What wallpaper color will expand the room. How to change the footage of a room with wallpaper

Encyclopedia of Plants 29.08.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

The problem of narrow small spaces familiar to many. And everyone tries to solve it differently. It is especially difficult to select finishing materials, because you never know how harmoniously they will be combined in the interior of a small room. If you want to make your home cozy, despite small area, then the best way will choose wallpaper for a small room that visually enlarges the space.

What will make the room bigger?

Small-sized premises are inherent in many Khrushchev apartments. And the conditions do not allow for a satisfactory redevelopment - the amount of space remains the same and it will not work to create an "extension". How to visually enlarge a room? There are several simple ways visually add "air" to the space. First of all, this is the use of curtains and mirrors.

Most the right choice there will be light, light and warm tones translucent curtains. They should be longer than windows and take up space on the floor, thereby giving the illusion of high ceilings.

Mirrors are the most popular and simple technique that needs to be handled with care. An excessive number of mirrors may not enlarge a small room, but, on the contrary, turn it into a matchbox.

For premises rectangular shape It is customary to put a mirror on one of the long sides. Thus, the space of the room is “cut off”, and it takes the form of a square. Usually this problem narrow space found in hallways and corridors.

Save on bathrooms in apartments square meters. Mirrors, glass and glossy surfaces will correct this defect. In the bathroom, it is worth abandoning the frames and using mirrored panels - this creates the effect of freedom. For the walls, tiles with a glossy finish are used, the shower is separated by a glass door, and the ceiling is made mirrored.

We use photo wallpaper

They also resort to photo wallpapers that visually enlarge the room. This is quite a beautiful and effective way. But you should take into account the features of each of the canvases. Not all drawings on the panel will give the desired result.

Space-enhancing wallpapers should contain images that tend to go deeper into the picture:

  • forest path;
  • street in a big city;
  • undersea world.

Another rule is that vertical images optically raise the ceiling.

Selection and gluing of photo wallpapers is complex process and there are a few design secrets that will help you place the panel correctly in a small room:

  • Wallpaper with a perspective should be glued on the wall of the room where there are no windows and doors.
  • You can not obscure or cut the picture with furniture. For a wall with photo wallpaper, a low sofa, table or bed is suitable.
  • How smaller size rooms, the lighter the pattern on the wallpaper should be.
  • For rooms with windows overlooking sunny side, cold tones should be selected, and warm colors are suitable for those in need of light.

Designers also often use backlighting for wallpaper. This method is in place. It is used both in the case of small and with large rooms. For a small one, you should use lamps of small sizes. They can be placed in the eaves, they can “raise” the bedside tables or the bed.

Also, built-in lighting in niches is often used - this helps to achieve the effect of volume and visually add space to the room.

On video: wall murals that expand the space.

Wallpaper colors and patterns

Wallpaper for a small room should be selected taking into account the color and patterns that are located on them. Many are afraid to join light walls and furniture for fear that they will merge and the interior will be boring. There are many good examples design using white, gray, beige colors. For a small room, this solution will be the best.

It should be remembered that the furniture should differ in shade - be darker than the wallpaper and the surrounding interior.

It is appropriate to choose cold color options. They work for expansion. The following should be omitted:

  • Contrasts. They visually cut the room into parts. It is appropriate to use them for rooms that are larger in size. For example, for their zoning. For small areas, this method is not suitable.
  • Bright saturated colors. Such a background will visually narrow the room and turn it into boxes.
  • Large and contrast patterns. Their perception in such a room will be impaired, since the overall drawings emphasize a small area, and the brightness exacerbates the situation.

Acceptance of a contrasting wall is allowed. To do this, one side in the room is isolated using a drawing. It is better if they are geometric shapes. What is the feature? The color scheme of this surface should be calm and not very different from the general style. In this way, it will turn out to deceive the eyesight - any person will think that the space is larger than it really is.

There are several rules for decorating walls with wallpaper:

  • Opposite sides can be decorated in the same color scheme, but contrasting them with cold and light shades.
  • How to do long walls shorter? To do this, use wallpaper with a small print, a large pattern is best left for short walls.
  • Diagonal placement of images on wallpaper canvases will also visually stretch the space.
  • The method of different color saturation is also common. To achieve the desired effect, the bottom of the walls is pasted over with darker tones, and light ones are placed on top. This method is ideal for small rooms with low ceilings.
  • Alternation of wallpaper with and without a pattern is also allowed. However, to expand the volume of the room, plain canvases should be bigger size than wallpaper with an ornament.
  • It is recommended to use glossy finishes. They create an increase in the area of ​​\u200b\u200brooms, since they have the ability to reflect objects in front of them.

Expanding a narrow room

One of the most difficult is the decor of a narrow room. And if there is also little space in it, then you need to carefully select any design. And before starting any action, you should read the advice of professionals on how to visually expand a narrow room.

The main problem of such a room is the range of one of the sides. To approximate it, you can use the following methods:

  • Place a mirror on a long wall. This will visually trim the room and turn the rectangular structure into a square.

  • Use wallpaper in warm colors. By sticking such a coating on the far side, you can slightly reduce the distance.

  • horizontal stripes - they should be narrow and light. So at the same time it turns out to stretch the walls in height and level the room.

  • Contrasts. To create balance in a narrow room, you should short walls post a different picture. One is small and the other is large.

  • Recommended for dark and narrow spaces stick a lighter strip of wallpaper on the one of the walls that is illuminated the least. This will help align the overall design.

Furniture to expand the room

Furnishing small spaces also needs to be taken seriously. The correct choice depends on many factors: color, shape, size and style of an individual element.

Avoid oversized headsets. Huge wardrobes and sofas are out of fashion for a long time. They can be left only because of warm memories. But they can ruin any interior. It is better to turn to stylish and not taking up much space things. They can be easily moved, transported or even hidden in case of a design change. Also very practical are built-in structures or transforming furniture.

Stick. This rule will help get rid of unnecessary things that often clutter up too much space. How less furniture, the more light and freedom will be in the room.

It is important to choose decoration and furniture in a certain style. One of the best options is high-tech. It is designed for young and active people who need functionality and comfort from home. The materials used to create this style are glass and metal. They contribute to the atmosphere of airiness, so they are ideal for small spaces.

You can enlarge the room different ways. It can be wallpaper, materials, furniture and decor elements. However, everyone should know how to use them correctly. Otherwise, a completely different result may turn out and the surrounding interior will become even smaller.

Anyone who designs their home or apartment should pay attention to photo wallpapers that expand the space. They allow not only to correct inaccuracies and flaws in the layout, but also to give the interior a twist, to ensure that the apartment is full of new, interesting solutions. When choosing, it is important to take into account not only the pattern and texture, but also the ability to visually change the area.

In the bedroom

The article is conditionally divided into three parts:

  • In the first part, you will learn how to choose the right texture and proportions for photo wallpapers.
  • The second chapter is devoted to the selection of direct types of photo wallpapers that will increase the space.
  • In conclusion, let's talk about what you need to look at when gluing, find out how else to increase the visual area.

Choice of texture and pattern

Texture, if not the most important, then one of the most significant factors in choosing photo wallpapers. The texture of the canvas can visually increase the coverage of the room, or reduce it, so the most used for covering are canvas, dust and linen.

Let's consider each of them in more detail:

  • Canvas. Mainly used in architecture illustrations;
  • Dust. A great solution for a canvas with photos of large and bright drawings.
  • Linen. A texture that blends beautifully with nature paintings and exotic landscapes.

The correct proportions of photo wallpaper in the interior

When using photo wallpapers in your interior that increase the space for a small room, consider the following rules:

  1. if the room is in dire need of visual expansion, it is recommended to take photo wallpapers with a glossy surface. Objects, reflected from them, will create additional visual space;
  2. wallpaper with vertical stripes stretched in height, and horizontal - in width;
  3. illustrations open windows and doors is a great solution. It creates the illusion that there is an additional space behind the wall that visually enlarges the room;

For everybody a separate room choose the right size and shape of the canvases, which are rectangular, square, narrow vertical. Big Picture consists of many panels (up to 16 pieces), and the more of them, the more voluminous the picture and the higher the price. standard sizes photo wallpapers are:

  • 190x135 (2 panels);
  • 295x135 (3 panels);
  • 280x270 (8 panels).

There are single-panelcoatings that visually increase the area. They arebecome the perfect solution for small area . The largest size is 3-3.5 meters.

Wall murals that expand the space in the interior - photos of great ideas

Solutions with abstraction, photos of big cities, animals, flora, beautiful landscapes. Let's talk about photo wallpapers that expand the space in the interior.

In addition to photo wallpaper, you are free to apply and decorative plaster, which visually resizes. A popular view is, features and rules of use in the corresponding article at the link.

Big city

Urban landscapes on photo wallpapers are a great solution that creates an amazing, diverse effect. Their use is doomed to success, but it is important to choose the technique used:

Beautiful landscapes

A chic view of the waterfall, a slight smell of the sea beach, inviting powerful mountains, a flat and bright plain. All these landscapes are pleasant to imagine in your head, and being there is a pleasure. Canvas for a small kitchen, visually increasing the space with beautiful landscapes, will allow you to feel the effect of full presence in the alluring, wild nature.

By choosing wallpaper with beautiful landscapes for your home, you will provide a visual increase in size: a person is in the center of the surrounding wildlife, so a small area will seem larger than its actual size.

Flora and fauna

Nature is what surrounds us every day, what we admire, praise in poetry and reflect in pictures. Panoramic paintings contain both pictures of animals, birds, underwater inhabitants, as well as forests, lakes, rivers, gardens and more. Experts recommend taking photo wallpapers in bright colors. An excellent solution is a picture with a road going into the distance: it allows you to visually stretch the room.

Wall murals that expand the space 3D - abstraction

Abstraction is not a holistic image, but a collection of symbols that create the effect of moving away from real world. Choosing photo wallpapers that expand the 3D space with abstract paintings, a person emphasizes his own individuality, shows his special thinking. It is the choice of adventurers and thinkers with a multifaceted personality.

Abstraction that visually enlarges the territory

Abstraction creates a unique mood, expressed in careless brush strokes, colorful lines, circles and stripes. No wonder abstraction is called a bold experiment, a flight of fancy. it chic option, highlighting the house from the gray mass, giving a special brightness.

Tips for proper wall murals

Wallpaper for a small room, visually increasing the space, or 4 more ways

In addition to photo wallpapers for visual magnification area, you can resort to the following ideas:

Wall murals that expand the space in the interior

Wallpaper is custom solution, allowing you to create a beautiful design in the smallest room. They play a special role in private homes.

Wall mural for the kitchen that expands the space - 10 ideas

Having pasted photowall-paper on kitchen, you will achieve really magnificent results.

  • First, it's practical. Most kitchen models are made on the basis of interlining or vinyl, which allows you to wash the surface. H, read the relevant article at the link.
  • Secondly, safety. The kitchen is the place high humidity and air temperature. Special photo wallpapers are made of materials that do not emit at elevated temperature regime harmful substances and are poorly flammable.

Below is a gallery of the most colorful options for photo wallpapers in the interior of the kitchen.

In conjunction with decorative trim

Flowers on stones

Using photo wallpaper in a small kitchen

Wallpaper for a small kitchen that visually enlarges the space

Empire State Buildings

Do you recognize this place?

A small room can be a real challenge for a designer. But in a modern city, space is often limited. We can't move the walls or raise the ceiling, but the visual design of the room can create the illusion of space. Of great importance is the color of furniture and wallpaper.

In a small room, it is very important to properly organize the space. Each thing should have its own specific place so that there is no feeling of clutter and constant mess. Use a few tricks that will transform the space.

Solid color upholstery and clean lines

Give preference to upholstery without a pattern. In a small room, it is important to abandon all things that clutter up the space and overload it with details. Light furniture with bright accents will work better than intricate patterns. Silhouettes are also better to choose concise. Carving or drapery will deprive the room of lightness.

Add glass furniture

Transparent furniture does not clutter up the space and allows light to flood the entire room. Choose clear glass light shades, as dark does not create a feeling of lightness. A glass table, shelves and vases will make the room seem filled with air.

Monochrome interior

Choose one color and use it in decor various shades. It is best to use gray, beige or pale blue. But you can work with other colors, using muted shades. Be careful with variations of red - it excites the psyche too much.

Remove small trinkets

Leave only functional decor items in sight. And here is a collection of elephants different sizes should be kept in a closet. A large number of small parts can turn a small room into a junk shop. If you are not too attached to a particular thing, it is better to give it as a gift or give it to charity.

Multifunctional furniture

The space of a small room should be used as much as possible. Modules that perform several functions at once will come to the rescue. The sofa should have storage space, and it is better to choose chests of drawers with hinged lids that act as a table. Do not neglect folding furniture. You can hide it in a closet and get it only when you need it. Residents of small rooms will have to replace armchairs with chairs, and the bed with a sofa or sofa.

In some cases, open shelves are appropriate

But make sure that all things on them are in perfect order. And let all accessories work for a common color scheme rooms.

Decorate windows without frills

Do not use in a small room heavy curtains with voluminous drapery. Avoid massive cornices, lacing and fringes. Heavy material is best replaced with light tulle. Instead of traditional drapes, use blinds or roller blinds to provide privacy while leaving the window light and bright.

Opt for a light color scheme

A light palette visually increases the area of ​​​​the room. Complement plain walls light furniture and accessories. You can put several bright accents but don't go overboard with them.

Pay attention to furniture with legs

By lifting up traditional chests of drawers, cabinets and sofas, you fill the room with extra air. Of course, cleaning will have to pay more attention, but it's worth it.

Add mirrors

Cover the surface of a wall or cabinet door with mirrors. The room will seem almost twice as large. In addition, mirrors will reflect sunlight, thereby extending daylight rooms.

Use stripes to decorate

Vertical stripes will add height, while horizontal stripes will expand the room. Use colors that complement the main interior. If you couldn't find plain wallpaper striped, paint the walls with masking tape.

Use molding to make the ceiling appear higher

You can visually make the ceiling taller and expand the space of the walls. Add different shades for some areas, and the room will be filled with new volume.

Sometimes, in order to increase the space in a small room, we do not have the opportunity to replace the furniture, but there are ways to make the room visually more spacious. To do this, there are some tricks, for example, put a mirror, change the wallpaper or choose compact furniture. Let's take a closer look at them!

1. The presence of mirrors

The first place in the list of ways to increase space is occupied by mirrors. To visually expand the area with their help, you need to select several mirrors at once and set bright lighting.

Instead of mirrors, you can diversify the space with various mirror objects: mirror elements in cabinets, tiles. Mirror frames in paintings or photographs on the walls - too a good option. Placing mirrors in front of a window will not only make the room appear wider, but it will also let in more light into the room. Recently, many install a mirrored ceiling to increase space. Out of the box idea for narrow room- make one of the walls completely mirrored.

2. Gloss on the walls

Gloss sparkling on the walls can also visually expand the room. Even if one wall is decorated with gloss, then, for example, in narrow hallway area will increase dramatically. This creates the effect of a bifurcation of the boundaries of the room. You can use wallpaper with a small pattern.

3. Stretch ceiling

Also a good option is to install a glossy stretch ceiling. And if you build several lamps into it, then this will visually increase the area even more. The lamp reflects light throughout the room and thus creates the effect of space. Try not to use huge chandeliers. In a room with a low ceiling, you can use vertical striped wallpaper.

4. Wallpaper

5. Light coloring of the walls, play on contrasts

most wonderful and reliable option- paint the ceiling and walls the same so that there are no edges between them. This will create the effect of increasing space. perfect color will be blue, green or grey.

The walls are painted with light paint, but it is not recommended to use pronounced White color, which can narrow the room. Don't use too much bright colors, they can also visually reduce the room. It is better to choose curtains, furniture and bedspreads in the same range. It is better to choose a floor in a monophonic style, without drawings. Well, if its shade is also light.

6. Drawings in the form of various stripes in the interior

Horizontal stripes are beneficial for lengthening the walls of a room. In our case, wallpaper with patterns in the form of stripes, as well as decor elements in stripes of various colors, are suitable. Perfect option- hang horizontal shelves on the walls, which will help to optically expand the space. In addition, various items can be stored on the shelves.

But the vertical stripes on the wallpaper visually increase the length of the room. It is better to use them not on all walls, but on two (not necessarily opposite), then the room will look neat and spacious.

7. Proper lighting

As you know, the more light in a small room, the more comfortable and spacious it will seem. It is better to install light bulbs on the ceiling, which will give brightness to the room and visually increase the area. In the absence of proper lighting, the room will look not only uncomfortable, small, but also gloomy. You can also put a floor lamp in the corner.

8. Furniture in light colors

It is better to purchase compact furniture made of light wood, which also gives the effect of space. Arrange furniture along the walls, not in the middle of the room. by the most suitable option will use built-in furniture. As is known, low furniture optically lengthens the room.

9. Zoning of the premises

Another way to increase space is to use folding or sliding doors. They are suitable for visually highlighting any areas in the room, and they also create coziness and originality. You can use them to separate the room from the hallway or bathroom.

As you know, any small room can be made visually more spacious by using an effective and accessible method for everyone - an optical illusion. There are many ways, tricks and tricks that will turn even a very cramped space into a spacious hall.

For owners of tiny apartments who want to create the illusion of spaciousness and grandeur, these 11 actionable design tips will help you make the right choice.

Recently, a lot of techniques have been developed that allow even a small room to become wider, taller, lighter and more spacious without destroying existing niches and partitions, as well as expensive redevelopment and repairs. They allow you to cope with this problem on your own, without resorting to the help of specialists. You just need to follow the main rule - do not violate the proportions and do not overdo it, otherwise you will get the opposite result.

1. Contrasting spot

Everyone knows that color plays a dominant role in the interior, and if you make a mistake with the choice, then an unsuccessfully chosen color scheme will simply “absorb” the available area. And this is an unaffordable luxury for owners of small areas.

Often on design sites or in a magazine it is advised to use bright hues. However, this technique only works in rooms larger than 8 square meters. meters, in smaller areas with such a design you will only achieve similarity with a ward in a hospital or a bathroom.

Therefore, there is very interesting option design - darkening one or more areas. For example, if you focus on the back wall and paint it in dark color, the room will visually deepen and there will be a feeling of spaciousness. This method must be applied correctly, paying attention to the shape and height of the room, because inappropriate selection of the plane can further worsen the situation.

2. Winning wallpaper pattern

Skillfully selected wallpaper in one moment can turn your room into a more spacious and bright one, provided that you take into account the shape and height of the room.

If the apartment low ceilings, then use wallpaper with vertical stripes, this solution will visually significantly increase the space.

If you paste over one of the walls with wallpaper with a large geometric pattern, and the rest of the walls are plain, then the optical illusion of space will be provided.

When choosing a wallpaper with a small pattern, make sure that it does not cause ripples in the eyes. But even a very large, and even more so multi-colored pattern on the canvas will not add either space or beauty to your interior.

3. Photo wallpaper or frescoes

Thanks to modern technologies appeared very high quality and original photo wallpaper, as well as extraordinary photo-pictures that can not only transform appearance rooms, but also to create the illusion of unreal space.

Even the tiniest areas of bathrooms in 1 sq. m. are transformed beyond recognition.

4. 3D - modern techniques

Modern techniques for creating volume can create a very realistic picture in any field of application, and interior design is no exception. 3D technologies are able to visually enlarge the space even better than the usual mirrors, color, texture, etc.

If using wallpaper stretch ceiling or floors with 3D drawing technology, you will not only visually enlarge the room, but also achieve a stunning result in the design of the entire interior.

5. Mirror surfaces

Everyone knows the ability of mirrors to multiply light and reflect objects around, while creating the illusion of grandeur and spaciousness. Therefore, in the interior design of a small room, they should become the main element that will help you not only decorate the room, but also increase its visual area.

If installed in front of a window large mirror or a sliding wardrobe with a mirror surface, then an abundance of light and space will be guaranteed. The main thing is to make sure that the direct Sun rays do not get on the mirror itself, because this will lead to tarnishing of the surface and the appearance of spots.

If you install a mirror surface on one wall, you will achieve a stunning effect, the room will immediately change, become brighter and larger.

6. Lighting

Even the most sophisticated and expensive interior can fade if the room is not provided with the right lighting. With skillful illumination of all corners, you can turn a small room into a spacious hall. In this case, you need to follow only some rules.

No matter how strange it may sound, but it is in a small room that a great option is to install a large chandelier. Its bright and voluminous light will not only fit into the interior of the room in an original way, but also create the illusion of spaciousness.

Very interesting and deep look LED and halogen backlights mounted on bookshelves, cabinets, mirrors. Not only do they perfectly illuminate the room, but also visually enlarge the room.

And if you install the backlight along the wall, then the depth and spaciousness in the room will be provided.
It is better to illuminate all dark corners separately, using floor lamps or wall sconces. Such a trick to add volume small room and make it more comfortable.

7. Textiles

Curtains should be chosen in pastel colors and light in texture.

Of course, first of all, you need to take care of the curtains or curtains, which will also help you increase the visual space of the room. Therefore, give up bulky dark curtains in favor of lighter and airier ones.

You can visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room if you assemble the curtains in the form of an accordion, while they must be up to the floor. It is better to purchase a wider cornice and install it under the very ceiling.

If you have a small room, in no case leave a tablecloth on the table, because it draws attention to itself, which visually narrows the space.

8. Carpets

If you like comfort and warmth, then the carpet will become a must-have piece of furniture. And the final result depends on what size and color you choose. Dark colors and a massive pattern not only make the interior heavier, but also absorb an already small space.

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