Eukomis or pineapple lily: cultivation and reproduction.

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An ornamental flowering culture called eukomis is a rather rare combination of two qualities: exoticism and adaptability to a cool climate. Planting and caring for this plant is quite simple, although it has several important features.

Description and characteristics of eucomis

Eukomis, also known as eukomis, tufted lily and pineapple palm, is a bulbous herbaceous perennial native to the African tropics. The plant has an inflorescence of an unusual shape. It looks like a pineapple fruit. Eucomis is characterized by rapid development and growth. Botanical characteristics:

  • bulbs - large shiny, a powerful rhizome branches off from them;
  • leaves - narrow, belt-like or lanceolate, glossy. Combined into a dense basal rosette up to 60 cm high;
  • the edge of the sheet is wavy, there are brown spots on the back;
  • flowers - plentiful, round;
  • the color of the buds is white, pale green and shades of purple or brown;
  • the peduncle is an elastic meter arrow, on the crown there is a bunch of short leaves;
  • inflorescences - racemose, dense, about 30 cm long;
  • perianth consists of 6 lobes, after flowering it does not fall off.

Eucomis loves warmth. Only with a sufficient amount of it will he repay with a full beautiful wave-like flowering. This period usually occurs in the first half of summer. Sometimes - in August or later. The plant retains its decorative effect even after withering. Usually, open ground is chosen for growing eucomis, but you can also plant it in a pot on a windowsill.

Types of eucomis

From 14 types of pineapple palm some of them are cultivated in horticulture:

Eukomis crested - blooms greenish-white, cream, purple or pink flowers. The flower arrow reaches a height of up to 1 m. The leaves are covered with purple dots. Its cultivation in open ground possible only in the southern regions;

Eukomis bicolor (bicolor) is one of the most common species. It got its name for its original color: the flowers themselves are light green in color, and the edges of the petals, stamens and ovaries are burgundy in color, the leaves on the underside are covered with brownish spots. The peduncle grows up to 0.6 m in height. Flowering begins in the second half of summer;

Eukomis dotted - a medium-sized species (0.3-0.6 m), a distinctive feature of which is the presence of brown-red specks on the peduncles and the reverse side of the leaves. Up to 100 flowers are formed on the brush;

Eukomis wavy is a compact low plant (up to 0.45 m tall) with long leaves wavy along the edges without a characteristic speckled pattern. The inflorescence is dense, contains up to 50 flowers. The bracts also have a wave-like shape;

Eukomis autumn is a low-growing perennial (0.2-0.3 m) with a large bulb (8-11 cm). It blooms with white or cream flowers. Blooms later than other species. Tolerates slight frosts.

Growing eucomis from seeds

Pineapple lily seed propagation is most often used by breeders. To obtain a large amount of planting material, you can resort to this method and gardeners, but keep in mind that if you take seeds from a hybrid plant, the resulting seedlings do not inherit the characteristic features of the parent plant.

How to collect seeds

Seeds are purchased at specialized points of sale, but if there is no possibility of their self-collection. Seeds fully ripen in September. You can use the following collection method. Do not wait for the seeds to ripen completely so as not to weaken the plant, cut off the arrow and put it in a container of water, when the boxes dry out, you can remove the seeds.

What time to plant

The planting of eukomis bulbs in open soil is carried out in well-heated ground, after the return spring frosts are left behind, as a rule, this time falls on the last days of May or June. If your region has a relatively cold and long spring, then in this case it is recommended to start the bulbs to germinate in a deep container filled with soil mixture, and they are transplanted to the site in the last days of March or in the first - April. When planting a bulb for distillation, it should not be buried entirely in the soil mixture, top part should rise slightly above its surface.

Landing Rules

Such a crop should be grown in a well-lit area, which is protected from drafts and strong gusts of wind. The soil should be loose, light, well-drained and rich in humus. To improve the moisture permeability of the soil, it should be dug up while adding gravel, coarse-grained river sand or broken brick.

During planting, the bulbs, depending on the size, must be buried in the ground by 25-35 mm, while the distance between the bushes should be at least 15 centimeters, and the width between the rows should be from 0.3 to 0.4 meters.

How to care for eukomis in the open field

Basic plant care is proper watering and the introduction of fertilizers.


Immediately after planting, water as little as possible so that the bulbs successfully take root and do not start to rot. With the activation of growth, watering is increased, avoid getting drops of water on the leaves, because they can leave stains and streaks. In very hot weather, water daily in the morning or evening. After the end of flowering, reduce watering, and when the leaves begin to turn yellow, stop completely (the plant is already preparing for a dormant period).

top dressing

The plant needs frequent feeding. During the flowering period, they must be applied every 14 days. Use complex mineral fertilizers, but minimize the proportion of nitrogen (can be applied after 1 time).

Eucomis wintering

After the bushes fade, they need to remove the flower arrows, while the leaf plates should remain, because thanks to them the eucomis will receive nutrients until autumn. In the first autumn weeks, yellowing, wilting and death of leaf plates are observed, while the dormant period begins in the bulbs. When growing this crop in regions with relatively warm winter, where the air temperature is not below zero degrees, if desired, the bulbs can not be removed from the ground, but simply before the cold sets in, the surface of the site is covered with a layer of spruce branches or leafy foliage.

However, in regions with frosty, little snow or unpredictable winter period it is recommended to remove the bulbs from the ground in the last days of September, remove the remnants of the soil from them and immerse them for a while in Maxim's solution. After they dry, they must be placed in paper or cloth bags, which are stored in a cool and dry place with good ventilation. If there are few onions, then they can be stored for storage on the shelf of the refrigerator intended for vegetables, while taking into account that apples cannot be placed next to them. If desired, eukomis can be planted in pots filled with a suitable soil mixture. Store them at room temperature, and if necessary, water the substrate a little so that it does not dry out.

bulb storage

Digging up the bulbs is carried out in the fall (approximately at the end of September), when the flowering ends and the aerial part dries up.

Sort the bulbs, send completely healthy specimens for storage. Place them in paper bags or wrap them in napkins, store them in a cool, ventilated area (basement, vegetable section of the refrigerator).

Eucomis reproduction

This plant can be propagated by generative (seed) and vegetative methods. If the bush is propagated vegetatively, then it retains all the varietal characteristics of the mother plant. During the season, a small number of children are formed on the parent bulb. The separation of children is carried out when the eucomis has a period of rest. Places of cuts or faults should be sprinkled with crushed coal. Both separated and mother bulbs are planted in open soil in spring or in the first summer weeks.

Only species eucomis can be propagated by seed. For sowing, freshly harvested seeds are used. They are sown in boxes or pots filled with the substrate. The first seedlings should appear after 4-6 weeks. Care for such plants should be exactly the same as for seedlings of any other culture. The first flowering of bushes grown from seeds can be seen only 3 or 4 years after sowing.

Reproduction of such a flower can be done by leaf cuttings. To do this, it is necessary to tear off the leaf plate from the bush directly at its base, after which the leaf is divided into parts with a sharp object, the length of which should vary from 40 to 60 mm, and their lower or upper part should be outlined. Then the segments are buried with their lower part in a soil mixture consisting of peat and sand to a depth of 25 mm. Then the leaf cuttings need to be covered with a transparent cap from above and provide them with a temperature of about 20 degrees. It is necessary to ventilate the cuttings 1 time in 7 days, for this, removing the shelter for a while. After 2–2.5 months, small bulbs should form along the edge of the parts of the leaf plates. They should be carefully torn off and planted in the substrate, where they should grow to the required size.

Diseases and pests

As a result of improper storage of the bulbs or excessive soil moisture, rotting is possible. It is important to provide suitable conditions (temperature, ventilation) and regularly inspect the bulbs. You will recognize the rotting of the bulb in the soil by the presence of brown spots on the leaves. It is necessary to cut off the affected area of ​​​​the bulb, and treat the cut points with a fungicide.

If there is cloudy cold weather, growth rates are inhibited, and flowering may not occur.

Pests: whitefly, scale insects, aphids, spider mites. You will need to treat with an insecticide.

Eukomis in landscape design

Eukomis is a wonderful decoration for any garden plot. Such a flower is widely used as a solo plant, as it has strong peduncles, as well as clear structural forms. It can also be used for joint landings, while groundcovers are excellent partners for him annual plants, gerberas, and also coniferous perennials.

So, eukomis looks great along with geyhera, planted against the background of ground cover plants, for example, lobelia or alyssum. In a rocky garden, such a flower also looks just amazing, its shiny leaf plates can emphasize the majesty of the stones. This flower culture can be planted almost anywhere, and it will look great everywhere.

The genus Eucomis belongs to the asparagus family. That is, eukomis is a relative of domestic asparagus and garden asparagus. And he is also a relative of the hyacinth, which is striking when considering the flower arrow of our hero.

It comes from South Africa. And he got his curly name for an unusual appearance: a surface rosette of leaves, a peduncle adorned with a brush of densely sessile flowers, and finally, with the same tuft of bracts, so similar to the top of a pineapple.

The most widespread in culture - eukomis punctate(the underside of the leaves and the peduncle are covered with a scattering of contrasting dots), its variety Stricta (Stricta) it also bears longitudinal stripes of red-brown color on the underside of the leaves.

In addition to it, 4 more species can be found in the gardens.

Eucomis autumn (Eucomis autumnalis)- more flowering and more cold-resistant, with creamy or pure white with a greenish tinge inflorescences up to 30 cm high, but at the same time very large bulbs (8-11 cm in diameter).

Eucomis bicolor (Eucomis bicolor)- the flowers are framed with a purple stripe, and the seed pods turn purple in their entirety, and there are comtrost stripes on the peduncles. Interestingly, in the Alba variety with greenish-white flowers, the peduncles and foliage have a simple green color.

Eucomis crested (Eucomis comoso), perhaps the most prominent, in terms of height - the peduncle can reach 90 cm, and the inflorescence itself pleases almost 30 cm of pure beauty.

Eucomis pale-flowered (Eucomis pallidiflora), besides them, there are other relatives, but go try to find at least those listed ...

Eukomis in Greek means "beautiful vortex (whirlwind), beautifully haired." There is also another name for this plant - a tufted lily, that is, almost a curly forelock from a sentimental song popular 100 years ago.

I was lucky to get acquainted with eukomis thanks to my wife. Once she asked to pick up a certain order in one postal service. When asked what exactly I should get, the answer was: "Plants for the garden."

Since I was the only "nerd" in our family, a legitimate question arose - what exactly was there. It turned out that, among other things, pineapple lily bulbs were waiting for me.

I then very much doubted his (eukomis) ability to grow in the Moscow region. But as it turned out after only a season, he doubted in vain.

So, the order was received, and rather large bulbs opened for me in the package, similar in many respects to those of hyacinths (the relationship was clearly and inexorably manifested).

I must say that the spring of 2017 was strange in terms of weather. It was not possible to plant a heat-loving plant immediately into the ground, neither on the basis of its biological features, nor according to reviews experienced gardeners. They recommended that the bulbs be planted back in March-April, grown to an acceptable state, and only then relocated to open ground. But the bulbs arrived a bit late, and the weather was not good either.

As a result, only in May, he planted the bulbs directly into the garden. At the same time, I took into account that the plant requires a rather large volume fertile soil, good lighting, moderate watering and periodic top dressing. Just found a plastic container of 100 liters with an extra volume, which was given to the pineapple lily. But 5 bulbs in a given volume would be like lonely orphans.

I had to consider the issue of overseeding annuals to decorate the foot of the eukomis. On hand were the seeds of escholzia, adored by our family. Its bluish openwork foliage and further varied flowering (it was a mix) created a wonderful backdrop for the pineapple lily.

Although I think that “at the feet” of eukomis, shorter annuals, such as alissums (and this is also a pleasant honey aroma), would look better, as well as when growing (like mine) in a large container, some creeping or ampelous plants- lobelia, purslane, nemophila, coreopsis, bidens (string), dichondra, nolan, scaevola and others in the same vein.

The container itself could also be decorated: either with planks or, more simply, with trimmed reed or bamboo mats, which have been on sale in individual garden stores for quite some time. The hands have not reached yet ...

And then the lily bloomed ... A lot of greenish flowers, collected in a spike-shaped flower arrow, opened on the peduncles. It was unusual but attractive. And it bloomed, or rather, they, because there were 5 bulbs, until the moment threatened by frost.

And then the bulbs, along with foliage and flower stalks, were dug up and put in a place where they were not threatened. negative temperatures. When the "tops" withered and dried up, it was cut off, and the bulbs went to the "cellar" for storage. By the way, if you grow eukomis in containers dug in the garden, then after extracting the latter, you could enjoy the flowering of the pineapple lily for another month or two, since the peduncles with seed pods on still vegetative plants are also decorative.

By the way, I remembered the method proposed, probably, more than three decades ago to improve the safety of tubers and bulbs in winter time. It is based on the extremely beneficial effect of lysozyme contained in egg white and has a powerful antibacterial effect. It is necessary to dip the tubers and bulbs in the liquid protein of chicken eggs.

In this case, after drying, a thin film is formed that protects against the effects of various pathogenic influences. Objects should be stored either in peat or sawdust conifers at a temperature of about 10°.

Thus, the algorithm of actions with eucomis bulbs is as follows (based on my experience and the experience of my colleagues).

We plant in March-April in containers (pots).

When the threat of frost has passed (or a little earlier if sheltered), we plant in the ground or larger containers in a sunny place, protected from cold winds.

Until we observe the beginning of active plant growth (the appearance of that very “forelock”), watering should be more than moderate in order to avoid rotting of the bulbs.

If there is a threat of returning frosts or just cold and uncomfortable, you should cover the container with eucomis with non-woven material (for the night), although protection can be left during the day.

When active growth begins, fertilize the plants once every 2 weeks, avoiding excess nitrogen, and water regularly.

During the 2-2.5 summer months (May-August), we enjoy the flowering of eukomis and commemorate kind word South Africa and the one who sold us this miracle.

When the peduncle and leaf rosette wither, watering should be stopped and the bulbs removed for storage over time (taking into account the advice and analogies with other tuberous and bulbous).

Bulbs left in containers (pots) can be stored as is, watching closer to spring for the appearance of sprouts, after which watering is resumed and the containers are exposed to the light of God.

Do it all over again next spring!

And you can grow it on the balcony and admire the intricate beauty of flower stalks for a long time. The soil for planting eukomis requires light soil with the addition of coarse river sand, rich in humus and necessarily well-drained. As a drainage, I personally like the moderate size of the expanded clay fraction, broken brick is also suitable. The container should be chosen larger, because the scope of the basal rosette of belt-shaped leaves can reach 60 cm. And do not forget about top dressing. And it should be remembered that being an African, eucomis is picky about the level of lighting. Warmth and light are the key to success!

- a pineapple. That's what people call Eucomis. The buds in its inflorescence are concentrated around the peduncle, creating a semblance of a barrel. At its top is a bunch of oblong leaves.

We see a similar one on pineapples. However, more "points of contact" tropical fruit and there is no flower of the Hyacinth group. To see this, let us continue the description of Eukomis.

Description and features of Eukomis

Eucomis flower belongs to the Lily family. Accordingly, bulbous. There are several bulbs underground. They are large and oval. The root system of the hero of the article is distinguished by its power and speed of development.

That's why, Eucomis landing as potted plant problematic. Large flowerpots are required. The way out is undersized varieties Eucomis. cultivation perhaps, for example, in balcony containers.

More often lily Eucomis flaunts in the gardens. By the way, about the beauty. The name was given by Charles Louis Peretier de Brutel. This is a French botanist, lived in the 18th century.

Looking at the bunch of leaves at the top of the Eukomis inflorescence, Brutel remembered the Greek words eu and kome. The first concept is translated as "beautiful". The word kome means "tuft". In general, it turns out a "beautiful-haired" flower.

Whirlwind on Eukomis is bract leaves. This is the name of the green, from the sinuses of which buds or shoots bearing them come out. By the way, ordinary leaves emerging from Eucomis bulbs, also oblong-lanceolate in shape and also assembled into a rosette. The basal bunch of greenery from below is “splashed” with purple spots. They are also found on the upper tail of the leaves.

There are no spots on the back side of Eukomis greens only in a couple of species. In general, there are only 14 of them. 4 are considered cultural. We will talk about them in a separate chapter. In the meantime, back to the buds of the hero of the article.

In shape, its flowers resemble stars with 5 petals. Forming cylindrical inflorescences, they are then converted into boxes with seeds. Triribular fruits. They form 20-100 centimeters from the ground. This is the height range of different varieties of Eukomis. Let's get acquainted with the options.

Types and varieties of Eukomis

Let's remember 4 decorative types. They are all perennials, but middle lane and, moreover, they do not hibernate in the sharply continental belt. You will either have to move the bulbs into the house, like hyacinths, or plant new ones every year. Pineapple lily Eucomis originally from Africa, which explains the plant's love of warmth.

The most frost-resistant is Eukomis "Autumn". He is also attracted by his short stature. Peduncles rise to a level of 20-30 centimeters. Pictured is Eukomis"Autumn" pleases with flowers, when there are almost none left around.

Hence the name of the species. The buds on its representatives are formed all summer, even in September, pleasing. Some use cut eukomis for bouquets for Knowledge Day.

EucomisBicolor or "Two-color" stretches 40-60 centimeters. In the cultivar Alba, the greens are monochromatic. Greenish and buds of "Two-color" Eucomis. cultivation it gives "fruits" by September.

In the photo, eukomis bicolor

Blooming by autumn, they are distinguished by their large size and tight fit on the shoot-base. Bracts purple. Hence, in fact, the name of the species.

Eukomis "Crested" became the first of the cultivated, grown since 1778. It was about "Crested" that Charles Louis Peretier de Brutel once spoke. He gave a description. Greens, including flower stalks, are dotted with spots.

In the cultivar Scricta, they are transformed into brown-red stripes. Perianths can be of the same color. There are 2 more color options: pink and whitish.

Grown in culture and Eukomis "Pole Evans". It is larger than others, reaches a meter height. The inflorescences of Evans are also large, the buds in them are greenish-white. In horticulture, Eucomis "Pole" is a rare visitor because of the whimsical care, in particular, the requirements of high temperatures.

Planting and caring for Eucomis

Eucomis "Bicolor", "Autumn", "Crests" and "Pole Evans" are planted in late May - early June. Night temperature should be from 9 degrees and above.

These are the conditions for planting seeds in open ground. They germinate for about a month. Therefore, many grow Eukomis seedlings at home, so that by the summer there will already be greenery in the flower beds.

In the photo, eukomis is pale-leaved

For seedlings, seeds, respectively, are planted at the end of April. Germination is average. Germinates, as a rule, every 3-4th seed. Therefore, some prefer buy Eucomis in bulbs. Plants from them bloom in the first year. Shoots from seeds, sometimes, give buds only for the 3rd summer.

Healthy Eucomis bulbs are distinguished by a dry bottom, elasticity, tight fit of scales and the absence of rot or mold. These can be bought, or disconnected from the one already on the site.

Baby bulbs on it are formed during the flowering period. Offspring are separated from the mother by autumn. It is important to powder the cut points of small onions. Wounds become a gateway for infections and a temptation for rot.

Wintering of Eukomis, or rather its bulbs, passes in dryness and coolness. Planting material is placed in them at the end of September, having previously washed, disinfected and dried, packed in paper or natural fabric. In a plastic film, for example, air access to the bulbs is blocked. Ventilation is a must for them.

Most often, gardeners use a refrigerator to store Eukomis bulbs. planting material put in the vegetable drawer. If it is busy, the bulbs will survive the winter at room temperature in pots with dry soil. It is enough just to spray it once every 1-2 weeks.

The bulbs leave the "sleeping" room at the end of March. Eukomis is planted in pots with turf, humus, peat, sand and leafy soil. They are taken in equal amounts. A similar soil is desirable in the garden.

Eukomis loves a light and fertile substrate. The bulbs in it sprout in 2.5-3.5 weeks. It takes another month to grow, and then it can be transferred to open ground.

Plants grown from bulbs become 100% copies of their parents. the seeds are often different from the original. However, in order for the bulb to sprout, you need to plant it correctly. It is impossible to bury completely. The top of the bulb is flush with the ground, or rises above it by a couple of centimeters.

Bulbs will be watered along the edge of the flowerpot. Planting material is afraid of moisture, it can rot. Therefore, 1-1.5 weeks after planting, the bulb is not given water at all. In addition to rotting, moisture provokes the development of fungi.

Protection against fungi is carried out at the bulb stage. It is treated with a solution of copper sulfate. Treatment from other pests is also recommended to be carried out in advance in the form of prevention. 8 sheets on seedlings are enough to use funds from powdery mildew, ticks and aphids.

Other care per Eucomis reduced to the choice of windless and sunny areas. They are actively watered only during the period of active growth. Moist soil is loosened. Compacting the earth, the water closes the "pores" in it. These are the oxygen inlets. Without his supplies, Eukomis will wither away.

In the photo, eukomis bicolor

Demanding hero of the article and k. You need minerals. They are applied to the ground every 14 days. Water-soluble top dressings are desirable.

It is no secret that plants can receive and assimilate microelements only in the form of solutions. The main thing is that they lack nitrogen. Eukomis cannot stand him. Respectively, organic top dressing alien to culture.

Eukomis in landscape design

The hero of the article has structural and clear forms. These decorate any flower garden. Tall varieties, as a rule, are located in the central parts of the compositions, and low varieties along their periphery.

Eukomis also looks advantageous in splendid isolation. With this landing, there is no need to select partners. The hero of the article does not get along with everyone. Location "deserve" coniferous perennials, and ground cover annuals.

The latter include Arabis, Grass, Thyme and Roofing Young. In other words, we are talking about undersized and bushy, covering the ground like a carpet.

Planting eucomis with bulbs

Eukomis has a decorative look not only in buds, but also in leaves. This combination makes the hero of the article a permanent decoration of flower beds. So that they do not have to be thinned out, the bulbs are planted at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from each other. Find out how much planting material costs.

Price and reviews about Eukomis

Bulbs can be purchased individually or in sets. For a package of 6 assorted pieces, they ask for about 600 rubles. One bulb costs 60-300 rubles, depending on the type of variety.

A package of pineapple lily seeds can be taken for 30 rubles. There are few offers because the demand is low. 80% of gardeners, judging by their reviews, grow exotic flower from bulbs.

Here is what a certain Nisa writes about this on one of the Internet forums: “I planted it in the ground at the end of April. Seedlings appeared in early June. I thought it wouldn't grow. Apparently, she stuck the bulbs early. But, you can wait. A very beautiful wave."

Nisa attached a photo to her message. On it is Eukomis "Bicolor". It is the most popular among gardeners and landscape designers. The latter include Vera Shelest.

In the same forum, she noted: “I most often have bicolor varieties in raised center beds. I take large bulbs. They usually produce 2 flower stalks. The composition is brighter and more voluminous.

It remains, so to speak from the editors, to add a fly in the ointment to a cup of honey. Eukomis smells peculiar. For most people, the scent is unpleasant. But, the smell attracts flies, bees, a number of beetles. In general, we are preparing for the invasion of insects. Without them, the African guest does not "pass" to the site.

Eukomis (Eukomis) - fast-growing bulbous herbaceous plant. The bulbs are large, ovoid, shiny, form a powerful root system. The leaves are collected in a basal rosette, numerous, belt-like, linear or lanceolate, glossy, often with brown spots in the lower part, wavy along the edge, reaching 60 cm in length. Peduncle - thick elastic arrow with a bunch small leaves at the top, up to 100 cm long. The flowers are collected in a dense cylindrical long (up to 30 cm) brush, multiple, wheel-shaped, white or light green with a brown or purple tint.

Heat-loving flowering plant. Retains its decorative effect after the withering of the flower brush. It is grown both in open ground and in containers or as an indoor culture. The flowering period is June, July, some species bloom in August.

Landing Eucomis

Before the first signs of growth appear, water carefully, the soil should be slightly moist. As soon as the bulb begins to grow actively, watering is increased. Continue to water regularly and plentifully. A plant in a pot usefully takes out to the balcony for the summer. When the plant blooms, watering is reduced. Stop watering completely when the leaves turn yellow and let the flower rest until spring. At this time, you can transplant eukomis, separate the children. Until spring, the flower is not watered.

Eukomis is planted in open ground in June to exclude the possibility of frost. Deepen the bulb by 2.5-3.5 cm. For planting, choose a sunny place, without drafts. The soil is loose, rich in humus, drained. After the appearance of the peduncle, the plant is fertilized every two weeks with a complex mineral fertilizer.

In the southern regions, the bulb can be left to winter in the soil, covered with dry leaves. The plant in a pot is transferred to a cool room. Since the development of the bulb consumes a lot nutrients from the soil, it becomes poor. In autumn or spring, be sure to transplant the bulb into fresh soil.

  1. crested eukomis - blooms with greenish-white, cream, purple or pink flowers. The flower arrow reaches a height of up to 1 m. The leaves are covered with purple dots.
  2. eukomis bicolor (bicolor) - one of the most common species. It got its name for its original color: the flowers themselves are light green in color, and the edges of the petals, stamens and ovaries are burgundy in color, the leaves on the underside are covered with brownish spots. The peduncle grows up to 0.6 m in height.
  3. eukomis dotted - a medium tall species (0.3-0.6 m.), A distinctive feature of which is the presence of bluish-red specks on the peduncles and the reverse side of the leaves.
  4. eukomis wavy - a compact low plant (up to 0.45 m tall) with long leaves wavy along the edges without a characteristic speckled pattern.
  5. autumn eukomis is a low-growing perennial (0.2-0.3 m) with a large bulb (8-11 cm). It blooms with white or cream flowers. Blooms later than other species. Tolerates slight frosts.

Cultivation and care of Eucomis

Since this plant is thermophilic, it must be dug up for the winter. You can grow it in pots buried in the ground. Eukomis also grows in spacious, well-drained containers. If you have bright window, then bulbs stored in the refrigerator can be planted for germination in a container as early as March, and if northern, wait until April.

Care The main care consists in regular watering of the plant and top dressing. Watering is stopped when the leaves of the flower turn yellow. The plant begins a dormant period, which lasts until spring. It is recommended to store the bulb at a temperature not higher than 11 degrees. This is usually the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. When stored at room conditions, you will not get beautiful flowering. The bulb can be put in a paper bag.

Top dressing is carried out 2-3 times for the whole season. But it is important to know that Eukomis does not like fertilizers, which include nitrogen.

Eukomis growing in the garden

Eucomis bicolor (Eucomis bicolor) Eucomis turned out to have strong, belt-like leaves with a glossy tint, they looked almost straight up, only slightly deviating to the sides, even under pressure strong wind they kept with that one.

I was looking forward to when it would bloom, and at the end of June a thick arrow appeared from the middle of the plant, which quickly grew to almost half a meter.

And along its entire length, many buds began to bloom, and then flowers began to bloom from bottom to top, similar to white stars. I had to explain to her that it was just a flower, but she did not let up and from time to time came to me and looked to see if the pineapple was ripe.

Outdoor cultivation Eucomis

It is possible to plant eukomis in open ground only when the soil warms up enough and the threat of frost disappears, since many species do not tolerate cold. Seedlings must be hardened off before planting. To do this, you need to lower the temperature for 2-3 weeks for 5-8 hours. Eucomis seedlings should be planted at a sufficient distance from each other: 20-25 in a row and 40-50 between rows. For the southern regions, germination is not required, the bulbs are planted immediately in open ground.

Reproduction Eucomis

Children appear on the mother plant during active growth. They can be separated when the eucomis is at rest. Features of the variety with such reproduction are preserved. Another way to propagate a plant is seeds. After collecting the seeds, they are sown in containers. The seedling will bloom only in the third year. In this case, it is possible to obtain a completely new plant, different from the parent plant in leaves and color of flowers.

Difficulties in growing "Pineapple Flower" The main difficulty that can be encountered in growing eukomis is the rotting of the bulb. To avoid this, you need to properly store the bulb during the dormant period. In spring and summer, follow the rules of watering, avoiding moisture stagnation.

Diseases and pests Eucomis

The main problem of eucomis is the rotting of the bulbs. To prevent bulb rot, bulbs must be properly stored during the dormant period. May be affected mealybugs, spider mite, aphids, whiteflies, etc. Pest control is carried out using appropriate insecticide-acaricidal preparations.

Watering Eucomis

  • In winter - no watering
  • In summer - plentiful

Eucomis transplantation: annually in the spring. Good drainage. Earth mix: sand, humus and sod land (1:1:1).

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Use of Eukomis in landscape design

Exotic eukomis immediately attracts attention, can become a bright decoration of any flower garden. The possibility of growing in containers allows you to use the pineapple lily as a mobile decoration of the garden, porch, gazebo or balcony. Structural clear forms make the plant self-sufficient in single plantings.

For joint plantings, coniferous perennials, gerberas, ground cover annuals will be excellent partners. In rose gardens, eukomis will become a bright accent during flowering, and then decorate it with its glossy beautiful leaves. Peduncles are suitable for cutting and decorating author's bouquets.

Eukomis is a very exotic plant and is not so common in flower beds. It is not difficult to grow it, and unusual "pineapple" inflorescences will become a decoration of the garden and the pride of the grower.

The content of the article:

Eucomis (Eucomis), or as it is also called Eukomis, is part of the Hyacinth family in Latin called Hyacinthaceae or it was classified as Lileaceae - Liliaceae, but according to the new classification, the plant is included in the Asparagaceae family. Native areas of growth fall on the lands of the southern regions of the African continent, where there is a tropical or subtropical climate.

This representative of the flora received its scientific name back in 1788 from the ancient Greek word "efkomis", which meant "beautiful-haired" or "beautiful whirlwind". This is how the structure of the inflorescences possessed by the flower was described. Among flower growers, the plant bears the colorful name of "tuft lily" and "pineapple lily".

All eukomis are perennials with bulbous roots and a herbaceous form of growth. The bulbs are large in size, ovoid in shape and have a shiny surface. Plant height can be 70 cm.

Numerous basal leaf plates grow from the bulbs, which have ribbon-like, belt-like or ovoid contours. The surface of the leaves is glossy, shiny. The color of the leaf varies from light to dark green, often with brown spots on the reverse side. The edge of the foliage can be either simple or wavy. Its maximum length is measured 60 cm.

When flowering, a flower arrow with a cylindrical shape is formed, which is crowned with an inflorescence in the form of a brush. The height of the arrow can reach almost a meter. The inflorescence is composed of densely arranged bracts, devoid of flowers. Its length is about 30 cm. Eukomis differs from daylilies in precisely this way - by the presence of a small number of bracts that form at the top and have the shape of a beam.

The color of the leaves of the bract is green, cream, lilac, purple or another shade. Sometimes the coloring includes two colors. The perianth consists of three pairs of lobes, which differ in a lighter color, they are fused at the base and tend to fall off after flowering. There are also 6 units of stamens, they are filiform in shape, at the base they differ in extension. The ovary of Eucomis is three-celled, rounded or obovate. Swinging anthers are formed on the stamens. The flowering process occurs in June and July, but some varieties can please flowering in August.

After flowering, the formation of fruits takes place, which look like a box with three ribs or lobes. Three seams between these lobes open when the fetus is fully ripe. Inside are seeds ovoid or rounded outlines. Seed color varies from dark brown to black.

The growth rate of the "tuft lily" is average. Eukomis is considered by flower growers to be a rather non-capricious plant and growing it is not fraught with great difficulties, it is only important not to violate the rules of care and then you can admire flowering for 4–5 years.

Tips for growing eukomis: planting and care at home

  1. Lighting. It is recommended to place a pot with a plant on the windowsill of the east, west and south windows, but the latter will require shading in the heat.
  2. Content temperature. When the “beautiful whirlwind” blooms, the heat indicators should be in the range of 20–25 degrees, but during the dormant period, the temperature is reduced to 15–17 degrees.
  3. Humidity when growing eucomis should be medium or high - about 80%. When the bulb begins to germinate, spraying is recommended. In summer, a pot with a plant is placed on wet expanded clay placed in a deep tray. In winter, spraying is not needed.
  4. Watering."Pineapple lily" in the spring begin to water moderately. AT summer period, when the flowering process of moisture is in progress, become abundant. The soil in the pot should always be moist. But it is important to remember that if the substrate is constantly flooded, this will cause the bulbs to rot. After the flowers wither, then watering is reduced until the leaves die off, and with the advent of September, moisture stops altogether. The water used is warm.
  5. Fertilizers. As soon as Eucomis begins to form buds and until the leaves are completely dry, it is recommended to apply a liquid complex fertilizer at a frequency of once every 14 days.
  6. Transplantation and advice on soil selection. When planting eucomis, it is recommended to use a large plastic container. Several bulbs are placed in it at once, so that the future bush is more magnificent. With the advent of spring, the dormant period (March-April) ends at the “beautiful whirlwind” and sprouts of light clair form on the bulbs. Then the bulbs are planted in such a way that their top is not lower than the soil level. A sufficient layer of drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot. Holes should always be made in the bottom of the container to drain excess moisture. If the grower decided to prepare the substrate on his own, then it is important that its acidity is in the range of pH 5.6–7.4. The composition of the soil mixture should include soddy soil, river sand or perlite, wet peat or humus, in a ratio of 3:1:1, respectively. The second option is a mixture of garden soil and coarse sand in a ratio of 4:1.
  7. General rules of care. When flowering ends, it is recommended to cut the peduncle, and watering begins to be reduced until the plant begins to dry out. Eucomis has a dormant period, which begins when the foliage of the bulb dries out in autumn and winter. Then it is necessary to remove the dry root shoots, and remove the bulbs from the pot and store until spring in a container with sand on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where the temperature is about +5 degrees. Or move the pot of bulbs to a dark and cool place. Bulbs do not require moisture.

Eucomis Propagation Steps

To get a new plant "pineapple lily" shoots are planted, seeds are sown or cuttings are carried out.

When the growing season passes, then on the bulb of the mother plant, daughter bulbs are formed - babies. These babies are separated when the eucomis has a dormant period. At the same time, you can be sure that all the characteristics of the variety will be preserved. Children should be planted in a pre-prepared pot with drainage and suitable soil. When leaving, it will be necessary to maintain room heat indicators, normal or increased humidity conditions, and the place where the pot with young plants is installed should be with bright but diffused lighting.

Seed material is sown in pots or seedling boxes filled with peat-sand mixture. Then the crops are moistened from the spray gun and a piece of glass is placed on top of the container. They put crops in a place where there is diffused bright lighting and heat indicators in the range of 20–25 degrees. Eucomis crop care consists in maintaining the substrate in a moderately moist state and daily airing. When sprouts appear, the shelter is removed, picks are made in separate containers, when a pair of leaves develop on the seedlings, their care is the same as for adult specimens. Flowering of such "pineapple lilies" is possible for 3-5 years from the moment of sowing the seeds, but the signs of the species may be lost.

When cuttings, a leaf is separated from the mother plant at its very base. Then the sheet plate is cut into segments, the length of which will be 4–6 cm. It is important not to confuse the upper and lower parts, for this they are first noted. Cuttings are planted vertically in pots filled with peat-sand soil. The depth to which they are immersed should be about 2.5 cm. Then the pot with cuttings is covered plastic wrap and the container is placed on a windowsill with bright but diffused lighting. The temperature at which germination takes place is maintained at about 20 degrees, the seedlings are ventilated twice a week.

When 8–10 weeks have passed, small bulbs will form along the lower edge of the leafy parts, which are seated individually in pots.

Control of possible pests and diseases of eucomis

Among the pests that, in violation of the conditions of care, affect the “tuft lily”, there are:
  • spider mite, enveloping the parts of the plant with a thin whitish cobweb, while the foliage takes on a yellow color and is deformed.
  • Aphid, manifesting itself in the form of a cluster of small green bugs, while a sweet sugary coating, called honeydew, forms on the plant. If you do not take action, then the pad will contribute to the development of soot fungus.
  • whitefly, which is clearly visible at first due to whitish specks on the back of the leaf plates. Over time, a large number of whites will sit on the plant. small midges and the leaves will be covered with honeydew.
  • mealybug- insects, which are found due to cotton-like lumps that are distributed over the stems and leaves, the appearance of a sugary coating is also possible.
If at least one of the symptoms is found, then the eucomis should be immediately treated with insecticidal-acaricidal preparations.

When the substrate is constantly in a waterlogged state, the bulbs of the “beautiful whirlwind” rot. To avoid such a problem, it is recommended to establish a watering regime, and also during the dormant period, if the bulbs were removed from the ground, then it is important to store them correctly - this will prevent possible decay. If during flowering inflorescences of an ugly shape are formed or the plant does not bloom at all, then this is evidence of insufficient rest time, the absence of cool content at this time and darkness, or an insufficient level of lighting during the growing season.

Facts for the curious about eukomis, photo of a flower

The name and description of the eukomis was given by the French botanist, who was also a judge, but studied the flora of the planet - Charles Louis Léritier de Brutel (1746–1800). This prominent scientist described many varieties of plants, but the botanist specialized in representatives of ferns and seed specimens of the green world. Since 1795, Brutel was a member of the French Academy of Sciences and after his death he left a magnificent herbarium containing about 8,000 plant species, as well as a huge library of botany.

Types of eucomis

  1. Eucomis bicolor (Eucomis bicolor) or Eukomis bicolor - one of the 4 most popular varieties in floriculture. Comes from the territories South Africa. The height of the plant approaches 60 cm. It has egg-shaped bulbs. The foliage is green with burgundy spots on the reverse side. When flowering, inflorescences are formed in the form of a cylinder, which are up to 30 cm long. They crown a long green arrow, the surface, which has a pattern of multiple strokes of purple color. They are collected small flowers with a stellate contour, located very densely. The color of the bracts and flowers is light green, with a purple border. The color of the stamens and ovaries is also rich burgundy. Each inflorescence has a thick cap of leaves that can be compared to the top of a pineapple. The flowering process takes place in August. Fruits that ripen after flowering are also purple. It can be grown both in rooms and greenhouses, and in open ground conditions. This species is transferred to flower beds with the onset of summer, but if the heat indicators decrease to 10 degrees, then it is recommended to dig the plant, and store the bulbs until spring in dry sawdust or river sand in a room where the temperature does not exceed 5–10 degrees. If the plant is grown from seed material, then flowering can be expected in the 3rd year from planting. There is a cultivar "Alba", which was bred by Tubergen, with flowers of a whitish-green hue, while both the flower arrow and the leaves are devoid of burgundy shades - their color scheme is monochromatic dark or light green.
  2. Eucomis point (Eucomis punctate) can be found under synonyms Eucomis comosa hort. or Ornithogalum punctatum Thunb. This variety appeared on European territory in 1778, where it was brought from the southern regions of the African continent. Plant height varies in the range of 30–60 cm. Flat leaf plates have grooves, their shape is lanceolate or lined. The edge of the sheet is simple or wavy. The length of the leaf can reach 60 cm with a width of about 6–7 cm. The color of the leaves is saturated green, but on the reverse side there is a brown spot or black specks. When flowering on the arrow, a loose racemose inflorescence is formed, in which from 40 to a hundred flowers are collected. The corolla of flowers is usually wide open, dark dots are visible on the petals on the reverse side. The length of the pedicel varies within 1.2–3 cm. The bracts, collected in the apical bundle, are distinguished by their oblong outlines with a sharp point at the apex. There are 12-20 of them. The flowers are green in color, their width varies from two to 2.5 cm. Available garden variety"Stricta", whose foliage on the back is decorated with a pattern of longitudinally arranged stripes of a reddish-brown hue. This cultivar was bred in 1790.
  3. Eucomis crested (Eucomis comosa). The height of the flower arrow of this variety varies in the range of 80–100 cm. The inflorescence can reach 30 cm. It is composed of flowers of a greenish-white, pinkish or purple hue. Leaf plates have purple dots on the back. The plant was brought from southern Africa to Europe in 1778. The species is one of the 4 most popular in floriculture.
  4. Eucomis wavy (Eucomis undulata) is a small plant that can reach a height of 45 cm. Leaf basal plates do not exceed these figures in length. On the edge of the foliage there is a decorative waviness. The characteristic mottled pattern on the leaves is absent. When flowering, the inflorescence-brush can have up to fifty flowers in itself. The flowers are very densely arranged. The number of bracts reaches 30 units, they are also wavy, which gave the variety, the species name, they are colored green.
  5. Eucomis autumn (Eucomis autumnalis). This perennial herbaceous species can be 0.2–0.3 meters in height. The bulb differs in size by 8–10 cm. Flowers of a whitish or cream shade are collected in a racemose inflorescence. This plant has a later flowering period and tends to endure small frosts without harm to itself.
  6. Eucomis red stem (Eucomis purpureicaulis). The foliage has a spatulate shape. The bracts differ in color, which gave the species name - a purple or purple-red tint with a green edging on the edge predominates.
  7. Eucomis Pole-Evans (Eucomis pole-evansii). This variety is a rather rare "guest" in gardening. The inflorescence consists of large flowers with petals of a light green hue.
  8. Eucomis zambesiaca (Eucomis zambesiaca) differs in inflorescences of a racemose form with the big density. Its flowers are whitish-green.
For more on growing eucomis in a pot, see the video below:

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