Who is this bitch? Bitches - a male look.

landscaping 12.10.2019

Why do men love and hate bitches so much? Why does such a woman leave a memory for life, but it is so scary to come into contact with her? How was this woman able to take her place at the poles between a housewife and a feminist and not go to extremes while walking along the equator?

An enticing mystery for men and the envy of other women. Who is she in essence?

A bitch (in a figurative sense) is a grumpy and scandalous woman. A vile, vile person (Dal's Explanatory Dictionary).


You should not confuse a bitch with a girl of light moral principles, wandering from purse to purse or with a vulgarly painted brawler. The bitch has men, but there are not as many of them as acquaintances or colleagues, but what kind of men they are!

Relationships for her are a game and flirting until the last minute. She does not exchange herself for drunken peasants hooting from a passing car, but boring office romances so as not to “run” far for her.

Attention! A keyword that can be applied to a bitch is - selfish. He lives exclusively for himself, and on the way to his own happiness and pleasures he confidently breaks men's hearts.

She starts her game, and a man blinded by admiration puts everything on the line:

  • career,
  • welfare,
  • family.

Only the bitch does not appreciate this, she will not allow anyone to feel like the master of the situation.

Who is a bitch and how to recognize her is described in the video:

How to recognize such a woman?


A bitch can try on absolutely any image, you will never guess who she will appear before you today. A femme fatale, a business lady, or maybe an embarrassed student?

Attention! All images are united by one very important quality: this is a well-groomed woman in an impeccable outfit.

The bitch does not spare money for her little pleasures:

  1. shopping,
  2. salons,
  3. manicure,
  4. decorations.

She has all this in abundance. A cold or playful look, haughtily compressed lips or a bewitching smile. A bitch can and loves to be different, but any image of her attracts the eye.


She always knows exactly what she needs. He prefers to achieve his goals at the expense of a man who gladly fulfills all the whims of his beloved.

She manipulates men, but at the same time she is self-sufficient and knows how to get what she wants.


There are a lot of them next to the bitch, but this does not mean that she will be exchanged for “small things”. The predator catches larger "fish" in her charming nets.

Reference! Next to the bitch there will never be a gigolo, a sissy, a slacker or a jealous one.

Rich, successful, self-confident men, who often have a family and are tired of everyday life and a grumpy “domesticated” wife, fall into the gentle embrace of a bitch, not noticing her manipulations.

How does such a girl behave?

  1. This thing's tongue is razor-sharp. Biting and arrogant, but always knows when to play the role of a cute girl.
  2. He carries himself confidently and with great dignity.
  3. A skeptic and sees things realistically. Melting in pink girlish dreams is not about her.
  4. He skillfully manipulates the people around him, does not tolerate criticism and can stand up for himself.
  5. She learned to trust men a long time ago.
  6. Always achieves his goal, often a shark with a dizzying career.
  7. The only real love is self love. She will create the maximum in any situation. comfortable conditions for myself.
  8. He never engages in self-flagellation, scolds himself and does not punish even mentally for a mistake or shortcoming.
  9. She is never guilty and will not allow herself to be justified.
  10. Always keeps himself in hand, not giving vent to emotions.
  11. He knows exactly what a man needs in bed and how to give it to him. Boring sex is not for her. She is liberated and self-confident.

Important! Despite the strong image of a bitch, this is the same woman who wants to love and be loved. This woman is lonely, because you can not spend your whole life on a razor blade. You can walk along the blade more than once, but you won’t be able to live on it.

She, on her thorny path, goes to the most ordinary non-bitchy female happiness.

When a man recognizes a bitch, learns to understand her, she will not miss her female happiness.

Masks will be discarded, because this image is just a shell. She just doesn't know how to survive differently. The man who can teach her this will get the most best woman. Well, the idea that he managed to tame the little bitch will be nice to amuse male pride.

Attention! Connect your life with a bitch or stay away from this time bomb as far as possible, each man decides for himself.

In what cases a man makes a bitch out of a girl himself is described in the video:

Someone likes housewives in greasy dressing gowns, with a pot of borscht at the ready, darned sweatpants and a can of beer in the evenings watching TV.

And someone is ready to become a strong man and curb this woman, an alliance with which can bring to life a daily holiday and extravaganza of feelings. After all, the bitch knows exactly what her man wants.

Around us guys there are many different girls: beautiful, attractive, alluring. Some of them are able to give a man true love and joy. You can read about them in the article "The right girl: Who is she and How to find?". But there are those who can turn his life into a nightmare, suck out all his energy, money and tear his soul to pieces. In this article we will tell you about representatives of the second type - about bitches. You will learn about who they are, what is wrong with them, how to recognize them and how to avoid them.

Who is Sterva?

Searching for this term on the Internet, and going to any site, you will see that it is often associated with a girl of easy virtue and other impartial words. It is understandable, boiled ... It makes no sense to list these words, but they all often indicate that such a girl gives left and right.

This interpretation does not reflect the whole essence of the term. In reality, everything is much more complicated.

This is not just a girl of easy virtue. This is the girl who breeds men, playing on their feelings. She gives the impression that she likes a man, falls in love with him and begins to extract money, gifts and so on from him.

The essence of relationships in her understanding is not the creation of a common emotional field and the exchange of spiritual energies, but the use of men's feelings to obtain various benefits.

Bitches are often associated with moths for one simple reason: they tend to handle several men at the same time. With someone more seriously, with someone less seriously. But the goal is the same - to get as many bonuses as possible from the guys. Well, the more guys, the more bonuses :) Hence the comparison.

Where do bitches come from?

Unfortunately, our society itself brings up such garbage. Look at TV screens and websites on the Internet. All girls are obsessed with two things: appearance and relationships with men. If you want to be successful, be beautiful and be able to sell yourself! All.

Girls are not shown other equally important aspects of life, such as the importance spiritual development, expanding the circle of interests, developing oneself as a person, the importance of building a family, and so on.

In addition, the presentation of information constantly goes in the style of: you're a girl, and that's why the world owes you! A predatory worldview is being cultivated. Girls are not taught to give, only to take. And this applies not only to the material sphere, but also to the spiritual.

That's why bitches appear, who only know how to milk everything out of men. They are unable to give anything. They are not able to fulfill the main purpose of the girl - to give the guys tenderness and decorate their lives.

What is the danger?

You already understood that a bitch is, in fact, useless garbage. But what is the danger? Bitchy behavior on the part of a girl can bring a man to the extreme. It may seem to you that she gives you signs of attention, encourages you to courtship and responds positively to attempts at rapprochement. Everything seems to be going well, and this is the whole ambush!

The guy begins to fall in love with the girl little by little and becomes ready to take her to cafes, to the cinema, give money, help in difficult situations and so on. It seems to him that the girl also loves him (or at least is interested in him). But it's all a well-planned game...

When a guy spends all his money on such a person, she simply abandons him and moves on to another “object”. Your love for her is earnings. As soon as you stop being a promising sponsor, you will be abandoned in the most cruel way.

By then, you may already be seriously in love with her. But she doesn't care. She will leave, and you will be left without money, motivation and with a broken heart!

How to recognize and not get caught?

In order not to get into such a situation, you need to know how to identify a bitch in the early stages and stop further development relations. Below are the "beacons" by which you can determine that you are communicating with garbage.

  • Outgoing sense of danger, discomfort. I understand that this signal will seem crazy to many, but still such a reaction takes place! If you are a normal guy and you, as a rule, have no fear of girls, but you seem to be afraid of this person, be careful with her. The girl is not a saber-toothed tiger; a sense of danger should not come from her. Perhaps your psyche has recognized destructive notes in the girl and gives you a signal. The body seems to say: "This object is dangerous, beware." Unfortunately, not many people are able to determine such reactions of the body.
  • Look at the talents, interests and abilities of the girl. This is very important point! Gifted girls are usually not prone to bitchy behavior. They are competitive in this world and they have something to earn. They have abilities, talents and brains that they can exchange for various benefits and pleasures. In bitches, the circle of interests is unusually narrow: all their thoughts and actions revolve around their own appearance, relationships with men and everyday issues. All! Other than that they are not interested in principle.

    Therefore, pay great attention to the personality of the girl. Try to find out her hobbies, achievements, interests. Ask "punching" questions like: "What do you think, what is your most serious achievement at the moment?" Let her tell what she has achieved, what she plans to do next, how she is going to live. But look not only at words, but also at actions ...

  • Pay attention to what emotions she shares with you. If you see that only dirt is poured on you, run :) Yes, everyone has troubles. But if you are used over and over again as a means to drain entropy, this is very eloquent evidence that you are communicating with the wrong person.
  • If it has already come to a relationship, look at her willingness to invest in and develop them. If she does not give you gifts, does not try to please you, does not try to look after you and take care of you - this is an alarm signal. Relationships should not go "one way". Both must invest in them money, time and emotions. And bitches are not used to giving anything, they only take.

What to do if you fell in love with a bitch?

I sincerely feel sorry for you. Falling in love with a bitch is a very serious test, both for the soul and for the wallet. The only right decision is to break off relations by any means. Why do you need a girl who does not want mutual love and for whom you are a sponsor?

Today we have interesting topic- the word "bitch", the meaning of historical and modern. But that's not all, we will also throw a bridge from one meaning to another. It will be exciting, we promise.

Modern meaning

The dictionary says that the word "bitch" is similar in meaning to its brother, that is, the definition of "bastard", and the latter means: "a vile person, a scoundrel." And it’s interesting how many men have now rethought their attitude towards female bitches, having learned the true meaning of the word.

It is not uncommon to hear from the representatives of the stronger sex that they love this type of women, because such behavior of the fair sex speaks of her courage, determination, steel character. But for some reason, no one thinks about elementary harm or bad temper? But let's forgive the guys in love their illusions. The latter are inevitable when you are under the influence of a drug called love. By the way, this is not a fantasy, but a scientific fact - a chemical one.

The reader will now understand. The meaning of the word "bitch" according to Dahl: "the corpse of a dead animal, carrion, carrion, dead meat." Moreover, the word has a feminine and neuter form, which is written as “bitch”. So it goes.

We see that the language retains the overall tone of the expression. But development is noticeable. Of course, now the definition of “bitch” (the meaning of the word in the process of close research) is quite far from the corpse of a cow, but the general tone of unfitness remains, and it doesn’t matter who we are talking about, a person or an animal. A man or woman awarded such a name is not worth having a long relationship with them with a perspective, because they smell of decay. And this is what language tells us.

Bitch woman: characteristic features

There is a lot of any information on this subject, and magazines are full of various articles that turn the problem this way and that. Therefore, our task is to wring the water out of this literal sea and provide the reader with an extract of all the most important and necessary in this matter. So the signs are:

  1. Bad temper (capriciousness, eccentricity).
  2. Selfishness or egocentrism.
  3. Consumer attitude in relationships, that is, such women are not able to give love. They have this feeling atrophied. They can only take, take and take, giving in return only strong negative emotions. Hysteria, for example.
  4. Sudden mood swings for no apparent reason.
  5. Manipulating a partner as the main way of interaction.

These are the main features, but everyone probably has something to add to the list. Here, as they say, complete freedom. But if you notice a complex of signs in a friend, then it is better to run away from her and not look back. Because family life with such “devils in a dress” either does not exist, or it looks like the place they came from, that is, hell.

Relationships with such girls destroy a man. And if he meets such a “lady” in his youth, then she is quite capable of spoiling the boy’s opinion about all women at once and turning him away from the fair sex. Not that the offended and offended will immediately go to the opposite camp, but a long bachelor life is also not sugar, you know.

Therefore, be afraid of the content that is hidden behind the meaning of the word "bitch". This woman is dangerous in every respect, even in a purely physical sense.

"Bitch" banned?

No, why not. Practice shows that girls of this kind are even useful. Otherwise, how can a man distinguish evil from good if he does not have an annoying example of a relationship. All women who will be after the “hysteria” will not get scorched earth, but fertile soil. After destructive (destructive) relationships, productive ones are much easier to build, because a person already knows exactly what not to do.

In this sense, the main thing is that a person does not go too far in experimentation and, for example, does not marry such a woman. A bitch (the meaning of the word is already well known) is a type of woman who is unsuitable for family and marriage. And it will take forever to disentangle the consequences of one wrong choice. But sometimes this happens: a person pays his whole life for one wrong step. Be carefull.

We hope we managed to convince the reader to be a little more careful. For every person, regardless of gender, to turn into a bitch (the meaning is not the most pleasant, no matter what dictionary you take) is not the best prospect. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself. And yes, men turn into bastards, but this does not change the essence of the matter.

Explain the meaning of the word "bitch"? Really needed


Bitch - the image of a woman practicing egocentric behavior. An ordinary bitch does not like anyone and uses people only for her own benefit.
However, in last years the word Bitch is used (most often by women, but not a fact) not as abusive, but as a definition for any woman who has adopted (explicitly or implicitly, willingly or contrary to) the male line of behavior, which is based on struggle, competition, the need for dominance and expressed desire to achieve the goal by any means. Apparently, the main transformation of the meaning of the word "bitch" occurred in the 1990s, when women, forced to adapt to changing conditions, often turned out to be more variable, aggressive and angry than men. A certain category of women who are able to stand up for themselves began to “frantically rush forward”, “walk over corpses”, achieve their goals by any means, including using female attractiveness. Character traits of women, traditionally regarded as positive - kindness, modesty, etc., suddenly turned out to be almost a synonym for "stupidity" and inability to fend for themselves. A large family began to cause bewilderment, and the "smart, beautiful and lonely" bitch - admiration, because, supposedly, she has a lot of winning qualities that allow her to achieve her goals.
Egocentrism (from lat. ego "I", centrum "center of the circle") - the inability or inability of the individual to stand on someone else's point of view. Perception of one's point of view as the only one that exists. The term was introduced into psychology by Jean Piaget to describe the features of thinking characteristic of children under the age of 8-10 years. For various reasons, this feature of thinking can be preserved in varying degrees of severity even at a more mature age.

Korol katia

The word "bitch" originally meant the corpse of an animal, carrion. Wed vulture, but later became abusive. “To be bitchy - to come into extreme rage, excitement, rage ... Frantically (adv.) rush forward.” In the most primitive, everyday sense - a wife who always saws her husband, puts pressure on the corn of his pride, humiliates at any opportunity. AT colloquial speech a scoundrel is called a vile, dishonest person.


Bitch is style! Bitch is class!
Bitches are us, it's sexy in us!
She is gentle, cold as ice,
Look down from above, under the heel will take.
Bitch is a shine, it's a wave of eyelashes,
A bitch is stress, it's pain and screaming. .
A woman is a magnet, a woman is a child,
In the heat and snow beckons, and lives jokingly.
Do you think it's easy to be known as a bitch in the world?
Studs on the legs, with a sharp word to shave.
It's minus the fear, it's a bright sight!
Maybe this is revenge for a series of grievances?
This is a torn nerve, this is a dislike,
it is the eternal sound of the trumpets of Jericho.
this is the call of the ages, the Amazons become,
Oh, how good it is to be a bitch and know
What are you to men, like a glass of wine,
Like a dagger in your hand, you are always needed.
Bitch is me, bitch is you
And for many ladies - it's just a dream.

What does the word "bitch" mean?

Some women not only perceive this word as a compliment, but they themselves proudly call themselves that :))))))
Do you know the etymology of this word? What characterization does it actually give to a woman?
(And after that, how can you call a woman who is happy with such a "compliment"? :)))))

Land of Fire

The etymology of the word "bitch" originally meant the corpse of an animal, carrion. Wed vulture, but later became abusive. “Bitch - to come into extreme rage, excitement, ferocious. Frantic to rush forward. In the most primitive, everyday sense - a wife who always saws her husband, puts pressure on the corn of his pride, humiliates at any opportunity.
However, in recent years, the word Bitch has been used (most often by women) not as abusive, but as a definition for any woman who has adopted (explicitly or implicitly, willingly or contrary to) the male line of behavior, which is based on struggle, competition, the need for dominance and expressed desire to achieve the goal by any means. Apparently, the main transformation of the meaning of the word "bitch" occurred in the 1990s, when women, forced to adapt to changing conditions, often turned out to be more variable, flexible and evil than men. A certain category of women who are able to stand up for themselves began to “frantically rush forward”, “walk over corpses”, achieve their goals by any means, including using female attractiveness. “Kindness” suddenly turned out to be almost a synonym for “stupidity” and the inability to stand up for oneself. A large family began to cause bewilderment, and the "smart, beautiful and lonely" bitch - admiration, because she has a lot of winning qualities that allow her to achieve her goals.
Bitch - the image of a woman practicing egocentric behavior. An ordinary bitch does not like anyone and uses people only for her own benefit.


The word "bitch" originally meant the corpse of an animal, carrion. Wed vulture, but later became abusive. “To be bitchy - to come into extreme rage, excitement, rage ... Frantically (adv.) rush forward.” In the most primitive, everyday sense - a wife who always saws her husband, puts pressure on the corn of his pride, humiliates at any opportunity.
Bitch is used not as a curse, but as a definition for any woman who has adopted (explicitly or implicitly, willingly or contrary to) the male line of behavior, which is based on struggle, competition, the need for dominance and the expressed desire to achieve the goal by any means. Apparently, the main transformation of the meaning of the word "bitch" occurred in the 1990s, when women, forced to adapt to changing conditions, often turned out to be more variable, flexible and evil than men. A certain category of women who are able to stand up for themselves began to “frantically rush forward”, “walk over corpses”, achieve their goals by any means, including using female attractiveness. “Kindness” suddenly turned out to be almost a synonym for “stupidity” and the inability to stand up for oneself. A large family began to cause bewilderment, and the "smart, beautiful and lonely" bitch - admiration, because she has a lot of winning qualities that allow her to achieve her goals.


a real bitch will never admit that she is a bitch... she is elegant, graceful, beautiful, charming. men suffer from it, they carry it in their arms, adore it ... but they never leave their wives for her... she is single... very strong personality... hard for her...

Love Nikitin

You haven't seen real bitches. They look great and behave great. They speak in a weak voice, sigh, complain about life and always blame their problems on others in a very qualified way. But if something is not on it, it will grind it into powder, it will ride on you back and forth, clanging its caterpillars and watering the surroundings with poison and selective swearing. I know several of them. A bitch is a qualification. Many women, calling themselves bitches, are engaged in self-deception. They don't hold up. Of the famous women, I know several classic bitches, albeit different ones: Sobchak, Litvinova, Pugacheva, Zavorotnyuk, Rudkovskaya, Regina from Full House, Tatyana Tolstaya from the School of Scandal, Tina Kandelaki, well, and some more.

What does the word bitch mean? and who are they?


Women are principled, quarrelsome, unsophisticated, personalities, at work they are like men who constantly "pressure" and quarrel, with whom it is impossible, but interesting to live and there are bitches. In contrast to them, adaptable women are cunning and petty, they can take root with anyone, as long as he has enough money, it’s not interesting to live with them, but she will “lull” and feed, she has innate “female wisdom” as a rule at work as specialists none.

Andrew (betepok)

A bitch is an image of a woman practicing masculine behavior.
The word "bitch" originally meant the corpse of an animal, carrion. Wed vulture, but later became abusive. “To be bitchy - to come into extreme rage, excitement, rage ... It was frenzied (adv.) to rush forward.” In the most primitive, everyday sense - a wife who always saws her husband, puts pressure on the corn of his pride, humiliates at any opportunity.
However, in recent years, the word Bitch has been used (most often by women) not as abusive, but as a definition for any woman who has adopted (explicitly or implicitly, willingly or contrary to) the male line of behavior, which is based on struggle, competition, the need for dominance and expressed desire to achieve the goal by any means. Apparently, the main transformation of the meaning of the word "bitch" occurred in the 1990s, when women, forced to adapt to changing conditions, often turned out to be more variable, flexible and evil than men. A certain category of women who are able to stand up for themselves began to "frantically rush forward", "walk over corpses", achieve their goals by any means, including using female attractiveness. “Kindness” suddenly turned out to be almost a synonym for “stupidity” and the inability to stand up for oneself. A large family began to cause bewilderment, and the "smart, beautiful and lonely" bitch - admiration, because she has a lot of winning qualities that allow her to achieve her goals.

We often hear the word bitch in a variety of life situations. In women's circles, the definition of this concept is as follows: a bitch is a girl who seems to have a strong character and achieves in life what she needs. But is this definition positive?

If we look at the official concept that Wikipedia and Google give us, we get the following: “A bitch is a vile, vile and heartless woman, a girl bran.." (With).

As we can see, the meaning of the word has changed dramatically.

But what is really hidden under this short concept, and why is it better for any man to avoid communication with this type of girls in principle?

The first step is to learn how to identify bitches among the rest of the female population.

bitch goals

The main goal of any bitch is receiving resources from a man. In 90% of cases - material. To achieve the result, it uses specific behavior and various manipulations.

Since money is the main good, human relations, honesty towards a partner, caring for him - all this fades into the background. If a tough businessman who is in a relationship with such a girl goes broke, most likely he will not see her again the next morning. Since the main source of her vitality, money, disappeared. And the man was just such an appendage to them.

Distinctive qualities of a bitch

slippery behavior

Have you noticed when you communicate with a girl, and you just can’t understand what kind of person she is? She takes unexpected steps and illogical, at first glance, actions. For example, you agree to meet, but she merges at the last moment. Then she calls herself, maybe even apologize for not being able to see each other, and offer to meet next time. And the next time she is late, or provokes you to pick her up, and does not leave the house for another half an hour. This is female manipulation. The girl checks how much you will bend under her and how far you will go in terms of pleasing her.

obstinate character

She provokes a certain situation so that you get angry at her, and then your anger turns in your favor.

Example: one girl loved to arouse terrible jealousy in her boyfriend by being open with other men practically in front of him. When he fell into a rage and began to throw thunders and monies, she pretended to be a weak, vulnerable girl who was scolded disproportionately to her act. She resented him. In the end, her boyfriend himself apologized for going too far (he didn’t go too far, she played the role well). And, of course, he redeemed himself. AT material terms: another iPhone in the studio!

Therefore, no matter what happens, the bitch will never admit her guilt, and will try to turn the situation in the opposite direction. And often such situations are specially staged.


This girl thinks only of herself. About your benefit, convenience, comfort. Accordingly, she makes the man forget about his needs and fulfill only her wishes.

She loves compliments, loves to send men off, is charged with energy from all this.

As a rule, she has popular pages on VK and Instagram with glamorous photos, again, showing her high material demands: photos in expensive cars, clubs, resorts ...

As a rule, bitches have a very attractive appearance. After all, it is appearance, for which men are so greedy, allows them to behave so boldly.

When you can deal with a bitch

However, every rule has its own exception. There is one case when you can somehow intersect with a bitch.

You know who she really is, and you deliberately seduce her. In order to gain valuable experience in dealing with various types women. After all, if you learn to keep a bitch on a short leash, the devil himself will not be your brother. You can deal with anyone. But this is exactly the case when you try to play with her by your own rules and based on a short communication.

What conclusion can be drawn from the above?

The bitch needs to be able to recognize. It should be understood what her goals are, and by what means she achieves them. And it is desirable to be able to communicate with this type of girls. For self-defense, so to speak.

Although some men also have best character and not for the most noble purposes. In that case.. As they say, two boots are a pair?.. 🙂

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All women are different. There are homemade clowns, daring kitties, loving mothers, smart girls and beauties. And there are bitches. The word "bitch" causes a storm of emotions, both positive and negative, leaving no one indifferent. Men are attracted to them, girls try to imitate, and other women envy them. Who is this bitch? Let's figure it out. If you look into explanatory dictionaries, then we learn that the bitch used to be called the corpse of an animal, carrion, carrion and dead cattle. Later, this word began to be used in relation to scandalous and noisy women. This use of the word has continued to this day. But now, in the 21st century, the word "bitch" is more often used in a different sense, just in that it causes a surge of emotions.

Who is she, the bitch of the XXI century? Now a strong, self-sufficient, smart, beautiful and self-loving woman is called a bitch. The peculiarity of a bitch is a combination of an impeccable female appearance with a cold, calculating mind and a masculine view of the world. What should be a real bitch?

Bitch: distinctive features

For a bitch, there are no words “I don’t want”, “I can’t”, “I won’t”, “I’m tired and lazy” in relation to my appearance. After a hard day at work, she will never fall into bed and fall asleep with unbrushed teeth and unwashed makeup. She cares and cherishes every centimeter of her body. A bitch loves and accepts herself for who she is, but if an opportunity arises to improve her appearance, she will never miss it. In addition, the bitch impeccable taste in clothing and cosmetics. Lingerie - only the best, cosmetics - only high quality. Many women, when leaving the house, put on a marathon and look their best, and at home they put on old dressing gowns and panties. A bitch will never do this, because she respects herself and must keep her mark always and everywhere. At home, she will be as beautiful as in public.

The bitch is a mystery with seven seals. Many of these women do not have a best friend and a vest to cry on because they do not allow themselves to be pitied. A bitch always has a smile on her face, no matter how bad she is. She will not complain to anyone about her worries and problems, because she believes that this is only her own business. She talks little about herself, so the bitch is a mystery to others.

A bitch always knows how to achieve her goals with maximum benefit for themselves and with minimal losses. She is an excellent psychologist, observer, listener and analyst. The bitch masterfully owns the art of manipulating people.

A real bitch is always confident and not afraid of change. She will not show her weakness. She is characterized by restraint in behavior and a clear mind. She will not sob, begging her husband not to leave her, she will not scold and scream like a market woman, afternoon tea. Her personal opinion remains with her, and if they are interested, she will share her thoughts if she sees fit.

Who is a bitch in love and relationships? If a man knows a real bitch, then he will remember her for life. In male psychology, it is bitches who understand best of all women. A bitch attracts a man with her mystery, individuality, the absence of many women's qualities and actions that annoy him. She is a master of seduction and seduction. One look of a bitch can burn a man's heart forever. In order to attract the attention of a man, she does not even need to talk to him, she will do it with the help of gestures and facial expressions. And he will decide that he himself was the first to get acquainted. And so it goes throughout a relationship. The bitch sets the stage for the man to step on, and he thinks he is doing it himself. She indulges male pride with words and compliments, but does not lull, because she knows that there is nothing worse than certainty in a relationship. She never lets a man relax and let him feel that he has completely conquered her. She surprises him every day with her behavior. The relationship of a bitch with a man can be represented by the example of an enthusiastic person who enthusiastically reads an endless book. The bitch knows that a man loves beauty and sex. Therefore, every time she gives him pleasure in bed in a new way, while not forgetting to always be attractive. The bitch always throws men first. If she feels that a man has cooled off towards her, then she will either return him or leave him first. In a situation of betrayal, the bitch will also act deliberately and slowly, sometimes resorting to the most ingenious plans. She can forever quarrel a man with his mistress, while he will be sure that his bitch is unaware of the existence of another woman. He will decide that the relationship with his mistress has come to an end and that no one but his beloved bitch is able to appreciate him.

Of course, bitches are people too, and they are not immune from failure. Bitches also lose their jobs, loved ones, beloved men. But they always find the strength to stand up and continue their beautiful walk with their heads held high. life path conquering new heights.

We told you in in general terms Who is such a bitch. If you want to become a real bitch, don't forget to be an individual too!

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