We swing our legs: the best exercises with descriptions and photos. How to build skinny legs

Encyclopedia of Plants 11.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Hello. In this issue on the agenda we have the largest and strongest muscle group - LEGS. Today we will discuss how to quickly pump up your legs, how to avoid injuries, what to pay more attention to: we will analyze the anatomy, exercises, their technique and performance features, various secrets, chips gained over the years of training, and finally, I will write you specific training programs based on this course. . Well, let's go!


Friends, of course I understand the laziness to read, etc. but in order to know how to swing legs correctly, you need to figure out how they are arranged, how they work. This applies not only to the legs, but also to other muscle groups, moreover, everything that interests you in life!

In short, the LEGS are conventionally divided into three heads:

  1. QUADRICEPS(located in front, the function is to unbend the leg at the knee).
  2. BICEPS THIGH(located at the back, the function is to bend the leg at the knee).
  3. SHINS(located behind the legs, under the knee).

This is what interests us. It is these 3 heads that we will train. This is what in bodybuilding is called leg training!

QUADRICEPS- (the word QUADRO means - four, so you can also find the name of the quadriceps muscle of the reed). This muscle group is located on the front of the thigh. As you probably guessed, the quadriceps consists of 4 HEADS! That's why the LEGS ARE THE BIGGEST MUSCLE GROUP! Primary function: leg extension knee joint.

BICEPS THIGH - (biceps femoris) located behind (under the buttocks) as you may have guessed, it consists of 2 HEADS!


  1. Flexion of the leg at the knee joint
  2. Trunk extension with lower leg fixed during movement

CONCLUSION: In order to develop large biceps of the thighs, it is important to perform not only bending the legs while lying in the simulator, but also extending the body (but the shins are fixed at the same time), i.e. this is deadlift, deadlift).

SHINS - located behind the knee, consist of two muscles: the calf muscles (calves) and soleus muscles (these are the muscles that are located under the calves). Main function: extension of the foot relative to the lower leg. But here it is also worth considering that the calves work only when the legs are straightened at the knee joint, and the soleus muscles work only when the legs are bent at the knees.

CONCLUSION: The lower leg needs to be trained both sitting and standing in simulators. It is impossible either there or there, in without fail here and there!

Now another equally important issue that I would like to address in this topic. Some bodybuilding gurus, beachgoers and other people claim or just simply DO NOT do leg training, they say I’m not interested in legs, or I’ve fallen into swinging legs, etc. in this spirit.

To swing or not to swing legs?

I suggest dividing leg training into PLUSES and MINUSES. Then analyze and put the final DIAGNOSIS.


First, with proper leg (i.e. lower body) training, you will have a strong bottom (i.e. strong legs), and therefore top part the body will tend to do the same. Those. this is a kind of full-fledged aesthetic appearance of an athlete, because both the top and bottom are developed.

Since we are now discussing bodybuilding, this is one of the most important pluses. There are many others that are just as useful for other sports (especially martial arts), but now we will not talk about this. Enough of this!


Visual effect, because when your legs are pumped up, the upper body seems smaller(width of arms, shoulders).

Risk of joint injury, i.e. there are exercises, such as squats, which, with proper working weights, can contribute to the destruction of cartilage tissue. Therefore, it is important to properly approach the training of the legs, do a warm-up jog for 5-10 minutes, then warm up (pre-tire, etc.). Still, there is a risk.

There is also a chance to miss the growth of bones in length. Basically, this minus is for young people, up to 20-25 years old. As a rule, it is up to this age that the bones can grow in length. And if a youngster overdoes it with heavy weights in squats (which often happens in order to show how tough I am in front of girls), then this can slow down your growth in length.

FINDINGS: In my opinion, training legs is a must! But this must be done with extreme caution (as I said, warm up, do preliminary fatigue of the knee joint, perform the exercises skillfully and smoothly, without sharp jerks, etc. and all in order not to damage the joints). In addition, the legs need to be trained evenly., i.e. all THREE HEADS (quads, hamstrings and calves) to make it look athletic and not have to catch up in the future.

The most effective leg exercises

  1. Barbell Squats
  2. Leg press in the simulator
  3. Sitting leg extension
  4. Deadlift
  5. Rises on socks sitting

All the techniques for performing the above exercises have already been described in another article, see below.

But today we will go through a new one, because a number of new nuances have appeared, chips that you must know about!


The main exercise for building leg muscles, and not only for the legs, but for the whole body! This basic heavy powerful exercise involves many large muscles in our body. No other exercise can compare with this exercise in terms of strength gains and muscle mass body.

However, barbell squats are not the most beneficial exercise for the knee. Too much weight, improper exercise technique, poor-quality warm-up, jerks, and much more can lead to inflammation, pain in the knee joints. Therefore, as I said, you need to warm up very carefully: do a jog for 5-10 minutes, perhaps make a preliminary fatigue (more on that later) and then start doing squats. And then pay attention to how you need to perform them:

First you need to squat with your own weight for about 20-30 repetitions (or with an empty neck), after throwing 2 pancakes of 10-20 kg each (either 40 or 60 kg will come out) it depends on what your working weight is. So they threw it on, did about 15-20 repetitions. (It was a warm-up). Then throw more weights and do 8-12 repetitions (this is a kind of lead-in). After that, you can perform working approaches. Always like this! Remember, these numbers are just a guideline for you, adapt to yourself. It is better to do more warm-up and lead-in, and then 2-3 workers. Why not warm up, as expected, and get a serious knee injury and forget about sports for a long time!

Okay, we got the most important thing out of the way. What's next, how to squat in general?

There are bodybuilder and powerlifter squats. Those. they differ significantly from each other in terms of execution mechanics.

  1. Bodybuilding - most of all involve the quadriceps (let's conditionally call them isolating).
  2. But powerlifting - on the contrary, they are more powerful, they involve a lot of muscles (let's call them basic).

So what are the differences? BUT the differences are in small details , which an ordinary person is unlikely to notice, but that's all, it's: setting of the legs, the depth of the squat and the position of the barbell on the shoulders.

We will not consider powerlifting squats in a particularly deep way, because. we are interested in bodybuilding.

In general, the main difference here is that the enforcer who performs the squat strives to take prohibitively big weight, therefore, he lowers the WEIGHT of the bar lower (on the shoulder blades) in order to lower the center of gravity, after which he sets his legs wide in order to include the gluteal muscles. After that, he slightly bends forward, and prepares to remove the barbell from the racks, and begins to squat. Ultimately, all this technique allows him to take a lot of weight, in bodybuilding this cannot be done.

bodybuilding squats

Now we will discuss in order the important points of bodybuilding squats, namely:

  1. How will the barbell rest on your shoulders?
  2. What is the position of the feet?
  3. What is the depth of the squat?
  4. What should be the position of the hands (when squatting)?
  5. What should be the position of the heels (when squatting)?
  6. How to breathe properly while squatting?

1. The bar should lie high straight on the trapezoid. So that you don't lean too far forward. The look is strictly straight (forward to the mirror or whatever) in no case up and down, clearly straight! This will stabilize the body, simplify your movement mechanics. And if you look down up, you will easily lose your balance and death: D.

2. The setting of the legs here is also special. The legs do not need to be placed wide (as in powerlifting) here the legs should be set relatively narrow. Landmark - shoulder width. Turn your toes about 45 degrees. (there should be some kind of right angle, because the socks look at each other).

3. Squat depth - parallel. I do not advise you to lower the parallel below, because the risk of injury to the knee joint is higher than with parallel.

4. The position of the hands should be as you wish. Usually a little wider than shoulder width. In general, not narrow, but not wide, choose for yourself, so that you feel comfortable holding and controlling the neck.

5. The position of the heels. Your feet should rest firmly on the floor so that your position is stable. There are a number of nuances and chips here. Let's talk about it.

If people who have poor flexibility in the ankle. It is not convenient for them to push off the floor with their heels, so they lean forward slightly and push with their toes. This is a gross mistake. In no case should you do this, your knees should not go beyond your socks. Now I will explain everything. You may have seen people who put pancakes under their heels (or some kind of surface) - THIS IS WHAT THE CASE IS. They do not have enough flexibility, they put some kind of surface under the heels of the pair, and began to perform correctly and comfortably (this is a kind of TREATMENT). So if you are one of these people, now you know how to deal with it.

6. Breathing as in almost all exercises - exhale on effort. Those. for example, in a squat, when we sit down, we inhale, and when we get up, we exhale.

Secrets of the load vector (stop position)

Loudly said, secrets. However, these chips will help you focus on a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe muscles of the legs when squatting. Namely, the chips are in the position of your feet:

  1. The more you turn the socks to the sides, the more the buttocks are included in the work.
  2. The wider you put your legs, the more the adductors of the legs + buttocks turn on.
  3. The narrower you place your feet, the more emphasis on the quadriceps.


The next thing that comes after the squat is the leg press. It is also a basic exercise. The exercise is not as effective as squats, but still it is very effective and therefore ranks 2nd in the ranking. In this exercise, one joint (knee) works, and the hip joint also works, but very passively due to the fact that our body is in a supine position. That is why this commit allows us to execute complete isolation on quadriceps.

By this I want to say, if before that you did squats with large weights, and nothing but your ass grew, then you should think about this exercise. Because the main focus is on quadriceps. And that's exactly what we need.

Now we will discuss in order the important points of the leg press, namely:

  1. What is the position of the feet on the platform?
  2. What is the position of the body in the supine position?
  3. What is the position of the heels on the platform?
  4. Straighten your legs to the end or keep bending at the knee at the top?
  5. How to breathe correctly?

1. Setting feet shoulder width apart. There are a number of nuances that we will now discuss:

  • The more you turn your socks to the sides, the more adductors and buttocks will be involved.
  • The closer you put your socks, the more the outer part of the quadriceps will work.
  • The higher you put your feet on the platform, the more the quadriceps will work and the less the buttocks.
  • The lower you put your feet on the platform, the more the buttocks will work.

2.Hull position important point, pay attention to your body should be firmly pressed against the back of the simulator throughout the exercise. Your buttocks should also be pressed tightly against the back, pay attention to the lower you lower the platform, the more the buttocks come off, the greater the danger to the joints and the more the buttocks work.

3.Heel position , as in squats. Push with your heels, not your toes. You can’t tear off the heels, because you will not load the quadriceps, but the buttocks and joints.

4. Until the end, do not straighten your legs at the top point keep a slight bend in the knees. Especially in order not to load the knee joints, but rather to keep the load in the quadriceps.

5. Breathing as always, we exhale with effort. Those. lower the platform down - inhale, raise its top - exhale.


This exercise is isolated. Because loads one joint (knee). This is the last exercise in our arsenal that emphasizes loading the quadriceps.

This exercise can be used:

  1. Before workout (at the very beginning, in order to warm up the knee joint, before heavy exercises, such as squats, leg presses).
  2. At the end of the workout (to finish off tired muscles)

In terms of technique, it is quite simple. Nothing to even tell. Except that, try sometime to perform a superset: seated leg extension + leg press. I guarantee you will understand what I'm talking about, your quadriceps will explode into the trash, which means they will grow! There are some other methods, for example peak contraction. Those. linger at the top for a couple of seconds, then many repetitions will not work, and your quadriceps will burn! Also in this simulator You can do drop sets and partial reps. Here, in general, and all.

Lying Leg Curls

It is an isolating exercise, since only one joint (knee) works. The hip and ankle are not included in the work! This exercise develops the back of the thigh well (those at the bottom of the buttocks). Usually, with this exercise, tired hamstrings are already finished off at the end of the workout! Again, there is nothing special to say, the main thing is not to make any jerks, pushes and other things like that. Because isolated exercise, do not chase the weight (do not cheat) raised the handle up, lower it smoothly, everything is under control.


I don’t know why I put this exercise after bending the legs while lying down. Probably already signed up, but This exercise is basic. It is many times more effective than lying leg curls. It doesn't really matter, fuck it. If you are interested in powerful hamstrings, your arsenal is the deadlift and lying leg curls. All point.

The main mistake when performing this exercise is the work of the back muscles, and not the hamstrings. It is vital to learn to turn off your back, and turn on your hamstrings. If you don’t learn how to do this, the exercise can be excluded from the list!

How to learn to do it?

This is primarily a technique. Start with right position, grab the bar with your hands, bend slightly in the lower back. Start the movement by dropping your hips and buttocks slightly back, while slowly lowering the bar along the legs below the knees. (hands are just like hooks, hold the neck no more, do not strain them). In the final position, it should turn out that the bar has stopped below the knees, the pelvis is laid back. Feel the stretch in your hamstrings in this position by holding for a couple of seconds. Then smoothly, without jerks and jerks, return to the starting position. VOILA! Heh.


These are TWO BASIC exercises for developing the muscles of the lower leg.

RISE ON SOCKS, STANDING - performed standing in the simulator. It predominantly develops the CALF MUSCLES (these are the muscles that are on the outside).

The position of the toes and heels is parallel. This is best option, no need to be smart. Maybe in the future try something new for yourself, but not now. Parallel is considered a classic! Next, start descending as low as possible (stretch your calves as much as possible at the lowest point of the range of motion) in no case reduce the range of motion, because. the whole point of this exercise is lost.

Use big weights and reps to the maximum! The weights are big because the calves work in Everyday life we walk on the floor, they work, etc. the load on them is constant, because only big weights can shock them. And don’t count repetitions at all, use to complete failure.

But sitting up on socks - This is the second important exercise for the calf muscles. IT develops the soleus muscle (which is located under the calf). And as you know, one cannot exist without the other. If there is a gastrocnemius, but not a soleus, then the shape will not be so impressionable. Therefore, it is important to train both. The soleus only works when the knee joint is in a bent position (which means sitting in the simulator). The execution technique and tips are the same as in standing calf raises!

Leg workout programs

Rest between squats - 2 minutes, in other exercises no more than 1 minute!

On the initial stage

  1. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 2x15-20 (warm-up) + 1-2 supply (10-15) + 3-4 workers X6-12

More for Beginners

  1. Squats with a barbell (warm-up + lead-in) and only then workers 4x6-12
  2. Leg press 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 4x6-12 workers

For the average level of training

  1. Squats with a barbell (warm-up, bringing) and only then working 4x6-12
  2. Leg press 1-2x10-15, 3-4x6-12
  3. Sitting leg extension 4x10-15

For intermediate and advanced level

  1. Squats (warm-up, lead-in) then workers 4x6-12
  2. Leg press 1-2x10-15, 4x6-12
  3. Sitting leg extension 4x10-20
  4. Lying leg curls 4x6-15
  5. Calves, standing in the simulator 4x10-20
  6. Calves sitting in the simulator 4x10-20

For experienced

  1. squat
  2. leg press
  3. Sitting leg extension
  4. Deadlift
  5. standing calves
  6. Calves sitting

Or you can try this chip for experienced

  1. Do preliminary exhaustion leg extension sitting 4x15-30
  2. leg press
  3. Deadlift
  4. standing calves
  5. Calves sitting

Or even such shnyagka for experienced

  1. Seated leg extension + leg press (superset)
  2. Squats
  3. Deadlift
  4. standing calves
  5. Calves sitting

In general, you can think of a lot of things. I gave you clear programs, use your health. If you don’t like something, make it up for yourself, now you know how to do it!

Sincerely, administrator.

Without knowledge of the anatomical features of the muscles of the lower extremities, it will be difficult to pump up the legs at home. According to the principle of operation of the leg muscle groups, you can select the necessary and effective exercises. The legs account for more than half of the muscle mass of the entire body. The health of a person can be judged by the condition of the legs.


To quickly pump up the legs, you will need not only ambition, but also knowledge about the structure and location of the main muscle groups of the legs. This will help to create the right workout that helps strengthen the lower extremities, growth and muscle relief. When working on a specific muscle group, you need to learn to feel the contraction of muscle fibers. Anatomically, the legs consist of four main muscle groups:

  • gluteal;
  • The quadriceps represents the front of the thigh. It consists of four independent muscles: the rectus, as well as the wide, lateral, intermediate and medial muscles of the thigh;
  • the back surface of the thigh is represented by the biceps, semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles;
  • leg muscles: gastrocnemius, soleus, plantar, tibialis anterior.

The development of the muscles of the legs has a positive effect on the entire body. They strengthen the heart and blood vessels, core muscles (responsible for stabilizing the pelvis, hips and spine), increase endurance and metabolism, strengthen bones and joints, promote weight loss, attractiveness to the opposite sex.


Performing simple exercises, you can quickly pump up your legs at home. Training in the gym with weights makes the legs strong, but not very agile due to the large volume of muscles. The legs become large, which does not always look aesthetically pleasing, especially for women. For fast and strong lower limbs, it is useful to do regular training without weights at home.

In order to pump your legs at home, you will need half an hour of personal time at least three times a week. Exercises are performed from 10 to 20 repetitions for each leg. Before starting a workout, you should warm up the muscle groups with a small warm-up. It is good to practice running in place for 10 minutes. You can squat, jump. The heart must work faster. Well-warmed leg muscles perceive exercises better, are less injured, and hurt less after exercise. After training, it is also necessary to stretch the strained muscles. This will help stretching movements, you can from yoga.


This is one of the basic and most effective exercises for feet at home. The quadriceps and biceps femoris muscles are involved, as well as the gluteus maximus. The back is kept straight, the feet are parallel, at a distance slightly wider than the pelvis. Slow lowering of the pelvis is performed until right angle with a shin. The knees do not go beyond the level of the socks. Feet are fixed pressed to the floor.

To quickly pump up the muscles of the legs at home, you need to perform squats with weights. To do this, you need a barbell or a heavy backpack. Feet shoulder-width apart, back is straight. Regular squats, with your own body weight, can be gradually increased in the number of repetitions up to 100. Each workout should be increased by 5 movements.


To pump the quadriceps femoral muscle and the gluteus maximus at home, you need to perform the exercise with a forward lunge. Similar movements can also be done to the side or back. The exercise consists in bringing the leg bent at a right angle forward and transferring the weight of the body to it. In this case, the patella does not extend beyond the toes. The leg behind is also bent at a right angle. It serves only for support, the knee remains above the floor, a gap of a couple of centimeters is maintained. The body is held straight. As the muscles develop, the load is increased with the help of dumbbells in the hands or a barbell on the shoulders.


Exercise perfectly trains the biceps femoris and gluteus maximus at home. A pose is taken on all fours. Hands are on the forearms, legs are on the knees. The back remains straight all the time. Bending in the lower back is unacceptable, this mistake will nullify all efforts. The leg remains bent at the knee at a right angle and slowly rises up until the formation of one axis with the back. It is permissible to raise the leg a little higher, but without a swing. Exercise requires you to feel the work of the hips and buttocks. The foot is tense, one can imagine that the heel is pressing into the ceiling. Lowering the leg is done carefully, without hitting the knee on the floor. It is better to do this movement on the mat. As you train, you may need weights for the legs or an increase in the number of approaches.


The adductor femoral muscles are practically not involved in ordinary life person. Therefore, the inner surface of the thigh is usually flabby. To train this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legs at home, you need to lie on your side with an emphasis on the forearm lower hand. The upper hand is placed on the floor next to the stomach. The top leg is bent at the knee and placed on the floor. The straightened lower leg with the inner surface of the foot facing the ceiling. In this case, the heel should be slightly turned up. Thus, the foot is held throughout the exercise. Now the lower leg needs to be raised as high as possible.


Calves are also important for strong and sculpted legs. The movement is performed while standing on the floor. It is necessary to rise on half-toes and go down, without touching the heels to the floor surface. To increase the load on calf muscles step platform should be used. At home, it is possible to use a thick book or stand on the threshold.


In terms of developing the total muscle mass of the legs at home, squatting on one leg is the best exercise. It doesn't come easy the first time. After all, lifting the weight of your own body with one foot involves the entire musculature of the leg. The balance of the body must be maintained. Gotta stand side by side door jamb. Legs - shoulder width apart. The supporting leg is straightened, and the second is brought forward in a slightly bent state. While inhaling, you need to start squatting on the supporting leg, while simultaneously bringing the raised leg forward. The body remains straight, you need to look in front of you. The shoulder rests lightly on the jamb. Squat should be deep, in accordance with the physical capabilities on this moment. While exhaling, you need to rise up. At the initial stage, the exercise can be done with a hand resting on a chair, with a back against a wall, with a squat on a bench.

Perseverance in performing a set of exercises and strong motivation will make your legs healthy and strong even at home. The main rule of any training is regularity and a gradual increase in the load on the body. Episodic classes will give zero results. But excessive fanaticism will only lead to negative consequences in the form of sprains and injuries. Having decided to quickly acquire strong legs, do not forget about jumping rope. And you can also refuse to use the elevator and use the stairs as an additional simulator for beautiful legs.

Very often, wanting to lose weight or just pump up their body, many people forget that you need to work not only on the torso, but also on the legs. Of course, doctors have found that during any physical exertion they strain, and yet this is not enough for them to become embossed and attractive. When we directly, all the quadriceps that are under the skin begin to tighten up a lot. As a result, extra pounds go away, the figure becomes slimmer, and the body gradually heals. Now let's take a closer look at the exercises themselves, with the help of which the desired effect can be achieved very quickly.

The first - and most important - is running. During the accelerated movement, we swing our legs, and at the same time we develop breathing, normalize the work of blood vessels, and develop endurance. You can run anywhere - at the stadium, in the park, on the beach. It is only important to choose comfortable shoes and be patient.

Further exercises can be done at home or in the gym. The first of them is stepping onto a hill, onto a bench or bench. The height of this step should be chosen based on height, you need to perform the exercise with ease so that you only strain desired groups muscles. In this case, we swing our legs several times more efficiently than with lunges. You can also increase the load if you take a barbell: it must be put on your shoulders. However, choose the right weight for "pancakes" - training should not be traumatic.

As for the lunges themselves, which are considered very effective, it is worth saying that with the help of them we practically do not swing our legs. In this exercise, the muscles of the buttocks are more tense - and this is also important if you want to have. To increase the load on your shoulders, you can also fix the barbell with a feasible weight.

Despite all the developments of modern coaches, people who want to have ideal forms have repeatedly been convinced that the old traditions are much more effective and reliable. Among these, the main place is occupied by squats - an exercise that affects the entire lower body. Firstly, the spine is aligned, and secondly, the calves are strengthened. The hips also acquire the desired relief - their inner and outer sides. But it is important what kind of squats you will do. They swing their legs, as a rule, squatting not completely - in this case, the outer sides of the thighs and calves are strained. If the sitting is done “all the way”, the buttocks and the back of the byrd are tightened.

Very effective in this matter is, however, this exercise cannot be performed without an appropriate simulator. The secret is that the weight you need to lift with your lower limbs is up to you. It is advisable to start with small indicators, gradually increasing the load, as well as the number of approaches.

Knowing how to download correctly, you can as soon as possible achieve the desired effect. It is worth noting that the desired relief will appear sooner if you eat more proteins and fresh vegetables.

Real leg training is quite exhausting and painful. Therefore, the solution to the question of how to pump up the legs will require long and diligent work. The time and intensity of classes will depend on the individual characteristics of the body.

A complete leg workout should include a variety of exercises to evenly pump all muscles. A qualified trainer, after listening to your wishes, will select effective leg exercises in gym according to your fitness level. In addition, it will help determine the optimal duration and frequency of training and explain how to properly perform the entire set of exercises.

Important! Before embarking on intense training, go through a medical examination and consult a doctor.

Features of pumping legs for mass

Legs during training take on a significant load. Therefore, a proper place in the complex of exercises should be occupied by pumping the legs to the mass. The program is designed to increase muscle mass as quickly as possible. Usually consists of basic and isolating exercises for the legs with weights, as well as with the use of special simulators.

rules effective workouts feet to weight:

  • 4 days a week to train, 3 days to rest;
  • each workout should be preceded by a warm-up;
  • between exercises and at the end of the workout, stretching of the leg muscles should be performed;
  • aerobic loads should be minimal;
  • each exercise should be performed slowly, feeling how the muscles being worked out are tensing;
  • breaks between exercises should be no more than 3 minutes, between sets 2 minutes;
  • mass training should be as short as possible, long sessions are not advisable during muscle growth;
  • get at least 8 hours of sleep.

It will be useful for you to learn also about on our website.

Important! In order to achieve maximum results, in addition to hard training, it is necessary to follow an appropriate diet that promotes muscle gain. A prerequisite are meals before training and after its completion.

this exercise is isolating, which indicates its narrow focus. It allows efficient processing rear surface thighs, indirectly involving the calves. This muscle also called the biceps femoris.

legs in the gym

Fulfilling best exercises for legs in the gym, you can quickly pump up thin legs for men, and thereby improve the proportions of your body.

When performing basic exercises, almost all muscle groups of the legs are involved to one degree or another. They are very energy-consuming, allow you to reset excess weight, strengthen and build muscle mass, as well as become stronger and more resilient. Do not overload yourself with heavy dumbbells and barbells. Learn how to do the exercises correctly first. Violation of the execution technique can lead to injury to the joints or spine.

Main basic exercises on your feet in the gym:

  • squats;
  • lunges;
  • leg press;
  • deadlift.

In the case of isolating exercises, the load is aimed at working out certain muscles of the legs. In combination with basic exercises, they allow you to shape and give relief to individual muscle bundles.

Important! Isolation exercises help to effectively stretch the muscles of the legs, warm them up thoroughly and prepare them for heavy loads.

A set of isolating exercises for the muscles of the legs:

  • extension / flexion of the legs;
  • adduction / abduction of legs;
  • rise on socks;
  • swing your legs.


Despite the ease of execution, squats can achieve impressive results. It is recommended to include squats with your own weight, dumbbells or a barbell, as well as in a special simulator (hack machine) in your workout.

Barbell squats are aimed at. At the same time, the muscles of the back and the press also receive a certain static load. The main thing is to choose the optimal weight and carefully familiarize yourself with the execution technique.

It is permissible to hold the barbell during squats on the shoulders or in front of you on the chest. You can use dumbbells instead of a barbell. They are held in the hands on the sides along the torso. When performing squats in a narrow stance, the legs are located approximately shoulder-width apart. Wide leg squats work the inner leg muscles more intensely.

During squats, the back is kept straight, the gaze is turned forward. In order not to tear off the heels from the floor, it is permissible to slightly tilt the torso forward. Bent knees should not protrude beyond the line of the toes. Without stopping at the bottom point, with a springy movement they return to their original position.

Hack squats work primarily on the quadriceps of the legs. For training on this simulator, you need enough high level preparation.

After adjusting the simulator to your parameters, press your back against the inclined movable platform. Rest your shoulders on special pillows, feet together or shoulder-width apart. Without taking your heels off the platform, sit down. The line of the hips in the bent knee joint should be parallel to the surface of the platform for the legs.

Resting their shoulders on the pillows, they are fully straightened at the knee and hip joints. The back is kept straight, the shoulders are not rounded, the chest should be straightened.


When performing lunges with the foot forward, backward or to the side, the muscles of the buttocks are mainly loaded. For weighting it is more convenient to use dumbbells, with a barbell it is more difficult to maintain balance.

You can increase the effectiveness of the exercise by increasing the range of motion. To do this, the front leg is placed on a platform about 15 cm high.

Advice: back leg always kept on the toe. In order not to injure the knee joint, during the lunge, the bent knee should not go beyond the line of the toes.

leg press

Leg press is performed on a lying machine. Slightly apart with bent legs on the platform, and tightly pressing against the back, they squeeze the movable platform with their feet to the end, taking a breath. Then slowly lower it, bending your knees and exhaling. By adjusting the position of the legs on the platform, you can distribute the load on certain muscles of the legs.


The deadlift is one of the best leg workouts, targeting the muscles on both sides of the spine.

Standing in front of the bar, tilt the torso forward, shifting the pelvis back and arching the lower back. The legs are kept straight. They take the barbell in their hands with an overhand grip, take a deep breath and, moving the pelvis forward, straighten the body. Exhale air. Repeating the movement, the bar is not released from the hands.

Important! After completing the entire set of exercises, it is necessary to restore the flexibility and elasticity of the working muscles. Stretching your legs after a workout stimulates muscle recovery and helps reduce the feeling of pain.

Often, athletes diligently pump the quadriceps of the legs, paying insufficient attention to training. back muscles hips. But they perform important functions of bending the legs in the knee joint and stabilizing it. In addition, unevenly pumped up legs look disproportionate. A set of highly targeted exercises will help you effectively pump your hamstrings in the gym and achieve impressive results.

Principles of training to reduce the muscles in the legs

After a significant mass gain due to muscle hypertrophy, it may be necessary to shed excess muscle mass and increase the relief of leg muscles. First of all, you should reduce the amount of proteins coming from food. The diet should be low in calories.

To quickly reduce the muscles in the legs, leg training for relief helps perfectly. Their peculiarity lies in the use of medium or light loads, as well as the performance a large number repetitions. Fat Burning Workout vs. strength training carried out with large quantity approaches.

Read also the article about that on our website.

Advice! You can start training to reduce the muscles in your legs by jogging, cycling or jumping rope. Then you can do squats, leg extensions / leg curls, leg presses (4-5 sets of 15-20 reps).

During classes to reduce the muscles of the legs, the emphasis is on aerobic exercises aimed at creating a negative energy balance in the body. In this case, it is not the load that matters, but the intensity and duration of classes. The duration of the workout should be at least 30-40 minutes.

In everyday life, the legs are the most stressful. This must be taken into account in the process of sports activities and due attention should be paid to training leg muscles. A complete training program should include both basic and isolation exercises to evenly work out all the muscles in the legs.

To achieve the desired result, the systematic and regular exercise is important. Having agreed on the list of exercises, having determined the duration and frequency of training, it is necessary to strictly observe the schedule and intensity of training.

There's an old joke: if the gym is empty, it means it's leg day. Of course, everyone wants to pump up the upper body, get broad shoulders and huge biceps, but the bottom is often forgotten. The problem is that the largest muscles in the human body are located below the waist. A competent training program should include a variety of exercises, including on the legs. These are the largest muscles of the body and their development causes an increase in the secretion of growth hormone. Which is very important when training for mass.

This means that by doing leg exercises in the gym, you will quickly build muscle, burn more calories, provide yourself with accelerated weight loss and gain more muscle mass. You will even see that if you train the lower body, the muscle volume grows in the upper body (thanks to the fact that you have accelerated the metabolism so well by working on the legs).

If you're interested in hypertrophy and want to grow your legs but don't know what to do, we have the perfect workout program for you! For each movement, the number of repetitions of exercises for strength and mass is indicated, depending on your goals.

The complex will help build muscle, increase strength and the next morning feel like you've done a great job. To get the maximum result and not get injured, you need to learn the technique of performing basic exercises and stick to it during the workout. They are more effective than isolators (although they are also needed, and it is better for a beginner to start with them in order to strengthen and prepare ligaments, joints and muscles for big weights), but at the same time they require perfect technique to avoid injuries.

What are you waiting for?

Let's go swing our legs!

Leg exercises in the gym

Please note: almost all exercises from the list can be used


If you're only doing one leg exercise (which isn't great, you need to do more), it should be the deadlift. This is the best movement for muscle growth of the whole body.

The deadlift effectively engages all the muscles in the lower body. She also captures the press, lower and some areas of the upper back. In terms of versatility, there is hardly any exercise that can compete with the deadlift, and it also has a lot of variations, such as the sumo deadlift and others.

Cons of the exercise - it is not suitable for beginners, it requires knowledge of the technique, which makes it traumatic for beginners.

However, if you want to do it, don't even get close to Smith's car. This will immediately turn off all the stabilizing muscles (namely, the entire lower back and abs). Even if there is no barbell nearby, it is better to take two dumbbells.

To perform a deadlift, grab a barbell. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and remember to keep your back perfectly straight at all times. Grasp the barbell with your hands wider than your knees for proper lifts. In the lower phase of the exercise, it is necessary to strain the whole body and, in an explosive movement, pull the bar off the floor, pull the lower one and not top body. Squeeze your buttocks while pulling, and flatten your shoulder blades at the top of the exercise. This movement engages and contracts the lower back. Hold for a second in the upper phase of the thrust, then return to the starting position, remembering to keep your back straight.

If your goal is to increase strength (all other effective leg exercises follow the same principle), do three sets of 3-5 reps. If you're aiming for muscle hypertrophy (again, this applies to all exercises unless otherwise noted), the set should be 8-12 reps.


This is the most important exercise, which is second only to the deadlift, and must be done to train legs for mass. Most likely, it is already included in your program, but if it is not already, it's time to add it. There are many variations of the barbell squat, the safest of which is when the bar is behind the head and rests on the shoulders. In this position, posture is especially important: make sure that your back remains straight all the time.

Grab a barbell and place your hands comfortably on it. The arms act as stabilizers to prevent the weight from shifting to one side or the other in case of hesitation, so see for yourself to be comfortable. Spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders.

Squat slowly. Goal in this case- so that at the bottom your thighs are parallel to the floor. Many people start moving up too often and as a result do not work the gluteal muscles as they should. If necessary, take a lighter weight so that your legs are bent at least ninety degrees. Hold for a second in the lower phase, then return to the starting position.

Performing this exercise, as well as other basic leg exercises with free weights, you can still add a rise on the toes. This way you will be able to additionally work out the calves without having to do additional sets on the calf machine.

3 approaches:

  • For strength: 3-5 reps;
  • Volume: 8-12 reps.

Sumo Squats

This movement will allow you to work the inside of the quads, hamstrings, and also engage the glutes. Alas, very few people practice this squat, and it is one of the best. You can do it with a barbell if you want, but dumbbells might be easier, especially for a girl.

The sumo squat owes its name to the wide stance of the legs. Imagine a sumo wrestler and try to stand in the same stance: spread your feet very wide. Place dumbbells between your legs and grab them with both hands. As with all other deadlifts and squats, keep your back straight at all times.

Holding the weight between your legs (push your chest forward, look forward during the exercise), slowly lower yourself to a count of four. On the count of four, freeze at the bottom point, count to three, and then explosively return to the starting position. If you haven't done this squat before, then even if you haven't hung around on leg day before, you'll feel something new the next morning.

2-3 approaches:

  • For strength: 3-5 reps;
  • Volume: 8-12 reps.

Reverse lunges with dumbbells

This movement maximizes the buttocks, so if you wanted a nut, this is just for you. It can also be performed at home.

Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, grab a dumbbell in each hand. Step your left leg back, keeping your back straight. Lower into a lunge, but stop before your left knee touches the floor. Hold for a second at the bottom point, then return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.

  • Do 2 sets of 12 reps (each leg).

leg press

The leg press machine allows you to do some great leg exercises in addition to the squat.

This exercise allows you to focus the load entirely on the quadriceps and hamstrings, which means that you can put quite a lot of weight. It allows you to achieve a better stretch of the muscles when pushing the weight up. Since almost no stabilizing muscles are needed for this movement, the simulator in this case is perfect solution. Here you will be working with significant weights, so it's best to do this exercise closer to the start of your workout.

However, it's best to do most traditional squats and deadlifts before the leg press, as you run the risk of losing form if you do them after the leg press.

Put the required weight and sit in a chair.

You need to keep your knees close to your chest. The tighter your knees are pressed against your chest on the machine, the more the muscles will stretch when pushing out, which means you will better work the upper hamstrings and lower buttocks. After pushing the weight up, you should not fully straighten your legs, as this will create a risk of injury. Maintain a slight bend in your knees at the top, then slowly lower yourself back to the starting position.

Perform 2-3 approaches:

  • For strength: 3-5 reps;
  • Volume: 8-12 reps.

Hip abduction to the side

Type of exercise - isolating working muscles. As you have already noticed, the set of exercises for the legs from our program includes free weights. Whenever possible, it is better to prefer free weights to simulators. However, with all this, sometimes it is impossible to recreate the angle at which the simulator allows you to work with the help of free weights.

And this is one of those cases.

Take the lower attachment of the machine with cables and hook it to the carabiner on the left ankle bracelet. Place your left foot in front of your right, as if you were walking on a curb, as you did as a child. The left leg should be slightly above the ground. grab right hand for the simulator in order to provide yourself with an emphasis. From this starting position, take your leg to the side, keep your knee straight. This movement engages the upper glutes, which are often overlooked in most leg workouts.

  • Do 2 sets of 12 reps (each leg).

Pulling the hip back

We remain near the simulator with cables and since you already have everything ready for working with legs, let's squeeze out another great exercise. The hip abduction here looks the same as on any other hip machine in the gym.

However, since you are not locked into the range set by the specific machine, you will have to use the stabilizing muscles when working with cables, which makes this option more beneficial.

Get in front of the trainer.

The cable with carabiner must be attached to the bracelet on the leg. Rest on the simulator with the same hand as the leg that you will now work out. Slowly move your leg back, making sure that your back does not bend, as in this case you risk injuring your lower back. Freeze for a second in an outstretched leg position to maximize muscle stretch, then return to the starting position.

It's usually best to start on the weaker leg (usually the left if you're right-handed), but don't worry if you accidentally start on the strong side.

  • Do 2 sets of 12 reps (each side).

Bulgarian split squat

This is a wonderful exercise, if you are not already doing it, be sure to start, it will be a great completion to your complex, which has only the best exercises for the leg muscles.

The beauty of the Bulgarian squat is that during the movement you isolate each leg separately, which allows you to maximize muscle activity and load. Plus, since you're working each side individually, you're also engaging a ton of stabilizing muscles. This particular exercise is great for working the quads. There are two ways to do it. You can use a barbell and a bench.

Or, if for some reason this is not an option, you can take a dumbbell in each hand. Holding heavy dumbbells in your hands will also help you strengthen your trapezius muscles (and they can sometimes be difficult to engage), but it depends mostly on your personal preference or the equipment available.

Place your supporting foot in front of the bench, and place your other foot on the bench behind you, with the top of the foot pointing down.

Keeping your back straight, squat down with weight. In this case, the knee should practically touch the floor (almost, but still not touch). Freeze for a second at the bottom, then return to the starting position.

  • Do 2 sets of 8-12 reps (each side).

Want to end your leg workout with an exercise that burns off the last of your energy?

This is it.

Of course, you could do regular lunges in place, but walking lunges require more effort (because you need to get back to the starting point).

This is also a great trapezoid exercise as, again, you are holding the dumbbells at the sides of your torso.

To complicate the exercise, performing it you need to make a long lunge. Don't take small steps. Step forward and squat deep, but don't let your knee touch the ground. You also need to make sure that your back remains straight. Straighten up and pull your back foot towards the leg that was just lunged. Repeat with the other leg.

Most likely, you will not be able to go as much as in the previous approach, which is why it is good to squeeze out the remaining energy from yourself at the end of the workout with this exercise.

Leg weight training program

The complex consists of basic and isolating exercises:

  • Shoulder Squats - 2 x 30 warm-up reps + 3 x 20 sets with working weight) - shakes the quadriceps;
  • Leg Press (3 x 20, gradually increase the weight on the simulator) - swing the front of the thigh
  • Deadlift (2 x 15-20 warm-up with light weights + 3 x 15-20 with working weight) – working on back legs - biceps of the thighs;


  • Leg extension in the simulator (3-4 sets of 15 repetitions with a smooth increase in weights on the simulator) - isolated we pump quadriceps;
  • Bending the legs in the simulator (3-4 X 15) - we train the biceps of the thigh;
  • Standing calf raises (2-3 sets x 15-20 reps) - pump the calf muscles;
  • Rises on socks while sitting (2-3 x 15-20) - we pump the soleus muscles (those that are under the calf muscles).


Many people avoid leg day or don't do it properly because they don't know what basic leg exercises they need.

You yourself may not know what to do, except for traditional squats or lunges.

By following the program above, you will soon see significant changes. You can also vary different ways and the best leg exercises to keep workouts interesting. With this program, changes for the better will not keep you waiting.

The main thing is not to abandon classes and at the end of the workout of the muscles of the legs and other groups, do a hitch. This will make the muscles more elastic, which will protect against injury and increase blood flow, which will bring useful material for enhanced muscle growth. Who knows, you might find that leg day is your new favorite day of the week at the gym.

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