Black orchid how to paint. Faleenopsis Blue - Description

Decor elements 12.06.2019
Decor elements

Magnificent orchids fascinate with beauty, sophisticated luxury spectacular colors. These amazing plants Impressive with the wealth of the tint palette. Their white, purple, burgundy, cream, yellow, pink flowers They look just unmatched.

Representatives of the orchid family with the petals of heavenly blue, although there are on store shelves, but the naturalness of their color sometimes causes great doubts. Many people are concerned about the question: there are blue orchids in nature, nurseries, the answer to which will be given under this article.

Plant flowers related to Phalaenopsis, cannot have a shade of heavenly lazuries due to the lack of their corresponding gene. Enforceable Deltsi learned to give phalaenopsis the necessary tone by dyeing. After withering the blue flowers, the previously processed instances form buds, the colors of which was inherent in it initially.

This fact should not be upset by orchid lovers, as they can give preference to other types (Wanda, Cattleya). These plants really have petals, the color of which is as close as possible to Indigo. As for phalaenopsis, it falls into massive sale after passing a special processing.

Orchid Vanda

Many flower flowers will probably be interested in the Blue Orchid Wanda, the petals of which often have a blue-lilac, purple-spotted color. It is worth paying attention to the capriciousness of this plant. For example, the orchid blue with pink streaks needs to maintain a special microclimate with high humidity, good illumination, everyday watering. Court to cope with its cultivation is only an experienced flower.

Provided by the plant proper care, you can hope for its abundant, long bloom. Wanda inspires scientists to create numerous hybrids with very unusual colors. In particular, the breeders withdrawn the pink-blue orchid, fascinating with its tender beauty.

Orchid Kattleia

Cutleia is more unpretentious, the petals of which also do not have a pure homogeneous color. As a rule, this lilac or blue Blue Orchid blooms if it turns out to be placed sun rays If there is a significant difference between daylight, night temperatures.

For most plants, staying in such conditions may result in a deplorable, but Cattle is like it. The plant receiving the maximum of light demonstrates more intensive color of petals. This orchid needs high air humidity, but it is worth refraining from its spraying.

Blue orchid phalaenopsis

As already mentioned above, the flower is blue in nature does not exist. Also, it is impossible to meet in the nurseries of modern breeders. It is possible that in the future the situation will change radically, as the work on the creation of flowers with azure color is carried out constantly, and their results are promising.

Successful marketing stroke

Within the framework of the exhibition event conducted in Florida, USA in 2011, Silver Vase has been demonstrated by phalaenopsis blue. After 3 months, the public at the Dutch Floral Competition Flora Holland The Geest Orchideeeën nursery was represented by another Blue Orchid, named Phalaenopsis Royal Blue. The plant received a reward in the "Sales Concept" nomination.

Interestingly, the above manufacturers did not intrigue the public of the secret blue color of the petals of the shown colors. In his interview, they talked about the specifics of orchid processing. For their staining, a patented technology is used, the technique of which is not subject to disclosure. It is only known that the flowers are exposed to a special environment created using natural origin elements that do not harm plants.

The world-listed producers of Blue orchid phalaenopsis is not a selection hybrid. This is a kind of successful marketing stroke and nothing more. Abroad, such flowers are used as a spectacular decor, and after withering they are utilized.

Japanese Miracle - Blue Orchid

Japanese scientists have stepped up much further - specialists from Tibi University. At the exhibition held in Okinawa in 2013, they managed to hit the sophisticated public. The result of their work - the orchid of the blue color caused universal admiration.

To create this floral miracle in the form of phalaenopsis Aphrodite, the gene of another plant was introduced - Asian Commelines. Flowers of a new orchid are relatively small (about 5 cm diameter). At one blossom can be formed up to 30 buds. This orchid is considered exclusive and in free sale is not yet available.

What do our flower shops offer?

Relatively recently, the blue orchid phalaenopsis appeared in our stores, which began to instantly enjoy tremendous demand. There is a plant much more expensive in comparison with ordinary species. Unfortunately, the joy of the possession of this luxurious orchid issued for Phalaenopsis Royal Blue will soon be replaced by disappointment.

Very often, before entering the massive sale, unscrupulous vendors in the barrel, the roots or floweros of the plant with a handicraft method are injected with a chemical coloring solution (often used conventional inks). As a rule, white orchids are subjected to the staining procedure, on the petals of which the pigment is distributed most uniformly

Such an event negatively affects the health of the plant. It becomes weakened due to such a serious stress. As a result, admonishing the inflorescences of a saturated celestial shade lasts long. After a month, they begin to disappear, and Falenopsis himself can die after a while.

Many sellers are not trying to draw information about plants from buyers by placing warning stickers on vases. The relevant information is printed with small font, and people are simply not noticed in this matter simply notice. Subsequently, they turn out to be displeased transformations that occurred with their favorite flowers.

What should I pay attention to the purchase of orchid?

Before making a purchase in flower shop It is worth asking the seller about the Blue Orchid interested in the plant: painted or not, to ask the way of processing epiphet.

It is also desirable to undergo a closing instance to a thorough inspection.

The revealed traces of injections on the roots, the growth point indicate a high probability of the death of phalaenopsis. If the inspected blue orchid in the pot has flowerons subjected to injections, then in the future she has a chance for survival when ensuring proper care.

Another variant of staining is watering epipheite with a dissolved pigment with water. In such cases, the shade of the Lazari will get both flower petals and leaves, roots. On the survival of the plant can be judged after the evaluation of the damage identified.

Blue Orchid Care

Phalaenopsis of heavenly shade will throw off his flowers through time. Since there are no blue orchids in nature, and scientists have just begun work on the elimination of such hybrids, no need to expect that in the future, flowers with azure petals are again formed on the plant. It is quite possible, the next time the white-blue orchid will bloom on the flowers, and the accuracy of a certain time, buds will start becoming more and more light.

It is not necessary to take attempts to perform injections on your own with the involvement of blue, ink to correct the situation. This will only lead to the disease and the death of the plant. It is much better to admire the flowers that are inherent in their natural color.

Falenopsis flower examination

Having received a gift or bought a blue phalaenopsis as a gift, you need to try to thoroughly examine it in order to identify the damaged damage in a timely manner, the plots of posting, mold, pests. Special attention should be paid to the root system.

A plant with healthy roots having a saturated green color should not be subject to transplant procedure. At the instance in need of intensive care, you need to remove dry, faded the processes, color, and determine it into a new vase.

Transplanting plants in another pot

By caring for blue orchids, a special substrate should be purchased for the affected flower. Also allowed independent preparation of the soil mixture.

It will take to mix the pine bark (5 shares) with charcoal (1 share). It is forbidden to use a drowned, poorly disinfected material. The bark assembled under the trees must be washed, boiling (at least 15 minutes), followed by drying.

Phalaenopsis will be carefully removed from the pot, remove the injured, dried, who fired the rhizomes. As the suproes of sections, it is possible to use charcoal, ashes, ground cinnamon.

By caring for blue orchids at home, you need to try to perform the disinfection of the vase. The pot is thoroughly washed, after which it dips into a mortar of manganese. If it is decided to acquire a new vase, it is worth preferred by special transparent capacles manufactured for orchid.

It is very important that the landing container has holes in the walls of the walls, the bottom.

At the bottom, the pot is stacked with a layer of drainage (2 - 3 cm) from clay. A third of the prepared substrate is embanked on top of it, which establishes a plant in a vertical position. After that, the orchid falls asleep in the remaining soil mixture. It is prohibited to use the old soil extracted from under the injured flower. In such a substrate, aggressive substances that can harm the plant remained in such a substrate.

Transplanted Faleenosis guaranteed to amend, if the optimal microclimate will be created for it. The plant will feel better under the scattered sunlight. Also he needs to ensure maintenance temperature mode With the following meanings: during the daytime + 25 ... + 30 ° C, in the night + 16 ° C. In the room it is necessary to create moisture from 30%, good air circulation.

Balanced feeders for orchids

Phalaenopsis needs periodic feeders (once a month) with the use of balanced fertilizers, which are very realistic to purchase in a specialized outlet. In priority - dosage meals for epiphyte, since too much a large number of useful elements will lead to the softening of the top, and their disadvantage will affect the braking of flowering.

Regular watering plants

Orchid is needed regular watering. With higher air temperature indicators, frequent irrigation are produced. No need to allow a stagnation of moisture capable of leading the roots, the death of the plant. Faleenopsis spraying, causing undesirable droplets in the deepening leaves, is not welcome.

Diseases of blue orchid

Flower will need to closely monitor the state of health of the reanimized plant. The following factors sign about the disease of the orchid: the radical change of the color of the leaves, rotting the roots, the absence of forming buds. When identifying signs of infection, the epiphyte processing should be performed on time.

Blue Orchid - Popular Brand

It is noteworthy that the question with blue orchid is relevant not only for flower flowers. For example, you can find a lot of cosmetics, as part of which there is blue orchid oil: gels, cream.
It is desirable to apply them only after studying the annotation on the packaging, learning about what kind of representative of the orchid family there is a speech.

Beautiful exotic fish - Blue Auloulokard Orchid lives in the water area of \u200b\u200bKanda. It often becomes a real decoration of modern aquariums. So original name Fish got because of her appearance Causes an association with an exotic flower.

Blue orchids look beautiful and unusual. They appeared on the shelves recently on the shelves, but they have already managed to gain popularity. Experienced flowers know that the blue coloring orchids is not characteristic. How to define painted flower or not? How to care for her? Is it possible to paint the plant yourself? Does this not hurt culture?

Fans of exotic is waiting for a lot of disappointment - most of the blue orchids on store shelves are painted artificially. There are several hybrid varieties of blue, but it is not as bright and rich.

Special varieties

There are only two varieties of orchids with an unusual blue color - it is Wanda and Cattleya. Wanda - Capricious flower, requires increased attention. Color is not quite blue - with violet tint. But Wanda looks no less effectively than painted flowers.

Cattleya is less demanding in care. Differs large bright colors. Coloring are different, there are among them and varieties with gentle blue flowers. Saturated blue in orchids in nature does not happen. Colors painted with a method of watering or injection with dye. Save blue color will not work - the following flowers will be slightly bluish or completely white.

All intense blue orchids in the store - painted phalaenopsis. When buying a plant, carefully inspect it. If the flower is sluggish, the bluish shade is manifested on the roots and leaves, and on the stem there are noticeable damage from the administration of the dye - do not buy it. Such a plant will very soon die.

Actions after shopping

Care is complicated by a weakened plant condition. The introduction of an artificial dye is a powerful stress for a flower. He will need increased attention, reinforced care so that he can adapt to new conditions.

Do not rush to transplant orchid into a new pot. This is an additional stress. The likelihood is too high that the flower will die soon after the transplant.

If chemical dyes have been introduced too much, the flower will begin to gradually reset the buds. It should be reanimated urgently. Carefully inspect the plant from the bloom to the roots. Look for traces of injections. The detection of them on the roots is a bad sign. There are no guarantees that orchid will be saved. The paint was injected into the blooming - chances to survive at the plant more.

Resuscitation of painted flower

  1. Find the area of \u200b\u200bthe injection. And neat, sharp knife cut the filled paint bloom.
  2. Remove orchid from the pot. Release the roots from the substrate. Rash down root system Warm water.
  3. Inspect the roots. When shiny, disgusting the sections, cut them out. Sections of sections Treat cinnamon or coal powder.
  4. Dry roots. During few hours.
  5. Peresoid. In a new sterile substrate.

Basic care

The painted flower will require more attentive care. Violation of the rules will lead to death.

  • Lighting. Solar places are not suitable. On the south side put on the table a little distance from the window. Preference gives northeast, Western and eastern side. At midday, it is defined.
  • Temperature . In the light shadow, at moderate temperatures, 18-25 ° C blossom will last longer. In summer, a short-term increase in temperature is allowed to 35 ° C. Long heat leads to a dropping of buds and lethargy of leaves. A plant weakened by the plant may not transfer the heat. In winter, the temperature is reduced to 15-25 ° C. Withstand short-term cooling to 12 ° C.
  • Humidity. Normal is the level of humidity in the range of 30-40%. Increased humidity And the bad ventilation of the room leads to reinforcement roots and appearance on the leaves of spots. With humidity below 20-25%, the leaves lose the tour, the flowers fall out. Neat spraying is good. But try not to allow water clusters in the sneakers of the leaves.
  • Watering Watering is needed, taking into account the present grade of the plant. Most often painted white phalaenopsis, so watering should be regular. The complete drying of the soil is not allowed, but also the convergence too. Phalaenopsis wet roots acquire a green color.
  • Feeding. The painted orchid is better not to feed or use the minimum amount of low concentration fertilizer. One of the most successful fertilizers is "Kemira Lux".
  • Care of roots. Air roots in the substrate do not plunge. They are needed to obtain additional moisture and nutrition from the air. Old roots gradually die - become brown, dry. Choosing parts are neatly cut off with a sharp knife.
  • Priming. The main component of the substrate for most orchids is the pine bark. In dry rooms, sphagnum is added to the substrate - it is well kept moisture. You can add some cropped foam and coal. Before boarding a bark, soaked for two days, washed with clean water and only then mixed with the rest of the components.
  • Transplant. With a transplant not rushing. It is worth it to do if the roots or the substrate is damaged is in poor condition. Transplant after flowering at intervals in two or three years.

Do not be surprised if the blue orchid changed the color during the next flowering. The paint is gradually washed out of the plant. Only painted flowers - intense blue, during the next flowering they will be white with blue divorces or slightly bluish. Further on the flowers are formed conventional white flowers.

Staining at home

Collect orchids is undesirable, since any coloring substance poisons them. In extreme cases, use special colors paints. They can be purchased in large flower stores or order via the Internet. The algorithm of action includes four stages.

  1. Water paint. In accordance with the instructions.
  2. Take a sterile syringe. And fill it with dye.
  3. Gently pour the flowers. And enter the coloring solution.
  4. Proceed the place of the puncture. Coal powder.

First time carefully observe the condition of the plant. Keep it in a cool room, with moderate lighting, follow the condition of the soil. If the flowers became blue, did not start, the plant looks healthy - the experiment succeeded.

It is not recommended to introduce coloring mortar into the stalk and roots of the plant. Orchid may die from this. Use only special colors dyes. Food will not give the desired effect, the ink will destroy orchid.

Consequences of color change

Any paint contains aggressive chemical substances. Their introduction to the blooming does not pass without consequences.

  • Violation of gas exchange. Capillaries are clogged, the plant cannot fully breathe.
  • Diseases and pests. Natural immunity is lost, resistance to diseases and pests is lost. An ulcers, rot, can appear on the injection site. When the dye is introduced in the roots, they are inevitably replete.
  • The death of the plant. This is the most frequent outcome of the experiment. At best, partially restored, but still remains weakened.

Care after flowering over the painted orchid will be slightly different. Coloros is better to cut immediately, without waiting for the re-formation of buds or children. Restore time will need more. The flower needs to ensure the most comfortable conditions.

Painting does not affect genetic code plants. This is a temporary change from which the trace will not remain to the next blossom. If you want to diversify your collection of blue orchids, look in Vanda or Cattley stores.

Methods of breeding

If you bought not a bath or cattlay, but painted orchid, focus on the method of breeding phalaenopsis. It breeds mostly kids and cuttings.


Shining is an effective, rather simple way. Cuttings are cut only with a healthy plant, not affected by pests and diseases. Take side escape.
Cut it into several parts. Each leaves two nodes with stubby kidney. The container is filled with wet sand or moss sphagnum. The cuttings are laid horizontally. Capacity from above are covered with film.

Earth in the greenhouse is regularly moisturized, the film is removed daily for airing. About a month later, full-fledged babes are formed on segments of escape. Separate and sear them into separate containers after the formation of their own root system.

Growing from kids

Babes develop from dormant kidneys. Forms on the stem, blooming. Alone babes are rarely formed. Usually their development has to be stimulated. Use several ways to stimulate.

  • Division of the main plant. The method is risky, suitable only for fully healthy plants. In the case of painted orchid it is better not to apply. The essence of the method - the top is cut and rooted. Behind the lower part continue to care for the appearance of children with roots.
  • Reducing waterings and temperature differences. Waterings are stopped for 15 days, achieved daily temperature drops 7-9 ° C.
  • Hormonal stimulants.Special hormonal paste is sold in flower shops. With it, you can quickly wake the sleeping kidney, stimulate the formation of children from it. From the top kidney of the bloomon, remove the crooked flake. They work carefully, use a sharp blade and tweezers. Every four days sleeping kidney is treated with paste. Orchid is kept in the warm room at temperatures up to 30 ° C. In the coolness instead of kids, bud is formed. Grown babes are separated from flowers and planted.

You can take pieces of flowers in the cuttings. After flowering it is cut off, divided into pieces of three or four centimeters and planted similarly to cuttings from lateral escape. Each segment is left over one sleeping kidney.

Frequent diseases

The likelihood of a disease painted orchid is much higher. With the slightest signs of illness, treatment is starting immediately. Chances to survive near the weakened plant are much less. Below is a table with symptoms of major diseases and methods of their treatment.

Table - Orchid diseases and methods of their treatment

Bacterial spotting- appearance of spots;
- yellow leaves;
- darkening of leaves;
- softening of leaves;
- Appearance of Yazv
- removal of affected leaves;
- Processing of fungicides
Puffy dew- White flag;
- drying damaged parts
- spraying with colloidal gray;
- Spraying with the drugs "Sort" or "TopSin-M"
Senior fungus- black raid;
- weakening and death of the plant
- treatment with drugs "Mikosan", "Ridomil", "Topcin-M"
Rot- softening the roots and leaves;
- appearance of rot
- trimming of the discharged parts;
- transplant with changing capacity and substrate;
- Processing of fungicides

Common pests

Weakening orchid as a result of painting, violation of the rules of care often lead to mass affection pests. They pull the juices from the plant, lead to the joining of secondary infection and death. The table lists the most common pests of orchids and ways to deal with them.

Table - Orchids pests and ways to deal with them

InsectSignsMeasures of struggle
Tripses- small black bugs with wings;
- silver stripes on the leaves;
- Small black dots
Three-way treatment with AcTellik preparations, PhyTenderm
Slopers and shields- plaques on stems and leaves;
- sticky, viscous raid;
- Weakening of the plant
- Mechanical removal insects;
- flushing with soap water;
- spraying by the preparation of "Aktellik";
- Transfer to the Fresh Substrate
Mealybug- whitish raid;
- education "wool lumps";
- drying of the leaves;
- Fading a flower
- pruning problem parts;
- treatment of soap water;
- threefold treatment with phytodenerm
Bellenka- little butterfly;
- weakening of the plant;
- Yellowing and drying of the leaves
- washing orchid soapy water;
- Processing of plants and soil with phytoverm preparation
Aphid- sticky raid;
- leaf twisting;
- Sent fungus
- treatment with soap solution;
- Treatment with PhyTenderm
Cute clamps- Small punctures on the leaves;
- discoloration and drying of the leaves;
- Appendion of buds;
- Thin Pautinca
- flushing flower, pot;
- installation Pot in water tank;
- Spraying of the plant and substrate to the PhyTenerm
Nematodes- Small round worms;
- Stop growth;
- posting;
- Death orchid
- watering the substrate with mortar "Levamizol", "Decaris";
- Warming in hot water up to 40 ° C.


With this color, there are no colors in nature, their DNA does not have a gene that gives such a color to petals. Then how do they find themselves in the shops and our homes?

To begin with, we will understand whether the blue orchid is in general in nature or sale? Phalaenopsis with blue colors does not exist in nature, and among the hybrids, this is not found. Where are these exotic beauties appear on the showcases of flower shops?

Often, looking at the blue-eyed beauty-orchid, the flower products do not hold back and buy the flower you like.

The stack pleases the eye throughout the entire period, then he comes to the rest of the rest and with due phalaenopsis again drives out the floweros.

And here it begins shock: instead of blue or bright blue colors in front of the eyes are flowers at best gray-bluebut most often orchid pleases ordinary white.

In bewilderment, novice flowers are trying to find errors in care, but should not do this.

Blue flowers are obtained by simple stainingwhich is carried out by special technology. When watering the paint is simply washed out of the plant, and it begins to bloom with natural flowers.

In most large flower shops, information about it is hosted near the shelf with flowers. Some sellers, on the contrary, are trying to present the painted stack as something supernatural and sell a plant at a very high price. At the same time, the quality of the painting itself leaves much to be desired.

But it all started in 2011 at the exhibition tropical plants in Florida. It was there for the first time for the universal review was an orchid phalaenopsis with blue colors. Manufacturers did not hide the fact that their stack painted. The process technology they patented and still keep in the strictest secrecy.

Three months later, tropical beauty with a similar color was presented in Europe. She was shown by Dutch breeders, the fruit of their developments is also a painted strab.

Photo of orchid painted in blue color.

Interesting! In Europe and on the American continent, painted colors are more loyal. They are perceived as a cut bouquet that should defend a certain time. Then it is simply thrown or sold much cheaper.

Hybrid varieties

Faleenopsis orchids with a blue colors still exist, there are strains with lilac blue, pale blue, purple blue flowers. The most famous varieties are with blue arrow recognized:

  • blue It became known in 2013 after a group of Japanese breeders demonstrated its new transgenic stack. It is based on the variety of Aphrodite, to which the "Blue" gene of Commelines was added;

The world's first blue phalaenopsis APHRODITE BLUE obtained by genetic engineering.

Staining in blue color is subject to the following varieties:

Interesting! Phalaenopsis Aphrodite blue is still almost disabled among the flower flower. Its cost is quite high and only units can afford such a luxury.

In addition, there are still many that subjected to the staining process. But they look less effectively.

How to choose in the store?

A focused or spontaneous campaign in a flower shop for blue orchid and euphoria from this should not prevent you from choosing a stram. After all, sometimes we are trying to deceive, to give a cheap analogue for an expensive thing. With flowers, it is also possible.

Expensive Phalaenopsis Royal Blue can replace a cheaper analogue own production. Orchid painting sometimes conduct sellers themselvesTo do this, use conventional blue inks.

The procedure is made using the syringe, they simply push orchid with a color carrier. But not every plant will be able to transfer similar manipulations.

Choosing a phalaenopsis with blue flowers in the store, it is worth paying attention to such moments:

  • before making a purchase, pay attention to the appearance of the stan, its leaves and roots should have a natural color;
  • the stained solution must be submitted precisely in the bloom, so the plant will suffer the least;
  • carefully inspect the substrate, it should also have a natural color;

In addition, you can easily spend your fingers on the petal, paint should not stay on your hands.

Important! It is worth understanding that the blue phalaenopsis will require more thorough care, as staining and changing the "place of residence" and will be so strong stress for him.

Staining at home

Blue phalaenopsis can be done by himself, at the same time you will save a decent amount of money and choose exactly the shade of blue that you like. This procedure is simple, Conduct it can no problem and beginner. The main thing is to adhere to such a scheme:

  1. First choose the plant. It is best to take, healthy, without and;
  2. The next step is the choice of coloring element. Better to give preference special tools For coloring colors or, at worst, food dyes. From the fact that the blue orchids are painted, the final result depends;
  3. The process ends with the choice of the coloring method and its directly.

After all this the strain will need to pay a little more attention.Since any dye will adversely affect the state of the plant.

Phalaenopsis in the process of staining.

Coloring it is better to carry out when completely grew up and the flowers on it gradually begin to bloom. It is this period that will be the most favorable, the coloring pigment will quickly fall into flowers and will minimally hurt the stamps.

Tip! Do not conduct the staining procedure with every blossom, it can pick up the latest strength from the plant and it will die.


Change the color of phalaenopsis in two ways:

  1. Easiest to produce regular watering a strain colored liquid. Changes in color you will notice quite soon, but also to leave the dye from the strain also hurried. The loss of color will start immediately after the cessation of watering;
  2. The second method is less humane: In order to get a phalaenopsis with blue flowers, you need to make it "injections" of colors. Typically, such injections are carried out in the roots, stem or flowers of the strain. After that, on the plant, traces are usually left, which will be noticeable for a long time.

Tip! If you decide to take advantage of the second way of staining, make "injections" in the bloom. So you least hurt orchid.

Features of care

Care after staining for phalaenopsis standard, watered with the substrate drying, feed twice a month, spray from the sprayer. But some nuances still have:

  • if the staining was carried out by irrigation, then the subsequent preferably carried out with the addition of the coloring agent to preserve the color achieved;
  • acquired in the store Painted phalaenopsis will receive double stress, to harmful substances Inside the plant, the change of microclimate also add. For such a Stamba it is better to choose a place in a half, regularly and minimal.

Footprints of the dye on the painted orchid.

In all the rest of the painted stans, they do not differ from ordinary phalaenopsis, they need 12-14 hours of light and wet air.

Useful videos

Learn from the video secret of blue orchids:

Check out the video how to choose Blue Phalenopsis:

From this video you will learn all about the need:

The following video tells about staining phalaenopsis:


Most orchids with blue flowers have artificial origin, Coloring will gradually repel, but the memory of it will remain with you forever. Buy or not such a strab - choose only to you, but you can save a little and create such a masterpiece personally.

In contact with

Blue orchids appeared relatively recently. They quickly found their admirers and instantly became extremely popular. Blue Falenopsis Flowers are amazed not only with its bright shades, but also a unique color of petals. However, not all orchid lovers know what the secret of the amazing coloring of these exotic plants.

Description of the variety and characteristics

Blue orchid is a rare tropical flower, which can be found in India, China and Asia. In nature, their representatives are such varieties like Wanda and Cattleya. In natural conditions, they grow on trees, clinging to powerful roots to their trunks.

The orchid of the kind of Wanda is a rather capricious plant. At home, it is grown in special caspo or glass vases. Flowers orchid 2-3 months in the spring-summer period. Petals have a variety of shades: from blue to dark purple. Flowers are reached in diameter 9 cm. There are copies with a strong aroma. The leathery dark green leaves are placed on a cylindrical stem.

Wanda orchid prefers intensive lighting. Therefore, it is grown on the southern window, priestly from the scorch rays of the sun. Thanks to Vanda, many hybrids with purple flowers. All of them are characterized by large size of buds, long leaves, strong air roots and thick stems. Inflorescence can with up to 10-12 buds. Royal Orchid hybrids feel great at home.

A distinctive feature of the orchid of cattleia are large fragrant flowers. The palette of shades of her petals varies from dark red to bright purple. Along with last year's flower, Cattleya forms new, scattered in width. At the same time, the plants appear pseudobulb, in which they accumulate nutrients and moisture. Flowers orchid one month in the autumn winter.

Is phalaenopsis blue

Many are wondering if the blue orchids phalaenopsis are. Often possessors of an unusual plant with blue flowers face that during the next budnization, they lose the saturation of the shade and become a pale blue or white. Such a phenomenon is due to the fact that phalaenopsis is painted in blue with special dyes.

Not all flower shops hide the fact of staining plants. On orchids, there are labels with the appropriate warning. But most often the flower coloring information is hidden from the buyer. Subsequently, the happy owner of the wondrous plant remains disappointed.

Among the orchids of the type of phalaenopsis there are no copies with natural blue colors. The desired shade is obtained by the introduction of a dye in the tissue of the plant. Such experiments are subjected to copies with white colors, thanks to which the staining is obtained uniform. Gradually, the dye is washed away, and buds acquire their original color.

Painting phalaenopsis in blue color is carried out in two ways:

  1. Ink is injected into the floweros, roots or leaves.
  2. The plant is watered with water, after adding chemical dyes to it.

The second coloring method is considered to be more dangerous due to the toxic effects of paint on the root system. Chemicals used to change the natural color of petals cause substantial harm to the plant. After such experiments, orchid will most likely die.

On a note!

Not always dyes penetrate directly into the petals. Depending on the place of introduction of a chemical substance, not only the color pains with buds can be painted, but also the leaves with roots.

Color sellers specifically give buds an unusual shade. Thus, they sell ordinary orchid under the guise of phalaenopsis Royal Blue for the triple price.

Whether phalaenopsis is purple

The purple phalaenopsis includes the palette of shades from bright pink to purple color. Some copies may have a monophonic color of buds, while others are petals with an unusual pattern in the form of points, strips and stains. The most vivid copies of phalaenopsis with purple flowers are the following types:

  • phalaenopsis Schiller;
  • palanopsis Konsky;
  • falenopsis Lyudemanna.

Also attract attention to its unusual purple tint phalaenopsis "Elegant Debora", "Spider Beauty", "Little Zebra" and others.

Purchase phalaenopsis with blue-violet buds is quite real, but not in flower shops. You can try to find a rare plant at exhibitions. Determine whether an instance is a real or fake is simple enough: you need to find out the genus of orchids and inspect the plants for damage from injection.

Whether phalaenopsis is blue

Real blue phalaenopsis on the shelves of flower shops are very rare. But it is not difficult to acquire an exotic plant with blue buds. In nature there are instances of phalaenopsis with flowers of light blue, lilac, gray-blue or pink-blue color. In most cases, these are hybrids or species plants with small buton. Falenopsis is continuously blooming for six months. The saturation of the shades of petals can be different. The flower exudes a weak nice fragrance.

From orchid in nature has a blue color of the buds of the orchid Wanda. But it is quite difficult to buy it. Experienced flowers know that phalaenopsis has no blue pigment. Lilac shade of buds are considered as close to the blue. The desired color is obtained using artificial staining. Buying such a tropical plant, you need to remember that it will soon cease to be an unusual instance of the collection. Gradually, the blue color will fill up until the petals become white.

The history of the appearance of blue orchids

The first time the world saw the world in 2011 at the exhibition of exotic plants in Florida. The creator of Phalaenopsis Blue Mystigue was a farm for the cultivation of Orchids "Silver Vase". After 3 months at the Floraholland flower competition in the Holland, the Geest Orchideeen nursery presented another copy of the orchid with blue colors - Phalenopsis Royal Blue. The creator of an unusual plant received a reward in the category "Sales Concept."

The manufacturers of blue phalaenopsis do not hide that the shades of petals are not natural and that the following flowers will be white. During coloring, a patented technology is used. Its details are not disclosed to the general public. The technique lies in the fact that the flower is immersed in a special fluid, which consists of natural components. Therefore, the procedure is absolutely harmless to the plant.

In 2013, on the Orchid Conference in Okinawa by Japanese breeders, the result of perennial experiments was demonstrated - a new variety of Falenopsis orchids with bright blue flowers. For experiments, a white orchid Aphrodite was used, which was introduced by the Asian Commelny gene responsible for the production of blue pigment. Phalaenopsis has no this gene. The new kind Plants got the name "Falenopsis Royal Blue". Buds have small orchid, but bloom is abundant. However, it will not be soon a miracle of genetic engineering will be affordable amateur flower.


My first acquaintance with Blue Falenopsis took place in a flower shop. A month after the purchase, the plant began to dry out, and only then I noticed traces from injection on the flowers. Faleenopsis managed to save. He did not bloom for a long time, and then on the stem began to form white buds. The original copy has become ordinary orchid.


I acquired orchid because of the unusual dark blue shade of buds. Later I learned that phalaenopsis specially painted in blue. After examining the plant, I discovered a hole from the injection on the stem. The coloring substance spread to the leaves, which began to gradually die. I was convinced that all the blue phalaenopsis weakened and need urgent help. The plant survived and pleased with gentle white flowers that I like more blue.


At the next exhibition, the colors bought a phalaenopsis with light blue buds. I have been growing orchids for a long time and I know that before buying them you need to explore. Not finding traces from injections, acquired unusual plant. Although Phalaenopsis and small flowers, but the color is natural. Small buds form lush inflorescences, the contemplation of which brings a lot of pleasure.

Blue Falenopsis Care Rules

The problem is that unfair sellers, trying to earn additionally, paint the plant alone. Ordinary white orchids they are issued for phalaenopsis blue and sell them more expensive. Often, the blue phalaenopsis dies due to the poisoning of the chemicals, which are contained in the paint. Such a plant needs special care that will preserve it healthy and unharmed.

How to water the blue orchid

Watering orchids is closely related to the intensity of lighting and air temperature in the room. In the care of tropical plants, the correct ratio of lighting and irrigation is of great importance. When graveing \u200b\u200bphalaenopsis under the conditions of bright light, the soil moisturizes every 8-10 days. It is necessary to control the state of the substrate and prevent its cut.

To get a good harvest, you need to use high-quality seeds. The most yields can be ordered on the official website of the Gardens of Russia. Large selection of varieties for every taste.

On a note!

In cloudy weather, the plant consumes less fluid. Watering can be postponed to prevent soil moistening, which can provoke the development of diseases and the appearance of pests.

Water used for soil moisturizing should be warm. The best way to water is considered the use of a hot soul. In order not to damage the fragile roots and the leaves of orchids, the pressure need to be scattered and weak. After such a procedure, the plant must be dried with paper napkins, because Stagnation of fluid in the sinuses of the leaves can lead to shockting. Hot souls contributes to the active growth of Phalenopsis, awakens it from the state of peace, stimulates flowering.

Watering can be carried out by immersing the vase with a plant in a container with water. To saturate the substrate moisture, 30-40 minutes is enough. It is impossible to water phalaenopsis with water from under the tap. Pressure can be blurred upper layer Soil, resulting in the roots will be outside. Watering orchids cold water leads to the fusion of the roots.

Care after shopping

The purchased plant must be carefully examined. If the traces of injections are on a bluer, phalaenopsis will most likely survive. And if the paint was injected through the roots or barrel, orchid may die. After staining the flower is in a state of stress. So it is so important to provide him optimal conditions and proper care. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the general state of the plant.

It is not recommended immediately after buying a plant transplantation. Blue phalaenopsis is placed on the southern window, providing him with scattered lighting. To extend the flowering, in the winter orchid organize additional lighting. Luminescent lamps use fluorescent.

The air temperature in the room where the flower grows, should be + 25-30 ° C. Near Phalaenopsis is installed with water tanks or an artificial fountain to ensure the necessary air humidity. Its indicators must be at least 70%. If it is hot in the room, the plant must be sprayed. It is not recommended to grow this tropical plant on a cold windowsill.

If the state of the plant remains satisfactory, continue to care for him as other orchids. And if phalaenopsis began to reset the buds, you need to carefully examine the roots and flowers. The damaged stem is removed so that the chemicals do not fall into the roots and leaves. It is recommended to remove the plant from the vase and rinse the root system with water.

In the presence of injections on the roots with traces, it is necessary to urgently take such measures:

  • cut the affected areas with a sharp knife;
  • highly damaged root must be removed from the base;
  • slices spray ash or crushed coal.

In the case of distribution of coloring agents on the root system, the phalaenopsis is transplanted into a new substrate. With proper care in a short time, the plant will cover with its magnificent white "butterfly".

Do not try to return the colors of the blue tint, watering phalaenopsis with blue or ink. So you can completely destroy the plant.

Phalaenopsis with bright blue buds is just a successful marketing move, and not the result of the labor of breeders. This species has no analogues blue flowers Wildlife. Unusual color is obtained as a result of using special coloring substances. Whatever color has phalaenopsis, the correct care and care will make it an excellent decoration of any housing.

Orchids are always famous for their original and unusual colors. But the queen among them is blue orchid. Such colors on sale appeared relatively recently and many do not know the real or painted. This article will answer this question.

Blue orchids, which are sold in flower shops, invariably attract attention to the unusual color of their colors. Here, the question of "Blue varieties of orchid painted or real" arises. The answer to this question can disappoint fans of exotic, as such a natural color of the buds of this type of color in nature does not exist.

The fact is that orchids there is no gene that is responsible for the blue color of petals. Therefore, if there is a blue orchid in a flower store, then you know - the plant was painted.

However, you can meet flowers having a blue-lilac color of your buds. In nature, the most approximate color to the blue is found among representatives of the kind of Wanda, which includes about 60 varieties. These plants form flowers whose petals have a lighted shade, diluted with light spots.

Wanda has many hybrid forms, as it perfectly crosses with other varieties. As a result, the unusual coloring of petals is obtained. But buying the blue orchids of the genus Wanda, you need to understand that they are very capricious in terms of care and will have to be tinted with them.

In addition to representatives of the genus Wanda, blue colors form the following types of orchids:

  • cattle orchid. If you compare it with the Wanda, then this is a less so-taking plant that will grow at home much easier. Plants form large flowers that are pleasantly smelling and have a different color of their petals;
  • orchid phalaenopsis. It is considered the most unpretentious indoor plant. Characteristic formation of small in size of buds. Phalaenopsis does not give a rich blue color, which is characteristic of artificially painted flowers. It will rather see a light bluish tint. There are varieties, whose flowers have a lilac or pink-blue tide.

For cultivation in an apartment or home, phalaenopsis will be suitable for growing all blue varieties. Care at home for it is almost nothing to differ from flowers having another color of petals. In addition to simple care and blue buds, the flower almost does not smell. Therefore, it is great for those who are spicy smells are contraindicated.

As a result, it can be concluded that in nature there are no varieties of orchids that would have a rich blue color. But there are representatives of three clans whose buds have the desired shade. However, in terms of departure, they will be somewhat demanding that the remaining representatives. You need to remember this, buying a flower for homemade cultivation or as a gift.

Where did the blue orchids come from

For the first time in the world, the blue orchids of the species of phalaenopsis were presented at the exhibition of tropical plants, which took place in 2010 in Florida (USA). Such unusual flower I managed to get a "Silver Vase" farm, which is engaged in breeding orchids. Just three months later the Royal Blue Falenopsis appeared (Phalaenopsis Royal Blue). The plant was demonstrated at Floraholland flower competition, which is held annually in Holland. Falenopsis Royal Blue presented the Netherlands nursery "Geest Orchideeën".

Today, manufacturers do not hide the fact that blue orchid is not natural. In such colors after the purchase, the next bloom will occur with white buton.

Plants paint over the patented technology, which is stored in secret. However, the manufacturers of blue orchids note that for giving the blue buds, they put plants in a specially prepared environment. It uses natural components that do not apply any harm to her cooking.

Thus, Phalaenopsis and a different look, painted in blue, are specially derived breeding varieties. Therefore, to the question "There are blue orchids or not in nature" you know the accurate answer. It is just a good marketing stroke.

Achievement of Japanese breeders

Despite the fact that several varieties of blue orchids were already bred, breeders continued to work in this direction. After many years of experiments, luck smiled at Japanese breeders. At the exhibition in Okinawa in 2013, the first orchid varieties of phalaenopsis was presented, which had a truly rich blue tint. To get such a color scientist, the Asian Commelny gene had to introduce a variety of aphrodite into white orchid. The embedded gene was responsible for the blue color of the petals, so the hybrid was able to bloom the buddes of the required shade.

New kind of blue orchid was called "Royal Blue". For a hybrid, blooming in small flowers, which in diameter reach 5 cm. At the same time, abundant flowering is observed. On one stem can be forged up to 30 flowers.

Such transgenic orchid is an exclusive plant and cannot be found on sale.

How to save a blue miracle

Manufacturers can paint phalaenopsis into blue, but there is no such possibility for an ordinary average man. So to save the acquired room flower, it is necessary to correctly care for it. After all, if care for the blue orchid was insufficient, the buds will start quickly.

It is worth noting that regardless of the efforts of the flower, to get from the flower of the formation of blue inflorescences after the purchase does not work. The fact is that in the absence of periodic tinting, the blue shade will be gradually pale and with time orchid will begin to bloom in white flowers.

The worst outcome will be the death of the plant due to severe stress. To prevent such a situation, you need to know how to care for a blue miracle at home. There are several rules here, the execution of which guarantees the flower health.

After the plant was brought to the house, he can start properly. In this case, attention should be paid to the roots of orchids. If the paint rolled through the injections in the roots, then help this flower will not succeed. If the coloring composition was introduced directly into the bloom, then the chances of salvation remain great.

To reanimate the painted phalaenopsis, it is necessary to cut the stem that is filled with the dye. After that, we carry out the following actions:

  • remove the flower of the pot. It is necessary to act neat so as not to damage the root system;
  • after that, the roots of orchid should be rinsed well in warm water. At this stage it is easy to check every spine for the presence of traces of injections. If the paint went through the roots, then areas with rotting or simply blue places are formed at the site of its introduction;
  • all damaged areas should be cut;
  • next, sections must be sprinkled with cinnamon or ash. They must be good;
  • after that, the plant can be placed in flower pot. It is worth noting that a new substrate should be covered in a pot. It can be purchased in any flower shop.

The substrate in which the flower was before, you need to throw away. It is impossible to re-use it, as it contains a large number of chemically active substances and harmful components.

Such problems arise if the sellers paint the flowers on their own, issuing them for Phalaenopsis Royal Blue. The price of such copies is usually three times higher than on other orchids with a blue colors.

In this case, the risk of the death of the plant after purchase is very large. After all, the technology of staining was not observed, and toxic substances could act in the role of the dye (for example, blue ink from a conventional ballpoint handle). Usually, the dye is introduced into the plant through the injection in the root, stem or flower. Such a procedure leads to a significant weakening of the flower, speaking for it as stress.

Therefore, acquiring in a flower shop blue orchid you need to carefully examine her roots, stems and flowers. If the places of injection of paint will be found, such a plant should not be bought. All the same, it will die very quickly.

Some sellers achieve a blue shade by watering a flower painted in blue water. In this case, the blue shade will receive not only buds, but also roots with leaves. This is though more gentle, but still stressful for the plant. Therefore, you should not attend yourself at home blue orchid, watering her dyes.

Now you know whether in nature there are blue varieties of orchids, as well as as follows at home, to keep such a miracle as long as possible.

Video "Secret of Blue Orchid"

From this video you will learn about whether there are blue orchids in nature.

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