Runes on the body to attract love. Runes to attract love and marriage: how they work when applied correctly

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Runic magic was often used to correct different areas human activity, a lead amulet with runic inscriptions was found at the excavations of a monastery in Denmark.

The Vyborg “love stick” is widely known, on the surface of which runes and crosses are applied by carving.

In our time, many sacred meanings have been lost, due to the onset of scientific and technological progress, it is no longer necessary to expect that a comprehensive distribution of runes throughout the world. The use of runes as a sacred source of knowledge is perceived today more from a symbolic point of view. Runes operate at the level of archetypes of deep reality, which is an active principle in people's lives, regardless of their faith and agreement with it.

There are many different formulas for attracting love, they all have their own nuances, it is recommended to apply the runic connection from the bottom up so that there are no obstacles to its development.

  1. The rune of love and love affairs, the symbol is designed to preserve relationships and conquer a person, consists of the runes Gebo (helps in choosing a partner for marriage), Mannaz (attracts the attention of a person), Uruz (helps to win or maintain love), Feu (responsible for physical intimacy ). When applying, contact Freya.
  2. Rune "flame of love". The combination of symbols is applied to incite passion. The formula includes the runes of Gebo (helps in choosing a partner for marriage), Vunyo (mutual feelings) and Kano (passion). When applying, contact Freya.
  3. The search for true love, consists of Kano (passion), Laguz (management of chance, female intuition) and Gebo (marriage). When applying the visa, it should be facing the goddess Frigga.
  4. To return love: Eyvaz, Uruz, (the combination gives impetus to action) Kano (passion), Gebo (help in finding a partner for marriage), Turisaz (strengthens the effect of all runes). Visa should face the goddess Frigga.
  5. To bring great love into life, the runes of Gebo, Berkan, Feu, Laguz and Vunyo are used. When applying, contact Freya. It should be borne in mind that most people do not deserve happiness and great love, this runescript helps to fulfill what they want, but you need to remember about retribution. The rune of love and love affairs can render big influence for life, so it is recommended to treat the rituals with caution.

Slavic runes of love

Russian runes

Oud symbolizes fertility, fire, passion, love, is responsible for attraction and life in broad sense. To attract love, it is recommended to combine it with the runes Lelya (feminine, intuition, love), Bereginya (Power of the Earth, fate), Krada (incarnation). During the ritual, it is necessary to turn to the goddesses Makosh or Lada.

rune history

Runic art dates back several millennia, and there are several theories about its origin. According to legend, the runic symbols descended in the form of a revelation to the Scandinavian god Odin, when he nailed himself to a tree with a spear in order to learn the mysteries of the universe. Subsequently, sacred knowledge was transferred to mere mortals, as a result of which everyone could use magic. At that moment it was a touch to the greatest mystery, runes were not used for writing, rather it was a tool for predicting the future of various affairs.

The runic alphabet spread throughout European territory, with the advent of Christianity, the persecution of sorcerers began, until the beginning of the 19th century there was no information about them. Among the ancient graphics, one can find symbols that have become the proto-forms of the magic signs known today: wheels, swastikas, a Celtic cross, a cross, some runes, etc.

There is archaeological evidence of the existence of Slavic runes, which indicates the presence of writing in Slavic peoples even before the Baptism of Russia. Slavic runes are somewhat similar to German and Scandinavian, as they have common roots - Alpine runic rows. Celtic and Slavic tribes were influenced by the northern Etruscans, which was reflected in the letter.

Runic culture covers many aspects in addition to writing: mythology, magic, religion. Under each runic symbol their inner essence is hidden, which cannot be described in one word. Runic symbols applied in a certain combination to any surface acquire magical power and can influence the material world.

Love rituals, amulets


The use of runes to attract love cannot be compared with love spell rituals, since in this case not aimed at specific person. In this case, we are talking about saving existing relations or to correct love affairs, to attract the right person into life.

Much attention is paid to the wording of the request, for marriage it is necessary to ask for a partner for marriage, if a sponsor is needed in the first place, this must be clearly articulated. It is not recommended to formulate “I want love”, this request is difficult to fulfill because of its abstractness. As a result, you may encounter unrequited love or an all-consuming passion that cannot last long. It is necessary to form an image strictly before the ritual, at the time of applying the runes, the image must exist in the subconscious. It is not recommended to set the characteristics of appearance, the image should not be overloaded with details, there should be a clear confidence in the head that the runes will provide a meeting with the person you need.

Love-attracting runes must be applied with a red marker on your body in the region of the Svadhisthana chakra, you can also make an amulet that you always need to carry with you. For the manufacture of an amulet, it is recommended to use any natural material, you can make embroidery on a scarf, it is forbidden to use live tree branches, in this case only dried ones are suitable.

There is an opinion that symbols need to be applied to rose quartz, although in this case leading role runes play, not the material on which they are applied. Charging the amulet is carried out by passing through 5 elements, the amulet is carried three times over a burning candle, smoke, after which it must be sprinkled with water, sprinkled with earth and blown. In addition, it is necessary to independently come up with and pronounce an appeal to the Scandinavian gods (Visu), all words must come from the heart, the preservation of the poetic form is not necessary. Interest in magic to correct love affairs always attracts interest.

Not everyone is satisfied own life. Runes for love help to change it. They are considered one of the strongest. To find a worthy chosen one or strengthen existing relationships, they use special formulas and staves. They are able to kindle feelings in every person.

What is the purpose of using

Runes of love are used regardless of religion. They do not contradict any religion. Symbols are used for such purposes:

  • meet true love;
  • attract the attention of the opposite sex;
  • increase internal energy and self-esteem;
  • enter into marriage with a partner of interest;
  • return to the current relationship the former passion and feelings.

Runic formulas for love are used to induce a powerful love spell. It is easy to ruin your life due to its improper implementation. The ritual has a detrimental effect on the energy of a woman and his chosen one.

Runes of love affairs

From the set of runic symbols, those related to love are distinguished.


It translates as "gift". The interpretation of the sign is equality, partnership. The rune represents the real eternal love. It is used to attract sincere feelings and happiness. It contributes to the emergence of common interests with the object and mutual understanding. It will not work to create a marriage using a sign. For this purpose, it is combined with other runes.


Laguz women use to acquire attractiveness, tenderness. The sign promotes the development of intuition, helps to start a love relationship.


Othal is the rune of love and marriage. It symbolizes the family hearth. The sign is suitable for people who wish to acquire strong relationships in the near future.

An inverted rune means a person who is impatient in striving for a goal. It is used to resolve problems that have arisen in marriage. Otal contributes to the restoration of harmony in relationships.


Evaz means marriage, the union of 2 people. The rune gives impetus to resolving a situation that has been standing still for a long time.


Inguz is a rune that gives partners the opportunity to show true feelings. It contributes to a revolution in relationships, denotes fertility, masculinity.


Rune of happiness and love. Hagalaz symbolizes need, the need for sincere feelings.


Soulu is one of the runes of victory. It helps to rekindle the flame of love or start over. Fulfills desires, gives confidence.


Algiz protects from troubles and accidents. Symbolizes strong feelings, harmony.


Rune formulas for love may contain other symbols that are associated with relationships. These include Feu, Uruz, Ansuz, Berkana, Kano, Mannaz, Nautiz, Isa, Turisaz, Raido, Vunyo, Yera, Eyvaz, Perth, Algiz, Teyvaz, Dagaz. Rune Yera in love in sound is sometimes replaced by Jera. It means the end of an action.

The principle of using runes

Symbols are used individually or combined in formulas, runescripts, staves (such bundles act like a love spell). The order in which they are applied matters. For beginners, it is better to use formulas. There are also different ways writing signs - choose the most convenient.

Rules for performing the ritual

In order for the application of runes to attract love to be performed correctly, perform the following actions:

  • close the windows and doors of the room in which the ritual will be performed;
  • they clean the room, fumigate it with incense or St. John's wort;
  • warn loved ones not to come in (even pets should not be present);
  • set the table with a new tablecloth;
  • set themselves up for the process, often meditate (10-15 minutes).

It is forbidden to tell others about compiling runic formulas for love, let alone show them. You should also keep silent about your chosen one.

The necessary tools are prepared in advance: a pen, preferably with red ink (the color of love), a ruler, a photo (paper), candles and incense, bowls.

Rune cards must be hidden from prying eyes. The deck must belong to one person. She cannot be overridden. Store in a bag made of natural fabric.

Where to apply

In order for the rune of love and love affairs to give a result, it is worth choosing the right place for application:

  • a temporary tattoo (mehendi) is drawn on the body in the region of the Svadhisthana chakra to increase attractiveness;
  • on the amulet - if they strive for long period attract good luck;
  • in the photo - to influence a specific person;
  • on a joint photo - to improve relations;
  • on a piece of paper - when there is no photo of the object, they write its initials and draw runic staves.

Amulets are made from natural material. The symbol is embroidered on a scarf, engraved on jewelry. The talisman is always carried with you.

Runic formulas for relationships

Although the rune of happiness and love is effective as a separate artifact, combinations of symbols are used to enhance the impact. They contain 3 or more signs, together they have a powerful charge of energy.

At independent creation formulas take into account what meaning each symbol is endowed with. They also figure out which of the signs enhance the action so that the combinations do not contradict each other. The created combination should ideally fit the specific situation.

There are many ready-made runic formulas for attracting love:

  • Kano Gebo Laguz is suitable for women who seek to find the perfect soul mate;
  • Kano Gebo Inguz - a similar combination, only for men;
  • Dagaz Kenaz Gebo is used to return love;
  • Kano Laguz or Inguz Soulu - a combination that brings passion to a cooled relationship;
  • Turisaz Gebo Vunyo promotes a long-term love affair;
  • Isa Gebo Isa is used to protect the presence of harmony and understanding in relationships.

The use of Russian runes of love for love affairs allows you to achieve any results. The main thing is to clearly formulate the goal.

Runic staves

To search for a life partner, they often use different combinations of symbols arranged in a certain order. Their task is to help the performer of the ritual to achieve the goal.

"Spider web of love"

One of the most effective runic stakes on love. It is used to maintain relationships at the level of lovers. In other words, it is the binding of a person with sex.

Applicable signs:

  • Stunginn Iss - so that the partner does not understand that he was bewitched;
  • Gebo Vunyo Kenaz - a bunch that brings brightness to relationships;
  • Nautiz - under his influence, a man performs the agreed actions;
  • Uruz provides attraction;
  • Ansuz promotes mutual understanding.

"Fire of Love"

The use of this runic stav on love helps to gain the sympathy of the object. It does not cause a sharp binding, it acts slowly, gradually.

Becoming made up of the following symbols:

  • Teyvaz - a man who is bewitched;
  • Berkana is a woman who performs manipulations;
  • mirror Ansuz - performed love spell;
  • Nautiz (in the background) produces coercion;
  • Ansuz Nautiz makes a man think about a woman;
  • Hyera provides a permanent action of the stav;
  • Kenza Laguza causes passion;
  • Vunyo contributes to the desire for communication.

"Luck Smile"

  • Soulu Teyvaz - for cleaning the path and canal in the right direction;
  • Dagaz Dagaz opens up opportunities;
  • Evaz promotes change;
  • Raido pushes forward;
  • Gebo - to make the desired come true;
  • Feho Uruz Kano - for financial prosperity;
  • Vunyo Teyvaz - getting pleasure from the process.

How to activate

Rune of love and love affairs, as well as different combinations characters comes into effect after the fulfillment of the stipulation. To activate becoming, they focus on words, believe in its power. They come up with texts on their own, putting desire into them, or use ready-made ones. For example:

“May this formula, by the power of runes, attract happy love relationships into my life. Let the runes act without harm to me and my loved ones.

The formula is activated by breathing and deactivated by burning.

Runic staves for love magic activated in the following ways:

  • runes are pronounced sequentially (when writing or after it);
  • express desire in verse;
  • looking at each symbol, stipulate the purpose for which it was used.

An amulet that is planned to be used for a long time needs recharging. It is performed every 1-2 months.

The result after activation in most cases is visible after 7-10 days. Sometimes the effect begins to appear after a month. If there is no effect for a long time, you need to rethink the formula and more clearly define the goal.

If with the help of the Slavic runes of love you managed to find a life partner, you should get rid of them (burn them). This is done so that the formula does not start the action again or in the opposite direction.

Divination with runes

The use of runes for love and relationships is different. In addition to finding a lover, they predict further development novel. You need to guess with the help of symbols. In this way, they check compatibility with a partner or get an answer to a question of interest.

Guessing should be trained people. If a person is well versed in runes, the process is done independently. Manipulations are performed on the night after the full moon. One of the most simple ways divination:

  • ask a specific question;
  • draw a card from the deck;
  • interpret its meaning: it will be the answer.

Also look at the position of the rune to attract love. If it is upside down, the answer is the opposite.

To clarify the meaning of the relationship, fortune-telling on 4 runes of Odin "Aphrodite's Cross" is used. It is also used to understand what partners expect from each other and what awaits them in the future.

Undoubtedly, every person in life wants to meet his love, and having met once, there is a desire to keep it and do everything for the prosperous and happy relationship. In addition to ordinary methods, there are some non-trivial tricks to achieve the above goal, these include love spells, rituals, magical rites and others. But perhaps the most practical and harmless method is the use of a variety of runes to attract love affairs. We will talk about how love runes work in this article.

How does the rune of love work?

The main feature of the action of a love rune is that it does not act on a specific person, that is, a woman who has a similar rune simply expresses a desire to find a life partner suitable for her or to keep and maintain an existing connection.

Since the rune of love refers to magical items, you should treat it with care. In other words, a person who has resorted to this talisman must clearly and correctly formulate his thoughts and desires, otherwise everything may not turn out the way we would like.

For example, if a person intends to marry, then it is best to clearly and clearly represent the image of the future spouse (spouse). It is impossible to recklessly ask for love, since it can also mean unrequited love.

One of important points is that the rune of love affairs provides the best result if a person has thought out in advance and in detail the desired image of his life partner. At the same time, you should not get carried away too much, that is, you should not guess how acquaintance with this person and others should begin. small parts without much weight.

Varieties of love runes

Runes that attract love exist in several variations at once, depending on what kind of effect a person wants to achieve. Below are descriptions of all varieties of love runes.

A rune called Gebo is a real symbol that can lure love. Its distinguishing characteristics are that with the help of this rune, relationships are established between partners due to mutual attraction. The main purpose of Gebo is to teach satellites to live in harmony and "not pull the blanket over themselves."

A rune called Vunyo is usually presented to a person for happiness, this love rune is able to give the owner positive emotions, joy, prosperity and, of course, love. The main action of the described rune is to bring harmony into human life.

For those people who intend to start a family, there is a special Otal rune for marriage. The main purpose of the presented rune is to create a strong and reliable marriage relationship. Otal can also be used by those who want to renew past relationships or restore harmony to the family.

It is important to mention that in order to return the former love relationship it is necessary that a period of less than one year elapse from the date of termination.

A rune called Laguz is considered the most effective and effective talisman for women, since it is with its help that you can achieve the attention of the opposite sex, thereby improving your personal life.

Rune Inguz is used to change position, switch to new stage life and is associated with the successful completion of all the work begun. Thanks to this rune, you can easily and quickly achieve new results regarding love affairs.

For example, if there is a stagnation in a relationship or the other half is in no hurry to start a family, it is Inguz who will come to the rescue, which will sharply turn the situation in the desired direction and the marriage will not be long in coming.

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Love is a thing that no amount of money can buy. How much happiness this word brings when feelings are mutual, and how much pain - when they are unrequited. Each of us has encountered problems in our personal lives at least once, but few people know that if something goes wrong in love, runic formulas can come to the rescue to restore love relationships.

Runes that help in love

In runic magic, there are a number of symbols that are used for rituals related to love and relationships. Most often, such runes do not act on their own, but as part of formulas and staves, interacting with other symbols, complementing them. Let's figure out what these runes are.

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Laguz is associated with female attractiveness, so she is often included in formulas aimed at getting rid of loneliness and speeding up the meeting with her true soulmate.


Eyvaz is often used in talismanic magic. Look at this rune more closely - it looks like two Laguz reflecting each other, isn't it? The properties of Eyvaz are most pronounced when a person wants to achieve complete understanding and harmony with his partner. Also, this rune helps to reconcile quarreling spouses.


In runic formulas for love, Otala is often found. If the very meaning of the symbol is associated with the fencing of the territory, then it is easy to guess that in love matters this rune helps a person find his home, family, build strong, serious relationships.


Inguz, which is a symbol of completion, can be used when the situation requires specific actions from your partner: when you are tired of uncertainty, want to “stir up” your loved one, help him overcome shyness and make him show inner desires.


Gebo - the rune of equal partnership - becomes indispensable when you not only want to achieve reciprocity, but are also ready to invest in relationships. But the symbol will work only if the partner really has feelings for you, but in runic formulas for the love of a man who does not pay attention to you, this rune is useless.


Soulu symbolizes victory in everything, including love affairs, because it adds self-confidence and attracts the sympathy of others to a person.


In runic formulas, it will also help to restore relationships - it removes existing barriers and establishes mutual understanding between partners.


And the power of the Yera rune will come in handy when a woman wants to give birth to a child from her beloved man, but for some reason she does not succeed.

In what situations will runic formulas for love help?

There are no such circumstances that could not be turned in your favor with the help of the power of the runes. The main thing is to know which symbols and in what combination with each other can be used in your particular situation.

Runes can

  • Enhance your personal attraction to the opposite sex
  • Relieve you of loneliness
  • Contribute to the harmonization of existing relationships
  • “Hurry up” with the decision of a too modest or shy person who sympathizes with you
  • Reconcile a couple who quarreled
  • Return the departed man, but on condition that he still has feelings for you

In theory, with the help of runes, you can even turn love without an answer into mutual, i.e. to carry out a love spell, but thinking about it, one must not forget that such an impact will always have its own Negative consequences. Therefore, it is better to use runic formulas for a man's love and marriage only when the implementation of the plan does not require destroying someone's life.

Runic formulas to attract love

Runic formulas for attracting love into your life are usually drawn either directly on the skin of a person (in this case, on someone who suffers from loneliness), or on own photo or on paper natural stone or any other talisman. In the latter case, it is important to carry the “spellbound” amulet with you in any situation, because if you leave it at home, it will not work that day. There are two strong and proven staves that we invite you to familiarize yourself with.

Runic formula "My red rose"

The working title of this runic stav or formula is "Charming, charming, the most beautiful." It is not difficult to guess that the ritual is used to enhance personal magnetism. It makes a girl or woman sexually attractive in the eyes of men. The formula looks like the Gebo rune, surrounded from all four sides Kenazami.

When applying a formula, it is important to “intention” it correctly, i.e. invest during the drawing of symbols a message about how you want to appear to the men around you. During the reservation, you must clearly pronounce the necessary words, among which may be the definitions of “interesting”, “sexy”, “beautiful”, “charming”, etc.

It is also important to say when becoming will finish his work - after erasing the inscription, burning the photo, or simply at the moment when you stop carrying the amulet with runic script. Activated by becoming any traditional way: breath, fire, elements.

Runic formula for a man's love and marriage "Find a betrothed"

This complex runic combination will help single women find their soul mate as quickly as possible. It consists of runes: Raido, Soulu, Odal, Gebo, Eyvaz, Laguz, three Teyvaz and.

  • Raido paired with Soulu symbolizes lighting the path that will lead you to your future lover.
  • Odal will make sure that the new partner will please all your relatives and will not cause them dislike
  • Gebo will establish an equal partnership in a pair, in which both people will give and receive
  • Eyvaz, together with Laguz, activate the subconscious attraction of lovers to each other, connect them with invisible threads of a subtle emotional connection
  • Three Teyvaz and will make a joint life path long and straight. At the same time, the Teivaz will put the man as the head of the family (which, in principle, most women want)

This stav has its own peculiarity: it must be negotiated nine times every nine days - the last reservation is carried out for 81 days. It is better to activate the formula with the fiery element - candles.

Runic formulas for restoring relationships

The rituals with the staves below can be used when you already had a relationship, but for some reason broke off, for example, if you quarreled with your loved one or decided to temporarily break up.

A simple formula for reconciliation of lovers

Runic formulas for restoring relationships can consist of only two runes. The simplest example is a bunch of Gebo runes - Vunyo. This combination, applied to a joint photo of lovers and activated in any way, will allow the quarrel to end very quickly and lead the couple to reconciliation. intends to become any suitable words, preferably without "not" particles. For example, the phrase "so that we do not quarrel" is better replaced by "so that we make peace."

Runic formula "For a truce"

This combination of runes is best applied to your own body or a photograph where the lovers are captured even before the quarrel. The formula is drawn in two lines: on the first line there should be a bunch of Gebo - Turisaz - Odal, symbolizing successful resolution existing problems in the relationship, and on the second - Gebo - - Odal, helping partners find mutual language and understand each other's needs. During the slander and intention, it is necessary to pronounce the names of both lovers, and also to say that with this stave the wall of misunderstanding between them will be destroyed. You can choose any activation.

Runic becoming "Reconciliation"

It is better to use this formula for restoring relations "in hot pursuit", i.e. right after the fight. Its composition:

  • Gebo is a symbol of reconciliation and partnership
  • Two inverted runes - they help lovers quickly forget mutual insults
  • Two Vunyo - fill the couple with a feeling of happiness and joy from reunion
  • Soulu - rekindles a spark of passion, "throws firewood" into the fire of love, fading due to a quarrel

It is believed that the formula written in blood on a joint photo works best. Activation - any.

Runic stakes on the harmonization of relations

This category of formulas should be addressed when you have a relationship, but for some reason they do not suit you: passion has disappeared, they began to move away from each other, a crisis has come, etc. All formulas are applied, negotiated and activated in the same way as most of the above.

Becoming "The Joy of Communication"

It includes three runes:, Gebo and Vunyo. The first helps bring the relationship back to its prime. The second - makes communication between partners mutually beneficial - one that suits both. Vunyo paints life together with bright colors, gives joy from mutual love and understanding.

Formula "Harmonization of relations"

This runic formula for love works very gently and delicately. Despite the fact that it is made up of only three runes, the effect is very powerful and necessary, especially for couples experiencing a crisis in family life.

  • Teyvaz enhances truly masculine qualities in a man
  • makes a woman more feminine
  • Gebo, connecting these two runes, allows spouses to better understand each other and realize their roles in the family

Runic becoming "Flower of Love"

This complex formula includes the following runes:

  • Two Gebos responsible for reciprocity in a pair
  • Teyvaz, strengthening the union
  • Soulo, symbolizing mutual warmth between lovers
  • Four Kenaz, causing crazy love and passion as in the "candy-bouquet" period
  • Two Dagaz, personifying changes in a favorable direction
  • Four Eyvaz, forcing spouses to move towards each other and make mutual concessions
  • Two Turisaz destroying all existing problems and disagreements
  • Four as a sign of patronage Higher powers protecting the family from any negativity

How long does it take for the formula to work?

Runic formulas for restoring relationships and love usually begin their action at the moment of activation, but often some time must pass before the desired events are realized - in most cases from a week to a month. Some staves work faster, others slower, because it all depends on what exactly you wanted to achieve.

So, for example, it is possible to reconcile lovers who quarreled over nonsense in a couple of days, but it may take more than one month to organize a meeting of a person with his other half, with whom he is not yet familiar.

The main thing is to believe in the magic of runes and not sit back, but try and bring what you want with your own efforts.


Invisible energy flows permeate our Universe. They weave the fate of everyone with threads, but in order to call them for help and use their power, special training, deep magical knowledge and complete unity with nature are required.

One way to combine several different energy flows is to write runescripts. The alphabet, which has lost its original meaning, today is the personification of magic writing. Runes direct the fate of a person in a direction corresponding to their purpose. Some of the most sought after runes are runes to attract men.

Rune Compilation

Runes alone are not usually used. To obtain a durable desired result, runic formulas are written. Runes work separately, but combinations of certain symbols reinforce each other, complement and lead to a better result. You can not put in the formula runes that contradict each other or those that obviously weaken the effect of the rest.

Connecting symbols requires increased concentration. There are rules for combining:

  • In the runescript to attract a man, there should not be extraneous lines;
  • Each rune must have an individual line that is not used in writing another rune. If all the lines of the rune are involved in writing other characters, the rune dissolves;
  • Be sure to pay attention to whether unplanned symbols appeared during the writing of the runescript - images of runes that you do not need. They can add meaning to what they write.

Formulas for all occasions of falling in love

If you are not strong in runes, you may well use the traditional working formulas. For example, a combination of runes Ansuz, Gebo, Odal will affect the growth of mutual understanding, respect and love between husband and wife.

  • To attract true love, from which goosebumps, the runes Ansuz, Laguz, Gebo will help you.
  • If your goal is to create strong family use the runes: Gebo, Berkana and Ofala.
  • The runic formula for attracting a man, which guarantees the achievement of a goal on the love front, including in sex, is made up of Teyvaz, Uruz and Gebo.
  • If you are only interested in sex with a man, include Kenaz, Pertro, Nightiz in the runescript.
  • To call on the Scandinavian Goddess of love and beauty, Freya, her own seal, made up of the runes of Berkana-Ingvaz, will help.
  • If you are ready to connect with a man not only in the registry office, but also on spiritual level, you can use the Ansuz-Gebo-Ofala formula - it is akin to a wedding. One copy of the runescript should be kept by the girl, the other by the man.
  • Do you want to subjugate a man completely, control him? The formula of love enslavement Mannaz-Hagalaz-Eyvaz-Nautiz-Isa will suit you. To activate the full power when writing the rune, it is necessary to encircle with blood.
  • If life is not sweet to you without him, you can marry not only in heaven, but on a cosmic scale. This is a very strong binding - Isa-Naud-Fehu. These runes must be sealed with the seal of Freya to attract the love of a man.
  • Berkano-Evaz-Inguz - will provide a long and stable relationship.
  • Gebo-Kenaz-Vunyo - kindle fiery love.

Love rune magic does not fail. It can be mastered and used even by beginners.

Activation of runic formulas to attract a man

The formulated formula is powerless without your instructions and your energy. It is necessary to activate the forces of the runescript, exchange energy flows with it, set in motion the potential of each rune. In order for the runescript to attract a man to work correctly, you need to make it yourself. The letter should have an inseparable connection with you. While you are compiling a runescript, you must definitely keep in mind the image of a man.

The day of charging the runes is also important to attract men. Monday and Friday are considered the most suitable. The rune for attracting men is more effective if the moon is growing.

When making a runescript, it is recommended to sing the name of each of the runes during their application to a stone (wood or other). Thus, you establish contact with the rune, help it open up. Then you discuss with the rune the purpose for which you woke it up. The goal should be clearly stated in a simple short phrase. Then tell her your plan of action. Everything is in order.

Runes do not like to harm people, so try to ensure that there is no harm from your actions. Be sure to discuss with the runes when their action ends. If the runescript has a long service life, you must regularly trace it with your finger and repeat its purpose.

When the runes are written and the goals are set for them, you need to say the name of each again.

Using runes to attract a man, you need to turn to the fire element. Perform the ritual by red candles. The energy of fire must be mentally directed to the center of the talisman, paper, photograph, stone, on which the runes are applied.

Resorting to runic formula it must be remembered that as soon as the goal is achieved and the runes fulfill their purpose, they should be destroyed: erased from the body, burned. Otherwise, they will start working in the opposite direction and they themselves can destroy everything that they have created. This does not apply to formulas for attracting a permanent result.

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