How to develop arm muscles. What do you need for homework? How to pump up your arms? Training Basics

landscaping 11.10.2019

Beautiful powerful hands with a pronounced relief are the dream of many men. However, the representatives of the weaker sex are also not alien to the idea of ​​​​strong arm muscles - albeit not in order to show off the “balls” of the biceps, but for the overall smartness of the silhouette.

In any case, you can not do without special exercises. Many are sure that the effect of them will only be if you work out in the gym, but practice shows that it is quite possible to work out the hand muscles at home.

To do this, it’s good to have at least minimal equipment: for example, dumbbells (by the way, they are quite successfully replaced by sand bottles).

In addition, you will have to overcome laziness and engage in enviable regularity. Finally, you need to choose the right exercises to pump up your arms at home. How to do it and will be discussed farther.

What muscles should be loaded

Before you figure out how to pump up your arms at home, you need to decide which muscles will have to be loaded with work. Some are sure that for a beautiful relief on the arms, it is enough to perform exercises for the biceps, but "not with a single biceps." So what muscles form nice shape hands?

In order for the hands to acquire a beautiful shape, the main emphasis should be on the delta, two- and three-headed muscles of the hands. However, you should not forget about the forearms and hands either.

Keep in mind that by working on any one muscle and "ignoring" the rest, you will not get beautiful hands, but disproportionately inflated limbs that will not look aesthetically pleasing.

How to pump up your hands at home - rules and recommendations

The easiest option for beginners is bodyweight exercises. As the muscle fibers gain endurance, it is worth adding dumbbell exercises, and if the space at home and finances allow, it would be nice to get a barbell as well.

For training to be as effective as possible, it is not enough to know how to build arm muscles at home. You also need to follow some simple rules.

How to quickly pump up your hands at home

Time to move from theory to practice. The choice of hand exercises that you can do at home is wide enough, so you can easily make the best complex for yourself.

Exercises with an expander

An expander will help to provide a load to the hands and forearms: squeeze or stretch it (depending on the projectile model) for two to three minutes with maximum effort.

Push ups

This is one of the most effective exercises for working out the triceps. You can do it in various variations: with raised legs, cotton, with a narrow or wide grip.

The classic version of the exercise is performed as follows: in the supine position, slightly bend your elbows. The palms should be under the chest; straighten the body, and fix the legs at the width of the pelvis.

Bend your elbows until they form a right angle. Bending your arms, inhale the air, and when straightening, exhale. When push-ups narrow grip place your palms so that they are in contact with each other.

When doing push-ups with a wide grip, the arms should be as wide apart as possible. In this case, you should not straighten your elbows to the end. Push-ups are also effective, in which the feet are fixed above the palms, for example, on a bench.

Reverse push-ups

Excellent help to load triceps and reverse push-ups. To perform them, rest your hands on a chair, and put your feet on the second chair. Slowly bend your elbows as if lowering yourself between them. After that, straighten your arms. Remember that all movements should be slow and without jerks.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

When answering the question of how to pump up a man’s hands at home, do not forget about the horizontal bar. This projectile will help to work out the biceps. Pull up with a narrow, wide and medium reverse grip - palms should be turned to the face. Raise your chin above the bar, your back should bend a little. Try to make movements smoothly, without jerks.

How to pump up your arms with dumbbells at home

To pump your biceps, do exercises with dumbbells. Start with a minimum weight, gradually increase it.

Hand raises

Sit on a bench or stool, keep your posture. Lower your hands with dumbbells. Exhaling air, raise one hand to chest level. At the top point, pause for 2-4 seconds, then lower your hand, inhaling the air.

Exercise "Hammer"

Very effective for biceps and "hammer": dumbbells should be in lowered hands. While inhaling, raise both hands to the shoulders, fix at the lowest point, while exhaling, slowly lower. You can do it both standing and sitting.

How to pump up your hands at home for a girl

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity should also work out all muscle groups - only in this case you can "get" beautiful hands.

Exercise #1

Do push-ups (they form the triceps): it’s better to start with your hands resting on a bench or similar elevation (a hard sofa is also suitable). As your stamina increases, try push-ups off the floor.

Exercise #2

Another exercise for female triceps: sitting on a chair, pick up dumbbells. Raise them above your head, connect. Lower your head slowly. Do at least 15 repetitions. It is necessary to perform two or three approaches.

Exercise #3

To work out the biceps, you will also need dumbbells: stand up, pick up shells and alternately lift them to chest level. The number of approaches is five, each with 20-30 repetitions.

How to pump up your arms at home - video

If you want to master the complex, which will allow you to pump the main muscles of the hands, pay attention to the following video. The trainer shows exercises that are easy to perform at home. To do this, you will need dumbbells and a certain amount of time twice a week.

Now you know how to make the muscle fibers of the arms work, giving these parts of the body a beautiful athletic shape. Remember that even the most effective complex needs to be changed from time to time, to increase the weight of the shells, to supplement with new exercises. Don't forget about proper rest.

What hand exercises do you do? How effective are they, what results did they help to achieve? Share your opinion in the comments!

Hands are the part of the body that attracts attention in the first place. Despite the fact that this is only a small part of the entire human body, there is no escape from the general desire to pump up the “banks”. For most guys coming in gym, increase hands in volume, make them embossed - the main, and sometimes the only goal of training.

Without the right training program, it is impossible to achieve maximum potential. First, let's look at the anatomical features of the muscles of the hands, and then move on to a discussion of how to pump up huge biceps and triceps using the maximum effective complex exercises.

Everyone knows what "biceps" and "triceps" are. However, in order to achieve maximum growth, it is also important to understand how these muscles work.


Biceps brachii

  • Tendons connect the muscles of the biceps to the bones of the arms.
  • The biceps muscle of the shoulder consists of two heads: long and short.
  • The long head is located on the outside of the arm and is most biceps brachii.
  • The short head is on inside arms.
  • Forms the overall size of what is called the biceps. Most exercises are aimed at causing hypertrophy of this muscle.

shoulder muscle

  • It is located deeper than the biceps of the shoulder.
  • This muscle does not play big hand in functional movements, helping the biceps of the shoulder to bend the arm at the elbow joint.
  • Even though the brachialis is not a significant part of the arm, it is still important in balancing muscle size. By adding exercises to the training program for the hands, aimed at this muscle, you can further increase the volume of the hands, getting a more holistic and harmonious picture. Your arms will look as strong as those of professional bodybuilders.

Triceps brachii

  • It consists of two sections or heads, which form the famous horseshoe shape and make up the entire back arms.
  • An important muscle for stabilizing the shoulder joint.
  • The triceps make up one third of the total arm size. If you want to pump up massive arms, then you should pay attention to exercises that cause maximum triceps hypertrophy.
  • Undertraining the triceps can lead to overtraining of other muscles, which increases the risk of muscle strains and tears. It is very important to train the triceps with the same frequency and load as the biceps.


  • Consists of several smaller muscles including:
  • Flexor carpi ulnaris (outer wrist)
  • Long palmar muscle (not everyone has it. If it does, it is located in the center of the wrist)
  • Flexor carpi radialis (middle part of the wrist)
  • Pronator roundus (inside the wrist)
  • And a few more smaller muscles
  • The forearm is important for wrist and elbow flexion.
  • The forearms also balance appearance hands Large, inflated biceps and triceps, with underdeveloped forearms, not only look unaesthetic, but also increase the risk of injury.

The interaction of the muscles of the hands

It would seem that picking up a water bottle or throwing a basketball is a fairly simple action, but each movement requires a complex set of actions and reactions from the muscles of the hands. In order to perform a particular movement correctly, the muscles must work together in harmony.

When you push something, the triceps should tense up, while the biceps, on the contrary, should relax. When you pull, the situation is reversed. When the biceps are active, the triceps are relaxed, and vice versa.

It is important to understand these principles before embarking on muscle building workouts. Pay Special attention how your muscles work during each movement. Direct all the tension to the active muscle, so you can stimulate muscle hypertrophy, which leads to an increase in muscle mass.

Basic principles for increasing arm muscle mass

There are many theories and techniques on how to make your arms bigger by using muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

The two main principles of training boil down to a large number repetitions at low intensity and a small number of repetitions at high intensity. Which one is correct? Actually, both. To achieve maximum growth, you need to focus on complex movements during training, devoting an entire day to the load on the muscles of the hands.

Let's find out what points it would be good to observe during training

What is important to remember during the best arm workout


  • 4 to 6
  • According to a study published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, in order to achieve muscle hypertrophy, you need to complete 40 to 60 repetitions per muscle in one workout.
  • 4-6 sets just allow you to complete these 40-60 repetitions necessary for growth.

Rep Plan

  • 6 to 10
  • As mentioned above, 40-60 repetitions for each muscle group maximally stimulates the process of its growth. You can achieve these values ​​by performing 5 to 10 repetitions in each approach.
  • For example, 4 sets of 5 reps with a heavy weight followed by 4 sets of 10 reps with a lighter weight will allow you to reach your target 60 reps.
  • 75 to 85 percent of your rep max or 1RM (the maximum weight you can lift in one rep).
  • This may be contrary to what you have been taught, however, using more load has been shown to cause maximum muscle hypertrophy during arm training.
  • In order not to lose motivation and keep interest in training, variety is important. This way you can break up the training program: one day to train at a high intensity, the next at a low intensity, and so on. This will help you not to give up training and pump up your hands.

Choice of hand exercisesand

When it comes to increasing muscle growth, it is very important to choose the right exercises. No need to invent something unimaginable. Many classic biceps and triceps exercises are great for simulating muscle hypertrophy. Next, we will analyze them in more detail.

  • It is also important to change your training program every 6-10 weeks, depending on your level. This will help to avoid plateaus in training and just dilute boredom.

Training frequency

  • According to a study in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, the best results can be obtained by exercising one body part every 5-7 days.
  • It's also important to remember that many compound exercises, such as push-ups and deadlifts, involve multiple muscle groups at once, so there's objectively no point in having 2 or more arm days per week. You will get results even if your training program has a day dedicated exclusively to the arms once every two weeks.

The best exercises for growing muscle mass in the arms

Not all arm exercises are the same. Some involve only certain areas of the hands, while others may just look spectacular, but in fact do not bring any significant benefit.

We have collected the best and effective exercises for pumping up massive, muscular arms.

All of the exercises below are performed with free weights. This is due to the fact that by training with free weights, you have more room for movement. For many muscle groups, simulators are completely unsuitable.

List of the best bicep exercises

Barbell Biceps Curls

  • Hold the bar with a reverse grip on outstretched arms, the core muscles should be in tension, and the back should be straight.

Biceps Curls with EZ Bar

  • Hold with an EZ bar with a reverse grip on outstretched arms, the core muscles should be in tension, and the back should be straight.
  • Keeping your upper arms still, bend your elbows. Keep your wrists straight while doing this.
  • Bend your arms until the stay is as close to your shoulders as possible.
  • Stop briefly at the top.
  • Slowly and smoothly lower your arms to the starting position.

Alternate bicep curls with dumbbells

  • Take a pair of dumbbells, hold them with a reverse grip. Stand straight, core muscles tense.
  • The palms should be facing forward.
  • Keeping your upper arms still, bend your elbows. Keep your wrist straight while doing this.
  • Concentrate on the tension in the biceps, stop briefly at the top point.
  • Slowly and smoothly lower your arm to the starting position.

Biceps Curls with Hammer Dumbbells

  • Take dumbbells in your hands. Make sure your core is tight and your back is straight.
  • The palms are directed towards the body.
  • Bend your elbows, keeping your shoulders still. The movement is like working with a hammer.
  • Slowly and smoothly lower your arms to the starting position.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

  • Hold on to the horizontal bar with a reverse grip. Keep your hands approximately shoulder-width apart.
  • During the exercise, keep your core muscles in tension, and your arms slightly bent at the elbows.
  • Pull yourself up until your chin is level with the horizontal bar.
  • Lower yourself slowly and repeat again.

List of the best triceps exercises

Close grip bench press

  • Lie on the bench, grab the barbell, palms already shoulder-length. Push the bar straight up over your chest.
  • Slowly lower the bar to your chest. Try to feel the tension in the triceps.
  • Keeping your elbows bent, raise the bar to the starting position and repeat.

Dumbbell press from behind the head

  • Exercises can be performed both standing and sitting. Holding a dumbbell with both hands, raise it above your head.
  • Elbows should look up, and the movement should come from the forearms. Elbows move minimally.
  • Lower the dumbbell behind your head, stop, then slowly raise the dumbbell to the starting position.

French bench press

  • Hold the EZ bar with a straight grip. Sit on a flat bench and slowly lie down on your back.
  • Hold the bar behind your head.
  • Throughout the exercise, the elbows are pointing up.
  • Slowly and smoothly lower the bar to your face, stop, then return to the starting position.

Extension of the arms in the upper block for triceps

  • Make sure the handle on the crossover is in the correct position at the top.
  • Grab the handle, make sure top part hands were at the sides of the body throughout the exercise.
  • Pull the cable down, paying attention to the tension in the triceps.
  • Stop at the bottom point, then slowly and smoothly lower your hands to the starting position.

Push-ups on the uneven bars

  • Grasp the bars firmly in the overhead position. Straighten your arms all the way, while keeping your core muscles in tension.
  • Bend your elbows and slowly lower yourself down.
  • Starting from the bars, go back up. Watch your posture and exercise technique.
  • Also, this exercise can be performed, starting from the bench behind you.

List of the best forearm exercises

Reverse Curls

  • Stand up straight, hold the EZ bar with a reverse grip.
  • Without moving your shoulders, bend your elbows and lift the bar up.
  • Stop at the top, then slowly and smoothly lower your arms back to the starting position.

Workout program

Close Grip Bench Press:

  • 3-4 sets of 4-6 reps

Barbell curls:

  • 2 warm-up sets of 10-12 reps
  • 3-4 working sets of 4-8 reps

Push-ups (optional: you can hang weights on your belt)

  • 3-4 sets of 4-8 reps

Curls for biceps with dumbbells "Hammer":

  • 3-4 sets of 4-8 reps

Alternate bicep curls with dumbbells:

  • 2-3 sets of 6-8 reps

It is not enough to simply do the above exercises. It is necessary to constantly overdo yourself, increase the load, the number of approaches, the weights used. Performing the same exercises without any changes will lead to a plateau, when the growth of both strength and muscle mass stops.

  • Try to increase the working weight by 0.5-2 kilograms every workout. At the same time, make sure that the execution technique is close to ideal.
  • When doing high-intensity sets, reduce the rest time between them. This will force the body to use the energy it receives more efficiently, as well as increase endurance.
  • Include work to failure in your workout. It is advisable to leave the approach to failure at the end of the exercise. Just do as many reps as you can on the last set without breaking the technique.
  • Don't forget to change the training program after 6-10 weeks, with other exercises, more high load and large quantity repetitions.
  • Focus on the muscle you are working on this moment. Review the anatomy section to understand how this muscle works, which will help you visualize the effect of stress on it. This understanding will increase muscle tension and hypertrophy.

Surely, all men dream of strong pumped up arms with relief muscles. Everyone can achieve such a result if they start training regularly. How to quickly pump up the hands of a man at home?

How can you shake hands with a man?

To pump up your arms at home, you can use dumbbells, barbells, bars, an expander or a horizontal bar. You can achieve results even with the help of improvised means. For example, a stool or a chair. The main thing is to develop a set of exercises and stick to correct technique. You need to train systematically, otherwise you should not expect high efficiency.

Exercises for pumping arms at home

To quickly pump up a man’s hands at home, you need to heed the recommendations of professionals, as well as contact specialists who will help develop a set of exercises individually. Training should be systematic, it is desirable to include push-ups and pull-ups in the program. Exercises with weights help to effectively and quickly pump up your arms.

According to experts, in the case of proper training, in a month you can see the first results.

For reference! While doing exercises aimed at working out the biceps and triceps, it is possible to pump up other muscles. For example, push-ups and pull-ups involve the muscles of the chest and back.


According to experienced athletes, the barbell is the best tool used for muscle development. You can pump up the muscles of the hands with its help quite quickly. During the exercises, the muscles of the back and chest work.

Flexion and extension of the arms with a barbell helps to pump up the biceps. For beginners, it is advisable to do this exercise while sitting, for more experienced athletes - standing.

Super set on arms for pumping biceps

You can effectively pump up the biceps as follows:

  1. Stand against the wall, press your elbows to the body.
  2. Take the barbell in your hands with a wide reverse grip. Raise the weight to chest level.
  3. Hold for one second in this position and slowly lower the barbell.

To pump up your arms, when performing this exercise, the bar should not be raised above the required level. The main load goes to the muscles of the back and biceps, the elbows should not help. Otherwise, the effectiveness of training is markedly reduced.

To pump up the triceps, an exercise called the "French bench press" is performed. It can be done in any position: sitting, standing and even lying on a bench or on the floor. You need to do the following:

  1. Take the starting position. Take the barbell with a direct grip at chest level.
  2. Put the weight behind your head, linger for a couple of seconds.
  3. Return to starting position.

The number of pancakes is selected individually, which depends on the sports training of the man.


With the help of dumbbells, you can also quickly pump up the biceps and triceps of a man. If the strength in the hands is not the same, you can perform the exercise with one weighting agent. Thus, with dumbbells, it is possible to pay attention to a particular hand, and not both at once.

To pump up your hands, you can use this exercise:

  1. Sit on a bench or stool. Take a dumbbell in your hand with a reverse grip.
  2. Raise the dumbbell to chest level, linger in this position, counting to four.
  3. Drop inventory.

When required amount repetitions will be done, you can start working out the muscles on the other hand.

Hammer exercise for biceps

This exercise is the best when you need to pump up the biceps. It is performed in a sitting position. Do it like this:

  1. Sit on a bench or stool. Grab the dumbbells with a reverse grip.
  2. Raise your arms with dumbbells to shoulder level without touching them.
  3. Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

It is important that the elbows remain stationary as this can make the workout easier and less effective.

Triceps exercise

To pump up triceps, you need to do the following:

  1. Take the starting position lying or standing.
  2. Take the dumbbells in your hands with a direct grip and place them at chest level.
  3. Raise your hands with dumbbells behind your head, lingering in this position for literally one second.
  4. Give up.

On a note! During exercise, it is important to monitor your breathing. The dumbbell should rise as you exhale and fall as you inhale.

Horizontal bar

On the horizontal bar, you can pump up your arms by pulling up with a direct, reverse or mixed grip. Regardless of the type of exercise, the back should bend, the shoulder blades come together. The chin must be raised above the crossbar, otherwise the result from the workout may not be expected.

To complete the exercise you need:

  1. Grab the bar with a straight wide grip.
  2. Pull yourself up so that your chin is above the level of the bar.
  3. Get down.

Do pull-ups a few times.

The technique for performing this exercise differs from the previous one only in the location of the hands:

  1. Grasp the horizontal bar with your hands with a reverse middle grip.
  2. Raise the body, bringing the chin over the bar.
  3. Get down.

AT this case the technique for performing the exercise is again similar:

  1. Grab the bar with your hands. One palm is turned towards the athlete, the second - away from him.
  2. Pull yourself up so that your chin is behind the bar.
  3. Get down.

After doing the required number of repetitions, you need to change the position of the hands and repeat the exercise.


Training on the uneven bars helps to strengthen the muscles of the hands. Beginning athletes do not use weights, they are the athlete's own weight.

To pump up triceps, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Grasp the bars with your hands, while the body remains straight or the legs are slightly bent.
  2. Bend and unbend your arms at the elbows, lowering and raising the body.
  3. Do the required number of repetitions.

Performing the exercise, the man's body should "go" in a straight line. Deviations are unacceptable, the body does not need to be rocked to facilitate training, otherwise the efficiency will be significantly reduced.

On a note! You can replace the bars with ordinary stools. Beginner athletes can use a low bench, bending their knees during the exercise.


If there is no expander at home, it is quite possible to replace it with improvised means, which are springs, rubber products. To pump up a hand, it is enough to take the expander in the palm of your hand, clasping it with your fingers, and then squeeze and unclench it.

On a note! To complicate the task, the expander should be held in a compressed state between sets.

Push ups

You can pump up your hands not only with the help of dumbbells, barbells, horizontal bars, bars and an expander. Regular push-ups help build biceps and triceps. They can be done in a variety of ways.

Classic push ups

To do classic push-ups, you need the following:

  1. Take a lying position, the body is stretched out evenly, the palms are slightly wider than the shoulders, at chest level, as in the photo.
  2. Bend your elbows stronger, lower your body down without touching the floor. The back and legs remain straight.

Many women dream of losing weight: pump up the press and reduce the waist. But women's hands are no less sexually attractive than the rest of the body, because everyone wants to wear an open sundress in summer and look younger than their years, and if the muscles of the hands are flabby, then this opportunity will have to be abandoned. There are many easy exercises. In more detail how to pump up your hands, we will tell you further.

How to pump up arm muscles at home?

To make the hands embossed, you need to study several basic programs which are easy to perform at home without buying expensive exercise equipment. Biceps, triceps will not become pumped, but will look toned. Biceps are easy to pump up, because even in everyday life it works, but it will take time to pump up triceps.

elementary and simple exercise for biceps are ordinary dumbbell raises. In order to tighten the biceps, remove sagging triceps and not pump muscles, you will need dumbbells weighing no more than 2 kg. Exercise for biceps:

  • The knees are slightly bent, the socks are turned to the sides. Alternately bend the right and then the left elbow. They unbend to the level of the waist, and bend - to the level of the shoulder, so that the tension is in the biceps.

Triceps exercise:

  • Raised above the head right hand with a dumbbell, palm turned forward. Slowly bend it to the head and unbend it back. The dumbbell should be lowered until you feel tension in the triceps. After full cycle hand should be changed.

How to quickly pump up your arms?

There are several secrets on how to quickly pump up muscles in the hands of a girl. For example, when doing exercises, you should not help the body. If it’s hard for you, do fewer repetitions, but with high quality. There are a few tips to remember:

  • By bending our arms, we give a load to the biceps.
  • If a complex is done to hold the weight with the hands (push-ups), then the load falls mainly on the forearms.

Dumbbell exercises

For biceps and triceps, there are several programs, consider the most effective:

  1. To quickly pump up the anterior deltoid muscle, stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, elbows slightly bent, and hands lowered with dumbbells along the hips. Exhale and raise your arms parallel to the floor, hold for about 1 minute, return to the starting position.
  2. In order to pump up the middle bundle of the deltoid muscle, stand straight, bring your shoulder blades together, and your arms should be lowered along the body. Slowly spread them apart with your palms down and stop parallel to the floor, and then return to the starting position.
  3. To pump up the posterior bundle of the deltoid muscle, there is an exercise "butterfly", in which you need to lean forward with your arms down, spread them apart and take them back a little. Hold this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. All of the above complex is performed 15 times.

Push ups

Push-ups, which we have known since childhood, will allow you to effectively pump up your hands. This exercise involves the muscles of the buttocks, back, chest, abdomen. We know the bench press from the school bench, so now we’ll just refresh our memory: lying on our stomach with straight arms we rest on the floor. The fingers are directed forward, the body is tense and slowly lowers down, with the help of bent elbows. The lower back should remain straight, like a string, lower yourself until rib cage will not touch the floor and return to the starting position.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

With proper pull-ups on the horizontal bar, all the muscles of the upper body, including the wrists, work, so pull-ups are popular with children, adults, and the elderly. it simple technique which any woman can do. Even a beginner can pull up about 20 times. You just need to grab the crossbar thumbs with the elbows extended, and then bend them, pulling up the entire body weight. After touching the crossbar with the chin, we return to the starting position.

On the crossbar

If you have mastered pull-ups on the horizontal bar, then doing exercises on the crossbar will not be difficult. In terms of effectiveness, pull-ups are equated to exercises with a barbell, and they are performed at a slow pace, with different arrangements of the palms. Let's consider some:

  • You should grab the bar so that your palms are turned to your face, and your hands should be shoulder-width apart. We slowly pull ourselves up, pressing our elbows to the body. Reaching the chin to the crossbar, slowly return back.
  • You need to grab the crossbar so that the palms are in a different position: one is turned towards you, the other is away from you. The shoulder blades are brought together, and the back should be bent as much as possible. Slowly pull up and come back.
  • The hands should be turned away from the face, and the legs crossed, after which we slowly pull ourselves up, and then slowly return to the starting position.

Hand exercises for girls

For girls, it is important not to pump muscles and that the hands do not look boxing. In order to slightly correct the relief, you need to practice without additional reinforcement or with an expander. To do this, there is a set of effective and simple exercises:

  • Sit in a Turkish position, straighten your shoulders, and raise your elbows until the angle is right. The palms should be closed, and the hands should be pointing up. Next, you need to squeeze with the force of the palm of your hand and fix the position for 30 seconds, then relax and squeeze again. It is required to do 5-6 repetitions daily, and after 2 weeks you will have not only toned arms, but also a chest.
  • Standing straight, arms should be extended to the sides to shoulder level. Begin to draw circles at the same time with both hands in different sides. Perform at least 1 minute.
  • Standing position near the wall. Place your hands on the wall at chest level and do 20 push-ups. It will take 5-6 approaches daily for a positive effect.

Many people are interested in how to build muscle at home. Proper training helps to achieve good results. If you are just starting to swing, decide on main goal classes. Beginning athletes make many mistakes. They strive to develop strength and build muscle, but training does not bring results.

Common Mistakegreat amount exercises, while training involves small weights. The essence of the error is that this approach does not pump up muscles. Growth is not due to the amount of exercise, but to increasing weights.

  • Constant lifting of heavy loads forces the body to build muscle mass, which allows it to cope with increasing loads.
  • You can use light weight and do a lot of exercises. This approach builds resilience. Muscles in volume increase insignificantly.
  • Increase the working weight correctly. Do not change the technique of exercises and do not train without first warming up.
  • For the correct growth of muscle mass per muscle group, perform several exercises. Perform the first basic exercise with a barbell, doing several sets of 5 repetitions.
  • The second exercise is focused on a versatile and deep study of muscle fibers and training of muscle energy resources. Perform with dumbbells, no more than 4 sets of 10 reps.

The right amount of exercise will help to make the body beautiful, along with an increase in working weight, adherence to technique and a good warm-up.

List of exercises for training at home

Beginning athletes pump muscles at home. Those who have achieved good results realize that they cannot stop and go to the gym, because homework is not enough.

  1. chest exercises. Push-ups from the floor - best exercise for pectoral muscles. Perform with arms wide apart. If you do fifteen repetitions in one set, increase the load. On the back, you can wear a backpack filled with heavy things.
  2. Bars are great for chest muscles. If strength performance deserves better, do push-ups on stools with your legs forward. So it will turn out to lose weight and undergo preliminary training.
  3. Back and shoulder exercises. You will need a horizontal bar. Pull up with a wide and reverse grip. Pull-ups work the deltoids and biceps.
  4. You can train your shoulders at home with two 20-liter water bottles. Raise them in front of you or spread your arms to the sides. The main advantage of such sports equipment is changing the load level by adding or reducing water.
  5. Such bottles will also help in swinging the biceps. In a standing or sitting position, bend your arms, simulating an exercise using dumbbells.
  6. Triceps and abs exercises. Triceps are trained with regular push-ups with a narrow grip. If the number of repetitions has reached 15 pieces, be sure to increase the load.
  7. Press is easy. Lie on your back and in a supine position raise your legs up. Exercise to perform until the burning of the abdomen.
  8. It is more difficult to pump up legs at home. I offer exercises school curriculum- squats and a pistol.

Do hard workouts twice a month. With each subsequent workout, increase the load.

Back exercises

The inflated back looks amazing, protects the spine, makes it easier everyday life, supports correct posture.

  • It is better to train the back separately from the chest. As a result, all the energy will go to the study of the spinal muscles. Such training is more effective.
  • The biceps are actively involved in exercises focused on the back. Download them after the back. Forearms can also be included in the workout. The forearms are characterized by enviable endurance and are involved in all exercises. Therefore, subject them to hard study no more than once a week.
  • Learn to feel the effect of training. Before going to the gym, make sure that the muscles have recovered.
  • If you want to increase strength, pay attention to special sports supplements - arginine, creatine and amino acids. Sports nutrition is enough to include in the diet.

Be sure to set a goal before the start of the training season. It plays the role of a kind of beacon, to which you are getting closer every day.

Video tips

The human hand consists of their forearm, biceps, triceps and many small muscles, each of which is actively involved in the work of the hand.

  1. By doing exercises that involve bending your arms, you train your biceps. We are talking about bending the arms with dumbbells or a barbell, pulling up on the horizontal bar and pulling, focused on the spinal muscles.
  2. If during the training the arms are unbent, the triceps are trained. This effect is achieved by bench press, parallel bars, push-ups from the floor.
  3. Exercises in which you have to hold sports equipment with your hands are focused on the forearms.

Important Rules

  • I have never seen an athlete weighing 70 kg, whose arm circumference exceeds 37 cm. Large and powerful hands can only boast big people. Therefore, it is necessary to pump the whole body, paying special attention to the legs.
  • Pull-ups, deadlifts and bench presses put a titanic load on the hands. Do not overdo it with the number of approaches and the weight of sports equipment. Otherwise, the ligaments will be damaged, which heal for a very long time.
  • If your goal is to make your hands big, achieve decent results in basic exercises. We are talking about push-ups, pull-ups, barbell rows and deadlifts.
  • Big hands are an attribute of people with strong forearms.
  • A boxing bag will help strengthen and strengthen your arms. By striking this heavy sports equipment, you will make your hands confident, strong, and dexterous. Working with this projectile involves the use of elastic bandages and projectile gloves. Otherwise, you can damage your joints or dislocate your fingers.
  • Shaking your arms, be guided by the physiology of the muscles. Triceps differs from biceps in a large number of white fibers. Therefore, he is trained with large weights that develop strength.
  • When working with a barbell or other projectile, mentally imagine how the biceps increase in size. Thanks to this training secret, some athletes manage to go beyond the average achievement.
  • If during training in the area of ​​​​the carpal joints there are unpleasant sensations, it should be stopped.
  • Perform exercises clearly and accurately. If you work with a barbell, it is your hands that should receive the main load. You can't help them with your body.

Make a program and train according to it. Develop the habit of keeping a diary to record results and keep track of achievements.

Leg exercises

The strongest and largest muscles of the body are the muscles of the legs. Regardless of the place of training, you need to eat right and balanced. Otherwise, all exercises will be ineffective and meaningless.

  1. Daily squats will help to make your legs muscular. At first, squat on two legs, after a month or more, switch to more complex exercises.
  2. When performing the exercise, keep your back straight, do not tear your heels off the floor. For the sake of maintaining balance, it is recommended to hold on to the support with your hand.
  3. After squats, switch to jump rope. This simple projectile develops leg muscles and increases endurance.
  4. The leg press will help to pump up the internal muscles of the legs. Sit on the simulator, put your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly spread your socks to the sides. During the exercise, the back should be completely adjacent to the back of the seat.
  5. For training back muscles a good exercise. Put the barbell on your shoulders and stand with your toes on the bar with it. To start, pull up on your toes, then return to the starting position.
  6. Develops running muscles.
  7. The upper muscles will be worked out by the hack-machine and other simulators focused on leg extension.

Videos leg workout

How to swing your neck

Everyone needs a strong and inflated neck. First of all, such a neck will improve the appearance of the owner. She can protect the spine from damage.

If you sign up for a gym, an experienced trainer will suggest competent exercises for the neck, offer a wide range of exercise equipment and many effective methods.

According to experts, constant exercises with a small load are much more effective than non-systematic exercises with a full calculation. Working with light weight does not exempt from the obligatory warm-up before the main workout.

Eliminate jerks from classes, and the desire to accelerate is not welcome. Perform each exercise accurately and smoothly. The complex consists of 5 exercises, 15 sets each. Calculate the load so that you have enough strength for everything. Be prepared that the first workouts will seem difficult.

2 groups of exercises for the neck

  • The first group: exercises on the use of force resistance. Sports equipment and attributes are not needed. A simple exercise: interlace your fingers in the lock and grab the back of your head. Pull your head to the ground, and create resistance with your neck muscles.
  • The second group: exercises using sports equipment. Expanders, kettlebells, pancakes. Would need special device for cargo placement.


I will describe some popular exercises. You can choose a few convenient options.

  1. Tilts the head against the resistance created by the palms. Tilt forward and backward.
  2. Rest your hands on the jaw and create resistance to the turns carried out by the head.
  3. Perform the exercise in a supine position with a device made of belts and weights. Put it on and make head movements. Select the optimal load by changing the load.
  4. Fix a string bag with a load on your head, sit on a chair or chair with a back. Fasten the belt on the forehead. Tilt your head back and swing it up and down.

The neck is a fragile part of the body. Train the muscles in this area very carefully.

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