How to polish the ceiling before painting. Preparation of the ceiling under painting: Important moments

Engineering systems 03.03.2020
Engineering systems

Despite the emergence of many new variations, and the methods of finishing the ceiling surface, the painting of the ceiling continues to be popular. Usually, such works are used by water-emulsion paint, due to the fact that it will dry very quickly, does not distinguish the smell, it is inexpensive. However, before proceeding to the main painting work, it will take careful preparation of the ceiling to paint. We will tell about its main stages and nuances in the article.

What you need to prepare the surface to paint

If you want the result from the activities carried out positive, in no case do not treat the training step negligible. Otherwise, after a while, you will again have to repair, spend your money and strength on it.

The main reasons for which the preparation of the ceiling is necessary is:

  • Defects of the ceiling surface remaining from the previous finish.
  • Embossed previous works on the sealing of seams between concrete slabs.
  • Cracks, gaps.
  • Fat, rusty stains, mold traces and other contamination on the ceiling, which come across a layer of fresh paint.

Well, among other things, the perfectly smooth and smooth surface is a great base for high-quality finishes.

Preparatory work includes several consecutive stages:

  • Removing the old finish.
  • Seeling cracks and seams.
  • Strengthen ceiling surface.
  • Putty.
  • Grinding.
  • Primer.

In order for the preparatory work faster, you will need the following tools:

  • ladder;
  • putty knife. Purchase two options - narrow to handle hard-to-reach places, wide for work on the main area;
  • tanks for paint, primer;
  • construction mixer or drill with a special nozzle;
  • construction or stationery knife;
  • a grater or grinding machine for grouting ceiling after shtchelivation;
  • special primer solution of deep penetration;
  • putty (starting and finishing);
  • glue solution and fine-tier mesh.

You will also need additional protection of the respiratory, eye, hands. These are gloves, respiratory mask and glasses.

Preparing the room

  1. We endure all furniture, household appliances and other items from the room.
  2. What did not work out, it is necessary to protect the polyethylene film.
  3. We dismantle all the lighting elements, turn off the wiring.
  4. The same film or old newspapers are installed on the floor.
  5. We hide the doors and window sills from the dust and garbage with the film, the joints fix the scotch for greater reliability.

Now you can go directly to the main preparatory work before the painting ceiling.

Stages of work

Before prepare the ceiling to paint, it is necessary to clean its surface from the previous finish.

Depending on which material was previously applied as an finishing coating, appropriate actions are taken to dismantle it:

  • Wallpaper. Spray, brush or other convenient way paper surfaces impregnate with plenty of warm soapy water. After a while, after the adhesive solution begins to be twisted, proceed. Spatula cling to peeling pieces of wallpaper, remove them from the ceiling surface. To additionally moisten the ceiling, you can use a sponge-soaked solution. For high-quality cleaning, change the water more often. After removing paper, the sponge is necessary to completely wash the remaining adhesive solution. As a result, the surface must be completely cleaned.

  • Water-emulsion or whitewash. How to prepare ceilings under the painting of water-level paint if the same method of finishing was previously used?

A solution of warm water and chips of the household soap or liquid for washing dishes will be required. In this case, it will have to spend a lot of time and forces, since the removal of the thick layer of the old paint process is very long and time-consuming. It is possible to simplify it with constant wetting of small sections of the ceiling surface with a sponge, which, as the swelling, is easily scrupped with a spatula.

Separate staining locations, in front of which the water turned out to be powerless, can be lost by sandpaper or metal brushed.

Removing whitewings in the same way. A slightly acetic or hydrochloric acid can be added to the solution. The chemical reacts with lime, from which the whitewashes swollen and easily scrapes the sharp object.

With the help of a construction dryer. From its high temperature, paint begins to crack and lag behind the surface, so it will not be difficult to remove it with a spatula.

You can use the dry method and apply the grinding machine. However, dust and garbage in this case will be very much, so you have to spend time to clean the room from pollution.

After removing the decoration, the ceiling is well rinsed, we leave for graze.

  • Acrylic paint. Here you can use one of two ways:

- Chemical when the roller is applied by a special purchase composition, helping the finish swell. After that, you will only remain a spatula to clean the acrylic dye.

- Mechanical assumes the removal of the old paint layer with a hammer and a brush on the metal to be cleared the surface.

What a way to prefer to solve you. Just keep in mind that the first method is harmful to health and can cause allergic reactions.

  • Tile. The thick layer of the solution, which is used to lay the ceramic tile, is not easy to remove. It is much easier to cope with foam variations. They are dismantled, and the adhesive composition is washed off with soapy water.

Cement mixtures will have to beat off the hammer, the remnants of the spatula. It is better to use a sharp tool so that it is convenient to simply approach the layers.

  • Plasterboard. From such coatings will have to get rid of completely, replacing them with new ones, since any finish will be removed from the ceiling, damaging the upper layer of material. It is better not to spend time, but immediately dismantle drywall, and make a ceiling of new sheets.

After you cleared the ceiling surface, carefully inspect the ceiling for cracks, stains or other contaminants and go to the next step.

Close up of cracks

Before you need to check the fortress of plaster on the ceiling. This is done simply. It is necessary to catch up with doubt the plots with a hammer. Movements must be neat so as not to damage the strong finish.

Sowing elements remove, and all the cracks thoroughly close the solution. For deep gaps, it is necessary to use compositions from sand and cement, but before the crack is expanding the blow to the perforator into the width. Narrow gaps can be smeared with putty.

If the solution falls out of the slots, use the mounting foam.

Important! After seeling the seams to the putty surface, the surface must be treated with a layer of deep penetration, to protect the base ceiling from mold and fungus.

The order of sealing seams between concrete slabs, we have already been considered in a separate article. In this case, the process will be similar.

How to make an even surface? It is necessary to strengthen the ceilings. Strengthening is based on the use of the Pautinka glass cholester and a special adhesive solution.

The sequence of work will be as follows:

  • Glue Process the surface on the ceiling in size corresponding to one square of the glass cholester. Use a greasy roller.
  • Attach the first piece, press it to the ceiling. The technology is similar to the process of sailing by wallpaper.
  • Lubricate the second site and fix the next element so that it is the insertion "lay" to the previous one, by about 2-3 cm.
  • Excess glue on each square immediately delete a wide spatter first along, then across the reinforcing plate.
  • Next, the stationery knife under the metal bar or the base of a wide spatula, we ride two canvas on your appearance. Remove the sliced \u200b\u200bpieces, sweep the two sides to each other as much as possible. It is necessary that the surface becomes perfectly smooth.
  • Puck, so the entire ceiling.
  • After drying the material, re-process its glue layer for final consolidation.

Now the surface is prepared for shtlock.

This process is the most time consuming when the question is solved how to prepare the ceiling under painting. The sequence of work, the choice of material, the preparation of the mixture, we already, both for the base surface and drywall ceilings.

The main thing is to ensure a convenient position under the ceiling and reliable support. The best option will be the use of special racks - "goats". With their absence, the stand is prepare from a pair of strong tables. At the same time, the head of height of 10-15 cm should remain over the head. So it will be easier for you to work, see flaws and not strain the cervical spine.

Grind surface

The paint ceiling finishes assumes the base in the form of a smooth and smooth surface. Otherwise, depending on the direction of natural or artificial lighting, all flaws will be noticeable. Therefore, as the penultimate stage, the ceiling must be thoroughly gluing. To do this, used primary fixtures or a special machine.

So that the results of the work are visible well, prepare the incandescent light bulb on the carrying and the grid. Move the circular movements in the straight direction from one wall to another. Processed areas highlight the lamp to immediately remove the shortcomings. Similarly, we do, working the grinding machine.

Important! Be sure to use personal protective equipment so that the dust does not get into the eyes and respiratory organs.

Carefully follow the quality of work. If there are flaws, apply a layer of putty on the ceiling again, wait for it to dry, then rebuild the grinding.


The primer is the final stage of preparatory finishing works.

The composition is applied to a completely dry surface. In the process of priming, wet the ceiling well with a solution, but do not allow strong sublists.

You must apply two layers of primer. Before the second coating, wait for a complete burnt of the first layer. This is about 3-4 hours. Determining factors are humidity and air temperature in the room. Optimal climatic conditions - from 5 to 20 degrees of heat and air humidity - not more than 75%.

Important! Carefully pay the corners and joints. They process them with a brush, like other hard-to-reach areas.

Upon completion of the work, your ceiling will be smooth and a bit sticky.

Thus, to prepare the ceilings under painting with their own hands. Follow our recommendations, follow the sequence of work, then you will have a high-quality surface, ready to further finish.

Preparation and painting of ceiling with water-level paint. Video

Contrary to the existence of the latest technologies used for the modern decoration of the ceilings, among which the most commonly use of suspended systems, stretch ceilings, PVC panels, the most economical and popular ceiling decoration today remains the fulfillment of all classical coloring.
However, despite the seeming simplicity and availability, the results after applying this method are not always pleased: the ceiling does not work perfectly smooth, then it turns out with divorces and stains.
In order for after painting the ceiling with their own hands, the result of you did not grieve, it should be competently prepared for the final finish, it is necessary to properly select the appropriate paints and apply them to the ceiling, given the specific rules.

Preparation of the ceiling to paint with your own hands

The finish painting of the ceiling is used to finish the surfaces of the ceilings, which are made of the following materials:

  1. Concrete plates;
  2. Plasterboard plates;
  3. Wood.

Technology coloring of any of the above listed types of ceiling coverage is almost the same. Differences are found only in relation to the methods of preparation of ceilings under the color.

Before starting painting the ceiling, free the most accommodation from furniture items, remove the ceiling chandeliers, instead of which you attach the cartridge and screw in it a powerful lamp to get sufficient lighting. It remains only to cover the flooring floors and large-sized furniture that could not be taken out, and you can proceed to work on the ceiling finishing.

Preparation of concrete slabs in front of the painting ceiling

If the ceilings in the room are concrete, they need to be especially carefully prepared, since the quality of the preparation depends on how firmly will stay on the surface of the ceiling finishing paint.

Old chalk whitewash (if any) is washed off to the concrete layer. For a better result, it is pre-wet soaked with hot water using a roller for this. If the chalk is superimposed too thick layer, it needs to be twisted several times, and then read with a wide spatula. After removing the chalk, the ceiling needs to be carefully flushed.

If you need to paint the ceiling, which was finished with the help of lime or water-emulsion paint, it should be washed from dust and dirt with hot water, while it is necessary to clean the place to the concrete slab, where the paint peelled or swollen.

During the preparation of the surface of the ceiling to color, it is necessary to repair slots and defects.

Between concrete slabs sometimes formed slots or cracks. In this case, the seams should be seal and carefully consider the old putty or paint to the concrete layer.

After completion of cleaning, the concrete ceiling must be covered with a primer, which is necessary to ensure that the plaster and putty are firmly connected with concrete. Soil should be used absorbing, not film-forming, therefore, acquiring it in the store, carefully read the instructions.

Proper preparation of the ceiling surface before painting.

The primer is applied using a roller, and problematic and hard-to-reach places are processed with a brush. After applying the ground layer, leaving the ceiling on a couple of hours so that it is finally dry.

After that, you can proceed to the work on plastering the extended seams. In addition, it is necessary to restore the dropped fragments on the ceiling surface - for this you need to pre-mix the water to be processed.

The plaster mixture is applied with a wide spatula. It should be pressed in the seams with effort and the whole depth. All plastered seams need to be reinforced by a special fiberglass ribbon that prevents the appearance in the subsequent cracks, as well as making a quiet seam.

Concrete ceiling must be placed to eliminate small defects of its surface.

The next step of the preparatory stage is to put the surface of the ceiling, which is performed by any mineral spacchable mixtures, diluted with water. They are applied with a wide spatula with a double layer, between which the intermediate dryer is required from 4 to 24 hours.

The thickness of the first layer of putty should be greater, since the layer of leveling should mask all defects and irregularities existing on the surface of the ceiling. Applying a second, thinner layer of putty, smoothes transitions and traces left by the spatula.

In order to obtain an impeccably smooth surface, before performing the staining of the ceiling, it must be grinding.

In order for the surface to be perfect, the ceiling after putty should be grinding. For sanding, the ceiling is used not very coarse sandpaper and bar, which must be periodically illuminated by powerful light to identify and eliminate possible defects.

If you correctly polished the ceiling, it may have inhomogeneity of color, but necessarily perfectly smooth.

How to prepare for painting the ceiling made of plasterboard plates

Before performing the color of the ceiling, the surface of which is plasterboard plates, it is subject to careful preparation. Because cracks do not appear in it, they do not have to close. But the ceiling remains the old peeling paint or whitewashes that need to be removed, and then using ordinary clean water, wash off the surface of dust and dirt.

Be sure to close the putty seams formed when docking the plates, as well as the places in which the screws were used.

On the ceiling you need to put a putty medium layer, reinforce the joints of the plasterboard sheets with the help of fiberglass tape, and then polish.

How to prepare a wooden ceiling to paint

Owners of country mansion and country houses often use natural wood, wooden panels or cladding for ceiling finishes. In order to protect natural wood materials from the occurrence of rot, the appearance of fungi and mold, as well as insect pests, are covered with paints.

Therefore, when preparing wooden ceilings to paint, it is necessary to align their surfaces using emery paper, soak them with a verse or use special protective impregnations of the Pinotex series for this.

Primer the ceiling surface before painting it.

Before the right staining of the surface of the ceiling of any types, put a putty and grinding, and then rejected again. The last layer of soil will help significantly improve the adhesion of the ceiling surface and paint, and also allows you to reduce the amount of paint used.

Choose the best paint for coloring ceiling

Currently, they almost do not use lime and chalk for plain ceilings, so the question of which paint is suitable for painting the ceiling, complicated and interesting. The modern consumer provides a wide range of water-emulsion colors, from which he selects the option with suitable:

  1. Composition;
  2. Functional purpose;
  3. High quality characteristics.

Paints must meet the following requirements and be:

  1. Environmentally friendly;
  2. Safe;
  3. Do not smell;
  4. Playproof;
  5. Simple in leaving when operating.

Water-emulsion paints that are used for the color of the ceilings have a different chemical composition, so they can be:

  1. Acrylic;
  2. Silicate;
  3. Silicon.

Coloring Rules Ceiling Acrylic Paints

Acrylic paints have a lot of sensitivity to the effects of vapors and moisture, so they are used in recreation rooms and living rooms. There is an extensive group of paints having a water base. Among them are particularly popular with acrylic, since they are optimally combined with excellent quality and a democratic price.

In order to get a high-quality spectacular finishing of the ceiling, it is necessary to paint it with acrylic paint in two layers. The paint is elastic, so it can be fine with small cracks (whose width is up to 1 mm), it can be easily cleaned from small contamination, and it gives a replacement surface of the ceiling surface.

But before processing the ceiling acrylic paint, you need to consider the fact that it is afraid of couples and moisture, so you should not paint the ceiling in the bathroom.

In what premises are silicate paints

Silicate paints have high resistance to steam effects, do not respond to increased humidity, and have excellent antiseptic properties: do not be afraid of fungi and mold.

The use of silicate paints having a water base is widespread in industrial premises, which created complex operating conditions.

In the residential room with such colors you can paint ceilings in the premises of basements, pools, saunas, bathrooms and kitchens. It is not appropriate to use silicate paints to finish the ceilings in a living room or a bedroom.

Silicone compounds for coloring ceiling

Silicone compounds are featured by the countertility. When using them, high-quality and smooth coatings are obtaind, having a dirt-repellent property having increased elasticity and capable of overlapping cracks having a width of up to 2 mm.

In addition, this kind of paints is antiseptic and compatible with various types of paints. Silicon paints can face ceilings in any rooms. These paints have and disadvantage - they are pretty expensive.

Ceiling painting using silicone paint.

If, choosing paint for coloring the ceiling, you wonder about its value, then it should be aware that the flow rate of silicone paints depends not only on how much is contained in the container, but also from the hovering indicator. Therefore, you better find the paint consumption per square meter on the package, after which it may be very much that the dear, it would seem, the paint will become a more economical choice.

What colors should be painted wooden ceilings

Wooden ceilings are usually stained with the following compositions:

  1. Phenolic varnishes;
  2. Epoxy varnishes;
  3. Water-soluble varnishes;
  4. Translucent lacies.

All of these compositions have moistureproof and antiseptic properties, contribute to the preservation and emphasizing the beauty of natural texture and color of the natural tree.

If in order to support the style of the interior, it takes a change in the color of the wooden ceiling, the water-emulsion or oil paint is suitable. Before the painting ceiling with water-level paints to provide good adhesion and durability, wood is recommended to be covered with a thin layer of PVA glue.

What colors are best painted ceilings?

The color of the ceiling and painting quality is very important to create an image and mood. When they decide what color paint purchase for coloring the ceiling, take into account the style of the interior, fashion trends, are advised to friends and loved ones. However, it is very important to explore the rules relating to the interaction of colors.

With a combination of bright contrasting colors, vision is quickly tired. It is not necessary to use the color of the ceiling with a combination of red and bright green, yellow with dark purple, blue with orange.

A pretty comfortable for view is a combination of bright and rich colors that occupy neighboring places in the spectrum, and which are close to the wavelength. For example, when choosing a ceiling color, remember that the longest red wave is gradually shortening, then it goes orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and the shortest wave in purple.

To obtain a neutral, not attractive attention, the ceiling is advisable to use soft, pale, pastel colors and combinations of colors.

Tools for staining ceilings do it yourself

For even staining of the ceiling surface, the paint layer is smooth and beautiful, and there was no divorce, it is important not only the masraine skill, but also a competent selection of high-quality tools.

The paint is applied to the ceiling using the following tools:

  1. Rollers;
  2. Brushes;
  3. Electric kraskopulture.

The paint is prepared according to the instructions given by the manufacturer: diluted with water or is thoroughly mixed with a special nozzle mixer connected to an electric drill.

Roller - Major's main tool

For coloring the surface of the ceiling requires materials:

  1. Large roller having a pile of medium size;
  2. Little roller having a long pile;
  3. Tassels.

The paint is prepared for work, and then overflow from purchased capacity to a special bath. Then you should carefully soak the roller in the paint (the full immersion of the roller is not recommended). In order for the paint to be distributed evenly, the roller rolled well on the inclined wall of the bath.

The use of a special paint bath provides additional stirring that supports the homogeneity of the paint composition.

Paint is applied to the ceiling, starting with the indoor corner nearest to the window, and then you need to gradually move towards the center. Thanks to the use of good lighting, you will easily identify short-lived sections or see where the paint is applied with surplus. Sections of the ceiling near the walls can be painted using a small roller, and the brush is suitable for staining baguettes and corners.

It is better to apply paint, starting with 50-70 cm from the angle, moving first towards yourself.

When working, the roller is better to keep at an angle of 45 °, because you will not splash the paint head and you will see the stainable surface of the ceiling. So that the staining was not with divorces or subteps, do not press the tools (rollers or brushes).

In order not to form the drums from the fact that there is an excess of paint on the roller, an excess of paint appears, the grid should be pulled on any container so that it is necessary to press the roller if necessary.

Each next strip of paint is parallel in parallel to the previous mustache up to 5 cm. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that no non-procrase areas remain. This method of color prevents the appearance of spots, which cannot be fixed even re-painting.

To get a high-quality and smooth coating, two or three layers of paint are applied. Before applying the subsequent layer is given to dry the previous one.

How to paint the ceiling using brushes

It is convenient to use a roller when painting large areas, but drinking small rooms, or ceilings having a complex shape, better choose a brush as the main tool. When painting with a brush, the same technology is used as during a roller dyeing, only the paint brush has its differences.

Choosing this method of painting the surface of the ceiling, you should know that it is very difficult to observe a uniform pressure on the brush. With too much, the nagged hypers appear, and with a very weak coating layer it will be too thin and the notorious stains will appear.

Therefore, it is necessary to try not to press on the brush with great strengthen, however, to carefully decide the paint so that there are no non-rectified places. Another problem when working brush is the fact that the paint flows into the hands and the floor.

In order for the paint to do not flow with the brush, strengthen the paper glass from its base or reject it with a soft cloth, delaying and absorbing excess paint.

When you apply paint to the ceiling, the brush must be guided so that its base is located closer to the ceiling.

Making a break in work, be sure to place a brush in a jar with water, however, to avoid deformation, it is not allowed so that the bristles concern the bottom of the container.

Collect the ceiling with an electric paint

Electric paintopult is the most modern tool that allows you to apply a beautiful, thin and smooth layer of paint on the ceilings in any rooms. Before using collapral, you must carefully read the manufacturer's instructions and bring the paint delicate to the consistency required for the device.

The work begins with the closest to the window of the angle, and the nozzle of the pulverizer should be at a distance of about 70 cm from the ceiling. If you too short, the peaks on the ceiling can be formed, and if the distance is too large, the paint will not reach the ceiling.

To get a smooth coating that does not have drums and influx, follow the same range of collapse to the ceiling, and try to promote it with smooth movements, without delays in one place.

In conclusion, familiarize yourself with some useful tips:

For uniform drying of paint on the ceiling it is necessary to quickly paint - try to have time for 15-20 minutes.

Coloring curly and multi-level ceilings in different colors, each view or color of paint, apply a separate roller or brush.

To get a neat smooth edge at the junction of surfaces or colors, use paint scotch. It should be placed only on the painted surface, which is completely dried.

Installation of lamps and chandeliers are performed after the paint is completely dry.

After painting, you need to close and maintain windows, because thanks to drafts and sunlight, paints will dry up faster on some sites, so the colorful coating will not be uniform.

One of the most popular types of ceiling finishes is staining with water-emulsion paint.

In addition to the fact that after the chalk, the wrath of water-free staining is the cheapest version of the cosmetic finishing of the premises, it has a lot of advantages.

  • The water-resistant paint is sufficiently stable, hygroscopic. Unlike the chalk, the walls, or the ceiling can be wiped from dust with a damp cloth.
  • The water-making paint is traditionally produced in white, however, manufacturers offer to her kokes (dyes), mixing which, you can get a variety of colors and colors of paint. And this allows screen drawings and ornaments.
  • Finishing with water-level paint does not require special preparatory work.

But before you take for a brush or roller, the ceiling is to prepare to paint the water-emulsion paint. This process, at first glance, simple, but rather laborious. With certain skills, you can make all the work with your own hands.

How to prepare the ceiling to primary staining?

In the newly rebuilt house, the apartment, the builders, was most likely uneven, the beams, overlap panels, other building elements are distinguished on it. Therefore, the ceiling surface must first be stuck.

For this, the degree of irregularity of the ceiling is estimated. If it is from 1.5 cm or more, the ceiling is placed in lighthouses. But first it is necessary to apply concrete contact, or rinse the walls with adhesive solution. For the preparation of such solutions, carbon black or PVA is used.

Concrete contact is a peculiar primer that performs a binder and consisting of cement, sand and other binding components. Concrete contact is applied to the ceiling with roller.

It is important to know that concrete contact has waterproofing properties, because after drying on the treated surfaces, a waterproofing film is formed.

After drying the concrete-contact, the ceiling is placed under the lighthouses and strokes from plaster plaster are applied along the lines of markup. Then the lighthouses are attached to them. Lightness and accuracy of beacons are regulated by laser gauges, as a square and level. All this should be performed clearly and quickly until the gypsum grabbed. Distance between beacons - 80-100 cm.

Then there is plaster between the lines of beacons on the ceiling. It can be applied to the ceiling manually, but you can apply a small plastering station. As the surface is treated with a plastering mixture, its excess is cut through beacons, and the layer is leveled by smoothing spatulas. In conclusion, when the plastered surface will dry, it is polished with a skin.


The next stage is putty, or applying a spacure ceiling. This powder building material allows you to create a perfectly smooth surface before primer and painting. If necessary, the shtlock is performed 2 times, with a complete drying of each intermediate layer.

The ceiling is shipped by two spatulas. A small putty tool is applied to a wide spatula, which the finishing mixture is flashed over the ceiling. After drying the ceiling, it is shattered to get an ideally smooth surface.


Acrylic primer is recognized as the most universal. It performs several tasks at the same time.

  • Absorbing deep into the inside, it binds, makes string layers and putty;
  • Lines the coating;
  • Reduces paint consumption;
  • Improves adhesion, that is, the grip of the paint with the surface of the ceiling.

The primer layer is applied with a roller or spray gun. Roller for work should be chosen with high-quality bristles, you can not take rollers in which the bristles are shoved. Foam rollers form on the surface of bubbles, so their application is not desirable.

And only after the primer layer is completely dry, it is possible to work with water-mounted paint.

It is important to know that the primer layer is applied only to a fully dried spacious surface. Rollers must be completely dry. The slightest way of water will result in peeling the primer layer.

Secondary repairs. Cleaning and preparation of the ceiling

Under the secondary repair it is meant to repair the ceiling in a room in which the inhabitants live long ago. The reason for secondary repairs serve

  • Spoiled ceiling due to water hits (rain leaks, neighbors bay);
  • The previous repairs were performed poorly, which led to peeling of paint and plaster layers;
  • The physical aging of the previous repairs, the color of the ceiling managed to snatch slightly, fed up, and just want to refresh the room at the expense of cosmetic, or overhaul.

Secondary repairs also consists of operations aimed at prepare a ceiling under painting, and begins with its purification. If the ceiling was painted with water-mounted paint, it is necessary to wash it away. Here then will come up with foam rollers. They absorb water well. The roller is abundantly witting the ceiling, then the spatula is neatly removed the previous layer of waterfront paint.

At the same time, pay attention to how firmly the layer of putty is holding. If he shows a tendency to exfoliate, removed with the paint - it should be removed. This means that there was a violated technology in the shtlock, there was an increased humidity, which led to the spurrant of the spileous layer.

The layer of plaster falls off less often, but if he is badly holding and strives to fall off, remove it. This means that you have to complete the ceiling repair. But if the plaster layer is quite durable, it can be left, limited to the shtlock and painting.

Before the new putty, it is necessary to wash the ceiling with adhesive solution and give it to dry. Shpocking, priming and staining the ceiling is also performed as during primary repairs.

Inevitably comes a "difficult" moment in life when it is necessary to make repairs in the dwelling. In a place where we relax after a working day, bring up children and accept guests, everyone wants to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. There are many repair options. You can invite high-class specialists and create a designer interior using expensive finishing materials, and you can carry out budget low-cost cosmetic repairs with your own hands. Many fully forces themselves and salary the walls of beautiful wallpaper. In order to achieve good quality and durability of applied finishing coatings, we need competent preparation of the ceiling to paint the water-level paint and walls under the wallpaper.

First stage of preparatory activities

Before proceeding directly to maintain repair work, you need to prepare tools and purchase materials.

To ensure high quality coverage and carry out painting work as careful, it is necessary to use the following tools and devices:

  • stepladder;
  • bath-cewweet;
  • two darous rollers width 20 - 25 cm;
  • spatulas and brushes of different sizes;
  • painting tape;
  • sandpaper or grinding net;
  • foam sponge;
  • polyethylene film;
  • ovewheric, headdress and protective glasses.

In addition, you will need to buy the shp can, primer and paint itself.

Important! Different producers paint, even white, has a different shade and therefore it must be purchased immediately to the entire volume of upcoming work.

The flow of the coloring composition per square meter is usually listed on the label, from this information and should be proceeded when the material is purchased.

Selection of primer

The entire ceiling area must be primed in front of the color to increase the adhesion between the paint composition and material of the main surface, eliminate the consequences after special processing of spots from fungus, leaks, soot and fat. After examining the ceiling and detection of flaws on it, you choose the necessary type of primer:

  • Soil - concentrate of hydrostop. Used for waterproofing indoors with high humidity, liquidation of fungus and mold from the surface.
  • Primer GF - 012. General purpose primer. Increases the adhesion between the paint composition and the base, prevents the water-based water-based water-based water-based paint.
  • The primer of the deep penetration of Ceresit Article 17. Strengthens the base surface, binds dust, increases the adhesion and reduces the absorbency of the base.

Choosing a color and type of coloring material

Water-level paints consist of water, various polymers and color pigments. The ceiling can be painted with several types of coloring composition, whose properties depend on the binder component included in it:

  • Mineral paints. Made based on exhaust lime or cementing substances. Applied to smooth surfaces.

All types of water-dispersion painting emulsions are easily applied to the surface, creating a sturdy elastic film after drying. They are able to clog microcracks, dry quickly, do not smell and, if desired, appear in any shade.

Second stage of preparatory work

How to prepare the ceiling to paint with water-level paint? To begin with, it is necessary to clean the area from the layers of the old paint coating or whitewash, and process from heights and rusty spots.

Procedure for cleaning the old water-emulsion coating

To remove the old layer of water-level paint, you need two times with a difference of thirty minutes to abundantly moisten the surface of the ceiling with water, and then create drafts in the room. Old paint should appear with bubbles that are easily removed with a metal spatula.

Then you need to remove stains and rust. They are rubbed several times with a sponge of any of the funds listed below:

  • hydrochloric acid of two or three percent concentration;
  • mixture of thustenance lime and oils;
  • thick mixture of lime, water and denatured alcohol;
  • the cleaning agent "White", which is manufactured based on sodium hypochlorite.

It is possible to remove the lime from the ceiling surface with a challenger, which includes flour and water. To dilute Cleaster, you will need two tablespoons of flour or starch. Bulk product is divorced by a small amount of cold water. The resulting mass is poured into a liter of boiling water and stirred thoroughly. They give a little cool and applied to the ceiling throughout its area. After drying, the layer of alee is considered together with a plating a metal spatula.

There is a faster way - remove the spins with a grinding tool. There will be a lot of dust, so from the room you should remove all the furniture, close the doors to another room and put protective equipment for the eyes and respiratory organs.

Washing of an old water-free layer

How before painting water-mounted paint? For this uses ordinary soap water. The procedure for cleaning the surface of the ceiling from the old water-emulsion coating consists of several stages:

  • It is necessary to cover the furniture with polyethylene film and spread it all over the entire surface of the floor.
  • Prepare a warm soap solution.
  • Mix with a sponge or brush small sections of the ceiling surface. You can use a small volume sprayer.
  • The wet layer is swashed with a spatula with simultaneous cleaning the treated surface with a brush.
  • At the end, wash off with soap solution residual fragments of the plating layer.

To wash the plain, you can use 3% acetic or hydrochloric acid. It is treated with the ceiling surface for blinking the plating layer, which is then easily believed to the spatula.

Putcloth and primer ceiling surface

Next, the existing cracks and the slots are slightly expanded with a spatula and fill the splock. The purified ceiling is aligned with the same thin-layer putty, which is applied to the surface with a spatula, and cleaned up to the smoothness by sandpaper or grinding net. Align the ceiling is also a layer of special plaque-whitewings having an oil-glue base. It is distributed evenly on the plane of the ceiling with roller, brush or spatula.

Now you can proceed to the primer of the ceiling surface. The primer of deep penetration is poured into the bath and dip the roller in it. From the roller shake the excess solution and slightly rolling it on the inclined ribbed side of the tray.

For high ceilings, the roller handle can be lengthened with a special long stick and apply primer from the floor without using a stepladder.

The primer layer dries about 2 hours. After this time, the ceiling surface covers the second time, but now the general purpose is already primer.

Preparation of the surface of the ceiling to the color of the water-level paint is a time-consuming and not very pleasant process. But it is absolutely necessary. Only on a well-prepared surface can be applied a high-quality and durable layer of painting material, on which there will be no stains and peeling places.

The main essence of the article

The ceiling finishes will be high-quality, if it is properly to prepare its surface under staining with water-level paint.

An old layer of paint is removed using a spatula, sponge with water or special compositions. The surface is detected and aligned with putty, using all the necessary tools and devices.

To achieve excellent results after painting the ceiling, it is necessary to comply with the technology of preliminary preparation of the foundation. If you put paint on an old coating or an unprepared concrete surface, defects will be noticeable (small cracks, scratches, chips), especially in daylight. In addition, paint, applied to the old coating, quickly loses its whiteness and darkens.

So, when the ceiling is to be painted in the kitchen, it is necessary to get rid of the old layer, as fats and dirt are accumulated, which will not disguise the fresh paint. The competent preparation of the foundation will eventually obtain a smooth and monophonic surface, and will serve such a repair much longer.

Preparation of concrete ceiling

So how to prepare the ceiling under the painting of water-emulsion paint? This process consists of several stages, but first of all it is necessary to stock materials and tools.

Required tools and materials

For the organization of work on the preparation of the foundation, the following tools will be required:

  • a stepladder or goat;
  • roller with fur skurt;
  • brush width 150 mm;
  • spatula wide (400-500 mm);
  • spatula 150 mm;
  • capacity with a cuvette;
  • mixer;
  • capacity for the preparation of a powder solution;
  • fixture for grinding (manual or mechanical).

From materials will need:

  • acrylic primer;
  • dry powder mixture (for the first and coating layer);

When performing work, it is necessary to observe the protection measures, so it is recommended to purchase workwear, respirator and safety glasses.

Cleaning the surface

The removal of an old coating is performed in the following order:

  1. To remove the old lime blotch, you need to wet the surface with warm water. Further, if the plating layer is quite thick enough, you can shoot it with a spatula, and if the layer is thin, then it will be enough to use a wet rag. After removing the blots, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the ceiling plates so that there are no divorces;
  2. Delete the water-level paint from the ceiling is complicated, but the order of actions is the same: the surface of the ceiling is abundantly wetted using a hot roller (up to + 70 o C) with water, after which they begin to remove the paint with a spatula. Divorces are wiping with a damp cloth;
  3. It is much heavier to remove the moisture-resistant water-resistant, which is usually painted with ceilings in the bathroom. In this case, it is better to resort to a mechanical way to remove and use a drill with a special nozzle;
  4. To remove enamels and oil paints there are special solutions, but when working with them, you should be careful and use personal protective equipment;
  5. Wallpaper from the ceiling is removed in the same way as from the walls: the surface is moistened, the chopers are removed using a spatula. If under the influence of only water sheets do not depart, you can apply special solutions for removing wallpaper;
  6. Decorative polystyrene foam panels are removed by a spatula, especially carefully testing the remnants of the adhesive solution.

Repair ceiling

Before directly prepare the ceiling to paint, it is necessary to eliminate all base defects, for which the following works are carried out:

  • The cracked room detected on the ceiling should be divided by a spatula, to handle primer and close with putty. For the sealing of large cracks, it will have to use a reinforced tape, which is also processed by putty and leveled into the ceiling level.
  • In new buildings on the ceilings, the surroundings of the solution or protrusions are often detected. They need to be removed using a perforator or chisel. Square places to brand and align with putty.
  • It is especially important to carefully prepare the seats of the wall of the wall and ceiling plates. It is necessary with the help of putty lead them to a clear straight corner.
  • The base of plasterboard or wooden ceilings is prepared by the special ways described below.


Upon completion of repair work, it is necessary to process the concrete surface of the primer.

The applying of the ground solution is performed with a roller with a fur skurt with a pile length of up to 10 mm. In the corners and places of contact with the plates of overlapping with a wall, a brush is used. If you need to paint the ground large area, it will be wiserfully to apply an arcopulture that can be rented.

Many owners do not attach much importance to this procedure and often pass it, considering excessive. In fact, the projected surface provides reliable adhesion of concrete with putty (as in the next section of the article). In addition, the soil protects the ceiling from the negative effects of microorganisms.

For the processing of concrete slabs, the overlapping is best suited to the primer of deep penetration. In stores you can buy ready-made mixtures or concentrates that need to be breeded in accordance with the instructions.


For putty, the surface of the ceiling under painting is used to use ready-made putty or special dry mixes that are prepared according to the following technology.

To prepare a putty for the ceiling, you need to fall asleep dry ingredients into the container, add water in accordance with the requirements of the instruction, stir the resulting mixture with a manual mixer of obtaining a homogeneous substance.

For applying and aligning the mixture, a wide spatula is used to which the solution is applied with a smaller spatula. The work is performed with a stepladder or goats, it is more efficient to use a wide plane that will allow you to place a tank with putty and will give more free access to the ceiling processing.

In the corners and in places, the base of the base to the wall use a spatula 150 mm wide and a corner spatula.

For high-quality alignment, two layers of putty are usually enough. The first, the main layer is applied with a thickness of up to 3 mm, and finishing - from 1 to 2 mm.


The water-making paint can smooth out some foundations defects, but, to obtain an ideal result, you should carefully polish the surface with sandpaper with fine graininess. Grinding will allow you to remove both noticeable traces remaining when working with a spatula and small flaws, which will subsequently visible on the painted ceiling.

You can process the ceiling using manual graces to which sandpaper is fixed, or using a mechanical tool. Some finishes use graters on long handles to be able to work, standing on the floor.

For high-quality grinding, it is necessary to provide a bright directional light, for which carrying to carry with a lamp of incandescent of high power. Only good illumination will allow to notice even the slightest disadvantages and eliminate them.

Grinding is performed by circular motions, moving from one wall to another, capturing about 0.5-1.0 M ceiling width. Having finished one strip, proceed to the grinding of the next.

When working with grinding tools, a lot of fine dust is formed, which falls into the eyes and respiratory organs, therefore, starting to process the ceiling, you need to stock up with a respirator and protective glasses.

Fully aligned surface is treated with primer. For this purpose, you can use a diluted acrylic soil with the addition of a small amount of water-based paint designed for final staining of the ceiling. Such preparation will reduce paint consumption and ensure good coverage.

Preparation of wooden ceiling

In a wooden house, the preparation of the ceiling under painting with their own hands is carried out quite simple. First, the entire surface is cleaned with sandpaper with small grain, after which it is recommended to treat the surface with special means that protect wood from rotting and the appearance of mold.

The treated surface is studied for the detection of cracks and irregularities that are masked with a putty on the wood and grind the sandpaper. To ensure better adhesion of paint and wooden base, the ceiling before staining is impregnated with primer, which also reduces paint consumption.

Preparation of the ceiling of GLC

When mounting the ceiling coating from GLCs, a smooth surface is obtained, which, it would seem, you can immediately paint, but it will be necessary to try a little. So how to properly prepare a gypsum ceiling to paint?

To prepare a plasterboard ceiling to paint, the following steps must be taken:

  1. thoroughly close the joints and small irregularities with putty;
  2. disguise sprouting of screws;
  3. protect the surface;
  4. cove the surface of the ceiling with a thin layer of solving putty.

Before mounting GLC, it is necessary to remove the chamfer at an angle of 22.5 degrees from the edges, which will contact with each other, so that the camouflage putty can get the maximum adhesion with the plaster when the joints are seeding. The next step of the joint is sure to be sickled and covered with putty again.


When working with places of screws of screws, a screwdriver will be required to reach the screws to the required depth. If the solemnosis is too drowning in a drywall surface, it is necessary to remove it, the hole is sharpened, and it is necessary to install a self-tapping screw again, but already right.

Before spacing the entire surface of the ceiling, it is recommended to apply a primer, which will prepare GLC to paint with water-emulsion. For this purpose, the dilute acrylic primer is most often used with the addition of dye.

Puttailing under painting is made by a thin layer, for which they use a wide (400-500 mm) spatula. After drying the putty, the preparation of the ceiling to painting with water-emulsion paint is completed.

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