Watch do it yourself from photos. Wall clock do it yourself: materials and drawings, design

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No need to know the clockwork device to make the original wall clock do it yourself. In any house there are also broken watches, and inexpensive Chinese-made alarm clocks. From all this wealth, you can create original and useful decorations For the interior with their own hands.

Why is the wall clock so interesting?

Watches - peculiar guides of mysterious invisible, but all experienced energy called time. Therefore, in the consciousness of a person, the watch is also charged something mystical. The clocks have an interesting, inexplicable property to speed up or slow down their move, as they do. People will always be not indifferent to the clock and by the time to personify them.

How to make wall clock with your own hands?

Pay attention to these interesting designer solutions. The photo shows that creating original wall clock with their own hands quite under the power of a simple housewife. As designer decisions, such a watch made by your own hands will be the most bright and attractive place for your interior!

Here it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the dial can be anything. The main thing is that such hours must be beautiful and, as design items, be sure to carry some idea.

Creative thought that received a direction is very fruitful. If you once feel like a designer, then this is already forever. And such a fertile direction as the creation of original wall clocks is simply inexhaustible.

Here is the photo of the dial made from the lid of a large wooden coil on which the cable were wound before. Here, the designer saw exactly the interesting texture of the lid as a circle, not paying attention to the main purpose of the subject. Stencil inscriptions and a metal lining on the coil hole. How it is impossible to emphasize the idea of \u200b\u200bthe dial from wooden planks.

The watches from the Globus halves require a lot of space, but look awesome. Such watch-songwrites will suit and give the spirit of travel. By the way, such clocks can well approach the agency's tour.

Wall Clock C create something such a homemade, similar to the grandmother's chest ...

And the clock-ball with rounded arrows is a real time machine.

Wall clock-picture and the following image, Draped clock unusual material Flat surface can be suitable for living room and hall ...

Interesting color solution Visually hides the arrows on the clock, and the watch-card will allow you to travel for some country. You can additionally specify a lot of different data, mark the places where you were. Very original designer solution For wall clocks made by hand.

But these laconic watches in the form of a chessboard are well suited to the strict style of the living room, a cabinet or library.

The clock from the tin can is of course for the kitchen. The following photos clearly seen that even such an abstract thing, like a clock spring, can be the subject of decor.

Highly interesting solution Make a dial of a drink of wood, and arrows from twigs.

Figures, carved from old records, can be highlighted in a separate type of creativity. They themselves are very creative and have the right to life. But in combination with the idea of \u200b\u200btime pointers just super!

Wall clock design do it yourself

People very often, accustomed to a certain setting, do not decide to make at least the slightest changes. And this static is so contradicts the creative spirit sitting in each of us. Try to change this statics, start with original wall clocks made with your own hands.

Beautiful wall clocks are always not easy to source about time information, but also decorate the apartment interior, give him a special charm.

And if you think that the wall clock is very difficult to do with your own hands, then you are deeply mistaken. This is a very real task that is practically everyone forces. After all, for such hours, the mechanism itself does not need to collect.

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It takes from old hours or removed from cheap Chinese alarm clocks. And on this basis, you decorate them to your taste, taking into account the design of your apartment.

What are the wall clocks

If you decide to independently make wall-mounted or make outdoor hours with your own hands, then you need to know that it can be done almost from any material. Of course, the most popular is wood. Thanks to its properties, the clock from the tree is manufactured by the most of different shapes And serve long enough.

Usually from this material are independently made not only wall-mounted, but also outdoor hours. By the way, the drawings for the manufacture of wall clocks are usually not required, but they can sometimes need for outdoor structures with a more complex assembly.

Watch from the plate

Plastic and other materials

Also popular with plastic watches. They are even more durable, but their manufacturer is more complicated. Original watches can be made of cardboard, and surprises the simplicity from which you can implement it. As a material for wall clocks, you can use paper or, for example, record stamps.


The clock in the kitchen is quite realistic to make it from tin cans.

Great variety is different and additional materialused mainly for the manufacture of arrows. It can be twigs of trees, buttons, pencils or wire.

Cardboard clock

As we have said, the cardboard watches are made quite just so we will now tell how to make a watch from cardboard yourself. In order to accomplish this idea, we will need the following materials and tools:

  1. Clockwork. It can be pulled out of old unnecessary hours.
  2. Piece of corrugated cardboard. Its dimensions depend on the dimensions of your future product.
  3. Wooden disk.
  4. , PVA glue, kraft paper (special high-strength wrapping paper).
  5. (fine-grained and possibly coarse), hook, decorative elements.

Watch from paper

The main stages of execution

First you need to take a disk from the tree (the same goes on wooden watches), and the perforator make a hole under the hourly mechanism. After that, cut out two circles from the cardboard and stick them on both sides and in one of them we also do a hole for the hourly mechanism.

Having made the foundation for the clock, you need to puncture the ends of the disk with cardboard, cutting a piece of width equal to the thickness of the disk and the length equal to its circle. Fix it with PVA glue. Then you need to push the clock-paper clock and, on the reverse side, fix the hook, with which we will hang our product on the carnations. By the way, the master class on the manufacture of hours can be viewed below.

Wall clock do it yourself video:

Finishing work

Now you need to paint our disk black. It will be enough to do it from the front side. After drying the surface, we do the hole under the arrow using the selection for this. Now we need silver paint, which easily contrasts with the black disk color and applied with it using fission and numbers on the dial. The same color stain and arrows. We finish our work in the installation of a clock mechanism and decorative decoration Okotov and edges of the disk.


This can be done, for example, with rhinestones.

As can be seen on the instructions presented, the manufacture of hours from cardboard can almost anyone.

Woods from wood

Let's look at how quickly you can make a wooden clock. For their manufacture, you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. Disk made of wood with a diameter of 330 mm.
  2. Wooden sticks and balls of small diameter in the amount of 12 pieces.
  3. Clockwork.
  4. Emery paper, glue ,.
  5. Flooring and perforator.
  6. Black cardboard and paint two colors.
  7. Pencil, scissors, line.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Process the sandpaper disk and balls up smooth surface And wipe them from dust.
  2. Wooden sticks cut to the same length. I choose the length yourself.
  3. Using a perforator, make a hole in the center of the disk intended for arrows.
  4. Drill 12 holes on the end of the wooden disk. They will serve as grooves for sticks with balls. The distance between the disks should be the same. To do this, use the transportation and make marks every thirty degrees.
  5. Hill in the holes glue and fix in them wooden sticks.
  6. At this stage of the manufacture of clocks from a tree, you need to treat the surface of the primer and after drying, apply several layers of paint. The color of the paint, in our case, should be white.
  7. Now we need to paint the balls in red (it is most suitable for a white disk). So that it was convenient to do, we will need a piece of foam and the remnants of our wooden sticks. We ride the balls on them and make painting, after which we insert them into a piece of foam and waiting for drying. For painting we use spray, since the tassel is uniformly painted hardly.
  8. After drying, insert the balls into the sticks and the "Sadim" on the glue.
  1. The final step will be the installation of a clock mechanism from the reverse side of the disk and fix the arrows to it. Arrows will produce from dense cardboard painted black.

It is interesting! do it yourself - master class

Watch from paper

In order to make the paper from paper, we will need the following materials:

  1. Clock mechanism and arrows.
  2. Dial of wood or other dense material.
  3. Paper for decor and buttons.
  4. Decamental glue (executes the role of glue, varnish and sealant), ordinary glue, paints.
  5. Small paper plate.
  6. Rule, scissors, pencil, pen.
  7. Tassel and foam brush.

Plastic watch

Stages of manufacture

Let's look at how to make the clock with your own hands in stages.

  1. First we cut the paper (choose the color matching color), in the form of an elongated trapezium, along the length of the dial. At the same time, all pieces should be the same in size and form. The total area of \u200b\u200bpaper should be more dial, so that later it is possible to heat the ends. Then fix glue for decoupage paper to the dial and expect until it dry. After that, bend and glue hanging ends to the back of the dial.
  2. We apply to the surface of the dial decoupage glue into several layers. Each subsequent layer is applied to the previous one, but after complete drying. For proper applicationThe surface of the dial will become a glossy.
  3. We make the markup of the dial. It is convenient to do with a paper plate. That is, first, we place all points on the plate, then we apply it to the dial and put the points already on it. After that, in the place of numbers, we glue, for example, buttons or something else, what your fantasy is designed for.
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Model clockball clock. Master class with step by step photos

Suslova Natalia Viktorovna Teacher primary classes MOU SOSH number 7. Admiral F. F. Ushakov G. Tutaev Yaroslavl region.
Description: This master class is designed for children from 6 years, primary school teachers, educators, parents.
Purpose: Didactic material for mathematics lessons, interior decoration.
Purpose: Production of clock clock.
Tasks: - fix the ability to work with paper;
- Develop creative skills, imagination, fantasy of children;
- develop fine motility, accuracy when working with glue, needle;
- bring up patience, confidence in your affairs.

Man who wonders time
He does not notice how old.
E Schwartz
Back in ancient times, people were able to focus on time and in space:
on the stars, on the sun, then the first were invented sundial.
What clock did not inlets a person throughout its existence: lunar, water, candle, sandy, oil.
Such a brilliant invention could not not find universal applications. Many of the first hours they served humanity for a long time and correctly, but over time there were more modern and convenient models hours.
In the modern dynamic world, you have to appreciate every minute, as the saying "Time - Money" is becoming more and more relevant every year. In order to control itself, you just need to be well oriented in time.
Teach a child to correctly navigate the clock - real art. This kind of classes have to be diverted quite a long time, explaining the names of the name of the same designation. The main thing is the patience and the ability to wait, not to demand from the child immediately skills and skills.
The first and best allowance is a home clock with arrows, the manufacture of which we are today and do.

Going the whole century.
And not a man. (clock)
We are not sleeping day,
We are not sleeping night,
And day and night
Knock, knock. (clock)
No legs, but I go
Mouth is not, and I will say
When to sleep when you get up,
When you start working. (clock)
Here with arrows hut,
And in the cuckoo sits inside

And shouts: "Ku-ku, ku-ku!
I'm a moment of a single! "(Hours)
When to go and get up
When the game is soaring,
When to sit down for a lesson,
When with raspberry there is a pie -
We will show all the hours for sure
To the question: "What time is it?" -
You could answer every time.
Clock is a mystical gift.
Not time is powerful above you,
And you over him, - Let it be
Your every day and hour anyone!
The clock does not tolerate the inbidity,
And in happiness, a bit be upon the clock.
They are awaiting and recognized
In the classroom brings us.

color cardboard
Colored paper (album leaf),
thread, needle,
small flat button
hole puncher.


Step by step description Works:
For work we need patterns.

1. Production of the dial.On the back of the color cardboard to circulate the circuit of the dial.

On the landscape sheet to circle an inner circle.

Cut details.

Enter details on each other, glue.

Fold album sheet "accordion" for 12 parts, draw circles (others geometric figures) For numbers.

Cut details.

Glue the details to the dial, make a felt-tip pen. Dial ready!

2. Production of arrows. On the back of the dark cardboard to make 2 holes holes.

Align holes with template holes. Cut the arrows templates.

Cut arrows.

3. Assembly of the dial model. To put the arrows on each other, the holes of the arrows to combine, and put on the center of the circle.

Apply a flat button on top, sew to the dial.

Reverse side of the dial.

Feltaster designate moments.

Dial models are ready in different versions Registration.

Creative success!

The comfort in our house depends on many details and trifles. Thus, most interior design stylists agree that well-chosen curtains, lamps and lamps, blankets, pillows, carpets and clocks are in essential attributes. The last and our master class will be devoted.

Make them can everyone, and ways for this hundreds. The most important thing in this case is to establish a clock mechanism (you can purchase in a specialized store or remove from old, no longer necessary hours), and myself appearance Products remain at your discretion.

As part of this lesson, we will talk about the most popular technicians who can come in handy in the design. original watch.

Decoupage styled clock

If you decide to make a clock in such a technique, then you will need to buy in advance in a specialized store already ready-made pattern of workpiece, arrows and clockwork, patterns for the background on rice paper or napkin, acrylic paints, glue, lacquer and others necessary for decoupage compositions, Brushes, sponges.

To begin with, the workpiece should be treated, three times covering it with soil from acrylic paint And stabbing. After drying, she needs to give the desired tone and texture. In order for the surface of the clock to have aged shabby, the paint is better to apply chaotically with a sponge.

Next, it is worth outlawing a frame around the perimeter of the workpiece, retreating from the edge a couple of centimeters, and paint it into a darker tone.

Now it is necessary to paint the blank to the color that is suitable for your interior. In our case, the tone was chosen with a light oh (combined with white). Mix the paint and apply a sponge. Give her to dry out, after which it is shrank the workpiece.

Wattime colors must be isolated by color. For example, the paint under the tree is suitable.

After that, you can apply the selected pattern to the workpiece. It must be pre-cut from rice paper, and if the pattern on the napkin, then soak in water. Now simply apply it to your place on the dial and above the glue.

The next step will have to include all your imagination and artistic skills, because you will need to remove the boundary between the napkin and the surface of the clock and achieve the integrity of the drawing with the background. To do this, you will need to choose the paints of the corresponding tones and with the help of a sponge to create a smooth transition from the pattern to the surface. You can also try to continue the pattern in the same style and with the help of a brush to draw its elements over the surface of the clock and along a dark frame. This will definitely add brightness and livelism to the image.

After drying, the most interesting step occurs in this process - artificial formation of our clock. For this use special tool double-having cracker. It is applied with a dry brush in two layers, giving the opportunity to every layer to dry well.

After its use on the product, characteristic cracks appear, which should be lost in copper powder. At the final stage, the harvest is covered with varnish.

After the clockwork, the numbers and arrows will gain their place, the clock will revive and become a wonderful addition to your kitchen interior, living room or a wonderful gift for friends.

In the style of quilling

Quilling or paper is a decorative applied art in which paper stripes work of different widthsBy twisting them into elements patterns, which then form a single composition. A flat wooden board-plywood or dense cardboard is suitable as the basis of the future clock. In our case, black paper was pasted on the surface of the board, and the elements to achieve contrast were mainly made of white paper. You can choose any combination, as well as using any elements of queening.

The color gamut of the product should depend on where it will be operated. At a minimum, it should fit into existing style Premises and not disturbing him harmony with their presence, on the contrary - enhanced this criterion. So the choice of color is the most important moment in this case.

To work in this technique you will need cut from paper strips, glue and hook or knitting needles on which you will wink paper. All finished elements are glued to the surface of the future product. You can designate divisions, but it is optional.

First you need to make numbers. For this fit simple items Quilling in the form of tight rolled spirals.

After the figures, go to the creation of the main elements of the clock decoration. IN this case Flowers consisting of a drop element were selected.

Ready "drops" must be collected in flowers and transfer all the blanks on the surface of the clock.

Before adding a clock mechanism, you need to decorate the middle of the clock.

It remains only to put the ready-made clock in the frame under the glass.

This product is suitable for children's bedrooms.

From wooden sticks

In this case, you will not need to have many materials, only wooden sticks, glue, sharp scissors and working watches with a flat surface. Cut at least a hundred sticks and stir them as the rays of the sun in a few rows, following the length of the sticks to be relatively the same. It is advisable to make a second layer of longer sticks. This will create an interesting visual effect - the effect of the "explosion".

Such registration is original in the kitchen interior and the living room.

From tile for suspended ceiling

Such tiles, if, of course, they are made of plaster, will always look beautiful and with a particular chic. Make from this material our device is an excellent solution for creative and romantic natures.

The plaster tile for the ceiling among builders is called a medallion. An hourly mechanism is attached to her back. The center is done by the arrow hole. In order for our product to be concise and, with an exquisite view, appropriately apply an additional coating in the form of matting paint or paint with a glossy effect.

The color of the paint choose you yourself, but it is worth remembering that it is originally native color of plaster, material made under marble, - beige, white, pearl, white-coffee and white-purple (gentle pink).

Such an element of the decor of the room will perfectly complement the decoration of the halls, living rooms, bedrooms.

Find a beautiful wall clock and enter them into the interior it is not easy. Especially for those who love the original accessories and are not ready to pay huge money for design models. In our selection - 10 ideas for creating unusual watches From unnecessary things.

Disposable watches

Very stylish and unusual wall clocks can be made of several hundred plastic spoons. It turns out a funny accessory similar to a bright flower.

Clock for booklers

Find for reading lovers - watches made from book tomiks. A composition composed of several elements will be especially impressive.

Wall on a wall of a bicycle wheel

Even from the old bike wheel may turn out trendy hours. To do this, remove the bus and attach numbers and arrows to the rod.

Wooden boards

Excellent Shebbi-Shik style accessory wooden boards. If finished round billet. No, you can carefully cut the boards via the drawn stencil.

Knitted hours

Conventional boring clocks can be updated with bright related CzechPartly stretched on the front part.

Wooden Woods

Watches from a wooden carriage perfectly fit into rustic interior or Eco-style room. To make them need a piece of wood, pretty processed emery paper, drill, arrows and clockwork. For originality, you can write only one digit on the dial.

Moon watch

At a pre-harvested dial, you can stick the image of the moon - it will get a very interesting art object.

Woods of wooden sticks

Even wooden coffee sticks are suitable as a material to create original hours. But it will take a lot of patience and perfection to gently glue them with each other.

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