Hamstring workout. Exercises for the back of the thigh - a set of workouts for men and women with video

reservoirs 11.10.2019

If a girl wants to give her legs and buttocks a beautiful shape, then work should be done on all muscle groups. Exercises for rear surface thighs help to get rid of excess fat in this area, cellulite, and for their implementation they allocate part of the workout on specialized simulators. You can use these muscle groups as part of a basic movement (several joints) or isolated (specific study). Below are popular options for pumping up the back of the thigh.

Muscles of the back of the thigh

The anatomy of this part of the leg is in some ways similar to the arm. For example, the back muscles of the thigh are also called the biceps or biceps, but the leg does not have a triceps. This is the largest group, which, as a rule, should be downloaded. Smaller groups (semitendinosus, semimembranosus) receive their share of the load when training the thighs. The biceps of the leg is responsible for flexion at the knee joint and extension from a sitting position.

How to tighten your hips

The task for an athlete can be both to reduce body fat in this area, and to build up muscle mass. Some girls strive to get rid of cellulite (which is especially noticeable here), while others have a very skinny legs from nature and want to shape them. To tighten the hips, you need to regularly create an unusual load for them, which will directly affect the muscles. A balanced diet will help you achieve your goal, which will contain a minimum of calories and a lot of protein (a substance that is involved in building muscle tissue).

Exercises for the back of the thigh can be divided into basic and isolated. In the first case, the target muscle groups are involved together with others when performing the movement, in the second, only the biceps femoris muscle is purposefully loaded. It is recommended to start with basic training and end with isolation exercises to achieve the maximum “load”.

How to pump up the back of the thigh

The choice of training method, type of exercise depends on the goal (to lose weight or gain muscle mass). For example, you can pump up the back of the thigh by doing not a large number of approaches with a lot of weight, while the muscle itself will not become anymore. Muscle fibers will be strengthened, they will become denser and the legs will be strong, beautiful shape but will not increase. If you do approaches with a small weight, but large quantity repetitions, then the growth of muscle mass will accelerate. This option is suitable for girls who perform exercises for the back of the thigh in order to increase volume.

Exercises for the back of the thigh

Most of the movements can be performed at home, but some can only be done on special simulators. For example, hip flexion is very convenient to perform in gym. In a special simulator, you put your feet under the roller and simply pull your heels towards your buttocks. The back of the thigh works purposefully, all other muscles are not involved. This is convenient for people who have injuries to the lower back, knees and cannot work with vertical loads. The most popular options for tightening the back of the thigh are described below.


This is one of the “great three” exercises, used by all athletes (men and women) to pump legs, back, buttocks. The deadlift technique involves a serious load on the knees, lower back, so everything should be done correctly. Incorrect tilt of the body, deflection in the back and there is a possibility of injury. To do this, you will need a bar and a stand (you can do without it, but it will be easier with it).

The weight of the projectile should be selected based on your physical fitness and condition. It is not recommended for girls to take more than 10 kg (the weight of pancakes without a bar). While squatting, try to exclude your back, lower back from work, strain your legs. The execution technique is as follows:

  1. Starting position - stand on a stand and squat down. Take the barbell, while it should not touch the floor, arms are fully extended.
  2. As you exhale, begin to straighten your legs (not your back), the bar should rise to the level of your knees, then lower yourself down again while inhaling. Concentrate on the fact that the tension should fall only on the hips.
  3. Do 2-3 sets of ten reps each.

Such exercises will help strengthen not only the back surface, but also the quadriceps, lower back. Over time, you will be able to take on large weights (15-20 kg) in order to load the muscles as much as possible and get more efficiency from training. You can notice a tangible result after such classes after a month of alternating or daily training. The main condition is the observance of technology.

swing dumbbell

This is an effective exercise that you can do at home. Swing with dumbbells is performed at the end of the workout, after the basic movements. You will need one dumbbell, the weight is selected individually. The technique is as follows:

  1. Put your feet on the fat of your shoulders, take a dumbbell with both hands, pull them down.
  2. Stand with a slight tilt of the body forward, a slight deflection in the lower back. Direct the projectile between the legs so that it is under the buttocks at knee level, bend your legs.
  3. On the extension, straighten the body and return the dumbbell to its original position.
  4. Exercise helps to load upper part biceps, buttocks. A noticeable result will be already after a few sessions.

Squats on one leg

This very technically simple exercise can be successfully performed at home. You will need to stand against the wall to hold on with one hand and have a fulcrum to maintain balance. Squats on one leg have two versions: with a fully extended leg or bent at the knee. The exercise is performed as follows:

  1. Stand against the wall, transfer the weight to the left leg (they will need to be changed later), slightly bending at the knee.
  2. You need to bend your right leg, raising your knee up. You can grab it with your free hand for convenience.
  3. Perform a squat on your left leg, dropping deep down and then return to the starting position.
  4. For each leg, do 1-15 reps.
  5. The exercise tightens, helps to pump the back of the thigh, buttocks.

King thrust

This movement can remove excess volume from the thigh. To do this, the execution does not require any additional shells. 10-15 approaches are performed for each leg, the result is felt after 3-4 workouts, while it crumples a noticeable muscle load. King's deadlift technique is as follows:

  1. Shift your weight to your right leg, bend your left. You can point it backwards instead of forwards (as in the squats above), with the foot parallel to the back.
  2. Pull your hands to the floor, bend your back slightly.
  3. At the moment of bending the supporting leg with your fingers, try to reach the floor, you can touch it.
  4. Return to original stance.

Jumping lunges

Combine this exercise with steel jumps for more efficiency and more explosive hamstrings. To complicate the exercise, people perform it on some kind of rise (hill or stairs). Jumping lunges are a popular technique for pumping the biceps in the gym and at home. Technician following:

  1. Initial drain - legs together, arms along the body, back straight (always).
  2. Take a step forward with your foot (lunge) deep.
  3. Jump and switch legs.
  4. If jumping high is not possible, help yourself with a wave of your hands.
  5. Repeat 10 times on each leg.

Stretching the back of the thigh

To burn fat, cellulite, you need not only to give aerobic exercise, reduce calories and train muscles, but also stretch them. This will help relieve stress, fatigue after an intense workout. Hip stretch - milestone on the way to giving legs beautiful shapes. To give elasticity to the muscle, there are not so many options and they consist in craving for socks. There are three ways to stretch the biceps femoris:

  1. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward, try to keep your back straight and stretch your hands to your socks. Make sure that there is no strong deflection in the back, try to lie with your stomach on the front surface of the thigh, as in the photo below.
  2. The second option differs in that it is performed while standing. Follow the same steps, but in an upright position.
  3. Another variation of a similar movement: stand at a table (or bench), throw one leg up on a hill and stretch your hand to your toe.

Video: swing the back of the thigh

If a girl wants to give her legs and buttocks a beautiful shape, then work should be done on all muscle groups. Exercises for the back of the thigh help to get rid of excess fat in this area, cellulite, and for their implementation they allocate part of the workout on specialized simulators. You can use these muscle groups as part of a basic movement (several joints) or isolated (specific study). Below are popular options for pumping up the back of the thigh.

How to stretch the back of the thigh?

Stretching is the foundation of any workout. Poorly stretched muscles not only work worse, but are also extremely susceptible to all sorts of injuries. It is recommended both before training - warm-up, and after - hitch. Before starting classes, it is better to warm up the joints well, as well as perform dynamic warm-up - running, jumping, jumping rope. For a hitch better fit smooth stretching of the muscles involved in the training.

Want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you.

The following exercises are good for stretching the back surface:

  • Fold - sitting on the floor, straight legs extended, back straight. We raise our hands up, and then slowly lower ourselves down to our feet. Try not to bend your knees and press firmly into the floor.
  • Deep lunge with a straight leg - one leg is bent at the knee, the other is set back as much as possible. Try to keep your knee straight.
  • Boat - lie on your stomach. As you inhale, clasp your ankle with your hands and bend your back and sway a little, like a boat. As you exhale, relax and return to the starting position.

All exercises must be performed slowly, as if hanging for a certain time.

How to pump up the back of the thigh

The choice of training method, type of exercise depends on the goal (to lose weight or gain muscle mass). For example, you can pump up the back of the thigh by performing a small number of approaches with a lot of weight, while the muscle itself will not become larger. Muscle fibers will be strengthened, they will become denser and the legs will be strong, beautifully shaped, but will not increase. If you do approaches with low weight, but a large number of repetitions, then the growth of muscle mass will accelerate. This option is suitable for girls who perform exercises for the back of the thigh in order to increase volume.

An example of a hamstring workout

The following are exercises for the back of the thigh that you can do at home. They do not require complex sports equipment. Dumbbells and weights are easily replaced with bottles or sand bags. After a short warm-up, proceed to the first exercise.

Leg raise lying on stomach

Lie on the floor with your stomach down. Bend your arms at the elbows and place them under the chin. This is the starting position for the first two exercises in this section. Tighten the muscles of the buttocks as much as possible and lift the right leg up without bending it. Slowly lower your leg down, but try not to touch the floor. Complete required amount reps and switch legs. In the future, you can make this movement more difficult by putting weights on the working leg or by securing the legs with a rubber band. Also, to increase the load, you can also lift the upper part of the body by stretching your arms forward. Then the entire back surface of the body will work for you.

Information for men

Raising the legs bent at the knees, lying on the stomach

Return to starting position. Bend both legs at the knees at a right angle, keep your feet parallel to the floor. Lift both legs up at the same time. Slowly return them to their original position, but do not lower them completely to the floor.

Lifting the hip up

Get on your knees, put your hands on the palms in front of you, the body parallel to the floor. Tighten your press. Stretch your right leg back, bend it at the knee and lift your hip up as much as possible. Repeat with your left foot.


You can just squat, but to pump the back better, use a weight of 1-1.5 kg (dumbbells, water bottles). Stand straight, knees slightly bent, weight in hands. Bend your elbows and lift the inventory to your chest. We do squats so that the thighs are parallel to the floor.

Jumping lunges

Lunges are the most common hamstring exercises. This exercise does not have to be done in the gym, it is well suited for home conditions. In addition, the lunge exercise does not require additional props, such as a dumbbell or barbell.

  • It is necessary to stand in the main stance: arms along the body, legs together. Make sure your back is straight.
  • Step forward with your foot. It is best to start with the right leg.
  • Change legs while jumping up. In order for the jump to be enough long distance from the floor, help yourself with a wave of your hands.

In order to achieve the desired effect, you need to perform this exercise daily. Exercise well tightens the muscles of the legs and ensures that the body is kept in good shape.

Tips to keep the back of the thigh beautiful and toned

In order for the back of the thigh to be beautiful and toned, you need to train regularly and do the exercises correctly. To achieve best effect, follow these guidelines:

The most important thing is to do the exercises correctly. If you can’t do it yourself, then you need to contact the trainer and get instructed, then you can practice at home.

Exercises should be performed slowly and diligently, trying to work out all the necessary muscles. You need to feel how they work, are reduced, then the training will be effective.

Before and after training, it is imperative to stretch in order to exclude injuries and prevent muscle pain the next day.

You need to know the measure, you should not overload your legs today, if tomorrow you are going to run in the morning.

If you want to get rid of cellulite, then after doing exercises on the back of the thigh, you need to do a massage and a warming wrap.

It is very important to breathe correctly, inhaling is done with effort, and exhaling with relaxation.

When not to do exercises for the back of the thigh

For most people, the back of the thigh is worked out during leg training. Sometimes people break up their strength training, preferring to include exercises on this group back muscles.

If the muscles of the back of the thigh are in a state of tension, then isolation exercises, lying or sitting, should be excluded. If you are planning to go jogging the day after strength training, then isolation exercises for the back of the thigh should not be done.

Exercises for the back of the thigh in the gym

The muscle group in question is quite difficult to load well without the use of simulators and weights. Therefore, in the hall you will have where more possibilities. We will talk about them now.

Wide stance squats

Similar to the "home" version. But now we have the option to use a barbell as a weight or squat with dumbbells. Do 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps

Straight Leg Pull

One of the best exercises on the back of the thigh. When performing it, it is important to tilt the body due to rotation in hip joint. The back must be kept straight. Legs at the knees can be slightly bent. Do 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps

High Leg Platform Press

If in the leg press machine, the feet are placed higher than usual, approximately on the upper edge of the platform, then most of The load will go exactly to the back of the thighs. It is important not to tear your pelvis off the seat while doing the presses. Do 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps.

The back of the thighs is often a problem area. This is due to the fact that in Everyday life The front of the thighs is under greater load than the back. Common problems for the back of the thigh are cellulite, sagging skin. Basic and multifunctional strength exercises will help to put this part of the body in order.

Anatomical features of the posterior thigh muscle

The back of the thighs consists of the following muscle groups:

  • biceps (biceps) - includes 2 bundles: long, short. Function - bending the legs at the knees, maintaining body balance, retracting the hips
  • semitendinous - takes an active part in movements associated with bending the legs, retracting the hips and straightening the body from an inclined position
  • semimembranosus - performs similar functions as the semitendinosus muscle

Exercise program for the muscles of the back of the thigh

The above muscle groups are responsible for the relief of the back of the thighs, so it is important to pay attention to each of them individually in your workouts. common, and therefore effective exercise for pumping them is to bend the legs in various positions - sitting, standing, lying down. Start every workout with a warm-up. This will avoid many injuries.

Experienced athletes note that in order to see the desired changes in the pumped area, you do not need to direct all the force and spend a lot of time on one muscle group. Here is important A complex approach. It is best to alternate the exercises below. If your goal is to tighten the muscles of the thighs and get rid of unnecessary kilograms, then experts recommend adding anaerobic training to your set of exercises. In combination with power loads, they will help to give the back of the thighs a toned look.

How to pump the back muscles of the thighs by bending the legs in the simulator in various positions

In a sitting position

The exercise is insulating and productive. Allows you to perfectly pump the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles of the thigh. We sit down in the simulator, we place our knees at the level of the edge of the bench. The roller passes under the bottom calf muscle. Exhaling slowly, we begin to bend our legs. Then we return the legs to their original position.

Performing the exercise, strain the muscles in the pumped area. Use light weights at first to avoid injury.

Lying position

Before starting a workout, you need to adjust the simulator to your height. The exercise is performed lying on the stomach. We grab hold of the special handrails with both hands, we start the straight legs behind the roller. The lower part of the shin should touch the roller. We keep the head on weight, the body is straight. Exhaling, we bend our legs, trying to raise the roller as much as possible. Slowly return the legs to their original position. To prevent back injury and knee joints experienced athletes do not recommend immediately taking large weights. When performing the exercise, it is important to alternate the position of the socks, that is, first set them inward, and then outward. This will maintain proportionality between the inner and outer thighs.

In a standing position

This exercise engages all muscle groups in the back of the thighs. The bonus in this exercise is that the bottom of the biceps is perfectly pulled up, thanks to which the legs visually lengthen and look more proportional. First, set up the simulator for your height. We take the handrails with our hands, resting the front of the thighs against a special support. The lower back should be slightly arched, the roller passes under the lower part of the calf muscle. We bend the leg, trying to raise the roller as much as possible. We lower the leg, returning to its original position. We perform the exercise at a slow pace.

How to pump up the hamstrings with the help of the "Romanian deadlift"

Romanian deadlift (PCT) - basic exercise, helps to perfectly gain total mass (this is especially true for the hip joints). It is a simplified version of the classic deadlift. We set the legs shoulder-width apart, use a direct grip. We spread our arms slightly wider than our shoulders. We bend the legs slightly at the knees, look straight ahead, keep the torso straight. The tilt occurs solely by the abduction of the pelvis in the rear position. Having reached the bottom point, we try to hold the bar as long as possible (it must not be lowered to the floor). When performed correctly, you will feel the tension in the biceps of the thighs. We return to the starting position by pushing the pelvis forward. It turns out that the biceps of the thighs and buttocks are responsible for lifting the bar.

How to strengthen the back of the thighs with the classic deadlift (CST)

The basic exercise allows you to achieve muscle growth and develop strong legs. The technique for performing the exercise is similar to the previous one, but is performed on straight legs. Mostly CST is used by men. The load falls on the biceps of the thigh and lower back. Torso tilt - 45 degrees.

On a note! For beginners, the Romanian deadlift is suitable, and for the more experienced, the CST.

How to pump up the back of the thighs with the leg press exercise

The basic exercise allows you to train the back of the thigh, muscles of the buttocks and legs. We sit in the simulator, legs and back are in full contact with the back. We hold the handrails with our hands, if they are not there, then we can hold on to the sides of the bench. The gaze is directed forward, the body is kept straight. We set the legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel. We press in a smooth rhythm. In order not to injure the knee joints, it is not recommended to fully straighten the legs.

How to build back thigh muscles at home

To give your legs an attractive and toned look at home, the following exercises to strengthen the hamstring muscles will help:

  • single-leg squats: can be performed both on a bent and extended (“pistol”) leg
  • lunges with bouncing: combines 2 types of load - anaerobic and power. To increase the load, the exercise can be performed with weight
  • lifting legs from a prone position - the biceps of the thighs are perfectly worked out. If you want to increase the load, then use weights on the ankles
  • bridge on the mat - the exercise is performed lying on your back. The bottom line is pushing the pelvis up. When returning to the starting position, do not touch the floor with the pelvis.

The advantages of the above exercises are that they do not require special sports equipment and simulators for the hamstring muscles. If you want to get a visible result, we recommend using the services of a trainer. In the gym, there are more opportunities to pump up the muscle group of interest. Only the trainer will be able to control the correctness of the exercises, as well as to specifically select a set of training sessions for you.

How to quickly pump the back of the thighs

Behind a short time pumping thigh muscles is impossible, since muscle mass is not formed in one day. With regular training, the first changes will be visible after a month. In this case, the main thing is to be able to correctly and gradually increase the load.

To quickly pump up the legs, the following exercises on the back muscles of the thigh are suitable:

  • stepping on an elevated platform - to increase the load, you can use dumbbells or a barbell mounted on your shoulders - 3 sets, 15 reps
  • single leg curl - performed in a leg curl machine - 3 sets, 12 reps for each leg
  • squats with a barbell - we put the barbell on our shoulders, we place our legs slightly wider than our shoulders - 4 sets, 8 reps
  • lunges with a barbell on the shoulders - 3 sets, 7 times for each leg
  • leg press in the simulator - 3-4 sets of 7-8 times

On a note! To enhance the effect, include only the back of the thigh in the work.

We swing the back of the thigh with professionals

Powerful leg workout from Yuri Spasokukotsky

The exercise is called "barbell bench squat". To strengthen the knee joints and ligaments, Yuriy recommends using elastic bandages. A special belt will relieve the load from the spine. It is used when lifting large weights. Bench height may vary. At the same time, legs can be installed - narrow, wide, medium. We put the barbell on the shoulders.

Features of the exercise:

  • we sit at the same depth, honing the technique of performing
  • there is no dead point, that is, "dips" are excluded. You can safely perform the exercise without fear of serious injury

Advice! Yuri does not recommend hitting the bench too hard so as not to injure the spine. Be sure to have a partner or coach as insurance. Increase the weight gradually from set to set, using the "pyramid" principle. This exercise is not recommended for beginners. Perform working sets to failure, but only in the presence of an assistant.

The best exercise for the back muscles of the thigh from Denis Gusev

Dumbbell row on straight arms is a single-component exercise, working muscle groups: buttocks, back of the thighs. Starting position - standing, in our hands we hold dumbbells set in front of us. While inhaling, we smoothly bend at the hip joint, we lead the dumbbells along the hips. We go down to the middle of the leg. On exhalation, we return to the starting position.

Back thigh muscle training - useful tips

  • Start your workout with a warm up. Turn on aerobic exercise (running, walking)
  • rest no more than 30 seconds between sets
  • increase the number of approaches gradually (for beginners, 1-2 approaches are enough)
  • follow the above training program at least 2 times a week

Stretch at the end of your workout. This will relieve stress and fatigue after a workout.

Most people go in for sports not dreaming of becoming professional athletes and getting medals, but to stay strong, resilient, have an athletic figure, stay healthy and young longer. Choosing different kinds training, attention should be paid to the hamstrings. The specified muscle group is less exposed to stress due to sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle.

Performing exercises on the voiced parts of the body will help a woman get rid of cellulite and tighten her skin. It is permissible to conduct separately or include in a complex type of training.

  1. Classes should not be started without preparing the muscles for the main load. Set aside 5 minutes for a warm-up consisting of aerobic exercise. This includes running, jumping rope, walking up the stairs.
  2. Exercises for the back of the thigh are repeated 15-20 times with breaks between sets of 30 seconds. It is better to start with 1-2 approaches. Gradually, the amount is shown to increase. If on execution it starts strong pain, the activity is interrupted to avoid injury.
  3. For training, pick up special comfortable clothes and shoes. Sportswear it is better to choose from cutting-edge synthetic fabrics. This one stretches well and wicks away moisture. Shoes are chosen to be breathable, lightweight, designed to protect against injuries, reduce the load on the legs.
  4. To make sense of training, it is required to conduct classes 2-3 times a week. It is better to add lightweight elements to morning exercises, achieving maximum effect, keeping the body in good shape.
  5. The workout is supposed to end with stretching. Stretching improves blood flow, accelerates muscle recovery, and muscles become more elastic. Stretching helps the body relax after an intense workout.

Examples of simple and effective types of exercises

Exercises for the back of the thigh are suitable for training at home. Special sports equipment is not required. In the absence of dumbbells, the simulator is easy to change for water bottles. To achieve maximum results and avoid injury, it is important correct technique. After doing a little warm-up, start training.

Special exercises for the gym

Yoga for stretching the back of the thighs

capture thumbs legs. Stand up straight, place your feet hip-width apart. Leaving the legs straight, drawing in the knees, lean forward. The head and body move as a whole when moving. With two fingers of both hands (index and middle), the toes are pressed to the floor. At the same time, the fingers are pulled up. The body slowly rises until the arms are fully extended. On exhalation, the chest and buttocks rise higher, creating a slight bend in the lower back. There is a contraction of the muscles of the back of the leg. These movements are recommended to be done several times.

Triangle pose. To perform, stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. The right foot takes a big step forward. The torso leans sideways to the leg so that the spine is extended, but not arched. To relieve painful tension from the muscles, it is allowed to bend the front leg slightly.

capture thumb legs. To perform this asana, lie on your back, straighten your legs, rest your feet against the wall. Right hand a finger of a similar leg is captured, it straightens. The foot with an exhalation reaches for itself. You will feel a stretch in the back of your leg. After holding for 30 seconds, lower the leg. Do the same with the left leg.

Heron pose. It is carried out by sitting on the floor with legs extended forward. Bending the left knee, pressing the muscles of the buttocks to the floor, slightly tilt the pelvis forward. As you exhale, gently begin lifting your right leg. The foot stretches towards itself with a new exhalation stronger to the maximum extension of the biceps of the thigh. After holding the pose for a few minutes, lower your leg. Run with the second leg.

Head to knee posture. The starting position is the same as the previous asana. One leg is straightened, the second is bent at the knee, becomes as close as possible to the buttock, falls to the left on the floor. Turn the pelvis to set the correct direction of movement, the body begins to twist forward towards the right leg. Arms bent at the elbows, grasp the right foot. Continue to reach down until the forehead rests on the shin. Stay in the pose for one or a few minutes, then change legs.

Do not constantly work in enhanced mode, this will lead to overstrain and serious injury. It is better to alternate heavy workouts with light ones.

Remember, to strengthen the back of the leg and give elasticity to the skin, you will have to train intensively, paying attention to proper nutrition. To achieve great results, it is useful to accompany training with a massage course.

The muscles of the legs are the largest muscle mass in the body, which, with an active lifestyle, is involved in walking. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle are faced with the need to exercise to keep their muscles in good shape.

Shaping the thighs and buttocks

Strength training is necessary for almost everyone to cope with the natural decline in muscle mass with age. To increase the buttocks, get rid of the flabbiness of the inner surface of the legs, the load must be intense.

To pump up the muscles of the thigh and buttocks, both for tone and for growth, you need to work with a barbell or dumbbells.

Three basic exercises should be performed at least once a week:

  1. squats with a barbell or dumbbells - start with a minimum weight for beginners (dumbbells from 5 kg) and
    increase the weight on the bar to the weight of your own body;
  2. lunges with a barbell or dumbbells - performed both in statics, with a change of legs, forward or backward, as well as in a step, which is most effective for rounding the buttocks;
  3. deadlift or tilts on straight legs - performed with a straight back, without deflection in the lower back, due to the hip joints.

By doing these three exercises regularly (not daily, but every week), you can not worry that some part of the thigh will be left without attention.

The outer part does not need to be worked out in isolation, as it appearance depends on the quadriceps femoris muscle - the front. You can pump up the muscles of the outer part of the thigh, namely the tensor of the wide fascia, by moving the legs to the side in a block simulator. But it won't get rid of cellulite. The inner thigh can be pumped up separately, but only after completing the three basic exercises.

We expel cellulite - we swing the back of the thigh and buttocks

The biceps get less stress because squats and lunges are more oriented to the front of the legs. But it is the biceps and gluteal muscles that determine the shape of the legs from behind - the outlined roundness, the absence of flabbiness and the ill-fated "ears".

You can pump up the muscles of the back of the thigh with deadlifts alone, performing them skillfully, improving the degree of inclination and stretching the biceps well - yes, for this you will need to learn the correct tilt with a deflection in the lower back. If you do not want to work with large weights, then dumbbells will do, and deadlifts are performed with support on one leg. Bending the legs in the simulator purposefully trains the biceps. To pump up the buttocks and biceps, you can add glute bridges.

The meaning of the exercise is to raise the pelvis from a prone position.

It is worth increasing and varying the load in different ways:

  1. put a dumbbell or a bag with something heavy on the pelvic bones;
  2. put your legs on a raised platform or lie on the sofa with your shoulder blades to increase the range of motion;
  3. shift your body weight onto one leg and perform lifts to pump up your glutes and hamstrings.

A good load on the back of the thigh and buttocks is given by hyperextensions, which cause the muscle to stretch and then contract. You can perform them while lying with your chest on the sofa, hold on to its edge with your hands and raise straight hanging legs from the floor to parallel and above. Or fix your feet on the bottom edge of the sofa, go down to the push-up position, push off and climb back, training the biceps.

Help to pump up the buttocks squats with a gun - on one leg. You can squat, holding on to a support, or get up from a chair on one leg, achieving an increase in the load. Enhanced study of the buttocks will be provided if you take a dumbbell while standing up.

We train the inner thighs

Forget about swings - they are for the buttocks, not for the thighs. The best way pull up
the inside of the legs - do squats with a wide setting. The dumbbell must be held in both hands, try to keep the body straight with a deflection in the lower back. The deeper the plie squat, the better the load on the inner surface.

Lateral lunges also load the inside of the legs and buttocks, are performed in the form of a wide step to the side by pulling the pelvis back and tilting the body to the supporting knee.

The dumbbell can be held at the chest or lowered to the foot while bending over to further pump up the gluteal muscles.

Diagonal lunges have a good effect on the inside of the muscles, in which each step is done with the foot set slightly to the side. In this case, it is good to use dumbbells, and to perform steps without interruption and complete alignment of the legs. Make sure that the knee does not “walk” from side to side and “looks” in the direction of the toe.

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