Steamed bread is useful or not. The dangers lurking in modern bread (harm of bread)

reservoirs 30.06.2020

Is yeast bread harmful to human health? And what is this most healthy person .. Why do people who do not eat bakery products live longer? How is the recipe of today's bread different from the past? How can you break the habit of eating bread? How to effectively improve your diet and, as a result, health?

A wise man does not pursue that which is pleasant, but that which relieves troubles. (Aristotle)

Bread is the head of everything?

Bread is always on our table, from infancy to death... How often do we see such a picture. Family dinner. The head of the family enthusiastically eats bread, diluting it a little with soup in his mouth. The child eats soup, forgetting about bread. The soup is so delicious. Here the head of the family, noticing such a blatant violation of traditions, shouts: “Why no bread?! Come on, a piece of bread in your left hand, a spoon in your right! What can you do, custom! Salad with bread, soup with bread, porridge with a sandwich and, finally, compote with a bun or cookies. And dad is unaware that he harms not only himself. What is there! Loose faces, a body so reminiscent of store-bought bread have already become the norm. So after all, he hammers this program into his child, who, having grown into an inhabitant, will pass it on to his children. But the belief that bread is the “source of strength” and “the head of everything” has spread thanks to advertising relatively recently (for some few centuries). Prior to this, people have been eating nuts for thousands of years.

Bread or nuts?

How true is the expression "Bread is the Gift of God"? Think, did bread exist in nature in its original form? Does it grow on trees? No. Bread is a clear creation of human hands. Naturopaths (supporters of a healthy lifestyle and a raw plant-based diet) say: You can read about what a person needs to eat in the Bible in the first chapter of the Old Testament. “And God said, I have given you every herb yielding seed, and every tree bearing fruit of the tree yielding seed: this shall be food for you” (Genesis 1:29).

“God invented food, but the devil invented cooking and baking!” say naturopaths. This means that bread cannot be called an invention of God. Anyone who forces a child to eat or tells him to "Eat with bread" is not right. The inborn instincts of children are more correct than the "civilized" habits of adults. Nature is wise, we must learn from her. Nature provides man with nuts as bread. From Latin, walnut, for example, is translated as royal acorn. There is another name - "food of the gods." Walnut is a miracle created by nature, which, in terms of the combination of useful properties, has no equal in the plant world. "Tree of Life" - this is how the walnut is often called by the people, because since ancient times it has fed, recuperated and healed a person.

In ancient Babylon, the priests forbade mere mortals to eat walnuts, so that the mob would not exceed the mental abilities of the greats of this world. I. V. Michurin called nuts "the bread of the future." Indeed, in terms of the content of valuable nutrients, it occupies one of the first places among the fruits. In terms of energy value, nut kernels are many times higher than wheat bread. Since ancient times, nuts have been recommended to nursing mothers and the sick. Not bread was considered a source of strength, but nuts. No wonder in Russia they were called the food of heroes. Even in Sparta, it was known that nuts were essential for the young, growing male body. It is known that the growing babies of Sparta were widely introduced nut milk into the menu. They still don't eat bread Yogis have preferred to eat nuts instead of bread for thousands of years. These incredibly hardy people have practically no equal on Earth. The great masters of martial arts of the Shao-lin monastery, distinguished by tirelessness and high endurance, also never ate bread.

And here is what the doctor Galina Shatalova writes in the book “Healing Nutrition”: “What, it would seem, is common between Abkhazians and Yakuts? Some live in the Caucasus, others in icy Yakutia. True, representatives of both one and the other people are distinguished by enviable longevity. Anyone who at least once attended the performances of the dance ensemble of 100-year-old Abkhazians will not forget the stunning impression that these energetic, graceful people leave. To call them old people I just can’t turn my tongue: flight, wind, whirlwind! The common thing between the two peoples is the absence of bread in their diets…”

Why is modern bread harmful to humans?

Why do many strong, vigorous and healthy people prefer to do without bread? Why do healthy people and centenarians not eat bread? “The patient is a slowly dying person. And the slower it dies, the more we will earn on it.” (Bakery industry)

Scientists conducted a study and found that within 15 minutes after a person eats 100 grams of refined carbohydrates (bread, chips, sugar, white rice, cookies, etc.), the function of the human immune system weakens by more than 90% . A study published in the Journal of Cancer found a link between white bread consumption and an increased risk of cancer.

The study found that people who eat mostly white bread (up to 5 slices per day) have twice the risk of kidney cancer than those who eat little white bread (no more than 1.5 slices per day) .

At one of the congresses on vegetarian nutrition in Tallinn in 1990, a presentation was made that talked about bread. The speaker argued that bread is a deadly product for human health. Swelling from intestinal juices, it acidifies the internal environment of the body, turning into lumps of clay, sticking to the walls of the intestine and creating its obstruction. If bread were useful, then why would many educated zoo workers categorically forbid feeding animals with it, justifying that animals (apparently, they did not study medicine and simply do not know about the “benefits” of eating this flour product) have a bloat guts!

How is bread prepared? Baking bread in the oven takes place at a temperature of about 300 ° C or in a pan, where the heating reaches 250 ° C. But carbohydrates and all other components of food processed at temperatures above 100 ° C are substances that are no different from the contents dead cell! Eating bread, a person eats a dead mixture of dead cells. This explains why it is very easy to choke on bakery products, it is difficult to eat them dry, without resorting to mixing with harmful fats, liquids, which is extremely harmful to digestion. In addition, bread does not contain enzymes, the energy of life, but on the contrary, it absorbs it for attempts digestion of dead cells that settle in the body in the form of toxins and poisons. Therefore, lovers of bread feel fatigue, laziness, drowsiness, and in the morning they have mucous secretions.

Yogis say that industrial bread, among other things, often contains too much salt. Most buns, rolls, horns contain a lot of sugar, milk, eggs are often included in the recipe. Such bread acidifies the body much more than usual, can cause fermentation in the stomach and intestines, and contributes to constipation. And the yeast fungi that make up the yeast dough are the strongest allergens.

When baking bread, yeast fungi die, but their components remain in it and cause allergic reactions in quite a few people, in particular, stuffy nose, swelling, rheumatism and an increase in bronchial asthma attacks. allergenic and harmful to all margarines and light oils, which are the culprits in the formation of cancer and atherosclerosis. They are not absorbed by the body of even a healthy person and create a large load on the liver. Further, any industrial bread necessarily contains egg powder, milk powder, baking powder, preservatives and other “improvers”, wheat flour products are additionally bleached with chlorine.

Well-known supporters of a healthy lifestyle - the scientist Katsuzo Nishi, Paul Breg, Herbert Shelton and the outstanding physician Galina Shatalova have repeatedly argued that bread is not only not healthy, but also harmful food, which is poorly absorbed by the body and causes disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, which causes various diseases. Herbert Shelton argued that the harm that can be caused to the body by bread outweighs the negative effects of moderate meat consumption, which, according to vegetarians, are the corpses of slaughtered animals, saturated with toxins of fear, pain and hatred.

Healers Maya Gogulan and Galina Shatalova write about the need for a complete rejection of yeast bread in the treatment of many diseases. They call bread a "death" food and believe that it contributes to the development of oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

“We are used to bread. This habit is hard to break. But facts are stubborn things. They tell me: “You can’t immediately change the diet of a healthy person.” And who among us knows a healthy person? Don't you have a name for your skepticism, headache, malaise? You don't have to wait for the doctors to find it for you. It is better to follow the mind, which feeds only on reliable information. And she says: eating too much bread, even without other foods, destroys health. But bread in combination with other, and even animal (protein) products, causes even greater trouble ... Remember: White bread and coffee are food for the anemic. (Maya Gogulan “Why do we get sick and how to deal with it?”)

Here are quotes from the experience of people who cleansed the body of poisons, which gives them the right to give the most objective assessment of the consequences that the consumption of bread leads to. The doctor Galina Shatalova in the book “Healing Nutrition” writes: In January 1991, I asked the doctors to check my condition before climbing the Big Col and after returning. All physiological parameters, primarily breathing and pulse, were normal. After that, I started eating bread, and did this for three months. Arriving again in Kislovodsk, she asked the doctors to record the results of the experiment. But even before their conclusion, it became clear to me that the consumption of bread was not in vain. Climbing the Big Saddle, I felt a lack of air, discomfort.

The survey data confirmed my subjective feelings... The body worked with overloads, in a tense adaptive mode, the respiratory rate and pulse significantly exceeded the figures recorded three months ago. Then the last doubts disappeared from me that bread, despite its ancient origin, does not add health to a person, but, on the contrary, causes violations of the self-regulation of the human body and chronic diseases associated with them. Obviously, this is due to the fact that when baking in an oven at a temperature of about 300 ° C or in a frying pan, where the heating reaches 250 ° C, irreversible destruction of the structure of the water that is part of the dough and proteins occurs, which makes them poorly digestible. Here, apparently, lies the key to the negative attitude of many scientists to bread.

Sometimes what we fear is less dangerous than what we desire. (Collins)

"Bread is a deadly product," Emmit Densmore declared many years ago. And the outstanding hygienist G. Shelton called bread “one of the great curses of modern life”, because the desire for temporary enjoyment of the crust of bread brings us closer to death imperceptibly ... “Especially harmful is yeast bread. Galina Sergeevna considers it the most harmful mass product responsible for the degradation of human health. In my experience, I agree with her.” (N.I. Kurdyumov "DO WE WANT HEALTH? ..")

“Eating bread and potatoes causes colds, and then inflammatory diseases ... That's what I didn’t expect - that bread would work like that! ... Slightly noticeable pain in the head ... “fog”. A week later I tested white wheat bread, it gave the same reaction.” (Nikolaev Vladimir “The choice of food is the choice of fate”)

“The reaction to any bread and boiled potatoes turned out to be almost the same - a dull pain in the head and a specific “fog”. The reaction to prolonged use of boiled potatoes is practically no different from bread. The same reaction, but much weaker, to boiled rice, millet, barley and other grain products. This “bread and potato” reaction develops as follows: first, the mood deteriorates noticeably (depression appears), then a “fog” appears in the head, a dull pain, then drowsiness and apathy are added. After one or two days, symptoms of a cold appear (sneezing, runny nose) or one of the inflammatory diseases flares up a little later. These are bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media, conjunctivitis, pneumonia, sciatica, myositis, dermatitis, mastitis, cystitis and others…”
(“The path to insight or great discoveries” Valentin Nikolaev)

Bread. How it was Previously, natural malt, hop yeast was used to bake bread at home. They are active only at a temperature of 20-25 ºС, dying at 37 ºС. Bread, which was previously made in Russia, could be called useful. But this word cannot be said about the present bread. But why?

The current bread destroys the intestinal microflora

“Salt is white poison, sugar is sweet poison, bread is generally poison! “
(From the movie "Love and Doves")

Thermotolerant yeast is used to speed up the process in today's store-bought bread. They are not destroyed either during cooking or by saliva in the human body. Yeast killer cells, killer cells kill sensitive, less protected cells in the body. But for bakeries, the use of harmful yeast is economically very profitable. Yeast greatly speeds up the process of making bread.

Many do not want to hear about their harm, so as not to suffer monetary losses in production. White flour. Empty carbs. The bread currently sold in stores is undoubtedly harmful, which even orthodox doctors admit. It is baked from a "dead" product - flour. And this is nothing but an empty carbohydrate. Almost all vitamins and trace elements are removed with the shell (bran) and germ. Then the flour is bleached, flavorings, antioxidants, and artificial vitamins are added to it. The question is - why first remove live vitamins, then add artificial ones? Yes, for taste! In addition, such flour is stored longer than "live" flour.

Refined flour becomes a mucus-forming product, which lies in a lump on the bottom of the stomach and slagging our body. Refining is an expensive, costly process, which at the same time kills the living power of the grain. And it is needed only in order to keep the flour from spoilage for as long as possible. Whole flour cannot be stored for a long time, but this is not required. Let the grain be stored, and flour can be prepared from it as needed.

The consequences of eating bread and yeast products

  • Suppression of healthy intestinal microflora, weakening of the immune system, the occurrence of cancerous tumors. Scientists conducted a series of experiments that confirmed that malignant tumors placed in a yeast base begin to grow exponentially and completely disappear when removed from the yeast environment. Relatively recently, the killing ability of yeast was established. Yeast cells kill sensitive, less protected body cells by secreting poisonous small molecular weight proteins in them. The toxic protein acts on plasma membranes, increasing their permeability to pathogenic microorganisms and viruses. Yeast first enters the cells of the digestive tract, and then into the bloodstream. Thus, they become the "Trojan horse" through which the enemy enters our body and contributes to the undermining of his health. Once in the body, they begin their destructive activity. Being in our digestive tract, and then, getting into the bloodstream, they destroy cell membranes, contributing to oncological diseases, disrupting the work of all digestive organs: stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, liver, intestines.
  • Hypovitaminosis. In refined white flour and all products from it, the vitamin B complex, vitamin E are completely absent. Signs of a lack of vitamins in this group are fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, joint pain, and disorders of the cardiovascular system. Healthy microflora produces vitamin B12. But when eating bakery products, the microflora is so weakened that the production of B vitamins becomes simply impossible. This is one of the reasons why vegetarians, confectioners and bakers suffer from anemia.
  • Increased risk of diabetes. Researchers at Simons College of Medicine, a division of the Harvard University School of Public Health, said: “People who eat a typical Western diet of meats, confections, white bread, and other less-than-healthy foods are known to be more likely to develop diabetes.
    about 50% average.
  • Acidosis. Bread is a dry product, it enrolls the body, contributes to the development of a serious disease - acidosis (acid-base imbalance). As a result, fatigue, irritability increase, rapid physical and mental fatigue, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, gray coating on the tongue, gastritis, black circles under the eyes, muscle pain from excess acid, loss of muscle elasticity appear. The body fights acidosis, spending a lot of energy to restore the acid-base balance at the expense of itself, intensively wasting the most important alkaline reserve: calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium. The removal of alkaline mineral elements from the bones of the skeleton inevitably leads to their painful fragility, which is one of the main causes of osteoporosis at any age.

How to replace unhealthy bread

Information about the dangers of eating bread products from baker's yeast slowly but nervously enters the minds of people. Many people bake their own bread. In India, almost all locals buy wheat grains instead of bread. This grain is ground at home and the so-called chapatis are baked, that is, thin cakes made from unleavened dough.

Using the table below, you can choose your replacement for bread.

Due to the diet of bakery products, most people suffer from a lack of iron, zinc, potassium, silicon, magnesium, vitamins B1, C and E, which is the main reason for shortened life expectancy, as well as physical and mental fatigue. There is a catastrophic lack of silicon and magnesium in the human diet. Silicon (Si) - the element of life, is found in the peel of natural products. More than 70 elements of the periodic table are not absorbed if there is not enough silicon in the body. Magnesium (Mg) provides strength and flexibility to bones and aids in the absorption of calcium. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency: tendency to depression; irritability, mood swings, irritability.

Vitamin B1 - relieves fatigue, insomnia, muscle spasms, neuralgia, strengthens memory, promotes the development of mental abilities, regulates metabolism. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and is involved in the production of anti-stress hormones. Vitamin E - slows down cell aging, increases endurance, reduces fatigue, heals burns, lowers blood pressure, improves blood circulation. Wheat bran contains 5 times more iron than wheat flour. And 200 g of bean sprouts contains the daily requirement of vitamin C.

Breaking the habit of bread can seem like a daunting task. For, as folk wisdom says: "A habit arises like a light cobweb, and then binds like an iron wire." But the habit can be deceived. How?

First, instead of more harmful white bread, you can buy less harmful - from whole grains, from wholemeal flour (rye, bran, yeast-free bread). They at least contain B vitamins and fiber. A couple of slices of bread won't kill you. However, try to eat less of it. Then you can replace the bread with whole grains or other bread-like foods, because any habit is based on just taste addiction.

Instead of bread, you can accustom yourself to buckwheat or wheat, which help build muscle mass. “Buckwheat porridge is our mother!” - they used to say in the old days in Russia. Buckwheat and wheat are very nutritious. Although there is a third option - to replace the bread with legumes (mung beans, lentils, chickpeas). They taste like bread, and in terms of their nutritional properties, they are much healthier than cereals and even animal products (meat, fish, milk). But legumes were the main food of our ancestors, as well as the Greeks, Romans, Hindus, etc.

Legumes are the best source of protein and healthy fat. It is not for nothing that they say about ancient, ancient times that it was "under King Pea and Queen Lentil." Remember that in order to wean from bread, a new food product should be introduced into the diet gradually. The body itself will feel that cereals and legumes are ten times more useful than bread, and you will notice how the desire to buy harmful bakery products will disappear by itself without any special effort on your part. The main thing is to start getting used to a useful product. “Start half of everything”, said Pythagoras. Be healthy and wise.

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Out of habit or out of great love, many of us eat bread with almost everything: soup with bread, scrambled eggs with bread, a sandwich with a weighty piece of sausage and a thick slice of loaf, what is there - pasta and they manage to eat with bread! Hearty and cheap, bread is a food product on which more than one generation has grown up. But there are those who prove by their own example: it is much better to live without bread.

Reasons to give up white bread

  1. Zero benefit
    White bread is a real food pacifier made from premium flour! Of course, wheat contains a lot of useful substances, but they safely disappear in the process of turning grain into flour. Premium flour contains no more than 30% of useful substances that can be active within 2 weeks after the product is made. And then? No benefit.

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  2. Lack of taste
    White bread does not have a pronounced taste, and therefore so much loved by many. A slice of such bread will not hurt to evaluate the taste of the products with which it is customary to use it - soup, cheese, meat. But it does not improve, as flour products made from whole grains do.

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  3. Toxicity
    Demand for wheat is constantly growing: we need more and faster! To get a generous harvest, growers do not spare money on pesticides, and to get rid of pests and fungi, they treat the crops with harmful chemicals.

    To make the flour white, it is bleached with laundry detergents - chlorine, sodium and calcium pyrosulfate, benzoyl peroxide. To avoid a detrimental effect on the body, you should always specify what kind of flour the bread is made from: organic or refined. The latter is the most harmful!

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  4. Skin problems
    Before spending money on a beautician, review your diet. Unfortunate skin rashes are often the result of malnutrition and unhealthy eating habits.

    Gluten, which is contained in white bread, is practically not excreted from the body, settling on the walls of the intestine and damaging its villi. Bottom line: useful substances that come with other foods are absorbed to a lesser extent.

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  5. Addiction
    Muffins, buns, croissants and pies can cause a real addiction. A piece of bread gives a crazy release of sugar into the blood, and with it - a surge of strength and vigor.

    But the rapidly rising blood sugar is also falling rapidly - sluggish hands reach out for another piece of bread to get the treasured boost of energy. Blood sugar spikes are no joke! The abuse of bread can cause diabetes.

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  6. Premature aging
    Nutritionists are unanimous in their opinion: those who like to eat starchy foods usually look older than their years. Deprived of nutrients, white bread does not contribute to the preservation of youth and beauty. If there is bread, then only from rye or oatmeal and bran!

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  7. Poor digestion
    Worried about severe bloating and stool disturbances? It's all the fault of the scoundrel gluten, or rather, its intolerance. If you are sensitive to gluten or, conversely, intolerant of it, the lining of the stomach and intestines is simply not able to absorb the necessary nutrients from food.

    To enrich the body with the necessary amount of fiber and help the digestive system work like clockwork, buy only whole grain bread! 5-6 slices of this bread contains the daily fiber requirement.

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  8. Excess weight
    Refusal of flour is the right step on the way to a dream figure. The contents of a piece of bread arrogantly settle on the thighs, buttocks and abdomen, enter the bloodstream in the form of glucose and instantly cause a feeling of hunger. To lose weight, it is not at all necessary to completely abandon bread - you can safely include whole grain varieties in your diet.

    Such flour products are less high-calorie, contain a lot of fiber and microelements necessary for the body. But you still have to keep track of the amount of bread eaten!

White bread The first bread familiar to us appeared on our table more than 7 thousand years ago thanks to the Egyptians. And since then it is difficult to imagine at least one person whose diet would not include bread. The Egyptians were the first to discover that by adding yeast or sour milk, the bread is more delicious, fluffy and nutritious. This bread recipe was borrowed from the Egyptians by the Greeks, from the Greeks it came to the Romans, and by the beginning of our era, the Romans had already spread their own bread-making technology to all the conquered territories.

In those days, bread was very expensive, and only rulers or especially influential people could afford this product on their table. In ancient Greece, bread was considered a completely independent dish, and it was served separately. The richer the house and the nobler the owner, the more plentifully and generously he treated his guests with white bread.

Over time, lush and fragrant white bread became available to ordinary people. They treated bread with reverent respect and attributed healing properties to it: freshly baked bread was used to treat a runny nose, and stale bread was used to treat diseases of the stomach and intestines. It was believed that a person who ate food without bread committed a great sin and would be punished by the gods for this. In India, criminals were punished by not being given bread for a certain time, the more serious the crime, the longer the punishment. Disrespect for bread was equated with the most terrible insult that can be inflicted on a person.

Why has everything changed today and bread, especially white bread, has been persecuted?

Over the past decade, many well-known doctors and nutritionists have either spoken very badly about bread, or, following common sense, tried to be more “objective” and spoke only about the dangers of white bread. To what extent such statements are justified, we will try to figure it out.

It all started with a study of over 60,000 middle-aged women. The results showed that women whose diet was dominated by white bread and products made from premium flour suffered from diabetes mellitus three times more often than those who included in their diet foods rich in fiber and low in easily digestible carbohydrates. The media immediately picked up this information, and white bread turned into one of the most dangerous foods for health. “The constant consumption of white bread and other products made from refined flour of the highest grade contributes to the development and exacerbation of cardiovascular, endocrine, primarily diabetes, gastrointestinal and oncological diseases”- here is an example of typical statements in the media.


According to many scientists, there are three main reasons why white bread is not recommended to be left in your diet:

1. In white bread, instead of vitamins and microelements, only starch and calories quickly and easily absorbed by the body remain.

2. White bread has a high glycemic index and immediately causes an increase in blood glucose, in response a lot of insulin is produced and the process of fat breakdown stops.

3. White bread is low in fiber, and it slows down the absorption of sugars, supports bowel function, lowers cholesterol levels, and also reduces the risk of malignant tumors of the intestine.

All these arguments could be accepted if white bread were the only food we eat, and its consumption in developed countries famous for healthy food - Italy and France - would be lower than in countries fighting against obesity (England and USA).

Bread of different types

So why do the Italians and French, whose diets are hard to imagine without baguette, ciabatta and croissants, continue to be slim and healthy, while low-carb fans Americans and British suffer from obesity?

Imagine the average Italian and American. An Italian's day starts with a cup of coffee and white bread with jam. An American's day starts with the standard bacon and eggs and a mug of coffee. An Italian can afford pizza, pasta, bruschetta, crostini, grissini, ravioli, and all this without much harm to the figure. An American, on the other hand, if he refuses to eat a burger or a sandwich and is satisfied with a steak and salad, will be forced to get on the treadmill to burn extra calories. There can be many reasons for this, but here are three that seem quite reasonable to me:

1. Nutrition should correspond to our lifestyle and the needs of the body.

2. The main thing is not what you eat, but how much you eat.

3. Food should be varied and not one product should occupy a dominant position on your table every day.

Baguette slicing

In general, white bread is bread baked from high-grade flour. Such flour contains mainly starch and gluten. Any products made from premium flour belong to the category of easily digestible carbohydrates, which are especially necessary for people who lead a very active lifestyle. Children and athletes belong to this category of people. The former, in addition to active growth, are in constant motion, the latter need high-calorie, low-volume and well-digestible food before training and competition. White bread perfectly suits the needs of both groups.

And black bread or wholemeal bread cannot replace it. Firstly, it is worse absorbed by the body, especially for children, and takes much longer to digest. Secondly, such bread weighs down the stomach and you gorge yourself on it even before you get enough calories necessary for active growth and / or life.

By the way, forget about the unhealthiness of premium flour, from which white bread is baked - since the 40s, it has been additionally enriched with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. White bread is valuable precisely for the complex of vitamins and minerals contained in it. It contains a lot of calcium, which is simply necessary for bones, vitamin B, which helps the body resist stress, proteins, which are good for hair and skin. It is white bread that helps the body absorb proteins, iron and folic acid. And the latest study by the British Nutrition Foundation confirmed that white bread is not involved in obesity. The main thing to remember is that excessive consumption of anything, whether it be alcohol, sugar or white bread, leads to inevitable health problems. Therefore, remember our origins, treat white bread as the most expensive product available only to very rich and great people, and enjoy every bite.

Be healthy!

People who lead a healthy lifestyle have taken up arms against all flour and bread. Where is the truth? We will deal with this issue with a nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov in a programme "Food with and without rules":

Although in many proverbs bread is the basis of the basics, an indispensable food, but if a diet is ahead, then it will be the first one that will be crossed out from the list of allowed foods. Is it right to refuse bread, which one is harmful, and which, on the contrary, will be beneficial? ELLE decided to sort out the issue of daily bread.

White, gray, black, Borodino, Riga, bran, soy, gluten-free, ciabatta - walking through the bread department in the store is becoming more and more exciting. So all the same: why is bread harmful and why should it be abandoned?

Everything is quite simple: bread is a high-calorie food; after grinding, white flour of the highest grades does not contain proteins, vitamins and minerals. The designation "highest grade" of flour is misleading, but this is not a characteristic of the quality of flour, but the way it is processed. In the production of premium flour, dietary fiber is completely ground. Such bread, due to the high content of carbohydrates, gives a feeling of quick satiety, but slows down the digestive processes inside the body. Although it is tastier with bread, it is not recommended to eat it directly during lunch.

The average calorie content of bread, depending on different types, is from 200 to 300 calories per 100 g. The calorie content of a piece of bread increases almost one and a half times if it contains seeds, nuts, dried fruits. White wheat bread is considered the most high-calorie and least useful.

The beneficial properties of bread are amazing. Bread enriches the body with vitamins, trace elements, amino acids. It contains many vitamins of groups B, E, PP, A. Bread helps cleanse the intestines and the body as a whole from toxins, reduces the risk of diabetes. Therefore, it is not advisable to completely refuse bread, it is better to find out which bread is good for health.

If you do not know if the bread you have chosen in the store is harmful, then carefully read the ingredients on the label. The list of ingredients in "good" bread is not long - it is flour, vegetable oils, milk, water, eggs, yeast, natural additives (spices, nuts, seeds, fruit pieces). Also, the composition of bread includes baking additives, which are auxiliary means for splendor, dough elasticity and an increase in shelf life. Conscientious manufacturers indicate them in the composition, others are silent.

When choosing which bread is healthier, gray or black, you prefer the same kind of bread made from wheat and rye flour, which are mixed in different proportions. To obtain gray bread, the ratio of wheat and rye flour is 1:2, in black - 1:3. Unlike white bread, black bread contains a number of useful amino acids and fiber, which is useful for the gastrointestinal tract. Rye gray and black bread is best used for various disorders of the endocrine system, diabetes. Due to the long absorption by the body, rye bread is not recommended for infections, stomach and intestinal disorders, heartburn, gastritis and ulcers. In these cases, gray and black bread should be replaced with dried or white bread, preferably on a yeast-free basis.

Almost all bread is baked with yeast, which causes the dough to swell. The formation of a large number of cavities with carbon dioxide can lead to flatulence in the intestines. Yeast-free bread does not cause such phenomena, and therefore proudly bears the title of "the most useful bread." A dense bread crumb made from yeast-free dough contributes to a more active bowel function.

Modern whole grain bread is closest to its historical predecessors. Over time, the method of its manufacture has not changed much. The difference between whole-grain bread and wheat and even whole-grain bread is that crushed grains are not sifted to obtain flour. All the output material after grinding the grains goes into the dough. Therefore, in bread you can find particles up to one and a half millimeters. In the composition of ordinary bread, grains with a diameter of more than 0.05 mm should not be present.

Bread with bran contains vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, mono- and disaccharides, saturated fatty acids. Bran is rich in fiber, which adsorbs and removes toxins, slows down the absorption of carbohydrates. As a result, the level of insulin and glucose in the blood normalizes.

During the diet, it is recommended to eat bran bread, which gives a feeling of fullness and reduces appetite for a long time. A high concentration of vitamins B6, B12 and zinc improve the functioning of the nervous system. If you are feeling anxious and stressed, then it is better to arrange a small snack: drink a cup of hot tea with bran bread toast.

Two years ago, after the end of a major project at work, my immunity also ended. I ended up in the hospital for a whole year.
After this experience, on the advice of doctors, she began to deal with nutrition. I started first of all with the fact that I love and eat often. Topping the list is bread.

There are products from which you expect a dirty trick and you know that it is harmful:. As for the bread, such suspicions do not arise. Since childhood, we have been accustomed to eating bread: in a sandwich for breakfast, with soup and salads.

There is a lot of bread on the shelves, we figured it out and will tell you how to choose a healthy one.

Bread is generally healthy. It contains vegetable protein, B vitamins, dietary fiber, minerals. But the bread that is sold in stores and bakeries is not always healthy.

What is flour made from?

The grain consists of the germ, endosperm and the outer shell of the grain.

in the bud contains vitamins and microelements, which are discussed in articles about healthy bread.

Endosperm- the largest part of the grain, it contains a lot of starch and protein.

Bran- ground outer shell of the grain, a source of fiber. It swells in the intestines and acts as a sponge for washing dishes. It envelops, scrapes off the waste or hard-to-digest parts of food from the walls of the intestine and directs it to the exit.

Bran contains many vitamins, proteins, minerals, carbohydrates, fiber, fatty acids. The composition of bran contains a component of beta-glucan. It lowers blood cholesterol, cleanses blood vessels

Liliya Sergeevna Mikhailichenko

What flour is bread made from?

  1. Wheat flour of the highest grade. For the production of such flour, the grain is ground several times to small particles, then carefully screened out. In the process of sifting, the useful parts of the grain are removed - bran and germ. All that remains is the endosperm - starch and protein. Sliced ​​loaf and almost all white bread made from flour
  2. "Extra"- more refined and finer than premium flour. I have never seen it in bread.
  3. Wheat flour of the first grade- the same white flour, the grinding is slightly larger, it also does not contain parts of the germ and there is practically no bran.
  4. Second grade wheat flour often referred to as "wholemeal" flour due to the fact that the particles are larger and there is a little more bran in it compared to the first and highest grade. Such flour is preferable to the first two varieties, but it has little bran and no germinal part of the grain. It can also be attributed to white refined flour.
  5. Whole flour- flour of the coarsest grinding, retains all parts of the grain, the most useful.
  1. seeded- refined flour of fine grinding. It has the least useful properties.
  2. "Special"- an analogue of wheat flour of the highest grade.
  3. Peeling similar to wheat flour of the second grade - it has more bran.
  4. wallpaper- unrefined wholemeal flour. For its production, the grain is ground once, practically sifting nothing. Wholemeal flour retains all parts of the grain, it has a high bran content, it is the most useful.

In the production of rye flour, grinding and screening of useful particles also occur. Therefore, on the label you need to carefully look at the variety.

Whole grain bread is considered the most useful, both for weight loss and for overall health. It contains fiber in its composition, and it, in turn, improves intestinal motility, promotes the removal of salts of heavy metals and decay products.

Liliya Sergeevna Mikhailichenko

Candidate of Medical Sciences, nutritionist, pediatric endocrinologist, Rostov State Medical University NIIAP

"Whole grain" is not a type of flour, but a general name for products made using the unrefined grain technology (pasta, cereals, flour).

The most useful flour is wallpaper flour. Since it refers to the whole grain method of cooking products. Flour of the highest grade is the most useless.

Why is refined flour bad?

Chemical composition of flour according to GOST:

Type and grade of flour (% per 100 grams) Starch Squirrels Alimentary fiber Fats
Wheat flour of the highest grade 79 12 2 0,8
Wheat first grade 77,5 14 2,5 1,5
Wheat second grade 71 14,5 3,5 1,9
Wheat wallpaper 66 16 7,2 2,1
Rye flour 73,5 9 4,5 1,1
Peeled rye 67 10,5 6 1,7
Rye wallpaper 62 13,5 8,5 1,9

From the table we see - the more starch (carbohydrates) in the flour, the less useful proteins and dietary fiber (fiber). Refined flour is inferior in composition to unrefined flour.

The ruling on the Rossiyskaya Gazeta website confirms the benefits of unrefined flour: “Technological processing of grain crops, including wheat and rye for flour, is accompanied by significant losses of micronutrients-vitamins and minerals removed along with the grain shell.”

How Refined Flour Bread Affects the Body

Such bread contains a lot of protein and starch, which turn into a sticky mass in the intestines. In the absence of bran in bread, this mass clogs the intestinal walls and prevents the body from getting useful substances from food. Due to the lack of nutrients, we feel chronic lethargy, immunity decreases, which can lead to diseases and allergies.

Refined flour bread contains fast carbohydrates. They are "fast" because the feeling of satiety does not last long. Thanks to them, we eat more than we need and gain excess weight.

Bread made from premium flour is considered the most “useless”. In bread from flour of the second grade, i.e. coarse grinding, such as grain or bran, the benefits are much greater.

Liliya Sergeevna Mikhailichenko

Candidate of Medical Sciences, nutritionist, pediatric endocrinologist, Rostov State Medical University NIIAP

The more refined the flour, the less nutrients it contains.

Gluten- A lot is written and said about him. The topic is complex and ambiguous, I do not want to superficially draw conclusions. I have not been able to find serious scientific articles that convincingly prove the harm of gluten. If you have links to such sources, please share in the comments.

What else to look at

Read the ingredients when choosing bread. This will help to recognize the obvious inadequate before buying.

Article about sugar: Why and how to refuse

Sugar add to rise the dough and a beautiful, crispy crust. The exact amount on the label is not indicated, but you can guess if you carefully look at the composition.

Ingredients are listed by quantity from largest to smallest. Sugar according to this principle should be at the end of the list, next to salt and yeast.

The closer sugar is to the beginning of the composition, the more it is in bread.

Pay attention to where sugar is indicated in the composition. Next to salt and yeast - in this case, there is not much of it in bread.

Here, for example, is "Malt" bread. Sugar is in third place. This means that there is a lot of it. Put the bread in place, let it stay there.

Margarine added to bread to make the crumb more tender. But margarine contains up to 20% trans fats. The WHO recommended daily allowance is 1%.

“Trans fats: what they are and what they are eaten with” book by Zhuravlev A.V.

Bread "Toast". Convenient shape, friends often buy it for sandwiches. We read the composition. Premium wheat flour, water, sugar, margarine, improvers, antioxidants. We do not take this kind of bread.

Our favorite is rifled. We read the composition. Wheat flour of the highest grade, water, sugar, margarine... you don't have to read any further. White flour, sugar, margarine. Hello, diabetes, overweight, allergies...

Bread improvers are all additives labeled "E": oxidizing agents, reducing agents, preservatives. With them, the bread is wadded and tasteless. You can overeat it and not notice it, because it does not give a feeling of satiety.

List of enhancers in PDF

Oxidative improvers accelerate the ripening and bleaching of flour. With oxidants, you can cook bread in 3 hours. But it will not be as fragrant and tasty as bread with 12-hour or daily fermentation.

Recovery enhancers increase the extensibility of the gluten dough. Bread with them is airy, with holes, like in cheese.

Modified starches used to make bread stale more slowly.

Experts say that enhancers in small doses are not harmful. But frequent consumption of products with "E" can provoke allergies or exacerbate chronic diseases.

There are many more improvers and flavor enhancers, but you should remember: "E" - there should not be healthy bread in the composition

It looks like this on the label:

E 471, E 475, E 330, E 202, E 200, E 160, flour improver with a very long list...

On the outside of the label - "Premium" and flax seeds. Ingredients: emulsifiers, baking improver... Designed to make you think "well, of course, here it is, healthy bread." And you won't read the ingredients.

As part of the "Derevensky" bread there are improvers. Manufacturers honestly wrote on the label: E 471, E475, E330, E 202, E 200, and so on.

Here's what I can do with this bread. I squeeze, it is easily deformed. And light in weight.

I bought this bread from a bakery near my house. Let's check it for improvements.

Bread compresses easily and loses structure when you press on it. And after, it also quickly restores its shape. What was put there, in what quantity, one can only guess.

Supplements are not very harmful, but not desirable for the diet. High concentrations can cause digestive problems. See that there are no long and incomprehensible names in the composition.

Which bread is healthier, black or white?

Both wheat and rye bread are healthy when made with wholemeal or whole grain flour. But such bread is hard to find. Almost all black or dark bread is a mixture of wheat and rye flour. Due to the fact that there is not enough gluten in rye flour, wheat flour is added to it so that the bread rises.

If rye flour:

Top of the list- the bread is prepared according to the rules and it is more healthy.
In the middle or near the end- its content is small, in such bread there are not enough vitamins and dietary fibers.

Here is a dark ciabatta, for example. It is clear that if the ciabatta is not light, then take it calmly and go home. We check: premium flour, water, malt extract. In fact, this is bread made from white flour, it just got a different color due to additives.

Wheat flour, malt, yeast... rye flour last. The baguette is not very rye. Until you, baguette, you go with me.

If the bread is dark in color, this does not mean that it is healthier and does not mean that it is rye. "Rye bread" made from refined flour is the same white loaf.

On sourdough or yeast

There is a lot of controversy about the benefits of sourdough and the dangers of yeast in bread. It is believed that yeast survives after baking bread and causes a negative reaction in the body. It has not been scientifically proven. I did not find information in any article about the dangers of yeast that could be used to check the authenticity: a clear name of the study, the date of the study, or a link to the text.

Yeast dies at 60 degrees. Bread baking temperature - 220 degrees, inside a bread roll - 95-98 degrees. There are no varieties of yeast that can withstand high temperatures.

With yeast, it is easier to make quick bread, since the dosage of yeast can be increased tenfold. An important point regarding the use of yeast and starter cultures. By the end of baking bread, the entire microflora dies, the bread becomes yeast-free and bacteria-free.

Let's check everything I said in the store

I went through the widespread chains with a wide range, which are in most cities (Magnit, Crossroads, Green Crossroads, Auchan, Pyaterochka).

I can’t advise a specific manufacturer, I’ll tell you the general principle of what to look for. In different cities, manufacturers and names of bread may differ, but the composition is an indicator that you should be guided by when choosing.

  1. Baguette with onions
  2. Bread Borodinsky
  3. Sandwich bun
  4. Sliced ​​wheat bread
  5. Bread Fitness
  6. Merchant bread
  7. Bread Homemade
  8. Bread Khutorskoy
  9. Bran bread

We look at the composition: wheat flour of the highest grade, improvers. We do not take classic white flour bread.

Okay, you can eat

White flour and a ton of sugar

The first grade of wheat flour is almost the same as the highest grade, in fact it is a classic bread made from white flour. We do not take.

And again, mega-healthy bread. We read the composition. Wheat flour of the highest grade, water, oat flakes, all kinds of seeds ... In fact, the same sliced ​​loaf, a few flakes, only without sugar. Cheap and not intelligent scam.

Yes, it looks like rye. The content is long, but to the point. No long E list, no sugar, no margarine. In the first place is peeled rye flour, in the second is wheat flour of the first grade. It's okay, you can take this bread.

Bread "Homemade". I just want to immediately take it and run, it’s clear that everything is fine here. We read the composition.

Peeled rye flour, sourdough, wheat flour of the first grade, molasses, and also sugar. How much sugar is there for this volume of bread, only the manufacturer knows. In general - not the most criminal option. You can take.

Bread "Khutorskoy" - the name is excellent. We read the composition. Wheat flour 1 grade, peeled rye flour, sourdough, salt, bran, water. The flour of the first grade is almost the same as the flour of the highest grade, but there is bran. You can take.

Inconspicuous bran bread, no fancy labels. We read the composition. First grade wheat flour, peeled rye flour, water, bran, malt, sugar, salt, yeast. Sugar is next to salt and yeast, so there is not much of it. Good composition - we take.

In thin pita bread there are no additives, no sugar, no yeast, but the flour in it is of the highest grade.

You can also find this bread in vegetarian and health food stores.

It is made from whole sprouted grains. The taste is unique, I like it. It is difficult to swallow it in pieces, as I am used to with ordinary bread. You have to chew and chew and it is satisfying. Takes a couple of slices.

Don't panic, gentlemen! We all eat bread, but often not very good. We have put together a number of simple rules so that you can minimize the potential danger.


  1. Treat bread like a treat, not like food.
  2. Sugar at the beginning of the composition, milk powder, margarine on the label say one thing - feel free to pass by.
  3. If the bread is light and you can squeeze it with your hand like a sponge, don't take it.
  4. Healthy bread - from wholemeal flour. Acceptable option: wheat flour of the first, second grade, rye - peeled. It is ideal that bran is also included in the composition
  5. Have not found an option acceptable in composition - do not take anything better.
  6. In a large chain store such as Perekrestok, Auchan, Pyaterochka, due to the large assortment, it is easier to find bread with the desired composition than in a small store near the house.
  7. Buy bread in bakeries - ask for the type of flour and the detailed composition. Bakeries should have such documents.
  8. Both rye and wheat bread will taste better and be better digested if you dry the slices on both sides in a hot frying pan without oil.

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