Reduce calf muscles. Thick calves: how to deal with it

garden equipment 11.10.2019
garden equipment

Often the problem area is the hips, but the girls note that sometimes appearance calf leaves much to be desired. Every young girl dreams of beautiful and graceful legs, so that even in a simple dress people turn around after her. What exercises will help you achieve the body of your dreams?

How to reduce calves on the legs at home?

For the standard of beauty, girls perceive graceful, slightly pumped up, but not with a large volume of calves. It is possible to achieve the ideal with the help of several simple exercises and some rules.

At the very beginning of your journey, you need to understand why the girl had such a problem, because sometimes changing the diet, stopping the use of diuretic medications, and laying her legs on a high roller during sleep allows you to cope with the problem. Within a few days, the legs become slender.

How to reduce the calves of a girl?

It would seem that such a weightless drawback, but in fact, in order to correct it, you need to train almost every day, and the sets of exercises will change dramatically depending on the causes of this situation. There are several ways to solve this problem.

In particular, you need to follow a few simple tips:

  1. Try not to wear high-heeled shoes too often, and try not to ride a bike every day;
  2. Downgrade daily intake squirrel;
  3. Do effective exercises to reduce calf volume.

First of all, you need to establish the cause of the problem as accurately as possible, and only after that you can begin to adjust your body.

The most common ailments include:

  • Leg swelling with varicose veins. It usually appears as a result of friability of the tissue, making itself felt through unpleasant painful burning sensations. Sometimes the problem is provoked by other diseases.

    To find out whether it is edema or not, it is enough to perform a simple test: press your fingers on the soft area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe leg. If, after pressing on the skin, a small hole lingers, this is an unfavorable sign.

  • Anatomical features. They are considered to be a wide bone, stocky physique and the predominance of muscles.
  • The problem may appear due to heredity. In any situation, if the appearance of the calves does not suit you at all, and the girl has a clear goal, it is quite possible to cope with the problem.
  • High percent fat layer in the leg area.
  • The presence of overly pumped muscles. This is usually characteristic of athletes, gymnasts, runners and fitness enthusiasts. It is actually impossible to pump muscles at home, without special protein nutrition and professional loads.

This problem usually occurs due to improper loading while walking or sports events when instead of placing the body weight on the heel, it falls completely on the toe.

The second no less popular consequence is considered to be high heels, namely high stilettos. In this position, the load is not only on the pelvis and back, but also on the calf muscle.

If a problem arises, instructors identify several effective techniques:

Effective exercises for slimming calves

To achieve the goal, you need to perform only the most effective sets of exercises, and not only today, but day after day, systematically, and only in a positive mood. The goal should be at the top of the wish list. And then very soon the girl will be able to become exactly what she always imagined herself to be.


The exercise is quite popular with gymnasts and ballerinas. The starting position is straight, the feet are parallel to the shoulders. In this position, you need to sit down 20 times, while the hips should tighten.

The first 10 repetitions should be performed with support on the entire foot, and after that - slightly rising on the toes.

The girl sits on the floor and straightens her legs. The body, along with the hands, leans forward, while the fingers seem to be trying to touch the feet. In this position, you need to hold out for 90 seconds for 10-15 repetitions.

jump rope

To reduce the volume of the legs, it is enough to jump rope for 15 minutes a day. The great thing is that this not only dries out the calves, but also allows the body to expend an impressive amount of calories.

Look here.


The exercise is designed to stretch the problem area. Starting position standing on your heels. So you need to go through 20-30 times, be sure to feel the tension of the calves of the legs.

After completing it, you need to roll onto your toes as sharply as possible and march in this position. This roll is done for 1 approach, which should be about 5 pieces.

It is allowed to perform only a lightweight version of lunges. Classic variant is able to strain the calf muscles, and for reducing calves this is completely inappropriate.

The girl should place her feet shoulder-width apart and make 1 lunge forward, while the heel of the other leg should not come off the floor. In this position, you need to hold out for 2-4 seconds, and do the same with the other leg.

Rise on socks
The starting position is straight, while the body weight is transferred to the right leg, the left one is bent at the knee joint. In this position, the girl should rise on her toes.

You need to perform 15 squats, and then repeat the exercise on the other leg. For greater efficiency, you can stand on a step or step platform.

To make legs graceful, doing only 1 exercise will not be enough. As an additional exercise, the "batman" complex is suitable.

The technique for its implementation is as follows: the girl stands near the chair, holding on to its back with one hand. The chair, in the exercise, acts as a support. Feet are parallel to each other. The right limb is extended with the toe in front of it. In this position, a sharp swing forward is carried out. This exercise should be performed 15-20 times on each leg.

The girl should be careful about her diet. Diets specifically for weight loss of the calves of the legs have not yet been invented, but nutritionists are allowed to apply complex methods. Their principle of operation will gradually reduce the shins, and the legs will take on the desired shape.

Need to reduce daily allowance calories up to 1300. Protein is not more than 1 gram per 1 kg of its weight. Try to drink as much clean water as possible and forbid yourself from eating baked goods and anything sweet.

Proper nutrition accelerates the process of losing weight and allows you to achieve your goal much faster.

Exercises to reduce calves in volume

It is possible to identify several effective complexes, with the daily implementation of which it is possible to cope with such a nuisance. The only rule here is considered to be the regularity of the implementation of techniques and motivation to achieve the best result.

Sitting stretch

The technique of the exercise is well known from the school bench: the girl sits on the floor, and places her legs exactly in front of her. The body and arms lean forward as much as possible, while the socks are pulled towards themselves.

As soon as the body feels a strong tension, you need to freeze in this position for 10 seconds, and then return to the starting position. To achieve the best result, it is enough to perform 3-5 approaches daily.

Stretching in a wide stance:

  1. The girl puts one leg in front of her, and the other behind her. The legs are placed as far apart as possible, but at the same time the girl should feel comfortable.
  2. After that, the right knee is bent in front of the standing leg, while the heel should fit snugly on the floor.
  3. If the exercise is performed correctly, in the process the girl should feel a burning sensation of the leg, which is located behind.
  4. The back should be straightened, the gaze is directed in front of you, and at the same time you need to continue to stretch the muscles.
  5. In this position, you need to freeze for 10-15 seconds. In total, at least 5 stretches should be performed on each leg.

Downward Dog Pose

This classic yoga pose is perfect for stretching your muscles.

Warrior Pose

Starting position standing, one leg in front, the other is behind. The hips are in the center, and the arms are pulled up. 10-15 repetitions are performed.

Pose triangle

The legs are placed as wide as possible, while one moves forward, the other back. Forward bends are performed along with the arm to the leg from the same side. Perform at least 15 repetitions.

Twisting down against the wall

The main requirement of the exercise is the presence of a wall. The woman is located near the wall at a distance of about 45 cm, while the feet are parallel to the width of the hips.

The body of the body leans against the surface of the wall in such a way as if she is trying to sit on a high stool. The main thing is to try not to lean the body with your head against the wall.

Exercise "saw"

The girl sits down on the rug, stretching her legs in front of her. If desired, you can sit on a small pillow - it will help position the pelvis in right attitude to the torso. Do not force your knees to the floor. It is better if they are slightly bent.

If the girl has a lot of flexibility, you can pull the socks forward, but if not, then it is better to apply them to yourself:

  1. First, a preparatory breath is taken, and the back is pulled up. Hands spread out to the sides parallel to the floor surface, palms down. The arms are extended through the fingers, while the shoulder blades are lowered.
  2. On exhalation, the body turns to the right side turning to face the right foot. As you inhale, you need to stretch again along an imaginary pole.
  3. Making the second exhalation, you need to turn a little more to the right, and at the same moment turn the torso forward and down so that the left hand can be traced along the little toe of the right foot. There should be a feeling that the girl is trying to saw him off.
  4. Extending your right hand in front of you, along with her, the right one should go behind her back, raising it as high as possible. During execution, the shoulder blades are at the bottom.
  5. Head turns towards right hand trying to look over your shoulder. The exercise is repeated at least 5 times in each direction.

These simple exercises help to reduce the volume for a short time. Of course, it is possible to make perfect calves in a surgical way, but sometimes the postoperative recovery of the body takes much longer than special exercises.

To get rid of voluminous calves on the legs, girls need not only to follow a dietary diet and play sports.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to some features every day:

These few easy and standard sets of exercises, great way keep the whole body in good shape. Performing exercises in the morning will not only provide the body with a charge of vivacity, but also give good mood all day.


It is quite possible to make caviar beautiful in just one week if the girl does not set herself unrealistic goals, measured in 4 or more centimeters. This requires, as always, systematic and compliance with the rules, recommendations and temporary regime.

The main thing to remember is that no person is born perfect, but becomes perfect through his efforts. In one way this is easy to achieve, in others it is more difficult. But even if it is incredibly difficult to achieve a result, you should not give up. A little effort and the body of your dreams will become a source of pride.

It's no secret that when losing weight, fat is not burned evenly, but from different zones, and sometimes from the most unexpected ones, and in order to remove it exactly in the place where it is required, you need to make a lot of effort. But when it comes to areas of the body such as the calf muscles, you need to use completely different methods. The fact is that problems with volumes in the calf area can have different reason occurrence: both obesity and too much exercise during training. That is why the fight against caviar should be deliberate and systematic.

To quickly remove the volume of calves, you will need not only regular physical activity, but also high-quality proper nutrition. It is not in vain that they constantly talk about it when it is necessary to burn fat in any part of the body, since it is thanks to malnutrition(and it includes irregular too) the body is constantly stocking up on fats, putting them aside “just in case”.

Video: calf reduction exercises

To reduce calves in one week, you will need regular cardio, which will include a lot of leg exercises. If you just work out the calves, not paying attention to burning fat throughout the body, then you will not see much result, but you will only pump up the calf muscles under a layer of fat.

1. Running, in this case, passes on the toes, due to which the calves develop and act. Thick calves can be well “burned” on aerobics, doing climbing stairs on toes.

2. Perfectly burn fat and reduce the volume of jumping rope. Such jumps simultaneously make the legs slimmer and pump up the muscles, highlighting them with a beautiful line. It is recommended to jump for about 20 minutes on two legs and at least 5 minutes (for starters) on each leg separately.

3. You can reduce very thick calves with the help of squats and rolls. The difficulty with squats is that they need to be done on toes. Legs brought together, socks pointing in different sides, with your hands, you can, for certainty, hold on to the back of a chair or to the wall. Rising on your toes and spreading your knees to the sides, squat as deep as possible. This plie perfectly trains the calves.

4. Leg swings stretch the muscles, which is also necessary to obtain the desired result. Holding on to a chair or wall, lift your straight leg forward, pulling your toe away from you, keeping the muscle in tension. Swings are made with sharp movements: back and forth. It is advisable to do 40-50 repetitions for each leg.

How to reduce pumped calves

Many athletes, as well as those who independently go in for sports “for themselves”, are faced with another problem - pumped calves. Pumped calves appear from regular loads on the legs and when allocating a minimum amount of time for stretching. Despite the fact that "drying" the muscles has a great effect on the volume of the figure, its plasticity is best emphasized by stretching the muscles. That is why professional coaches and athletes devote some time to stretching all the muscles after each workout. In this case, we are interested in calf - and the results can be seen in a week.

1. Sitting on the floor, bring your legs together and lean towards your toes. Socks need to be pulled first towards you, and then away from you. In each position, you should linger for half a minute to a minute and breathe deeply, as oxygen allows muscle fibers to function better and stretch.

2. Standing straight, bend one leg, and put the other straight forward a little forward, the sock stretches towards you. Bend over to a straight leg, clasping a tense toe. In this position, you also need to stand for at least 30 seconds, and then change legs.

A common problem area for girls is the hips, but sometimes the appearance is spoiled big calves. This may be due to swelling due to varicose veins, anatomical features, genetic predisposition, pumped muscles, as well as fatty layers in the shin area. Everyone dreams of graceful legs, and you can bring them to perfection with hard work. Special exercises will help girls reduce calves on their legs. Classes should be carried out systematically, observing all the recommendations of specialists, the temporary mode and other rules.

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    Calf Slimming Exercises

    If the legs in the calf muscles are thick, special exercises are needed to lose weight. The complex described below will help to quickly remove excess fat in this place.


    it unusual shape squats, which is popular with ballerinas. Technique:

    1. 1. Stand up straight. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder level.
    2. 2. Slowly squat in this position. Keep your back straight, knees out to the sides. Heels do not tear off the floor, strain the muscles of the legs.
    3. 3. The first 10 times lean on the feet, and the next 10 - slightly rise on your toes.



    1. 1. Lean on one leg, and raise the other in front of you, do not bend.
    2. 2. Keep your hands in front of you or at the waist.
    3. 3. Gently sit down.
    4. 4. Sit on only one leg, and keep the other in an even position parallel to the floor.
    5. 5. Pull the sock towards you.
    6. 6. Get up smoothly.
    7. 7. Repeat at least 10 times on each leg.

    Squats with dumbbells

    Action algorithm:

    1. 1. Pick up dumbbells and squat with a flat back.
    2. 2. Lower yourself until your knees form a right angle.

    Lifting on socks while sitting with weights


    1. 1. Sit on a chair or bench so that your back is straight, and between the hip and knee joint formed a right angle.
    2. 2. Put the load on your knees. Dumbbells or a barbell are best.
    3. 3. Alternately lift your heels and toes off the floor. The amplitude should be maximum.
    4. 4. Do 3 sets of 10 times.



    1. 1. Sit on the floor, keep your legs straight.
    2. 2. Tilt the body forward with the hands and try to reach the feet.
    3. 3. Stay in this position for 1.5 minutes.
    4. 4. Repeat 15 times.

    Walking on heels and toes


    1. 1. Stand on your heels. Take 30 steps in this position.
    2. 2. Then lean only on socks. Take 30 steps again.
    3. 3. Run 5 approaches.


    Action algorithm:

    1. 1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and take a step as far forward as possible, leaning on your heel.
    2. 2. Do not tear off the second leg from the floor.
    3. 3. In this position, linger for 3 seconds.
    4. 4. Do the same with the other leg.
    5. 5. Repeat 20 times on each leg.

    Rise on socks


    1. 1. Stand up straight.
    2. 2. Transfer weight to socks.
    3. 3. Try to stretch your body as high as possible.
    4. 4. Hold in this position for a few seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.
    5. 5. Repeat 30 times.



    1. 1. Stand near a chair and hold on to the back with your hand. The feet should be parallel to each other.
    2. 2. Stretch your right leg forward in front of you, straining your toes.
    3. 3. In this position, make a sharp swing of the limb forward.
    4. 4. Run 20 times on each leg.

    Experts also advise jumping rope. All it takes is 15 minutes a day. This time is enough for full calves to turn into neat, trained and graceful.

    Exercise is useful not only for the muscles of the legs, but also for the heart and blood vessels. In order not to overdo it, you should start with a couple of minutes and gradually add time. In the future, it is recommended to jump not only on both legs at the same time, but also in turn on each.

    Another easy option is walking up the stairs. It will help burn body fat in the calf muscle area due to the activation of metabolic processes. You need to walk up the stairs for at least 10 minutes every day.

    Exercises to reduce calves in volume

    To reduce the volume of calves, you need to exercise regularly. The methods described below will work.

    Stretching in a seated position


    1. 1. Sit on the floor.
    2. 2. Keep your legs straight.
    3. 3. Lean forward with your body, trying to reach your toes with your hands.
    4. 4. As soon as a strong tension is felt, you need to freeze in this position for 10 seconds.
    5. 5. Stretching the calf muscles should be repeated for 5 approaches every day.

    Wide stance stretch


    1. 1. Put one foot forward, the other back. You need to keep them as far apart as possible, but at the same time the posture should be comfortable.
    2. 2. Bend at the knee the leg that stands in front. In this case, do not tear off the heel from the floor. A burning sensation should be felt on the back side.
    3. 3. Keep your back straight, look forward.
    4. 4. Continue to stretch the muscle for several minutes.
    5. 5. Change legs and repeat the exercise.

    "Dog Pose"


    1. 1. Bend over, leaning on the feet and palms. Don't bend your legs. Transfer body weight to the heels. The result is a pose that looks like an inverted V.
    2. 2. Do not lift your heels off the floor.
    3. 3. Hold in this position for half a minute.

    "Warrior Pose"


    1. 1. Stand up straight.
    2. 2. Take one leg to the side, bending at the knee, straighten the other.
    3. 3. Spread your arms to the sides.
    4. 4. Stay in this position for half a minute, then change legs.


    Execution algorithm:

    1. 1. Spread your legs as wide as possible.
    2. 2. Tilt the torso together with the hand, grabbing the ankle of the leg.
    3. 3. Pull the other hand up and look at it, turning your head.
    4. 4. Repeat 15 times, then switch legs.

There are several ways to reduce the calves of the legs in girls: liposuction, drying, weight loss. The best option is selected individually, based on the desires of the woman. To achieve an operational result in the fight against the volume of the calf muscle, it is recommended to use several methods at once.

How to remove fat from calves

Many women who are impressed by thinness want to always be slim, fit and beautiful. To achieve this result, they go on diets, exhaust themselves with long daily workouts, intense physical activity, and actively go in for sports several days a week. Wherein excess weight goes away, but the problem of thick calf zones, which cannot be reduced instantly, remains unresolved. What to do in this case?

The lower leg is always under heavy load, subcutaneous fat acts as a protective barrier, therefore female body consumes it very slowly. How to reduce calves in this case? Experts recommend doing gymnastics, practicing fast running several times a month, jumping, refraining from eating carbohydrates and limiting your diet. vegetable fats. Walking, regular walks, squats, their comprehensive strengthening will help reduce large shins.

The main ways to make the calves thinner:

  • sports, a set of specially designed exercises;
  • drying, stretching;
  • liposuction;
  • massage.

Before choosing suitable way, which will achieve thin calves, it is necessary to establish the reason for completeness. It can be:

  • regular swelling of the extremities;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • gait;
  • accumulated fat.

How to reduce inflated calves

Pumped calf muscles are an equally serious problem that occurs due to excessive load on the legs (pumping the calf muscles is possible if you allocate minimal time for stretching). How to reduce calves if they are overly pumped:

  • Exercise 1: sitting on the floor, tilt your legs to your socks, pull your socks towards you, then away from you. Hold them in each position for one minute. Perform 3 approaches - this way you can reduce the volume of the problem area by 1 - 2 centimeters.
  • Exercise 2: In a standing position, bend one leg, put the other slightly forward, pull the toe towards you, bend over to the straight leg, stand in this position for 30 seconds, then change legs. This exercise will help reduce the problem area after 5-6 sessions.

You can reduce inflated calves if:

  • reduce the load on the legs;
  • exclude long-term performance of the same type of exercises;
  • replace running with walking;
  • Before each workout, stretch your muscles well;
  • periodically resort to drying.

How to quickly lose weight in calves

If the calf muscles seem thick due to the accumulation of excess fat, in order to reduce them, it is recommended to go on a diet. In addition, it is recommended to exclude fatty and spicy foods, foods containing carbohydrates, vegetable fats from the diet, climb the stairs daily, control the amount of water drunk per day. A set of specially selected exercises that can be performed at home will also help to quickly lose weight in the calves of the legs.

Calf exercises

Pay attention to the beautiful legs of ballet dancers or gymnasts - their calf muscles do not contain anything superfluous and can be considered the standard of beauty and perfection. The following exercises to reduce calves will help you quickly solve the problem:

  • you need to stand up straight, spread your legs to the width of the pelvis, take a deep breath, rise on your toes as you exhale (first, it is recommended to perform this exercise for calves 20 times, over time, the number of repetitions can be increased to 30 to reduce the problem area by a few centimeters);
  • having taken the same position, move the feet apart, transfer the body weight to one leg, bend the other at the knee, inhale, rise on the toe, do the exercise alternately on each leg at least 15 times.

Calf stretch

How to remove calves on legs using this method? To begin with, as experienced trainers advise, you need to properly warm up the muscles in order to prepare them for intense loads. Otherwise, you may get injured or sprained. It is recommended to perform the following exercises daily:

  • exercise 1: stand facing the wall, step back with one foot, fix the heel, roll the body forward so that the knee moves to the wall, hold the position for thirty seconds, repeat with the other leg;
  • preemption 2: sit on the floor, stretch your legs, bend, straighten your back, lean on your hands behind you, fix the pose for thirty seconds (this stretch of the calves will help relax the tight muscles and make them more plastic).

Drying of the calf muscles

How to reduce calves in this way? It is necessary to change the mode of consumption of water and nutrition. At the same time, do not forget that drying the calf muscles is not weight loss, but getting rid of subcutaneous fat while maintaining muscle mass. From the diet should be excluded fats and carbohydrates, which are deposited in the form of liquid, which creates an unnecessary volume. The fewer carbohydrates a person consumes, the faster fat is burned. To improve the effect, it is important to use various aids and vitamin complexes.

Liposuction of calves

Before reducing calves in this way, it is necessary to evaluate all its pros and cons. What is calf liposuction? This is a surgical operation during which the shape of the calf muscles is corrected, allowing them to quickly reduce their volume without exhausting training. It involves preliminary liquefaction of subcutaneous fat with a special solution, removing it from the body. Disadvantages of liposuction:

  • the need to use anesthesia, which will help facilitate the operation and reduce pain;
  • the presence of a number of contraindications;
  • long recovery period;
  • high cost of the procedure.

This method of reducing the calf muscles helps to relax the clamped muscles, making them plastic. Massage of the calves of the legs is carried out for 15 - 20 minutes. It has a firming, regenerating effect, normalizes blood circulation, prevents volumetric edema, relieves fatigue, a feeling of heaviness. Before you reduce the volume of the calf muscles, resorting to massage, you must first consult with a specialist.

Video: how to lose weight in the calves

The information that can be obtained from the videos below will help in short time get Thin legs. A set of exercises and general rules, which are recommended to be observed, will be useful to all women who even look perfect. If you follow these guidelines, you will excellent result can be in one or two months.

Calf Slimming Exercises

How to lose weight in the lower leg

How to reduce calf volume

Too big calves on the legs can upset any girl. These are not only difficulties with the selection of boots, but also the appearance of a feeling of insecurity due to the inharmonious silhouette of the legs. Thick, overly muscular or swollen legs do not look very attractive and can make their owner complex. But do not worry, because knowing how to reduce calves on your legs, you can solve this issue.

How to quickly reduce the calves of the legs?

  • In the first place, you should try to establish as accurately as possible the cause of excessively voluminous shins, the most common of which are:
  • Swelling of the extremities, which is accompanied varicose veins veins. It can appear as a result of high friability of tissues, accompanied by an unpleasant feeling of burning and pain. Also, some diseases can cause swelling.
  • The innate structure of the body is the so-called hypersthenic addition. Signs: the predominance of muscle mass, wide bone, stocky figure.
  • The presence of fat deposits in the legs, which can become pronounced in case of weight loss in the waist and hips.
  • Strongly pumped muscles. Most often, this phenomenon occurs in athletes, professional ballerinas, with a passion for running, and of course, excessive fitness.
  • After the cause of the strong development of the calves of the legs is established, you can begin to select a method for eliminating this defect.
  • If the matter is an excess of body fat, then it is worth using the following methods, namely:
  • Regularly apply a variety of wraps using cling film, due to which a mild warming effect will be exerted on the lower leg. Consequently, fat cells are burned much faster in the process, and harmful toxins are also removed from the skin.
  • The benefits are following special low-calorie diets with a minimum amount of carbohydrates and fats.
  • Every day you need to perform a simple complex exercise aimed at addressing problem areas. At the same time, blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer also improves significantly. It is important that the exercises are performed daily, while long repetitions are welcome.
  • Special massagers will also help get rid of body fat, which have a rough applicator - plastic or wooden (you must act carefully so that bruises do not appear).

Effective Exercises

In women, calves can be enlarged as a result of excessive training, which leads to the formation of excess muscle mass. It is important to remember that this can happen both due to frequent activities, and as a result of the fact that too much is present in the daily diet. a large number of proteins that are essential for muscle growth.

To prevent a further increase in volumes, it is necessary to special attention review your own diet for proteins. It is useful to temporarily reduce the amount of consumption of legumes, cheese, cottage cheese, milk and meat dishes. Thanks to this, it will be possible to significantly slow down the growth of muscle mass.

If it is impossible to avoid tension in the calves, then we must try to at least reduce this load to the necessary minimum - for example, use elevators, give up hiking and cycling for a while.

In the case of training in gym, it is necessary to draw up a training program in such a way that minimal impact is exerted on the calves of the legs.

To reduce the calves of the legs, you can use a special set of exercises:

  1. Plie is one of the most popular exercises among professional ballerinas. It is necessary to become straight, the feet are placed parallel to the shoulders, squats are performed. It is important that it is the muscles of the thighs that are tensed, while the knees are bent as much as possible. When performing the first 20 squats, support is made on the entire foot, and the next 20 repetitions need to be raised on toes. When performing this exercise, you must be very careful, because there is a risk of serious injury.
  2. Folding knife - you need to sit on your buttocks and fully straighten your legs. As well as when stretching, you need to lean forward and stretch your arms, while trying to touch your fingers to the foot. In this position, you need to stay at least 1.5 minutes and perform up to 15 repetitions.
  3. Skipping rope - perfectly helps to reduce the calves of the legs. Only 15 minutes on this sports equipment will be enough. Thanks to jumping, energy consumption is accelerated, therefore, all extra calories are spent, and the calves also begin to “dry out”.
  4. Rolls - this exercise is aimed at stretching the lower leg. You need to stand on your heels and march 30 times, while the calves of the legs must be clearly felt. Then sharp rolls from heel to toe are performed and you have to march again. There is 1 such roll per approach. At least 4 approaches are performed.
  5. It is necessary to stand straight, the feet are a little wider than the pelvis. First, the weight is transferred to the left leg, and the right leg rises and bends at the knee. A breath is taken and a rise is made on the toe of the left leg. It is necessary to perform 15 repetitions for each leg and gradually continue to increase the load.
  6. Lunges are an easy option. In this case, it is necessary to work not in order not to pump up the muscles of the thigh, but to reduce the calves of the legs. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart, a lunge is performed, while making sure that the heel of the 2nd leg does not come off the floor. After a few seconds, return to the starting position.
  7. It is necessary to become straight, the legs are at the width of the pelvis, the feet are parallel to each other. On the inhale, you need to rise up, and on the exhale, return to the starting position. To begin with, 20 repetitions are performed, and over time it is brought up to 30.
  8. Lifting on toes - can be performed in several variations, so you can choose for yourself more suitable option. It is necessary to stand up straight, the weight of the body is transferred to the right leg, and the left one bends at the knee. Now you need to rise on your toes (at least 15 times). Then the exercise for the 2nd leg is performed. You can choose a more difficult option - to stand not on the floor, but on a step or step.
  9. You need to kneel so that bruises do not appear, you should use a rug. Hands are free, are in front, the back is even. Now, one by one, you need to sit down first in one direction, then in the other, while it is important to try to press your hip as tightly as possible to the floor. Perform at least 20 repetitions.
  10. Batman - a chair is taken, holding on to the back, you need to stand next to it, the feet are parallel to each other. The right leg is extended forward, straining the toe, and a sharp forward swing is performed. For each leg, you need to perform about 20 repetitions.

Thick calves: how to reduce?

In order to reduce the calves of the legs and make them more graceful, only 1 exercise will not be enough, because you still need to pay special attention to your diet. Of course, they have not yet come up with a special diet aimed at losing weight on the calves of the legs, but at the same time, complex weight loss can be used, due to which the shins will gradually decrease.

Nutrition should be balanced, while you can not eat up before bedtime. It is also worth refraining from eating too salty and fatty foods. If you are concerned about severe swelling, before going to bed it is recommended to put your feet on a small hill (you can take a small pillow) and keep them in this position for at least 15 minutes. Throughout the day, you should try to periodically raise your legs. In this case, not only edema will quickly pass, calves will decrease, but general relief will also be felt.

To relax your legs after a workout and consolidate the results achieved, it is worth doing light massage. Thanks to such a pleasant procedure, after the 1st session, muscle pain will not be felt that way.

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