How to sell a product to a client? The psychology of selling. Technique of effective direct sales or how to sell what is not for sale

Landscaping and planning 12.10.2019
Landscaping and planning
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The conversation should be conducted in such a way that the interlocutors from enemies are made friends, and not friends enemies.


But everyone can learn how to work with people, you just need to work hard on yourself. The ability to learn and perseverance allow us to "create real miracles." Let's try to isolate the most important for success.

1. Greet the client fully armed

"I don't have to work around the clock," you say. But preparing for work before it starts is completely normal. After all, teachers prepare in advance for lessons, and do not start leafing through the textbook after they enter the classroom. Actors rehearse roles, and do not go on stage with a cheat sheet in hand. This is where you need to be ready to go.

2. Study products and prices for similar products in other companies

First, you must replenish the assortment if you see that some product is in demand, but you do not have it. Second, you will be prepared to discuss financial matters.

Your prices should not be higher than others, and if they are higher, then be sure to explain to the customer why this is due: more long term services, additional features("mobile phones sold by us have built-in GPS, you will not need to buy a separate navigator for the car").

3. Forget the adage "if you don't cheat, you won't sell"

Moreover, the client now went informed - before meeting with you, he had already sat on the Internet, and discussed the issue with friends, and looked at a couple of other companies or called. In any case, you can deceive the customer once, the second time he will not come to you.

Anyone who wants to have a permanent clientele trades honestly (remembering the proverb: "Tell the truth, only the truth, but do not tell the truth inappropriately!" - do not give out unnecessary information without the need!).

4. The client does not have to wait

Taxi, private trader, garbage truck - but you must be there ten minutes before the meeting in order to have time to look around, check that your appearance all right, and enter the office minute by minute.

The same applies to order fulfillment - have a board or calendar on your wall with a note next to each date when you should remind customers that the goods will be shipped to them tomorrow. And if they promised "tomorrow in the first half of the day" - it should be so.

The binge of the storekeeper transport problems, technical reasons do not concern the customer. Accuracy is not only courtesy of kings. This is the first thing to learn when wondering how to learn how to sell.

5. Don't get lost!

All the time that you are not in the office, you must be in working condition mobile phone(make sure it's charged beforehand). In the office - telephone, fax, Email(It is possible to receive notifications of incoming emails).

It should be easy for the customer to contact you. And if you also remember (by yourself or with the help of the list on the table) which customer is called, this will help to activate contacts.

6. Trade "on the go"

On the oriental bazaar they always weigh as much as the buyer requested, and add a little more from themselves ("with a hike"). You should always have some not too formal additives ready for the client - offer him free instruction on how to use the product, give him a calendar with the company logo.

In a word, do something beyond what is supposed to. Does the customer care about you? And you to him too! Seeing that you work with all your heart, he will enjoy the purchase, recommend you to other people, and the next time he will come back to you. No familiarity, but be friendly.

7. Make a good impression!

You must always be in good mood and good shape. It is always easier for a fit, healthy, energetic salesperson to achieve results. There are no trifles here - everything is according to Chekhov: "And the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts."

Comparing, for example, two approximately identical dental clinics, with equal prices, quality and range of services, a person will make a choice in favor of the one where the staff is more pleasant, polite, erudite.

8. Remember that it is always easier to work with a group than with one buyer.

Remember, from Gilyarovsky: "To persuade one village peasant to go into a shop and buy something - that's difficult. And I will persuade the crowd to swim in the hole in the winter!" When acquaintances, family members, or even just other visitors are nearby, it is more difficult for a client to refuse a deal than face to face.

If it is possible to organize meetings with groups of clients - be sure to do it. This approach is good for retail sales. Using this technique, any sales consultant will understand how to sell correctly very quickly.

9. Not a day without a new customer!

10. A negative result is also a result

Of course, in order to understand how to sell correctly, you need to gain experience, which usually consists of a large number negative results. Yes, it's frustrating when a deal falls through - but it gives you the opportunity to understand what exactly went wrong for you.

After analyzing the reasons for the failure, you change tactics - and next time everything will be fine. You need to believe in yourself, work on yourself - and success will come.

Once the famous American manager Buck Rogers remarked: “ A poorly trained salesperson insults customers and wastes their time».

This is especially true for those sellers who offer expensive goods to their customers.

Agree, to buy, for example, chewing gum or chocolate, it takes a few seconds to think. Please don't be sorry.

But to decide to purchase an apartment in the city center - here we are already talking about weeks, or even months. And it will be very disappointing if the sales manager works “idle”, describing to the client some delights of life in the very center of the metropolis.

"Thanks, Cap. But somehow this is not enough.”

The customer is without a purchase, and the seller is without money.

The specifics of sales of expensive goods has a number of its own characteristics. Methods and techniques for implementing simple things do not work here.

Today we want to talk about how to sell such products to the end consumer using text. You will learn 11 ways to convince potential customers.

What goods will we call "expensive"?

We are talking about expensive things in the B2C segment. It can be cars, yachts, real estate, branded clothing, Jewelry, antiques, luxury furniture...

All that for which the client will have to pay a large amount of money.

Of course, expensive goods are also found in the B2B sector (equipment, transport assets, raw material bases, etc.). But this is a slightly different direction of sales - its own decision-making process. We will definitely talk about it another time.

Now our task is to sell an elite item of trade to a private person.

11 ways to sell an expensive product

1. Detailed presentation

This is what we talked about at the very beginning. Selling a chocolate bar doesn't take much time or effort. In principle, there is no need for "tons" of information. Enough main advantages and a good offer.

But the more expensive the product, the more serious and detailed should be its presentation. Here the client is already interested in every little thing, any, even the smallest detail.

The presentation of the product itself is an order of magnitude more complicated.

The text should convey as much as possible full information that will be of interest to a potential client. Naturally, within reason (without going to extremes, that, say, there is a white filler in a leather sofa).

2. Accurate numbers

Try to provide accurate and "detailed" numbers. The use of all kinds of "rounding" is unacceptable here. If the starting offer is 18,038 rubles, then there is no need to artificially lower the price to an even figure - 18,000 rubles.

Remember, the “smoother and smoother” the indicated amount, the more questions and mistrust it causes.

Another trick is to prescribe discounts and promotions in terms of money, and not as a percentage. Let's say "discount for this model is 3500 rubles", and not "we offer a 7% discount for this heading".

Agree, 3500 rubles "look" much more attractive than 7%.

3. Exclusion of "cheap" evaluation degrees

Firstly, you should not frankly compare the offered product with its analogues from other stores (in the style "our car is much cooler than ____, which is exhibited by our" neighbors ").

Secondly, try to avoid any evaluative degrees in the text. They can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the selling text.

For example:

“Yes, you can find cheaper shoes. But it won't beChristian Louboutin» .

“You are not satisfied with cheap accessories, like everyone else? Looking for more expensive cufflinks?

4. Answers to questions

Immediately prepare for the fact that there will definitely be questions from the client. However, they are even in the process of selling ordinary goods, but not in such quantities. The task of the selling text is to predict them (give a complete answer).

What should be considered?

To begin with, be aware of the fact that the client is already prepared to some extent - armed with knowledge.

So, for example, if a man buys a new car for himself, then he knows exactly how to drive it, and for what specifications should pay close attention.

Simply put, you need to study the product in detail and put yourself in the place of the client. Then prepare a list of questions that may follow from potential buyer. And write the answers in the text.

5. Future Savings

As practice shows, a person is more likely to make a positive purchase decision if he is offered savings (of his time, effort, banknotes). And the offer “product + GIFT” will be less effective.

This can be represented as follows:

"You are buying wrist watch ____ and get a stylish banknote clip as a gift.”

“You buy a ____ watch that will serve you for many years with perfect accuracy to the second. And this means that you always arrive on time for important meetings and give the impression of a serious punctual person".

Of course, the second option is much "more voluminous". But this is specifically to show you the main point.

We think the direction is clear.

6. Elimination of psychological barriers

Sometimes a client who has already tuned in to a serious purchase has a certain psychological barrier. He does not allow him to easily say “YES” to you.

Remember your emotions when the closer you were “brought” to the purchase, the more doubts formed (“do I need it”, “maybe I shouldn’t rush”, “I still have time to think”, etc.).

A good sales copy should overcome barriers with interesting arguments.

These arguments can be used:

  • Getting a new status (" you buy the legendaryRolls Royce, which stands in almost every garage of Hollywood celebrities»).
  • advantageous component (“this is Justina Copanya - her works are increasing in price every day, imagine how much the paintings will cost in a few years”).
  • New opportunities ( “becoming the owner of this SUPER-bike, you can try your hand in 2 months - take part in the annual competition ____”).

This is just a small part of what can be offered to clients. Search and find your solution.

7. Specifications and benefits

Everyone knows about this, but many either safely forget, or do not quite understand correctly.

If the sales text lists only technical characteristics, it will not show a high result (as well as a sales manager who knows the main “data” of the product, but does not draw appropriate conclusions from them).

Only benefits, and everything for the client:

"These earrings are made of 14k red gold, so your ears will be reliable protection from irritation and any other discomfort ".

“The apartment is located in fact, a three-minute walk from the metro station, so you can quickly and easily get to any area of ​​the city, bypassing all traffic jams”.

8. Prestige owner

A great way to make a neat "pressure" on a potential client.

Buying expensive goods implies the formation or strengthening of the prestige of the new owner.

Everything is elementary. If we were talking about simple things, then, most likely, this technique could be called “social evidence”.

But we offer expensive goods. And the reviews of "Petya, Sveta, Vova" are not suitable.

So, we will use big names whenever possible:

“Movie stars such as ____ have already bought apartments in this house.”

“This costume is especially popular among French socialites. And from France itself, as you know, fashion begins..

“Yes, the tie costs $1200. But, if you watched the latest episode of the James Bond movie, you noticed that main character complemented his image with the same model ".

9. Switching on emotions

We all know that the longer a person spends with a product, the more difficult it is for him to part with it. The standard situation is when we are asked to hold a thing in our hands or try on a coat we like.

In the selling text, this approach is excluded. But we do not despair and connect a little trick - we ignite emotions with words.

“Look how the diamonds sparkle. And this is just a photograph. But diamonds are living stones. Now imagine how they will play on your finger".

10. Observance of courtesy

The selling text should not aggressively "push" expensive goods to the client (according to the principle " there is a lot of money, you can offer to buy from overclocking»).

This is a special culture of politeness that does not accept extremes (by the way, we already talked about how to contact wealthy people in the article "").

Some step over the line. As a result, the client reads impudent exhortations or pleading requests. However, there will still be no result.

Only dignity, courtesy, delicacy and close attention to the client.

11. Selling to multiple people

It happens that a product is chosen immediately for many people (family, two lovers, friends).

For example, young families often buy an apartment, cars change with the advent of children, and elite apartments are rented for parties with friends.

The seller (in our case, the text) must convince not one person to buy the goods, but a group of people at once. This is enough difficult task because the decision here is made by everyone in their own way.

Let's say you're selling a family-type yacht. What can be offered to a man? The first is the unique “working” indicators and speed. But a woman will be interested in the comfort of stay, external and interior decoration, room for children.

The selling text must find the right arguments for each person who, one way or another, makes a purchase decision.

It is important.


Selling expensive goods requires a serious attitude. You can’t relax, believing that rich people buy expensive goods - accordingly, they make a positive purchase decision easier and faster.

A client who has decided to spend an impressive amount of money wants to clearly understand WHY he should give this amount to you.

The answer to this question is the essence of the selling text.

That's all.

Spring and always sunny mood for you.

The ability to sell today can be called the main quality successful person, which is why almost everyone wants to master it. About how to learn how to sell, today the female site "Beautiful and Successful" will tell its readership.

The main thing in sales is the ability to properly find contact with the client. That's why best sellers are obtained from active, sociable people.

It is believed that the talent to sell is an innate quality of a person. In fact, anyone can learn this. But, of course, not in one day.

First you need to understand how the sales process itself works, that is, familiarize yourself with theoretical foundations trade.

How to learn how to sell correctly: trading theory

For those wishing to learn effective sales, the site recommends taking into account the fact that they consist of 5 main stages:
  1. Establishing contact with the client. It is very important to tune in to the right wave here. Starting a conversation with a client, you should not think only about the need to sell him your services or your product. Otherwise, he will invariably have the feeling that they want to "suck" something into him.
  2. Identification of needs and requirements. Every skilled salesperson knows how to sincerely care about his client, so during a conversation with him he tries to find out as much as possible about his needs. At this stage, the most important Listen carefully and patiently to the client asking him only leading or clarifying questions. This will allow you to better understand what kind of product or service he needs.
  3. Presentation of goods or services. Only those who know well all the advantages of their goods can learn how to sell well. Therefore, each merchant should be able to easily navigate the characteristics and features of their product and be able to present it in the most favorable light.
  4. Work with objections. How can you learn to sell a product if you cannot competently challenge the statements of customers? Almost any seller can face objections like "this product can be bought cheaper" or "the price of the product is clearly too high." In this case, you can’t get lost, you need to listen to the buyer, agree with him, and then argue with reason, prompting him to get out of his situation. In sales theory, there are also so-called false customer objections, which include phrases like “I need to think”, “I don’t need this thing”, etc. In this case, the seller needs to identify the true cause of the buyer's hesitation, asking him carefully what exactly is preventing him from making a deal.
  5. Completion of the deal. This stage should necessarily end any negotiations, even if they turned out to be unsuccessful. The seller needs to fight for the client to the last: show him all the advantages of the transaction, offer the most profitable options payment and delivery, talk about current promotions, convince them that the quantity of goods is limited. If the transaction was successful, at this stage, you should discuss its details, and finally say something polite, such as “it was a pleasure doing business with you” or “I hope you will come to us again.”

In order to learn how to sell goods or services, it is very important not only to know all the stages of sales, but also to acquire some personal qualities to help you communicate with your customers.

If you place all participants in the sales process at the corners of the triangle, it is the seller who will be at the top, since the course of the transaction most of all depends on his activity, competence and professionalism. Of course, in order to climb to the top of professionalism, any person will need some effort.

First of all, he will have to work on himself in order to acquire the following qualities:

  1. Politeness. For some reason, people who are wondering how to learn how to sell services or goods forget about such an elementary component of the communication process as politeness. But this trait of a person makes it easier for him to find mutual language with others and avoid .
  2. Self confidence. A person who doubts his own worth is unlikely to inspire the trust of others. Perhaps exactly formation of adequate self-esteem and is the most difficult moment in mastering the art of trading.
  3. Erudition and awareness of the situation with goods on the market. It should be noted here that extensive knowledge of various fields of life allow a person not only to more easily navigate the needs of customers, but also to increase their level of self-esteem. A good seller should not only easily understand the brands, varieties and models of their goods, know the market, but also be able to maintain a conversation with a client on various topics. In this case, it will be easier for him to conduct a business dialogue.
  4. Patience. Clients can be anything from unassuming to incredibly demanding people. To work with the latter, you will need to stock up on wagons of patience.
  5. Resourcefulness. Without this quality, it is almost impossible to learn how to sell goods well. Resourceful sellers do not become immediately, but only after acquiring some professional experience. Therefore, the main condition for the formation of resourcefulness can be called desire to work in the field of trade, even for low wages. Experience is a very important quality for any professional, so don't give up working with a small salary: after a while, experience will allow you to find a better job.
  6. Persistence. Just do not confuse this quality with obsession. Persistent sellers are professionals who will always be able to insist on a transaction under certain conditions that are beneficial to both parties. Persistent people always achieve results, so if they say: “I want to learn how to sell,” they sooner or later manage to learn this. If they can't manage without outside help they find good teachers.

Where to learn to sell: in courses or at home?

It is believed that the art of sales is best taught in economic and trade universities. But in reality, many graduates of economic universities are well versed only in business theory, having little idea of ​​how to organize it in practice. Unfortunately, this is how education is arranged in our country.

Therefore, to get the right skills It is best to turn to those who know how to share experience. To do this, you can visit:

  1. and webinars on active sales. Today, such courses can be found in any city. And the opportunity to sign up for a webinar is available to anyone who has access to the Internet.
  2. Trainings with teachers-adapters. People who did not develop any technology themselves, but tested the inventions of others, can quite well teach sales to everyone.
  3. Author's trainings and courses. Usually such trainings are not cheap, so many of those who want to learn how to sell prefer the cheaper ones from the so-called repeaters. But professionals do not recommend signing up for training with repeaters: after all, the knowledge that they sell can be obtained completely free of charge, simply by reading the relevant books and watching videos.

It must be said that There are books that make it really easy to learn how to sell. Anyone who wants to achieve some success in the field of sales will need such manuals as Joe Girard's 13 Essential Rules of Trading, "Become a Sales Master!" Napoleon Hill, Long Term Secrets of Short Term Trading by Larry Williams, SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham, etc.

To summarize all of the above, we can say that the solution to the question of how to learn to sell lies in adapting modern man to new conditions in which every service and every thing has its own price. The art of sales lends itself most easily to those who value themselves and their work. Only by learning this will you be able to trade effectively in today's market.

It doesn't matter what business you're in. Whether it's online sales, a small stall somewhere in the city center, or maybe large stores with hundreds of visitors, you will definitely ask yourself the question: "How to sell and attract more and more new customers." At correct technique sales, even the smallest, most seedy shop can bring many times more than a beautiful and polished supermarket. Of course, I exaggerated a little about the success of a rundown store, but I still emphasize that sales techniques play a very important role in overall success. You must learn how to work with clients correctly, know when and how best to approach them, what to say, what to do, how to turn an ordinary visitor into a regular and happy client. Let's figure it out together, because in this article I will tell you how to sell correctly and give 15 effective tips and recommendations.

Proper sales are based on working with clients, therefore, all sales techniques, first of all, are aimed at learning how to work with your visitors correctly.

1. Surround with attention carefully, win over, get closer to the client. This has already said a lot. The very first moment of rapprochement is very important. If you pounce on the buyer and immediately bombard him with intrusive questions, he will immediately run away from you. Before you start getting close to a client, try to understand what brought them to you. Show observation, endurance and patience, let him get comfortable and look around, and finally, just let him catch his breath if he came to you in a hurry. Do not rush to offer anything. Try to make contact. Smile, just greet, as if hinting that you are nearby, if that. You can ask him about something on an abstract topic - are there any traffic jams in the city center or something like that. Be creative...

2. Find out what he wants. Convince him that you know what he wants. Offer him what he wants. That's the order, don't break it. Offering everything is a bad idea, it doesn't work. The client wants a TV, you know what he wants a TV - it's easy to find out by asking him a few right questions. Ask for which room, if the room is small, respectively, you should not offer him a "cinema". In a word, ask questions, give answers to them in the form of a ready-made solution.

3. Direct the buyer in the direction you need. Listen, observe, use the doubts and objections of the client in order to find out even more about his tastes and preferences, so that it would be easier to lead him in the direction you need.

4. When a person knows what he wants, he is already motivated and it is not worth motivating him more. If your client knows what he needs, and besides, he understands more than you what is offered to him, it will be superfluous to make an advertising presentation of the product - it will look extremely ridiculous. The ability to behave with restraint in such cases brings a much greater result than excessive activity.

5. What is most important for your client? If you get an answer to this question, you will get access to his wallet. But only if you provide him with your offer. This is the first key moment your offer.

6. What does he dislike the most? The second key point of your proposal. It should be treated with special attention. Be sensitive to the client's emotional needs.

7. If he says, I'll think, agree, but with a reservation. In no case do not persuade and do not enter into debates when the client says: "I'll think about it," - agree without unnecessary emotions and comments, but make a reservation - they say, you are always ready to serve him in the highest class and, if provided, even do small discount or free bonus.

8. Emotional attachment - brand. One or the other trademark the manufacturer has a very strong emotional attachment. If you know your customer's preferences, that's half the battle. Find it out as soon as possible. But do not try to break his attachments in a way that will harm both your business and your client.

9. Do you want anything else? When a person falls into a buying trance, it is very appropriate to ask him: “Does he want something else?” Here you can suggest any of related products: accessories, tools or spare parts. Do not offer anything that comes to hand - no one will appreciate it, and you will look stupid.

10. People like to be important. You didn’t notice how your self-esteem rises, your well-being improves and “wings grow” when your loved one gets the attention of a pleasant, pretty and smart person who tries his best to please you. So be this courteous, attentive, charming and benevolent person. Let your client enjoy the importance of his own person - try to fulfill any of his, of course, reasonable desires.

11. Tap subtly to choices. Propose options based on the tastes and preferences of your client, guided by the information you already have. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed options, focusing on what is most important to the client. The proposed options should not have signs that the client does not like it, and do not try to convince him of his emotional assessment.

12. The more options for solving problems, the better. But the client needs help, i.e. direct him, suggest reasoned. It happens when there is not something that would ideally suit your client. Justify the possibility of considering one or another product option. It's not enough to say, "I like this one better!" - unless the buyer asks you about it, of course.

13. Two things that are always important to remember: first - the client pays money, second - what does he get for them? Let the client understand that he receives much more than he pays, justify this, of course, indirectly.

14. 95% of our thoughts are subconscious. We are not aware of what we are doing. We make purchases under the influence of emotions, but we judge things logically. Be as logical as possible in the presentation of your offer to buy this or that thing. If the logic is lame, a vacuum is formed that is difficult to fill. And this, in turn, gives rise to a number of doubts, anxieties and mistrust of the buyer.

To sell something, you need to hit something.
Georgy Alexandrov

The ability to sell is the ability to make money. If you always want to be with money, learn one single thing - sales. Then it will not be so important what exactly, to whom and where you will sell, since the very ability to do this is your guarantee that you will not be lost in this world of money. However, according to my observations, few people understand how useful this skill is. Because people study different specialties, but do not pay due attention to sales. But this is such a thing that every person needs to be able to deal with, regardless of what relation he has to trade. After all, our whole life consists, in fact, of many transactions with each other, and therefore the one who knows how to carry out transactions with other people in a profitable way receives more benefits than the one who does not know how to do this. In this article, we will talk about how to learn how to sell, no matter what and no matter who, so that those of you who want to live a normal and even chic life know how to get there. After all, everyone can become a good seller, in my deep conviction.

Before I tell you about what I know about sales, and I know a lot about them, let me draw your attention to my information product, which you can find in the menu of the site called Sales 1.0. This is an information block consisting of five text modules dedicated to sales. He is able to teach sales to any person, regardless of his basic level education. I suggest this block to those of you who want to get really serious about learning about sales. Now let's move on to the topic of this article.

I admit the likelihood that you have already read articles on the Internet on this topic, and most likely, you have learned superficial knowledge from them, like that the seller, in broad sense of this word, must be self-confident, must smile and love the buyer, client, must know his product well or be able to beautifully describe his services so that people want to use them. In general, all this standard set qualities of a person selling, you probably know. All this, of course, is understandable, all these advertising and marketing chips really work, but not as well as many sellers would like. It requires a more sophisticated approach. And this art consists in exploring the deep world of a person, in order to reveal his most secret desires, for the sake of which he is ready for anything. Now work with a person becomes more subtle. The latest inventions in the field of sales are not aimed at the crowd, but at the individual, at individuality. Therefore, thinking about how to learn how to sell well - ask yourself - in what situations are you yourself willing to part with money with joy in order to acquire something? Think about what drives you at this moment, what are you striving for, what do you want and why? Start learning external world from the inner world, start selling something by selling to yourself.

Understand that the ability to sell depends on the ability to understand people. And to understand people, you need much more knowledge than the knowledge that can be found in books on sales. I read a bunch of these books and I won’t say that they helped me succeed in sales - I was helped in this by completely different knowledge, which I gleaned in completely different areas. To sell everything and everything, to everyone in a row and at a great price, in order to be able to conduct profitable deals for yourself in the most different situations in order to be able to negotiate with any people on favorable terms for yourself, you need to be well versed in human psychology. Nothing without this. Trade is not and is not their forcible weaning - it is the ability to negotiate with people. And to agree with everyone specific person, you must understand how it works in order to be able to sell something to it. After all, people buy not so much the product itself as its image, they pay for a fairy tale about the product, which promises them to solve some of their problems and / or enjoy it. Selling goods is, first of all, selling a beautiful fairy tale that people want to believe in. People are drawn to pleasure and run from pain - you have to understand this very clearly in order to become a great salesman.

In this life you can different ways acquire money - they can be taken away from other people by force, therefore, throughout their history, people fought with each other - they sought to seize other people's resources in order to provide themselves with a beautiful and easy life. Politics, banditry - all these are ways of taking money from other people with the help of force. Money can also be stolen, that is, by cunning and dexterity to appropriate other people's resources. At the same time, some people are so strong that they are ready to risk their lives, trying to steal them. Theft is also a very dangerous occupation, but many people do it. But the ability to sell is just the same, the ability to cooperate with people. And for this cooperation to be effective for you, you must clearly understand the nature of man. After all, by cooperating with people, you exchange resources with them - you give something to them, and they give you something in return. Money is an intermediary in such an exchange. And for such an exchange to take place, it is necessary to understand what another person may need. After all, the value of what you give in exchange for money is conditional. If, for example, for you, as for me, good book is valuable resource far more valuable than, say, a cell phone, it doesn't necessarily mean that the other person appreciates the book as highly as you do. He just might appreciate the phone more than the book. For him, the need for entertainment may be higher than the need for self-development. You must understand this in order to communicate with a person in his language. The essence of sales comes down to two things - the ability to satisfy other people's needs and the ability to shape them. Satisfying the needs of others is much easier than shaping them. But in order to satisfy a human need, it must first be identified.

Get to know the person before thinking about how to learn how to sell properly and why you even need it. After all, sales are not only the exchange of resources - it is practically our whole life, in which we constantly have to interact with other people. And to start learning to sell, you need to communicate. What kind of information you convey to other people will depend on their reaction to this information. By this reaction, you will understand how well you know how to understand people and their needs. You must know to offer or at least promise them what they dream of. So develop your communication skills. Cooperation between people will be impossible if they cannot transmit information to each other, in one way or another, because in this case, they simply will not understand each other. And today many people don’t know how to communicate at all, this can be seen from the conflicts that regularly occur between them, in which physical force or psychological pressure is used, as a weighty argument, and not logic, not compromises and not mutually beneficial proposals that can satisfy both sides . The lion's share of what we call communication today is simply a confrontation of human egoism, it is psychological pressure, blackmail, threats, appeal to the base instincts of the interlocutor, in order to manipulate him. You won't get very far in sales with this approach to people. After all, in order to learn how to sell a product or service, you need to please a person, and for this it is important to become a friend for him, not an enemy. Of course, pressure is also successfully used in sales, but it is not as effective as the ability to interest people.

Thus, to learn how to sell, you need to learn how to communicate with people. This is not difficult to do - you just need to practice more often, choosing the right language for each person, that is, communicating with him in the way he is used to it. You also need to be able to play on people's feelings so that people think they are better off buying from you than you are. It is very important for people to be winners in everything possible, including those situations when you sell them something, no matter what. Selling something, by anyone, to anyone, in my life experience, is a game of winner and loser. Subconsciously, every person wants to get more from any transaction than he gives, so a smart seller, no matter what he sells, must convince the buyer that he benefits from the purchase he makes, and the seller, accordingly, loses. This is a very effective tactic, especially in cases where people cannot be caught in fear to get something to buy. I don't know, to be honest, why people don't like win-win deals, but it's not that important to know. Since people are so arranged - you need to use it. Let them think that they have done you. In the understanding of many people, they differ from each other only in that someone else always earns bad money, but it is they who earn good money, honest money, fair money. I'm not against it. In general, I always try to give people more than I take in return, in terms of the fact that I strive to exceed their expectations - this helps me acquire regular customers that I really value.

If you decide to sell something to someone, then the first thing you need to do is draw the attention of a person, people, to yourself. There is a real hunt for this attention today, all this persistent, sometimes aggressive advertising, cunning marketing, carefully slipping people the right thoughts from his point of view, all this is aimed first of all at the attention of people who should become buyers of something, goods or services, or participants in any activity. And the attention of consumers today is completely scattered, people change their minds ten times a day on all sorts of little things, today they have not seven, but one hundred and seven Fridays a week. And people's desires are constantly changing, depending on who and how effectively they brainwash them. Even their life priorities can change, thanks to powerful propaganda. After all, they sell not only goods or services, but also ideas, they sell the meaning of life, they sell a way of life. Everyone is selling. And consumers hawala everything that is slipped to them. After all, consumers, for the most part, know little about anything, they buy what they believe in the most. And not infrequently they are very wrong in their choice. But this is nonsense, to screw up and buy some goods you don’t need in a store, it’s much worse when you are brainwashed and sent somewhere to the ends of the world to fight for other people’s interests, for some oil or something else. In such cases, we are talking about selling such an idea, from which not only there is no benefit, but, on the contrary, great harm. I also believe that when people take to buy some nonsense, this is also unprofitable for them. After all, they deprive themselves of their freedom when they become indebted to someone. And what the hell is a man doing junk if he is not free? I do not understand this.

So, friends, the real art of selling lies in the ability to convince people of the need to take certain actions by influencing their instincts. Fear, greed, sex, laziness - all these are the instincts that the seller should be tuned to. A good salesman is a trainer who trains the animal that lives inside each person. This animal does not have a mind, it acts according to its instincts. Scare this animal, and then offer a remedy for fear, and it will buy it. Offer an animal a sugar cube and it will stand on tiptoe in front of you. Show the animal easy way to do something, to get something, to come to something without straining at all, and it will believe you, because it wants to believe. Hint an animal about sex, show him a sexual image, and the animal will become aroused, he will have a subconscious craving for pleasure, and he will be ready to give everything for it. The main thing at the first stage of sales is to attract the attention of the buyer to yourself so that he tunes in to your wave and becomes ready to receive information from you. And then you can start training the animal inside the buyer, scaring, luring, attracting, exciting him. For example, the sale of shares is aimed at human greed, and the sale of drugs is aimed at fear. These are the two most powerful motivators that motivate a person to action. They are especially attracted to people - for the sake of which they are ready to believe in any nonsense.

You can attract attention in many ways, most importantly, be noticeable, bright, energetic, persistent in order to be able to break through other hunters interested in the attention of your potential client. People today's attention, as I said, is scattered to hell, they can't concentrate on anything, they don't really think about anything, they are very emotional and react to everything quite primitively. This is typical of the majority. Therefore, clients should be taken lukewarm when they are not thinking, when they are in an emotional trance, when they are open to suggestion. Create a need in people, give them a problem/problems, give importance to what they themselves never attached importance to, and then sell them something that will allow them to satisfy the need you created, which will solve the problem you invented, which will complement their lives, improve, secure or otherwise change it. People are willing to pay for something that will make this life better. People are ready to pay for what not they themselves, but what other people consider important, valuable, necessary, then they will also consider it important, valuable, necessary. Just think, who the hell needs some kind of gold there - are you going to gnaw it or what, why do you need it? If you buy gold, it is only because other people appreciate it, and for that reason alone. And other people value gold not because they decide so, but because someone convinced them to appreciate it. are related to sales, and sales are related to people, and people are a set of instincts and all kinds of beliefs. Work with what a person is made of, and not with him, and you will be able to sell him everything that is possible. At the same time, you don’t have to deceive people at all, it’s enough just to convince them of the need to buy what will make them happy from you.

In general, if you do not take into account essential goods and services, then everything that people buy today is exactly what they are offered. Demand does not create supply, but supply creates demand. People cannot imagine non-existent goods or services, they cannot know what does not exist. They choose from what is and want what is offered to them. And modern marketers are ready and able to convince people to buy even shit, most importantly, to make the right advertising. It is also important that people have money - for this shit.

It's enough just to come up with a good story about the profitability, quality, usefulness of shit, then arrange some kind of action where shit will be sold at a discount and people will fall down. And if shit ads are played on TV around the clock, then people will be ready to kill for him. I am exaggerating, of course, but you must understand that demand generation is indeed a very powerful tool, and you can acquire it by learning the necessary techniques for manipulating people. So, in order to learn how to sell, you need to learn how to tell beautiful tales - this is already aerobatics. This skill is one of the main secrets of sales, and not only sales. It is the power of persuasion, the power of faith. As long as people believe in money, money has power. And you also need to be able to play on people's emotions, or rather, on their instincts, which are described above, because it is they who generate these emotions. Let's say that our people have a fear of scarcity, which they often faced. A great country, constantly could not feed itself, and only recent years maybe fifteen, people more or less drunk. So if you hint to people that this or that product is in short supply, then this will positively affect the demand for it. All people perceive the shortage as a signal to take, to buy such a product, but our people react especially strongly to this, I was repeatedly convinced of this. People are afraid of not having time to snatch the benefit, they are afraid of being out of their lot, they are afraid of not getting enough, not eating enough, not drinking enough, not informing, and so on and so forth. Humans are greedy creatures, and some of them are very, very greedy and at the same time fearful. Make them afraid of losing something, and they will bite into your offer.

It is beneficial for the seller when people around are greedy, because greed blinds, makes a person make irrational decisions, makes him hurry, grab, grab. So sellers are catching on this desire to snatch profit - greedy and greedy people, artificially limiting the supply of quality goods. True, in our time, with the crisis of overproduction in developed countries, there is no need to talk about some kind of deficit. But that is in developed countries, but in our country, you yourself know which country. So for fear of not having time to grab something there at a bargain price - you can catch people. The main thing is to create a good background for the product, so that people's eyes light up and a burning desire to buy it appears. Today, people want to buy and buy products with a good, beautiful backstory. I call these goods - goods from a fairy tale. I remember that I helped one businessman when I advised him to come up with a beautiful fairy tale for his product, and so this product, after a competent advertising campaign, began to disperse like hot cakes at the station. But the product was so-so. Of course, this is not easy - just like that, to take and convince a person of something - this skill needs to be honed, improved. But having mastered it, a person will not disappear later in this world. He will be able to do the same at any age and in any place. And this is always work with real money, but above all, of course, this is work with people.

Personally, I always try to keep ethical standards I will never knowingly harm people. I see no point in doing bad things to those who give us their money - earned with sweat and blood. It is much more profitable to work honestly and responsibly. But the truth is more complicated. Nevertheless, if you learn to sell, then so as not to turn into some small huckster who deceives your customers, but into a respectable person who has regular customers due to his reputation. And if you ask me - then I will answer you - you need to become a good seller, whom people will respect and appreciate. People must remain people if they want to live in a society of people. And I want to live in a society of people, and not in a society of jackals and rats, so I do not work with greedy and greedy individuals who poison people with all sorts of rubbish or impose satanic ideology on them. And those who have studied sales with me know this very well. For this, people appreciate and respect me. I do not put my knowledge at the service of evil. And at the same time, no one will speak up to say that I do not understand sales and do not know how to make money. Be that kind of salespeople - who people perceive as real benefactors - and you, like me, will have a lot of regular customers. And having regular customers, you will not spend a lot of time looking for new customers and you can spend it on simply enjoying life.

Any seller, using the sales techniques that I have superficially described in this article, must remember the responsibility that he bears to society and not sell to people that which can harm them. If you neglect this responsibility, then you will live in a society of jackals who will deceive you just as you deceive them. Today you hurt a person, tomorrow someone will hurt you, you can be sure of that. So sell sell, but not poison for the people, no need to harm people, the money is not worth it. There will be people - there will be buyers, and there will be buyers - there will be money! Work for the people and you will never run out of money - trust me.

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