How to build the right relationships with customers using the DISC model. Psychology of the relationship between the client and the contractor

Landscaping and planning 14.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

In communication (including with a client), words do not play such a significant role as it is commonly thought. With the help of words, only 7% of information is transmitted, 38% can be conveyed through intonation, speech rate, volume. 55% remain for body language (facial expressions, gestures, position in space). line up effective psychology communication with the client is possible using the DISC model.

In fact, it is more important not with the help of what we convey information, but how we do it. What emotional responses do we usually expect from a client? Thanks and participation.

How can you get these feelings?

  • be attentive to the client, especially if he does not expect it;
  • ability to hear the client;
  • the ability to take the place of the client and take into account his circumstances.

It is unacceptable to build communication with a client exclusively on a rational (especially pragmatic) level. If a client has a positive emotion, it will lead to the acceptance of the company, its services and products, the desire to return again. This can be achieved by prioritizing the needs of the client and building relationships that are based on emotions.

Opinion practitioner

The key point of contact with any client is empathy, that is, acceptance of a person as he is, but this cannot be done only at the external level. Acceptance implies the absence of any struggle, confrontation. As soon as the client feels this, there will be trust. contact and gratitude

Model DISC

Learning to understand how the client is able to express their feelings will help the so-called DISC model.

DISC is an abbreviation, each letter of which means a type of human behavior:

  • D - dominant (dominating);
  • I - influencing (influencing);
  • S - stabilizing;
  • C - conscientious.

Psychologists say that any person has a basic trust or distrust of the world - this is the Y axis. Also, a person can have any position - active (intention to change the world around) or adaptive (adaptation to circumstances and intention to maintain such a norm) - this is the axis X.




D - Dominant

("I came, I saw, I conquered")

Stimulus. Victory

Fear. Defeat

In stress. Aggression

Main questions. What? When? How many?

typical behavioral traits.

  • swift in actions and decisions, impatient, persistent
  • openly say what they think
  • willing to take risks
  • tend to be competitive
  • willingly take over
  • can provoke conflict.

in business:


C - conscientious

("You can't escape fate")

Stimulus. To be right

Fear. To make a mistake

In stress. Care

Main questions. Why? What for?

typical behavioral traits.

  • collected and organized
  • emotionally closed (silent)
  • focus on quality, seem pedantic
  • punctual, tend to analyze everything
  • willing to give in to avoid conflict.

I - Influencing

(show must go on)

Stimulus. Confession

Fear. Indifference

In stress. obsession

Main questions. Who?

typical behavioral traits.

  • believe in good, optimists
    talkative, charming,
  • openly express emotions
    easy to trust people
  • inattentive to details
    may act on
    the principle of "to be beautiful"
  • often endowed with a good sense of humor

in business:

S - Stabilizing

("And we are pleased that you are pleased")

Stimulus. Predictability

Fear. change

In stress. agreement

Main questions. How?

typical behavioral traits.

  • friendly, welcoming
  • well feel the mood of the interlocutor, know how to listen
  • touchy (subtly feel falsehood, deceit)
  • ask a lot of clarifying questions
  • Difficulty making decisions and making choices.


It is possible to achieve such an attitude on the part of the client if an employee of the organization learns to hear, understand his client and show respect for him.

A trusting relationship between a client and an employee will arise only if the latter hears, understands the buyer and shows respect for him. To solve these problems, you need to apply several methods in the work.

Adjustment (rapport) with putting the child to sleep. First, the child is told a fairy tale, and the parent adjusts to its rhythm, and when the child begins to doze, the speaker speaks more slowly and quietly, bringing the child to sleep. Rapport contributes to the understanding of the partner, helps to become understandable to him, including him as part of a single system with a single rhythm and pattern of behavior. Let's say an administrator, speaking with a client on the phone, adjusts to the pace of the client's speech - if he speaks slowly, the administrator must also slow down his speech.

How to apply the DISC model

Let's say your employee is working with a "stabilizing" client. Such a person is friendly, listens with attention, asks and clarifies, but makes decisions with difficulty. When communicating with such a client, give him comprehensive information, be sympathetic, help make a decision.

Opinion practitioner

Vladimir Puzyrev, magazine expert, psychotherapist, director of the Useful Adventures Company

Adjustment that gives quick contact and understanding (regardless of the type of client) can be on several levels: speech adjustment (tempo, volume, intonation, temperament), bodily level of adjustment (posture, movements, breathing), emotional contact (mood). After the adjustment phase comes the maintenance phase. You know what to offer, how to convey it and what the result should be. By adjusting, you can do it much easier

If your client is screaming, tell him that you know how he feels and understand his position. You can even say things like, "Yes, I understand you're angry, you're outraged by this situation." Then ask the client clarifying questions - you need to find out what he did not like. Next, we offer ways to solve the problem. Finally, we agree on how to implement the chosen solution, or we are looking for a compromise.

In most cases, the main problem of employees is the inability to listen and hear the client, the lack of desire to take his position and understand what moments are important to him. It is not always necessary to convince the client of something by proving wrong or insisting on your own. If you see a communication partner in the client, you can negotiate with him.

Opinion practitioner

Vladimir Puzyrev, magazine expert, psychotherapist, director of the Useful Adventures Company

The position of "Director", Host allows you to manage any conflict situation. Play by your own rules. Acceptance, participation, attention, and then offer your own, optimal scenario. Empathy and independence make you a professional communicator

The use of active listening in communication (the administrator says to the client “yeah”, “right”, repeats the words defined for that) and paraphrase (the client explains something, and the administrator in the answer clarifies “You say that ...”, “So ...”, “Did I understand you correctly that ...” with the repetition of the client’s phrases) gives a positive result in communication. This moment in the psychology of communication with a client makes it feel that he was heard and understood. After that, your client must confirm or deny the administrator's phrase and offer new arguments. By skipping this step, you won't be able to show the client that you want to understand their desires, and you may miss the opportunity to build trust.

Don't forget the rule of 3 "YES". Ask questions to which the client is guaranteed to answer “yes” (for example, “do you want to get a quality service?”). After three “yes”, the probability of a positive answer and agreement increases many times

Psychology of communication with clients: five recommendations

  1. The employee must be self-confident (without fawning and arrogance in working with the client)
  2. Politeness and good manners (it is necessary to say to the client “please”, “thank you for calling us” - this is a necessary minimum).
  3. Positivity (minimize the use of the particle "not" and the word with its use)
  4. Understanding (you need to listen to the client and be able to ask him competent questions).
  5. Ability to communicate effectively with the client.

All these and other laws of effective interaction must be constantly developed. Some people have it by nature, some have to learn it. To develop these skills, there are master classes, books, seminars, trainings, or often psychological help in solving personal problems

1. Smile

It's free and it prolongs your life. And, perhaps, works most effectively. If you are on different sides computer, you can still smile at the client: in a friendly tone in a letter, website, social networks. Politeness is the key to any person, even the buyer of a concrete mixer! :)

Imagine that you are placing a shopping cart in your online store. In one case, the site says to the buyer “Thank you! We have received your order, today we will collect it and prepare it for shipment. Our courier will call you in advance to agree on the delivery time”, and in the second “Order No. 123 has been sent”. What do you think, what text is written with a smile?

2. Ask

Just do not try to ask the question “Do you have anything to suggest?” Emotional person You might think to yourself, “Am I blind? I can see everything!” Of course, he won't say it out loud, but he may get the impression that he was treated down in this store. The same with other phrases: "Help you?" - “Am I completely weak?”, “What interests you?” - “If I knew, I would immediately buy”, “Have you already chosen the right product?” “If you are in a hurry to sell me something, then I will go to another store where they will not press me.” Of course, we exaggerate a little, but main idea did you understand. This also applies to online sales: intrusive pop-ups and direct messages repel rather than push to buy. It is better to ask for whom he buys the goods, specify the details of the order, packaging, delivery. Ask the buyer questions that he will be happy to answer.

3. Be hospitable

It's more complicated than it looks, although you can say: my salespeople or I myself are always friendly, what more do you need? But buyers always feel feigned politeness "for show", and distinguish it from true hospitality. Imagine that each of your clients is your old acquaintance, whom you have not seen for a long time. You will immediately feel a friendly attitude towards him, and it is difficult to hide him.

4. Ask for feedback

The client will gladly give you a couple of minutes to talk about what he likes about the product and what he would like to improve. The same with social networks: users are more willing to repost and answer questions under photos and videos if you directly ask them about it. So you can more effectively collect information about products and improve them.

5. Be proactive

Immediately report everything related to the order: terms, price, special delivery conditions, lack of a specific model in stock. Most orders in the store follow the beaten path: the person finds out the price, delivery and payment methods and then decides to buy or postpones it. Don't make him ask you for every detail.

6. Respect visitor decisions

It is inconvenient for the client to communicate with you on the phone in work time and much easier to reply to messages in the messenger? Fine! Do not miss out on a regular customer just because you are not used to communicating with customers, for example, in Telegram.

7. Give Special attention for those who doubt

The most common reason is price. A person thinks: “Is this product worth the money that is asked for it?”, But not everyone dares to openly say that it is expensive for him. Offer him a similar product, but cheaper, ask what expectations the buyer has from the purchase. Remember that the final decision is always with the buyer, so give him the opportunity to choose.

8. Don't rate the customer

Especially for appearance- He can be very deceiving. The worst thing is when the attitude of the seller to the buyer, his politeness and willingness to help directly depend on this. Be caring and attentive to any buyer - this will help to consolidate in him the desire to make a purchase from you.

Before reading this article, answer one question for yourself: “How often did you like to communicate with the seller in the store and wanted to return there?”. The ability of staff to communicate with customers is one of the tasks of any business. Help us solve it psychology of communication with customers. No, this does not mean being polite or having good communication skills. We are talking about the ability to establish contact from the first words, to correctly identify the needs of a person and, most importantly, to satisfy them correctly.

So, in the process of communication with the buyer, 4 stages can be distinguished:

  1. Contact
  2. Identification of needs
  3. Needs Satisfaction
  4. After-sales service

Diagram of the 4 points described above

Stage 1: contact with the client

First of all, any seller needs to understand that by establishing contact, he is NOT selling anything yet, but only gets the opportunity for further communication and information exchange. If the seller remembers this, then the dialogue becomes more productive, because we do not try to say all the advantages of the product or store in one first phrase and do not scare the buyer away.

Many companies have a common requirement to greet every customer - but this must be done correctly and sincerely, or it is better not to do it at all. The greeting should show that the sellers are happy, but you should not jump up and immediately run after the client to shopping room. It is best when there is eye contact and a greeting at the entrance - maybe just a slight nod of the head. If for some reason you couldn't say hello, don't worry.

It is also important to ensure that the buyer in the store is greeted only once (in case there are several sellers). To do this, it is easy to establish a rule - one of the sellers that is closer to the entrance greets.

You need to say hello to the buyer 1 time. Let the seller who is closest to the entrance do it

It is worth remembering the already approved fact - the first impression of a person is formed in 7 seconds, and then it only becomes fixed. There will be no second chance to make a first impression.

Stage 2: identification of needs

After the first contact, it is important to give the person the opportunity to get used to the space and look around. The time during which it should not be approached at all is usually determined empirically. If the store is not more than 15 sq. m. - then one minute of calm study of the assortment is enough. At the same time, you do not need to look closely at the buyer, there is always a small occupation in the store - you can correct the price tags, rearrange the boxes, wipe the shelves.

Give the person time to look around and get used to the store.

I will give an examplethe practice of one of the world's largest retailers - the GAP brand - at the entrance of any company store there is always a table with various things, and near it the staff who are always doing something - sorting, folding, laying out, wiping, cleaning, etc. The staff is there every second of working time - they change, they go to lunch, but someone from the staff is always there. So this seemingly strange character, who doesn't sell anything in particular, plays a very important role! It enables any incoming person to decide in a new space and decide whether to go further and where. And this person, as if, with one look makes it clear that he is always ready to help - to suggest, direct, listen.

When a customer spends the first minutes in your store, he is looking at the product that attracts him anyway. And the seller can always track exactly where the buyer is looking to make a personal offer.

For instance:

The man lingered at the display case with sneakers. Here the seller hurries to him and the person hears the usual: “Is there something to tell you?”. This question takes you out of the “blue or black?” mindset and delays a positive purchase decision.

But if the seller starts talking about the model that the buyer is looking at, “yesterday one boy asked for these particular sneakers from his mother, can you imagine? He begged so sweetly - like a kinder, he liked them very much. - then he starts talking about what the buyer wants to hear. If additional arguments are introduced into this story, then the fact of the purchase can be considered accomplished.

As a rule, a person, entering a store, experiences an unconscious fear of the seller, that now they will immediately begin to offer him something and force him to buy, or that they will spend time and effort on him, and it will be inconvenient not to buy anything.

To avoid this - be at ease

The task of the seller– be at ease and sincerely try to help resolve the issue. Obsessive phrases “How can I help you?”, “Are you interested in something specific?”, “Can I be of service to you?” - they only scare away, distract from their thoughts and make them think only about how not to buy too much here.

Knowing this, we find the “right” phrases for the first communication, for example:

  • "this season shoes with a bow are very popular"
  • "This model can be worn by a child up to -30 degrees"
  • "here is used latest technology making insoles"

Phrases must be prepared in advance. If a person reacted to any of them, you need to know how to continue the thought and talk about the amazing properties of what you want to sell. You should not wait for the buyer to respond to the first phrase, therefore, after waiting a bit, you need to voice the second and, if necessary, the third.

After short story about the product, your question should follow again - so the control of the conversation remains on the side of the seller.

During the conversation, customers need to be asked, “led” on the topic of the conversation, set a lot of alternative questions. At the same time, one must understand that a person is not always interested in the product to which he initially reacted and the need is completely different. That is why, without completing the identification, including hidden needs, you should not proceed to the presentation of the product.

Be on the same wavelength with the client to understand what he wants

What if there are multiple buyers?

Often there is only one seller working in the store, and there are several buyers, especially during rush hour. In such cases, it is imperative to establish contact with the second buyer, having previously obtained permission from the first. You can ask the first to give you the opportunity to greet the second, and in turn let him know that you will soon be free. Thus, verbal contact is established with both at once, and both will most likely continue to communicate with you.

As you can see, this not an easy task so sellers should be well prepared to communicate. More interesting information on this topic is in the article:.

Psychology of communication with customers, stage 3: meeting needs

In fact, at this stage, the presentation of the product takes place.

The fact has long been known that good seller listens as much as he talks. I'm sure we listen a lot at the stage of identifying needs. Don't neglect it now. The more the seller hears the client, and not just pretends to listen, the more successful the sale will be.

Know everything about the product and even more! Buyers do not like it when the seller "floats", cannot accurately characterize the product, or, even worse, reads from the label. All the time, while no one is in the store, should be spent on studying and memorizing the properties of products. It may also happen that the buyer knows about the qualities of the product as well as the seller himself - in this case, it is not worth competing with the client in knowledge, but it is worth discussing the benefits and leading him to the right conclusions.

It's bad when the seller "floats" in knowledge and does not know what to say

Customers often come to children's footwear stores with their children. Be sure to say hello to the child, make a compliment, paying attention to the toy in your hands, stroller, or clothes. It makes sense to please a child no less than his parents, because very often the choice of a store remains with him.

It is necessary to be interested in the opinion of the client, to give him the opportunity to evaluate the proposal. In the course of the sale, in no case should there be a monologue of the seller - in 90% of such cases, the sale will not take place.

It is important to understand that you cannot argue with the buyer. Softly and unobtrusively, it is worth discussing all the doubts and objections of the client, and through additional questions and active listening, come to a joint conclusion about the need for a purchase.

When identifying additional or hidden needs, don't forget to cross-sell or sell off-selling—when else can you do it, if not now!

Stage 4: after the sale!

The cost of acquiring a new customer is much higher than retaining an existing one, which is why after-sales service is very important for any store.

Making a person loyal to your store and keeping him is an important task

Tell the buyer about all the ways to care for shoes, or better yet, sell special means along with the main purchase. Suggest interesting options storage. So you will promote to your store.

Reveal to the client all the advantages of his new status! What do your clients get from the partnership? What privileges await them?

And in conclusion

It is very important to treat the buyer carefully and kindly both after the purchase and in the case when he did not buy anything. A polite farewell and a smile on your face should always be. Remember, the purchase does not end with a receipt.

Shoes for children are bought several times a season, which means that very soon you can meet your buyer again; and how you said goodbye last time depends on how you say hello again.

Today I own a retail store for children's goods - clothes, shoes, toys, vehicles - and two online stores. Ten years of experience in sales gave me strength at the start of my business, but there were many difficulties that I did not even suspect.

Working with clients involves active negotiation - this is the main anchor on which this activity is based.

Therefore, the employee must have communication skills in the most high level. If you are new to working with clients, and may even experience insecurity in communication, you should work on yourself. this work should be carried out not only during working hours, but constantly.

To overcome failures in communication and get rid of self-doubt, you need to communicate and communicate again. Psychologists say: the more communication, the less uncertainty. Be careful to catch the chain of dialogue, do not think about your affairs and feelings. So over time, fear and some internal reactions to what is happening will disappear.

Basic rules for communicating with clients:

- You are an attentive listener: first of all, listen to the client, regardless of whether he asks you questions or makes claims. By the way, letting him speak out, without interrupting, you will minimize his anger to mercy. At the same time, you can and should listen actively, forming a subsequent answer in your head and inserting relevant remarks during a conversation;

- do not argue, operate only with facts. There is no need to conflict with the client, but to ally is just right;

- you should not immediately point out to the client his mistakes, you should not start the answer to his words with the word “no”, this can anger the client more;

- answer clearly, with feeling and arrangement, if you work in a chat - do not delay with the answer, remember that time is money. If a certain amount of time is required for a response, inform the client about this, specify when a response can be expected.

- do not be lazy to go into details, dedicating the client to all the subtleties of the issue and paying attention to details, he may hear some concepts for the first time;

- communicate with the client in a friendly tone, use simple, short phrases;

- listen carefully (read the letters) of the client in order to answer all the questions posed;

- if the project is long - communicate with the client, provide progress reports every couple of days, so that he feels that he has not been forgotten and the work is moving forward.

— you should not dedicate the client to the internal problems of your company, this information he has no use for it;

— do not be afraid to offer the client an additional service, especially if it is issued as a bonus to the main order;

- try to anticipate the needs of the client, offering exactly those Additional services that might really come in handy. Thus, try to anticipate the next questions of the client, giving answers to them in advance;

- sum up the conversation in writing and try to make your letter final in correspondence. Don't forget to thank you for your cooperation and wish you success!

So, in order for the client to be pleased to communicate with you, so that he has a desire to do it again, give him full attention, be as open and friendly as possible, in no case flatter. With you - the maximum readiness to solve the problems of the client, but in no case should you put pressure and demand anything. Offer products or possible collaborations in a soft and unobtrusive way, talk about the benefits.

By following these simple rules of communication psychology, you can quickly find mutual language with the client with all the positive aspects that follow from this. If you make the client happy and permanent, then you have achieved main goal your routine work, success!

Communication with customers. Communication is a process through which relationships between people are realized, and important component, which constitutes almost the entire human life. But communication is not just a conversation of people, but a whole communication system that consists of communicative parties, their mutual influence, ethics, communication techniques, and other components. In everyday life with loved ones, a person does not think so much about what kind of intonation he has, tone of voice, and how high-quality information he conveys. But when the process of communication is closely related to work and directly depends on it, then a person must master certain techniques of communication with clients, methods of conveying information and be guided by certain rules and ethics.

A person dealing with consumers must make communication a way to achieve the goal. Professional communication and communication skills always have a final positive result for the seller and the client who satisfied their needs and purchased the service. Achieving mutual understanding, eliminating disagreements, attracting a person as a regular consumer - these are the main goals of communicating with customers of a company that is trying to preserve its reputation.

Psychology of communication with clients

Representatives of a company that provides some type of service are interested in attracting all large quantity clients. Therefore, communication is directly a tool for their earnings. In order to successfully and quickly sell a product or service, the seller must have special communication skills, understand well what he wants and be able to correctly draw up a negotiation plan, this will ensure effective communication with sales customers.

A salesperson who knows his business and has the skills to communicate with buyers, before offering his services, thinks about what would be of interest to him. That is, he puts himself in the place of the buyer. He also tries to learn how the client sees himself, so he has to train in front of the mirror in order to know what are the shortcomings and correct them. The seller understands that he must control all his movements and words. Because the slightest wrong move, inappropriate gesture or expression of dissatisfaction can be interpreted by the buyer as a signal of something bad and unreliable, and frightened, he will leave, and the seller will remain without profit.

Techniques for communicating with clients. Highest value has a meeting and a first impression. It depends on him whether a person will agree to the services offered and cooperate with this company. To do this, the first thing you need to create all the conditions for comfort. If he himself came to the office of the company, then this office should be pleasant, such that one would like to be in it. If it is in a store, then amenities should be provided, if it is on the street, then a company representative should offer to find a convenient place for a conversation. A potential client must feel that they are being taken care of, that they respect him, then he himself will open up to a meeting and show confidence.

If we analyze the process of the first impression in more detail, then we can highlight some features that should be paid attention to, since it is they, through the representative, that form the image of the company in the eyes of the client.

Appearance plays a very important role, as you know, "they are met by clothes ...". If a representative of a reputable company is dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, and at the same time talking about business things, he will not be taken seriously. If the company is solid, or wants to become so, its employees should look appropriate, which means that they should be in a business dress code, neat and clean. When a person communicates with such a neat interlocutor, he himself wants to become such, and this is where the client's compassion begins.

During the acquaintance, it is necessary to look the interlocutor directly into the eyes, without persistence, but with attention, so that he feels interest in himself. Often people believe that by whether a person looks into his eyes, you can easily understand whether he is lying, and so, if you stick to this narrow-minded thought, then you need to look into the eyes of the client and answer all his questions also directly in the eyes, trying not to slip your eyes to the side. The main thing is that the look is calm, open and confident.

The handshake is a special way for two people to bond even though they haven't talked about anything yet. When meeting, it is necessary to first give a hand to a person, and greet not too hard, and not very softly, but confidently and energetically. Already from the moment of such a handshake, the client can, having perceived the energy flows, also become more positively tuned.

From the moment the conversation begins, it is necessary to be the first to introduce yourself, and ask for the name of the client, and if possible, but not too often, call the client by name. When people hear their name in communication, they turn on the mechanism of self-centeredness, a person thinks that he is treated with respect and understanding.

The agent must ensure that he is physically almost on the same level with the client, being quite a bit taller than him. Therefore, for example, in the office, the agent can adjust the height of the chair to be slightly higher. These features are important, because being on equal terms, the client feels that the agent is the same person as he is, but if he is even a little higher, then he already has more influence. Also, the agent must ensure that a distance is observed between him and the person, which leaves the person his personal space, it is approximately 1m.

During the conversation, the employee should show interest in the interlocutor, ask about his wishes and be courteous, speak polite phrases (“please”, “thank you”, “no problem”).

The main thing is not to overdo it with politeness, too many pleasantries can also negatively affect the consumer's reaction. He may consider that he is being flattered and take it as a trap, think that they want to deceive and lure him, in which case the situation cannot be corrected and he cannot be returned. Therefore, it is better to focus not on the personality of the client, but on the advantages of the company, its advantages. Be open and friendly with the client. It is very important not to cross the border of obsession. All proposals put forward by the agent should sound easy and relaxed, you can’t immediately put pressure on a person or demand an immediate decision from him. You need to give him time to think about the offer. You also need to instill in the client the belief that he is unique in that he is a very desirable client and the fate of the company depends on him. Then a person succumbs to such manipulation and acquires products or services.

If a manager knows the basics of psychology in communicating with clients, then he will significantly improve communication with consumers and achieve greater sales profits.

Rules for communicating with clients

In the process of communicating with the client, the agent-manager must be guided by the rules that contribute to an effective result.

Communication between a manager and a client should be guided by the personality of the client. To do this, the manager needs to actively listen, listen to all the requirements and wishes. Tell about the quality of goods or services everything that the client wants to hear, answer all his questions, ask about personal preferences. Do not insist on purchasing the goods now, give time to gather your thoughts. The seller can only push for a positive decision, but without being obtrusive. The voice should be energetic, but not hysterical, not fast or slow.

You also need to adapt to the slang of a person, not to speak in abstruse words so that he does not worry about his own incompetence. If you cannot do without some scientific specific concepts or definitions, you need to explain them so that there are no misunderstandings. The main thing is to list all positive traits owned by the product and not waste precious time explaining different terms if the person himself does not want it.

Communication between a manager and a client should be business-like, at least within the framework of business relations to maintain the value of the product. You need to be serious about all matters relating to goods. But you don’t need to play too businesslike, talking all the time on the phone in the presence of a client or being distracted by other things when he is nearby and waiting. You must always arrive at meetings on time, answer messages and calls. Only with a respectful attitude can you see the same attitude in response. This is especially important for the seller representing the company.

An agent must always be impeccable in all his manner. When it comes to work, he should always look presentable, keep his posture, speak beautifully, fascinate with his manners, be confident enough that buyers associate this employee with the proposed product, respectively, just as impeccable.

Following his ideal image at the first meeting, the seller should remain the same and in his future behavior should be treated with no less courtesy, especially when it comes to long-term relationships. If the buyer has any questions, the seller should always be ready to answer them. If there are changes in the terms of the contract, the client must be notified immediately.

The rule that the client is always right is not a standard, so you can deviate from it. When a person is a professional manipulator and acts in pursuit of personal goals, demanding, for example, a refund for services, saying that they are of poor quality, but at the same time he used them for a long time. This type of client is a danger to the company and can damage its reputation, so it is necessary to eliminate all contact with him if possible.

The success of the company will be determined by how correct communication with customers is. If all the rules are followed, then cooperation is guaranteed, attracting new customers through existing ones and thereby increasing the company's reputation.

Ethics of communication with clients

Every person is pleased when they are treated respectfully and correctly in a conversation. Even in communication between close people there should be courtesy.

Standards of communication with customers are those postulates, adhering to which a company providing goods and services achieves success in its activities. If a company has a well-coordinated team of qualified professionals, polite in communication and customer-oriented, then such a company is able to achieve great success.

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