Beauty and benefits: irga, felt cherry, chokeberry. Aronia, irga, sea buckthorn, unabi, dogwood, unusual plants in the garden

Plant encyclopedia 12.06.2019
Plant encyclopedia

Chokeberry is a useful shrub, the fruits of which are used in cooking and folk medicine. However, there are differences between several varieties of berries, certain rules picking berries, harvesting them. In order not to confuse this shrub with other berries that can be hazardous to health, you should take a look at the photo of the chokeberry and familiarize yourself with its detailed description.

Despite the name, chokeberry has nothing to do with ordinary, red mountain ash. The correct name for this shrub is chokeberry Michurin, the plant was bred with great difficulty by the breeder Michurin. Thus, the closest relative of the shrub is black chokeberry, a small, unremarkable shrub that grows like a weed, mainly in North America.

On the this moment chokeberry Michurin spread throughout Russia, throughout the neighboring countries. In addition, it can now be found in Canada and the United States. The shrub is extremely unpretentious, chokeberry can grow even in infertile places and on soils with high acidity. It is often used to create hedges, since this shrub is also decorative.


Shrub varieties differ little in appearance; it can be quite difficult for an unprepared person to distinguish between them. They can only slightly differ in taste, timing of fruiting, some features of cultivation and care. However, almost all of them are edible and can be used to prepare useful products. traditional medicine.

Important! It should be borne in mind that if you want to plant your own chokeberry bush, you should purchase the variety most common in this region. Otherwise, the plant may not take root.

What does chokeberry look like?

The shrub has certain appearance features that are worth learning about before harvesting. Aronia is a shrub reaching up to three meters in height, with shallow branching roots. It is worth remembering that it is decorative, the chokeberry leaf acquires a bright red, rich orange hue in the fall.

How does chokeberry bloom? Chokeberry flowers are collected in large inflorescences, "umbrellas", which usually include more than twenty flowers. The flowers themselves are small, white, have a pronounced fragrant aroma. Flowering begins summer time, the fruits are formed closer to autumn.

Bush fruit, enough large berries, gather in small clusters, they are usually covered with a bluish bloom. The fruits begin to appear at the end of summer, at first they are reddish, then darken. They fully ripen in autumn, and it is believed that they become the most useful and tasty after the first frost.

There is another plant very similar to chokeberry. appearance and some properties. Irga is a low bush that also bears fruit with large dark berries saturated with useful substances. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish shrubs.

It is worth noting that the irgi leaves are oval, with jagged edges, the berries are smaller than those of the chokeberry. The inflorescences during flowering and the bunches of berries in the irgi are usually not so large, in the inflorescence there are often only 5-10 flowers. You should also pay attention to the fact that the berries are more elongated.

Important! If in doubt, it is advised to purchase already harvested berries and products based on them.

Planting and leaving

Usually, shrubs are planted first for decorative purposes, they are included in a hedge or a separate bush is planted, both are considered acceptable. This plant is undemanding to the quality of the soil, although it prefers more moist. The most important thing for chokeberry is enough light, without good illumination the plant will feel bad.

Planting shrubs is advised in the fall, but you can do this until the very beginning of spring. When planting, the soil should be fertilized, usually humus, superphosphate, potassium sulphide are used. After planting, it is advised to cut the plant so that the growth is most pronounced.

It is enough to just take care of the plant, the main thing is to water in sufficient quantity during dry summers and during the formation of fruits. It is not advised to give too much fertilizer, this can lead to a deterioration in yields. Also, do not forget to prune the plant in a timely manner.

How to properly collect chokeberry

Grown fruits need to be able to collect correctly, at a time when its beneficial and taste properties are most pronounced. Also, it often depends on the correctness of the assembly how long the harvested berry will be stored.

Harvesting should be in the fall, although the berries begin to turn black in August. The berry finally ripens by the end of September, however, experts advise to wait for the first frosts, after which the fruits are finally ready for harvest.

Berries should also be removed from the shrub using a certain technology so that they are stored longer, and the plant itself does not suffer and recovers faster. It is advised to cut the bunches together with the stalks, the whole inflorescence, all the "umbrellas" after harvesting should be cut, this guarantees a quick recovery of the bush and serves as the prevention of a number of diseases.

Before processing, the collected berries should be stored in a cool dry place, preferably in a dark place. Before preparing any of the harvested fruits, the berries should be washed and dried.

Important! If the harvest is too large, the berries should be peeled and frozen for use later.

Beneficial features

First of all, chokeberry is used for the preparation of various jams, compotes, it is used for the manufacture of marshmallows, marmalade. Frozen berries almost do not lose their properties, they are more often used to prepare warm drinks, mashed.

Also common are chokeberry-based alcohol tinctures. In addition to tincture from alcoholic beverages based on bush berries, they prepare Home wine, the technology is extremely simple, almost no special devices are required, which is why chokeberry drinks are so widespread.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

In addition to the taste properties, this plant extremely pronounced healing properties, it is often used in traditional medicine recipes. In the berries of the bush in huge numbers contains various vitamins and minerals that have a general strengthening effect on the body. Various products and remedies based on chokeberry are advised for people with low immunity, various skin diseases, and hypertension.

However, chokeberry also has contraindications. You should not eat the fruits of chokeberry and products based on it for people with increased blood clotting, with stomach ulcers, high acidity, diseases of the duodenum.

It should also be borne in mind that long-term intake of chokeberry fruits for food can provoke allergic reactions. This berry is beneficial when consumed in moderation.



Rowan black chokeberry (chokeberry).
Perennial self-fertile shrub. Mountain ash is a high-yielding, pest and disease resistant.
Rowan propagates by dividing the bush, cuttings, layering, seeds.

Perennial woody shrub. When planted with root suckers, it bears fruit in the second, third year. Bushes live 60-70 years. Irga is resistant to pests and diseases, tolerates strong shading, is unpretentious to soils, withstands frosts down to minus 50 degrees.

Unabi, Chinese date.
The tree is 3-6 meters high, the size of the fruit depends on the variety, the pulp is mealy sweet.
The plant is resistant to frost and drought, loves light and warmth. Unabi is not picky about soils, but does not tolerate loved ones groundwater... It is a good honey plant. Rarely damaged by pests and diseases.
Propagated by seeds, root suckers, cuttings. Bears fruit in the year of planting.

Shrub, but can be shaped like a tree.
Refers to plants with cross-pollination, blooms in March, April, good early honey plant.
Dogwood belongs to frost-resistant plants, but winter thaws and return of frost damage the blossoming flowers.
Dogwood is not picky about the soil, it loves areas open to light. Cornel is resistant to diseases and pests, but in some years it is affected by rust. Propagated by cuttings, layering.

Sea buckthorn.
Sea buckthorn is best planted in spring. She is light-loving, grows well on the lungs, fertile soils with sufficient moisture, but does not tolerate stagnant water.
For planting, it is necessary to choose two- and even three-year-old seedlings with a well-developed root system. The distance between plants is at least 2 meters. Sea buckthorn is a dioecious plant; female and male seedlings are planted. One male plant for 1-4 female plants.
Before planting, the roots must be dipped in a clay mash. After planting, water the plant abundantly (3-4 buckets). It is useful to mulch the surface of the earth around the trunk.

Garden blackberry. Shrub, thrives on heavy soils. Large-fruited blackberry can be grown on a trellis. This plant has a two-year cycle, in the first year, primary stems grow, in the second year, the primary stems are overgrown with lateral shoots, on which flower buds are located. Blackberries bloom in mid-June, so they are not afraid of frosts. Blackberries are a good honey plant, a winter-hardy culture, they bloom and bear fruit in one place for 10 or more years. Propagated by root suckers and apical buds.
Rooted plants are planted in spring or fall. During the growing season, they are slightly fed with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.
After fruiting, these shoots are cut out, diseased and dead stems are also cut out, since they are breeding grounds for pests and diseases. For the prevention of diseases, at the beginning of the growing season, the plants are sprayed with a 3% Bordeaux liquid.

Both figs and date palms. In general, who is in what is much. Let's try to understand this variety of rare cultures. So, briefly about some rare cultures.

ARONIA - chokeberry. This perennial shrub 2-3 meters high. Aronia is very rich in vitamins P, C, A, B1, B2 and PP. In addition, the chokeberry fruit contains a record amount of iodine! comes early, already in the second year after planting. Propagated mainly by seeds and green cuttings.

IRGA is not the most common of the shrubs. Reaches up to 3 meters in height. An extremely useful shrub for the vessels of the heart. It contains unique compounds that strengthen the walls of blood vessels: anthocyanins, catechins, flavonol, vitamin B12.

Begins to bear fruit in the fourth - fifth year, gives abundant. In addition, irga is very resistant to pests, unpretentious to soil and temperature extremes. Irgi are used both fresh and dried for making compotes, jams and preserves.

unique plant, which gives excellent fruits with a pleasant aroma and unique taste. In addition, from the fruits of sea buckthorn, the most valuable oil is obtained - sea buckthorn, which is used for various diseases... The shrub is quite high - up to 5 meters in height. Propagated by cuttings and seeds. In addition, sea buckthorn is very resistant to temperature extremes, it can endure severe frosts up to 55 degrees. Feels great on light sandy soils and black soil.

UNABI is a Chinese date. This exotic tree reaches 6 meters in height. The fruits are very tasty and sweet, contain a large number of sugar and ascorbic acid. Unabi unpretentious plant, easily tolerates both drought and severe frosts. Another interesting fact is that it begins in the first year of planting. Propagated by seeds and roots. Unabi fruits are used for making preserves, jams and drying.

KIZIL is a shrub up to 5 meters in height. The pulp of the fruit is sweet and sour, aromatic. The fruits contain large amounts of ascorbic acid, pectin, carotene, iron and manganese. Dogwood likes well-lit areas with light soil. Relatively frost-resistant. Propagated by cuttings and. Compotes, jams, preserves are prepared from the fruits of dogwood, and they are also dried.

This is wonderful berry plant- a find for a summer resident. Irga is very unassuming to growing conditions and surprisingly hardy. She is also very prolific. Its berries, unlike chokeberry (chokeberry), are very tasty, almost not tart. They have many needed by a person substances. These are, in particular, carotene, vitamins B1, B2, C, K, P, minerals and other biologically active components. Therefore, she is a real storehouse of health.

Why is irga so useful?

Irga helps well with cardiovascular diseases, anemia, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, heals the liver. it is used for diabetes and obesity.

It is also recommended to use it for people who have suffered as a result of radioactive exposure. It is an effective general tonic. Whoever uses irgu feels a good influx of strength and energy. This has a good effect on external appearance person.

Irga is eaten fresh when it ripens (in July). Jelly is made from it, juice is pressed, wine and other products are made. Dried irgi berries are also wonderful in taste and also curative.

Despite its usefulness, this berry is still quite rare for us. You can fill this gap for yourself by growing irga on personal plot or a summer residence. And then you will be convinced in practice of its amazing properties.

Irgi seeds are sown in the second decade of October (from the 10th to the 14th day). To do this, make a small bed in the garden, divide it into 20 by 20 cm squares, and plant an irgi seed in the center of each square. You need to plant to a depth of 3 cm, after which the planting is covered with earth. In the spring, irgi plants will sprout on this bed, which in a year can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Growing berry bushes, in particular irgi and chokeberry, is accompanied by two periods of nutrient absorption during the growing season, which are worth highlighting.

The first is from the beginning of the growing season to the end of the growth of shoots and harvesting berries. When there is a rapid growth of shoots, flowering, setting, berry formation, as well as the laying of fruit buds. During this period, the main need is manifested in berry growers c.

The second from harvesting until late autumn. Budding continues, plants grow in thickness, and substances are deposited into a reserve, which play a large role in overwintering. At this stage, the greatest need for and mineral fertilizers.

Before growing berry bushes, organic matter is introduced for deep plowing (25 - 30 cm). The dose depends on the humus content in the soil and ranges from 60 to 150 t / ha.

The growth, development and productivity of berry bushes, as well as the quality of berries, directly depends on the sufficient and harmonious ratio of nutrients in the plant - phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and nitrogen. When determining the need for fertilizers, the presence of mobile forms of nutrients in the soil is taken into account, which are determined in the soil layer 0 - 40 cm. With a very high content of mobile nutrients, they are limited to a minimum dose of potassium. Continuous cultivation is carried out for 3-4 years over the entire area that will be occupied for planting.

Approximate norms of nutrients for planting a berry, kg a.i. / ha


Granulometric composition of soil

Providing the soil with mobile nutrients

very low

sandy loam, loamy

sandy loam


sandy loam, loamy

When introducing organic components, the doses of mineral fertilizers are adjusted.

Approximate rates of fertilizers for deep plowing for laying a berry

Soil security

in Р 2 О 5 and К 2 О

Manure, compost, t / ha

Mineral, kg a.i. / ha

on light soils

on heavy soils


Fertilizing irgi, mountain ash and other shrubs in the garden

Since on summer cottages, usually the cultivation of the soil is not required, the fertilization system of irgi and other shrubs provides for their introduction into the planting pit: 6 - 10 kg, compost or humus, 20 g, 20 - 40 g, 20 - 40 g or 200 g of wood ash and 100 - 150 G

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