Buttercup red. Garden Buttons: Description of species and features of agrotechnics

Landscape design and layout 13.06.2019
Landscape design and layout

For normal conditions Buttercups, or angina, will become an excellent decoration of your garden for a whole month at the summer equator. If the conditions are optimal, and the summer will give up cool and rich in precipitation, this flower will turn to your site in all the color of August. Low-colored deep leaves, similar to roses, poppies, chrysanthemums or dahlia, terry flowers of snow-white, cream, pink, yellow, orange and purple shades are all buttercipions, landing and care for which are described later in the article.

Butterciphes: landing rhizomes

Landing the buttercasters and care for young plants should be carried out with regard to some requirements.

Cornklubny Lutikov is recommended to buy in February or in March. Storage to landing is carried out at relatively low temperatures (approximately 17 ° C) in rooms with good ventilation. These tubers, reminiscent of their appearance and miniature tubers, Georgine, should be planted at seedlings in March or April.

It is permissible to place tubers directly into open soil, without growing seedlings. Looking in this case is already carried out in May and are covered with young plants with a film during periods of cooling.

In any case, before planting the crown of the buttercups, you should soak in water or in a solution of any stimulator of growth overnight. Sit come in a depth of 5 cm, leaving a distance of 15-30 cm between adjacent plants.

Ageratum - Cultivation of Seeds
Mirabilis Cultivation of Seeds

Buttercups - care

After landing, leuters' care concludes a timely, but not abundant watering. It should be remembered that the overwhelmed soil accompanies the formation of mold or pipelight.

The ideal option for the cultivation of the butterfly will be warm, reliably protected from wind and drafts. These plants do not show special capriciousness in the context of good or bad soils, but gardeners prefer to grow a flower on a wet, warm, well-drained and rich humus soil.

In the southern regions, wintering of butterfly and gas can limit them with covering, and in the regions of the middle strip for the winter these cultures will have to dig. Preparing plants for the winter period and, accordingly, storing is very difficult. In order to save time, it is better to buy new Cornklubni every year.

Button, landing and care for which will turn your garden plot into a floral paradise, it looks great not only when landing on an open area, but also in outdoor and suspended vases.

Every gardener dreams of having a rod of a garden - a flower that fascinates with his beauty and has healing properties. Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, you can now purchase flower stores Buttons of a variety of shades.

Buttercup is one and many years old. And if you want this plant to decorate the plot every year, it is necessary to take into account this factor.

The history of the appearance of the garde

The amazing buttercup appeared in Turkey, and in the XVI century he was brought to England. Throughout a long time, this flower was not inferior to the popularity of the tulip. After some time, they were unknown forgotten about him. And now, gardeners again turned their attention to this magnificent plant with bright luxurious colors.

Buttercup has many titles. Ranunkulyus, Gorizyvet, Lyut Color, Acne, Chicken blindness - so called him in the people, the golden buttons call the Buttercup of the Italians, and the Romans are a poisonous tooth, a tooth of a ram or a tooth of the Aryans.

Many legends are connected with butterms interesting stories. It is said that Jesus Christ Buttercourse created from stars as a gift for the Virgin Mary during the Great Post as a sign of love and respect.

Another legend talks about how one rich and greedy merchant wanted to marry her daughter, but not for that poor guy she loved, and for the rich. An offended girl scattered his father's coins, they sprouted and turned into a buttercup. So born folk signThat the founded buttercup will certainly become rich. Many gardeners believe that the bowl in the garden brought wealth to the house.

There are references to Lutika and in classic literature. William Shakespeare in his immortal tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" was distinguished by the Lutchik truly evil role. It was from this flower and a drink was cooked, which whipped a beautiful Juliet.

Types of butcher and its healing properties

The world of flames is quite diverse. There are almost 400 species of this plant: buttercipions caustic, garden, poisonous, creeping, water, field.

Each species has the healing properties inherent in him.

  • Cooking buttercup is the most common, growing in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and in Western Siberia.. It is useful in that it is a natural means to increase hemoglobin and the number of erythrocytes in human blood, and also has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Buttercup Garden grows almost around the world, there are two of its kind - African buttercup and Persian. The plants of this variety are very useful for humans, there are all colors besides blue and blue.
  • Poisonous buttercup is distinguished by fleshy leaves and furridge-branched stem. From ancient times, it was used with abdominal pain, heart, prescribed during fever and fear of water.
  • - Creeping grass with yellow flowers. It grows very quickly, the release of the mustache is considered to be weary grass. This plant is poisonous, use it very carefully for the treatment of gold, rheumatism and scabies.
  • The difference between water buttercups from its fellows is that its habitat is water. White solid flowers with underwater thin leaves cover all European ponds, America, North Africa, East and Siberia. Folk Lekari recommend it to use it in order to initiate the functions of the genitals.
  • Field Buttercup - Annual teat grassgrowing in fields among grain plants. Apply for the treatment of furunculosis, mercant diseases and radiculitis.

Regardless of the color of the buttercup, they can all be used in therapeutic purposes. The main thing is to know how to properly brew grass to cure the body, and not harm it. After all, inhaling the smell of the buttercup you can get irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye and nose.

Growing gardery

And care for these gentle flowers does not require special attention. They are planted massively on the flower beds or near the borders. It should be remembered that the buttercups do not tolerate the frosts at all, so winter They should be digging and keep in a cool dry room.

In the middle of spring, tubers get, inspect for integrity and put in wet sawdust for several days. New bought tubers need to soak in a weak solution of mangartages for several hours.

Immediately disembarking in not recommended. It is preferable to two weeks to plant the tubers of the butterfly in the pots with wet land, constantly moisturizing it throughout the entire period of germination. When sprouts appear, you can plant flowers in open ground.

Place for growing the buttercup of garden is desirable to choose a sunny, slightly shaded. Be sure to be loose and soft. In such conditions, the plant blooms longer, and his petals will be brighter. It is not worth over to overgrow the land, as it will lead to the roting of the tubers and all the plant can perish.

Buttercups are beginning in June. During the flowering period, a plant is needed by potash fertilizers. It can be a potash salt or wood ash.

Beautiful and useful lettuce flowers do not require special care. With their cultivation, even the most inexperienced gardener will cope with their cultivation. The main thing to remember is that the butterfly is afraid of frosts and to save it, better to remove it from the site into the room. And in the summer to enjoy great colors again.

Great popular among home and garden growing, Litique flowers are used, having a Latin name Ranunculyus. Plant Flowers are used to decorate home designAnd also create chic bouquets. To obtain a good cut, it is necessary to provide a special care plant, and the right landing.

Buttercup - grassy perennial, Translated from Latin denotes a frog. Belongs to the Lutikovy family. It has caustic poisonous juice located on all elements of the plant. The similarity of the flower and amphibian in natural habitats - and those and others develop and grow close to water bodies, or in water.

Predecessors with all the favorite colors - the slide of the creep and the buttercup field, which climbed the work fields of our ancestors. Some species of wild plants were interested in breeders at the beginning of the 18th century, and by the end of the century, the buttercup became popular, as well as tulips and cloves.

All over the planet exists about 400 species of this. amazing flowerwhich is coming even in areas with a temperate and cold climate. Gardeners are preferred only by several varieties - buttercup of garden and buttercup Asian, as well as their varieties.

Little garden

Liculiar garden - is a perennial herbate plant, growing up to 70 cm. It has a tuberous rhizome, a branchy stem of the middle thickness, the leaves of the plant of a palfate shape. The plant has a flower, in diameter 10-12 cm, having a bright color - pink, red, cream, white and many other shades, except blue tones. After cutting off the bush, it retains freshness to 7 days with daily spraying. Despite the beauty of the plant - remember that it is very poisonous. If you have pets and little children, be careful.

Varietic varieties

In addition to popular garden buttercup, Gardeners grow several other types:

  1. Asian - the plant stem reaches a height of about 45 cm, has colors with carved edges, or ordinary inflorescences that have similarity with small robes.
  2. Chalmid - the grade is distinguished by large leaves and petals, fitted inside.
  3. Multi-dealer - per season can grow up to 80 cm in height, flowering period - from mid-June to August. Flowers predominantly yellow shiny color.
  4. Boroisser - shrub, reaching 90 cm in height. It has a large number of colors of a variety of shades of white and yellow color.
  5. Amertoil - a low-speed plant, no more than 15 cm in height. Preferential color - yellow.

Methods of reproduction of Lutikov

Anyone will be able to multiply by anyone, today there are two ways - seed and tuber.

Landing of butt seeds

  1. Disaggrining the seeds on their own very heavy and laborious process, the resulting seed quickly loses vitality. For good sowing, purchase ready-made seeds in the store.
  2. Prepare boxes for planting, they can be like wooden and plastic. Pour in them the light sandy soil.
  3. Drain planting material It is necessary at the beginning of March, at a depth of about 2 cm. After landing, cover the soil with a polyethylene package, to create greenhouse conditions.
  4. Once every three days, the film is cleaned, and give the soil to breathe. Provide seedlings timely watering.
  5. After 2 weeks, the coating must be removed, and grow seedlings until the beginning of May at a temperature of 16-20 degrees.
  6. As soon as 2-3 leafs appear on the stem, the plant is ready for transplant in open ground.

Lutching with tubers

Purchase the roots of the plants obtained by dividing the root system, or digging, can be in any specialized store.

  1. Before buying, carefully choose the planting material - the roots must be without visible damage to pests, they should not be mold and defects.
  2. Rhizome plants are sold in a slightly dry form, so they need to pre-disconnect before planting. For prophylaxis from diseases, place the roots in the pale pink milgantaneous solution for 40 minutes. Then you thoroughly moisten gauze and wrap the faces into the fabric for 3-4 hours.
  3. After all, we wet gauze again and wrap the landing material again. Place in the plastic bag and remove 12 hours in a cool place.
  4. After soaking the roots should swell, and become similar to small octopus. After that, you can land at open soil.

Preparation before landing of the butter

Flower Buttercup very much does not like moisture stagnation in the soil, the roots begin to rot and the plant will quickly die, not even time to root. Before boarding, read the flower preferences. For proper approach, the plant will thank you with beautiful and lush colors.

Right place for landing

  1. Buttercup will respond well to the shadow area, but also will not be badly perceived flowerbed, with a constant presence of solar color.
  2. If you want flowers to stay on a long time on the plant, pick up the optimal planting place - under a tree, with rare branches that transmuse sunlight. Also, the branches of the tree will protect the flowers from the wind, which will help to maintain the blossomed buds in Nechato.
  3. So that the flowers are not lost among other motley inflorescences, do not land on one flower leaf buttercups with others decorative cultures. The only "neighbor", which will be combined with the plant - a blue anemone.

Preparation of soil

  1. From the fall, you reap the length of the bayonet shovels, an estimated place for planting the plant. Feel the manure, or leave the compost.
  2. If the soil is distinguished by significant humidity, in the spring, in the soil bone flour and lime.
  3. The auxiliary effect for good growth of the plant will be the creation of a drainage layer under the bottom of the ceramisit or gravel. Also, the drainage layer is excellent protection from the roasting rot.

Landing Lutikov

Planting plants with sustainable warm weather, in middle lane Russia is this term - the beginning or middle of May. If you put the buttercups in frosts, the plant will die of cold temperature.

  1. Spread the Earth before starting landing, tick the distance - Flowers satisfy from each other at least 10 cm.
  2. Nabult tubers put in the hole, at a depth of 5-7 cm.
  3. Seed out the land in the warm heightened sun, it is recommended to replant with the preservation of an earthen coma, in order to avoid overshadow of gentle roots.
  4. After planning, paint the earth and climb straw.

Growing and leutoff care

The plant does not like excessive watering and droughle of the soil, for moderate moisture, water the flower once every 2-3 days. Make sure that the base of the plant does not accumulate excess water, which leads to the infection of the root. Symptoms indicating excessive irrigation - appearance white Nalea On the stem and leaves, dropping unspoken buds. Stop watering at the end of August, when the leaves of the plant will begin shirt.

Ranuncoulyus root system requires permanent air access, for this, delete weeds in a timely manner and loosen the soil once every 7 days. Do not forget to make feeding, many varieties begin to bloom only after making fertilizers. Feed the flower every 2 weeks.

After the stems appear on the stems, remove them with a sharp knife or garden scissors, thereby freeing the place for new buds. If you neglect this departure, instead of colors, the plant all its strength and power will give leaves. But this happens rarely, and the plant's care does not go in vain, admiring you beautiful flowers decorative plant.

For the winter, the stem is cut to base and carefully remove the roots with a garden blade. Before storage, treat the fungicide tuber and dry. Store until the next spring at a temperature of not lower than 10 degrees. In the regions where the winter temperature does not exceed -3, -5 degrees, tubers are left in the ground, insulating the earth with a straw film.

Photo of Lutikov

Flowers of the Latin, having the Latin name of the Ranunculyus, enjoy great popularity among home and garden growing.

Plant Flowers are used to decorate home design, and also create chic bouquets.

To obtain a good cut, it is necessary to provide a special care plant, and the right landing.

Description of Lutikov

Buttercup is a grassy perennial plant, translated from Latin denotes a frog. Belongs to the Lutikovy family. It has caustic poisonous juice located on all elements of the plant. The similarity of the flower and amphibian in natural habitats - and those and others develop and grow close to water bodies, or in water.

Predecessors with all the favorite colors - the slide of the creep and the buttercup field, which climbed the work fields of our ancestors. Some species of wild plants were interested in breeders at the beginning of the 18th century, and by the end of the century, the buttercup became popular, as well as tulips and cloves.

All over the planet exists about 400 species of this amazing flower, which is coming even in areas with a temperate and cold climate. Gardeners are preferred only by several varieties - buttercup of garden and buttercup Asian, as well as their varieties.

Little garden

Buttercup is a perennial herbaceous plant growing up to 70 cm. It has a tuberous rhizome, a branchy stem of the middle thickness, the leaves of a plant of a palfate shape. The plant has a flower, in diameter 10-12 cm, having a bright color - pink, red, cream, white and many other shades, except blue tones. After cutting off the bush, it retains freshness to 7 days with daily spraying. Despite the beauty of the plant - remember that it is very poisonous. If you have pets and little children, be careful.

Varietic varieties

In addition to popular gardening, gardeners grow several other species:

  1. Asian - the plant stem reaches a height of about 45 cm, has colors with carved edges, or ordinary inflorescences that have similarity with small robes.
  2. Chalmid - the grade is distinguished by large leaves and petals, fitted inside.
  3. Multi-dealer - per season can grow up to 80 cm in height, flowering period - from mid-June to August. Flowers predominantly yellow shiny color.
  4. Boroisser - shrub, reaching 90 cm in height. It has a large number of colors of a variety of shades of white and yellow.
  5. Amertoil - a low-speed plant, no more than 15 cm in height. Preferential color - yellow.

Methods of reproduction of Lutikov

Anyone will be able to multiply by anyone, today there are two ways - seed and tuber.

Landing of butt seeds

  1. Disaggrining the seeds on their own very heavy and laborious process, the resulting seed quickly loses vitality. For good sowing, purchase ready-made seeds in the store.
  2. Prepare boxes for planting, they can be like wooden and plastic. Pour in them the light sandy soil.
  3. Drain the seating material is necessary at the beginning of March, at a depth of about 2 cm. After landing, cover the soil with a polyethylene package, to create greenhouse conditions.
  4. Once every three days, the film is cleaned, and give the soil to breathe. Provide seedlings timely watering.
  5. After 2 weeks, the coating must be removed, and grow seedlings until the beginning of May at a temperature of 16-20 degrees.
  6. As soon as 2-3 leafs appear on the stem, the plant is ready for transplant in open ground.

Lutching with tubers

Purchase the roots of the plants obtained by dividing the root system, or digging, can be in any specialized store.

Before buying, carefully choose the planting material - the roots must be without visible damage to pests, they should not be mold and defects.

  1. Rhizome plants are sold in a slightly dry form, so they need to pre-disconnect before planting. For prophylaxis from diseases, place the roots in the pale pink milgantaneous solution for 40 minutes. Then you thoroughly moisten gauze and wrap the faces into the fabric for 3-4 hours.
  2. After all, we wet gauze again and wrap the landing material again. Place in the plastic bag and remove 12 hours in a cool place.
  3. After soaking the roots should swell, and become similar to small octopus. After that, you can land at open soil.

Preparation before landing of the butter

Flower Buttercup very much does not like moisture stagnation in the soil, the roots begin to rot and the plant will quickly die, not even time to root. Before boarding, read the flower preferences. With the right approach, the plant will thank you with beautiful and lush flowers.

Right place for landing

  1. Buttercup will respond well to the shadow area, but also will not be badly perceived flowerbed, with a constant presence of solar color.
  2. If you want flowers to stay on a long time on the plant, pick up the optimal seat - under a tree, with rare branches that transmit sunlight. Also, the branches of the tree will protect the flowers from the wind, which will help to maintain the blossomed buds in Nechato.
  3. In order for the flowers to be lost among other mothers of inflorescences, do not land on one flower leaf with other decorative cultures. The only "neighbor", which will be combined with the plant - a blue anemone.

Preparation of soil

  1. From the fall, you reap the length of the bayonet shovels, an estimated place for planting the plant. Feel the manure, or leave the compost.
  2. If the soil is distinguished by significant humidity, in the spring, in the soil bone flour and lime.
  3. The auxiliary effect for good growth of the plant will be the creation of a drainage layer under the bottom of the ceramisit or gravel. Also, the drainage layer is excellent protection from the roasting rot.

Landing Lutikov

Planting plants with sustainable warm weather, in the middle lane of Russia this term - the beginning or middle of May. If you put the buttercups in frosts, the plant will die of cold temperature.

  1. Spread the Earth before starting landing, tick the distance - Flowers satisfy from each other at least 10 cm.
  2. Nabult tubers put in the hole, at a depth of 5-7 cm.
  3. Seed out the land in the warm heightened sun, it is recommended to replant with the preservation of an earthen coma, in order to avoid overshadow of gentle roots.
  4. After planning, paint the earth and climb straw.

Growing and leutoff care

The plant does not like excessive watering and droughle of the soil, for moderate moisture, water the flower once every 2-3 days. Make sure that the base of the plant does not accumulate excess water, which leads to the infection of the root. Symptoms pointing to excessive irrigation - the appearance of white plaque on the stem and leaves, discharge of unacceptable buds. Stop watering at the end of August, when the leaves of the plant will begin shirt.

Ranuncoulyus root system requires permanent air access, for this, delete weeds in a timely manner and loosen the soil once every 7 days. Do not forget to make feeding, many varieties begin to bloom only after making fertilizers. Feed the flower every 2 weeks.

After the stems appear on the stems, remove them with a sharp knife or garden scissors, thereby freeing the place for new buds. If you neglect this departure, instead of colors, the plant all its strength and power will give leaves. But this is rarely happening, and the departure for the plant does not pass in vain, admiring you with beautiful decorative plants.

Professional flower flowers and simply lovers of colors are well known garden buttercup or ignokulyus. This plant can decorate any flower garden or flower bed. By appearance Buttercups are very similar to small roses. These flowers are original in appearance and diverse in color scheme.

This herbaceous plant is derived during selection work. Wild-growing species differ from the garden leaf with smaller sizes. The plant is unpretentious and does not require much care. The flower refers to perennial plants.

In appearance, the plant resembles a low shrub (from 40 centimeters to 1 meter in height) with a straight stem and a tuber-like root system. Middle-sized butterfly flowers (about 10 centimeters in diameter) can be the most different colors, except for shades of blue.

Before planting buttercups on his panstone Weigh all the pros and cons, because the plant is considered to be poisonous. Adults will be able to follow precautions, but in the house with children, garden butter is not recommended to grow.

  • Asian buttercup - This variety is distinguished by beautiful terry flowers having a great similarity with roses. The semi-staple reaches about forty centimeters height.
  • African butt - This variety is very reminiscent of Peony. His distinctive features There are flower petals that, as it were, are wrapped with inside and bright green leaves of large size.
  • Caustic - This species is often found in the wild, prefers wet meadow or forest soil and semi-leaves. The plant is frost resistant, possesses medical properties. Active flowering begins at the beginning of summer, flowers have golden yellow color.
  • Aconitoliste butt - This species is characterized by blooming white or yellow. Shrub reaches almost 80 centimeters in height.
  • Analyst butt - This is a low-spirited bush plant (no more than 30 centimeters height).
  • Multi-density butt - This many years of appearance The semi-stale blooms throughout the summer, medium height (approximately half a meter), blooms with brilliant yellow flowers.

Their decorative properties Garden buttercups are preserved for 3-4 years, after which it is advisable to update the varieties.

Already at the end of winter it is worth taking care of the purchase of landing material. Until the beginning of April, it is recommended to keep tubers in the cool (no more than sevente ten degrees of heat), but a well-ventilated room. It is advisable to plant a plant (on seedlings) to an individual pot or peat tabletSince the buttercups are poorly transferred.

You can land the tubers immediately into the open soil, but you need to do it a little later, in about the second half of May. At this time, warm weather is already coming, which is very important for gardening buttercasters, as they relate to thermal-loving plants and will not transfer low night temperatures.

The place for planting colors should be in a half, preferably not on the draft and not in the open plot. Strong gusts of the wind plant does not like. The plot may be near a low treet or shrub. In the open space under direct sunlight Decorative quality of buttercups will suffer. His bloom will be short-term and not abundant.

Neighborhood with other plants and flowers

Garden buttercups perfectly combined on flowerbe with various plants. Its color scheme allows you to be a self-sufficient flower, but in combination with blooming plants Blue and blue, it looks even more gorgeous.

Experienced flowers advise to pay attention to the "aggressiveness" of the root plant of the plant. It can grow very quickly and can harm neighboring cultures by occupying their territory.

Soil requirements

Cloths of plants that are approximately for 1-1.5 months were stored in a cool room, now it is necessary to soak in a weak pink solution of mangarteau or in growth accelerator. During twelve hours, planting material is likely necessary quantity moisture, and the roots will swell a little.

On prepared land plot You can prepare small wells in advance at a distance of about 20 centimeters from each other. Sit down one tuber (roots down) into each well to a depth of 4-5 centimeters. After about a couple of weeks, the first searches will appear.

With unfavorable forecasts of weather forecasters and the threat of cooling beds with plants, it is better to warm up.

To care this garden grassy plant, no time and special attention will be required.

Watering needed regular but moderate. No rejunction of moisture is allowed. With long rainy weather in the plant can start to heat the roots, so you need to use the film covering. At the end of the summer season, watering should be gradually cut, and then completely stop (with the advent of fading leaves).

For abundant flowering The necessary good air exchange root system, so you will need soil looser.

Good bloom depends on the availability of necessary nutrients in the soil. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used as feeding (at the initial stage of plant development) and complex fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus content (during flowering period). The feeders are recommended to be added twice a month with an interval in two weeks.

In order for the flowering period to be longer, you need to deliver a plant from dried colors in a timely manner.

How to store tubers

Garden buttercups do not withstand minus winter temperatures, so their tubers need to dig in late September, carefully clean from the soil and dry. You can then place each tuber in a pot with dry peat soil or wrap in any natural fabric. In this way, at a temperature of twenty - twenty-two degrees, you can save plants until the next season.

Reproduction of Lutikov

The most popular I. non-futured way Gardening gardens is the separation of the root. This method allows you to immediately get some young bushes.

The seed method of breeding is extremely rare due to the low germination of seeds. First, the seeds are sown in large landing boxes (in recent winter days) in the soil mixture consisting of peat, sand and garden land At a depth of no more than 2 centimeters. For fifteen days, the capacity contains at a temperature of from 10 to 15 degrees, maintaining the constant humidity of the soil.

The first shoots should appear approximately in 25-30 days. Their appearance is the time of transfer of boxes into a warm room (more than 20 degrees). Now young seedlings need a lot of light and heat. If necessary, you can allow plants with additional lighting.

Seedlings of garden leaf can be transferred to the garden plot only on the last week of May or in early June. The plant grown in this way does not bloom in the first year.

Flowers Buttercups in Landscape Design

Garden buttercups are unique decorative decoration on the flowerbed garden plot, lawn or in flower pot. His multicolored palette allows you to create extraordinarily beautiful flower compositions. This plant is perfectly combined with various vegetable crops.

This flower is willing to use in their work. landscape designers and compilers of bouquets, flowerflowers and designers of solemn events.

For cultivation at home, only litter varieties with a slight increase, not more than 40 centimeters are suitable. Such species can grow in a conventional flower pot and do not require additional support. Contain the plant can also be on a glazed balcony or warm loggia.

For one bush, approximately one liter of soil is necessary. Its composition is the same as on an open land plot. As for the care, it will take more often to water the plant, because due to a small amount soil mixture In the tank, the Earth dries quickly.

At the end of the flowering period and focusing foliage, a container with root tuber needs to be stored in a dry, protected from light, place for two months. At the end of February - the beginning of March the plant will begin to appear the above-ground part.

Diseases and pests

Basically, all diseases of garden butterfly occur due to incorrect care. SAMI frequent cause - It is too overwhelmed soil. From this, they begin to rot the roots, fall out floral buds and malievable dew appears.

In the fight S. muced dew Various insecticidal solutions and aerosols will help. In order not to be part of water in the ground, it is necessary when landing take care of drainage and not forget about the soil looser. Sometimes to save the fading plant can conventional soil drying.

The excessive irrigation signals the appearance of mold on the leaflet of the plant. In this case, you need to completely abandon the irrigation for a while. The soil will dry a little, and the flower will rejoice again with its flowering.

The most common pests at garden buttercups are cobed tick And nematodes.

Signs of the appearance of a tick are stains on the leaves (silver or yellow shade). In this case, we need urgent treatment with special drugs.

Signs of the appearance of nematodes are leaf-twisting in the tube, slow growth. Roots of such plants urgently need manganese processing. It is enough to wash the roots of the plant extracted from the ground in a pink solution and the pest will perish.

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