Pumpkin porridge with millet. Let's choose a recipe for your taste

Encyclopedia of Plants 17.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

One of the classic pumpkin-related recipes is, of course, pumpkin porridge. Since ancient times, people have loved to cook this porridge with pumpkin and millet in milk. They cooked on the stove, steamed in the oven, according to simple and affordable recipes.

This dish is prepared on the basis of millet and milk, and when served, butter and milk are served. And even despite this, it will not give many calories - about 120 kcal per 100 g. It turns out that such an interesting porridge can also be considered dietary. In addition, you can cook millet porridge with pumpkin, both fresh and frozen - at any time of the year.

A few delicious simple recipes cooking porridge with pumpkin and millet, with a photo and a description of the steps step by step - can be found in the article.

First, consider the simplest recipe for cooking pumpkin porridge in an ordinary saucepan. The ratio of the pumpkin itself to the cereal is approximately 2:1.

For a classic recipe, you will need the following products:

  • pumpkin 1 kg;
  • 400 g of millet is enough, since it will increase significantly in volume;
  • milk - 3 cups;
  • plus 4 cups of water. Or 7 glasses of milk, if you want to cook porridge with pure milk;
  • a little butter;
  • 3 large spoons of sugar;
  • half a dessert spoon of salt (to your taste).

The whole process will take about an hour or a little more.

A step-by-step recipe with a photo looks like this:

Step 1. Pumpkin is put into the pan first. To do this, it must be cleaned and cut into small cubes, as shown in the photo.

Step 2. Place the pieces in a saucepan and fill them with water completely. You need to cook until boiling, then another half hour over moderate heat and under the lid. As a result, the pulp should be almost completely cooked.

Step 3. During all this time, you can soak the millet in water at room temperature or simply pour boiling water over it, after washing it thoroughly. So we will definitely get rid of unnecessary bitterness, which sometimes appears as a result of long cooking of this cereal. Another useful tip is not to use old, stale millet that is definitely over a year old.

We add the thoroughly washed and soaked cereals to the pan and cook for another 20 minutes, reduce the fire a little. At the same time, you can add sugar and salt.

Step 4. Now pour in 3-4 cups of milk and cook for another 10 minutes over medium heat. Of course, the dish should no longer boil, so the fire must be adjusted carefully.

Step 5. Now let's just try the cereal - if it has become soft enough, then the dish is ready. When serving, do not forget to add a little butter or cream to the porridge.

Pumpkin porridge with millet: a recipe like in an oven

We associate millet porridge not only with kindergarten, but also with a Russian stove. Classic invention Slavic peoples, the mother oven, made it possible to turn any food into a real delicacy, and most importantly, into a healthy delicacy. Almost any porridge, and especially millet, was simmered in the oven for quite a long time, thanks to which it turned out to be very tender, lush and fragrant.

And today we, though in more modern version, but still we can reproduce the old recipe for millet porridge in milk with pumpkin. To do this, simply use the oven, which is sure to be found in every home.

Take these products:

  • 800 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 1.5-2 cups of millet;
  • a little more than a liter of water;
  • sour cream or sour milk - when serving;
  • salt to taste;
  • as for sugar, you can not add it or put quite a bit - again, according to your taste.

Cooking porridge like this:

Step 1. We prepare all the products, peel the pumpkin and seeds.

Step 2. Cut the pumpkin pulp again into small cubes. Then we put it in a saucepan (preferably thick-walled) and cook for 10-15 minutes after boiling over moderate heat.

Step 3. In the meantime, we sort through the millet, rinse it thoroughly and pour boiling water over it. Drain the water, then sort it out again, soak in boiling water and drain again - repeat the cycle 5 times until the water becomes perfectly clear.

Step 4. Put the cereal in a saucepan and cook on the stove, over low heat for half an hour. We put salt and sugar. In the meantime, turn on the oven and heat it to 180°C.

Step 5. Then the temperature must be reduced to 150 ° C and put the pan with the lid closed in the oven for about half an hour. In this way, we will model the process of languishing, which has been used by our ancestors for many centuries, and perhaps is still used today in remote villages.

Of course, the lid must be heat-resistant - especially the handle itself in the middle. If you are not sure, you can close the container with a ceramic dish.

Step 6 Serve the finished pumpkin porridge with sour cream or cream. You can also use sour milk - depending on your taste.

Porridge with pumpkin and millet on the stove: a recipe with raisins

Of course, such porridge can be turned into a dessert dish. You can simply add raisins, prunes, dried apricots and other dried fruits to it. Fans of experimenting in the kitchen can also put slices of bananas or strawberries shortly before the end of cooking - many will surely like it.

And we will try to cook millet porridge with pumpkin on the stove, and not just like that - with raisins.

Take these products:

  • pumpkin pulp - 250 g;
  • half a glass of millet groats;
  • the same amount of milk or liquid cream;
  • a small pinch of salt;
  • sugar - to your taste;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of raisins;
  • 2 tbsp butter for serving (if using cream, you can omit it).

The sequence of actions is as follows:

Step 1. We prepare all the products, cut the pumpkin into pieces, as in previous recipes.

Step 2. We wash the millet several times until the water becomes perfectly light. Pour boiling water or soak in water at room temperature for half an hour. Put the cereal in a saucepan and cook for 15 minutes after boiling, adding salt and sugar.

Step 3. Add pumpkin and a little milk, then cook for another 20 minutes, until the vegetable is soft.

Step 4. We thoroughly wash the raisins, put them in a saucepan with pumpkin and cook for another 10 minutes - the raisins should completely steam out and become soft.

Step 5 Serve the finished porridge with butter. It would be appropriate to add a spoonful of honey.

The principles of cooking porridge with millet and pumpkin are the same - it is cooked over moderate heat until all the ingredients are soft. And the result is a really tasty and, moreover, healthy, dietary dish.

Enjoy your meal!

If you decide to quickly cook a healthy and satisfying porridge for breakfast or dinner, then we will tell you how to cook pumpkin porridge with millet. The dish is very nutritious and fragrant. After all, pumpkin contains many vitamins and has a great effect on digestion.

Recipe for pumpkin porridge with millet and milk


  • pumpkin - 500 g;
  • milk - 3 tbsp.;
  • millet - 200 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • light raisins - 70 g;
  • - 50 g;
  • fine salt - a pinch;
  • water - if necessary.


So, we wash the raisins in advance, pour them with boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. In the meantime, prepare the rest of the ingredients: wash the pumpkin, peel and cut into small slices. Then put in a small saucepan, pour cold milk and cook over medium heat for 30 minutes. After that, add granulated sugar to taste and mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon. We put a piece of butter and 15 minutes before the pumpkin is ready, pour in the millet, cover with a lid and simmer the dish. At the very end, we throw in the washed raisins, mix well, add some salt to the pumpkin and millet if desired, and call everyone to the table.

Recipe for pumpkin porridge with millet


  • pumpkin - 300 g;
  • millet groats - 1 tbsp.;
  • filtered water - 2.5 tbsp.;
  • fine salt - to taste;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • low-fat sour cream - to taste.


To prepare pumpkin porridge with millet, thoroughly wash the grits several times. Then, pour water into a small saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil, adding salt to taste. We process the pumpkin, cut it into small cubes and put it carefully in hot water. Cook it until soft, and then carefully drain the remaining liquid into a bowl. We put the pumpkin broth on the fire, boil and pour the prepared cereal. As soon as the porridge is cooked, lay out the pieces of pumpkin on top and send the dishes to the oven, heated to 180 degrees. We mark for 15 minutes, and serve porridge with butter and sour cream.

Recipe for pumpkin porridge with millet in a slow cooker


  • millet - 1 tbsp.;
  • milk - 3 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • pumpkin - 350 g;
  • butter - 25 g;
  • salt.


We wash the pumpkin and clean it from the peel and seeds. Cut the pulp into small cubes or chop on a large grater. We wash the millet and scald it with boiling water so that there is no bitterness left in the groats. Now we put the pieces of pumpkin on the bottom of the multicooker, pour in the millet, throw in the sugar and salt to taste. To make the porridge tastier and more aromatic, put a small piece of butter in the pan and mix. We close the device with a lid, set the program "Milk porridge" and cook the dish for 1 hour. An audible signal will let you know when the dish is ready. Put hot pumpkin porridge in a clay cup, add oil, mix and serve.

Pumpkin porridge with millet



We wash the pumpkin, wipe it with a towel and clean it from a hard crust and seeds. Rub the processed pulp on a coarse grater. We thoroughly wash the millet, pour it over with boiling water or lightly fry it in sunflower oil. To do this, pour the cereal into the bowl of the multicooker, close the lid of the device, set the program "Frying" and detect 5 minutes. After that, add the pumpkin, pour in water and salt the dish to taste. We select the “Milk porridge” mode on the display and cook for an hour. Toward the end of cooking, throw in spices, aromatic herbs and serve pumpkin porridge with sour cream or cream.

I recommend everyone to include milk millet porridge with pumpkin in their diet. It is not only very tasty, but also useful. We talked about the benefits of pumpkin in the article - and it also talks about how to choose a pumpkin, how to store it and what to cook from it. If you don't grow pumpkins on your garden plot, then you can easily buy it in the markets or in supermarkets. I especially like butternut squash, it has a more pronounced taste and it is sweeter. For milk porridge, this pumpkin fits perfectly. But any other variety is also suitable for this dish. So, in detail - how to cook millet porridge with pumpkin.

What is necessary:

  • 1 glass of millet
  • 2 glasses of milk
  • 4 glasses of water
  • 400 g pumpkin
  • 3-4 tbsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon

Delicious millet porridge with pumpkin

Cook delicious porridge on milk is not difficult, the main thing is to choose the ratio of millet and pumpkin for yourself. Someone likes more pumpkin, someone less. I took the average amount of pumpkin, and you choose the most suitable amount for yourself.

About milk and water! You can cook this porridge only with milk, then take 6 glasses of milk. I prefer to cook in a ratio of 2:4. If you wish, this proportion can be changed as you like. You can cook on water, but still, at least 1 glass of milk is better to take for cooking, this will improve the taste and texture of porridge.

It is better to sort millet before cooking in order to prevent small pebbles from getting on the teeth. Pour into a bowl and rinse several times until clean water. It is recommended to rinse the millet for the last time hot water or pour over boiling water to remove bitterness.

Peel the pumpkin and cut into pieces. Choose the size of the pieces yourself. Some like it bigger, like me, and some like it smaller.

Pour the washed millet with milk and hot water. I take boiling water. We put on the stove, bring to a boil and lay out the pieces of pumpkin, sugar, salt.

When it boils, reduce the heat and cook over medium heat until cooked through for 20-25 minutes. After 10 minutes, add cinnamon.

After removing from the stove, let the milk porridge brew a little and serve delicious fragrant porridge with pumpkin, adding a piece of butter.

Millet porridge with pumpkin in milk is a truly homemade dish, tasty and healthy. It is good to cook it for breakfast or afternoon snack.

FROM special attention treat the choice of cereals for porridge. Dark, saturated yellow color millet is more suitable for cooking with water. From such cereals, porridge is crumbly. But light grains are softer, they boil well, and therefore are just right for millet porridge with pumpkin in milk.

To give the porridge a special flavor, use ground cinnamon or vanilla.

Taste Info Second: cereals / Pumpkin dishes

Ingredients for 3 servings:

  • Millet - 90 -100 g;
  • Pumpkin (nutmeg) - 250 g;
  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Milk - 350 ml;
  • Sugar - 30 g;
  • Salt;
  • Cinnamon.

Cooking time 45 minutes.

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin in milk

Cut the pumpkin into narrow strips, remove the skin from them. Then chop the fruit into cubes. It is better not large, so that the pumpkin cooks faster. Send the pan to medium heat and cook the vegetable with the lid closed for 15 minutes.

Sort the millet carefully. Make sure that there are no pebbles in it, with which the grits are polished. Next rinse well. cold water and put it in the pot with the pumpkin.

Add milk. Cook the porridge over low heat for 25-30 minutes, stirring from time to time. Be careful not to run out of milk!

Then add sugar to the porridge.

A pinch of salt.

And a teaspoon of cinnamon. In this recipe, this component is not required. But its aroma will make ordinary millet porridge a fragrant, appetizing dish. Close the lid and let the porridge simmer on the quietest fire for another 5-10 minutes.

Add butter to the porridge and serve.

Millet porridge with pumpkin and apples

No one will argue with the fact that millet porridge cooked in milk with the addition sweet pumpkin and juicy apples - this is a delicious and healthy breakfast. Children and adults are delighted with the bright yellow color and incredibly delicate texture of porridge, its rather sweet taste is perfectly set off by apple sourness.

Required Ingredients:

  • millet groats - 250 grams,
  • pumpkin - 200 grams,
  • ripe apples - 2 pcs.,
  • cold water - 400 ml,
  • milk - 400 ml,
  • butter - about 50 grams,
  • granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons.

Description of the cooking process:

Sort millet groats from debris, rinse thoroughly and pour 400 ml of cold water.

Bring the porridge to a boil over medium heat and boil for about 10 minutes, then drain the boiling water, rinse the cereal under cold water and transfer it back to the saucepan.

Grate pumpkin pulp on a coarse grater. Melt the butter in a frying pan and, stirring occasionally, fry the pumpkin in it until soft.

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Peel the apples, free from the core and cut into small cubes. Add apples to the pumpkin and simmer a little more together under a closed lid.

Slightly cooled pumpkin and apples, together with granulated sugar, add to millet groats.

Gently mix the combined ingredients and pour boiling milk. Put the pan on low heat and simmer the millet porridge until tender, that is, about 25 minutes.

Let the ready-made millet porridge with pumpkin and apples brew for about half an hour, wrapping the pan with a warm towel, and then season with butter and serve the porridge while still hot.


  • Similarly, you can cook corn or rice porridge.
  • Apples can be replaced with quince, it cooks a little longer, but porridge with it will turn out to be much healthier and more aromatic.

Millet milk porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker

good, tasty and useful option breakfast or dinner will be milk millet porridge with pumpkin. In a slow cooker, preparing such a dish will be easy even for the youngest inexperienced hostess.

The taste of porridge directly depends on the cereal, so use the tips for choosing millet. For this tender milk porridge, try not to buy unpolished cereals (it is also called dranets in another way). In unpolished millet, the grains are cleared only of the flower film, have a slightly bitter taste, and it will take more time to cook. Such millet is more difficult to digest by the human body. Stop your choice on cereals with a bright saturated yellow(polished). To prepare a viscous, not crumbly porridge, you can use crushed millet.

I would also like to warn you that millet belongs to those types of cereals that you should not stock up on for the future, over time it will become bitter.

Use one more useful advice for the pumpkin. It happens that a vegetable is very large sizes. They cut it and can't use it quickly. To prevent the pulp from spoiling, you can cut it into small cubes or rub it on a grater and freeze it. This frozen version is perfect for cooking milk millet porridge.

If desired, during cooking, you can add dried fruits to the porridge - raisins, pieces of dried apricots and prunes.


  • millet - 1 glass;
  • pumpkin - 400-450 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • milk (fat content 2.5-3.2%) - 4 cups;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. At the first stage, carefully sort and rinse the cereal. Millet must be washed until the water after it is completely clear. Now transfer the clean cereal to a bowl, pour boiling water over it, leave it in this state for 20-30 minutes. Due to this procedure, excessive bitterness will go away, and the porridge will cook much faster.
  2. During the time it is infused in boiled water grits, prepare the pumpkin. Peel and seeds, wash, cut into small cubes. If you don’t really like pumpkin pieces in porridge, rub the pulp on a medium or large grater. You can use any variety of pumpkin, but it's best if it's bright orange and sweet.
  3. Transfer the chopped pumpkin to the multicooker bowl, add butter, set the time to 10 minutes and turn on the “Baking” mode.
  4. When the beep sounds for the end of this process, carefully open the lid of the multicooker so as not to burn yourself with steam. Put the millet into the bowl, pour in the milk, pour in the sugar and start the "Porridge" process for 30-40 minutes.
  5. After the signal, leave the porridge for another 15-20 minutes in the “Heating” mode so that it sweats a little.
  6. When serving, put the porridge into portioned plates, put another small piece of butter, decorate with berries and fruits.

Hearty millet porridge with bright pieces of pumpkin is associated with a carefree childhood for many: this was given in kindergarten Or Grandma cooked. If you like the specific sweet taste of pumpkin, you can repeat the recipe at home without any problems.

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin

Millet with pumpkin - classic combination. The dish can be made with milk and water, sweet and salty (with cheese and spices), with fruit, in a pot, assorted cereals (rice and millet porridge). It is suitable for breakfast for the whole family.

In a slow cooker

A light, nutritious breakfast is prepared quickly without the participation of the hostess. Take a small pumpkin, washed millet, milk, prepare according to the recipe - feed the whole family. Porridges in a slow cooker are especially fragrant and rich, almost like from a Russian oven.

In the oven

Traditionally, pumpkin porridge is cooked on the stove, but you can also steam it in the oven. The groats are saturated with the aromas and amber color of the vegetable, the dish acquires a nutmeg-honey flavor. You can bake and serve in pots, add spices: vanillin or cinnamon.

Recipe for millet porridge with pumpkin

Start by choosing a quality pumpkin: it should not be too large, it is better if its flesh is bright orange in color - this indicates a high content of beta-carotene. Clean it from seeds and fibrous core, cut off the peel. Cut the pumpkin pulp into cubes, boil in salted water for 30 minutes. Separately, cook millet, rinse. Combine all ingredients, add milk, season to taste and bring to readiness.

On milk

  • Time: 40 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calories: 314 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Protozoa step by step recipe cooking a healthy treat provides for the presence of only three ingredients and forty minutes of free time, after which on your dining table a bright orange, fragrant pumpkin porridge with millet in milk will appear. After half an hour of cooking, be sure to darken the container with the porridge in the oven.


  • milk - 1 liter;
  • millet groats - 200 g;
  • pumpkin pulp - 500 g;
  • salt, sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut pumpkin pulp into small cubes or grate with large cells.
  2. Heat the milk, dip the vegetable cubes into it, cook for 15 minutes over medium heat.
  3. Rinse the millet under warm water, strain. Add the cereal to the rest of the ingredients, salt a little, add sugar to taste and cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Preheat the oven to 130C, darken the dish for 25-30 minutes until cooked. Serve with a slice of butter on top.

On the water

  • Time: 60 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calories: 51 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

A dietary, lean option will be no less tasty. Butter can be replaced with vegetable oil, such as olive oil.


  • pumpkin pulp - 350 g;
  • millet - 200 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt, sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the vegetable, cut the pulp into cubes. Pour water into a saucepan.
  2. Put on the stove and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, so that the vegetable is slightly boiled.
  3. Prepare millet groats: rinse, pour over with boiling water, add to the pan.
  4. Season, salt, mix gently so that the vegetable pieces do not fall apart.
  5. Cook for another 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. When the water has evaporated, cover the container with a towel, sweat for 30 minutes and serve.

in a pot

  • Time: 60 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calories: 312 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you prefer to cook healthy, nutritious meals, then try making this option. Pumpkin porridge with millet in a pot has some manufacturing features: a pot with ingredients cannot be placed in a very hot oven and baked at a high temperature - the dish must languish. Do not fill the containers to the top - boiling juice will burn.


  • butter - 30 g;
  • millet - 300 g;
  • milk - 800 ml;
  • pumpkin pulp - 300 g;
  • sugar - 15 g;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the pumpkin pulp: cut the peel from the vegetable, remove the fibers and seeds, cut the vegetable into pieces. Rinse it under water and pat dry.
  2. Rinse the cereal, pour over with boiling water to remove the bitterness.
  3. At the bottom of the form, put pieces of vegetable, cereal, sugar and salt. Oil can be put now or at the very end.
  4. Add milk just enough to cover the ingredients.
  5. Cover the pots with lids and simmer in the oven for 30 minutes. If you want to get golden crust, then 5 minutes before the end of baking, open the lid.

  • Time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calories: 298 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Pumpkin casserole with millet is complemented by raisins, cinnamon, nuts - this is very good option satisfying healthy breakfast.


  • pumpkin pulp - 400 g;
  • water - 600 ml;
  • millet - 300 g;
  • raisins - a handful;
  • olive oil- 20 ml;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • seeds for decoration

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the millet thoroughly, pour boiling water over it, boil until cooked, after salting.
  2. pumpkin pulp grate with large cells, stew with vegetable oil, add sugar and cinnamon to taste.
  3. Lubricate the form, lay out half of the porridge, smooth it out. The next layer will be pumpkin puree, followed by another layer of millet.
  4. Send the casserole to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 30 minutes. Turn over the finished treat, sprinkle with seeds and raisins.

Millet porridge with frozen pumpkin

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calories: 78 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Not all housewives always have a fresh pumpkin on hand. It is very convenient to cut the pulp into cubes in the fall and freeze, so that you can use it on occasion, without even defrosting it first.


  • milk - 200 ml;
  • pumpkin pulp - 200 g;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • liquid honey - 20 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • millet - 150 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the cereal, rinse in hot water.
  2. Boil milk on the “Baking” mode, add frozen pumpkin slices, salt, cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Put the washed millet, mix, cook on the "Extinguishing" mode for 7-10 minutes.
  4. Put a slice of butter, continue to cook in the same mode for 20 minutes.
  5. Add honey, sugar to taste, serve.

Millet porridge baked in pumpkin

  • Time: 35 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calories: 219 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Fragrant millet porridge, packed in a scraped pumpkin and baked in the oven, is saturated with aromas of spices. To prepare, take a medium pumpkin without damage, carefully cut off the “lid”, remove the seeds and fibrous contents. Next, the vegetable pot is filled with contents and baked. Sprinkle with nuts when serving.


  • nuts - a handful;
  • medium pumpkin - 1 pc.;
  • millet - 300 g;
  • oil - 30 g;
  • sugar - 30 g;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon, orange peel - a pinch;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Before preparing the dish, sort, rinse the millet groats, pour it into the prepared pumpkin pot.
  2. Add cinnamon, orange zest, some salt, sweeten, stir, and top with butter sticks.
  3. Pour in the milk - it should cover the ingredients in the pumpkin pot.
  4. Cover the container with a lid, place on a baking sheet, on which you first pour a little water.
  5. Send to the oven for an hour and a half. Pour the finished dish with honey, sprinkle with nuts.

with raisins

  • Time: 40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calories: 197 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: European.

Simple, home recipe cooking a healthy, hearty breakfast consists of the usual ingredients and saturates for the whole day. Porridge is supplemented with raisins, it can be replaced with dried apricots or prunes. Better to cook in ceramic dishes to keep all the vitamins.


  • grated pumpkin pulp - 300 g;
  • raisins - 70 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • dried apricots - a handful;
  • water - 1 l;
  • millet - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate pumpkin pulp on a grater with medium cells. Rinse and cut the dried apricots. The recipe for millet porridge with pumpkin and raisins can be supplemented with dried berries, candied fruits, nuts.
  2. Pour boiling water over the millet, cook for 20-25 minutes until half cooked.
  3. Enter pumpkin pulp, dried fruits, add sugar.
  4. As soon as the mass boils, pour in the milk, cook until tender.

With dried apricots

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calories: 328 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The bright orange ingredients of the dish perfectly cheer up on a rainy autumn day and energize and positive. The dish is suitable for absolutely everyone: those who are on a diet (for weight loss), in fasting, with diabetes (you just need to exclude or replace sugar).


  • dried apricots - a handful;
  • millet groats - 150 g;
  • baked milk - 600 ml;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • pumpkin pulp - 650 g;
  • salt, seasonings - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse dried apricots, place in a container, add washed, scalded millet to it.
  2. Cut the pumpkin pulp into cubes, put on top.
  3. Pour in water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, add milk, add sugar (or substitute), butter.
  4. Simmer under a closed lid for another 10 minutes.

with apples

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calories: 316 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Add ripe apples of sweet and sour varieties, a medium pumpkin with bright orange fleshy flesh and make a sunny, bright treat. Complete the finished dish with liquid honey or cinnamon, you can add a little grated ginger.


  • pumpkin pulp - 200 g;
  • millet - 200 g;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • cinnamon, honey - to taste;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut apples and vegetable pulp into cubes.
  2. Pour boiling water (800 ml) over the millet, add salt, and cook for 7-10 minutes.
  3. As soon as the cereal is boiled soft, add apples and pumpkin cubes, simmer over low heat for another 15-20 minutes.
  4. Some time before readiness, put honey, cinnamon, butter. Keep the dish covered with a closed lid and serve.

With meat

  • Time: 90 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calories: 369 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: medium.

This cooking option for millet porridge (with pumpkin and meat) will delight men. A hearty, high-calorie dish is prepared without milk, on water, adding your favorite spices and seasonings. If you do not want to use fatty meats, take turkey breast or veal.


  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • veal - 350 g;
  • millet - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil- 70 ml;
  • pumpkin pulp - 400 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • water - 600 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the washed meat into portioned small pieces.
  2. Peel onions and carrots, cut into cubes.
  3. Cut pumpkin pulp into cubes or arbitrarily.
  4. Rinse the millet running water, scald to remove bitterness.
  5. Pour oil into a deep thick-walled pan, heat and fry the onion and carrot until soft.
  6. Add meat, brown for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Add boiling water, season, salt, cover and simmer until the meat is cooked.
  8. Put the pumpkin cubes in the roast, simmer for 5 minutes, add the millet. Cook at minimum temperature covered for another 20 minutes.
  9. Check the readiness of the roast, if necessary, add liquid and sweat a little.

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin delicious - cooking secrets

Before you make a delicious, vitamin dish, check out some of the recommendations of professional chefs:

  • So that millet with pumpkin is not only tasty, but also preserves everything useful material, in the old days it was cooked in earthenware, in an oven. At home, porridge can be simmered at a minimum temperature in the oven.
  • Before cooking, millet groats must be washed, scalded with boiling water, washed again and thrown into a sieve. Sometimes, to be sure, it is better to boil it separately, and then transfer it to a container with the rest of the components.
  • The dish will be especially tender if you add a spoonful of butter when serving.
  • Try not to cook for too long, so as not to lose all the useful trace elements and vitamins.


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