Phalaenopsis painted. How to paint phalaenopsis blue? Is there a blue or blue orchid

Decor elements 12.06.2019
Decor elements

Phalaenopsis orchid can be grown at home. This flower will blend harmoniously with any decor in the room. To date, geneticists have bred a large number of species of phalaenopsis. The color of the flowers of the plant can be very different, so you can always choose a phalaenopsis to your liking for your interior. After all, not every person is enough to have an orchid of a classic color.

Collecting not only attractive, but also rare plants is common among flower growers. And phalaenopsis is quite capable of taking a place in their collection because of its unusual blue color.

The blue phalaenopsis orchid is a rather rare species, and it is not always possible to breed a flower with a blue color for breeders. For this reason, it is easiest to make a simple staining with chemical components.

In the wild, of course, there are specimens that are vaguely similar to blue orchids: light azure, grayish, whitish with pale blue flowers, but when looking for such a plant, you will have to try hard.

Blue Phalaenopsis Royal (Royal Orchid) was introduced to the world in the Dutch province at a floristic competition. This is a special flower with whitish-blue flowers, which, as experts suggest, will soon become quite popular among residents of different countries.

Only one kind of pure blue plant can be found in the Japanese climate - Phalaenopsis Aphrodite. It was obtained as a result of many years of painstaking work on breeding orchids using genetic engineering and conventional selection by scientists from the Chiba Institute.

For this, a whitish plant was transplanted with a gene responsible for the blue color. The donor was the plant "Sineglazka" from Central Asia. As a result of transplantation, they received a blue (blue) Aphrodite orchid. A potted plant can actively reproduce, releasing several dozen flowers with a radius of 2.5 cm during one growing season.

Seeds and seedlings of Aphrodite cannot be obtained by an ordinary person. For this reason, the vast majority of Phalaenopsis suppliers use their own method for obtaining blue color. Companies have found a solution: it is necessary to use special dyes.

Dye selection

By purchasing an orchid already painted blue at a retail point of sale, the buyer runs the risk of receiving a poor-quality product containing a dye that is very dangerous for the flower. In addition, there may be a fact of non-compliance with the coloring technology.

To buy orchids, it is best to visit specialized agricultural fairs than ordinary retail stores. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that a plant that has a blue color of roots and flowers does not come across, because it is unlikely to live long.

Need to remember a simple recommendation: immediately after acquiring a flower, in no case should you try to transplant it, since during this period it is most vulnerable.

The most unpretentious plant to care for is Cattleya. It is characterized by the presence of flowers of large diameter, which spread fragrance over a long distance.

If you try to paint the plant yourself, all responsibility for the result falls on the shoulders of the grower. In the event that a decision is made to do everything yourself, you can use special paints intended for flowers for this, or ordinary food coloring. Paints are purchased on specialized Internet sites.

Some use a method of staining that is quite cruel to the plant: simple ink is taken and applied directly to the flower. However, painting with ink is strictly prohibited, since ink almost always contains hazardous solvents, penetrants, cleaning agents, and so on.

staining methods

First you need to choose a flower. A light orchid is best suited. Next, you need to decide on the method:

  1. applying paint by watering;
  2. painting with blue pigment.

Staining Method No. 1.

The first method is characterized by sparing consequences for the plant in a pot, but is not as effective as the second method. In addition, in the future, not only the petals, but also the stem will be covered with paint, while the duration of the color change will be short.

After stopping watering with blue dye, the updated flower will almost immediately try to return to its natural shade.

The procedure for staining by applying paint by watering and subsequent care is simple. Consider the sequence of actions:

  1. Requires the dissolution of the coloring matter in water. The coloring rule is as follows: with an increase in the amount of pigment, the color saturation and damage to the plant becomes greater.
  2. After the first painting, the flower must be periodically watered with this aqueous solution.

Staining Method No. 2.

This method of painting is extremely harmful, however, if the grower chose to use it, it is necessary to carry out the most gentle procedure for introducing paint.

The dye enters the stem or root part, into the peduncle by injection. The introduction of a coloring pigment into the stem or root part seems to be the most harmful action for the plant. In this case, the immunity of the plant is significantly weakened, which is externally manifested by rashes of ulcerative structures on the body of the plant organism.

If the dye was introduced into the peduncle, then the plant is quite capable of compensating dangerous influence counteraction from their defense mechanisms. In other words, the probability that the plant will not die increases markedly. Therefore, it is preferable to choose this option so as not to create an unnecessarily negative effect on the flower.

The procedure for dyeing by injection is as follows: it is necessary to draw an aqueous dye solution into the syringe and inject this mixture into the peduncle. The advantage of this staining method over the previous one is that it is not necessary to constantly water the plant.

The consequences of staining for the plant.

After dyeing orchids, they must be carefully looked after, because for some time after such a procedure the plant is in a weakened state. If the next calendar year the phalaenopsis still blooms with whitish buds, there is no need to try to re-paint it.

Irrigation staining is not able to change the amino acid sequence in the plant's DNA structure. After all, painting is just a cosmetic operation.

Blue orchid, meaning phalaenopsis, has long been sold in flower shops. However, this is a kind of deception, since the flower was originally white, and it was dyed, a blue dye was introduced.

The Japanese raised blue phalaenopsis

Phalaenopsis lack the gene responsible for the production of blue pigment. But in nature, blue flowers are not uncommon. For many years, researchers and breeders have been trying to grow a real blue Phalaenopsis orchid. After various experiments, genetic engineers from Japan's Chiba University succeeded. They used a gene from the Asian commelina (which grows in Asia and Africa), which gives it a blue color, and they took the Phalaenopsis "Aphrodite" as a basis. Newly bred blue orchid has flowers smaller than those of hybrid counterparts, only 5 cm in diameter, but a lot of them can bloom on the peduncle, up to 30 pieces. The miracle plant was named "Phalaenopsis Aphrodite - Royal Blue". It is, of course, not yet widely available for sale.

Blue phalaenopsis for sale

The blue orchid, standing on the shelves of stores, is a crippled plant. If you look closely, the injection site can be identified. In some plants that are relatively lucky, it is on the peduncle, in others, less lucky - in the stem or roots.

Abroad, where blue orchids are "produced", they are considered as temporary, disposable interior decorations. After losing their original beauty, they are simply thrown away. And Russian flower growers are compassionate people, they want to get out a diseased plant without fail. And the fact that the next peduncle will be white does not stop them at all. There is a category of people who like the process of resuscitation of plants, they bring dying specimens or they buy discounted orchids, and the issue is not only about money.

New orchid in the house

If you have a blue orchid, then it will need to be given some attention. Check the roots first. If root system good, no need to change. If there are few healthy roots, and the bulk are rotten, dry, damaged, then a transplant is needed immediately.


Soil can be purchased special or mixed pine bark with charcoal in a ratio of 5:1. The bark can be collected from fallen trees, not rotten. Before use, it must be boiled, cooled. Carefully remove the plant from the pot. Cut out all dry, rotten (to healthy tissue) roots. Sprinkle cut areas with ground cinnamon. If there are almost no healthy roots, then it is better to cut the peduncle, it will stand in the water for a long time. Thoroughly rinse the pot, disinfect. It is desirable to make holes in the walls to facilitate air access to the roots. In phalaenopsis, they are involved in the process of photosynthesis. Pour drainage at the bottom, immediately install a support for the peduncle, add prepared soil. Arrange the treated plant and fill the soil.


If the peduncle was cut off, then the blue orchid turned into a phalaenopsis mix. She needs to be cared for according to her family.

Orchids are considered one of the most beautiful flowers on Earth and are popular among flower growers in all countries. This is not surprising: the bizarre shape of the petals, size and relatively fast growth distinguishes them from thousands of other plants. But the most unusual among them is, of course, the blue or blue orchid.

A number of sources claim that blue orchids do not exist in nature. This myth arose because of the huge mass of fakes. Unscrupulous sellers simply paint corollas of flowers with special pigments, and then pass them off as a blue curiosity. So the flower will begin to turn blue and become a "blue" orchid.

They talk about the lack of naturalness and interference with the color of the flower as something undesirable. Protecting a new variety can come to terms with the fact that the color of the flower is not natural due to its unusualness. Caring for blue orchids. The blue variety will not look much different from other orchids, but you do need to know the basics of caring for these exotic plants. Orchids need a lot of light, however they cannot be exposed to harsh sunlight, they also need to have a lot of fresh air and pretty high humidity about 70%.

Remember, orchids are selfish plants that grow naturally in warm climates, so don't expose them to cold gusts. and their needs.

We may like them because of the unusual coloring. One of the varieties is Wanda Koerulea. It has almost blue flowers.

Painted phalaenopsis is determined by the remnants of the pigment on other parts of the flower

Royal phalaenopsis are subjected to similar manipulations - plants from the Orchid family, originally from South-East Asia with flowers of white, purple or pale pink.

To recognize the "painted phalaenopsis", pay attention to other parts of the plant: there are traces of blue pigment on them, and do not buy a fake.

In addition, they are great and they really smell beautiful. I quickly ran out of space because my vegetative collection was growing rapidly. The Kidodo pool is replete with edges of unrivaled beauty. All window sills are planted with blooming orchids. From the idea of ​​creating such a show garden? It was created primarily for customers, before making a purchase, to think about what kind of garden they want in general. What you need?

Rabat with chrysanthemums becomes a decoration of the garden only in autumn. That's why it's worth planting crocuses that bloom much earlier in the garden. In the photo above: Autumn rabbit with chrysanthemums autumn autumn. The magical color of power. Do you like blue and maybe red the most?

Only in 2011 did real blue phalaenopsis appear - Phalaenopsis Royal Blue, which are grown in Florida and Holland. The Dutch company Geest Orchideeën has grown several varieties of phalaenopsis in different shades of blue, with purple and even green hues.

Appearance, flowering and reproduction

Phalaenopsis are epiphytic plants that live on tree branches and feed on aerial roots. The leaves are elongated, belt-like or lanceolate, bright green in color, shiny and fleshy. The leaves are arranged in two rows, like many other orchids. Phalaenopsis have short stems, but peduncle can reach a meter and even one and a half meters.

And all their types and varieties. This is a pan-European trend, which confirms the research. Seasonal Flavors Fragrant peas have a wonderful smell and subtle beauty. It rises to 1-2 m in height, clinging to long legs. The flowers can be white, pink, carmine, purple or blue - they are all very delicate.

Diseases of the blue orchid

Made from noble colors representative nature. Suitable will be: euchari, anthurium and various varieties orchids. A mature and feminine young bride should marry a plump bride, with shapeless forms and rich colors - an English drop or a blush.

These plants do not have any clear flowering schedule, since they live in tropical forests.

Most often flowering occurs in late spring. because this one has more sunlight.

Orchids reproduce vegetatively. To do this, use lateral shoots that extend from the rosette of leaves or from the peduncle. We need to wait for the formation of the first aerial roots on a side shoot - and you can plant it in your own pot.

Plants need light, air, water and mineral salts. Not necessarily, for example, orchids and bromelains in nature are attached to branches or trunks and do not have contact with the soil. With traditional cultivation methods, a small number of pods are placed in the pot.

For many years they have been involved in the production of flowers. Today the famous "Plant Garden" is a famous garden in Warsaw. The most common flowers were the issue of orchids, most of which were bought in stores, that is. Yes, we also have questions about hydrangeas, but about them that are different for orchids.

Blue Phalaenopsis Care

Caring for blue phalaenopsis differs little from caring for other orchids. The main conditions for the well-being of this plant are humidity, good lighting and warm.

Right choice lighting and microclimate guarantee the health of phalaenopsis


Humidity achieved by frequent "washing" of the plant with a spray bottle. Water for such a procedure should not be very cold, preferably if its temperature is 18-20 degrees. To get more light, place the plant in a south, southwest, or southeast window.

So, take a look, Carly Marian, my fellow blogging herbalist, explains below how the blue orchid works. Perhaps this is what happened to you! You know how there is no magic, it's just coloring artificial flower stems and using a paint that does not damage the plant and eliminates time. If you want to convince yourself of the naturalness of the flower, take a close look at the flower stem because you will notice the injection point of the blue solution. In addition, the color of the stem is different, and you can get the first comparison with other plants in the store.

At noon in the summer in clear weather, it is better to shade the plant so that there are no burns. The daytime temperature should be around 20 degrees. If the temperature is more than 25 or less than 15, plant growth slows down, problems with flowering, diseases are possible.

Yes, the stem color of the plant is much darker, a dark brown that knocks out the blue. You can easily tell when a plant has buds because they also look different. The fact is that if you buy blue artificially dyed orchids you will enjoy more than one year, as long as the paint, but then the flowers will turn white as the ink runs out, and finally completely white.

You will find her with gorgeous colors in blue shades of blue, blue purple, black purple, cyclam. However, if you can't fool them because you can barely see that the flower stem is fresh green color, so there is room for ink. In addition, her petals have a certain recognizable pattern. No matter what type of orchid you choose, check the plant name and read the labels.


These plants do not like large temperature drops, the difference between night and day temperatures should not exceed 2-3 degrees (except when the plant needs a “shake”, but more on that below). With strong temperature drops (more than 5 degrees), rot may occur.

Perfectly temperature regime should be the same regardless of the season.

I hope you understood this information correctly! You can beat each recipient with his incomparable beauty and electrifying colors that he displays on flowers that resemble a butterfly that is just opening its wings. Before we show you the top of the most beautiful Phalaenopsis orchids that you can order online quickly, here are our tips for caring for this delicate plant.

Humidity is very important for phalaenopsis orchids, if you feel that the plant is dry, then immediately heat the water to room temperature. We recommend that the roots and soil of the plant dry out completely between waterings. Make the water above the sink so that excess water drains completely.

How to water

Water the orchid once a week, immersing the pot and the bottom hole in the water for 10 minutes. When flowering should be watered more often - 2 times a week. All Orchids do not like hard water, so if possible use melt or rain.

Watering blue phalaenopsis by immersion

Fertilize or not

The plant “eats” a lot of minerals, so top dressing should be done at least 2-3 times a month during the warm season. In autumn, the concentration of fertilizers is reduced by half, and in winter they also reduce the frequency of feeding to 1 time per month. It is important that top dressing is carried out not only on the root system, but also on the leaf.

Orchid in pots for sale, delivered anywhere in Romania, directly from our stores

Do not leave the plant in a window with direct sunlight or in a place where it may occur the greenhouse effect. If the leaves of the plant turn yellow or mottled, the orchid is being exposed to too much a large number Sveta. Orchids come from the most famous orchid growers in Europe and Asia.

Delivery of orchids of the highest quality and sent to the optimal stage of development. Discover our unique selection of potted orchids all year round. Only here you will find the most beautiful varieties blue Vanda, Cattleya, Miltonia, Phalaenopsis, Zygopetal or Dendrobium oranges at unbeatable prices.

Use special fertilizers for orchids.

Salts used for top dressing will accumulate in the substrate. So should be rinsed with warm water 1 time per month.


The aerial roots of orchids can photosynthesize, so a transparent plastic pot is better suited for these plants, if there is no completely transparent one, a white one.

Particular difficulties in growing orchids

Potted orchids are carefully selected by our team to satisfy even the most pressing tastes of orchid enthusiasts. We work with potted orchid growers in the Netherlands and Thailand to bring you the most impressive varieties at the best prices. All orchids in commercial pots are first quality and have flowers and buds.

If something in the natural wild does not exist, it is not easy to enlist it in the creation of artificiality. Such cooperation is necessary in order to grow a flower, it is absolutely necessary to take and paint. But it has been done well and scrupulously in recent decades. We talked about flower importers, biologists and consumers.

The transparent pot is important for orchid photosynthesis

Blue orchid transplant

Transplanted orchids once every 3-4 years, as the substrate is destroyed. Immediately after transplantation, it is recommended to use "Zircon" - a preparation for orchids that promotes the development of the root system.

Is there a blue or blue orchid?

A person always wants to have something that is hard to find, looks unique or doesn't exist at all. The charming chrysanthemum amazingly strikes the spectacular blue orchid rings, attracting eye-catching supermarkets, with rich blue or green-blue rings.

Phalaenopsis flower inspection

Before the winter holidays, we see white, artificial frosts or golden spills, spruces, unusual colored spots. A real plant lover most often becomes sad - who harms a living plant? It seems that if we want something unusual, not in nature, then let's take it artificially. But, on the other hand, representatives of good taste, when they talk about artificial flowers, find their nose. For some, it seems that an artificial animal plant is better than plastic.

The plant is transplanted as follows:

  • Take out together with a lump of substrate from the pot (if not removed, cut the pot);
  • Wash the roots with warm water from the remnants of the substrate;
  • Trim rotten roots, if they are;
  • Place the orchid in a pot and fall asleep with a substrate.

There are many flowers in Lithuania's importing countries, so first of all you wonder if artificially colored flowers are in high demand. We know almost everywhere that this is not the case. However, in the end, the whole firm is introduced a bit. Artificially, the flowers have been stained for a long time, the curvature has been seen with us for a long time, so we saw them much later, and the supply is small. Some artificially dyed unnatural colored flowers are more popular in Vilnius and almost never bought in Kaunas.

While collecting information about painted flowers, we found that the demand for artificial flowers is not much more than artificial flowers. Twice a year we bring two flower containers made of cotton, silk, velvet, latex, rubber. Artificial flowers and trees have been decorating the interiors of restaurants and conference rooms for a long time. Some artificiality can only be understood from very close or even confusing. Not so long ago it was almost impossible, interior designers don't risk being so safe.

Blue orchids are prone to the following diseases:

Tick ​​infestation The spider mite is able to attack leaves and shoots, braiding them with a thin cobweb and causing a part of the living tissue to dry out (the plant is covered with small dry brown areas).
Chervets(small, a few millimeters, an animal that looks like a white caterpillar) Confidor, Mospilan, Biotlin and other means help against them. From folk remedies, a mixture of soapy water and alcohol is effective (a liter of water, 15 grams of soap, 10 ml of alcohol)
Rot Can usually hit roots or stems. Brown spots cover the plant, after which the rotten part dries up and dies. Here the reason is high humidity or the wrong substrate.

Do not water the plant so often, change the substrate. The best substrate is dry pine bark or a special store mix for orchids.

Is an artificial and artificially dyed color, now the norm, we ask the famous Marius Florist Guild. I don't like direct judgment about what is good and what is not. There is culture and pop culture, art and kitsch. For example, a printed zebra rug is neither a coat nor a zebra. However, it exists, as well as artificial leather and fur clothing. Artificial plants have been made from paper or silk for centuries.

A person sometimes wants to be God and create something in his place. It has the right to exist and can be good if it is done with high quality. Folklore songs do something beautiful and some of them tremble because we don't say that folklore is bad. Although they are an attribute of proximity. We burn big spots because we want to save and sometimes an option.

A plant affected by mites is easy to diagnose by characteristic leaf damage.

If it doesn't bloom

Blue orchids do not bloom mainly due to lack of light.. Drafts can also be the cause, which lead to unusual temperature changes for Orchids, a lack of minerals, and elevated temperature.

Artificial snow also helps create the right mood, but it's the easiest way and doesn't require more knowledge, says Marius. He tells us that the desire to enjoy flowers during the off-season led Dutch artists to depict them in paintings. During the Baroque era, huge bouquets were created, and the cost of the paintings depended on the number of flower rings they depicted. It's like selling artificial flowers. Now that technology is advancing and new materials are being developed, it's hard for people to resist the urge to create flowers that are authentic.

First of all, look at which of the factors listed above affect the plant. If this is a lack of light, move the plant to a south window, or use additional lighting (a 100W fluorescent light bulb will do).

Place the light bulb at such a distance that the heat from it is not felt. General daylight hours for an orchid should be about 12 hours so you can't light it all night.

But the florist likes artificial flowers that do not try to "pretend" to be real, but their artistic interpretation. Painted flowers are also an attribute of pop culture and more of commerce, marketing. The exhibits show expensive machines that paint each petal individually, perhaps using them to bring back flowers that are substandard in quality and standards that are substandard. However, my hand does not stick to blooming flowers. The area seems to be developing faster now than new varieties are being developed - flowers appear on the market that are dyed by dipping rings in dyes - they shake hands and there are no dyes on the stem.

Sometimes it is useful for the plant to give a “shake”, allowing the temperature to drop to 15 degrees at night.

With drafts, it is better to move the orchid to another room., with a lack of minerals - use top dressing more often.

Most blue orchids are fake. True blue varieties are grown in the Netherlands by Geest Orchideeën and in the US by Silver Vase Farm. Caring for blue orchids is no different from caring for orchids of the Phalaenopsis genus.

The buyer comes to the store hoping to find a quality product. A variety of orchid colors will surprise even an experienced grower. But some flowers are simply not found in nature, and then it would be logical to ask the seller if he knows how to paint an orchid and if he does not use it in practice. Unnaturally blue colors have not yet been bred in nature. If you look closely at the stem of such a plant, sometimes you can see a kind of bruise from an injection. By such a barbaric method, the plant is given an unnatural color for it. It is enough to imagine that the dye spreads through all the veins of a delicate flower, filling every cell of the plant. This method not only does not make the plant more beautiful (but everyone has different ideas about beauty), but also ruins the health of the flower.

If, nevertheless, such a plant has already been bought, it is important to know how to revive the orchid and try, if not completely, then partially restore the lost health to the flower. First, you need to get the orchid out of the pot and pay attention to its roots. All rotten and dry shoots must be removed. Live orchid roots will be dense and hard to the touch. Young roots are light in color when dry and turn green when wet. Old roots have a light brown tint. rotten roots will always be brown (light to dark) and hollow or slimy to the touch. When you click on such a process, water will flow and a semblance of a thread will become bare. Circumcised places must be disinfected with activated charcoal (crushed tablets) or cinnamon. If the exact cause of rotting of the root system is not established, then in without fail it will be necessary to soak the bottom of the plant (the place where the roots used to grow) for 10-15 minutes in a fungicide or foundationazole, not forgetting to reduce their dosage by about half. Finally, the plant is treated with growth regulators. They are presented in sufficient quantities in a store where a novice gardener will be helped to pick them up. Now, it is known how to treat an orchid if there are problems with the root system of the plant.

If the plant is saved and shoots have appeared, it is important to know in advance how to plant orchid babies. Usually, it is accepted to plant children when their root length reaches about 5 cm. Until this time, flower growers plant such a process in a glass with bark, without cutting it off from the main plant. When the plant has grown and been cut off, a fresh cut is dried for 2 hours, then its roots are placed in a warm saucer for about half an hour. Next, the roots go deep into a transparent pot and fall asleep with bark as much as possible, but so that the growth point and stem are not in the bark. Important! All fresh cuts must be treated with crushed charcoal to prevent infection. Now, a novice florist knows not only how to feed an orchid, but also how to choose it, avoiding the barbaric treatment of flowers. It is important to remember that we are all part of nature and the task of man is to protect and lovingly accept her gifts.

An incredible palette of colors will satisfy the most sophisticated preferences, and the plant will fit into any interior.

Cultivation has long become a kind of hobby. Lovers of these exotic plants often think about what an unusual item you can buy in your collection.

In the difficult search for original and unique items, it is very easy to fall into the trap of cunning sellers. Due to ignorance of what colors orchids come in, you can accidentally purchase a flower dyed artificially.

Nature itself has taken care of the variety of colors of orchids.

orchid colors


Every year more and more new varieties of orchids appear in nature. However, in order not to get into trouble when buying a new pet, you should know them. primary natural colors


New colors of orchid flowers are produced in the following ways:

  • injection using ink;
  • watering with colored water.

Experts claim that both methods provide Negative influence per plant. This is especially true for the second option, since when watering with colored concentrated water, the plant is very likely to simply die due to poisoning with chemical elements.

When you enter a flower shop, your eyes run wide from the variety of varieties presented. What colors you will not meet, often such colors do not even exist in nature, but only experienced flower growers know this.

Bright, for example, does not exist in nature. And if such an instance flaunts on the store counter, then, most likely, this is a clear result of staining, and not a selectively bred variety.

How to paint an orchid at home?

The choice of coloring agent

If the decision to become the owner is unshakable, experts recommend the plant on their own. Unscrupulous sellers often use ordinary ink, after which the plant simply will not survive.

For coloring flowers specialized paints are used. Another more or less safe way is to use food coloring.

Execution technique

You should start the staining procedure with the choice of an orchid. In order for the color to meet expectations, it is recommended to take a plant with white inflorescences.

For coloring, it is better to choose white orchids.

There are two methods for painting orchids:

  • through watering;
  • through injections.

Florists prefer the watering method because it is considered more gentle. However, the effect of such staining is of poor quality. Together with the flowers, the petals are also painted, which makes the plant seem artificial, and color does not last long. As soon as watering with blue solution is completed, the plant will quickly return to its previous color.

How the irrigation method works:

  • you should mix the purchased paint with water;

IMPORTANT! The more paint, the brighter color and more dangerous solution for the health of the flower.

  • water the flower with the resulting solution in the standard watering mode.

Voila - unique blue color OK will show off on the windowsill.

Second staining method injection, flower growers do not recommend using, since it has a detrimental effect on the state of the plant, but is more efficient.

If, nevertheless, the choice fell on this method, then preference should be given to careful methods of introducing the dye in order to cause the least harm to the plant. Usually the dye is injected into the peduncle, stem or root.

The most dangerous method, which both weakens the plant and leaves external defects - injecting dye into the root or stems. It is virtually impossible to save such a plant after flowering.

The situation is different if the dye was introduced into the peduncle. You can save a flower by simply cutting off the damaged area and transplanting.

The coloring process is simple:

  • dissolve the dye in water;
  • fill the syringe with the resulting solution;
  • carefully inject into the selected area.


Not every plant will painlessly endure such aggressive outside interference as staining. An orchid is a capricious and whimsical plant, and even the slightest changes in care often lead to serious consequences. A painted orchid requires even more attention and care.

When stained, both the leaves and the roots of the plant suffer.

Often, after the procedure, the orchid begins to hurt. Do not forget that coloring does not change genetic code, this is only a temporary measure. It is better to try to find such types of orchids, the natural color of which will be as close as possible to the desired one.

For example, if the soul asks for a blue orchid, you should pay attention to some, the natural color of which has a blue tint. Finding such plants is difficult, but possible. After all, it is more pleasant when the natural “outfit” of flowers pleases the eye.

IMPORTANT! If, after staining, the plant stops blooming or blooms with white buds, you should not try to resort to staining again.

Features of care

The state of the plant is primarily affected by a competent ratio between and lighting.

For a complete natural light fit windows facing west. This accommodation option is perfect for both summer and winter.

The south side is also great for winter, but north and east windows - an unfortunate option. For a painted orchid, maximum natural light should be provided.

The frequency of the flower directly depends on the lighting. The brighter the light, the more water the flower needs. Experts recommend with enough light painted orchid once a week.

In sunny weather, the flower will need watering more than ever; in cloudy weather, the orchid will no longer absorb moisture. To determine the dryness of the soil, use the usual wooden stick. The water pressure should be weak and scattered.

IMPORTANT! If after staining the root system remained healthy, then further care is no different from before. If the buds have fallen off, remove the damaged arrow.

plant after painting, another stress for an orchid can be fatal. In addition to transplanting, there are no other restrictions, the care requirements must be observed exactly the same as for a normal, healthy flower. However, you need to closely monitor the condition of your pet and quickly respond to any changes.

If after purchase- the plant did not tolerate the resulting stress. In this case should take care of the speedy flower.

If, after painting, the buds fall off the orchid, it must be urgently resuscitated.

Symptoms of a painful reaction, methods of treatment

If the negative effect of dyes has made itself felt, orchid rescue procedures should begin:

  1. Without fail, cut off the peduncle, it is in it that aggressive dyes are concentrated;
  2. Get rid of rotten parts of the root system and rinse it with warm water;
  3. Treat the resulting sections with charcoal and dry;
  4. transplant a flower into new ground, use fresh .

Experts recommend refusing to repeat the procedure, the next exposure to chemicals may be the last for a pet. It is better to do everything to reanimate the plant damaged by paint and the orchid will thank you with new snow-white inflorescences.

Useful videos

Watch a video on how to change the color of an orchid at home:

The second part of the video about changing the color:

You will learn about the consequences of staining orchids from the video below:

The following video talks about the resuscitation of a painted orchid:

In contact with

The blue orchid attracts attention at first sight, causing an irresistible desire to buy this exotic miracle. But not every buyer knows that her unusual beauty is extremely short-lived, and the next flowering will no longer please with an unusual shade.

Unfortunately, we have to disappoint you: vivo orchids simply lack the gene responsible for the blue pigment. Therefore, there is no need to doubt whether you have a blue orchid painted or not. Definitely dyed. True, such a statement is true only for phalaenopsis.
By choosing a vanda flower, you will be able to enjoy your favorite color, but such a culture also requires more careful care. You can choose a less whimsical option - cattleya, characterized by a variety of colors and large flowers.

And yet, natural shades are far inferior in brightness to the rich indigo that painted orchids flaunt.

Video "Basic principles of proper orchid care"

From this video you will learn how to properly care for an orchid at home.

How to achieve the desired color

Most flower growers do not hide the fact that the shade of the flower was obtained artificially, but they try to keep the coloring technology a secret. But upon closer examination of the plant, this mystery is easy to unravel: at the base of the peduncle, you can see the injection site of the dye, which changes the color of future buds even before they bloom.

The high cost of blue orchids is due to the fact that not all plants survive after such injections: many of them die, reacting poorly to third-party intervention.

When purchasing such a plant, carefully study the label, and be prepared for the fact that the next peduncle will give you ordinary white flowers in order to avoid bitter disappointments. But snow-white orchids are incredibly beautiful, aren't they?

Difficulties of growing

So, we remember that next time we can count on bluish flowers at best, and even on completely snow-white ones. But if we want to keep the already stressed plant healthy, it will have to be carefully looked after.

When the last blue flower has withered, remove the colored peduncle, and let the orchid rest a little in a moderately warm room (with a temperature of +20 ... +22 ° C) with diffused lighting. A resting orchid should be watered regularly, but rarely, focusing on the state of the substrate. The latter should have time to dry completely before the next watering.
We water by immersion, lowering the pot with the plant into a container of water for at least 1 hour. After that, we carefully drain the remaining water so that it does not linger between the roots (otherwise the process of rotting of the root system may begin). For a dormant period, fertilization should be abandoned - the culture should recover on its own after flowering.

As soon as you notice that the orchid looks strong and healthy, and even tries to knock out new leaves, this means that the rest period has come to an end. Now you can gradually add top dressing, and think about re-flowering. We transfer the orchid to a room where there will be a more varied air temperature: about +22 ° C during the day and +18 ° C at night. Such temperature fluctuations stimulate the formation of new buds.

Some prefer to bring the flower to certain time on a glazed loggia to achieve the desired effect. But in this case, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature does not fall below +15 ° C, since such hypothermia is fraught with serious problems for the plant.

Sometimes amateur flower growers are interested in the question of how to paint an orchid blue at home. It would seem that everything is simple: we take an ordinary syringe and blue ink from a color printer, and we introduce orchids into the peduncle, rubbing our hands in anticipation of the appearance of blue buds.

Of course, you can decide on such an experiment, but only if you are tired of your orchid and want to get rid of it. After such an injection, not only the peduncle will die, but with a high degree of probability the whole plant will die. Therefore, you should not risk it, and still buy a blue orchid in a store if you like it so much.

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