Autotraining to calm the nervous system. useful techniques for relaxation and calming

Decor elements 23.09.2019
Decor elements

Purchase method peace of mind using a certain number of self-hypnosis techniques is called auto-training. Each person can inspire himself with anything, including a state of moral peace. Many people need auto-training to calm the nervous system due to various stressful circumstances. The method helps to restore the balance of biochemical processes in the body. Sometimes you can change character traits, and in some cases, get rid of bad habits. Learning auto-training is simple, the main thing is to believe in yourself.

What is autotraining

This is a certain psychological technique that helps a person gain moral peace through some self-hypnosis techniques. The essence of this process is calming the nervous system and relaxation of the whole organism, even in conditions of daily stress. According to psychologists, auto-training refers to hypnotic effects, however main feature autosuggestion is directly involved in the process. The value of such training lies in the ability to:

  • manage muscle tone;
  • cause at will the necessary emotional state;
  • positively influence the nervous system;
  • focus on what you want.

Indications and contraindications

Auto-training is suitable for people suffering from such ailments as: neuroses, panic attacks, neurasthenia and other psychosomatic diseases. Self-hypnosis shows good performance in curing diseases based on emotional stress ( bronchial asthma, endocarditis, hypertension, gastrointestinal disorders, constipation, and others). Auto-training should not be done by those who suffer from vegetative crises, delirium, a state of unclear consciousness and somatic seizures. Self-regulation helps to heal the nervous system of children and pregnant women.

Self-regulation techniques

Managing your psycho-emotional state is called self-regulation. As a result successful work on oneself, one can achieve the effects of calming (reducing emotional tension), recovery (eliminating manifestations of depression) and activation (increasing psychophysiological reactivity). Natural methods of self-regulation of the nervous system are:

It is difficult to use such auto-training techniques at work and in other public places where stress or fatigue can overtake. The most accessible methods of natural self-regulation are:

  • laughter, humor;
  • thinking about pleasant things;
  • smooth body movements (sipping);
  • admiring pleasant things (flowers, paintings, etc.);
  • bathing in the sun;
  • pleasant sensations from inhaling fresh air;
  • compliment support.

The main tools of auto-training

In addition to the natural methods of auto-training, there are mental tools for self-regulation, which are expressed in visualization (the influence of mental images), affirmations (the power of words), breath control and muscle tone. They contain one general concept- meditation. Auto-training tools can be used in any situation, especially when the emotional state has reached a negative peak. Meditation for calm good way repair the disturbed nervous system.

Breath control

This effective remedy impact on the emotional parts of the brain and tense parts of the body, which is part of auto-training. There are two types of breathing - chest and using the abdominal muscles. The ability to manage both methods of relaxation of the body leads to different effects. Deep and measured breathing with the stomach will lead to relaxation of tense parts of the body. Sometimes the body needs tension to improve the mental state. To do this, use frequent chest breathing, which will provide high level human activity.

Muscle tone management

Another way of auto-training is to release muscle clamps from tension. They often arise from a negative emotional state. The ability to relax the muscles in the body will help to quickly restore strength. After the relaxation procedure, a well-treated muscle will feel a pleasant heaviness and warmth. Take off nervous tension it may not work all over the body at once, so you should pay attention to individual parts of the body.

verbal impact

This method of auto-training affects the psychophysical functions of the body due to the mechanism of self-hypnosis. The action of the method is carried out through short tuning orders to your “I”, programming for success and self-encouragement. For example, in order to restrain yourself in a tense, nervous situation, you should mentally say: “Do not succumb to provocation!”. For auto-training to work, you need to program yourself for success with the words: “Today I will succeed!”. Mental praise will help raise self-esteem: "I'm done!".

How to relax the nervous system

Self-conducting auto-training to calm the nervous system is possible thanks to some existing methods. For each of them, psychologists have compiled detailed step-by-step instructions:

  1. An example of self-regulation using breathing, after which the body will become calmer and more balanced:
    • take a deep slow breath, counting to four to yourself;
    • protrude the stomach forward, keeping the chest motionless;
    • hold your breath for a count of 1-2-3-4;
    • exhale smoothly, counting from one to six;
    • Hold your breath again for a few seconds before the next breath.
  2. Autotraining for muscle tone management:
    • sit on a soft, flat surface;
    • inhale and exhale deeply;
    • mentally find the most tense parts of the body;
    • focus and tighten the clamps even more (on inspiration);
    • feel the tension that has arisen;
    • drop it sharply (on exhalation);
    • carry out the procedure several times.
  3. Auto-training exercises using the verbal method:
  • formulate an order to yourself;
  • repeat it mentally several times;
  • if possible, say the order out loud.

Basic techniques

Learning the basics of psychoregulation is possible thanks to the work of the first inventors of autogenic training, Vladimir Levy and Johann Schulz. The methods of these psychologists on the use of self-discharge in the medical field and everyday life formed the basis for the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system. Autogenic training, described in the works of Levy and Schultz, will help to gain self-confidence, improve the functioning of internal organs and relieve psychological stress.

Autogenic training according to Schultz

This method of restoring the nervous system helps to reveal a natural ability in a person - self-hypnosis. The main goal is to set up your body for recovery through meditation, complete relaxation of the body and moral calm. According to Schultz, after auto-training, certain therapeutic effects occur:

  • physical and moral calm;
  • strengthening the central nervous system;
  • awakening of the body's defenses;
  • gaining self-confidence.

By Vladimir Levy

The self-regulation training course according to Vladimir Levy consists in the use of self-hypnosis formulas to relieve moral and physical stress, restore the nervous system. The therapeutic effect is achieved both verbally and through imagination. The auto-training mastering program takes place over a 15-week course, and its main part is based on the principle of mental “tension-relaxation” of muscles. Such therapy helps if you are fully interested in the process and believe in your own capabilities.

Video for autogenic self-regulation

If you do not know how to relax with the help of auto-training to calm the nervous system, then these useful videos are for you. Experienced psychologists will share the secrets of self-regulation. Doctors will answer exciting questions: what verbal commands exist, does therapeutic music help the nervous system, what auto-training methods are best to use. Learn how you can achieve CNS calm through self-guided mental, verbal, or breathing exercises.

Auto-training for calming, positive words

Text for relaxation

Music for relaxation

Self-regulation training according to Bekhterev

Autotraining (autogenic training) allows not only to learn complete muscle relaxation, but also to control the processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system. This requires systematic training for 10 minutes 2 times a day. Usually, it takes 3-4 months to master auto-training, but sometimes it is possible to achieve success even in a month.

The value of autogenic training is that almost all people can independently master its basic techniques in order to learn how to control themselves in stressful situations:

- Learn to control the tone of skeletal muscles - when you need to relax or strain.

- At will, cause the desired emotional state, against the background of muscle relaxation, mentally referring to yourself in words, create a state of peace of mind.

- Influence the functions of the nervous system, remembering pleasant sensations.

- Manage attention, concentrate it on what you want, distract and narrow its circle, relax or fall asleep at the right time.

Autotraining - exercises:

Auto-training should be done 2 or 3 times a day, morning, afternoon and evening, for 7-10 minutes. Classes are carried out lying on your back, on a low pillow, because with a very high pillow, the chin is pressed to the chest and breathing becomes difficult, with a very low pillow, the head is thrown back, and the front muscles of the neck are very tense.

In the evening: Lying down, put your hands along the body with your palms down, slightly bending them at the elbows - in this position, the muscles relax as much as possible. Spread your legs slightly, relax.
During the day, auto-training can be done in this position: sitting on a chair, spread your knees and put your hands on them so that your hands hang down. The back does not touch the back of the chair, but the body does not lean forward, but, as it were, “hangs” on the spine. Lower your head to your chest, close your eyes, relax your whole body.

Self-hypnosis must be combined with proper breathing. Close your eyes, and then quietly and very slowly say to yourself a light phrase: "I am calm." On "I" you need to take a light breath, on the word "calm" a long exhalation is made. Also, when you say "I," focus your attention on your face, and when you say "calm," mentally examine yourself from head to toe.
When exhaling in a pause, relax and try to imagine a feeling of warmth and heaviness throughout the body.

Auto-training for calming:

The essence of auto-training for calming is as follows: with the help of special exercises performed in a certain position, a person plunges into a state of relaxation when he is more easily amenable to self-hypnosis than in a waking state.

Relaxation begins with the toes. Stop bending them. Relax the muscles of the lower leg, hips, pelvic muscles. Then relax the muscles of the back and abdomen, completely relax the muscles of the shoulders, hands, and pay special attention to the muscles of the neck. Relax, try to focus your attention as much as possible on a certain muscle group, switching it one by one to other muscle groups. If you find that the muscles of the neck are convulsively supporting the head, relax them; don't clench your jaw. And here you are in a state of complete relaxation. Make sure that none of your muscles return to a state of tension. Then you will notice how heavy your hand is, how helplessly heavy your body is, how the muscles of the eyelids relax, and sleep sets in.

The state of relaxation is easier to feel immediately after tension. It is necessary to tighten the toes for a moment, and immediately relax them. The same must be done with other muscles: arms, legs, back, neck, head, face.
The relaxation technique is not complicated, it requires attention, perseverance and time.

Auto-training for calming. Autotraining text:

I am calm.
My muscles are relaxed.
I'm resting.
I breathe evenly and calmly.
My heart is calm.
I am completely calm.
My right hand relaxed.
My left hand is relaxed.
Hands are relaxed.
The shoulders are relaxed and down.
My right hand is heavy.
My left hand is heavy.
I feel the weight of my hands.
My right hand is warm.
My left hand is warm.
I feel warm in my hands.
The muscles of the right leg are relaxed.
Relaxed muscles of the left leg.
Leg muscles are relaxed.
My feet are warm.
I feel a pleasant warmth in my legs.
I'm resting.
My body is relaxed.
Relaxed back muscles.
Relaxed abdominal muscles.
I feel a pleasant warmth all over my body.
It's easy and pleasant for me.
I'm resting.
The eyelids are lowered and slightly closed.
Relaxed mouth muscles.
The whole face is calm, relaxed.
My forehead is pleasantly cool.
I am completely calm.
I'm resting.
I breathe deeply.
I feel a pleasant tiredness all over my body.
I stretch, I open my eyes.
The body is tense like a spring.
I am full of strength and vigor.

Now quickly stand up and, raising your hands up, take a deep breath, then hold your breath for a few seconds and take a deep, long exhalation.

After morning and afternoon auto-training, take a deep breath, bending your elbows (fingers clenched into fists), open your eyes and exhale slowly, extending your arms and fingers. Repeat 2-3 times.

End the evening auto-training to calm down with the phrase "I am calm and want to sleep" after the formula “I feel a pleasant tiredness all over my body.”

To begin with, work out only 3-4 auto-training formulas and gradually increase. Thus, all formulas are performed only on the 8-10th day of daily training. The number of repetitions of each formula starts from 3-6 minutes, and then after a certain workout it decreases, and the time of auto-training should not exceed 7-10 minutes.

As they gain experience in self-regulation, students can reduce the number of daily spoken formulas, bringing them to a maximum of 10-12 in one session. The effect usually obtained from auto-training remains the same or even intensifies.
Under the influence of auto-training, you will become the sovereign master of your body.

When a person decides that he cannot do without auto-training to calm the nervous system, the best thing he can do is to consult a neurologist or at least a therapist.

Speaking about auto-training, you will have to touch on the topic many times about why there is a need for it or what it is needed for:

  • when a person is ill with an incurable disease;
  • constantly feels anxiety for children, pets;
  • the desire to control everything at once;
  • increased mental activity: study or working conditions;
  • during the sessions and job search.

It is clear when a person cannot properly allocate his time, is constantly in time trouble, this can help good psychologist, which will teach the techniques of auto-training.

Another thing is when a person is sick and cannot find funds for treatment, for example, of an oncological disease, then self-hypnosis or meditation exercises will help him:

  • dull the pain, not feel it;
  • overcome internal resentment;
  • try to find a way out by all reasonable means.

Although there are few such cases, nevertheless miraculous healing occurred even in the later stages of the disease. The justification for this was given by German scientists back in 1932.

Motivation for auto-training among young people and not only

The percentage of people involved in auto-training in their youth is very high. All because get higher education It was both easy and difficult at the same time.

Everyone can study, but to pay for education, not everyone, but still have to work. And even if we assume that the results of exams can be bought, then it is extremely difficult to work without real knowledge, and even productively for oneself.

Therefore, in many universities, autogenic training courses are also opened for applicants in order to teach the future student:

  • deal with your emotions;
  • in time to suppress the feeling of fear of ignorance of the subject;
  • not to worry in responsible and critical situations;
  • find internal reserves of knowledge.

In this sense, young people need to learn how to calm their nervous system in moments of crisis, coping with a tremor in their voice or struggling with the desire to say an offensive word, they will be able to live comfortably for many years without experiencing any nervous shocks.

In addition, school graduates are not yet quite familiar with the system of education in universities, so a person immediately finds himself:

  • surrounded by strangers;
  • often in new social and living conditions;
  • alone with a sense of responsibility for their future;
  • just in an unfamiliar city, not knowing its traditions and customs.

All this affects the formation of a young person, as well as the human nervous system. Therefore, in order to graduate educational institution and not to become a neurasthenic at the same time, it is quite useful to do auto-training.

Modern meditation schools offer their students activities that are somewhat different from those offered by yoga. But they all have common feature: it is to learn to relax, to breathe correctly.

And although people always want to go directly to the exercises in the lotus position, you have to start with proper breathing.

To begin with, you can simply sit on a chair and, while taking a deep breath, make sure that the lungs are completely filled with air. Slow exhalation. At this time, thoughts should be maximally concentrated on breathing, and not hover somewhere in the clouds. In the course of the lesson, students should understand that the most The best way relax - concentrate, although it sounds paradoxical. Moreover, it will be necessary to focus your thought on your arms, legs, at first exclusively on parts of the body and internal organs.

You can do it on your own, with a trainer or a friend on the course.

This stage is important, regardless of the purpose for which a person came to auto-training classes. He is important training to more serious exercises to achieve well-defined goals and to restore the normal functioning of the nervous system as well.

Six training basics

When a person learns to breathe correctly and, at his first request, to feel warm or cold in certain parts of the body, he can move on to more serious training.

In order to use auto-training to calm your nerves and keep yourself in a normal vitality, you need to master several exercises that can be performed in any comfortable and stable position. Lotus position in this sense - perfect option, but also the options lying down, reclining or sitting like a coachman are quite suitable for the above purposes. There are only six basic exercises that have classical names and perform a specific action in the meditation system itself. They are important for the first stage of autogenic training-relaxation.

  1. The first of the exercises "Heavy" works to relax the muscles. It is convenient to perform it anywhere.
  2. The training task "Heat" has the goal of causing a literal expansion of the vessels of the skin, for people with an upset psyche, it is more than important.
  3. "Pulse" is used to normalize the heartbeat in exciting situations.
  4. During the execution of "Breathing" it is necessary to cause spontaneous excitement, that is, an increase in heart rate, then calm down sharply, achieving uniform breathing. But the bottom line is that in the end, the desired states should appear almost instantly.
  5. "Solar plexus" is desirable to perform for people trained in terms of knowledge of human anatomy. The purpose of this exercise is to normalize the blood circulation of internal organs.
  6. “Cool forehead” during the first stage of auto-training allows you to get rid of pain, in particular headache, if present, over time, a person will be able to use the developed skill at any time necessary.

If a person wants to calm the nervous system, it is better for him to use the first, second and fourth exercises. Everything that concerns the internal organs is more suitable for those who are struggling with the disease.

Performing all these exercises in turn or several specific ones to choose from forms the basis initial stage auto-training, followed by the second, most interesting period of active suggestion or self-assertion of a pre-prepared phrase.

Auto-training for calming (example)

You can compose a calming phrase on your own or with a trainer. There are several methods by which the text material of a positive statement is compiled.

You can't do two things:

  • self-assertion of ill-conceived textual material;
  • write down too banal phrases on the subcortex, for example, “everything is fine” or something like that.

The assertion must be:

  • meaningful;
  • a little associative;
  • with the same thoughts.

In this case, even if it seems to an outside observer that there is no logic in the construction of the statement or that it is clearly violated, you can ignore it. A simple example of identical phrases with obvious illogicality, if we consider everything from the point of view of common sense:

“When the sound of the sea is heard, it becomes calm, confidence is gained, anxiety and excitement go away. When aggression, anger comes from others, I hear the sound of the sea. The purpose of this setup is simple. If a conflict situation suddenly arises, the brain already “presses the button” on command: aggression, anger is the sound of the sea.

She, in turn, launches the entire installation mechanism: "when the sound of the sea is heard ...". A well-honed phrase will quickly take place in both hemispheres of the brain, turning on almost instantly when a conflict situation or any other threat arises in relation to a person.

Some people use the rule of counting to ten instead of all these techniques. By the way, it can be indirectly attributed to a certain type of training, but without performing all sorts of formalities. But the example given is very simple and is designed specifically to calm your nerves and surge of emotions in a particular situation.

But after all, the nervous system can be shaken by various diseases, squabbles, constant excitement for loved ones. Then the assertion must be directed precisely at the source of the anxiety. Decide what scares you the most.

  • lack of money or inability to buy something;
  • disease or its consequences;
  • a break with someone from the family or fear of loneliness.

Any problem always has several ends, and if something does not bring the expected result, then:

  • not quite a worthy goal is being pursued;
  • means for implementation are also not very good;
  • maybe it's not a problem at all.

In the above example, in order to bring the reproduction of the identity of the event and the reaction to it to automatism, it is necessary to evoke in oneself the feeling that is experienced in a conflict situation, remember it and clearly associate it with what should happen after. Namely, calmness and self-confidence, and during auto-training this state is also worked out, remembered and an “anchor” is placed on its reproduction.

Everything works like a well-oiled clockwork, but auto-training differs from hypnosis in that all faith comes through awareness. Therefore, only the statement that a person sincerely believes in will give a result, when it comes from the heart and does not aim to harm others, including oneself. This is not a religion, but precisely the need for a difficult life situation cope with emotions, do not let them allow pain in the heart, that is, protect yourself from neuroses, heart attacks or strokes.

Exit from auto-training and conclusion about its action

The path traveled from the initial training to the end of the statement of the cherished phrase resembles preparation for surgery, anesthesia, some events occur, albeit controlled by the human brain, but getting out of sleep can be painful. This stage of training is called: exit from autogenic training.

After completing the approval stage, you need to think about the end of the process and the need to return to real life. It is advisable to do this competently, “waking up” (everything that happened was not a dream), to feel the lightness of consciousness, the absence of baggage of problems behind you.

A purely psychological way out is also reinforced by physical actions, depending on the location of the training. In an ideal situation, you need to slowly clench your hands into fists, feel the weight of the body, you can stretch well, raising your hands up with open palms and slowly lowering them down through the sides. On this, in fact, the whole stage is completed.

The subtleties of auto-training

As you could understand, materials for auto-training can be taken ready-made. But they definitely need to be reworked for themselves. After all, it is important that the textual material is precisely conscious. The whole process at all stages and stages, unlike even self-hypnosis, goes on at the level of consciousness, understanding of the problem, the need to get out of it at any time.

A few more words about the soundtrack. If possible, it is better not to use it, the phrase that will be approved is better to learn by heart. Classes should preferably be carried out in natural silence, as they say, without fanaticism, the birds outside the window should not be distracting, as well as the voices of people who are in the same room with the trainee.

Auto-training helps people become better, overcome their fears, cope with emotions. If you approach the problem step by step, starting at least with the ability to cope with conflict situations, you can get rid of many of your complexes and apparent shortcomings, which will lead you into the world, albeit imperfect, but in full agreement with yourself.

Many people need auto-training to calm the nervous system due to various stressful circumstances. The method helps to restore the balance of biochemical processes in the body. Sometimes you can change character traits, and in some cases, get rid of bad habits. Learning auto-training is simple, the main thing is to believe in yourself.

What is autotraining

This is a certain psychological technique that helps a person gain moral peace through some self-hypnosis techniques. The essence of this process is calming the nervous system and relaxation of the whole organism, even in conditions of daily stress. According to psychologists, auto-training is a hypnotic effect, but the main feature of self-hypnosis is direct participation in the process. The value of such training lies in the ability to:

  • manage muscle tone;
  • cause at will the necessary emotional state;
  • positively influence the nervous system;
  • focus on what you want.

Indications and contraindications

Auto-training is suitable for people suffering from such ailments as: neuroses, panic attacks, neurasthenia and other psychosomatic diseases. Self-hypnosis shows good performance in curing diseases based on emotional stress (bronchial asthma, endocarditis, hypertension, gastrointestinal disorders, constipation, and others). Auto-training should not be done by those who suffer from vegetative crises, delirium, a state of unclear consciousness and somatic seizures. Self-regulation helps to heal the nervous system of children and pregnant women.

Self-regulation techniques

Managing your psycho-emotional state is called self-regulation. As a result of successful work on oneself, one can achieve the effects of calming (reducing emotional tension), recovery (eliminating manifestations of depression) and activation (increasing psychophysiological reactivity). Natural methods of self-regulation of the nervous system are:

It is difficult to use such auto-training techniques at work and in other public places where stress or fatigue can overtake. The most accessible methods of natural self-regulation are:

  • laughter, humor;
  • thinking about pleasant things;
  • smooth body movements (sipping);
  • admiring pleasant things (flowers, paintings, etc.);
  • bathing in the sun;
  • pleasant sensations from inhaling fresh air;
  • compliment support.

The main tools of auto-training

In addition to the natural methods of auto-training, there are mental tools for self-regulation, which are expressed in visualization (the influence of mental images), affirmations (the power of words), breath control and muscle tone. They contain one common concept - meditation. Auto-training tools can be used in any situation, especially when the emotional state has reached a negative peak. Meditation to calm down is a good way to fix a disturbed nervous system.

Breath control

This is an effective means of influencing the emotional parts of the brain and tense parts of the body, which is part of auto-training. There are two types of breathing - chest and using the abdominal muscles. The ability to manage both methods of relaxation of the body leads to different effects. Deep and measured breathing with the stomach will lead to relaxation of tense parts of the body. Sometimes the body needs tension to improve the mental state. To do this, use frequent chest breathing, which will provide a high level of human activity.

Muscle tone management

Another way of auto-training is to release muscle clamps from tension. They often arise from a negative emotional state. The ability to relax the muscles in the body will help to quickly restore strength. After the relaxation procedure, a well-treated muscle will feel a pleasant heaviness and warmth. It may not be possible to relieve nervous tension all over the body at once, so it is worth paying attention to certain parts of the body.

verbal impact

This method of auto-training affects the psychophysical functions of the body due to the mechanism of self-hypnosis. The action of the method is carried out through short tuning orders to your “I”, programming for success and self-encouragement. For example, in order to restrain yourself in a tense, nervous situation, you should mentally say: “Do not succumb to provocation!”. For auto-training to work, you need to program yourself for success with the words: “Today I will succeed!”. Mental praise will help raise self-esteem: "I'm done!".

How to relax the nervous system

Self-conducting auto-training to calm the nervous system is possible thanks to some existing methods. For each of them, psychologists have compiled detailed step-by-step instructions:

  1. An example of self-regulation using breathing, after which the body will become calmer and more balanced:
    • take a deep slow breath, counting to four to yourself;
    • protrude the stomach forward, keeping the chest motionless;
    • hold your breath for a count;
    • exhale smoothly, counting from one to six;
    • Hold your breath again for a few seconds before the next breath.
  2. Autotraining for muscle tone management:
    • sit on a soft, flat surface;
    • inhale and exhale deeply;
    • mentally find the most tense parts of the body;
    • focus and tighten the clamps even more (on inspiration);
    • feel the tension that has arisen;
    • drop it sharply (on exhalation);
    • carry out the procedure several times.
  3. Auto-training exercises using the verbal method:
  • formulate an order to yourself;
  • repeat it mentally several times;
  • if possible, say the order out loud.

Basic techniques

Learning the basics of psychoregulation is possible thanks to the work of the first inventors of autogenic training, Vladimir Levy and Johann Schulz. The methods of these psychologists on the use of self-discharge in the medical field and everyday life formed the basis for the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system. Autogenic training, described in the works of Levy and Schultz, will help to gain self-confidence, improve the functioning of internal organs and relieve psychological stress.

Autogenic training according to Schultz

This method of restoring the nervous system helps to reveal a natural ability in a person - self-hypnosis. The main goal is to set up your body for recovery through meditation, complete relaxation of the body and moral calm. According to Schultz, after auto-training, certain therapeutic effects occur:

  • physical and moral calm;
  • strengthening the central nervous system;
  • awakening of the body's defenses;
  • gaining self-confidence.

By Vladimir Levy

The self-regulation training course according to Vladimir Levy consists in the use of self-hypnosis formulas to relieve moral and physical stress, restore the nervous system. The therapeutic effect is achieved both verbally and through imagination. The auto-training mastering program takes place over a 15-week course, and its main part is based on the principle of mental “tension-relaxation” of muscles. Such therapy helps if you are fully interested in the process and believe in your own capabilities.

Video for autogenic self-regulation

If you do not know how to relax with the help of auto-training to calm the nervous system, then these useful videos are for you. Experienced psychologists will share the secrets of self-regulation. Doctors will answer exciting questions: what verbal commands exist, does therapeutic music help the nervous system, what auto-training methods are best to use. Learn how you can achieve CNS calm through self-guided mental, verbal, or breathing exercises.

Auto-training for calming, positive words

Text for relaxation

Music for relaxation

Self-regulation training according to Bekhterev

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

How to restore the nervous system and calm the nerves after stress

A person needs both positive and negative emotions. Stress affects the body, both very deplorably and beneficially. Sometimes stress is a threat to health, sometimes it is an incentive to develop and move forward. The body needs a reasonable balance of positive emotions and negativity.

Stresses that are quickly resolved by simply resting or taking a sedative tincture do not leave behind dangerous consequences and do not affect overall well-being. Chronic, protracted stresses, to which there is no end in sight, are detrimental to the body and personality as a whole.

Knocking down stress

Chronic stress at its final stage causes a total failure of all vital systems of the body. First of all, the psycho-emotional sphere suffers. Further, due to the malfunctioning of the nervous system, the body begins to fall apart.

After all, the relationship of mental reactions and the occurrence of bodily ailments has long been proven. The body begins to suffer, so to speak, from head to toe. There is not a single organ and not a single system that would be spared by the mighty and terrible Stress.

Endocrine diseases, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Psychosomatic roots are seen even in an innocent cold. It can be said that the consequences of stress take on the character of an epidemic in one single organism.

Here's what's happening to me...

You have obvious nerve problems and need to calm the nervous system if any of the following signs are present:

  • you are tormented by anxiety or anxiety for any reason;
  • suddenly you became indifferent to everything that made up the meaning of life;
  • for some reason, you stopped visiting any emotions;
  • you stopped believing in yourself and in yourself;
  • you have neither the strength nor the desire to communicate;
  • try to quickly lock yourself at home, curl up on the couch and turn off the phone;
  • everything irritates you, infuriates you, brings you to impotent fits of rage;
  • for some reason, you are tempted to make a scandal, or a tantrum from scratch;
  • you sleep poorly, eat improperly, sometimes overeating, sometimes completely losing your appetite.

If you have found several such deviations in yourself, then this means that your nervous system is out of order and needs to be emergency repairs and recovery. The people say that nerve cells are not restored. Don't trust the people human body all cells are constantly being restored and renewed.

Restoring the nervous system is not easy, but possible if you apply an integrated approach.

Training of the spirit (psyche)

You can relieve stress and calm your nerves at home using the following methods and techniques:

  1. Breathe deeply: you are excited! You have to be able to breathe. Calming breathing is based on measured, deep inhalations and exhalations. At the same time, the blood is well saturated with oxygen, there is a massage of the internal organs, muscle relaxation and harmonization of the nervous system. There are many breathing techniques that relieve tension, but the principle is the same for everyone. Breathing exercises are performed with complete rest and relaxation of the whole body, in a lying or sitting position. Before it, you must try to free your head from any thoughts.
  2. Yoga, meditation - Eastern practices of healing the body and spirit, which will help restore the nervous system at home. Yoga is not just a set of physical and breathing exercises. This is philosophy. Real Indian yogis are the most healthy and unflappable people in the world. Meditation also came from the East. To master it is not so easy and not very fast. Among the people, a simplified version was obtained from spiritual practice. In short, meditation is turning off external stimuli and focusing on the inner image. If you master this art, no blows of fate will be able to cope with you and break the crystal-clear, lake-like surface of the soul. The easiest and most adapted version of meditation is to get up early so that you can just sit by the window without haste with a cup of hot tea, look at the snow outside the window and not think about anything.
  3. Auto-training is a set of exercises to relax the muscles of the whole body, starting from the fingertips and ending with the facial muscles - a great option for calming the nervous system. Mastering the technique of relaxation is an occupation that requires time, patience, work on oneself and one's consciousness. With its help, you can relieve muscle tension, which will entail a powerful relaxation of the nervous system.
  4. Music therapy. It has long been known about the effect of musical compositions on the organ of higher nervous regulation - the hypothalamus. This organ has a decisive influence on psychogenic processes. Therefore, music is an excellent tool for calming the nervous system and relaxation. The method is good because nothing needs to be done, except how to find a good music collection. Marches, sad, gloomy melodies will not work to strengthen the nerves. But classical compositions will calm you down before going to bed, relieve tension, lower your heart rate, normalize blood pressure, make breathing deep and rhythmic. There are special collections for meditation, relaxation. For example, Reiki music is simply created for relaxation and leaving all earthly worries. These are fascinating, very simple melodies combined with the sounds of nature: the sound of the sea, rain, the cry of dolphins, the rustle of leaves.
  5. Color therapy. Certain colors stimulate the pituitary gland - the part of the brain that controls sleep, appetite, and emotions. Depending on which color attracts the attention of a person, the pituitary gland releases different hormones each time. After numerous experiments set by Max Luscher (the father of this direction), colors were chosen that have the most intense effect on the psyche. It is believed that the following colors have a strong influence on the nervous system: yellow, orange, green, blue and purple. Yellow and orange restores, tones and stimulates the psyche, improves thought processes and charges with optimism. Green, blue and purple - soothe, relax, bring peace.
  6. Aromatherapy - aromas, like colors, affect the central nervous system in different ways. Some excite, others soothe. Fragrances can be carried everywhere with you. To do this, they produce aroma medallions with small holes for essential oils. It takes 3-4 drops, and a medal with a pleasant and healthy smell will hang around your neck all day. In addition to medallions, there are aroma lamps, smokers. Essential oils with different aromas can be added to the bath, or used in the bath. Orange, tangerine, grapefruit, ylang-ylang oils will help to cope with increased nervousness, tea tree, lavender, cedar and ginger.

Video materials on the topic.

How to calm your nerves in 1 minute:

Breathing exercises to calm and reset the nervous system:

Relaxing and soothing music for the nervous system:

Meditation to calm the nervous system:

Create your own lifestyle

Most best friend a person is a healthy lifestyle. No wonder the sages said that you are your own best friend and worst enemy.

In case of urgent measures to restore the nervous system, you should return to healthy lifestyle life if you ever practiced it. If life was chaotic and unsystematic, then it is necessary to restore order and a certain system in it.

The lifestyle that leads to health is simple and natural, like everything ingenious. It's just very hard to stick to it. But in the event that it is completely “pressed”, you will have to go for this feat.

What is the path to the health of the nervous system:

  1. Cancel the rush. Haste is a curse on the nervous system.
  2. Become your own nutritionist. Lists of useful and harmful products are constantly being voiced at every turn. Give up the bad ones, and make your own menu for every day from the useful ones.
  3. Cancel the commands “sit”, “lie down” for yourself. Make it your motto: "Movement is life."
  4. Get out of the house for Fresh air. As a last resort, open the windows. Being indoors for days, you breathe not oxygen, but decay products (your own and others').
  5. Find the courage to say no to many of your favorite habits and rituals: coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, aimless sitting at the computer or watching TV.
  6. Adjust your sleep. Go to bed at the same time. Eliminate all light and noise stimuli. Before going to bed, do not watch disturbing films, do not drink exciting drinks, do not eat up. Do not snatch time from sleep for unfinished business. Health is the most important thing. Sleep well and let the whole world wait.
  7. Find a source of positive emotions and draw from it three times a day. Everyone has their own sources of inspiration and positive. Music, good, smart cinema, humor, reading, favorite hobby, loved one - all these are inexhaustible reservoirs of good mood.
  8. Do not let negative emotions enter your mind. Stop them on the outskirts, study for usefulness and replace them with positive ones. A person can only experience one type of emotion at a time. The choice is yours.

Medicine will help you

Depending on the condition, both a soothing herb for nerves and “heavy artillery”, which are provided strictly by prescription, can help.

  • sedatives (sodium bromide, phenobarbital, motherwort, peony, valerian), sedatives inhibit the processes of excitation in the cerebral cortex;
  • antidepressants (Amitriptyline, Nialamide) are indicated for pronounced signs of depression, expel melancholy, cheer up, drive away thoughts of a suicidal nature, encourage action;
  • tranquilizers (Phenazepam, Sibazon), which are recommended to relieve feelings of anxiety and anxiety, improve the general background of mood, improve sleep.

Vitamins often help better absorption of drugs into the blood. Vitamins of groups B, C, A, E restore the nervous system well.

You can drink one of them, or purchase vitamin and mineral complexes. Vitamins nourish the nervous tissue, eliminate anxiety, reduce anxiety, have a beneficial effect on sleep, slow down cellular aging, and provoke the restoration of nerve cells.

Putting in order the autonomic nervous system

The autonomic nervous system, being part of a larger whole, sensitively responds to the slightest changes occurring in the central nervous system.

The vegetative system works autonomously, not obeying self-orders, and does not depend on the will. The processes for which she is responsible (sleep, heartbeat, digestion, temperature, metabolic processes), a person cannot control consciously.

Its parasympathetic and sympathetic departments work in pairs, inducing the same organs to either activate their activity or reduce it. If one department (sympathetic) accelerates the heart rate, then the other (parasympathetic), on the contrary, slows it down. Sympathetic - dilates the pupil, parasympathetic - narrows, etc. Two departments vegetative system balance the processes of inhibition and excitation. In case of imbalance between them, vegetovascular dystonia occurs.

Restoration of the nervous system should be comprehensive and include the following techniques:

  1. Psychotherapy sessions will help to identify the true causes of the disease (overwork, stress, lack of sleep).
  2. Physiotherapy. Patients with VVD are contraindicated in sports that require a large load. But moderate physical activity (walking, skiing, jogging, swimming) can quickly put the autonomic system in order. It strengthens, tones, soothes, hardens the body.
  3. Dosed physical activity. Take every opportunity to increase your activity: forget the elevator, walk a few stops, run 5-6 floors, do at least 10 minutes of exercise. All this will help restore the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the peripheral nervous system.
  4. Massage of all parts of the spine and acupuncture.
  5. Alternate switching from mental activity to physical activity and vice versa.
  6. Hydrogen sulfide, radon baths. Contrast and circular shower.
  7. Fresh air. You need to walk every day for at least 30 minutes, and ideally at least three hours.
  8. Get good sleep. Ragged, superficial sleep destabilizes nervous processes.
  9. Refusal of nicotine and alcohol and harmful "goodies": pickles, marinades, smoked, sweets, fatty and fried foods.
  10. Food containing magnesium and potassium. These elements restore the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic system. Eat cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal). Vegetables (peas, beans, beans, eggplants, carrots, onions) will help well. Do not forget fruits and dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried apricots).

Recovery after stress

How to independently restore the nervous system at home after prolonged stress:

  1. After the destructive work of stress, you need a well-established regime, the correct alternation of work and rest, and good sleep.
  2. Change the environment if possible. Go out of town, visit old friends, go on vacation.
  3. Adjust nutrition: eat more foods containing magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus. These elements stabilize the functioning of the nervous system. Do not forget about fish, fresh meat, vegetables and fruits, nuts, buckwheat, oatmeal. good effect gives natural honey and dark chocolate.
  4. Go in for sports, or any feasible kind physical activity. Dancing helps a lot. You can also dance at home, improvising near the stove, or to your favorite music.
  5. Choose positive, optimistic people to communicate with. Watch funny movies, listen to uplifting music, read humorous literature.
  6. Help those who feel bad: stay a little volunteer, visit a sick friend or relative. A good option is to get a pet and take care of it.
  7. Don't neglect folk medicine. There are a lot of soothing and tonic collections, tinctures and teas from them. St. John's wort, mint, valerian, motherwort, lemon balm are herbs that can be brewed both individually and by creating combinations of them.
  8. Aromatherapy is a great way to recover from stress. The most "anti-stress" essential oils- this is the oil of lemon, mandarin, grapefruit and coniferous aromas of cedar, pine, fir.
  9. Baths with coniferous extract will help you relax in the evening and provide healthy sleep. accept these water procedures You need at least a week to commemorate a session.

Autogenic training

More than 80 years ago, the German psychiatrist Johann Schulz invented a method of relaxation followed by self-hypnosis of the desired state. If you are not too lazy and master the 3 stages of autogenic training, the method can work wonders.

In an autogenic state, you can do with the body what only yogis can do: slow down or speed up the heartbeat, regulate blood circulation, blood supply to the brain, and eliminate pain.

Auto-training is both an excellent prevention of psychosomatic diseases and a tool for calming the nervous system and quickly recuperating. Activating the body and psyche with the help of AT can be much more efficient and faster than using the usual methods (sleep, lie down, take a walk).

This technique will teach you how, after falling asleep for a few minutes during a work break, you can fully restore your working capacity and energy when you wake up.

It consists of three stages: relaxation, self-hypnosis, exit from this state:

  1. Relaxation. Before you inspire yourself with something, you need to calm down. Against the backdrop of raging emotions and a state of impotent despair, nothing good can be done for oneself. So the first step is calm. Negative emotions usually hide in muscle clamps. Removing these clamps, that is, achieving complete muscle relaxation, a person comes to liberation from negativity. Having completely relaxed, a person turns, as it were, into a new file into which any useful information can be entered. Relaxation includes 4 main states that must be achieved with the help of special self-suggestions: a feeling of calmness, a feeling of warmth, a feeling of heaviness, calm even breathing.
  2. Self-hypnosis. After a person is completely relaxed, the time has come for any self-hypnosis. They can be spoken aloud, to oneself, read from a sheet, represented in images. You can not inspire anything, but just fall asleep for 10 minutes. Waking up, a person will be rested and fresh, as if he had slept all night.
  3. Return. Open your eyes, feel your body, feel reborn. That's it, the “stress” stop was safely passed, you can continue to live with a smile. You can practice for five minutes several times a day at a convenient time.

Autotraining doctor Frolov to calm the nervous system:

How to eat to live

Even Professor Preobrazhensky used to say: “Imagine that most people don’t know how to eat at all!” The professor was right. We usually eat whatever we want, whenever and wherever we want.

The basic rules of nutrition are:

  1. Do not skip breakfast - the main meal of the day. Morning supplies should be enough until lunch. The food eaten in the morning is digested whole and is not deposited in fats.
  2. Better less, but more often. You need to eat often, in small portions, so that the blood rushes not only to the stomach, but also to the brain. It is easier for the stomach to digest small amounts. The energy that would have been spent on the digestive process will go to a more suitable place.
  3. Refuse catering services, do not eat fast food, do not wash it down with liters of cola and other carbonated drinks.
  4. Drink plenty of water: half an hour before a meal, or 20 minutes after it. Water is considered a separate dish. It is argued that eating and drinking at the same time is wrong: water dilutes the gastric juice and disrupts the digestion process. Drinking tea or juice with food, we contribute to the strengthening of fermentation processes in the intestines. Water, as a separate dish, washes, cleanses and saturates the body.
  5. Do not abuse sweet, fatty, spicy, salty.
  6. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, salads and greens.
  7. Heat treatment of food should be minimal so as not to destroy the vitamins and other beneficial substances that it contains.

Every year on December 31…

Bath or sauna stimulates and regulates the processes of inhibition and excitation, visiting them can restore the nervous system and normalize the psyche. Bath procedures relieve mental and muscular tension, relax and tone up the nervous system.

Muscle relaxation is followed by mental relaxation. After the bath, a person feels lightness and comfort in the body. This is because the blood actively rushes to the skin, reducing emotional stress and removing muscle clamps. Relaxation is followed by gradual recovery of the nervous system.

The combination of bath heat and ice hole works great. The lovers know this. A sharp change in the temperature regime strongly tones the vessels, forcing them to alternately narrow or expand. This procedure invigorates, increases endurance and stress resistance.

A competent massage after the bath will complete the daily program for the rehabilitation of the body. With its help, you can achieve maximum relaxation, a sense of mental and physical comfort, disperse stagnant blood, stretch areas of clamps and ossification.

And never forget what the wise of this world teach: “Thoughts are material, have dynamic energy and influence circumstances much more strongly than circumstances influence thoughts.”

If you want to live well, think well. Imagine the good as if it has already happened to you, and you will be happy!

“Avoid even a hint of the worst in your thoughts. Take in mind only the best. Make it an obsession." Vincent Pill.

This section was created to take care of those who need a qualified specialist, without disturbing the usual rhythm of their own lives.

Meditation to Calm the Nervous System: Types and Examples

In the modern world, stress has a very strong detrimental effect on human life and takes a lot of energy. There are many ways to deal with this negative phenomenon - this is different types physical activity (gym, yoga, swimming) and sedatives, and light music and much more. Meditation to calm the nervous system is another effective method, which we will discuss in more detail later.

The effect of meditation on the nervous system

The nervous system is the center that controls the entire human body. Its significance is difficult to overestimate, because it is the nervous system that is responsible for the correct flow of two main reactions: conscious muscle movements, as well as uncontrolled contractions, represented by the processes of breathing, sweating, digestion, heartbeat and other similar ones.

The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for generating and processing all human emotional responses. It is from here that anxiety, a feeling of fatigue and various depressive states originate. Calming the nerves meditation affects the sympathetic nervous system and helps to eliminate even very significant manifestations of stress.

Experts from different countries, their arguments are impressive: it turns out that meditation itself without additional tools minimizes negative consequence provoked by our emotional reactions to what is happening.

When the parasympathetic nervous system is activated during meditative practice, the following changes occur at the physical level:

  • the heart rate decreases;
  • the breathing process is normalized;
  • sweating is minimized;
  • blood pressure returns to normal.

In addition, as a result of meditation, there is a decrease in the activity of those parts of the brain that control the impulse of a person to "attack or run away." Since ancient times, thanks to these primitive reactions, man has been able to survive as a species, despite evolution, but in modern active times, as a rule, they have a negative effect on us, provoking chronic stress, fatigue and tension.

A person is forced to constantly think about which side he should expect “danger” and “attack”, as well as think over a plan of his actions in such situations. Of course, this does not contribute to a calm and harmonious life.

If you systematically perform meditation, the brain will weaken the most ancient neural connections, which will reduce the degree of stress on the nervous system. As a result, a person will begin to evaluate what is happening more rationally, and will also be able to remain calm, not getting involved in every situation.

Almost all meditation practices are based on deep measured breathing. It promotes better absorption of oxygen by blood cells, and also improves oxygen saturation of the brain and activates cranial blood circulation. The head becomes “clear” and it is much easier for a person to maintain psychological balance.

Useful recommendation! If you want to learn more about the benefits of meditation and how it triggers the body's natural relaxation process, we advise you to read popular thematic publications. For example, doctor and writer Joan Borisenko writes a lot of interesting things about meditative practices.

How else can you calm the nervous system

Of course, meditation is not the only way to control nervous activity. There are other methods of helping your nervous system and calming down, the most popular are the following methods:

  • hiking in the fresh air;
  • sports activity;
  • games with pets;
  • favorite activities;
  • auto-trainings;
  • self-hypnosis and others.

You can choose the option that suits you the most. But the experience of many people suggests that it is meditation on relaxation and tranquility that harmonizes the state of the nervous system.

Varieties of meditation

Which of the meditation techniques should be preferred? Meditation comes in the following varieties:

  • breathing exercises;
  • short guided meditations;
  • visualizations.

There are differences between all versions of meditation, but one main distinguishing feature also stands out: they do not require significant effort or a lot of time to complete, and the effect of the exercises will pleasantly surprise you.

There is another method of how to choose the most suitable relaxation for yourself - you need to determine how you perceive information from the outside world.

So for people with a well-developed sensory channel (kinesthetics), breathing practices are most suitable.

Audials (those who perceive everything by ear) should turn to guided meditations for help.

And for visuals (people who perceive information through their eyes), visual techniques will become the most acceptable.

Pay attention to what to choose for yourself breathing technique need to be very careful. Now there are a huge number of them, but not all of them are able to calm down - some, on the contrary, have an exciting effect. Such exercises will eliminate chronic fatigue and drowsiness, but are not at all suitable for overwrought and tense people.

Meditation exercises to calm and relax the nerves

Deep breathing square

This timed practice lasts two minutes, you can do it anywhere you want. Exercise perfectly calms the nerves, and if you do it constantly, it will relieve increased irritability.

It is performed as follows:

  1. It is necessary to gather, firmly pressing your feet to the floor (even if you are sitting). You can do it with your eyes closed.
  2. One hand is placed on the diaphragm (located in the upper abdomen) to control the breathing process (it should be directed there).
  3. Inhale slowly for about 5 seconds.
  4. Now you need to hold your breath for 5 seconds as well.
  5. Also exhale slowly for 5 seconds.

Practice should be done for 2 minutes.

Short Guided Meditations

This technique remarkably eliminates nervousness, attracts with its simplicity of implementation. All you have to do is simply find videos or audio recordings of guided calming meditations on the Internet and turn them on when you are on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

When choosing, you should focus purely on your feelings and choose the material that you like. So, the voice of the leader should evoke sympathy and soothe.

Recommendation! You can easily compose a meditation for yourself if you do not want to use materials from the network. Relatives will help you with this, whom you can ask to write down the text you have compiled, and then you will need to diversify it with special relaxing effects at your discretion.

Visualization for stress relief

In this method of relaxing the nervous system, a person is offered maximum freedom. It is performed quite simply - you need to close your eyes and visualize everything that will allow you to eliminate negative emotions from your mind and set you up for positive.

To do this, you can go into the depths of your memory and extract from it the most pleasant memories. You will need to keep positive, bright images in your mind that protect you from irritability and anxiety.

In this case, a pleasant picture for each person will be individual. As a rule, meditation trainers advise to imagine such images in order to calm the nervous system:

  • peaceful and serene landscapes;
  • a glass partition that will protect you from any negativity;
  • turbulent streams or an erupting volcanic vent that resembles your emotions;
  • multicolored energy flowing through your body.

The described options are the most obvious and common. You can choose other soothing associations for yourself and even create your own. effective system dealing with stressors and anxiety. We wish you success in this difficult task, and in the end, be sure to watch an interesting video clip:

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In life we ​​face stressful situations, but we do not always have the opportunity to restore the psychological state. You need to take extra.

There are ways to restore peace of mind and harmony, one of which is auto-training.

The meaning of therapy

Autotraining (autogenic therapy) is a psychological relief, a technique when a person learns to manage his psycho-emotional state. The actions of the training are aimed at relaxing the nervous system. It is considered a hypnotic effect on the body, but not with the help of outside interference, but by a method of self-hypnosis.

Thanks to auto-training, it is easy to learn to control emotions, concentrate thoughts and desires, and get proper rest for the body. We are faced with manifestations of natural auto-training.

The body regenerates on its own. These are sleep, food, walks in nature, sports, music, humor and more. Sometimes this is not enough, in order to avoid disorders and neuroses - help is needed. Helps

What does auto-training give?

Autogenic training for the body is not only relaxation, but the treatment of the nervous system. Half an hour of therapy is equivalent to three to four hours of sleep.

Problems solved through training:

During training you will learn:

  • control your emotions;
  • cope with stress;
  • concentrate attention;
  • dull pain and resentment.

Indicators according to Luscher

The Swiss psychologist Max Lüscher developed a test that allows, by compiling color choice ki, bypass the body's defense mechanisms, reach its unconscious level, determine the psychological state of a person.

As part of the study, patients suffering from psychological disorders were tested before and after their recovery. If at the beginning of the treatment their color choice was varied, then in the final it approached a uniform holistic selection. These indicators are called the autogenous norm, they are the norm of the neuropsychiatric state.

Autotraining rules

What is the main technique of auto-training? Proper breathing, and accurate mental images help to relax the nervous system. The technique has different exercises, which are combined with rules and principles:

  1. Train in a calm and quiet place where nothing will distract you from the process.
  2. It is necessary to take a position that is comfortable for you (ideally, to train lying down).
  3. Repeat all phrases after the audio instructor if you train with him.
  4. You can write, but write a positive text on your own behalf, do not use the “no” particle and negative expressions.
  5. Compose text from simple short phrases.
  6. Every time you say a phrase, try to make sense of it. The text that you understand and understand will be effective.
  7. Everything that is written / heard / said must be imagined in your imagination. Nothing helps to concentrate on a thought like visual images: detailed and vivid.
  8. In order for the text to be assimilated and imprinted in the mind, it is better to pronounce it several times.

Autotraining tools

Important tools of auto-training are breathing, word and thought. In combination with the work of the abdominal muscles, slow and deep breathing affects the central nervous system, thanks to which the body relaxes and calms down.

Using breathing as a tool, you will learn to control your muscle tone: relieve tension, pain, and tension.

An important tool is verbal influence. Orders, self-programming, encouragement work on the human mind, changing it
internal state. There are exercises, depending on the goals. Let's look at some of them.

With neuroses

Auto-training helps to feel the complete relaxation of the nervous system, and in combination with additional treatment, it copes well with neuroses.

The purpose of the training is to relax the body both on the psychological and emotional, and on the physical level,

Say the text: “I am relaxed. I feel my body fill with warmth. I find harmony with myself and the world.” You can repeat the text, but instead of heat, say “heaviness”: the body is heavy and relaxed. To calm the nervous system, repeat several times, moving from one state to another. Thus achieve complete relaxation.

For depression

Autogenic training is used in the fight against depression, but is part of the treatment process. The purpose of the training will be to improve the emotional state of the patient.

It is necessary, just as in case of neuroses, to use the setting about the warmth and heaviness of the body, and when the body is completely relaxed, you can pronounce positive settings. There must be a message of optimism, joy and pleasant emotions. It can be a positive setting for the day.

For health

If you have little energy, and your health has deteriorated for reasons unknown to you, you can take a course of autogenic training. The purpose of this installation will be to tune your body to health, to get the necessary energy and strength. Use the following text: “I am healthy. My body is full of energy. I feel great. Every day I have more and more more strength. I'm happy".

It is important to feel yourself in this state, to imagine how the body is healed and filled with strength.

For women

Women's self-esteem largely depends on her personal life. When something goes wrong, she falls, and the woman begins to feel unhappy, forgetting about her attractiveness. If you do not have enough strength to improve your life, auto-training will help.

The text of auto-training can be completely different. It is necessary to clearly formulate the goal and voice it. For example, “I am beautiful. I accept myself for who I am, appreciate, love and respect.

I like everything: face, body and soul. I will succeed. Soon I will find a husband/boyfriend and become a mother/wife.”

To soothe children

Children's auto-training should have a playful form and be included in the child's daily routine. It is also important to teach the baby to do the exercises correctly, because the result depends on the technique of execution.

The text can be customized. Words should be part of the game. For example, tell your child that he is a magical flower that reaches for the sun, repeating the words: “I feel good and warm. My breathing is calm and my body is relaxed.” Such a game will help calm the nervous system and stabilize the emotional state.

For weight loss

You don't need to starve yourself on diets to lose weight. Of course, it is important to limit yourself in nutrition and go in for sports, but auto-training for weight loss will help you tune in.

Sometimes the barrier that prevents us from changing is our self-doubt. And the purpose of this installation will be a text that calls to believe in yourself and your strengths. For example, “I am losing weight. I'm getting prettier and prettier. My body is great. Everything will work out for me, I believe in my strength.” Carry out auto-training twice a day. Motivate yourself for a positive result, and your mind will work in the right direction.

Before bedtime

If you suffer from insomnia and nightmares, try a relaxation training before bed. Before that, ventilate the room, take a warm bath and tune in to relaxation.

Get comfortable in bed and start speaking the text. Concentrate on the words, focus and not be distracted Say the following text: “I am calm. I feel good. My body fills with warmth. I feel peace. I am gradually falling asleep. I'm sleeping." Repeat a couple of times. You will notice that falling asleep has become much easier.

Duration of classes

The main thing is to find time for yourself and your activities. Do not forget about the systematic: we decided to go through 7-8 trainings a week - do not interrupt the course! You will not immediately notice the result, in order to achieve the goal - it is worth working hard.

The daily duration of classes can be from two to three minutes a day. Time can be increased, the main thing is not to turn trainings into a routine, since everything that becomes a burden does not bring great results.

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