Pineapple lily eukomis is a unique plant in the garden (with photo). Eukomis or growing "tufted lily" in indoor conditions

Landscaping 13.06.2019

Eukomis is a genus of plants belonging to the Asparagus family. The name comes from the ancient Greek language and means "beautiful-haired".

Representatives of the genus are perennial herbs with a bulbous root, foliage basal, xiphoid. Has unusual beautiful flowers, collected in an inflorescence-raceme covered with green bracts on top. The genus includes 14 species and many of them are grown in culture.

Varieties and types

(punctata ) the most famous cultivated species. It grows up to half a meter in height. Colors a large number of, collected in a large brush of greenish color. The foliage is lanceolate or linear, the bottom of the leaf plates is covered with dark dots.

(purpureicaulis ) the main difference between this species is in the spatulate foliage, as well as in purple or purple with green bracts.

(undulata ) has a long belt-visible foliage up to half a meter in height, the edges of the leaf plates are wavy, not covered with dark spots. In the inflorescence, up to 50 flowers are collected with large quantity green bracts.

(autumnalis ) a low appearance, reaching a maximum of 30 cm in height. Flowers are white or creamy, flowering later than relatives. It can withstand light frost, which other species are not capable of.

(bicolor ) a kind with high decorative effect. Kicks out an arrow up to half a meter high, decorated with purple specks. The flowers are greenish, purple at the edges.

(pole-evansii ) given view almost never grown by gardeners. The distinguishing feature is the large, light green flowers.

(comosa ) is a fairly popular type. The height of the flower stem reaches almost a meter in height, the inflorescence is up to 30 cm. The flowers are pink, purple or greenish.

A plant with an unusual color - the flowers are pink or burgundy, and the foliage has a red tint.

Eukomis home care

Caring for eukomis at home is generally simple, but still has some difficulties. This plant needs bright lighting, only needs shading on hot days.

Growing temperature in summer is normal room temperature. After flowering, there must be a dormant period with a decrease in temperature to + 15 ° C.

Culture needs high humidity which can be achieved by placing the pot in a container with damp pebbles. But in general, over time, he gets used to lower humidity. Spraying is carried out only during seed germination, then they are undesirable.

Moderate watering is carried out in spring. In the summer they begin to water abundantly, so that the soil is always moist, but so that the water does not stand in the soil. With the end of flowering, watering is gradually reduced. When the foliage turns yellow (around September), watering is stopped altogether.

Pushkinia is also a member of the Asparagus family, grown for planting and care in the open field without special trouble, but a minimum of rules should be followed. You can find tips for growing and caring in this article.

Eukomis primer

The substrate for planting is made from 3 shares of sod land, 1 share of coarse sand and 1 share of humus.

The soil should have been neutral or slightly acidic. Drainage and a pot with holes are required.

Eukomis fertilizer

From the beginning of the emergence of buds and until the foliage dries up, a liquid complex mineral fertilizer is applied every 15 days in the dose indicated on the package.

Flowering begins after 7 leaves develop on the bush.

Eukomis winter storage

With the arrival of autumn, the bulbs are dug up, dried, cleaned of dry roots and stored in dry sand in the refrigerator until spring.

Eukomis planting and care in the open field

It is possible to grow eukomis in the open field. In warm areas at the level of the Crimea, the bulbs are planted directly into the soil, in colder places, the bulbs are first grown in pots, and when the soil warms up well, they are transplanted into a flower bed together with an earthen clod.

Caring for eukomis in the garden is the same as when growing in a pot culture - watering so that the soil is moist, but the water does not stagnate, and fertilizing every two weeks.

Reproduction of eukomis

Reproduction of eukomis is possible in a generative way and vegetatively - by children.

Babies appear on the bulbs. When the dormant period comes, they are carefully separated and dried, and in the spring they are planted in the soil. It is used most often as the easiest way.

Eukomis growing from seeds

Seed propagation in home gardening is generally not resorted to, since it is suitable only for species forms (varietal characteristics are not preserved when propagated by seeds) and, moreover, flowering in this case occurs only after 3-5 years.

The seeds are harvested in early September, when the bolls are dry. They must be sown immediately in pots with nutritious soil.

Eukomis propagation by cuttings

You can also try using cuttings. A leaf is removed from the base of the plant and divided into 5 cm pieces. The cuttings are vertically stuck into the sand mixed with peat, two and a half centimeters.

The material is covered with a film and kept at a temperature of + 20 ° C and diffused lighting. A couple of times a week you need to air and lightly water the soil. After two or two and a half months, bulbs will appear from the bottom of the cuttings, which can be planted in separate containers.

Diseases and pests

The main problem that plagues eukomis growers is decay of bulbs that occurs when there is an excess of moisture in the soil or storage in damp winter. Nothing can be done with such material. As a preventive measure, the bulbs are spilled with fungicides.

Pests are rarely affected. It's pretty delicate plant and it is better not to delay the treatment, but immediately resort to insecticides.

Lack of flowering or ugly deformed inflorescences can be caused by insufficiently low temperature during the rest period, as well as a lack of lighting.

Do you want to decorate your garden with exotic flowers, but are afraid of difficulties in planting and maintenance? Eukomis (eukomis), the cultivation of which is within the power of even a novice grower, will debunk these fears.

This native of the tropical forests of Africa has an original inflorescence similar to a pineapple: lily-shaped flowers are densely collected on a flower arrow, at the end of which a rosette of bracts flaunts.

In this regard, he received his names "pineapple palm", "tufted lily".

Eukomis has an unusual inflorescence similar to outward appearance on pineapple

Eukomis blooms in waves, and therefore, retains its decorative effect for a long time. In addition, despite its tropical origin, it is rather unpretentious in growing conditions.

Types of eukomis

From 14 types of pineapple palm some of them are cultivated in horticulture:

Eukomis crested - blooms greenish-white, cream, purple or pink flowers... The flower arrow reaches a height of 1 m. The leaves are covered with purple specks. Its cultivation in the open field is possible only in the southern regions;

Eukomis bicolor (bicolor) is one of the most common types. It got its name for its original color: the flowers themselves are light green in color, and the edges of the petals, stamens and ovaries are burgundy, the leaves are covered with brownish spots on the underside. The peduncle grows up to 0.6 m in height. Flowering begins in the second half of summer;

Spot eukomis is a medium-sized species (0.3-0.6 m), a distinctive feature of which is the presence of brown-red specks on the peduncles and the back of the leaves. Up to 100 flowers are formed on the brush;

Eukomis wavy is a compact, low plant (up to 0.45 m tall) with long wavy leaves at the edges without a characteristic speckled pattern. The inflorescence is dense, contains up to 50 flowers. Bracts also have a wavy shape;

Eukomis autumn is a low-growing perennial (0.2-0.3 m) with a large bulb (8-11 cm). It blooms with white or cream flowers. Blooms later than other species. Tolerates small frosts.

Reproduction and cultivation of eukomis (photo)

The pineapple tree can be grown from seeds and baby bulbs. The simplest and most effective way is bulb growing.

When buying bulbs from a specialist store, they should be examined carefully. Healthy bulbs are elastic, there are no putrefactive spots on them, their bottoms are dry, the scales fit tightly to each other.

If you already have a tufted lily growing on your site, then you can collect your own planting material. During flowering, babies form on the main bulb. They are separated in the fall after the mother bulb has been excavated for storage for the winter. Places of separation are powdered with charcoal powder. After the planting material is stored in a cool dry place. With this method of reproduction, the varietal characteristics of the mother plant are preserved.

In regions with a temperate and cool climate, eukomis is pre-germinated at home. In March, the bulbs are planted in pots with light fertile soil... It is made up of equal parts of leaf and sod land, humus, peat, sand. Each onion is planted in a separate pot, at the bottom of which drainage must be done (expanded clay, pebbles, broken brick).

Advice! The bulb is planted so that its tip is slightly higher or at ground level.

Correct planting of the eukomis bulb

Planting material pretreated with a fungicidal (Maxim, Fundazol, copper sulfate) solution to prevent fungal infections

After planting, the eukomis is watered carefully. Watering is minimal at first. During the active growing season, the volume and number of irrigations are increased.

Important! Water the bulbous plants along the edge of the pot.

For enthusiastic gardeners, it will be interesting to grow a pineapple palm from leafy cuttings. To do this, a sheet is separated at the base of the rosette and cut into pieces 4-6 cm long. Cuttings are stuck to a depth of 2-2.5 cm into a loose mixture of peat (perlite) and sand. Moisten the plate with plantings, cover with a film to create high humidity or placed in a greenhouse. Periodically, the cuttings are ventilated. The formation of young bulbs on the lower cut of the cutting occurs after 2-2.5 months. After that, each plant is transplanted into separate cups.

Seed reproduction eukomisa rarely gives positive results, as the seeds quickly lose their germination. For this reason, they are sown immediately after harvest. Plants from seeds begin to bloom only 3-5 years of vegetation and often do not retain varietal characteristics.

Eukomis landing

Plants must be hardened 2-3 weeks before transplanting into the garden. They are taken out onto the balcony or terrace and left for some time, increasing the period of the "walk" every day. As soon as the soil in the garden bed warms up (end of May), eukomis can be planted.

In the southern regions, the pineapple palm is planted without first germinating at home.

When planting eukomis between plants, leave 15-20 cm in a row and 30-40 cm between rows.

Eukomis care

Despite its "exoticism", eukomis is unpretentious in care. But this does not mean that this plant does not need care. When grown outdoors, it requires a well-lit area, protected from strong winds... In the shade, the pineapple lily will not bloom or bloom poorly.

She prefers loose fertile soils with neutral pH.

The irrigation regime of this exotic plant has its own nuances. After planting, the bulbs are watered to a minimum, avoiding getting water on them. As soon as active growth of leaves begins, watering is gradually increased. During flowering or hot weather, plants are watered abundantly. After flowering, the pineapple lily begins a dormant period. Therefore, they begin to reduce watering and completely stop it when all the leaves turn yellow.

Eukomis loves "tasty food". They begin to feed it after the plant “woke up” and started to grow. Every 2 weeks it is watered with a solution of a complex mineral fertilizer without nitrogen content. When flowering is over, feeding is stopped.

Since eukomis is a thermophilic plant, it does not tolerate wintering in the open field. After the leaves die off, the bulbs are dug up, disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide and dried. Store them in paper bags or canvas bags in a cool dry place (cellar or refrigerator).

When growing eukomis in indoor conditions it is left in a pot for a dormant period, and the soil is replaced in the spring.

Potential problems with planting and caring for eukomis

Untimely yellowing of the leaves, the appearance of brown spots with mold on them indicates the development of fungal diseases. This happens when improper care, namely at excess watering... In this case, the flower must be pulled out of the ground, and the bulb must be examined. If it is not severely damaged, then the putrefactive spots are removed, and it itself is treated with a fungicide and transplanted into new soil.

With a lack of lighting and low air temperature, the flowering of eukomis is inhibited or does not occur at all.

Of the pests, the pineapple palm is often affected by spider mites, aphids and scale insects. To combat them, acaricides and insecticides are used.

Lilies have proven themselves to gardeners as unpretentious, growing well on light soils in gardens in many regions of the country. One of the genera of Asparagus is distinguished by the uniqueness of its flowering - dense dense inflorescences with small buds. We are talking about the pineapple lily, better known in academic circles as eukomis or eukomis, its long racemose inflorescences are shown in the photo in this issue so that readers can appreciate the plant and its garden species at their true worth. Proper reproduction will allow you to form an exotic corner in the garden, and competent landing and care will preserve its beauty throughout the summer. CONTENTS OF THE ARTICLE: The genus eukomis (eukomis) belongs to the Asparagus family, although other sources often refer to it as a hyacinth plant due to its slight similarity. The pineapple lily received its scientific name in 1788 from the French botanist Charles Louis Pertier de Brutel, who considered that the word translated from the ancient Greek as "beautiful-haired" is appropriate for this species. Popularly, eukomis is simply called "pineapple palm" due to the interesting structure of the inflorescences. In the photo below you can see that the top of the brush has a shock of green leaves, which are the bracts of the buds.

Perennial bulbous plant is a herb capable of growing from 30 to 100 cm. The genus includes only 14 known species, while as garden culture only 4 decorative flowering plants... Widespread in the wild can be seen in the subtropics and tropical forests South America, some representatives are often found in the regions of South Africa. The pineapple lily has a large bulb, on average, its diameter in the section is 5-8 cm, this does not depend on the size of the plant itself. Representatives of eukomis differ from other genera by a very powerful, rapidly developing root system, which should be taken into account when planting a plant as a container culture at home. From the shiny ovoid bulb, very large ribbon or belt-shaped leaves are formed, collected in a basal rosette. They have a soft, smooth surface to the touch. Numerous leaf plates with an uneven wavy edge, less often at the base may have several spots Brown... When planting in a pot, it is worth considering the impressive size of the leaves - up to 60 cm in length.
From the middle of the bulb at the beginning of summer, a powerful cylindrical peduncle is formed - an arrow. It is a very resilient stem, reaching a maximum of 1 meter in height. Small flowers are formed on it, similar to asterisks, collected in dense racemose inflorescences up to 30 cm long. The buds can have a white or cream shade with a green, purple or purple tint. There are species and hybrids that have several shades, for example, Bicolor. The perianths are divided into 6 parts, growing together to the base, they do not fall off during flowering. At the top of the inflorescence, a "cap" of green bracts is formed, which can often be confused with leaves. They are the ones who do pineapple lily similar to exotic fruit, which can be seen in the photo below. Most types of flowering occur in the warm season - early June-late July; there are also representatives that can maintain decorativeness until September.
After flowering, a round ovary is formed, consisting of three ribs. After that, you can see the fruits of the "box" with many seeds inside black or dark brown. Seeds are harvested for further multiplication, with proper sowing and comfortable conditions pineapple lily grown from such planting material will bloom for 3 years of life.

Garden species of pineapple lily and their photos

Among all the known types of pineapple lily, garden decorative crops... They are easy to grow on your site, knowing that eukomis is a heat-loving plant and the severe frosts characteristic of some regions can destroy them during hibernation. But, about the nuances of care and planting a plant in open ground let's talk a little later, but for now we will find out about the garden types of pineapple lilies and see her photos. The most common in the Southern regions is eucomis bicolor. This is a tall plant up to 60 cm with an elastic peduncle covered with small star-shaped buds. At the roots, powerful leaves and an elastic arrow up to 50 cm in height are formed. The flowers are collected in spectacular racemose inflorescences up to 30-35 cm long. A cap of contrasting green bracts flaunts at the top. Distinctive feature of the Bicolor species, is that its flowers have a purple border. The bicolor pineapple lily blooms in mid-summer. When growing this species outdoors, you should be aware that minimum temperature its content is +10 degrees. If the mark of the mercury column has dropped to this value, then it is time to remove the Bicolor bulbs for the winter in a cool room.

The eukomis species Comosa (crested) is also a fairly popular garden culture in some parts of Russia. His homeland is considered to be Southern part America, because the cultivation of the plant is possible only in regions with a warm climate. The pineapple lily of this species reaches a height of 80-100 cm. On a powerful peduncle-arrow there are many star-shaped flowers of a pale green color. Flowering can be observed at the end of summer, it lasts until the first cold weather (temperature drops below +10 degrees). The photo below shows one of prominent representatives the whole species of crested eukomis.

In a subtropical climate South Africa you can find another decorative type of eukomis - pallidiflora. In our country, it is often used as a decoration for the garden. In America, this species is recognized as one of the best and is included in the list of the most beautiful garden crops. In height, the pineapple lily has an average value of 45-70 cm, but this does not prevent it from being very effective during the growing season. The plant blooms with pale green buds, collected in dense inflorescences. This species visually resembles a pineapple more than the rest, make sure of this from the photo below.

Very popular in our country is the autumn eukomis, or, scientifically, eucomis autumnails. This plant is dwarf in size, reaching maximum height in 30 cm. Perennial during the flowering period, produces a peduncle with inflorescences very similar to candles. It differs from other species and the relatively large size of the bulb - on average 8-11 cm. The inflorescence is very dense, one can contain from 120 flowers of a pale yellow color with a green tint. The flowering period lasts from mid to late summer, rarely until September. This great view for growing outdoors in regions with little frost in winter.

Reproduction and planting of pineapple lilies in open ground

Almost all garden species of pineapple lily, gardeners prefer to grow outdoors. Indoors, as a container culture, the plant blooms only with sufficient lighting and good temperature conditions, which is quite difficult to provide in some regions. Therefore, in pots with soil, it is preferable to only leave eukomis for the winter, and closer to summer, transplant it into open ground, for example, in a garden or a backyard. But, before that, depending on the method of reproduction: seeds or bulbs, you need to know some of the nuances.

The easiest way is to grow eukomis from bulbs purchased in specialized stores. Some gardeners choose to harvest them from an already grown plant in the garden. Planting material is formed during the period rapid flowering at the mother's bulb. They are collected by sprinkling the tear-off sites with charcoal to avoid fungal spores getting into the rhizome. Once harvested, you can start planting the material or storing it in a well-ventilated, dry place.
Planting a pineapple lily will require light, well-drained soil with a lot of humus. In order for the soil to become light, river sand is added to it. To germinate a bulb before planting in open ground, you can take a container (for each bulb - a separate one) with soil from the garden, or with a soil mixture prepared on your own: equal parts of river sand, humus and sod. The containers must have good drainage, for this we make holes in the bottom and line a thin layer of pebbles or broken bricks.
After preparing the soil, place the bulb so that its top remains at ground level. This is best done from early March to late April. There will be enough time before landing in open ground for full development and adaptation.
When the bulb is planted and before the rosette of leaves appears, minimum watering must be observed, since there is a risk of fungus appearing in the young root system. When extending the peduncle, we increase the amount of moisture and the frequency of its introduction.
Before transplanting, the plant must adapt slightly to external conditions... In mid-May, we begin to take out the pots for Fresh air into the garden, gradually increasing the residence time. Only after the soil has warmed up can the eukomis be transplanted to a permanent place in the front garden. To transplant the bulb into open ground, you need to gently shake it out of the pot and clean the rhizome of old soil. In light, drained soil, the plant will grow rapidly.
In the southern regions, eukomis can be planted with bulbs in open ground without prior germination. In this case, it is important to maintain a distance of 15 cm between plantings. For residents of regions with severe frosts, it is recommended to grow lilies for some time in large pots, which will not hamper the development of a powerful root system.
Seed propagation is often used in order to obtain a pineapple lily that differs in inflorescences from the mother plant. Seeds are sown immediately after collection, as they quickly lose the percentage of germination. Eukomis blooms, grown from such planting material only for 3 years of life.

Exotic lily eukomis care

Undemanding pineapple lilies are loved by gardeners who know some rules for caring for exotic plants. They will delight them with excellent summer bloom... For a long time of popularity as a garden culture, eukomis has established itself as an unpretentious, but very light and heat-loving plant. Most species lack frost resistance, so their bulbs must be dug up every year and stored for the winter. Lily does not tolerate gusts of cold winds and drafts. This impairs flowering, so some gardeners grow it in pots, and in the summer they take it out into the fresh air in the garden or on the balcony. In the southern regions, the lily hibernates in the open field, under spruce branches or sawdust.

Exotic lily care begins with the need for bright lighting. If you grow eukomis outdoors, then the place should be well lit. Shade and partial shade will adversely affect flowering.
After planting, minimum watering must be observed. When a rosette of leaves appears, it is gradually increased. During the period of active flowering, watering is needed abundant; in the heat, the air is also humidified. After flowering, the introduction of moisture is gradually reduced, by the time all the leaves turn yellow, watering is completely stopped.
For pineapple lily, regular fertilizing with complex fertilizers without nitrogen is useful. This should be done at least 1 time in 2 weeks with water-soluble mineral preparations. Eukomis does not tolerate nitrogen, as it can cause a number of diseases of the plant bulbs.
Home-grown container crops require an annual transplant in new pot with a complete replacement of soil. For garden species the bulbs are harvested on winter storage... In the fall, when the leaves turn yellow, they are dug up, then washed, disinfected with a light manganese solution and cleaned, packed in paper or rag bags in a cool dry room. For winter, a vegetable compartment in the refrigerator is suitable. A simple pot with soil mixture is also suitable for wintering pineapple lilies - a perennial is stored in it at room temperature, and when warmth comes and the soil warms up, transplant it into open ground.

- a pineapple. This is how the people call Eukomis... The buds in its inflorescence are concentrated around the peduncle, creating a kind of barrel. At its top is a bunch of oblong leaves.

We see a similar one on pineapples. However, there are no more "points of contact" between the tropical fruit and the flower of the Hyacinth group. To verify this, we will continue the description of Eukomis.

Description and features of Eukomis

Eukomis flower belongs to the Liliaceae family. Accordingly, bulbous. There are several bulbs underground. They are large, oval. The root system of the hero of the article is distinguished by its power and rapidity of development.

So, Eukomis landing as pot plant problematic. Extensive flowerpots will be required. The way out is undersized varieties Eukomisa. Growing perhaps, for example, in balcony containers.

More often lily eukomis flaunts in gardens. By the way, about flaunting. The name was given by Charles Louis Peretier de Brutelle. He is a French botanist who lived in the 18th century.

Looking at the tuft of leaves at the top of the Eukomis inflorescence, Brütel remembered the Greek words eu and kome. The first concept is translated as "beautiful". The word kome means "vichor." In general, it turns out a "beautiful-haired" flower.

Vichor on Eukomis are bracts. This is the name of the greenery, from the sinuses of which the buds or the shoots carrying them come out. By the way, ordinary leaves coming out of Eukomis bulbs, also oblong-lanceolate and also assembled into a socket. The root bunch of greenery from below is "sprinkled" with purple spots. They are also on the upper tail of the leaves.

There are no spots on the back of Eukomis greenery only in a couple of species. In general, there are only 14. Cultural ones are considered 4. We will talk about them in a separate chapter. In the meantime, let's return to the buds of the hero of the article.

In shape, its flowers resemble stars with 5 petals. Forming cylindrical inflorescences, they are then transformed into seed boxes. The fruits are three-ribbed. They form 20-100 centimeters from the ground. This is the range of heights of different varieties of Eukomis. Let's get acquainted with the options.

Types and varieties of Eukomis

Let's remember 4 decorative types... They are all perennials, but in middle lane and, moreover, in the sharply continental zone they do not hibernate. You will either have to move the bulbs into the house, like the hyacinths, or plant new ones every year. Pineapple lily eukomis native to Africa, which explains the plant's love of warmth.

The most frost-resistant is Eukomis "Autumn". He also attracts by his short stature. Peduncles rise to a level of 20-30 centimeters. In the photo Eukomis"Autumn" pleases with flowers when there are almost no flowers left around.

Hence the name of the species. The buds on its representatives are formed all summer, even delighting in September. Some people use cut eukomis for knowledge day bouquets.

EukomisBicolor or "Two-color" stretches 40-60 centimeters. The cultivar Alba has monochromatic greens. Greenish and buds of "Two-color" Eukomisa. Growing it bears fruit by September.

In the photo eukomis bicolor

Blossoming by autumn are distinguished by their large size and dense planting on a shoot-based. Bracts are purple. Hence, in fact, the name of the species.

Eukomis "Crested" became the first of the cultivated ones, cultivated since 1778. It was about "Crested" that Charles Louis Peretier de Brutel once spoke. He also gave a description. Greens, including peduncles, are speckled.

In cultivar Scricta, they are transformed into brownish-red stripes. Perianths can be of the same color. There are 2 more options for their color: pink and whitish.

Eukomis "Pole-Evans" is also grown in culture. It is larger than the others, reaching a meter height. Inflorescences of "Evans" are also large, the buds in them are greenish-white. In horticulture, Eukomis "Pole" is a rare guest due to its whimsical care, in particular, the requirement for high temperatures.

Planting and caring for Eukomis

Eukomis "Bicolor", "Autumn", "Khokhlata" and "Pole Evans" are planted in late May - early June. The night temperature should be 9 degrees or more.

These are the conditions for planting seeds in open ground. They sprout about a month. Therefore, many grow Eukomis seedlings at home, so that by the summer there will be greenery in the flower beds.

In the photo eukomis pale-leaved

For seedlings, seeds, respectively, are planted at the end of April. The germination rate is average. As a rule, every 3-4th seed germinates. Therefore, some people prefer buy Eukomis in bulbs. Plants from them bloom in the first year. Shoots from seeds, at times, give buds only for the 3rd summer.

Healthy Eukomis bulbs are distinguished by a dry bottom, elasticity, tight-fitting scales and no rot or mold. These can be bought, or disconnected from the existing one on the site.

Baby bulbs are formed on it during the flowering period. The offspring are separated from the mother by autumn. It is important to powder the cut points of small bulbs. Wounds become gateways for infections and a temptation for rot.

Eukomis wintering, or rather its bulbs, runs dry and cool. Planting material is placed in them at the end of September, after having washed, disinfected and dried, wrapped in paper or natural fabric. V plastic wrap, for example, air access to the bulbs is blocked. Airing is mandatory for them.

Most often, gardeners use a refrigerator to store Eukomis bulbs. The planting material is placed in the vegetable compartment. If busy, the bulbs will survive the winter at room temperature in dry soil pots. It is enough just to spray it once every 1-2 weeks.

The bulbs leave the dormitory at the end of March. Eukomis is planted in pots with turf, humus, peat, sand and leafy soil. They are taken in equal amounts. A similar soil is desirable in the garden.

Eukomis loves a light and fertile substrate. The bulbs in it sprout in 2.5-3.5 weeks. Another month is spent on growth, and there it can be transferred to open ground.

The plants grown from the bulbs become 100% copies of the parent plants. the same seeds are often different from the original. However, in order for the bulb to sprout, it must be properly planted. You cannot completely bury it. The tip of the bulb is flush with the ground, or rises a couple of centimeters above it.

Watering the bulbs should be along the edge of the flowerpot. The planting material is afraid of moisture, it can rot. Therefore, 1-1.5 weeks after planting, the bulb is not given water at all. In addition to decay, moisture provokes the development of fungi.

Protection against fungi is carried out at the bulb stage. It is treated with a solution of copper sulfate. Treatment from other pests is also recommended to be carried out in advance in the form of prophylaxis. 8 sheets on seedlings are enough to use funds from powdery mildew, tick and aphids.

Other care per Eukomisom comes down to the choice of windless and sunny areas. They are actively watered only during the period of active growth. The moistened soil is loosened. By ramming the earth, water closes the "pores" in it. These are oxygen inlets. Without its supply, Eukomis languishes.

In the photo eukomis bicolor

Demanding hero of the article and Ph. We need mineral complexes. They are brought into the soil every 14 days. Water-soluble dressings are desirable.

It is no secret that plants can receive and assimilate trace elements only in the form of solutions. The main thing is that there is no nitrogen in them. Eukomis cannot stand it. Accordingly, organic fertilizing is alien to the culture.

Eukomis in landscape design

The hero of the article has structural and clear shapes... These decorate any flower garden. Tall varieties, as a rule, are located in the central parts of the compositions, and low ones along their periphery.

Eukomis also looks advantageous in splendid isolation. With this fit, there is no need to select partners. The hero of the article does not get along with everyone. Coniferous perennials and ground cover annuals "deserve" location.

The latter include Arabis, "Travyanka", Thyme and Roofing rejuvenated. In other words, we are talking about undersized and bushy, covering the ground like a carpet.

Planting eukomis bulbs

Not only buds, but also leaves have a decorative look in Eukomis. This combination makes the hero of the article a permanent decoration of flower beds. So that they do not have to thin out, the bulbs are planted at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from each other. We will find out how much the planting material costs.

Price and reviews about Eukomis

Bulbs can be purchased individually or in sets. For a package of 6 assorted pieces, they ask for about 600 rubles. One onion costs 60-300 rubles, depending on the type of variety.

You can take a package of pineapple lily seeds for 30 rubles. There are few offers, since the demand is also small. 80% of gardeners, judging by their reviews, grow exotic flower from the bulbs.

Here is what a certain Nisa writes about this on one of the Internet forums: “I planted it in the ground at the end of April. Seedlings appeared in early June. I thought it wouldn't sprout. Apparently, she stuck the bulbs early. But, you can wait. He was very handsome. "

Nisa has attached a photo to her message. On it - Eukomis "Bicolor". It is the most popular among gardeners and landscape designers... The latter include Vera Shelest.

At the same forum, she noted: “I most often place bicolor varieties in raised central flower beds. I take large bulbs. They usually give 2 peduncles. The composition is brighter and more voluminous. "

It remains, so to speak from the editors, to add a fly in the ointment to a cup of honey. Eukomis smells peculiar. For most people, the scent is unpleasant. But, the smell attracts flies, bees, a number of beetles. In general, we are preparing for the invasion of insects. Without them, an African guest does not "pass" to the site.

Eukomis (Eukomis) - fast growing bulbous herbaceous plant... The bulbs are large, ovoid, shiny, forming a powerful root system... The leaves are collected in a basal rosette, numerous, belt-like, linear or lanceolate, glossy, often with brown spots in the lower part, wavy along the edge, reaching 60 cm in length. Peduncle - thick elastic arrow with a bunch small leaves at the top, up to 100 cm long. Flowers are collected in a dense cylindrical long (up to 30 cm) raceme, multiple, wheel-shaped, white or light green with brown or purple tint.

It is a thermophilic flowering plant. Retains its decorative effect after the withering of the flower brush. It is grown both outdoors and in containers or as an indoor culture. The flowering period is June, July, some species bloom in August.

Landing Eukomis

Before the first signs of growth appear, watering carefully, the soil should be slightly moist. As soon as the bulb begins to actively grow, the watering is increased. Continue to water regularly and abundantly. A potted plant is useful for taking out on the balcony for the summer. When the plant has faded, watering is reduced. Stop watering completely when the leaves turn yellow and let the flower rest until spring. At this time, you can transplant eukomis, separate the children. Until spring, the flower is not watered.

Eukomis is planted in open ground in June to exclude the possibility of frost. To deepen the bulb by 2.5-3.5 cm. For planting, choose a sunny place, without drafts. The soil is loose, rich in humus, drained. After the appearance of the peduncle, the plant is fertilized once every two weeks with a complex mineral fertilizer.

In the southern regions, the bulb can be left to winter in the soil, covered with dry leaves. The potted plant is transferred to a cool room. Since a lot of nutrients from the soil are consumed during the development of the bulb, it becomes poor. In the fall or spring, it is imperative to transplant the bulb into fresh soil.

  1. eukomis crested - blooms with greenish-white, cream, purple or pink flowers. The flower arrow reaches a height of 1 m. The leaves are covered with purple specks.
  2. eukomis bicolor (bicolor) is one of the most common types. It got its name for its original color: the flowers themselves are light green in color, and the edges of the petals, stamens and ovaries are burgundy, the leaves are covered with brownish spots on the underside. The peduncle grows up to 0.6 m in height.
  3. point eukomis is a medium-tall species (0.3-0.6 m), a distinctive feature of which is the presence of a white-red speck on the peduncles and the back of the leaves.
  4. wavy eukomis is a compact, low plant (up to 0.45 m in height) with long wavy leaves along the edges without a characteristic speckled pattern.
  5. autumn eukomis - undersized perennial (0.2-0.3 m) with a large bulb (8-11 cm). It blooms with white or cream flowers. Blooms later than other species. Tolerates small frosts.

Growing and caring for Eukomis

Since this plant is thermophilic, it must be dug out for the winter. You can grow it in buried pots. Eukomis grows in spacious, well-draining containers. If you have bright window, then the bulbs stored in the refrigerator can be planted for germination in the container already in March, and if the northern one, wait until April.

Care The main care is to regularly water the plant and feed it. Watering is stopped when the leaves of the flower turn yellow. The plant begins a dormant period that lasts until spring. It is recommended to store the bulb at a temperature not exceeding 11 degrees. This is usually the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. When stored indoors, you will not get a beautiful bloom. The onion can be placed in a paper bag.

Top dressing is carried out 2-3 times for the whole season. But it is important to know that Eukomis does not like fertilizers that contain nitrogen.

Eukomis cultivation in the garden

Eukomis bicolor (Eucomis bicolor) The eukomis had strong, belt-like leaves with a glossy shade, they looked almost straight up, only slightly deviating to the sides, even under the onslaught strong wind they stayed with it.

I was impatiently waiting for it to bloom, and at the end of June a thick arrow appeared from the middle of the plant, which quickly grew to almost half a meter.

And along its entire length, many buds were tied, and then flowers, similar to white stars, began to bloom from the bottom up. I had to explain to her that it was just a flower, but she did not calm down and from time to time came to me and looked - if the pineapple had ripened.

Outdoor cultivation Eukomis

It is possible to plant eukomis in open ground only when the soil warms up enough and the threat of frost disappears, since many species cannot stand the cold. Before planting, the seedlings must be hardened. To do this, you need to lower the temperature by 5-8 hours for two to three weeks. It is necessary to plant eukomis seedlings at a sufficient distance from each other: 20-25 in a row and 40-50 between rows. For the southern regions, germination is not required, the bulbs are planted immediately in open ground.

Reproduction of Eukomis

Babies appear on the mother plant during active growth. They can be separated when the eukomis is at rest. The peculiarities of the variety are preserved with such reproduction. Another way to breed a plant is through seeds. After collecting the seeds, they are sown in containers. The seedling will bloom only in the third year. At the same time, it is possible to get a completely new plant, which differs from the parent plant by leaves and color of flowers.

Difficulties in growing "Pineapple flower" The main difficulty that can be encountered when growing eukomis is rotting of the bulb. To avoid this, you need to properly store the bulb during the dormant period. In spring and summer, follow the rules of watering, avoiding stagnant moisture.

Diseases and pests of Eukomis

The main problem with eukomis is bulb rotting. To prevent rot, the bulbs must be properly stored during the rest period. May be amazed mealybugs, spider mite, aphids, whiteflies, etc. Pest control is carried out using the appropriate insect-acaricidal preparations.

Watering Eukomis

  • In winter - no watering
  • In summer - abundantly

Eukomis transplant: annually in the spring. Good drainage. Earthen mixture: sand, humus and turf land (1:1:1).

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The use of Eukomis in landscape design

Exotic eukomis immediately attracts attention, it can become a bright decoration of any flower garden. The possibility of growing in containers allows the pineapple lily to be used as a mobile decoration for a garden, veranda, gazebo or balcony. Structural clear forms make the plant self-sufficient in single plantings.

For joint plantings, coniferous perennials, gerberas, ground cover annuals will be excellent partners. In the rose gardens, eukomis will become bright accent during flowering, and then decorate it with its glossy beautiful leaves... Peduncles are suitable for cutting and decorating designer bouquets.

Eukomis - very exotic plant and is found in flower gardens not so often. It is not difficult to grow it, and unusual "pineapple" inflorescences will become a decoration of the garden and the pride of a florist.

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