Correct use of conjunctions and particles. Pronunciation of prepositions, conjunctions, purpose particles

Engineering systems 30.06.2020

Lesson in the 7th grade on the topic "The role of the official parts of speech" Lesson equipment: presentation for the lesson "The role of the official parts of speech", the cartoon "Syapala Kalush", for the presentation a computer, projector, screen, printouts of texts "Puski beaten", textbook "Russian language . "(Grade 7, part 2, author S.I. Lvova), Type of lesson: combined lesson. Used technology: technology for the development of critical thinking. Stages of the lesson Teacher Student I. Phase CHALLENGE (awakening of existing knowledge, interest in obtaining new information)  Informational and motivational functions Showing the cartoon "Syapala Kalush" What did you find surprising in this story? What is its unusualness? The text has no familiarity except for the official parts of speech. words, That's right, Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, the author of this tale, retained official words in it. Why? Because they cannot be replaced by meaningless combinations of letters. So, you all probably guessed what we are going to talk about? About official parts of speech... Behind the work Yes, we are still "guests" in the "Morphology" section. with independent parts of speech, and ahead of us are meetings with service parts of speech. (Slide 2) Let's remember everything you know about the service parts of speech, exchange information in groups. Then each group takes turns naming one piece of information or fact on the topic, without repeating what was said before. And everything that you remember, we will put in our "basket of ideas" in the form of short theses. Reception "Basket of ideas" (Slide 3) Group work. Each group, after a preliminary discussion, expresses their assumptions on this topic. Approximate answers of children: preposition, union, particle, do not answer questions, are not members of the sentence  Systematization

(A basket is drawn on the board, where everything that the children know on this topic is conditionally collected) zheniya ... So, you remembered which parts of speech are official. Well done! And now let's return to our interesting fairy tale, in front of you is a printed fragment from it, write out from the text the words related to the service parts of speech, distributing them into groups. shuddered, Syapala Kalusha on the fur and took Butyavka away. And will: Kalushata, Kalushatochki! Butyavochka! Kalushata sat down and Butyavka shook. And they sank. And Kalusha wills: Oee, oee! Butyavkato nekuzyavka! Kalushat Butyavka was extorted. Butyavka cooped up and fell off the fur. And Kalusha says: Butyavok is not shaken. The butyavki are dense and the zyumozyumo are not tart. From the bottles they puff. But Butyavka is crying out for a fluff: Kalushata have sunk! Kalushata poddonilis! Zyumo are ugly! Puski beaten! L. Petrushevskaya (Slide 4) Preposition for, from, from, for Particle not, then Union and, but Goal setting How did you determine? Well, then let's set ourselves certain goals: who and what wants to learn in the lesson today, so that in the future there will be no difficulties. II. Phase IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MEANING Work with the text beaten "" Puski Children's answers: by, from, from, for - prepositions; and, a - unions; No, those are particles. Approximate answers of children: We recognized them in the “face”, as they often meet ... We remember ... It was easy to find alliances, prepositions, since we talked a lot about them both in elementary school and in grade 56. It is more difficult with particles ... Know the service parts of speech and distinguish them from independent words; To learn not only “by sight”, but to have an idea for what they are needed, what is their role; Be able to distinguish conjunctions, prepositions, particles.

(obtaining information) new III. REFLECTION phase (comprehension, the birth of new knowledge) Thus, the topic of our lesson ... “The role of service parts of speech” (Slide 5) To find out the main functions of service parts of speech, you will have to work hard. Working with poems Assignment to the class: Fill in the missing words: (Slide 6) Do not ask a question to ... (preposition). Just come to the rescue, Bind competently words - Service in friendship is like that. (slide 7) Serves as a link between words ... (union). There is no stronger bond than these. Enumerate, specify, Proposals will fasten. (slide 8) I can give shades to meanings, I can enhance them without stress. I can help form education, When the Verb calls for service, I can generally negate Everything that someone will say. Who am I? ... (particle) Task for the class: Write out from the texts the main functions of the service parts of speech. Are all the functions in the poems listed? Compare with textbook information (§21, pp. 73,74). Write out examples from the text “Battered Puski”. . Children's answers: preposition union particle Children's answers: Prepositions connect the words of independent parts of speech in a phrase (Syapala (for what?) By fluff). Conjunctions connect the same kind of predicates (Syapala Kalusha on the fluff and took Butyavka away.) + parts of a complex sentence (information from the textbook). The particle forms a negative form (Butyavok cannot shake.) various shades of meaning are expressed (information from the textbook). +

Conclude: (Slide 9) The role of the PREPOSITION ... UNION ... PARTICLES ... This is interesting! It turns out that in terms of frequency of use, the preposition takes 4th place, the union - 7th, the role of particles is also great. Another test, which I am sure you will cope with, awaits you. i Brainstorming Reception Children's answers: (instead of) (before) (dose) (task) (congestion) Can you solve charades? (Slide 10) *At the end of which preposition is a hundred? *What preposition is a note? * What two prepositions indicate the amount of medicine per dose? * To what pretext should a country house be added in order to get what needs to be decided? * The beginning is an opposing union. Behind him - only one letter of the alphabet, And it will be, I undertake to predict, The whole street is crammed with cars. Group work. Exercise 642. Write out: 1 group of unions 2 group of prepositions 3 group of particles. Group peer review. The speaker in the team stays and defends the work of the group. Moving a team from one group to another. Lesson summary: What are prepositions, conjunctions in speech? What role do particles play in speech? Can service parts exist independently in a sentence? Reflection: On the tables of the students there is a palm cut out of paper. If the information received in the lesson is useful and you liked the lesson, put it on the cut out

palm! or +. If you think that the information is useless to you and you didn't like the lesson, put 0 or ). Homework (optional): * Find a short passage from any work of art that uses prepositions, conjunctions and particles. Determine their role. * Try to compose a sentence (or a small one of the words you invented. Use function words. Consisting text), * Compose (compose) a fairy tale about the role of service parts of speech in Russian. *Exercise from textbook #644 Thank you for the lesson!

Working materials on the topic "Preposition" in 7th grade Compiled by Braverman S.A.

type of lesson

level requirement student training



quality control assimilation subject

house. tasks

Preposition as a part of speech.

Preposition meanings. Prepositions are spatial, temporal. causal, target, objective. ("All about the Russian language" p. 214)

Known b: preposition - an official part of speech, its role in a sentence and a phrase, about the absence

preposition before adverb, participle and verb.

Know that prepositions are not members of the sentence, but are part of the members of the sentence.

The preposition is not so simple, it can disguise itself as other parts of speech. Take a word against

1. The cinema is located in the house opposite.

3. He wanted to watch TV, on the contrary, I wanted to go to the cinema.

In the 1st sentence against-

adverb - circumstance.

In the 2nd - a preposition, is not a member of the proposal.

In the 3rd - an introductory word, is not a member of the sentence.

What is a suggestion.

How is it different from other parts of speech?


O identify the parts of speech in the sentence:

A minute later, the palace carriages, suddenly jumping out from behind the fence, galloped in all directions.


remove suggestions.


What are prepositions used for?


independent parts of speech

syntactic analysis of the sentence.

Vocabulary dictation

§27rule p.152,

Classification of prepositions: derivatives and


by structure: simple, complex and compound,

types of derivative prepositions according to word formation: adverbial, denominative,


Morphological analysis of the preposition.

Lessons in learning new material

Know: the method of forming derivative prepositions is morphological-syntactic. Be able to distinguish prepositions from homonymous prefixes,

write separately with nouns, adjectives, pronouns and numerals.

Know: with what cases prepositions are used.

Be able to morphological analysis of the adverb

Derivative and non-derivative prepositions.

The use of prepositions with different cases (Ex. 337)


noun cases

The fourth extra

1. due to, near, at, through

2. around the house, thanks to the care,

along the route

All derivatives, the first and third are formed from

adverbs, the second - from


species identification pretexts

in, on, through,

during the lesson, along the river, during the day,

to the river, for work, because of a cold

Textbook pp.153-154

Spelling of prepositions: together, separately, hyphenated

Know: what prepositions are written together, separately, with a hyphen.

Observation exercise No. 342 Creative work No. 343


synonymous prepositions

as a result, due to

around - at

during - in continuation, for,

like - like

towards - to,

from the side - from

behind - behind

thanks - due to

Working with a spelling dictionary

Repetition: use

prepositions with nouns


numerals in

the form of indirect cases in the phrase with control

vocabulary work

We write together

went to meet the arrivals, crop failure due to drought,

an antenna like a dish, a root like a horn, inquire about hiring, refuse due to lack of places, despite the resistance of the enemy.


to meet me, in the feminine gender, to the bank account, to keep in mind, to mean the coast, to this place, without looking at the notebook.

Workshop. Spelling of prepositions

Consolidation lesson

knowledge, skills and abilities/


Remember writing derivative sentences.

Rule p.157

Know when the accent falls on pretext.

Comma separation of turnover with prepositions: in spite of, in spite of

Working with the spelling dictionary



with derivative prepositions and

creatures. with a pretext "in"

The difference between prepositions and combinations of nouns with prepositions

Lesson in mastering new material

Be able to distinguish between the spelling of prepositions and nouns with prepositions.

Remember that adverbs are adjacent to the verb, and prepositions are used with parts of speech that are used as a noun .

Know, that the words are the same

sounding but related

different parts of speech are spelled differently.

The difference between prepositions and other parts of speech

p.161 №351

vocabulary dictation exercise No. 353

Description of the state of the item

Speech development lesson

Creative work ex. No.

The use of prepositions in speech

Speech development lesson

Know: use of prepositions: in - on, from - from,

To Turkey, from Turkey, to Ukraine, to Ukraine, from the mountain, to the mountain.

Use of prepositions :

thanks to, according to, in spite of.

Pretextdespite means

contrary to something, against something, in spite of something, contrary to expectations, contrary to my request,

Be able to correct errors associated with the use of prepositions in speech


antonymy and synonymy of prepositions.

Place of prepositions

in a sentence (rule p. 162

exercise No. 352 orally)

No. 352 (in writing)

Lesson generalization of knowledge on the topic

Be able to apply learned

Make tests on the learned rules on the topic


A Lesson in Control

Check knowledge, skills, abilities

Subject Testing

Analysis of control work and work on errors

Knowledge analysis lesson

students on the topic



1.B write prepositions in two columns: derivatives and non-derivatives:

search underground,

get out of the ground

relax near the river

built in the middle of old houses, done within a week,

agree on lessons

cancel classes due to frost.

2. mark prepositions

1st option

introduce new actors in the continuation of the series,

receive a notice due to being late.

differ in gender and case,

rapids along the river

3. Syntactic analysis of the sentence and morphological analysis of prepositions:

1st option

Due to a leg injury to the scorer of the qualifying tournament, who was forced to miss the next two matches, the coaches replaced him with a young player.

4. Think of sentences in which the same-sounding words would be different parts of speech

1st option

like - like

2nd option

keep in mind,

constructor toy,

rest during the week

interfere with thoughts

2nd option

Despite the failure that befell our team in a series of matches, the goal was still achievable.

2nd option

instead of - in place


Preparing for the test

Making phrases with prepositions

over the abyss

beyond the forest

due to



in the area of

in a relationship


in continuation




because of

with the exception of

antonymy and



in - on the

from - With

to school - from school

from Kamchatka -

to Kamchatka

to the Baltic

from the Baltic

from Ukraine -

to Ukraine

Explanatory dictation

Finally solemn evenings concert was given in continuationwhom laughter didn't stop.

Nobody participated in continuation of the dispute, due towhat friends thought I gave up.

Asstudy spelling, many children began to write more literately, and subsequently completely stopped making mistakes.

We had in mind that we will sail towardseach other,

but eventually I had to abandon this idea.

What can I say Finally? in conclusion?


The underlined words are prepositions.

Underlined - other parts of speech.


Compiled by Braverman S.A.



Materials for the lesson


Particle as part of speech

Target: to give the concept of the functions of the particle as a service part of speech.

Be able to: to distinguish a particle from other parts of speech.

The value of the particle.

What gives a particle, what

loses the offer if she disappears.

1. Control by spelling: alphabet and t, mastiffs about r, docum e nt, dos at G,

rolled about g, quart a l, kilo e tr, k at honny, m e lkom, t about now, us e rhenium, call, beets, carpenter s,

cem e nt, shav e l. Task: sort the words into groups depending on the stress.

2. Control Determine what the particle gives: negates,

indicates and clarifies, strengthens or softens the requirement, expresses feelings or forms word forms:

Iwould learned lessons...

hardlywhether the skater wins the distance...

Inot I want to disappoint you.

Question: And if you remove the particle from the sentence?

Particle Discharges.

shaping particles.

Target b: to give the concept of particle discharges by value; show the functions of shaping particles.

Pin skill distinguish particles from

other parts of speech.

The role of the particle in the sentence.

What styles of speech use particles.

Syntactic analysis of sentences with formative particles.

Repetition: the formation of imperative verbs.

§ 36 p.208 - 209


Sense Particles.

Target: show the variety and functions of semantic particles, their use in certain styles of speech

Working with a table

"The Meaning of Semantic Particles"

Repetition:speech styles

Separate and hyphenated spelling of particles

Target: identify cases of separate and hyphenated spelling of particles.

Develop skill distinguish particles from other parts of speech.

Particles would, would, would write separately with With catches.

Particles - then, well, well

write with a hyphen

Repetition: colloquial style of speech

Linguistic warm-up

What a delight these stories are!

Howwould find out what's going on behind the gate?

Not a single boy, the most obedient, andneither one girl, the most attentive, the sellerneither once in a lifetimenot donatedneither one ball: no red,neither blue,neither yellow.

Ex. The difference between particles and parts of demonstrative pronouns, adverbs, unions

Let's compare the pairs of sentences:

1. Whatwould you wanted to learn about particles?

To write particles correctly, you need to be able to distinguish them from other parts of speech.

2.Particle -then spelled like thissame as a suffixthen in indefinite pronouns and adverbs, that is, through a hyphen.

Particleswould, would, would written with words separately.

3. And that's itstill she spins.

I decided-still difficult task.

Speech development lessons

Negative particles NOT and NI

Target: expand students' knowledge of particles

NOT and NOR, show cases where a sentence with two particles does not get

positive meaning, develop the skills of writing particles NOT with different parts of speech.

Develop skill distinguish particles NOT and NI from compound unions.

1.A Analysis of the textbook material p.213

2. Analysis of a table from the board (or slides)

Particle NI is written,if:

a) a negative verb is used,

participle or participle: He,not

speakingneither words, out.

H neither the watchman nor his assistant responded /

b) negation is implied:

In the skyneither clouds.

Neither from place!Neither the words!

c) in interrogative-exclamation. suggestion not just: Do younot know about it?

Who doesn't know this!

d) before the indefinite form of the verb:

we write NOT when we have one indefinite form in front of us

and NI, when there are several indefinite forms:

Henot couldnot know about it.

Due to illness, henot could

neither drink,neither there is.

Repetition: appeal

To commented letter with analysis of proposals.

Not cannot remember how fun the holidays were.

At this turn the carnot couldnot turn right.

And you, friends,how neither sit down, everyone is a musiciannot fit.

Examnot it should beneither too difficultneither

too light.

Determine where are the particles and where are the unions.

Repetition: appeal.

Explanation of the textbook table

If it is necessary to choose NOT or NOR before the verb-predicate in the subordinate clause,

should proceed as follows:

1. put a question that is appropriate in meaning from the main sentence,

2.determine whether the answer is negative or positive;

3.if negative, choose the NOT particle.

if positive, an amplifying particle NI.

(When Ineither I'll go to him), he's always busy.

Do I go to him?Yes . - ChooseNO .

(When Inot I will go to him), he is worried and calls.

Do I go to him?Not . – ChooseNOT .

Attention: we are talking only about a subordinate clause (most often about a concession).

Distinguishing between the particle HE and the prefix HE-

Target: to consolidate students' knowledge about the particle NOT and the prefix NOT-, develop spelling and punctuation skills.

P repetition: punctuation marks in direct speech.

D ictation followed by analysis

However, the quartetwon't go okay.

When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business is in ordernot will go .

Who is guilty of them, who is right - to judgenot us .

What kind of animals, what kind of birds am Idid not see !

« Not grateful! ”- Oak said to her here.

ignoramus also blindly scolds science and learning,

and all learned fruits,not feeling that he eats them


So dothere is nothing : it came to write a decree to bring the guilty to shameful execution.

1. Find pronouns and determine their category.

2. What particles, except NOT, are used in sentences?

3. Find unions, explain their spelling.

Practical work on the topic “Distinguishing between a particle NOT and a prefix NOT-”

Target: consolidate students' knowledge about the particle NOT and the prefix NOT-;

develop skills independent work.

P repetition:

spelling of negative and indefinite pronouns.

Parsing complex-subordinate


O explanatory dictation

Not make mistakes.

The request was denied withnot yearning.

Not a sound around.

No matter how trying to get the fish outneither whatnot happened.

Not what to be surprised.

Wherever Look, there is steppe everywhere.

What-then to menot like everything here.

Designate graphically particles, prefixes, parts

root. Syntactic analysis of the penultimate sentence.

Why are they highlighted entirely "however", "wherever"?

examples in the table

Particle NI, prefix NI, union NI - NI

Target: teach students to distinguish homonymous linguistic units,

develop spelling and punctuation skills.

P repetition:

NOT with verbs

L inguistic warm-up

No one is to blame, you don’t quarrel with anyone, nobody’s dog, don’t ask about anything, I didn’t find it anywhere,

not at all difficult, you don’t say a word, nothing bothers you, you don’t owe us anything, you don’t report to anyone, don’t tell anyone, not one left,

doubt nothing, disturb no one, no one else interests me; no one else like you should go on a business trip.

Note the spelling. Identify parts of speech.

General lesson on the topic "Particle"

Target: generalize knowledge on the topic, develop

spelling and punctuation skills, skills linguistic analysis.

To commented letter

The ancient culture is as distant in time from today's man as the stars are from us.

Should he heed the advice of an astrologer not to engage in affairs designed for the long term?

How could I fall asleep in an empty old house, listening to the howling wind and creaking stairs

If it weren't for you, I would never have completed the task.

Define parts of speech. Syntactic analysis of the last sentence.

The use of particles in speech.

Pronunciation of prepositions, conjunctions, particles

(work with dictionaries)

Control dictation and its analysis

Target: test students' knowledge on the topic,

spelling and punctuation skills,

linguistic parsing skills.

(preparation for writing

by picture)

Create a draft

Possible testing on the topic

( Option 2 - Baranov p. 266)


Option 1

1. Mark Particles

a) even b) to c) if d) let

2. Check the reinforcing particles

a) would b) here c) really d) after all

3. Mark the shaping particles

a) how b) let c) more d) whether

4. Note the hyphenated spelling of the particles

a) still b) answer

c) find (same) d) (do not) go there

5. Mark phrases with a particle not

a) n... hinder me b) n... minutes n... delay

c) n... to be this d) there is no n... one place

6. Mark sentences with particles. Open parenthesis.

a) In order to be able to, one must learn.

b) (Don't) be offended by me,

c) There is no (neither) desire, (nor) opportunities.

d) Wherever you look, there are people everywhere.

Speech development

Preparing for an essay on a painting

Analysis of the material exercise No. 474 - 475

Drawing up an essay plan

    In the foreground of the painting.

    Description of birches (trunk, foliage)

    On the ground.

    What mood is the artist conveying?

    Does this mood match yours? Is this how you imagine a spring forest? Have you ever been in the spring forest?

Students reading draft materials for the essay. Analysis.

write an essay

CALENDAR-THEMATIC PLANNING in grade 7 on the topic "UNION"


... WORKINGMATERIALSONTHEME"APPEAL, INTRODUCTORY WORDS AND INSERTIONS" in 8 "A" CLASSCompilerBravermann S.A. No. content theory vocabulary materials... expressed by nouns with pretext. The circumstances expressed ...

  • Document

    Public materialsontopic compilers class" Braverman, Aratsky, Breus and... , under pretext that he ... , officials, workers utilities,...

  • Document

    Public materialsontopic: Hebrew... Yisrael" Note compilers: read... superior restaurant class".) Undoubtedly ... .; Deputy Head of State Property Braverman, Aratsky, Breus and... , under pretext that he ... , officials, workers utilities,...

  • According to gender studies for the countries of the former USSR"


    proposed Braverman; concept... topics, patriarchy carries an important functional load on towards capitalism, helping to split workerClasson... about compiler or... quite plausible pretext(feminine... When analyzing materialson problems...

  • Grigory Petrovich Klimov God's people Abstract Grigory Petrovich Klimov God's people The essence of the problem Interview with Grigory Petrovich Klimov on the occasion of his 80th birthday


    And on this day. Bytopics same ... infallibility. Pretext for ... will bind tightly workerClass to the state ... Smolensk, shlaifers, bravermans, Urinson, Zelensky, ... I have evidence material just for... attributed to him compilers Moses -...

  • type of lesson

    requirements for the level of preparation of students


    vocabulary work

    quality control of mastering the subject


    1 C ouz as a part of speech.

    General information about the union as a service part of speech. Syntactic possibilities of the union.

    Conjunctions by use:

    single, double, repeated.

    Derivative and non-derivative unions

    study lesson

    new material

    Know: the union is a service part of speech. What connects the union: homogeneous members and simple sentences as part of complex ones. Derivatives unions

    originated from other parts of speech - exactly when, etc.

    Non-derivatives conjunctions: a, but, yes, etc.

    because of


    due to the fact that

    thanks to

    as long as.

    Singles conjunctions: but to...

    recurring: neither ... neither, that ... that, etc.

    Double: as ..., so

    in order to

    Vocabulary dictation

    exercise 353

    2 R ranks of unions.

    R Ol semantic stress, variable setting of a comma.

    Synonymous sentences with conjunctions.

    Lesson study of new material

    To What relationship do the conjunctions express in the sentence? -


    targets, conditions, matching relationships, etc.

    T table of subordinating types

    3 C conjugative conjunctions

    The connection of equal in meaning sentences and homogeneous members.

    Types of coordinating unions.

    At rock learning new material and repetition

    To What are the meanings of different types of coordinating conjunctions in sentences. Analysis and linguistic parsing


    not only but

    both ... and

    also the same

    also the same

    4 V ides of subordinating unions.

    Explanatory and adverbial conjunctions

    At fate of mastering new material

    To What are the differences between coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

    The role of subordinating conjunctions in a sentence.

    about because


    so as to

    then to

    in order to

    what would you do?

    5 - 6 P spelling of unions.

    The difference is in the spelling of conjunctions and pronouns with prepositions.

    Morphological analysis of the union - textbook p.183

    At rock workshop

    To how to distinguish a union from consonant words of other parts of speech.

    Table analysis exercise No. 399

    Synonymy of unions exercise No. 397

    to as if



    despite the fact that


    and - by the way

    O explanatory dictation:

    For a meeting the heads of the G8 delegations arrived, also observers came from other countries. Friendship needs trust same way, how reliability

    Everyone was playing in the yard, me too wanted to go outside. Do Same, what indicated in the recommendation and.

    Journalists gathered in the studio to discuss the problem.

    M orff..

    preparation for vocabulary dictation-exercise No. 403

    7 G a fifth between simple sentences as part of a compound compound.

    Table page 189

    Scheme for exercise 414

    At the fate of consolidating knowledge

    To what is the difference in punctuation in sentences with coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

    The difference between a comparative turnover and a sentence with a comparative union

    AT What is the difference in sentence structure?

    Chichikov did not noticehowdrove into the middle of a vast garden.

    Howthe tree quietly drops its leaves,

    so I drop sad words.

    How golden fireflies, dewdrops glittered on the grass.

    Remember: in comparative turnover there is no predicate, unlike a subordinate clause.


    8 O general lesson on the topic "Union"

    At rock-reinforcement of knowledge

    Know: the meaning of the union and spelling.

    Be able to perform linguistic analysis.

    Pay attention to the spelling of the following expressions:

    the same ... what



    just like

    all the same

    all the same

    So, I lived then in Odessa.

    We got wet so tired that

    decided to spend the night in the village.

    It was cold to walk besides and the clouds appeared.

    Can be replaced:

    and and the clouds appeared...

    at the same time and the clouds appeared...

    Besides and the clouds appeared...

    What does will you stay?

    (with what you stay...)

    At the same time documents are attached to the application. ( At what statement?)

    but- an introductory word or a coordinative union, synonymous with the union but?

    or- an alliance that unites

    homogeneous members or attaches explanatory members of the sentence?

    Look,however oh be careful. We never expected to meet againbut met.

    It was Alexander Timofeevich,

    or simply Sasha. Flexion,or ending, only happens

    changeable parts of speech.

    Exercise; come up with examples

    to union or connects homogeneous parts of a sentence

    Remember: conjunctions are not written with a hyphen:

    as if


    Vocabulary dictation

    exercise 403

    rule p.193

    9 P preparation for examination

    At rock generalization of knowledge

    Compare: I'm sad because,

    that the holiday is over. ( because…)

    From that we walked through the woods.

    (from what?)

    FROM unionbut has a synonym

    union but.

    He is small but daring ( but daring).

    hide yourself for that wood ( for what wood?)

    10 - 11 K control dictation with a grammar task. Dictation analysis. Work on mistakes.

    12. A variant of possible testing on the topic "Prepositions and conjunctions".

    Option number 2- Baranov str.265

    Materials for possible testing

    Option 1

    1. Mark the prepositions

    a) about b) to

    c) if d) thanks

    2. Mark derived prepositions

    b) in continuation

    c) due to d) according to

    3. Check Compounds


    a) from under b) around

    d) in connection with

    e) like

    4. Mark the coordinating conjunctions

    a) like b) what

    c) or d) but

    5. Mark the causal

    subordinating conjunctions

    a) because

    b) in order to

    c) because

    d) just

    6. Mark the sentences in which the words are written together. Determine the part of speech.

    a) What would you like to eat?

    b) Do you also like football?

    c) Rainy, for (then) warm.

    d) Do as I do..

    Creative work.

    1. Make sentences with conjunctions in task 5.

    2. Compose phrases with prepositions:

    according to

    thanks to

    pay attention tocasenoun afterpretext.

    Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 40 of Voronezh

    Synopsis of the Russian language lesson in grade 7

    "The use of prepositions"


    teacher of Russian language and literature Chernyshova Larisa Sergeevna



    Lesson Objectives:

      form students have the ability to correctly use prepositions in speech.

      upbringing love and respect for the Russian language; conscious attitude to the language as a means of communication and gaining knowledge in various spheres of human activity;

      development speech and mental activity; communication skills that ensure fluency in the Russian literary language in various areas and situations of communication; readiness and ability for speech interaction and mutual understanding;

      learning about the Russian language, the basic norms of the Russian literary language and speech etiquette; vocabulary enrichment and expansion of the range of grammatical means used;

      skills formation identify, analyze, classify linguistic facts, evaluate them from the point of view of normativity, compliance with the sphere and situation of communication;

      application acquired knowledge and skills in their own speech practice.

    Lesson objectives:

      the formation of skills and abilities for the use of prepositions in speech;

      incidental repetition of the syntax of a simple sentence, participial phrases and punctuation marks with them.


      Presentation “Preposition. The use of prepositions.

      Cards for independent work.


    During the classes

      Organizational moment.

      Checking homework. Repetition.

    At home, you wrote a scientific style text about the features of the service parts of speech ( ex. 289). Let's listen to some of the compiled texts and answer the question of whether they correspond to the task. (2 students read texts compiled at home, the class analyzes whether they match the style ( scientific), what is the content side.)


    Let's remember the spelling of adverbs.

      Work on cards on leaflets (3 accounts).

    Card number 1

    Set off (according to) the same direction, yearn (for) the real thing, (for) really relax, perceive (in) your own way, go (on) tiptoe, depict (on) memory, disappear (by) a little, divide (along) evenly, go (through) the autumn forest, (along) autumn gloomy days, catch (on) the fly, wipe (until) dry.

      Work on the card at the blackboard.

    Card number 2


    Card number 3


      Vocabulary dictation(work with vocabulary words at the blackboard).

    R e residence, p e riod, from about br a zit, vozr a sting, por a zhenie.

    Word residence borrowed in the Petrine era from the Polish language, where it meant "location".

    In his r e h and denzi and in FROM eyes pr e h and dent R Russia accepted d e l e gats and youth and.

    Find prepositions in the sentence. Name phrases with the word residence, indicate the main word ((in whose?)in his residences , in residences (which?)in Sochi) .

      Work on card number 1 to collect.

      Checking work on cards at the blackboard.

    From- over the hills, covered he rnoyu mass oh forests 1 , quiet 3 rose what kind-then 2 whitish regiona ka. 4 (V. G. Korolenko.)

    Quiet - adverb .

    I. Rising(how?) quiet; sign of action .

    II. Unchanged

    III. Were rising as? quiet.

      Lesson topic: "Use of prepositions."

    In the last lesson, we talked about the preposition as a part of speech. Let's remember:

        front poll.

        What groups are all parts of speech divided into? ( independent, auxiliary and special part of speech interjection)

        What is the difference between official parts of speech and independent parts of speech? ( they name neither objects, nor signs, nor actions, nor quantities, and are not members of sentences).

        What parts of speech do you know? ( preposition, conjunction, particle)

        What groups are prepositions divided into? ( simple and compound, derivative and non-derivative).

      Let's see which one of you is the smartest. Reply tojoke questions :

      What preposition can be played on a musical instrument or sung? ( before )

      What two prepositions describe the position of the body? ( pose )

      What two prepositions can be used to create a literary (not poetic) work? ( prose ).

      What two prepositions help determine the right amount of medicine? ( dose )

      Presentation work.

    In russian language about 200 prepositions. All of them are used with certain cases:

    With R.p. - about 115 pretexts

    T.p.. – 24 excuse

    V.p.20 pretexts

    D.p. – 19 pretexts

    P.p.7 pretexts

    Polysemantic prepositions(them 8 ) are used not with one case: 6 - with two, 2 - with three cases.

    We read about the use of prepositions in § 49 on p. 134.

    When used in speech, prepositions are often confused in and on the . How do you choose which preposition to use? By value! Pretext in used to indicate limited space, and the suggestion on the - if such a value missing. The table in the working materials for the lesson explains the use of these prepositions in more detail.

      Working with the textbook. Let's execute ex. 290 (commented letter). Open the brackets, putting the nouns in the right case, use prepositions in or on the(only with the first verbs, with the second - at home). Check yourself against the table (see "Materials for the lesson").

    Work in a factory, in a factory, in a hospital, in a library, in a store, at an exchange, in a workshop; study at school, at a technical school, at courses, at a lyceum, at an institute, at the Faculty of History; live in Siberia, in the Arctic, in the Urals, in Altai, in Moscow.

      Prepositions With and on used with three cases. With which? Read the material in the second frame on page 135 :

    when? then? upon completion upon arrival


    on (= after) + P.p.

    We read in the "Materials for the lesson" and remember which cases the preposition is combined with on with verbs expressing emotional experiences ( to be bored, to grieve, to cry, to be bored, to grieve and etc.):

      with nouns in D.p.

      with personal pronouns 1, 2 persons in P.p..

      • 3 persons units. numbers in D.p., P.p..

        3 persons pl. numbers in D.p.

  • Training exercises.Work in a notebook (handout).

    Exercise: Make phrases by putting the nouns in the correct case. The first group is to make a complex sentence with any of the phrases.

    Absent for a good reason, enroll after finishing school, absent due to sickness, yearning for her, meet upon arrival, discuss upon return, missed you.

    Presentation self-check. Reading the sentences.

    • Text editing(according to the presentation).

    Exercise: correct the mistakes.

    1. Schoolchildren returned from Moscow animated, full of new experiences. 2. Letters from the Crimea came regularly. 3. Mom brought bread and milk from the store. 4. Today I came home from school early.


    1. Schoolchildren are back from Moscow is lively, full of new impressions. 2. Letters from Crimea came regularly. 3. From shop, my mother brought bread and milk. 4. Today I came from school home early.

      Questions for the curious.

    Let's see which of you knows more about prepositions.

      Which part of speech is never used with prepositions? ( with verb )

      Which prepositions cannot be prefixes? ( for, except )

      Which case is used with the most prepositions? (With R. p .)

      How many prepositions are used with two cases? ( 6: in, on - V, P.p.; for, under - V., T.p.; oh (oh, oh) - V., P.p.; between (between) – R., T.p.) With three? ( 2: With - R., V., T.p. , on - D., V., P.p.)

  • Control of skills and abilities.

    Let's check how we learned to use prepositions.

    Independent work(on leaves). Exercise: choose the right preposition, put the noun in the right case, insert the missing letters.

    Enter (to, to) school, (to, to) courses, (to, to) institute. Work (in, in) a factory, (in, in) a factory, (in, in) a library. Miss (mother) ___________, miss (he) ________, (they) ________, (we) ________. Meet upon arrival ..., be absent for good ... reasons ..., stop by at the end ..., make a mistake due to absent-mindedness ... .

    Works are handed in, grades will be announced at the next lesson.

    1. Homework : § 49, ex. 290 (finish), 294.

      Student message.

    A preposition is a service part of speech, but their role in the text is very important. Listen to the message and answer the question: “What have you learned about prepositions?”.

    The famous linguist Valery Petrovich Abramov in his book "Constellations of words" wrote about the use of prepositions.

    The outstanding Soviet philologist Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov said that words are connected with each other, and thus form whole "constellations".

    In such constellations there are words that actively are used, and the words rarely used. You can find out how often a particular word occurs in a text or which parts of speech are more common in texts. frequency dictionaries.

    "Frequency Dictionary of the Russian Language" ed. Zasorina (1977) revealed that the most frequently used words are: in, and, no, on the, i, be that, he, With, a. In the first place were service words. Prepositions - the first, fourth, ninth word out of ten. As we can see, although they represent a small class of words, they play an important role in the design of the text.

    Functional words are the main designers of the text. Significant - the main compilers of the text (they fill the text with information). This means that there are no "main" and "secondary" words in the language. All words are important. And the correct use of each word shows your culture of language proficiency.

    What have you learned about prepositions?

    What prepositions are the most frequent words? ( in - 1 place, on the - 4th place, With - 9th place)

      Lesson grades.

      Lesson conclusions:

      remembered vocabulary words, doing independent work;

      repeated the spelling of adverbs; syntactic, phonetic, morphological analysis, word analysis by composition;

      Practice using prepositions correctly in, on, by with nouns and pronouns;

      worked with the text, correcting errors in the use of prepositions.

    Card number 2

    Exercise: write down the sentence, insert the missing letters, denoting spelling, put punctuation marks. Perform parsing. Tell about punctuation marks in participial phrases.

    From (beyond) the hills covered with black ma (s, ss) forests, some whitish regions quietly rose. 4 (V. G. Korolenko.)

    List of used literature

      Abramov V.P. Constellations of words. - M.: 1989

      Arsyriy A.T. To the Land of Knowledge - with Grandfather the All-Knowing. Entertaining materials on the Russian language. – M.: 2004.

      Ivchenkov P.F. Control and training work at the lessons of the Russian language. – M.: 1987.

      Kostyaeva T.A. Tests, verification and control work in the Russian language: Grade 7. – M.: 2001.

      Svetlysheva V.N., Davydova O.A. Collection of dictations on spelling and punctuation. - M.: 1999

      I know the world: Det. Encyclopedia: Russian language / Avt. V.V. Volin. – M.: 1997.

    The lesson is aimed not only at the ability to It is correct to use prepositions, conjunctions and particles in your speech, but also to develop in students the ability to set a goal, determine the means to achieve it and the ability to draw the right conclusions. The material is designed for students with a low level of knowledge.



    A culture of speech. Correct use of prepositions, conjunctions, particles

    Lesson Objectives: 1) expand the understanding of orthoepic norms governing

    Pronunciation of official parts of speech;

    2) train students in the correct pronunciation of service words;

    In the ability to extract information, systematize it and use it;

    3) educate family values.

    During the classes:

    1 .Hello guys! I am glad to see you, and I hope for fruitful joint work at the lesson. I wish each of you good luck!

    (slide number 1)

    3. After studying each section of morphology, we move on to the lesson of the Culture of Speech. What is the purpose of these lessons?(learn how to use the learned words correctly in speech)

    I offer you an epigraph to our lesson:(slide number 2)

    To take advantage of all its (language) treasures,

    you need to know it well, you need to be able to master it.

    ON THE. Dobrolyubov

    4. An epigraph is given, there is a section "Culture of speech". Who can suggest the topic of today's lesson?

    (Correct use of prepositions, conjunctions, particles in speech) ( slide number 3)

    5. Guys, would you all like to have a happy family in the future? I offer you

    work with text(in handout)

    What assignment would you suggest for this text?

    Define a topic

    Determine the main idea

    Find service parts of speech and write them out in separate columns(Slide number 4)

    The warmth of a family hearth

    From happiness decided to leave one house. It's hard to say why but decided.

    " But before, - said happiness, - I will fulfill on one wish of each family member.

    What do you want?" - asked happiness at the owner of the house. And she replied that she didn't. her mink coats, - and the hostess received a fur coat.

    Happiness asked the adult daughter of the hostess: “What do you want?” - and she replied that she wanted to marry overseas prince - and married overseas prince.

    The happiness of the mistress's son asked: BUT what do you want?" - “I want,” he says, “a bicycle, and I will be happy if I have a bicycle, ”and got the boy a bike.

    At but on the threshold of the house happiness saw the owner and asked: “What you want?" The owner thought and said, "I want my house never not the warmth of the family hearth was leaving.

    And happiness within minutes fulfilled the request of the owner and did not leave this house, because happiness lives only there where the family hearth is on fire!

    6. Checking:

    Family theme.

    REFERENCE: International Day of the Family is celebrated in the world on May 15th.This holiday was established by the UN General Assembly, and it happened on September 20, 1993.Holiday "International Day of the Family"was created in order to attract the attention of the general public to the problems of the family, of which there are a large number today

    Main idea: the main thing in the family is understanding and one goal

    A family is strong where there is no place for the letter I.Where only the word "We" rules, where there are shared dreams!

    Prepositions: from, by, for, during

    Conjunctions: but, what, and, if, to, because, where

    Particles: already, then, same, not

    (Slide number 5)

    Conclusion 1 : service parts of speech are necessary for the semantic expression of words and sentences.

    7. In the Culture of Speech section, openOrthoepic page.

    Part of speech, which in Russian is called a term pretext , in English, in French, in German and in Spanish correspond by education and purpose with the word preposition , ascending to lat. prae (before, ahead) + positio (position). Conduct an experiment: omit prepositions in the words of the text, will their structure and meaning be preserved? No.

    Words can be unstressed or weakly stressed. Functional words are usually devoid of stress, but they sometimes take on stress, so that the preposition with the independent word following it has one stress: [for the city], [for the winter].(Slide number 6)

    8. Let's get acquainted with the theory on page 171 above. And let's do u.858.

    The main rules for doing the exercise?

    - be careful when reading the assignment.

    Examination. poetic rhythm helps to read word forms needy and happy in accordance with the norms of stress in poetic speech of the 19th century.

    Find words and forms of words used mainly in colloquial speech and vernacular: colloquial. living (good, free life), colloquial. she has ( neutr. her), colloquial. meat (meat dish, meat food), colloquial. per minute (very fast, instantly), simple. pull off (steal, steal).

    9. (Slide number 7) Read the sentence and mark the stress:

    She is not sad about anyone.

    Are impact particles?

    Next suggestion:

    He has not lived in his native land for 20 years.

    Is it a shock particle here?

    10. Support your opinion with the theory on pages 171-172

    11. Where can we learn about the words listed in exercise 860. (in dictionary entries). We work with articles.

    12. We find in a series of pairs of rhyming words an “extra pair”, in which there is no rhyme (was not – sent).

    13. (Slide number 8)


    Exercise to relieve fatigue from the muscles of the body.

    Starting position - stand legs apart, hands behind the head. 1–2.

    Raise your right hand on the belt, left hand on the belt. 3–4.

    Right hand on shoulder, left hand on shoulder. 5–6.

    Right hand up, left hand up. 7–8.

    Make two claps with your hands above your head. 9–10.

    Put your left hand on your shoulder, right hand on your shoulder. 11–12.

    Left hand on the belt, right hand on the belt. 13–14.

    Make two hand claps on the thighs. Repeat 4-6 times.

    The pace is slow the first time, medium the second and third times, fast the fourth and fifth times, and slow the sixth time.

    14. (Slide number 9)

    Read the word combinations below aloud.

    • You can’t drag it by the ears, listen with all ears;
    • without a year a week;
    • side by side;
    • lead by the nose, mutter under one's breath;
    • a tooth does not hit a tooth, a tooth for a tooth;
    • walk hand in hand, take the child in your arms, look at (your) hands;
    • enough for the soul, per capita, laughed heartily;
    • get out of the light, sit closer to the light.
    1. What can be said about them?
    2. Which of these combinations of words can be attributed to phraseological units
    3. How to show that you understand the meaning of phraseological units?

    Reminder: There are two ways: a) give an interpretation of phraseology; b) introduce a phraseological unit into the context (sentence, mini-text), which allows you to recognize the meaning of a word or a combination of words.

    (Slide number 9)

    Conclusion 2:

    1. Many prepositions, particles and conjunctions are unstressed.

    2. Prepositions: for, under, from, without, from, on - can be stressed.

    3. Particles HE and NI are more often unstressed.

    4. NOT + live, give, be, drink (pr.vr without female) = drums

    5. NO in a stable combination - shock

    (Slide number 10)

    "Speak right!"

    Watch not only what to say, but how to say it;

    Speaking out loud, listen to yourself as if from the outside - this helps to get rid of pronunciation errors;

    If you doubt the correct pronunciation of a particular word, look in the spelling dictionary or ask the teacher; if it is not possible to find out at the moment how the word is pronounced, then try to exclude it from speech, replacing it with a synonym, until you know how to pronounce this word;

    In order not to make mistakes in the future, often pronounce the “difficult words” out loud correctly;

    Politely correct your classmates, school, if you notice errors in their speech; accept with gratitude if they reasonably correct you;

    Learn to speak expressively and correctly from television and radio announcers, actors, readers;

    Remember that speaking with mistakes is just as embarrassing as writing wrong.

    Guys, in conclusion, I would like to wish you the following. Try to follow the principle: I am the exception. My speech is my mirror, my dignity. Real control is control from within. Thank you for the lesson, for the fact that you really became co-authors for me today.

    Additional material

    Task: read the text, placing the stress in the words correctly. (Orally)

    A young mother pampers her daughter. She ties her huge bows, puts on a dress of lace. With bows in braids, the baby is so elegant. Even enviable! Here comes from the manger. Little ones can be pampered.

    Read the correct pronunciation. (A mark is given for the correct answer).

    A young mother pampers her daughter. She ties her huge bows, puts on a dress of lace. With bows in braids, the baby is so smart. Even enviable! Here comes from the Manger. Toddlers can be pampered a little.

    The proverb says for a reason

    Lead the house - do not shake your sleeve.

    When the family is together and the heart is in place.

    Children are not a burden, but a joy.

    Family troubles will lead to trouble.

    In the native family and the porridge is thicker.

    The bird is glad of spring, and the child of the mother.

    family in a heap - not a terrible cloud.

    No need for a treasure - when the family is in harmony.

    house to lead - do not shake your beard.

    When the family is together- and the heart is in place.

    In the family, the porridge is thicker.

    There is safety in numbers.

    Do not be born beautiful, but be born (happy).
    - Seven nannies have a child (without an eye).

    A guest on the threshold - happiness in ... (house).
    - A house without a mistress ... (an orphan).
    - Lead the house ... (do not shake your beard).
    - The apple never falls far from the tree).
    - What they are rich with ... (they are glad).
    - Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).

    An open lesson in Russian in the 7th grade on the topic “Prepositions. Unions. Particles»

    General didactic goal: Formation of an integral system of leading knowledge and methods of action of students.

    Type of lesson: Lesson of systematization and generalization of the studied material.

    Educational aspects of the lesson:

    Forms of work: individual, pair, collective.

    Teaching methods: verbal (informational - developing, visual), practical.

    The lesson is conducted at: a constructive level.

    Used technologies: technology of personality-oriented developmental education, ICT.

    Equipment: cards, interactive whiteboard, tables, painting reproduction, computer.

    During the classes

    Org. moment: Introductory speech of the teacher.

    Today, guys, you have an unusual lesson. It has many guests. Turn around, smile at them. Well done! I think that your smiles and a beautiful spring morning will bring you high spirits, and you will be active, emotional for 45 minutes. And let the motto of our lesson be the words: "You are all capable and talented." Before our lesson begins, which will consist of three “micro-lessons”, I want to remind you that today is the final lesson on the topic “Prepositions. Unions. Particles.

    What do you guys think, what is the purpose of our lesson?

    /students formulate the goal, the teacher once again emphasizes the learning goal/.

    Let me introduce the types of work that you will work on in the lesson.


    Are you satisfied with these types of work?

    Would you like to add or change something?

    /teacher listens to students' suggestions/

    Well, we will try to implement your suggestions during the lesson.

    And we will start with the stage of a comprehensive knowledge test. The first work "Vocabular dictation". Today it will be held in the form of a "spelling duel". Let's find out if you learned the spelling of words and phrases well during the study of the topic. Attention to the board, we write in a line through a semicolon.

    /slide/ Self-test. Check it out, rate yourself.

    Well, well done! And now let's move on to the "micro-lessons", the structure of which will consist of two blocks - theoretical and practical.

    The first topic is "Preposition". /slide/

    To test your knowledge of the theory, I suggest you complete the sentence.

    Here is a part of the sentence, it must be completed.

    How do we graphically highlight prepositions?

    Well, well done, well done! Let's move on topractical block. You are waiting for "free work". On the board you see tables, they can be used when working on a task from a "box", "envelope", in working on a "camping" dictation, at a computer. Are we getting started?

    /students independently choose the type of work, work, moving freely around the class/. Don't forget to graphically highlight the prepositions.

    Dictation from the "box" and "camping" dictation.

    For several hours you can sit still and look at the sea. Close up, it is transparent, greenish in color, and in the distance lies a dark blue stripe, slightly veiled with haze. The sea is beautiful at dawn, when a fireball emerges from the horizon.

    Dictation from the "envelope".

    (B) over (e, and) many years; (c) continuation(s, i) of lessons; (c) a consequence (e, and) bad weather; walked (along) the path; (not) looking under your feet; found out (in) a consequence (e, and); (not) despite the heat; (c) the type of illness; Have this in mind.

    Computer work.

    /Instead of gaps, insert appropriate prepositions or prefixes /

    1. He, apparently, was tired, sat down on the ___ end of the bench and took a nap. _____ end everyone gathered _____ at the table and _____ talked.
    2. Yes, we _____ all talked about it, but _____ all the doors knocked.
    3. Don't rely on _____ strength, but _____ knowledge. _____ strength he achieved ____ values ​​______ duty.

    / self-test - those who performed the dictation from the "box", "marching"; mutual verification - those who took the task from the "envelope"; the teacher, together with the class, checks the work of the student who worked at the computer /.

    What grades did you give yourself for this "micro-lesson"?

    / slide / - The next topic is "Unions".

    theoretical block. Prove whether the statement is true?

    / slide / Students prove the correctness of the statement given on the board.

    How do we graphically highlight unions? Let's move onto practice block.

    / slide / / Task on the board /

    What do you guys think, what task can be offered for this form of work?

    That's right, find matches, synonymous pairs. For example, in the same way. We work in pairs.

    ... - Did you meet only unions in this task?

    /slide/ Verification.

    Today is a wonderful morning. Stand up, please, and look out the window. The spring sun is shining brightly, the birds are chirping loudly. Okay, right?

    Compare your impressions with the image of nature ....

    Try to make a sentence using one of the conjunctions from the previous task.

    /Students name sentences, choose the best, write on the board and in notebooks, make a complete syntactic analysis of the sentence/.

    What marks did you give yourself for this lesson.

    /slide/. - Let's move on to the topic "Particles".

    Let's check the theoretical knowledge with the help of a mutual survey.

    /students ask each other, put marks/

    What grades did you get? /We find out the results of the survey/.

    How do we graphically select particles?

    Let's move on to the practical part.

    / slide / - And now let's play the game "The Third Extra". Choose in each row and write down the extra spelling.

    Okay, well done!

    And now I suggest you work on such a type of work as "digital dictation". Its purpose is to be able to distinguish between prepositions, conjunctions, particles.

    1. How merrily the birds chirp! 2. Are you not interested? 3. After winter there is always spring. 4. Would you like to have a rest? 5. Let the music of spring flow! 6. A frozen pond glistens like a mirror. 7. A bench was made near the house. 8. The brother explained that I had to fulfill the promise.

    /slide/ Verification.

    Our lesson is coming to an end. I would like you guys to share all your knowledge gained while studying the topic “Prepositions. Unions. Particles”, they were able to realize in the next creative work, an essay - a miniature. Compose texts on the topic "The Coming of Spring", graphically designate prepositions, conjunctions, particles.

    /Students perform work to the music, a poorly performing student receives a card, then the work of several students is listened to.

    Give yourself grades for this "micro-lesson".

    Now give yourself marks for the whole lesson. - What is the result of the lesson?

    Homework/slide/ Level D/Z

    Reflection "Heart of communication"

    self-analysis of the lesson.

    The type of my training session is the systematization and generalization of educational material. In order to draw the children's attention to the topic of the lesson, I slightly changed its structure by offering them three "micro-lessons" in one lesson. I believe that any non-traditional element (in my case, this is the structure of the lesson, vocabulary work in the form of a spelling duel, creative work) increase the cognitive interest in learning. All the children were happy to get involved in the work, since the majority of students in this class have an emotional and abstract type of perception, while the rest have a concrete one.

    According to this type of training session, I set the following goals:

    1. To create conditions in the lesson for systematization and generalization of students' knowledge about prepositions, conjunctions, particles.
    2. To consolidate the skills of students to distinguish, write correctly, use service words in speech, exercise self-control.
    3. Cultivate a sense of emotional activity in the lesson; the ability to adequately assess the work of classmates.

    The implementation of these goals was carried out through the use of various forms of work in the classroom: individual, pair, collective. The choice of just such forms was facilitated by the technology of personality-oriented developmental education I used in the lesson, the purpose of which is the development of the child's personality, that is, from a passive listener, he turns into an active figure. In such a form as "free work", the guys worked at an individual pace and rhythm, they themselves chose the type of activity, according to their level of development. Something is not clear - they ask each other, and only in the case when they cannot cope on their own, they turn to me. In this situation, I'm just a consultant. Today, no one contacted me, which means they managed without my help. I see the value of such work in the fact that children write on their own, while their attention is concentrated, visual memory develops, self-control and mutual control are exercised.

    In my work, I also try to use an exploratory approach to teaching. Checking the students' knowledge of the theory in each of the "micro-lessons", I saw that the material was mastered by the students. The children were able to formulate the objectives of the lesson, continued the sentences, proved the statements, asked each other. In this, I believe, the research approach was carried out, aimed at implementing the method of comparison, proof, and generalization. The creative task was also of a research nature, because I only helped the students to see the harmonic connections between disparate phenomena and facts, to present a picture of nature, and the result was compositions - miniatures of students.

    I believe that the nature of the activity contributed to the type of the lesson, the methods I chose (information-developing, visual, practical, ICT) and forms allowed me to find out the degree of formation of students' ZUN on the topic “Prepositions. Unions. Particles. A warm, friendly, calm atmosphere of communication was created at the lesson. Time was used rationally through written and oral work. The goals set in the lesson were achieved and realized.

    The lesson was conducted at a constructive level. In addition to tasks of increased and medium difficulty, a task was provided for a poorly performing student. Pupils showed the ability to evaluate not only their own knowledge, but also to evaluate their classmates. The number of positive assessments, emotions and impressions that the children shared during the “heart of communication” reflection indicate that the lesson was interesting and fruitful for the children.


    Textbook "Russian language" Textbook for grade 7 educational institutions / M. M. Razumovskaya. LLC "Drofa" M.: 2004

    Grade: seventh

    quarter: fourth


    1. Shkatova L. A. Think and answer. M.: 1999
    2. Burmako V. M. Russian language in drawings.-M.: 1991
    3. Russian language lessons in grade 7 M. M. Razumovskaya / Volgograd: Teacher, 2006.
    4. G. A. Bogdanova. Russian language lessons: from work experience. - M .: Education, 1996.

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