Pickled plums for the winter with a photo. Cooking recipe with step-by-step photos of salted plums, dried for the winter with garlic and olive oil

Decor elements 19.10.2019
Decor elements

Pickled plums are not a very common preparation for the winter among housewives. As a rule, mothers and grandmothers like to pamper their relatives with sweet plum preparations, such as various compotes, but they don’t think about pickles. Why this happens, I think there are several reasons here, either they do not know the recipes, or they just never tried pickled plums. Because if you try this blank at least once, then without options, plums will forever take their rightful place on your shelf in the cellar, among other cool preserves.

It is worth trying pickled plums at least once, and you will never be so indifferent to them, so we cook, try and wonder how delicious it is.

There are a lot of options for pickling plums, and in principle they are all good in their own way, but it is worth noting a few of the most popular, which are especially popular, which we will do.

Pickled plum is an excellent appetizer that goes well with meat dishes, but first of all, this blank is used as an appetizer, and only then as an addition to the main side dish.

To make the plums very tasty, you need to know a few secrets that must be used in the pickling process.

Most often and best of all for pickling, use plums of the "ugorka" variety or, as they say, "Hungarian", they should not be too ripe, rather, on the contrary, unripe. It is not permissible when spoiled plums are used, it is imperative to wash the fruits well and peel them off.

Since plum does not have a large amount of its own acid, vinegar must be used for pre-pickling, without it anywhere. It is advisable that the vinegar is apple or grape.

Well, everything else comes with experience and during the preparation process. Let's probably go directly to our recipes for pickled plums for the winter. By the way, the recipes will be accompanied by a step-by-step photo, which will give you the opportunity to understand the cooking process well.

These plums are an excellent appetizer that will go very well with meat dishes, you can also add these plums to stewed pork or beef.

In this recipe we will use a durum plum "Hungarian", it should be slightly unripe. We will throw cloves, bay leaves and other spices into the marinade.

Ingredients for pickled plums:

  • Plum - 700 grams;
  • Water - 400 milliliters;
  • Pepper peas - 8 pieces;
  • Vinegar - 70 milliliters;
  • Bay leaf - 4 things;
  • Carnation - 5 pieces;
  • Allspice - 5 pieces;
  • Sugar - 200 grams;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon (no slide);
  • Garlic - 2 large heads.

We need such a set of components to prepare a blank for the winter. Here the ingredients are collected for one serving, but if you are going to pickle plums on a larger scale, I recommend increasing all the ingredients based on the number of plums.

The first thing we will do is prepare the plums, we will wash them very well, we will select, if there are any, spoiled ones. We will remove the stalk from the plums, then we will get the seeds, since this recipe provides for seedless pickling. To remove the seeds from the plum, we will use a banal knife, in each plum we will make an incision and use our fingers to remove the bone from it, there is no need to cut the fruit in half.

Next, we peel the garlic, it should be of normal size, each clove should correspond in size to each other and the size of the stone, or a little more. For those who want to learn how to peel garlic quickly and in large quantities, there is one cool way. This method, in what, we take two metal salad bowls or just a saucepan with a lid, put a head of garlic in it, cover it with a lid and beat it as hard as possible. At first glance, judging from the text, nothing can happen, but in fact, in most cases, garlic will be completely cleansed by 90%, you only need to pick it up from the husk. Be sure to try this method and forget about the tedious peeling of garlic forever.

Now we take the plum and insert the garlic into the cut, which is why it is advisable that the clove of garlic matches the size of the bone, which greatly simplifies this task.

In dry, pre-washed and sterilized jars, we put spices, namely, bay leaves, cloves and allspice.

Now let's start preparing the marinade for our plums. Pour water into a saucepan, add vinegar, add sugar and salt, mix and put on fire, cook.

Bring to a boil and cook for about two minutes, until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved. Then turn off the marinade.

We cover the jars with lids, but do not twist, leave them on the floor for an hour, pickle the plums.

Then carefully pour this marinade from the cans into the pan and bring it to a boil again. We will boil it for just a minute and turn it off.

Now, take the freshly boiled plum marinade and pour it back into the plum jars. This time we roll up the covers with a key. We turn the cans upside down, it is advisable to wrap them in a so-called fur coat until they cool completely.

You now know such an interesting recipe for pickled plums for the winter; in the process of pickling, garlic will lose its sharpness, but at the same time it will add spice and an interesting aroma to the plums. Pickled plums recipe, very cool, I recommend trying it, I am sure you will not regret it.

Bon Appetit!!!

Pickled sweet plums with seeds

As for this recipe, here first of all you need patience, since the cooking process itself is quite long as much as five days, due to this, this recipe is often also called "five days". Despite its duration of preparation, the recipe is quite popular among housewives, since pickled plums really turn out to be very tasty.

Yes indeed plums are pickled for five whole days, and to be precise, twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, plums are poured with boiled marinade for five days and only on the last they are already rolled up completely. But in fact, these sacrifices of time are easily forgotten when you open a jar of delicious pickled plums in winter and enjoy the divine taste.

As expected, for pickled plums, we will also use hard, slightly unripe plums of the "Hungarian" variety for this recipe. We will also use vinegar, this time it will be wine.

Let's take a closer look at the ingredients for this pickled plum recipe:

  • Plums - 1 kilogram;
  • Water - 100 milliliters;
  • Wine vinegar - 100 milliliters;
  • Sugar - 300 grams;
  • Bay leaf - 8 pieces;
  • Carnation - 6 pieces.

The number of ingredients can and should be increased based on your preference for the number of servings to be prepared based on the plums.

Pickled plums for the winter "five days" with a step by step photo

According to tradition, the first thing we will do with plums, we, as always, wash them well in several waters, clean them of the stalk and other accidental debris. Let's sort out the plums, if there are spoiled, rotten or wormy ones, we must discard them.

In a large enough saucepan, depending on the number of your plums, lay out the plums in layers, a layer of bay leaves, a layer of plums. Add the cloves.

Prepare the marinade, pour some water into a saucepan, add wine vinegar and add sugar. We put on a small fire and bring to a boil.

During the boiling process, we always stir in order to almost completely dissolve the sugar and so that it does not burn, since the amount of liquid will not be very much, most likely the sugar will not completely dissolve, but small crystals will remain - this is not scary.

Next, we take the syrup we have prepared, pour the sludge into our pan of plums, while the syrup should be hot, even boiled. We cover with a lid and wait until the evening for at least ten hours to marinate the plums.

In the evening, drain the syrup from the plums, put it on the fire and boil again for about two minutes. Pour into plums and wait until morning. And in this spirit for five days in the morning and in the evening we do this procedure. Each time the marinade should be added more and more, as the plum will release its juice. The color of the marinade itself will also change over time, it will become more saturated.

On the morning of the fifth day, the plums will already be almost completely covered with marinade, there will be much more of it. Plums will lose their natural color and shrink quite a bit.

In the evening, on the fifth day, the plums must be tightly packed in well-washed, sterilized and dry jars.

Bring the marinade to a boil for the last time.

Then pour the marinade over the plums in the jars and roll up the sterilized lids with a key. Then we turn the cans over, wrap them in a fur coat and cool until completely cooled. Then we safely transfer the cans to a cool dark place for further storage until winter.

These are two quite interesting recipes for pickled plums, you know, of course, this is not a chapel and there are still a lot of them, so a big request, please write your recipe for pickling plums for the winter in the comments, and we will definitely discuss it.

And for today all the pickled plums we have turned out to be valid, I hope everything is described clearly and a step-by-step photo will help you. All the best to you!

I would like to offer you a very original appetizer - pickled plums for the winter. Everyone is used to making compotes or jam out of them, but meat gourmets will like the spicy ones with a salty touch. Spicy spices add incredible aroma. Pickled plums will go with vodka or a glass of wine with a bang.

For seaming for the winter, it is better to use the Vengerka plum variety. Choose fruits that are ripe but firm. They must keep their shape and be flawless. The taste of the snack depends on it. Marinade saturates the fruit with a spicy taste. You can add any spices to the dressing: cloves, cinnamon, star anise stars, black pepper, bay leaves, garlic, lemon juice. Pickled plums in jars are prepared without sterilization, but you need to store such a blank in a cool place: a refrigerator or a cellar.

How to pickle plums

  • Plums - 1 kg.
  • Water - 2 glasses
  • Vinegar - 1 glass
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Spices in each jar - black peppercorns - 5 pcs, cloves - 3 pcs, bay leaf - 1 pc.

Let's prepare the fruits

To cook pickled plums in jars for the winter, you first need to sort out the fruits. Choose ripe, firm, and no cracks. Taste one, if it's sweet it is perfect. We wash them under running water, remove the tails, if any.

We sterilize the jars

We take half a liter cans and rinse them well with soda. We pour a little you into the jar and sterilize it in the microwave. Put spices in a jar: cloves, black peppercorns, bay leaves.

We put the plums in a jar, ram them tightly.

Preparing the marinade

Pour water into a saucepan. Add salt and sugar. Bring to a boil, salt and sugar should dissolve by this time. At the end, pour the vinegar, boil for another minute. Remove the marinade from heat and let it cool for 30 minutes.

An important point To make plums elastic, do not pour boiling marinade! But then you only need to store in the cellar or refrigerator.

Fill with marinade and close with sterilized lids. Let the jars cool and put them in a cool place!

Here we have such a pickled plum for vodka or for a juicy piece of meat! In winter, such an appetizer diverges once or twice!

  • Plums can be pre-marinated to absorb the spicy flavor better.
  • You can store such a blank for no more than a year, I think it will not stay so long with you.
  • They are served in a place with cheeses, sliced ​​meats or other pickles.
  • This elegant dessert will not work without spice, therefore, the larger their size, the tastier, you can add: dried mustard, fresh parsley, orange or lemon zest, cilantro, hot peppers, garlic, Provencal herbs, bay leaves, cloves.
  • You can also add other vegetables or fruits. It turns out very tasty with tomatoes, as well as with bell pepper.
  • You can marinate without pits or in halves, but then they will not be so elastic.

Be sure to prepare pickled plums for your family for the winter, they will be very grateful to you!

Pickled plums are considered a savory snack for the winter. There are many recipes for preparing these fruits, but any of them will be to the taste of a gourmet. Some of the recipes will be presented in the article, novice cooks will be able to choose the option they like.

Plum blanks for the winter

Most often, sweet desserts are prepared from plums: jams, confitures, preserves, marshmallows, compotes. Some varieties are used for home wines. This is an incomplete list of options for which fruits with a stone are suitable. Plums can be pickled with or without garlic for the winter. The finished dish with sweet and sour syrup resembles a compote.

But added during pickling, cinnamon, cloves, allspice, garlic and other spices give the berries a special taste. The appetizer is an excellent side dish for meat for everyday use. A fragrant dessert is also appropriate on a festive table with a glass of red wine.

How to pickle plums

Before marinating, prepare the products and the necessary accessories, which will be discussed below.

Plum selection

The first point to pay attention to is the choice of fruits. Plums must be intact and strong without deformation or damage. You need to marinate only underripe elastic stone fruits so that they retain their shape during processing. Overripe specimens are not suitable for conservation, since by the time they are ready they will turn into porridge.

Advice! Before pickling, it is advisable to taste the fruits: if they have a bitter skin, then they will not work. More often pickled varieties "Hungarian" (popularly called "Ugorka") or "Renklod".

Preparing drains

First, they are sorted out in order to separate the garbage and conduct an audit: remove substandard copies. Then the fruits are thoroughly washed until the water becomes clear. For pickling for the winter, the bone is removed or left, which determines the recipe. When preparing, they act in different ways:

  • if fruits with seeds are needed, then 2-3 deep punctures are made in them with a toothpick so that they do not burst from boiling water;
  • if you need to remove the bones, then each plum is cut in half on one side only.

Some recipes do not involve boiling, but blanching. For this operation, choose a deep dish in which the water is brought to a boil. Blanch the plums before marinating for the winter with a colander. In this bowl, the fruits are dipped in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, depending on the size. Allow to cool and dip again, repeating the action up to four times.

As a result, a protective shell is formed, neither the taste, nor the color of the fruit, nor the content of vitamins from a quick heat treatment does not change. The third point is the preparation of the marinade. When cooking the brine, add the seasonings and spices provided by the recipe.

Important! According to doctors, plums should be consumed to prolong youth.

Preparing cans

Plums should only be placed in sterilized jars. They are first washed in hot water with soda, then steamed over steam. You can use an oven or microwave for sterilization.

Pickled plums for the winter without sterilization

Below are two options for pickling plums without sterilization. You can choose which one tastes better after tasting each one.

Recipe number 1

To prepare pickled plums without garlic according to the recipe you will need:

  • 2 kg of fruits;
  • 1.2 liters of water;
  • 320 g granulated sugar;
  • 150 ml of 9% table vinegar;
  • 12 carnation buds;
  • 2 g ground cinnamon;
  • 4 allspice peas.

This recipe for making pickled plums for the winter is considered the best because of its simplicity. But most importantly, filled jars do not need to be sterilized, which confuses novice cooks. Cooking features:

  1. Wash the sorted plums thoroughly, dry on a towel. Since pitted fruits will be used for pickling for the winter, each plum must be pierced deeply. Then fold them tightly into clean, steamed 1L jars.
  2. Pour cold water into a saucepan, add all ingredients except vinegar. Bring the liquid to a boil and cook the marinade for 2-3 minutes. As a rule, foam appears on the surface, it must be removed.
  3. Pour the contents of the jars with boiling marinade, cover with lids. After 15 minutes, pour the liquid into a saucepan and boil again. Pour the brine over the jars. Repeat the procedure one more time.
  4. Before the last pouring, pour 50 ml of vinegar into each jar, add the marinade to the top and roll up.
  5. Until it cools completely, keep the jars turned upside down under the "fur coat".

You can store containers in any cool place where the sun's rays do not penetrate.

Option number 2

Marinating according to this recipe is designed for 5 days. In the morning and in the evening, you need to fill the plums with boiling marinade. The cans are rolled up after the last filling and put away for storage. You will have to be patient, but the result is worth it: the plums are delicious.

Attention! According to this recipe, the “Ugorka” variety is chosen for pickled plums.

To prepare a tasty preparation for the winter, you need a small set of products:

  • 1 kg of blue or yellow fruit;
  • ½ tbsp. water;
  • 100 ml wine vinegar;
  • 10 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 8 bay leaves;
  • 6 carnation buds.

The recipe does not include garlic, but you can add it yourself.

The ingredients listed in the list can always be taken in large proportions. Rules for preparing pickled plums for the winter:

  1. First, they deal with plums: they carefully sort out, wash, remove the stalks and petioles. You do not need to remove the bones, but it is worth piercing each fruit with a toothpick.
  2. In a large container with a thick bottom, lay out whole plums, on them a bay leaf. Layers continue until the fruit runs out. Put carnation buds on top.
  3. Then the marinade is prepared. The amount of water indicated in the recipe is poured into another container, sugar and vinegar are added. The marinade is boiled, stirring from time to time. The resulting foam is removed from the surface.
  4. The sugar should be completely dissolved. Sometimes crystals remain, but they are not a hindrance.
  5. Prepared plums are poured with boiling marinade, cover the pan with a lid and set aside until evening. At least 12 hours should elapse between fillings.
  6. In the evening, the marinade from the pan is poured into another dish, put on the stove to boil for no more than 2 minutes. While the brine is boiling, the fruits are poured.
  7. The next time the pouring is done in the morning. And so they continue for three more days.
  8. The marinade increases in volume each time, as the plums give up their liquid. In addition, it becomes dark, thick and rich.
  9. On the fifth day in the morning, the fruits are poured again. In the evening, the plums are removed from the pan and laid out quite tightly in sterile jars. Prepared containers are poured to the top with newly boiled marinade and rolled up with metal lids.
  10. They prepare a place on the table, put the jars, turn it upside down and cover it with a thick towel. In this position, the fruits pickled for the winter stand until they have completely cooled down.

Jars of pickled fruits prepared according to a "long-playing" recipe are stored in a cool place without access to light.

Plums marinated for the winter like olives

This recipe makes pickled plums to taste like olives. Even a novice hostess will not experience difficulties, everything is so simple and understandable. You can marinate even in the evening after work.

Remark! The disadvantage of the recipe is that the prepared appetizer must be eaten one of the first, since it is not stored for a long time.

To prepare a delicious snack for the winter, you need to take:

  • plums - 1 kg;
  • salt - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 600 g;
  • wine vinegar - 200 ml;
  • lemon juice - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • cloves of garlic to taste;
  • bay leaf and cinnamon to taste.

Features of making pickled plum snack bar like olives:

  1. Sort out dense unripe varieties "Vengerku" or "Renklod" and wash. To prevent cracking of whole fruits, prick them with a toothpick to the very bone.
  2. Sterile jars are tightly filled with dried fruits, garlic cloves and bay leaves are placed on the bottom.
  3. Pour vinegar into a small saucepan, add lemon juice and boil.
  4. After 2 minutes, add cinnamon, granulated sugar and salt.
  5. The marinade is immediately poured into the contents, hermetically closed. The jars turned over on the lid are covered with a thick towel.

When the contents have cooled, remove the jars anywhere, for example, on the bottom shelf of the kitchen cabinet or in the refrigerator.

Garlic pickled plums recipe

Garlic is also present in this recipe for a spicy preparation for the winter. But its application is non-standard. The cloves should be placed inside the plum instead of the stone. Garlic must be sized appropriately. Large teeth can be cut.

The composition of the recipe for pickled plums for the winter:

  • dense plums - 1 kg;
  • water - 600 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 5.5 tbsp. l .;
  • black pepper - 7 peas;
  • allspice - 5 peas;
  • carnation - 7 buds;
  • garlic - 5 heads;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • table vinegar 9% - 60 ml.

The nuances of the recipe:

  1. Sort the fruits, wash. After making a lateral incision, remove the seed from each fruit.
  2. Peel and rinse the garlic cloves and place one at a time inside the plum.
  3. In dry steamed jars, put the seasonings provided for by the recipe for pickling plums for the winter: black and allspice peas, clove buds.
  4. Fold the fruits neatly without tamping so as not to damage the integrity of the fruits.
  5. Then you need to cook the marinade. Pour cold water into the dishes, after boiling, sugar, salt, add vinegar. The marinade needs to be boiled for about 5 minutes.
  6. Pour the plums with boiling brine, stand for half an hour, then pour the liquid back into the pan.
  7. Repeat the procedure, then roll up the cans with metal or new screw caps. Put on the lid, cover the jars with a warm towel. When the contents have cooled, remove the preparation for the winter in the marinade in a cold place.

Comment! After pickling, garlic loses its bitterness and is saturated with plum juice, so you should not be afraid to use it.


Not every family cooks pickled plums for the winter. But having tried this appetizer once, it is already difficult to refuse it. You can make several options by reducing the number of ingredients to determine the choice of the recipe. Pickled plums are a great addition for lunch or dinner. In winter, there will be something to please the household and guests. Some of the vitamins are retained; garlic supplements them, which is important in cold weather. Berries are served as an appetizer for dry and semi-sweet wines.

One of the recipes is clearly shown in the video below.

Jam and aromatic jam, thick confiture - many delicacies are prepared by skilful hostesses for the winter. Did you know that you can make pickled plums?
It's hard to say what this amazing dish looks like: juicy plums soaked in ruby ​​sweet and sour syrup are saturated with the spicy aroma of cinnamon, the tart bitterness of cloves, and notes of allspice.
Pickled plums are an excellent side dish for meat dishes, prepared in the best traditions of oriental cuisine, a fragrant dessert and a spicy appetizer on the buffet table, complementing a glass of red wine, harmoniously combined with cognac. Pickled plums for the winter are good for all occasions, good for the holiday and in the everyday menu.

Taste Info Other blanks

Ingredients for 6-6.2 liters of conservation:

  • Plums 1.7-2 kg;
  • Water 1-1.2 l;
  • Sugar 300-320 g;
  • Allspice 3-4 pcs.;
  • Cinnamon 2 g;
  • Carnation 10-12 buds;
  • Vinegar 150 ml.

How to cook pickled plums for the winter

For canning, small plums are suitable, not overripe, dense and elastic. Take away too soft, wormhole, crumpled. Rinse, dry a little. Do not remove the seeds - the whole plums will be pickled.

Proceed to the main point - to prepare the marinade. Dip cinnamon, allspice, sugar, clove buds in a measured amount of cold water. Bring the plum marinade to a boil, stirring occasionally, cook for 2-3 minutes.

When preparing, be sure to try the syrup: you should like the taste, match your taste preferences.
When boiled, water with cinnamon gives a copious foam, which should be removed periodically so that the syrup retains its beautiful ruby ​​color and transparency.

Fill sterilized jars as tightly as possible with plums, pour boiling liquid.

Covering with lids, leave the plums for 10-12 minutes, then drain the marinade, boil and re-pour into the jars.

The above steps replace the sterilization process. Housewives who do not trust such methods can be offered the following option, which ensures the safety of conservation by 100%: sterilize jars with plums filled with marinade for 20 minutes, and then seal them.

In both cases, vinegar is poured in before sealing, since during heat treatment, acetic acid loses its preservative properties and aroma. It is easy to calculate the required amount of marinade: if 150 ml of vinegar is needed for 3 liters of pickled plums, then 50 ml will be needed for one jar with a capacity of 1 liter.

Roll up the cans, turn over to check the tightness of the closure and leave to cool, covering it with a thick towel to keep warm.

Pickled plums are good as a spicy side dish for meat and fish, as a cold appetizer and dessert, and are appropriate in a variety of salads.

Juicy, soaked in spicy syrup, they will make a splash at a festive feast and among households, they have every chance of becoming a favorite among your favorite preparations for the winter, be sure.

What to cook from plums for the winter - jams, compotes and preserves, is trite, this will surprise no one. But you want something unusual, piquant, not like everyone else's.

The unusual taste of this dish is unlikely to leave indifferent household members. And it is not a shame to treat guests with such a preparation.

Pickled plum eel

To prepare this dish, you should definitely take this particular variety of plums, and very ripe fruits will not work, since they will simply turn into "porridge" after processing. Choose hard cream, you can even slightly greenish it is not scary.

So, we take:

· Plum "ugorka" - 5kg;

Granulated sugar - about 2.5 kg (a little more if you like a sweeter marinade);

· Vinegar 9% - close to 0.7l;

· Half a 10 gram bag of dry bay leaf;

· The same amount of black peppercorns;

· Salt about 1.5 - 2 tbsp. spoons (but in some recipes it is completely absent);

If you like a spicy aroma and taste, then feel free to add cloves and cinnamon to the marinade (1.5 tsp each), but this is of course optional, in principle, it turns out quite tasty.

Before you start pickling, decide whether you will cook the plum with or without seeds.

It is problematic to remove the bone from a hard fruit, you will have to cut each cream, so it is often pickled whole.

The only thing to do is to chop the cream with a fork or toothpick in several places.

The marinating process itself will take you more than one day, but do not be afraid you will not need much effort, since every day it will take you no more than 15-20 minutes to do everything about everything.

1. Pour the previously prepared (washed and sorted) plums into the container in which they will be further marinated. It is better to use an enamelled pan, basin or bucket (in general, a container).

2. Prepare sweet and sour marinade. We need about five liters of water in them, we add sugar, salt, bay leaves and peppercorns, we also pour in vinegar. Thus, the prepared marinade should be boiled and the plum fruits should be added to the boil. The marinade should cover the plums completely, if not, then put pressure on for a few hours.

3. The further process will take you at least five days. Every day (at the same time), the marinade along with all the spices (pepper, bay leaf, and if added, then the cloves) should be drained and boiled.

4. It is enough to boil the marinade for a couple of minutes, and we send it back to the plums. Do not cover right away, let the fruit cool.

5. For five days we carry out this procedure and only on the sixth we will roll our cream.

6. On the sixth day, boil the marinade as usual. We put the plums in prepared jars (washed and sterilized, we also boil the lids) and fill them with boiling marinade.

7. Now all that remains is to seal the jars with boiled lids. Ready!

Pickled eel, according to this recipe, is perfectly stored, and in winter it will delight with its unusual taste.

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