Decking over slate. How to properly cover the roof from slate to corrugated board? How to cover a flat or pitched roof yourself

landscaping 20.06.2020

Roofing work, despite its complexity, can be done independently. Most country and country houses were covered with slate, which is affordable, but has a lot of weight. With the advent of lightweight and aesthetically attractive corrugated board on the market, slate roofs have become less and less common. Nowadays, the roofs of buildings are rarely covered from scratch with a previously popular material, and light metal sheets with a profile are preferred. If you are the owner of an already built building, then you will be interested in how to cover the roof with corrugated board after slate. This work is easy to do with your own hands, and the video will help you.

Work on replacing the roofing material is complicated by the fact that most often people already live in the house, so you need to act quickly. First of all, it is important to choose the right day for dismantling, but you should not rely only on the advice of weather forecasters. Stock up on a strong film or tarp to waterproof the room. This will help prevent leaks during rainy seasons and protect your living space from getting wet.

You will need dismantling tools:

  • nail puller;
  • ropes;
  • hooks, the diameter of which coincides with the same parameter of the slate nail;
  • a few bars.

Start dismantling with the ridge, and then dismantle the top row of slate. Carefully remove material from the roof using ropes and two guide rails. To control the descent of the sheets, hook them by the nail holes. If you have few helpers and there is a risk that you will not be able to completely replace the coating until the evening, first dismantle one slope, and then the other. Immediately after the slate, dismantle the crate. For corrugated board, it should be arranged differently.

Changing the truss system

The corrugated board can only be mounted on a perfectly flat surface. You can check the plane using the following method:

  1. Screw the screws into 4 corners of the slope so that the hats from the bars stick out exactly 3 centimeters.
  2. Tie a rope to them so that it intersects diagonally.
  3. On this plane you have to navigate when repairing the truss system.

Repair the rafters based on a given plane. If the beam is severely damaged, then it must be replaced. Otherwise, it is enough to align the rafters with an edged board.

Creating the right crate

Next, waterproofing material is laid on the rafters. Position it from the bottom to the skate. Nail the material to the rafters with a furniture stapler so that it does not move out. Do not stretch the waterproofing film, it should sag a little to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ventilated space. Two sheets of waterproofing are laid strictly overlapping, otherwise leaks are possible.

Start the installation of the crate with a support beam, which is attached along the entire length of the rafters. If you do not have a timber of suitable length, make a structure from scraps of 1-1.5 meters. Next, from the cornice to the ridge, install a transverse crate of edged shalevka measuring 2.5 by 15 centimeters. Between the boards you need to maintain a distance of 30 centimeters, and the first and last parts of the crate should be located at the ridge and the edge of the roof. The proposed option is suitable for the most common C21 corrugated board. For sheets of other brands, other methods of mounting the crate are used.

After you have completed the repair of the rafters and the new crate of one slope, you can move on to another. Installing the corrugated board in place is not so difficult. To do this, you will need to have a screwdriver, special screws with washers. If you are doing the work yourself, then the following tips will help you:

  1. If you have the opportunity, purchase sheets of corrugated board with a length equal to the size of the rafters with an allowance of 5-8 centimeters.
  2. Use the same ramps to lift the material as you use to lower the slate.
  3. Try not to scratch the polymer coating on the material, otherwise the sheets will rust very soon.
  4. Pay the most attention to the installation of the first sheet, and build the rest of the roof on it.

There should be 6 to 8 fasteners per square meter of material. Screws for corrugated board are equipped with special press washers, which must be monitored when screwing. The steel sheet should be pressed against the crate, but the disk of the washer should not be deformed.

After assembling the roof, mount the wind corners and the ridge.
These elements will need to be replaced with new ones that are lighter and match the color of the roof covering. The skate is fastened with long drills with press washers, which are able to reach the beam and firmly gain a foothold in it.

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A few decades ago, slate was considered the most popular and practical for roofing, and many private houses and industrial facilities still have a similar roof.

Today, many prefer to replace outdated material with a more modern and convenient one.

In this article we will talk about the features of replacing the roof.

Replacing slate with profiled flooring

The asbestos-cement sheet invented at the beginning of the last century was considered the most revolutionary and flawless material for that time. Roofers were sure that by making a roof, they provide reliable protection for the house for centuries.

With all the advantages, slate sheets had one, but a very significant drawback.

The weight of such a roof was very significant and required the installation of beams and other load-bearing elements with special care. Massive logs and beams or metal bases were used.

Slate roof

Today the positions of yesterday's sales leader are moving back. Innovative, strong, durable and lightweight roofing materials have appeared.

We can say that andulin is more actively used by builders at the present time.

You need to be well versed in the technology of roof installation in order to independently replace the outdated coating. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to involve trusted, well-trained professionals who can give good advice on the installation and alteration of the roof.

Advantages of using corrugated board

  • The most significant advantage for the owner is the small weight of the sheets, and therefore the minimum number of workers to carry out work to replace old material with corrugated board.
  • Another significant plus is the high bending strength of the sheet, thanks to stiffeners, which makes it possible to carry out installation with minimal effort to preserve the material during construction.
  • The service life, subject to the installation technology of the roof structure, is practically unlimited.
  • Affordable price allows people with average incomes to use it when repairing or building a roof.
  • However, it should be noted that corrugated board requires good, which is especially evident when precipitation occurs in the form of rain or hail.

What to do with old slate

Reference: In order to make the structure as light as possible and to examine the system of rafters and beams, it is necessary to remove the obsolete roofing material.

Some owners believe that it is possible to cover the old slate with new material and thus make the roof more reliable, while it is assumed that they can save on soundproofing.

Important! This approach is fundamentally wrong. You load the structure with an unforeseen weight, and in winter, during heavy snowfalls, the roof may not withstand the additional load. It is necessary to remove the old asbestos-cement material and replace it with a new, more durable and comfortable one.

Dismantling of old material

The first step to start removing the outdated and spent slate is a close acquaintance with the nearest weather forecast. We need to make sure that in the coming days it will not start to rain.

Important! Even after making sure that weather forecasters guarantee clear, dry weather in the coming weeks, stock up on film and, just in case, close the attic with waterproof protection.

The main tools for roof replacement are

  • nail puller
  • several strong hooks
  • ropes
  • wooden bars.

This simple kit is needed for safe work when removing and lowering old slate roofing sheets. The order of work is the reverse of the installation, that is, it is necessary to start with the dismantling of the ridge and the top row of slate, gradually going down until the old coating is completely removed.

The crate should remain completely bare so that you can make sure that it is intact and, if necessary, replace the failed structural segments.

Pulling out nails is carried out using a conventional nail puller, under which, for convenience, a small wooden block or a piece of board is placed.

To lower the slate, thread special hooks into the holes left by the nails and place wooden beams for better sliding. It must be remembered that shooting with ropes alone is much more dangerous.

Removing the entire array of the old roof is not rational, because if you cannot immediately lay new material, then no matter what the weather forecast guarantees, there is always a chance for unexpected precipitation.

Help: Break down the upcoming work into stages.

Remove the slate from one slope and lay a new corrugated board. This will save you from surprises related to the weather.

Rafter repair steps

For the installation of profile sheets, a flawless, even surface is required, so special attention should be paid to the quality of the old rafters.

It should be checked to what extent the design has retained its operational qualities: it meets the requirements for reliability and safety. Make sure that all beams are not cracked and have not been attacked by insect pests (bark beetles, longhorn beetles and lumberjacks, wood borers and house grinders).

If necessary, wooden structures must be replaced and treated with means to prevent the penetration of insects - pests, mold and fungi.

Flat plane check:

  • screws are twisted at the corners of the disassembled ramp so that the hats rise several centimeters above the rafters;
  • pull the string. You can use the level to check how even the surface of the future roof is, and whether there are bumps or notches in the plane of the slope;
  • if the threads stretched diagonally barely touch each other, then the plane is perfectly flat, otherwise you need to unscrew the screws and bring the plane to the desired state;
  • the final leveling is carried out using an edged board, fastened to the beam with bolts.

After that, you can use the extreme rafters as beacons and revise the entire structure.

To even out defects, you can use an edged board, and elements that have completely become unusable must be replaced, not forgetting to pre-treat them with a special compound.

Repairs can be quickly handled by a couple of people with minimal experience in construction work.

Conclusion: Independent revision and repair of the truss system will save significant funds for materials and payments, which are expected with the complete replacement of this important roof assembly.

Lathing installation

Do I need waterproofing when replacing a roof from slate to corrugated board?

The answer is obvious - it is necessary. See for more details.

We put . The membrane is attached horizontally to the rafters. You need to start from the bottom and work with an overlap to prevent leakage. The material is fastened with a construction stapler.

Reference: Do not stretch the membrane too much, let it sag a little, this will ensure good ventilation of the under-roof space.

In parallel, installation is underway, if this is not done, it will be impossible to get on the roof without damaging the waterproofing.

  • The first step is to install a beam to support the crate.
  • The second step will be the fastening of the transverse boards; for this purpose, the edged “shalevka” is well suited.
  • Work is being carried out from the eaves to the ridge. The edge boards should go exactly along the edge of the rafters. Other boards are fastened in increments of forty-five centimeters.
  • The opposite slope is mounted in the same way, only the ridge board should overlap the opposite board, after which the ridge is covered along the entire length with waterproofing, tightly attached with a stapler.
  • The final step in the installation of the crate will be the attachment of wind boards, they are attached to the end and should protrude slightly above the wave of the attached corrugated board.

Installation of the crate under the corrugated board

The stages of work are no different from installing structures for other types of roofing materials.

The only difference will be the choice of brand and wave profile sheets. The step size of the boards of the crate depends on the brand of materials used.

A set of tools for laying profiled sheets

For quality work, you must have at hand:

  1. Screwdriver.
  2. Hand riveting set for processing joints. Only steel rivets may be used.
  3. For cutting metal, scissors or a jigsaw with special files are suitable.
  4. In addition, you will need a standard builder's set - a ruler, a meter, a level, twine, a hammer, and with special wide hats and a rubber seal.
  5. To ensure good waterproofing, you need a special one, and in case of damage to the top layer of the protective coating, an aerosol with a special paint.

Installation of corrugated board

Sheets rise along the bars or boards, you can make several holes for hooks in the outer wave. You just have to make sure they overlap.

Many novice craftsmen want to cover the roof with corrugated board with their own hands, but not everyone knows how to do it right.

Recently, profiled sheets are used in construction quite often. The professional flooring is rigid material and possesses good esthetic properties. This material can cover the roof of a private house in a summer cottage or an industrial warehouse. The roof may have a different shape. The material is quite simple to mount - even a master without experience will be able to figure out how to cover the roof with corrugated board with his own hands. The corrugated board is steel sheets with waves.

The main difference between a profiled sheet and other materials is a molded profile, which can be of several types. Wall corrugated board can be characterized by a small profile height and metal sheet thickness. It can be used in places that are not subject to heavy loads.

Scheme of the device of the roof from corrugated board.

Another type of profiled sheet is roofing. It is durable, profile height - from 20 mm. Additional strength is given to the material by stiffening ribs; it can be used to cover hangars, fences and sheds.

Another type of corrugated board is load-bearing. This material has high strength and rigidity. It is made of metal of great thickness, has a profile height of 45 mm or more.

To properly cover the roof with a profiled sheet, you will need to decide on the type of material. H and CH grades are suitable for roofing, the profile height should be more than 35 m.

Tools that will be required to cover the roof with corrugated board:

  • metal scissors;
  • nozzle for a drill for cutting metal;
  • screwdriver;
  • special pincers;
  • roulette;
  • nozzle for a screwdriver 8x45 mm.

Nuances to consider

Fixing profiled sheets is not difficult, but there are some features that should be considered. These include the delivery of material and lifting it to the roof of the house - all actions must be performed carefully so as not to damage the corrugated board.

It is worth remembering about safety: when any actions are performed with metal, you will need to wear protective clothing; walking on the roof is allowed in soft shoes.

First you need to determine the installation method. Next, you need to make a flooring from boards under the valley rails and fix the end rails.

Installation of the roof should begin with laying the cornice rail. After that, from the end part, you can begin to fix the profiled sheets. If the corrugated board is installed on a hip roof, then you need to start from the central part of the hip. For fixing, each sheet will take about 7-8 self-tapping screws. It is desirable to process some joints with metal rivets.

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How to fix corrugated board near valleys, ridge and pipes?

The installation technology of profiled sheets involves the design of metal sheets near the valleys, pipes and roof ridge. You can do it yourself like this:

  1. First, a small length valley is made. To do this, you need to cut the sheet at the bottom of the groove into several identical parts. First of all, the bottom sheet is mounted, after which - the bottom rail. At the end, a roof sheet is installed.
  2. Next, the end rail is mounted. The length of such a bar is 2 m, the overlap should be from 5 to 100 mm. Installation should be started from the side of the overhang towards the roof ridge. Near the ridge, the excess will need to be cut off, the entire end rail should cover at least one wave of the sheet. Next, the rail is fixed to the end plate. The installation step of the elements is 1 m.
  3. The next step is to install the ridge bar. In this case, you can use special smooth parts for skates. Under the profiled sheets, qualified craftsmen advise laying sealing elements with fine corrugations. Another option is to use elements that follow the profile of the roof. The overlap must be more than 100 mm. From the side of the sheet, the rail is fixed with self-tapping screws. The installation step of the fasteners is a maximum of 400 mm. All fasteners must be under the casing. A ridge seal should be used for protection. In the case of a lateral connection, a longitudinal sealing element is required. This part can not be installed on steep slopes.
  4. Next, the installation of passage parts or outlet pipes is carried out. All tubes consist of two parts. At this stage, it is recommended to provide for the installation of a snowplow. The diameter of the tubes should be approximately 10 cm. The ventilation tubes must be insulated.

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How to cover the roof with profiled sheets?

You can equip the roof yourself at any time of the year. This requires an ordinary locksmith tool. The webs of material can be easily cut and bent to the desired size and shape, with little to no waste.

Before covering the roof, you will need to arrange reliable waterproofing. A special membrane must be installed on the construction of the rafters. When installing an insulated roof, a layer of insulation is laid on the waterproofing material, then a vapor barrier layer. In the case of a cold roof, a ventilated space should be provided.

The greater the slope of the roof and the height of the profile, the greater the step can be. After the installation of the crate is completed, it will be possible to proceed with the overlap of the roof. It is important to consider the following nuances:

  1. The laying of corrugated board is carried out from the bottom-up from the end part of the roof.
  2. To perform installation in even rows, installation must be carried out parallel to the roof overhang.
  3. The profiled sheet is attached to the crate with special roofing screws, which are supplied with a polymer washer for sealing.

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How to cover a flat or pitched roof yourself?

If the roof slope is less than 12 °, the installation of corrugated board provides for the overlap of sheets by at least 2 waves. Additionally, it is recommended to seal the joints with a bitumen-based or silicone-based sealant.

When covering a pitched roof with a corrugation, it is recommended to start installation from the lower corner of the slope, while you need to protrude about 20-30 cm beyond the cornice. The sheets are fixed along the cornice at the bottom of all waves.

Each subsequent sheet must necessarily overlap the previous one.

Table of consumption of corrugated board for roofing.

If the roof slope is approximately 12-15°, then the sheets should be overlapped by at least 20 cm. If there is a roof with a slope angle of 15-30°, then the sheets should overlap by 15-20 cm. A roof with a slope greater than 30° is overlapped by 10-15 cm.

The fixing of the sheets is carried out according to the following scheme: on the end parts of the roof, self-tapping screws are attached to the extreme lath of the crate, the installation step of the fasteners should be 50 cm. In the middle, the sheets are attached to the laths of the crate on one side. To decorate the sides and the ridge, it is necessary to produce shaped profiled sheets.

If the buildings are being reconstructed, then it is better to leave the old coating (for example, a soft roof), while corrugated board must be covered according to the existing structures of the crate and rafter system. The sheets are light in weight, and therefore they will not increase the load on the roof.

In order for the roof from this flooring to serve for many years, the sections and installation sites of self-tapping screws will need to be treated with special compounds that can prevent corrosion.

In recent years, for roofing, along with expensive materials, profiled flooring, or corrugated board, is increasingly being used, which is not only attractive and reliable, but also allows you to cover the roof yourself, without having special knowledge and skills for this. Decking is produced with a polymer coating of various colors, its cost is much lower than other analogues, which, however, does not affect the quality.

In our article we will tell you how you can cover with corrugated board, taking into account all the features of this process.

Transportation of corrugated board

This roofing material, despite its strength and durability, needs proper and careful transportation. If the profiled sheet is loaded incorrectly, it will deform during transportation, and this will lead to the fact that the cost of the work will increase.

It is possible to qualitatively block the roof with the help of corrugated board, taking a material with a thickness of half a millimeter. This will preserve all the necessary performance characteristics, the roofing will reliably protect the house from precipitation, strong winds, and heat loss.

In order to organize the correct transportation of corrugated board, use simple tips:

  • the material should be loaded only on a solid and solid base; ordinary wooden logs are excellent for this, which will be longer than the sheets themselves;
  • the cargo during transportation must be strengthened with slings so that there is no friction of the sheets during transportation;
  • the recommended speed of transport should be up to eighty kilometers per hour.

Subject to the above conditions, the corrugated board will be delivered undamaged. Care must also be taken when unloading. It is desirable that the sheet be carried by two people; it is strictly forbidden to drag it or bend it.

When covering, it is important to properly lift it up. It also has its own technology, which is as follows:

  • the material must not be lifted in windy weather to avoid damage;
  • logs stretch from the roof to the ground, along which the sheets rise up. It is desirable that this work be performed by three people;
  • lifting should be carried out exclusively on one sheet.

Materials and tools for laying corrugated board

Covering is quite simple, for this there is no need to purchase expensive tools, a lot of additional materials. We will only need metal scissors that can cut a sheet up to 0.6 mm thick, we will also need a hacksaw with fine teeth, a jigsaw, you can also use electric scissors.

But abrasive wheels and grinders are strictly prohibited, they can cause severe damage to the metal.

Features of laying corrugated roofing

The technology of corrugated board coating has some features, which we will now list:

  1. The roof rafters are covered with a waterproofing membrane and heat insulators to prevent heat loss. This is especially true for residential attics, in which such losses can be significant.
  2. On the inside of the house, it is necessary to hem a layer of vapor barrier and tightly seal all its joints. In general, during such work, it is necessary to ensure that there are no gaps, gaps, defects. If found, they should be carefully eliminated.
  3. When covering with corrugated board, it is very important to create a "cold triangle", that is, to ensure the movement of cold and warm air flows.
  4. When constructing a roof, it is important to remember the need to create through slots for air to escape, which are made in the eaves.

It is laid only on a layer of waterproofing. It is made from a wooden beam with dimensions of fifty to fifty or from a board 32x100, the whole tree must be treated with antiseptics.

Important! A counter-lattice of timber is nailed to the rafters, on top of which the boards are laid. Where important nodes pass, that is, valleys, chimneys, fences, a continuous crate should be made in increments of fifty centimeters.

Choose the angle of inclination

To cover the roof with corrugated board, it is necessary to accurately determine the angle of inclination in advance, it depends on what the overlap and fastening of the material will be:

  1. An overlap of two hundred millimeters is recommended at an angle of up to fourteen degrees.
  2. If the angle is up to thirty degrees, then horizontal and vertical overlaps are recommended to be treated with a waterproof silicone sealant. At angles of more than thirty degrees, the overlap is preferably within one hundred and seventy degrees.

Scheme for selecting the angle of inclination for rafters.

The type of crate also depends on the angle and height of the corrugation:

  • at angles up to fifteen degrees, you can use C21 corrugated board, the overlap will go in two waves, and the crate will be solid;
  • with the same angle and C35 corrugated board, the crate pitch is three hundred millimeters, the overlap goes into one corrugation;
  • sometimes, with corrugated board C44 and more, the step of the crate reaches five hundred millimeters. In general, in this case, the step can be up to 650 millimeters.

Roof covering

The process is quite easy, now we will talk about the main stages of this work.

First, you should purchase soft shoes so as not to damage the sheets of corrugated board. It is necessary to try to step only on the deflections of the wave at the points of attachment to the crate. You will also need protective gloves for your hands, which will protect them from cuts during work.

After the preparatory work for the installation of the crate and the heat and waterproofing of the roof, we begin. For this we use special self-tapping screws with rubber seals that will not damage the material.

The chips formed when tightening the screws should be removed immediately - this way it will begin to rust quickly, and this will lead to damage to the flooring. Self-tapping screws are screwed only into the wave.

The norm for fastening corrugated board is the use of six to eight fasteners per square meter of material. Follow the rules for installing a profile sheet for roofs:

  • when laying adjacent sheets, it is necessary to ensure the displacement of fasteners for joined elements (waves) by five millimeters;
  • fastening is carried out from the side of the wind slats in each individual crate;
  • the fastening step should not be more than five hundred millimeters, so that the roof is strong and reliable;
  • sheets must be attached to the upper and lower boards of the crate in each trapezoid (wave).

Nails cannot be used during installation, just like aluminum rivets, they cannot ensure the stability of the roof under strong wind loads. It is not recommended to use gas or electric welding when working with corrugated board.

When covering the roof with corrugated board, you need to know some of the subtleties of the work. Laying should be carried out parallel to the cornice, while the overhang is approximately forty millimeters. In the event that the sheet is shorter than the slope, it can be laid along the length of the roof in rows.

Before laying, the roof lathing is carefully treated with special tools (to protect the wood from mold, insects), after which it is necessary to perform work on hydro and thermal insulation.

The sheets are only overlapped here, all remaining gaps are filled with bituminous sealants. When fastening to the crate, it is necessary to use self-tapping screws with rubber seals, while the pitch of the crate depends on the angle of the roof slope in the region of twenty to forty millimeters. As the angle increases, the distance between the individual rails should also increase.

An important condition is the presence of a ventilated space between the stacked profiled sheet and the waterproofing layer of the roof. In addition, experts recommend that after cutting the sheet, treat the sections with a primer.

That's all the secrets of installing corrugated board. Such work can be done in a couple of days by two people who do not have special knowledge. Why not try it for you too!

Previously, slate was considered the most popular roofing material. But the weight of this coating is significant, so it was necessary to equip a fairly powerful supporting truss system. With the advent of modern and lightweight roofing, many owners have begun to replace slate with other roofing materials. In our article, we will look at how slate is replaced with corrugated board. To properly replace an outdated coating, you need to know some of the features and nuances of this process.

The profile has the following advantages:

  • To replace the coating with your own hands, it is very important that the profiled sheet is light in weight, so it can be mounted without assistance and the use of lifting equipment.
  • An additional advantage of the material is its high rigidity with a small thickness and weight. This is achieved through special profiles that serve as stiffeners. Such a coating will withstand the weight of a snow load, a person and the effects of wind without deflection and deformation.
  • Roofs made of corrugated board, depending on the variety of this material used, can last up to half a century, which cannot be said about slate. But for the durability of such a roof, it is very important to follow the installation technology.
  • The main advantage of a profiled sheet is an affordable price. Even those who do not have a large income can afford this material.

Important! A profiled metal roof needs good sound insulation if the space under the roof is used as living space.

Dismantling of the old coating

Before covering the roof with corrugated board, it is necessary to dismantle the previous coating. It is important to start doing this on days when rain is not expected. It is equally important to do this in almost calm weather. But even if weather forecasts promise dry, windless weather, it is better to stock up on film, which you can close the attic space just in case.

When removing a slate coating, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • nail puller;
  • several wooden bars;
  • ropes;
  • a pair of strong hooks.

You will need all these materials for the efficient and safe work of dismantling and lowering the old coating from the roof. We carry out the work in the reverse order of installation, that is, you need to start dismantling the coating from the ridge. Next, proceed to the removal of the upper rows of slate. So sequentially remove all the rows, reaching the cornice overhang. Roofing nails are removed with a nail puller, under which a wooden block or piece of board is placed for ease of work. When the crate is completely bare, it is inspected and, if necessary, the exited and rotten sections of the structure are replaced.

To lower the slate with your own hands from the roof, use the holes in the material that remained after the roofing nails. Hooks are inserted into these holes, and wooden blocks are placed under them to facilitate sliding.

Attention! Lowering slate sheets on ropes alone without using hooks is much more dangerous.

It is better to change slate for corrugated board not immediately on the entire roof, but in separate sections. For example, you can first dismantle the slate from one slope and lay a profiled flooring on it, and then work on another slope. So you will be insured against weather surprises.

Rafter system repair

If the roof is being replaced, then before that it is necessary to check the integrity and condition of the old truss system. It is important that the rafter system meets the requirements of reliability and safety. It is necessary to inspect all rafter legs. They should not be damaged by insects, cracks and rotten areas.

If worn rafters are identified, they must be replaced with new elements that are treated with antiseptic impregnations and fire retardants. Before replacing the slate with a new coating, you need to check the evenness of the slopes. To do this, do the following:

  1. Screws are screwed in the corners of the slope so that their hats are a couple of centimeters higher than the rafters.
  2. We pull the cords diagonally across the slopes. You can also use a level to check the evenness of the surface and identify the presence of protrusions and recesses.
  3. If at the point of intersection the cords barely touch each other, then the slopes are perfectly even.
  4. Otherwise, it is necessary to carry out measures to level the roof slopes. To do this, use an edged board, which is attached to the beam by means of bolts.
  5. After leveling the extreme rafters, they can be used as beacons and check the evenness of the rest of the rafter system.

Small irregularities in the roof can be leveled with an edged board. And those elements that are completely worn out are replaced with new, treated with special compounds. Revision and repair of the roof truss system can be done independently if you have minimal experience in the field of construction and repair.

It is necessary to completely dismantle the crate if the old waterproofing has become unusable. The waterproofing carpet is attached directly to the truss system using a stapler. Strips of waterproofing material are rolled out and laid across the direction of the rafters and fastened with an overlap of 10-15 cm.

Tip: to ensure good ventilation of the under-roof space, it is necessary to lay the waterproofing carpet not tightly, but with a slight sag.

  1. First, a counter-rail is nailed to the rafters over the waterproofing. To do this, use a bar with a height of 30-40 mm. It will provide the necessary ventilation gap under the roofing.
  2. Further, a crate is stuffed across the counter-rail and the direction of the rafters. To do this, you can use a board that is fastened in increments of 30-40 cm. Work begins from the cornice overhang, moving towards the ridge. Above the ridge and along the edges of the cornice overhang, it is better to make a continuous crate.
  3. The ridge part is covered with an additional layer of waterproofing.
  4. After that, wind boards are installed.

To install a metal profile, you need to stock up on the following tools and materials:

  • screwdriver;
  • special jigsaw or scissors for cutting metal;
  • riveting set (manual) for processing joints (do not forget that only steel rivets will do);
  • level;
  • ruler;
  • hammer;
  • special self-tapping screws with sealing gaskets;
  • joint sealant.

Installation of profiled sheets

The roof is covered with a profiled sheet, lifting it along specially laid boards or bars. To facilitate climbing in an outside wave, you can drill a couple of holes for the rope. It is important to choose a place for holes, which will then be blocked by a wave of the top sheet.

Important: during the transportation of the profiled sheet, try not to damage the polymer layer, as this will contribute to the corrosion of the coating.

Installation is carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  1. Mount sheets start from the cornice overhang, having previously installed a drip.
  2. The next row of sheets should overlap the previous one by 20 cm with a roof slope of 15-45 °. And with a slope of less than 15 degrees, an overlap of 30 cm is made. The overlap of sheets adjacent in a row is 1-2 waves.
  3. For the convenience of fixing the metal profile on the crate, you can mark the rows.
  4. We fasten the corrugated board with self-tapping screws with a rubber sealing washer.
  5. After installing the profiled sheets, a ridge element is attached to the slopes. To ensure ventilation of the under-roof space, a porous sealing tape is laid under the edges of the ridge additional element. It tightly fills the corrugation of the corrugated board, protecting it from the ingress of debris and insects into the ventilation gap, but does not prevent the passage of air.

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