Sewing the books of the refrigerator do it yourself. Manufacturing bag-refrigerator with their own hands, step-by-step instructions

Arrangement of the site 04.03.2020

Each of us heard the phrases "Thermosum", "Refrigerator Bag". But for many, such a device seems unnecessary, and some it just does not afford. Today, MirSovets will tell you how quickly and almost free to make a refrigerator bag and how can it be used.

Buy or not?

On the eve of the summer season, I was conceived with my husband to acquire a refrigerator bag. Amateurs we are a wild rest on lakes with tents, and for such a holiday, a refrigerator bag thing is irreplaceable.

At first they wanted to buy a refrigerator for the car, but then changed his mind. On the forums, many negative reviews of owners of such refrigerators read - he is too cumbersome, half a car takes, and inside, on the contrary, small, nothing is placed. In general, refused this venture.

Began to choose in online stores thermosum. Also, pleasure is not from cheap, and for the bag of the sizes we need would have to put hryvnia 500, plus the cold batteries. And, in fact, the thermosum is the usual bag with the insulator who is engaged in the insulation, which the cold does not produce, and does not miss the heat outside. My husband in my education is an engineer explained to me the essence of the idea. And we started experimenting - to make a refrigerator bag from undergraded means, and then paint it during the closures on the nature of the weekend.

Refrigerator bag (thermo) do it yourself

To begin with, they went to the market and acquired insulation. The choice stopped on foamed polyethylene, plated foil. He looks like this:

Sold in all building stores. Usually glue it under the battery, foil inside the room. And in the heating season, such a simple fitting saves 30% of heat, which usually goes into the environment. There is a trafficious meter of this material from 8 to 15 hryvnia (the price depends on the thickness of the polyethylene itself, we bought the fattest - 10 mm). His width is 1.5 meters. Enough what is called, with head.

We needed scotch (the wider, the better). Well, in fact, the bag that we conceived to turn into the refrigerator. In principle, you can take a bag of any sizes - proceed from your needs.

The process of "transformation" took from the strength of 20 minutes. At first they were filled out of the insulation of such a "cross".

If you in childhood glued boxes, I think they guessed what. The central square is the bottom of the bags, the side - the walls, and the rest will be the lid. Foil must be inside the bag.

When you cut, note that after gluing the box you will need to insert into the bag, so make patterns of centimeters by 5-7 less than the real size of the bag. We initially chose a blue bag with a width of 70 cm, but, running forward, I will say that the outlet "refrigerator" does not fit into it, but perfectly approached the black meter sports bag of her husband.

Now with the help of the Scotch, connect the sidewalls, gluing and outside, and inside. Cland high quality, do not spare scotch. The walls should fit tightly to each other, and otherwise the thermo effect you will not achieve.

Initially, we cried the lid of the bag is sololy, but the insulation is badly beaten, so it was necessary to cut it off and glue with scotch. So it became more comfortable.

Now about where, actually, the waste of the insulation. The remaining four pieces we decided to glue the sidewalls in the joints of the joints: they beat each square in half at 90 degrees and recorded Scotchić (foil inside!). After that, the bag turned out to be double, and therefore thermal insulation improved.

The resulting design is placed in a bag.

We have a box of insulation entered the density. If he suddenly remains, I recommend the readers of MirSovetov to fill it with foam rubber or flap of an old cotton blanket. So the insulation itself does not break, and not the necessary heat outside will not fit. In general, insulate, feel free to.

That's all, the refrigerator bag is ready.

It remains to make cold batteries. Plastic bottles made in the role of batteries. If the bag is small, take half-liter, if more, then liter. Now fill the bottles with a strong solution of the cooking salt (per liter of water - 6 tablespoons of salt) and freeze. It is possible to fill the brine with salt solution and freeze them too.

Nuances use

From personal experience I will say that:

cold batteries should be located every 10-15 cm, only so products are not heated for a long time. And if, to keep frozen food or drinks in the heating, they will begin to disappear no earlier than after 12 hours;
each product that you put in a bag, wrap in paper or newspaper - Paper will add a thermal insulation effect;
all products fold tightly, try so that there is no free space in the bag;
before you close the bag with a thermal, cover the products with paper, and then several towels. After that, close the cap from the insulation tightly, and then the lid of the bag itself;
try not to discover the bag, do not release the cold.

Such a bag keeps cold to 24 hours. The first time we were lucky in her some food and cold drinks. After 12 o'clock, the drinks were still cool, and after 8 months began to warm. At the same time, even perishable products (eggs, cheese, ham) after 20 hours did not deteriorate.
But we opened the optimal boot method in the second trip. We drove for two days, the air temperature is about 40 degrees with a plus. Products (strongly cooled) shifted by the same highly cooled drinks and frozen batteries. The heights laid out over, under the lid. The bag lay in the car (I also wrapped it into the blanket) and more than 30 hours the food was cool!
In general, the result is very satisfied. I do not know how many hours keep a branded refrigerator bag, but our "homemade" surpassed all expectations.

And recently made the thermo package. The rectangle was bent out of the insulation and glued a scotchball on the sides. It has frozen fruits with giving home (as a cold battery - heater). Four hours of the road in the heat, and the fruits do not even fall.

Maybe you will use the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a desired invention. Use on health! And if you think about how to strengthen thermal insulation and extend the effect of the bag - write in feedback.

Read 8 min. Views 246.

The problem of preservation of perishable products successfully solves the refrigerator. With all the obvious advantages of this method, it has a significant drawback - the device is deprived of mobility. This inconvenience will help to eliminate the refrigerator bag with their own hands the simplest design. If necessary, it can be used as a thermos. Make such a container from affordable materials is quite simple. At any time of the year, the product will be a useful device during the long-lasting reference from the city.

What is myself

The usual look at the bag made of two layers of nylon tissue inside is laid out with a thermal insulator - foamed polyurethane or polyethylene. Pre-frozen foods are used as cold batteries. A simple concept gives the desired effect. Such a portable refrigerator will be useful and not burdensome:

  • when working on remote objects, where there are no conditions for the preparation of hot nutrition;
  • on long journeys by car or train;
  • on the beach, picnics, summer cottages, in the tourists.

The main advantage of the thermos bags in comparison with the container is the ability to compactly fold the capacity after it is empty. Some models of such bags can additionally be equipped with cold or heat batteries - with special plastic containers, filled with gel, salt solution or dry ice. Such devices are capable of maintaining the required temperature to several days.

What can be made of

For sewing the product, a strong synthetic fabric is selected, which has water-repellent and sunscreen properties. To greater extent, these qualities are present at nylon, polyvinyl chloride, polyester. Fabrics based on them are easily brushed from various types of pollution, quickly dry. In addition, the material should differ in high density to eliminate the possibility of mechanical damage during operation.

Folgicone is used as insulation. This is an environmentally friendly material with a long service life, excellent thermal insulation properties, high strength characteristics, low specific weight. The basis is the foamed polyethylene. The outer surface is laminated by aluminum foil and polypropylene film. Double protection protects the filler from chemical interaction with the organic, which makes the material safe for food storage.

Master classes for making

From a variety of ways to describe how to sew a refrigerator bag at home, select several by the mobility criterion. The principle that everyone will be able to build their own option, putting on its basis, for example, the indicators of the useful volume, convenience of transportation, the aesthetic appearance of the appearance.

For carrying manually

You can easily simplify and speed up the manufacture by taking a ready-made beach or sports accessory as a basis. In the absence of desire or possibility, the pattern is needed and the material for it. In addition, it will be useful for work:

  • foil Scotch;
  • pholoisolone;
  • sinypron or foam
  • a wallpaper knife or scissors;
  • stapler or pins;
  • threads, needle.

The thickness of the material depends on how long the portable refrigerator will hold the cold.

Manufacturing bags We produce in the following sequence:

  1. Measure your bag. According to the results of measurements, draw the pattern of the inner cavity.
  2. Pattern transfer to the folgisolone. Remove the size by 1-2 cm. The gasket must be free to enter the bag. Cover to carve out with a pounding in 3-4 cm. When it is closed, the scare should be refilled inside. The laying material is taken with a thickness of at least 0.5 cm.
  3. The wallpaper knife cut the details of the inner cavity.
  4. The edges become among themselves with a needle and thread. Seams and joints to cry from inside with foil scotch.
  5. Insert lining into the bag. The emptiness between the gasket and bag is filled with syntheps or foam rubber. These materials are good thermal insulators. In addition, they will give the product form.

The work will be done carefully if the edges are pre-copped with brackets or pins.

Now we know how to make a portable refrigerator. The principle and sequence of actions is the same for making a mobile refrigerator of any sizes.

Choose insulation

Transfer the pattern to FoloSolone

Cut out the details and fasten them among themselves scotch

By the staples connect the joints

Making a lid a little more than bag

For auto

In long trips, you have to take more products than can accommodate a portable refrigerator bag. The output is to manufacture special capacity for these purposes. Its dimensions limits only the internal volume of the car trunk.

The refrigerator bag is distinguished by large dimensions. In its manufacture, it is necessary to take into account some features dictated by this circumstance. The case must be durable, hard. For its manufacture, it will be necessary:

  • sheet plywood;
  • pholoisolone;
  • double-sided tape;
  • metallized Scotch;
  • window seal;
  • pVA glue or specialized for wood;
  • silicone sealant;
  • glue moment;
  • screws, loops, latches.

Algorithm for the manufacture of a car bag-refrigerator:

  1. From sheets of plywood to lend the box of the required size. Forest ends to pre-mark PVA glue, grind into screws. Ribs wrapping with a sealant. The lid of the drawer must be removable. It is not necessary to stick it.
  2. Remove the foomolyon on the internal size of the cabinch box in 4-5 cm for the combination of the brass.
  3. Play heat insulation in the box. Fix it with glue moment in several places. The edges of the fattest connections to sneak bilateral tape from the inside, metallized - outside. The fixation of thermal insulation to the inner walls of the plywood box is carried out point. The adhesive stain is a "bridge" through which increased heat exchange occurs.
  4. From the inside around the perimeter of the lid paste the window seal. The area inside insulation with folgisolone.
  5. Loops and latches install on the place.
  6. Ready boxing to paint outside thermal insulation paint type corundum. The refrigerator bag is ready.

Instead of thermal insulation paint, you can sew a protective case with handles. This will make the design more convenient for moving. Now we know how to replace the refrigerator bag in a long trip.

Compacted with foam

A slightly more time-consuming option that exceeds the previous ones. The basis is taken by a refrigerator bag in the car. It will be necessary to finalize its design. For this, you will need additional materials: sheet foam, polystyrene foam or penplex.

Manufacturing technology looks like this:

  1. From the sheets of plywood is going to a box similar to that described in the instructions for creating a refrigerator bag into a car.
  2. From the foam you need to cut the details of the bottom and the sidewall on the internal size of the box. Polyfoam perfectly cuts the wallpaper knife. It is worth using a metal ruler to get a clean flat cut. Carved parts should fit tightly to the boxes of the box, any gaps are excluded.
  3. According to the internal sizes of the box, it is necessary to cut the fluolisolone with a bunch of 4-5 cm for the combination of the flask.
  4. Next, the box is made from the inside with folgisolone. Fix it with brackets or bilateral scotch. All joints should be glued with foil scotch.
  5. By analogy to insulate the lid. The final dimensions of the lid foam panel must provide a dense closing without gaps and backlats. For tightness around the perimeter of the cover on the inside, glue the window seal.
  6. Install loops and latches, paint the product outside insulating paint.

For foaming, foam parts need to use bezeton adhesives.

A self-made refrigerator bag of foam, foam foam or bag of polystyrene foam of this design longer will retain the initial temperature inside the box.

Making a wooden box

Batteries Cold

Cold batteries are needed to maintain the temperature inside the homemade refrigerator. There are a few simple solutions of this issue:

  1. The ice packed in hermetic bags is perfectly coping with the task. Problems may occur if the tightness of the package will be broken. Leaked melt water can spoil food.
  2. Water frozen in plastic bottles - more reliable option. For slow melting of water, a salt solution is prepared in the proportion of 6 tablespoons per 1 liter of water. The disadvantage of the method is that such batteries occupy a lot of useful space.
  3. Gel from diapers deprived of these flaws. The diaper is soaked with water. Then the gel is retrieved, which is placed in a sealed package and freezed.
  4. Gelatin or wallpaper glue divorces in salted water. The jelly mass is declined by packages and frozen.

If independent manufacture is not acceptable, then ready accumulators can be bought in a travelative or online store.

Hermetically packaged ice

Self-made maximum efficiency devices will allow compliance with the simplest rules of operation and storage:

  1. The entire internal volume is completely filled. Void should be excluded.
  2. Products are additionally wrapped with paper. Paper is a good heat insulator.
  3. From above, it is better to bite with a newspaper or a towel.
  4. During the periods, when the refrigerator bag is not used, keep it open to avoid the appearance of mold and a fox smell.

The execution of these simple techniques is guaranteed to retain the desired temperature inside the box at 12 o'clock under the most extreme conditions. The thermosum is with their own hands will become an excellent helper in any life situation when it is required to preserve the initial temperature of the products. Its making will not require special skills, high time and acquiring expensive materials.


Each of us heard the phrases "Thermosum", "Refrigerator Bag". But for many, such a device seems unnecessary, and some it just does not afford.

Buy or not?

At first, they wanted to buy a refrigerator for the car, but then changed his mind. On the forums, many negative reviews of the owners of such refrigerators read - too cumbersome he, half a car takes, and inside, on the contrary, small, nothing is placed. In general, refused this venture.

Began to choose in online stores thermosum. Also, pleasure is not cheap, and for the bag of the sizes we need would have to lay out hryvnia 500 (1000-1500 rubles), plus cold batteries. And, in fact, the thermosum is the usual bag with the insulator who is engaged in the insulation, which the cold does not produce, and does not miss the heat outside. My husband in my education is an engineer explained to me the essence of the idea. And we started experimenting - to make a refrigerator bag from undergraded means, and then paint it during the closures on the nature of the weekend.

To begin with, they went to the market and acquired insulation. The choice stopped on foamed polyethylene, plated foil. He looks like this:

Sold in all building stores. Usually glue it under the battery, foil inside the room. And in the heating season, such a simple fitting saves 30% of heat, which usually goes into the environment. There is a trafficious meter of this material from 8 to 15 hryvnia (the price depends on the thickness of the polyethylene itself, we bought the fattest - 10 mm). His width is 1.5 meters. Enough what is called, with head.

We needed scotch (the wider, the better). Well, in fact, the bag that we conceived to turn into the refrigerator. In principle, you can take a bag of any sizes - proceed from your needs.

The process of "transformation" took from the strength of 20 minutes. At first they were filled out of the insulation of such a "cross".

If you in childhood glued boxes, I think they guessed what. The central square is the bottom of the bags, the side - the walls, and the rest will be the lid. Foil must be inside the bag.

When you cut, note that after gluing the box you will need to insert into the bag, so make patterns of centimeters by 5-7 less than the real size of the bag. We initially chose a blue bag with a width of 70 cm, but, running forward, I will say that the outlet "refrigerator" does not fit into it, but perfectly approached the black meter sports bag of her husband.

Now with the help of the Scotch, connect the sidewalls, gluing and outside, and inside. Cland high quality, do not spare scotch. The walls should fit tightly to each other, and otherwise the thermo effect you will not achieve.

Initially, we cried the lid of the bag is sololy, but the insulation is badly beaten, so it was necessary to cut it off and glue with scotch. So it became more comfortable.

Now about where, actually, the waste of the insulation. The remaining four pieces we decided to glue the sidewalls in the joints of the joints: they beat each square in half at 90 degrees and recorded Scotchić (foil inside!). After that, the bag turned out to be double, and therefore thermal insulation improved.

The resulting design is placed in a bag.

We have a box of insulation entered the density. If he suddenly remains, I recommend the readers of MirSovetov to fill it with foam rubber or flap of an old cotton blanket. So the insulation itself does not break, and not the necessary heat outside will not fit. In general, insulate, feel free to.

That's all, the refrigerator bag is ready.

It remains to make cold batteries. Plastic bottles made in the role of batteries. If the bag is small, take half-liter, if more, then liter. Now fill the bottles with a strong solution of the cooking salt (per liter of water - 6 tablespoons of salt) and freeze. It is possible to fill the brine with salt solution and freeze them too.

Nuances use

From personal experience I will say that:

cold batteries should be located every 10-15 cm, only so products are not heated for a long time. And if, to keep frozen food or drinks in the heating, they will begin to disappear no earlier than after 12 hours;
each product that you put in a bag, wrap in paper or newspaper - Paper will add a thermal insulation effect;
all products fold tightly, try so that there is no free space in the bag;
before you close the bag with a thermal, cover the products with paper, and then several towels. After that, close the cap from the insulation tightly, and then the lid of the bag itself;
try not to discover the bag, do not release the cold.

Such a bag keeps cold to 24 hours. The first time we were lucky in her some food and cold drinks. After 12 o'clock, the drinks were still cool, and after 8 months began to warm. At the same time, even perishable products (eggs, cheese, ham) after 20 hours did not deteriorate.
But we opened the optimal boot method in the second trip. We drove for two days, the air temperature is about 40 degrees with a plus. Products (strongly cooled) shifted by the same highly cooled drinks and frozen batteries. The heights laid out over, under the lid. The bag lay in the car (I also wrapped it into the blanket) and more than 30 hours the food was cool!
In general, the result is very satisfied. I do not know how many hours keep a branded refrigerator bag, but our "homemade" surpassed all expectations.

And recently made the thermo package. The rectangle was bent out of the insulation and glued a scotchball on the sides. It has frozen fruits with giving home (as a cold battery - heater). Four hours of the road in the heat, and the fruits do not even fall.

Maybe you will use the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a desired invention. Use on health! And if you think about how to strengthen thermal insulation and extend the effect of the bag - write in feedback.

Today we will spend a master class on making their hands thermosums, or the refrigerator bags. This is a good and useful thing in the household, especially when departure in the summer of the city, on a picnic. Factory thermosums are very expensive, so it makes sense to make it yourself. The process takes a little time and costs quite inexpensive.

Thermosum or automotive refrigerator?

Before the summer season, there was a thought to purchase a thermosum. At first, I wanted to buy a car refrigerator, but then they refused to be abandoned from this idea. The refrigerator is quite cumbersome, takes a lot of space, and at the same time some products. And feedback on forums is predominantly negative.

Bag refrigerator do it yourself

First of all, you need to purchase insulation. Selected polyethylene foamed foam plated foam. It looks like this material in this way:

Such a heater is sold in conventional building stores. It is often used by sticking the foil inside the room under the battery. It helps in the heating season save up to 30% of heat, leaving usually into the environment. The material is fairly inexpensive, the price varies from polyethylene thickness. We purchased the finest, in 10 mm thick and 1.5 meters wide. That we were enough with your head.

The second material necessary for work is a scotch as wide as possible. And, of course, the bag itself. Bag can be taken any size - calculate what kind of magnitude you will need a portable refrigerator.

The work itself took 20 minutes, no more. First, we cut out such a cross from the insulation.

Who in childhood glued the boxes, probably guessed, why is it. The central square will go to the bottom of the bag, side parts - on the walls, and the remaining material will become a lid. Foil need to be placed inside the bag.

Note that the box after gluing will need to be inserted into the bag. Therefore, it should be made patterns somewhat less than the sizes of the bag itself, about 5-7 cm. Initially, we were selected under the refrigerator bag with a width of about 70 cm (blue in the photo). However, the cutting design did not fit it and had to look for a replacement. The result was an excellent thermosum of a sports bag of a width of about a meter.

After the pattern, through the tape, connect the sidewalls, sampleing both outside and inside. Scotcho does not need to regret, glue high quality and reliably. To get a good thermophope, the walls need to be adjusted as close as possible to each other.

At first we tried to hide the bag cover with a whole piece of material with the rest of the design. However, it turned out that the material is bad, and it is more convenient to cut the cover, and then glue with scotch.

We have left insulation waste. We decided to use them too and glued four pieces on the joints of the sidewall. Each square was bent in half at an angle of 90 ° and then fixed the scotch - also foil inside. The bag as a result has become double, with improved thermal insulation.

Now the whole design must be accurately placed in the bag.

In this case, the box quite tightly entered the bag. If you have a place, it will be quite well to fill it with foam rubber or cotton blanket flaps. This will strengthen the design, protecting the insulation from possible damage, and will provide additional thermal insulation.

Everything, the refrigerator bag is ready!

Now you need to make cold batteries. We used in their quality ordinary plastic bottles. Under a small bag, a capacity of 0.5 liters is suitable, under a more accomplished - liter. Bottles fill in a solution of a conventional cook salt (we take 6 tbsp. Spoons of salt by 1 liter of water) and freeze. All, batteries are ready! You can use the old heights in the same way.

Some nuances

Several tips from personal experience:

  • hold the cold batteries each 10-15 cm, it will protect products from heating; Take the frozen drinks or products in the heating wheels - it will protect them from a defrosting at least 12 hours;
  • watch in paper every separate product placed in the bag, it will improve thermal insulation;
  • fold the products tightly so that there are as few free places in the bag;
  • cover already placed products on top of paper and several towels; Then close the thermal and the lid of the bag itself;
  • do not open the refrigerator bag without having to not produce cold.

Our bag is reliably held by the cold for about a day. At first we put some food and drinks. Drinks were cool after 12 hours, and after 20 began to warm. Ham, cheese, eggs after 20 hours did not even begin to deteriorate.

The second time we downloaded the bag much more dense. Strongly cooled products have shifted a mixture with chilled drinks and cold batteries. Under the lid put frozen heels. The air temperature on that day was up to 40 ° C. So the food remained cool for 30 hours!

In general, the result completely justified the expectations and even surpassed them.

Similarly, they recently made a smaller thermobacket. Bend from the insulation rectangular box and stuck on the sides of the skot. We use with frozen heating. We have fruits from the cottage, four hours in the heat do not even begin to fit.

Portable refrigerator is a very necessary and convenient thing that can help out in a long trip, and on the beach, and hike. We have changed more than once about his absence, but it was somehow managed to buy everything - there were always more important spending.

And it's good that they did not bother because you can make a refrigerator bag with your own hands, spending quite a bit of time. At the same time, the costs will be several times lower, and the amenities are used more. Because both the shape and the size can be done "for yourself."

How to make thermosum and automotive refrigerator

One mini refrigerator for our family is not enough. You need at least two. One in the form of a small bag - for hiking and cycling tales on nature. And the second in the form of a convenient and fairly spacious box - for long-distance travel by car.

It is necessary, so we will do.

Option 1. Manual carrying bag refrigerator

Those who can hold a needle in their hands or closely familiar with a sewing machine, sew a refrigerator bag with their own hands will be easy. I do not possess such talents. Maximum, what is capable - to sew a button. Therefore, I was looking for a master class, where this skill is required if it is required, it is purely symbolically.

And found. True, for the manufacture of heatmakes, you first need to find a ready-made bag of the desired size, but there will be no problems with this.

In addition to it, only folgisolone and tape will be required. And more advanced craftsmen can arma the sewing accessories and supply the product with additional fasteners - velcro or "zipper".

  • Folgoisolone - This is a heater, foamed polyethylene, coated with one or two sides with a thin layer of metallized foil. Two-sided keeps the temperature better, but is also suitable. You can buy it in any construction store, the price depends on the thickness and is 50-100 rubles per square meter.

  • Scotchyou can take any - ordinary, foil or double-sided. When you read the description, determine how it will be more convenient for you to work. But it is better yet foil - it reflects heat.

  • A bag. It must be chosen before you go buy insulation to determine its amount. Bag can be taken any depending on your needs - beach, economic or sports. Preferably with a lock. Remove the pattern from it and count how much it is necessary to be foalisolone. For example:

Now look how to make a refrigerator bag with your own hands:

Picture Description

Step 1

We buy the desired number of insulation. What it is thicker, the better will "work" our refrigerator.

Step 2.

We transfer the pattern to the pholoisolone, having reduced it from all sides to a couple of centimeters. It is necessary that the bag from the foil becomes slightly less and easily inserted into it.

Step 3.

Cut the details and fasten them among themselves with scotch. Follow them dense, without cracks adjacent to each other.

Do not forget that the foil layer should look inside.

Step 4.

You can pre-"push" the joints by the stapler, pins, threads - than you are more convenient.

So that they come with hermetic, cut out the strips from the remnants of the insulation and sample the joints outside again.

Step 5.

The lid can be done slightly more than it is necessary that when the refrigerator is closed, refrigerate the allowance inside. But it is better to sew a lock zipper or velcro.

Step 6.

The thermosum is almost ready for its own hands. It remains to insert the resulting "fur coat" inside the bag-cover, and the space between the walls to fill in any warm material - syntheps, and the trimming of the old blanket, etc.

This is the easiest way. If you do not be lazy, you can precisely adjust the inner part to the outer and incur or enter it inside. The cover of the bag in this case is be supplied with a zipper lock, and the valve is sewn over it so as not to release the cold through the lock.

This is how you can make a refrigerator bag literally for half an hour. And any cruiser like me to cope with this case.

Option 2. Refrigerator for car

On long-distance trips or during a multi-day recreation "Sky" to keep the products chilled, and even more so fresh not so simple. For such cases, you can make a refrigerator box made of foam with their own hands.

The most important thing you can independently choose the size. Want - do small, only for water or beer stocks. Want - to the entire trunk, and then you can take a large stock of products, and even raw meat for kebabs.

And still it will cost, he will be a kopeck, because you need a little for the refrigerator bag:

  • The foundation. It can be plywood box, cardboard box or plastic container with smooth walls.
  • Foam or penplex. The first is cheaper, but crushes with cutting. The second more expensive, but it is more densely, it is easier to cut blanks from it. And both are distinguished by incredible ease and high thermal insulation properties.

  • Folgoisolone. This material is already familiar to us.
  • Scotch, preferably metallized.

Instructions for manufacture:

Picture Description
Step 1

We select or pinch yourself from the plywood box of the desired size.

Step 2.

Cut out five parts from the foam for the bottom and the walls so that they firmly fit to the walls of the drawer and are well died among themselves. Make it will be easily - the foam is perfectly cutting in a conventional knife.

You can smoke the joints with scotch.

Step 3.

We linse the box inside the folgosolone, fixing it with a double-sided scotch or furniture stapler.

Step 4.

We glue with a scotch joint and the upper perimeter of the thermobox.

If you wish, it can be punched with isolon and outside. In this case, the insulation needs to have a foil "Outside".

Step 5.

Similarly, we warm the lid. The size of the rectangle from the foam should be less than its plywood pieces and tightly enter the drawer so that the thermo-caloder is obtained as sealed as possible.

The lid can be screwed to the drawer on the loop, but it is not necessary. It is enough to make a comfortable handle for opening.

Thermophole can be made with their own hands from a regular box. And even without the basis - just from the foam. Just remember that for gluing it you can not use glue, which contains acetone.
Step 6.

Not obligatory. But if it is not difficult for you, they are squealing a durable case with handles. Especially if the box is covered with fluolisolone and outside. This will protect the insulation from damage and increase the convenience of using the refrigerator.

By itself, such a thermal machine cooling products and drinks, of course, will not. But he will be able to keep them fresh and cold for a long time. What - depends on the thickness of the insulation, the quality of "assembly", the number of contents, temperature overboard and other factors. But 12 hours is a minimum.

Batteries Cold

The cold will last in the device you make much longer, if you put something well frozen into it together with the products. And this is something desirable to always have ready. After all, you won't carry a piece of frozen meat with you to cool beer.

Therefore, simultaneously with the thermobox you need to make cold batteries for the refrigerator bag with their own hands. They can buy them. And in some household refrigerators, they are in the form of flat plastic flasks with a narrow neck and lid.

But it is not a problem to make them, so choose which method fits you more.

Liquid batteries.

These are bottles, rubber roots or plastic bags With a sealed zip Lock, filled with ice. Packages are more convenient, they take less space and can be filled with pre-fried ice cubes.

Plastic bottles due to their shape are not as comfortable and practical, water needs to be frozen directly in them.

By the way, if you dissolve in water before freezing the salt, such ice will melt much longer. Proportions any, usually salt pour until it stops dissolving.

Gel batteries.

They are more convenient (less risk of leaking), and keep the temperature longer than water. Make them in two ways:

  • From children's diapers. Everything is very simple: water in diapers until it stops absorbed. If desired, it can be squeezed with watercolor paints. For short, we are waiting and cutting the diaper. We pull out the swollen gel content from it, shift into a tightly closing package and freeze.

  • From gelatin or wallpaper glue. Dissolve so much salt in a liter of water as it dissolves, and then throw another 3 liter of water. In the resulting solution, pour gelatin or wallpaper glue. The proportions take those shown on the package. Dye - at will. It remains to pour liquid on packages or bottles and freeze.

After each use, refrigerants need to be placed in the freezer and keep it until the next case.

How to improve the efficiency of the self-made refrigerator bag

How to make a thermosham with your own hands and save a bunch of money, you now know. Not excessive information on its effective use.

  • Traveling by car, Wrap the bag additionally in a piece of folgisolone or just in the blanket.
  • Try to keep it In the place where the straight sunshine do not fall.
  • Batteries Cold Best laying on the bottom. And if there is a place, they can also shift the products.
  • Products themselves preferably foldin the thermosum chilled form.
  • The more dense they are laidThe slower the refrigerator will be heated inside. Therefore, the remaining space needs to be filled with ice packages, or folded blanket, plaid, just empty bottles.

  • Try to open a bag As much as possible.

These simple actions help to significantly slow down the process of thawing and heating products. Sometimes they remain cold for two or more days.


Have you already decided that you need a portable bag or big thermobox for traveling? Or maybe something else? In any case, you can now not run on shops in search of the desired thing, but to make it yourself in a couple of hours.

If something remains incomprehensible in this description, see the video in this article. But it is unlikely that the manufacture of a refrigerator bag seemed to someone complex task. And for sure among readers there will be those who have long decided for it.

If so, then show your creations in the comments with a description of the "manufacturing process".

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