Set to relax the nervous system. Putting in order the autonomic nervous system

Landscaping and planning 23.09.2019
Landscaping and planning

Purchase method peace of mind using a certain number of self-hypnosis techniques is called auto-training. Each person can inspire himself with anything, including a state of moral peace. Many people need auto-training to calm down. nervous system due to various stressful conditions. The method helps to restore the balance of biochemical processes in the body. Sometimes you can change character traits, and in some cases, get rid of bad habits. Learning auto-training is simple, the main thing is to believe in yourself.

What is autotraining

This is a certain psychological technique that helps a person gain moral peace through some self-hypnosis techniques. The essence of this process is calming the nervous system and relaxation of the whole organism, even in conditions of daily stress. According to psychologists, auto-training refers to hypnotic effects, however main feature autosuggestion is directly involved in the process. The value of such training lies in the ability to:

  • manage muscle tone;
  • call at will emotional condition;
  • positively influence the nervous system;
  • focus on what you want.

Indications and contraindications

Auto-training is suitable for people suffering from such ailments as: neuroses, panic attacks, neurasthenia and other psychosomatic diseases. Self-hypnosis shows good performance in curing diseases based on emotional stress (bronchial asthma, endocarditis, hypertension, gastrointestinal disorders, constipation, and others). Auto-training should not be done by those who suffer from vegetative crises, delirium, a state of unclear consciousness and somatic seizures. Self-regulation helps to heal the nervous system of children and pregnant women.

Self-regulation techniques

Managing your psycho-emotional state is called self-regulation. As a result successful work on oneself, one can achieve the effects of calming (reducing emotional tension), recovery (eliminating manifestations of depression) and activation (increasing psychophysiological reactivity). Natural methods of self-regulation of the nervous system are:

It is difficult to use such auto-training techniques at work and in other public places where stress or fatigue can overtake. The most accessible methods of natural self-regulation are:

  • laughter, humor;
  • thinking about pleasant things;
  • smooth body movements (sipping);
  • admiring pleasant things (flowers, paintings, etc.);
  • bathing in the sun;
  • pleasant sensations from inhaling fresh air;
  • compliment support.

The main tools of auto-training

In addition to the natural methods of auto-training, there are mental tools for self-regulation, which are expressed in visualization (the influence of mental images), affirmations (the power of words), breath control and muscle tone. They contain one general concept- meditation. Auto-training tools can be used in any situation, especially when the emotional state has reached a negative peak. Meditation for calm good way repair the disturbed nervous system.

Breath control

This effective remedy impact on the emotional parts of the brain and tense parts of the body, which is part of auto-training. There are two types of breathing - chest and using the abdominal muscles. The ability to manage both methods of relaxation of the body leads to different effects. Deep and measured breathing with the stomach will lead to relaxation of tense parts of the body. Sometimes the body needs tension to improve the mental state. To do this, use frequent chest breathing, which will provide high level human activity.

Muscle tone management

Another way of auto-training is to release muscle clamps from tension. They often arise from a negative emotional state. The ability to relax the muscles in the body will help to quickly restore strength. After the relaxation procedure, a well-treated muscle will feel a pleasant heaviness and warmth. Take off nervous tension it may not work all over the body at once, so you should pay attention to individual parts of the body.

verbal impact

This method of auto-training affects the psychophysical functions of the body due to the mechanism of self-hypnosis. The action of the method is carried out through short tuning orders to your “I”, programming for success and self-encouragement. For example, in order to restrain yourself in a tense, nervous situation, you should mentally say: “Do not succumb to provocation!”. For auto-training to work, you need to program yourself for success with the words: “Today I will succeed!”. Mental praise will help raise self-esteem: "I'm done!".

How to relax the nervous system

Self-conducting auto-training to calm the nervous system is possible thanks to some existing methods. For each of them, psychologists have compiled detailed step-by-step instructions:

  1. An example of self-regulation using breathing, after which the body will become calmer and more balanced:
    • take a deep slow breath, counting to four to yourself;
    • protrude the stomach forward, keeping the chest motionless;
    • hold your breath for a count of 1-2-3-4;
    • exhale smoothly, counting from one to six;
    • Hold your breath again for a few seconds before the next breath.
  2. Autotraining for muscle tone management:
    • sit on a soft, flat surface;
    • inhale and exhale deeply;
    • mentally find the most tense parts of the body;
    • focus and tighten the clamps even more (on inspiration);
    • feel the tension that has arisen;
    • drop it sharply (on exhalation);
    • carry out the procedure several times.
  3. Auto-training exercises using the verbal method:
  • formulate an order to yourself;
  • repeat it mentally several times;
  • if possible, say the order out loud.

Basic techniques

Learning the basics of psychoregulation is possible thanks to the work of the first inventors of autogenic training, Vladimir Levy and Johann Schulz. The methods of these psychologists on the use of self-discharge in the medical field and everyday life formed the basis for the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system. Autogenic training, described in the works of Levy and Schultz, will help to gain self-confidence, improve the functioning of internal organs and relieve psychological stress.

Autogenic training according to Schultz

This method of restoring the nervous system helps to reveal a natural ability in a person - self-hypnosis. The main goal is to set up your body for recovery through meditation, complete relaxation of the body and moral calm. According to Schultz, after auto-training, certain therapeutic effects occur:

  • physical and moral calm;
  • strengthening the central nervous system;
  • awakening of the body's defenses;
  • gaining self-confidence.

By Vladimir Levy

The self-regulation training course according to Vladimir Levy consists in the use of self-hypnosis formulas to relieve moral and physical stress, restore the nervous system. The therapeutic effect is achieved both verbally and through imagination. The auto-training mastering program takes place over a 15-week course, and its main part is based on the principle of mental “tension-relaxation” of muscles. Such therapy helps if you are fully interested in the process and believe in your own capabilities.

Video for autogenic self-regulation

If you do not know how to relax with the help of auto-training to calm the nervous system, then these useful videos are for you. Experienced psychologists will share the secrets of self-regulation. Doctors will answer exciting questions: what verbal commands exist, does therapeutic music help the nervous system, what auto-training methods are best to use. Learn how you can achieve CNS calm through self-guided mental, verbal, or breathing exercises.

Auto-training for calming, positive words

Text for relaxation

Music for relaxation

Self-regulation training according to Bekhterev

The subconscious has a powerful effect on its owner - a person. Many actions are performed automatically, which is developed over the years or at the moment stressful situation, shock. Beliefs influence behavior decisions taken person. People have always been looking for ways to influence their subconscious and each other. Auto-training helped them with this. Common today are trainings for self-confidence, for weight loss and for calming the nervous system.

Many girls and some women turn to magic for help, thinking that it will help them solve their problems. But if a girl turns to magic for help, for example, to bewitch a guy, then she already subconsciously believes that the guy is not interested in the way she is. And if a girl believes that she is not interesting, then she will behave like that when the guy looks at her and says: “She is boring to me!”.

Magic helps people not because it really exists, but because a person believes that they helped him, he believes inside himself that he solved his problem (for example, a guy is bewitched), which means that a person calms down inside himself, begins to believe - all this causes in him a desire to perform such actions when appropriate situations are created that confirm his faith. It is not magic and not otherworldly forces that create fate and help solve the problem, but the person himself believes that the problem is solved and he will live the way he wants, because of which he begins to behave and act in such a way that he gets what he wants.

What you believe is what you get. What you have in your subconscious is what you have in real life. Your beliefs influence your behavior and the construction of a particular destiny. And the most interesting thing: a person completely controls what beliefs he then uses. Beliefs (faith) a person forms himself, and then they already influence him in a given situation. You do not need to resort to magical help, but change your beliefs by using auto-training to those that will cause you to behave and perform actions that will give you the desired results.

What is autotraining?

Auto-training is called psychotechnics, which allows you to introduce any thought, idea into your subconscious mind by means of self-hypnosis. What it is? When a person is in a conscious state, he is often influenced by his own subconscious, which contains those beliefs that he has programmed into himself. Thus, thanks to auto-training, you can get rid of bad habits, develop a certain quality in yourself, change your appearance, develop goals and aspirations in yourself, etc.

Many people are familiar with the technique of hypnosis. This is when one person introduces another into a certain state. Auto-training is considered one of the types of hypnosis, when a person tries to influence himself.

Scientists note the positive impact of auto-training on people. They are just as effective as drugs. If the drugs can be held in the hands, then with auto-training, the word becomes the medicine. It affects the physical state, psyche and emotional mood. And most importantly, it all depends on the person.

In order for auto-training to have a powerful impact, you must follow the rules. The first is to be in a room where no one will disturb you. The less external influence will be rendered to a person, the better.

Other rules for conducting auto-training:

  1. The phrases that he inspires and pronounces to himself should be pleasant and desirable for a person.
  2. Phrases do not cause internal resistance or criticism.
  3. The person may be excited, but not irritated.
  4. The body will help if it is a little tired.
  5. The muscles are as relaxed as possible so as not to send signals to the brain.

Carrying out auto-training begins with the fact that a person relaxes himself. This is done by taking a certain position of the body, for example, lying down. Then, autogenic training is carried out to relax the muscles of the whole body, so as not to be distracted by unnecessary impulses. Then we proceed to self-hypnosis - we pronounce a phrase (preferably consisting of 3 words), which expresses the desire, the goal of a person.

With such exercises, you can change your mood, mental state, influence the recovery of the body, etc. And in the article we will consider in detail auto-training to calm the nervous system, for self-confidence and for weight loss.

Self-confidence coaching

Increasingly, the irreplaceable role of self-confidence in human life is noted. Confident people become successful, happy, satisfied with their lives. Is it possible for an ordinary person to become self-confident? Everything is possible with self-training.

The main rules in this exercise are:

  1. A person excludes the particle “not” from the phrase.
  2. He does not pronounce the word “I will try” (you need not try, but do).
  3. Use the phrase "I realize now ...".

The procedure will be of high quality if carried out in the morning. Any irritants and thoughts about negative, unpleasant, stressful things should be excluded. A person should forget about the past and not think about the future, but be in the present moment.

If you conduct auto-trainings daily - repeatedly saying a positive phrase, you can significantly change your mood for the whole day, your sense of self and behavior. Training for self-confidence helps not only to gain this quality, but also to focus your attention, build endurance and balance.

If at first it is desirable that a person occupies a lying position during auto-training, then in the future this is not mandatory. A person will be affected only by the pronunciation of his phrase, which he constantly says to himself. How this phrase will sound depends on the desire of the person. For example:

  • "I am full of energy."
  • "I will succeed".
  • “I am an energetic person”, etc.

How do you develop a certain quality in yourself? This can only be done in practice, that is, by performing actions that correspond to the quality that you develop in yourself through auto-training. For example, responsibility manifests itself in the fact that you recognize your actions and are responsible for their consequences. Honesty is manifested in the fact that you directly tell the other person what you think on a particular issue. Independence is manifested in the fact that you make the final decision yourself, draw conclusions and do things without relying on anyone. In other words, think about how the actions demonstrate the quality that you want to cultivate in yourself, and start doing these actions.

You may have noticed that qualities are developed through self-hypnosis. For example, every day you tell yourself what kind of person you are, and after a while you feel and see that you have these qualities. Also, some people may notice how they develop qualities when they are in the company of those persons who already possess them. Self-hypnosis or observation of people who manifest the qualities you desire can only develop them in yourself for a short time. But as soon as you find yourself in conditions where your qualities will not be maintained, it will instantly “fly off” you, and you will begin to behave in the usual way.

If you resort to methods of self-hypnosis or staying in the circle of those people who have the qualities you need, then stay in this state for a long time. You need to bring your new qualities to automatism, make sure that they are "imprinted" in your personality. You must stop thinking about them, but already possess them. Only by getting into conditions where people do not have the qualities that you have developed in yourself, you will keep what you have gained.

Self-hypnosis and observation of people with certain qualities can be used as an additional method for cultivating one or another trait in oneself. But the main way that really educates is an act. Your every step, behavior, action should convey, demonstrate the quality that you want to have. And the longer and more often you do this, the faster you will develop all the desired traits in yourself.

Autotraining to calm the nervous system

The German psychiatrist Schultz noticed that a change in a person's psycho-emotional mood affects his physical condition. Moreover, this mechanism also operates in reverse direction: changes in the human body provoke one or another mood, emotional state, self-perception. Thus, autogenic training was developed, which includes auto-training to calm the nervous system.

The person who masters this technique, will be able to influence their emotional state through their own thoughts. He does it that way. However, now he will learn to do it consciously. Several repetitions per day for 4 months will give a positive result.

The session consists of a person entering a special physical state, and then pronouncing the phrase that he wants to inject into his subconscious. It was noticed that in a particular mood a certain group of muscles tenses in a person, a specific number of respiratory and cardiac contractions becomes.

Thus, one must first relax. This occurs in the supine or reclining position. A person should subdue his breathing, making it more even. Then you need to start relaxing the muscles, which can be done with the feet and ending with the muscles on the face. In parallel with this, the heartbeat will calm down.

After complete relaxation, a person can begin self-hypnosis by repeating the same phrase several times. In this case, the body is kept in a relaxed state.

If you can’t mentally relax yourself, then you need to take the time to pronounce the appropriate phrase, for example, “The muscles of my body are relaxing” or “The muscles of the arms are relaxing.” After that, move on to self-hypnosis. It is good if, when speaking, a person imagines what he is talking about. Bright pictures of where his phrase is displayed will help in the exercise.

Autotraining to calm the nervous system also includes yoga or meditation. The occupation of a certain posture entails physical changes that directly affect the mood of a person.

Autotraining for weight loss

If a change in one's own mood is an invisible result, then the most impressive results may be attempts to lose weight. Auto-training for weight loss is a mental impact on the body in such a way that it gets rid of extra pounds. In fact, there is nothing supernatural in this technique.

Auto-training for weight loss includes three stages:

  • Physical (muscle) relaxation.
  • Self-hypnosis.
  • Self-education.

First, a person should engage in relaxing his own body. This is especially important at the moment when you want to eat. A person tenses his muscles when he is hungry, while not allowing himself to eat. At some point, the body wins, pushing the person to approach the refrigerator and bring food to the mouth. To prevent this from happening, a person must focus on relaxing the muscles of his body.

Next, you need to think over a phrase that will help in the process of losing weight. A person can compose any phrase. But the most effective will be the one that will not only keep him from eating, but also influence the cause of his hunger or desire to eat. Often people eat not because they are hungry, but because of internal fears, complexes, stresses and other things. If a person pronounces a phrase that solves his psychological problem, then it will become most effective.

Self-education lies in the conviction that the result will be achieved. A person must believe in what he is doing, and tune in to a positive result.

Auto-training for weight loss should be carried out at least 2 times a day, especially before meals. Since the process of losing weight does not include the complete exclusion of food, a person must tune in to subdue his own hunger, which allows him to consume exactly as much food as the person allocated to himself for the period of weight loss.


Autotraining allows a person to significantly change own life. The result of the accumulated skills is the desired life, to which a person aspires. This happens by the fact that a person changes his own beliefs, which previously prevented him from having what he wanted.

We can say that the beliefs of each individual person affect his life. When an individual acts automatically or out of habit, it is not he who directs his life, but his convictions. It seems to a person that he himself makes certain decisions. But if you listen to how he thinks at the moment of making a decision, you can see that here, too, his subconscious beliefs are involved.

Beliefs are a great thing that is laid down from childhood and affects all human life. A person needs beliefs so that he does not have to think a lot and for a long time, and he has the opportunity to immediately make certain decisions. That's just beliefs are useful when they correspond to the lifestyle that a person wants to lead. But there are many examples from people's lives when their own beliefs simply harm them.

What are beliefs? These are the rules of your life. What is right and wrong, good and bad, important and meaningless - all this and much more is stored in those beliefs that are in your subconscious. And by and large, they determine the kind of life you live.

How do beliefs affect a person's life? We can say that they affect absolutely everything:

  • on how you choose your friends, loved ones and whom you consider your enemies;
  • to whom you condemn, encourage, who you like;
  • on what actions you perform and what events provoke in certain circumstances;
  • they can even influence what desires you will have. That is, it is not you who create your desires by volitional efforts, but your beliefs affect what you want and do not want;
  • what conclusions you draw;
  • on how you educate, teach and what advice you give to people.

It can be said that beliefs affect everything that happens. Depending on who has what beliefs, people live in one way or another.

It should be noted that on the basis of already established beliefs, a person forms new ones. All the conclusions, rules, norms that you yourself form are based on the beliefs that you have had since childhood. That is why it is very important for parents who are raising young children to watch what beliefs they form in their heads.

But not everything is so scary. If you yourself notice certain beliefs that prevent you from living the way you want, then you are able to change them. Beliefs affect your life, but you can change your beliefs - here you have power over them. Of course, it is very difficult to change your own beliefs. You need to learn techniques that allow you to change them. But you need to understand that if you do not control your beliefs thanks to auto-training, then they will definitely control you and your life.

When a person decides that he cannot do without auto-training to calm the nervous system, the best thing he can do is to consult a neurologist or at least a therapist.

Speaking about auto-training, you will have to touch on the topic many times about why there is a need for it or what it is needed for:

  • when a person is ill with an incurable disease;
  • constantly feels anxiety for children, pets;
  • the desire to control everything at once;
  • reinforced mental activity: study or working conditions;
  • during the sessions and job search.

It is clear when a person cannot properly allocate his time, is constantly in time trouble, this can help good psychologist, which will teach the techniques of auto-training.

Another thing is when a person is sick and cannot find funds for treatment, for example, of an oncological disease, then self-hypnosis or meditation exercises will help him:

  • dull the pain, not feel it;
  • overcome internal resentment;
  • try to find a way out by all reasonable means.

Although there are few such cases, nevertheless miraculous healing occurred even in the later stages of the disease. The justification for this was given by German scientists back in 1932.

Motivation for auto-training among young people and not only

The percentage of people involved in auto-training in their youth is very high. All because get higher education It was both easy and difficult at the same time.

Everyone can study, but to pay for education, not everyone, but still have to work. And even if we assume that the results of exams can be bought, then it is extremely difficult to work without real knowledge, and even productively for oneself.

Therefore, in many universities, autogenic training courses are also opened for applicants in order to teach the future student:

  • deal with your emotions;
  • in time to suppress the feeling of fear of ignorance of the subject;
  • not to worry in responsible and critical situations;
  • find internal reserves of knowledge.

In this sense, young people need to learn how to calm their nervous system in moments of crisis, coping with a tremor in their voice or struggling with the desire to say an offensive word, they will be able to live comfortably for many years without experiencing any nervous shocks.

In addition, school graduates are not yet quite familiar with the system of education in universities, so a person immediately finds himself:

  • surrounded by strangers;
  • often in new social and living conditions;
  • alone with a sense of responsibility for their future;
  • just in an unfamiliar city, not knowing its traditions and customs.

All this affects the formation of a young person, as well as the human nervous system. Therefore, in order to graduate educational institution and not to become a neurasthenic at the same time, it is quite useful to do auto-training.

Modern meditation schools offer their students activities that are somewhat different from those offered by yoga. But they all have common feature: it is to learn to relax, to breathe correctly.

And although people always want to go directly to the exercises in the lotus position, you have to start with proper breathing.

To begin with, you can simply sit on a chair and, while taking a deep breath, make sure that the lungs are completely filled with air. Slow exhalation. At this time, thoughts should be maximally concentrated on breathing, and not hover somewhere in the clouds. In the course of the lesson, students should understand that the most The best way relax - concentrate, although it sounds paradoxical. Moreover, it will be necessary to focus your thought on your arms, legs, at first exclusively on parts of the body and internal organs.

You can do it on your own, with a trainer or a friend on the course.

This stage is important, regardless of the purpose for which a person came to auto-training classes. He is important training to more serious exercises to achieve well-defined goals and to restore the normal functioning of the nervous system as well.

Six training basics

When a person learns to breathe correctly and, at his first request, to feel warm or cold in certain parts of the body, he can move on to more serious training.

In order to use auto-training to calm your nerves and keep yourself in a normal vitality, you need to master several exercises that can be performed in any comfortable and stable position. Lotus position in this sense - perfect option, but also the options lying down, reclining or sitting like a coachman are quite suitable for the above purposes. There are only six basic exercises that have classical names and perform a specific action in the meditation system itself. They are important for the first stage of autogenic training-relaxation.

  1. The first of the exercises "Heavy" works to relax the muscles. It is convenient to perform it anywhere.
  2. The training task "Heat" has the goal of causing a literal expansion of the vessels of the skin, for people with an upset psyche, it is more than important.
  3. "Pulse" is used to normalize the heartbeat in exciting situations.
  4. During the execution of "Breathing" it is necessary to cause spontaneous excitement, that is, an increase in heart rate, then calm down sharply, achieving uniform breathing. But the bottom line is that in the end, the desired states should appear almost instantly.
  5. "Solar plexus" is desirable to perform for people trained in terms of knowledge of human anatomy. The purpose of this exercise is to normalize the blood circulation of internal organs.
  6. “Cool forehead” during the first stage of auto-training allows you to get rid of pain, in particular headache, if present, over time, a person will be able to use the developed skill at any time necessary.

If a person wants to calm the nervous system, it is better for him to use the first, second and fourth exercises. Everything that concerns the internal organs is more suitable for those who are struggling with the disease.

Performing all these exercises in turn or several specific ones to choose from forms the basis initial stage auto-training, followed by the second, most interesting period of active suggestion or self-assertion of a pre-prepared phrase.

Auto-training for calming (example)

You can compose a calming phrase on your own or with a trainer. There are several methods by which the text material of a positive statement is compiled.

You can't do two things:

  • self-assertion of ill-conceived textual material;
  • write down too banal phrases on the subcortex, for example, “everything is fine” or something like that.

The assertion must be:

  • meaningful;
  • a little associative;
  • with the same thoughts.

IN this case, even if it seems to an outside observer that there is no logic in the construction of the statement or that it is clearly violated, you can ignore it. A simple example of identical phrases with obvious illogicality, if we consider everything from the point of view of common sense:

“When the sound of the sea is heard, it becomes calm, confidence is gained, anxiety and excitement go away. When aggression, anger comes from others, I hear the sound of the sea. The purpose of this setup is simple. If a conflict situation suddenly arises, the brain already “presses the button” on command: aggression, anger is the sound of the sea.

She, in turn, launches the entire installation mechanism: "when the sound of the sea is heard ...". A well-honed phrase will quickly take place in both hemispheres of the brain, turning on almost instantly when a conflict situation or any other threat arises in relation to a person.

Some people use the rule of counting to ten instead of all these techniques. By the way, it can be indirectly attributed to a certain type of training, but without performing all sorts of formalities. But the example given is very simple and is designed specifically to calm your nerves and surge of emotions in a particular situation.

But nervous system can be shaken by various diseases, squabbles, constant excitement for loved ones. Then the assertion must be directed precisely at the source of the anxiety. Decide what scares you the most.

  • lack of money or inability to buy something;
  • disease or its consequences;
  • a break with someone from the family or fear of loneliness.

Any problem always has several ends, and if something does not bring the expected result, then:

  • not quite a worthy goal is being pursued;
  • means for implementation are also not very good;
  • maybe it's not a problem at all.

In the above example, in order to bring the reproduction of the identity of the event and the reaction to it to automatism, it is necessary to evoke in oneself the feeling that is experienced in a conflict situation, remember it and clearly associate it with what should happen after. Namely, calmness and self-confidence, and during auto-training this state is also worked out, remembered and an “anchor” is placed on its reproduction.

Everything works like a well-oiled clockwork, but auto-training differs from hypnosis in that all faith comes through awareness. Therefore, only the statement that a person sincerely believes in will give a result, when it comes from the heart and does not aim to harm others, including oneself. This is not a religion, but precisely the need for a difficult life situation cope with emotions, do not let them allow pain in the heart, that is, protect yourself from neuroses, heart attacks or strokes.

Exit from auto-training and conclusion about its action

The path traveled from the initial training to the end of the statement of the cherished phrase resembles preparation for surgery, anesthesia, some events occur, albeit controlled by the human brain, but getting out of sleep can be painful. This stage of training is called: exit from autogenic training.

After completing the approval stage, you need to think about the end of the process and the need to return to real life. It is advisable to do this competently, “waking up” (everything that happened was not a dream), to feel the lightness of consciousness, the absence of baggage of problems behind you.

A purely psychological way out is also reinforced by physical actions, depending on the location of the training. In an ideal situation, you need to slowly clench your hands into fists, feel the weight of the body, you can stretch well, raising your hands up with open palms and slowly lowering them down through the sides. On this, in fact, the whole stage is completed.

The subtleties of auto-training

As you could understand, materials for auto-training can be taken ready-made. But they definitely need to be reworked for themselves. After all, it is important that the textual material is precisely conscious. The whole process at all stages and stages, unlike even self-hypnosis, goes on at the level of consciousness, understanding of the problem, the need to get out of it at any time.

A few more words about the soundtrack. If possible, it is better not to use it, the phrase that will be approved is better to learn by heart. Classes should preferably be carried out in natural silence, as they say, without fanaticism, the birds outside the window should not be distracting, as well as the voices of people who are in the same room with the trainee.

Auto-training helps people become better, overcome their fears, cope with emotions. If we approach the problem step by step, starting at least with the ability to cope with conflict situations, you can get rid of many of your complexes and apparent shortcomings, which will lead you into the world, albeit not ideal, but in full agreement with yourself.

Recently, a client asked a question: “I read about auto-training, does it help with panic attacks? Is it possible to remove a panic attack with auto-training? Our dialogue has clarified a lot, and I am sure it will be useful to everyone who is looking for ways to overcome panic disorder, agoraphobia.

Is auto-training indicated for panic attacks?

Panic disorder is not a disease. The psyche is not always ready for stress, and then the brain, as it were, saves you, blocking the whole bunch of emotions, thoughts, sensations in itself, then throwing out what has been accumulated in the form of VVD symptoms, or more correctly, panic attacks. With such a disruption of the nervous system, the body is constantly in a state of tension. The body is on alert in the face of danger. Muscles are in good shape, the head is working intensively, the level of adrenaline is going through the roof.

The search begins on how to deal with this. And here the first thought is to take some kind of sedative drug. This is what doctors advise. But the attack continues...

After some time, a person somehow learns about the existence of autogenic training (or auto-training) and the possibility of using it to treat panic attacks. Of course, auto-training is a wonderful thing. After all, thanks to him, you train the skill in advance - to control your nervous system, control your emotions. And this is very important for mastering your state of mind, and therefore, for fighting panic attacks.

What will happen in my head if I start using auto-training for panic attacks? What is it really?

After a panic attack, or between attacks, auto-training works to calm down, on the one hand, the relaxation effect is activated, and the effect of self-hypnosis on the other. That is, you acquire the skills to relax and calm down, learn them at home, and then apply them when the need arises. But relaxation alone is not enough. You need to give the brain a command to calm down.

But when emotions are running high, getting such commands into the subconscious is not easy, because the excited brain is frantically looking for ways to avoid imaginary danger. In other words, if you say to yourself: "Calm down," then it will not work, because. somewhere deep, subconsciously, the brain believes that you are in danger. Especially if you already have experienced several panic attacks and overcoming fear and control have become the core of life.

But here's what's interesting! In the course of performing special auto-training exercises, unconscious resistance is removed, which stands in the way of healing from panic attacks. Those. you go into a mild to moderate trance, in which the positive attitudes “I am calm”, “everything is fine”, etc. have a chance to reach the subconscious.

Watching a person in a state of trance, it is impossible to understand whether he is awake, thinking about important matters, or dormant

Having mastered autogenic training for panic disorder, you will be able to:

  • relieve unnecessary stress;
  • gain access to internal resources;
  • prepare the psyche for possible stress;
  • manage your emotions (including during panic attacks);
  • inspire yourself with everything that you need to normalize the state.

The trance state is generally useful in itself. Involuntarily, a trance occurs in any person every one and a half to two hours, when the brain, as it were, “lays out” all the information received into boxes. You can notice similar effects if you think about it and did not notice how time flew by. And relief comes, like a weight off your shoulders. It is in trance that the impact on the subconscious of command words takes place. That's when the “calm down” attitude will work.

How effective is auto-training for panic attacks?

Panic attacks, coupled with the diagnosis of VVD, are a signal that not everything is right in life. The panic syndrome itself is a kind of analogy, a reflection of life's problems by disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Moreover, where, in which organs the sympathetic nervous system “shoots”, such are the complaints of a person. That's where the symptoms of palpitations come from, high blood pressure, trembling in the hands and the like.

Such people have a great need for internal reorganization. To be adapted to stress, make decisions faster. If you regularly perform auto-training for panic disorder, there is a gradual unlocking of psychological deadlocks. The psyche, when given enough attention, begins to heal itself:

  • Relaxation reduces the impulses of the sympathetic nervous system;
  • Gaining access to your resources is empowering;
  • Commands and settings change behavior.

Once experienced relaxation during auto-training is an important experience. He is remembered. Subsequently, you take it out of memory, and the reflex remains. I learned to ride a bicycle as a child, and after many years you sit down and ride.

What is better to use for panic attacks: auto-training or hypnosis sessions? What is their difference?

Auto-training is SELF-hypnosis. In hypnosis, a psychotherapist works with you. He makes it easier for you to go into trance, comes up with a plan for treatment in general, as well as for this particular session. It is he who finds the words to reach your subconscious. Obviously, during autogenic training, you do all this yourself.

Therefore, auto-training is a little more difficult than a hypnosis session - because you have to be in the role of a hypnologist and a client at the same time. However, even if you choose ONLY hypnotherapy, it will not be effective if you do not learn self-hypnosis, and, therefore, self-regulation of your emotional and physical condition. A good hypnotherapist will go out of his way to teach you self-hypnosis, specifically AT.

Hypnosis is carried out during the session, and auto-training is more versatile - you conduct it when it suits you, even on the eve of the PA, and determine the duration of the session yourself.

Is self-training safe?

When and how should auto-training be used for panic crises?

The famous "coachman sitting on a droshky" pose is perfect for doing AT in the office. At home, you can lie down more comfortably

Autogenic training can be done anytime and for as long as you like. With sufficient perseverance, a habit is developed to control emotions, behavior, sensations. The more you practice, the better the skill. After a couple of weeks, you will be able to notice how much less worry you have become. And this is already a huge step towards solving the problem.

If insomnia is added to panic attacks, do auto-training before bedtime. Sleep then will be deep, even. And you can right at lunchtime, in the afternoon. And recover and benefit.

To perform auto-training, it is better to lie down. If not possible, get comfortable in a chair. To have a place to lay your head, put your hands. Stretch your legs straight in front of you. You can close your eyes.

Autotraining for PA - step by step instructions

By relaxing your muscles, you focus your attention on certain sensations. This leads to a state similar to hypnosis. And then you pronounce command-phrases containing changes to confidence, calmness. This is the essence of AT.

Therefore, the following phases of autogenic training can be distinguished:

  1. Relaxation.
  2. Special Suggestions. They can be direct - in the form of a text, and indirect - suggestions with images, stories.
  3. Return.

1. Relaxation.

You say (to yourself):

I'm ready to rest. A gradual relaxation begins. I feel lightness and calmness filling me. My body is weightless and relaxed. I can feel the warmth enveloping me pleasantly.

I can feel the muscles in my right leg relax. Relax the feet, then the lower leg, thigh muscles. The right leg is heavy. Now the muscles of the left leg relax. Slow relaxation goes through the muscles of the foot, then the thighs, and goes to the lower leg. The left leg is heavy. I feel warm. I am absolutely calm.

Now I can feel my muscles slowly warming up right hand. Warmth and heaviness passes from the hand to the forearm, then to the shoulder. Now relaxation goes along the left hand. Heat moves from the hand to the forearm, then to the shoulder. My hands are motionless and heavy. I feel calm.

Now the abdominal muscles relax. Then the back. The neck is relaxed.

The head is light.

I feel warmth and lightness wrap around me. I feel good and calm. My body is resting. I feel filled with strength and energy.

2. Suggestion of the necessary settings, remember them in advance.

“Now I'm talking to myself. I look at myself from the outside. It's time for me to hit the road. I don't know what awaits me beyond the threshold. I don't know what I will have to face. But I know that faith in myself, in my inner core will help me and bring success. Something still bothers me, but I know anxiety is a fog. And this fog leads to panic. I look at myself and see a haze of worry on my face. And now I'm banishing this anxiety from my face. I drive away the fog, and gain self-confidence. I feel my inner core. I straighten my back, straighten my shoulders, and in this way I expel the remnants of anxiety. I see my head rise higher. And I see my confident and calm look. (pause a little) My body and mind are in harmony, they help each other. Now I feel how peace has filled me all over. I am ready for any difficulties. And now it's time for me to move on.

3. Return

I find myself rested, full of energy. I have a desire to do everything that I have in mind. I am returning here, to this place where I am now.

I gradually feel my fingers, hands. They can move. The muscles of the hands tense up. I clench my fists and feel the pleasant power in my hands.

Now I am tensing my feet. I feel firmness in my legs. The back bends upward. Energy moves throughout my body. Now I feel every muscle of the face, lips. They can move. I take a deep breath and hold it for a couple of seconds. Then I exhale through my mouth. And at the same time I unclench my fists and open my eyes. I returned. In my body cheerfulness and inner peace. I can do everything.

You can use this autotraining. Or insert your commands, settings and words that suit only you. You can learn more about auto-training techniques from books. Our recommendation: read the brochure "Autogenic training for you" by A. Petrov.

A life modern man is the daily hustle and bustle, manic workaholism and ambition. In the whirlwind of tasks and worries, it is difficult to find time for a good rest, relaxing communication, trips to nature. The result is chronic stress, nervous breakdowns, a desire to drop everything and run away. Can stress be dealt with? Yes, it's easy. High-quality relaxation to calm the nerves will take only 10-15 minutes and restore strength. The editors of the site invites you to familiarize yourself with several effective techniques relaxation.

How relaxation works to calm the nerves

The concept of "relaxation" comes from the Latin word "relaxation", which means "relaxation". This term is called as a state of the nervous system, when there are recovery processes and the relaxation process itself. Relaxation only looks like relaxation. In fact, the body works hard to restore physical and mental strength.

Relaxation can be voluntary and involuntary. In the first case, a person consciously controls the process of relaxation, using special techniques. In the second, the body itself “turns off” consciousness and “reboots”. This usually happens in a dream, when the psyche processes the accumulated impressions. At the same time, cells are intensively dividing, toxins are removed, due to which fatigue disappears.

Psychotherapists believe that mindful relaxation to calm the nerves is the best way to recuperate throughout the day. Powerful psycho-emotional stress leads to muscle spasms, which affects physical well-being. Relaxing the muscles, you can achieve the opposite effect - a feeling of lightness, a surge of strength, calm. The main thing is to choose the right technique and perform the exercises regularly.

3 useful techniques to relax and calm down

If you feel physically tired or nervous, take a few minutes to relax .. They differ in the way they are performed and how they affect the body, but all are useful and help with nervous overload. Choose the method that you feel most comfortable with. All you need is 10-15 minutes and a private place where you won't be disturbed during that time.

1. Breath control is a simple but super effective practice.

All you need to do is breathe and that's it! It's important to do it right:

    Take a comfortable position, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Try to fully feel how cool air passes through the nose, flows into the lungs.

    After taking a deep breath, hold your breath for a while, and then slowly exhale. Feel the warmth of the air.

    Repeat the breathing cycles as many times as needed to calm down.

    You do not need to specifically relax the muscles. This will happen on its own as long as you concentrate on your breath.

    It is important not to be distracted by extraneous thoughts. If you catch yourself doing this, start repeating the words "inhale" and "exhale" to yourself. When annoying thoughts recede, this is no longer necessary.

If you do not have the opportunity to set aside 15 minutes for this practice or you are afraid to fall asleep, set a timer for at least 5 minutes.

Even this time is enough to abstract from reality, lower the heart rate and completely relax. Breathing technique universal. Having mastered it, you will be able to relax even in the presence of other people.

2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation - Jacobson Technique

American physician Edmund Jacobson suggested fighting muscle spasms on the principle of "a wedge is knocked out with a wedge." It works. If you alternately strain different groups muscles, tension recedes, and thoughts calm down. The main thing is to act strictly according to the proposed scheme and not to overexert yourself.

Sit comfortably, take a few slow, calm breaths, and then proceed to the main exercises:

    Clench and relax your fists, then your fingers.

    Alternately tighten and then relax the biceps and triceps.

    Tighten your shoulders, pulling them back. Relax. Repeat the exercise with the shoulders moving forward.

    Tightening your neck muscles, turn your head to the right. Relax. Repeat the exercise with your head turned to the left.

    Press your chin to your chest. Relax.

    Open your mouth wide. Relax.

    Squeeze your lips hard. Relax.

    Work with the muscles of the tongue. First, stick it out as much as possible, retract it, and then press it down. Relax your muscles after each exercise.

    Open wide and then close your eyes. Relax after exercise.

    Take a full breath, then draw some more air into the lungs and only then exhale. Then breathe for 15 seconds as usual. Repeat the same on the exhale.

    Slightly bend forward, straining your back. Relax.

    Pull your stomach in hard, then inflate. Relax after each exercise.

    Tighten and relax your buttocks, slightly lifting your pelvis.

    Tighten and lift your legs, and then firmly press to the floor. Don't forget to relax.

    Final stage. Raise your toes up. Relax. Then lift and relax your feet.

It is important not to get distracted during the practice. Then after the exercises you will feel calm and completely relaxed.

3. Visualization: learning to relax and work with consciousness

Visualization is not easy to learn, but once you master this practice, you can not only relax, but also set yourself up to achieve the desired results. It is not for nothing that visualization is used in the techniques for the realization of desires. Don't be upset if you don't succeed the first time. Keep working.

Step by step instruction:

    Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a few slow breaths to clear your thoughts.

    Imagine beautiful place where you feel safe. It's quiet and calm here.

    Mentally transfer yourself into your picture and enjoy the feeling of peace. Relax, sinking deeper and deeper into peace.

    Gradually add details to your mental slide: sounds, images, smells, tactile sensations.

    Immerse yourself in the created image for as long as you like.

    When you decide you are ready to return to real world, slowly open your eyes, take a few more deep breaths.

Remember what your personal world of peace and beauty looks like. Next time, it will be much easier for you to return to it to relax and gain strength.

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