Gym home design. Home gym: interior design and equipment

Landscaping and layout 29.08.2019
Landscaping and layout

Gym predominantly located in a separate building, on the ground floor, with an organized separate exit to the open sports ground... Common school gym construction has the following layout: teacher's office, equipment room, 2 changing rooms, 2 shower areas, 2 toilets, the gym itself. All rooms should be located so that trainees and trainers do not interfere with each other and other areas of the school. Usually there is only one hall in the school, but this point can be adjusted depending on the number of students in educational institution... The size of the gym can also be chosen, based on the calculation bandwidth, taken as 11 sq.m. (and not less than 4 m2) for 1 student. At the same time, the area of ​​the gym must be at least 140 m2, even if the existing premises are under reconstruction. Gym area for group lessons for general physical fitness and ball games should include:

162 sq.m. / 216 m2 (9x18 / 12x18 meters) if there are 8 - 20 classes in the school;
- 288 sq.m. (12x24 meters) if there are 20-30 classes in the school;
- 2 halls: 144 + 288 sq.m. if there are 40 classes in the school;
- 2 halls: 144 + 450 m2 if there are 50 classes in the school.

The gym with an area of ​​144 sq.m. can only be used for physical education in primary grades... Requirements to required dimensions spaces for sports in schools are determined not only by the norms for organizing sports activities, but also optimal volume air for practitioners and safety rules. The height from floor to ceiling depends on the overall dimensions of the space and should be at least 4.8 - 6 meters.

It is advisable to place windows on both long sides of the sports facility. This creates all the conditions for sufficient level lighting and helps in airing, since you can open the vents and provide a through hood between lessons. Lighting is combined from natural and artificial sources. The second option is represented by different types of lamps, the lowest illumination is in the range of 100 - 400 lux, depending on the type of sport for which the hall is intended. It is important that the light spreads evenly around the entire perimeter of the room and remains pleasant to the eye, regardless of the time of day. Design of gyms should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 23-05, SP 31-110 and SNiP 3.05.06. Window glass should be equipped with grilles and nets to improve safety conditions.

Hall color scheme plays an important role for students, therefore it is necessary to use only pure contrasting colors, for example: the floor is yellow, and the walls are blue; the floor is red-brown and the walls are green, etc. The selected shades must match the nature of the functional purpose sports facility. The correct combination of colors can simultaneously activate a person without irritating him, and withstand in a state of emotional calm. Therefore, red or orange colors not recommended for use in the design of a gym for long workouts, games or competitions.

Air temperature in a sports and recreation indoor facility, during the cold season of the year, it is kept in the region of 18 ° C with a humidity level of 30 - 60%. Heating and ventilation systems are provided in mandatory in advance and are installed taking into account the norms of SNiP 41-01.

Sports hall floors can be made of wood or wood. The choice of coverage should be carried out with a clear understanding of the purpose of the sports facility by type of sport. It is recommended to equip sports school gyms with a system thickness of 37 to 39 mm. When buying a wooden floor covering, it is important to evaluate the shock-absorbing qualities that compensate for the load on the muscles of the ligaments and ankles of the practitioners.

Hall equipment should take into account the gender and age characteristics of schoolchildren. It must be maintained in good condition and maintained at all times. In no case should the room be littered with inventory or equipment, as this can significantly increase the risk of more frequent traumatic situations. The design of the elements must comply with environmental and safety standards. In the teacher's arsenal, it is necessary to have both universal, general and highly specialized subjects: wall bars, balls, parallel bars, jump ropes, mats, gymnastic goat and / or horse, benches, tennis tables, etc. A variety of elements will make physical education classes more interesting, students will provide an opportunity to express themselves in different types sports, and the teacher will provide a full-fledged approach to versatile sports education. A separate room must be prepared for storing unused equipment. Full a set of rules and regulations for the design and construction of physical culture and sports halls set out in SP 31-112-2004.

Like everyone modern man, we know that systematic sports activities are already a guarantee of health, a good figure and great well-being. More and more often we see new advertising signs that dozens of new fitness centers and other health establishments are opening, but often we, people who work and live at a crazy pace, do not have enough time to regularly visit such establishments.

Of course, practicing from time to time is better than nothing at all, but for visible results you need regularity in your lessons.

Many may have noticed that rather unusual, but effective innovations in Western countries have a beneficial effect on people's lives. One of them is gym equipment at home.

However, you can do without it, but just buy barbell and a few pancakes as well as dumbbells. Everything will depend on your preferences, goals and finances.

Anyway, it would be nice to buy at least one mat.

If the size of the hall allows, then you can set tennis or even a pool table, and place on the wall basketball basket.

True, in such a gym you will have to separate everything into zones, but the bar counter will help with this, and which we talked about earlier.

What if there is no separate gym room at home?

You can highlight a small sports corner in the living room or bedroom, if I will allow the size.

For a mini gym, you can combine a room and. Be that as it may, try to make the sports corner closer to

You don't have to be a regular at a fitness club or gym to look beautiful, fit, youthful and energetic. It is enough to equip a gym at home and exercise with joy for body and soul at any time convenient for you.

Home gym is wise and practical solution for every person who values ​​their health and strives for physical perfection. Why? It is no secret that in order to achieve significant results, sports should be systematic. Is this always possible, given the modern rhythm of life? Hardly. For there is often not enough time even for ordinary daily work and household chores, not to mention such "luxury" as taking care of yourself. A personal "fitness center" in a house or apartment is not only useful, but also profitable: having spent once on exercise equipment and sports equipment, for many years you will not have to think about buying a (far from cheap) subscription to a sports club.

Before making a home gym, you need to think over everything to the smallest detail - from the choice of the room to the decor elements. Only in this way physical activity will be a pleasure, and not a kind of duty in front of the periodically rolling remorse.

Choosing the perfect location

Ideally, it is advisable to set aside a separate room for a home gym, while its area should be at least ten square meters. If you live in a private house, the veranda will be the best place for it, thanks to the ability to organize good ventilation... When it is easy to breathe, it is doubly pleasant to practice. An attic is also a good option.

But in general, a home gym can be organized in any room with windows: if the room has a normal flow of air, it will be easy to train in it. In a stuffy room without windows, you will get tired very quickly and feel constant discomfort. Needless to say, in such an environment, enthusiasm very quickly "fades away"?

Home gym decoration and design


The walls of a home mini-gym must be vapor-permeable. This is explained by the fact that in a room of such a plan, even designed for two or three people, the accumulation of a certain amount of moisture is inevitable. If surfaces are finished with plastic or tiles, condensation will form on them - and such an atmosphere is far from the healthiest. Therefore, it is advisable to give preference to materials such as colored plaster, wallpaper or cork.


Flooring for a home gym, you should choose a comfortable, reliable, good soundproofing. Plank floors will not work well. We recommend that you do this:

  • equip a "floating" screed;
  • lay a high-quality soundproofing substrate;
  • Use cork or thick carpet as a topcoat.

Home Gym Colors

According to medical observations, light green, blue, cream, light beige and gray colors have the most beneficial effect on the trainee. It is they who are desirable to use when creating the interior of a home gym.


The lighting in a home fitness center should be exclusively overhead. Remember: no multi-colored lamps - just nice white light!

Accessories and furniture

There must be a mirror in the gym. If you wish, you can make one of the walls completely mirrored - this is beautiful, and it visually expands the space. The mirrors should be positioned in such a way that the trainees can contemplate themselves without problems - and in full height.

However, it should be noted that the mirror in the interior of the gym is by no means an "attribute of narcissism", but a kind of motivator to do exercises correctly, to monitor personal progress.

Worth knowing! The mirror in the gym does not always evoke pleasant emotions. During one of psychological research it was found that obese women perceived their reflection in the exercise process extremely negatively. As a result, their sports interest and positive attitude suddenly faded away. Therefore, the decision on the need to install mirrors in the gym must always be made taking into account the wishes of all family members.

The essentials in a home fitness center are also:

  • hangers for towels, clothes;
  • chairs with a back;
  • a table for all kinds of "small things" - bottles of water, glasses, mobile phone etc.;
  • electronic or mechanical scales;
  • Wall Clock.

If a large room is reserved for the gym, you can install there coffee table and a leather sofa for comfortable time-outs.

If one of the family members is a professional athlete, the home gym will be the best place for shelves with cups, medals, and certificates.

Many people prefer classes with "video instructors" - which means that if possible, a personal fitness center should be equipped with a TV and DVD player (there are units with a built-in player and a USB port for flash drives). Fans of "song accompaniment" to all their affairs cannot do without a musical "installation" in the gym.

Decorating the space

You can decorate the room with posters of bodybuilders (for men) and photographs of models or your favorite show business stars (for women). In general, any images, paintings, statuettes of a sports or near-sports theme will be appropriate here.

How to equip your home gym

Your home gym must have at least one cardiovascular machine, either a treadmill or an ellipsoid. The rest of the equipment and devices should be selected depending on the personal goals, preferences and, of course, the gender of the trainees. A woman planning to "throw off" a couple of kilograms with her head will have enough cardio simulator, several dumbbells and a roller for the press. Men will need a horizontal bar, a weight machine, or a barbell, perhaps a punching bag. One floor mat is required.

When equipping a home gym "for the whole family", it is advisable not to skimp on inventory - buy a pair of fitballs, wall bars, hoops, rope. All households will be delighted, from small to large - guaranteed!

With the impressive size of the room set aside for the gym, you can additionally equip the space with a tennis or billiard table.

And finally: to understand how best to organize the space, look on the Internet for photos of home gyms - so you can get a lot of interesting ideas.

The gym

That systematic physical activity is a guarantee of health, well-being and beautiful figure, everyone knows. New fitness centers and fitness centers are constantly appearing, but many working people simply do not have time to visit them regularly. Occasional classes are, of course, better than nothing, but regularity is necessary to achieve a stable result. In Western countries, there has long been a tendency to equip home gyms, allowing you to exercise at any convenient time.

This, among other things, is very profitable: once you spend on the purchase of exercise equipment and sports equipment, you can save on paying for classes in a fitness center for many years.

However, it should even be properly equipped, because it is known that it is much more difficult to tune in to sports at home than in a general gym. It has also been proven that classes in a home environment, in which there is not even a dedicated area for sports exercise are much less enjoyable. If a person does not get pleasure from physical activity, then they turn into a kind of obligation. In such a situation, it is difficult to comply with the regime and engage in systematic, and not from time to time. Thus, the equipment of a home gym must be carefully thought out. What do medical professionals, sports coaches and designers recommend?

Home gym room

Ideal, of course, if it is possible to set aside for a separate room. The area of ​​the room for a home gym should be at least 8-10 square meters. Better - more.

The optimal place for equipping a sports room in the house is a veranda. It is easy to breathe on it; it is easier to arrange excellent ventilation on the veranda, and this is very important. A good place for home gym - attic with ceiling beams allowing you to hang numerous sports equipment. Large attic suites provide plenty of fresh air.

Home gym should have windows

However, it can be equipped in any other room, but always in the one where there are windows - a room without windows is absolutely not suitable: firstly, during execution physical exercise man has to breathe fresh air... Secondly, in a room without windows, a person experiences discomfort, which does not contribute to the growth of interest in classes.

Home gym room furnishings and equipment


The walls of a room in which they go in for sports must have such a property as vapor permeability. The fact is that in gyms, even those designed for only a few people, a certain amount of moisture accumulates. If the walls are sealed (finished, for example, ceramic tiles or), then condensation forms on them - not the most healthy atmosphere arises. The best decision- is it colored plaster on the walls or paper wallpaper... Wall decoration with natural cork panels is also perfect.

Stylish and cozy home gym


Of particular importance in the gym is the finishing of the floors, because it is on them in the sports room that the maximum sound load is carried out. The floor covering for the gym must first of all have sound insulating properties (especially if the sports room is equipped in an apartment above the ground floor or in the attic of a private house). Plank floors are not suitable for a gym. The best option is a screed (better - floating, not in contact with the walls and, accordingly, not transmitting sound). It is worth laying a sound-insulating substrate on the screed, and on top - a high-quality carpet with a thick base or a cork floor, which, as you know, is soft (which means that if you fall, the chance of injury is reduced) and low sound conductivity.

If you plan to work out in a home gym with large weights, you should cover the floor under a carpet or on top cork cover rubber backing or rug - this will save floors and reduce noise.

Color in the interior of the home gym

Psychologists and medical professionals say that the optimal gym is light shades of green, blue, gray, cream and light beige. One of these colors should be used for wall decoration, window decoration and decor.

Light beige walls - good decision home gym

The color of exercise equipment and other sports equipment can be any (as well as a few furniture) - this, first of all, depends on the chosen style of the room. So, for example, black and gray colors furniture and exercise equipment with chrome elements will come in handy in a high-tech gym. In an avant-garde or retro gym, any bright colours and wood colors. By the way, multi-colored exercise machines and equipment have a stimulating effect.


For the gym, it is desirable that the lighting is overhead. Lamps should not be colored. The best option is white light. The most illuminated place should be where the person will study, looking at his reflection in the mirror.

Furniture, accessories

Of course, the gym must have a mirror. If possible, you can make one of the walls completely mirrored (for this it is not at all necessary to use a real mirror - you can decorate the walls with polystyrene mirror plates). The mirror should be located so that, while practicing, a person can see his reflection. It is preferable that the mirror reflects the person in full growth. In this case, the window should be to the side of the student.

Interior by B&L studio

As for the mirror, it should be said additionally. Why is it needed? Not at all to admire yourself. It is necessary to control the correctness of the exercise. In addition, watching his reflection in full growth can motivate a person, since at first he sees all his imperfections and wants to get rid of them, and then, after a couple of months of training, he observes the first results and wants to consolidate them. In short, a gym mirror is a great motivator for confident people.

Unfortunately, for people with low self-esteem (primarily women), a mirror in the gym can have the opposite effect. So, in the course of a specially conducted study, psychologists found out that many women who are overweight, observing their reflection during classes, experienced unpleasant sensations. As a result, they had a desire to stop doing the exercises and no longer accept them. In short, the decision on the presence of a mirror in a home gym should be made on a case-by-case basis.

The gym can be equipped with a clothes rack and towels. You need at least one chair with a back - you may need it for both exercise and rest. It is advisable to have a small table to put a bottle of water. but perfect option Is a home gym equipment with a bar counter with coasters for glasses and bottles. You need to put a couple of bar stools at the counter. A minibar can also be installed here for storing and cooling drinks.

The original gym furniture can be found at furniture stores, make an individual order or make it yourself - for example, from outdated sports equipment

IN large room for the gym, you can put a leather sofa and serving table... If the owner of the gym is actively involved in sports, participates in competitions and has awards, you can hang shelves in the gym or install a display case for cups, medals, etc.

Many people, especially women, work with so-called "video instructors" - that is, they buy or download videos of gymnastics, dancing, aerobics, etc. Accordingly, such classes should take place where there is a TV and DVD player. If you prefer to work out with video trainers, you should hang at least a small plasma or (better - with a built-in DVD player) on the wall of your home gym. If you have a TV with DVD, you can do without a music player. Otherwise, it is necessary to put a music center in the gym - after all, it is known that classes with musical accompaniment are always easier and more enjoyable.


The walls of the home gym can be decorated with posters: women prefer posters with images of female models and / or athletes, men with images of famous bodybuilders. Such posters are motivators for many. However, the images on the posters can be any, the main thing is that they match the style of the room. In addition, on the wall of the gym will be very useful - perhaps even with an electronic scoreboard. A watch is needed to monitor the timing of certain exercises and the entire activity.

Motivational graffiti on the walls of the home gym

On the walls of the gym, inscriptions with motivating slogans are appropriate (for example: “ Come on, come on!», « Gymnastics lengthens youth. J. Locke», « In a healthy body healthy mind!», « Let's!», « This is the body !!!», « Movement is life!», « How thinner waist- the longer the life!" etc.). You can also hang darts on the walls.

Home gym equipment

First of all, you need to choose exercise equipment. The gym should have at least one cardiovascular machine - it can be an exercise bike or treadmill. Other simulators are selected depending on the goals that the student pursues. So, if a woman just wants to lose weight, to be, as they say, in shape, one cardiovascular machine, several dumbbells and a jump rope will be enough for her.

Luxury home gym

For a man who wants to increase muscle mass, you will need additional strength training equipment (or one multifunctional strength training device that will save square meters). However, you can do without strength training equipment by purchasing a barbell with different pancakes and a large number of dumbbells. In short, it all depends on the goals, personal preferences, financial capabilities and the area of ​​the gym.

In any case, you need to purchase at least one floor mat. If the size of the gym allows, it is worth installing a universal bench. The gym, in which women, teenagers and children are engaged, should be equipped with a pair of fitballs, hoops, a rope, a Swedish wall. Men prefer to have a horizontal bar and a punching bag in the gym.

A rack with sports equipment separates the sports area

If the size of the gym allows, you can additionally install a tennis or billiard table in it, and hang a basketball basket on the wall. Of course, such a gym will need to be zoned, allocating an area for sports and entertainment. You can delimit the zones using the bar counter, which will divide the space into two halves.

Home gym zoning


In the gym, it is desirable to have forced ventilation. This can be a fan built into the cooker hood or in the vent.

Bathroom scales are also a very useful "little thing" for a gym.

If there is no separate room for a home gym

Small sports corner can be distinguished in the living room or bedroom, if, of course, the size allows. You can find a place for a mini-gym by combining a room with a loggia or balcony. In any case, the sports corner should be made closer to the window. You can separate the sports area in the living room using the same bar counter - the area by the window is designed as a sports area, and at opposite wall a recreation and reception area is being equipped.

It is advisable to highlight the sports area - for example, paint the walls in a different color or even finish with a different material. The same accessories are used as in the individual gym - wall clocks, sports posters, a mirror, etc. The TV should be hung up so that it can be watched both from the sports area and from the recreation area.

For the sports corner, you can choose folding exercise equipment (for example, treadmill). Mini steppers won't take up much space; the barbell and dumbbells can be removed, for example, behind a sofa or under a bed.

In general, the requirements for a sports corner are the same as for a home gym in separate room... With only one difference - you have to save space in the corner, so you will have to more carefully select simulators and equipment, purchasing only what you really cannot do without. Thus, the task becomes somewhat more complicated, but there are no unsolvable interior tasks. Go for it! We wish you design and sporting success!

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Gym design in a private house: 3 projects and several simple tips for their implementation

Hello. This time I will talk about how to independently equip the design of a gym in a private house. The topic of this article is not accidental, since healthy image life is gaining in popularity, but not all of us can find time to go to the gym. The solution to the problem will be the arrangement of a special room or part of the room, where sports equipment and simulators will be concentrated in one order or another.

What should be the interior of a home gym?

To begin with, let's remember what the requirements are for the gym itself:

  • thoughtful location sports equipment and, as a consequence, the safety of its use;
  • rational arrangement of sports equipment for the smallest consumption of free space;
  • ease of cleaning and maintenance sports equipment;
  • aesthetic appeal room design.

What you need to know when setting up a home gym

Most often, the home gym is not allocated the most large room... Even more often, part of a room is allocated for sports, for example, a corner of a study or.

Therefore, before equipping a gym with your own hands, you need to carefully plan it, taking into account the equipment that will be used there.

An ordinary home gym is equipped with a set of wall bars, a horizontal bar with hanging rings, dumbbells, a hula-hoop and other accessories that can be folded under a wall or a specially made rack at the end of use.

More advanced versions of the home gym are equipped with exercise equipment. Equipping a standard corner for regular physical activity is an exercise bike or treadmill. These simulators can be supplemented with hanging equipment to load the muscles of the arms and torso.

Less commonly, a small gym includes specialized equipment. For example, amateur cyclists in a special room use a special simulator ("machine"), which allows you to rigidly fix the rear wheel of a conventional bicycle and simulate road riding. The same cyclists use a barbell in addition to the "machine" in the mini-gym to load the quadriceps.

In addition to the listed equipment, when arranging rooms for sports, you need to take care of ventilation. In this case, the air conditioner is not best remedy, since the likelihood of a cold is high.
An excellent solution is a powerful forced draft and a fan aimed at the athlete.

So, I talked about what a room can be equipped for doing sports at home. Now consider specific examples projects implemented in apartments or country houses.

Implementation of the design project in the children's room

In this photo you can see the design of a home gym in the children's room.

Let's consider the interior features in more detail:

  • a complete set of sports equipment includes a wall bar, a horizontal bar and a rope;
  • for the safety of exercising on simulators, massive pillows are provided under the wall, which function as mats;
  • wall decoration in the nursery is typical for traditional design gyms;
  • color scheme used in the decoration of the ceiling and walls does not contribute to a calm pastime and is combined with the performance of sports exercises;
  • to save space, a student's desk is provided in the back of the room.

Summing up the description of the design project, I note that the premises and sports equipment are designed for junior or middle adolescents. school age... The set of equipment is primitive, its price is low, and it is suitable for general physical development. As the child grows up, the room will require redevelopment to install additional equipment.

The use of the described interior in full-fledged children's rooms is not recommended, since this color scheme for finishing the ceiling and walls does not contribute to everyday quiet pastime.

Gym interior in a separate room

If your passion for sports has taken on a serious character and is not limited to morning exercises, this in-house gym design is what you need.

What do we see in the photo?

  • A professional trainer with bicycle fixation, a treadmill, an exercise machine for working with the press, a set of dumbbells was used from the equipment in the room;
  • In the interior, in which you can see how correctly certain exercises are performed;
  • Having a TV mounted on the wall will allow you to spend more time in the saddle or on the track, without getting tired of the monotonous load;
  • The color scheme of the wall decoration will make the work on the simulators more efficient.

Summing up the design review, I note that a room equipped in this way is perfect solution as for vocational training an athlete, and to maintain physical fitness as an adult.

The more exercise equipment the better

Finally, consider an example of a gym built in one of the rooms of a large country house.

What do we see in the photo?

  • Perhaps this is the first project that used exhaust ventilation, the lattice of which is located on the ceiling surface;
  • The room contains a full range of sports equipment, including a treadmill, elliptical trainer, exercise bike, equipment for working with core muscles, etc .;
  • The color scheme of the walls, ceiling and floor gives the room an ordinary room;
  • The flooring is carpeted, which is not the best option for equipping a gym.

Summing up the above, I would like to note that the set of sports equipment is optimal. The presence of ventilation will make sporting activities more comfortable, since condensation will not settle on the glazing.

However, there are disadvantages, including the use of carpet, which is difficult to clean from dirt.


Now we know what the instructions for setting up a home gym are. More useful information can be found by watching the video in this article.

There is personal experience in the arrangement of sports facilities? Let us know in the comments to what you read.

June 8, 2016

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