How to lock the keyboard on a laptop. Ways to block it

Decor elements 21.10.2019
Decor elements

One of the most important accessories for a personal computer user is the keyboard. It is with the help of it that you can enter the information you need into the computer. Logitech keyboards are currently one of the most popular. They differ good design and reliability. But it often happens that you poured some kind of liquid keyboard. To clean, it must be disassembled.

You will need

  • Screwdriver set, soft cloth, alcohol, cotton swabs.


First of all, study the operation of your keyboard. If you don't have one, then use the manufacturer's website, where you can find a guide to in electronic format. In the manual you will find a diagram of the structure of your keyboard. It will help you to properly complete the disassembly. Prepare the area where you will be dismantling. It is best to lay a soft cloth on the table so as not to scratch or damage the case.

Make sure it is turned off from the computer. If your keyboard is multimedia, then remove the batteries or accumulators from it. Now turn the keyboard upside down. You should be able to see the rubber stoppers that keep the keyboard from slipping and scratching the surface. Carefully remove these plugs. They are attached with an adhesive backing. If it is unusable or you yourself spoiled it, then replace it with a new one. To do this, carefully scrape off the remnants of the old adhesive mass from the surface of the plug. Now carefully stick a small piece of double-sided tape.

Under the plugs you will find small bolts that need to be removed. Try to mark which bolts and where you get them from, so that later you can assemble them in exactly the same order. This is necessary in order not to confuse bolts from different ones, which can vary in width and length. Now turn the keyboard upside down. Between the Caps Lock +/- keys on the secondary keyboard, you will find four more hidden bolts. They should also be turned out.

Now the keyboard case is held only by plastic latches. You need to carefully open them. Remove the back panel. below it you will see several layers. Separate them carefully. The layer with plumes must be carefully cleaned with cotton swabs dipped in alcohol. The remaining layers can be rinsed in water. Do not forget to disconnect the power supplies with the cord, which must not be exposed to moisture in any case. After that, set aside all parts to dry. When they are completely dry, make complete assembly in reverse order.

Lenovo is currently the fourth largest PC maker in the world. The company's arsenal includes desktop PCs, laptops, Cell phones, smartphones, netbooks and even servers, monitors, tablets, video cards. And this is despite such additions to all of the above, such as mice, keyboards, memory modules, optical drives, power supplies, software and accessories, as well as cases, bags for laptops. The breadth of the company's product range is impressive, and the content consumer market Lenovo Electronics requires serious support. Specialized service center Lenovo implements it in many cities, especially in large centers of the country.

Today, there is a fairly common tendency to turn not to specialized service centers, but to little-known "but very understanding" equipment repairmen. When making such a choice, it is worth understanding that the Lenovo service center is directly engaged exclusively in this type of equipment and electronics and one hundred percent knows the intricacies of this particular company. Moreover, the Lenovo service center has the opportunity to quickly cooperate with other specialized companies that supply the necessary original parts for Lenovo equipment.

It is worth noting that most of the gadgets that are produced by this company have a wide range of non-standard and unique parts that can be found in few places. This is a known problem of Lenovo devices, but everything is solved thanks to specialists. Only a Lenovo service center is able to get such necessary parts for a laptop as, for example, a matrix or original backlight lamps. In any case, if you have any problems with the electronics of this company, you should contact the Lenovo service center, and here's why:

1. Only specialists can guarantee the quality of the work performed, with a complete diagnosis and determination of the exact cause of the problem.

2. Exclusively at the Lenovo service center, if necessary, you will be offered to replace a non-working part with an original one. You can get an original part only by specially ordering it somewhere in advance, or from another phone, but in the center it comes directly in the shortest possible time.

3. Lenovo service centers carry out maintenance of all company equipment, as they have selected and trained specialists directly to service Lenovo.

4. After the purchase of a particular Lenovo gadget, the buyer acquires a warranty card or receipt, with which you can get free service. This service is provided exclusively at the Lenovo service center. This right is lost if the device has already been opened before the service specialist.

5. Maintenance of any Lenovo products can take place in any of the services after the end of the warranty period.

On the Lenovo Service Center website, you can verify the list of gadgets that need to be repaired, as well as see pricing policy(if the repair is not under warranty) and the location of the nearest service department. Among them you will see repair services for tablets, laptops, netbooks, monoblocks on low prices. Masters who perform repair work, carry out not only the replacement of parts, but also carefully understand the essence of the problem, doing everything possible to prevent a recurrence of the incident.

In the Lenovo service center you will be offered a wide range of services for repair and determination of the cause of the breakdown:

testing the entire system for breakdowns, the correct operation of all functions;
gadget diagnostics, including work internal systems, heating, the work of each part, which contributes exact definition the causes of the breakdown, and also prevents new breakdowns of the device;
replacement of parts, including the matrix of an electronic device. The size of its diagonal is not important, since the Lenovo service center works directly with the company's suppliers;

repair of the matrix and other elements of equipment. Masters undertake repairs only after a thorough investigation and diagnosis of the problem, when the cause is discovered, and the repair solution becomes obvious to them;
complex repair of the entire device, which may be necessary in case of major breakdowns, for example, after the gadget falls from a great height, etc.

Repair of individual parts, not to mention a comprehensive repair, requires the intervention of a true professional, and given the originality and originality of some of the company's electronics designs, only a Lenovo service center can perform this work with high quality. In his daily work craftsmen regularly use high-class repair equipment, which allows them to perform the most delicate tasks. Among these working tools, mention should be made of:

specialized digital microscopes that allow for accurate diagnosis;
soldering stations class BGA;

necessary for the implementation of a complete repair and diagnostics of the hardware-software complex.
Moreover, each Lenovo service center also offers simpler services, for example, qualified advice to customers who wish to purchase electronics and equipment from this manufacturer. The specialists in the center have experience working with many devices, as well as deep knowledge in each of them, so consultations on the correct operation, use of individual device functions, etc. are also provided directly by Lenovo service centers. Among other proposals, there is also a change, an update software for laptops, netbooks or desktop PCs.

Thus, the decision to use the services of the Lenovo service center is the most correct one if your gadget has begun to work incorrectly, or if specific functions are not recalled, as well as in the event of absolutely any problems or questions in the field of technology and electronic technologies from Lenovo.

People who have children in the family or have a cat at home must have come across such a situation when a fluffy pet caresses and climbs onto the keyboard to warm up. And for some reason, children are constantly attracted to these tempting buttons. How can you not be interested when you press the keys, and various “pictures” pop up on the monitor. It's good if the child just opens some document or application, but what happens if he deletes some important files? How many experiences, nerves and problems can arise because of this? To protect yourself and your computer from unwanted manipulations, you should think about such a function as a keyboard lock.

How to lock the keyboard using hot keys?

Usually, if the computer has Account, then when it starts, a window will appear asking for a password to log in to the system. You can always return to this window when working with files, browsing the Internet, or performing any other actions. To do this, you need to use the key combination Win + L. Of course, in order to return the computer to working condition again, you will have to enter a password, but this method will help not only lock the keyboard, but also hide what is happening on the monitor from prying eyes. Of course, the password should be chosen according to security rules - at least 6 characters so that it cannot be picked up by accidental keystrokes. In this case, the child will pick the keys rather than gain access to your files. Locking the keyboard on a laptop while working on the Internet is possible when switching to full screen mode. To do this, press the keys Fn + F11 or Fn + the key with the image of the lock. You can return to normal mode by applying the same combination.

Keyboard lock using special programs

You can lock the keyboard on your computer using special programs. One of them is TodlerKeys. It is convenient in that when it is launched, only the keyboard is locked, and you can continue to use the mouse. Installation of this program does not require financial costs which means it's completely free. If the need for this program has disappeared, then it can simply be disabled. Another program of this type is TypetoEasy 2.0. It is also completely free. Installing these applications will take very little time. To do this, you need to download the program, find it in the folder with the downloaded files and click on its icon with the mouse. After that, the installation will begin, the user just needs to follow the installation instructions. After installing a particular program, as a rule, you need to restart your computer. In order to turn on the computer keyboard lock, you must run the program, while the mouse will continue to work. A program called Keyboard Locker also provides parental control, blocking not only the keyboard, but also the computer mouse.

Additional Information

It should be noted that all these programs, as mentioned above, have one significant plus - they are all completely free. In addition, their installation is simple and does not require any special skills. If, during installation, the application asks you to activate some code or send a paid SMS for activation, then you should not continue the installation. Most likely, this is a virus program that scammers use to pull Money. It can harm your computer. There is also a way to disable the keyboard until the next system startup. To do this, follow a series of actions: [Start menu - "Programs" - "Accessories"]. There will be a command line in which you need to enter the command "rundll32 keyboard, disable" (enter without quotes). After this action, the keyboard lock will start, which will last until the system starts again.

In this article, we will help you disable the built-in keyboard on a laptop. This is usually necessary if a key is stuck, or if you need to connect a separate keyboard, or if your keyboard is faulty and needs to be replaced.

Temporarily disable the keyboard

For a one-time shutdown, you need to open the command line in the "Start" and enter the command " rundll32 keyboard, disable". Everything is pretty simple.

Using third party software

Probably the most in a simple way is to install applications to disable the keyboard. Such an application is "Toddler Keys". This software works great on all versions of Windows and is easy to use.. A minimum knowledge of English is sufficient. The choice of the keyboard lock option depends on the degree of knowledge of the person. It’s easier for someone to spin up the laptop and turn it off manually, while for someone it’s easier programmatically. In any case, there are many versions and if something does not work out, you still have a plan "B".

Disabling the keyboard for later replacement

We will consider ways to disable the keyboard specifically for its manual replacement, since this is a more complicated operation than just turning it off.

Disabling the keyboard in Windows

First you need to disable the keyboard in the system and make the laptop forget it. This method is only suitable for Windows 7 version. For other versions, you will need to install the group policy editor gpedit.msc. It is quite easy to find it on the Internet, so we will not dwell on it.

To lock the keyboard indefinitely:

  1. Go to "Control Panel"
  2. Find "Device Manager"
  3. There, find "Keyboards"
  4. Select "Standard Keyboard"
  5. Right click select "Properties"
  6. Open "Information"
  7. Find the “Hardware ID” and copy this value.

In the window that opens, follow:

  1. Local Computer Policy
  2. Computer configuration
  3. Go to "Administrative Templates"
  4. Go to "System"
  5. Click on "Install Devices"
  6. Select "Device Installation Restrictions"
  7. In the "Prohibit the installation of devices with the specified device codes" right-click and select "Change".
  8. Switch to "Enable".
  9. Click the "Show" button and in the pop-up window paste the previously copied "ID of the built-in keyboard", then click OK.
  10. Check the box next to "Also apply to qualifying devices that have already been installed." and OK.
  11. In the device manager, delete the old and no longer needed keyboard.

Reboot and enjoy the work done. Already without a keyboard.

Then it naturally needs to be "taken out".

Physical disabling of the keyboard

The built-in laptop keyboard is usually connected to the motherboard with cables. And if you decide to turn it off at this level, then be prepared to disassemble the "laptop". Each device has its own architecture and therefore the cable will be located in different places.

First you need to remove the back cover. Carefully inspect and try to identify this plume. If you cannot find it, then download the scheme on the Internet or on the official website of the manufacturer..

You should work carefully, because even a small damage or scratch on the motherboard can damage the performance of the laptop as a whole.

Since in the future you will have to connect it back, the advice is to remember the location of the cable connector. For convenience, you can take a picture with your phone or digital camera. With a successful shutdown, do not forget to assemble the laptop in reverse order. It is advisable to entrust such work to a specialist service center.

The article describes how to unlock a laptop and laptop keyboard.

For some users, the keyboard on the laptop is sometimes blocked and turned off, which for a beginner can be a bit of a problem. The laptop keyboard can be blocked, for example, if you accidentally press any key combination. Usually this combination of Win and some other key (combinations may be different for individual laptop models).

In this review, we will talk about how to unlock / lock the laptop keyboard.

How to unlock a laptop keyboard?

If you have suddenly blocked the built-in keyboard on your laptop, then explore several options for solving this problem:

  • One of the most common mistakes that users of laptops with shortened keyboards can make is pressing a combination of two keys: fn and Num Lock. This action turns on the numeric keypad, but turns off the set of other characters, in particular letters. You need to use this combination again so that the keyboard layout switches to the standard mode.
  • If the keyboard on the laptop is really completely blocked, then, depending on the model of your laptop, resort to some key combination (this combination should be indicated in the instructions for your laptop): Win+(F1-F12), fn+Pause, fn+F7, fn+F12.
  • If you do not have instructions for your laptop, and you cannot find out the key combinations you need to unlock the keyboard, then go to the official website of the company that released your laptop. Download the instructions there, or contact the technical support of the site, indicating the model of the laptop and the nature of the problem.
  • When the touchpad (touchpad) on the laptop keyboard is locked, press at the same time fn and F7.
  • If you use the key to unlock or lock fn in combination with others, then it will be important for you to pay attention to the characters drawn on these keys. As a rule, these characters are placed in square brackets so that the user can immediately find them on the keyboard. But it is best to use the instructions for using your particular laptop model and its keyboard, since the assignment of the keys may be different for different laptops.

How to set a lock on a laptop keyboard?

As noted above, laptops come in different models, and today you can buy a mobile computer for every taste. Each laptop may have its own advantages, but it also has its own user manual. So, for example, for each model, a separate command is assigned to lock the keyboard.

Users also need to block the laptop keyboard for various reasons: children click keys, computer game requires the use of only the numeric keypad, the keyboard is not fixed and needs to be disabled. Consider several options for locking the keyboard on a laptop:

  • The first one is the simplest and fast way– use of a combination of keys. You can turn on the laptop keyboard lock, for example, by simultaneously pressing Win and L. Put a lock on the panel with a letter set using the keys fn and Num Lock, as mentioned above. Another keyboard shortcut is fn and F6/F11 depending on laptop model. In general, in this case you can also be advised to study the instructions for your laptop so that you do not have to act at random.

The built-in keyboard on a laptop is blocked and turned off how to unlock and turn it on

  • The second way to ensure that the laptop keyboard is locked is to simply physically disable it. This, of course, will be a little more difficult than in the first case, but even an inexperienced user can handle it here. The keyboard is connected to the laptop with a cable. To disconnect this cable from the motherboard, you need to carefully open the laptop case.
  • The third way to lock (and also unlock) the laptop keyboard is to use third-party programs. The method, of course, is less convenient than the first of the above, but much simpler than the second. There can be many programs for locking a laptop keyboard, but we will recommend one such as " Toddler Keys". You can download it from this link. Using the program is quite simple, below we give instructions.

The built-in keyboard on a laptop is blocked and turned off how to unlock and turn it on

Download and install on laptop Toddler Keys” as a normal program. You don’t have to take additional actions, the program is sharpened to work with any version of “ Windows on both laptops and personal computers. After installation, run it, in the tray (right side of the taskbar) you will see the program icon. Right-click on this icon and then in the menu that opens, click on " Lock Keyboard". That's all - the laptop keyboard will be turned off.

The built-in keyboard on a laptop is blocked and turned off how to unlock and turn it on

The keyboard is an essential part of a laptop as long as it functions flawlessly. As soon as problems arise with it, the user begins to worry about the question of how to disable the keyboard on a laptop. If you're experiencing software glitches with your input device, disabling it may be a workaround. If there are hardware defects in the laptop keyboard, it may need to be disabled permanently, for example, if it has become malfunctioning after being exposed to water, or if it lacks a number of keys that cannot be replaced.

How to temporarily disable the keyboard on a laptop

If you need to turn off the laptop keyboard for a while, there are two ways to act: using the built-in Windows features or third-party applications. The first option is preferable because it does not require downloading special utilities from the Internet, that is, it reduces the risk of a computer becoming infected with a virus. In this case, the second option is more convenient if you have to turn on / off the keyboard on a laptop several times a day.

Disabling the keyboard via command line

To disable the keyboard on a laptop using Windows, you will need to use the command line. For this:

  1. Run;
  2. Write the command in it: rundll32 keyboard, disable

  1. When the command is written, press Enter.

After such a simple manipulation, the keyboard on the laptop will stop working. You can also enable it via command line, using the command rundll32 keyboard, enable.

Disabling the keyboard by third-party applications

There are a lot of programs that allow you to easily disable the keyboard. It makes no sense to talk about them all, since the functionality and principle of operation of such applications are similar. Consider an example of disabling the keyboard using the Toddler Keys application:

Please note: When installing the application, we recommend unchecking the "Lock Drive Doors" and "Disable Power Button" items. The checkboxes in these items are set automatically during the installation of the program, and they block the drive and the computer on / off button.

To unlock the keyboard after it has been locked by the Toddler Keys app, you need to uncheck the "Lock Keyboard" checkbox.

How to permanently disable the keyboard on a laptop

If the laptop keyboard has defects that do not allow you to continue using it, you can completely disable it physically or programmatically. The first option is more difficult, it involves removing the back cover of the laptop and disconnecting the keyboard cable. It is much easier to permanently disable the laptop keyboard if you use the Windows Group Policy Editor.

Please note: The Windows Group Policy Editor is available on professional versions of the operating system, as well as on Windows 7 by default. The base versions of Windows 8 and Windows 10 do not have this functionality, and you will need to install the Group Policy Editor first.

To disable the keyboard on a laptop permanently you will need:

After completing all the steps above, the computer must be restarted so that the laptop keyboard turns off until the next Windows reinstall.

Basically, the keyboard matches the laptop model, which consists of a combination of letters and numbers next to the series and manufacturer's name on the case, in and in the instructions for use. There, in the instructions, you can also find answers to questions about how to turn the keyboard on or off on a laptop, how to get help in primary diagnostics, and other points on working with office equipment. There are exceptions when the model can only be determined using the HP Support Assistant program, located on the official website. One of the modern developments in the field is an upgraded laptop model, which offers a numeric keypad as an alternative to a mobile computer. Sleek and compact "soft" laptop expands the range of user options: if necessary, the keyboard can be removed under the screen and convert the concept into a tablet.

Variety of modern keyboard

In addition to digital, quite a few have been released lately a large number of redesigned keyboards designed for simplicity and ease of use. These include such types of keypads as flexible, with illuminated letters and organizer. A soft keyboard is a special type that is quite common today in the operation of office equipment. First of all, its advantages include, of course, ease of transportation and maintenance. Among other things, it is also a whole collection of 3 in 1, which also performs the functions of an Internet phone and a USB hub. Another great retrofit idea is a backlit keyboard. Today, such devices have a different design, functionality and layout. Over the years, similar models have been used maximum amount users. But there are times when the backlight just gets in the way, and it is turned off. The instructions describe all the steps: how to turn it off and how to turn it on. A keyboard on a backlit laptop is best purchased for those who work at night, in addition to good visibility, working with such keys is also almost silent.

How to turn on the keyboard on a laptop?

In different laptop models, the “on and off” key combinations differ, and are regulated by the BIOS or the manufacturer's proprietary program that is loaded with the system. For beginners who use the digital concept for the first time, there is often a problem and the question that follows from it: “How do I turn on the keyboard on a laptop?” This topic is given sufficient space in the instructions and a step-by-step explanation is given. One of standard options is to use the "Num Lock" key, which is located in the upper left position of the keyboard. But there are models in which the mentioned key is absent, usually this applies to portable computers, in which a separate group of numeric keys is not provided at all. In this case, you should check the functionality of the Fn + F11 key combination; on the keyboard, these buttons usually belong to the main group and are combined with letters. Also, to turn on, instead of "F11", another button of the functional row can be used.

For the case when the right way turning on the keyboard does not help, you should use the third non-standard method - using the on-screen keyboard. This program, which is a standard Windows application, is called on the monitor from the main menu. Having opened it, enter the "All programs" section, in which go to the "Standard" subsection and to the "Accessibility" section, and there already select the "On-Screen Keyboard". It can be activated without using the main menu, but by simultaneously pressing the "Win and r" keys and entering the "osk" command and the "Enter" key, and in the interface that appears, find the "nlk" button and click it with the mouse.

Sometimes a seemingly irreparable problem can occur when the control on a laptop computer simply stops working. The question immediately arises as to why the laptop keyboard does not work. There can be many reasons for this, for example, when you just recently bought a portable device, and after unpacking, you found out that the control does not work. In fact, there is no need to worry, since the issue can be resolved without opening the case. Moreover, if you are a simple user, this is not recommended, otherwise the device may have to be sent to a service center for repair. Today we will give several options with which you can learn how to turn on the keyboard on a laptop. But if this is really a technical malfunction, then none of the methods will help you. We will also talk about how to turn on the numeric keypad on a portable PC, of ​​course, if it is present on your device. Sometimes it may happen that the main part of the control works, but the numeric keypad does not.


In most cases, the backlight of the keyboard on a laptop does not work due to pressing the keys, precisely those with which the shutdown is performed. In order for the element of interest to us to work again as before, you will need to press the appropriate buttons, but the shutdown can occur without your knowledge. For example, when a child used a computer, and you simply do not have the opportunity to know what he pressed, then you need to know how to turn on the keyboard on a laptop.


Let's get straight to the issue. We will immediately give the easiest way by which you can quickly bring the device to working condition. Every laptop has a dedicated Fn button that is used in conjunction with other keys from F1 to F12. You need to look at all these elements, you can notice small images on them. If you find the keyboard icon, that's already very good. To turn it on, you should first press the Fn button along with the key that shows the PC control panel. If your laptop does not support backlighting, then the combination of these keys will be responsible for turning the buttons on and off. As we wrote earlier, not all devices may have a special function to enable or disable control, and accordingly, this method is not always suitable.

And it also happens...

Now let's look at the second solution to the problem. You should pay attention to whether there are drivers for the keyboard. In some cases, system files can be corrupted by antivirus, incorrectly installed, or accidentally deleted with my own hands. Do not worry, as it will not be difficult to solve this problem. Before installing new software packages, you will need to download them. Or you can mount them from disk. If you search for keyboard drivers on the Internet, then we recommend that you immediately visit the official website of the manufacturer of your device, since only there you can find the really necessary kit for it, while it will be updated to the latest version.


If the question of how to enable the keyboard on a laptop is still not resolved, then you should look for the corresponding items in the BIOS. Of course, if you are a simple user, you simply won’t be able to configure the parameters yourself, therefore, when other solutions did not help you, you should contact a specialist or technical service. If you need to learn how to switch the keyboard on a laptop, remember that everything will depend on the installed on the device operating system. In Windows 7, you can change the keyboard layout using the keyboard shortcuts Alt + Shift, and for XP this combination will be Ctrl + Shift. If you have a number pad and you should turn it on, then we'll walk you through how to do it.


The element of interest to us is located in the same place as on a personal computer, or rather it is right part. This field contains numbers and the most basic symbols. To enable control, you must press the NumLock key, on some laptop models its name may be abbreviated - numlk. This button is located above all numbers. If you notice that the indicator is off, then the function is turned off, and after pressing the inscription should light up, and then the digital part will start working. If there is no such key, but you still need to find out how to turn on the keyboard on the laptop on the right side, then you should try the Fn + F combination. The solution does not always help, so if the issue has not been resolved, then it is advisable to look for the button that answers for the digital part.

If you accidentally locked the built-in device, or the buttons became unresponsive as a result of an error, then in order to troubleshoot the problem, you need to know how to enable the keyboard on a laptop.


Judging by the forums, most often the spontaneous shutdown of the keyboard occurs after a little cleaning. We wiped the laptop with a cloth - the buttons stopped working. If the rag was not wet, and liquid did not get inside the case, then such a problem can be eliminated quickly enough. Most likely, you accidentally pressed a keyboard shortcut that disables the built-in input device.

On some laptops, to turn the keyboard on / off, use the combination of the Fn function button and one of the keys in the F1-F12 row - for example, Fn + F1. To understand which key you need, take a close look at the icons. Look for a button with a lock, if you press it together with Fn, the keyboard will lock.

If you need to enable only the block with the numbers on the right, press Num Lock or the Fn + Num Lock combination. If these combinations do not help, look for the desired combination in the instructions for the laptop.

Checking Drivers

The operation of the built-in keyboard does not require the installation of special software, but if the input device is not responding, you should look at how it is defined in the device manager:

You can try installing a hotkey utility on your laptop (downloaded from the laptop manufacturer's website). Perhaps the lack of such a utility prevents you from unlocking the buttons using a combination with the Fn key.

Lifting the ban

The keyboard on a laptop can be disabled intentionally. To make sure there is no ban, check the Group Policy Editor:

If you have checked all the software methods, but did not understand how to enable the keyboard on a laptop, then pay attention to physical state laptop.

Hardware failure

If water gets on the keyboard, or the laptop is subjected to mechanical stress, then you should contact the service. But you can try to determine the degree of damage to the laptop yourself. See if the USB ports are working, connector for network cable and touchpad. If these components are also idle, then the cause of the problem is the failure of the south bridge of the motherboard.

If one keyboard does not work, try to disassemble the laptop yourself (provided that the warranty has already expired) and check the cable. Before opening the case, it is recommended that you read the disassembly guide for your model so as not to damage fragile components.

On many laptops, the keyboard rests on latches recessed into the case. You can pry them out with a screwdriver. You should start from the left side. Pry up the edge of the keyboard with a screwdriver, pry the canvas with a needle, or gently pull the Esc key.

Clean the contacts, and then put the cable back in place, securing it securely with the latch. If the keyboard or cable is damaged, you can change them yourself.

We recommend reading
