We make flower pots with our own hands. Unique pots and flowerpots for the garden with your own hands Hanging flower pots with your own hands

Encyclopedia of Plants 26.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

As many people know, any flowers bring to the atmosphere reigning in the house, not only a feeling of comfort, but also beauty. They serve as a delight for human eyes, fill the apartment with a wonderful aroma, and contribute to filling the room with pure oxygen.

Psychologists, in turn, do not get tired of reminding that they are very useful for the physical and mental health of a person.

They are able to fill a person with positive energy, energize, and also drive away bad thoughts. That is why people suffering from various sleep disorders are highly recommended to use flowers not only for decorating purposes.

Supporters of traditional medicine, in turn, remind that plants can serve as a medicine for various ailments. For example, primrose is usually used for skin diseases, and aloe is an indispensable tool in the fight against colds.

And if one of the household suffers from nervous disorders, then one cannot do without the help of geraniums. It will relieve the obsessive state in a short time, calm and have a beneficial effect on the body.

However, in order for the flowers to become a full-fledged decoration in the house and look quite harmonious, one cannot do without their correct location. Often, plants are placed on window sills, but such a decision is not always correct.

After all, in the hot summer, too much sunlight enters the flowers, and in the winter, an excess of cold causes irreparable harm to them.

That is why professional florists strongly recommend using floor stands for flowers. They will help you properly arrange the plants and become a worthy decoration of the interior.

All about the types of stands for indoor flowers

Today, there are many models on the market that have a different price range and differ. The material taken as a basis can be not only wood or metal, but also plastic.

Note! Decorative tree in the interior - 75 photos of design ideas for living spaces

And if you make your choice correctly, then without a doubt you will become the owner of not only a beautiful, elegant, but also a practical, multifunctional product.

They will be a great addition to your interior, ennoble it and give it more charm and grace. Let us consider in more detail what types of coasters can currently be found on the market:

Stationary floor stands. They are the most popular and have a fairly reasonable price. Their design is quite simple and is based on a solid vertical base.

The base may or may not be movable. It depends entirely on your preferences and does not affect the functionality of the product.

Shelf stands. Most often used in rooms with limited free space, in which it is necessary to accommodate a large number of plants.

Their design is quite interesting and unusual, so they can be seen not only in classically decorated rooms, but also in rooms with a more modern design.

Mobile. They can have a different shape, are equipped with movable parts and consist of two or more tiers. The main difference between this model and others is the presence of wheels.

Thanks to this, the home owner gets a unique opportunity to move the product around the house without any problems.

Non-standard coasters. Appeared on the market not so long ago, but have already managed to become quite popular. This is due to the fact that in our time an increasing number of people prefer modern styles.

Such styles are for the most part demanding on decorating items. That is why there is a need to acquire catchy and memorable interior items.

What coasters to choose?

When choosing coasters, you need to be guided not only by personal preferences and style requirements. Always remember that you need to consider which plants will be placed on stands.

Do not forget that standard products are designed for only 1 flowerpot, and their height does not exceed 70 centimeters. There are also models that have a height of only 10 centimeters. Therefore, before purchasing one of these models, think about which one is more suitable.

For example, if you plan to purchase plants with rather long, thin or thick stems that hang down to the floor, it is completely unacceptable to order a product with a small height. And, conversely, you should not get too tall designs for flowers with short stems.

In the event that there is not so much free space in the room, you should think about buying corner tower structures. They can accommodate several flowerpots at once, but at the same time they do not take up as much space as ordinary floor products.

However, when choosing this design, it is important to think in advance how the flowers will be arranged. They should not interfere with each other, as well as create an additional shadow.

To prevent this from happening, do not place plants with wide and large leaves on this stand.

Photo options for racks for flowers

To save space, more functionality use flower stands. Such a solution will perfectly fit into any stylistic decision, it will allow you to place more plants with minimal use of space. There are several options that you can do yourself. It just takes a little effort and desire.

DIY product

In the photo of the flower stand, you can see the differences between the products. Models of the same type will be a great addition to the apartment. Other options are suitable for the home, because they will take up a large space.

Do not forget about the appearance of the product. You should decide on a specific model, prepare the appropriate materials. There are different types of products:

  • wall products;
  • floor stands for flowers that perform different functional loads. Despite the size of the room, such a product will harmoniously fit into the overall atmosphere.

Their differences lie in the maintenance of different types of plants. You should decide in advance which plants you want to place on a particular stand.

The first type can be divided into stationary and mobile, they have wheels for movement.

Each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages. You should choose the option that is suitable for a particular plant.

The advantages of the mobile type is the ability to move the plant, uniform distribution of sunlight, air, which favorably affects their growth.

The advantage of the stationary type is to withstand a large load. Therefore, more pots can fit on the stand. Often used high stands, which occupies the entire section of the wall, or windows, for example.

Additionally, you can use light bulbs that will allow you to evenly distribute the light. Pallets will help facilitate the cleaning process.

floor type

A wide range allows you to choose the option you need. The design allows you to easily fit all plants, taking into account their individual characteristics.

It is important to know how to make a flower stand with your own hands, where to start. First you need to develop a specific model, drawing. After that, you decide what type you need, size, plants that can fit on such a product.

It is believed that the minimum allowable height between tiers is 40 cm. After all, regardless of the size of the plants, care should be taken to supply fresh air, the right amount of light. With such a distance, they are convenient to water, care for and clean.

One of the simplest options is a metal flower stand. In order to make a product, you will need pipes or metal profiles. The main thing is that the product fits in your home.

The main elements are connected using standard type fasteners. Often the upper part is made of wood. To embellish the final result, paint should be applied. A single-color coating will complement the interior, help the stand last longer.

For the Provence style, a wooden flower stand is considered the most optimal. Another style is vintage decor. It is important to pay special attention to the legs, because the service life and functional load depend on the quality of their manufacture.

The curved shape is considered common, which is a characteristic feature of the vintage style. At the final stage, the product can be painted white, rubbed with sandpaper. Thus, you artificially age the thing. Decoupage involves the use of patterns, pictures, depending on your wishes.


It is worth noting that flower stands are often made from improvised materials. In this case, free space must be taken into account.

With minimum square meters, there should be a high, compact design. Having supplemented it with additional elements, it is turned into an excellent decorative thing.


Often use plant stands for houses, apartments. Especially valuable are those products that are made by hand. They differ in type, material of manufacture, color.

Consider the main parameters, features of the surface and plants for a harmonious combination of the product and the style direction of your home.

For self-fake, use the advice of designers, do not forget about the preparatory stage of work. You need to do planning, create a drawing.

The most optimal model is considered where the plants are placed in a checkerboard pattern. This arrangement will provide the necessary amount of air, light for plants. Caring for them, cleaning is greatly simplified.

DIY flower stand photo

Indoor flowers in flowerpots are a wonderful way to decorate an apartment or house, make the room more lively and cozy.

In this article, we offer you interesting ideas on how to make beautiful hanging flower pots using a variety of materials, such as wood, leather, twine and other improvised means.

Also 5 step-by-step master classes with diagrams and photos on how to weave flower pots quickly and easily with your own hands and create a really beautiful interior decor.

Leather hanging planters are easy to manufacture, but look very original. Add some style to your home decor with this wonderful leather planter. It can definitely become exactly the highlight that makes the interior unique.

Master class: leather hanging planter

Necessary materials:

  • Distilled (purified) water
  • Tracing paper (21x28 cm) and 4 pieces of strong rope (or leather laces), each approximately 90-120 cm long
  • Leather dye (optional) and gloves
  • Leather (30x30 cm square)
  • Packing tape, a simple pencil and a stationery knife
  • Computer and printer (for template printing) and template
  • Sponge for wetting and coloring

Step by step diagram:

Step 1: Preparation and placement

Print out the hanger plant template on tracing paper. Lay the template down on the wrong side of the leather and choose the ideal placement (not too close to the sides to avoid any imperfections in the leather).

Step 3: Soften the skin

Dip the sponge into the purified water, and then evenly apply moisture to the skin. Repeat this step at least three times until the skin looks like it can't take in more water. This will soften the skin, and facilitate our work on weaving pots.

Step 4: Template transfer

Now place the template in the place you selected earlier and tape it on the sides so as not to move to the side. With a simple pencil, direct the lines printed on the tracing paper by pressing the pencil with medium force. Be careful and don't miss any line.

Step 5. Cutting

Now peel off the template from the skin to see how the design has transferred to the surface of the skin. Using a utility knife, make cuts in place of the lines.

For convenience, you can first cut a circle along the outer contour. The cuts should be clearly drawn along the drawn lines.

Step 6. Coloring

Note: This step is optional, depending on the desired color and materials at hand. In our case, we dyed the skin dark brown.

After the skin is dry from moisturizing (at least one hour), apply the desired dye. Apply the paint with a sponge (wearing gloves) until the desired effect is achieved.

As the skin dries, pull it back a little to give it a voluminous shape. You will start to see the skin deform, keep going pulling and stretching it to create the shape of the pot as it should be when finished.

Step 8: Hang Up

  • After, how the skin is completely dry, and a planter shape is formed, punch four holes in the upper part to thread the ropes through them.
  • You must place them evenly, at the same distance from each other, so that the suspended flower pot does not then lean to one side.
  • Take four ropes (regular or leather) and on each of them tie a knot, tightening it tightly at the end.

Step 9: Decorate and Mount

Add tassels, beads, rivets- everything that is necessary to achieve the desired style in the end. At the top of the hanging cords, gather all four of them together and tie into a knot.

You can use this knot to hook onto a ceiling hook and/or ring. See if the length of the pendant suits you, if necessary, tie the knot at a different level.

Straw hanging planter

This planter will suit the interior with innovative notes. Transform and complete your home decor with their neon cocktail straws and strings. And for this, even 15 minutes will be enough for you!

Necessary materials:

  • neon threads
  • neon straws (8 pieces per pot)
  • flower pots for indoor plants (we used white ones made of melamine)
  • house plants (succulents)
  • scissors

How to weave - instructions:

Step 1: Cut the threads

Cut eight pieces of neon cord, each 90-150 cm long, depending on how close to the ceiling you want to place the pots.

Step 2: Making a Knot

Take the newly cut threads together and tie a knot at one end, resulting in a tassel from a small excess of cord at one end.

Step 3: Divide the threads into sections

Lay out the rope in four sections (similar to the shape of a cross). That is, two ropes in each section.

Step 4: Cut the Straws

  1. Cut off in straws that small part that is separated by a spring. Then cut it in half. Take eight of these small pieces and stretch a thread into each of them.
  2. Move the straws to the center(knot) and on every two threads (in sections) make a knot. Here's what it will look like:
  3. Lay out the threads again in the shape of a cross, two threads per section. Only now, to form a section, take one thread from the previously adjacent sections.
  4. Cut the straws into pieces (total need 16), each of which should be the size of a piece of straw, which is separated by a spring.
  5. In each of 8 pieces of straws thread and make knots on the threads from one section.
  6. Similarly, lay out 2 strands in the shape of a cross, one each from adjacent sections.

Add a third and final set of straws to the strands and tie adjacent strands (similar to the previous set).

Step 5: Hang Up

It remains only to hang the pots and insert a flowerpot with indoor flowers into it. Make a few pieces, then together they will create a beautiful composition.

And neon straws will also glow a little at night, which will look very original.

Macrame flower pot

The macrame technique has, probably, the most variations in the manufacture of planters. They can be very simple, which can be done in just 10-15 minutes with your own hands, or complex with many hours of work. Practice weaving first on the lungs, hone your skills, and then improve.

Master class: DIY macrame weaving

Macrame is back in fashion, as is needlework in general. In this master class, you will learn how to make a hanging planter with your own hands using this technique. There is nothing complicated, just follow the instructions and you will succeed!

Necessary materials:

  • 3 cords 2.5 m long and 0.5 cm thick
  • Metal ring with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm
  • Hook (on wall, slot) to hold macrame while working
  • Scissors and colored rope
  • Glass pot in the form of a ball with a diameter of 20 cm
  • Drainage stones and soil
  • House plants that climb (e.g. Stephanotis)
  • Decorative moss (optional)

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Thread the ropes into the ring

Pull all three ropes through the metal ring until the ring is in the middle of the ropes. Thus, you now have six ropes to work with, each 1.25 m long.

Step 2: Making a Knot

  1. Of all tie a knot with six ropes right next to the ring. Make it as tight as possible, for this, after forming the knot, tighten each rope separately.
  2. Hang the ring on a hook (if there is no hook, then tie it to a cabinet handle or anything like that with a separate small rope, the main thing is to fix it). This will allow you to use both hands while working.

Step 3: Divide the Cords into Groups

  • Separate the cords into three groups, two in each. Tie a knot in each pair 45 cm below the ring. You will have three knots at the same level, make sure they are tight.
  • Take one rope from two adjacent pairs and tie them together about 12 cm below the previous knot.

Repeat the previous step with the rest of the ropes so that they are all tied together. This will create a zigzag pattern between the cords.

Step 4: End Node

  1. Approximately 12 -15 cm below the second set of knots, gather all six ropes together to make one big final knot. Pull each cord individually to make the knot as tight as possible.
  2. See what the length you need to leave and cut the ropes to the right size.
  3. Wrap the multi-colored threads around the rope in several places, creating blocks a few centimeters long. This stage is decorative and is optional. Now the macrame pendant is ready and you can place the pot in it.

Step 5: Planting Indoor Flowers

At the bottom of the glass pot, place stones for drainage to make a layer about 2.5 cm high. Fill the rest of the bowl with soil.

  1. Remove the plant from the temporary pot and place in a glass jar. Pour water over and press down on the soil to compress it. You can place decorative moss on top of the soil, optional.
  2. Place the glass bowl with the flower over the lowest node and spread the ropes to the sides to fix well.
  3. Straighten the plant if it is tangled in the ropes. Hang and admire the beauty of the plant and your own product.

Macrame schemes for flowerpots

Here are a few more schemes for those who want to master the weaving of macrame. They are very simple - suitable even for beginners. Look at the photo and repeat. A clothesline or thin twine is perfect as a material. The minimum consumption for a hanging planter is 10 meters of rope.

Wooden planter

The tree also gives a fairly wide range of actions, various shapes, colors. Choose what you like best and create.

Master class: hanging wooden planter

This hanging planter will wonderfully complement your home interior. It is done quickly and simply, the materials also will not take a lot of money. The best solution for an apartment.

Necessary materials:

  • Wooden plate and saw
  • Home plants and flowerpots
  • Rope and metal ring
  • Drill and sandpaper
  • Paint and brush

Step-by-step manufacturing scheme:

Step 1: Making Wooden Squares

Consider how many tiers your flower stand will have ( there are 4 of them, but you can do more or less ). Choose the houseplants you want to place there.

Based on all this, cut out the required number of squares from a wooden plate.

  1. To do this, turn the pot upside down and place it on a plate, circle and leave on the sides about 5 cm, thus determining the size of the square.
  2. With a saw make squares.

Step 2: Making holes for the pots

  1. You already have a circle drawn on the tree from the top of the pot, now you need to draw another one in the middle of it so that their centers coincide, but the diameter of the new one was about 1-2 cm smaller.
  2. This value depends on how quickly the pot that you will place in the stand increases to the top, and also you want so that the wooden square is almost at the very top, or in the center of the pot.
  3. You can take another pot, suitable for the size of the stencil, and circle it.

  • Cut out this new circle with a jigsaw. For convenience, you can first make a hole with a drill and, starting from it, work with a jigsaw.
  • The pots should now fit inside the squares.

Step 3: Hanging Holes

At the corners of the squares you need to make holes for the rope so that they can be hung. To do this, use drill with a diameter of up to 1 cm.

Step 4: Paint the Tree

Using sandpaper, remove the roughness and irregularities that have formed after sawing and drilling. Now the tree can be painted or simply treated with an antiseptic. In this case, dark brown paint was used.

Step 5: Paint the Pots

Pots can also be painted, if desired. Sloppy strokes of white paint look good on plain clay pots. This step can be skipped.

Step 6: Putting it all together

In order to fasten the wooden squares together, we need a thick rope: cut 4 ropes of 180 cm each (for a given number of tiers). Pull one rope into each corner hole of one of the squares and tie a knot at the end, this will be the lower part of the structure.

Tie one more on each rope. knot at 25-30 cm above the previous one and thread the ropes into the holes of the next square. Check that everything is even, and the second tier is clearly horizontal above the first, correct the knots if necessary. The second tier is ready. Repeat these steps for the remaining tiers.

Step 7: Plant Your Plants

A practical advantage of such a hanging stand is that water that may flow down after watering from the top plant will drip onto the lower one. So a pot stand is needed only on the lowest tier (if you use it outdoors, you can do without stands at all).

You can also put coffee filters or similar absorbent materials in the bottom of the pots, so that water can flow out, but the earth will not fall out through the hole.

TIP: To prevent the bottom pot from falling out of the stand if someone accidentally catches the rope, glue it to the pot with superglue.

Step 8: Transplant the plants into prepared pots.

If you glue the base of the lower pot before inserting it into the wooden square, it will turn out like in the photo below. If you want the bottom pot to be inserted into the tree in the same way as the rest, then first transplant the plants, insert the pots into the holes in the tree, and only then glue the stand to the bottom one.

Step 9: Hang Up

  1. To hang this structure, pull the ropes through the metal ring and tie a knot, or bend them over and tie them around with another thin rope.
  2. Adjust the rope so that all tiers are horizontal and even.

Such a stand is good, just do not forget that the flowers need a sufficient amount of light.

A hanging stand is a wonderful solution for those who love flowers but don't have enough space to place them.

Pots made of copper tubes

The manufacturing principle is similar to that described in the previous master class, only copper tubes are used here (and they fold into a slightly different pattern). Of course, these materials will be more expensive than straws, and cutting them is not so fast, but in general there is no difficulty, and it turns out beautifully and with high quality.

TIP: If desired, copper pipes can be replaced with plastic straws for cocktails

Necessary materials:

  • 2 m copper tube with a diameter of approximately 3 mm
  • Mini pipe cutter
  • Strong thread or fishing line
  • Leather cord (length depends on how high you intend to hang the pot)
  • small pot
  • Plant

Step by step weaving:

Step 1: Cut the tubes

You need to cut the tube into the following pieces: 20 pieces 4 cm long and 5 pieces 24 cm long. Cut long pieces first, and then small ones, it will be more convenient. Use a measuring tape for measurements.

Step 2: Start folding the tubes

Tie a knot at one end of the fishing line, and thread the other through 5 small pieces of the tube so that you get a pentagon (that is, the line must be passed through the first piece of the tube twice).

Step 3: Continue making pentagons with small tubes

  • Pass the line through 4 tubes of the same size, and then through the tube of the previously formed pentagon. Now the line is in the tube connecting the pentagons, and you need to bring it through the top tubes of the pentagon you just made to its left edge.
  • Don't worry if they don't look perfect, everything will straighten out when you hang and place the pot.
  • Then do it in the same way 2 more pentagons, in total there should be 4 pieces, and they should be located as in the photo below.
  • Now bring the line through the tubes to the bottom of the extreme pentagon and put a tube on it. Then pass the fishing line through one edge of the other extreme pentagon.

Here's what should happen:

Pass the line through 2 more tubes, and then through the edge of the pentagon, as in the photo below. It should look something like a flower, or rather like this:

Step 4: Stringing Long Tubes

  1. Lead the fishing line to one of the highest points of the structure (between the two upper tubes of one of the pentagons). Now the fishing line needs to be threaded through a long tube.
  2. Pass the line through another long tube, and then direct it to the next highest point of the pentagon structure (any, not necessarily adjacent).

  1. Pass the wire through 2 small tubes to get to the next high point. Now pass through another long tube, the line will come out to the junction of the long tubes, return the line back down through one of the previous two long tubes. Attach the fourth tube in the same way.
  2. Now it remains for you to attach the last tube, but first place a pot in the middle of the structure, otherwise it will not fit through the honey tubes later.
  3. Now attach the last tube. Here's what should happen:

Step 5: Attaching the Leather Cord

Cut about 30 cm of leather cord and attach it to the connection point of the long tubes. You can tie a knot, but here, for aesthetics, hot glue was used, fastening it to a neatly folded end of the cord. Here's what it looks like:

To hide the glued area, cut another small piece of cord, secure with hot glue, and wrap around the cord to hang from.

Trim off excess line and cord. And the last step: plant your favorite houseplants!

Where to hang pots

Moreover, in summer, plants can be placed both inside and outside the house, but since it is cold now, we will focus on home ones. You can green any room of the apartment, kitchen or hallway, the main thing is to take into account the needs of plants, the right amount of light. In fact, each version of the hanging planter can be placed in any room of the apartment, so this is only your design decision.

Of course, you can just put a flower pot on a windowsill or bedside table, and it will already look good. But if you try a little more, then you can decorate the appearance of the pots, and make better use of the space of the apartment, at the same time arranging the plants and not taking up extra space with them (with hanging planters).

Above the workplace

Here, a hanging planter will not take up much space, especially since we always try to put the desktop closer to the window, which will be very popular with indoor flowers.

In the bedroom

The bedroom is not only beautiful, but also very useful to place plants. They enrich the room with oxygen. And how nice it is to wake up among the greenery. Try hanging plant pots in your bedroom.

In the kitchen

This is ideal, you will never hook or turn over a flowerpot. The planter looks very homely in the kitchen!

On the balcony or in the chill-out area

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment allows, then with the help of flower hanging flower pots, you can plant trees in the whole room and make a mini-garden. But spruce squares are not enough - you can arrange a comfortable seating area on the balcony.

Planter ideas from improvised materials

If you show imagination, then a hanging planter can be made absolutely from any materials at hand. Starting from old cans, bottles to unwanted towels and T-shirts.

From beads

If you have old beads lying around and you don’t know what to do with them, then here is one of the options for solving the problem - we decorate the pots.

From baskets and pots

Such pots can be used both for a single pot, and for several at once. Such wicker baskets are sure to be found in many homes. They often lie idle, but in vain they will make an excellent suspension for flowers.

High-tech planter

Modern suspensions made of concrete or brass will fit into the modern style of the apartment.

From bottles

Probably the cheapest of all methods, but it looks no worse than the others. We collect empty plastic and glass bottles and make original flower pots.

From moss and shells

Many houses have shells brought from the seas, and if you drill a small hole and plant small succulents there, a mini-planter will learn. The main thing is the quantity, 3-8 pieces will create an excellent hanging garden.

A lot of people are involved in the cultivation of flowers. Beautiful flowers delight the eye, improve mood, make the world more beautiful. When growing flowers, various pots are used, they can be picked up at any flower shop. But to give your home a special mood, you can build a pot for indoor plants with your own hands.

Creation features

Handmade products are always interesting and relevant. Flower vases made at home look cute and unusual, give a special chic to the room. Such items can become a real work of art, while they are made in a single copy. You can place a decorative flowerpot not only in a room, but also decorate a garden plot, a veranda or a balcony with it.

To create even the most unusual in appearance and design of a flowerpot, simple materials are used. It is enough just to give free rein to your imagination and make a little effort to create an extraordinary flower pot with your own hands. Even the most unusual and unsuitable objects for this purpose can be used as a container for growing indoor plants. Homemade flowerpots made from old caskets, cans, and unnecessary dishes will look very impressive. Wine bottle corks, coconut shells, furniture, paint cans, books, and even a bag are used as containers.

The easiest way to revive the garden and create an original mini-greenhouse is to plant flowers in dinnerware. For this purpose, suitable cups that remained after the service in a single copy, teapots for tea leaves, clay salad bowls. Thanks to such things, you can decorate the room and complement its style, for example, Provence or country. When choosing a bonsai pot, an old clay salad bowl or a flat plate will do. The main thing is not to forget to drill drainage holes at the bottom of the vessel.

The choice of material plays a decisive role. To create such a masterpiece, you can take improvised materials or make a pot yourself from clay, cement, gypsum or wood.

Shape selection

The shape of flower pots can be very different. The most common are round-shaped containers, but you can make them of any shape, the main thing is that the plant is comfortable in such a vessel.

Some types of plants require a lot of space, they do not like crowding, so the shape and size of the pot is selected specifically for each type.

  • for bonsai It is better to choose a container of a square or rectangular shape. These trees will also look good in round or oval pots, as long as they are flat and at the same time spacious enough for the root system.
  • Pots in the shape of a square or rectangle will look organically on a flat surface. For bonsai, it is better to choose a separate place or niche, this will make it possible to admire the tree without being distracted by foreign objects.
  • Round or oval pots will look good on the windowsill. They take up little space, but they look very cute.
  • Look especially impressive round hanging pots, which are hung in the garden or on the balcony. You can hang a whole composition of pots by placing them on a flat bar or under the ceiling. Such containers can also have a square shape.

In the event that there are only a few flower pots in the room, they can be easily placed on the windowsill closer to sunlight, while the shape of the pot does not play a big role. Real flower growers will not be limited to a couple of flowers, but will plant a whole garden-flower garden.

Required Tools

To make a pot with your own hands, you will need various tools. Their presence will vary depending on what materials the vessel will be made of. Whatever material the pot is made of, you need to drill drainage holes on its bottom, so you need to have a drill available, as well as drills for different materials. If the products are made of wood, a saw, a hammer and a jigsaw will come in handy. In addition, the master will need:

  • nails;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • wood glue;
  • gardening scissors;
  • work gloves.

Also in the work you may need grout for tiles, tin containers and rods, plaster.

What can be made from?

You can make a pot for indoor plants from improvised materials. You can make beautiful and unusual products from clay or alabaster. A ceramic flowerpot will look very interesting; large flowers will feel good in it. For the manufacture of a pot, everything that will serve as a container for the soil is suitable.

When creating topiary, the pot is the most important part. Topiaries are ball-shaped trees made from various materials and objects that are attached to the stem. They are called trees of happiness in the East. For the topiary, you should choose the appropriate pot for it. Looking at the composition, the eye goes from top to bottom, so the final final chord falls on the lower part of the composition. That is why the overall impression of the topiary will depend on the beauty of the pot.

A wide variety of elements are used to decorate such an item. You can use ribbons and braid, as well as twine and burlap. The easiest way to decorate a pot is to wrap it with a large piece of cloth.

Painted containers look good. It is better to choose a paint that will have the same shade as the crown of the tree. You can make an original flower container even from a pumpkin. Children can be instructed to make a plasticine bowl. A pumpkin product will be relevant in the fall, especially if it is timed to coincide with Halloween. When choosing a pumpkin, it is important that its size matches the planted plants. You should also pay attention to the color of the vegetable and choose a pumpkin with a plain skin.


Clay flowerpot, made by hand, will decorate and complement any interior. To make it, you need to take a piece of clay of the right size and knead it. In the event that the clay lump is still solid, water should be added to the mass. The clay mass should be homogeneous, without impurities and bubbles and not stick to the hands. Before starting work, it is better to experiment a little and try to mold small details from clay. It can be figurines of animals, other crafts. When the test figures start to turn out well, you can start the main work and mold a pot for indoor plants. To make a flowerpot, you need:

  • roll out the clay like a pancake and cut an even circle for the bottom;
  • after that, proceed to the manufacture of the walls;
  • the walls are attached to the bottom.

After completing the work, the container is packed in paper or newspaper and left to dry. When the product dries, it is fired. The first time it is fired, all moisture will be removed from it. The second firing is necessary to give the product strength. To carry out this procedure, the dishes are heated to a temperature of +300 degrees, firing is carried out for 3 hours.


For self-construction of flowerpots, cement or concrete is used. To prepare the mortar, you need to mix sand with cement and add water. At the same time, it is important that there is 2 times more sand than cement. Water is added to the solution little by little, stirring the mixture. The solution must have a uniform consistency. If a large flowerpot is made of cement, then it is worth making a frame for it. To make the surface of the product smooth, it is treated with sandpaper or a felt circle is used. Concrete is poured into any containers that can keep their shape for several hours. It can be a 5-liter water bottle, a tin or plastic bucket, or a frame built from boards.

Flowerpots made of cement have increased strength and original design. Concrete products are used in home interiors and in the design of personal plots. If you need to make a small flowerpot, you can use a 5-liter plastic bottle. It is necessary to cut off the neck from the container, thus a kind of blank is obtained. Next, you need to lubricate the inside of the container with oil, knead the cement mortar and pour it into the container. After that, you need to take a 2-liter plastic bottle, grease the outside with oil and dip it into the solution. Inside the smaller container, you need to put a load in the form of bricks or stones. Such a solution dries for at least two days. Then the containers need to be cut and removed.

You can make a flowerpot out of cement in a different way. For this you need:

  • take a container, then wrap it with a film;
  • dip a rag into the solution with cement and hold it for several minutes so that it is completely saturated;
  • the impregnated fabric is laid out on a container and straightened; if desired, creases or edges are made wavy;
  • the container is left in this form for three days until it is completely dry.

The size of the core of the product will determine how strong and thick the walls of the pot will be. Concrete products have an impressive weight, so in order not to transfer flowerpots to a suitable place for them, it is better to build formwork immediately where they will be located.


A container for flowers can be made from gypsum by analogy with making it from cement. Take as ingredients:

  • gypsum;
  • water;
  • 2 plastic containers, different sizes.

To build a pot, you need to take a large jar, grease it inside with oil and put a smaller container there, greased with oil on the outside. Next, set the containers to the selected level and fill with a solution. To prepare the solution, gypsum is mixed with water in a ratio of 2: 1.


From plastic, you can very quickly make containers for growing flowers. Plastic pots are also suitable for building a system with automatic watering. Its use of such a system allows you to provide full-fledged watering to plants that require special care, even during the absence of the owner. These plants include orchids. To make a system with automatic watering for them, you need to do the following.

  • Take a liter and a two-liter bottle. Cut a large container in half 20 cm from the bottom and make cuts (8 pieces) about 4 cm long. Bend the resulting petals inside the vessel.
  • Then you should cut off the neck from the top and insert the prepared base of the lower part, fix it with glue.
  • Following this, in the same way, cut a smaller container at a height of about 15 cm from the bottom.
  • Bend the upper part outward by 1 cm. Holes are made on the bottom, for this they use a soldering iron, a hot nail or a knife. A cord is passed through them.

The container is filled with a substrate and an orchid is planted in it. This design is lowered into the base pot, while curved petals will hold it in weight. Water is poured into a large bowl, where the water will rise along the cord to the upper bowl. Water should be added through the spout, which is inserted into the cut at the bottom of the structure. For violets, you can take the most common plastic cups with a volume of 100-120 ml. They need to make a hole in the bottom for drainage. In such containers, violets will be comfortable, they will have enough light, moisture and soil. Such cups will look very simple, so they should be decorated. They can be wrapped in colored paper, applied with paint or nail polish, tied with ribbons or lace.

An original product can even be made from an old plastic bucket or tank. Such a container is more often used as a pot for soil; it will not have a decorative purpose.


A rather unusual pot can be built from wood. Such containers for flowers will look unusual and original, especially if you put them in a summer garden, in a country house or on a veranda. For such a flowerpot, you can take a stump or a thick bough and extract the core, clean the container well from the inside and sand it. Already in this form, the product can be used for its intended purpose. A tree stump or bough with bark as a flowerpot will look natural in the garden. Drainage holes must be made in the products. In the event that the bottom of the flowerpot is small, holes are drilled on the side parts of the flowerpot.

If you use the deck as a decorative element, then you do not need to drill holes. They simply put pots made of plastic or ceramics in a flowerpot. It is important to reliably protect the wood from moisture. In the event that the pot is not used, it is necessary to treat the surface inside with moisture-proof impregnation, cover it with polyethylene, and then pour drainage and soil. The size of the container will depend on where it will be installed, as well as on the size of the flower. So, for a large orchid, a flowerpot made of large chocks is more suitable. And for a small and compact plant, a piece of wood with a diameter of up to 10 cm is enough.

You can make a flowerpot from timber and lumber, but this method is somewhat more complicated and will require knowledge in carpentry. Wooden barrels can be used as a flowerpot. They are used as a one-piece structure or sawn into two parts along or across. If you cut the barrel across, then you can immediately make two flowerpots from one product. Old pallets or wooden boxes are also used as containers for plants. To build a product from an old pallet, you need:

  • disassemble the old structure;
  • measure the boards and decide what size the container will have, if necessary, shorten them;
  • a long board is cut in half, and a short one is divided into three parts;
  • a small bevel is made along their edges;
  • boards are connected with self-tapping screws;
  • subsequent rows of boards are added to the resulting frame;
  • make the bottom, fix the legs;
  • all parts are well fixed and treated with woodworking impregnation.

From the boards you can assemble a product of any shape. It can be a hexagon, a trapezoid, but the easiest way is to assemble a rectangular or cubic flowerpot.

How to decorate?

Now on sale you can find beautiful pots for indoor plants, but they are often either very ordinary and simple, or vice versa, very pretentious, but at the same time expensive. To make a stylish and original pot better with your own hands, this will allow you to build a designer flowerpot in a single copy. In this case, the pot will look very extraordinary and emphasize the special atmosphere of the room. Covers for pots knitted by hand or sewn from different fabrics will look unusual. When choosing a fabric, it is better to give preference to bright shades. You can also choose a plain beige fabric, thereby emphasizing the beauty of the plant. Knitting lovers can create original clothes for plants from a textured thread.

You can make a real designer flowerpot by simply painting clay pots with acrylic paints. Beautiful ceramic fragments can also be used. Use them to decorate a pot in the mosaic technique. Its elements can be colored glass, pebbles, shards of dishes. In mosaic technique, both a small flowerpot and a more bulky design will look good. You can create an original decor using marbling. To do this, use a container of water, several jars of varnish of different shades, as well as a stick. The water temperature should be warm. To create a pattern you need:

  • pour nail polish into water;
  • mix different shades using a stick;
  • lower the pot into the liquid with stains and wrap the resulting paint on it.

One of the methods of decoration is decoupage. To decorate the pot yourself in this technique, you should:

  • clean and degrease the tank primer;
  • cover it with paint;
  • glue cut-out figures from paper on the surface;
  • decorate with other additional elements;
  • cover with varnish to fix the effect.

As a decor, you can use lace and burlap. For decoration use beads, shells, glass pebbles.

How to make a flower pot, see the following video.

Flowers are the decoration of our life. And a flower arrangement, correctly decorated with the help of stands and supports, becomes a work of art. Everyone can create a masterpiece: all you need is a little imagination and improvised means.

Flowers decorate the interior and create comfort in the house.

Perhaps this question was asked by every hostess. Today, a huge range of various decorative forms, stands, holders and supports is available. The only problem is that truly beautiful accessories are expensive and not everyone can afford them. And what is affordable is not always pleasing to the eye.

Flower arrangements attract positive energy into the house, create peace and harmony.

Another advantage of "hand made" products is that they can be made to the desired size. If there is a small corner between the sofa and the armchair for a flower stand, or a fragment of the wall near the closet is ideal for a shelf, then by carefully measuring the space, you can create a neat and very practical interior detail.

A self-made shelf will be an original addition to the overall design in style and shape.

Moreover, today you can purchase various accessories, decorative elements and fasteners, so that the thing is beautiful and as functional as possible.

Types of plant stands

Stands can be wall, floor, made of wood, metal, and even unusual improvised materials.

A flower stand serves several purposes: it provides the right conditions for plants, it allows you to save extra space.

As an option - a wall model made of wood and metal. Wooden shelves are attached to the decorative metal frame. Their number may vary. The stand is very functional, as it allows you to place flowers in a room of modest size.

This arrangement adds effect and style to the interior of the room.

A "flower garden" of this form is more often used as a street element for summer cottages and large terraces. However, if desired, it may well decorate a room or kitchen. The bottom shelf can be used for other purposes, or will allow you to place another batch of flower pots.

An unusual solution for placing flowers. The stand is fixed both on the ceiling and on the floor. This model will decorate a large living room or hall of impressive size.

Looks very stylish and practical.

Another version of the "floor flower garden". In this case, the frame with stands acts as a screen and can be used for space zoning even in small rooms. The main thing is that the pots "sit" tightly.

The convenience of a do-it-yourself floor stand for flowers lies in the variety of forms that it can take.

If space permits, volumetric structures can be used. They are made in different styles and are selected depending on the interior design. Light-loving flowers are placed on the upper steps, and pots with plants that are not so demanding on the presence of light are placed further down.

All plants on a common structure should be convenient and comfortable to grow qualitatively.

DIY floor stand for flowers

It turns out that creating exclusive decorative elements does not require serious material costs. The main thing is fantasy. At the same time, even the simplest model looks elegant and exclusive.

Be sure to observe the correct overall dimensions of any kind of floor stand for flowers with your own hands.

One of the possible options: a stand in the form of a ladder with a support on the back. For its manufacture, an ordinary staircase, cut to the desired size, is suitable. To make a support, you will need bars and a screwdriver. In extreme cases, you can also fasten with nails. Wooden pallets are used as supports for pots.

The minimum height between tiers is 40 centimeters.

The finished flower pot stand is varnished. This model looks good both in white and with the effect of antiquity. It will decorate the terrace or complement the interior of the house in country style.

As you can see in the photo on such a “ladder”, not only pots with fresh flowers look beautiful, but also figurines and candles.

If desired, the composition can be "diluted" with artificial flora.

Another unusual DIY flower stand. The key point is the bearing part of the structure. Of course, you can also use ordinary wooden bars (the optimal size is 5x5 cm), but then it will lose its natural charm. Having chosen the branching part correctly, all that remains is to attach the wooden coasters for the pots and the base. This is also done with a screwdriver.

A special composition is applied to the finished model for shine and protection.

Do-it-yourself flower stand on the windowsill

And yet, the main place for placing flowers in a house or apartment is the windowsill. Firstly, because this is the brightest place, and, as you know, there is no life without light. Secondly, because of space saving. If something can still be put and hung in a corner or on a wall, then the window sill, as a rule, remains a free zone.

If there is a lot of space in the rooms, then the structure does not have to stretch only up.

And in order not to be content only with the length of the window sill, an elegant way of placing flowers was invented. These are classic shelves. They can be made from different materials:

  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • tree.

And they can also be attached to the window opening in different ways. Or close to the glass, or next to the window opening.

It all depends on the finish and design of the window, as well as on personal preferences.

In this case, the window in the kitchen is decorated in an unusual way. Used glass shelves inside the window opening. The alternative is clear plastic. Shelves are mounted on special holders.

Another similar model, only the shelves are held on special fixtures near the window. By the way, summer residents use a similar design for growing seedlings.

Stands-shelves on the windowsill are a great opportunity to put a lot of pots in a limited space.

Wall mount models

Another commonly used option is wall-mounted flower shelves. They are mainly valued for their compactness and versatility.

If desired, the design is made from improvised materials.

It is difficult to imagine more handy materials than the remains of pipes of different diameters. As you can see in the photo, you can place flowers in such a design in any order. Especially when it comes to voluminous petunias that bloom all summer.

Even the most gray "stand" looks bright and interesting.

The laconic room version of the shelf on the wall looks like this. Without unnecessary decor and volume.

Very interesting homemade shelf. To make it, you need a board that needs to be sawn into square elements and cut a hole in the middle. For fastening use a thick rope. In this case, the structure rests on two segments, but variations are possible, for example, four segments can be used. For them, four holes are drilled in a square element.

The shelf is attached to the ceiling with hooks (their number depends on the number of pieces of rope).

A similar design can be attached to the wall.

Today, models of wooden flower stands are very popular.

As pots, ordinary jars with transparent glass are used. Before placing plants in jars, it is better to fill them with pebbles, it will look original.

Metal stand

Wrought iron floor flower pot for three flowers

Metal flower stands have been relevant since Soviet times. True, then it was not about the exclusivity of the model, or about its functionality. As a rule, these were the simplest wall options for two flowers.

Today, metal flower girls are very stylish, elegant and comfortable.

It is simply impossible to make such models on your own, without skills and special equipment. To create such a masterpiece, you definitely need a drawing, a sketch and an accurate calculation.

A simple but very elegant option: a stand for three flowers. The model is made of two identical parts, arranged in parallel, and connected in such a way that stands for flower pots are placed in the gap.

The twisted elements are reminiscent of classic design décor.

Flower girls on the window, balconies for flowers

Balconies for flowers can completely change the look of a house (or apartment). With their installation, a special style and sophistication appear. Even the most ordinary apartment looks very dignified.

Balcony for flowers is installed on the window of an ordinary apartment.

When a special box with flowers is installed on it, the view from the window will be completely different.

If climatic conditions allow, even indoor flower compositions are grown in such flower beds, for example, cyclamens, dracaena and some ampelous varieties.

Forged structures have a different shape.

In this case, it is only a stand for a flower box, decorated with twisted elements.

Hinged flower pot with hot forging

With the use of hot forging technology, unusually elegant objects are created. Sometimes you can’t even believe that coasters or decorative elements are made of metal. This is the result of the work of real masters-professionals. To create a masterpiece requires special equipment, skills, and talent.

Interesting model of a hinged florist. Even without flower pots, this is a completely self-sufficient decorative element that complements the interior.

Another option, very gentle and elegant.

And hinged flower girls of such a plan look good not only indoors, but also as a decorative component of the external appearance of the house. They are usually placed next to the front door. The main thing is to make sure that the flowers in this pot are always well-groomed, because this will be the first impression of visiting your home.

The right flower stand, emphasizing their beauty, enhances positive emotions.

Even the simplest houseplants feel different when they are cleverly placed on shelves or stands. Finally, the use of coasters allows you to save space and make the room more comfortable and functional.

VIDEO: Do-it-yourself flower stand.

50 stylish options for flower stands:

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