Buttercup pink planting and care. Garden ranunculus: features of planting seeds

garden equipment 14.06.2019
garden equipment


For my tender beauty buttercups have become an integral part of songs, poems and legends, and this despite the far from gentle name that the flower received for its poisonousness and blistering effect. But they still decided not to call this plant “fierce”, using the affectionate form “buttercup”. The healing properties of this plant, its types, medicinal properties and applications will be discussed in this article.

Description of the plant buttercup (Ranunculus)

Buttercup is a perennial or annual plant belonging to the Lutikov family.

Buttercup in popular literature is called "ranunculus" (a transliteration of the Latin name "ranunculus" is used, which means "little frog" in Latin). The fact is that wild-growing buttercups, like frogs, prefer wet and swampy "habitats", which should be sunny and warm enough.

In Russia, this plant was given the name "buttercup" for its blistering effect.

What does buttercup look like?

Buttercup is a rhizomatous or root-tuberous plant with erect, ascending or prostrate stems that often root at the nodes.

The stalk of buttercup reaches a height of 20 cm to 1 m.

The leaves of the plant can be whole, spatulate, palmately or pinnatipartite, they are arranged in the next order. The petals at the base have a honey hole (it can be bare or covered with a small scale). The lower stem leaves, like the basal leaves, are 5–6 cm long and about 5 cm wide.

Buttercup flowers are solitary or collected in an inflorescence. The diameter of the flowers is 1 - 2 cm.

The fruit of the flower is a polynutlet, in which naked or hairy seeds are formed, which are both flat and convex.

What color are buttercups?

The color range of buttercups is very diverse. This flower can be yellow, white, pink, red, lilac and blue.

Where does it grow?

Buttercup grows almost throughout Europe, in the Caucasus and in Western Siberia, in Asia, the Alps, as well as the Pyrenees, but most often this plant can be found in the wild in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere.

In Russia, buttercup is common in the European part of the country (with the exception of Far North, as well as the south).

This beautiful flower prefers forest and floodplain meadows, sparse forests, banks of streams and rivers, marshes.

Buttercup species

About 600 species of buttercups are known, distributed throughout the world, while many varieties have medicinal properties, due to which they are used in folk medicine.

For medical purposes, the following types of buttercup are used:

  • caustic (or night blindness);
  • poisonous;
  • creeping;
  • burning;
  • many-flowered;
  • field;
  • water (or swamp).

Buttercup caustic (night blindness)

The caustic buttercup (or Ranunculus acris) reaches a height of 30–100 cm. The stem of this species of buttercup is erect and covered with pressed hairs, while the stem begins to branch upward.

The rhizome of the caustic buttercup is short, numerous roots extend from it, which are collected in a bundle.

Bright golden yellow flowers correct form located at the ends of branches. The leaves of the caustic buttercup can have a different shape.

The plant got its second name - "night blindness" - for the reason that the substance protoanemonin, which is part of the plant, irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes, causing severe pain, tearing, and temporary blindness (they say that chickens that ate buttercup grass , blind).

Application in medicine
For medicinal purposes, the herb caustic buttercup is used, containing a large number of biologically active substances, including protoanemonin, saponins, tannins, flavonoids and glycosides.

The action of preparations of buttercup caustic:

  • Neutralization of microbes and bacteria.
  • CNS stimulation.
  • An increase in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Removal of inflammation.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Stimulation of metabolism.
  • Stop bleeding.
Buttercup caustic is used fresh in the treatment of:
  • skin diseases;
  • gout;
  • neuralgia;
  • skin tuberculosis;
  • burns;
  • boils;
  • rheumatism;
  • headaches;
  • eczema;
  • malaria;
  • arthritis;
  • fever;
  • liver diseases;
  • colds;
  • ascites;
  • lymph nodes;
  • internal bleeding;
  • warts;
  • lipoma;
  • scurvy;
  • impetigo;
  • hydradenitis;
  • seals of the spleen;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • golden staphylococcus.
Buttercup leaf juice helps to neutralize Sonne's dysentery microbe.

Buttercup poisonous

This species of buttercup, whose official name is Ranunculus sceleratu, is an annual or biennial plant with a straight, hollow and branched stem, the height of which can vary between 10 - 70 cm.

The leaves of the poisonous ranunculus are shiny and slightly fleshy.

The light yellow flowers of the plant do not differ large sizes(so, their diameter is 7 - 10 mm).

Interesting fact! The seeds of the poisonous ranunculus are protected by the seed coat from excessive moisture (in other words, from getting wet), while under the epidermis there are large air-bearing corky cells, thanks to which the seed does not sink in water.

Application in medicine
Due to the high degree of toxicity, the plant is mainly used externally. For example, plant juice diluted with water is used to treat skin areas affected by a disease such as scabies. In addition, inflamed eyes or festering wounds are washed with non-concentrated poisonous ranunculus juice.

Crushed fresh leaves of the plant are applied to warts, which contributes to their rapid removal.

Fresh crushed buttercup herb can be used as a pull-out patch, to create artificial boils or blisters, and as an effective pain reliever and distraction.

A water infusion of grass will also help with rheumatism, for which it is enough to soar your legs in it.

Inside, decoctions and infusions of poisonous ranunculus are taken for such diseases:

  • diseases of the female genital organs;
Important! Buttercup preparations intended for internal use are prepared mainly from dried raw materials, since it does not contain toxic substances.

buttercup creeping

Ranunculus repens (or creeping ranunculus), like the two species described above, is common in Russia, and is very poisonous.

This perennial species Buttercup, rarely exceeding 40 cm in height, has an ascending or creeping stem, which often takes root (the stem can be either bare or pubescent in places).

The plant is crowned with a golden yellow, brilliant flower that opens between May and August.

Buttercup creeping prefers moist, shaded, alluvial soils, so it can often be found on river and lake shores, forest swamps, along fields and roads.

Application in medicine
In therapeutic doses, creeping buttercup has analgesic, antimicrobial, wound healing, and tonic properties.

In diseases such as rheumatism, scrofula and scabies, buttercup grass is applied to the affected areas (tumors and abscesses). The stem of the plant is used to dissolve or hasten the maturation of abscesses.

With fungal lesions of the skin, the aerial part of the plant is used as a wash or compress.

Fresh ranunculus grass is externally used in the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • myositis;
  • rheumatic pains;
  • scrofula.
To prepare an infusion for internal use, dry grass or buttercup flowers are used: 1 tsp. raw materials are brewed with a glass of boiling water, then the product is wrapped and infused for half an hour, after which it is carefully filtered and drunk in a tablespoon three times a day. This infusion is indicated for epilepsy, headache, as well as dropsy and bleeding of various origins.

Creeping ranunculus flowers are used in the treatment of malaria, for which, 8-10 hours before the attack, crushed (or pounded) fresh flowers of the plant are applied to the wrists (on the zone of probing the pulse), which will help mitigate or stop the attack.

Important! When using buttercup creeping as an external agent, long-term exposure to the skin should be excluded, since this plant has a strong irritating effect on the skin (in some cases, such an action can provoke tissue necrosis and skin ulceration).


Buttercup burning (or Ranunculus flammula) has a low erect or rising stem (about 20 - 50 cm).

The basal leaves of the plant are long-petiolate, while they are noticeably wider than the upper ones. But upper leaves this type of buttercup is sessile.

Single light yellow flowers are quite small (no more than 12 mm in diameter). The fruit of the plant is an ovoid one-seeded leaflet.

Burning ranunculus grows on damp soils, mainly near water bodies.
Application in medicine
For medicinal purposes, a plant herb containing gamma-lactones and coumarins is used.

So, the juice of the aerial part of the burning ranunculus is diluted with water (2-3 drops of juice go to half a glass of water) and is taken for scurvy.

An infusion of the herb of this type of buttercup is used in folk medicine for cancer. To prepare the infusion, one tablespoon of well-chopped fresh ranunculus herb is poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for one hour, after which the infusion is filtered and consumed one tablespoon no more than four times a day.

Buttercup multiflorum

Ranunculus polyanthemus (or multi-flowered ranunculus) has a tall (up to 60 - 80 cm) erect and pubescent stem (leaf petioles also have pubescence).

The leaves of ranunculus multiflora have wedge-shaped or linear lobes. Bright yellow flowers, the diameter of which does not exceed 3 cm, open in the first half of June, while flowering ends in late July - early August.

This species of buttercup is found wild in meadows and forests.

Application in medicine
FROM therapeutic purpose stems, leaves and flowers of the plant are used, containing protoanemonin, vitamin C, carotene and flavonoids.

Preparations based on ranunculus multiflorum, which have tonic, analgesic, antimicrobial and wound healing effects, are used for:

  • pain syndrome of various etiologies (gastric, headache, neuralgic pains);
  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • abscesses;
  • wounds;
  • boils;
  • malaria;
To prepare an infusion taken orally, 2 tsp. fresh grass plants are poured with 500 ml of boiling water and infused for 40 minutes. The strained remedy is drunk one tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Buttercup field

Field buttercup (official name Ranunculus arvensis) prefers moderately acidic, poorly aerated, waterlogged and calcareous, loamy soils.

This type of buttercup has yellow or golden single apical flowers and deeply dissected leaves.

An upright and branched (almost naked) stem reaches a height of 60 cm.

Buttercup field is most often found in hayfields or pastures.

Preparations based on buttercup field are distinguished by a tonic and mild laxative effect. So, the skin of the roots of the plant and the seeds are used to relieve heat and tone the body. The aerial part of the plant is used for radiculitis, pustular skin rashes and furunculosis.

Field buttercup tubers are used in the production of nutritional supplements.

Buttercup water (marsh)

Buttercup water (it is also called marsh, while the official name of this plant is Ranunculus aquatica) is a perennial plant of light green color with a thin and bare stem, as well as small white-yellow flowers that rise above the water surface.

The marsh buttercup can grow at depths ranging from 20 cm to up to 2 m.

The length of the leaves is 3 - 4 cm, while the pedicel of the plant is not much longer than the leaves.

The flowers of the water ranunculus in diameter are 8 - 12 mm in diameter.

Easily falling petals of the plant are almost twice as long as the sepals. The fruits are grayish in color, slightly bristly upwards.

This plant, which has white medium-sized flowers and underwater leaves, dissected into thin filamentous lobes, is common in shallow water. coastal zone countries of the East, in Siberia, Europe, America and Africa. Water buttercup grows in stagnant, and, most importantly, slowly flowing water bodies (in some cases, water buttercup can be found near the coast, in sedge forests, as well as on waterlogged and silty soil).

For therapeutic purposes, the stems and leaves of the plant containing saponins and protoanemonin are used.

To prepare a decoction of water buttercup, one tablespoon of the leaves of the plant should be poured with a glass of water. The product is boiled for three minutes, infused for an hour, filtered and taken in 1 - 2 tbsp. three times a day. Such a decoction is used as a means of stimulating the functions of the genital organs.

Important! Buttercup, which has an irritating effect on the digestive tract when taken orally, is recommended to be used as a topical preparation and only under the supervision of a physician.

Important! All of these plant species have an almost identical set of useful substances, therefore they can be used in medicine on an equal footing.

Collection and preparation of buttercup

The medicinal raw material of the buttercup is the aerial part of the plant, which can be used both fresh and dried.

The plant is harvested during the period of fruit formation, but the flowers must still be present on the stem.

When collecting raw materials, it is better not to tear off, but carefully cut off the stem of the plant, while it is important that the root, which is practically not used in medicine, remains in the ground (and the person will benefit from the plant, and after a certain time the buttercup will be able to please again with its beauty and healing properties).

The collected flowers, stems and leaves are thoroughly washed, after which they are sent to dry in the attic (you can dry the raw materials in the open air, but always under a canopy, because when dried under the sun, all the useful substances of the buttercup will evaporate).

Important! Buttercup very strongly irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, larynx, and internal organs, as a result of which, when in contact with the aerial part of the plant, redness, burns and blisters form on the skin. Therefore, it is recommended to collect ranunculus grass (especially caustic) in closed clothing and thick gloves.

When do buttercups bloom?

Buttercups bloom from mid-April until the month of July (it all depends on the type of buttercup). An exception is the water ranunculus, which blooms from June to October.

How to store?

Dried raw materials are stored in paper bags in a dark place for no more than a year. Fresh raw materials must be used immediately after collection.

The composition and properties of buttercup

It is a volatile poison that has a pungent odor and a burning taste.

In small doses, this substance stimulates the functions of the central nervous system, activates the elements of the reticuloendothelial system, neutralizes microbes and increases the content of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood.


  • obstruction of blood clotting;
  • inhibition of the development of tumor cells;
  • acceleration of the wound healing process;
  • toning the body and saturating it with vitamins of group P;
  • prevention of blood clots.
cardiac glycosides
  • slow heart rate;
  • normalization of cardiac activity;
  • increased systole and lengthened diastole;
  • decrease in blood pressure indicators;
  • normalization of blood circulation.
  • promoting the excretion of sputum;
  • fever removal;
  • increased excretion of bile;
  • downgrade blood pressure.
This class of substances, forming a biological film, protects the tissues and cells of the body from adverse effects (we are talking about chemical, bacterial, and also mechanical action). Also, tannins strengthen blood vessels and significantly constrict blood vessels.


  • helping to stop bleeding;
  • removal of pain syndrome;
  • normalization of the central nervous system;
  • strengthening of blood vessels;
  • preventing the growth of neoplasms;
  • pressure reduction ;
  • decrease in body temperature.
  • normalization of redox processes;
  • inhibition of enzymes that destroy hyaluronic acidresponsible for the normal formation of cartilage tissue;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and increasing their elasticity;
  • prevention of sclerotic lesions of capillaries;
  • elimination of free radicals.

Vitamin C

  • normalization of the functions of the central nervous system;
  • stimulation of the endocrine glands;
  • promoting the assimilation of such an essential element as iron;
  • normalization of the process of hematopoiesis;
  • removal from the body of harmful compounds that provoke the development of malignant tumors.

  • reducing the risk of developing cancer;
  • regulation of the process of protein synthesis;
  • strengthening bones and teeth and promoting their formation;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • prevention of the premature aging process.
Amino acids
  • decreased vascular tone;
  • increase in hemoglobin content;
  • increased excretion of stones;
  • binding and subsequent removal of radionuclides.
Fixed oils
  • rejuvenation of tissues and cells of the body;
  • elimination of foci of inflammation;
  • regulation and normalization of metabolism;
  • neutralization of the action of carcinogens.

buttercup properties

  • Antimicrobial.
  • Wound healing.
  • Tonic.
  • Painkiller.
  • Laxative.
  • Fungistatic (manifested by the fact that it contributes to the delay, as well as stopping the growth of fungi).
  • Antipyretic.
  • Sweatshop.
  • Oncoprotective.
  • Bactericidal.

Treatment with buttercup

buttercup flowers

Preparations from buttercup flowers stimulate the activity of the nervous system, increase the concentration of red blood cells, as well as hemoglobin. In addition, decoctions and infusions from this part of the plant have a pronounced antimicrobial effect, they resist staphylococcus and Escherichia coli. Often such drugs are used as an insecticide ( chemical drug, intended for the destruction of harmful insects: for example, a decoction of the plant will help to disinfect things from bedbugs).

Pounded buttercup flowers are caustic, as well as creeping, and are used in folk medicine instead of mustard plasters and blister patches. Flowers also help with aching in the lower extremities, for which it is enough to rub the sore joints with fresh crushed flowers.

The flowers of the plant are used as a remedy for malaria.

Root and tubers

Powder from the roots and tubers of buttercup is used to treat malignant ulcers and remove warts. From the root of the plant, folk healers have long prepared vaginal suppositories that promote pregnancy (self-treatment of infertility can have Negative consequences therefore, before using folk remedies based on buttercup, a doctor's consultation is necessary).


Little is known about the healing effect of buttercup seeds on the body: for example, there are references to the use of decoctions from the seeds of this plant for colds, which has a basis, since buttercups have antipyretic and tonic properties.

Leaves (grass)

Traditional medicine widely uses fresh buttercup leaves as an effective abscess and analgesic, indicated in the treatment of ulcers, boils, rheumatism, scrofula, myositis. So, ranunculus grass is used as an blistering patch for old carbuncles that do not open for a long time. An infusion of the fresh leaves is used in small quantities in the treatment of headaches and stomach pains.

Fresh leaves of the plant in crushed form are applied to the places where tumors and sprains appear.

Buttercup is rightfully considered the first assistant in the removal of warts and the treatment of fungal diseases. A decoction of this part of the plant is indicated for washing areas of the skin affected by scabies.

Gruel from the fresh herb of the plant, mixed with vinegar, helped to cure or reduce the manifestation of diseases such as leprosy, eczema, fox disease (we are talking about hair loss), for which it was enough to treat the affected areas of the skin with such a mixture.

Although traditional medicine buttercup is not used, the results of recent studies indicate that this plant effectively fights skin tuberculosis.

It should be remembered that the buttercup is a poisonous plant, so all parts of it should be taken with extreme caution and only after consulting a doctor, who, if necessary, will determine the exact dosage.

The use of buttercup in medicine

Buttercup is used in both traditional and folk medicine in Eastern, Northern and Central European countries.

So, infusions and decoctions from dried raw materials are used in the treatment of salt deposits, various inflammations on the skin.

The herb of the plant is used as an effective pain reliever for neurological, headache, stomach and rheumatic pains.

Buttercup has found application in the treatment of colds, oncological and infectious diseases, including influenza, gout, ascites, cystitis, pancreatic cancer.

A decoction of flowers, taken in small quantities, will help to cope with diseases of the liver and stomach, as well as rabies.

Fresh ranunculus herb is widely used in homeopathy in the treatment of skin diseases, gout and neuralgia.


An infusion of buttercup herb is taken as an internal or external remedy for skin diseases, colds, and treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds.

To prepare the infusion 0.5 tbsp. dried herbs are placed in a thermos and brewed with 500 ml of boiling water. The remedy, infused for half an hour, is filtered, after which it is used to wash the wounds. When taken internally, the dosage of this infusion is 1 tbsp. three times a day. With the same remedy, you can rinse the inflamed mucous membrane of the throat several times a day.


Buttercup extract has strong bactericidal, regenerating and rejuvenating properties, due to which it is used for muscle pain, diseases of the throat and oral cavity. In addition, buttercup tincture can be used to rinse your hair, which will strengthen the hair follicle and give your hair a healthy look.

50 buttercup flowers are poured with 500 ml of alcohol, after which the product is mixed well and infused for three weeks. The filtered tincture is used externally as a rub. Internal reception of tincture is contraindicated!

Buttercup ointment

An ointment prepared from buttercup flowers and pork fat in a ratio of 1:4, is used as an external remedy for colds and viral diseases, with inflammation of the lymph nodes. So, the chest and throat are rubbed with ointment (these parts of the body are wrapped in a woolen scarf and left all night). Such treatment is carried out daily, until the disease is completely cured.

ranunculus juice

Cotton wool moistened with ranunculus juice is applied to aching teeth. Also, weak buttercup juice is used for developing cataracts (it is enough to moisten the eyes with juice several times a day).

Important! Highly concentrated juice from buttercup leaves can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes.

Buttercup unifolia: application - video

Buttercup is a poisonous plant

Buttercup is a very poisonous plant, which in ancient times was used to prepare all kinds of poisons. For this reason, buttercup preparations should be used only after medical consultation, adhering to the recommended dosage.

Failure to comply with these rules can lead to severe poisoning, the main symptoms of which are:

  • sharp pain in the gastrointestinal tract (up to the development of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis); eye pain, abdominal pain and late severe diarrhea. It should be noted that damage to the digestive tract can be supplemented by the phenomena nervous order, namely convulsions, rapid rotational movements eyes, partial or complete impairment of consciousness, as well as loss of the ability to stand. Often, the death of animals that have consumed buttercup herb occurs 30 to 50 minutes after the first symptoms of poisoning.

    Buttercup Recipes

    Remedy for heel spurs

    The grass is brewed with boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes, after which the contents are poured into a basin, in which the legs are steamed until the water cools completely.

    Infusion for skin tuberculosis

    3 tbsp herbs are poured with 400 ml of boiling water and infused for three hours. Warm infusion is applied externally in the form of lotions or compresses.

    Tincture for umbilical hernia

    A handful of buttercup flowers pour 500 ml of vodka and leave for at least three days. Tincture is taken in a tablespoon before meals. This infusion promotes the regeneration of skin cells and has a bactericidal effect.

    Tincture for gout and rheumatism

    10 g of fresh ranunculus flowers are poured into 100 ml of vodka and left to infuse for a month in dark place. Strained tincture is used to rub sore spots.

    Decoction for liver diseases

    1 tsp ranunculus herbs are poured with two glasses of boiling water, after which the product is sent for 15 minutes to water bath. Strained broth is drunk in 1.5 tsp. three times a day.

    Acetic tincture for pain in the pancreas

    The glass is half filled with crushed ranunculus grass, which is poured with 2.5 glasses of 9 percent vinegar. Means insist one day. Take a tincture for severe pain, starting with one drop, which dissolves with water in a ratio of 1:10, while every subsequent half hour the dose is doubled until it is 32 drops. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Huge popularity among home and garden cultivation, enjoy the flowers of Buttercup, which has the Latin name ranunculus.

The flowers of the plant are used for decoration. home design, and also from them create chic bouquets.

To get a good cut, you need to provide the plant special care and correct posture.

Description of buttercups

Buttercup is a herbaceous perennial plant, translated from Latin means frog. Belongs to the buttercup family. It has a caustic poisonous juice located on all elements of the plant. The similarity of a flower and an amphibian in its natural habitat - both of them develop and grow near water bodies, or in water.

The predecessors of everyone's favorite flowers are the creeping buttercup and the field buttercup, which littered the working fields of our ancestors. Some types of wild plant interested breeders in the early 18th century, and by the end of the century, buttercup became popular, as well as tulips and carnations.

Around the planet there are about 400 species of this amazing flower, which takes root even in areas with a temperate and cold climate. Gardeners prefer only a few varieties - garden buttercup and Asian buttercup, as well as their varieties.

Buttercup garden

Buttercup garden - is a perennial herbaceous plant growing up to 70 cm. The plant has a flower, 10-12 cm in diameter, which has a bright color - pink, red, cream, white and many other shades, except for blue tones. After cutting from the bush, it remains fresh for up to 7 days with daily spraying. Despite the beauty of the plant - remember that it is very poisonous. If you have pets and small children, be careful.

Varieties of ranunculus

In addition to the popular garden buttercup, gardeners grow several other species:

  1. Asian - the stem of the plant reaches a height of about 45 cm, has colors with carved edges, or ordinary inflorescences that look like small roses.
  2. Chalmoid - the variety is distinguished by large leaves and petals, bent inward.
  3. Multi-flowered - in a season it can grow up to 80 cm in height, the flowering period is from mid-June to August. Flowers predominantly yellow brilliant color.
  4. Borocelistny - a shrub reaching 90 cm in height. It has a large number of colors of various shades of white and yellow.
  5. Anemone - undersized plant, no more than 15 cm in height. The predominant color is yellow.

Buttercup breeding methods

Anyone can propagate buttercups, today there are two ways - seed and tuber.

Planting buttercup seeds

  1. Breeding seeds on your own is a very difficult and time-consuming process, the resulting seed quickly loses its viability. For successful sowing, purchase ready-made seeds in the store.
  2. Prepare boxes for planting, they can be both wooden and plastic. Fill them with light sandy soil.
  3. sow planting material it is necessary at the beginning of March, to a depth of about 2 cm. After planting, cover the soil with a plastic bag to create greenhouse conditions.
  4. Once every three days, the film is removed and the soil is allowed to breathe. Provide seedlings with timely watering.
  5. After 2 weeks, the coating must be removed, and seedlings should be grown until the beginning of May at a temperature of 16-20 degrees.
  6. As soon as 2-3 leaves appear on the stem, the plant is ready for transplanting into open ground.

Planting buttercup tubers

You can buy plant roots obtained by dividing the root system or digging out at any specialized store.

Before buying, carefully choose planting material - the roots should be without visible damage by pests, they should not have mold and defects.

  1. The rhizomes of plants are sold in a slightly dried form, so they need to be pre-soaked before planting. To prevent diseases, place the roots in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate for 40 minutes. Then thoroughly moisten the gauze and wrap the roots in cloth for 3-4 hours.
  2. After a while, wet the gauze again and wrap the planting material in it again. Place in a plastic bag and put away for 12 hours in a cool place.
  3. After soaking, the roots should swell and look like small octopuses. After that, you can land in open ground.

Preparing before planting buttercups

Buttercup flower does not like stagnation of moisture in the soil, the roots begin to rot and the plant quickly dies, without even having time to take root. Before planting, check out the flower preferences. At right approach, the plant will thank you with beautiful and lush flowers.

The right place to land

  1. Buttercup will respond well to a shady area, but also not badly perceive a flower bed, with the constant presence of sunlight.
  2. If you want the flowers to stay on the plant for a long time, choose the best seat- under a tree, with sparse branches that let through sunlight. Also, the branches of the tree will protect the flowers from the wind, which will help preserve the blossoming buds during bad weather.
  3. In order for the flowers not to get lost among other variegated inflorescences, do not plant buttercups with other ornamental crops in the same flower bed. The only "neighbor" that will go with the plant is the blue Anemone.

Soil preparation

  1. In the fall, dig a shovel bayonet to the length, the intended place for planting the plant. Fertilize with manure or scatter compost.
  2. If the soil has significant moisture, add bone meal and lime to the soil in the spring.
  3. An auxiliary action for good plant growth will be the creation of a drainage layer under the bottom of expanded clay or gravel. Also, the drainage layer is an excellent protection against root rot.

Planting buttercups

Plant the plant in stable warm weather, in middle lane In Russia, this period is the beginning or middle of May. If you plant buttercups during frost, the plant will die from the cold temperature.

  1. Loosen the ground before planting, mark the distance with a rail - plant flowers at a distance of at least 10 cm from each other.
  2. Plant the swollen tubers in the hole, to a depth of 5-7 cm.
  3. Plant seedlings in a warm earth warmed by the sun, it is recommended to replant with the preservation of an earthen clod, in order to avoid tearing the delicate roots.
  4. After planting, water the soil and mulch with straw.

Growing and caring for buttercups

The plant does not like excessive watering and drought of the soil; for moderate humidity, water the flower once every 2-3 days. Make sure that excess water does not accumulate at the base of the plant, which leads to rotting of the rhizome. Signs indicating excessive watering - the appearance white plaque on the stem and leaves, dropping unopened buds. Stop watering at the end of August, when the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow.

The root system of the ranunculus requires constant access to air, for this, remove weeds in a timely manner and loosen the soil every 7 days. Do not forget to feed, many varieties begin to bloom only after fertilization. Feed the flower once every 2 weeks.

After the faded buds appear on the stems, remove them with a sharp knife or garden shears, thereby making room for new buds. If this care is neglected, then instead of flowers, the plant will give all its strength and power to the leaves. But this rarely happens, and caring for the plant does not go in vain, delighting you with the beautiful flowers of an ornamental plant.

- a beautiful and unpretentious flower in care, its bud is somewhat reminiscent of a rose, and in popularity, at one time, it even overshadowed a tulip. For some period, the buttercup was forgotten, until the breeders started breeding varieties with bright buds, various shades.

Growing buttercups yourself from seeds

Growing buttercups from seeds is a bit of a hassle.

It is problematic to collect planting material from your flowers, and germination will be low, so it is best to buy seeds in a special store.

Optimal sowing time

When self-collecting seed material it is advisable to remove it from the first faded buds, as this will preserve the characteristics of the plant.

When performing the procedure, it is advisable to wrap the bud with gauze so that the seeds do not wake up. Sowing is carried out in the last decade of February or in the first week of March.

Important! Buttercup, grown from seed, will bloom only in the second year.

Capacity and soil for sowing

Seeds are sown in seedling boxes or containers, in pre-prepared light soil ( peat land, leaf ground and sand in a ratio of 1:1:0.5), deepening them by one centimeter. From above, the seedlings are sprinkled with soil and moistened with a spray bottle.

Seedling Care

The container with seeds is covered with glass and left in a room, the temperature of which should be maintained at +10 ... +12 ºC. The room with seedlings should be regularly ventilated and monitored for condensation on the glass surface.

After three weeks, when the first shoots appear, transfer the container with the crops to a lighted and warmer place. The south window sill would be ideal, but the seeds need to be covered from direct sunlight. The temperature in this room should not fall below +20 ºC.

When about five leaves appear on the seedlings of garden ranunculus, transplant them into peat cups, adding humus to the peat.

Planting buttercups in the garden

Buttercup tubers should preferably be purchased in March and stored until planting in a warm, ventilated place. If you grew seedlings yourself, keep in mind that the buttercup does not tolerate transplanting well. Seedlings are usually planted in peat tablets and they are planted in open ground.

When is the best time to plant

Buttercups are planted in spring, in mid-May, when the soil and air are warm enough. The optimal place for the plant is a draft-free area with light partial shade: perhaps next to a not too sprawling tree or tall shrub.

Important! In direct sunlight, buttercups bloom weakly and for a short time.

How to plant

Before planting buttercups in open ground, you need to choose the right neighbors for them. Against the background of large and bright flowers, the buttercup will be invisible. Moreover, this plant is an invader and, if planted too close to other plants, it will grow and take up space for its root system.

Before planting, buttercup tubers are soaked in water or a weak solution of manganese for 12 hours. The soil should be light and loose, not acidic. Before direct planting, the soil is fertilized with humus. When the roots of the plant spread from moisture - you can start planting.

Dig holes, at the rate of five cm per tubers and a place for drainage, a distance of about twenty cm between the holes. Plant the tubers leg down, in a hole with drainage, sprinkle with soil and water (not abundantly).

Features of caring for buttercups in the garden

Caring for buttercups is simple: follow the rules of watering, fertilizing and soil care.

Did you know? There is a recollection of the buttercup in history: from the poisonous juice of the plant, the pharmacist Lorenzo prepared a sleeping potion for Shakespeare's Juliet. The dream was so strong that it was mistaken for death.

How to properly organize watering

Buttercups should be watered regularly, but moderately, with a strong overmoistening of the soil, the root system will begin to rot. In the rainy period, it is advisable to cover the plant with a film. During the flowering period, watering is gradually reduced and completely stopped when the buds fade and the leaves turn yellow.

Weeding and loosening the soil

For the cultivation of buttercups, it is important to maintain soil looseness, as the root system needs oxygen. Be sure to weed and clean the soil from weeds, dry leaves, fallen dry inflorescences and twigs.

Top dressing and fertilizer

During the period of seedling development and leaf formation, the plant is fed twice a month with fertilizers that contain nitrogen - this stimulates its growth and mass.

The best option is Kemira-Universal. At the time of the laying and development of flower buds, the plant is fed with compounds with potassium and phosphorus (also twice a month).

Trimming flowers

When the plant begins to bloom, it is necessary to remove dried shoots and inflorescences, especially during the period rapid flowering. Since buttercups bloom unevenly, timely removal of faded buds will save decorative look and will continue to bloom until the first half of August.

Interesting! There is a legend about the origin of buttercups. The greedy merchant wanted to force his daughter to marry someone he did not love. In her hearts, the girl scattered her father's wealth on the ground, the coins, endowed with the power of her resentment, turned into flowers.

Forcing buttercups

Subject to all necessary conditions, correct distillation will make the ranunculus bloom in three months. Therefore, the timing of planting depends on the desired timing of the buds. Usually, distillation is carried out from August to November.

Buttercups are planted in garden soil mixed with sand and humus. The tubers are deepened with horns down into the soil by three cm and covered with soil. If the seedlings have dried up, hold them in the epin solution for several hours before planting.

For the procedure at home, it is very important to observe temperature regime: +10 °C when landing, not higher than +20 °C during further development. At very high temperatures, the plant grows strongly and loses its presentability.

Proper storage of tubers in winter

In September, when the leaves and stems of the plant are completely dry, the ranunculus tubers need to be dug up. Please note that the rhizome of buttercups is fragile, so you need to dig them out and clean them from the ground with extreme care.

Today we will talk about such wonderful plants as garden buttercups or Ranunculus. You will learn about what varieties of garden buttercups exist, how they reproduce, grow, see interesting photos these unique flowers, as well as get acquainted with the features of their planting in the open field, care and much more.

Buttercups garden: varieties and varieties

Charming buttercup flowers have been familiar to us since childhood. They are bright and beautiful, which is why they are often mentioned in songs, poems, and are also actively used in landscape design. Their poisonousness gave impetus to the name, and their breathtaking beauty influenced the affectionate form "buttercup".

Buttercups - delicate flowers of various shades

Buttercups are perennial plants whose root system is represented by tubers. Their range of colors is very rich. You can find these flowers in white, orange, red, pink and even bicolor. There are two main varieties of these amazing plants.

Exists great amount various kinds garden buttercups:

  • many-flowered;
  • caustic;

Buttercups are caustic

  • water;
  • burning;
  • creeping, etc.

The most common yellow buttercups, they are often used in folk medicine. Many species are used as beautiful ornamental plants.

Planting a plant

For planting garden buttercups, choose a place that is warm and sheltered from the wind. They are not too whimsical to the soil, but planting in a well-drained, warm, moderately moist and humus-rich open ground will obviously appeal to them. Let's look at how the planting itself is done.

Buttercups need well-drained soil to plant.

Planting ranunculus in the open field is carried out in mid-May, when warm weather is already set. Excessively wet or unheated soil can cause the death of plants. If frosts still occur in your region in May, then first plant buttercups in peat pots or newspaper bags. You can leave the plants in the veranda or on the balcony, the optimum temperature for them will be 15-18 degrees. After the arrival of warming, planting buttercups in a flower bed will already become available.

Planting these plants in open ground, where further cultivation will take place, involves pre-soaking the root cones in warm water for 2 hours, sometimes high-quality growth stimulants are used instead of water. After this procedure, the bumps will increase significantly in size.

Planting buttercup

It is necessary to dig a recess in the soil by 5 cm and place the cones of the plant in it with the roots down. The distance between plantings should be at least 10 cm. Then, you can water the ground a little, but not abundantly, so that the plants do not start to rot. As you can see, planting buttercups does not involve any complex manipulations.

buttercup care

Perennial garden buttercups are non-capricious plants. But in order for your buttercups to grow healthy and please the eye, it is worth following a few tips and providing them with the right care.

The root system of garden buttercups is quite sensitive to both excessive moisture and excessive drought. That's why Special attention should be given proper watering. From time to time feel the soil, controlling its level of moisture. If you feel dry, then you should water the plant a little. Drainage in the form of pebbles or expanded clay, covered at the bottom of the planting pit, will help protect buttercups from overflow, sometimes pieces of birch charcoal are added. By the end of flowering (August), watering should be gradually reduced.

Buttercups need balanced watering to develop.

Advice. In no case do not fill the ranunculus large quantity water and do not water too often. Such "obtrusive" care can lead to the appearance of mold on the rhizome and rotting, from which the plant will soon die.

When the peduncles and leaves die off (August-September period), garden buttercups are dug up. The root system of plants is shaken out of the ground, dried and stored in boxes or paper bags. For storage, choose a place with good ventilation and room temperature. However, there are those who simply throw away the old rhizomes and buy new ones for planting in the spring. In southern regions, buttercups with special protective cover can tolerate the winter relatively well.

Attention! Buttercup has very fragile roots that are easy to damage, so they should be handled carefully and carefully.

Fertilizer and feeding buttercup

If you want garden buttercups to grow healthy, bloom profusely and beautifully, then you need to feed them periodically. During the period of leaf growth, these perennials need to be fed with special fertilizers rich in nitrogen. When buttercups begin to bud, they need a phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. It is best to fertilize once every two weeks. Such simple procedures will provide your buttercups with amazing growth and flowering.

Buttercups need mineral supplements at all stages of the growing season.

Plant propagation

Reproduction of garden buttercups can be done in several ways. Their tubers summer period form several daughter cones, which are carefully separated, dried and stored until the next planting. But these buttercups will bloom only in a year or two.

Buttercup root cones

In addition, the cultivation of garden buttercups accepts seed propagation. Due to the short viability, it is very difficult to obtain such seeds on your own. It is better to just buy them in a specialized flower shop. Seeds must be planted in March, in a loose mixture of peat soil and sand. Sprinkle the seeds with earth and moisten with water from a spray bottle. As you can see, the reproduction of buttercups is quite simple.

buttercup seeds

The landing is covered with a film, periodically ventilated and maintained at a temperature of 10 to 12 degrees Celsius. The first shoots should appear after 2-3 weeks. After that, the container is moved to a warmer place (with an air temperature of up to 20 degrees). Seedlings require a lot of light, so it is best to place the container on the south window and provide it with additional illumination. Only in mid-May, seedlings can be planted in open ground for further growth.

Diseases and pests

Buttercups are very resistant to various diseases and pests. If the care of the plants is wrong, for example, too abundant watering, then root rot may appear. In addition, if the summer season is too wet, these perennial flowers can hit powdery mildew, and the leaves can attract annoying cabbage butterflies. Against pests, in this case, you can use bioinsecticide preparations.

cabbage butterfly

Garden shrub buttercups: combination with other plants

As mentioned earlier, buttercups need sunlight and relative shade for normal growth and development. These conditions can be achieved by planting other plants next to them.

For example, all varieties of garden buttercups give great combination with arabis. So they will receive not only the necessary shade, but also a lot of nutrients. They will also grow well near trees and bushes. If your goal of growing is cutting, then nothing should interfere with the growth of buttercups.

Buttercups in a common flower bed

Garden shrub buttercups in landscape design

Luxurious perennial rununculi are often used in landscape design. Their varieties are able to create a truly charming composition, original, stylish, unusual. Group and mass plantings of these plants will decorate the surrounding space with their presence (flower beds, alpine hills, rockeries), and in combination with other shrubs and flowers they will create a simply amazing flower bed. They are also planted in pots or stylish patio containers, which looks very fresh in modern landscape design.

Buttercup in landscape design

Garden buttercups are very beautiful, unpretentious and amazing plants. They are able to decorate with their appearance any piece of land, make it bright, unique, become indispensable attributes in landscape design. Their cultivation will bring you a lot of pleasure. Give them your care, love, warmth, give them proper care, then they will reward you with their gorgeous flowering.

Planting buttercups with seeds: video

Varieties of buttercups: photo

Description and features of garden buttercup

Many species of this species, representing the buttercup family, adore swampy areas, occupying territories near water bodies, sometimes growing right in the water. For such a property, the ancient scientist Pliny awarded buttercups with the name: ranunculus, which in Latin means “frog”.

In nature, this perennial herbaceous representative of the flora is found on almost all continents, but Asia Minor is its homeland. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, a wild plant was bred buttercup garden, whose varieties differ from wild-growing predecessors in an impressive variety of shades and a larger size of inflorescences.

From Turkey, this plant was brought to England during the Renaissance, where it incredibly quickly won the sympathy of all lovers, awakening quivering romantic feelings in the hearts of people.

There was even a legend that Jesus himself created such a miracle of nature from small stars, giving buttercups to his mother as a sign of love and reverence. Stems, leaves and stocky rhizomes garden ranunculus or ranunculus reminiscent of a dahlia.

When flower buds are just starting to open, they look like. After that, they look like terry poppies, which gives gardens and flower beds a beautiful original look. The culture has a straight strong branched stem, dissected leaves and a tuberous root, similar to crow's feet.

In appearance (as seen in photo of a garden ranunculus) is a shrub, with an average height of about 65 cm. Its double, densely double and semi-double flowers reach a diameter of 5 to 10 cm in size.

Possessing a variety of shades and even a combination of colors, they are not only blue and blue, since such varieties have not yet been bred by gardeners. A very pretty appearance of this flora, the flowering period of which lasts from May to August, was the reason for its spread in the modern world.

Culture is grown in flower beds, household plots and in gardens. Florists breed perennial garden ranunculus on balconies in the city and in country houses on the terraces, they decorate the rooms of living quarters, growing them in flower pots.

Also attractive is the ability of the cut plant to maintain freshness for a long time. However, it should be noted that it is not entirely harmless, and the juice of the plant is poisonous. So it is better not to start such a flora in the house where the children are.

Planting and propagation of garden buttercup

Plant reproduction takes place seed way and rhizomes. As for seeds garden ranunculus, buy for breeding them better in the store, because on your own it is quite difficult to obtain seed material, and it often turns out to be of little viability.

Sow seeds in anticipation spring days into a container, which is covered with glass from above and the container is regularly ventilated, maintaining a temperature inside it of about 12 ° C. And when shoots appear, the container is transferred to a brighter place, where the seedlings will be more comfortable and warm.

Plants are also used to propagate garden ranunculus tubers. Buy them easy enough. They, like seeds, are sold in stores or online. Since this flora is thermophilic and does not tolerate even short-term frosts, for the winter the tuberous roots are dug up and stored, wrapped in cloth or placed in pots filled with dry peat.

To do this, use a room with good ventilation, where the temperature is at least 17 ° C. Stocks of tubers are made in September, as soon as it is completely dry underground part plants. After digging up the roots, they are cleaned of soil residues and dried.

It’s not a bad idea to distribute the blanks into perforated paper bags so that they lie in this form until spring. The tubers are very fragile, so all the rules must be followed exactly. Growing buttercups garden has some subtleties.

Before spring planting, the tubers are soaked so that they are saturated with moisture for 12 hours. For the lock, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate or various growth stimulants. When the tuberous roots become soggy and look like spiders, this is a signal that they are ready to eat.

Planting garden buttercups outdoors is carried out in mid-May, as soon as the warm weather is fully established and the danger of frost has passed. The site chosen for a heat-loving plant must have sufficient lighting.

But too much sun is still not needed, otherwise the flowering of the flora will not be long and plentiful. It is best that the place is covered with a light shadow. Ideally, if some kind of shrub or not too sprawling tree grows nearby, it can protect buttercups from heat and winds.

The soil culture needs nutritious, loose and light, with neutral acidity. If necessary, the land on the site should be fertilized with humus. Not too frequent holes 5 cm deep are prepared for planting. And the first shoots, which, if there is a danger of frost, are covered with hay or straw, can be expected in two weeks.

It should be warned that flower ranunculus garden- rather aggressive culture. Growing with roots, it seeks to capture the entire underground space, displacing others in the area. Buttercups look good with blue anemone. But with bright flowers, low bushes of this plant should not be planted, as they are lost against a catchy background.

To cultivate a crop, gardeners also use seedlings, which it is right to start growing in early April. Since this flora does not like transplants, it is better to immediately place the seedlings in peat tablets or pots.

flower care garden ranunculus

Right caring for garden buttercups can provide even inexperienced gardeners. Buttercups are resistant to various kinds of diseases and are not afraid of pests, you should only water according to all the rules.

In this matter, the culture is very sensitive, so you need to regularly monitor that the soil in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits growth is sufficiently moistened. But at the same time, it is also not worth allowing special dampness.

If overdone with watering, root rot or powdery mildew can be the result of such negligence. When the year happens to be too rainy, cabbage butterflies and nematodes can breed in the flora. Bioinsecticides are used to control pests.

So that the roots do not hurt, drainage is necessary when planting each of the holes. With the end of the flowering pore, the amount of moisture is reduced. And after the leaves turn yellow, watering is not required at all. Fertilizers containing nitrogen, the plant is fed twice a month.

Potassium-phosphorus top dressing is applied when the buds are formed. In addition, when leaving, you should loosen the ground in a timely manner, remove weeds and fading inflorescences from it.

Given the aggressiveness of buttercups, it should also not be allowed to overgrow the culture beyond the territory allotted to it, preventing the displacement of useful ones that grow in the neighborhood.

The roots of culture do not grow too much, which makes it possible planting buttercup garden in a pot, and caring for such a pet capable of living in room conditions year-round, not difficult at all. If only the flora had enough sunlight and nutrients.

Types of garden buttercup

There are a huge variety of buttercups, there are several hundred of them all over the world. The wild-growing species of flora with non-double in appearance is quite modest.

Of these varieties, the most interesting are: sulfur-yellow, Altai, Alpine, Illyrian buttercups. In Russia, where such a culture is not yet so popular, only species that do not differ in the size of flowers and a variety of shades are mostly common.

Most often, varieties are bred with yellow, in some cases, golden inflorescences. This plant is not widely known, and many gardeners confuse ranunculus with other flowers, calling them peonies or bathing suit.

In the world, thanks to purposeful selection, bred garden varieties of the most original, impressive and imposing appearance, distinguished by terry and densely double inflorescences of very interesting, even slightly fantastic forms. Persian and Asiatic buttercups appearance look like colorful.

They are very thermophilic and adore sunlight. However, in countries with a not at all hot climate, they also learned to grow them.


The African variety is famous original look, bent inward, petals, which is extremely similar to peonies.

Other varieties include among others: multi-flowered, creeping and burning buttercups. Golden-yellow semi-umbrella inflorescences are distinguished by caustic ranunculus, commonly called "night blindness".

In Russia, it grows in glades and meadows from the northernmost regions to the south, and is found in the European part to Siberia. This flora is also widespread in Belarus and Ukraine.

The medicinal properties of the plant are actively used. However, at the same time, this species is extremely poisonous. When applied topically, it can cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the larynx, nose and eyes.

In this case, the following symptoms appear: cough, pain in the eyes and tearing. Various plant hybrids are used to frame borders and decorate flower beds. Such flowers are in demand at festive events, they are useful in the work of photographers to create colorful compositions and backgrounds.

Thanks to the riot of colors, you can create a beautiful bouquet of garden buttercups from combinations of different varieties. White and pink, reputedly, represent purity and tenderness, which is why they are often used to create brides' bouquets.

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