Ideas for a workplace on the balcony. How to turn a balcony into a comfortable workplace for work and creativity

garden equipment 12.08.2019
garden equipment

In short: To avoid a severe hangover, you need:
Step 1. Two days before the feast, start eating foods rich in iodine (seafood or feijoa).
Step 2. In the morning before the feast, cleanse the intestines, take cholagogues and vitamin B6.
Step 3. Shortly before the feast, drink a “boosting dose”, it is also useful to take Mezim, Glutargin and succinic acid.
Step 4. Eat moderately and competently.

This article describes how you can competently prepare for a feast in order to avoid a severe hangover and reduce harm to the body from drinking. Please note that these tips will help with a one-time binge. If you have to drink for several days in a row during protracted holidays or weddings, then refer to another, special article.

Advice is designed for practically healthy people of childbearing age, white race, average height and weight.

Two days before the feast, eat foods rich in iodine. Choice:

  • 7-10 pieces of feijoa;
  • 200 g of sea mollusks (mussels, rapana, squid, cuttlefish, etc.) or shrimp;
  • or regular-sized jar of canned seaweed.

How it works

Eating iodine-containing foods will, with some delay, stimulate the production of thyroid hormones, and by the time of their highest concentration in the blood, increase the oxidation of the alcohol taken. Usually from eating iodine-rich foods to increasing hormone synthesis thyroid gland takes about two days.

Therefore, people with normal digestion, who consumed such products a couple of days before the feast, get an advantage over the rest - either in terms of the ability to drink more, or significantly reduce the hangover when drinking regular doses of alcohol.


Some will find it a more convenient alternative to taking dietary supplements with iodine content, however, specific recommendations on the choice of drug and dosage are difficult. Be guided by the fact that the dose of iodine in this reception should be approximately 10-12 mcg per 1 kg of body weight (this is 3 times more than the usual daily dose of iodine).

On the day preceding the feast, you can continue to take iodine-containing products - their action will come in handy on the next day after the feast. In the future, their reception preventive action will no longer have.

On the morning of the day on which the feast is to be, take your choice:

  • drug Liv-52. Sold in any pharmacy in the form of tablets or syrup. Take one tablet or half a teaspoon of syrup for every 17 kg of body weight;
  • choleretic collection number 2. Sold in pharmacies. Must be brewed in a glass. Dose - a tablespoon of dry herbs per 200 ml of the final infusion - the preparation method is described on the package with herbs;
  • rosehip syrup 2 tablespoons;
  • corn silk 2 table. spoons of stigmas per 200 ml of boiling water.

How it works

The described means enhance bile flow. With increased bile flow in the morning before a feast, a fairly clear effect on improving alcohol tolerance is observed. A good bile flow ensures the work of the liver to neutralize poisons, protects the pancreas. Also, without normal bile flow, fats will not be digested.


If you plan to eat multiple times during the event, take the choleretic agent again 2 hours before drinking alcohol.

The day before drinking alcohol, take 0.3-0.5 g of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin, upsarin, or any other brand).

How it works

Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is a readily available microsomal enzyme enhancer. If you take it a day before the start of the event, it will weaken the upcoming effect of alcohol. Do not take aspirin at the same time as alcohol.


If you combine taking aspirin with the transition to a meat-free diet, then this will further ease the load on the liver the next day and help avoid a severe hangover.

Half a day before the feast, you can repeat the intake of aspirin (0.5 g). From now on, everything you eat should be light food (you should refrain from meat, sausage, mushrooms, peas, beans).

Tip #4: Colon Cleansing

For half a day before drinking alcohol, cleanse the intestines. An enema works best. If this is troublesome and unpleasant for you, then you can replace it with a non-toxic laxative. Choice of senna or sorbitol. The dosage is indicated in the instructions for the drugs.

Tip number 5: Vitamin B6

Take any form of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 12 and 4 hours before drinking alcohol. It is most convenient to buy a vitamin preparation in a pharmacy. Please note that you should take vitamin preparations with B vitamins, and not multivitamins. Russian pharmacies sell Neurogamma, Pitian, B-complex, Neuromultivit and others.

You need to take up to 200 mg of the active substance per day: 70-100 mg for the first dose and 70-100 mg for the second.


It must be remembered that this is a dose of pyridoxine as a drug, and not a vitamin - the normal daily requirement does not exceed 5 mg.

How it works

Taking vitamin B6 increases the level of liver enzyme activity. The vast majority of alcohol and impurities are neutralized in the liver, which are contained in all alcoholic beverages, except for perfectly pure vodka.

In particular, the study of the American scientist M. A. Khan speaks about the benefits of vitamin B6 before drinking. 17 men and women took part in his experiment. Half of them received 1200 mg of vitamin B6 (namely, pyritinol, an analogue of pyridoxine), and the rest of the participants were given a placebo. Then everyone drank alcoholic beverages of their choice until they felt intoxicated.

The next morning, participants were asked to rate 20 symptoms of their hangover on a scale of 1 to 10. Those who took vitamin B6 had half the hangover. After some time, the experiment was repeated, changing the groups in places - and the result was also repeated.

In the period from 5 to 2.5 hours before the start of libations, you can take a simple cocktail made by yourself - 150 ml of a classic tonic (Schweppes, Evervess) and 50-70 g of vodka or 20-25 g of alcohol. It should be borne in mind that the effect of quinine contained in tonics on the enzyme system is faster than that of aspirin, so it makes no sense to take it before the indicated time.

How it works

If a small dose of alcohol is taken some time before the feast, then enzymes that oxidize alcohol are activated in the body, which means that the main dose of alcohol will be met properly, which will facilitate its absorption. Quinine increases the level of enzymatic activity of the liver.

To unload the gastrointestinal tract, take digestive enzymes. Choice:

  • Mezim-forte;
  • Abomin;
  • Wobenzym;
  • Creon;
  • Unienzyme.

It should be taken no earlier than an hour before you sit down at the table. The dosage is twice as large as that which will be indicated in the instructions for the drug for a single dose.

Note! Mezim, not a festal. Festal contains bovine bile and therefore leads to a decrease in the synthesis of its own bile acids.

Very cheap pills that are sold in any pharmacy. Take two pills succinic acid one hour before the meal. Do not exceed the dose: you can spoil the stomach. Also, this remedy is contraindicated in ulcers.

How it works

Succinic acid is the most important participant in the Krebs cycle. The Krebs cycle is the central link in metabolism, the main way to obtain energy from the oxidation of organic substrates, the intersection of many metabolic pathways. The addition of succinic acid activates the metabolism. Figuratively, the situation with the intake of succinic acid is similar to throwing up dry firewood and fanning a fire, on which raw firewood can also burn, in our case, incompletely oxidized metabolic products. That is, there is an intensive biochemical detoxification of the body. .

Glutargin - a compound of arginine and glutamic acid - is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets, it is inexpensive. Take 2.5 x 750 mg tablets or 7 x 250 mg tablets 1-2 hours before a meal.

Glutargin is also sold in Russian pharmacies in the form of tablets, powder sachets for dissolution in water under the name Alkoklin. It should be taken as directed.

How it works

Glutargin stimulates the processing of alcohol in the liver, accelerates the excretion of alcohol processing products, reduces the suppression of the production of the main alcohol processing enzyme - alcohol dehydrogenase. In addition, glutargin protects the liver and nervous system.

Tip #10: Eat smart to avoid a bad hangover

Smart doesn't mean much. Check out our article on snacking to know how to avoid a bad hangover.

What to do after the feast

After returning from a party, take one of the above digestive enzymes; an hour later - a bowel movement (laxative or enema if necessary). Rest lying down or sleeping. If possible - bath, sauna, or cyclic for 40 minutes.

If you are too tipsy, but you need to regain your sobriety of thinking for a while (in order to make a responsible decision or to act accurately in a critical situation) - use the effective advice of a toxicologist from our special article on how to quickly sober up at home.

If the condition worsens significantly, especially if you cannot sleep, assess the situation in accordance with the recommendations for calling an ambulance.

After waking up when you feel unwell, follow the hangover treatment regimen. Read about how to get rid of the main symptoms of a hangover, and in which cases you should immediately call a doctor. Also read the list of the most effective drugs that you can buy from a hangover at a pharmacy.

Theory: materiel for the most curious

The strategy of preparing the body for the upcoming alcohol load consists of several main parts. The first is to make it easier for the liver to process alcohol and the products of its incomplete oxidation. The second is to ensure the timely removal of ethanol processing products from the body. The third is to achieve the greatest possible intensity of oxidative processes, and hence the metabolism as a whole.

Liver Support includes the following areas - minimizing the entry of intestinal poisons into the liver while maintaining the ability to effectively neutralize them, reducing the protein-synthetic load, preventing bile stasis, ensuring an adequate level of enzyme activity.

intestinal poisons are formed in the intestine during incomplete digestion of proteins and enter the liver through the portal vein system. It is possible to reduce the amount of intestinal poisons with sorbents, high enemas, timely emptying of the intestines, a decrease in the content of putrefactive microorganisms in the intestines, and an improvement in the digestion of food. The most accessible and effective way at home is to refuse to eat indigestible protein foods (meat, sausage, mushrooms, peas, beans, barley, domestic goose and duck) on the day of drinking alcohol and the day before.

Reducing the content of putrefactive microorganisms is achieved by a sufficiently long intake of fermented milk products containing live bacteria.

means, improving food digestion, is the intake of digestive enzymes on the one hand, and the rejection of the simultaneous use of foods that require very different conditions for digestion, on the other. For example, meat and starchy foods should be considered such poorly compatible products - meat is digested under the action of the pepsin enzyme, which is active in an acidic environment, and starch is processed by amylase, which is active in an alkaline environment. Also, the digestion of meat deteriorates in the presence of refractory fats, but not because of differences in the physicochemical conditions of digestion, but because of a general increase in the functional load on the pancreas.

Digestion of fats, in turn, is possible only if they are preliminarily emulsified by bile, which requires normal bile flow. In addition, normal bile flow is a condition for the self-protection of the pancreas from the action of its own proteolytic enzymes, as well as a condition for the proper level of antitoxic liver function.

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Exists Golden Rule: In order not to experience unpleasant symptoms of a hangover in the morning, you should not drink alcoholic beverages in the evening. But in life there are often joyful celebrations, family holidays, get-togethers with friends and others important events that are hard to miss. Therefore, it is not always possible to adhere to a sober lifestyle.

Not every person knows his measure when drinking alcohol and can stop in time. In addition, alcohol relaxes and makes pastime enjoyable and fun. As a result, most people go over with alcohol, which in the morning turns into backfire. Today we will talk about how to avoid a hangover after a fun holiday and what remedies will help prevent painful symptoms.

How to eat and drink properly

stick simple rules feast. In order not to get sick with a hangover after an evening event, you need to follow certain principles.

  • Alternate drinks and food. In this case, it is best to eat low-fat boiled fish, meats and salads. Do not abuse fried and spicy foods, so as not to overload the liver. There should be a pause of at least 15-20 minutes between toasts.
  • Do not mix different types of alcohol. If at the beginning of the evening a person drinks a glass of vodka, then he should use it throughout the holiday. If during the feast it is planned to drink several different alcoholic beverages, then it is recommended to increase the degree. Start with lighter spirits and end with the strongest.
  • Do not drink alcohol with carbonated drinks. Carbon dioxide promotes the rapid absorption of alcohol. Therefore, when drinking lemonade or cola, a person will immediately become intoxicated, even if other rules are observed. Drinking during a feast is best mineral water without gas, juices, fruit drinks, compotes.
  • You can not drink on an empty stomach. You can prevent the onset of a hangover syndrome by having a hearty meal before a feast. It is useful to eat seaweed, seafood, fish, beef liver, chicken breast or rabbit meat. All of these dishes contain a significant amount of iodine and vitamin B6. This will make it possible to feel great after drinking.
  • You should move more. Staying at the table must be alternated with dancing, other entertainment and short walks in the fresh air. Active rest will help the body to quickly cope with doses of ethyl alcohol, and additional portions of oxygen will restore the normal functioning of the brain.

Folk methods

There are many folk recipes on how to drink without a hangover. A glass of milk helps one, sea kale helps others, rosehip syrup third. However universal remedy, preventing the occurrence of headaches or nausea in the morning, does not exist.

If a person knows in advance about the upcoming party, he can prepare his body for increased doses of alcohol. A few days before the feast, you need to start eating iodine-containing foods: shrimp, shellfish, feijoa fruits, or just seaweed. The fact is that iodine contributes to the rapid oxidation of ethyl alcohol and its removal from the body. Even an excessive dose of ethyl alcohol will not turn around the next day painful symptoms alcohol poisoning.

To avoid a severe hangover, the following remedies will also help:

  • 25-30 grams of rosehip syrup;
  • a glass of choleretic tea. To prepare it, pour 15 grams of the corresponding pharmacy collection into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 20–30 minutes);
  • decoction of corn stigmas. To prepare 1 teaspoon of dry raw materials is poured with 1 cup of boiling water.

These drugs have a choleretic effect. In addition, they protect the pancreas. They improve the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, and neutralize toxins.

12 hours before the holiday, it is recommended to do an enema or take a laxative. Cleansing the intestines will significantly reduce the burden on the digestive tract, even when drinking large doses of alcohol. The likelihood of a hangover in this case is significantly reduced.

To reduce intoxication and prevent dehydration of the body will help 1-2 glasses of pure water drunk in the evening. In addition, doctors recommend that every glass or glass of alcohol be washed down with a glass of juice, mineral water, fruit drink or compote.

If you drink green tea, rosehip infusion or water with lemon and ginger at night, you can easily avoid such unpleasant hangover symptoms as dry mouth in the morning, high blood pressure and unbearable thirst.

What medicines are best to take

There is a category of people who fundamentally use only pharmacy drugs. To avoid a severe hangover, a few hours before drinking alcohol, you need to drink any choleretic drug in the doses recommended by the instructions. It can be Allohol, Holenzim, Hofitol, Urolesan.

The day before the proposed feast, you can take an Aspirin tablet. It will protect the cardiovascular system from worsening blood flow and increasing blood pressure. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to take Acetylsalicylic acid after vodka or other alcoholic beverages. This can provoke a serious malfunction in the digestive tract, allergic reactions and exacerbation of chronic diseases of the stomach.

A few hours before the party, be sure to take a multivitamin complex containing vitamin B6. In the pharmacy kiosk, you can buy over-the-counter drugs such as Neuromultivit, B-complex or Pician. These funds stimulate the production of enzymes by the liver and contribute to the rapid removal of dangerous toxins from the human body.

From a hangover, it is also useful to drink an enzyme preparation. Medicines such as Creon, Abomin or Mezim forte, taken in a double dose before a feast, will help to effectively break down ethyl alcohol into its simplest components and remove them from the body naturally.

It is useful to drink a couple of tablets of Succinic acid in the evening, which improves metabolism. However, this drug should not be taken by people suffering from gastritis and ulcers. Taking pills for chronic diseases of the stomach can provoke an exacerbation or opening of bleeding.

Glutargin or Alkoklin, drunk on the eve of the holiday, will be able to protect the nervous system, relieving a person from a terrible headache and a hangover the next day. Tablets contribute to the breakdown of alcohol and its speedy removal from the body. In addition, they help to recover faster after alcohol poisoning.

If you use folk or traditional methods to prevent a hangover, you can avoid an unpleasant and painful condition in the morning. It is important at the same time to choose exactly those recipes and means that will be most effective for specific person even in the difficult situation. After all, proper treatment is the key to a quick recovery. Remember, preventive measures can prevent alcohol poisoning and hangovers.

Of course, it is important not to get too carried away with the use of alcoholic beverages in order to protect your health the next morning after a party or holiday. Funds traditional medicine in conjunction with modern pharmacological preparations, will allow you to quickly cope with alcohol and avoid problems with a hangover, even with excessive drinking.

Never fill dry land with plain water, even if there is nothing else to drink and there is no money for a normal "fire extinguisher". Sushnyak will not pass, but it will become even worse!

Orange juice, lemon...

I would like to tell you one recipe that has been passed down from generation to generation, so here it is very simple and very effective: You need 200 grams of natural orange juice, one lemon with a peel and 100 grams of honey. Beat all this on a mixer for about five minutes, if desired, you can throw one protein. In general, that's all. Thank you for your attention.

Askofen or Cofitsil-plus

After a storm of fun, it’s necessary for the night, or suddenly someone wakes up at night, it’s also not forbidden, you just have to be not too lazy and go and take a tablet of Askofen or Cofitsil-plus from the first-aid kit. Cheap, reliable, practical.

Aspirin+noshpa+ Activated carbon

6-8 activated charcoal tablets
2 noshpa tablets
1 aspirin
You need to drink it all after drinking at night. In the morning, "hangover" usually does not happen. Activated charcoal adsorbs all sorts of dirty tricks, noshpa helps the liver, and aspirin thins the blood - pressure decreases.

Vitamin B6 in ampoules helps with a hangover and bad breath. Two ampoules are poured into half a glass of water and drunk in one gulp.

Super recipe for severe cases

1) Still sober, pour filtered (settled) water into a vessel with a silver object or have spring purchased water (you can’t from the tap).
2) In one of the night (morning) risings, pour two glasses of prepared water.
3) In the first, thoroughly dissolve 2-3 tablets of a simple aspirin and add 1/3-1/2 teaspoon of soda, shake.
4) In the second glass, drip 14 - 65 drops of corvallol and 2-7 drops of mint tincture, shake.
5) Pour 3-10 tablets of activated charcoal and 2-5 tablets of "No-shpy" into the left jmen, then:
- lick, without swallowing, all the wheels,
- take water in your mouth, wait until the charcoal sizzles,
- swallow and drink the first glass,
- knock, exhale.
6) Wave the second glass, grunt and bang.
7) In addition, you can drink another 1-3 glasses of warm mineral water (water), and put an antacid tablet under the tongue for gastritis patients.

If someone tells you that act.ugol will reduce the activity of other drugs, feel free to spit in his face.
By lunchtime, you are a full member of society and can again elect and be elected.

Air, sun and water!!!

You can bring yourself into a combat state from a not very deep hangover with a simple walk. Preferably without cigarettes. Before a walk, take a couple of multivitamin pills (Dekamevit, Gendevit), drink a glass of natural juice or rosehip broth. Then go out closer to nature and breathe. You have to be able to breathe. It is best to do this while sitting. Inhalation is made not by the chest, but by the stomach. Without releasing the collected air, continue to inhale due to the expansion of the chest. Then continue to inhale, lifting your shoulders. Then exhale, but in the reverse order. The approximate duration of one cycle is 15 seconds. Repeat 6-10 times. If you feel dizzy while breathing, then you should stop for a few minutes. Such breathing can be carried out for two or three visits with a break of about ten minutes. Then it is desirable to pour cold water. In Russia, this method of cleaning the lungs and the body has been used by clergy for centuries. They knew a lot about this business.


Soak gelatin 25 g for 1 hour in warm boiled water. Dilute 1 liter of jam or syrup where there are more vitamins. Then heat the gelatin over low heat, and slowly pour it into the resulting syrup. Next to taste in the refrigerator, or immediately drink. And vitamins the sea and glycine are.

From New Year's Eve

Cabbage with kefir

If the table was not sauerkraut, after (or during) you can replenish with fresh, mixing it with kefir and mashing it. A very healthy and well sobering dish.

One more tip (suitable only for the male half, but by the way ...):
When I have a hangover I use the KVZh principle, these three letters are like the three components of Marxism, C-coffee,
It is advisable not to confuse the sequence, so:
You get up in the morning with a hangover in your mouth, your legs are shaking, your hands are shaking, your head hurts. Collect the remnants of your will into a fist, go to the bath and turn on the water, determine the temperature by your wrist, turn the tap on as long as you can endure.

While water is being poured, brew coffee, preferably natural, i.e. from grains, and stronger. That's it, coffee is ready, go with a mug and lie down in hot bath, yes, do not forget to undress if you have something on. Lie down and relax for 5-6 minutes, then take coffee and drink in slow sips enjoying its aroma. (It is important that at this moment, you already feel a little taste for life.)

After (it’s a little easier to get together) you abruptly get up and turn on only cold water and begin to rub vigorously under running water, it is especially useful to massage your temples, the bridge of your nose (the hole where your nose and forehead converge), the back of the head at the base of the skull (the hole where your spine connects with the head, it’s also useful to massage the eyeballs.Well, the anatomy is over, now the simplest thing remains, to gently wake up your girlfriend, or wife, or wife’s girlfriend (who has what is at hand) and have sex with her. , and not love in the way that love games in this state are very difficult to imagine) It is advisable to repeat the last paragraph of the recipe twice, and then a sound healthy sleep.


If you know how and still can make yourself an enema - do it before going to bed. After all, strong alcohol intoxication and a hangover are poisoning. The better you cleanse the body of toxins and fumes, the easier it is for it to cope with what has already been absorbed into the blood.


The recipe is simple: a cup of hot coffee is taken (if anyone has heart problems, you can use tea), a slice of lemon is thrown there (sugar - to taste), a couple of spoons of cognac are poured and this whole mixture is drunk hot. Warning for smokers: refrain from cigarettes for at least 15-20 minutes after this, otherwise the opposite effect is possible. Improvement of well-being occurs already in the process of drinking this mixture. True, I discovered a strange side effect: after drinking this coffee-cognac mixture, for some reason, I always feel strongly about sleeping, which can sometimes be completely inopportune (especially at work), but if you endure, then after about half an hour, drowsiness disappears.

"Bloody Mary dorm style"

Ingredients: tomato paste, water - 200 gr., vodka - 50 gr (do not confuse)
Preparation: squeeze tomato paste to taste into a glass of water and stir, getting a red drink similar to tomato juice, add to a glass of vodka, mix and drink.

Bloody Eye

Such a recipe for a counter-hangover remedy is known, called the "Bloody Eye Cocktail": in a glass tomato juice the yolk is placed (do not interfere with the yolk with juice, let it float) and then drink it all in one gulp. I must say that the remedy has never been tested since they drank all the juice in the evening ... but if you woke up in a tomato field, next to the chicken coop, you can try ... :). Never fill dry land with plain water, even if there is nothing else to drink and there is no money for a normal "fire extinguisher". Sushnyak will not pass, but it will become even worse!

Lemon with ice

Follow the sequence

One elderly man advised - I checked and approve. Often, vodka and cognac are on the same table. And their effect on the body is different! Drink vodka first, and then polish with cognac - the consequences will be much less sad!

More vitamins

For the morning:
Two aspirin tablets + 3 liters of mineral water (stretch until lunch). At lunch - fruits or juices. You can not very high-calorie food.

Medical prescription

A drug prescription, but tested on myself (during the experiments, the animals did not suffer :))
In the morning, or more simply after the event, take an increased dose of activated charcoal tablets. Then, after 10-15 minutes, drink as much cucumber or sauerkraut brine as you like, you can even eat a cucumber. The procedure is preferably carried out near the meeting room and communication with the press. If you repeat the procedure several times, then the head does not bother, but a completely different place. Then go check on the rest of the participants in the rygata. Hello from Big Hangover!

We're interfering...

Good time!!! I want to share my very interesting observation, but based not only on my experience of libations :-) I will state in best traditions recipes for a hangover, but warning that this recipe is just an observation that has not passed the proper stage of testing on a sufficient number of "experimental" :-) ... But it is very interesting.
".....If you happened to mix vodka with beer, which happens quite often, and, moreover, vodka with wine and other "cocktail" options hehe. "or" Tear of a Komsomol member "(see the unforgettable Venechka Erofeev), then in this case you should "aggravate" that is, mix everything that is at hand and in the store, khe.

If you really "mixed", then it will not be worse ALREADY, but !!! , here is the option of resurrection from the dead is possible." This recipe has undergone some scientific justification in the person of Dr. Kochkin, but is applicable only purely voluntarily and is addressed to those who honor the memory of Venechka and follow his call - if you drink, then explore this process to the fullest, in order not to turn the creative process into a banal booze, because ".... in the mornings I am cowardly and weak, but in the evening - what abysses are in me !!!"


With a very strong drink, it is better to drink not beer, but a cool mineral water. I prefer Mirgordskaya. But everyone can choose for themselves. It’s okay that after a while you will scare the toilet (it’s you who scare him, not he you), but clean yourself up well, and your appetite will appear.


I read a lot of your recipes, but the best and most proven one is: After a heavy booze without herring, you need to drink half a liter of milk before going to bed, in the morning you will wonder if there was a booze yesterday or not. You will be as good as new, nothing hurts. Enjoy.

hangover sound

A tea party corresponding to the rank should simply be accompanied by a chant, or it will end with it. And which of us heard the bell ringing in the morning ... and tried to realize it? The ringing of bells, they say, heals. What about Russian folk songs? The songs of our women, no worse than any amount of alcohol in the morning, can put anyone on their feet. Moreover, Russian folk tunes ennoble any company. And the song in the morning is almost a massage.

Imagine - "a huge table studded with candles" - a lot of guests, words and everything. Drinking, it seems, has ended, but the guests do not leave, and this is where the law of accumulation comes into force - everyone wants to express everything - but not everyone can. (And no chemistry for you - quantity!). If at this moment arrange a hymn; one of the women (if any) will drag out something popular, ... the eyes of all those present will cluster at an indefinite point., while some skirmishes can be avoided, etc. :) And most importantly: the consumption of alcohol ending with a chant, (although tea drinking may be to blame) ennobled by the SOUND of the folk tunes of our women, leads ... but what's there - it's easy in the morning.! 6/02/2000 the fifth hour, almost morning - they sing there. Poor neighbors.

Enjoy Your Bath!!!

The method is known. Knocking out hops from the body with a whisk has long been a purely Russian tradition. But in no case should you overdo it - the steam room can greatly overstrain cardiovascular system and it is not known how all this will affect the already exhausted body. With the appearance of shortness of breath and failure of the heart rhythm, it is better to stop fun with a broom and steam. Doctors even tend to favor the sauna over the Russian bath. Hot and dry air will relieve a hangover relatively safely. But everything needs moderation. After a bath or sauna - alkaline mineral water type "Borjomi", hot strong tea with sugar or lemon. The only inconvenience of a double hangover is that after a bath, there is no time for the works of the righteous.

Thanks to the doctors

Recipe from the head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the Moscow State Medical Institute for morning sickness: a glass of strong, hot, very sweet tea + a baralgin tablet + a furosemide (lasix) tablet.


There is such a thing called "Spirulina", it's a kind of microalgae. It is sold in pharmacies and looks like a greenish-gray powder, removes toxins from the body and has a bunch more healing properties, they say that if in the morning after a stormy booze, use a third of a teaspoon and drink it with water, it neutralizes a hangover well. I have not tried the recipe.

"Shooter broom"

The best thing that was invented for a hangover, or rather, for cleaning our poor intestines after a heavy booze, is a "shooter's broom":
- 2 parts sauerkraut
- 1 part shredded fresh cabbage
- 1 part grated carrot
- half a glass of cucumber pickle
mix and consume... in 15-20 minutes you will sit on the toilet and empty yourself safely... P.S. the archers didn’t have toilets ...

raw flakes

This thing is generally unique: it can be used as a normal meal. Raw flakes (oatmeal, wheat, etc. but always of the "Extra" category) pour kefir or fermented baked milk at the rate of 1st. a spoonful of cereal per 100g. kefir. You can sour, sugar, whatever you like. Greens can be added in spring and summer. At least a couple of hours to let it brew.

Testing for nationality

The fact is that a hangover is a purely individual characteristics of the organism of each individual. Some individuals have a mass of an enzyme produced by the liver, the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (which I have already written about). Therefore, after a stormy night or day there is no problem - great amount This enzyme copes with alcohol in the body without any problems, breaking it down into safe substances (which I don’t remember exactly, but I’m reluctant to go into books yet). Objects that are unlucky and do not have enough reserves of this enzyme, due to individual genetic characteristics, have an extremely difficult time in the morning, because C2H5OH has remained in their body. What to do: wash, drink, lie down. But here comes another problem: C2H5OH causes the habit of consuming it again. Therefore, Chukotka becomes an inveterate drunkard so quickly. It's all in the genes! - just the absence of an enzyme. So genetically the Russian nation has developed resistance to alcoholism. Obviously, those who drink in their genes are not purely Russian blood, but with someone else's admixture.

"Morning Happiness"

Once, with a friend, in the morning, upon arrival at the institute, we discovered unpleasant symptoms of drunkenness until late at night, an hour and a half sleep and waiting for the certification work (for which we tried to prepare at the beginning of the night). The result is pain in the head and muscles, pain in the eyes, an almost complete absence of presence in reality. Well, not very nice. And the following saved us:
Two cups of coffee with lemon (plentiful), with the first - without sugar, the second - with ~ 2 spoons (sweet). And drink all this mixed with half a bottle of light unsweetened beer. For every 60-70 kg of the weight of the victim;)
In 15 minutes after the start of treatment, we were able to move consciously by ourselves. After another 15 minutes - to speak and think without significant hesitation.

It helps to bring oneself to life such a worthy dish of Armenian cuisine as khash. Armenians, it should be noted, are Orthodox people, and therefore, unlike the southerners of the Muslim faith, to whom the Koran forbids communication with the Green Serpent, they have strong skills in dealing with post-alcoholic depression. One of the most striking methods of the Armenian war with a hangover was and remains khash. Its recipe is quite simple, but requires long-term preparation. To prepare khash, you need to take a hefty piece of a cow's leg. Preferably with the thickest brain moslo. Rinse it thoroughly and throw it into the pan. Pour in water and boil. Salt is not necessary. You need to cook for a long time and hard, at least six hours that way. After the brew is ready for consumption, take out the mosol, separate the meat, cut it, give the bone (knocking out the brains from it) to the dogs (if any), and return everything remaining to the pan. Then peel more garlic, crush it, mix it well with salt and put it in a separate bowl.

Pour the khash and serve. Nearby it is desirable to put more greens and thin unleavened cakes such as pita bread. But if there is no pita bread, bread will do. Pepper and seasonings - to taste and needs. So, having prepared, let's start the healing procedure. With a spoon you need to scoop up a fair portion of garlic with salt, mix it thoroughly with hash and start eating quickly. The body instantly embraces an extraordinary heat, the soul asks to come out, and the hangover flies to the side. But you cheerfully continue to eat this glorious dish and you will definitely feel extraordinary relief. To top it off, you can take a glass of vodka (if you do not need to drive in the next 12 hours). Naturally, in order to recover from a hangover in this way, it is necessary to adjust your plans in a timely manner. For example, if you decide to drink alcohol in the evening, then do not be too lazy to immediately start cooking and hash. In the morning it will be ready and will be very handy. Foresight and careful planning do not threaten with anything but good. In Armenia, it must be said, there are no such problems with the preparation of such a timely and wonderful dish - in settlements there are a lot of "hash" ones (this is like our "tea" ones that have sunk into oblivion). It should be assumed that if the Ural culinary entrepreneurs take khash into service, they will have a hefty profit.

good little by little

The most common way, but not the most effective. The fact is that here it is necessary to know the measure exactly, and any mistakes lead to the continuation of drinking. With the measure in Russia has always been tight. They chopped from the shoulder, with an oblique fathom for a mile and a half, but the soul was and remains wide. Experts recommend that everyone do this. First of all, it is better to get drunk with vodka. But vodka is obviously of high quality, not diluted with alcohol or even cognac, namely, good, correct vodka. Further: the moment of sobering is best to delay as much as possible - the later, the better. Having suffered enough, if necessary, finally come to a normal state, you should take 50 grams of vodka once. And calm down on that. If the hangover is not very severe, of moderate severity, then take about 100 grams of vodka, and slowly, in two or three visits. If it’s really bad, then the dose can be increased to 150 grams, but at the same time dividing it into five or six glasses.

If it’s really, really bad and the day is thoroughly ruined, then you should drink no more than 250 grams of vodka in 6-8 sittings during the day. At the same time, drink as much water, brine as possible, eat cucumbers, cabbage and sleep. If you can't sleep - read a good good literature. TV is better not to watch - too much negative. And you, beloved, must be protected. All these recommendations, no doubt, are of interest only to people who are sane and soberly assess reality. Some, especially women, will find them harmful or even blasphemous. The issue of hangover is really very controversial and purely individual. The main thing is not to harm. At one time, I was present at the autopsy of a very recently very cheerful 45-year-old man, the head of a medium-sized enterprise, who died of a hypertensive crisis after a purely official drinking bout on the occasion of some kind of commission. An experienced pathologist said confidently: "If he had drunk half a hundred grams on time, he would have gone hunting and fishing for another half a hundred years." Accept the world the way it is. Such is the moral.


To run budun, I use the following methods:
1. half a liter of cold water, into which lemon juice has been squeezed, is excellent for people with low acidity ...
2. liter of kefir + liter of water + salt + sugar. It is drunk with the words "Budun, come out!"

What to drink with a hangover? A question that arises the next morning after a stormy, cheerful feast and requires an immediate answer. A terrible headache, dry mouth, refusal of the stomach to work, complete impotence - symptoms that directly indicate alcohol intoxication, commonly referred to as a "hangover".

How does a hangover appear?

Why does a pleasant alcoholic rest in the morning for some turn into a terrible torment with headaches, nausea, and sometimes vomiting?

It is ethyl alcohol, an integral part of alcoholic beverages, that causes an increase in coagulability and an increase in blood viscosity, which leads to the formation of blood clots with clots. Under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels begin to narrow (expand) rapidly, which can cause cerebral hemorrhage. The culprit is acetaldehyde - the result of the processing of ethyl alcohol by the body. It is he who ruthlessly attacks the heart, liver, brain, kidneys, liver, causes poisoning of the body with the subsequent consequences of a hangover in the morning and causes resistance: the liver begins to defend itself and produces a certain catalyst that can process alcohol into water or safe acetic acid. For many people, such protection is ineffective, forcing them to suffer from the smell of alcohol alone. How to get rid of a hangover quickly at home?

wedge wedge

One of the common measures aimed at deliverance is the so-called continuation of the banquet - the repeated use of alcoholic beverages. As the saying goes - "a wedge is knocked out with a wedge." Indeed, 100 g of vodka or cold beer from a hangover will significantly alleviate a painful condition, but is it useful? The circle closes, because alcohol treatment becomes the beginning of a new feast, which again leads to a hangover the next day. This is how the drinking starts...

Will strong coffee help?

Some drinkers cure hangovers by taking a hot bath or taking a bath. However, for the heart, forced to work with an increased load due to alcohol intoxication, this measure becomes a new test, which worsens the state of the body at times. Hot tea and coffee with a hangover is strongly discouraged, as such drinks increase the heartbeat and dry mouth. In addition, tea enhances intoxication, causing fermentation processes in the stomach. Also, for the recovery period, you should stop smoking, which causes additional narrowing of the walls of blood vessels and an increase in the load on the heart.

Relieve a hangover with a good night's sleep

How to get rid of a hangover quickly at home? First, you should get a good night's sleep, thus giving the body a temporary head start to recuperate. Moreover, it is recommended to sleep until the moment when a person does not feel completely rested. The body, which took over the day before a huge portion of alcohol, at this time is actively fighting the consequences of intoxication.

Fresh air

Also, a poisoned organism that has absorbed an excessive amount of alcohol needs Fresh air. The sick person at least needs to open the window, as a maximum - go for a walk in the nearest park, because ventilation of the lungs leads to an improvement in metabolic processes and eliminates bad smell alcohol from the mouth. With an incredible desire to sleep, it is naturally better to stay at home.

shower treatment

One of the active means that invigorates the body after an excessive libation is a light shower. Water at room temperature washes away toxins released from the skin with drops of sweat. Clean skin absorbs oxygen more actively, which allows you to quickly get rid of a hangover.

Natural dropper for the body - drink plenty of water

What to drink with a hangover with a headache? After a good feast, it is recommended to drink a large amount of natural juices (lemon, orange, tomato) and dried fruit compotes. Such drinks, restoring the mineral-vitamin balance of the body, prevent its dehydration. Mineral water will help with a hangover in combination with large quantity honey.

You can treat yourself with cucumber pickle, rich in salts and vitamins and helping to relieve muscle weakness and relieve depression.

The vitamins B and C contained in the marinade (or brine) will quickly begin to “repair” the body that has unexpectedly failed. By the way, in a hospital with similar symptoms, such vitamins are also administered, but intravenously, using a dropper.

What to drink with a hangover? It is recommended to drink weak tea, which is especially effective in combination with lemon, ginger, chamomile, mint, willow bark. Milk or kefir will ease the serious condition, however, in small doses. Otherwise, to top it all, more stomach problems may be added. is a natural dropper for the body, rich in vitamins and minerals. An ideal diuretic and at the same time a tasty remedy is watermelon pulp, which quickly relieves weakness and eliminates the effects of intoxication.

Alcohol poisoning can be removed with a glass of water with 6 drops of ammonia diluted in it. A popular remedy for removing alcohol syndrome is baking soda - a component of many solutions, the action of which is aimed at removing intoxication.

You can alleviate a hangover if you eat scrambled eggs, rich in amino acids and protein, or soup (borsch), which contains a large amount of vitamins. It is this method of treatment that will restore the normal functioning of the liver, which is the natural filter of the human body. Perhaps, at the first stage of the disease with the presence of a feeling of nausea, you can refrain from eating. Sometimes, when feeling very unwell, it is recommended to induce vomiting, which helps to remove excess alcohol. In this process, a decoction of European hoof grass effectively helps. To cleanse the body, you can also apply an enema based on chamomile. After cleansing the stomach of the contents, you can drink beetroot juice diluted with boiled water. This will help the kidneys work.

In the absence of appetite, it is recommended to eat some vegetables or fruits. A wonderful, simply irreplaceable remedy is okroshka. This dish invigorates, refreshes, gradually It is impossible to use smoked meats and canned food in a hangover state, which are a painful blow to the liver. Food should be washed down with a rosehip decoction.

Folk remedies for a hangover

Exists big number folk methods to help alleviate the condition of the body in a difficult morning for him. quite effective in this case are cardamom seeds. Two peas of such fruits, consumed three times a day, will help in restoring lost strength.

Bananas are a good medicine, containing in their composition a good portion of magnesium and potassium, which are simply necessary for a weakened body.

Sweet fruit helps to neutralize the action of acids and suppress nausea. Also, the lack of potassium with magnesium will be replenished by beans, spinach leaves, green pea, sauerkraut and potatoes.

Works well with citrus fruits. Especially useful is a drink consisting of 125 ml of orange juice, 25 g of lemon, one egg white and a teaspoon of honey.

Honey is a proven cure for almost all diseases, including hangovers. Of course, you can use it provided there is no allergy to this product. A daily dose of 125 g is recommended to be eaten all day in small pieces.

What to drink with a hangover? A remedy based on mint and hops will help to restore strength in a short period. To prepare it in 250 ml of boiling water, add half a st. spoons of hop cones and mint leaves, insist for an hour. Drink 2 hours after drinking alcohol.

homemade cocktails

In the fight against a hangover syndrome, effective homemade cocktails can come to the rescue. good effect possesses Tomato Bavarian Cocktail. To prepare it, you must combine:

  • sauerkraut juice - 100 ml;
  • tomato juice - 80 ml;
  • cumin - 1 teaspoon.

Alternatively, you can prepare a Shock Cocktail, consisting of 80 ml of tomato juice, fresh egg yolk, as well as pepper, salt and celery, taken by a pinch. 10 ml of ketchup and 2-3 ice cubes should also be added here. Drink in one gulp.

For help with medicines

Which hangover pills help? Activated charcoal, which neutralizes the action of toxic substances and prevents further intoxication of the body, is considered a good tool in removing alcohol poisoning.

Perhaps it will alleviate the serious condition of "Aspirin" with a hangover? Why not! In the absence of stomach problems, acetylsalicylic acid (chemical name "Aspirin") lowers intracranial pressure, reduces swelling and effectively helps with a hangover. Main properties the drug are:

It is strongly not recommended to use acetylsalicylic acid along with alcoholic beverages, as the consequences can be extremely serious. These are severe gastric bleeding, violation of the blood formula, the occurrence of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including stomach ulcers. Taking Aspirin along with alcohol almost always leads to severe poisoning. In order to avoid a hangover syndrome, the drug is recommended to be consumed either 2 hours before drinking, or 6 hours after it.

Against a hangover "Aspirin Upsa"

The most common form of tablets for the removal of alcohol syndrome are soluble pops, in particular, "Aspirin Upsa", the main active ingredient in which is acetylsalicylic acid. The action of this component is aimed at reducing pain symptoms and stopping the inflammatory process.

"Aspirin Upsa" must be dissolved in a large amount of water, which will stop the process of dehydration of the body. The drug should be taken in the same way as simple tableting forms - after 6 hours from the end of the feast or 2 hours before it starts.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications for the use of pops are:

  • asthma,
  • allergic reactions to these drugs and similar ones,
  • gastritis, ulcer, gastroduodenitis,
  • kidney and liver problems,
  • treatment with glucocorticosteroids, which enhance the pathological effect of the drug on the intestinal and stomach mucosa,
  • age less than 15 years.

"Aspirin" with a hangover should be taken in strict accordance with the instructions; an overdose threatens with nausea and vomiting. In the worst case, there may be a malfunction respiratory organs and the central nervous system And this, in turn, can cause electrolyte imbalance and, as an aggravating condition, to whom. Therefore, you should not use an inexpensive medication to get rid of the effects of a hangover. It is better to use harmless home remedies like kvass, brine, kefir.

Hangover treatment with Alka-Seltzer

The above methods help the body to restore its normal shape, but each of them requires a certain period of time. For a quick effect, you can, of course, use the popular medicines, but the guarantee of their safety for the body is minimal.

One of the common drugs in the pharmacy network is Alka-Seltzer for a hangover, consisting of aspirin, citric acid and baking soda. These components:

  • break down the erythrocyte microclots formed when taking alcohol - the cause of edema and headache;
  • equalize the acid-base balance in the body;
  • neutralize free hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Hangover tablets "Alka-Seltzer" also help with heartburn and headaches. Recommended dosage: 2 tablets dissolved in a glass of water to be taken before going to bed. The next morning, the hangover effect simply does not appear. Otherwise, if you feel unwell after waking up, you can take 2 more tablets. Treatment with the drug should not last longer than 3 days. The maximum daily dose is 9 tablets. The recommended interval between doses of the drug is at least 4 hours.

Will Citramon help?

Will Citramon help with a hangover? A common anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic will help relieve headaches for a short time, while the causes of a hangover are intoxication and violation water balance. Therefore, "Citramon" is not a winning option for removal. It is better to look for another, more effective remedy. What to drink with a hangover?

On the example of other countries

How do people get rid of hangovers in other countries? In Germany, for example, they are treated with pickled herring and onions, in America, with alcohol intoxication, they drink hangover juice, mostly tomato, with a raw chicken egg and a small pinch of salt added to it. In China, they prefer strong green tea - a universally recognized and favorite drink of all the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom.

In Thailand, hangovers are cured by eating chicken eggs served with chili sauce. The toxins contained in the sauce stimulate, which has a positive effect on the state of the body.

How not to fall into the power of a hangover?

How to protect yourself from the severe consequences of a hangover? A few effective recommendations will help rid yourself of such a serious condition of the body as a hangover.

First, never mix different kinds alcoholic beverages. A couple of glasses of wine and a glass of vodka in continuation will provide a headache and poor health the next morning.

When drinking alcohol, you should not indulge in sweets, because the combination of carbohydrates and alcohol at the exit gives a loss of control over your behavior.

To prevent a hangover on the day of the feast (about an hour before it starts), it is recommended to drink activated charcoal from a hangover or any other sorbent, and it is advisable to eat something before the first glass of alcohol. Let it be toast with butter or a couple of spoons of salad.

As it was customary in our country, that any holiday is a feast and alcohol intoxication. But any festive feast is accompanied by drinking alcoholic beverages. In the morning due a large number drunk on the eve of alcohol, the head hurts very much, all the symptoms of a hangover syndrome are well felt. Therefore, it is important to know how to avoid a hangover. Only right action help you get back to your healthy lifestyle.

Why does a hangover occur?

Morning health problems are not associated with drunk alcohol, but with its decay products. Eight hours after drinking alcohol, it begins to break down due to the action of enzymes. Acetaldehyde is formed, which causes nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, headaches, and other unpleasant hangover symptoms.

For the body to cope with toxic substances, it is important to provide it with plenty of liquid. It is soft drinks that contribute to a successful recovery after drinking alcohol.

To quench their thirst, people try to drink as much liquid as possible - plain purified water, black or green tea, fruit drink, compote, brine, herbal decoction and other drinks. Sometimes they cause vomiting and diarrhea, but such phenomena are considered normal in such a situation. Thanks to them, the stomach and intestines are quickly cleansed of harmful toxins and alcohol breakdown products.

There are components of the breakdown of alcohol that, being absorbed into the blood, increase arterial and intracranial pressure. For this reason, headaches can not always be removed only with painkillers.

How the morning goes with a hangover syndrome is affected by the work of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and cardiovascular system. To prevent the development of a severe hangover, it is important to carry out all the necessary preventive measures the day before drinking alcohol. It is important to remove toxins and helminthic microorganisms from the intestines, improve the production and outflow of bile, and also improve liver function.

Thanks to the preparation of the body for the holiday, it will cleanse itself faster, remove the decay products of alcohol.

How to eat and drink to prevent a hangover?

So that the morning the next day after the feast does not seem gloomy and painful, it is important to listen to the following advice correct use food and drink at the feast:

Alternate snacks and drinks. Do not eat too many fatty and meaty foods. Do not mix alcoholic drinks with carbonated drinks.
. If you plan to drink several types of alcoholic drinks in one evening, it is important to remember that the degree needs to be increased, that is, you should start with the lightest drinks, and only then move on to stronger ones. Before use drink some milk, which will slow down the absorption of alcohol into the body. Always drink quality drinks.

Between each toast, it is important that there is a break of at least fifteen minutes. Thanks to this time interval, the body will be able to quickly neutralize the previous dose of alcohol drunk.

For quick absorption of alcohol and its processing, it is recommended not only to drink at a party, but also to move a lot, dance and go out into the fresh air.

To prevent intoxication and dehydration, when you come home after a walk, drink a glass of plain clean water.

Compliance with the described simple rules will help to avoid the development of a hangover syndrome.

Hangover Prevention Methods

Everyone is interested in how to prevent a hangover, so it is important to eat any product enriched with iodine before a feast, take a choleretic drug, acetylsalicylic acid, vitamin B6, enzyme preparations and take other measures.

Foods fortified with iodine

A few days before the feast, eat iodine-containing foods, such as 200 grams of shrimp or sea clams, 10 feijoa fruits, a jar of ordinary canned seaweed, or iodine tablets.

Iodine helps the thyroid gland speed up the oxidation of alcohol. If you eat foods enriched with it a couple of days before the holiday, on the day of the feast you will already be well prepared for drinking alcohol. You can drink as much as you want, and the hangover will be much easier than for unprepared people.

Cholagogue preparations

On the day of the holiday, take one of the following in the morning:

  • 30 grams of rosehip syrup;
  • a cup of choleretic collection. The drink is prepared like this - pour 15 grams of raw materials with 200 milliliters of water and let stand for a while;
  • a little decoction of corn stigmas;
  • half a teaspoon of Liv-52 syrup or one tablet of this drug per 17 kilograms of body weight.

Thanks to choleretic drugs, the outflow of bile increases, liver function improves, toxins are neutralized, and the pancreas is protected. A person is easier to tolerate the influence of drunk alcohol.

If your plans include a fatty snack, two hours before the feast, also drink a choleretic drug in the recommended dose. The stomach will thank you and will not bother you the next morning after the walk.

Acetylsalicylic acid

One day before the holiday feast, drink 0.3 milligrams of aspirin. It will enhance the action of enzymes, thanks to which you can weaken the effect of alcohol on the body.

In no case should you take alcohol simultaneously with drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid.

To facilitate the work of the liver, follow a vegetarian diet for several days, eat light meals. It is not recommended to eat mushrooms, sausage, meat, beans and peas before drinking. Such a temporary restriction will help to unload the digestive organs a little.

We clean the intestines

12 hours before the banquet, cleanse the intestines with an enema. If you cannot do this procedure for yourself, drink a laxative. For example, sorbitol.

By cleansing the intestines, the amount of toxins will decrease, the person will feel better even after drinking a lot of alcohol, and the morning will not be so painful.

Vitamin B6

12 and 4 hours before the feast, it is recommended to drink vitamin B6 at 70 - 100 milligrams. For these purposes, you should buy a complex of B vitamins. For example, Neuromultivit, B-complex or Pician.

Pyridoxine will help enzymes to develop faster in the liver, which will accelerate the processing and breakdown of alcohol and its impurities. Thanks to this, the liver will be cleansed and work well.

Taking an overdose of alcohol

Drink this cocktail four hours before the festive feast. Mix 20 grams of alcohol with 150 milliliters of tonic. Such a drink will help the liver enzymes that are responsible for the oxidation of alcohol to be released and work faster.

Thanks to this cocktail, your body will prepare for drinking a large amount of alcohol.

Enzyme preparations

To support the digestive tract, 12 hours before the feast, take Creon, Mezim-forte or Abomin. It is recommended to drink enzyme preparations before drinking in a double dose.

You should not drink Festal, as it consists of ox bile, which reduces the synthesis of bile acids in the body.

succinic acid

Take a couple of succinic acid tablets 60 minutes before a meal. It will improve metabolism and actively remove toxins from the body.

Remember! Do not drink the drug to people who suffer from stomach ulcers.

A couple of hours before the feast, drink seven tablets of 0.25 grams of Glutargin. You can drink Alkoklin in the form of a powder or tablets. Take in the dosage as indicated in the annotation to the drug.

Glutargin protects the nervous system and liver, breaks down alcohol faster, removes its decay products.

Morning activities after dinner

In order not to get sick with a hangover syndrome, you can resort to folk methods for its prevention and removal.


Ginger is used to improve blood circulation, in diseases of the stomach, and to relieve nausea. Tea based on it reduces the symptoms of a hangover, soothes the digestive tract, and helps to better secrete gastric juice.

To make tea, take four centimeters of ginger root. Grind it and fill it with three glasses of water. Boil for seven minutes. Drink the drink slowly.


To relieve headaches, make a compress of lavender essential oil.

Add five drops of oil to warm water. Soak a cloth in the resulting solution and apply it to your forehead as a compress.

If there are no essential oils in the house, you can inhale the aroma of fresh lemon.

herbal teas

In order not to get sick with a hangover, you need to conduct a timely detoxification of the body. Pour two cups of boiling water over 30 grams of mint. Boil for ten minutes. Drink the resulting decoction throughout the day.

To combat headaches and improve well-being, you can resort to the use of lemon balm and oregano:

  • mix equal amounts of peppermint and oregano. Pour 15 grams of the raw material obtained with half a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour. Drink half a glass for severe headaches;
  • Pour 15 grams of lemon balm with 250 milliliters of boiling water. Drink 30 - 45 grams throughout the day.

Herbal teas help to remove dizziness, tinnitus, calm the nervous system. Mint and lemon balm can be added to black and green teas.

It is important to drink plenty of fluids after a feast in order to remove all harmful substances and toxins from the body as quickly as possible.

What should you do immediately after returning home?

Returning home after the party, the first thing to drink is an enzyme preparation. After an hour, take a laxative or do an enema. As soon as the intestines are cleared, you can safely go to bed. Sleep is also a good helper in recovering the body from a hangover.

If possible, go to the bath or sauna. But, if you have problems with your heart and pressure, it is better not to do this so that unforeseen health problems do not occur.

How to prevent hangovers

If you prepared in advance for a feast, anyway, the morning can meet you with a hangover syndrome in the form of heaviness in the head and stomach. To get rid of discomfort in the body very quickly, heed the following tips.

Thanks to contrast soul and exercise you can disperse the blood in the body and help it recover after drinking. It is enough to take a shower for five minutes and do the usual exercises for fifteen minutes. The headache will stop hurting and it will become much better.

Important drink plenty of fluids. As soon as you wake up, drink a couple of cups of plain water or milk. As you eat, drink a glass herbal tea, adding lemon and honey to it for cheerfulness.

Once you've got your headaches under control, it's important to move on to the stomach. To eliminate gravity eat a plate of strong broth or borscht. Also useful will be the use of sauerkraut, bananas, honey, fermented milk products. Thanks to a hearty breakfast, the digestive tract will work better and heaviness in the stomach will disappear.

If the face is swollen, soak a cloth in warm water with essential oils. Wring it out and apply it to your face for five minutes. The edema will disappear very quickly, and the complexion will become beautiful.

After restoring the normal functioning of the head and stomach, go for a walk in the park.

Fresh air will saturate the body with oxygen, which will help to quickly remove the remnants of the decay of alcoholic beverages from the body.

By listening to the tips described, you can prevent a hangover. It is important to know the measure in the use of alcoholic beverages in order to avoid unwanted hangover symptoms and protect your health the next morning.

Now you know how to avoid a hangover with the help of folk and traditional ways. What to do in a situation if it nevertheless has come. It is important not to drink a lot of alcohol so that the morning does not torment you with unpleasant symptoms.

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