Plank exercise what. The benefits of the bar for men: what does the exercise give

Decor elements 11.10.2019
Decor elements

I am glad to welcome beginners and actively continuing! Plank exercise - today about him, yes.

On the calendar - Wednesday, which means the technical day and the corresponding note on the project "". Today we will strengthen the muscular corset of the abdominal muscles with the help of one simple but very effective exercise. After reading, you will learn all about the technique of its implementation, mistakes and the training program for creating a steel press.

So, let's start our story.

Plank exercise. What, why and why?

Very often in the gym I have to observe such a picture - beginners come and immediately begin to hammer the press with standard exercises, such as twisting on a Roman bench or side twisting in a simulator for. Undoubtedly, the abdominal muscles are a very important and indicative muscle group, but it is not at all necessary to work with it according to a template standard. You can move away from these cliches and try something new and relatively outlandish, in particular the plank exercise. It is designed to create a rigid muscular corset of the abdomen and strengthen the foundation called the core muscles.

It should also be said that this is not a pumping, but a formative, strengthening exercise, and therefore is not popular with visitors. gyms. In connection with such injustice, I decided to consider this hermit :).

As usual, let's start by looking at the muscle atlas, or rather, those muscles that take on the load.

As you can see, the plank exercise is not an isolation exercise, and it does not target the upper/lower or any other departments. abdominals. It can be called a basic tonic for all abdominal muscles. If you delve into the technical details, then the plank belongs to the class of isometric exercises, i.e. it is static and does not cause joint movement.


Further narration on the topic of the plank exercise will be carried out in the form of small subchapters.

Main advantages

It simultaneously develops many bodily characteristics of the athlete, for example:

No. 1. Strengthening and development of strength

The plank exercise is unique, it (including) allows you to develop the strength of several muscle groups at once.

Its main effect is to strengthen the core muscles, especially the abdominal and back muscles. First of all, the exercise is focused on erector spinae (extensor of the spine), rectus and transverse abdominal muscles. When performed correctly, the main muscle groups in the neck area called the trapezium work. They help posture - support a person's neck if he spends too much time in sedentary activities (PC work, office work).

Performing the bar allows you to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder, thereby improving their performance, for example, in such an exercise as from the floor. Holding the upper body on the hands allows the biceps brachii to be actively involved in the work, which helps the development of the biceps.

If you go down, then the following muscle groups develop their strength indicators.

The pectoral muscles are also involved in the work and receive their load. Exercise perfectly strengthens the muscles of the press (what a news:)). The lower back also plays an important role in holding the plank position. Moving along the body, we approach such muscle groups as the buttocks, thighs and calves.

So, the bar contributes to the strength development and strengthening of many muscle groups. It is rare that an exercise without the use of simulators allows you to do this.

No. 2. mental concentration

The psychological aspect of the exercise is also very important. When performing the bar, a person needs to concentrate, focus on the goal (keep body horizontal as long as possible) and show character - either merge and peck with your nose, or stand until the specified time expires.

An excellent exercise, which, in addition to strengthening a large number of muscles, allows you to train your will and “pump” your mental characteristics.

Number 3. Stretching

As a result sedentary work muscles stiffen and contract. Holding the plank will allow you to stretch a lot of muscles and relieve tension from them.

No. 4. Aesthetic appearance

The exercise is an excellent tool for those who want to influence their waist - tighten the stomach, make the abdominal wall more compact. The plank helps in improving the waist, but does not eliminate the regime, a balanced diet and various forms cardio activity, - the main tools for "cleaning" the abdomen.

Actually, we figured out the advantages, now let's move on ...

Plank exercise: execution technique

In theory and practice, the plank requires you to collectively contract (contract) your core muscles while holding your own body weight on your hands. (elbows and forearms) and toes. The execution technique consists of the following steps.

Step #1.

Find a mirrored wall/mirror in the gym (or at home). Put a gymnastic fitness mat on the floor, take a horizontal position - lying down.

Step #2.

Stretch the body, leaning on two anchor points - elbows / forearms (bend your arms to an angle in 90 degrees) and foot socks.

Step number 3.

Keep your back flat so you can mentally draw a straight line from head to toe. Tighten the abdominal muscles and make sure that the middle section does not sag in the middle, and the fifth point does not protrude upward.

Step number 4.

Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds and do 3-5 repetitions.

Technically, plank involves following all of the following rules.

In the picture version, this exercise looks like this.

Often, the plank exercise is recommended as a therapeutic exercise to strengthen the back muscles. (for example, after an injury). In this case, the course consists of 10 days with “hang duration” from 30 seconds to 1,5 minutes.

At first glance, it may seem that the exercise from the series “do not hit the recumbent!” - However, it is not. Not every person will be able to overcome the bar the first time in 30 seconds. Of course, you need to start small and keep horizontal as long as possible. In particular, to increase hold time, use the following tips:

  • practice the exercise several times a day, trying to hold the position a little each time (even a few seconds) more;
  • Use assistive exercises such as push-ups and (or pull of the upper block) to strengthen the profile muscles involved in the plank;
  • squats and deadlifts will also help strengthen your lower back and core muscles.


If you do not have enough strength of the muscular corset of the abdomen to perform the classic plank, then you can practice a lightweight version - with bent knees. If you hold the position for more 2 minutes, then you can move on to more advanced variations of the exercise.

When performing the plank, you can look at the time, but it is best to focus on the sensations - i.e. as soon as you feel the beginning of a burning sensation in the abdomen, you can stop the repetition.

Plank exercise: variations

As you train, the regular bar will begin to seem like a trifling matter to you, and then the following complicated variations of this exercise will come in handy.

No. 1. Plank and push-ups

Take the position of the classic plank (a). Raise your body to the top push-up position with your arms (b) . Hold at the top point (c), then change direction and return to the emphasis on the elbows. it 1 repeat.

No. 2. Plank with a jump

Take the position of the classic plank (a). Jump slightly, spreading your legs apart (b). Make sure your top part body does not turn. Quickly return your legs to the starting position. it 1 repeat.

Number 3. Plank with arm off

Take the position of the classic plank (a). Lift and straighten left hand, holding it so that it is parallel to the rest of the body (b) . Return to the starting position, then raise your right hand, repeat the specified number of times.

No. 4. Transition bar

Take the position of the classic plank (a). Roll onto your left side into a side plank (b), pause for 10 seconds. Then turn to your right side and perform the right side plank, linger for 10 seconds (s) . it 1 repeat. Return to IP and repeat.

No. 5. Side bar with body rotation

Get into a side plank position so that your right arm is directly above you and perpendicular to the floor (a). Pass your hand under the torso (b). Raise your hand back to PI. it 1 repeat. Roll over to the other side and repeat.

No. 6. Straight arm plank with forward lunge

Take an emphasis lying on outstretched arms (a). Bring your right foot forward and place it next to right hand (or as close as you can, (b)). Watch your hips - they should not sag or go up too much. Return the leg to the PI, repeat with the left leg. it 1 repeat.

No. 7. Plank on fitball and bench

Place your feet on the bench, and rest your forearms on. Your body should form a straight line with your shoulders and ankles. Stay in this position for 60 seconds.

Use these variations as you progress in classic style.


Isometric exercises can cause an increase in blood pressure, so if you have cardiovascular problems, then you should stop doing the plank exercise.

In conclusion, I would like to present a simple 5 -minute complex for every day. Do it, and then your core muscles will be as steel as iron :).

Well, somehow, it remains to sum up all this crap information and draw the appropriate conclusions.


Plank exercise, nice to meet you! It is considered the most effective for creating a rigid muscle corset of the press. Strengthening the latter will help you progress well in other exercises where you need good stabilization and body support, for example, or. The theory is over, you can start practicing, let's go!

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With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

A toned, athletic female body attracts a lot male views. And you can't help but like it. However, the pace modern life does not leave women enough free time for training. In addition, going to the gym is not cheap. You can maintain optimal shape by regularly performing plank exercises. Daily performance will allow you to work out the muscles of the whole body. The main thing is to know how to do the bar correctly.

Plank exercise today is quite common among those who want to gain attractive shapes, normalize weight and at the same time avoid grueling workouts. A short workout is enough to get the first results after a month. It is important to know how to do the bar correctly so as not to harm the body and at the same time achieve your goals.

Plank exercise: how to do it right

Before you start training, you should learn how to properly do the bar. Mistakes are fraught not only with the absence of positive results, but also with the appearance of painful sensations. Here are some tips to help you avoid this:

  1. Feet should be tightly connected. This is the only way to achieve maximum muscle tension.
  2. Legs are kept straight. This will help relieve stress from the lumbar region and protect against injury. In addition, with bent knees and relaxed muscles, it will be impossible to work out the press.
  3. Elbows and shoulders are on the same level. Thus, tension in the shoulders and spinal column is reduced.
  4. The loin should neither sag nor round. Otherwise, it will not be possible to avoid the development of pain syndrome.
  5. The abdomen is retracted and pulled as close to the ribs as possible. Be sure to make sure that breathing is not disturbed.
  6. The gaze is directed to the floor, the chin is at a right angle relative to the spine.
  7. The muscles between the shoulder blades are tense. But you should not bring the shoulder blades together, because it will be simply impossible to maintain balance.

Numerous photos of training will help to understand correct position body during exercise.

How to improve efficiency

To achieve results, it is important to know not only how to do the exercise correctly. Efficiency is also determined by a number of other no less important conditions. Experienced exercise proponents have formulated recommendations that, if followed, can achieve maximum results:

  1. soft cover. A blanket or, if available, a special fitness mat will do. So it will be possible to avoid unpleasant sensations from contact with solid flooring that distract from work.
  2. We breathe correctly. Breathing is even, calm, rhythmic. Delays must not be allowed, otherwise arterial pressure will start to rise and fall randomly.
  3. Preliminary preparation. It doesn’t matter if the “bar” is performed for the press or for other purposes, warming up has great importance. It is enough to sit down several times, tilt the body, stretch the muscles of the legs.
  4. Simplify your form. This is a recommendation for beginners. For people who are not in good physical shape, the first few sessions will be difficult to balance if the legs are standing together. Therefore, it is allowed to simplify the initial stance somewhat by slightly spreading the feet.
  5. Smoothness of completion. After the workout is completed, it is recommended to move a little - this will help relieve muscle tension and stabilize breathing.
  6. Healthy and rational nutrition. No workout will be effective if you do not adjust the diet. If the “bar” is used to regulate body weight, fatty and fried foods are excluded from the diet, saturating it with vegetables, herbs, and fruits. Protein food will help strengthen muscles, ensure their growth.


Provided that the "bar" is carried out in strict accordance with the rules, it is possible to achieve the following results:

  1. Regular workouts are actively used for weight loss, getting rid of cellulite in the buttocks and thighs. At the same time, the muscles of the upper and lower extremities, abdomen, and back are tightened.
  2. Elimination of back pain. It is no secret that a sedentary image modern man- this is main reason diseases of the spinal column. Loads on the shoulder girdle, cervical region help prevent the development of osteochondrosis.
  3. Stretching different muscle groups.
  4. Endurance development.

Interesting! In Colombia, scientists conducted an experiment in which volunteers diagnosed with scoliosis were asked to perform a side plank for 6 months. The results show that all participants experienced a 35% reduction in pain sensations and an improvement in the condition of the spinal column.

Contraindications to exercise

Any training puts a lot of stress on the muscle and bone apparatus. It’s not enough to know how to properly hold the bar. Before starting classes, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications:

  • hernia in the spine;
  • exacerbation of osteochondrosis;
  • pinching of the sciatic nerve;
  • varicose veins;
  • menstruation;
  • increased body temperature;
  • three months after childbirth or caesarean section.

In addition, the reason for stopping training is dizziness, an increase or decrease in blood pressure.

Variety of species

"Plank" is not one, but a whole set of exercises. Each type is suitable for people with different levels of training. You should start with a classic stance, gradually moving on to other options, for example, with an outstretched arm.


Bend your arms at the elbows at a right angle, taking the emphasis while lying down. The body should form a straight line from the top point to the bottom point.

  1. You should lean on the forearm, as well as the fingertips.
  2. Elbows and shoulders form an even vertical.
  3. The abdominal muscles are in tension.

How many seconds you need to hold the occupied position depends on physical form. Beginners are recommended 20 seconds, more experienced - 5 minutes.

side stand

The effectiveness of such a workout is much higher than from the classic "bar". This is explained by the fact that the weight of the body does not fall on three points of support, but only two. Procedure:

  1. Lie on your side.
  2. The elbow is located under the shoulder.
  3. The free hand is located on the thigh.
  4. The press should be in tension, the pelvis is raised and forms a clear diagonal.
  5. Lock the position for 30 or 50 seconds.
  6. Repeat on the other side.

With a raised leg

Ideal for those who want to get perfect waist. The abdominal muscles receive an additional load due to a reduction in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport.

  1. Take a position as for a classic stance.
  2. Raise your straight leg above shoulder level. Make sure that the position of the body does not change.
  3. The fingers on the raised limb are stretched over themselves.
  4. Fix the position for 30, but you can also 40 seconds. Repeat for the second leg. How many approaches to make is determined by physical form.

With your hand up

This type of training is only suitable for trained people. In its execution, it is similar to the classic rack. The difference is that the support falls solely on one hand. The second is given behind the back or to the side. The supporting limbs alternate.

Sophisticated side stand

The load falls on all muscle groups of the abdomen and thighs. Suitable only for highly trained people.

  1. Lie on your side, straight legs connected.
  2. The bent elbow and shoulder form a vertical line.
  3. The body is raised diagonally.
  4. Raise non-supporting limbs and fix for the maximum possible time.

Repeat for the other side.

Having reached a good physical shape it is easy to combine different types"slats". Watch workout videos to make sure you're doing the workout right.

Plank, plank is one of the simplest and most effective isometric (static) exercises that strengthens the body, lower back and shoulders of a man. All you need is your own weight and enough floor space.

The plank is simple but functional, and there are a lot of variations of this exercise: side, on the elbows, palms, with one leg raised and using additional improvised objects, such as a ball or books.

Fat burning and muscle toning based on resistance strength is the main effect of the plank exercise for men. It improves posture and coordination, supports back health and strengthens the body.


The plank strengthens and tones muscles throughout a man's body, including the shoulders, arms, and torso, but the main target is the ABS (rectus abdominis, rectus abdominis), which contracts and tightens heavily during the exercise. In addition, willpower is also trained, since it is quite difficult to stay in this position for a long time and motionless.

What is useful plank exercise for men

  1. Strengthens core muscles

The plank engages major muscle groups, including the transverse, rectus, and oblique muscles, as well as the glutes. Performing this exercise alone will not help you quickly create relief abs, cubes on your stomach or burn fat for an untrained man. But in combination with diet and other types of training, it will contribute to the systematic formation of an athletic body.

  1. Reduces pain and risk of back and spine injuries

In most cases, the plank is safe for minor disc problems or back pain because it does not require flexion or extension of the spine. It engages the back muscles without straining the spine, and also pumps the abdominal muscles, which also support even posture. Good posture improves back health and curbs the development of degenerative osteoarthritis. When the abdominal muscles are developed and the back is always straight, pain in the neck and shoulders appears much less frequently.

  1. Improves posture

The more developed the back and press, the less the man will stoop. The plank helps you stand and sit upright, maintaining your posture. She trains many important muscles, including erector spinae - the muscle that straightens the spine, as well as rhomboid and trapezius muscles.

Good posture is the correct position of the bones, which facilitates breathing and promotes the normal placement of internal organs. A flat back also makes a man visually taller and slimmer.

  1. Increases metabolism

The plank is an easy exercise for men who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Doing it for a few minutes can boost your metabolism for the whole day and even night.

  1. Increases flexibility

Plank helps expand and stretch back muscles back and legs.

  1. Improves mood

Almost any physical activity improves mood, but the stretching effect of the plank helps to release muscles that become stiff from prolonged sitting. De-stressing relaxes and helps to get rid of stress.


  • Classic plank at the elbows

Lie face down on the floor with your legs extended. Place your elbows directly under your shoulders so that each arm (from shoulder to hand) forms a right angle. Forearms (from elbow to hand) should be pressed to the floor. The hands can be kept together. Lift your hips off the floor, lean on your hands and socks (toes). Feet can be kept shoulder width apart. Feel the tension in the abdominal area, tighten the abdominal muscles. The back should be straight. Do not rise or bend towards the floor. Keep your breathing even and don't lift your head too high. Try to keep your body in this position for at least 20-30 seconds. Do the plank every day two or three times, gradually increasing the duration.

  • On outstretched arms

When doing this, the arms should be fully extended. You can only lean on your palms (do not put them too close to each other) and socks. The body should form a straight straight line, do not raise or bend the hips.

  • Plank on the knees

If you still can’t do a regular plank, you can perform a simplified version of the exercise while kneeling, while your arms can be straightened or bent at the elbows, as described above. Watch a video where a professional trainer shows you how to do a plank for beginners.

When you can hold out in this position for more than two minutes, you can move on to the classic version, and then to more complex options.

  • Plank Superman

This exercise is similar to a yoga pose. Starting position, as with a regular bar on the palms with outstretched arms. Lift your left arm off the floor, straighten it and stretch it forward. Lift the opposite (right) leg at the same time. Straighten and pull it back, holding it above the floor. Hold this position for 5 seconds (2-3 seconds is enough to start). Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise with the other arm and leg.

This exercise can be done if you can hold a regular plank for at least 30 seconds. When performing this and similar types of plank, attention may switch to the muscles of the arms or legs. Remember to focus on the press.

When performing the plank, you can also use improvised items: a ball, dumbbells, books. Additional equipment serves as a support for arms or legs instead of the floor and develops coordination. You need to do the bar on the ball carefully and slowly so as not to get injured.


How long should you hold the plank?

The world record for the longest time belongs to a Chinese police officer who managed to hold the bar for 8 hours and 1 minute. The second result was obtained by an American marine who stood in the same position for 7 hours and 40 minutes.

There are no norms or standards, for example, the TRP for the duration of the bar. Instructors always advise starting with a minimum time, increasing it gradually.

Plank: standard for men

The longer a man can hold the plank, the tighter the lower back will be and the better the abs will look. Do the plank several times a day, each time trying to hold the position a little longer.

Plank for men: table for 30 days

All it takes is a few minutes a day, which will be a test of will and physical endurance. To distract yourself, you can listen to music or watch a movie during the exercise. Start implementing the plan from the table when you can confidently hold on to the classic plank for 30 seconds 2-3 times a day, or do the exercise on your knees to start. If you start a 30-day program without preparation, you can get back pain, which often occurs when you do not correct technique.


  1. Can doing the bar somehow harm the body?

Any exercise will side effects if done incorrectly. Poor technique can lead to pain, injury and.

  1. Plank renders Negative influence on the joints?

When performing the exercise, the intercostal and pectoral muscles, pressing on the joints and cartilage that connects the ribs to the chest. When lifted off the floor, there is also a lot of pressure on the joints of the ribs and shoulders, which can lead to inflammation. If a man has or had problems with ligaments, joints, spine, it is necessary to consult a doctor before doing the plank. Perhaps, in this case, it will be allowed to do gentle exercises.

  1. Breathing problems

During exercise, the muscles are very tense, this can lead to a decrease in oxygen levels. Sometimes for this reason, experts advise performing the bar on all fours (hands and knees) so that oxygen reaches the thin muscle tissues. If a man has asthma, breathing problems, insomnia, panic attacks, problems with the lungs or other internal organs, you should consult a specialist before doing the plank.

Plank or plank, or in other words, maintaining the front on the forearms are isometric exercises that beautifully form the abdominal muscles. Physical exercise should be performed correctly so as not to burden the spine. The essence of the posture is that the muscles tense up without movement.

A simple and undemanding exercise involves the whole body, and the number of combinations based on this figure is very large. This position requires stamina. Not many beginners manage to sustain more than 30 seconds, but the plank systematically works wonders, and after a month of hard and systematic work, if the position is performed correctly, you will notice a significant improvement.

The correct execution technique helps to establish a person’s ability to control his actions at the subconscious level, keep the muscles of the press and torso in good shape for some time, maintain the connection between the brain and muscles at the level of information transmission by neurons.

Therefore, it is worth performing the position correctly, since improper execution can lead to causes of lower back pain.

Technically, the pose is simple and should not cause problems for anyone. But often the question arises, how to perform the bar? It is better in front of a mirror in order to constantly monitor and correct the position in which the body falls as a result of fatigue.

Exercise is good for stomach endurance, which can be improved with the right training program. She looks:

Plank Challenge

  • 1 day - 20 seconds.
  • Day 2 - 20 seconds.
  • Day 3 - 30 seconds.
  • Day 4 - 30 seconds.
  • Day 5 - 40 seconds.
  • Day 6 - rest.
  • Day 7 - 45 seconds.
  • Day 8 - 45 seconds.
  • Day 9 - 60 seconds.
  • Day 10 - 60 seconds.
  • Day 11 - 60 seconds.
  • Day 12 - 90 seconds.
  • Day 13 - rest.
  • Day 14 - 90 seconds.
  • Day 15 - 90 seconds.
  • Day 16 - 120 seconds.
  • Day 17 - 120 seconds.
  • Day 18 - 150 seconds.
  • Day 19 - rest.
  • Day 20 - 150 seconds.
  • 21 days - 150 seconds.
  • Day 22 - 180 seconds.
  • Day 23 - 180 seconds.
  • Day 24 - 210 seconds.
  • Day 25 - 210 seconds.
  • Day 26 - rest.
  • Day 27 - 240 seconds.
  • Day 28 - 240 seconds.
  • Day 29 - 270 seconds.
  • Day 30 - Do it for as long as you can.

Why is it worth doing a plank

If you dream of a thin waist and slender legs, do not be shy, you should start doing the exercise right today. In the beginning, the effect is not noticeable and you will only last 30 seconds or less, but after a few weeks, the results will be noticeable, you will begin to improve. The pattern of your body will begin to change, the muscles will become stronger.

The exercise seems like child's play, but try to stand in this position for several tens of seconds and it will quickly turn out that unprepared muscles are not able to withstand such a simple effort.

How to do the plank exercise for the press and how long will it take? It will take very little time for a daily workout, the pose is done from 15 seconds to 5 minutes, which is very short, so it will be difficult to find an excuse and refer to the lack of time. This is only outwardly a very simple exercise, it is difficult for those who are just starting to train. The basic plank position with the front on the forearms looks like an ordinary push-up. It can be modified and made more difficult depending on the level of the practitioner.

plank step by step

  1. Lie on your stomach. Lean on your forearms, bending your elbows at a right angle.
  2. Place your shoulders directly over your elbows.
  3. Leaning on your toes, lift your torso. Be sure to tighten your abdominal muscles.
  4. Do not lift your buttocks up and do not bend your lumbar belt. Place your heels, hips, and shoulders in a straight line.
  5. The head should be a natural extension of the spine. Do not lower it too low and do not lift it up.
  6. Hold the torso in this position for a few seconds (beginners can start at 30 seconds and increase the time by 10 seconds each week until they are able to hold for 60 seconds).

Plank exercise - what is it based on

Training should be carried out daily, for thirty days of the month (except for the rest days planned in your schedule) and systematically lengthening the duration of the exercise. On the last day, try to hold the pose for 5 minutes - it's quite a long time, but the effort is worth it:

  • elastic sculptural abdominal muscles;
  • good health.

Before doing the plank, you need some time to warm up and prepare the body for exercise and in order to prevent back pain.

Initially, the warm-up may last longer than the exercise itself.

Also take care of the correct technique for performing the exercise, about how to properly perform the bar:

  1. Do not bend your body neither down nor up.
  2. Legs, torso and head should form one straight line.
  3. Strongly retract and tighten the stomach, focus on muscle tension thighs and biceps, as this part works the most in the described exercise.

Who is the training program for?

The exercise knows no age restrictions. If you have back problems, you should first consult your doctor. This is especially important in case of displacement of the intervertebral disc, hernia and curvature of the spine.

In diseases of the shoulders, it is necessary to monitor whether there is progress in the course of the disease.

The plank is not an exercise for pregnant women. In this case, it is better to stop at aerobic training. A good idea also strengthening exercises, on a gymnastic sword, yoga or Pilates.

If you are struggling with extra pounds - this exercise is for you.

The basic version of the plank and how to perform the exercise

Plank, or course for beginners

The goal is to hold the position for 5 minutes. Thirty days are given to complete this task - this time is enough for you to achieve the result and correctly perform the exercise.

  • On the first day, start with 15 seconds and continually lengthen your workout time.
  • After six days of training, do not forget to rest, the body needs time to regenerate and recover.
  • Be careful, this is a new exercise for you and do not try to force more than necessary. The advice will help build your strength gradually, avoiding pain.

Plank exercise - a complex for advanced

People who manage to do the advanced exercise correctly and who can hold the pose for 5 minutes (even if he does it intermittently - this is a great success), for advanced, a more difficult version of the exercise is offered.

The goal is to do the next set of exercises for another month. The training program includes:

  1. Plank on straight arms - 1 minute.
  2. Plank on the arms bent at the elbows - 30 seconds.
  3. Plank on the arms bent at the elbows and the leg raised up - 1 minute (30 seconds for each leg).
  4. Side plank - 1 minute (30 seconds on each side).
  5. Plank on the arms bent at the elbows - 1 minute.
  6. Day of rest.

What are the benefits of the plank exercise - the effects of systematic execution

Practice brings fast and amazing visual effects. Participates in the work a large number of muscles: abdomen, back, arms, legs. If you want to have a beautiful sculpted body, slender hips and thin waist will provide a set of exercises plank.

What does the plank exercise give, how is it useful? This is a real gift for your health, a correctly performed plank exercise:

  1. Strengthens the core and deep muscles responsible for correct posture.
  2. Helps relieve back pain.
  3. The perfect addition to the traditional beer belly.

Pose and amazing visual effects plank

The first real visual results can be observed after a month of training. An important role is played by the technique of performing the plank pose. A correctly performed exercise includes the whole body, strengthens it, promotes weight loss, and models the body.

Plank adventures can be started 2-3 times a week, first holding the position for about 30 seconds, and every week, increase the time by another 10-15 seconds. In this case, fat accumulations will be burned, and muscle tissue will develop. This is due to the fact that the muscles have a strong ability to adapt, so the plank pose may not be as effective for some time at first.

Do you want to increase your bust or make a thin figure? Start practicing the board.

The effects of exercise will be more apparent if you add aerobic or interval training, short and intense workouts to your daily workouts.

An even better effect can be achieved if you add a diet with the proper calorie content and the right balance between proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Initially, it is worth neglecting foods with high glycemic index which cause large amounts of glucose in the blood. These include: sweets, highly processed foods, fast foods, pasta and wheat bread. You can add pasta and wholemeal bread to the diet, large quantity vegetables and protein, more vegetables and protein. This is necessary to rid the body of an excess layer of fat, often muscle mass is not visible due to an increased layer of fat.

To keep the belly up

Postures for the press are designed for the development of deep abdominal muscles (oblique and transverse abdominal). And here, among the most dynamic and effective poses, there will be a plank performed without load.

Plank types

The plank, in other words the board, is a position that strengthens the muscles of the abdomen, arms, legs, spine, and even the buttocks.

There are several types of planks:

Front, on arms bent at the elbows

  1. Classic variant. Tighten the muscles of the abdomen, torso and buttocks.
  2. Lift your body off the ground by stretching it in one line.
  3. Fix the position of the body by distributing the weight of the body on the hands and toes.
  4. Breathing during execution is even and calm.

Front, on straightened arms

The option is similar to the previous one, only the arms are straightened at the elbows.


The option is more complex. Body weight is concentrated on one arm and one leg.

  1. Lie on your side, put your legs one on one.
  2. Bend your left arm at the elbow and lean on it.
  3. Place your right straight hand on your right side and lift it up.
  4. Tighten your abdominal muscles, stretch your body and lift your pelvis up.

In this position, the main work is performed by the abdominal oblique muscles.

On hands held together

The easiest position. Beginners can also do it with success.

  1. Lie down on the floor. Fasten the hands in the castle.
  2. Put your hands under your shoulders.
  3. Tighten the press as much as possible, “pull” the pelvis inward, stretch the body in one line.
  4. Leaning on the toes of the legs and the hands fastened into the lock, lift the torso.
  5. Look straight ahead, but do not hang your head low.

Sideways on a straight arm

Difficult option.

  1. Draw the body in one line.
  2. Put your legs on top of each other (you can one in front of the other).
  3. Lean on your elbow and slowly straighten your arm.
  4. Place the other hand on your waist.
  5. To complicate the option, the second hand can be straightened.

Mountain climbers

  1. Get into a plank position with straight arms.
  2. Pull the left leg once, the right leg once towards the chest.

There is another variation of the plank position.

  • With the right arm and left leg raised, or the left arm and right leg raised.
  • With the use of the ball.

Remember: for the exercise to be effective and safe, it must be performed correctly.

A properly executed plank does not weigh down the spine.

How and how much to perform in order to have an effect

In total, perform three times a week in all positions.

  • Plank for beginners: 10 seconds for three sets.
  • Advanced: 30 seconds for 3-4 sets.
  • Pros: 60 seconds for 4-5 sets.

If this seems too difficult for you, try to hold the position for as long as you can, then increase the time every week by 5-10 seconds.

What are the benefits of plank pose

This position is beneficial and brings countless benefits to the body when practiced for just a few minutes a day. The pose itself is not easy to perform: it requires great strength and concentration.

Why plank exercise is useful and its main advantages:

Better defined muscles

  • Helps to train the muscles of the sacrum, rectus and oblique muscles of the abdominal cavity and buttocks.
  • Increases the tension of the transverse abdominal muscles, results: lifting more weights and a flatter stomach.
  • Increases athletic performance where jumping is required.
  • Strong buttock muscles provide support for the back, and the stronger they are, the more attractive the buttocks look.
  • Help prevent injury.

If you want your body to be able to perform a wide range of motion, you need to strengthen your muscles and joints. The plank pose effectively builds muscle mass and reduces pain caused by intense exercise and other workouts.

Can be practiced everywhere

To do the ab position, you only need a piece of floor that is the length of your body. The pose is very comfortable when traveling, or if the apartment is very small.

Improves posture

Strong muscles and joints have a beneficial effect on your skeleton. After mastering the plank technique, you will stand straight and look taller. It strengthens the muscles that support the spine and helps to form the correct posture.

Improves balance

How to do a plank correctly? The main rule of execution is to maintain balance and coordination, the requirement of concentration. While working on muscle groups it will be difficult to maintain balance, but regular practice will lead to gradual improvement and good results.

Summer is getting closer and the issues of harmony are becoming more and more important. I recently suggested effective complex for weight loss, hope you are engaged. But for best effect It is advisable to do other exercises. For example, the bar, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed today, as well as how correctly, how often and how much this exercise should be done, whether it is effective in losing weight.

plank is physical exercise, in which it is necessary to be in one position for some time, relying only on the hands and toes. It is often included in training programs, although opinions about this exercise vary. There are reviews that it does not bring any benefit, but there is also the opposite opinion that the bar must be included in your complex, since more than 90% of all muscles work when it is performed. So let's look at the effectiveness of this exercise.

We are all different, someone can set aside time and money for sports and constantly visits the gym or swimming pool. But someone cannot afford it, and it's not even about finances or laziness, sometimes there is a catastrophic lack of time for this.

The plank exercise is interesting in that it does not require a special room, equipment and sportswear and it doesn't take much time either.

The “bar” is also attracted by the fact that it has many varieties from simple classic to quite complex options, therefore suitable for people with different physical training for both men and women. If desired, you can create a whole range of exercises to work out different muscle groups.

Of course, if your goal is to perfect figure, then one exercise is unlikely to achieve this. But even devoting a minimum of time and doing a simple classic plank, you will improve not only your figure, but also strengthen the muscle corset that supports our spine, and this is very important, especially with a sedentary lifestyle.

Plank exercise - benefits and harms

Training can be dynamic (isotonic) and carried out with movements, but you can train without making any movements. Such training is called static (isometric).

With dynamics, the load on the muscles alternates, they either relax or tense, during static exercises there is a constant tension of the muscles. Static exercises are considered strength exercises, they increase muscle tone, muscle and tendon endurance, but they will not work to build muscle with their help. For this purpose, just dynamic exercises are suitable.

Plank is the most popular static exercise with which you can work out different groups muscles, including the transverse muscle. The transverse muscle holds our internal organs and if it is relaxed, then this provokes the growth of the abdomen. In the usual exercises for the press, this muscle works, but indirectly. Plank develops that part of the press, which is difficult to develop in dynamics. This exercise also solves a number of other problems.

The benefits of exercise for men and women

In addition to the press, the bar allows:

  • strengthen the back muscles, which improves posture and is useful for osteochondrosis
  • make arms, legs, buttocks more toned
  • fight cellulite, accelerating blood circulation and lymph flow
  • reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis
  • due to the stretching effect, relax the stiff muscles of the back, relieve tension and pain in the shoulder region, which often worries people who have a sedentary job
  • strengthen ligaments, tendons, joints
  • speed up metabolism
  • improve muscle coordination, vestibular apparatus, developing a sense of balance and balance.

The plank exercise is universal and suitable for both men and women. As I said, static exercises do not contribute to muscle building, and this fact is appreciated by women who want to have a toned figure, but at the same time not lose femininity.

Men include this exercise in their complex due to the fact that it gives good results in drying the body, and also makes the muscles more resilient.

Plus, a general health effect, which is useful for both the female and the male body.

Plank for weight loss - reviews and tips

Rita, 29 years old:

Very stout after childbirth. I was looking for something that I could do at home and take a little time. The plank seemed to me the best option. At first, it was unbearable to stand in a pose even for 20 seconds. But nothing, I did not despair. A month has passed: I have lost weight (although I have reduced the amount of food), and my arms have become more defined, and my hips and buttocks have tightened up, now I don’t have cellulite.

Svetlana, 35 years old:

I have been doing the bar for 20 days, the result is zero, I am disappointed. I’ll try to do it for another 10 days, then I’ll quit if the results don’t appear.

Ekaterina, 27 years old:

I have been doing the “bar” for two months now, the results just amazed me. From 72 kg I went down to the level of 63 kg. The muscles began to tone up, the buttocks noticeably tightened up. I'm not going to quit, of course I limited the food: a minimum of sweet and starchy foods.

Alina, 41 years old:

I can’t say that the bar somehow affects the weight. I noticed this on my own after a couple of months of classes. I wanted to lose some weight, yes. But, apparently, such an exercise is not designed for such a result. Nevertheless, it helps to get a taut waist, and this is a very pleasant fact. Maybe if you increase the time of the exercise, you will lose weight and succeed. Only I, in principle, have enough of what I have achieved - a flat stomach.

Natalia, 52 years old:

The bar “our everything” is the maximum result at a minimum cost. Hands pulled up nice abs, no "riding breeches". I stand 3 minutes every day.

I gave as an example a few reviews about the effectiveness of the "bar" for weight loss, there are actually a lot of them and they are very different. Someone writes rave reviews and considers it a super weight loss tool, but there are also completely opposite opinions.

What is the reason for such different reviews about this exercise. I decided to find out what experts say about this, but here opinions are divided.

Some say this:

Static loads, which are carried out without much tension or, so to speak, half-heartedly, are produced by the work of red muscle fibers, which are an excellent tool for obtaining energy from body fat. Thus, if your main goal of training is to lose weight, then static exercises with low loads are the ideal solution to problems.

But there is also this opinion:

The plank strengthens muscles, works out the core, improves the tone of the hips, buttocks, arms and shoulders, but the plank is not for burning fat and losing weight. effective exercise. This exercise is designed to tone muscles, not burn fat.

But experts agree on one thing:

The bar and its modifications are great way strengthen the body, get rid of sagging, but dietary restrictions are required for weight loss.

From the foregoing, the conclusion suggests itself, with only one plank, and other exercises cannot solve the problem, it is necessary to approach the issue of losing weight in a complex way.

In order for the effect of the bar to be as fast and noticeable as possible, you must adhere to a number of rules:

According to experts, following the above rules, it is quite possible to adjust your weight in a month, but, of course, you won’t be able to remove 20 kilograms. How much exactly - it depends on other factors, such as physiological features your body, age, how well the exercises are performed.

In addition, watch the video, it tells how to use the plank exercise for weight loss.

Contraindications and harm from exercise

We found out everything about the benefits, but before including the bar in your set of exercises, it is important to know if it has contraindications so as not to harm your health.

The first thing that is important to know is that a constantly tense muscle under a static load compresses blood vessels and, accordingly, its blood supply worsens. Pushing blood into a tense muscle, the heart muscle has to work hard, the load on the heart and blood vessels increases accordingly and, as a result, blood pressure can rise sharply, even a heart attack can occur. Therefore, people who are inclined to high blood pressure those with heart disease, blood vessels must be extremely careful. You can do the exercise, but experts recommend that such people stay in the bar for no more than 2 minutes and it will not be superfluous to consult your doctor.

During an exacerbation of chronic diseases, with colds and flu, it is better to postpone classes until better times.

You can not do the bar in the following cases:

  • pregnancy
  • abdominal hernia, intervertebral hernia
  • diseases of the internal organs, in which physical activity is prohibited
  • pinched nerves, injuries of the spine, arms, legs
  • joint diseases

You can do the bar, but with caution, starting with lightweight options and only after consulting a doctor:

  • in the postpartum period, especially with complicated childbirth and caesarean section
  • during the recovery period after injuries and operations.

For overweight people, in order not to harm the spine and reduce the load on the joints, it is recommended to do the bar on your knees, and not on the tips of your toes.

It is important to follow the correct execution of the exercise, so that the back is even, does not sag. An erroneous execution will make the exercise useless, but this is not the worst thing. Incorrect execution can lead to displacement of the discs, provoke pain in the lower back, neck and shoulder joints.

How to do plank

Static exercises have a drawback - muscles that are not regularly stretched lose flexibility over time. If the bar is an additional exercise to the dynamic complex, then it is better to do it after the main exercises. If you practice only the bar, then before the load you need to do a warm-up, in which you need to include stretching exercises.

You can do the exercise at any time of the day, even after eating.

So that during the exercise your legs do not slip and you can keep your body in a horizontal position, do the bar better in sports shoes.

You need to start acquaintance with this exercise from the usual classic plank and it is performed as follows:

  1. The body should form a single line from the top of the head to the heels, the back is straight, neither up nor down can it be bent. Buttocks should also not rise up or down.
  2. The gaze is directed to the floor, it is considered a mistake when raising the head, as this gives an additional load on the cervical vertebrae
  3. With your feet you stand on your toes, your legs are connected together. There is a lightweight option when the legs are spread shoulder-width apart, it is easier to maintain balance
  4. The arms are bent at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees and are directly under the shoulders. The wrists are parallel to the elbows. It is considered a mistake when the palms are clasped in front of you in the lock or when the hand is turned around and the flat palm is placed on the floor.
  5. The muscles of the press, hips, buttocks are tense. Try to evenly distribute the load on your arms and legs
  6. Breathing is free, without delay

In this position, you need to stand for at least 20 seconds. If during the exercise there was a slight burning sensation in the muscles, do not be alarmed, then you are doing everything right.

Increase the time spent in the bar gradually, it is better to do it qualitatively, but less in time than vice versa. The body must get used to such a load.

In the video you will clearly see what mistakes can be during the exercise

Variations on the theme "plank" - different execution techniques, photo, video

If the classic plank seems to you very simple exercise, then you can increase the load using different execution techniques. See photos, videos, choose your favorite option.

Plank on outstretched arms

Plank with legs supported on a fitball (bench) on straight arms

Side plank on bent arm

Side plank on an outstretched arm

Side plank with straight leg raise

Side plank with bent leg raise

Plank leg raise

Stretching the arm forward while raising the opposite leg

Reverse plank on bent arms

Reverse plank with straight arms

Reverse plank with leg raises

Plank "Alpinist" (bending the legs to the chest)

Plank dumbbell row

I don’t know about you, it all seems very complicated to me, so far I’m only doing the classic plank. But the video confirms that doing the bar in different options it's real, so there's something to strive for.

Summing up, we can say that now knowing all the pros and cons of the plank exercise, feel free to move from the computer to the mat, this great way work on your body.

To help you, which is led by a doctor biological sciences, the best expert in the field of weight loss - Galina Nikolaevna Grossmann. According to her method, many hundreds of thousands of women have already lost weight and, most importantly, the lost kilograms do not return to them even after six months or even several years! Grab the course from the link while it's free.

Beauty to you, harmony and health.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

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