Why do I have big calves on my legs. Magic exercises and practical tips to help reduce calves

landscaping 11.10.2019

Recently, the number of girls in the gyms has been actively growing. They come there not only to put the body in order, but also to correct certain areas. A common problem in women is large calves, which spoil the figure and make it not feminine enough. How to remove the caviar - that's what is interesting to the ladies who are faced with this. You can solve this issue if you understand what is the reason that the volumes calf muscles you are not satisfied.

The calf muscles are the most powerful muscle group constantly involved in our Everyday life. When we just walk or run, these muscles are responsible for keeping our torso upright and balanced. If your calves are not perfect, you need to do everything to solve this problem. But initially you need to understand what factors led to the fact that you are wondering how to remove the calves on your legs. There may be several reasons for this.

full caviar

Full calves can be the result of the following reasons:

  • Heredity. If most of your relatives are the owners of voluminous, strong and fleshy calves, then you can inherit this problem. In this case, it will be especially difficult to deal with it. Will be needed good complex exercises aimed specifically at working out the problem area.
  • Fat deposits. The fact that fat accumulates in a certain part of the body depends not only on genetics. If the percentage of fat in the body is quite high, it will be deposited everywhere, and caviar will not be an exception. In addition, there are studies that have proven that certain features of the distribution of fat also depend on the presence of certain diseases and psychological factors. If the reason is in fullness, then in order to decide how to remove fat from the legs, you need to reconsider your lifestyle. Firstly, you will need a good set of exercises for weight loss, aimed at improving blood circulation in the calf area, which in turn helps burn fat. In addition to exercises for calves, aerobic exercise is also needed, which evenly burns fat throughout the body, for example, running, jumping. You may also need to adjust your diet - you will not be able to lose weight if you do not burn more calories than you consume. Their deficiency is also created due to dietary restrictions.

Full calves can also be the result of persistent swelling or varicose veins. In this case, you should consult a medical specialist.

pumped roe

Girls who have pumped calves are mostly professional athletes who regularly load their calf muscles, for example, by sprinting or strength training.

In order to cope with how to remove large calves on their legs, they need as much as possible minimize any load on the calf muscle. Sprint is recommended to be replaced by cross-country. It is worth avoiding weight-bearing exercises that increase muscle volume, and choose those that are aimed at burning fat.

The problem of full calves worries many, and some girls even think about surgery to help make them thinner. But there are less expensive and risky ways to remove calves on your legs quickly. Initially consider the following recommendations:

  • try don't walk on toes- it pumps the calves. Wearing high heels keeps the muscles in good shape, which contributes to their growth, as well as any other activity - dancing, for example, or skipping rope. But here everything is individual - for some, such a load helps to lose weight, for others, on the contrary, it increases the muscles of the legs. Do not panic in advance - just follow the results using a centimeter.
  • Running is a great tool for reducing leg thickness. However, it all depends on the distance. Marathon runners tend to have thin legs, but sprinters tend to have powerful thighs and calves, as sprinting is equivalent to strength training. To lose weight in the shins, run slowly, without acceleration and for long distances.
  • Activities that require the development of speed, strength and power in the legs lead to active muscle growth, so you should avoid them.
  • Also do not get carried away with intense jumps, in particular, in interval training, on a skipping rope. Walking, swimming, elliptical trainers, and long-distance running will help you lose weight in your lower legs. Walking lengthens the muscles between the ankle and the back of the knee. Avoid machines like steppers as they work the calf muscles.
  • Training with additional weights is aimed at pumping muscles. If you want to keep them in your classes, use lighter weights and increase reps. If you want to know how to lose calf fat, you need to increase the proportion of cardio loads in your training program.
  • Pledge of long and slender legs - stretching. Stretching, yoga, Pilates - a great load for weight loss and calf tightening without the risk of pumping them up.
  • try move your legs as much as possible even in a sitting position. You can simply pull the lower leg in any direction, lie with your foot clockwise and against it.

If full calves are the result of excess weight throughout the body, in principle, you need to reconsider your diet. There is no separate diet for weight loss of calves, it is best to stick to universal proper nutrition. Eat often and in small portions, lean on proteins, plant foods, complex carbohydrates. It is recommended to give up fatty, sweet, baking and other harmful things. Also limit the amount of salt in the diet, as it contributes to fluid retention in the body and leads to swelling of the limbs.

We remove calves with exercises

It is quite difficult to remove calves on the legs, since fat practically does not accumulate in the lower leg area, and its shape depends on the calf muscle. Fat layer may increase, especially in the cold season, but regular walking allows you to quickly return the calves to their former harmony. That's why The best way get rid of excess calf volume - walk a lot for long distances. The advantage of walking is that it is suitable for everyone, regardless of fitness level.

How to remove calves on legs in a week is a question that many people ask. Deal with a problem like this short term quite difficult, but do not rush, because the result is more important. Jumping helps to burn fat, but it also strengthens muscles, so you need to know how to properly include them in the program.

To quickly burn fat and at the same time not pump over caviar, it is recommended combine in your program three types of loads:

  • multi-repetitive power;
  • cardio;
  • stretching.

Exercises should be done in one minute. without taking breaks. First, rise on your toes without dumbbells. Then jump from side to side. If the breath is confused, pauses are acceptable. Do jumps to the sides in the style of "skater". They involve jumping from foot to foot, in which you need to tilt the body and take the bent leg back.

Dedicate the fourth minute to the plie position: put your feet wider than your shoulders, sit down and alternately lift your heels off the floor.

Fifth minute - stretching exercises against the wall. Put one leg back, rest your hands on the wall and lean forward, bending your left leg at the knee, and touching the floor with your right heel. Dedicate 30 seconds to each leg.

The sixth last minute is devoted to stretching in an incline. One foot is put forward on the heel. The body needs to lean forward, keeping the back straight and reach with the toe.

Such a simple six-minute program helps in how to remove large calves. There is still great amount exercises aimed at burning fat in the lower leg. On this topic, you can find a separate article on the site, where the exercises are illustrated with photographs (link).

How to remove volume with inflated calves?

In the people, legs with developed calf muscles are called bottles. Usually girls with this type of figure can boast of rounded buttocks and strong toned arms. To improve your fitness in this case, it is recommended Do cardio workouts 2-3 times a week and include in the program stretching.

Particularly good effect yoga. One of her most popular poses, which provides great calf stretch, is the downward facing dog pose. You need to get into a plank position on your palms. Then it is necessary to lift the pelvis up and tighten the press, stretch the back of the legs and bend upper part back. The heels should tend to the floor - this is when you will feel the stretch in the calves. Having accepted this position, try to walk forward on straight legs. Do this exercise in three sets of 10-20 times - over time, your stretch will improve significantly, and your calves will become more slender and feminine.

Girls for whom the problem is relevant, how remove inflated calves, should work on the opposite principle, that is, not build muscle mass, but. But it must be borne in mind that the muscles will leave evenly on all legs. If you want to keep the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, arms and back, load them with strength exercises, but don’t touch the calves at all. Add to the program running at a slow pace for 40-60 minutes.

If you want to get rid of fat in the calf area or reduce muscle, you will have to try change body composition. That is, you will need to either “replace” fat with muscles, or burn both one and the second at the same time. Cells do not burn and grow in a day, so you have to try and spend a certain amount of time. If your task is to lose weight, then you need to adjust your diet by creating a calorie deficit and combining a diet with cardio loads or an active, mobile lifestyle. Then your calves, like the whole body, will gain harmony and beauty and will not spoil the figure.

Hello, my dear kachatas and, especially, phytonies! Friday is Women's Day, on which we go to the bathhouse and dedicate our notes to “narrow” issues of body shaping. And today on the agenda is a topic that is relevant for many young ladies, namely: how to lose weight in calves? After reading, each of you will definitely know how to make her legs more slender and her calves less prominent. We will look at the causes of large shins, get acquainted with the issues of anatomy and, most importantly, analyze a specific training program aimed directly at solving the problem that concerns us so much.

So, ladies, take your seats and make ears on top :).

How to lose weight in calves? FAQ questions and answers

Well, first I would like to remind you that this is already the second note in which we analyze the “narrow” female curvy issues and bring our loved ones into tasty forms. The first creation under the title is waiting, when will you do him the favor of being read, so we do not hesitate and, if the topic is relevant, we study and apply knowledge in practice. We go further and today we will deal with the female bottom, and not the buttocks. (how to pump them up and so all the sites murmur), and a more specific muscle group - calf or, in common people, shins.

In general, it is worth saying that the question “how to lose weight in calves?” is one of the most popular, at least among readers, because he (the question) quite often came from young ladies who very persistently demanded recommendations regarding his solution. In general, the problem of large calves is relevant mainly for the fair sex. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the problem occurs only in the ladies in the body, no, thin and sonorous are also subject to this “misfortune”.

For example, in the past, you were involved in dancing or another sport in which your legs worked actively and now that the hobby has passed and general forms deflated, the eggs-infections remained in their place - large and voluminous. And it turns out that you are all so thin and airy, and your shins are like those of the male representatives. Many young ladies have complexes about this and cannot afford to open their legs - wear short shorts or dresses. In general, sadness and sadness :) and in this article we will try to clearly and clearly state the plan for dealing with large calves.

So let's go.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Why do I have big calves? Main reasons.

Everyone knows that girls lose in bones and muscles to men, but there is one muscle group in which they often "do" our brother, and these are the muscles of the lower leg and ankle girth. It is the bottom of the legs in women that often has the same, or even larger, girths as in men. Therefore, it is not surprising that the ladies want to make their calves thinner.

In this note, by large calves, we will understand the following:

Of course, each case is individual, but in general, we will get rid of large calves. So evaluate yourself from behind again (and not just on my own) and definitely decide if your shins fit into the category: large, dense, bottles.

As for the main causes of thick calf muscles, these include:

No. 1. Genetics

One of the biggest reasons for big calves is your parents. Look at their legs/shins (especially in the female line) and rate yours. If your loved ones have massive shins, then most likely you will eventually have the same ones. And the question of how to lose weight in calves may also be relevant for you. The good news is that genetics can be combated by making adjustments to your original anatomy. For example, if you have a short Achilles tendon, then your calves will look larger (the muscle is longer). If you have a long Achilles tendon (muscle is shorter) this allows the calf muscles to “sit high”, which makes the lower leg look smaller and thinner. Compare two different types of lower leg (With different type Achilles tendon).

It is not possible to lengthen the tendons (it's genetic) However, certain movements/exercises that increase calves can be avoided.

No. 2. Sports / Exercise

Certain sports/physical activities (e.g. football, ballet, stair climbing, running on an incline track) in which there is a constant load, incl. on the front arch of the foot, can lead to a build-up of the calf muscles.

Number 3. Adipose tissue

Calves are problem areas. This means that a girl can have a chiseled figure, but the calf muscles are her "Achilles" heel, i.e. a place of accumulation of fat, which leaves from there in the very last place. Few people know, but the habitat of fat is not only the subcutaneous space, but also intramuscular. However, local fat does not go away, and the general strategy for losing weight in calves is total weight loss. Moreover, it is possible that you can significantly lose weight everywhere, but the calves will lose a minimal percentage of fatty tissue.


Muscular resection - removal of the intramuscular (deep) layer of fat. Liposuction is the removal of subcutaneous fat.

No. 4. Run

Sprint - running at speed, contributes to the increase in the volume of the calf muscles. Therefore, if you decide to lose weight, and you were told that sprinting - perfect way to do this, then do not be surprised that at the end you will get extremely dubious results in losing weight, but quite obvious in increasing calves.

As for jogging, here an increase in the volume of the lower leg can be obtained only in the long term with frequent (4-5 once a week) jogging (up to 60 minutes). Therefore, by moderating our run, we can influence the lower volumes.

No. 5. heels

What girl doesn't like to wear heels? However, few of the young ladies know that their constant wearing (at least 5 days per week) leads to excessive load / overload on the calves and some increase in their volume. Another, more obvious negative factor in relation to heels is the shortening of the Achilles tendon, and the more overweight a lady has, the more stress her tendon experiences.

Now let's delve into the theory and talk about ...

Calves: questions of anatomy

To deal with the deflating of your calves, we first need to figure out what they are in the organizational plan. Many people think that lower leg \u003d calf, in fact, the muscles of the lower leg consist of 2nd large muscles:

  • soleus (soleus) - originates from the fibula and tibia and lies under the calf, pushing the latter to the surface;
  • gastrocnemius (gastrocnemius) - originates from the femur and has 2 heads - medial (medial head) and lateral (lateral head).

These two muscles work together to flex the leg.

In collapsible form, the anatomical atlas of the calf muscles looks like this (clickable).


The ideal size (girth) of the calf should correspond to the girth of the biceps of the arm.

As for muscle fibers, in the bulk of people, in the gastrocnemius and soleus, slow-twitch fibers predominate (55 and 70% respectively). However, there is a certain percentage of people whose calf muscles are 60% from fast twitch fibers.

In the spirit of the note, we are also interested in questions of “internal” anatomy, i.e. what happens inside the calf muscles when performing a particular movement / exercise.

And the following happens.

In other words, when performing exercises on the muscles of the lower leg, there is an increase in pressure in the veins of the leg. (before 300 mmHg) and pumping blood / pumping (and) calves. As a result, after a high-quality load, the athlete feels the filling of the target region with blood, as well as swelling and breaking (burning) of the calf muscles.

Actually, we figured out the theory and now go directly to ...

How to lose weight in calves: the practical side of the issue

One of the most difficult cases correction of calves in relation to a decrease in their volume is a situation where we have developed (all 3 ) calf muscle heads and excess fat (subcutaneous/intramuscular).

In the context of this "disgrace" is such a picture.

It is quite obvious that weight loss in calves is a process of reducing the percentage of fatty tissue in the whole body and focusing on training the muscles of the lower leg - calf and soleus.

I think many young ladies have a question on their lips: is it possible that by training calves, I won’t make them even more? Maybe just don't touch them? In fact, your calves will not decrease by themselves, even if you score on them and do not train for six months / a year, the result in reducing their volume will not satisfy you. Those. the only way to get smaller calves is to give them the right load/exercises and intersperse that with some kind of cardio.

We will deal with the disclosure of the last two questions further and begin with ...

No. 1. Cardio

The rule of thumb for aerobic activity for calf reduction is to use no resistance and high ( 35-45 minutes) duration of one session. Translated into understandable language, this means that you should not use:

  • sloped treadmill;
  • hill running;
  • sprint;
  • stepper;
  • walking on a changing ladder-simulator;
  • resistance bike.

It is this kind of cardio that will have a volume effect on your calves, i.e. using it, you will reduce the percentage of fatty tissue in the whole body, but the calves will become more dense / muscular.


If you want to reduce your shins, then you should avoid (or minimize) sitting in a cross-legged position, because this position leads to pinching of the large popliteal artery and disruption of blood circulation, in the limit to the formation of meshes / stars and varicose veins veins. Standing in one position for a long time also reduces blood circulation to the calves, which can cause toxins to build up in the muscles in the lower legs.

The main types of cardio that can be used to lose calves include:

  • walking with a constant change of pace on a flat treadmill;
  • long distance running (before 50 minutes 3 once a week);
  • low jumping rope;
  • elliptical trainer;
  • exercise bike without resistance;
  • burpee;
  • climbing feet to hands;
  • swimming.

A visual version of what has been voiced is such a picture.

No. 2. Training program

Well, for dessert, we have two highlights of the program :), i.e. special PTs, which are aimed at reducing the calves and arranging the bottom of the legs.

Gym workout options:

  • quantity per week 2 ;
  • intensity - moderate / normal;
  • rest time m / y approaches - 60 seconds;
  • cardio - walking with a constant change of pace on a flat treadmill immediately after training before 40 minutes;

Home workout options:

  • quantity per week 3 ;
  • intensity - high;
  • rest time m / y approaches - 30-40 seconds;
  • the number of approaches / repetitions - given;
  • cardio - jogging for a long distance immediately after training before 40 minutes;
  • stretching the calf muscles after each approach.

The program itself and the atlas of exercises represent the following picture.

Here are two motley programs with which you will decide how to lose weight in calves. With the main part finished, let's move on to ...


Today we answered the question - how to lose weight in calves. I am sure that after mastering and applying the information in practice, you will have one less problem area. Don't believe? And you try, and the results will not be long in coming!

Good luck, my beauties :) and see you soon!

PS: And how is it with your caviar?

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Test for abnormal swelling first. In the evenings, pay attention to the area where the elastic bands of the socks fit. Distinct marks from these rubber bands indicate puffiness. And you should also press on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdry bone. The indentation left after such pressure and gradually smoothing out is also evidence of edema.

If the tissues do not have swelling, they are elastic and immediately return to their original shape. You can calculate the swelling in tight shoes in the evening, if the same shoes were at the right time in the morning. Helps get rid of swelling proper nutrition, a categorical refusal of salty foods, diuretics. A pillow under your feet will make you feel a little better. During the day, you can arrange a little rest, throwing your legs as high as possible. Permanent swelling of the legs is a serious reason for a visit to the doctor, since such a condition of the legs may be the result of a latent disease.

Legs suffer from excess weight - their appearance and health deteriorate. Calves look ugly full. Plan the diet so that the weight gradually decreases. Use special diets wisely - under the supervision of a doctor. But this is not enough. To correct the legs, you will definitely need to choose the sport you like. Swimming, running or your favorite sport will help a lot. Use every opportunity to move around to lighten your body weight.

The reason for too full legs may be over-inflated calves. It's all about intense physical activity. It will not be possible to quickly solve such a problem, but through hard training you can come to the desired effect. It is necessary to reduce the overall load on the legs.

The diet will have to be adjusted to improve the appearance of the legs. You need to limit your protein intake. Exclude sweet, fatty. Stretching the calf muscles will help. Consult with a good trainer who can choose the right exercises. Six months minimum - this is how much should pass from the moment you start using the exercises.

As you can see, the legs can increase in volume along different reasons, so first you need to determine what makes the legs look full, then purposefully solve the problem.

Every girl strives to be even slimmer than she is. But what about those girls who have thick calves on their legs, which leads to various problems: you can’t wear a miniskirt, jeans, etc. Therefore, there is always something to strive for and achieve even more than has been achieved. In this material, we will consider how the calf muscles of the legs can be reduced at home and what is required for this.

Calves are muscles that take an active part in human walking. But why, these calves increase in size in girls, thereby reducing the attractiveness of their legs. The reasons for this may be the following:

You can get rid of edema using the following methods:

  • An examination by a doctor who will help to understand the cause of the appearance of edema, and tell you how to make the calves of the legs thinner. Often the cause of swelling in the legs are various diseases: diabetes, problems with the kidneys and heart.
  • After finding out the cause, you can proceed to ways to combat edema. To do this, first of all, you should follow a diet that excludes the use of fatty, fried and salty foods.
  • You can get rid of edema by taking diuretics, which remove excess fluid from the body.

How to reduce calves for overweight women? You can fight this by playing sports. The first gymnastic exercises that help to quickly get rid of fatty layers on the calves are: running, swimming, walking and jumping. But in this case, it is recommended to load not only the legs, but the whole body as a whole, so as not to disturb the shape of the body.

If you have been fond of sports since childhood so that your legs have become similar to men's, now it will be more problematic to bring the caviar into normal shape than with the first two options. After all, the process of reducing the volume of calves will be long and rather complicated. Only one thing can be noted that with such an increase in calves, you can be sure that there are no various kinds of ailments (edema or fat deposits).

So how to reduce the calves on the legs of "athletes"? It is quite difficult to bring the trained calf muscles back to normal, but it is possible. The first thing to do is to give up hard training and various kinds load on the legs. It is also important to review your usual diet and exclude from it protein foods that promote muscle growth. You should give preference to fruits and vegetables, which will help control body weight and adjust the figure.

Important! To reduce the volume of pumped calf muscles, women should give preference to active muscle stretching exercises.

To remove voluminous calves on the legs, women should follow some rules and points. These moments include:

  1. Get rid of shoes that constrain your every step. Tight, uncomfortable and small shoes and clothes should not be worn.
  2. Do not drink water at night. Since during a night's rest, water causes the occurrence of puffiness in people prone to this phenomenon.
  3. It is forbidden to sit on a chair with legs tucked under the seat. This posture is incorrect and leads to a violation of the circulation of blood flow. As a result, a violation of blood flow in the body leads to an increase in the volume of calves.
  4. It is necessary to eliminate long walks from your everyday life if the cause of enlarged calves is their training.
  5. From the diet, categorically exclude fatty, salty, smoked and fried foods.
  6. It is also necessary to reduce cycling, as pedaling leads to the development of muscles, and hence to an increase in legs.

Therefore, before you begin to bring your legs back to normal, you should find out the reason for their increase.

Calf stretching is the first way to solve the problem of ugly legs in women at home. Therefore, if you decide to make your legs slim and remove bulky calves, then you should start with stretching.

To do this, perform the following exercises to stretch the calf muscles:

  1. To begin with, a light warm-up of the legs is done, which allows you to avoid many injuries. The warm-up includes squats for 2-3 minutes.
  2. After warming up, we proceed to light exercises aimed at stretching the muscles. To do this, you need to take a stable stance and stretch up to the maximum, and then lower yourself to the floor. During the exercise, it is important to take your time, control your breathing and do everything correctly. When performing this kind of exercise, you should feel your calf muscles.
  3. The exercise is more difficult, which involves taking a stand on one leg. The second leg should be clasped with a hand. Now the raised leg must be straightened in front of you so that you get a right angle between them. Similarly, stretching the calves on the second leg is carried out.
  4. Exercises are carried out slowly, slowly, and at the same time, be sure to take breaks between procedures. At first, such exercises may seem difficult, but repeating them daily is the key to success.
  5. The last exercise is walking on toes. At the same time, it is important to not easily walk on toes, but to reach for the top as much as possible.

After the implementation of such a set of exercises has begun, it is necessary to control the frequency of the procedures and the load. To do this, you can even start a journal in which to record all the useful information.

If you have pumped calves, then it is important to pay attention to the following set of exercises:

  1. Setting the leg on a full foot. The most effective way to reduce the volume of inflated calves is to stand on a full foot while walking. In this case, you should not only stand on a full foot while walking, but also while running or doing other exercises.
  2. Do not perform exercises that involve the development of the calf muscles. After all, at the same time, the caviar will not decrease in any way, but will only increase. Therefore, avoid the following types of exercises:
    - jumping rope;
    - climbing stairs
    - running short distances.
  3. It is necessary to do exercises that will contribute to a positive effect on the cardiac system. These types of techniques will not only reduce the calf muscles, but also get rid of extra pounds. In this case, the following exercises are performed: - swimming;
    - running long distances;
    - cycling or exercise bike.

Here is another set of exercises with which you can remove voluminous calves on your legs:

  1. First you need to stand in a stance, in which the legs are shoulder-width apart. After that, you need to slowly rise on your toes up and also lower.
  2. A pose in which one leg is raised up, and on the second one should rise on the toe and fall.
  3. You should stand on the threshold in the room with socks, and your heels should hang down from it. After that, lifting up on toes and returning to the starting position is carried out.
  4. In the supine position, bend your knees. The exercise begins by lifting the legs up and straightening them. In this case, the socks must be pulled up.

Here is such a small set of exercises that allows you to give your calves a beautiful shape at home, and the legs of femininity and originality.

Of course, a decrease in calf volume is not complete without integrated approach to solving this problem. The complex includes not only physical activity, but also proper nutrition or diet.
Consider what kind of load should be when performing these exercises.

  1. The duration of anaerobic exercise should not be too long. The optimal time for performing procedures should not exceed 30-40 minutes. At the same time, the set of exercises should be varied: from simple stretch marks calves before descending or climbing stairs. But at the same time, we do not forget that it all depends on the reason for the increase in calves.
  2. Water aerobics is an exercise on the water that contributes to a positive effect not only on the calves, but also on most human muscles. Therefore, water exercises are an integral part of the complex, with the help of which a woman tries to make her legs more beautiful and slimmer. The duration of water aerobics should be from 20 to 30 minutes, several times a week.
  3. Step aerobics. One more no less important method make your legs slimmer by reducing the volume of the calves.

Important! Women should also be aware that it is impossible to increase the volume of calves by performing the specified set of exercises, but it is real to make the legs slim and attractive.

Summing up, it should be noted that it is possible to reduce the calves on the legs, but at the same time it is necessary to work on yourself. After all, as you know, nothing is given just like that. In order to achieve something, it is necessary to work long and fruitfully, and in order to work in this way, it is necessary to have a desire and aspiration for the best. And never stop half way without reaching your goal - this is just another reason for disappointment.

Even girls who are difficult to suspect of abusing donuts experience dissatisfaction with their own calves. Against the background of the rest of the muscles of the female body, the calf and soleus muscles that form the lower leg look too developed. In the old days, full caviar was considered an important component of attractiveness, but modern women it's not very comforting. Many want to "dry" them.

What determines the completeness of this area? Sometimes the shins look voluminous due to cellulite on the calves, but this is not often observed. There is little subcutaneous fat on the shins: all adipose tissue is concentrated in the intermuscular space, and it is very difficult to “expel” it from there. Making only calves lose weight is an almost impossible task. But to smooth out cellulite and adjust the silhouette is quite real.

The fullness of the calves is often explained by anatomical features. In strong girls of small stature, the shins visually appear more voluminous than in tall ones. There is a way out of this situation: in order for the calves to look not too powerful, it is necessary to pump up the upper body: back, shoulder girdle, abs. The figure will look harmonious.

Attention! Often, fullness is confused with puffiness. It can occur due to cellulite, varicose veins, heart failure. Therefore, noticeable swelling of the legs first of all requires a medical examination.

An increase in calf volume is facilitated by the constant wearing of shoes with heels. Problems are added by tight trousers and the habit of sitting cross-legged. Losing weight is unthinkable without self-control: in order to succeed, you will have to constantly remind yourself what you can and cannot do.

The best results come from a combination various techniques weight loss:

  • through aerobic exercise;
  • due to regular stretching;
  • through diet;
  • by creating a harmonious figure.

The calf slimming diet is not unique. To adjust the volume of the legs, it is necessary to follow the long-known principles healthy eating. The process of losing weight will be long and consistent: first, the extra centimeters will leave the abdomen, sides and hips, and only after that it will be the turn of the calves.

Attention! Low-calorie and mono-diets do not give lasting results. The most reasonable choice is a balanced diet and consumption of slightly fewer calories compared to those expended.

Give up foods that lead to obesity and retain water in the body. These include pickles, smoked snacks, sweets, fried foods, canned food, carbonated drinks, fast food, snacks, and alcohol.

Reduce consumption of butter, fatty dairy products, white bread and low quality pasta. Do not smoke: because of this, blood circulation is disturbed.

For breakfast, eat cereals rich in “slow” carbohydrates, for lunch, pay attention to proteins (meat, fish, chicken, seafood) necessary for building muscles, and vegetables that help the body absorb proteins.

Eat dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime. At the last meal, do not load the stomach. Snack during the day healthy foods(light yogurt, whole grain bread).

Do not forget about "water discipline". Often the calves look full due to swelling. To get rid of those, women reduce their water intake and begin to get involved in diuretics. But moisture is necessary for weight loss: it helps the body remove toxins. Therefore, you should drink a lot and often.

Attention! I remind you that in case of any problem, you can seek advice from our specialists.

In our catalog there are specialists of both a wide and a narrow profile. You are welcome!

With faith in your health, Larisa Bikerskaya.

Massage and cosmetics

If the fullness of the calves is due to the presence of cellulite or swelling, cosmetics and massage will come in handy. Use home wraps and fat burning creams regularly.

When taking a shower, use scrubs that destroy " orange peel". Creams and oils (warming, anti-cellulite) should be applied after washing, in the evening or twice a day. Good results are obtained by the use of such funds immediately after training.

Massage is done after exercise and shower. Hand and can self-massage have proven themselves well. Both are performed in the direction from the foot to the knee. Massages not only stimulate the metabolism in the subcutaneous tissue, but also contribute to muscle recovery and skin elasticity. With fatigue and swelling, nothing is better than massage and a contrast shower.

Among those who lose weight, there is a prejudice against strength training, but in reality they are a quick and reliable way to reduce calves. It is important that the exercises are moderate.

On a note! Sprinting, which is often recommended to amateurs to “dry” their shins, is useless for this purpose.

The load is not aerobic and therefore contributes not to weight loss, but to muscle building. The same goes for running uphill with dumbbells in your hands or riding an exercise bike with high resistance.

But you can “pump” the calves only if you force them to work regularly in heavy weights and according to a special mass-gaining training program. Such a load goes beyond fitness and is normal for amateur athletes. Girls who just want to lose weight are unlikely to spend so much time in the gym.

In order for the calves to lose weight, and not increase, two conditions must be observed:

  • train without weights and the use of simulators;
  • give preference to low-intensity exercises.

To lose weight in your legs and calves, do not ignore cardio:

  • jogging for 40-60 minutes several times a week;
  • jumping rope (5 minutes each);
  • alternate lifting on toes (stand straight, put your feet wider than your shoulders, bend your knees and turn your socks outward. Rise on the right, then on the left toe), 4-5 sets of 20 times on each leg;
  • burpee (squat - push-ups - jumping up), several approaches;
  • heel raises (stand with your back to the wall and rise on your heels), 4-5 sets of 20-25 times;
  • calf raises from a standing position (squeezing your hips, slowly stand on tiptoe and slowly lower. For greater effect, perform the exercise while standing on a thick book so that your heels slightly “fall through” when lowering), 5 sets of 25 times.
  • semi-squats (put your feet wider than your shoulders, spread your socks and stand on your tiptoes. Hold on for 10-15 seconds. Gradually increase this time). Repeat several times.

There are a lot of exercises for weight loss of calves. Precede and finish any workout with a fifteen-minute stretch.

At first glance, there is no connection between stretching and losing weight. However, calf stretching exercises play an important role in reducing their volume. A flexible muscle visually appears thinner. Regularly stretched calves, even full ones, do not look "stony". The gait becomes more graceful. In addition, stretching prevents injury and promotes rapid recovery.

Pilates, yoga and stretching improve muscle elasticity. The poses and exercises practiced within these directions do not load the calves, but keep them in tension, tone up and gradually stretch.

At home, you can perform the following complex:

  1. Stretch your arms forward and rest them against the wall. Tilt your torso at an angle of 60 ° to the floor surface and, bending one leg at the knee, strain the other, trying to put it on the heel. Stay like this for 15 seconds, bounce. Change legs. Do several approaches.
  2. Sit on the floor, grab the toe of one leg, raise it to a 45 ° angle and try to straighten it. Pull the sock towards you. Change leg, repeat several times.
  3. Stand up straight, bend over without bending your knees, and try to either wrap your arms around your hips or calves, or place your palms on the floor.
  4. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward, bend over to your toes, trying not to hunch your back. Touch your forehead to your knees.

Jumping rope is a great way to dry out your calves. Exercise should be done daily, especially since it does not take much time. Technique must be perfect:

  1. tightly press your legs to each other;
  2. push off with your toes and jump low, without much effort;
  3. land on your toes.

Perform 4 sets of 50 jumps; increase the number of repetitions over time.

Stepping on a step platform (step aerobics) is effective for weight loss of the legs, but only at first. Classes are quite intense, and if you visit them more than 3 times a week, there is a chance that the muscles will increase in volume.

Useful advice! Jumping and step aerobics are recommended to be combined with stretching, as it contributes to a faster removal of lactic acid from the muscles.

Is it possible to eliminate the imbalance between the frail shoulder girdle and powerful legs? Yes, doing it regularly strength exercises for the upper body. It is difficult for a girl to pump over her shoulder girdle, so there is no need to be afraid of training with simulators and weights.

An athletic, harmoniously built figure is much more attractive than a loose and unbalanced one. Relief muscles attract attention and are not an obstacle to wearing feminine dresses and skirts.

Even if the lower legs are overweight for genetic reasons, they will look slim if you do not ignore exercise, intensive cardio and stretching techniques, whether it be yoga, body flex or stretching.

Exercises for weight loss in the lower legs.

Eating in moderation and getting enough exercise the necessary conditions for slimming calves. Running, cycling and jumping will be effective only in combination with stretching, which should really become a lot in your life. Use massage, contrast shower, anti-cellulite cosmetics as auxiliary measures.

With genetics, as a rule, nothing can be done. And if a woman has a predisposition to be overweight, then it will be very difficult to become thin. The same applies to the calves of the legs. There is an eternal problem: thin people want to get better in this part, chubby ones want to lose weight. But here is the dilemma for everyone: how to do it, because this area is almost not amenable to “persuasion”! Thick calves are a real disaster, because this is a limitation in clothing, and rather big. And we girls don’t really like such a stop signal. How to remove calves on legs? And what is the reason for this phenomenon?

Why do girls have fat calves?

When we lose weight, everything loses weight - arms, buttocks, stomach, chest, but not calves. This is a real disaster, because it does not always look harmonious. The reason, as a rule, is one - genetics. If you have such a feature from mother nature, then there is practically nothing you can do about it. Did you notice the word "practically"? That's right, something can be corrected, and especially stubborn people should still go against everything, including great genetics. Success is possible only if two conditions are met: systematic and constancy. Ready? Then forward to victory!

Step one: nutrition

So, if you decide to take the first step, you are already halfway there. Where do you need to start? Of course, with food. Thick calves are partly his result. As a result, you need to reduce the number of calories in the diet, eat small amounts of unhealthy carbohydrates and drink plenty of water. Lean in the summer season on fruits and vegetables, lettuce, onions. This will help the body gain required amount vitamins and lose weight. This does not mean that you need to starve yourself. Just eat less and more often, gradually reduce the amount of food you eat. Do not lean on starchy foods and eat healthy, fortified foods. Also, drink plenty of water! Two liters per day of liquid - the best option!

Step two: workout

You can start training at home on your own, or you can go to sports clubs for help. Thick calves will decrease in volume if you regularly do special exercises. Video tutorials, training examples, recommendations - all this can be easily found. If you have a coach, he will help you find the right load. And your thick calves will quickly begin to decrease in volume. Pilates, aerobics, and water aerobics classes will be useful. Classes that focus on stretch marks are perfect. This will strengthen the legs and give a beautiful shape, remove excess body fat. Remember that you need to constantly play sports and do exercises! A few lessons will not give a result, but systematic ones will help not only reduce the volume of calves, but also give them a beautiful shape!

Step three: massage

Probably, not everyone knows that massage helps to reduce the volume in the legs. Thick calves are really not that big a big problem, since they can still be corrected. A vigorous massage from the feet to the knees will help to consolidate the results, as well as blood circulation. Full calves will be able to take on a miniature, classic shape, and you will be able to shine with your legs in all its glory! Do not limit yourself, work on yourself - and everything will be fine!

Hours in the gym, multi-kilometer runs, severe dietary restrictions ...

What kind of sacrifices do women not make for the sake of chiseled and slender legs! And the results will certainly become visible sooner or later: the buttocks are tightened,. But the shins do not always respond to efforts, and sometimes even become larger.

This may be due to heredity, improper selection or technique for performing exercises, and even lifestyle.

Bulky calves look disharmonious, interfere with wearing short skirts and tight trousers, and become the cause of complexes. Sometimes the desire to reduce calves reaches the point of absurdity. So, in the United States, plastic surgery to correct this part of the body is gaining more and more popularity.

However, there are less radical ways. Let's find out why calves grow and how to make them slim and graceful.

The "culprits" of thick calves - who are they?

In order to quickly and correctly get rid of large calves, first of all, you need to find out the main reason for their appearance and try to eliminate it.

The main "culprits" are an excessive layer of subcutaneous fat, too voluminous muscles that appeared as a result of training or are a hereditary feature.

Genetics. If large shins are your genetic feature (this can be seen by looking at your parents and immediate family), then reducing the muscles on the calves will be extremely difficult.

You can try to slightly change the proportions of the body and adjust the features of the anatomy. For example, if you have a short Achilles tendon that connects back heels with the calf muscle, then the calves will look larger. This is due to the fact that the muscle has to stretch down a lot to connect with the short tendon.

If the tendon is long, then the place of its connection with the muscle is higher. As a result, the calf muscle "sits" high, the lower leg looks thinner and more elegant. Unfortunately, tendon lengthening is not possible. The only thing that can be advised in this case is to avoid loads that provoke.

Gait and movement. Repeated day-to-day actions can affect the shape of your legs. For example, walking on your toes all the time, with your body weight on the forefoot (as when wearing heels), can lead to calf muscle buildup.

It is also worth analyzing your gait: with weak other leg muscles, especially the tibialis anterior, the calves can compensate for the entire load, increasing over time. Solution - .

Fat deposits is another very common reason why calves look big. Each person has their own specific problem areas, from which fat goes last. If these are calves and ankles, then you will have to be patient and persevere in order to find the legs of your dreams.

The most effective ways to reduce calves on your legs

To remove thick calves, follow a few simple rules:

  • Remember that it is impossible to lose weight locally, along with the calves, the hips and buttocks will decrease. You may need to add isolated exercises for them if your goal is to be in good shape.
  • Opt for low heels or flats. Walking on toes stimulates calf growth.
  • Run! Running is the most powerful tool for losing weight and reshaping your calves and legs in general. Remember what sprinters and long-distance runners look like. Marathon runners usually have thin and dry legs, unlike sprinters with expressive calves and developed muscles hips. From this we can conclude that long-distance running is best suited for calf correction. Do you want to lose weight in your ankles? Run slower, but for a longer distance (such training simultaneously develops endurance).
  • For slimming legs, drying the muscles of the thighs and calves, cardio training with minimal or no resistance is recommended. This means that on the street you need to choose a flat place, and on the treadmill to install minimum slope. It is with such training that the legs and calves will lose weight and at the same time acquire a beautiful shape. Endurance running helps to reduce the calf muscles and fatty tissue around the calf (as well as throughout the body), which make the legs look bulky. Double benefit - burn fat and reduce muscle!
  • Avoid exercises aimed primarily at developing leg strength, as they cause muscle growth and make the calves even more voluminous. For example, short and intense cardio workouts, strength exercises for the legs (squats, lunges), step aerobics, mountain hiking are contraindicated. Walking uphill, including on a high-incline treadmill, makes the calves even bigger.
  • Do not jump rope and generally avoid jumping with high leg lifts. For weight loss of calves, swimming, walking, crosses and are more suitable. The elliptical trainer is a great tool for low-intensity cardio when you set the resistance to the minimum. Instead of burning calories by increasing resistance, increase your exercise time. Long walks also slim down the lower legs, as they lengthen the hamstrings and calf muscles.
  • Avoid step machines and other exercises that simulate climbing stairs or mountains, as they primarily increase the calf muscles. Remember that your goal is to make the calves thinner, not to "pump" them even more.
  • It is better to refuse resistance training or perform more repetitions with small weights. Weight-bearing exercises that involve the calf muscles only lead to more calf muscles, even if your goal is fat loss. It is absolutely impossible to reduce the point of the lower leg with their help. Effective Methods to get rid of fat on the calves - diet, and liposuction.
  • Stretching exercises help stretch and lengthen the large calf muscles, including the “pumped” ones. For this purpose, you can attend stretching training, yoga or Pilates. Great calf exercises can be done against a wall. Stand facing her, one foot at a distance of 25-30 cm from the wall, the second - at 70-80 cm, the feet are parallel, the heels are on the floor, and the socks are looking at the wall. Bend your front leg while keeping your back leg straight, lean over and place your hands on the wall. You should feel the stretch rear surface legs and especially calves. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds, switch legs and repeat. This exercise helps stretch the calf muscles.
  • Pilates is great for shaping toned and elongated muscles. Even with intense workouts, your calves will not swell.
  • The following simple calf stretching exercise can be done anytime, at work or at home. Sit on a chair, with your back straight, press against its back. Raise your left leg and make feet 6 rotational movements clockwise. The amplitude should be maximum. Repeat the same number of times on the other side, and then do the same exercise on the right leg.
  • There are many ways to visually reduce large calves with clothes and shoes. By resorting to them, you can make the legs in girth look a few centimeters smaller.

Remember you can be good physical form, taut and slender without protruding muscle tubercles. The main thing is that it includes strength and cardio exercises and avoid stress and diets that provoke growth muscle mass. With such tactics, volumes (and not only calves!) will steadily decrease.

How to treat full of calves, each woman decides for herself. For example, actresses Mischa Barton and Katie Holmes are not shy about these body parts and look great. Even if you are unable to reduce calf volume, do not dwell on it. Focus on best parts bodies and emphasize them.

Taking care of your appearance is a matter of principle for every girl, because dissatisfaction with her appearance can really poison her life. Endless diets, trips to beauty salons and gyms have become an integral part of life. However, if some “problem” zones are quite easy to correct, then others have to constantly work hard to give the desired shape. Having a perfectly flat stomach beautiful hands and pumped up buttocks, many girls just lose their temper, not knowing how to reduce calves on their legs.

It would seem like this minor flaw, however, to fix it, you need to train almost daily, and the types of exercises will be radically different depending on the causes of the problem. There are, by the way, three of them: swelling, excess weight and pumping of the calf muscles. But if in the first case you should rather consult a doctor for advice and change your diet, then in the other two you need to work hard on yourself. As you may have guessed, this article will be about how to reduce calves on the legs for girls.

Working on pumped calves

This problem occurs most often due to improper loads while walking or playing sports, when instead of focusing on the heel, it is done on the toe. Another very common reason is wearing heels, especially high heels. Yes, yes, they not only put a load on the back and pelvis, as a result of constant walking in an unnatural position of the foot, the calf muscle also suffers. Therefore, the first thing to look at is your own gait, because it can really be the root of the problem.

During any movement, try to control that the load is evenly distributed between the heel and toe, not limited to the latter. Otherwise, the muscles will continue to pump up, and the lower part of the leg will more and more resemble an inverted bottle in its shape. It may be nothing, but you will have to approach the outfits more meticulously, especially when it comes to a light short dress or miniskirt, and skin-tight jeans on such legs have no best view.

So what should you do to reduce calf volume? A real find for those who want to get rid of this problem will be an elliptical trainer, work on which helps to lengthen the muscle, and hence reduce its volume. Huge benefit regular long walks will also bring, and your route must be thought out in such a way that it passes on a flat surface, without climbing steep hills. Devoting at least half an hour to this every day, you can significantly bring yourself closer to the desired result. On the same route, you can conduct cycling or marathon races, main principle is the absence of sharp rises. Another option for dealing with bulky calves is swimming.

However, in addition to training, one should also remember a number of restrictions that should be strictly observed. This applies to both training and everyday life. Exercises for weight loss of the calves are in no way compatible with sports such as mountaineering or sprinting, since they are the ones that maximally load and increase these muscles. Jump ropes, step, calf raises - all this will also have to be abandoned. Well, running on rough or hilly terrain is also not the best option when dealing with calf volume.

Fighting fat calves

Excess weight, as a rule, is reflected in absolutely all areas. The problem is that he leaves absolutely unevenly, and even ladies who have lost a lot of weight, having acquired such desired forms, remain “happy” owners of disproportionately thick calves. But even such a complex problem can be dealt with, and one must believe that since one has managed to get perfect waist, then patience is also enough for caviar.

Before you start exercising for weight loss of calves, you need to understand that no one has canceled the diet, because there is still excess fat. True, it can still be corrected by making it less strict. The training itself will be aimed at rocking the muscles, because they are the opposite of the previous recommendations. The set of exercises must include jumping rope, calf raises, squats, step aerobics. In everyday life, you need to walk up the stairs as much as possible, climb hills and hills, while the main emphasis should be on socks. Now let's look at the technique of performing exercises in more detail.

Rope. As a child, our willingness to jump with this sports equipment seems limitless, but in adulthood such a potential is almost zero, so it is better for beginners to start these workouts with a very short period of time - only 30 seconds, and then gradually increase the intervals. It is worth noting that they will be effective only if the jumps are made on toes. The sequence of jumps is as follows: 10 on two legs, 10 on one, 10 on the second. Start with one approach, gradually increasing their number.

Toe lifts. A set of these exercises for weight loss of the calf muscles must be performed at this pace: 10 slowly, 10 faster and 10 springy without stopping.

  • Exercise 1. Feet hip-width apart, feet parallel to each other.
  • Exercise 2. Same position, heels together, toes apart.
  • Exercise 3. The same position, socks together, heels apart. This is the most difficult of the proposed ones, since it is quite difficult to maintain balance. Therefore, for support, you can take a chair or lean against the wall.

Squats. The peculiarity of such squats is that the main effect will be achieved by lifting on toes in a sitting position. The algorithm is as follows: squat down, rise on your toes, fix the position, stand up. The back should be as straight as possible, it is better to keep your hands in front of you. You need to start with at least 5 squats, gradually increasing the number to 20.

Stretching. From the school bench, we have a familiar exercise: sitting, legs straight in front of us, we lean forward as much as possible, pulling our socks towards us with our hands. Feeling the maximum tension, fix the position for 10 seconds, then return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is from 3 to 5.

Climbing up maximum height on your toes, try at least a minute and a half to walk around the room in this way, so the muscles will also stretch well.

For those who are more prepared, you can use the “downward-facing dog” yoga pose. Stand up from a prone position, resting your feet and hands on the floor, so you need to bring your silhouette as close as possible to the Latin letter “V”. Fix in this position for 20-30 seconds, try not to tear your heels off the floor.

All these exercises must be performed systematically, for at least three months, after which the result will only become noticeable. Therefore, to say that reducing the calves on the legs quickly is quite simply hardly worth it. This is possible only with such radical methods as, for example, liposuction. A well-chosen wardrobe will also help to slightly adjust your forms, but real changes are achieved only through hard and hard work.

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