Proper care of hyacinths at home. Hyacinth at home

Engineering systems 13.06.2019
Engineering systems

Hyacinth is bulbous plant, which can be successfully grown both in the garden and at home. Therefore, many amateur gardeners want to grow this flower on their windowsill so that they can admire it even in winter, during the cold season. Such a desire is quite feasible. However, for successful cultivation of hyacinth, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions that are as close to garden conditions as possible, and to provide it with proper care.

Preparing to grow hyacinth at home

To date, breeders have developed several dozen varieties of hyacinth. And most of them are suitable for growing at home. But in order to grow strong and beautiful flower you need to prepare properly:

  1. Bulb selection. First you need to select suitable material for landing. It is recommended to use bulbs with a diameter of at least 5 cm. Because it is easier to grow from a large bulb full plant. A small bulb may throw out leaves, but not produce flowers. In addition, you need to make sure that it is dense, without rot or damage. And immediately before planting, it is advisable to treat it with a disinfectant solution.
  2. Choosing a pot. Then you need to select the appropriate pot. It should be wide and shallow. The pot must have drainage holes.
  3. Soil preparation. You can buy soil or prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to mix turf, compost, leaf soil, humus and add a small amount of sand and peat.

When growing hyacinth at home, there is one caveat - this flower cannot bloom for several years in a row. Flowering is stimulated by artificial forcing, which weakens the bulbs. Therefore, after 1–2 years they need to be planted in the garden so that they go through a recovery period.

Planting and caring for hyacinths indoors

After preparation necessary materials, you can start planting bulbs. Correct fit and care for hyacinths room conditions include the following steps:

  • A drainage layer is laid on the bottom of the pot; expanded clay is well suited for these purposes.
  • Cover with a small layer of soil.
  • Then a thin layer of fine sand is placed.
  • Bulbs are placed on top of the sand. You can plant one bulb in a pot, or several, so that during flowering a whole bouquet is formed. In the latter case, the bulbs are laid out so that they do not come into contact with each other or with the pot (the optimal distance is 2–3 cm).
  • The bulbs are carefully pressed into the ground and covered with the remaining soil. The top of the soil can be sprinkled with a thin layer of sand to protect the planting material from rotting.

The bulbs are not completely immersed in the soil; their tops must remain in the air.

Now the plants are given a period of rest so that the bulbs take root well. The pot is placed for 1.5–2.5 months in a dark and cool place, such as a basement. The air temperature in this room should be from +5 to +10 degrees. If there is no basement or cellar, flowers can be placed in the refrigerator. However, be sure to ensure that the temperature in it is at least 5 degrees Celsius. During this period, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil to prevent it from drying out.

A dormant period is necessary for the successful cultivation of hyacinths indoors. If the plant is brought out into the light earlier, it may still be weak, develop poorly and, as a result, not bloom. It is also not recommended to keep it in the dark. The plant will throw out its leaves, all its strength will go into them, and as a result the formation of buds will be delayed.

After the bulbs have rooted, an artificial spring is arranged for the hyacinths; for this, the flowers are moved into the house. Here hyacinths should be kept in a bright room, with a recommended air temperature of +10–15 degrees.

As soon as the plant begins to bloom, it is transferred to the desired room and placed away from radiators. In order for hyacinth to delight its owners with lush, luxurious flowers for a long time, the air temperature should not be higher than +20 degrees. In addition, it is necessary to exclude the existence of drafts and provide the plant with good lighting.

How to care for hyacinth at home?

To grow lush, beautiful flowers, you need to take care of them. How to care for hyacinth at home so that it blooms as quickly as possible and pleases its owners with beautiful flowers for a long time?

Caring for hyacinth is relatively simple and includes three mandatory components:

  • watering;
  • good lighting;
  • fertilizer.

Watering. The basis for caring for hyacinth indoors is proper watering. The soil must be moist, so you must carefully ensure that it does not dry out and water the plant in a timely manner. This requirement is important during growth, flowering and wintering. However, stagnation of water is also destructive for this plant and can provoke fungal infection. Therefore, you need to make sure that excess water goes into the pan, and be sure to drain it from there.

During watering, you only need to moisten the soil and make sure that water does not get on the buds, bulbs or in the axils of the leaves. To do this, it is recommended to pour water into the edge of the pot or tray.

Good lighting. From time to time it is necessary to turn the flower towards the light different sides. This promotes uniform plant growth. In the evening and on cloudy days, you can additionally illuminate the plant using fluorescent lamps. If there is insufficient lighting, the plant may wither, shed leaves and young buds.

Forcing hyacinths at home

A pleasant feature of hyacinth is the ability to combine its flowering with a certain period or holiday. For this purpose, hyacinths are forced out at home. It comes in three types:

  • early - the bulbs are planted in October, and the hyacinth blooms by the New Year;
  • medium - planting is carried out in November, and flowering occurs at the end of January - beginning of February;
  • late - the bulbs are planted in December - January and the flowers are admired in March - April.

The period from planting to flowering averages 2.5–3 months.

For successful forcing of hyacinths at home, the bulbs must go through several stages of preparation with a gradual decrease in air temperature. After digging, they should be stored in a warm and warm place for 2 weeks. damp place with an air temperature of +28–30 degrees. Then for 2 weeks they are placed in a cool room with a temperature of +22–25 degrees. Further, for 2 weeks even colder conditions are created - +15–17 degrees. And after this, the bulbs are ready to be planted in a pot.

What to do after hyacinth blooms?

Like all flowering plants, hyacinth fades over time. What to do with hyacinth after flowering at home? To save its life, it is necessary to cut off the flower stalks and not stop watering and fertilizing the plant until the leaves completely wither. At this time, the mother bulb is restored and can form daughter bulbs.

Then you need to remove the hyacinth from the ground, clean off the withered leaves and put the bulb to dry for 2-3 days. If after digging up the bulb the children are already well developed, you can separate them. If they are difficult to disconnect, it is better not to touch them until next year. Since it is advisable not to use faded bulbs for re-forcing, they are transplanted to garden plot. Planting is carried out in the fall, and next year they will already delight the owners with flowers in the flowerbed.

To obtain bulbs that can be used for indoor growing, the plant is not allowed to bloom normally. The buds are cut off so that the bulb can recover. In the fall, it is taken out of the ground, dried and the forcing procedure is carried out again.

Propagation of hyacinths at home

Hyacinth reproduces by children (daughter bulbs), which are carefully detached from the adult bulb. Natural division occurs slowly; in one year, the mother bulb can form a maximum of 4 children. Therefore, in floriculture, an artificial method of propagating hyacinths at home is used. To quickly get a large number of children, they practice special moves– cutting and notching the bottom.

Before artificial propagation begins, the bulbs are treated with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and dried at an air temperature of +20–23 degrees for 2–3 days.

Cutting the bottom. This technique is carried out after a period of rest. Using a teaspoon, carefully cut out the bottom of the bulbs, then store them in boxes with the cut side up at an air temperature of at least +21 degrees. After 2–3 months, small babies in the amount of 20–40 pieces begin to form on the sections.

After the babies appear, the bulb is planted in a cool greenhouse. Young bulbs begin to grow and throw out their first leaves. After the growing season, they are taken out of the ground, separated and planted for growing. After 3-4 years, the ripened bulbs throw out their first flower stalks.

Cutting the bottom. This method is similar to the previous one, with the difference that the bottom is not cut out, but 2–4 cuts 0.5–0.6 cm deep are made in it. Processing and storage conditions are the same as in the first method. The number of children with this method decreases (8–15 pieces), but they will be larger and stronger. The growing period in this case is reduced to 2–3 years.

The process of growing hyacinths at home is not at all difficult, but very fruitful. To successfully complete it you need to have a great desire and a little patience. And, of course, follow all the rules and recommendations that relate to planting and caring for hyacinths indoors.

You can achieve flowering of this wonderful plant almost at any time. It is possible to time the blossoming of buds to coincide with a specific holiday by giving yourself a gift, for example, for the New Year.

The festive room will be decorated not only with a traditional Christmas tree, but also with a majestic living bouquet.

It is necessary to talk about how to force hyacinths at home, whether it is a perennial or an annual flower.

Hyacinth is a member of the Asparagus genus and is a perennial bulbous flower. There are 3 types of it:

  1. Hyacinth Litvinova. With wide spreading leaves and a short peduncle. Flowers with pointed petals, the predominant tone is bluish-blue. Can be perennial or annual. In the wild (in the eastern regions of Iran and Turkmenistan) it grows for many years, and in culture it is most often used as an annual.
  2. Hyacinth transcaspian. A small plant with narrow long leaves. There are usually more than two peduncles; the flowers themselves are blue and quite small. In the wild, hyacinths bloom in spring in the mountainous regions of Turkmenistan.
  3. The most common is, of course, oriental hyacinth. It is this that is defined as the standard type of crop, and on its basis new varieties and various hybrids are developed, of which there are already more than 300. It has a wide variety of colors.

It is possible to carry out a very conditional division of oriental hyacinth varieties according to color:

  • blue (Maria, Delftblue, Royal Navy);
  • white (Ailos, Edelweiss, Argentina Arendsen, Carnegie);
  • pink (Fondant, Jan Bos, Pink Pearl);
  • red (Woodstock);
  • yellow (Orange Boven, Apricot Passion, City of Haarlem);
  • purple (Amethyst, Bismarck, Menelik).

Hyacinth Mix is ​​a hybrid with double flowers, which can have very different colors. This is a flower mixture.

Growing hyacinths at home is different from growing hyacinths in the countryside or in the garden. We must try to recreate conditions as close to natural as possible.

It is not at all easy, but not extremely difficult to grow this plant. Any amateur can cope with this task.

How are hyacinths planted and cared for indoors?

The requirements for caring for hyacinth in a pot are as follows:

  1. The soil. A special mixture is used (turf, sand, humus, leaf soil and peat - in equal proportions). The soil in the pot must be calcined (heat-treated) before being used.
  2. Lighting and location. This plant loves light very much. He needs it at least 15 - 16 hours a day. Therefore, it is better to place pots in which hyacinths are planted on the windowsills of southern or south-eastern windows. If this is not possible, then additional artificial lighting will have to be provided. On hot sunny days, plants must be shaded or removed from window sills to avoid sunburn. Hyacinth on the windowsill needs to be rotated occasionally so that the flower is symmetrical.
  3. Temperature. Hyacinths are quite demanding on the air temperature in the room (+20...+22°C). They cannot tolerate drafts, sudden temperature changes and the proximity of heating devices. Can be imitated natural conditions, taking the pots to the balcony or loggia in warm weather.
  4. Watering and spraying. Watering is required extremely carefully and carefully. Avoid complete drying out of the soil. Do not allow moisture to get on the plant itself: it may rot. Watering is carried out by immersion in settled, not cold and soft water. There is no need to spray hyacinths in pots. During the flowering process, it is strictly forbidden to moisturize.
  5. Top dressing hyacinths are carried out quite often. For this purpose, you can use any universal complex fertilizer intended for all indoor plants.

Bulbous flowers in pots produce abundant budding solely as a result of forcing.

And this the whole complex actions aimed at stimulating the plant.

Conditions are created for planting and caring for hyacinths indoors, the observance of which encourages the plant to actively grow and bloom generously.

Bulbs - selection and preparation

Extremely important for quality flowering indoor plant hyacinth is considered a choice good stuff for landing.

The bulbs should be strong, dense and healthy. They must not be damaged (dents, scratches).

The weight should not raise suspicions about the presence of a void inside, that is, the bulb should not weigh too little.

In terms of size, tubers with a diameter of about 5 cm are considered the most suitable. After purchase and immediately before planting, they must be treated with disinfectant compounds.

To plant a hyacinth flower in a pot, you need to take only those bulbs that have already undergone a dormant period.

Anyone who bought planting material in a store reasonably assumes that purchased bulbs have already passed this stage. A repeat procedure is not required.

If you use your own planting material, then you need to take care of this in advance.

Hyacinth after flowering (in June) is dug up at the moment when the peduncle dries out and the leaves turn yellow. The bulbs are then carefully inspected and selected.

Storing tubers at home during rest (rest) is as follows:

  • the first two weeks after digging, garden bulbs should be kept in a humid and warm room (about 30°C);
  • in the next couple of weeks we lower the temperature to 25°C;
  • Before you need to plant hyacinth at home, the temperature background should be below 17°C.

Bulbs - planting and subsequent forcing

First of all, you need to decide on the date by which you want to get the blooming hyacinth.

The forcing period varies depending on the selected varieties. It ranges from 13 to 20 weeks.

Flowering after early forcing occurs towards the end of December, after the middle one - in January or February, and after the late one - in the last ten days of March or April.

The planting process, as well as caring for hyacinths at home, is carried out in several stages:

  1. A pot is selected. It is recommended to use fairly wide, but not very tall products. They must have drainage holes.
  2. Drainage (expanded clay) is poured into the pot.
  3. Then a small layer of special soil is placed on top.
  4. Now - a thin layer of sand.
  5. Bulbs are planted on the sand. You can place one or even several pieces in 1 pot (at a distance of at least 2 cm from each other).
  6. The bulbs are slightly pressed (not screwed in) and covered with earth. Planting is done shallowly; approximately a third of the tuber should remain outside.
  7. Sprinkle sand on top to prevent rotting. planting material.
  8. For 1.5-2 months the pots are left to rest in a cool and dark place. This could be the basement or even the refrigerator. The main thing is that the air temperature is stable within +6...+10°C. Care consists of regularly moistening the soil. The substrate should not be allowed to dry out. Hyacinth at home is placed in an artificial autumn.
  9. After this period, the flowers need to create an unnatural spring. They move to a well-lit room, where the temperature is maintained within +10...+15°C.
  10. The moment the buds appear, the plant is immediately transferred to the required location.

To preserve hyacinth flowers for a long time in an apartment, a constant temperature not exceeding 20°C is required. It is recommended to avoid proximity to heating appliances.

You cannot stop caring for hyacinth after flowering, otherwise the plant may die. When the leaves turn yellow and the flower stalks wilt, you should not stop watering and fertilizing. It is necessary to give the bulb time to recover.

After the leaves have completely dried, it is removed from the ground, cleaned and laid out to dry for a couple of days.

If the hyacinth has well-developed children, they are separated. But if small onions hold tightly, it is better not to touch them.

There is no need to replant them right away. How to store bulbs at home?

We leave it in a dark and fairly cool place until late autumn, then plant it in open ground. The bulb will take root well before frost.

Hyacinths that have already survived one forcing do not bloom again. They don't have enough strength for this.

So they should rest in the garden and will probably bloom next spring. There is no need to plant them in a pot.

How does hyacinth propagate?

Propagation of hyacinths at home can be done in several different ways:

  • onion children;
  • seeds;
  • separate onion scales.

Reproduction of hyacinths by children is rightfully considered the most in a simple way for flower growers.

Daughter bulbs usually grow in a natural way completely independently.

You just need to carefully separate them from the mother bulb. The only drawback is the small number of children (from 1 to 9).

To increase the number of planting materials, decorative propagation methods are used: cutting (notching) and cutting (removing) the bottom.

To carry out this procedure, select the healthiest, largest and most rested bulb. Then it must be disinfected and dried.

In the cutting method, the bottom is carefully removed so that a notch remains. Then the bulbs are placed in boxes with the cutouts facing up and stored in a room with a temperature of no more than 20°C.

After two to three months, the children will grow quite large along the edge of the cutout. large quantities(20 - 40 pcs.).

The bulb with the children is transplanted into the soil for growing. When the growing season ends, you can dig up the entire tuber and divide the children.

The transplanted bulbs will have to grow for another 3-4 years before flowering.

With the method of cutting the bottom, several notches are made (2 - 6), from which daughter bulbs are then formed. There will be fewer of them, but they will be larger.

Transplanting hyacinths is carried out similarly to the previous method. Children raised using this method quickly reach the flowering phase (2-3 years).

The plant also reproduces using scales. They are simply separated from the mother bulb and transplanted into the substrate.

When hyacinths are cared for correctly, soon enough they will turn into full-fledged bulbs.

The most in a complicated way Growing hyacinths from seeds is considered. Used almost exclusively by specialists.

It is also the longest. To form from a seed flowering bulb, it will take up to 6 years. Although caring for growing bulbs is not so difficult.

Hyacinth is a rather capricious plant when grown in an apartment. This is usually due to unskilled care. Here are the possible problems:

  • flowers rot (watering is excessive or incorrect);
  • buds fall off (water got on them during watering);
  • leaves wither (insufficient lighting);
  • leaves turn yellow (drafts occur);
  • no flowering (not matured) temperature regime).

In spring, exquisite hyacinth buds bloom in the gardens. Many people are familiar with muscari, and this is also a type of hyacinth, only miniature. Some varieties of hyacinths can be grown at home or grown as a houseplant. To get a beautiful inflorescence at the right time, you need to know the rules for growing and forcing this plant.

Main types of hyacinths

Hyacinth is different in that all its species are similar in appearance. Varieties are distinguished by the size of the inflorescences, the shape of the flowers, their color, and the length of the peduncle. Another sign is the flowering of hyacinth - there are varieties of early, medium and late flowering. Each of them blooms 1.5-2 weeks later. When growing hyacinth at home, you need to take this feature of the flower into account.

Initially, all hyacinths were classified into 30 species. However, subsequently work was carried out to reorganize the classifications, as a result of which hyacinths were divided into three main types:

  • Oriental;
  • Transcaspian;
  • Litvinova.

Of all the existing hyacinths, the most widespread Oriental view. This flower has a pleasant aroma, and it became the basis for breeding work on breeding varieties with decorative properties plants. Eastern hyacinth is distinguished by a thin peduncle and a sparse arrangement of flowers. Growing oriental hyacinth is replete with shades of pink, the yellowish-white and blue inflorescences are beautiful.

At the hyacinth Trans-Caspian a rosette of leaves of the same height, the plates are hollow and fleshy. One bulb develops 1-2 stems with light blue flowers.

Litvinova It has a high peduncle (up to 25 cm), the flowers have a strong cut, the color is pale blue, the stamens emerge from the flower. The leaves of this type of hyacinth have a bluish coating and have a strong deviation.

There are several varieties of eastern hyacinth with different colors:

  • Reds flowers: these are the varieties of hyacinths Jan Bos, General Pelissier, La Victoire variety;
  • White flowers: Carnegie, L'Innosance, and pure white Edelweiss;
  • Pink flowers: Lady Derby, Anna Marie, Pink Purple, Fondant;
  • Blue flowers: variety Maria, English selection - King of the Blues, Delft Blue.

Caring for indoor hyacinth

How to grow hyacinths at home?

Basically, these flowers decorate the garden, so when growing hyacinth at home, you should bring them as close to garden flowers as possible. In order for hyacinth to bloom at home, you will need bulbs suitable for forcing. They undergo a special series of activities, and by the time they disembark they have already passed the summer rest period. Select bulbs that are apparently healthy, with a dense structure, without any damage or signs of disease. You can get good flower stalks from bulbs with a diameter of 5 cm.

Hyacinth as a houseplant - is it possible?

Unfortunately, hyacinths do not grow continuously as a potted crop and are not capable of producing wonderful flowers every year. Caring for hyacinth at home requires certain knowledge.

Hyacinth: care at home. Photo

Basically, certain plant varieties are taken for forcing bulbs. What is forcing? A certain set of measures that are aimed at accelerating the growth of a flower and obtaining shoots at the right time. There is no forcing in nature; rather, it is a person’s whim to delight himself with flowering when the plant is resting in its natural growing environment.

Hyacinth as a houseplant has a short life, but proper care will preserve the bulb and in a few years it will delight you with its flowering. Forcing exhausts the bulb as much as possible, and it is simply not capable of repeated forcing (forming buds) in the pot.

Advice: when indoor hyacinth fades, it needs to be transplanted into a garden or flower garden, where in 1-2 years the plant will regain its strength and be suitable for forcing flower stalks.

Hyacinth: planting and care

To get spectacular hyacinth flowering, it is recommended to plant three onions. When choosing a container for planting, you need to focus on the size of the hyacinth bulbs - they should be located tightly in the pot with a maximum distance of 2-2.5 cm from each other.

Growing hyacinth is associated with compliance certain rules, including the time of planting the bulb. To prevent the hyacinth roots from rotting, the bottom of the pot should be covered with a layer drainage material (expanded clay, small crushed stone, large river pebbles, etc.). You can pour a layer of sand no more than 3 cm thick. Hyacinth is grown on a substrate, which can be in two versions: sand is mixed with peat or sand with compost. When planting, the bulb is positioned so that its third part is above the soil. To protect the bulb from rotting, upper layer soils are made of sand (maximum thickness 1 cm).

Flower Hyacinth photo

To obtain strong flower stalks, the planted hyacinth is watered with dissolved calcium nitrate(0.2%). Pots with planted hyacinths are sent to a dark room where the temperature does not rise above +5-9°C. As additional cover from sunlight use a black bag or film. Hyacinth bulbs spend approximately 1.5-2 months in this state. If hyacinths are grown at home, you will need to create conditions as close as possible to natural ones.

After 2-2.5 months, the flowers are transferred to a room in which the conditions “ artificial spring" In this case, it is necessary to follow the basic rules for forcing hyacinths. Caring for such plants is not difficult.

How are hyacinths watered?

Moisture is important for hyacinths, however, stagnation of water must be avoided, otherwise the bulbs used for forcing will begin to rot. To avoid the accumulation of excess moisture, the bottom of the pot is covered with a layer of drainage material. If water has accumulated in the pan after watering, it must be drained. When hyacinth blooms, you need to water it extremely carefully, making sure that drops of water do not fall on the bulb, buds, or in the axillary space of the leaves. The best way - watering into a tray. In this case, you can regulate the amount of moisture.

Stage cooling bulbs requires careful monitoring of the moisture content of the substrate. Do not allow the soil in the pot to dry out. You can use special garden humidity level sensors, thanks to which you can easily determine the plant’s need for watering.

When the humidity level in the room is 90-95%, 2 waterings are carried out if hyacinths are forced late, and 1 watering is carried out for medium. The plant is not watered at all if it is in early forcing conditions.

Is it possible to force hyacinths in water?

Hyacinth as a houseplant is also kicked out in an interesting way without using a standard substrate. Experienced flower growers get beautiful inflorescences by forcing them into containers with water. The container for forcing is taken with high sides and wide. In this case, the water is 1-2 cm below the level of the bottom of the bulb.

When growing hyacinths at home using this method, you need to properly maintain the bulbs, as is done when keeping them in the garden. The bulbs, placed in a container with water, are protected from sunlight with any dark material (black paper, bag, etc.). After this, the hyacinths are transferred to a room where it is always cool. Naturally, the water will evaporate, so it needs to be added periodically.

Tip: from time to time, instead of water, use a solution of complex fertilizer. For example, you can independently prepare fertilizer for hyacinths during forcing by mixing 300 mg of potassium nitrate, 500 mg of potassium phosphate and 200 mg of magnesium sulfate in a liter of water. You can feed hyacinths with this solution once every two weeks.

At the end of the cooling period of hyacinths, they are transferred to rooms with a higher temperature, continuing to keep the sprouts under a dark shelter. They are covered with a cap made of opaque material and left until the hyacinth sprouts grow to a height of 10 cm.

Hyacinth, driven out in water, is in no way inferior in beauty to a flower in a pot. In both cases, hyacinths will require care after flowering.

Why does the hyacinth bulb lose leaves and peduncle?

Every gardener can independently care for hyacinth at home. However, some situations can be confusing. For example, hyacinth has grown a green mass of leaves, but the flower stalk has not yet appeared. Out of curiosity, you begin to carefully move the leaves away, and... they, like the peduncle, remain in your hands! Instead, there was only a hole left on the bulb! And in this case, the hyacinth will definitely not bloom.

Reasons for the loss of peduncles and leaves in hyacinths:

  • The onion began to rot;
  • During the period of cold storage of the bulbs, the temperature regime was disrupted;
  • The earthen lump was overdried during cooling.

How to store hyacinth bulbs?

The beautiful hyacinth inflorescences have faded, but the plant needs further care after flowering. This is the most crucial moment in the development of the bulb, since during this period the future inflorescence is formed. The bulbs are dried, after which the remaining scales and roots are carefully cleaned off. All available planting material is divided into pieces and stored in boxes, placed in one layer. If a small baby has formed on the bulb, it is not separated. If the quantity of hyacinths is small, you can store them in paper bags.

The storage process is divided into two stages: for the first 2 months, hyacinths are kept at a temperature of 25-26°C, during the third month they are transferred to a room with a temperature of 17°C and sufficiently humidified air so that the bulbs do not dry out. If necessary, the first stage of storage is shortened by a week, keeping the bulbs for 7 days at a temperature of 30°C. Required condition- good ventilation in the room.

If hyacinths are planted in the fall, they are placed for a week in conditions similar to those in the garden. When planting hyacinths, you need to be careful, since small children form in large quantities during storage.

Hyacinth at home. Video

Hyacinth, one of the most fragrant and pleasing flowers to the eye. By itself it's street flower and therefore, at home it is possible to do forcing (in nature this concept does not exist, these are conditions artificially created by man). At this moment, when this operation and the flowering itself will be carried out, it will be possible to call it an indoor period.

For flower lovers to make the indoor period last longer, they need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. The very first and most important rule is strong and healthy bulbs. When selecting bulbs, you should pay attention to their diameter. They should feel firm and large to the touch.
  2. Before forcing, the bulbs must go through a dormant period of three or more months.
  3. The bulb cannot be completely placed in a pot and covered with soil.
  4. Drainage is required at the bottom of the flower pot.
  5. Watering should be done strictly from the pan.

And now about these rules in more detail.

Dormancy period and bulb selection

After the bulbs have been dug out of the ground, well dried and kept in a cool place all the time, they can be taken out for new year holidays In addition to poinsettia, hyacinth was fragrant in the house and pleased with its beauty.

The bulbs must be thoroughly checked before planting. They should be elastic and show no signs of disease. Their diameter can be 5 or more centimeters. If the bulb is smaller, this means that the plant is still young and not ready for forcing. Most likely, such a bulb will probably not produce a flower, or if it does, it will not be beautiful.

Beginning flower growers should remember that each variety has its own forcing period. Varieties for early forcing give their color in December, medium forcing – January, February. When forced late, it blooms from March to April.

Preparation and planting

Growing hyacinths is a fascinating and labor-intensive activity. This requires patience and desire. First of all, you need to know that forcing is not a natural phenomenon, but artificially created by man. During this procedure, the bulb is greatly depleted and is not suitable for such artificial cultivation next year. After forcing, the bulb is always transplanted into open ground and left there for two to three years. Thus, the hyacinth gains strength.

What is needed for planting:

  1. Special small pot
  2. Garden trowel
  3. Drainage
  4. Sand
  5. Earth mixture

At the bottom of the pot in which you plan to plant hyacinths, place a small layer of expanded clay or sand, if desired. Then an earthen mixture of peat and sand is poured. Using a garden spatula, a hole is made into which the bulb is inserted and sprinkled with earthen mixture on top. After the bulb is placed, it is buried in drops, but not completely, otherwise during forcing it may rot or get sick. Sometimes the ground is sprinkled with a layer of sand about 2 centimeters on top. After planting in the ground, the forcing process begins.


Caring for hyacinth is simple. But to obtain a fragrant peduncle, you must follow the rules of growing at home.

After planting, hyacinths must be placed in a cool room and the temperature regime must be observed (5 - 9 degrees Celsius). If you have a cellar or basement flowers can be placed there. For those who have space in the refrigerator, hyacinth can be placed there, but only in the vegetable storage compartment. For hyacinths, you need to create conditions as similar as possible to those in the garden in the fall. For a complete autumn picture, it is best to cover the plants with a black bag. Hyacinth care during this period is minimal.

Within 6 - 9 weeks it is necessary to check the soil; it should be moist. In such conditions, the plant will begin to actively grow. As soon as the first shoots appear on the flower, and they are approximately 5 centimeters, the flower should be moved to a cooler place. Among flower growers, this time is called artificial spring. Hyacinths are placed in a room where the temperature is 10 - 13 degrees Celsius and it is dark. Immediately bring hyacinth into warm room it will be stressful for it, and it may die or the flower stalks will be of poor quality. The flower must be in this room until the buds appear. As soon as the first buds appear, proper care requires that the hyacinth should be brought into a room where there are no drafts, in which the temperature will not rise above 20 degrees.

Proper care of hyacinth

Growing and caring for hyacinths at home is simple but painstaking, but the result exceeds all expectations.

After the start of flowering, hyacinth will smell fragrant at home for about two weeks. Then, unfortunately, the flowers will begin to fade.

While the flowers are blooming, you need to add liquid fertilizer to your watering once every three days. flowering plants. Flowers love care and constant watering. Water must be added to the pan, so the bulb will receive moisture and will not rot. Due to the fact that at home it is often not possible to maintain the required humidity, therefore hyacinths should be watered every day.

After the hyacinths have faded, watering should be reduced to a minimum and then stopped. Then, when all the leaves dry out, cut them off and transplant the bulb onto personal plot for two to three years, and then dig it up again in the spring and give it a period of rest for growing and caring for at home.

Caring for fragrant plants can be extended if you select varieties in such a way that they will delight you with their flowering in turn. Then you can create a miniature garden at home.

Hyacinth - divine and bright flower Mediterranean, has become the favorite and real pride of many flower growers, and just people - connoisseurs of beauty and everything beautiful.

Hyacinth growing from a garden bulb perennial flower, totals great amount of various varieties, differs from many of its relatives in the variety of colors and, due to its unpretentiousness in care, is easily grown on the window sills of residential buildings and apartments.

Hyacinth has a kind of “cap” in the form of small flowers sitting close to each other, unfading throughout the month and bringing joy to their household even in winter period.

In order for this flower to take root and bloom at home, you need to put in a little effort, patience and learn some of the features of its cultivation.

Hyacinth - features of growing at home

It is necessary to select plant bulbs - strong, without any flaws and healthy, at least 5 cm in diameter. Exactly from this seed it will work, and the plant will grow strong with a good peduncle.

Main feature in the process of growing hyacinth, is the preparation required soil for the growth and successful flowering of this plant. Moreover, the soil can be purchased either in specialized stores or prepared independently.

To prepare the soil with my own hands necessary - mix turf, compost humus, leaf soil, some sand and peat in equal proportions.

Also, to improve the growing conditions of the plant, you can purchase special peat pots.

At home, hyacinth can be grown not just one in a pot, but 2-3 plants at a time. Why do the bulbs need to be planted in a pot at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other?

Hyacinth: at home - reproduction

Hyacinths reproduce by bulbous and by seed method.

Seed method.

IN autumn period the seeds are planted in boxes specially prepared for seedlings, which are filled with leaf soil, humus and sand in proportions of 1/2/1. For the first time, seeds are grown in greenhouses without heating, and then in open ground. Young hyacinths begin to bloom at 5-6 years.

Bulbous method.

The most popular method of propagating hyacinths among gardeners is bulbous. The only disadvantage of this process is that reproduction, or rather, the formation of children, takes a very long time and is slow. An adult bulb produces an average of 1 to 9 children per year. If the newly emerged children are easily separated from the mother’s bulb, then they are raised separately from the adult specimen. Moreover, the conditions that are created for caring for young plants are no different from those provided for adult shoots.

If the children are poorly separated from the mother’s bulb, then they are left and raised together with an adult specimen.

Decorative propagation allows for short term get a decent amount of planting material. The onion should weigh 100 grams, healthy and strong.

There are two methods of decorative propagation:

Method of cutting the bottom.

Bottom cutting method.

Both methods injure the bulb to such an extent that it dies over time. Flower growers begin propagation by such methods at the end of the dormant period. The selected onion must be disinfected with a one percent manganese solution. And then dried for two days at a temperature of 20-25 degrees.

When cutting the bottom, it happens complete removal, and the rest of the onion remains untouched. In order not to injure the core of the onion, it is necessary to use it to cut out the bottom special device, such as, for example, a spoon that must have the required diameter, sharp edges, or use a knife, but with great care.

After removing the bottom, the bulb must be treated with a fungicide to prevent the possible spread of diseases. After processing, the onion is turned upside down, placed on a tray with sand and stored in this form at a temperature of 20 degrees.

After several months, small bulbs appear on the cuts, up to 40 pieces on one plant.

Next, the adult onion with the children in the same form is planted in a pot, sprinkled with soil so that the young onions are only slightly covered with soil. Then the bulbs are hardened and placed in a cold greenhouse.

When spring arrives, the first shoots appear from the baby bulbs, while the mother bulb gradually dies.

After the growing season, the bulbs are removed from the soil and they continue to be grown, but separately.

Notching the bottom, a process that is not as labor-intensive as the method described above, but produces fewer children in number. But in terms of quality - the bulbs turn out larger and begin to color after a couple of years.

The bottom is cut with a sharp knife to a depth of 0.5 cm. On large specimens, it is necessary to make two cuts at right angles to each other and a couple obliquely. On small bulbs you can be content with two cuts. Then the bulbs need to be removed in a warm and dry place for 24 hours, for better opening of the incisions.

After opening, the cuts must be disinfected, then planted and grown as described above.

Hyacinth: at home - soil, lighting and creating conditions for flowering

Soil and lighting necessary for proper cultivation hyacinth

At home, hyacinth needs to create conditions that will remind him of his natural environment a habitat. This is especially true for the soil in which this magnificent flower will grow and bloom.

The bottom of the pot must be covered with a drainage layer consisting, for example, of expanded clay. Place a small layer of soil on top of the drainage, and cover it with a thin layer of sand.

Then the bulbs need to be pressed into the soil and sprinkled with the remaining soil. And in order to prevent the bulbs from rotting, it is recommended to lightly sprinkle them with sand.

Important! The tops of the bulbs should protrude slightly from the ground and thus remain in the air. The soil needs to be loosened as often as possible, but very carefully to avoid damage to the bulbs.

Hyacinth is a light-loving flower, and therefore it needs daylight, which is enough in spring and summer period. But in winter and in the evening, this flower needs to be provided with additional lighting with artificial lamps.

During the day, hyacinth must be turned to the sun in different directions for its uniform growth and normal development.

If the plant does not receive sufficient lighting, it may wither and shed its leaves and buds.

Creating the necessary conditions for hyacinths to bloom

The flowering time of hyacinths depends on the particular type of plant. Therefore, if you know the flowering time of each species, you can get a bright carpet of flowers on all year round. But generally, the flowering months of this flower range from January to the end of May.

Hyacinth does not tolerate drafts, low temperatures or excessive heat, so it must be protected from such troubles.

In order for the hyacinth to bloom magnificently and beautifully, it must be watered regularly and the soil in the pot must not be allowed to dry out.

Also for better flowering Hyacinth needs to be fed and watered with certain fertilizer mixtures.

Hyacinth: at home - feeding and watering


An important component of caring for hyacinth at home is proper, competent watering. It is important to water the plant frequently and abundantly, especially during flowering. But it is also necessary to ensure that water does not accumulate or stagnate in flower pots, as this can lead to fungal diseases. Therefore, the excess water formed in the trays must be drained in a timely manner, thereby showing concern for your pet.

You need to water the flower so that water does not get on the buds, bulb or inside the leaves. In connection with this, it is more advisable to pour water into trays or into the edge of the pot.

Top dressing

Hyacinths need to be fed at least 2-3 times a month. To better stimulate flower stalks, it is recommended to water hyacinths with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers.

After each feeding, the flower must be watered so that the fertilizer passes through all layers of the soil.

After feeding and watering, it is important not to forget about loosening the soil; this must be done carefully to avoid damage to the vulnerable and fragile plant.

Hyacinth: at home - why it dies

Hyacinth may die from various reasons– diseases, various pests, this is typical for many plants, but often the main cause of its death is improper and careless care created at home.

What factors and causes can cause hyacinth to die:

Due to excessive soil moisture, hyacinth may begin to rot, both flowers and bulbs.

Hyacinth can infect such an unpleasant disease as yellow bacterial rot. This disease manifests itself in the form of black spots that affect the leaves of the flower, as well as thick mucus that infects the plant bulbs. All parts of the diseased plant, and possibly the entire flower, are destroyed. The pot is disinfected and the contaminated soil is thrown away.

Hyacinth can also be affected by pests, such as aphids, root mites, and stem nematodes. In the fight against these dangerous pests Various targeted chemicals are used. But it is recommended to use these effective compounds before flowering, in order to avoid damaging the aesthetic beauty of the flower.

Insufficient watering or poor lighting often leads to yellowing of the leaves, as well as wilting of the plant itself.

To prevent hyacinth bulbs from contracting any disease, it is best to store them in bags made of paper, and cover them with a damp cloth to maintain the necessary humidity.

Digging up bulbs carries great benefit plant in that this action makes it possible to inspect existing specimens and process them in order to avoid the manifestation of possible diseases in hyacinth.

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