen bushes of peach literally lay under the severity of the crop. Peaches of different varieties, some have already begun to ripen and paint: green, yellow, light pink, with red and raspberry tan, from 30 to 300 grams weighing, with white, pink, yellow with dark red edging near the bone, gentle, sweet, With small acidic, fragrant pulp. Such beauty will not see even in the local market. The taste and commodity qualities of our peaches are much higher than imported. Compote and jam have a special taste that can even be better than apricot. Plus, environmental purity.

How and where did Siberian peaches come from?

Trying to conquer this capricious culture, I communicated with many specialists of the bone cultures, read a lot of literature. Studying the works of the famous Russian gardener

A. P. Simirenko, who were written more than a hundred years ago, I drew attention to a peach description called Russian beauty, which was grown in pound sheds in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and others northern cities. The weight of the fetus of high commodity and taste quality Reached 400 g, and they used higher demand than imported.

I also found out that our market is sold mainly Fergana peaches with sour-sweet, suitable for dessert and fruit processing, weighing 100-200 g. These peaches are very demanding of heat and have a very long growing season. Saplings grown from bones of this species are little suitable for Siberia. Sometimes, however, there are commercial peach fruits in the markets. These peaches are larger - up to 500 g, sweeter and brownish. They are less demanding of heat, they have a shorter growing season. Here from the bones of this peach it is possible to grow a sapling that will grow in Siberia, subject to its shelter for the winter.
Siberian Gardeners is of great interest chinese view Peach called Gangsun-sky. Especially his form of Mao Tha-OR. This peach grows in the mountains of China along with Apricot, has a short vegetation period, less demanding of heat, and the minor pubescent fruit are quite edible.

The best peaches for Siberian gardeners could be hybrids between Peach Ordinary and Peach Gansunsky. They have a declared heredity and they better adapt to new living conditions, besides, they have a shorter growing season, which is necessary for a short Siberian summer, and finally they have a higher winter hardiness. And such hybrids were obtained in the Kiev Botanical Garden, in the Central Genetic Laboratory of I. V. Michurin (TsGL, Michurinsk), as well as the gardeners of the Far East and Siberia.

The appearance of a frost-resistant peach is indirectly associated with Siberia. Professor of Tomsk University N. F. Kashchenko In 1909, he received hybrids of a Siberian berry apple tree with an apple tree large-scale and sent them to the Minusinsky gardener I. P. Hero. These hybrids then got a big distribution in Siberia called the Siberian Zarya, Siberian Gold, the Siberian Star and others. Later, in 1913, N. F. Kashchenko founded the acclimatization garden in Kiev, in which the bones of Peaches Mao-Tha-Ora, received from Manchuria, Peach David, Apricot Manchurian. As a result, the peach selection fund was created. Then these works continued breeders I. M. Shaitan and L. M. Chuprin. Soon the varieties of the most northern peaches were obtained: Dniprovsky, Kiev early, autumn surprise, Polessky, etc. Selected peach grades satellite-1, satellite-2.

In Michurinsk I. V. Michurin, hybrids of winter-hard-resistant peach were also obtained. Unfortunately, the work was not continued, and these hybrids, as well as those that were created on the Rossoshan fruit and berry station were lost.

A very valuable collection of Peach was collected by the breeder A. I. Sychov, when he worked on the Donetsk experimental station of gardening. Gardening

A. I. Bubnov From Omsk, a local peach population was created, which received local distribution. She was even studied in the Omsk Agricultural Institute.

Officom work was carried out in the Primorsky Krai of the Far East. Gardeners-lovers K. A. Adamchik, K. N. Fatyanov, V. K. Kovalchuk,

B. M. Shlicht created a local peach gene pool, which was widespread in the Far East and Siberia.
Our peach cultivation technology is very simple

Here is her short description. Peach is very sensitive to the fertility of the Earth and watering. At the selected area for 3 years before planting, we grow vegetables with large doses of organic and mineral fertilizers.

To land, it is best to take our own seedlings. We plant them according to the 2x3 meter scheme, without spacious landing holes - if only the roots were included. We pour out abundantly. The lower branches are cut to create a strab of 7 to 15 cm. In the first year we carry out abundant watering 1 time per week and regularly cultivate the aisle, so that weeds are not grew. In mid-August, watering and processing the land stop. We try to grow a bush with 3-4 branches. In mid-September, half of the branches are adjusted in a bent and pinch the wire, and leave another half in a vertical position. When the Earth will freeze, these branches cut on 2-3 kidneys and cooled all the bags with sawdust - this is the most reliable shelter. You can simply cover the snow. We had no cases of spontaneous.

In the spring, naught branches straighten up vertically - they will give a crop, and from the cropped hemps will grow replacement branches. Watering and processing of rivers conducting, as in the previous year. Peach blooms simultaneously with Apricot, and its flowers take freezing to -7 ° C. I did not notice the color of the color. After the peach fruit reached the magnitude of the major cherry (10 g), they need to be switched. Usually peach tying a lot of fruits like sea buckthorn. It is necessary to leave the largest fruits at a distance of at least 7 cm from each other. And also make backups under the fruiting branches. In mid-August, the fruits will begin to whiten, then become yellow with a pink tan. When ripening, they are made soft, easily removed. Early removed fruits are sour, late shot - starchy, so it is important to remove them on time - then they are sweet, melting, very tasty. It is advisable for compotes and jams to take off the fruits offend - they better hold the form and do not weld.

After removal of the crop, we carry out another abundant watering and stop processing the rod. In mid-September, young shoots that have grown out of hemp are placed horizontally in a broadcast and
Spicy, and repulsed branches leave vertically. Before leaf fall, it is desirable to treat the trees with a copper-containing drug for the prevention of fungal diseases. When the Earth will freeze vertical branches that fruits, cut into 2-3 kidneys and again wech in the winter. And so - every year. As you can see, the principle like in grapes. Create a bush with a stack of about 10 cm with 8-10 branches. Peach usually lives 10-15 years old, then it makes no sense to keep. We mainly, we have a variety of Kiev breeding - this is Dneprovsky, Kiev early, autumn surprise, Krasnos-Lobodsky, Belgorod, and our forms: 2-sh-Yu, 2-sh-14, 2-sh-15,

2-sh-17, A-1. Last more harvest and more frost-resistant, can grow without shelter.

After harvesting bones sow to the garden. For 3 years they spare. In the future, the garden only pour the weed field. In the first winter, most seedlings will die. Of the several hundred will remain 1-2 seedlings. For the fourth year, a seedman who survived, begins to bloom. Then she is covered so that the fruit kidneys do not kill. And by the first year, the fruiting determines his fate. Most seedlings go to the wild and usually worse than the parent plant. We chose them.

Piskunov Evgeny Ivanovich

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