Transition from one wallpaper to another. The best combined wallpaper of two colors: photo in the interior

Decor elements 23.06.2020
Decor elements

The combination of photo wallpapers with other wallpapers, while observing the simple rules of color harmony, is an easy task and at the same time interesting. Photo wallpapers will look equally harmonious in any room, it is only necessary when choosing photo wallpapers to choose the right wallpaper for the general background, while observing several principles:

  1. Choose the right picture for your wallpaper so that it is combined with the overall composition of the interior.
  2. Calculate room dimensions.
  3. Find the right one combination of photo wallpaper with wallpaper by color.

Look at the example: the combination of photo wallpaper with a pattern on a marine theme and pale blue plain wallpaper gives an unimaginable effect:

To begin with, it is worth figuring out which images on the photo wallpapers can be suitable for a particular room.

We study combinations for the hallway

Any apartment begins with a hallway. Very often, when thinking about the interior of the whole apartment, we forget about this room. And in vain, because it is she who first meets the guests and is a kind of face of the whole apartment.

A correctly selected pattern will create the illusion of spatial expansion in the room:

Almost all apartments do not have an unnecessarily large and spacious entrance hall, which means that visually it can be expanded both in height and width, made lighter, and most importantly - it will become a bright and original accent of your abode. So, the built-in wardrobe in the hallway decorated with photo wallpapers visually expands the space:

When choosing photo wallpaper, you should first of all pay attention to light colors. In this part of the apartment there is a lack of natural light, so visually it should be made brighter and more comfortable.

Many designers combine photo wallpaper with wallpaper. It is not necessary to glue them exactly on the walls: the ceiling, doors or surfaces of the built-in wardrobe are perfect for gluing.

Actual combinations for bedroom interiors

The bedroom is a place where each person spends a third of the total time of the day, so the design of the room should harmonize with his inner world. Here you should take into account all the features of its inhabitant. This may be a profession, age category, social and marital status.

If the photo wallpapers are selected in the bedroom where one person will live, then there should not be any problems.

It will be harder to choose for a married couple, where the bedroom should be decorated with all the preferences of two people, but even here there is room for compromises that will allow feel comfortable and cozy for everyone.

This is how photo wallpapers in the bedroom transform the interior and create additional comfort:

When choosing photo wallpaper, you should consider Which side of the world do the windows face? in order to select the color of the photo wallpaper in relation to it. For example, the southern and eastern sides are more sunny, so you need to select cold colors.

Attention! On the sunny side, images with a pattern of huge flowers and plants in green, images on a marine or space theme will also look spectacular.

This is what the interior looks like on the sunny side in cold shades:

For the northern and western sides, more suitable would be light shades.

The sun, as a rule, very rarely looks into such rooms, therefore, to create a brighter environment, you should choose more bright and light colors.

Images of sandy beaches, landscapes in which red, yellow, orange colors predominate, are perfect.

Gently coral murals combined with light floral wallpaper will add light to the room:

Living room options

Very suitable for living rooms floral theme. She will breathe coziness and comfort into the interior of the living room, give more harmony and beauty.

Gaining more popularity now urban style in the interior of living rooms: it can also be a photo wallpaper with a panoramic view of the most beautiful places on earth.

Most importantly, when buying photo wallpapers, choose a pattern that you like and reflect in your soul only with positive emotions.

Now manufacturers present a huge number of different types of wallpaper, which differ in their color, pattern and texture. And in order to diversify the interior, many resort to combining wallpaper. It is important to know the rules for combining textures and the types of different combinations.

Combination methods

In order to properly combine materials, it is better to choose companion wallpapers. They will allow you to make a beautiful combination and even make fashionable zoning. In this case, you can use both variants of two paired colors, and the layout of three types of wallpaper.

Today there are several different ways to combine, which allow you to combine wallpapers of different colors and textures in one interior:

  • The first way is the spectrum. It involves a combination of wallpaper of several different shades included in the same color scheme. So, you can combine sand and gold, beige and coffee, blue and blue, emerald and light green.

Such combinations look very harmonious. The wallpapers will perfectly complement each other. Thus, it will be possible to decorate each individual surface of the wall with wallpaper of different colors.

  • Balancing method. It is characterized by a combination of two types of wallpaper. Moreover, the main one in this case will be the wall covering, made in one calm color scheme without patterns and colorful drawings. Complement this coating with bright saturated wallpaper with a colorful pattern and unusual ornament. But at the same time, the background of the wallpaper with patterns and the drawings themselves are selected to match the color of the monochromatic coating. It is better if they are made in the same color scheme.

  • Contrast method. It offers a selection of wallpapers that are opposite in color. One color should be active, bright, the second - passive, calm. The second color should smooth out the saturation of the first and complement it. In general, this method allows you to decorate the wall very harmoniously.

  • Wall division. In this case, both horizontal and vertical combinations are applied. You can use different types of wallpaper on the same wall, decorating the upper part, for example, with plain wallpaper, and the lower part with a coating with patterns. Vertical wall division is also very popular. It is very often used when zoning spacious rooms or studio apartments. So you can select different functional areas and make several small zones out of one large room.

  • invoice combination. This method is also very popular. Some combine coatings that have different textures. But at the same time, if this method is used, then most often the colors of the wallpaper are selected as close as possible in shade. So you can place accents and make the interior more interesting. This combination technique will make the interior more interesting and spectacular.

If you use these methods correctly and select them, depending on the interior of the room and on the size of the room, then you can play with the light, as well as with the dimensions of the room. So, in contrast, you can make the room visually wider or stretch it out.

  • Combination by inserts. Thus, most often they try to diversify the wall if the main background has already been selected. You choose inserts from fairly dense wallpaper and decorate the walls with them. Inserts can be cut in the form of a square, rectangle, oval, rhombus. In this case, everything will be limited only by your imagination. Inserts can simply be glued to the wall, or you can close their edges with borders or planks. Thus, you can extend the life of such a design and the edges of the wallpaper will not bulge.

  • Bulk insertion method. This method is very often used in zoning. Such inserts take up more space on the wall than conventional ones. In this way, it is possible to allocate a working area, a sleeping area, a play area in one room, if it is a nursery. The room is divided into sectors, the first of which is distinguished by bright and saturated shades, and the second is more calm. Moreover, one of these two sectors should be voluminous.
  • Patch combination. This method is most suitable for children's rooms. In addition, it can be used by those who love an unusual bright interior and are open to all experiments. You can cut out small pieces of wallpaper from all the wallpaper you have left from the repair. But all these patches must have at least one common shade or common texture. Insert flaps can be glued overlapping each other or back to back.

  • Combination by highlighting protrusions. In some apartments, wallpaper allows you to somehow decorate existing niches and ledges. Indeed, not in all apartments such features of the walls look elegant, but, on the contrary, are a lack of interior. But this shortcoming can be easily brightened up and made into a big plus of the interior. As a rule, a niche or ledge is pasted over with a brighter contrasting wallpaper compared to the background. Moreover, for their design, wallpaper with a three-dimensional texture or an unusual pattern is often used.

  • Combination with small vertical stripes. This design technique allows you to change the dimensions of the room. It involves the frequent alternation of strips of wall coverings of different colors. Thus, by choosing the right colors and patterns, you can make the interior more spectacular and elegant. In this case, rolls of the same width are purchased or wallpaper is cut into strips. The stripes alternate either one through two, or one through one, or two through two. One wall can be made monophonic, and on the other, four or six different canvases can be alternated at once.

In addition, in this case, the color scheme can be completely contrasting. So you can stretch the room up and to the sides. Moreover, you can use not only monochrome shades, but also bright coatings with an ornament.


Possible combinations

Based on materials

Wallpapers can be combined both with each other and with other finishing materials. You can choose different models for painting, you can use a combination of ordinary walls, pasted over with wallpaper, with paint. The combination of pastel wallpaper with wood and fabric looks very good. No less common is combination of decorative plaster and wallpaper. Facing stone is also very often used to finish one of the accent walls in combination with wallpaper.

By size

The layout of wallpaper in size is quite complex. For example, narrower sections of wallpaper can be made at the corners of a room, and wider ones along wide walls. Also, dimensions should be taken into account when combining horizontally. The combination of wallpaper above and below should be 3: 2, that is, the bottom bar must always be narrower than the top bar.

By flowers

The combination of wallpaper by color is a very difficult task. In this case, it is important to know a few rules. Initially, you need to decide on one main, basic shade, which will be present not only on the walls, but also in interior items. It should be chosen from several primary colors, which include: red, orange, yellow, blue, green, purple, white, black. As a base, light options are also often used, such as beige, peach, taupe and even soft sand.

The simplest is a combination of two adjacent shades from the same color scheme. It looks very unobtrusive and calm. A more complex combination of several colors, which are also close in color, in this case it is important to correctly observe the transition from color to color.

More unusual and bold is the combination of contrasting colors. In this case, you can choose diametrically opposite tones in the palette and combine them both within different walls and within the same surface. The main thing, the main color should be combined with furniture and other coatings.

If you have a small room, then in this case it is better to purchase colored wallpapers in light colors and give preference to the simplest and most calm combination. If you have a large room, then you can choose a brighter contrasting combination.

If your room is decorated in dark shades, then it is better to shade them with opposite light tones.


But if the interior of the room is designed in soothing colors, then you can choose a similar color scheme, but a brighter contrasting color of the wallpaper. Properly selected color will emphasize all the advantages of the room and its interior. It should divert attention from all the shortcomings of the room.

If you still decide to combine two bright shades of wallpaper, then a calmer color should be glued between them, which will ensure the transition from one color to another and become their background. Each color in the interior is combined with a certain shade:

  • Beige goes well with white wallpaper. Such a combination can bring coziness and harmony to any room and make the interior more light and calm. But if you add it with a darker color, choosing burgundy wallpaper, then the room will look quite strict, but the interior will become more sophisticated.
  • Pink color is most often used for finishing nurseries and bedrooms. It is often combined with light shades. A popular combination with white, brown, and lilac. Pink and beige look just as harmonious as pink and blue. In this case, try not to get bright cold shades of wallpaper in combination with this color.
  • Peach color looks great in combination with beige, golden and even blue shades of wallpaper. Beige color makes the room warmer and more comfortable, and being in it more pleasant.

  • Brown wallpapers are usually purchased to combine with beige, yellow and gold. The combination of brown and scarlet looks very bright and unusual.
  • The purple hue is interestingly combined with the blue, white and silver version. Such wallpapers can become a highlight of the interior.
  • Blue wallpaper pairs perfectly with white and brown, as well as many other tones included in the pastel color scheme. Thus, you can beautifully decorate the nursery and make the interior more delicate and elegant.

Common Mistakes

Among the mistakes that are often encountered when combining, the most common are the following:

  • Use of different thickness wallpapers. With this combination, the walls look messy, since defects are visible at the joints. To do this, you have to additionally hide them and fix them, otherwise the walls will look very ugly.
  • Combination of different types of patterns. Some use completely different prints within the same room, such as geometric and floral. This combination is unacceptable, because it violates the harmony in the interior.
  • Use of coatings of different quality. This is another common error that highlights the low quality of one of the coatings. Do not try to save money on the wallpaper that you collect to stick on a smaller wall. It is better if you purchase models from the same collection of the same quality.
  • Errors in horizontal combination. Many people confuse the design of the lower and upper parts of the walls with a horizontal combination of wallpaper. It is important that the wallpaper below be with a large pattern, and at the top - with a small one. Otherwise, you can visually narrow the room and make its interior tasteless.
  • Another mistake when combining in a horizontal way is to use a darker shade at the top of the wall. This combination is not allowed. Light wallpapers should always be at the top, and dark ones at the bottom.
  • Wrong seams. Another common mistake when gluing different wallpapers. The edges of all coatings must be carefully trimmed and the joints glued with high quality. The transition should be smooth, and the contrasting combination should not highlight the junction of two different coatings. It is necessary to maintain the level of the lines and correctly markup.


Decorative design is a very important component when combining wallpaper. As a rule, wallpaper with a pattern is much more difficult to combine than plain options. Decorating with large flowers is very popular. At the same time, a floral ornament of different sizes is combined. You can choose options that have a decor in the form of floral stripes. The floral pattern also looks very nice in the rooms in addition to the large flowers.

As a decor option, you can purchase photo wallpapers. Finishing with such wallpaper involves focusing on one wall. It will show a large pattern or picture. Wall decoration with monogrammed wallpaper is also very popular.

Plain classic wallpapers with such patterns look very elegant and are often used to decorate classic interiors.

Now it is customary to combine wallpapers with abstract patterns and geometric prints. The two types of pattern should be harmoniously combined and in color, each of them should support the other. It can be paired wallpapers-partners.

Striped decor looks very bright. In this case, contrasting color combinations are chosen. They allow you to zoning and make the room more interesting. The combination of red and white is considered the most juicy. These stripes are perfect for decorating a modern interior.

As for the vertical stripes, they allow you to visually stretch the room up and expand it. Some even transfer the pattern from the walls to the ceiling, which, as it were, is a continuation of one of the accent walls. This combination is a very unusual decorative move that will surprise your guests.

Design Ideas

Very interesting is the design of the walls with wide stripes of bright contrasting wallpapers opposite each other. Thus, it is possible to diversify the design and reduce the length of the room - the corridor. In order, on the contrary, to expand a rectangular room, it is better to paste the wallpaper asymmetrically. On a longer wall, it is better to stick a wide strip of such a wall covering in the middle, and stick narrow double strips of wallpaper on an adjacent wall. In this case, the general base coat should be uniform on all walls.

The design and interior decoration of the house is closely related to the selection of the necessary materials. New solutions appear every year, but it is better to use traditional, proven methods. Wallpaper is a simple and reliable way to decorate walls. With their help, the room is filled with warmth and comfort. Finds soul and mood. The range of patterns, colors and textures is able to decorate any place. In addition, if you create an interior with two types of wallpaper, you can favorably emphasize the advantages, give a unique style and smooth out the flaws. Applying the right combination allows you to fix and improve a lot. But an inharmonious and erroneous combination of canvases in an instant can ruin even ideal proportions. It is important to carefully consider and correctly choose the right modification. How to do it - read on.

Why use two-color wallpaper in a room

Before starting repairs or finishing work, it is necessary to assess the area, determine the shortcomings. Plan work based on the identified result. Ceiling heights, crooked walls, a narrow room, little light are correctable vices. Proper use of wallpaper in two colors will create a style and solve the interior design flaws associated with the layout of the apartment.

Visual trick options:

  1. Combinations allow you to visually make the object more spacious, change the proportions, expand the aisles;
  2. Raise low ceilings, and beat high ceilings with design techniques;
  3. Add and distribute light, brighten or darken specific areas;
  4. Wallpaper 2-3 colors are practiced to distribute space into zones;
  5. Hide builders' mistakes and irregularities;
  6. Create an individual design according to personal needs.

The combination method is win-win and versatile in decoration. Simple and affordable. Internationally recognized interior designers use it regularly.

Design elements should be the basis and attract attention, or become a backdrop for bright accents. The impression of the design depends on the competent distribution of details.

What to consider when choosing two types of wallpaper

Standard apartments are a dull tangle of small rooms, impractical layouts, dark windows, hidden closets and oblique corners. You can instill life and comfort when choosing 2 types of wallpaper. But viewing photos from the Internet before going to the wallpaper store is not enough. It is important to take the issue seriously and tailor an individual solution.

Pay attention to:

  • ceiling height;
  • room dimensions;
  • lighting;
  • choose the texture of the wallpaper.

Identify the disadvantages of planning and solve defects and defects by combining them. It is worth taking the undertaking seriously, studying the information, a combination of colors and techniques.

The combination of canvases of rough and soft textures looks sloppy and careless, and the unsuccessful combination of colors and patterns is annoying. Properly selected wallpaper will provide a harmonious and attractive result, create coziness, mood, comfort. Emphasize the character and style of the owner, surprise friends.

Ceiling height

When choosing the texture of matter and pattern, the level of ceilings is taken into account. If the height of the walls is below 2.5 meters, light-colored canvases, without large patterns and a soft structure, are suitable. Wins operating with horizontal lines, used on 1 wall, in the corners or throughout the room. We decorate the accent wall (section) with a medium-sized ornament without heavy inserts. Divide horizontally and combine rough textures is not worth it. It is important to lighten and stretch the space. With a ceiling height of 3 meters or more, it cannot be raised, the general proportions are violated. Cross drawings will do. It is advantageous to decorate the lower part of the wall with dark washable wallpaper, and the upper part with canvases with bright and large ornaments. The background is neutral. We combine patterns in style and shade of color.

There are 2 rules for the selection and combination of wallpapers. The first is the same thickness. The second is the same face covering. Combine vinyl with vinyl, and paper with paper.

Room dimensions

When selecting wallpaper, analyze the width, length and geometry of the room. Proportions are often disturbed and require additional attention. Standard rooms are rare. Narrow areas are expanded by combining light materials, and you can add coziness to large areas with dark wallpaper with bright ornaments. Wall mural on 1 wall will do. An elongated room is easy to divide into sectors with different shades. Decorate the recreation area in dark tones, and the work area in light tones. The second option is to glue the wallpaper darker on long walls, and lighter on narrow ones with an overlap on the long one. Visually, the opposites will approach in size and proportions will even out. The location of the front door is also taken into account, if on the wide side, then in the center of the opposite wall we place a bright insert in the form of a picture or panel. Playing with space is a popular design trick around the world.

Texture selection

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of texture:

  • Paper wallpaper is an environmentally friendly classic, harmless to health. Minus - fragile, quickly fade, can not be washed;
  • Durable and durable material - vinyl wallpaper. Plus - water resistance, washable, minus - low air permeability. Used in the kitchen and in children's rooms;
  • Non-woven - reliable and strong. Advantage - the glue is applied only to the wall, and the canvases are superimposed and smoothed;
  • Fiberglass - for those who like to experiment with color. Repaint up to 12 times without losing the pattern;
  • Natural fabrics made from rice paper, bamboo and cane are antibacterial, exotic and soundproof materials.

If paintings and photographs are planned on the walls, then smooth wallpapers, plain or with a small pattern, will do. On uneven walls with defects, designs with spots of different sizes and colors are used. Glitter wallpapers with changing matte highlights are suitable in the guest room.

Room lighting

It is ideal when the room is located on the south or west side, but if the windows face east, there will be light only in the morning, and there will be no light at all from the north. How to correct the situation and make housing bright and lit? Do not turn the room into a "white cube". The situation will be resolved by combining wallpaper. In the complete absence of light (with windows to the north), a combination of canvases of natural shades is practiced. Emerald, canary yellow, royal blue - will add comfort, warmth and depth to the room. Pastel, mother-of-pearl and delicate tones should be abandoned; in the absence of light, they give off a gray color and look dull. Like brick, pale purple, peach and light blue. In low light (windows from the east) and artificial light, pastel and neutral colors are suitable: cream, beige, pale blue, golden, pale green shades.

Layout methods

The combination of different wallpaper colors is a universal way to design and visually transform a space. The result exceeds expectations. Among the many layout manners, the main, most effective techniques are distinguished:

  1. Vertical combination (raises ceilings);
  2. Horizontal division (expands and proportions small rooms with high ceilings);
  3. Zoning (profitably divides common rooms into sectors);
  4. Decorative inserts or panels (gives an elegant and classic style);
  5. Accent wall (controls attention, emphasizes advantageous places and masks defects).

It is important to connect canvases of the same “temperature”. All colors are divided into 2 groups - warm and cold. You shouldn't mix. Wallpapers of different types in the design of one room - either glossy or matte. Otherwise, the interior will turn into vulgarism and bad taste.

Vertical combination

Vertical stripes visually raise the ceiling. It is enough to apply the technique on 1-2 walls or corners, and on the remaining surfaces use materials with a light pattern or texture, and the overhanging heaviness will go away. Often, canvases with a vertical pattern are glued, evenly distributed over all walls. The interval and width of the bands may vary. As well as coloring with a pattern. Hue to use - monochrome (from one color range) or contrasting, suitable according to the laws of color. But the texture of the wallpaper must be the same, otherwise it will turn out rude and disharmonious. Refreshing a room and repairing is easy - sticking vertically 2-3 stripes of different shades in a certain sector. Companies often produce canvases with the same pattern, but in different colors, and by choosing 2 harmonious shades, you can get an excellent result.

Horizontal division

Design classic. Horizontal division has been used for a long time, with the advent of new textures, the method works even better. Advantageously divides the space across, visually expands a small area and lowers high ceilings. One thin strip glued across the square is enough. The standard proportions are 1 to 3, from the top of the wall (light shades) or the bottom (dark shades). Dividing in half is not worth it. Standard options for horizontal division:

Horizontal division extends the window sill, creates a high plinth. In the children's room, it is beneficial and practical to glue washable wallpaper on the lower part.
Important. It is better to close the joints with a curb. Paper edging, molding, ceiling plinth or wooden slats.


Fashionable now studio apartments perform several functions at once and mainly separate zones using wallpaper in 2-3 colors. Zoning radically changes the room, draws attention to one sector and obscures another. The method provides maximum functionality to the interior. The premises will be divided into zones for the following reasons:

  • separate the recreation area from the kitchen;
  • a small area does not allow the use of partitions, and zonal pasting will bring the result closer;
  • arrange furniture of different styles in different zones and avoid problems of contradiction in design;
  • select the main part;
  • divide a large corridor into an entrance part and a common one;
  • in the nursery for 2 children, divided into individual parts.

There are no rules for combining colors and textures. The cross line and the vertical line do the job perfectly. As well as contrasting colors with patterns. Contradiction and difference in zoning is allowed and practiced.

Decorative inserts or panels

The first wallpapers were fabric and expensive, they were bought by rich people and glued not on the entire wall, but with paintings within the frames. Now decorative inserts and panels are the main focus of the room design. This is the only bright part, the rest of the area is decorated with plain canvases of a neutral color. Insert elements use silk-screen printing, photos and beaded wallpapers.

Placement rules:

  1. Placed on a large wall without photographs, paintings and niches;
  2. The panel is the main focus and should remain the only one;
  3. Exploit pieces of wallpaper, photo wallpaper and three-dimensional elements;
  4. The frame is required.

To enhance the effect in large halls, LED lighting in a frame is used. Photo wallpapers of nature and flowers look good on the main wall. A romantic and dreamy style is created. Urban landscapes, on the contrary, bring dynamics. The decoration method using panels and inserts is very effective. Creates comfort and individual design.

accent wall

You can draw attention and project an original idea by decorating an accent wall. Often practiced in 2 cases. The first is to divert attention from the vices of the room, crooked walls with cracks in old houses. The second is to highlight interior items, put a bed against a bright background, and separate the dining table in the kitchen. The wall attracts and accentuates the eye.

An interesting enough way to decorate niches and ledges that cause trouble and frustration. To achieve the greatest productivity, bright materials with large ornaments are used. As in the reception of inserts and panels, you can use photo wallpapers of nature, animals, beach and city landscapes to play with an accent wall. There are no rules for combination, restrictions of colors and textures, the main thing is that it looks pleasant and harmonious.

Cloths should be of the same texture and thickness. If, nevertheless, different textures are used for horizontal division, the joints should be covered with molding, wooden slats or top plinth.

Colors are combined from the same color range, different shades or completely opposite. Shades of blue or a combination of white and black.

In a small room it is better to use light wallpaper and apply the zoning method.
Smooth out non-standard layouts and defects with an accent wall or a combination of 2 types of canvases.

Emphasize special interior items with a decorative insert.

In a dark room with low walls, wallpaper the ceiling in natural shades. Do not use pastel and shiny shades; without light, they give off a gray tone. The high ceiling will hide the horizontal division.

A large and deserted space will be filled with comfort by a combination of dark, noble colors of canvases.


Wallpaper is a versatile and multifunctional finishing material. The use of a combination of 2 types of canvases transforms and improves the interior. The method is able to visually play with proportions and simulate space. Solves the problems of planning, lighting and construction flaws. Creates an exclusive style and original design.

The benefits of this method are endless. As well as how to use it. A huge plus is accessibility for everyone and the ability to realize their fantasies on their own, at no additional cost. Make your home a personal masterpiece, where it is cozy and comfortable for you, using simple techniques for combining canvases.

The perception of the interior of the hall - the key room in the home, is largely determined by the type of wall decoration, so during the repair process, do not neglect the rules for choosing and combining wallpaper.

Many options for their combinations allow you to give the space an original look, make it cozy, comfortable and atmospheric, while spending a minimum amount of money.

Benefits of a design approach

The design of wallpapering in the hall of two types has many advantages. The wall covering looks expensive, interesting and rich. At the same time, combinations of patterns and textures help to perform some practical functions in interior decor. You can visually expand the boundaries of the room, place accents, make the zoning of space unobtrusive and soft.

The result at the same time looks impressive and stylish. It remains for a long time, helping the room not to lose its attractiveness and impeccable aesthetics over time.

It has this direction in interior design and other significant advantages:

  • Affordability

You can save on the involvement of professional decorators and do the work of combining wall coverings with your own hands.

  • Lots of options

Halls in conservative styles, living rooms in combined studio apartments, ultra-modern rooms will look harmonious and holistic with the proper choice of wallpaper for the walls.

  • The simplicity of gluing technology

Decorative plaster, tile mosaic, imitation of brickwork - all these ideas look spectacular in the design of the hall.

However, it is not so easy to implement them. It takes a long time to master the technology, hone your skills and delve into the nuances. Wallpaper can be glued faster. Works on combining this material are not intricate and involve minimal labor and time costs.

What wallpaper can be used in the work

Homeowners who believe that for a flawless result it is enough to visit the construction center and buy the first two rolls of wallpaper that catch the eye in the showroom are mistaken.

It is important to carefully choose a wall covering, guided by personal taste preferences, current financial capabilities, room layout features - the area, ceiling height, etc. matter.

Attention should also be paid to the composition of the wallpaper, their texture, the presence and type of pattern, shade. With a proper approach to the choice, it will be possible to decorate the walls at the highest level and all family members, guests of the house will enjoy a pleasant, comfortable and bright atmosphere in the renovated hall, which has retained freshness, comfort and beauty.

As for the types of wallpaper, you can rely on ordinary paper wall coverings, silk-screen printing, as well as vinyl, acrylic, textile, non-woven wallpaper, etc. They differ not only in density and specificity, but also in price. Therefore, consumers with different budgets will be able to find a suitable option for themselves and make a surprisingly elegant and elegant design of the walls in the hall.

Sticking technique

There are many methods that indicate how to paste two types of wallpaper in the hall, their photos can be found on the network upon request. Most often, the following techniques are used in the work of wall decorators:

Horizontal combination

In this method, there is a horizontal division of the walls using strips of wallpaper glued in a special way to the surface.

This technique allows you to "play" with the visual perception of space. It helps to expand the boundaries of the room, make it visually wider. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in living rooms with a small area, which are usually found in apartments and small cozy private houses.

The reception works best in rooms that have a simple geometric shape and are devoid of any design frills in the form of niches, figured suspended ceilings, arches, partitions for zoning. Sticking is done as follows: the wall is horizontally divided into two parts, selecting certain wallpapers for each segment.

The bottom is most often made dark, contrasting, and for the top they choose a paper canvas with an unobtrusive light shade. It can be both plain and printed - with patterns in the form of ornaments, oriental monograms, floral images, etc.

At the same time, horizontal stripes can have different widths, be used on one or more walls in the living room. It is believed that with an average ceiling height of 2.5-3 meters, the width of the wallpaper strip for the bottom should not exceed one and a half meters.

Variants of thin stripes are also acceptable, with a web width in the range from 100 to 120 centimeters. They look strict, concise and elegant in combination with the right canvas for the upper part of the walls in the hall.

Vertical stripes: an overview of this technique

By gluing wallpaper in two colors using this technique, the owners of a house or apartment will be able to solve the problem of low ceilings in their home. They will need to choose wallpaper that matches the overall interior design in terms of color palette and themes of patterns, and glue them beautifully with vertical stripes. This technique is universal.

It does not have strict requirements and restrictions, therefore it is used quite widely in individual construction.

The shape of the hall, its area and geometry can be any. At the same time, the following combinations will successfully play on the walls:

  • a combination of patterned and "empty" wallpapers of the same color (solid wallpaper will complement cute floral prints, strict geometric patterns, beautiful images of cities and nature);
  • contrasting colors, shades from juicy noble palettes;
  • a combination of shades of the same color scheme, differing in warmth and saturation.

The technique itself is implemented in several ways. Among them are the alternation of horizontal stripes of various wallpapers on the walls, pairwise gluing of harmoniously selected canvases, decorating one or two walls in the hall with selected wallpapers.

The choice of option is left to the property owners. They can come up with their own combinations, guided by personal taste preferences and visions of interior fashion.

The combination of wallpaper in the technique of "patchwork"

In addition to combining colors in design, decorators also use special techniques for gluing them. The patchwork technique, well known to needleworkers, is used by them when decorating the walls of the living room. She assumes that different wallpapers, or rather their cuts, will form a single panel on the wall after the sticker.

At the same time, it is important to achieve integrity and harmony in the perception of the “masterpiece” that has turned out on the wall. To do this, materials are carefully selected for shade, color and texture.

In the absence of experience with such equipment, you do not need to use a lot of wallpaper in your work. For a successful decoration of the walls of the hall, a combination of three types of canvases, connected together using the patchwork patchwork method, will be enough.

Alternative Techniques

In addition to the widely used techniques discussed in the previous section, alternative methods can be used in the design of the hall. Among them are appliances with inserts, which are suitable for large and small rooms with different sizes.

This method of wall decoration assumes that wallpapers of different colors will be pasted with inserts. For example, the wall in the hall will be plain, and a niche or an open storage system for books will be pasted over with a printed canvas. This solution looks great. It focuses attention on details, makes the perception of space correct and breathtaking.

You can simply place textured and bright inserts in the form of geometric shapes on plain walls - rectangles, circles, triangles, etc. The number of design options is almost endless, you just need to use your creativity and show your imagination.

You can also use the "insert" technique for zoning space, focusing on arches, decorating slopes on window sills and doorways. It is characterized by simplicity, versatility and efficiency of implementation, therefore it is popular with people involved in the performance of repair and construction work without the involvement of professional craftsmen.

Wallpapering options: an overview of current solutions in magazines and websites

Looking through photos in glossy interior design magazines, you can see for yourself the variety of ideas for combining wallpaper on the walls of the hall. Real estate owners can also draw inspiration from thematic sites that touch on the topic of home renovation, and then turn their favorite ideas from professional decorators into reality. Good ideas are found on forums where people share their successes in renovating halls and living rooms.

Knowing how to combine wallpaper in the hall of two types, and looking at photos with examples for inspiration in magazines, property owners will be able to repeat the ideas of professional designers in their home.

They will achieve excellent results if they pay attention to details. They will have to carefully mask the joints, competently combine textures, select prints and patterns with taste. However, all efforts will be rewarded by the presence of a unique atmosphere that will reign in the living room after the repair work is completed and the furniture is arranged.

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Combined wallpaper in the bedroom is a very stylish, unusual solution. They not only can divide the space into zones, but also favorably emphasize the dignity of the interior.

How can you glue?

The alternation of textures involves the use of different stripes and wallpaper inserts.

Walls can be pasted over in patchwork, horizontal, vertical ways.

The options are:

  • vertical combination. Alternating stripes are combined here. They must be equal in width to each other, otherwise, with careless work, such products can ruin the entire interior.

The texture of the wallpaper for different parts should be equally dense, so you should not combine different materials. The uniformity of the color palette and smooth transitions are not needed here. The vertical combination is dominated by contrast and sharpness.

Such a sticker visually enlarges the ceiling and makes the bedroom more spacious. A bright accent on certain areas is appropriate if there is very little furniture in the room.

  • horizontal combination. Options for combining different textures in the horizontal plane are also diverse. Decorators recommend that when repairing, make the lower part of the wall in uniform colors, and dilute the upper part with drawings or ornaments.

Here you can experiment with different textures - as opposed to vertical combination. With this method, the boundaries of the transitions are outlined with the help of decorative stucco moldings. A single-color strip is suitable for patterned and striped wallpapers, while ornamental stucco will better decorate walls in monotones.

It is better to combine non-woven wallpaper. This material is unpretentious when working. There are options for matte and glossy finishes that are interesting to combine with each other.

  • Patchwork combination. This method in the bedroom interior is rare. It intertwines catchy details and heterogeneous textures. The wall, pasted over with wallpaper patches, outwardly resembles a bedspread or carpet. If you are going to start such a design of the bedroom, you should consult with the designers and first make a layout.

Combination ideas

A selection of combined wallpapers involves a "game" with colors and textures. Such canvases are of two types: one-color and multi-colored. It is worth considering them in more detail:

  • One color in different shades. This arrangement creates a harmonious design in discreet colors. The main thing is not to overdo it with the brightness of colors. The saturated palette of one part of the wallpaper must be diluted with a calmer range. The difference can vary by two shades, no more.

The ideal option in the bedroom would be a combination of pastel colors. For example, you can combine dark beige and milky coatings.

  • Various wallpapers. You can add variety by using a composition of different wallpapers. This is the case when one wall is decorated with different materials. Such renovation makes the room unique, unusual. If the apartment is decorated in the same style, then it is simply necessary to give individuality to different rooms. Properly arranged furniture will emphasize it even more.

If there is a niche in the wall, then the combined finish will be very appropriate here. Square inserts and baguettes decorating the space in the wall will beautifully emphasize the style of the room and visually make it wider. Pairing plain vinyl and patterned textiles for a clean (yet striking) look.

Color combination rules

The choice of colors for combined wallpaper is one of the main points for creating a harmonious decor in the bedroom. Here you need to pay attention to several important points:

  • Spectrum intensity. Options for combining different shades of a single color are very complex. It's not just dark and light color palettes. The transition of color from one wall to another should not be contrasting. For example, one wall is pasted over with coral canvases, the rest with peach. The base color is always lighter.

The combination of two shades is not welcome, but some designers select wallpapers of the same color of different intensities for opposite walls. For example, two walls are decorated in dark blue tones, while others are in blue.

Many resort to spectral combination. Wallpapers are placed in ascending order - from the darkest to the lightest color. It is important to observe the smoothness of this transition. This decoration looks great in combination with white furniture.

  • Balance. In balance, complex and simple colors harmonize. For example, a floral canvas in the upper part of the wall in the middle is interrupted by plain wallpaper.

Smooth transitions when balancing are not required at all. There are opposite shades here. The active color appears in the center of the room. It can be a green or chocolate coating that is adjacent to white wallpaper.

In the bedroom, bright colors are not very popular, they can negatively affect the psyche.

Red, yellow, pink and lilac evoke strong emotional responses. Black, purple and turquoise are oppressive and add chill to the atmosphere.

If pastel colors (gray, white, milky) are too banal for decorating a bedroom, then you should look at blue, green and brown shades. They calm the mind, create a feeling of comfort, security and warmth.

How to choose the right one for the room?

Sleeping quarters are different: small or large, sunny or shaded, with high or low ceilings. To adjust the room, sometimes it is enough just to pick up the right samples. The options may be:

  • Hide defects. Combined wallpapers are ideal for rooms with uneven walls. The composition of several colors solves this problem. Pastel colors are not so striking and visually smooth the surface. Dark deep colors are not suitable for defective walls.

    The abundance of small patterns also helps to cope with uneven walls. Relief coatings are suitable here, which fit very harmoniously into the bedroom interior. Just do not glue wallpaper with even oblong stripes or large squares, they highlight all the flaws.

    If defects are visible at the junction, they can be easily corrected with the help of borders or moldings. They contribute to a smooth transition from one part of the wallpaper to another.

  • Zoning space. If you need to beautifully and competently design a children's bedroom for a boy and a girl, then you can't do without combined wallpaper. They perfectly divide the space into zones. For example, where the girl's bed is located, you can place pale pink wallpapers. Opposite the boy's bed, you can place a light gray canvas. These colors are perfectly combined - so there will be no feeling of discomfort in the room.

Such an interior solution is also an excellent option for small rooms with an area of ​​​​14 m².

Combined wallpapers are also suitable for the loft-style bedroom-living room, they will competently divide the space.

  • Adjust room size. The visual perception of the room can be easily adjusted. If a square small room needs to be expanded, then only one wall needs to be highlighted with a bright ornament. The oblong space is enlarged with the help of wallpaper in nude tones, which are pasted on the sides. Dark coatings are placed on the end wall.

To make your bedroom look smaller and cozier, look for finely patterned wallpaper or plain navy blue, brown or black finishes. Such colors hide the space.

You can extend the room by horizontal combination. It will divide the room into two halves: the lower one is dark, the upper one is lighter. It is the light part that will become the main source of light.

  • Place accents. The highlight of the bedroom interior can be a bright element on the wallpaper. It will draw attention to objects that are next to the wall. The dark tones of the canvases defocus the eye and do not destroy the comfort.

Wallpaper must be in harmony with the environment. This applies not only to colors, but also to style. Designers recommend decorating the room so that both the walls and the furniture have common patterns or colors.

Fashion trends suggest a variety of options for combined wallpaper. In order for the selected canvases to look in the general interior not only beautifully and stylishly, but also harmoniously, you need to use several combination rules:

  • Wallpaper must be of the same type and not vary in thickness. Otherwise, it will be difficult to match them.
  • If beginners are going to stick wallpaper, you should not experiment. A composition of three or four shades without a competent approach can look too pretentious.
  • Before a full-fledged repair, it is worth buying test rolls in the store so as not to make a mistake with the color and size. At home, you will immediately see whether such a model is suitable for this particular room. Here, special attention is paid to the originality of lighting and interior.
  • Bright colors should not be chosen for spectral combination. For this technique, monochrome options are more suitable (white-gray-black combinations).
  • The most important advice is to make the walls as smooth as possible.


In combining wallpapers, you can experiment not only with colors, but also with different materials. There are matte, glossy, velvety wallpapers.

If you use coatings from different materials, but in the same color scheme, you can create a wonderful interior design.

Among the most popular materials are:

  • Paper. The budget option is smooth single-layer wallpaper, but it is very difficult to work with them. When water gets on the paper, they can easily tear. This is not very convenient when combining different parts. Due to the thin material, all defects will be visible on the wall.

The most suitable option is multilayer duplex or triplex wallpaper. Their cost is slightly higher than the price of single-layer, but they also remain affordable for the average buyer. Such coatings hide minor imperfections on the walls. Their only drawback is that they quickly fade in the sun and are easily torn.

  • Vinyl. Such wallpapers are made of paper or non-woven base. Thanks to a variety of vinyl application techniques, many interesting models are obtained as a result. Silk-screen wallpaper or heavy vinyl coverings are ideal for the bedroom.

If the walls in the bedroom are even, then silk-screen materials can be glued. They look very solemn. A slight glow will be noticeable even in the dark, it resembles the shine of natural silk fabrics.

A significant drawback of such wallpaper is the heavy air in the room. Because of the vinyl waterproof film, the walls practically do not breathe. However, the problem is completely solvable if you regularly ventilate the room or install ventilation in it.

  • Non-woven. This wallpaper is made from non-woven material obtained from cellulose and chemical fibers. Vinyl or other decorative coating is applied to the non-woven base.

Non-woven fabrics are very durable, elastic and convenient when pasting walls. The technology is as simple as possible. A special glue is applied to dry wallpaper, which does not corrode the surface. After this, the canvases are easily fixed on a vertical plane.

Due to the high density of the material, they look great even on uneven walls.

Such models are wide meter rolls. For large rooms, this is very convenient, fewer joints are formed. Small spaces will be more difficult. In order to avoid problems with matching the pattern, it is better to call a specialist who, during work, minimizes the likelihood of defects.

Another disadvantage of non-woven wallpaper is the high price. However, it fully justifies itself due to the complex production technology and expensive fibers in the composition. Having paid once, the owner of the apartment will be able not to worry about the condition of the walls for many years.

  • Textile. Wallpapers related to this type are not available for everyone. Often they are classified as luxury. They are made of non-woven base and natural fabrics: jute, linen, cotton, velor or silk.

Rigid fibers from flax and jute are embodied in canvases that resemble matting. Fleecy wallpaper is made of velor or felt. Woven fabrics are produced in the form of very wide rolls, using which, in one go, you can paste over one entire wall. This is very convenient, because you do not have to dock different edges.

When combined, textile wallpapers are chosen from the same material, but in different colors. For example, a silky base is presented in a wide spectral range. However, the combination of different parts will not be carried out on one wall, but immediately on the entire space of the room.

Textile fabrics have two significant disadvantages - high cost and problematic care. For example, velor surfaces accumulate a lot of dust, which is difficult to remove from the walls. Please note that wet cleaning is not suitable for textile wallpapers. All these shortcomings for many are compensated by the aesthetic appeal of these coatings.

  • Wallpaper. Such canvases are very often used in the combined technique of pasting walls. The photo can be printed on a paper, vinyl or non-woven base. The quality of the final product will depend on the base. There are special workshops that are engaged in the manufacture of custom-made photo wallpapers.

A wall with photo wallpapers is always the main accent in a room. The rest of the walls are a neutral background.

It is done in neutral (often pastel) colors. The ideal composition is when the background wallpaper matches the color of one of the details in the photo.

If the photo canvas is placed above the bed, then the furniture must be matched to the tone of this wallpaper. Then the interior will look very harmonious and holistic.


Combined wallpaper is important to choose in accordance with the overall style of the apartment. It is quite difficult to do this, because manufacturers are somewhat behind the fashion trends. But there is a way out: if you know the features of design trends, in which the main thing is to get into the right color scheme.

  • Classical. Classics always gravitate towards combinations of simple and complex elements. In the case of wallpaper, these can be plain canvases in nude tones (beige, milky, light brown), applique on the central wall in the form of vertical stripes or large stucco. But the accent surface should be three to four tones darker than the background walls.

    An excellent option would be a horizontal combination - in combination with moldings or finishing frames around the perimeter. Geometric prints in rich colors can alternate with light inserts.

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