Tarot scheme on relationship. Signal to the relationship "Three Block"

Landscape design and layout 28.06.2020
Landscape design and layout

The technique of divination tarot is based on the receipt of symbolic responses by choosing at random of one or more cards. It should be borne in mind that according to this divination technique it is impossible to obtain a specific information response, whether it is a set of specific numbers or the date of the calendar.

But many of the fundamental essence are seeking to predict the course of events, explain the motives of human or people's behaviors, to predict the events of the future. T.

Ordinary fortune telling is the formulation of the question and simultaneous pulling from a deck of one card (random), followed by interpretation. But such fortune-telling terrologists are considered scarce and inaccurate, since the interpretation of one card is considered ambiguous.

To obtain deployed answers to questions, groups of chaotic selected maps are used, which are unfolded according to a specific scheme. Such a way of divination is called "alignment".

Each alignment carries its characteristic and a group of questions that he is called to respond. In this case, each map is attributed to more detailed and specialized importance.

Methods of "layouts" for love and relationships

Tarot's card layouts that give information about relationships at the moment, for the coming year and the cumulative analysis of such relations

Signing Cards Taro "Relationship Analysis"

This method is used in the formulation of issues emanating only from one of the lovers. This is a tip for the situation that interests about the correction in the present and the vision of the future. What to fear and how to act in order not to destroy your personal happiness .

_____________7 5_______________

Signing Card Tarot "Feelings per year"

This method of the sampling of cards is used in the analysis of the present situation and is predicted for the next month, six months and year.

___________2_ 7_____________
__________ 3_ 8______________
________ 1 6 _______
_________ 4_9______________
_________ 5_10_____________

  1. Relationship at the moment
    2. What a loved one thinks about you
    3. What a loved one feels
    4. How will a man behave with you
    5. Waiting for a man from your relationship
    6. Adjusting your behavior
    7. Relationships in the coming month
    8. Relationship after 3 months
    9. Relationship after 6 months
    10. Relations in a year

Consider one of the most popular layouts on the relationship "Peak Ace"
This method is applicable to a pair, which does not rack interpersonal problems in relations. ________________1______________________

1. How are things going between in love at the present time?
2. How do you perceive others?
3. What qualities do not see you surrounding?
4. Why do surrounding people ignore you?
5. Attitude of the first partner to the situation
6. Attitude of the second partner to the situation
7. Features of the behavior inherent in the first partner
8. Features of the behavior inherent in the second partner
9. The path of development of love and personal relationships
10. Expectations and plans for the future of the first partner
11. Waiting and visions of the second partner
12. Total

Signal, revealing the true causes of possible divorce

Signing Card Tarot on the relationship "Stiletto « (or in other words on the possibility of divorce).

This method is applied in a situation where a married couple (love alliance) is experiencing not better times. Request information about the causes of the impending divorce and the opportunity to prevent him, in other words avoid parting.
________ 10________
________ 15________

1. Brief description and features of relations between spouses in the Warm Union
2. What does the first spouse sees the marriage union?
3. How does the fancy union sees the second spouse (husband)?
- The attitude of the married couple to the divorce:
4. Attitude to the possible divorce of the first spouse
5. Attitude to the parting of the second spouse
- Causes of the likely divorce (for the first spouse):
6. Strengthens the decision on divorce
7. Reduces the decision on divorce
- Causes of the likely divorce (for the second spouse):
8. Strengthens the decision on divorce
9. Reduces the decision on divorce
10. The influence of the "third force" in making a decision on divorce.
- Factors conducive to decisions on divorce:
11. With respect to the first spouse
12. Regarding the second spouse
- Factors counteracting decisions on divorce:
13. Regarding the first spouse
14. With regard to the second spouse
15. Total

Signing "Horseshoe"

This species is used to interpret this state of affairs. With the help of it, it is possible to navigate in the circumstance of the present cases, which is currently happening and to predict the impending difficulties in order to have the opportunity to avoid them at all or at least partially cope with them.

___1_____________7_ ­­­
______2 ____6 __ _
______ 3 4 5_ _____

Signing Card Tarot "Harmony"

This alignment is suitable for those who are characterized by hard work, the desire to live varied and harmoniously.

_________6________ ­­­
______5 ___4 __ _

________ 3________ ­­­
______2 ___1 __ _

  1. What should be the perfect relationship in your opinion.
  2. Cons of relationships and correction of current flaws
  3. The nearest future through the eyes of your partner
  4. Change of the situation - the achievement of harmony
  5. How to change your behavior for the better and adjust to build light relationships and mutual understanding with a partner.

Signing Cards "Swing"

This method is used when, I'm not confident in your own feelings and senses of a partner, and wants to get an answer to the question "whether loving hearts should be together." And also how to act to improve relationships - with a positive "scenario" of cards - and how to avoid the negative and frequent quarrels.

________6 ____ ­­­

________5 ____ ­­­
___3___ 2 _4 __ _
______ 1_ _____

  1. What do love hearts want
  2. Is it worth a man and a woman to be together
  3. Possible development of relationships
  4. What can prevent the development of these relationships
  5. How to improve relations

Pure female alignment on tarot cards on the relationship "Thoughts" will allow you to understand what your partner thinks about you. Well, what woman does not want to get into the head of his beloved and find out what feelings in reality he is experiencing to her?

Our alignment just opens the veil of secrecy. Knowing the true thoughts of the partner, you can better understand his actions, you can make decisions important for your relationship together.

The alignment is simplified as much as possible, and, nevertheless, it is very effective. The scheme of the defold concerns the thoughts of the partner, his real actions and words about you. As well as plans that have a person on you and your pair.

The last map of the defold is the board of the deck. Should I continue the relationship. If the alignment turned out to be negative, and how best to behave if you want to keep current relationships.

The last map can be called a sygribor, but it stretches last.

Signing on Tarot maps on the relationship "Thoughts", scheme

So, the whole alignment consists of nine cards. Three cards have the same question, it is necessary to better understand the thoughts of a person, get a more detailed answer.

Pull nine cards, according to the scheme, asking questions each:

  • What am I knowing for this person?
  • 2, 3, 4. What does this man think about me actually?
  • 5, 6, 7. What does a person tell other people about me?
  • How does a person sees our further relationship?
  • Board cards.

You can order this alignment from our Tarologist in the Virtual Divination section. We will help you choose the layouts for your situation, and deal with problems.

Divination on tarot is popular due to the fact that with their help you can get a lot of important and interesting information. There are many layouts that are used to figure out different situations, such as working or personal life.

Tarot layouts for beginners with interpretation

In order for divination to be true, it is necessary to comply with a number of important rules:

  1. The deck, which is used for layouts, can not be given to other people.
  2. It is possible to guess only after studying the cards to understand them and correctly interpret depending on the situation. The values \u200b\u200bof each card can be found.
  3. Tarot layouts for beginners should be carried out only with faith in a truthful result. If you treat the deck negligible, but it is not worth counting on receiving reliable information.
  4. If the answer is not satisfied, it is not necessary to conduct it again. The new casting tarot should be at a minimum in a couple of weeks.

Calculation Tarot for the Future

The future has always been interested in people, so different are popular. Tarot's alignment on the near future will provide an opportunity to learn exact predictions concerning different areas of life. Mix the deck and make an alignment, as shown in the figure. The value of the cards is:

  1. S - Signifier. She personifies a gadget man.
  2. №1 - gives a personality characteristic.
  3. №2 - The situation relating to the material sphere.
  4. №3 - information about the close environment.
  5. №4 - tells a map of parents and family.
  6. №5 - describes the sphere of entertainment and pleasure.
  7. №6 - Information on possible health issues.
  8. №7 - what to expect from the enemies.
  9. №8 - What global changes can occur.
  10. №9 - Possible travels.
  11. №10 - Questions related to work or business.
  12. №11 - what to expect in relationships with friends and colleagues.
  13. №12 - Possible problems in the future.
  14. №13 - Is there any influence on the present.
  15. №14 - What impact is the present for the future.
  16. №15 - situations that cannot be avoided.
  17. №16 - the result that can be obtained as a result of the development of the situation.

Sign Tarot for Love

Many lonely girls constantly think and worry about when a position in his personal life will change. To get answers to questions, you can spend a simple fortune telling. Mix the deck and make an align, focusing on the drawing. The value of tarot cards in love scenaries as follows:

  1. №1 - When a meeting occurs with the second half.
  2. №2 - Will there be a sense of security in new relationships.
  3. №3 - Is it worth expecting a wedding.
  4. №4 - Will new relationships be similar to previous contacts.
  5. №5 - whether there will be any financial obligations in a pair.
  6. №6 - sincere feelings will continue in relationships.
  7. №7 - what needs to be done so that the relationship lasted as long as possible.

Sign Tarot on a relationship with a man

Being in relations and men, and women are experiencing about the sincerity of the partner and other issues. To understand the situation, you can make the casting tarot for a personal life. It is necessary to take a deck in hand and some time think about the existing relationships. Such Tarot layouts are made using only. Mix them and lay out only three cards:

  1. The first card will reveal the events of the past, which have an impact on what is happening in real life.
  2. On the second map you can learn about the state of affairs in the present time.
  3. On the last map, judge what will happen in the near future.

Calculation tarot for marriage

The presented fortune telling is suitable for girls who are in a serious relationship and think about the next step, that is, about campaigning under the crown. Similar simple layouts tarot for beginners do not require special knowledge and practice. Maps need to be decomposed according to the drawing. Interpretation of divination as follows:

  1. №1 - gives an answer to the question that concerns whether to associate itself with serious relationships.
  2. №2 - Tell me whether there is a desire and readiness of the guy to the wedding.
  3. №3 - will provide information on what the relationship is based on.
  4. №4 - will help you to understand whether to expect.
  5. №5 - will tell about whether the wedding will take place.
  6. №6 - gives a characteristic of relations.
  7. №7 - informs about the future.

Tarot alignment per person

There are many fortunes that help learn the real feelings of the lover. Extended information gives the alignment of tarot on the thoughts of a person who is called "Venus in Scorpio". For a start, several explanations, so Venus is considered the main planet for analyzing relations, and Scorpio is one of the most mysterious signs of the zodiacal circle, which is associated with strong emotions and passions.

The fortune telling on the tarot on the attitude of a person will help to understand the sincerity of feelings and will show hidden influences on the relationship. With it, you can learn about the development of events and get a useful advice. Predictions of the default operate for three months. Mix the deck, lay it out as in the picture, and proceed to interpret:

  1. №1 - relationship with beloved in the present.
  2. №2 - the impressions that the partner produces;
  3. №3 - Impressions that have a gadget person on a partner.
  4. №4 - Real feelings for the chosen one.
  5. №5 - What feels beloved.
  6. №6 - Hortified influence on the relationship of a gadget person.
  7. №7 - What influence has the beloved.
  8. №8 - Important events in relations that will arise in the near future.
  9. №9 - Council regarding relations.
  10. №10 - What do relationships come to the future.

Calculation tarot for pregnancy

Women who want to become a mother, besides ordinary pregnancy test, can use Taro's layouts, helping to understand whether conception occurred whether there would be difficulties with having a child who would be childbirth and so on. To begin, it is necessary to choose the main map - S. It is determined depending on who you are guessing, that is, it is a lady and if she has blonde hair, then it should be Cups or Pentacles, and if dark - wands and swords. To spend a fortune telling tarot for pregnancy, it is necessary to make an alignment, as shown in the figure.

  1. №1 - describes the real well-being of a woman.
  2. №2 - Answer to a question regarding whether conception occurred or not. Symbols indicating that pregnancy is: jester, ace coins, ace cup, empress, sun, a dozen bowl and eight of the wands.
  3. №3 - Tells about possible problems with conception or start of pregnancy, for example, is there a risk of miscarriage and others.
  4. №4 - describe a healthier child during begging.
  5. №5 - helps to understand how mother will feel in the period of to wear.
  6. №6 - describes the details of the birth themselves.
  7. №7 - tell about the health of the child who will be born.

Calculation tarot on health

Different fortune telling is used to understand whether there are health problems that they provoked them to do to cope with diseases and so on. Take a deck, hold it in your hands and mix. Made according to the presented drawing.

  1. №1 - health status today.
  2. №2 - Description of the problem if it exists.
  3. №3 - What could provoke a disease.
  4. №4 - What system you need to pay attention to.
  5. №5 - Hidden information regarding the disease.
  6. №6 - What has been supporting health at the moment.
  7. №7 - What is worth paying special attention to.
  8. №8 and 9 - which will help stabilize health.
  9. №10 - What will help heale.

Tarot alignment on business

The presented fortune telling will help get information about the current state of affairs, purposes, possible prospects, and so on. The divination, whose alignment is simple, will give advice or tell about the possible result of the intended matter. Mix the deck and make an alignment.

  1. №1 - description of current affairs.
  2. №2 - What direction is to choose, and what goals are delivered.
  3. №3 - Facts that cannot be changed.
  4. №4 - things for which you can influence.
  5. №5 - Useful advice or outcome.

Calculation Tarot

Existing fortune tells help to figure out the current position of things at work. The presented alignment to work shows only the present. Swinging the card and posting them, as in the figure you can move to the interpretation.

  1. №1 - describes what a groaning person gives his work.
  2. №2 - Tell me whether you need to go to the victims.
  3. №3 - existing hidden hazards.
  4. №4 - Indicates motivation.
  5. №5 - Return from work on the invested works, which Map number 1 told.
  6. №6 - The impact of employees to work.

Sign Tarot for Money

The financial question is relevant to many people and in order to understand the situation. Tarot layouts give information about the future of well-being and help learn about the causes of material problems. The timing of their action make up a maximum of three months. Popular is the alignment of tarot for money "Full Bowl". Mix the deck and take only four cards, putting them, as shown in the picture.

  1. №1 - existing in the present obstacles to financial well-being.
  2. №2 - tell about what to pay attention to to change the situation for the better.
  3. №3 - describe that does not give to develop and move forward and what is missing in life.
  4. №4 - indicates the specific actions that need to be done to improve the financial situation.

Tarot's alignment

The strongest is considered to help get important information. Answer a question concerning any situation is possible with the help of divination "Golden Horseshoe". The Tsysian alignment of tarot helps learn about the future and about what the situation will end. Spread the deck in front of them and ask a question. After that, the alignment of Taro "Three Maps on the Situation", for which you get three positions at random.

  1. On the first map, the past is judged, which has an impact on the situation in the present.
  2. Thanks to the second map, you can learn about the position of things at the moment.
  3. The remaining card will make it clear how the situation will develop in the near future.

Any alignment on the map of Tarot regarding fortune telling on the feelings and thoughts of a man shows the attitude of a man to you, his thoughts and feelings, you can also view that the man feels at the subconscious level and, based on this data to think over its action plan.

It is necessary to correct the relationship or to begin with new ones. It should also be borne in mind that in some defolds your position will also be found, and the characteristic in relation to the partner, which helps to analyze the general state of relations.

There are several layouts on the relationship with a man, and each of them can reveal various aspects of relations. It is believed that layouts on the relationship is better to do only on senior arcans, but you can use a full deck of 78 cards. Below will consider in more detail some layouts

Preparatory layout

  • 1 - What feelings I feel about love (that my heart speaks about relationships).
  • 2 - What are the thoughts about love (that my mind speaks about relationships).
  • 3 - What expectations I have.
  • 4 - What people I repulse.
  • 5 - what person I attract.
  • 6 - How I learn to take healthy, delicate relations in your life.
  • 7 - What can I do to create happiness in the love sphere.
  • 8 - What advice on relationships do I need to get right now.

Is it really impatiently waiting for love? Will you be ready when she arrives in your door?

This divination will help you explore your perception, feelings and expectations regarding the sphere of relationship. You will be able to understand how these factors affect your choice and life. In addition, the answers will provide you with the tools to prepare you for healthy, gentle relations.

1 - who he or she is.

2 - His / her work.

3 - his / her quality.

4 - his / her flaw.

5 - Its / its external data.

Look at the map to see if there is any feature that could give you the key to a randering.

6 - her / his thoughts about you at the first date.

7 - Your thoughts about a person at the first acquaintance.

8 - the meaning of his feelings for you.

9 - What you mean your feelings for a partner.

10 - the strength of your connection.

11 - weak side.

12 - Is there a potential for the long-term union.

This alignment will allow you to see the coming possible love relationship, you will learn whether they will be serious or not.

Signal X-shaped

1 - geoecological characteristics that are considered attractive in you.

2 - emotional and individual features that like in you.

3 - What are you considered sexual.

4 - What you have to do to become more attractive.

5 As far as you are attractive in general.

6 - As far as he (she) is attractive for you.

7 - what they need to continue to work, so that you like more.

8 - What do you have that you consider sexual.

9 - emotional and individual features that you consider attractive in it.

10 - geoecological characteristics that you consider attractive in the other.

Romantic divination

1 - Why do you like him / her.

2 - as another person considers gadgets.

3 - area in which you are compatible.

4 - the area in which you are incompatible.

5 - What you can do to strengthen the chance of relationships with this person.

6 - that he / she can take to get close to you.

7 - Something that you do not know about her / it.

8 - external support.

9 - external obstacles.

10 - probability of novel.

Singing "Relationship"

It consists of 7 cards. Here is a scheme:

1 - Your thoughts about the object of divination.

2 - Your feelings and emotions about the object of divination.

3 - As you do in relation to the object.

4 - Thoughts of the object of fortune telling about you.

5 - feelings and emotions of the object of fortune telling to you.

6 - What actions takes the object of divination relative to you.

7 - the relationship between you and the object of divination.

Consider the alignment in the horizontal plane.

1 and 4 is the characteristics of subconscious thoughts and emotions what is, but not conscious. Here you can see plans for the future, common thoughts, beliefs and preferences. These two positions give the definition of the rest.

2 and 5 are the sphere of feelings and emotions, as well as the nature of the expression and manifestation of your feelings relative to each other. Between these two cards, you can trace the relationship in the map position 7.

3 and 6 is a niche of the scenario. This is what happens every day, your real sensations and real state of affairs. That's all you hear, see and express it in actions, behavior and action.

7 - this is your relationship with the object of divination, is there harmony and understanding, comfort from relationships or on the contrary, breakdowns and quarrels.

Pay attention to the alignment of the vertical plane.

1, 2, 3 is the relationship of your thoughts, the emotional and sensual sphere among themselves, how do they affect each other, from where they come from and in what direction are moving.

4, 5, 6 is the relationship of the senses and thoughts of the partner.

After reviewing two of these verticals, you can understand what feelings are formed by behavior, what thoughts give an impetus for action, as thoughts affect the sensual and emotional spheres.

Signaling to a relationship with a man

In this case, only the maps of senior arcanes are used. The alignment consists only of their 3 cards. Concentrate on the question and lay out the cards as follows:

1 - characterizes the past, which led to this situation. This is the impact and interrelation of past experiments and events.

2 - the current situation, what is happening in real life at the moment.

3 - What should happen in the near future (about 3 months), the development of events and a preliminary result.

This alignment consists of 4 cards:

1 is your personality characteristic in the space of your relationship with a man. The card can characterize your advantages and disadvantages, difficulties of character, as well as attitudes towards your partner. With this card, you pay attention to yourself, analyze the current situation and you can make a common picture of your relationship to the partner.

2 is a partner characteristic in the relationship space with you. The map helps to understand his actions and behavior, reveals his personal features.

3 is a description of your connection and what happens between you at a given period of time. Also, the map shows the current situation between you and describes all the problems and nuances of your relationship. From here you should begin to analyze the relationship and the possibility of their further development.

4 is the characteristics of the prospects for the development of relations. This is the likely future, if the situation remains at the level on which it is at the moment, and if one of the partners do not solve any actions.

This alignment helps to understand relationships and gives tips, which entailed and led to a relationship at this point, as well as how to fix the established position and what it is worth working. The main help from the scenario is a prompt to you how you can affect the relationship and correct the situation, make a profitable position for yourself.

The alignment consists of 5 cards. You will need only older arcans.

1 - The map transmits the adjustment of the extinguishing and characterizes the current situation in general at the moment. There is no disclosure of the nature and personality as a whole, only individual features that matter in the context of the current situation.

2 - Characteristics of the past gadgetting, his feelings and emotions, experiences, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich relationship should be and what is love for him. All these characteristics made a gadgetting as such as it is currently. This card helps to understand the reasons for the situation.

3 - Description of the partner of the gadget, its attitude to the gadget. If there is no one who is gadgetting at the moment, then the card characterizes the current position and shows the causes of loneliness. Gives advice as from this situation to go out, what actions worth do.

The map in position 4 is the result of the way of the gadget, if everything remains in its places. The map can show ways to move and or option.

5 - reserve forces of gadgetting, its subconscious part. This card helps consciously understand the situation, its beginning and a possible result.

This method of divination is able to help figure out the existing relationships between partners. The alignment consists of five cards plus a signifier card. Maps are laid out in the following order: first the signifier map is laid out.

1 - Your characteristic in a relationship, as sees herself governing towards his partner. What feelings and emotions gigging is experiencing from the current Union. What he lacks.

2 - Characteristics of a partner, - What a gone sees his partner, as he perceives him, feelings and emotions towards a partner.

1 and 2 characterize only your feelings and emotions, on the basis of this you can draw conclusions about your attitude to the partner and to relations in general, to analyze your place in this relationship, will see the shortcomings and understand what it is worth working.

3 - a description of what joined the gadget and its partner. What events occurred and what the feelings are justified.

4 - the relationship of the gadget and partner that they combine and holds together. Grounds for the Union, how it is currently, and what carries

5 - the worst union, which is worth expecting from these relations, which further development can be. All this is considered in the context of the preservation of the situation at the current level. If there are any changes or actions from one of the partners, the result and the result may change. In order to view a new result of the relationship, you can repeat the alignment and compare the results and characteristics with the results of the past version.

Cards in positions 3, 4, 5 is the characteristic of relationships from different sides, one can say the story of your relationships and love, these cards make it possible to remember how it all began and developed, also to answer and bring to think that specifically led you in the current Situation. Here you can find a board how to solve the problem has arisen and correct the situation. The main thing is to know the attitude of the partner and his desire, and readiness for anything new.

Beeficker - this card key of all scenario, it shows and combines all aspects of relations, both between partners and gadgets separately.

Signal to the relationship "Relationship"

This fortune telling helps to know the senses of the partner and his attitude towards you.

The alignment consists of only three cards related to the partner's relationship, plus a sign of a conifer, which symbolizes you and your position. First there is a signifier display.

1 - Characteristics of hidden feelings and emotions, the fact that the partner feels, but does not reveal. It may be feelings and desires, which N cannot decide, but prepare for them.

2 - Characteristics of the senses and emotions of the partner in relation to you. These are the real feelings and the actions that he manifests, and which you can see and feel.

3 - Characteristics of the emotional and sensual sphere, which are taught in the subconscious of the partner and which, he can not yet guess.

S (Signifier) \u200b\u200bis your characteristic in relation to the whole.

For layouts on relationships with a man, you can use the following tariff card decks:



Mirror relationship.

Carmen Consign the alignment please, very important.1 eight swords, 2 quad of the wands, 3 days of the wands, 4kol Cup, 5troyka cups, 6-Seamcam Swords, 7Ashed

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Good evening, dear tarologists!

Help, please understand the alignment. What feelings and intentions of a young man to me. And whether there is a development and prospect for more serious, close relationships.
Ilya (Scorpio), Olga (Aquarius)

1 Five Denariev
2 Rider Denariev
3 TUZ Denariev
4 Five Cups
5 Troika Denariev
6 Valts Denariev
7 Six Denariev

Thank you

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Good evening, you really need your advice. He is a twin 1986 married G I twin 1981 divorced recently. Met 10 months ago. He says that with his wife, everything is bad and she allegedly impacted about me, it seemed to have left his words. I can not understand what is happening, says that he loves but does not do anything, but now it blocked at all, it would be possible to understand this end or he makes a decision regarding us, the collapse of the station for two: 1 Ace of Wands, 2 Jesles, 3 Hermit, 4 Six Cups, 5 King Cups, 6 Emperor, 7 eight Swords. I am very good with him, but we constantly find out something, conflict, very quick-tempered, does not go to contact, tired, but without him longing. Who he and that he feels to me, confused whether they were parted with his wife, her daughter was small, and I have two. Believe to wait? Forget? Will it work? Whether it is necessary? Akhtung, I go crazy, confused? He believing or all the enemy ...

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Good afternoon, dear plates! Help, please understand the alignment. Complete misunderstanding in relations with a young man. There is no talk on the conversation, I offered to stay friends either. What really wants, feels. What goes?
1 lady wands
2 Mag
3 Sun.
4 rider wands
5 King Cups
6 Star
7 Curlee Swords
Thank you

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Olga, you did not write what kind of element you are. You are a lady of the wands, some kind of rainbits, if it is not you .

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Carmen, Boagodara you. I am Volodya, this, if I'm not mistaken, the element of the air.

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Good afternoon, dear tarologists!
Help, please understand the layout. After a long quarrel has recently recalled with a young man. But his behavior is rather aimed at full destruction of relations than to restore. I tried to talk frankly .... what does he want? Do I put a point in relationships or wait time?

1 power
2 priest
3 Five Cups
4 Four Smes
5 ace of swords
6 Valts Cups
7 Five Wands

Thank you

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Hello! Help please! A man lives with another woman in a civil marriage for 3 years .. Don't hide that there is no love, there is a gratitude to her .. no younger than 20 years old and wants to marry him..Beys did not give birth. It sometimes drinks. He says that he loves me .. and that I need him .. But he is afraid that I can't stand my life with him and leave .. Therefore, it does not leave it .. so it's convenient .. I don't break with me. I really want To be with him. I am patiently waiting for the decision. Does he? Will it be together? If so, how soon? Our relationship lasts a year and a half. Thank you !! 2.7kubkov 3.bashnya 4.The 6. Loved 7.4Denaris

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