Bulb transplant. Features of caring for indoor bulbous flowers

The buildings 16.06.2019
The buildings

Bulbous indoor flowers everyone has grown at least once in their life, these plants do not require special care, but during flowering, one can only marvel at the fabulous beauty of the luxurious amaryllis, the sophistication of the hemanthus, the elegance of the wallot and the touching charm of the zephyranthes. This article is all about caring for indoor bulbous flowers, agricultural practices, rules for keeping plants in winter period and other subtleties.

The most common type of bulbous is hippeastrum.

These flowers grow from bulbs - their underground shoots with a thickened short flat stem (bottom) and overgrown fleshy or membranous scales, which are devoid of chlorophyll, are painted in white or slightly creamy tones. Indoor bulbous plants usually have perennial bulbs, gaining strength every year. great strength. Mature, robust bulbs are able to bloom with charming flowers every year, producing more than one peduncle.

In nature, bulbous plants grow in a hot, dry climate (Mediterranean countries, West and South Africa, South America, Asia, Caucasus), where plants in short time have time to bloom and give seeds, usually this happens during the rainy seasons. At room conditions, bulbous care is built taking into account the natural algorithm for the growth and development of each species. A life bulbous plants conditionally divided into 2 periods (rest and growth). After leaving the dormant state, they quickly grow, willingly bloom with a variety of colorful flowers, decorating rooms, balconies, loggias and garden beds.

Varieties and types

A huge range of bulbous flowers allows you to choose varieties with a certain color for decorating rooms in a certain style. Most often on the room window sill it is possible to meet the following plants:

Amaryllis and hippeastrums

Hippeastrums and amaryllis grow well in a room.

Fans often confuse amaryllis and hippeastrums, not being able to distinguish between these species. At first glance, they really look alike: large bulbs, bright funnel-shaped flowers, belt-shaped green leaves, but this is only an apparent resemblance.

Hippeastrum has a large rounded or elongated bulb, which reaches a diameter of up to 11 cm.

Powerful peduncles bear 1-6 buds. Funnel-shaped flowers with a narrow tube and recurved petals appear on the plant in spring and winter, in a rare case, flowering occurs in summer period. The hippeastrum peduncle is hollow. In culture, up to 85 species of hippeastrum are known.

Amaryllis grows from pear-shaped bulbs, from 6 to 12 flowers are formed on the peduncle, which have a pleasant aroma. Flowering comes in autumn. The only species is beautiful amaryllis.

Both plants belong to the Amaryllis family and have similar cultivation practices.


Charming flowers among narrow leaves - this is what a wallot looks like.

Vallota - bright representative family Amaryllis, inhabits the subtropical regions of the Cape Province in southern Africa.

The plant has narrow belt-like leaves (up to 60 cm long, 1 cm wide). It is very easy to distinguish wallot from other bulbous home flowers - the leaf petioles at the base of the bulb are painted in burgundy tones.

Bright red (rarely white, pink) flowers are formed on a low peduncle, where you can count several buds located in a loose brush.

After flowering, flower stalks should not be removed, it is necessary to wait for them to wither, after which you can carefully unscrew them from the bulb. Vallota annually increases the mass of small children, which is formed not at the bottom, but higher to the ground surface.


Unusual bulbous perennial hemanthus blooms with amazing flowers.

Hemanthus is endemic South Africa, nowhere else in nature this flower is found. All types of gemanthus belong to the Amaryllis family. The bulb of plants can have a pear-shaped or rounded shape, usually it is completely immersed in the ground, sometimes protruding slightly above the surface.

The leaves are thickened, wide and short-petiolate, belt-shaped. The bud is egg-shaped, the flowers are collected in a dense rounded inflorescence on top of the flower arrow, they can be white or coral in color.

Hemanthus does not grow tall, the usual size of the plant does not exceed 40 cm. Flowering begins in spring, may continue in summer. grown in room culture hybrid varieties. Charming and very unusual indoor perennial.


Crinum flowers are very elegant.

Fantastically beautiful, giant houseplant that can be grown from bulbs. Krinum is a member of the Amaryllis family, but unlike other species varieties, the flower forms a false trunk of powerful leaves, which forms at the top of the bulb.

The leaves form a fan, the flowers are collected in an umbrella at the top of a powerful peduncle. The size of the flowers is amazing, krynum blooms white or pink flowers graceful shape, reaching 20 cm in diameter.

Krinum belongs to perennials, the flower can grow in one pot for up to 5 years, the culture does not tolerate transplantation, so it is planted immediately in spacious containers. Indoor krinum requires a bright location, regular watering and fertilizing. The culture has been somewhat forgotten, and interest in krinums has increased in recent years.


This plant belongs to the Asparagus family. Numerous eucomis leaves grow from an ovoid bulb with a shiny cover. The color of the leaves is green, with a bright sheen, so they seem to be varnished.

During flowering, a powerful arrow rises from the middle of the bulb, tapering upward, on which small greenish-cream flowers with purple patterns open alternately. At the top of the flower arrow is a tuft of leaves, similar to a pineapple rosette.

Sometimes, after flowering, eucomis forms seeds that are suitable for breeding new plants.

The plant grows well on the southern windows, requires uniform, light watering.


Graceful spreckelia is simply charming during flowering.

The history of this plant is connected with Mexico and Guatemala, where local Indian tribes used spreckel flowers in their rituals. Another name for the plant is the Aztec lily.

Graceful large flowers are painted in a deep red tone, the petals are velvety to the touch. Flowering lasts up to 20 days in spring. The open flowers of the spreckel look like outlandish orchids with intricately bent petals. The leaves are narrow, green, belt-shaped, with pronounced veins.

Every spring, spreckel bulbs are planted in a new land mixture, the plant is regularly watered, fertilized with special compounds for bulbous crops. For reproduction, daughter bulbs are used.


Amazon lily has a delicate aroma.

The bulbous flower - eucharis (Amazon lily) during flowering resembles a white daffodil, delicate flowers exude a pleasant fragrance. The plant is ideal for decorating interiors, even without flowers, eucharis is quite a beautiful plant. Broad shiny leaves on graceful stems rise from the bulbs, but usually no more than 2 leaves grow from each medium-sized (2-6 cm) bulb. If the plant is not planted for several years, the eucharis looks like a powerful bush.

The plant is propagated by dividing the daughter bulbs.


Clivia is a very bright interior plant.

Clivia is another type of bulbous plant of the Amaryllis family, growing in southern Africa. Perennial bulbous plants do not grow above 60 cm. Leathery vaginal plants form a false tube.

Charming flowers of red-orange color with pointed tips of the petals form a dense umbrella. Clivia prefers bright places, constant temperature and gentle care. Babies rarely form on mother bulbs, you can propagate the plant with seeds that are obtained by manual forced pollination of flowers.


That's far from complete list bulbous plants grown at home. It would be wrong to keep silent about garden bulbous plants, which lend themselves perfectly to home distillation. A bright bouquet of hyacinths can be obtained in 3 months, quivering crocuses will please with flowering in 2.5 months. Lilies bloom in pots 30-50 days after planting in a pot. You can grow tulips, daffodils, muscari, scilla and other bulbous crops at home.

On the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, we artificially create conditions for early spring. Tulip bulbs are fully rooted within 3, and late varieties within 4 months; daffodils - within 2.5-3 months; hyacinths take root 2-3 months. At this time, you need to carefully monitor the moisture content of the soil: it should not dry out completely, but it is absolutely impossible to fill it in for the future. As soon as green sprouts 2-2.5 cm long appear, the pots are moved to a brighter place, but again not sunny and not too hot for 4-6 weeks. The temperature should be kept within + 10-15 ° С. This happens in an unheated room or on a loggia. Pots can be placed on the floor, because if there is too much light, the leaves will begin to reach for it and take all the strength from the bulb to grow. Then flowering may not occur at all.

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Usually spring bulbs are planted near the house in flower beds, flower beds or mixborders. This method is good for everyone, except for one thing - all this variety of crocuses, tulips and daffodils does not bloom for long, leaving ugly withered leaves on the surface of the earth. We have to dig up the bulbs and transfer them to the inconspicuous backyard of the site in order to plant summer flowers in the vacant place. Uncomfortable. In Europe, another method of growing bulbs has long been used - in containers or pots. In courtyards where the entire surface of the earth is occupied by a lawn, this method will come in handy. It is also a great opportunity to green up a terrace, veranda, paved patio or concrete path borders.

Armfuls of spring tulips bring vibrant colors to the monochrome style of the cobbled patio.

Despite the fact that we will only admire the beauty of flowering bulbs in pots in spring, planting should be carried out in the fall - in October or November.

How to plant: together or separately?

Before landing, let's decide on some compositional issues. The easiest way is to plant several types of bulbous plants in separate small pots. By changing their location relative to each other, you can create new ones every time. flower arrangements. Also, this method will be convenient for masking bald spots in flowerbeds, where letniki have not yet had time to ascend.

Separate plantings will prevent the spread of a fungal disease of one type of bulbous to the entire collection

Upon request and availability big pot(flowerpot, container) can be arranged and mixed landings. To do this, several sequentially flowering bulbs are planted in layers in one container, the decorative effect of which will alternate throughout the spring. Often, daffodils, tulips and crocuses are selected for such blooming "pies". Firstly, all these plants are very beautiful and finding their bulbs in any flower shop is not a problem. Secondly, such a “composition” guarantees the decorativeness of plantings for quite a long time.

Bouquet of tulips, hyacinths and muscari in one pot

Preparatory work with "mordant"

After acquiring bulbs and pots (or one large container), it's time to plant. You should know that it is impossible to plant bulbs without pre-treatment - it is likely that they are infected with fungi. So planting material should be “pickled” - hold for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate or any fungicide (Maxim, foundationazole, karbofos, etc.).

Planting bulbs in pots

Prepared bulbs are planted in pots at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other (horizontally). From above they are sprinkled with a layer of soil, the thickness of which is:

  • 12-15 cm - for daffodils
  • 7-10 cm - for tulips
  • 3-5 cm - for crocuses and hyacinths

The scheme of planting several types of bulbs in one pot

Landings are generously shed with water so that water drains from the drainage holes. It is advisable to sprinkle the surface of the soil with sand or, if slight frosts are expected at the place of future storage, mulch with sawdust. To prevent extracurricular germination of plants, the pots are covered with opaque material and taken to the storage site.

Stratification - cold storage

For bulbous plants, the period of stratification is important - cold testing. In other words, in order for the bulbs to germinate, they should be placed in a cool place for a while. Therefore, pots with plantings are stored on a glazed veranda, terrace or any outbuilding where the air temperature in winter will be around 3-8 ° C. In principle, a short-term drop in temperature below zero is allowed, but this should be the exception rather than the rule.

You should know that the temperature for rooting most bulbs is 5-10 ° C. Therefore, if during planting it turns out that the temperature in the place of their future maintenance has fallen below the permissible limit, stratification should be postponed for several days (up to a week). Leave the pots in a warm room where the bulbs will root safely. After that, you can send the pots for cool storage.

The term of stratification (storage) is usually 2-3 months. After that, you can enter landings in warm room. Usually, by this time, germinated sprouts are already visible on the surface of the soil in pots. Flowering after an increase in temperature occurs in 2-4 weeks (depending on the type of bulbs planted).

The "noses" of tulips have hatched, which means we should expect flowering soon

If you plan to decorate an outdoor area (terrace, paths, etc.) with blooming bulbs, then wait for the temperature to rise naturally outside. Then potted bulbous plants will bloom simultaneously with ground plants.

The secrets of caring for bulbs in pots

There are no special difficulties in caring for potted bulbs. The main thing is to water and fertilize them on time. It is very important to provide plants good lighting, otherwise they will stretch and lose their “marketable” appearance.

Coolness is another important component of proper care. In a hot room, bulbous flowering will be reduced to a minimum, so the most optimal maintenance temperatures are 10-19 degrees. This is the flowering temperature of the bulbs in natural environment, that is, in the open field.

Bulbs in pots will bloom for the longest time on the street, and not at home or on a glazed veranda

Thus, if you manage to reproduce the natural growing conditions in a cramped pot, then in early March you will be able to decorate your site with armfuls bright colors and bring the feeling of spring closer.

A large number of species of bulbous plants are known, so compositions with their participation can be created for any time of the year.

Tulips, jonquil daffodils and hyacinths are the most popular spring flowering plants. In summer, we are pleased with lilies, and in autumn - cyclamens and autumn crocuses. In winter, our gray everyday life will be brightened up by snowdrops and dwarf irises.

A good start

The bulb is a miniature plant, it consists of fleshy scales, and the tuber is a modified shoot with a thickened stem. Bulbous and tuberous plants can be grown not only in open ground, but also indoors. Many bulbous and tuberous plants are known.

Planting bulbs

Choose only healthy, fleshy bulbs of bulbous plants with no signs of damage and rot on the scales. Their size depends on the type of particular plant. It is best to buy bulbs before planting. Try to plant them immediately after purchase. Bulb packages indicate the time when you need to plant them in the ground. However, you should just remember that bulbous plants blooming at the end of winter and spring are planted in September or October, tulips can be planted even in November.

If you want spring-flowering plants to bloom in the house ahead of schedule, then try to get the bulbs already prepared for forcing. Remember also that hyacinths from bulbs unprepared for forcing will bloom earlier if you bring them home at the very beginning of the growing season.


Before the appearance of visible signs of growth, the bulbs should be watered very sparingly. Keep plants well watered during the growing season. Before planting at the end of autumn, a small amount of bone meal should be added to the ground; during the growing season, bulbous plants are fed every 14 days with liquid complex fertilizers. If the bulbs in pots and tubs will winter outside, then take care of the insulation of the containers, sprinkle the ground with peat on top to protect the plants from severe frosts.

lightning effect

Colchicum blooms without problems in the fall in the house. Make sure that flower buds have already been released on the tubers. All that is required of you is to place them, for example, in a bowl of sand or pebbles. Their pink or white flowers will produce an unforgettable effect.

Planting tubers

1. Do not forget to put a thick layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot, for example, from clay shards, only then pour compost soil into the container.

2. Place the bulbs with the pointed end up. Plant them closely, but so that they do not touch each other and the walls of the flower pot. Under no circumstances should they be screwed into the substrate.

3. Sprinkle the planted bulbs with earth, lightly flatten the surface of the earth, and then water so that the soil is slightly damp.

Forcing bulbs

bulb preparation

Forcing is the germination of bulbs so that they bloom faster. Bulbs of tulips, daffodils, crocuses and hyacinths are used for distillation. Forcing plants bloom in the house in winter or in early spring. To prepare the bulbs, you need to alternately hold them first at a low and then at a higher temperature. The bulbs are kept in the dark and cool for 8 to 14 weeks.

In the fall, plant the bulbs in pots filled with bulb soil. Place a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. The tops of the bulbs should be on the surface of the soil. Water the bulbs and place the pot with them in a dark and cool room. If the air temperature is too high, the bulbs will take root and grow. Maintain consistent soil moisture. When the shoots reach a height of 3 cm, transfer flower pots with plants in a warm room.

Bulbs unprepared

Bulbous plants from bulbs unprepared for forcing can be grown independently. To do this, you can use the bulbs of crocuses, snowdrops, jonquil daffodils and miniature tulips.

At the end of flowering

Forcing plants do not bloom a second time. At the end of the flowering of bulbous plants, the bulbs are transferred to the garden and planted in open ground. After a few years, their bulbs can again be used for forcing.


Try pairing bulbous plants with undersized or creeping (ground cover) species. Tulips, jonquil daffodils and hyacinths can be combined with daisies, Wittrock violets or dwarf varieties of ornamental onions. Dwarf species and varieties look very good in stone troughs in the company of small alpine plants such as shaving and stonecrop. Bulbous plants also look beautiful at the foot of low bushes planted in large flower pots or tubs, for example, near miniature conifers.

Spring bulbs can be admired not only in the spring in the garden, but even in winter - at home on the windowsill.

Not every bulb of a tulip, daffodil or hyacinth is suitable for forcing. You need to choose the largest, heaviest, dense, healthy. From a large, but loose bulb, full flowering is not worth waiting for. Nutrients in the scales of the plant are not enough, and this rhinestone will also affect the quality of the flowers.

It is better for beginner flower growers to purchase bulbs specially prepared in flower farms. If you decide to use bulbs from your garden, they will need to be specially prepared for forcing. Choose plants with the strongest stems. After the bud is colored and you make sure that the flower is not sick with the variegated virus, break it out. A bulb that will not waste energy on flowering will form a large replacement bulb, which you will then use for forcing.

According to the timing of flowering, early (from mid-December to mid-January) and late (from mid-January and inclusive to April) forcing are distinguished. This must be taken into account when choosing varieties of bulbous, which are also divided according to the timing of flowering into early, mid-flowering and late.

Before forcing, all bulbs must go through several preparatory stages. Each bulbous plant has its own.

Tulips. Growing at home

Bulbs after digging (or from the moment of purchase unprepared) are kept at a temperature of + 20-23 ° C. A month before planting, they are kept for 2 weeks at a temperature of + 17 ° C and for the remaining 2 weeks before planting (especially if it is early distillation By the New Year) the bulbs are warmed up, that is, they are kept at a temperature of + 30-34 ° С.

Daffodils. Growing at home

To drive out daffodils new year holidays you need to choose early-flowering varieties. Purchased or dug out bulbs should be stored in a dry place until the end of October. dark place at a temperature of +4-6°C. For example, in the basement or between window frames (then it is necessary to protect the bulbs from sunlight by wrapping them with black paper).

If you want to please yourself with a bouquet of daffodils by March 8, then you need to store the bulbs like this all January and plant them in pots with soil in early February.

Hyacinths. Growing at home

From digging (from the moment of purchase) to planting, the bulbs lie at a temperature of +25°C. A month before planting, they keep 2 weeks at room temperature (+ 18-20 ° C) and the remaining 2 weeks before planting (especially if it is an early distillation for the New Year) - warm at a temperature of + 30 ° С.

The capacity for planting should be low (but not lower than two bulb heights) and wide. A layer of drainage is poured at the bottom. All bulbs are planted so that 1/3 rises above the ground. Plant them close to each other, but do not allow contact. The soil should be light, breathable. Suitable universal flower primer with the addition of sand in a ratio of 2: 1. If there is no sand, it can be replaced with vermiculite or perlite. When planting, do not press the bulbs strongly or screw in, the bottom should not be damaged. You just need to carefully set the bulbs and fill them with soil from the sides. Now they should be in the dark and at a low positive temperature.

The soil is moistened, but not much, only so that the moisture reaches the bottom of the bulb. Then the pots are placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or lowered into the cellar, where the temperature is kept no higher than + 7-9 ° C. In no case do not cover the pots and do not put them in plastic bags. Polyethylene will not allow air to pass through, which will cause the earth to become covered with mold, and, of course, the bulbs will suffer. If this still happens, then upper layer soil is changed to fresh.

To prevent light from falling on the bulbs, it is better to cover them, but loosely, with black cloth or paper.

On the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, we artificially create conditions for early spring. Tulip bulbs are fully rooted within 3, and late varieties within 4 months; daffodils - within 2.5-3 months; hyacinths take root 2-3 months. At this time, you need to carefully monitor the moisture content of the soil: it should not dry out completely, but it is absolutely impossible to fill it in for the future.

As soon as green sprouts 2-2.5 cm long appear, the pots are moved to a brighter place, but again not sunny and not too hot for 4-6 weeks. The temperature should be kept within + 10-15 ° С. This happens in an unheated room or on a loggia. Pots can be placed on the floor, because if there is too much light, the leaves will begin to reach for it and take all the strength from the bulb to grow. Then flowering may not occur at all.

When the leaves noticeably grow on the bulbs and a small but strong bud still appears between them, the plants begin to be watered more abundantly, gradually accustomed to room temperature and brought out into the light. With a sharp increase in temperature, flowering will be very short. If the buds are already colored, and the peduncle is still too short, then the pots are placed in a cool and dark place for several days.


Most flower growers prefer to grow bulbous indoor flowers, which are distinguished by both unpretentiousness and rich flowering. Today we will tell you about all the intricacies of growing them in a home greenhouse.

Bulbous plants and their main types

Bulb flowers are those types of plants whose bulb is an independent bud. It is inside the bulb that leaves and other plant organs are laid, which will then develop.. There you can also see a small bottom with the embryos of the root system located in it - the roots will grow immediately after you plant your flower in the ground.

For such flowers, the bulb is a reservoir of nutrients and water, which allows them to be independent of the season. So at proper care your greenhouse can bloom both in summer and winter. All flowers are divided into two groups:

  • having a dormant period, which can endure this time without planting in the ground (tulips);
  • species shedding their green part into certain time year (hemanthus).

The most famous bulbous home flowers: crocus, juno, gladiolus, lilies, anemones, tulips.

Bulbous indoor flowers: care and proper planting

Almost all plants of this type prefer light and coolness, negatively perceiving waterlogging of the soil. If you decide to carry out the work yourself, then it is desirable that the planting of bulbous plants be carried out in the autumn. Pay close attention to the bulb itself: it should not be damaged, wrinkled and loose, which may indicate the presence of a disease.

Despite the healthy appearance, the material should be disinfected, for which it is better to use a 1% solution of manganese - put the onion in a container for half an hour and fill it with a solution. It is important to choose the right pot for planting: its height should not be more than its width. If you choose too large a container, as many inexperienced gardeners do, this can lead to the fact that the plant will either develop poorly or die altogether.

Important: it is best to buy porous clay pots with thin walls, but you should not buy glazed containers.

We lay out a drainage layer (small stones or gravel) at the bottom, only then you can fill the soil with a layer whose height should not exceed 7 cm. We mix the earth using mineral fertilizers and additives for bulbous plants. Next, we plant the material for planting and sprinkle it halfway with earth. We put the container with the future green pet in a cool place, watering a little with water. Only after the first shoots appear, the flower can be transferred to a bright place near the window.

How to make your plant healthy?

Like all types flowering plants, bulbous prefer top dressing using nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers. After the bud fades, and the leaves begin to die off, it is necessary to reduce watering, and leave the planting material in the container. In this state, the plant should be until March - until the moment when it again begins to produce stems.

You need to water the flowers very carefully, because they cannot stand waterlogging - because of this, they can get sick with a fungus or pick up infectious diseases. This is especially true for varieties such as Dutch hyacinth. Naturally, if you want to get beautiful flowers next year, you must follow a few important rules:

  • bulbs should not be stored in a damp room where they can rot;
  • do not store bulbs with fruits in the refrigerator, as some fruits emit ethylene, which is harmful to plants;
  • bulbs are best stored in sand or peat moss;
  • make sure that there is no draft that can blow through and freeze the planting material;
  • if you have pets, make sure that during storage they do not gnaw future flowers.

Only with proper care and maintenance, bulbous indoor flowers will delight you with their brightness, beautiful buds and fresh aroma.

Hello dear flower lovers!

In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, bulbous flowers are the first to hatch in the flower beds. In order for them to please the eye every year, they must be properly looked after. So, let's talk about how to care for bulbous plants in the garden.

How to determine the right place for planting bulbous flowers

Hyacinths, tulips, daffodils and other bulbous primroses are best placed in open, well-lit flower beds. This will give the plants more room to grow and bloom.

After they bloom, the gardener faces a difficult choice: either leave the bulbs in the ground until the formation of daughter shoots. Or, remove the flowers immediately, without waiting for it.

If you dig up the bulbs before the stem withers, then such planting material can be grown for several more years. If you wait for the onion "children" to ripen, then the flower bed will look dull. Knowledgeable flower growers in such cases are advised to plant perennial and biennial flowers on clubs along with early bulbous flowers. With them, the flower corner will not look deserted.

Ornamental plants with a lifespan of two years bloom much longer than tulips. If they are in a flower bed, then you can safely wait until their neighbors turn yellow and their stems and leaves wither. And then calmly dig them out.

Some bulbous hybrids, such as tulip hybrids, do not need to be dug up after flowering. This makes life much easier for gardeners.

Sometimes summer residents plant bulbous plants along garden paths, or one at a time in different places of the site. This way of arranging these colors is fundamentally wrong. Tulips and daffodils look beautiful when there are a lot of them. Only then do they form a kind of flower "veil". In a single copy, they are simply “lost” against the background of other bright colors or greenery.

How to choose planting material for bulbous plants

Often in the spring flower shops you can buy already germinated bulbs with foliage and rudiments of buds. This is convenient - such plants take root well, and you can immediately see the results of your work in the flower bed.

When buying onions, you need to pay attention to several important features:

Good bulbs should look dense, be heavy in weight.

The scales should fit snugly and the bulb itself should feel smooth to the touch.

There should be no sprouted roots.

You can buy bulbs with roots only if they are immediately planted in the ground.

Types of bulbous plants

Depending on the timing of flowering and conditions of detention, the following types of bulbous are distinguished:

Flowering in early spring: April-May

These plants include tulips, anemones, hyacinths, crocuses. As well as lilies of the valley, muscari and daffodils. (Read the article: “Choosing bulbs for a spring flower bed”)

blooming in summer

These plants include: ornamental onions, buttercups, various varieties of nasturtiums and camassia.

Late flowering

Colchicums and dahlias close the flowering summer season. These flowers are among the last to bloom in the flowerbeds and can please the eye until frost.

greenhouse plants

Many people know about this houseplant like cyclamen. This bright flower is a tuberous plant and is intended not only for growing in an apartment, but also in winter gardens. Amaryllis is also referred to the greenhouse flowers of the tuberous and bulbous family. But greenhouse plants are not so popular with the average owners of summer cottages. Few people have the opportunity to equip a real winter greenhouse in their home. But as indoor flowers in a single copy, these plants are quite suitable and decorate the winter days.

Storage and "wintering" of bulbs

It is best to store the bulbs in a cool and dry place so that they do not germinate ahead of time. It is best to plant these flowers immediately after purchase. But many people buy planting material at the end of summer or in winter, when bulb prices are much lower than in spring.

There are types of bulbs that can winter under the snow and do not need to be dug up like tulips. Crocuses, daffodils and snowdrops will be quite comfortable if you sprinkle the flower bed with sawdust and peat for the winter and cover it with spruce branches. To shelter these plants, you can also use fallen leaves, which must be brought to the flower bed with a layer of no more than ten centimeters. At the same time, it is imperative to leave the opportunity for the bulbs to "breathe", so the covering material should not be very dense. This protection serves two purposes.

Plants will not freeze in the event of a cold and snowless winter if they are covered in time.

If the winter is with frequent thaws, the bulbs will not germinate ahead of time and will not die.

But tuberous begonia and gladioli cannot be left before winter. They can't bear negative temperatures, so their tubers need to be dug up in October or November and stored, observing the temperature and light conditions.

Flowers such as tulips are usually planted in the winter. This method of planting is due to the fact that at home it is difficult for the bulbs to create favorable conditions. Of course, you can store them in the refrigerator. To do this, take a small container and fill it with soil and sawdust. Place tulip bulbs in this mixture. Store them in the vegetable compartment. But it is better if they spend the winter in their usual environment.

Begonias, gladiolus, and dahlias will also fit in dark and cool places to store at home.

Also in winter, you can germinate some bulbous flowers. Delicate hyacinths look very beautiful in early February and in March. Their bulbs are specially given the opportunity to germinate in order to get luxurious flowering on the window in the spring.

I hope this article on how to care for bulbous plants will help you grow them. See you, friends!

Bulbous plants got their name because of the thickened underground part of the stem - the bulb. In it, plants accumulate useful material and moisture for further growth. If you divide the onion in half, you can see the beginnings of future leaves. That's why you don't need to cut the leaves just like that. The plant has a certain number of leaves, so that new ones will not appear in place of the cut ones.

Here are some of the most common representatives of the species:

  • Amaryllis. It is famous for its large flowers collected in inflorescences. Up to 12 flowers can be located on a long stem.
  • Hymenocallis. Has flowers unusual shape. It can bloom twice a year, while the flowers remain for a long time.
  • Zephyranthis. Very gentle light flowers and interesting narrow leaves. It is remotely similar to a crocus.
  • Crinum. Blooms from August to September. In inflorescences, 5-7 large beautiful bells are collected.
  • Clivia. Long-lived among bulbous. Can live up to 40 years. Large bright orange flowers.
  • Eucharis. Blooms from February to March with beautiful white flowers.

All of these plants are good in their own way. When choosing, start from your personal preferences.

Bulbous - heat-loving flowers. In spring and summer, they like to be in bright and warm rooms. Optimum temperature– 20-25°С. In winter, they have a dormant period, so temperatures can be cooler. The plants are undemanding to the soil. Suitable for any soil for flowering plants.

A prerequisite is a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot.

It is best to water the plants with melt or rain water at room temperature. If you can not get such water, use ordinary tap water. It should be defended during the day. In the warm season, plants should be watered regularly, but not overwatered. In the cold season, watering should be kept to a minimum. Top dressing is also needed minimal. It should be applied only during the phase of active growth and flowering, once every 2 weeks.

As you can see, care for all bulbs is about the same. If you master the basics of care on one plant, you will be able to grow other species without any problems in the future.

bulbous species flowers are distinguished by decorative flowering and relative ease of care. Their home varieties are not as popular as garden varieties. However, even in a pot you can get tall arrows and bright inflorescences.

General features of bulbous flowers

These plants grow from underground shoots that have a characteristic short flat thickening, the bottom, and form a bulb. Bulb scales are membranous or fleshy, do not have chlorophyll, and therefore are painted in creamy shades. Potted bulbous flowers are usually grown from perennial bulbs. The older the shoots, the more magnificent, more beautiful the color and richer the aroma of the plant.

The natural environment of bulb crops is a hot dry climate. In the natural area, the plant must have time to develop, form flowers and produce seeds in a favorable period of time - the rainy season. When grown at home, each flower has its own algorithm. But it consists of the same stages looped among themselves:

  1. A period of intense growth. A potted dweller develops rapidly, blooms many buds and fades.
  2. Rest period. At this time, the flower needs minimal care and no stress.

Attention! Bulbous flowers bloom steadily every season, often even twice a year.

High varieties of bulbous flowers

Hippeastrum is one of the most famous representatives of this class of plants. Its bulb is round and slightly elongated, most often large (diameter about 11 cm). Up to 6 buds are formed on strong bare peduncles. The petals fold into a funnel shape. Hippeastrum blooms usually in winter or spring. The height of an adult plant can reach 70 cm.

The color and other characteristics of flowers depend on the variety of culture. She has about 85 hybrids and varieties. The most popular:

  • Graceful - white-lemon or white-green shade of petals;
  • Striped - red-lilac stripes on white petals;
  • Reticulated - raspberry-red buds with dark veins;
  • Leopolda - the color of the petals is red at the end and white at the base, large buds (up to 18 cm).

Amaryllis is often confused with hippeastrum. It is distinguished by its pear-shaped bulb (also large) and the ability to bloom only once a season (in autumn). Amaryllis can form up to 12 buds. There is only one type of flower - Beautiful. The color of the petals is pink-red. This flower can live in the same pot with other amaryllis (3-4 pieces each) and is considered an indoor long-liver.

Eucharis or Amazonian lily reaches a height of 50 cm. It resembles a daffodil. Blooms from October to January and from March to May. The process can be extended by cutting off wilted buds in time. The flowers are pure white, fragrant, collected in an umbrella.

Attention! Euharis can be moved to summer garden plot by planting the bulbs in April to a depth of 25-30 cm.

Hybrid canna is a catchy representative of domestic plants up to 1 m high. Buds are formed on each shoot and are painted in bright colors. Vallota is distinguished by a combination of white and red that is pleasing to the eye. The shape of the flower is an umbrella. This variety does not need to remove wilted buds. Completely cut them off only after the peduncles have completely dried.

Hippeastrum bulbs

Other types of bulb crops

Popular varieties in this category also include narcissus. The plant is well known to flower growers who are engaged in greenhouse farming or growing flowers under open sky. Daffodils are low (up to 20 cm), have bare stems and squat, even leaves. Buds may vary depending on the varietal group. common feature- perianths, which are made up of 6 cylindrical tubes and bent lobes. One inflorescence consists of 2-6 buds.

Types of narcissus:

  • Large-crowned. Petals are pure white or yellowish, and may have an orange crown.
  • Tubular. White, yellow or white-yellow petals.
  • Fine-crowned. Feature: 2-colored petals, white or yellow perianth.
  • Terry. It has a specific bud structure. Color - yellow or white.


Also among flower growers such flowers are in demand:

  1. Hyacinth. During flowering, it is abundantly covered with small flowers of different shades (depending on the variety). From the outside it looks like a charming hat. One bulb forms a single stem. Flowering time - 1-2 weeks.
  2. Freesia. On one side of the stem of the plant, funnel-shaped flowers of delicate structure and shades are formed. Each of the varieties is extremely fragrant.

Planting and caring for indoor bulbs

The technology for growing potted bulbous flowers is simple. The bulb is capable of accumulating nutrients and moisture, so the plant can survive adverse periods without problems. Description of the main nuances of caring for these flowers:

  • In relation to the soil, they are universal. For successful cultivation, any substrate for flowering crops is suitable. Only at the bottom be sure to form a drainage layer. Above it - at least 7 cm soil mixture mixed with special fertilizer for bulbs.
  • Give your flowers an abundance of light in spring and summer.
  • In the warm season, the temperature in the room should be within + 20 ... + 25 ° С. During the dormant period, preferably 5-7 ° C lower.
  • Ideal watering of the flower will provide slightly warm rainwater or melted water. If there is none, dial the usual one from the tap and leave it to brew for a day.
  • The frequency of watering in spring and summer is regular, but in small portions. During the dormant period, watering is reduced to a minimum.
  • Bulbs do not need frequent feeding. Practice fertilizing only during the phases of intensive growth and the beginning of flowering (about 1 time in 2 weeks).

The main points of the method of growing different bulbs are almost identical. Differences can only be in the frequency of watering and top dressing. A simple crop care algorithm will help turn your window sill into a beautiful flower garden.

Bulbous plants: video

They are called bulbous because of the peculiar underground stem - the bulb, in which the plant stores nutrients and water for future use for its growth and development. In addition, the bulb is used for propagation.

The bulbs are pear-shaped and formed by fleshy juicy scales. Cutting the bulb lengthwise, you can see the rudiments of future leaves, which are placed near the flower arrow.

The number of leaves of a bulbous plant is strictly determined by the number of these primordia, so you can’t thoughtlessly cut off the leaves of a flower.

Planting and care features of bulbous

For planting bulbous plants pot selection is very important.

It is best to choose a container made of lightly baked clay with thin porous walls that are not glazed from the inside; by the way, you can make it at home without special equipment.

The size of the container is selected based on the size of the bulb. The pot is chosen correctly when 1.5 cm remains from its walls to the plant free space from each side. Bulbous plants do not like waterlogging., so there must be a hole for draining water.

The diameter of the pot should be equal to its height.

For landing use common substrate for flowering plants, not forgetting to make drainage: lay a layer of expanded clay or broken brick on the bottom of the pot.

In addition, to provide the plant with a good outflow of moisture and at the same time facilitate the flow of air to the roots, pots with plants can be slightly raised above the surface of the windowsill.

Bulbous flowers develop well, being in a bright, but not hot room. Optimum temperature content during the growing season 20-25 degrees.

They prefer moderate watering., they love melt or rain water, but ordinary tap water, which has been previously settled for a day, is also suitable. Water temperature - room temperature.

Bulbous plants respond well to fertilizing with liquid fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Feed them only during the flowering period. and growth, once every two weeks.

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A feature of the successful cultivation of this type of plant is to provide them with a dormant period. Rested bulbs with new force will begin to form leaves, and the plants will bloom regularly and profusely.

For every kind own wintering conditions, but, in general, it all comes down to stopping fertilizing, reducing watering and storing the bulbs in the substrate at a temperature of at least 10 degrees.

propagate bulbous with the help of daughter bulbs, separating them from the mother plant and planting them separately.

Types of home flowering bulbous plants and flowers

. A native of South Africa. The bulb of amaryllis is round in diameter and averages 4-5 cm in diameter. It has long, narrow, up to 50 cm, dark green leaves.

On a long bare peduncle there is an umbrella of several (up to 12 pieces) large funnel-shaped fragrant flowers of red, white or pink color.

When planting, it must be taken into account that the bulb should be only half immersed in the substrate, otherwise the plant will not bloom and may die.

You can propagate the plant by separating the so-called children during transplantation - small daughter bulbs.

Often confused with amaryllis.

This flower comes from the arid regions of Central America, so it practically does not need spraying.

Outwardly very similar to amaryllis, the main difference is a hollow flower arrow, on which a maximum of 7 large bright flowers are formed.

- The plant also belongs to the Amaryllis family. The bulb is small, about 12 cm in diameter.

Hymenocallis blooms from July to October. At the end of flowering, he needs to arrange a dormant period: keep the plant at a temperature of 10-12 degrees without watering and fertilizing.

With proper care, experienced flower growers achieve bloom twice a year.

or upstart
- the plant is completely inconspicuous most of the year. But during the flowering period, it strikes the imagination with flowers similar to a large crocus.

Most often grown plants with white and pink inflorescences. It has a small bulb, only 3-4 cm in diameter, completely immersed in the substrate. The leaves are narrow, thin.

The peduncle usually has one flower, about 4 cm in size.

If several plants are planted in a pot at once, then the zephyranthes will look more magnificent.

Crinum- a large perennial, with a large bulb up to 25 cm in diameter, half protruding from the ground.

The plant itself has light green leaves up to 1 m long. Like all bulbs, it loves bright diffused light and Fresh air, therefore, in warm weather, it is advisable to ensure that he stays on the balcony.

It blooms from August to September with large, about 7 cm, pink flowers, collected in inflorescences of 6-12 pieces.

- hardy plant long term life. With proper care, it can live up to 40 years.

Leaves are broad and dark green.

During the flowering period, an arrow with bright orange flowers emerges from the middle of the plant.

- the birthplace of this plant is Mountain Colombia. Translated from Greek, the name of this flower means "pleasant" and "full of grace."

Eucharis has large curved leaves, oval in shape, sitting on long petioles. Period it blooms in February - March, blooms with white flowers, arranged in 8-10 pieces on a flower arrow.

The buds open in turn and stand for 8-10 days each, so eucharis flowering is quite long. When planting, it is advisable to deepen the bulb somewhat so that the neck is covered with earth.

Diseases and pests of bulbous plants

Most often, flower growers complain that their favorite plant does not bloom. The main reason for this is the lack of a necessary and properly organized rest period, during which the flower gains strength.

Bulbs are often affected by various types of rot. The reason for this is always excess moisture and getting it on the bulb.

In this case, emergency measures will help save the plant. The plant is taken out of the ground, the bulb is cleared of dead and affected scales.

Then, the bulb is dried for 5-7 days, and sprayed with a solution of foundationol. Planting in the substrate is carried out in such a way that the entire bulb, except for the roots and bottom, remains on the surface.

Until complete recovery, the plant should be watered sparingly.

Bulbs are often affected by whitefly, amaryllis mealybug, and others.

Bulbous types of flowers are distinguished by decorative flowering and relative ease of care. Their home varieties are not as popular as garden varieties. However, even in a pot you can get tall arrows and bright inflorescences.

General features of bulbous flowers

These plants grow from underground shoots that have a characteristic short flat thickening, the bottom, and form a bulb. Bulb scales are membranous or fleshy, do not have chlorophyll, and therefore are painted in creamy shades. Potted bulbous flowers are usually grown from perennial bulbs. The older the shoots, the more magnificent, more beautiful the color and richer the aroma of the plant.

The natural environment of bulb crops is a hot dry climate. In the natural area, the plant must have time to develop, form flowers and produce seeds in a favorable period of time - the rainy season. When grown at home, each flower has its own algorithm. But it consists of the same stages looped among themselves:

  1. A period of intense growth. A potted dweller develops rapidly, blooms many buds and fades.
  2. Rest period. At this time, the flower needs minimal care and no stress.

Attention! Bulbous flowers bloom steadily every season, often even twice a year.

High varieties of bulbous flowers

Hippeastrum is one of the most famous representatives of this class of plants. Its bulb is round and slightly elongated, most often large (diameter about 11 cm). Up to 6 buds are formed on strong bare peduncles. The petals fold into a funnel shape. Hippeastrum blooms usually in winter or spring. The height of an adult plant can reach 70 cm.

The color and other characteristics of flowers depend on the variety of culture. She has about 85 hybrids and varieties. The most popular:

  • Graceful - white-lemon or white-green shade of petals;
  • Striped - red-lilac stripes on white petals;
  • Reticulated - raspberry-red buds with dark veins;
  • Leopolda - the color of the petals is red at the end and white at the base, large buds (up to 18 cm).

Amaryllis is often confused with hippeastrum. It is distinguished by its pear-shaped bulb (also large) and the ability to bloom only once a season (in autumn). Amaryllis can form up to 12 buds. There is only one type of flower - Beautiful. The color of the petals is pink-red. This flower can live in the same pot with other amaryllis (3-4 pieces each) and is considered an indoor long-liver.

Eucharis or Amazonian lily reaches a height of 50 cm. Reminds narcissus. Blooms from October to January and from March to May. The process can be extended by cutting off wilted buds in time. The flowers are pure white, fragrant, collected in an umbrella.

Attention! Euharis can be moved to a garden plot for the summer by planting bulbs in April to a depth of 25-30 cm.

Hybrid canna is a catchy representative of domestic plants up to 1 m high. Buds are formed on each shoot and are painted in bright colors. Vallota is distinguished by a combination of white and red that is pleasing to the eye. The shape of the flower is an umbrella. This variety does not need to remove wilted buds. Completely cut them off only after the peduncles have completely dried.

Hippeastrum bulbs

Other types of bulb crops

Popular varieties in this category also include narcissus. The plant is well known to flower growers who are engaged in greenhouse farming or growing flowers in the open. Daffodils are low (up to 20 cm), have bare stems and squat, even leaves. Buds may vary depending on the varietal group. A common feature is the perianths, which are made up of 6 cylindrical tubes and bent lobes. One inflorescence consists of 2-6 buds.

Types of narcissus:

  • Large-crowned. Petals are pure white or yellowish, and may have an orange crown.
  • Tubular. White, yellow or white-yellow petals.
  • Fine-crowned. Feature: 2-colored petals, white or yellow perianth.
  • Terry. It has a specific bud structure. Color - yellow or white.


Also among flower growers such flowers are in demand:

  1. Hyacinth. During flowering, it is abundantly covered with small flowers of different shades (depending on the variety). From the outside it looks like a charming hat. One bulb forms a single stem. Flowering time - 1-2 weeks.
  2. Freesia. On one side of the stem of the plant, funnel-shaped flowers of delicate structure and shades are formed. Each of the varieties is extremely fragrant.

Planting and caring for indoor bulbs

The technology for growing potted bulbous flowers is simple. The bulb is able to accumulate nutrients and moisture, so the plant can survive adverse periods without problems. Description of the main nuances of caring for these flowers:

  • In relation to the soil, they are universal. For successful cultivation, any substrate for flowering crops is suitable. Only at the bottom be sure to form a drainage layer. Above it - at least 7 cm of soil mixture mixed with special fertilizer for bulbs.
  • Give your flowers an abundance of light in spring and summer.
  • In the warm season, the temperature in the room should be within + 20 ... + 25 ° С. During the dormant period, preferably 5-7 ° C lower.

  • Ideal watering of the flower will provide slightly warm rainwater or melted water. If there is none, dial the usual one from the tap and leave it to brew for a day.
  • The frequency of watering in spring and summer is regular, but in small portions. During the dormant period, watering is reduced to a minimum.
  • Bulbs do not need frequent feeding. Practice fertilizing only during the phases of intensive growth and the beginning of flowering (about 1 time in 2 weeks).

The main points of the method of growing different bulbs are almost identical. Differences can only be in the frequency of watering and top dressing. A simple crop care algorithm will help turn your window sill into a beautiful flower garden.

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