How to cook crispy chicken with potatoes. How to roast chicken with a crispy golden crust in the oven

Engineering systems 19.10.2019
Engineering systems

It’s easier to bake a whole chicken in the oven to get juicy, with a golden, crispy crust. To drive you crazy with your scent.

In fact, I know many housewives for whom such a dish is "aerobatics" of culinary art. Either the carcass ends up gray-pale, or it burns, but inside it turns out raw.

You need to know just a few subtleties and stick to them when cooking. I will share them today.

The subtleties of cooking whole chicken in the oven

There are not so many secrets, you can easily remember them:

  1. You need to choose the right carcass. Do not chase "natural products" from a private courtyard. This chicken is more suitable for broth. In the oven, you will absolutely get a rubber bird. Also, it is better to choose chilled chicken, not freezing. The weight of the carcass is a maximum of one and a half kilos, everything that has grown more will be tough. When choosing, the color is important, without yellowness, blue, gray spots. The color should be a pleasant soft pink. If the carcass is unpackaged, smell it, the smell should be meaty, without strangers.
  2. Roasting utensils should be evenly heated and keep the temperature well so that the chicken does not burn and a beautiful, golden crust forms. Ceramics or cast iron meet such requirements. If you bake the carcass in something else, you will have to constantly turn it over.
  3. The most pressing issue is the baking time. Usually an hour is enough, although everyone's ovens are different. Need to get used to it. Cooking temperature 180-200 degrees, not higher.
  4. To get good crust, after washing the carcass, be sure to blot it with paper napkins. Don't forget to remove excess water inside too.
  5. Do not forget to gut the carcass, free it from the remaining feathers. Pieces of skin are sometimes visible on the legs, they need to be removed. I usually trim the wings before baking.

Whole oven-baked chicken with a crispy crust, step by step recipe with photo

The simplest and quick recipe of all known to me. The minimum number of ingredients, but the chicken is amazing. Sour cream can be replaced with mayonnaise, we just don’t eat it for a long time.

We take:

  • Chicken carcass - one and a half kilos
  • Sour cream - two hundred grams
  • Garlic - two cloves
  • Mixture of peppers and salt

How to cook:

Wash the chicken carcass well cold water inside and outside. Place on a board and pat dry with paper towels.

In a separate bowl, mix salt with pepper and crushed garlic, rub the chicken with the mixture and hide it in the refrigerator for two hours.

After the lapse of time, put the carcass on a baking sheet and grease with thick sour cream.

We cover the baking sheet with chicken with thick foil, tightly squeeze around the edges and put it in an oven heated to 180 degrees for forty minutes.

After forty minutes, remove the foil and leave the chicken to bake for the same amount. You can serve with any vegetables.

Chicken with potatoes in the oven

Potatoes in this recipe can be cooked in a separate dish. It is prepared separately, we will combine it with the chicken when serving. When cooking, I advise you to close the windows and doors more tightly so as not to embarrass the neighbors with aromas.

We will take:

  • Kilo of potatoes
  • Chicken carcass - one and a half kilos
  • Half a head of garlic
  • Three sprigs of rosemary
  • Three sprigs of thyme
  • Spices
  • Five large spoons of sunflower oil
  • Salt

Cooking method:

We prepare the carcass, mix vegetable oil with curry, coriander, pepper and salt. We rub the chicken and leave for thirty minutes.

While we're on potatoes. If it is young, then you can use it directly with the peel, just wash and dry it. We cut it into slices into 8 parts. Then sprinkle with curry, rosemary, marjoram, paprika, crushed garlic and salt, mix and sprinkle with oil.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and lay out the potato wedges. Bake for forty minutes at a temperature of two hundred degrees.

We iron the chicken on a baking sheet, put sprigs of rosemary and thyme inside, if desired, you can use a whole lemon. Place in the oven for twenty hours. Then we put the chicken on a dish and put potatoes around it.

Chicken stuffed with rice and prunes with a golden crust

The chicken is obtained with a smack of smoked meat due to prunes. Minced meat is eaten faster than the chicken itself.

We need:

  • One and a half kilo chicken carcass
  • Half cup of rice
  • handful of prunes
  • Three cloves of garlic
  • Two large spoons of vegetable oil
  • Large spoonful of mustard
  • half a lemon
  • A teaspoon of regular salt
  • Pepper mix

Cooking principle:

Boil rice until half cooked in slightly salted water. Rinse the prunes, pour boiling water for three minutes and cut into small pieces. Mix with boiled rice and squeeze garlic into it.

Wash the chicken carcass and blot, stuff and fasten the cut with wooden skewers.

In a bowl, mix the oil with mustard, salt, pepper and freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon. Lubricate the bird with this marinade, leave for half an hour in the refrigerator. Then bake on a baking sheet in the oven at two hundred degrees for about an hour.

Grilled chicken baked in the oven

Many have heard what raw materials are used for grilled chicken in supermarkets. Homemade chicken cooked in an oven with a grill will surprise your guests with the aroma of oriental spices and juicy taste.

We take:

  • Chicken carcass - one and a half kilos
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice - two tablespoons
  • Dried garlic - one teaspoon
  • Cayenne pepper - one teaspoon
  • Turmeric - a third of a teaspoon
  • Cumin - a third of a teaspoon
  • Coriander - a third of a teaspoon
  • Mayonnaise - three large spoons
  • Any vegetable oil - three large spoons

How to cook:

We free the carcass from the skin, rinse under running cold water and blot dry with a paper towel. With a sharp knife, make criss-cross cuts on the surface of the chicken.

Place the chicken in a deep bowl. In a bowl, mix spices, salt, lemon juice and oil. Rub the carcass well with the mixture. Cover the dish with cling film and put in the refrigerator for a day.

We preheat the oven to two hundred and fifty degrees, string the chicken on a skewer and put a baking sheet down so that the fat flows into it. We fry it for half an hour. We check for readiness with a knife, transparent juice should appear from the incision.

Whole tobacco chicken in the oven

A Georgian dish that we love for its ease of preparation and excellent taste. It always turns out, eaten faster than other dishes.

We take:

  • Chicken carcass seven hundred grams
  • one lemon
  • Three large spoons of any vegetable oil
  • Three garlic cloves
  • Salt
  • Freshly ground red and black pepper
  • Greens

Cooking process:

Prepare the carcass as always, cut along the sternum and open. Put the chicken on the board and press on the joints several times so that the carcass becomes flat.

Squeeze lemon juice into a small bowl, salt, add oil and rub our chicken, leave to marinate for half an hour.

Squeeze garlic into another bowl, grind pepper, salt and a little, a couple of tablespoons of warm water.

Lubricate the cast-iron form with melted butter, lay out the carcass and pour the sauce. We put in an oven heated to 180 degrees for forty minutes. Do not forget to water the carcass with juice during baking. Then the chicken will be juicy.

Chicken on a bottle

The simplest recipe for delicious chicken. It bakes evenly and the crust is golden. You can cook for a family dinner and for a big holiday.

We use:

  • Chicken carcass per kilogram
  • Three teaspoons of Provence herbs
  • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • Salt
  • Pepper mix

Cooking principle:

We wash the carcass, wipe it dry. Mix vegetable oil, salt and seasonings, rub the chicken.

Let's cook glass bottle, fill two-thirds with water, squeeze the lemon juice and add a spoonful of Provence herbs.

We put a carcass on the bottle and put all this pile on a baking sheet in the oven. Bake for an hour at two hundred degrees.

Chicken in the oven on a bed of salt

I was afraid to make such a dish for the first time, it seemed that the chicken would be terribly salted. But it turned out just delicious, and the crust is a feast for the eyes.

We need to take:

  • Chicken carcass
  • Kilo coarse salt
  • Pepper mix
  • Provencal herbs
  • one lemon

Cooking process:

We wash the carcass and dry it, rub it with spices. Lemon should be washed well and put inside the chicken. Now we tie the legs and wings with a whip.

Pour the whole package of salt onto a baking sheet, level it and place the carcass on it. Bake at 200 degrees more than an hour. You can check the readiness with a knife.

Chicken on an onion pillow with vegetables

It is very convenient to cook such a dish, a side dish is immediately ready for the chicken, and even some, soaked in meat and onion spirit.

We will take:

  • One and a half kilo chicken carcass
  • six potatoes
  • Five large bulbs
  • Large sized carrots
  • Half a stalk of celery
  • Half head of garlic
  • Half glass of vegetable oil
  • Three teaspoons of regular salt
  • Glass of cold water
  • Greens
  • Curry
  • Pepper
  • Coriander

Cooking process:

We prepare the chicken, in a bowl we mix two tablespoons of oil, a teaspoon of salt, seasonings. Rub the carcass with the mixture and leave for an hour in the refrigerator.

We cut the vegetables into cubes and stew a little in salted water. We cover the baking sheet with parchment, put onion rings on it, covering the entire space. In the middle we put the chicken carcass and place the vegetables around. Sprinkle with finely chopped garlic.

Bake for an hour at two hundred degrees. Serve on a large platter with vegetables. Sprinkle with herbs on top.

Chicken baked with apples

We are all used to duck with apples, but chicken cooked in this way also turns out to be delicious. I advise you to take sweet and sour apples for the recipe. I always opt for Antonovka.

We take:

  • Chicken carcass - one and a half kilos
  • Three large apples
  • big bulb
  • a teaspoon of salt
  • Pepper mix
  • Provencal herbs

Cooking process:

Wash and dry the chicken, rub with salt and spices. We cut the apples into thin slices, the onion into half rings, stuff the carcass, fix the cut and tie the legs with a string.

Bake the chicken at 180 degrees for 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Chicken up your sleeve

We need:

  • Chicken carcass
  • Three spoons of mayonnaise
  • Orange
  • condiments
  • two cloves of garlic

Cooking process:

In a bowl, mix mayonnaise with salt and spices, squeeze the garlic there. We wash the carcass and dry it. Place the orange slices inside. Lubricate with a mixture and pack in a sleeve.

We bake an hour at 180 degrees. You need to pierce the sleeve half an hour after baking.

Juicy chicken in foil

Cooking chicken for the first time or not confident in your abilities? Use this recipe. The chicken turns out especially juicy and is always baked. Due to the foil, it will languish with fragrant herbs and its readiness will leave no doubt. Then it just needs to be "gilded".

We will take:

  • Chicken carcass - one and a half kilos
  • One hundred grams of mayonnaise or low-fat sour cream
  • Three garlic cloves
  • A teaspoon of table salt
  • Turmeric
  • Pepper mix
  • oregano
  • paprika
  • sprig of thyme

Cooking process:

We prepare the carcass. In a separate bowl, make the sauce, mix spices, crushed garlic and salt with mayonnaise. Rub the chicken inside and out.

We line a sheet of foil on a baking sheet, put the carcass and a sprig of thyme next to it, wrap it tightly and send it to the oven for forty minutes to cook at two hundred degrees. To get a crust, after forty minutes we unfold the foil and just bake the dish for twenty minutes. You can serve it with rustic potatoes or rice.

Delicious baked chicken with mushrooms

Recipe from the "two in one" series, immediately with a ready-made side dish. You can use any mushrooms, pre-boiled, you can even frozen. But the most delicious dish is obtained with fresh champignons, or legs of porcini mushrooms.

We take:

  • One and a half kilo chicken carcass
  • Three hundred grams of fresh champignons
  • One turnip bulb
  • 70 grams of butter
  • Three large spoons of vegetable oil
  • A teaspoon of table salt
  • Pepper mix
  • A teaspoon of paprika
  • Three cloves of garlic

Cooking method:

Rinse the chicken carcass under running cold water and wipe dry with a paper towel.

In a deep bowl, mix vegetable oil with spices and salt, crush a couple of cloves of garlic there, coat the carcass with the resulting sauce, place in a bowl with a lid and hide for an hour in the refrigerator.

Mushrooms before cooking should be soaked for half an hour in cold water, then wash, remove the skin and film around the legs. We cut them into thin slices. Onions - quarters of rings. We heat the pan well over the highest heat, fry the mushrooms with onions and the remaining garlic. We cool the filling.

We stuff the marinated chicken with mushroom filling, fasten the edges with wooden skewers. We spread the carcass on a baking sheet with foil, wrap it tightly and bake in the oven at two hundred degrees for forty minutes. After we remove the foil and bake for twenty minutes, allowing the crust to fry.

Whole chicken with honey and mustard in the oven

An unusual and interesting taste is obtained from such a recipe. The honey chicken just disappears from the plate. Everyone is not indifferent to such a dish, and any novice hostess can cook it.

We take:

  • Chicken carcass per kilogram
  • Three large spoons of honey
  • Three cloves of garlic
  • Three tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • Two tablespoons of prepared mustard
  • two spoons soy sauce

Cooking process:

In this version, the chicken can be cut along the sternum, you can leave it whole. The washed and dried carcass should be marinated in the sauce. To do this, mix oil, honey, soy sauce and crushed garlic.

With a special brush, coat the chicken inside and out with thick sauce. We put it in a deep bowl, cover tightly with a lid and hide in the refrigerator for an hour.

Bake at two hundred degrees for forty minutes. This chicken is delicious served with mashed potatoes and cabbage salad.

Chicken in adjika and sour cream sauce

Now it is rare to find that vigorous Soviet adjika in small jars, almost Brown color. Therefore, it is better to use your own, homebrew. Yes, and adjusting the taste of the dish is then easier.

We take:

  • Chicken carcass per kilo
  • One hundred grams of adjika
  • One hundred grams of sour cream
  • A teaspoon of regular salt
  • Half a head of garlic
  • Provence herbs, oregano
  • Bunch of fresh parsley
  • Half cup of rice
  • One hundred grams of butter

Cooking process:

First of all, boil the rice until half cooked and throw the butter into the hot one to melt. Mix well and leave to cool.

Wash the chicken carcass thoroughly running water and dry it out. Crush two cloves of garlic in a crush and mix with salt, rub the chicken and set aside for fifteen minutes.

Finely chop the parsley with a knife and add to the rice, we will also send dry herbs there. Mix and fill the carcass, fix the cut with a thread or toothpicks.

Chicken with potatoes in honey

A very simple recipe, more suitable for a family meal. This is when you want to diversify the family menu.

We take:

  • Medium chicken carcass
  • Three small potatoes
  • Two large spoons of liquid honey
  • Turmeric
  • oregano
  • Pepper mix
  • A teaspoon of salt

Cooking principle:

We wash the carcass and dry it. We mix salt and seasonings with honey, rub the bird and leave for a couple of hours to absorb all the aromas of spices.

We cut the potatoes into slices, stuff the carcass and place it in a baking bag. We stand in the oven at a temperature of two hundred degrees forty minutes.

Dear guests, please share your recipes in the comments, if you don't mind. And I look forward to visiting.

Fragrant, crispy fried chicken is loved by everyone, it is not without reason that this dish is considered the main one on the festive table. The easiest way is to cook a delicious chicken in the oven, enhancing its taste with citrus filling with herbs, spicy glaze, sweet and sour marinades.

How to bake a whole chicken in the oven with a crust on a salt pillow

An old and incredibly simple way of cooking chicken with salt in the oven, which is still in demand by housewives because of the economy in terms of ingredients and time. For everything about everything you need - chicken, a pack of coarse salt, a pinch of black pepper, parsley, basil, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and an hour and a half of free time.

Let's make a reservation right away - the chicken in all the above recipes must be washed, gutted and wiped dry with a towel. Next - according to the recipe.

Make a butter sauce by mixing the oil with pepper and dried seasonings and brush all over the bird. After 15 minutes, blot the carcass from fat and tie the paws with threads. Sprinkle salt on a baking sheet, lay the semi-finished product back down and cook in the oven for about an hour at a temperature of 180º. Put the baked chicken on a dish, garnish with boiled vegetables and sprinkle with fresh dill.

How to bake a whole chicken in the oven with a crust on the bottle

Bottled chicken is delicious diet dish unusual cooking, in which the carcass is covered with a crispy crust, and the meat remains tender, almost airy.

In addition to poultry, you need - 70 gr. sour cream and sunflower oil, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 tsp. pepper, turmeric, paprika, coriander.

  • Mix spices with salt in a bowl. Rub the chicken with this mixture. Squeeze the garlic, spread the resulting slurry on the poultry meat under the skin. Place the chicken in a deep bowl, cover with cling film and refrigerate for 1 hour.
  • Fill a beer glass bottle 3/4 full with water, throw in 5 peppercorns, a little mint and lemon zest. Place the chicken tail side down on the bottle and place in a baking dish half filled with water. Lubricate the skin of the bird with a creamy butter mixture for a delicious crust. Send the workpiece to a cold oven.
  • Turn on the fire and bake the meat at 180º for an hour and a half. After the prescribed time, pierce with a knife side part carcasses, if colorless juice appears - the chicken is ready, cloudy - keep the bird in the heat for another 10 minutes. When the chicken has cooled, remove it by stabbing it with a fork and moving the carcass from the bottom up, then put it on a flat dish and cut into portions.

How to bake a whole chicken in the oven with a crust on the grate

Grilled chicken is easy to cook at home on the grill oven. Take - 2 tsp. salt and dried basil, 50 gr. mayonnaise and mustard, black and red hot peppers, nutmeg, thyme - a pinch each, 2 cloves of garlic.

Rub the chicken with salt and spices. Wait 15 minutes, then grease the skin with mayonnaise, mustard, hot pepper, basil sauce. Place the bird on the grate of the oven preheated to 200º. Place a tray of water under the chicken to keep the fat from burning. After two hours, the dish is ready. Serve fried chicken hot, placing the carcass on a plate with baked potatoes and fresh tomatoes.

How to bake a whole chicken in the oven with a crust on a spit

If your oven has a spit, roast the chicken this way. First, rub it with a marinade made from garlic and ginger (1: 1), three tablespoons of vegetable oil, a pinch of red pepper, and salt.

For your information: you need to marinate the chicken for at least half an hour and no more than a day, then the meat will remain soft during frying.

Lubricate the prepared bird with glaze made from half a glass of water, 50 gr. sugar, 30 ml lemon juice, put on a skewer, tie the legs with a string. Install the structure in an oven preheated to 200º, place a baking sheet under the bottom of the chicken. Roast for an hour, occasionally basting the carcass with pan fat.

Oven-baked chicken can be served as a main course - with rice, buckwheat, vegetable salads and acidified fruit drinks, or as a stand-alone - with a light red wine with a fruity smell or white, such as Chardonnay.

In order to feed a company of 3-5 people, a one and a half kilogram carcass is enough. Of course, choose chilled. By the way, it should always be in the refrigerator in reserve. You can put the chicken in the oven right on the baking sheet, but keep in mind that it will bake much better in a cast iron or ceramic dish, and you will get crispy chicken. In a dish made of glass or metal, there is a greater chance that the chicken will burn, and the crust will turn out more black than golden.

The standard baking temperature is 180 degrees. An hour is enough: during this time, you will tell each other about new items in cosmetics stores, show off a new handbag from a sale, and tease guests with an appetizing aroma from the kitchen.

How to cook crispy chicken

There are several recipes, but speed and the exact result are important to you: guests (and maybe future mother-in-law) who are in love with your culinary skills. The simplest is to cut chicken carcass cut in half lengthwise along the sternum and generously rub it inside and out with black pepper. Put salt on the bottom of the baking dish - ordinary or sea, and to get a thick uniform layer. Thanks to salt, the meat is perfectly cooked, and you get what you want - a golden glossy sheen and amazing taste of chicken! Then put the grated carcass back on the salt layer. Chicken is ready in an hour! If you have a "grill" function, then turn it on 10 minutes before the chicken is ready: this way the crust will turn out perfect.

Grilled Crispy Chicken Recipe

For the crust to be truly crisp, there is one secret: the chicken should not come into contact with the fat flowing from it. The best way to avoid this is to put it in the oven on a grill rack. Wipe the washed carcass lightly with a paper towel, also cut the breast in half and grease with salt and pepper inside and out. Now lubricate the top with vegetable oil and - on the grate in a preheated cabinet!

Let the chicken sweat there at a temperature of 240 degrees for 20 minutes, and then reduce the heat to 180 degrees and leave for another hour.

Secret marinade ingredients

To give the chicken a special piquancy, you can rub it with sour cream or honey. These are the simplest and quick ways. But if you have the time, you can make a complete chicken marinade with a crispy crust. Melt 30 g of butter on fire, mix it with half a spoon of salt, red and black pepper to taste, crush two cloves of garlic there. Spread this mixture on the chicken and send it to the oven for half an hour, turning the lever 170 degrees. Then take out the chicken and pour it with a mixture of melted honey (4 tablespoons are enough) with lemon juice (2 tablespoons), and let it cook for another 45 minutes. You can water it with this mixture several times during baking. Always test readiness by piercing the chicken with a fork. If liquid appears, then you need to wait another 10 minutes, and then you will definitely get chicken with a crispy crust! And while she bakes, take care of the side dish: vegetable stew or vitamin salad - that's it!

Whole chicken baked in the oven is an indispensable dish for many. holiday table. And this is not surprising - great taste, delicious aroma and presentable appearance of this dish create a solemn atmosphere, effectively complementing the culinary composition of the feast.

Today we will tell you how to make baked chicken in the oven with a crispy appetizing crust. Available recommendations will allow you to get an amazingly ruddy and attractive-looking dish at the end.

How to Roast a Whole Chicken in the Crispy Oven - Recipe on the Grill


  • whole chicken carcass;
  • refined vegetable oil - 15-20 ml;
  • garlic - 5-6 teeth;
  • a mixture of aromatic herbs and;
  • ground mixture of five peppers;
  • salt.


Pre-marinating the chicken carcass will provide a rich and juicy taste of the dish. To do this, we get rid of the remnants of feathers, if necessary, singe over the fire, rinse thoroughly and dry thoroughly. We rub the carcass with a mixture of salt, ground peppers and aromatic herbs and spices for chicken. We clean the garlic cloves, cut them into halves or quarters and insert them under the skin, trying not to violate its integrity, and also put a couple of cloves into the bird's abdomen. Lubricate the entire surface of the carcass with refined vegetable oil and leave for several hours to soak with aromas.

In order for the chicken to turn out with a crispy crust on all sides, it is necessary to exclude as much as possible the contact of the carcass with the baking sheet, form or other containers. A great way to cook poultry for this is to roast it on a wire rack. We lay the marinated bird in the center of the grate and set it at the middle level of the oven heated to 230 degrees. Place a baking sheet one level lower with a small amount of water. We keep the chicken at this temperature regime fifteen minutes, and then lower it to 200 degrees and bake for about another hour. If you have a bird weighing more than two kilograms, then its cooking time must be increased by about thirty minutes.

Whole grilled chicken in the oven with a crispy crust

If your oven is equipped with a spit, then, of course, you need to bake a whole chicken with it. Thus, the bird will be evenly baked and browned, and we will tell you how to get the most crispy crust in this recipe.


  • whole chicken carcass;
  • filtered water - 60 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 45 g;
  • a mixture of aromatic herbs and spices for chicken;
  • ground mixture of five peppers;
  • salt.


We prepare the bird, taking into account the recommendations given in the previous recipe, namely, we pluck, singe, rinse and dry thoroughly. After that, marinate the carcass in a mixture of your favorite aromatic herbs and spices, or use the ready-made collection of spices for poultry and leave it to exchange flavors and soak carcasses for several hours or ideally overnight, wrapping it in foil or film.

When starting to bake, turn on the warm-up, setting it first to the “Spit” and “Grill” modes. At this time, we dissolve granulated sugar in some water, grease the chicken carcass with the resulting syrup from all sides and string it on a skewer. At the same time, we tie the legs and wings with twine or just a white cotton thread. We install the skewer with chicken in special grooves in the oven and cook the bird for an hour and a half.

When ready, fragrant chicken with a crispy crust is served immediately hot, without covering it with anything, in order to avoid losing the desired crispy properties.

Preparing for the holiday can unsettle even the most stress-resistant people. For some hostesses, the lack of time makes them nervous and frantically google the number of the pizza delivery service. Others, wiser by experience, begin preparations for the feast a few days before the scheduled date. It's no joke, cut a whole bowl of "Olivier", get all the bones from the herring for the "Fur Coat", peel a bucket of potatoes, decorate the cake with cream roses and have time to remove the curlers! But after such forced marches there is no strength left even for a friendly smile for the guests. And wash the dishes too! So I decided to give up completely. bad habit prepare great amount complex multi-component dishes for any occasion. Now I choose only simple and proven ones. Here is a whole roasted chicken. It is prepared simply, it does not require constant “watching” at the stove, it turns out very tasty and looks spectacular and very appetizing. But if you don’t have enough “raisins”, you can stuff the carcass with an original side dish - rice or buckwheat with various additives or bake a bird with potatoes. In general, I’m telling you how your guests can be conquered by a single dish - whole chicken cooked in the oven. A recipe with a photo and useful “bonuses” in the form of additional marinade options for crispy crust and stuffing for stuffing.

The most delicious and easy to prepare baked chicken


How to bake a delicious whole chicken in the oven with a crust (recipe with photo):

I do not recommend baking frozen poultry. It will not turn out as juicy as I would like. Yes, and sellers often "chemo" with the date of production of the product, so you can run into low-quality and stale chicken. Take chilled meat. And even better - farm (home). Yes, such a chicken will be a little drier than a broiler grown in a poultry farm. But antibiotics and growth hormones are absent in it, most likely. But for now, let's leave the main ingredient alone and prepare the marinade. To make the chicken brown on top, it is better to make it on the basis of vegetable oil, mayonnaise (homemade) or fatty sour cream. I prefer the first option. You can change the list and proportions of spices at your discretion. I described several ways to prepare successful marinades. My flavored chicken roast mixture included garlic. Peel it and chop it with a knife or pass it through a special press.

If you are going to put the chicken in the oven right away, without marinating, add salt. If you plan to give her a “rest” for a couple of hours, then it is better to salt just before baking. Salt can make chicken meat tougher as it draws moisture out of the food. Therefore, your chicken will most likely turn out to be rather dry, although you will bake it whole.

Add dry seasonings. I took a pinch of rosemary, some ground pepper mixture, paprika and mustard seeds. The latter can be replaced with powder (in a small amount) or ready-made seasoning.

Add vegetable oil. Love olive - pour it. Deodorized refined sunflower is fine too. You can mix spices with sour cream or mayonnaise. But only homemade, store-bought chicken or other products are not suitable.

Stir, crushing the garlic pieces to release the juice.

Wash the chicken inside and out. If the carcass is not gutted, then be sure to remove the insides. You can cut off the first phalanges of the wings. They still don’t go to food, and they are unappetizingly charred in the oven, if you don’t wrap them in foil. A too long neck can also be shortened with a kitchen hatchet or a large knife. Look carefully to make sure there are no remnants of plumage on the chicken. Visible body fat It is also desirable to remove and discard. Drain the prepared chicken from the water. The legs can be tied together with kitchen string so that the carcass takes a more accurate "pose". Since the chicken is baked whole, it can be stuffed with some delicious stuffing. Then you don't even have to cook the side dish. How to stuff chicken or chicken, read on. I didn’t stuff the bird with anything, because it was planned for the side dish. By the way, potatoes can be laid out in shape or on a baking sheet next to the chicken. Pieces of vegetables will be saturated with juice, which will be released during cooking, and will turn out ruddy and fragrant. You don't even need to season them, just lightly salt them.

Rub the prepared chicken with the marinade. Transfer to a baking sheet. Place in preheated oven. The whole chicken is baked at the average temperature of the oven (180-190 degrees). On average, the preparation of a dish takes 1.5 hours. If you cook a small carcass, check it for readiness in an hour or ten hours. If the chicken is large, slightly increase the roasting time.

To test the chicken for doneness, pierce it in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe leg or breast wooden stick. If the juice is clear, without a hint of ichor or blood, the chicken is ready. During baking, it is advisable to get it several times and pour it with melted fat. Then you get a delicious crispy crust on the surface. Serve the oven-roasted chicken hot, whole or pre-cut into pieces.

A few more delicious marinades for roasting chicken in the oven

  1. 100 ml soy sauce, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 2 tbsp. l. refined oil, a pinch of coriander and ground pepper, salt - if necessary.
  2. Freshly squeezed juice from half a lemon, 1 tbsp. l. prepared mustard, 4 tbsp. l. olive or deodorized sunflower oil, 1 tsp. Provence herbs (without a slide), 2-3 cloves of garlic, salt - to taste.
  3. 3 art. l. ketchup, 1 tsp sweet ground paprika, 2 garlic cloves, 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, 1/2 tsp. salt, a pinch of ground pepper mixture.

How can you stuff a chicken

  1. Buckwheat boiled until half cooked + pre-fried, passed through a meat grinder chicken liver with onion.
  2. Boiled rice + chopped dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes).
  3. fried mushrooms with onions(oyster mushrooms, champignons or forest) + hard cheese, diced + chopped chicken eggs.

Enjoy your meal!

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