Do blue orchids exist in nature. Blue orchid care at home

Landscaping and planning 12.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

blue orchids- epiphytic plants that live on the branches of trees and feed on aerial roots. The leaves are elongated, belt-shaped or lanceolate, bright green in color, shiny, fleshy. Leaves are placed in 2 rows, like other orchids. The flowers have short stems, but the peduncle can reach a meter and a half.

A photo

Check out the photo of orchids with blue and blue flowers:

Does this type exist in nature?

ATTENTION: Truth for those who precisely seek to enjoy extraordinary color blue orchids are not comforting. Behind this color, ink or a special pigment is hidden, which does not retain prints on the hands. Only this is very likely when buying, when watering.

If the color remains, and your beauty does not get dye poisoning, be prepared for the fact that the new buds will be white. In reality, Japanese breeders bred a blue orchid, named - Royal Blue Orchid. Only in our country you will not find such a plant for sale.

You can buy from us in stores only the Vanga orchid, which has a lilac shade of a flower with speckles. All the other blue and blue flowers are dyed!

Watch a video about a real blue orchid:

When did it appear?

In 2011 at the exhibition tropical plants in Florida (United States) the world's first blue orchid was displayed. This was done by the Silver Vase farm from South Florida. Only 3 months have passed, and another blue beauty has become known - Phalaenopsis Royal Blue (Royal Blue Phalaenopsis). It happened in Holland at the FloraHolland flower contest.

An unusual flower with blue petals was provided by the nursery "Geest Orchideeën"(Netherlands) for winning the award in the Sales Concept category. The only member of the board of the competition predicted a greater popularity of plants among consumers in the future.

Manufacturers do not hide the fact that the blue color is not considered natural, as well as the fact that the subsequent blooming will be white. They do coloring using a patented technology, the details of which are not disclosed. According to the producers, its essence is this: the plants are placed in a special environment, for the formation of which components of natural origin are used, for this reason the process itself does not harm the orchids.

It is possible to conclude: blue color is not a natural type and not a hybrid bred by breeders. This is just a publicity stunt, and, it should be noted, extremely successful.

Yes, unfortunately, all the blue orchids sold in stores are some standard species with white, but dyed flowers.

Some stores do not even hide this and say on the plate under the price tag that this is not a natural color and the orchid blooms with blue flowers only 1 time. This is at least fair to consumers.

However, not everyone is so honest. There are many such sellers who present a painted orchid for a supposedly very exceptional natural look, tearing up for him at exorbitant prices. But Natural orchid DNA lacks the blue gene. For this reason, in case you are assured that this view is just a hoax.

How are they processed?

Often, successful owners of orchids with blue or blue colors notice with amazement that in the subsequent flowering, the buds become not a bright, intense color, but a dirty blue, or even completely white. This is due to the fact that plants are dyed with the support of a chemical dye. Numerous stores do not hide this and place appropriate warnings on the labels for the colors.

However, actively this information from the number of consumers is not expanding, so often the owners of dyed flowers are disappointed. Paint mostly flowers white color, since it is easier to achieve measured coloring on them than on colored buds. Over time, the pigment is washed off, and they return to their original color.

Can white petals be dyed natural blue at home?

Organization of materials

First of all, find a flower. The best choice for painting will take. To make your flower blue, it is possible to choose one of 2 methods:

  • watering staining;
  • staining with the introduction of a blue pigment.

What method to choose?

The first method is more gentle for the plant, but less productive. In addition to the fact that subsequently both the petals and the stem will be colored in you, and the duration of the color change will be short. As soon as you stop watering the blue element, the colored flower will quickly return to its original state. Staining by watering is considered an ineffective way.

The second type of staining is very serious, but if you decide to stop directly on it, try to choose a more gentle method of introducing the dye. The dye is injected into the peduncle, stem or root.. The introduction of pigment into root system and the trunk is the most dangerous - it not only greatly weakens the plant, but also retains external defects in it, resembling ulcers.

IMPORTANT: Dyeing an orchid by injection is very dangerous. If the injection was made into the peduncle, then the plant has a greater chance of survival.

Irrigation staining technology is elementary:

As for the technology for introducing a coloring element, it is quite elementary:

  1. Fill the syringe with dye and water.
  2. Gently inject this solution into the selected part of your subject.

Watch the blue painting video:

Is there a plant-friendly way?

Unfortunately, rare flower is able to tolerate such aggressive interventions in its environment without significant results. Improper care of the orchid and excessive zeal for its transformation can lead the flower to death. An artificially painted orchid will be the object of constant trouble.

Improper care of an orchid can cause death. Painted orchids need the most careful care, as certain time after staining, they can hurt. In addition, do not forget: if in the following year the flower bloomed with white buds, you should not be surprised or try to paint it again.

ADVICE: Painting does not change genetic code. Staining is only a fleeting change. Orchids with artificial blue flowers can always be replaced with other types of orchids that will have their own natural blue tint.

Where can I order the real one?

The cost of this blue orchid is from 1000 rubles.

look after indoor flowers necessary, taking into account their type. All types of this orchid are thermophilic. For this reason, they must be placed on sunny side apartments: acceptable view - diffused sunlight.

The best temperature is +25/+30 degrees. At night - +16 degrees. For good flowering a huge difference in day and night temperatures - up to 10 degrees can be useful. Significant humidity and optimal circulation of the atmosphere are also significant.

A flower needs a high-quality substrate, since its health and the likelihood of blooming depend on this.

For normal growth of a blue orchid, the soil in a pot should be loose, not chewed, with a huge number of pine shavings and good drainage. As it is possible to use crushed stone, pieces of foam. A significant part of it should occupy the center of the pot, which must be with many large holes for excellent ventilation. The substrate should be closely adjacent to the walls of the pot..

Top dressing should be stable, at least once a month. The fertilizer must be well balanced, this is directly reflected in the flowering. From a significant number of high-calorie elements, the top of the stem becomes soft, and from an insufficient number, it blooms weakly.

Features of watering a plant are as follows: the higher the air temperature, the more often it is necessary to water. Due to stagnant water, rotting of the root system may occur, and the plant may die. Water should be completely drained after any watering.

Unlike Wanda, it is better not to spray the blue orchid.. leaf structure of this type such that water can accumulate at the base.

How to care for a sick person?

It is necessary to observe the well-being of the plant. The disease can be noticed by a constructive change in the color of the leaves, as well as rotting of the roots and lack of flowering. If you saw something like this, then the flower needs an urgent transplant, treatment.

Possible diseases include:

  • fungal, viral infections;
  • tick damage;
  • leaf cracks;
  • burns;
  • bacteriosis;
  • withering.


It is very important to carefully examine the roots of the flower before transplanting.. Remove rotten parts, leaving only dry ones. Planned replanting of an orchid is necessary with young roots. If they are very large, then taking root in the new soil will become difficult.


In no case do not try to return the blue color to the buds by watering the plant with ink or blue, you can destroy the flower. Better try to bring the exhausted flower back to life, guaranteeing him proper care. And the orchid will reward you with incredibly beautiful white flowers.

Blue orchids look beautiful and unusual. They appeared on the shelves of stores quite recently, but have already managed to gain popularity. Experienced flower growers know that blue orchids are not typical. How to determine a painted flower or not? How to take care of her? Can I paint the plant myself? Will it harm the culture?

Exotic lovers are in for a big disappointment - most of the blue orchids on store shelves are artificially dyed. There are a few hybrid varieties blue color, but it is not so bright and saturated.

Special grades

There are only two varieties of orchids with an unusual blue color - these are Wanda and Cattleya. Wanda is a capricious flower, it requires increased attention. Color not quite blue purple tint. But Wanda looks no less impressive than painted flowers.

Cattleya is less demanding in care. Differs in large bright colors. The colors are different, among them there are varieties with pale blue flowers. Orchids do not have a rich blue color in nature. Flowers are dyed by watering or dye injection. Keeping the blue color will not work - the next flowers will be slightly bluish or completely white.

All intense blue orchids in the store are dyed phalaenopsis. When buying a plant, carefully inspect it. If the flower is flaccid, a bluish tint appears on the roots and leaves, and there is noticeable damage on the stem from the introduction of the dye - do not buy it. Such a plant will die very soon.

Actions after purchase

Care is complicated by the weakened state of the plant. The introduction of artificial dye is a powerful stress for the flower. He will need increased attention, enhanced care so that he can adapt to new conditions.

Do not rush to transplant the orchid into new pot. This is additional stress. It is too likely that the flower will die soon after transplantation.

If too much chemical dye has been introduced, the flower will gradually drop buds. He needs to be revived urgently. Carefully inspect the plant from the peduncle to the roots. Look for injection marks. Finding them on the roots is a bad sign. There is no guarantee that the orchid will be saved. The paint was injected into the peduncle - the plant has more chances to survive.

Resuscitation of a painted flower

  1. Find the injection site. And carefully, with a sharp knife, cut off the peduncle filled with paint.
  2. Remove the orchid from the pot. Release the roots from the substrate. Rinse the root system with warm water.
  3. Examine the roots. If you find bluish, rotting areas, cut them out. Treat the cut areas with cinnamon or charcoal powder.
  4. Dry the roots. During few hours.
  5. Transplant. into a new sterile substrate.

Basic care

A painted flower will need more careful care. Breaking the rules will result in death.

  • Lighting. Sunny places are not suitable. On the south side they put it on a table a little away from the window. Preference is given to the northeast, west and east side. At midday hours, they are sure to shade.
  • Temperature . In light shade, at moderate temperatures of 18-25 ° C, flowering will last longer. In summer, a short-term increase in temperature up to 35˚С is allowed. Prolonged heat leads to dropping of buds and lethargy of leaves. A plant weakened by dyes may not be able to tolerate the heat. In winter, the temperature is reduced to 15-25˚С. Withstands short-term cooling down to 12˚С.
  • Humidity . The normal humidity level is in the range of 30-40%. high humidity and poor ventilation of the room leads to rotting of the roots and the appearance of spots on the leaves. At humidity below 20-25%, the leaves lose turgor, the flowers fall off. Careful spraying is beneficial. But try not to allow water to accumulate in the axils of the leaves.
  • Watering. It is necessary to water taking into account the present variety of the plant. Most often, white phalaenopsis are stained, so watering should be regular. Complete drying of the soil is not allowed, but waterlogging too. In phalaenopsis, wet roots become green in color.
  • Top dressing. It is better not to feed a painted orchid or use a minimum amount of low concentration fertilizer. One of the most successful fertilizers is Kemira Lux.
  • Root care. aerial roots do not bury in the substrate. They are needed to obtain additional moisture and nutrition from the air. Old roots gradually die off - turn brown, dry out. The dried parts are carefully cut off with a sharp knife.
  • Priming. The main component of the substrate for most orchids is pine bark. In dry rooms, sphagnum is added to the substrate - it retains moisture well. You can add some crushed foam and charcoal. Before planting, the bark is soaked for two days, washed with clean water and only then mixed with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Transplant. Don't rush to transfer. It is worth doing this if the roots are damaged or the substrate is in bad condition. Transplanted after flowering at intervals of two to three years.

Do not be surprised if the blue orchid changes color during the next bloom. The paint is gradually washed out of the plant. Freshly dyed flowers are intense blue, the next time they bloom they will be white with blue streaks or slightly bluish. Further, ordinary white flowers form on the peduncles.

Coloring at home

It is undesirable to paint orchids, as any coloring matter poisons them. In extreme cases, use special paints for flowers. They can be purchased at large flower shops or ordered online. The algorithm of actions includes four stages.

  1. Dilute the paint with water. In accordance with the instructions.
  2. Take a sterile syringe. And fill it with dye.
  3. Carefully pierce the peduncle. And enter the dye solution.
  4. Treat the puncture site. Coal powder.

At first, carefully observe the condition of the plant. Keep it in a cool room, with moderate lighting, keep an eye on the condition of the soil. If the flowers turn blue, do not wilted, the plant looks healthy - the experiment was a success.

It is not recommended to introduce a coloring solution into the stem and roots of the plant. Orchid from this may die. Use only special dyes for flowers. Food will not give the desired effect, the ink will destroy the orchid.

Consequences of color change

Any paint contains aggressive chemical substances. Their introduction into the peduncle does not pass without consequences.

  • Violation of gas exchange. The capillaries are clogged, the plant cannot fully breathe.
  • Diseases and pests. Natural immunity is lost, resistance to diseases and pests is lost. Ulcers and rot may appear at the injection site. When the dye is introduced into the roots, they inevitably rot.
  • Plant death. This is the most common outcome of the experiment. At best, it partially recovers, but still remains weakened.

Care after flowering for a painted orchid will differ slightly. It is better to cut the peduncle immediately, without waiting for the re-formation of buds or children. More recovery time will be required. The flower needs to provide the most comfortable conditions.

Coloring does not affect the genetic code of the plant. This is a temporary change, from which there will be no trace of the next flowering. If you want to diversify your collection with a blue orchid, look in stores for a vanda or cattleya.

Reproduction methods

If you bought not a vanda or cattleya, but a painted orchid, be guided by the phalaenopsis propagation method. It propagates mainly by children and cuttings.


Cuttings are an effective, fairly simple way. Cuttings are cut only from a healthy plant, not affected by pests and diseases. Take a side shoot.
Cut it into several pieces. On each leave two knots with axillary buds. The container is filled with wet sand or sphagnum moss. The cuttings are laid horizontally. The container is covered with a film on top.

The land in the greenhouse is regularly moistened, the film is removed daily for ventilation. In about a month, full-fledged children will form on the segments of the escape. They are separated and seated in separate containers after the formation of their own root system.

Growing up from kids

Babies develop from dormant kidneys. Formed on the stem, peduncle. Babies rarely develop on their own. Usually their development should be stimulated. Several methods of stimulation are used.

  • Division of the main plant. The method is risky, suitable only for completely healthy plants. In the case of a painted orchid, it is better not to use it. The essence of the method - the top is cut off and rooted. The lower part continues to be looked after until the appearance of children with roots.
  • Reduced irrigation and temperature fluctuations. Watering is stopped for 15 days, daily temperature drops of 7-9˚С are achieved.
  • Hormonal stimulants. Flower shops sell a special hormonal paste. With its help, you can quickly wake up a sleeping kidney, stimulate the formation of a baby from it. The covering scale is removed from the upper bud of the peduncle. Work carefully, use a sharp blade and tweezers. Every four days, a sleeping kidney is treated with a paste. The orchid is kept in a warm room at temperatures up to 30 ° C. In the cool, instead of children, a bud is formed. Grown up children are separated from the peduncle and planted.

As cuttings, you can take pieces of the peduncle. After flowering, it is cut, divided into pieces of three to four centimeters and planted similarly to cuttings from a side shoot. On each segment, one sleeping kidney is left.

Frequent illnesses

The probability of disease of a painted orchid is much higher. At the slightest sign of illness, treatment begins immediately. The chances of surviving a weakened plant are much less. Below is a table with the symptoms of major diseases and how to treat them.

Table - Orchid diseases and methods of their treatment

Bacterial spotting- The appearance of spots;
- yellow leaves;
- darkening of the leaves;
- softening of the leaves;
- the appearance of ulcers
- Removal of affected leaves;
- treatment with fungicides
powdery mildew- white bloom;
- drying of damaged parts
- Spraying with colloidal sulfur;
- spraying with preparations "Skor" or "Topsin-M"
sooty fungus- Black plaque;
- weakening and death of the plant
- Treatment with preparations "Mikosan", "Ridomil", "Topsin-M"
Rot- Softening of roots and leaves;
- the appearance of rot
- Trimming of rotten parts;
- transplantation with a change of capacity and substrate;
- treatment with fungicides

Common pests

Weakening of the orchid as a result of painting, violation of the rules of care often lead to mass destruction pests. They draw juices from the plant, lead to the addition of a secondary infection and death. The table shows the most common orchid pests and how to deal with them.

Table - Pests of orchids and ways to deal with them

InsectsignsControl measures
thrips- Small black bugs with wings;
- silver stripes on the leaves;
- small black dots
Three times treatment with Actellik, Fitoverm
False shields and shields- Plaques on stems and leaves;
- sticky, viscous plaque;
- plant weakening
- Mechanical removal insects;
- washing with soapy water;
- spraying with Aktellik;
- transplanting into a fresh substrate
Mealybug- Whitish bloom;
- the formation of "lumps of cotton wool";
- drying of leaves;
- wilting flower
- Trim problematic parts;
- treatment with soapy water;
- triple treatment with Fitoverm
whitefly- Small butterfly;
- weakening of the plant;
- yellowing and drying of the leaves
- Washing the orchid with soapy water;
- treatment of plants and soil with the preparation "Fitoverm"
Aphid- Sticky coating;
- twisting of leaves;
- sooty fungus
- Treatment with soapy water;
- treatment with Fitoverm
Spider mites- Small punctures on the leaves;
- discoloration and drying of the leaves;
- falling buds;
- thin cobweb
- Washing the flower, pot;
- placing the pot in a container with water;
- spraying the plant and substrate with Fitoverm
Nematodes- Small roundworms;
- growth stop;
- decay;
- orchid death
- Watering the substrate with a solution of "Levamisole", "Decaris";
- warming up hot water up to 40˚С.


Phalaenopsis is a common type of orchid. The care is simple, and blooms almost throughout the year. It is easy to grow at home. Flowering continues throughout the year.

The plant has wide flexible leaves, the number of which reaches 6 pieces. The peduncle is located between the leaves. The flower can be any color. They are black, white, may have spots, stripes. In this article, you can find out the description of blue phaleopsis, how to care for it at home.

Phalaenopsis blue - description

Is phalaenopsis blue?

Every orchid lover can ask a reasonable question about whether there are blue phalaenopsis orchids? It is impossible to get phalaenopsis blue in a natural way, since there is no such color in the gene set. Get color when processed with special dyes. To do this, use a syringe. The coloring pigment will reach all parts of the plant, including the flower. Phalaenopsis blue is an orchid that has flowers with an unusual blue tint. Phalaenopsis blue orchid, which is sold in a flower boutique, is called Royal Blue.

Is there purple phalaenopsis?

The species assortment of Phalaenopsis orchids is very diverse. It includes three tens of thousands of representatives. The shades of the flowers are different in nature. In this variety, there was a place for a purple orchid.

Similar plants are represented by groups:

  • Wanda;
  • Cattleya;
  • Dendrobium.

This list is far from complete and can be greatly expanded. For purple phalaenopsis is characterized by unpretentiousness. It is well cultivated. This is one of the most common types of orchids. The flower is characterized by the presence of an oval or elliptical shape. Flowering can be observed throughout the year. The plant has powerful long and wide leaves. The plant does not require frequent irrigation, it is enough to water it once a week.

Is phalaenopsis blue?

Phalaenopsis blue has a single secret. In fact, it is white in color. A blue color appears after an injection of a dye. But the blue phalaenopsis orchid with rich celestial hues is not able to please the eye for a long time with the splendor of its clusters. After the plant blooms, the buds begin to fall off after a month.

Fact! In order for flowering to last longer, a chemical solution is injected into the stem. Sellers do not try to hide such information from buyers. It's just that many do not pay due attention to such an announcement. Therefore, after a purchase, after a certain time, they are visited by disappointment.

The history of the appearance of blue orchids

The blue orchid first appeared before the eyes of the participants of the exhibition in Florida. She was represented by Silver Vase, which breeds orchids. Later we saw phalaenopsis royal blue at the Dutch flower competition FloraHolland.

Currently, no one hides that this coloring has an unnatural look. The coloring method is patented and kept secret. To give them such a color, the plant is placed in a special environment. All components used are natural in nature and do not cause any harm to the plant.

Often the question arises as to whether it is possible to paint houses? If so, then many would like to know what blue phalaenopsis orchids are painted with? If someone decides to paint the flowers on their own, then you need to use special paints or food coloring. They buy them online. Someone is trying to do it with regular ink. But it is not recommended to resort to this method, since they contain harmful components in their composition.

Coloring can be done in two ways:

  1. Watering.
  2. Introduction of blue pigment.

If you use the first method, then for the plant it is painless. Not only the leaves, but also the stem part will undergo coloring. The flowering period will not change much in terms of timing. If watering with a dye is stopped, then the plant quickly returns to its original state.

Staining the second way is more dangerous in nature. The bottom line is the introduction of a coloring matter into the stem. This uses a syringe. The danger is that this event will not only weaken the plant, but also leave defects on the trunk that resemble ulcers. When injected into the peduncle, the plant's chances of survival increase.

How to care for blue phalaenopsis

How to water a blue orchid

Watering a flower is related to the intensity of lighting. The more light you need large quantity moisture. The plant will develop well if you correctly set the ratio between lighting and watering. The purchase of a flower is accompanied by instructions with the main points of care.

You can read that watering should be done every 7-10 days. The statement is true, but subject to sufficient lighting. In sunny weather, the orchid intensively requires moisture. If bad weather sets in, she stops drinking. You can control watering according to the state of the substrate in which the plant is located. If it is dry enough, then the plant must be watered. Attention is also paid to the quality of water for irrigation.

Important! Water the plant only with warm water.

Blue phalaenopsis orchid, home care also involves watering by immersion. Warm water is poured into the basin, and the orchid is placed in it. In order for the plant to be completely saturated with water, 30-4 minutes will be sufficient.

Post-Purchase Care

Phalaenopsis blue dyed, post-purchase care requires compliance certain rules. Do not transplant the plant immediately after purchase. It has already experienced serious stress during staining. The buds may start to fall off.

If the injection was made into the trunk during coloring, then it is unlikely that the plant will be saved. If this was done in the peduncle, then there are chances.

Action algorithm:

  1. The plant is carefully removed from the pot.
  2. The roots are washed with warm water.
  3. Section of damaged areas.
  4. The cut points are sprinkled with ash.
  5. Place in a pot with a new substrate.

The blue orchid is not a natural miracle, but a marketing ploy of flower distributors. Many buyers are delighted with the azure phalaenopsis. They simply dream of replenishing their home flower collection with such an unusual representative of exotic plants.

The Blue Orchid first appeared at the 2011 Tropical Plant Show in Florida and then as a Royal Blue Phalaenopsis in Holland at a flower competition.

The fact that this is a painted flower, no one hid. But everyone was delighted with the appearance of an orchid of this color. The method of coloring the flower blue is patented and kept in strict confidence. Manufacturers only shared the general essence of the coloring process: the flower is immersed in a special environment where elements of natural origin are used, which ensures the safety of the procedure and does not harm the plant.

Gallery: phalaenopsis orchid in nature (25 photos)

Plant features

It is better to buy a blue or blue orchid at specialized exhibitions. Shops are taboo, because they often offer unscrupulously colored flowers, which have leaves and roots of a blue tint. Such plants should be avoided: most likely, a flower of this kind will soon die.

Only a pure white flower can be dyed blue, as it is most susceptible to color changes. Therefore, do not be surprised at the appearance of white flowers over time on the blue orchid you bought. If there is a royal phalaenopsis in the house, then you should not wonder how to paint the orchid blue yourself. The blue or ink used will only harm the plant and it may die.

Orchids in nature cannot be blue, because phalaenopsis does not have the corresponding gene responsible for this pigment. Although in 2013, Japanese scientists made a breakthrough in the field of floriculture and bred a blue flower by introducing the gene of another flower, the Asian commeline, into the orchid of the Aphrodite species. This is how the royal blue orchid of rich color turned out. It's not on sale yet. The flower can only be seen at the exhibition.

If such exoticism really appealed to you, then you should not make independent efforts and mock the flower. It is worth paying attention to representatives of other species, and there will definitely be that very beauty, remotely resembling a blue beauty in color, from which it will be impossible to look away.

A natural orchid in nature does not have a rich blue hue, but epiphytic plants remotely resembling a blue color exist:

Home Care

When purchasing or receiving a royal blue phalaenopsis as a gift, you need to know some of the features of caring for it. You should be prepared for the fact that beautiful inflorescences of an unusual shade will fade, and new ones will no longer appear. But so that the plant does not wither, but continues its vital activity and produces buds, even if of a different shade, you need to protect the orchid from new stresses, because it has already endured one and not the fact that it will endure the next ones. Painted orchids need more scrupulous care, as they will be susceptible to disease at first.

Carefully inspect the roots of phalaenopsis. If the flower was given a blue color by injecting a dye into the root system, then it has no chance of survival. In the absence of traces from the introduction of the dye into the root, the plant will continue to exist.

In no case should you transplant a new inhabitant of the house immediately: this is stress for the plant. You need to care for him in the same mode as for any other flowers.

If the blue orchid began to rapidly shed its buds, then the plant is experiencing Negative influence coloring matter. You need to do the following immediately:

  • remove the peduncle with blue inflorescences;
  • cut off rotten and blue roots;
  • treat the sections with ash or cinnamon and dry the roots of the flower;
  • fill a clean pot with new soil intended for orchids;
  • put a flower there.

The main components of blue phalaenopsis care are light, moisture and heat. The flower needs periodic washing from a spray bottle with water at room temperature.

Lighting is of great importance for orchids. They can't stand direct sun rays, but a small amount of light is detrimental to them. It is not advisable to put it on south-facing windows in summer; in winter time it is better to create additional lighting for the plant using fluorescent lamps.

Blue orchids, like any other, need the right balance of lighting and watering. The brighter the light, the more you need to water the plant. You should be guided by the state of the substrate in the pot: if it is dry, there is no condensation on the inner walls of the container and the roots of the orchid have acquired a light shade, then watering is necessary. This can be a warm shower or lowering the pot into a tray of warm settled water. The second option is more convenient. Its duration should be 30-40 minutes. The usual way of watering for orchids is detrimental.

After all the flowers on the blue orchid have faded, you need to pay attention to whether the green bud remains at the top. If there is one, then there is no need to rush to cut the peduncle. In case of blackening of the top, it can be cut off or not touched at all, because there may be dormant buds that can still turn into “butterflies” of amazing beauty, but no longer blue.

A variant of the presence of traces of the introduction of blue paint at the base of the orchid peduncle is possible. The very condition of the plant is important here. If it is satisfactory, then nothing is worth doing. It is necessary to take care of the flower, as before. The arrow must be cut off in the situation when the phalaenopsis has dropped all the buds on its own. This means that he is under stress. It must be protected from harmful dye getting into other parts of the flower.

Orchids should be fed at least once a month with specially formulated fertilizers for these flowers. This has a beneficial effect on the flowering of the plant.

Long-term non-blooming of phalaenopsis indicates insufficient illumination of the room in which it is located. The orchid does not yet tolerate drafts.

The disease of the flower is manifested by a change in the shade of the leaves, rotting of the roots, lack of flowering. This may be caused viral disease, the appearance of a tick, bacteriosis, burn, fusarium wilt. Any manifestation of the disease requires a plant transplant and its treatment.

With this color of flowers does not exist in nature, their DNA does not have a gene that gives this color to the petals. Then how do they end up in stores and our homes?

To begin with, let's figure out whether there is a blue orchid at all in nature or for sale? Phalaenopsis with blue flowers do not exist in nature, and this is not found among hybrids. Where, then, do these exotic beauties periodically appear on the windows of flower shops?

Often, looking at the blue-eyed beautiful orchid, flower growers do not restrain themselves and buy the flower they like.

The stem pleases the eye throughout the entire period, then it has a dormant period and, with due phalaenopsis, again kicks out the peduncle.

And here the shock begins: instead of blue or bright blue flowers in front of the eyes are flowers at best grey-blue, but most often the orchid pleases regular whites.

At a loss, novice flower growers try to find errors in care, but you should not do this.

Blue flowers are obtained by simple dyeing which is carried out using special technology. When watering, the paint is simply washed out of the plant, and it begins to bloom in natural colors.

In most large flower shops, information about this is posted near the flower shelf. Some sellers, on the contrary, try to present the painted bole as something supernatural and sell the plant at a very high price. At the same time, the quality of the coloring itself leaves much to be desired.

And it all started in 2011 at the Tropical Plant Show in Florida. It was there that the Phalaenopsis orchid with blue flowers was first put on public display. The manufacturers did not hide the fact that their stem is painted. They patented the process technology and still keep it in the strictest confidence.

Three months later, a tropical beauty with a similar color was introduced in Europe. It was shown by Dutch breeders, the fruit of their development is also a colored bole.

Photo of an orchid painted blue.

Interesting! In Europe and on the American continent, dyed colors are treated more loyally. They are perceived as a cut bouquet, which must stand for a certain time. Then it is simply thrown away or sold for much less.

hybrid varieties

Phalaenopsis orchids with a blue tint of flowers still exist, there are boles with lilac-blue, pale blue, violet-blue flowers. The most famous varieties with blue on the arrow are recognized:

  • blue became known in 2013 after a group of Japanese breeders demonstrated their new transgenic bole. It is based on the Aphrodite variety, to which the "blue" commelina gene was added;

First in the world blue phalaenopsis Aphrodite blue genetically engineered.

The following varieties are dyed blue:

Interesting! Phalaenopsis Aphrodite blue is still almost not common among flower growers. Its cost is quite high and only a few can afford such a luxury.

In addition to these, there are many more that are subjected to the staining process. But they look less impressive.

How to choose in the store?

Purposeful or spontaneous trip to flower shop behind the blue orchid and the euphoria from this should not prevent you from choosing the right bole. After all, sometimes they try to deceive us, pass off a cheap analogue for an expensive thing. This is also possible with flowers.

Expensive Phalaenopsis Royal Blue can be replaced with a cheaper analogue own production. Staining of orchids is sometimes carried out by the sellers themselves., for this use ordinary blue ink.

The procedure is performed with a syringe, they simply prick the orchid with a color carrier. But Not every plant will be able to endure such manipulations.

Choosing phalaenopsis with blue flowers in the store, it is worth paying attention to such points:

  • before making a purchase, pay attention to appearance trunk, its leaves and roots should have a natural color;
  • the stained solution should be applied precisely to the peduncle, so the plant will suffer the least;
  • carefully inspect the substrate, it should also have a natural color;

In addition, you can lightly run your fingers over the petal, paint should not remain on your hands.

Important! It should be understood that the blue phalaenopsis will require more careful care, since staining and changing the “place of residence” will already become very stressful for him.

Coloring at home

You can make your own blue phalaenopsis, and you will save a decent amount of money and choose exactly the shade of blue that you like. This procedure is simple, even a beginner can carry it out without problems. The main thing is to stick to this scheme:

  1. First, choose a plant. It is best to take, healthy, without and;
  2. The next step is to choose a coloring element. It's better to prioritize special means for coloring flowers or, at worst, food coloring. The end result depends on what blue orchids are painted with;
  3. The process ends with the choice of staining method and its direct implementation.

After all this the stem will need to pay a little more attention, since any dye will adversely affect the condition of the plant.

Phalaenopsis in the process of staining.

Coloring it is better to carry out when it is fully grown and the flowers on it gradually begin to bloom. It is this period that will be the most favorable, the coloring pigment will quickly get into the flowers and minimally harm the bole.

Advice! Do not carry out the staining procedure at each flowering, this can take away from the plant last strength and it will die.


There are two ways to change the color of phalaenopsis:

  1. Easiest to produce regular watering of the bole with a colored liquid. You will notice changes in color pretty soon, but the dye will also hurry to leave the bole. Color loss will begin immediately after watering stops;
  2. The second way is less humane: in order to get phalaenopsis with blue flowers, you need to give him “injections” of color. Typically, such injections are carried out in the roots, stem or peduncle of the bole. After that, traces usually remain on the plant, which will be noticeable for a long time.

Advice! If you decide to use the second staining method, make "injections" into the peduncle. So you least harm the orchid.

Features of care

Care after staining for phalaenopsis standard, watered as the substrate dries, fed twice a month, sprayed with a spray bottle. But there are still some nuances:

  • if staining was carried out by watering, then it is desirable to carry out the subsequent ones with the addition of a dye to preserve the achieved color;
  • a painted phalaenopsis purchased at a store will receive double stress, to harmful substances inside the plant, a change in the microclimate will also be added. For such a stem it is better to choose a place in partial shade, regularly and minimally.

Traces of dye on a painted orchid.

In all other respects, the painted stems are no different from ordinary phalaenopsis, they need 12-14 hours of light and moist air.

Useful videos

Learn from the video the secret of blue orchids:

Watch a video on how to choose a blue phalaenopsis:

From this video you will learn all about the necessary care:

The following video talks about coloring phalaenopsis:


Most orchids with blue flowers are artificial, the coloring will gradually wash out, but the memory of it will remain with you forever. Whether or not to buy such a stem is up to you to choose, or you can save a little and create your own masterpiece.

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