Massage techniques and technique. Basic techniques of classical massage

landscaping 30.06.2020

Any massage is a complex of alternating massage techniques and their performance techniques. Massage uses certain basic and advanced techniques, which can be conditionally grouped into five main groups:

  1. stroking
  2. trituration
  3. squeezing
  4. kneading
  5. vibration

In its turn massage techniques can be classified as:

  1. medium-deep (squeezing, rubbing, stroking)
  2. deep (kneading)
  3. drums (vibration)

Basic massage techniques

This is the most commonly used massage technique. Stroking consists in sliding the hands or hands over the skin. The skin should not move when stroking, the direction is only along the lymph flow.

The main types of stroking:

  • planar (deep and superficial)
  • embracing (deep and superficial)

Additional strokes:

  • comb-shaped
  • ironing
  • cruciform
  • pincer-shaped
  • rake-like

It consists in stretching, movement, displacement of tissues in various directions. When rubbing, the skin moves along with the masseur's hands. Rubbing has a deeper effect on the skin than stroking.

Rubbing is performed:

  • the base of the palm
  • palmar surface of the hand
  • tubercles of the thumbs
  • bony protrusions of the phalanges of the fingers bent into a fist
  • fists
  • pads of the index or middle or second to fifth fingers
  • ulnar edge of the hand (or forearm)

Rubbing is performed with one or two hands:

  • transversely
  • longitudinally
  • zigzag
  • circularly
  • spirally

Additional rubbing techniques:

  • sawing
  • hatching
  • planing
  • pincer-shaped
  • rake-like
  • comb-shaped
  • intersection

It's just a deep stroke. But unlike stroking, squeezing not only affects the skin, but also the surface layer of muscles, connective tissue and subcutaneous tissue.

The main squeeze techniques include:

  • squeezing carried out by the edge of the palm
  • transverse squeeze
  • squeezing, carried out with two hands (with weights)
  • squeezing carried out by the base of the palm

This is the main massage technique, it is considered the most difficult to perform. Stretching is of great importance. In the general scheme of performing a massage, kneading takes 60-75 percent of the total massage time.

The breakdown is:

  • squeezing
  • capturing
  • shifting
  • rubbing
  • squeezing
  • lifting
  • grinding
  • push-ups

Types of kneading:

  • continuous
  • intermittent

Additional stretching techniques:

  • pincer-shaped
  • bias
  • inflation
  • contraction
  • stretching
  • topping
  • pressing
  • comb-shaped
  • wallow

This is the transfer of oscillatory movements to the massaged area of ​​the body, produced evenly, but with different amplitudes and speeds. Vibration has a variety of effects on deeply located bones, nerves, tissues. The movements of the massage therapist's hands during vibration should be painless, soft and gentle. Vibration causes responses of the type of viscero-visceral, motor-visceral and skin-visceral reflexes.

Vibration is performed:

  • palmar surface
  • fist
  • distal phalanges of one finger, thumb and forefinger, thumb and other fingers

Types of vibration:

  • continuous (labile and stable)
  • intermittent

Additional methods of continuous vibration:

  • shaking
  • shaking
  • chipping
  • nudge

Additional Intermittent Vibration Techniques:

  • pat
  • tapping
  • hacking
  • punctuation
  • flogging

Massage should begin with stroking, due to which, due to pleasant sensations, muscle relaxation occurs. After stroking, rubbing and squeezing are performed, then kneading and vibration. Between everyone massage techniques stroking is done, which ends the massage procedure itself.

When carrying out the massage procedure, it is necessary to alternate all the techniques, without taking breaks between them, one technique should smoothly pass into another. Also, do not massage the lymph nodes.

You need to start the massage gently and gently, then gradually increase the techniques, and at the end of the procedure, repeat the relaxing, gentle techniques again. The number of repetitions of certain massage techniques depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and other specific factors (health status, age, etc.). Some massage techniques you need to repeat up to 4-5 times, while others - much less often.

The dosage and strength of the massage are of great importance. Rhythmic, hurried, unsystematic and rough movements, as well as excessive duration of the massage, can even cause pain, overexcitation of the nervous system, irritation of the cerebral cortex and convulsive muscle contractions. Such a massage can only bring harm.

It must also be remembered that all massage movements should be directed towards the nearest lymph nodes along the lymphatic tract.

You should also not start the massage suddenly and end with sudden movements. First massage sessions should not be too intense and long, the muscles need special preparation for intense exposure. The patient's muscles should be as relaxed as possible. It is important to carefully record the sensations that arise in the patient and periodically change the force of finger pressure on the body.

Massage is the most effective way to prevent and treat many diseases. It has a long history and wide application throughout the planet. The earliest and most common is classical massage.

The first classical massage techniques appeared before our era. People paid attention to the effect of stroking, rubbing, kneading and other movements on the body. Reduced pain, improved mood.

In ancient Egypt, massage was used to treat wounds, recover from battles, hikes.

Massage became an official discipline in ancient China: lessons were held for future doctors. Written references are found in many works, for example, Avicenna described a technique that was very similar to modern classical massage.

The people of India have achieved an increase in the effect and beneficial properties by adding steam baths.

In ancient Rome, the procedure was used in the training and education of gladiators. To prepare the body for the load, before the fight they did kneading, rubbing. After the fight, massage was used to facilitate the healing process of injuries, accelerate the recovery of the body.

In the 18th century, a doctor from Sweden, P. Ling, took up the study of the effects of various movements on the body. He is considered the founding father of classical massage, which for a long time was called Swedish.

In Russia, self-massage with a broom in the bath was common. A blow with a broom on the body resembles rubbing with a pat. Surviving sources claim that in Russia various herbal ointments and fats were used instead of oils.

Massage was used by doctors during the Great Patriotic War as part of physiotherapy, which contributed to faster rehabilitation, improved mental and emotional state.


  • Tension, fatigue, sore muscles;
  • Decreased tone;
  • Stress and overexertion;
  • Prolonged lack of rest;
  • Sedentary, sedentary work;
  • Swelling of various parts of the body;
  • Headaches, migraines;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Stretching;
  • Hyper- and hypotension;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Lack of or restless sleep.

Massage affects:

  • nervous system.

The main function of the National Assembly is regulatory. The skin is permeated with a huge number of nerve endings. It is the nervous system that first reacts to various massage movements (irritation). By changing the strength and types of movements, the impulses sent along the nerve fibers to the central nervous system change. All this affects the brain, organs, nervous and other systems. You can regulate reflexes, excitability of the central nervous system, etc. The higher the pace, the stronger the excitability. Deep, slow and prolonged massage reduces the excitability of the NS, slows it down. Fast, superficial, short - excites, tones the NS.

Classical massage improves blood supply to nerve formations, centers, plexuses. The nervous system is most affected during the procedure.

  • Skin and fat layer.

By making various effects on the surface of the skin, we act on several layers at once: adipose tissue, blood vessels, muscles, glands, and the central nervous system. All these effects have a direct impact on the appearance and condition of the skin. The dead (horny) cells are the first to be affected, in the process they are exfoliated. This is important because they prevent the skin from "breathing".

During the procedure, various dirt comes out of the pores, the ducts and openings of the glands are cleaned. Improves nutrition of skin cells.

The fat layer is practically not affected, it decreases due to the general improvement of the body and an increase in metabolism.

  • Respiratory system.

The correct technique of classical massage has an effect on the muscular apparatus of the respiratory system: fatigue and muscle fatigue are reduced.

  • Muscles.

A person is 25-38% composed of muscle tissue. If you take the limbs, then the number of muscles reaches 85% of the total volume. Proper development, neat appearance of the muscles affect the overall aesthetics of the body. Basic abilities:

  • excitability, the ability to become longer, stretch;
  • contractility, the ability to decrease, shorten.

Based on various studies, classic body massage increases the functionality of muscles by 4-6 times.

  • The processes of hematopoiesis and blood circulation are normalized;
  • The supply of fibers with oxygen improves;
  • Muscle cells are cleared of toxins, toxins, decay products;
  • Increases elasticity;
  • More efficient regeneration.


Cortisol is a stress hormone that helps the body cope with fear, without consequences for the nervous system. Reduces susceptibility to pain, increases strength, provides more energy. But he has flaws.

  • obesity
  • decrease in muscle mass;
  • deterioration of other hormones;
  • mood problems;
  • memory loss;
  • mental disorders;
  • and other problems.

Scientists conducted a study in which more than 50 people took part. Half of them 2 times a week went to a classic massage lasting up to 40-45 minutes. The rest attended a simpler option.

In people of the first group, the amount of cortisol in the blood decreased, the number of leukocytes and the oxytocin index increased - this is the hormone of tenderness, fidelity, happiness.

For people who attended the lighter version, no or very little change was observed.

Massage contraindications

Contraindications are standard:

  • dermatological diseases;
  • high temperature, fever;
  • diseases that affect blood clotting;
  • infections, fungi, etc.
  • varicose veins, excluding arms, back, neck and face;
  • trauma;
  • mental disorders;
  • renal, pulmonary insufficiency;
  • violation of the heart, blood circulation.

It is advisable to consult with a doctor and massage therapist before the procedure. Let them know about chronic illnesses and injuries, even if they are not on this list. Take care of your health.


How to do classic massage?

First of all, you need to remember important points:

  • Before the session, be sure to cleanse the skin;
  • In the classic version, the massage therapist works only with bare skin;
  • Creating the right atmosphere: the air temperature should be between 21-24 degrees. It is the most optimal, when going beyond these limits, the client will experience discomfort, pinch, which can lead to injury;
  • Use eye-pleasing lighting, diffused, subdued light: it will help you relax, give an atmosphere of calm, intimacy;
  • Smell is an important component of a successful session. Incense, fragrant candles, oils are better suited;

  • The massage table should be comfortable, regardless of the position of the client;
  • The music is light, unobtrusive: birdsong or classical are quite suitable;
  • Oils. Applied to the hands of the master;
  • If talc is used, it is applied only to the client's skin;
  • Arms. The master before the procedure must wash and disinfect the hands. Nails should be neatly trimmed and not varnished. There should be no wounds, scratches and other damage to the skin;
  • The master must have a valid medical book or certificate;
  • Before the session, the patient should be asked about the presence of recent or chronic diseases, fractures and cracks, allergic reactions;
  • If the patient has long hair, then it is better to braid it or put it under a scarf, scarf, etc.;
  • The procedure should be carried out only 1.5 hours after eating, not earlier;
  • Any massage procedures are done along the flow of lymph and blood;
  • The lymph nodes are not affected.

Basic techniques and movements

The basic techniques of classical massage are varied. They were formed and supplemented over time until the most effective of them remained.

Classic massage techniques include:

Stroking. The easiest trick to do. The most used: any massage begins with it and ends with it. Allows you to gently, smoothly prepare the body for the load and calm down after. It is necessary to relax the hand, put the brush on the desired part of the body and, without straining the palms, start moving. Movements are: zigzag, circular, parallel, transverse and others. Watch your fingers: they should remain straight and not tense.

Depending on the part of the palm used, the movements are divided into:

  • wide: performed with the entire surface of the palms;
  • narrow: movements are made by the edge of the brush.

Depending on time and force, movements have an effect:

  • deep;
  • superficial.

They improve cell respiration, cleanse the stratum corneum, disperse stagnation, blood and lymph flow.

Rubbing - change of position, stretching of the epidermis. The sliding effect is less than with stroking, but has a greater effect. It is the main movement for problem joints. Helps to disperse the accumulation of salts, reduce joint pain. Depending on the desired degree of exposure, it is performed with the fingertips, the surface of the palm, and the knuckles.

Kneading is the longest process in terms of time, it takes about 50% of the entire procedure. Deep impact affects the lower muscles. Parts of the skin are squeezed and massaged, pulling a little. It happens: transverse, longitudinal.

In the first 3-4 sessions, only a light degree of kneading should be applied, allowing the body to adapt.

  • cleanse the skin of toxins, toxins;
  • affect blood flow and lymph flow;
  • irritate nerve endings;
  • increased muscle tone.

Patting. The movement is performed by the entire plane of the brush or pads. Light and springy patting perfectly improves blood flow in a given area.

Vibration. It is characterized by fluctuations of different directions, power, etc. They are able to penetrate the skin, muscles. Alternates with stroking.

Squeezing. It differs from the first technique in greater vigor, amplitude, applied force. Has an effect on adipose tissue.


  • At the beginning of the session, the master warms up the oil on his hands and applies it to the client's body.

Important! Remember, each oil has its own effect on the body and nervous system. Citrus oils promote skin renewal, fight cellulite. Lavender, mint, rosemary soothe and relax. If you do not understand or do not understand what effect this or that oil gives, then use the finished product. You can purchase ready-made mixtures, the instructions of which indicate what they are intended for and how to use them correctly.

  • It is necessary to establish a trusting relationship with the patient. If in the process he strains, pinches or shudders from every touch, then the procedure will turn into torture, skin and muscles can be damaged;
  • A special couch or table should be comfortable, firm enough to keep the body level.

Types of massage


General classic massage includes:

  • stroking;
  • Trituration;
  • kneading;
  • Vibration.

How to do classic massage? When massaging the whole body, the correct sequence is important.

  • You should start from the back. First, the lumbar region, gradually moving to the area of ​​​​the shoulders, neck;
  • The back surfaces of the legs, starting from the feet, moving to the knees, then up the thighs;
  • Next, do the same with the front surface of the legs;
  • Move on to hands. Movement should be directed towards the armpits;
  • The last is a massage of the abdomen and chest;
  • Facial and head massage is performed at will: either at the very beginning or as the final part.

Cosmetic massage

A variation of the classic, the main purpose of which is to improve the condition and appearance of the skin. Ideal for the prevention of aging, preservation of beauty. Divided by:

  • hygienic, aimed at moisturizing and preventing wrinkles;
  • therapeutic - helps to remove the "second chin", clean the ducts of the sebaceous glands and pores, reduce the visibility of wrinkles.

Facial massage

The fast pace of life, exhaust gases, nerves and lack of sleep, nutrition and poor ecology are reflected in the most vulnerable part of the body - the face. Cosmetics, masks and creams are not able to completely neutralize all the consequences of modern life. This requires an integrated approach, which will provide a classic massage.

The skin of the face is very delicate, easily affected, so the procedure is short.

  • For dry and thin, “glowing” skin, the optimal time is 5 minutes;
  • For oily and combination - from 5 to 15.

The difference between the procedures should be 1-3 days.


  • Wrinkles and their prevention;
  • Decreased elasticity of tissues;
  • Change in skin color;
  • puffiness;
  • "Bags" under the eyes;
  • Increase in body fat;
  • acne effects;
  • networks of capillaries.
  • the procedure is performed on cleansed skin: it is advisable not to use cosmetics on the day of the procedure;
  • delicate skin requires only light, accurate, smooth and gentle movements;
  • be sure to use a slip agent.

Back massage

The most famous and used.

Consists of six stages:

  • Stroking along the back, starting from the lower sections, gradually moving higher. The entire surface of the palm is used. The action tones and warms up the body before the main stage. Three to four approaches are performed;
  • Trituration. Improves blood flow in tissues. It is performed until a slight reddening of the skin;
  • Kneading. Done with force. The direction is spiral or in a circle. It is performed with the whole palm, fingertips, only with the thumbs;
  • Pat. Slight, slightly springy blows on the surface of the back. Gradually accelerating the pace;
  • Vibration;
  • It ends with light and gentle strokes.

The course includes 9-15 sessions with a difference of 1-3 days.

  • Reduces muscle tension;
  • Positively affects the formation of correct posture;
  • Relieves pain symptoms;
  • Improves the condition of the lumbar;
  • Prevention of diseases of the back and spine;
  • Relaxing, calming effect;
  • Improving the performance of the immune system;
  • Reduces headaches, migraines.

Massage of the neck and shoulder area.

This is a rather weak part of the body, which is quickly affected by a sedentary lifestyle, stress, low mobility, large and long loads. This is expressed in:

  • headaches and severe migraines;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • puffiness;
  • pain when turning and tilting the head.

Sequence of movements:

  • Stroking. It is performed with the help of fingertips. The directions are circular and spiral;
  • Trituration. Alternates with stroking actions;
  • Kneading. Takes up most of the time. It should be done carefully, only with fingertips;
  • Vibration. Effort must be applied here;
  • Stroking is the final part of the action.


  • tumors: malignant and benign;
  • pain in the region of the heart and sternum;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland.

During pregnancy, the procedure is carried out only as prescribed by a doctor and in a weakened version.

Leg and foot massage

Foot massage is carried out both in a lying and sitting position. It starts with strokes from the bottom up. If the client's health allows, then the massaged leg should be kept above the table.

After stroking, start rubbing your toes: each toe individually, starting with the big one. Pay attention to the skin between the fingers, massage it. Move to the bottom of the foot. Use your clenched fist or the pads of your thumbs. The movement should be down to the heel. The heel is worked out with patting and pinching movements.

After the stop, move to the thigh, first stroking to warm up. It is better to move from top to bottom in a circular manner. Move on to kneading, then rubbing, and finish with light, gentle movements.

When working out, keep in mind that more force must be applied to the muscles of the thigh than to the lower leg or foot.


  • skin diseases;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • rashes and redness;
  • viruses, infections, fungi;
  • increased body temperature, fever;
  • pregnancy;
  • violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • predisposition to the formation of blood clots and other blood diseases.

The procedure is necessary for girls who prefer to wear high-heeled shoes, those who spend the whole day on their feet, like long runs or when recovering from injuries. Even one session reduces pain, improves blood circulation, and helps muscles recover.

Massage is a certain system of influencing the body in order to treat and prevent various diseases. Basic massage techniques are widely used in medicine, cosmetology, sports and in everyday life. A detailed description of each technique will help to understand in more detail how to massage. Few people know that the procedure consists of three main parts: preparatory, main and final.

Before doing a massage, you need to prepare and warm up the body

  • The preparatory part includes the basic techniques of classical massage: rubbing, stroking and kneading the main muscle group:
  • The main part is made up of special techniques of segmental massage;
  • The final part includes stroking, stretching and shaking the muscles.

During the session, the patient lies on his stomach, his head is turned to the side, his arms are extended along the body.

Basic tricks

Massage consists of five basic techniques: stroking, kneading, rubbing, tapping and vibration. Each technique carries certain information and function. Therefore, using various massage techniques, you can influence different parts of the body in a special way: blood vessels, muscles, nerves, internal organs.

To better understand the technique, we will study each technique separately.


In other words, stroking is called "eflerage", which means "to caress" in French. As a rule, the whole procedure begins and ends with this technique. It should be used after each subsequent dose, previously applied to the skin. The movements are smooth, soft, gentle, soothing, with a stronger pressure in the direction of the heart, and less strong in the opposite direction. This promotes the outflow of venous blood and lymph. The hands should be positioned as follows: the fingers are tightly pressed, the palms completely repeat all the contours of the patient's body. This technique is carried out without stopping and tearing off the hands from the body.

In particular, this massage technique is divided into: rectilinear, circular and wavy.

Rectilinear stroking occurs as follows: the hands should be tightly pressed to the body, with light, slightly pressed smooth movements, it is necessary to slide up and down. With each subsequent time, try to capture a larger area of ​​​​the body.

The image shows the rectilinear stroking technique.

The hands are tightly pressed to the surface of the body, with our hands we make smooth large circular movements, alternating the right and left hands. Cover as much of the body surface as possible. Start at the top, gradually moving down. When you reach the bottom, return to the starting position.

The wave-like technique is as follows: during a straight-line massage, having reached the top of the back, it is necessary to gently return to its original position, thereby making wave-like downward movements.

Soft wave-like movements from the bottom up

Any massage process begins with stroking, followed by rubbing and kneading with stronger pressure on the skin and tissues. This pressure is made with the help of fingers, the base of the palm and the edge of the palm. In this case, the massage therapist needs to skillfully use not only the strength of the hands, but also the weight of his own body.

Kneading can be done with the thumb. This type is called "petrisage". The characteristic of this technique is the effect on the muscles adjacent to the bone. Strength in the fingers will not hurt here.

Moving on to deep and medium pressure techniques

Kneading, rubbing, shifting tissues helps to remove toxic substances, improve blood circulation and speed up metabolism.

After each application of a certain technique, ask the patient about pain, as each person has his own pain limit. Massage with moderate and deep pressure can be divided into: kneading, stretching, kneading with the fingers on the opposite side and kneading with the fingers away from you.

  • kneading

Kneading is carried out as follows: with one hand, grab the necessary part of the body, with the other, grab the muscles, as if rolling with a slight effort. Then press with the second hand, and knead with the first. Alternating both hands, walk in this way over the entire body.

  • stretching

With one hand we press the skin, with the edge of the other hand we gently begin to pull back the soft tissues. Then move your right hand to the next area of ​​skin, doing exactly the same technique.

  • Counter kneading with fingers

The pads of the thumbs should be firmly pressed against the skin, then you gradually move them towards each other. This forms a fold in the form of a zigzag.

  • Finger kneading away from you

Alternately push the skin away from you with the thumbs of both hands in a straight or circular motion. To increase the impact force, use the weight of your own body.

The lymphatic system is responsible for a balanced fluid balance both in the blood and in all organs. Lymph is the main tissue fluid that nourishes cells and removes metabolic products from them. After that, most of the lymph goes into the blood through the capillaries, and the rest is collected in the lymphatic vessels. Here it passes the waste products of cells and pathogens. After that, the lymph goes into the veins. The heart does not pump lymph, it moves through the vessels due to muscle contractions.

Therefore, massage and physical activity are also important for the body's performance and resistance to various diseases.

Lymphatic drainage technique removes waste products from the body

  • Calf massage

Raise the shin with your left hand and place it at a right angle to the body. Take the shin in the castle with both hands near the ankle. Then carry out light massaging movements, slowly pressing and moving down. After, return to the starting position and repeat the technique again.

  • Forearm massage

The arm should be bent at the elbow, placing it vertically. Grasp your hand tightly with your fingers connected in a ring. With light, gentle pressure, move down towards the elbow.

  • Shoulder massage

Grasp your partner's shoulder with both hands, bend his arm so that his palm rests on the other shoulder. Grasp your hand tightly in the ring and slowly move down.

The process of vibration consists in the transmission of oscillatory and trembling movements to a certain part of the body. This technique is very energetic: it improves blood circulation, removes metabolic products, relieves muscle tension. In addition, vibration can remove congestion in the lungs.

Vibration perfectly relieves muscle tension, improving blood circulation

To carry out patting and tapping movements is soft and at ease. Vibrating movements should be carried out in a moderate, rhythmic, calm manner, giving pleasure to a person. Once you have warmed up your body well enough, feel free to start vibrating movements. With this technique, only soft areas of the body should be massaged. Vibration is divided into: pinching, tapping, chopping, patting.

  • Topping

The pinching technique is as follows: you lightly pinch the muscle, then quickly release it. Go over the entire body area with this method.

  • tapping

Weakly clench your fists and begin to quickly "drum" the body.

  • Chopping

For this type of massage, you need to relax your hands, keep your fingers free, apply movements only with the edge of your palm, alternately changing hands.

  • Pat

You should squeeze your palms into handfuls and quickly pat on the skin.

The presented video will help to understand in more detail how to properly massage.

Properly performed technique will definitely give a positive result and solve health problems. Taking care of your health is important at any age. If you're still neutral about massage, it's time to rethink your decision and prioritize.

The popularity of techniques for working with the body, muscles, joints, internal organs has swept the world with a new wave. It is more like a giant tsunami. But in order to understand what a classic massage is really worth and what are its advantages and disadvantages, I decided to collect interesting and useful information on the vastness of my beloved Internet. This article, as for me, is enough to answer all your questions on the topic.

What is classic massage

Delving into the theory of classical massage techniques, you can find a simple answer to the question about this type of impact. Such a massage involves carrying out universal movements relative to the surface of the body. Mandatory conditions of classical technique:

  1. The master uses only his hands, more often - only his palms.
  2. The standard procedure involves clean skin without the use of auxiliary items such as sticks, needles, aroma oils, gels or medicated creams.
  3. The movements are carried out towards the lymph nodes, the master starts them from the collar zone and goes down to the lower back.
  4. First, large areas are worked out, such as the shoulders, back, buttocks, then the limbs.
  5. Classical massage is basic both in cosmetology and in medical practice. It is most often carried out in a horizontal position, on a flat and hard surface.

During the session, the client is recommended to wear a light T-shirt and shorts or to be completely naked, covering the décolleté and bikini area with a towel. Bare skin interacts with the hands of the master faster, which affects the result of the session.

Classical massage can do a lot: it calms, normalizes blood pressure, relieves nervous tension, insomnia. It is distinguished by pleasant sensations, painlessness. A positive effect is not only on the skin, organs, muscles and spine, but also on the activation of nervous processes, as the transmission of impulses through the fibers of neurons improves.

The history of the emergence and development of classical massage

The benefits of stroking and rubbing movements have been noticed for a long time. Even the ancient Scythian nomads began to notice that stroking the site of injury contributed to the speedy recovery of soft tissues. It was also more effective to treat with ointments if they were applied not with brushes, but rubbed with the palm of your hand.

In Russia, the use of birch brooms in the bath was considered a traditional massage, which stimulated the body's work and increased its protective properties.

In general, it is generally accepted that massage originated when humanity itself. Rock paintings on the walls of the caves of Europe indicate the prescription of this method of treating diseases. And the first written references are found among the ancient Egyptians and Persians - about 4000 thousand years BC.

In the 600s BC. The massage technique was sung by the ancient Chinese. Moreover, they opened medical gymnastic schools, using stretching and twisting movements in the arsenal, as in some martial arts. The massage was trusted only to the elite, so it was performed by the wise elders.

Of the venerable authors of medicine, Hippocrates, already in the 4th century BC, mentions massage, indicating its ability to change the structure of tissues: when pinching, the muscles experience spasm and become denser, when stroked, they stretch.

But, despite the serious attitude to this type of activity, it remained the lot of medically illiterate people. For the first time they became seriously interested in it in the 18th century. It was P.G. Ling. He opened in the capital of Sweden, oddly enough, the Institute of Gymnastics. But what! Medical! Relief from rheumatism!

Then there was the German psychotherapist Mosengeil, he developed the theory of the physiology of massage. After several experiments on four-legged smaller brothers, I concluded that massage is also useful for humans.

In the late 2000s, this type of activity became especially popular. Classical techniques and techniques formed the basis of hygienic, preventive, sports massage. Today there are more than 30 methods. In their implementation, the use of hardware, jars, stones, bags of herbs is allowed.

Aroma oils, scrubbing agents, gels and ointments are used. Massage in "four hands" or even legs, with snails and with the use of acupuncture - the choice is wide. But the majority of fans are still with the classical school. And there are a number of arguments for this.

Distinctive features

Technique options for self-massage at home

You can perform massage movements with your hands and with the help of auxiliary devices. These are hard brushes for the anti-cellulite program, special balls to improve blood flow and greater coverage of the body surface, and roller tracks are also used.

Features of classical self-massage are the ability to use it at least every day. The session lasts on average no more than 15 minutes - the hands get tired. Disadvantage: the inability to process the back, lower back, buttocks in full. Basically, it remains to be content with self-massage of the face, auricles, hands, in particular the palms and phalanges of the fingers, and feet.

Commonly used self-massage techniques:

  • For face. Carry out pressing and disintegrating movements towards the auricles. It is better to arm yourself with 2 regular tablespoons. They are carried out from the bridge of the nose under the eyes to the ears, they do the same from the chin - from the center they lead with spoons to the auricles. Only from the center of the forehead, the lines should lead up to the temples.
  • Belly, thighs and buttocks, as far as it is convenient for self-massage, they first stroke it, then rub it intensively and then work on the fat layer under the skin. Use tingling, rubbing, vibration. To enhance the effect, coffee grounds, citrus fruit aroma oils are used, massage roller belts are used.
  • Palms and feet are processed in the same way. First, they stroke the outer and inner surfaces, then knead, rotate the fingers, press on the pads under them. They proceed to the foot or palm, smoothing them, pressing on the center, separately stimulating the heel, wrist and ankle joint.

In terms of self-massage of the back, you cannot do without the help of additional devices or a pair of reliable hands if the practitioner of this massage is not a yogi or a candidate for a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics - with excellent joint mobility.

Important! Rings, bracelets, watches and long nails will have to be abandoned. There is a high probability of injuring yourself during the session.

Below is a video example of facial massage at home:

The effect of classic massage

Classical massage is often endowed with healing power. It soothes, relaxes a person, tone the skin. It is used for cosmetic purposes and for general relaxation. It helps to increase immunity and just brings pleasure, which is no longer enough. But doctors noticed other properties of this technique of influencing the body.

external effect

The benefit of the classic massage effect is to improve the functioning of the nervous system and skin. Sleep improves, performance increases. It is also possible to improve the metabolism in the skin, which leads to the elimination or reduction of cellulite, relaxation of the occipital muscles - and headaches disappear.

It has been proven that even the level of hemoglobin rises, weight loss is possible, elimination of puffiness - due to the improvement of the lymphatic drainage function of the body. The positive externality is hard to miss. But an even greater result is given by massage to organs, muscles, and the skeletal system.

internal effect

By relaxing and toning certain muscles, classic massage can unload the spinal column, eliminating back pain. A physiologically normal position of the back favorably affects the internal organs. They fall into place, begin to work fully, pain syndromes stop.

The main features of the influence are the acceleration of recovery processes and the reduction of the rehabilitation period for injuries of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, and neuralgia.


Classical massage is indicated for healthy people - for the prevention and elimination of fatigue, in the fight against headaches, pain in the lower back, neck, during the rehabilitation period after fractures. The traditional technique is able to soften neuroses, unload the muscles around the spine, and is useful for bruises.

Indications for classical massage:

  1. In diseases of the digestive tract and reproductive system during remission.
  2. With frequent bronchopulmonary diseases.
  3. With paralysis.
  4. After a heart attack and in violation of blood pressure.

Even with chronic fatigue, for prevention and for cosmetic purposes, classic massage is indicated. You can resort to it for the sake of curiosity. Improved well-being after several sessions will be the best proof of its miraculous power.


Whether it is a medical or cosmetic goal, contraindications before the course are taken into account without fail. In this case, the commandment “do no harm!” is also important. The massage is canceled if the client has:

  • Infectious diseases, chronic diseases in the period of exacerbation, tumors - benign and cancerous.
  • Rashes, scars from a recent operation, open wounds on the skin and other injuries.
  • Thrombus formation, tuberculosis, high temperature are conditions in which massage will have to be abandoned.
  • The master also needs to be informed about diseases of the heart, abdominal organs, as well as about a possible pregnancy. The massage technique may include stimulation of the abdomen.

Poor health, sexually transmitted diseases, mental disorders, joint diseases and displacement of the vertebrae are not the best time for a massage. Here it is better to contact your doctor and get a referral for therapeutic massage.

Average cost in cities of Russia and the CIS

No matter how cheap and affordable self-massage is, the palm in quality and benefits still belongs to the classical technique performed by the master. The price depends on the city - in large metropolitan areas the cost is much higher than in the outback. The same aspect is influenced by the prestige of the institution providing the service.

Moscow St. Petersburg Yekaterinburg Krasnodar Volgograd Novosibirsk Permian Kyiv Kharkiv
2486 rub. 1815 rub. 1625 rub. 1804 rub. 1010 rub. 1773 rub. 1799 rub. 1785 rub. 1699 rub.

The average cost in European countries is not very different from the prices for similar services in the domestic market. A tidy sum, like ours, runs for a general massage. You can order a separate massage of the head and face, arms and legs, abdomen and thighs, back and neck. When you want "everything at once", you can take a full package of services, but not for an hour, but for half an hour. And remember: the average cost in the region is not a mandatory indicator. Sometimes the same service can cost both 1200 and 3000 rubles. We need to look for options.

It takes a long time to master the art of massage. Indeed, in addition to knowledge of techniques and techniques, you need to study the structure of the body. Know where the lymph nodes are and how blood moves through the body. Understand the location of energy centers and important biological points. In general, you need to thoroughly study the theory of classical massage. But for the first steps, as well as for home use, it is important to know at least the sequence of techniques and their meaning.

Principles of classical massage

For any of the schools of European massage has its own fundamental principles.

The basics of classical massage are unchanged in any of the practicing systems that branch off from the European school. They are based on the main techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. Swedish, Russian, Finnish systems are considered independent jets of European massage. But fundamentally, they have exactly these actions. The difference in these systems is only in the degree of exposure, duration and intensity of therapy. There are basic provisions that are shown to be observed for massage of any of the classical schools. Massage Tips:

  • The movements of half of the techniques are performed in the direction of the lymph to the lymph nodes. Exceptions are: vibration, tapping and rubbing
  • Hands are massaged towards the elbow and to the axillary lymph nodes.
  • The legs should be massaged towards the groin and knee cavities.
  • From the front, the massage is carried out “to the sides” along the intercostal lines and towards the axillary lymph nodes.
  • The neck is massaged down towards the collarbones.
  • The abdomen is massaged clockwise.
  • The lower back is massaged to the inguinal lymph nodes.
  • Lymph nodes cannot be massaged.
  • The muscles in the massaged area should be as relaxed as possible.
  • The body and hands must be clean.
  • For massage, be sure to use lubricants (ointments, oils, etc.).

For proper interaction with the skin, during stroking, lubricants are needed.

Basic and auxiliary techniques

The technique of classical massage consists in the alternate use of techniques, their timely inclusion in the session. The technique is also based on understanding how, how much and where to apply techniques.

Classic tricks in pictures

The main methods of classical massage are:

  • Stroking (from 1 to 5th figure). The purpose of this technique can be called stimulation and improvement of skin elasticity, normalization of lymph and blood circulation. It also reduces pain, improves vascular tone, and reduces muscle tone.
  • Rubbing (from 6th to 8th figure). Thanks to this technique, the mobility of tissues in the body improves, the work of the articular-ligamentous apparatus improves. Reception of rubbing actively affects the expansion of blood vessels, increases blood flow to the tissues, helps to strengthen the processes of eliminating congestion in the body. Stimulates the regeneration of damaged organs, improves conductivity and susceptibility. Increases muscle tone, while reducing nervous excitability.

Reception multidirectional rubbing on the upper limb

  • Kneading (from 9 to 11th figure). Increases tone and muscle contraction. Without the efforts of the patient, a kind of muscular gymnastics is carried out. Stimulates metabolic, excretory processes in the body. Improved susceptibility to nutrients. With injuries, regeneration processes are accelerated and intensified. Helps in the absorption of deposits. Due to the contrast effect, kneading is indicated for muscle insufficiency, because it activates and enhances muscle tone.
  • Vibration (from the 12th to the 15th figure). The main effect on the body: improves vascular tone. Blood pressure decreases or increases, depending on the desired effect. The vascular lumen expands or narrows. The myoneural apparatus is stimulated. There is an analgesic effect on the muscles and the body as a whole. Strengthening tendon reflexes. Helps to influence the deep layers, improves the functioning of internal organs. Indicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the reception of vibration acts far beyond the zone in which it occurs. The amplitude spreads over a larger surface of the body and, accordingly, affects a wider area.

Each of these methods has its own variations. It may differ in the degree and intensity of exposure in each individual case. In addition, it can be performed with different parts of the hand.

Basic techniques and their variations in a convenient table

In addition to the main ones, there are auxiliary methods of classical massage, which are often performed only by experienced masters. In addition, they are considered not separate methods, but arising from the main ones. These include:

  • tapping. It is often mistaken for a kind of “vibration” technique, but some experts distinguish “tapping” into a separate niche. Reception helps to improve the functioning of the nervous system and through it has a beneficial effect on the entire body. It is performed with the knuckles of the fingers with a series of gentle blows.
  • Squeezing. This technique resembles stroking, but is performed more intensively and rhythmically. In addition, when it is used in practice, it comes after stroking and before rubbing. It helps to improve blood circulation, increase blood flow and lymph outflow. At the same time, it removes puffiness and helps to remove stagnant deposits.

A lot of works and books have been written about how to do classical massage. It takes time and perseverance to learn all this. In addition, the art of massage is learned for years. But for independent practice, the basic knowledge outlined above is also suitable for a start. It is also important to know the sequence and duration of the receptions.


In any type of massage, the sequence and coordination of actions is important.

Before the start of the session, it is useful to ventilate the room, turn on pleasant music and light incense. Receptions of classical massage go in the sequence indicated below.

An important point for the successful implementation of any technique is the maximum relaxation of the muscles.

  1. With the reception of stroking, the massage session begins and ends. It is also used at the end of other techniques. At the beginning of the session, stroking is carried out with gentle, slow and accurate actions. The skin should not stretch, shrink or deform in any way. The movements are light and gliding. Stroking is divided into superficial and deep in terms of impact, as well as planar and embracing. Intensity, force of influence, direction vary depending on the type of strokes used and the individual clinical picture of the patient. Be sure to use oil or other means to help glide your hands. Reception can be done with one hand or two, with the pads and phalanges of the fingers, the palm, the costal part of the hand. This technique is included in the basics of classical massage.
  2. Squeezing. If this technique is used, then it follows the stroking. The movements are similar to the first technique, only they are made more intense and rhythmic. With a deeper effect on the skin. Performed with two hands.
  3. Next comes the rubbing. It affects the tissues more deeply. Moving, shifting, stretching the skin. The duration in one section does not exceed 10 seconds, the movements are neat and unhurried. Rubbing is also divided into several subgroups: sawing, planing, alternating, comb-shaped and others. In addition, it happens: deep and superficial, interrupted and uninterrupted. The same is done with both hands.
  4. The kneading technique is expressed in clasping the skin areas with the hands and working them out. Kneading can be: gripping, pulling, lifting, squeezing, lowering and pushing. Just like rubbing, it can be superficial and deep, continuous and intermittent. It is carried out with two hands, with different direction and intensity. One of the indispensable techniques of classical massage.
  5. Vibration also includes tapping. Although sometimes it stands out as a separate one. The essence of the reception lies in oscillatory movements of different amplitude and frequency. For execution use: one or both hands, pads or knuckles. Also the edge of the palm, back and inner side of the hand. An important element in the technique of classical massage.

The duration of each individual appointment depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the clinical picture. The masseur must clearly see and understand where, with what intensity and duration it is necessary to perform the elements. To get a quality result, you need to contact professionals. After all, only they are fluent in all the techniques and basics of classical massage.

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