See what a "syllable" is in other dictionaries. Surprising and incredible in deciphering the words of the Russian language according to the syllabic principle Which word fits in viti

Engineering systems 03.07.2020


1. A sound or a combination of sounds in a word pronounced in one breath (ling.). Open syllable (ending in a vowel). Closed syllable (ending in a consonant). Divide words into syllables. 2 units only Style, manner of writing or speaking, expressing one's thoughts. High-pitched syllable. The article is beautifully written. “- Allow me, Pyotr Ivanovich, I will tell you ... - Eh, no, let me ... you don’t even have such a style.” Gogol . "A high syllable goes to the verses." Vyazemsky .

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what "SYLL" is in other dictionaries:

    syllable- syllable, a, pl. h. and, ov ... Russian spelling dictionary

    A syllable is a minimal phonetic-phonological unit, characterized by the greatest acoustic-articulatory fusion of its components, that is, the sounds included in it. The syllable has no connection with the formation and expression of semantic relationships. ... ... Wikipedia

    One of the simplest, but scientifically the most difficult to define phonetic concepts. Strange as it may seem at first glance, but there is no doubt that the conscious selection of S. preceded in the history of mankind the conscious selection of a separate sound. ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    1. syllable, a; pl. syllables, ov; m. A sound or a combination of sounds in a word, pronounced with one push of exhaled air. Divide words into syllables. The stress is on the last syllable. Closed with. (ending in a consonant). Open with. (ending in… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    See speech, style, language brisk syllable, caustic syllable, sharp syllable... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. syllable manner, language, style; speech; ikt, warehouse, syllabema, pen, euphuism Dictionary ... ... Synonym dictionary

    Syllable- A syllable is a phonetic phonological unit that occupies an intermediate position between sound and speech tact (see Sounds of speech, Articulation). There are several signs of a syllable as a phonetic unit. From the point of view of motor speech control, the syllable ... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    syllable, a, pl. and, oh, husband. A sound or combination of sounds uttered by a single push of exhaled air. Divide words into syllables. Read in syllables. Percussion with. Open with. (ending in a vowel). Closed with. (ending in a consonant). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    The smallest pronunciation unit of speech, consisting of one or more sounds that form a close phonetic unity. An open syllable ends with a vowel, closed with a consonant ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    syllable 1, a, pl. and, ov, m. a sound or a combination of sounds pronounced by one push of exhaled air. Divide words into syllables. Read in syllables. Percussion with. Open with. (ending in a vowel). Closed with. (ending in a consonant). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    syllable 2, a, m. Same as style 1 (in 3 meanings). Write in good style. High s. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov


  • Letter - phoneme - sound of speech - syllable - word. Mandarin Chinese alphabet, A. Aleksakhin. Letter - phoneme - sound of speech - syllable - word. Mandarin Chinese alphabet...
  • Educational game set "Find the stressed syllable", Nasonova T. R., Burlakina Olga Viktorovna. Your attention is invited to the educational and game set "Find the stressed syllable" .- 4 games - 4 playing fields - 60 cards ...

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As a result, interesting information emerges that causes at least surprise ...

So. Let's start with simple and understandable things.

There is a simple interpretation of the syllable, let's denote it as "*", and a complex interpretation - "**", there is also the interpretation of the "sacred" hidden, quite complex and used, of course, in the case of describing religion, good and evil, etc. Her we will not touch it yet, but we will also denote it as “***”.

The interpretation of a syllable is always the same, one verbal expression, spelling and sound. But the meaning is very different. Such words are called homonyms. For example, the word "department". There is a branch in a pocket or a bag, a bank branch is a branch, and sometimes there is a branch of the region from the state.

And so, the syllable RA*". In simple, day to day usage, really means − light, in all semantic meanings, including the “light of people”. For example, "in the light" - on public display.

The syllable " F*» - radiation, emission, sound in the same number. Accordingly, it radiates, radiating, emitter.

The syllable " JA*» - selection to stand out, stand out.

The syllable " BA*» - receptacle.

Baba - a married woman - a receptacle of a receptacle (whether or not it will give birth, how it turns out, but already contains DNA. roughly speaking).

Bank: Ba - container, n - surface, k - carrier.

Bath: Ba - receptacle, n - surface, I - alive, in this case animating, receptacle animating the surface!

Boss is an interesting word. Also a kind of receptacle, through the "o" - air. Cs- influences by influence. And the meaning is - it's barking. That is, the boss, carries information and shouts, influences, “barks” at everyone. Remember the word watchdog - a big yard dog, bar - big, barefoot - barking.

Barbos is a large yard dog. (boss - barking)

A barkhan is a large sandy hill.

Velvet is a big pile.

Bars is a big cat.

Barkas is a big boat.

Baron - Drum - Ram - ...

If for example "BU * "- in the literal sense, the receptacle is narrow: a bud, a booth, a buoy, a mound, a roll, a boulevard, a bunker, beads, and most importantly, Paper and Letter!

The syllable " KA*» - carrier.

The syllable " AL*» - quickly - quick - briefly - lively - quick reaction.

And then the letter alpha is just a fast sound. Perhaps the first sound that the child cries out is everything.

Let's take something alien to us in general - Allah Akbar - al - fast La - flat (probably on a plane, desert). X - the inside - a spirit, a kind of fast on the plane, the main and big rushing spirit.

« AK*» - the highest - the main thing - the supreme.

Axiom - Academy - Acropolis - Aqua (the main emptiness is the syllable VA - emptiness).

The syllable "BAR" - Big - Great - very large, the largest.

The syllable " THAT*» - move.

The syllable " AR*» - arc, and in later and not entirely correct usage - Earth. A later interpretation that happened already, after the loss of the established rules, begins its roots from the cultivation of the land with a plow, which has the shape of an arc. Arat, that is, to plow - to cut the earth with an arc. As a result, a separate branch of words has developed.

Thus, within the framework of the theory under consideration, it can be argued, for example, that an arba is a kind of receptacle with arcs. That is, if this is a cart, then only the cart that is equipped with arcs for a canopy that protects from the sun and rain.

For the syllable AR» you can give a group of words in which arc is of primary importance for the description, in a variety of ways:

Crossbow -

Artery -

Archipelago -

Rearguard -

For example: Harp is a sounding arc. The syllable fa in this case is sound radiation, but it is also radiation. Or Ar X ar- a wild ram with horns in the form of two big arcs.

The most accurate definition, which does not need any kind of conjecture, is simple words. For example:

Farah is the emission of light.

Or this option - Surname:

Fa is sound.

Mi is a reaction to irritation.

Lee - stretched out became even (became even).

I am alive (answered among living beings).

Heat is the release of light.

Tuba - (a tube of paint) a move containing something filled with something.

The toad is a reservoir of secretions. Including "angina pectoris", that's why it suffocates.

An interesting example is the goat. The word could not be deciphered until the original name of this animal was revealed - Tsiba - a container of energy.

Tura - (a piece in chess, in the form of a tower) a move towards the light.

Chess and checkers are a unique example, where absolutely all the names of the pieces in them are interpreted in accordance with the Russian syllabic structure (Details about each figure in a separate article).

The syllable " USA*» - attack, in all manifestations: aggression, attack, lunge, rampage, destruction, etc.

At this stage of the explanation, I did not want to give examples with explanations, where the semantic meanings of individual letters will be interpreted. But, apparently, it is necessary to give such an interpretation. Because, there are examples where the semantic meaning of a syllable almost completely coincides with the semantic meaning of both letters. But there are also syllables that have meanings radically different from the meanings of the letters considered separately.

Many of the structure rules that I have identified as a result of the analysis of an array of words are quite complex. It is not so easy to explain them to a wide range of readers in an accessible and understandable way.

Letter " G*» - moving.

Step - movement to attack, attack. Only the military and pieces in chess and checkers walk! Civilians only walk. In chess, you can also walk with pieces - attacking and walk - retreating or moving.

Letter " X*" - the inside, the inside of something.

Shah - an attack on the inside. If the check is in chess, then this is an attack on the innermost part - the King. If the word Shah is considered as a rank in Asian countries, which leads the troops, then this is an attacker.

Gang - carrier, in the form of a group, association, attackers, that is bandits.

The Sabbat is an aggressive receptacle for attackers, which is a gathering of witches.

Champagne is a violent, aggressive wine, in short.

A shaman is a violent person who behaves chaotically.

The syllable " TI*» - extension, increasing the size and number.

The syllable " ON THE*» - surface, the upper part of something material, an object.

Tina is an expanding surface, algae growing in the upper layers of reservoirs.

The syllable " MI*» - response to impact, review.

Mina - a reaction to the impact on "on" - the surface, the upper part.

Mission - the one whom God sent as a result of the terrible deeds of mankind.

Mission is a diplomatic mission.

The rally is a reaction to the impact.

Mimosa - (according to Ozhegov) touch the flower - folds the petals.

The syllable " MO*» - convex, protrusion.

Simple group of words:

Grave -

Mighty -

Model -

Corn -

Mosaic -

Letter " H*» - surface. The upper part of anything in general, including non-material.

Letter " FROM*» - impact. Impact on something by something, influence, pressure, force.

Of course, it is very difficult to describe in detail all the subtleties of the structure in a small article. Today, people are more and more interested in various sensations, shows, action - as it is fashionable to say today.

But in order to understand what a harmonious, perfectly adjusted architecture of all kinds of rules our Russian language represented, you sometimes have to resort to boring, not entirely interesting descriptions of all the subtleties of the structure of words.

The next rule or pattern determines the position of the letters in the syllable and their separate meaning.

It is likely that the identified patterns observed in a fairly large percentage of the studied material, in a very large array of words, were previously the rules for assembling words from syllables.

The first letter means a certain object, the described substance, who, what. The second letter of the syllable describes the nature of the impact, in the likeness of what, by whom, by what. The second letter in a syllable means element, its properties.

Example. Letter " And*» - water. If this letter is the second in a syllable, it means that the properties of this object are similar to the properties of water.

The image of water is implied in all its manifestations and properties. But most often only in the basic properties: as something fluid, meandering like a river, and expanding from the source to the mouth. In the same image, there is also the property of water to propagate waves from the source of influence in different directions over the surface.

What does it look like in practice? Let's take a simple word "cue". The letter "K" is a carrier. The letter "I" is water. This means that our carrier expands from the very beginning to the very end.

In the main syllable "KA **", in its literal interpretation, the letter " BUT"- means matter. That is, "KA**" is the carrier of matter, the carrier is material, possessing the properties of matter. That is, it can be touched, felt, seen.

Let's choose an interesting example.

The word "frog".

Letter " L» - direction of movement, flow, vector, straight line.

Letter " I"- living, living, alive.

In the word frog, the direction of the very movement of the “I” is alive, chaotic, disorderly, that is, it jumps.

Letter " G"- movement, movement.

Letter " At"- a beam, ray-like, like a beam narrow, thin and long.

Letter " W"- attack (as in the main syllable).

This part of the word describes the language of the frog, with which it catches insects.

The ending " KA"- a material carrier or a carrier of matter.

It remains only to marvel at the accuracy of the description of the unique properties of this living creature. You can choose something more mysterious. For example, the word "tarantula". What etymologist can explain how the spider was called such a strange name. I will not describe in my own way, I will only give the semantic meanings of syllables and letters.

The syllable " TA"- hide, hide, some kind of material restriction, constraint in space.

The syllable " THAT"- move.

Letter " L"- in this case, both the direction of movement and straight ahead.

Thus, a spider is described that sits in the upper part of its mink, which it dug out strictly vertically, straight, warming itself in the sun. A spider that, in case of danger, instantly hides in the depths.

It should be noted that there are syllables whose semantic meaning corresponds to the meaning of their letters interpreted separately. The mentioned syllable "TU", meaning a move, in a letter-by-letter interpretation means a narrow concealment. Let's look at it in other words.

The word "tunnel" pronounced by all of us, very correctly, like a tunnel, is interpreted simply and very accurately corresponds to its meaning.

"Tunel": "TU" - move, "H" - surface, "E" - isolation, protection, "L" - direct murder. That is, a tunnel is only that passage, the inner surface of which is isolated, lined with bricks, reinforced with concrete or something else, and naturally to protect against collapse, from death, violent death.

If this is a "dead end" - then this is the end of the move. "Peak" is the end of something.

Take a word where the syllable "TU" is used in the middle of the word, for example the word "title". At first glance, the word title, denoting an official title of nobility, has nothing to do with the course.

The syllable "TI" is an extension, "TU" is a move, "L" is the direction of movement, a certain vector. And with a syllabic interpretation, it turns out that the title is an extension of the passage to the high society, direct access to a certain class.

Considering words, knowing their syllabic meaning, you begin to understand their essence much deeper. Understand it yourself, without a false, false interpretation in various dictionaries (again, only within the framework of the theory under consideration). Understand the essence of words without third-party interference, often false for the sake of political or any other interests. Is it because, sometime in the past, someone made significant efforts to ensure that this knowledge was forgotten.

One very striking example of such a distortion is the word cosmetics. It's like a French word. But in Russian there is a small group of words with a common "root" - kosm. The words Cosmos, cosmetics, cosmos, shaggy and the ancient and long-forgotten word kosem, which means a bunch of linen strands.

Today, few people can say for sure what not only the word kosem but also shaggy means. Perhaps shaggy, or disheveled? Any. A. S. Pushkin and even Blok have the expression “... spread the shaggy sails ...” - how is that? Shaggy sails?

All these words can be explained very well if you know the syllabic meaning. The syllable " KOS*" in the first simple meaning means twisted. That is why Kosem is twisted linen fibers, a bundle. That's why shaggy sails. They're just twisted, twisted. That is why the word cosmetics has a common root, it was applied to the cheeks in a twisted line, in a spiral. And the bear's hair is twisted bundles of wool.

The word Cosmos requires special attention. In the first simple meaning, the syllable " MO*" means convex, spherical. It's spherical. There in space everything is twisted, and everything there is spherical. And in the second meaning, more detailed and complex, the interpretation is even clearer. The bulges are surrounded by gas. Since the letter " O**" is the element of air.

Here is a list of the meanings of the main elements: BUT**" - matter, " O**" - air, " AND**"- water," E**" - light. " Xi**" - wood. Doesn't it remind you of anything? Five elements considered in Chinese philosophy. Only again there was a substitution, our light "RA" in the form of the sun they replaced with their own - Fire. More on this in a separate article.

The essence of each element in the semantic meaning is its individual properties. If the element is air - " O**”, that means properties like air, wind, something not material, like a soul, spirit. If used, it is applied in the direction of movement, then upwards, into the air. If in a location, then upper, supreme, highest. If in distribution in space, then it is also like air, gas - in all directions.

Thus, the word cosmos, in the most detailed interpretation, gives us the most comprehensive information about its structure. There, in space, everything is twisted in a spiral. Everything there has the shape of bulges, a spherical shape, and besides, it is surrounded by gas. Information about galaxies twisted in a spiral is generally unique, you will not find this in foreign words. They are full of emptiness, empty space, open space, etc.

Letter " M**" in syllables with a more complex meaning means environment. In combination with various elements, we get the following.

« Ma» - surrounded by matter, or surrounds matter.

Man - (men in English) - a surface surrounded by matter. A man who is not naked like a monkey, but dressed.

Mantle - surrounds matter + surface + expansion + living (mobile).

Checkmate (in chess) - King's entourage + " T- in this case, captivity - in chess, the king cannot be killed.

Manto - "M" - surrounded, "A" - matter, "H" - surface, "T" - hidden, "O" - around (air). And try to say that this is not a Russian word.

Mom - enhanced environment of matter (by doubling the syllable) - meaning pregnancy, and further environment with care, "envelopment", etc.

Let's take the example of the syllable "MA" in the middle of a word: adobe - a building made of mud bricks.

"Saman" - material impact, material environment, surface.

« MO**"- surrounded by air, airy, empty, as if blown by air. Or similar to air with all the properties of air. In a simple sense, already considered - bulge: callus, mosaic, brain, grave, they say. And even fashion is all kinds of protrusions. Milk is what flows ("LO") from the bulge ("MO").

« Mu**" - narrowly surrounded.

Moire is a dense silk fabric.

Flour is a physical constraint.

Flour is finely ground grains.

Murovat - overlay with stones or bricks.

Mouthpiece - a pipe for smoking cigarettes or cigarettes.

The syllable " WE**" - unique in its semantic meaning. In order to explain its meaning, you need to explain the meaning of the letter " S". They are trying in every possible way to exterminate this letter, and force us to write everything through “ And". And it's not just that. Letter " S**" means a very powerful element, in its meaning and effect. This element - Time! From this semantic meaning come very important words. Numbers, Hours and many mysterious and strange words that should be written only through the letter " S". But we are still at an early age, trying to instill a rule, write " ZhI" and " SHI" only through " And". And for good reason! After all, then the harmless syllable " SHI*"- in a simple version - emptiness, and in the complex SHI**" - aggression by water - dissolution, turns into a more ruthless " SHI**" - aggression by time, aging.

And the syllable ZY**» - allocation of time life itself is life! Although who knows, perhaps there is such a physical phenomenon as the transformation or allocation of time. But we will return to this a little later.

« We**» – surrounded temporarily.

Soap - that is, bubbles, this is not for long. " LO**" - movement, flow with the letter "O" - inflated.

Letter " I» - alive, as alive, and therefore chaotic.

Means " MJ**" - living environment: meat, pulp, ball, etc.

At the beginning of the article, I described a small number of semantic meanings of syllables. He gave a small number of examples, and the syllables were chosen randomly, one of those that we come across everywhere and most often. But even with a small number of examples, it is already possible to say with firm certainty that the hypothesis under consideration has a basis. Such a phenomenon as the existence of certain semantic meanings of syllables in words takes place!

I do not undertake to assert, with absolute certainty, that all the words of the Russian language are interpreted according to the syllabic structure. There are groups of words that are treated with amazing precision in accordance with their interpretation and meaning. There are groups of words whose syllabic decoding corresponds approximately to their current meaning. But what should be considered the true meaning of the word? Variant of interpretation in a certain explanatory dictionary? And how should one interpret words that previously contained letters removed from the alphabet? To date, there is also a group of foreign words that are really not deciphered according to the syllabic principle in any way. But the number of truly foreign words decreases with each word considered and analyzed. Moreover, a huge mass of "foreign" words is very accurately deciphered according to the Russian syllabic structure. And often the interpretation of such words is more accurate than in explanatory dictionaries.

The syllabic meaning of such words most accurately describes the properties of the object, substance or phenomenon under consideration.

In these "comments" I do not aim to consider the maximum number of words, thus turning them into an "alternative explanatory dictionary of the Russian language." In them, I will try not to be too boring to describe the whole viability of the theory under consideration with its proofs. It is as simple as possible to describe my research and its results.

Egypt is one of the most interesting places for tourists today. Pyramids, pharaohs and their mummies, golden sarcophagi. And, of course, camels, well, where would we be without them, even if they stink, bite and spit.

Now many different theories are being put forward, hypotheses about the roots of ancient Egypt, who the pharaohs were, and, surprisingly, with today's development of various techniques, when they all lived here.

But even more surprising was the decoding of the words of ancient Egyptian subjects.

The word pyramid. This is truly a unique word. I have not been able to determine how old the word pyramid itself is. In accordance with the theory of syllabic structure, this word should contain its main characteristics. And if this structure is man-made, then you can find out its purpose. The word consists of four syllables. Consider the semantic meaning of each.

The syllable " PI*» – the foundation, base, main, etc. As always, the word is a homonym. Sometimes the foundation of the house is the foundation, and sometimes the basis for the arrest of the suspect.

An interesting coincidence, because in mathematics the number "Pi" is one of the main, and maybe the most basic.

The syllable " PI**" - association + element water. That is, the union is expanding from small to large, the union is sinuous and even wavy, etc.

The syllable " RA*» - light. I will describe this syllable in more detail later.

The syllable " MI*» - response to impact.

The syllable " YES*» - transformation, conversion. Absolutely any transformation from one state to another: from narrow to wide, from single to multiple, from simple to complex. Including mathematical transformation: division, multiplication, subtraction, addition.

And thus, from the syllabic meaning of the word "pyramid", we get unique information. If the main light, solar of course, shines on it, then a certain transformation will be a reaction to such an impact. At first glance, there is nothing particularly interesting here. Yes, previously the largest pyramid, Cheops, had a flat and white surface, and naturally could reflect sunlight in all directions. The sight at the same time was absolutely amazing, given its size. And if the sun shone at a certain angle, then the reflected light propagated parallel to the plane of the earth for a very long distance. And if the sun, at the same time, was exactly above the pyramid, then in this way the light was reflected by all four faces of the pyramid. And if all this sun-performance had to be carried out on a certain day, then the location of the pyramid itself should not be chosen by chance.

All this is also curious, but not very interesting. What is unique about this information is the fact that the properties encoded in the word pyramid accurately describe the properties of a glass prism! If we shine sunlight on a glass pyramid, then we will get a truly unique transformation - the decomposition of light into components, the spectrum.

It remains only to answer the question of who and when coined the word "pyramid", thoroughly describing its properties in the very name.

The Pyramid of Cheops, let's say, has a more "correct" name - the Chefu pyramid. And with a detailed decoding, it turns out that the word Hefu is not the name of the pharaoh, but the purpose of the pyramid.

Letter " X» - interior.

Letter " E» - light.

Letter " F» - radiation.

Letter " At» - narrow.

It doesn't take a genius to understand this is the main purpose of the pyramid...

So maybe there was no pharaoh? Who coined this word? Let's analyze it.

The word "pharaoh" is very easy to decipher. "FA" - radiation. "RA" - light. "O" - the element of air, which means properties similar to it. "H" - surface. Everything is simple, emitting light, in all directions by the surface. Well, just the same brilliant person, shining, glowing, or maybe it's just a man in a spacesuit.

And again, everything is simple and unambiguous. The semantic meanings of syllables always remain unchanged. And the very word pharaoh again comes from the Russian language.

Since we have begun to consider examples with light, let's consider a few more amazing “coincidences”, where the essence of the word very accurately corresponds to its decoding according to the syllabic principle.

The light itself, as a result of dividing it by that same glass pyramid, is decomposed into a spectrum. Extreme and invisible to the eye rays are called infrared and ultraviolet.

Consider both of these words. The word "infra". "F" - radiation. "RA" - light. And I would like to dwell on the syllable "IN" in more detail.

The syllable " IN"- means something internal, located inside something.

There is an assumption, which has become a belief, which says that the syllables "yin" and "yang", more correctly "yin" and "yang", have Chinese roots. Allegedly, "yin" and "yang" meant, respectively, shadow and sunny China.

Literally, these words meant the illuminated and unlit side of the mountain. Further, the Chinese began to consider the sky as the embodiment of "yang", and the earth - "yin", and accordingly: black and white as internal and external, soul and body, spiritual and material, etc.

In accordance with the semantic meanings defined by me, the letter " H» - surface. Letter " b» – murder, destructive for the living, and as an element - the Earth.

The soft sign, meaning earth, is associated with death by reason of considering it as dust. Earth, black soil, is all that remains of dead plants and animals. Therefore, the syllable L"- is interpreted as direct murder, to bury any living entity in the ground is to kill it.

If literally then - " L" - the direction of the flow, " b"- into the ground - to bury, death.

Therefore, as if the Chinese syllable "yang" is interpreted very simply. "I" - living, "H" - the surface, "b" - the earth.

The syllable "yin" is interpreted as "I" - water, "H" - surface, "L" - earth. And it has the meaning of the dead due to the fact that water, in this syllable, is meant in the form of ice and snow. This syllable has the semantic meaning of something internal for the same reason, water is inside each of us, every living being.

Based on this interpretation, the world-famous "Chinese" symbol, meaning good and evil, is presented in a slightly different light. After all, good, in the understanding of the Chinese people, is the fertile lands of mountain valleys, which are rightly indicated by black. And evil is the deadly ice and snow, depicted in white.

Without knowing the exact source ... you can interpret as you like at your discretion.

Accordingly, the word infra” stands for very simply, this is the internal radiation of light, that is, heat.

But more surprising is the fact that the microwaves used in microwave ovens have the properties warm up subject inside, "through". The very waves that are IN».

Word " ultra» even more interesting. "U" - narrow. "L" - deadly, deadly. "T" - hidden, invisible. "RA" - light.

Wow! What interesting information! Ultraviolet radiation is really detrimental to all living things. And today in medicine it is used for disinfection of premises with the help of ultraviolet, "quartz" lamps. Ultraviolet radiation is truly invisible to the human eye, and is truly "narrow", the shortest wavelength in the entire spectrum of light.

That is, the name itself, "ultra" very accurately describes the properties of ultraviolet rays.

And as we found out now, this word is completely unsuitable for using it in other cases. That is, in compound words in the designation of something, more or beyond any limit.

And again, many questions arise about the origin of these words, their first mention, and semantic meaning. Many questions arise for learned historians and learned etymologists. How, a huge mass of "foreign" words, easily, unambiguously, without any discrepancies, is deciphered according to Russian syllabic principle. In what way is a mass of words attributed to a foreign origin? Who comes up with inconceivable etymological explanations, entire stories, and even historical figures?

As an example, consider the word "guillotine". Each of you can find this “extraordinarily true story” about how, by whom and when this killing machine was invented.

In Russian syllabic semantic meaning, it will look like this:

The syllable " GI*» - health, including as the basis of life, life force, life.

Here are some simple examples for "GI".

Giant - giant, healthy; - and big and healthy.

Hygiene is the science of maintaining health, measures aimed at maintaining health; - health boost by doubling a syllable.

Hydra is a small animal, an almost immortal creature, if it is cut into small pieces, then a new hydra will grow out of each; - health + transformation + syllable " RA***» which has a special meaning here; almost divine health.

Hydra is a multi-headed snake in mythology, in which new heads grow in place of severed heads.

Hydro ... - the first part of the words related to water, to the basis of life.

The syllable " L*" - direct murder.

Letter " O*» - air.

The syllable " TI*» - extension.

The syllable " ON THE» - surface.

Without various conjectures, it is clear that we are talking about a murder in the air, on an open, expanded surface - a square. The syllable " GI” can also be considered in a letter-by-letter sense. And then it will be a kind of movement, connected by similarity with the elements " And"- water. In this case, one of the options might be something expanding, from small to large, from narrow to wide, in the image of a river. Then we can talk about the guillotine knife itself, which also expands in several planes. This is for anyone.

In any case, the interpretation is far from the official version, but very accurate, in fact, given that the word itself could originally have had a slightly different spelling.

In the next example, in the following semantic meaning, we will consider a few more curious and interesting “coincidences”, “accidents”, whatever. Which again raise many questions, questions related to the real, plausible history of ours.

The next meaning is protection, isolation, corresponds to the letter E».

A very large group of words, starting with the letter "E", is connected by meaning with some kind of protection in all its manifestations. Including words related to electricity, the basis of which is isolation. Many people forget that electricity, roughly speaking, is the movement of electric current in isolated conductor.

Here are some of those words:

Ebonite - as a dielectric, Evacuation, Aegis, Eden (Eden - Garden of Eden) ...

Eden: E - protection, De - D - a kind of transformation, from one state to another, from one form to another (The second letter of the syllable - means the nature of the element, like which element), e - the meaning of light. That is, like light, from a source in all directions. H is the surface. That is - EDEN - Protected in all directions, and probably on the surface. Well, just a greenhouse, with a glass ceiling.

Further, words related to protection: Exam, Economics (protection against waste), Bookplate - a sign, a symbol of "authorship", Exhibit, Enamel, Elixir, Destroyer, Epidermis ... And so on and so forth, these are all simple examples. Each word is interpreted in detail and very interesting.

Interesting word Eskimo. If you watched the movie "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed", then you must remember how in the first episode of the film, the ice cream seller was selling popsicle ice cream. She put the wafer into the device, applied ice cream tightly, covered it with a second wafer and pushed it out of the device with a lever. So, popsicle is interpreted as follows: E - protected (with a waffle on both sides), C - impact (protected from impact), Ki - carrier, with the letter "I" - the element water, "Mo" - protrusion. So it turns out - a certain liquid carrier protected it from exposure with a waffle and pushed it out - that's when it's a popsicle.

And again, knowing the semantic meanings, you understand the essence of things. And again, the most exquisite stories about the origin of incomprehensible names and the objects that they designate are decided. There is probably some knowledge that we have forgotten, or someone has tried very hard to make us forget it. And then some knowledge was replaced by others, and taught us how supposedly everything was before.

The word "evolution". That's the word, that's the word. Just a monster in progress and development. But is it so clear? According to my syllabic interpretation, the word is associated with protection, but where is protection in the development of all living things, in the origin of species?

We are taught that it was Darwin who put forward the theory of evolution, where everything seems to be smooth and combed.

Even if you do not resort to any syllabic decoding, but simply look into an old dictionary, you can find out the following. First of all, evolution is a military term. And secondly, it means changing the structure of a combat unit for protection, including changing the formation of ships to repel an attack!

That's such a surprise. And it turns out that the term evolution means any change to protect against external influences! The term is very accurately deciphered in accordance with the semantic meaning of syllables.

Darwin himself sailed on a warship and could not have been unaware of this. But it turns out that he spoke Russian? Or good at it. Maybe all of Europe in those days still spoke Russian? Or maybe Russian has been spoken since the time of the pharaohs?

In the case of the letter "E" denoting protection, there is another curious word - era.

The word era means a certain time stage, a historical period. And supposedly this period is related to Christianity. But how, a whole civilization, with a variety of religions, changed the existing chronology, when there was no Christ, there was not yet a trace?

We had our own chronology - "from the creation of the world." That is, from the conclusion of a peace agreement between certain warring peoples. So what happened, really?

The very word era, "E" - protection, isolation, "RA" - light, including the light of people, the world of people. So what kind of protection or isolation occurred two thousand years ago?

Muslims have the word "Egira" - the beginning of the Muslim calendar from the flight of Mohammed from Mecca to Medina. The first year of the Aegir is A.D. 622.

Aegira - "E" - protection, "GI" - health, life, "RA" - light.

Protecting the life of the light, and this is even among Muslims. What kind of global defense or attack was 2000 years ago?

Most likely, we also failed, because “their era” began.

The distortion of history was, is and will be. And there are many examples of this.

For example, China, a country that we have already considered in connection with the concepts of "yin" and "yang", today is called China. They call themselves "in their own way". But why China? Where did this name come from? Is there any mention of such a country in history?

The word Chin was present in the old days. As I said above, our chronology was conducted from a certain "peace treaty". And so there was a war in the past. The war is serious enough if a new chronology begins from its end. From this war, between "China" and "Rus", let's call them in the old fashioned way, there are many legends and fairy tales left. For example, "Snake Gorynych" comes from there. Many heads descended from the mountains, and no matter how much you cut, the heads are born again. This is from this story, the well-known "George the Victorious" defeating the "Dragon". The dragon is a symbol of China.

And of course, the Russian name of China has also been preserved in history. Which, in every possible way tried to distort and forget. And that's why. After all, if we gave the name of the country that we defeated, according to the syllabic principle, then we probably put the main description into the name. Following the rules of syllabic structure, a description of something very important was inserted.

The ancient name of China is Sarachin, the Chinese is Sarachin, and even Chinese groats, rice are Sarachin groats!

Probably later, the concept of locust was formed from this definition. Probably, there was a repeated rapid increase in the population of this people in the past.

And this word is deciphered as follows.

The syllable " SA» – material impact, physical, shock, pressure, and in some cases war.

The syllable " RA» – light, in this case, it means war with the whole world, with the whole world.

The syllable " CHI"- environment, element" And» water, means winding surroundings.

The syllable " ON THE' is the surface.

Thus, it becomes clear why they wanted to forget the word sarachin. In this word, one can find indications that as a result of our victory in a large-scale war, we, and it was we, surrounded their country with a tortuous encirclement - the great "Chinese" wall!

The Great War was forgotten and only the wall was left, the result was a rank - a windingly surrounded surface. And today they have appropriated the wall to themselves and are rapidly remodeling it, rebuilding loopholes already in our direction, away from themselves!

Truly, you begin to understand why they “forgot” and try in every possible way to distort the syllabic structure of our Russian language. In it, you can still find, like in a giant encyclopedia, a lot of information that today is becoming not only unique, but also dangerous.

At this stage of the description of this study, I have not yet touched on the topic in detail, both the very description of the syllable "RA" and the topic of the sacred meaning of the Russian language itself. Indeed, since the time of ancient Egypt, there has been a certain deification of “RA”, both the god RA and the very concept of “Light”.

If we consider the Russian language as an encyclopedia, in which the most diverse information is encrypted according to the syllabic principle, then we can see the following. Indeed, the entire Russian language is a kind of cult of goodness and light, all the words in it associated with goodness, light, morality, some kind of development, prosperity, etc. are associated with the syllable "RA". Evil, in the Russian language, in all its manifestations, is darkness, the absence of light, any stop in development, the flow of light, any shadow on “RA”, etc.

There is an opinion that the Russian language itself is a kind of religion, with its commandments, gods, hell and heaven. Only in this religion everything is described very accurately, without speculation, without any ambiguous concepts and formulations. It is only necessary to have the alphabet in order to read, learn, study and understand this religion. Perhaps that is why the syllabic meanings of syllables, initially known to everyone and everyone, were "lost". Perhaps that very war of light, for the souls of everyone and everyone, continues to this hour. A war for the right to govern, to lead in the direction necessary to someone, entire nations and the whole civilization as a whole. Impact War. And before moving on to a detailed description of the syllable "RA", I would like to consider one more word, the meaning of which today has been changed beyond recognition.

The word is again associated with light. And since it begins with the syllable "SA", it also has some impact.

The word is "dress". Now any of you can give an interpretation of this word, and make sure that the decoding somehow does not really correspond to today's definition. Again, some kind of influence - "SA", again the light "RA", and the radiation "FA" on the surface "H".

The meaning of this word seemed to me very curious because of the complexity of the name, in the use of simple everyday clothes. After all, a sundress is a kind of female attire. And there are so many different expressions in it. Most likely, these clothes had a special purpose. I started looking in old dictionaries. In one old dictionary, I found the definition of the word sundress, as women's clothing, which was fastened from the very top to the very bottom. But already knowing the interpretation of the word sarachin, I assumed that it was not some kind of clothing, but some kind of military vestment, and continued to search. And only three months later I discovered the following description.

A sarafan is a long men's caftan of a special cut... Russian governors wore them when they took off their armor.

Thus, a sundress is really a combat vestment, but in terms of semantic meaning it protects from light radiation. Only now, due to the fact that it does not cover the entire body of a person, they wore it at a time when there were no open hostilities. During the fighting, battles, they wore armor. They already protected the human body completely from head to toe. But the question is, from what kind of light radiation did the armor protect?

This hour, we have already paid attention to the fact that the armor existing in museums does not have any combat damage. That is, they are all new. Yes, and they could not protect their master, not from a sword strike or from a battle ax, with the thickness that they have. A separate topic is the toolkit with which this was all done, but we will not consider it either. I will only mention what is considered in this topic visor, the word is also very curious, upon closer examination. It was carried out very carefully, with an unknown instrument, and made very narrow.

All this, armor, visor, sundresses, made, named in accordance with the wars with the use of some kind of light radiation! And not like not with wars associated with the application of forceful mechanical effects with heavy weapons.

Again, there is no end to questions and disputes. I consider only words and syllables in them.

Let's return to our light, and consider what the syllable "RA" means in a detailed transcript.

The syllable " RA**" - radiation, emission, source, source. Combined with the letter BUT*» - the radiation of matter.

From a physics point of view, then RA**" is literally radiation. That is " RA» Is it a source of radiation, just for everything? But from the point of view of the same physics, our sun, which is the source of this very radiation or light, is a generally unique source. The sun is a source of the most diverse, most diverse types of radiation! The sun is truly the source of everything. The only radiation that does not reach us is sound, due to the properties of vacuum, but I think that this is only to our advantage.

The sun really radiates the entire spectrum of radiation from sound and radio, to light, radiation and various particles.

Therefore, the syllable “RA”, deified, has such an important meaning. Indeed, the development of civilization lies in the study of the entire solar spectrum. The numerical expression of the types of radiation, propagation velocity, wavelengths, all kinds of propagation properties in vacuum, in the atmosphere, and in water, the impact on living matter and non-living matter, various scientific disciplines are studying all this. This is mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology. And their development, enrichment with scientific knowledge, moves the whole civilization.

Unfortunately, here too there is a distortion of both history, the development of scientific disciplines with their discoveries and experiences, historical figures, and the belonging of discoveries to one state or another, and even a distortion of the very names of scientific disciplines.

Isn't it an incredible phenomenon? But who now can say with accuracy what this or that scientific discipline studies and why it is called that way? And again, this knowledge was forgotten, or lost, or perhaps deliberately hidden or distorted. All disciplines have, of course, their own scientific interpretation, definition and associated history. And of course, this story has nothing to do with Russia, or with the Slavs or Russians. We are constantly “shod in bast shoes”. Say, you didn’t have anything like this before, and it couldn’t be. Because you were not developed, you didn’t have letters, you didn’t have numbers either, and you walked in bast shoes.

Well, let's look at the names of scientific disciplines, decipher them according to the Russian syllabic principle, maybe something will come out of this, something will “accidentally” coincide.

Take something short and simple.

Chemistry: " chi"- the insides," MI" - reaction to the impact, " I"-" living ".

Wow! Chemistry is really a science that studies all kinds of reactions to influences, and reactions of really "insides", that is, substances that make up everything.

The letter “I” at the end of the names of many disciplines probably means that these disciplines are for the living, for those who exist here, in this material world, and probably also just on Earth. Or maybe something chaotic and disorderly, in structure or development, matters.

Biology: " BI*» - development, branching, distribution, divergence. And since from one to two, from two to four, etc., the simple meaning is sometimes “two”.

Letter " O”- the element of air, which means the spread is ubiquitous.

The syllable " LO"- a certain direction of movement, including a scientific trend.

The syllable " GI" - life.

Letter " I"- for the living.

Also an interesting coincidence. Biology deals with the study of the distribution, development of living beings, including plants.

The combination of "logy" can be interpreted as a kind of scientific trend, living - developing for the living or growing like a living one. But it's like anyone else.

Let's take another word that begins with the syllable "HI", who else is involved in some kind of insides?

Surgery: " HI*» - entrails, « RU*» - limitation, or " RU**"- a certain source, source, with something narrow - the letter "U". Letter " R» - radiation, selection anything. And further.

As you can see, there is a very detailed description of the subject. And besides, without the syllable "LO", this is no longer a scientific trend, but a very practical subject. And he deals with the insides, limits, highlights or separates a certain source.

Physics and Physiology. The syllable " FI” tells us about some kind of radiation, release. And if the letter itself W» - particle, something small, a separate component of something whole, then the question arises, what do these scientific disciplines have in common? Of course, within the framework of the theory under consideration about the syllabic structure of these words.

At first glance, everything is already clear. Physics deals with "excretions" - radiation, waves. Physiology deals with the "secretion" of tissues, cells - glands. But why are the names so similar?

It turns out that earlier these names, or rather one of them, were also distorted, or rather, one "unnecessary" letter was removed from the alphabet, and these names became similar to each other. The fact is that the word physiology was previously written as physiology. And this letter is very important, it determines the attitude to the living. Accordingly, the letter "and", which we have already considered, to the non-living.

That is, earlier, all words related to the living definition were written through "i". And therefore physics: the bearer of knowledge about individual radiations. And physiology is the science of spreading - the letter "O", secretions of living matter.

All transcripts are simplified, but very accurately determine the main essence of the subject.

And my favorite is etymology!

Etymology: E - protection, protected. Ti - width, wide. Mo - bulge, protruding. Lo - flow, teaching. Gi - life, life. I am alive, for the living.

Etymology is a defended, widely protruded, living or vital teaching, for the living! Yes, whoever coined the word had a great sense of humor.

All other scientific disciplines can be deciphered in a similar way. But for us, due to the consideration of various phenomena with the syllable "RA", and its divine relationship to the sun, the following subject will be of interest.

I have already said that the sun is a unique source, the engine of the sciences of progress and the development of civilization. It turns out that for the study of the divine "RA" there was a separate subject, from which only the name remained.

Simple decoding: The syllable " AL*» – fast, quick. The syllable " GE"- movement, engine, in combination with the letter "E" - light. Letter " B"- a receptacle, capacity as a volume, the composition of everything. " RA"- light, sun, radiation, emission, source (chain reaction).

Literal interpretation: "A" - Material. "L" - flow, teaching (in the syllable the material flows, is not limited by anything, therefore the whole syllable is fast). "G" - movement. "E" is light. "B" is a container. "R" - radiation. "A" - matter.

In both versions, something does not look like "A branch of mathematics that studies the general methods of operating on quantities expressed by letters, regardless of their numerical values."

Here it is also important to understand that the spectrum itself is being studied, its numerical expressions, notation options, degrees, including the method of calculation, the system itself. This refers to the decimal system that we use. It is primitive, imposed. In Latin, the finger is digitus, like the foxglove plant - Digitalis. That is, these are numbers shown with fingers. That is, those that can be shown on the fingers. Where are the ones that can't? Probably the "lumps" remained in the old church system of numbers, with a literal meaning.

And again, distortion, simplification, and substitution, including the source, the roots of everything that happened before.

Or maybe it all seems to me, and all the examples briefly considered are mere chance, some kind of mystical coincidence. Who knows?

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