Pumpkin baked in the oven with sugar. How to cook a sweet pumpkin in the oven: Simple recipes

Garden technique 17.10.2019
Garden technique

What do we need:

  1. Pumpkin itself - 500-600 g
  2. Sugar - 1 cup (from which we spend 3-4 tablespoons)

Cooking light and pleasant.

We choose a medium-sized vegetable and cut in half. Clean the middle of the seeds.
Half pumpkins cut slices - in the form of a crescent. We try so that the pieces have been approximately the same width and not too thick - two centimeters will be enough.
Pour sugar on a flat dish. Suffer pieces into it - but only one side! Other, without a sweet coating, we put on a baking sheet, slightly lubricated with oil. You can cover the surface of the foil, and the oil is not used.
Now that the entire surface of the metal is occupied by the appetizing attached cutting, we approached the middle of the process, how to bake a pumpkin in the oven slices. A recipe with a photo teases eyes and excites imagination. It's only the beginning!
Warring the oven at 200 degrees Celsius. Install the timer at the mark of twenty minutes. But keep in mind that solid fruits are preparing longer than soft. Therefore, it is beneficial to check the readiness after 10-15 minutes of baking.

To determine whether it is possible to remove the baking tray, picked up a vegetable flesh with a wooden stick or match. If the pumpkin is easy to give in - she is ready.

Appetizing feed and best sauces

How do we serve the dish?

  • Let's give it hot or cold: each option has its fans.
  • To improve the absorption of vitamins, it is slightly lubricating already ready-made slices with vegetable oil. We use culinary brushes: pressed from excess oil and pass on pumpkin without pressure.
  • For the eaters of shameful and the elderly skirt, it is better to remove in advance - so they will be able to fully focus on the pleasure of sweet pulp.
  • Halves of circles can be offered to guests entirely: it will seem that we eat the watermelon coloring color.
  • If you cut arcs on a barn: we will have a hearty and beneficial to the health of the alternative to chips, flakes and other harmful snacks.

What useful sauces can be done quickly and tasty?

5 - Magic classic with an apple.

And the last option for today: we bake a pumpkin in kind, shifting slices of sweet apples. We choose the varieties of apples that quickly soften at high temperatures: candy, median, Bolotovskaya, Golden Delishes.

We clean from the skins, cut (10-12 poles for an apple with a female fist) and alternate with a pumpkin when laying on a baking sheet. At the exit, we get ready-made pumpkin slices in the baked apple puree.

What is useful to pumpkin and how to choose a good

Pumpkin is rich in the fiber required for normal intestinal operation. Beta carotene contained in bright pulp, in the body turns into vitamin A - the key to the health of the eyes and skin. The finished dish is a good potassium source to work properly.

From the video below you will learn important secrets of how to choose the right pumpkin.

Bright, as if increasing the roast summer sun and gold paints of autumn, a symbol of health, wealth and goodness - Beauty Senior Pumpkin, or as it is also called "orange watermelon" - a useful autumn vegetable, pleasing an eye on already empty beds. In Russia, Pumpkin loved, and a lot of recipes knew a lot of recipes. Nowadays, pumpkin is influenced by the pumpkin, and many will exclude it at all from their diet, motivating the failure of the tassel of this vegetable. That's so good! Be sure to cook pumpkin in the oven. The result will exceed all your expectations. Why in the oven? First, as you know, any dishes cooked in the oven fill the house with an incredible aroma and create a car of home heat and comfort. And secondly, pumpkin in the oven is the best way to cook.

Pumpkin in the oven is not difficult to prepare, you only need to prepare all the necessary ingredients, lay out them in the form, and everything else will do the oven. Pumpkin in the oven can be cooked hundreds of different ways. Among them are the recipes of baked, fried, stew and even boiled pumpkin. The most valuable pumpkin quality is its combination with many products. With meat and poultry dishes, it gives softness and juiciness, cereal dishes with pumpkin are striking with their aroma and sweetness, and dairy dishes with a pumpkin are delightful warmth and tenderness.

In order to prepare in the oven for a truly tasty, juicy and fragrant pumpkin dish, of course, the knowledge of some culinary tricks will be required. For example, how to choose a pumpkin for a conceived dish. Bright, orange pumpkins with minor fruits with a juicy sweet pulp, perfectly suitable for sweet dishes. But for disadvantages, it is best to choose a large orange or bluish-green pumpkin, the pulp in them is not too pronounced sweetness, but it is full of fragrant juice. Choosing a pumpkin, be sure to pay attention to the peel, it should be dense, without spots and damage.

Pumpkin is well combined with a variety of spices and seasonings. Cinnamon and ginger, fragrant pepper and carnation, cardamom and lemon zest are perfectly suitable for sweet meals from pumpkins. If you are going to send a pumpkin dish with meat or poultry to the oven, then your helpers will be sage and mint, cumin, coriander and black pepper. A small amount of spicy herbs and vegetables will give your dishes from pumpkin more spicy taste. In most cases, pumpkin is preferred to stuff, and then bake in the oven along with the filling. As a result, it turns out just a delightful dish: the filling in the pumpkin "pot", covered on top of the "lid", it turns out incredibly tasty, and the pulp that has absorbed all the flavors of the filling - spicy and tender. In a word, pumpkin in the oven is a whole splendor of truly delicious and fragrant dishes. Make sure our recipes will help you.

Pumpkin in the oven stuffed stear from meat and vegetables

1 average pumpkin,
2 sweet peppers,
400 g potatoes,
400 g tomatoes,
500 g chicken fillet,
2 bulbs,
5 pieces of garlic,
200 g white marinated beans,
1 bank canned corn,
200 g Kuragi,
1 bunch of greenery,
1 tbsp. Ground Coriander
3 tbsp. vegetable oil
Creamy oil, salt, spices - to taste.

Cut the top with pumpkins, remove the seeds and lubricate it inside with creamy oil. Place the pumpkin with a cover on a baking sheet, lubricated with vegetable oil, and send 1 hour in the oven. Potatoes Cut into large pieces, peppers and onions - half rings, grind garlic. Scratch tomatoes and remove the skin with them. Finely torn greenery. Within 40 seconds, in a strong fire in a dry pan, fry the coriander and remove it from the frying pan. Then, on the same frying pan, fry the bow, then add chicken fillet chopped with small pieces and extinguished until half-ready. Add to bow and chicken potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, beans, kuraga, pour 1.5 liters of water, bring vegetables to a boil, add garlic, cooled coriander and extinguish another 20 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, add corn. In the dish of the dish, add greens, put the resulting stew into the pumpkin, cover the cover and send the oven to the oven it up to 180 °.

Pumpkin in the oven with filling from beef "Rustic"

1 small pumpkin,
1.5 kg beef tenderloin,
2 bulbs,
1 bunch of greenery,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
Salt, black ground pepper.

Wash the pumpkin, cut the top, remove seeds and a little pulp. Fry in vegetable oil before the formation of a ruddy crust is cut into small pieces of beef and onion by half rings, spray, pepper and add a finely chopped greens. Place the prepared ingredients in the pumpkin, cover with a cover and bake 1 hour at a temperature of 180-200 ° C.

Pumpkin in the oven stuffed with buckwheat and pork


2 stack. buckwheat
300 g of pork,
1 bulb,
1 carrot,
2 cloves of garlic,
½ stack. water or broth,
5 tbsp. vegetable oil
salt pepper.

Cut the top at the pumpkin, remove the seeds and some of the pulp so that the walls remain with a thickness of no more than 3 cm. Sutitate pumpkin from the inside salt, garlic, pepper and impregnate with vegetable oil. Then pumped into the pumpkin "pot" buckwheat, and to put the layer with sliced \u200b\u200bpieces on top and slightly roasted pork. On top of pork - roasted onions and carrots. Leave on top to the edges of the pumpkin free space (somewhere 5 cm). Pour water, close the pumpkin "pot" with your own lid and install on a baking sheet with sides. Bake a pumpkin with a buckwheat filling of 1.5-2 hours in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C.

Pumpkin in the oven stuffed with mushrooms and lard

4 small pumpkins,
400 g of mushrooms (you can take champignons or horses),
250 g salla,
1 bulb,
1 bunch of different greenery,
125 g of butter,
1 tbsp. any syrup,
50 g sugar,
A nutmeg, salt, carnation and cinnamon are ground - to taste.

Cut off the cover of the lid, remove the seeds. Mushrooms finely cut and fry in half the butter. The remaining half of the oil is molded, add nutmeg, cinnamon, carnation, sugar, salt into it, sugar, salt and cool. Then mix the resulting mass with the syrup and dear the walls inside the tick. Place mushrooms in them, and from above - slices of bass. Set the ticks on a baking sheet with high sideboards, arrangely spread the fourths of the bulbs and greens, pour 3 cm hot water and bake in the oven preheated to 200 ° C for 40 minutes. You can prepare this dish and in one large pumpkin, and how to use potatoes and bacon or potatoes and mushrooms as a filling.

Chicken baked in pumpkin

1 average pumpkin,
1 chicken,
½ stack. rice
1 Leek Some,
200 g Kuragi,
100 g of butter,
Vegetable oil, salt.

Cut the top of the top, remove the seeds and part of the pulp, leaving the layer at the edges no more than 1.5 cm. The washed rice is dried in salted water for 5 minutes, after which the water is drained, and rinse water. White part of the onion is at the same rings and fry on vegetable oil. Kuraga Cut the thin straw. Add the bow and dried to the rice and thoroughly mix. Wash chickens, dry with paper towels and divide into portion pieces. In the pan, melt half the butter and fry pieces of chickens before the appearance of a ruddy crust. In the pumpkin, lay out rice, mixed with onions and dried, then chicken and paint everything that remains in the pan after roasting with oil. Close the pumpkin cut with a cover and secure it with toothpicks. Heat the oven to 180 ° C, melt the remaining oil, lubricate them pumpkin outside and put in the oven for 1.5-2 hours.

Pumpkin baked with cheese and tomatoes

1 small pumpkin,
100 g of cheese
3 tomatoes,
vegetable oil,
pork fat

Cut the pumpkin on the 4 parts, remove the seeds and boil a little in salted water. Then remove the peel from it and cut into slices. Lay out the slices on a nailed tray with vegetable oil, pour them out with a vague cheese, put a row sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes sliced. Pour everything with fat and bake in a heated to 180 ° C overtook until readiness.

Baked pumpkin in the oven under the almond crust

1 small pumpkin,
1 stack. purified raw almond
1 stack. canned tomatoes,
3 cloves of garlic,
3 tbsp. sour cream
2 tbsp. olive oil,
Salt, black pepper - to taste.

Clean the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, cut in half and wrap every half in foil. Put on the baking sheet and bake in the oven preheated to 200 ° C 1 hour. Then remove the foil pumpkin, cool down and cut into thin slices. In the bowl of the blender, place almonds, olive oil, 2 cloves of garlic and grind everything before the formation of a large crumb. Then, with the help of the same blender, grind canned tomatoes with 1 cloth of garlic and sour cream. In a lubricated oil, baking shape lay out half of the sliced \u200b\u200bpumpkin slices and lubricate them with tomato paste, spray, pepper, put the remaining pumpkin slices on top and sprinkle with almond crumb. Bake in the oven preheated to 180 ° C 20 minutes.

Slices of pumpkin under the creamy sauce

800 g pumpkins,
200 g ham
400 ml of milk,
100 g whipped cream
100 g cheese,
1 bunch of green onions,
2 tbsp. flour
2 tbsp. butter
Salt, pepper, ground nutmeg - to taste.

Cut the pumpkin on the slices, remove the seeds. Cut the riders green onions. In the creamy oil, slightly fry the flour, add cream, milk and bring to a boil. Season salt, nutmeg, pepper and add a green bow. Pumpkin slices wrap with bacon and put in a baking shape, pre-lubricated with oil. Pour slices with creamy sauce, sprinkle with a grated cheese and bake 40 minutes in the oven preheated to 180 ° C.

Gaunda from pumpkin and potatoes


750 g potatoes,
3 tomatoes,
150 g cheese,
250 g of sour cream or cream,
vegetable broth
Garlic, Basil, Salt, Pepper - to taste.

Boil potatoes until half-ready. Purified pumpkin Cut into cubes and boil in vegetable broth. Cooled potatoes cut into slices and lay out in the prepared form for baking. Sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes with mugs to put over the potatoes, and between them lay the leaves of the basil. Top of vegetables lay a pumpkin, sprinkle with cream, flavored garlic, salt and pepper. Sprinkle the dish with a cooler with a cheese and bake in the oven preheated to 180 ° C 20 minutes before the formation of golden color.

Pumpkin Pumpkin

500 g pulp pumpkin,
½ stack. boiled rice
6 eggs,
2 tbsp. butter
Salt, sugar, cinnamon.

Cut pumpkin pulp into small pieces and cook in water for 20 minutes. Then mix with legged oil, sugar, rice, raw yolks, whipped squirrels, salt, put into the shape, pre-lubricated with oil, and bake in a heated to 180 ° C overtake 15-20 minutes. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.

1 kg pumpkins,
100 honey,
100 g of nuts,
Olive herbs - to taste.

Cut the pumpkin with slices along with the skin, put on the tray and bake in the oven at a temperature of 200 ° C until soft. Without removing her slices from the back, lubricate them on one side with honey and olive herbs and put in the oven for another 5 minutes before the formation of golden color. Remove the finished pumpkin slices, look again with honey and sprinkle with nuts.

Pumpkin in the oven with nut filling

1 pumpkin weighing 1-1.5 kg,
2 bulbs,
2 stack. dried cousin
1 stack. chopped walnuts,
80 g butter,
1 tsp. Cinnamon.

Cut the top with the pumpkins, get the seeds, carefully remove the pulp with a tablespoon, leaving thin walls. Finely pour pumpkin flesh, mix with nuts and cylinder, add chopped butter (squeeze a little oil), onions and cinnamon. Put the pumpkin with this filling, put it on the baking sheet, smeared with oil, sprinkle with the remaining melted butter and bake in the oven preheated to 180 ° C 1 hour.


2 peach,
2 tbsp. honey
100 g Roma,
1 tbsp. butter
2 tbsp. Sahara,
Long chopped rosemary.

Cut pumpkin pulp and peaches with small slices thick 1 cm. Fill them with Roma and give it in 30 minutes. Put creamy oil and sugar on a preheated pan. When it starts shirt, add pumpkins and peaches. Then lay out the slices into the ceramic pots, pour the honey mixed with rosemary, and put in the oven for 30 minutes. Before serving, the dessert stands slightly and decorate whipped cream.

Pumpkin in the oven is not only a variety of delicious and useful dishes, but also a special solar mood that you can give to your households!

Enjoy your appetite and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shufkaykin

Many legends and myths are associated with pumpkin. In Laos, there is a legend that the magic bird warned the family about the impending world focus. People hid in a large pumpkin, and thanks to this they were saved. When the water is gone, the seeds were put in the ground, and from the fruits, people had grown instead of seeds.

Recently, pumpkin dishes began to prepare less and less. And in vain, it is a storage room for the normal life of the body. Positive influence of a wonder-vegetable:

  • Improves metabolism.
  • Displays slags and toxins.
  • Improves the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Pows out of water surplus.
  • Improves the work of the nervous system.
  • Works as a prophylactic agent against the formation of cancer cells.
  • Improves visual sharpness.
  • Normalizes pressure.
  • Prevents urolithiasis.
  • Improves skin condition.

Pumpkin, prepared in the oven, is considered a dietary product - low-calorie, but satisfying.

Preparation for baked

Baking is the best way to produce delicious dietary dishes and preserving nutrients.

What kind of vegetable is better to choose?

There are a large number of pumpkin varieties. When choosing, it is necessary to follow these rules:

  • The best suits the fruit of a round or oval form. Optimal weight 3-5 kg.
  • The tail must be dry, better as possible.
  • The cut pump is not worth buying.
  • The color of the pulp should be bright yellow, orange. Then the content of vitamin A will be the maximum.
  • Peel without damage, dense and smooth.
  • To determine the ripeness, you need to press on the skin of the nail, if not sold, the peeled vegetable.

Sorts suitable for food:

  • Muscat.
  • Stiring (ordinary, pumpkin-spaghetti).
  • Large.

How to bake pumpkin in the oven by pieces

In order for dishes to be delicious and useful, it is necessary to comply with some rules of baking:

  • Cleaning the peel before baking is not worth it. It is easily separated later, and satures the dish with aroma.
  • The time that will go on cooking can be determined by the thickness of the lumps. If 2 cm, we bake 60 minutes. Thinnis - faster, thicker - longer.
  • You can check the readiness by pushing the fork if soft, then ready.
  • During the baked, it is necessary to add some water.
  • Optimal temperature - 200 ° C.

How to bake pumpkin spaghetti

Amazing type of pumpkin - Spaghetti. After cooking, it disintegrates on the fibers similar to the pasta. Great for making many dishes. To bake it, you need:

  1. Preheat oven to 180-200 ° C.
  2. So that the vegetable does not burst during cooking, go through it several times.
  3. Pour some water in the baking sheet.
  4. Bake 40-60 minutes.
  5. Remove out of the oven, cool a little.
  6. Cut, remove seeds.
  7. Separate fibers from the peel.
  8. Stay in dishes.
  9. Before serving on the table, add oil, salt, pepper.

Excellent are suitable for this variety of Mozarella cheese and basil.

Pumpkin slices with sugar

Pumpkin has an amazing ability: its taste depends on how to cook with which ingredients. It can be salted, spicy or sweet.

  • raisins,
  • sugar,
  • pears
  • fruit pilaf
  • apples
  • berries,
  • dried fruits.


  • 1 kg of pumpkins;
  • 60 g of sugar;
  • slight salt;
  • 50 ml of vegetable or butter.

Cooking technology:

  1. Prepare oven, warming up to a temperature of 200 ° C.
  2. Clear pumpkin, cut into slices.
  3. Mix sugar and salt, sprinkle vegetable on top. With this combination of salt will strengthen the sweetness of sugar.
  4. Top sprinkle with oil.
  5. Add ¼ cup of water, put in the oven. To avoid burning from above, you must cover the tank of the food foil.
  6. Baking time - about 40-60 minutes.

Such a recipe is considered dietary. If you need a sweeter option, it is necessary to increase the amount of sugar.

Video recipe

Recipe with honey and apples

Recipe number 1.


  • 0.4 kg of pumpkins;
  • 0.5 kg of apples;
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 40 g of walnuts;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.


  1. Apples are sour or sweet sour clean, remove the core, cut into pieces of 2x2.
  2. Pumpkin without leather cut into pieces similar to apples or slightly thinner.
  3. In the prepared shape with foil decompose the fruit, add 2 tablespoons of water.
  4. In the preheated oven to 200 ° C. Place the baking tray for 20 minutes.
  5. Remove the shape, sprinkle with cinnamon on top.
  6. Put a layer of apples.
  7. Bake for another 20-25 minutes.
  8. Give a little cool, decompose into the portion plates, pour honey, sprinkle with nuts. Dish is ready to use.

This recipes are possible other options:

  • with apples and raisins;
  • with honey;
  • with apples and quince;
  • with apples and walnuts.

Recipe number 2.


  • 0.5 kg of pumpkins;
  • 0.2 kg of apples;
  • 0.5 glasses of water;
  • 0.2 kg of honey.


  1. Clear apples from the core, cut into slices.
  2. Clear vegetable, cut into similar to apples, but a little thinner.
  3. Put on a baking sheet, pour honey and water.
  4. Place in a preheated oven and bake at 180 ° C for about 2 hours.
  5. The finished dish when serving on the table can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Pumpkin with meat for the second

Baked in the oven pumpkin without sugar is suitable as a side dish to meat or fish, which can be used both in hot and chilled.


  • 1.5 kg of pumpkins;
  • 40 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • greens take to taste.


  1. Clear the fruit, cut into small cubes.
  2. Connect chopped garlic, salt, spices.
  3. Stir with pumpkin pieces.
  4. Stay in the prepared shape, add some water.
  5. Place in a preheated oven to 180-200 ° C for 30-40 minutes.

We bake a tasty pumpkin whole

Classic recipe

For baking, we need to pick up a small fruit so that it prepared evenly. The washed vegetable is pushed, placed in the shape and in the oven. Became will be about an hour.

With apples and raisins

Baking options with apples as a whole. But it should be remembered about the rules that suit all recipes:

  • The vegetable is preparing a slower fruit, so it is better to choose apples of solid varieties.
  • We need a ripe fruit of sweet varieties with an orange flesh.
  • The degree of readiness is determined by a knife or fork. If the fruit is soft, the dish is ready, inside everything passed.
  • The composition of the pumpkin and apples will suit juice lemon.


  • 1.5 kg of pumpkins;
  • 0.5 kg of apples;
  • 100 g of raisin;
  • 30 g of butter;
  • 80 g sour cream;
  • 50 g of walnuts;
  • 2-3 g cinnamon;
  • sugar to taste.


  1. Pumpkins cut the top, remove seeds, flesh.
  2. Apples remove the core and cut into cubes.
  3. Apples in a frying pan slightly frying on creamy oil. The moisture should be slightly evaporated.
  4. Raisin rinse and dry.
  5. Nuts crush.
  6. Mix raisins, nuts, cinnamon, fill the vegetable filling.
  7. Mix sour cream with sugar and pour into the fetus.
  8. The filled pumpkin is closed with a pumpkin cap, fits in the oven.
  9. The preparation will take about 1 hour at a temperature of 200 ° C. If the skin is solid, to hold in the oven for another 20-30 minutes.

For the effect, it is better to put a dish on the table entirely, cutting on the spot.

Stuffed pumpkin

Pumpkin can be stuffing using different stuffs:

  • Rice with apples, dried, raisins, Alych.
  • Meat with bow.
  • Cheese with cream and greens.
  • Meat, potatoes, champignons.
  • Rice with meat, chicken, lamb.
  • Cereals: rice, millet.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Nuts.
  • Buckwheat with pork.

Baking pumpkins in the peel is good because the skins are then removed much faster and more convenient than from a raw vegetable.

But the meaning of the preparation of pumpkin with the peel in the oven is not only in this.

Pumpkin pieces, crude from the peel, do not sprawl and retain their shape and appetizing appetite appearance.

And also, many hostesses know how difficult it is to clean the pumpkin from the hardheus, if it was kept in winter for a long time.

We offer simple, fast and tasty recipes, how to prepare baked pumpkin directly in the leather for dessert in the post or as a useful second dish.

How to bake pumpkin in the peel

Small pumpkins - up to 1.5 kg, can be baked entirely. Before this pumpkin, wash and wipe dry. Slop the knife in several places, put into the form or on the baking sheet and put the oven in a preheated to 200 degrees for 45-60 minutes.

Readiness is checked by a skewering with a knife or fork - the device should easily enter the pulp of vegetable. Before use, cut the fruit for two halves and cool down for 20 minutes.

Whole pumpkin in the oven

Baked pumpkin with peel as a side dish to meat


  • 1 average pumpkin
  • 2 cloves of garlic or more
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • provencal herbs

Recipe for crude pumpkin in the oven:

1. Heat the oven to 200 C. Pumpkin Cut in half and remove the core with seeds.

2. Cut the slices with a width of 2-3 cm.

Baked pumpkin on a garnish

3. Put on the baking sheet, covered with foil or in a baking form.

4. Clean and cut garlic, mix with olive oil and spices and distribute the pumpkin. Slightly pour a large salt.

5. Put in the oven and bake 30-40 minutes. 15-20 minutes after the start of baking, slices should be turned over.

How to bake pumpkin with peel

Sweet pumpkin recipes are much more popular.

Pumpkin in the peel with sugar in the oven

Soft and juicy pumpkin flesh can be eating a spoon for dessert.


  • 1-2 small ripe pumpkins
  • 0.5 glasses of sugar
  • 1-2 pinching cinnamy
  • powdered sugar

How to bake pumpkin in the peel with sugar:

1. Wash pumpkins and cut along 4 or 8 parts depending on the size of the vegetable. Remove seeds with fibers.

2. Do small recesses in pieces from the pulp and pour sugar in them.

3. Ship the baking sheet with foil and put on it pieces of pumpkin coat down.

4. Bake 30-35 minutes at 180 degrees until the pumpkin becomes ruddy and beautiful.

5. You can sprinkle the pumpkin sugarpus with cinnamon.

Pumpkin fully stuffed with apples


  • 1 small pumpkin
  • 2 medium sweet apples
  • 3 tablespoons of fresh or frozen berries
  • 0.5 glasses of sugar
  • 0.5 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon of cream oil

How to cook stuffed pumpkin in the oven:

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Pumpkins cut the top to get a pot with a lid, and remove the core.

Baked pumpkin with peel

2. Mix the apples, berries, sugar and cinnamon sliced. Frozen berries must be pre-defrosting. You can take raisins instead of berries.

3. Lay out the filling in the pumpkin, and on top of put butter.

4. Bake on the foil on the baking or in the form for baking 1.5 hours, before the softness of the pumpkin (it should easily sneeze).

Baked pumpkin stuffed

How to prepare a pumpkin baked in the oven knows almost every experienced culinary. Moreover, the recipes of cooking a delicious, juicy and fragrant pumpkin are a lot, and you can pamper yourself from time to time.

The pumpkin baked in the oven is delicious, unusual, useful, moreover, very exquisite. If you want something unusual, I want to hit friends, family or impress the kneading culinary, we recommend that you bake stuffed pumpkin in the oven. It will be possible to start it by anything, ranging from crumbs and vegetables with dried fruits, and ending with meat with fragrant roots. Pumpkin, baked in the oven - this is not always a complex dish. Gentle flesh is baked very quickly, and it turns out tender and tasty. You can also prepare a very tasty pumpkin baked with pieces in the oven, choosing a recipe for your taste - you can cook a pumpkin with garlic and spicy herbs, and you can also cook with cinnamon and honey, dried cherry. Baked pumpkin in the oven is real delicacy, and you can cook from it the wonderful first, second, and even dessert, using completely different recipes. If you have never dealt with a pumpkin, then most importantly, what will be needed to pay attention is to choose. It is better to give preference to sweet, dessert pumpkin varieties - they are very tender, tasty, and the aroma when cutting a pumpkin is simply extraordinary.

How to cook baked pumpkin in the oven

If you have never yet prepared a pumpkin in the oven, we recommend that you recommend this recipe - stuffing such a pumpkin simply, and it turns out very tasty. For cooking you need to prepare the pumpkin of the right form - so that it is stable and not covered on the side.


middle Pumpkin - 1 piece;

chicken fillet - 1 kilogram;

potatoes - 4 tuber;

bulgarian pepper - 1 piece;

carrot - 1 piece;

onions - 3 pieces;

greens - according to your taste;

salt and spices - to taste;

vegetable oil - 4-5 tablespoons for roasting products;

garlic - 3 teeth.


First you need to take a chicken fillet, rinse, dry and cut into small pieces. After that, you will need to take and warm out a piece of oil in a skillet, and put this chicken fillet there, so far it will not be demolished significantly. While the meat is fried, you can wash the pumpkin. You will need to throw it from pumpkins to cut very carefully cover so that you can take advantage later. From the pumpkin it will be necessary to remove the flesh very carefully, it is best to use a spoon, trying to remove all the fibers and not damage the middle. If everything is done true, then in the end you should have a fairly spacious edible container with a lid. Now it will be necessary to take garlic, clean it, skip through the press and mix with salt, add vegetable oil there. Further this mixture you will need to grasp the boilers, as well as the cover from the inside. The bow at the same time it will be necessary to cut into small cubes. The carrot is best to cut the bars or grate onto the Korean carrot. After that, it will be necessary to add onions and carrots to chicken fillet and fry until readiness. Potatoes will also need to cut into small cubes, and just need to cut straw and bell pepper. Mix the potatoes and the Bulgarian pepper with the rest of the ingredients, after which it will be necessary to add greens there, well washed, and salt, but not too much - remember that you have already spilled the walls of the pumpkin. After all this is mixed, we send the filling in the pumpkin. Pumpkin is best wrap foil so that it does not burn, and then it will be necessary to bake all this at 180 degrees of three hours. It turns out a delicious, very satisfying and fragrant dish.

How to cook pumpkin baked in the oven

Pumpkin baked in the oven is a pretty well-known treaty in the world. Therefore, recipes are so diverse. We want to introduce you to another well-known recipe stuffed pumpkin - with pork and mushrooms.


pumpkin - medium sizes;

pork - 300 grams of cutting with a minimum amount of streaks;

potatoes - 2 pieces;

mushrooms - 300 grams;

bulgarian pepper - 1 piece;

onions - 1 head;

zucchini - 1 piece of small size;

sour cream - 100 grams;

cheese - 100 grams;

garlic - 3 teeth;

vegetable oil - to taste;

spices and salt - to your taste.


First of all, you will need to prepare a pumpkin. To do this, wash it thoroughly, after which cut the lid. And then it will be necessary to take and remove the whole pulp, including seeds. Fibers need to throw out, but seeds can then be sung separately - they are delicious and useful. After that, it will be necessary to take garlic, skip what through the press, mix with spices and salt, as well as cream soft oil. After that, it will be necessary to grasp this mixture of the pumpkin from the inside. And then you will need to take mushrooms, wash and clean them, fry in a frying pan, heated pre-oil. In the next it will be necessary to add a zucchini there, which you have finished pre-from the peel, and after that it will be necessary to take potatoes and pepper. Cut the meat covered with spices and salt. Fry it all until the vegetables are ready, after which it will be necessary to add sour cream, and put out still minutes. After that, it will be necessary to put the pumpkin to put this mixture, after which it will be necessary to put it in the oven for about 2.5 hours at 180 degrees. Pumpkin must close, while it will be necessary to ensure that it does not have a burden and did not remain raw.

How to cook pumpkin in the oven - Plov Recipe

You can start the pumpkin even the pilaf - it turns out incredibly tasty and juicy, very gentle and simple. To prepare the delicious pumpkin in the oven you will need to take all the ingredients for the traditional pill. You can prepare both lean and meat pilaf to your discretion.


meat - 400 grams of any fillet without a strey;

medium-sized carrot - 1-2 pieces;

onions - 2 heads;

rice is 1 cup of rice with long grains;

garlic - 1.5 heads;

zira - 1 teaspoon;

salt to taste;

raisin - to taste.


Plov in the pumpkin is not so difficult to cook. First of all, it will be necessary to wash neatly rice, after which it will be necessary to leave it for two hours stand in the water. Rice will increase quite strongly in size, although at first glance it may seem that it is not. Now it will be necessary to do the pumpkin. It will have to wash it, after which it will be necessary to cut the cover from it, and then you will need to be very gently scolding this pumpkin. In the future, it will be necessary to graze it garlic from the inside with a small amount of oil and salt. You can deal with meat. It for a start should be discussed, after which it is thoroughly flushed with a napkin. Further you will need to take and warm up a piece of frying pan, after which it will be necessary to gently fry everything until you prepare a delicious sweater. Remove it from a frying pan. Add some more oil there, after which it will be necessary to send to meat and onions chopped by small pieces. Onions fry so that it becomes golden. Further you will need to do carrots. It will need to be cleaned, after which it will be necessary to cut into small pieces. And then you will need this carrot gently fry in a skillet along with a bow. It is most convenient to cut the carrot of Bruke, first cutting it with a slightly burned chalk, and after that you will need to fry it too. Next, it will be necessary to mix everything with rice and meat very carefully, send it all into the pumpkin, pre-putting it, and more than the head of garlic. Pumpkin will have to close the lid and send to the oven for two hours at 180 degrees. If the pumpkin is sufficient, then the dish will work fine, no water will not need to add. If the pumpkin is too dry, then it will be possible to wash some water.

How to cook pumpkin in the oven by pieces

Pumpkin in the oven pieces is tasty, simple, and very useful.

If you have a pumpkin, and you like spicy herbs and flavors of Italy, you can prepare an incredibly tasty pumpkin.


small pumpkin - 1 piece;

rosemary - pinch;

olive oil - 2 tablespoons;

salt to taste;

garlic - 3-4 teeth;


First you need to prepare a refueling. For this garlic, which will need to be cleaned in advance, you will need to be confused with salt, butter and rosemary. Pumpkin will need to wash, cut into pieces, after which these pieces will need to be cleaned. We remove everything - ranging from the fibers and ending with the peel. After that, we rub a good pumpkin received marinade from all sides. And then you will need to lay out the pumpkin on the baking sheet, the oil-free oil. We bake until readiness for 40 minutes or so. The temperature in the oven must be exhibited by 200 degrees.

How to cook pumpkin in the oven

Pumpkin in the oven - a simple and tasty dish, besides, if you correctly pick up the spices to the pumpkin, then you will probably be delighted with this dish. An incredibly tasty pumpkin is obtained, which was stuffed with buckwheat and onions, as well as lean pork. Pork, of course, can be eager, this is a matter of taste, but in a fragrant pumpkin, a dish is very juicy.


pumpkin - 1 piece;

groats buckwheat - 2 glasses;

pork - 300 grams;

onions - 1 piece;

carrot - 1 piece;

garlic - 2-3 teeth;

water - ½ cup;

vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons;

pepper and salt - to taste.


First, you will need to take a pumpkin and to cut the top. Seeds will need to be removed, and if the pumpkin with very thick walls, then some of the walls will need to be removed too. After that, it will be necessary to grasp it well from the inside with salt and pepper, as well as butter vegetable and garlic. After that, it will be necessary to pour buckwheat into the pumpkin, and then it will be necessary to lay out the pork that you have fried a little. After that, there it will be necessary to post the carrot, as well as the onions that you too were jait. If the pumpkin is not too juicy, then it will be possible to add a bit of the broth there so that buckwheat is properly and crumbly. It will be necessary to bake everything from one and a half to two hours in the oven, withstanding the temperature of about 180 degrees.

How to cook pumpkin in the oven with honey

Pumpkin in the oven with honey will probably have to taste sweet tooths. Delicious, simple, and very useful dish, which can be prepared for even a very experienced hostess.


pumpkin - 1 kilogram;

honey - 2 -3 tablespoons;

sour cream - 3 tablespoons;

cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;

walnuts - to taste.


First of all, you need to clean the pumpkin, then cut off the peel from it, and the pumpkin itself cut into pieces of approximately 1 cm in thickness. After that, you need to take soft honey, mix it with sour cream, as well as cinnamon, and all this is very good. The baking sheet will need to be labeled with butter, after which it will be possible to lay out pieces of pumpkin. Each piece of pumpkin should be missed with honey and sour cream, and after which it will be necessary all the remnants of this mixture just pour on the pumpkin. Gray oven, send a pumpkin there for 1 hour. Before the feed can be sprinkled with chopped nut. It turns out especially tasty if you have a dessert pumpkin type.

Pumpkin in the oven with sugar

You can also prepare a very tasty and sweet pumpkin in the oven with sugar. Prepare such a pumpkin is very simple, it turns out tender and tasty, and sugar caramelized in a sweet crust.


pumpkin - 1 piece;

sugar sand - 4 tablespoons;

creamy butter - 2 tablespoons;

rosemary - 1 teaspoon;

rum - 50 ml.


First of all, it will be necessary to take a pumpkin, rinse it and clean it from the peel. Be sure to remove immediately and all the fibers, they do not need us. After that, it will be necessary to take and cut the pumpkin on the pieces of thickness no more than 1 cm. These pieces you will need to pour out. Let the pumpkin stand in so for an hour. Take a frying pan, warm on it a little creamy oil, after which it will be necessary to pour and sugar. Wait for sugar to form caramel, after which you can add there and pumpkin. Fry, put everything into the pots that you slightly missed oil, sprinkle with chopped rosemary. Bake in the oven about 40 minutes. Pumpkin on this recipe is very tasty and gentle.

Pumpkin in the oven - with mushrooms

Than just not stuffing pumpkin today hostess! The pumpkin is very tasty, stuffed with lard, meat and mushrooms. Mushrooms can be taken any, but if you have at least some white mushrooms, it will change the situation very well.


pumpkin - 1 piece is quite large;

mushrooms - 400 grams;

salo - 100 grams;

pork or beef - 200 grams;

onions - 2-3 heads;

garlic - 1 head;

salt and pepper, spicy herbs to taste.


For a start, it will be necessary to prepare the pumpkin itself - we will start with it first, as it should have to get marinated before you start it. It will be necessary to take garlic, clean it, after which it will be necessary to skip it through the press. And then you will need to take and mix garlic with salt and spicy herbs, spices. All this will need to mix and leave for a couple of minutes to stand. During this time, it will be necessary to clean the pumpkin, pre-cutting off the lid. After that, it will be necessary to miss the pumpkin with this fragrant mixture. We cut the lamely, and fry it so that the fat is wound. Onions, too, cut pretty finely, and fry with the lard. There will also need to send mushrooms and meat. All fry, slightly salt and pepper, and after that it will be possible to start a pumpkin. We rearrange it in the oven and bake for 2 hours. The dish is obtained very tasty and satisfying, but also very calorie, so it's better not to eat it.

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